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(MUH0580212) Fallout The Roleplaying Game - Astoundingly Awesome Tales 4 Hunted

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 Quest Four 
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Act One: Meetings of the Stranger Kind . . . . . 5
Act Two: Showdown in the Factory . . . . . . . . . 8
Act Three: Now Who’s Being Hunted? . . . . . . 13
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Quest Four

Inside a shuttered Atomatoys factory, a dangerous This scenario assumes the PCs are traversing the
alien creature has taken up residence. For months it wasteland in search of supplies and scrap materials,
has stalked its prey, picking off stragglers from the but there are multiple ways to get them involved:
band of Super Mutants that have set up a stronghold
in the factory, as well as raiders and livestock in the ƒ A radiation storm appears, and the players must
surrounding territory. seek shelter in a nearby Red Rocket.

ƒ Local farmers want revenge on whatever or who-

Over the course of Act One, the player characters have
ever slaughtered their herd of brahmin in the
the opportunity to:
night. Tracks lead towards the Atomatoys factory
and nearby Red Rocket station.
ƒ Take shelter from a radiated rainstorm.
ƒ Super Mutants have set up residence in a local
ƒ Negotiate with a gang of raiders camped out in a
Wilson Atomatoys Factory, and they are impeding
Red Rocket.
the Railroad’s exit strategy.
ƒ Learn information about the Super Mutants
ƒ The mayor of Diamond City has heard rumors of a
camped out in the Atomatoys factory.
strange creature roaming the wastelands and wants
it found.

Quest Level
Player characters should be level 11-16 to play through

4 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game


CIRCUMSTANCE The Red Rocket boasts a tattered tan canvas banner

hanging over the door frame that reads “Teks’ Gang”
in red letters. The windows are partially boarded
Open this quest by reading or paraphrasing the following:
up, a few adorned with human and brahmin skulls.
Smaller black banners hang from the windows with
You have been scouring the area for supplies for over red lettering reading “Teks.” Makeshift barricades
an hour now, but everything seems to have been picked constructed from wood, steel, and rope surround the
clean. You search the horizon and see the outline of a station, while a broken Nuka-Cola machine blocks
Red Rocket. Above the station, however, is a line of for- the side entrance.
bidding clouds moving quickly towards you. There’s a
factory in the distance, but the Red Rocket is your best Currently, four raiders from Teks’ gang occupy the
bet for fast shelter. A clap of thunder announces it may station, along with Teks himself, while two additional
already be too late—a major storm is blowing in! raiders are on patrol. They return to the station and
enter the scene after the PCs broker an agreement
with Teks.
The storm pelts the PCs with radiation and acid rain.
Each player must make an initial END + Survival test
Teks plans to make the Red Rocket an outpost for his
with a difficulty of 2. The difficulty can be reduced by
gang of raiders. He brought six of his best (read: dumb
1 if the PC uses a dose of Rad-X.
but loyal) raiders to scavenge nearby farms and build-
ings and set up defenses. Over the past few weeks,
The journey to the Red Rocket requires a group PER +
they have stripped the station entirely of any viable
Survival test with a difficulty of 3 due to the acid rain
supplies outside of ammunition, weapons, and a small
and the terrain becoming more difficult to traverse.
amount of food. He has been sending a pair of raiders
out each day to harass local farmers and traveling mer-
Success means the PCs arrive at the Red Rocket sta-
chants and steal anything worth keeping.
tion quickly, each suffering only 4 points of radiation
Teks allows the PCs to wait out the storm in the
station, but that service comes at a cost: caps, food,
Failure means the PCs arrive at the Red Rocket but
or chems are all viable payments. Negotiating a price
must slog through difficult terrain, keeping them
with Teks requires a successful CHA + Speech test
exposed to the storm for longer. The PCs each suffer 8
with a difficulty of 3. For every additional Action
points of radiation damage.
Point generated from the test, the PCs earn a dis-
count. If the PCs offer additional collateral, reduce the
As the PCs approach the Red Rocket station, read or
difficulty by 1 or more, depending on what is offered.
paraphrase the following:

Once Teks has agreed to a price, the PCs can gather

You rush through the hazy yellow mist towards the sta- information about the location. Teks is a talkative
tion, feeling the acid rain eat away at your clothes. The raider and freely shares the following information:
ruined fuel station’s pump overhang lurches to the left
before cracking and falling. You hear the fuel station’s ƒ Super Mutants have taken over the nearby
door slam shut as a figure steps out of the building, Atomatoys factory, but their guards seem to be very
a spiked bat resting on his shoulder. “What have we on edge lately.
here? Looks like the traveling merchants have finally
stopped for a visit. Now, what can Teks do for you?”

Quest Four  HUNTED! 5

Teks, Raider Gang Leader
Level 11, Human, ATTACKS
Major Character (240 XP)
ƒ UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 10),
S P E C I A L 3C
D Physical damage
8 9 8 8 7 8 7 ƒ SPIKED BAT: STR + Melee Weapons (TN 10),
D Piercing 1, Physical damage, Two-Handed
Athletics 2 Sneak 1 (TN 15), 8 C
D Vicious, Physical damage,
Close Quarters
Big Gun  4 Speech  3

Energy Weapons  2 Survival 3 SPECIAL ABILITIES

Melee Weapons  2 Throwing 1 AGGRESSIVE: Teks is quick to action when he
Repair 2 Unarmed 2 senses prey. When the boss enters a scene,
immediately generate 1 Action Point. If the boss
Small Guns  5 (  Tag Skill)
is an ally, this goes into the group pool. If they
HP INITIATIVE DEFENSE are an enemy, it goes into the GM’s pool.

32 17 1 ƒ ACTION-PACKED: The raider boss is driven and

takes matters into their own hands. The raider
CARRY WEIGHT MELEE BONUS LUCK POINTS boss begins each scene with a personal pool of
4 Action Points, which they may spend instead of
130 lbs. +1 C
D 7
drawing from other sources.


3 (Torso, 3 (Torso,
1 (Torso) — Heavy Raider Chest Piece, Sturdy Raider Leg x2,
Arms, Legs) Arms, Legs)
Heavy Raider Arm x2, Spiked Bat, Powerful .44 Pistol,
12 + 4 C
D .44 Ammo, Wealth 3

ƒ The Red Rocket has been rebuilt inside to make the Success means Teks lets slip his true intentions to use
walls nearly bulletproof because of previous scuffles the Red Rocket as a “jumping off” point for taking the
with the Super Mutants, and to prevent any preda- Atomatoys factory from the Super Mutants. He does
tors from entering the station. not, however, have any realistic plan to do so. Teks
also offers the following information:
ƒ Recently, Teks and his raiders have been hearing
something out in the wild roaming between the
ƒ Two of his raiders are currently scouting out the
Red Rocket and the factory. He believes it to be a
Super Mutants and should be returning shortly.
wild predator.
ƒ The gang has been pillaging anything and anyone
Teks conceals all other information about his gang’s that appears to have good weapons or ammunition
activities or long-term goals. However, the PCs can and has, in his opinion, “more than enough to take
make a CHA + Speech test with a difficulty of 4 to out the Super Mutants.” This is clearly bluster.
attempt to draw more information from him.
Failure means Teks refuses to answer any more

6 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game

Once the conversation with Teks is concluded, read or
paraphrase the following:

A scream pierces the air. Teks rushes outside to

see two raider scouts sprinting towards the station
through the acid rain. One screams for Teks to get the
guns while the other keeps looking over his shoulder
towards the factory as he runs, a terrified look on his
face. As the first scout arrives under the overhang, the
straggler slips. He scrambles to his feet, casting fear-
stricken glances behind him. In his haste, he stumbles
again, but his fall is interrupted by a scream of agony
as a wound splits his chest from collarbone to navel.
It opens nearly as wide as his head until you can see
through the gaping hole to the other side. There is no
attacker, only a shimmer like the effect of a stealth
boy as raindrops bounce off an invisible mass. The
body slides to the ground like a rag doll. The shim-
mering not-quite-there shape turns and rushes away
toward the factory.
Teks offers the PCs 500 caps if they can bring him
If the PCs try to convince Teks to join them, he refuses to
proof they have dealt with the creature that just killed
risk more of his gang. If the PCs still want a sweeter deal,
one of his gang members. If they take out the Super
they can make a CHA + Speech test with a difficulty
Mutants while they’re at it, he’ll raise the reward to
of 2 to receive more caps or weapons and ammunition.
1,000 caps.

The trek to the factory is difficult due to continued rain

LOOT muddying the ground. The PCs can navigate by com-
The PCs can spend 30 minutes and make a PER + pleting an END + Survival test with a difficulty of 3.
Survival test with a difficulty of 3 to scavenge the area
and find a number of items equal to the minimum Success: The PCs arrive safely and out of sight of the
number listed in the Red Rocket Loot table. The pos- Super Mutants patrolling the area.
sible items are listed for each category. Action Points
can be spent after each roll to find an additional item Failure: The PCs arrive at the factory, but the Super
from the same table category, up to the maximum Mutants are able to make a PER + Survival test with a
limit for the category. difficulty of 1 to spot them.

Red Rocket Loot


Junk 2-4 21 Junk +10 per AP spent

Oddities 2-4 Safe Key, Deluxe Toolkit, Multi-Tool, Fixin’ Things Magazine

Weapons 1-3 25 rounds Ammo, Hunting Rifle, 10mm Pistol

Chems 1-2 RadAway x2

Materials 0-2 Common x8, Uncommon x4, Rare x1

Beverages 0-3 Dirty Water, Nuka-Cola, Nuka-Cherry

Quest Four  HUNTED! 7

ATOMATOYS FACTORY As the PCs approach the factory, they can make a
group AGI + Sneak with a difficulty of 4 to avoid the
A total of 12 Super Mutants currently inhabit the
patrolling Super Mutants. The difficulty can be reduced
Atomatoys factory. The roof has collapsed in the
by 1 if any PC chooses to use consumables such as
rear quarter of the building, making some locations
Mutfruit Juice, Rum, Calmex, or a Stealth Boy.
inaccessible. There are two entrances to the factory:
a front entrance, and a side entrance through a sewer
If the Super Mutant patrol catches the PCs or sees
tunnel. The sewer waterway opens approximately
them approach the front entrance, they do not imme-
500 meters from the western side of the building and
diately attack. They offer to take the PCs inside to their
leads directly to the factory basement. A PC can make
leader, Ironjaw, to ask their assistance with a problem.
a PER + Survival test with a difficulty of 3 to locate
the sewer entrance.
If the PCs located and decided to use the sewer
entrance, skip to Act Two: What Was That Noise?


The Super Mutants have claimed the Atomatoys fac- If the PCs met the Super Mutants patrol and entered
tory as their base of operations and are unwilling to through the front entrance, read or paraphrase:
give it up. Instead, they need help dealing with a mys-
terious threat lurking in the factory. Over the course
You head inside the Atomatoys factory with a burly
of Act Two, the PCs have the opportunity to:
Super Mutant on either side of you. The doors shut
behind you, and a thin dusting of rust shakes off from
ƒ Meet the leader of the Super Mutants and learn
the exposed rebar overhead. Three large nets filled
more about the threat.
with bones, innards, and sinew hang from the ceiling
ƒ Sneak into the factory via the sewers. in front of a large bonfire, filling the center of the
room, the smoke escaping through the tarped-up gap
ƒ Explore the abandoned Atomatoys factory, rescuing
in the ceiling. Doors leading to the factory’s produc-
or recruiting trapped Super Mutants.
tion floor hang lopsided, bent off their hinges. The
manufacturing belt frames have been snapped from
their bolts and turned on their sides, acting as a barri-
cade against direct assault. Stepping out from behind
the bonfire, a large, powerfully built Super Mutant
approaches you. Even by Super Mutant standards, he
is massive. His jaw has been replaced with a metal
prosthetic bolted to his jawbone. As you get closer,
his deep voice echoes through the chamber. “Why you
bring these puny humans to Ironjaw?”

The Super Mutants take the PCs to their leader,

Ironjaw, a brutish Super Mutant with three bands
of steel bolted into either side of his jaw: a crude fix
for what should have been a deadly injury. When he
smiles, he reveals teeth fashioned out of steel. He

8 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game

also wears a brahmin skull helmet and brandishes a ƒ The Super Mutants have barely scavenged the
Super Sledge. Ironjaw is an intimidating figure, and factory, fearful of going too deep and staying
PCs must make a CHA + Survival test with a difficulty close to the defensible front door reception area
of 2 to resist being intimidated. Failing means that instead.
all ongoing CHA tests the PCs make against Ironjaw
ƒ A total of five Super Mutants are currently miss-
increase in difficulty by 1.
ing within the factory but no one is willing to go
looking for them.
He questions the PCs as intruders but also asks for
their assistance. Five members of his group have gone
After the PCs have had some time to ask questions,
missing while searching the factory for materials and
read or paraphrase the following:
supplies, and another one died under strange circum-
stances. The rest of the group all seem paranoid that
the “darkness” will get them, so they have lit extra bar- Suddenly Ironjaw’s eyes go wide, and he looks down to
rel fires to light the area. see his chest pierced by something none of you can see
can see. As their leader crumples, the Super Mutants
The social conflict can go a few different ways: break and flee toward the doors. Fear of this invisible
death has overwhelmed them.
ƒ The Super Mutants will not abandon the factory no
matter what the PCs say or offer. As the Super Mutants flee, you see a shimmering
shape, similar to a mirage in a desert, dart around the
ƒ In exchange for finding and killing the creature
room and climb the seemingly unscalable wall to drop
responsible for the missing Super Mutants, Ironjaw
behind the collapsed ceiling near the rear of the pro-
will let the PCs dwell on the upper floor of the
duction floor. It seems whatever just killed the massive
factory as long as they wish, provided they don’t
Super Mutant has taken up residence in the supply
betray him or his people.
room. Only question now is how to find the creature
ƒ Ironjaw allows the PCs to interrogate other Super and dispose of it.
Mutants about the recent disappearances and
deaths within the factory.
Once the Super Mutants flee, proceed to Scene 2.
ƒ Should the PCs refuse his offer, Ironjaw berates
them as cowards, and orders his guards to remove WHAT WAS THAT NOISE?
them, saying: “Let the storm have them,” as they
The sewer entrance leads into a maze of piping that
twists beneath the factory before bringing the PCs
to a ‘T’ junction that gives them a choice of which
The PCs can ask the other Super Mutants about the
entrance to enter the factory through.
factory by making a CHA + Speech test with a diffi-
culty of 1. PCs who succeed can spend AP to obtain
If the PCs enter the sewers, read or paraphrase:

PCs can gain the following information about the While the grimy, stained entrance to the sewer some-
factory interior and the creature: what disgusts you, running headfirst into a pack of
Super Mutants feels like an even worse idea. The smell
ƒ The factory has two floors as well as a basement. is not as repulsive as it could be, but the radioactive
sludge seeping out of the broken drain entrance is an
ƒ The creature seems to come from nowhere, but the
even more serious warning.
Super Mutants think it tracks its prey for a long
time before striking.
The sewers’ only source of ambient light is the slight
green glow of the sludge the PCs must wade through
to progress. This sludge is both toxic and irradiated.

Quest Four  HUNTED! 9

For every 1 minute spent within the sewers, the PCs Sewer 5: The drain curves back and forth before
suffer 1 C
D of radiation damage. straightening out to a long stretch of pipe. As the PCs
enter this section, a lost Super Mutant comes around
Sewer Entrance: A broken grate signals the opening the corner of the sewer junction. The Super Mutant
into the sewers. Irradiated sludge seeps like a molas- immediately spots the PCs and attacks.
ses waterfall off the edge of the massive pipe. It leads
forward into Sewer 1. Sewer Junction: The drainpipe path ends in a ‘T’ junc-
tion, breaking off to the left (Exit 1) and right (Exit 2).
Sewer 1: The small chamber features multiple runoff
drains depositing more sludge into the room. PCs Exit 1: A ladder leads up to a sewer grate in the
who linger for more than 5 minutes in this room take production area on the first floor of the Atomatoys
an additional 1 C
D of radiation damage. Two tunnels factory. Rubble has piled on top of the grate and PCs
branch off in opposite directions, leading to Sewer 2 need a successful STR + Athletics test with a difficulty
and Sewer 3. of 3 to lift the grate. The ladder can handle 3 PCs at
the same time.
Sewer 2: After a small bend, the drainpipe narrows
drastically, preventing any further exploration. This is Exit 2: A ladder leads up to a sewer grate in the sewer
a dead end. entry room in the basement of the factory. Lifting the
grate requires a successful STR + Athletics test with a
Sewer 3: The drainpipe bends back towards the difficulty of 4 due to the added weight of the collapsed
entrance before opening to a larger square chamber. A portion of the factory. The ladder can handle 2 PCs at
small platform in the corner near the continuation of the same time.
the drainpipe sits above the sludge. A glowing one lies
in wait there, face down. A total of 2 C
D junk items
can be found on the glowing one’s body, which can be
salvaged as normal. The drainpipe continues forward
to Sewer 4.
There are a total of five Super Mutants still inside the
factory. When the PCs find one, they can make a CHA
Sewer 4: The path leads to a larger chamber with
+ Speech test with a difficulty of 4 to convince the
platforms rising out of the sludge on either side. A
mutant to join them.
locked gate blocks the PCs from entering the cham-
ber. A dead body is propped up against the bars next
However the PCs entered, they now make their way
to the gate. Next to the body is a Frag Mine, which
through the abandoned Atomatoys factory. They can
is active and aimed directly at the locked gate, having
make individual PER + Survival tests with a difficulty
been set by the dead man to protect himself from the
of 3 to notice the Xuvian Stalker is tracking them
previous room’s glowing one. The Frag Mine deals
through the factory. It doesn’t engage them immediately
D of physical damage and can be disarmed with
but rather simply surveys what they are doing. As they
a successful PER + Explosives test with a difficulty
get closer to the lair (the Power Supply Room that has
of 3. Opening the gate requires a successful PER +
fallen into the basement), the Stalker starts attempt-
Lockpick test with a difficulty of 4, and with a com-
ing to pick off any stragglers at the rear of the group.
plication range of 19-20 if the frag mine is detonated.
The dead body has a Drifter Outfit, Hardened Pipe
Gun, 10 + 5 (CD) .38 ammo and a Switchblade. The
drainpipe continues forward to Sewer 5.
Evading the Stalker
Be sure to hype up the eeriness of the factory, using the
metal framework randomly making clanking noises or a
slight drip from the rain outside leaking into the building
and echoing throughout the concrete building.

10 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game

The factory is separated into two floors and a base- A PC may pick the lock on the bathrooms by making
ment. The PCs can move between the floors via two a PER + Lockpick test with a difficulty of 2. On a
stairwells and one working elevator. The Stalker waits success, they can find a first aid kit containing three
to attack the PCs in earnest until they reach its lair in Stimpaks, two Rad-Away, and two doses of Jet. A skele-
the basement (see Power Supply Room). ton is propped up inside the final stall of the women’s
bathroom. A PC may make a PER + Survival test with
The Super Mutants have not done much scaveng- a difficulty of 1 to locate the key to the executive
ing, sticking primarily to the entrance and reception section on the second floor among the bones.
areas. Unless stated otherwise, scavenging tests have a
difficulty of 1 for each room, with a complication range Collapsed Ceiling: The ceiling overhead has collapsed
of 1 (20). Scavenging a room takes 10 minutes or one directly in front of the doors that would normally
Exploration Turn. Each room yields a minimum of 1 grant access to the Power Supply Room from the
and a maximum of 8 items (1 additional item per AP Production Floor, leaving piles of immovable rubble.
spent) from the Atomatoys Factory Scavenging Table. If There is a very small opening at the top that allows
players roll a complication, introduce a terrified Super access by the Stalker, but due to the heights needed to
Mutant, an appropriate hazard, add 2 to the GM’s pool, be scaled, the PCs cannot use this entrance. Instead,
or have the Stalker make a single attack against a PC. they must access this room from the basement.

Some room locations have been provided with sample Eastern Stairwell: The stairwell leads to the second
loot in the room description. You can choose to use floor but piles of rubble have blocked off access to the
these or you can choose to roll on the table. basement. A Super Mutant can be found here, with
their leg trapped in rubble.
Reception Area: A broken “Atomatoys” sign hangs SECOND FLOOR
behind a reception desk between two sets of doors Skywalk: A steel-framed walkway surrounds the
that are barely hanging on their hinges. Production Floor and can be accessed on either side
of the Waiting Room. Two Super Mutant scouts are
Western Stairwell: The stairwell leads to the second here, hiding from the Stalker.
floor and the basement.
Offices: Four large offices cover the west side of the
Production Floor: Two sets of double doors have been building to the left of the Waiting Area. Dozens of
pried open and bent off their hinges. The production desks, chairs, and filing cabinets fill the space and
belt frames have been ripped from their anchored have been piled up.
positions and laid on their sides forming makeshift
barricades. A hole in the ceiling has a large tarp keeping Bathrooms: Each bathroom has two stalls and a single
the outside storm from dripping inside and a large bon- sink. These small rooms act as a barrier between the
fire’s smoke is escaping through the collapsed ceiling. A Waiting Room and the Offices.
robot workbench sits along the west wall. Unless the
PCs have previously moved it, Ironjaw’s body lies prone Waiting Room: The waiting area once hosted corpo-
on the floor (see Scene 1: The Hunt Begins). rate visitors, office deliveries, and potential investors.
A locked door here leads to the executive section. A
Elevators: Two lifts look into the production area. PC can make a PER + Lockpick test with a difficulty
Only one lift is operational, moving between the first of 3 to open it, or they can locate the key in the first-
and second floors with no access to the basement. floor bathrooms. This door opens into a short hallway
with the Executive Bathrooms on one side and the
Bathrooms: A pair of bathrooms sits along the eastern Executive Office across from them.
wall of the production floor. Each has four stalls and
two sinks.

Quest Four  HUNTED! 11

Western Stairwell: The stairwell leads up to both
floors as well as the single elevator that is operational.
A Super Mutant can be recruited to join the PCs here.

Prototype Vault: This open vault contains many

different toys and some things that may be “question-
able” for a toy company to make.

Chemistry Lab: This lab contains an armor work-

bench, a weapons workbench, and a materials
Executive Bathrooms: There are a pair of small bath-
rooms, each with a single stall and sink. Sewer Entry: A grate partially hidden by a pile of
rubble leads into the sewers, a secret entrance or exit
Executive Office: The large office contains a large to the factory.
desk with a terminal and chair. Bookshelves line the
wall, but the books that once sat here are now burned Electrical Utility Closet: The door reads “Utility
and useless. A display shelf contains many product Room” and is locked with a magnetic lock. There is a
samples of toys the factory produced while it was in terminal mounted on the wall next to the door, but
operation. A locked wall safe sits directly behind the it does not have power. To power up the terminal, a
office chair. A Super Mutant has holed up here to fusion core must be installed in the power supply unit
hide from the Stalker. in the Power Supply Room. Once it is powered, a PC
can make an INT + Science test with a difficulty of
The wall safe contains 10d20 worth of caps, a .38 4 to unlock the magnetic lock. Inside, a skeleton lies
Revolver and 2d20 rounds of .38 ammunition. A PC propped up on the floor at the rear of the room, empty
can make a PER + Lockpick test with a difficulty of 4 bottles and a backpack scattered around it.
to unlock the wall safe or they can access the terminal
by making an INT + Science test with a difficulty of Power Supply Room: A makeshift ramp of rubble
3 to trigger the safe opening. If they use the terminal, leads up to this large open room, technically situated
they also notice an option to “Open Stash Room.” on the first floor even though it can only be accessed
Selecting this option opens a secret door located from the basement. A Fusion Power Supply Unit
behind the display shelf. sits against the back wall. Small piles of humanoid
remains clutter the room, mostly bone and rotted
Stash Room: Accessed via the terminal on the desk, tissue. If the PCs have not saved any of the lost Super
the room contains a variety of defensive weapons and Mutants, they are found dead on the floor with large
equipment. The Super Mutants have not located this gashes across their bodies and narrow spikes jutting
room, so it remains in relatively good condition. out from their skin, a grey liquid oozing from the
exposed flat ends.
Stash Room Loot: Aluminum Baseball Bat, a
Combat Rifle with Powerful Receiver and Ported The Fusion Power Supply Unit does not have a core
Barrel, 6 + 3 C
D shotgun shells, a bottle of Nuka- installed in it. Installing one not only powers the
Cola Quantum, a stash of crafting materials (10 com- terminal in the Electrical Utility Closet, but it also
mon, 8 uncommon, and 3 rare), and an issue of The electrifies the fence surrounding it, which could be
Mad Russian’s Revenge! Magazine (grants +2 to Poison used to knock the Stalker into to cause Stun damage
damage resistance). (see Act 3: Stand and Fight).

12 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game

As the PCs crest the top of the ramp, read or paraphrase: shiny objects, and they look almost wet. Organic. Too
late, you realize what you’ve done: you have not just
entered the creature’s place of refuge, but also its nest.
Rainwater pools across the uneven floor, a steady drip
Soon, there will be more of these creatures flooding
forming tiny ripples in the reflective surfaces. At the
the wasteland.
top of the ramp sits a massive room, with a chain link
fence surrounding a Fusion Power Supply Unit on the
The tension in the air rises, and something shifts. The
west side. Concrete and steel support pillars create
steady sound of dripping water has stopped.
strange shadows.

Leaning against a pillar, you see six black and green The Stalker has found them! Proceed to Act 3 for the
shimmering oblong orbs. The light dances off the climactic confrontation.


SYNOPSIS while hunting, giving its spines additional damage
abilities outside of standard poison damage. Its head
The Xuvian Stalker has tracked the PCs to its lair, encases four green eyes, two on either side, and ears
and is finally ready to test their prowess. Over the similar to a feline. Long, unhinging jaws reveal dozens
course of Act 3, the PCs have the opportunity to: of razor-sharp pointed teeth with which to consume
the flesh of its prey.
ƒ Run and attempt to escape from the factory.

ƒ Stand and fight the Xuvian Stalker, potentially

using the environment to stun the creature. ESCAPE
ƒ Destroy or steal the creature’s eggs.
Extended Test: The PCs are being hunted by the
Stalker. To flee, they can use multiple different tests to
keep themselves out of harm’s way. While the Stalker
XUVIAN STALKER gives chase, the PCs must maneuver through the fac-
tory. They have the disadvantage of the factory being
The Xuvian Stalker is a creature from the planet echoey, with large open rooms offering minimal cover
Xuvia, a hostile planet in a near-constant state of war. and plenty of sight lines. The Stalker also hunts while
Due to this war, the creatures have evolved into deadly invisible, making it nearly impossible to locate how
apex predators. It is an extremely smart creature that close it is getting to them.
adapts its attack style and how it identifies its prey.
A bipedal creature with talon-like claws, the Stalker ƒ Effort: 20
uses attacks from range while invisible, then moves in
ƒ Breakthroughs Required: 3
once the poison injected from its tail spikes has hit its
quarry. It is also perfectly capable of defending itself ƒ Resistance: 2
at close range using curved claws. Tough black and
ƒ Base Test Difficulty: 3
green shimmering scales grant it the innate ability to
turn nearly invisible. Twin tails are topped with long,
The factory is quite large, and the hunt begins while
regenerating black spines that stick out from an oval
the PCs are deep inside. This is represented by the
bulb and can be flung across long distances or used in
20 points of effort required to escape the factory. As
a melee attack using tail strikes. The Stalker can also
the PCs start the chase, they must flee through the
adapt its poison spines by consuming liquids it finds
basement, avoid attacks, and escape through either

Quest Four  HUNTED! 13

Xuvian Stalker
Level 15, Mutated Alien, SPECIAL ABILITIES
Legendary Creature (306 XP) ƒ POISONOUS BARB: When the Stalker lands a
strike with its Tail Club or Tail Barb attacks, the
poison can be similar to many different types
11 7 5 5 4 of effects like consuming alcohol or chems. The
Stalker’s poison is added to whatever additional
HP INITIATIVE DEFENSE “element” it finds, which alters how effective
41 17 2 the poison is. The damage listed above in the
attack section lists the standard damage and
PHYS. DR ENERGY DR RAD. DR POISON DR the Random Xuvian Poison table opposite is in
7 (Torso, addition to that damage. Roll on the table to
Legs, Arms); 9 (All) Immune Immune determine which effect the tail barb emulates.
3 (Face) ƒ QUICK ATTACK: When the Xuvian Stalker takes
a major action, the AP cost of taking a second
ATTACKS major action is reduced by 1. However, the
ƒ ARM BLADE: Body + Melee (TN 16), second major action must be a different attack
10 C
D Vicious, Physical damage, Range C from the one used in its first strike.

ƒ TAIL CLUB: Body + Melee (TN 16), ƒ QUICKNESS: The Stalker can move incredibly
D Breaking, Piercing 1, Physical damage, fast. As a major action, the Stalker can move
Range C only (roll on Poisonous Barb table up to three zones, to anywhere within Extreme
below in addition to the standard damage) range. It only moves its maximum zone distance
if fully retreating.
ƒ TAIL BARB: Body + Guns (TN 16),
D Piercing 3, Persistent (Poison), ƒ REND: The Stalker may choose to make a
Physical damage, Range M deadlier Claw attack by increasing the difficulty
of the attack by +1. If it succeeds, the attack’s
SPECIAL ABILITIES damage is increased by 3 C
ƒ ALIEN SKIN (TOUGH): +2 to Physical and Energy ƒ SMALL WEAK POINT: While the Stalker’s body is
damage resistances (included). covered in tough alien scales, its face is its weak

IMMUNE TO POISON: The Stalker reduces all point. This area is small and difficult to hit. The
Poison damage suffered to 0 and cannot suffer face is treated as having a defense of 3.

any damage or effects from Poison ƒ SPIDER FEET: The Stalker has heightened traction

IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The Stalker reduces on the pads of its feet and the palms of its hands.
all Radiation damage suffered to 0 and cannot It can climb walls relatively easily, but cannot

suffer any damage or effects from Radiation hang suspended from a ceiling for any extended
period due to its weight.
ƒ INVISIBILITY: As a minor action, the Stalker
can shift its scales, giving the appearance of INVENTORY
becoming invisible, leaving only a shimmering
ƒ BUTCHERY: Scavengers can butcher a dead
outline of its body, similar to using a Stealth
Stalker with a successful END + Survival test
Boy. Attacking while invisible forces the Stalker
with a difficulty of 2. This yields 2 C
D portions
to become visible until its next turn. This is often
of Stalker meat (+2 Poison Resistance for 1 hour,
used in combination with its Quickness ability.
+3 Poison Resistance if cooked), 3 common
ƒ NIGHT VISION: The Stalker can see in complete materials, 3 uncommon materials and 2 rare
darkness. It ignores all difficulty increases caused materials.
by dim light or darkness, and it may attempt skill
tests that would normally be impossible.

14 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game

Random Xuvian Poison

1-3 Standard Poison 2C

D poison damage in addition to the physical damage
4-7 Bourbon-based Poison Alcoholic, Reroll 1d20 on END tests and take the lower, 1 C
D poison damage
8-11 Rum-based Poison Alcoholic, Reroll 1d20 on AGI tests and take the lower, 1 C
D poison damage
12-15 Stun Poison 2C
D poison damage, 2 C
D Stun damage in addition to the physical damage
16-19 Beer-based Poison Alcoholic, 1 C
D poison damage
20 Stimpak-based Heals 2 HP (same as Diluted Stimpak), no poison damage

the first floor or the sewers, represented by the three 11) in a single initiative round, it gains a point of
breakthroughs. Each breakthrough represents over- knowledge and the DC is increased (PC’s original
coming one of these three obstacles. The Stalker fol- average level x2). If it gets hit again and takes the
lows them while invisible, making it harder to avoid, amount of damage equal to or greater than the new
represented by a damage resistance of 2. threshold, the Stalker gains its second knowledge
point. Once the Stalker gains two knowledge points,
ƒ Possible Skills: it no longer fires the barbs as a long-range attack and
instead uses the barbs as a club.
ƒ STR + Athletics: The PCs use their athletics to
push through any debris or obstacle blocking If the PCs cause damage that causes the Stalker to
their path to exit the factory. move, they can direct the Stalker towards the chain
link fence. If the fence has been electrified with the
ƒ PER + Survival: The PCs try to find the short-
installation of a Fusion core, contact with the fence
est path to escape the factory. If they achieve a
deals 5 C
D Stun damage.
breakthrough this way, the resistance is reduced
to 0 for C
D rolls.


ƒ AGI + Sneak: The PCs try to sneak past the
Stalker to the exit. If they achieve a break-
through this way, the Base Test Difficulty is
The PCs may choose to destroy or steal the eggs.
reduced by 1 for the next roll.
Bringing an egg or a piece of broken eggshell to Teks
serves as strong proof that they defeated the Stalker as

STAND AND FIGHT promised. Teks will add caps to the PC’s bounty, and
they will also gain XP if they provide this proof.

If the PCs choose to stand and fight, they should

If the PCs wish to destroy the eggs, they can make a
have their hands full. The Stalker continuously uses
STR + Melee/Unarmed test with a difficulty of 3. If
its Invisibility combined with its Quickness to move
they want to steal one or more eggs, they can make a
between zones to gain an advantage or temporarily
STR + Unarmed test with a difficulty of 3 to pull the
retreat to collect itself.
egg from its resting place against the pillar. Each time
someone pulls an egg or destroys one while the Stalker
The Stalker starts three zones away from the PCs.
is alive, the Stalker immediately makes an attack
When it gets within range for its Tail Barb attack,
against that PC, and they become its primary target.
the Stalker makes an opposed Sneak test. Should the
PCs locate the Stalker, it makes an attack with its tail
barbs, which temporarily makes it visible. If it gets
hit by damage greater than or equal to the Stalker’s
Learned Behavior DC (PC’s average level, minimum

Quest Four  HUNTED! 15

The Xuvian Stalker is an alien entity and by ending
that threat, the PCs can focus on building reputation
with factions and maintaining their lives as they see
fit. There are plenty of things to keep them occupied.

After the quest has been completed, several oppor-
tunities for further development may present

ƒ If the PCs escape from the Xuvian Stalker without

engaging it in combat, the Stalker could create more
of its kind within the confines of the Atomatoys
factory. The Super Mutants either choose never to
return to the factory, or return to be slaughtered for
food by the Stalker and its offspring.

ƒ If the PCs kill the Xuvian Stalker, the Super

Mutants return, and the new leader agrees to follow
through on Ironjaw’s deal. The PCs are allowed to
utilize the Atomatoys factory as a base of opera- ƒ The PCs can look for whatever transported the
tions for as long as they wish, provided they do not Stalker to the area and attempt to rid the area of
betray the Super Mutants. any other Stalkers that may be out there hunting.

Quest Rewards
For completing Hunted, the PCs receive 1100 caps to split Each PC receives 3120 XP for completing Hunted. They
between them. In addition, the PCs may have full access to also receive 1230 XP if they explored the factory and found
the Atomatoys factory as a base of operations or settlement the Stash Room in the second-floor executive office. If they
if they defeat the Stalker. destroy all of the stalker eggs, they receive an additional
1320 XP. If they used an egg or eggshell to prove they
If the PCs return to Teks and show proof of killing the Xuvian defeated the Stalker to Teks, they also receive 420 XP.
Stalker, they also receive the 500 caps he offered. If they
bring him one of the stalker eggs, he gives them 1000 addi- In total, 6090 XP can be earned if they complete all pos-
tional caps. If they bring him a shell remnant instead of a full sible objectives. XP is to be distributed evenly amongst the
egg as proof they prevented more of them from hatching, he entire group.
adds an additional 250 caps instead.

16 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game


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