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BEG - RPG#01 - A Dragon (MIMO) v1.0.1

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The document provides an overview of a supplemental book that transports players to the immersive fantasy world of Dosneri to embark on adventures and shape its destiny. It describes various regions, factions, secrets and storylines for players to explore.

The book is a supplemental sourcebook for an RPG campaign setting called Dosneri, which provides a wealth of lore, NPCs, and storylines for players to explore diverse regions, unravel secrets, and influence the realm's fate.

The book contains meticulously crafted lore about the world of Dosneri, detailed NPCs, and captivating storylines for players' characters. It also includes maps of different regions for exploration and encounters with unique races and factions.

Embark on a grand

adventure in the
kingdom of D osneri!

This comprehensive supplement takes

you to a rich and immersive world
filled with intrigue, magic, and peril .
Battle fearsome creatures,
and navigate treacherous
political landscapes.

As heroes, you hold the fate of

Dosneri in your hands.
Will you safeguard the realm,
or plunge it into darkness?

The choice is yours.

Inside this book, you will find

A Dr agon
a wealth of meticulously crafted
lore, detailedNPCs, and captivating
storylines.Explore the diverse
regions of Dosneri, from the majestic
mountains to the murky swamps,
and encounter a plethora of unique
races and factions.
Unravel the secrets of the
Dragon One-Fang, join the
rebellion against Queen
Ma’rramus, or harness elemental
powers to restore balance.

Designed for use with the oldest

RPG system, this supplement provides
a flexible and adaptable framework for
both new and
experienced game masters.
Delve into the captivating world of
Dosneri, where legends come to life
and destinies are forged.
Are you ready to embark
on an epic journey?

The kingdom awaits your here!

A Dragon

A World of Enaria Sourcebook

by Zander Catta Preta

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 1


Author: Zander Catta Preta Disclaimer: Within the pages of this

book, rest assured that no Elder
Cover Artist: Earth Elementals were awakened, no
image generated by MidJourney and Avatars of Chaos were summoned, and
piloted by Zander Catta Preta no Dragon offspring were disturbed.
We maintain a harmonious alliance
Interior Artist: with the valiant Knights of Enaria,
images generated by MidJourney and ensuring stability and suppressing any
piloted by Zander Catta Preta inklings of rebellion. It is important to
note that this disclaimer was written
Cartographer: of our own volition and absolutely not
maps generated with watabou () under any form of coercion. Absolutely
not, not at all.
Creative Team:
Zander Catta Preta and friends First edition: September/2023

‘A Dragon’ is a game tool developed ISBN: 979.886.097.974-1

for all-level characters and to play
in any RPG campaign setting. It is ©2023 BEG•RPG Zander Catta Preta
compatible with the fifth edition of — All Rights reserved. No part of
the oldest role-playing game in the this product may be reproduced
world and many others based on it! without specific permission.

On the cover
Unprepared Adventurer Meets a gizing against this foe. Delve into the
dragon. The cover of “A Dragon” pres- pages of this book and unlock the se-
ents a gripping scene—an unprepared crets to outwitting and overcoming the
adventurer comes face-to-face with a challenges posed by this mighty drag-
mighty dragon. The dragon, with all on. Sharpen your tactics and prepare
her advantages, looms over the intrud- for an unforgettable adventure against
er in her lair. It serves as a reminder to one of the mightiest adversaries you
be smarter, to learn the art of strate- will ever face.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster
Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective
logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses
are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of Wizards of the Coast.
©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31,
2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.

2 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 3
Contents …near a city….....................................28
Hartlun:A City of Simple Pleasures......... 28
Places of interest:.................................... 29
Credits..................................................2 Act 5:The Stolen Cauldron...................... 33
On the cover....................................... 2 Mission............................................. 33
Creatures and NPCs:........................ 34
And there’s a Dragon….........................9
Treasure:.......................................... 34
…who lives in a cave…....................... 12 Act 6:A Taste for Trouble......................... 34
Areas of the cave..................................... 13 Mission:............................................ 36
Area A – The Entrance............................ 13
Creatures and NPCs:........................ 36
B – Traps areas....................................... 14
Treasure:.......................................... 36
C – Ambush points................................. 15
Act 7:The Brazen Heist............................ 36
D – Rubbish............................................ 15
Mission:............................................ 37
E – Bed................................................... 15
F – Treasure vault................................... 15 Creatures and NPCs:........................ 37
Using thecave in a campaign.................. 15 Treasure:.......................................... 38
Act 8:Eida’s Delivery............................... 38
…and huntsin a forest…..................... 17 Mission:............................................ 40
Adventure seeds..................................... 18
Creatures and NPCs:........................ 40
Act 1:A woody encounter with some
Treasure:.......................................... 40
troublemakers........................................ 18
Act 9:Semil’s Song.................................. 40
Act 2:Burglars, Bandits,and
Mission:............................................ 41
Scoundrels:The Desperate Gambit.......... 20
Act 3: The Phantom Beast....................... 22 Creatures and NPCs:........................ 41
Act 4:Criminals and Informants............. 24 Treasure:.......................................... 41
The Scaled Renegades...................... 25 Plots discovered................................ 42
Army Men......................................... 26 Act 10:An Old Walking Evil..................... 44
The Dark Cabal................................ 26 Creatures and NPCs:........................ 44

4 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

…in a mighty kingdom....................... 45 End-game............................................... 65
The Queen.............................................. 45 The Dragon’s minions............................. 69
The People.............................................. 47 The minions groups................................ 70
Geography.............................................. 49 The Dragon’s Offsprings......................... 72
Military................................................... 52 The Dragon’s Psyche............................... 73
Dosneri political affairs.......................... 53 The flaws of the mind....................... 75
How to deal with the Dragon................... 76
People hunt this Dragon…................. 57 How to introduce the Dragon on the
The KnightlyOrder of Enaria.................. 57 Campaign............................................... 78
The Dark Cabal...................................... 58 One-Fang as an Ally......................... 79
The Scaled Renegades............................. 59 One-Fang as an Informant............... 80
The Adventurers’ Guild........................... 60 One-Fang as a cartoonish Arch-
enemy............................................... 82
…because there’sa treasure…............ 61
The Dragon and Combat......................... 83
Deception................................................ 61
Inside the Cave:................................ 83
Strategy.................................................. 63
Outside the Cave:............................. 85
Table: taxes from the peasants........ 64
Using Terrain to Her Advantage....... 85
Work and Tax Value Per Year:............ 64
Peasant Type.................................... 64 …and the Kingdom shall fall.............88
Work Performed................................. 64 Act 11:The Lost Relic Unleashed............. 89
Tax Value (in currency)...................... 64 Act 12:The Shadow Council.................... 90
Table: Magic Items Rarity and Tax Creatures and NPCs:........................ 91
Rates................................................ 64 Treasures and Valuables:................. 91
Magic Items and Tax Value Per Year:.65 Act 13:The Forgotten Prophecy............... 93
Rarity............................................... 65 Act 14:The Curse of Undeath.................. 94
Description........................................ 65 Act 15:The Rebellion Rises...................... 96
Peasant Tax(per year)........................ 65 Act 16:The Elemental Awakening............ 97
Weapon-Bearing Tax (per year).......... 65 Act 17:The Lost Heir................................ 99

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 5

Act 18:The Forbidden Knowledge.......... 101 Appendix III:Monsters and NPCs..... 116
Act 19:The Curse of the Blood Moon..... 103 One-Fang, Legendary Dragoness.......... 118
Act 20:The Treacherous Alliance.......... 105 One-Fang, Legendary Great Wyrm Green
Dragon............................................ 118
Appendix I:Magic Items................... 107 Queen Ma’rramus, Ruler of the
The tome of elemental summoning....... 107 Kingdom............................................... 120
The primordial elemental gem.............. 108 Queen Ma’rramus............................ 120
Lost Relic of Dosneri............................. 108 Terragrath, Primordial Evil Earth
Elemental............................................. 122
Shadow Council’s Seal.......................... 110
Terragrath, Elder Earth Elemental... 122
Scrolls ofForbidden Knowledge..............111
The Old Man in the Road, Avatar of Chaos
Shadowblade’s Dagger.......................... 112 and Decay............................................. 124
The Old Man in the Road, Avatar of
Appendix II: Organizations,
Chaos and Decay............................ 124
Bands and Cabals............................. 113
Major groups..........................................114
Minor groups and their affiliations....... 115 OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a.126

6 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 7
8 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta
And there’s a Dragon… The second chapter, “…who lives
in a cave…”, unveils the Dragon’s lair,
presenting a blueprint map for any
his is a tale of old. A gather- Dragon encounter you may wish to in-

T ing of adventurers, embark-

ing on quests with maps,
facing formidable foes, find-
ing allies, unearthing treachery, and
wielding sheets of paper and numer-
corporate into your campaign. Traps
and points of interest are included, al-
lowing for customization or the option
to craft your own map entirely. Keep
in mind that everything within this
ous dice. For more than half a cen- book is optional.
tury, this tale has become a beloved The third chapter, “…and hunts in
tradition for countless people across a forest…”, unveils the surroundings
the world, with many stories following of the Dragon’s lair and reveals the
the same iconic (and perhaps stereo- creatures that stalk those lands. This
typical) patterns. chapter also presents four mini-ad-
ventures for low-level characters,
Numerous authors have sought showcasing the hidden layers of rela-
to reimagine adversaries, storylines, tionships that often lurk beneath the
and gameplay, but we will take a surface.
different approach. Instead, we will Chapter four, “…near a city…”, in-
present a collection of diverse per- troduces the city of Hartlum, a bus-
spectives and possibilities, each tling hub where your players can pro-
showcased individually. Our first cure supplies, repair equipment, and
volume shines a light on one of the engage in thrilling adventures and
most revered and timeless adver- enigmatic mysteries nestled within
saries: the Dragon. More than a this humble settlement. Many intrigu-
mere target of courage, strategy, and ing NPCs will emerge, adding depth to
plunder, Dragons are tangible beings the narrative. Also it presents six ad-
with their own goals and desires, ventures seeds that can be played as
and low-level players may even find a part of a campaign or stand-alone
themselves negotiating with these adventures.
formidable creatures. Moreover, Chapter five, “…in a mighty king-
these creatures are not averse to dom”, immerses you in the realm of
striking deals with their neighbors, Queen Ma’rramus and her kingdom
provided the terms are favorable. of Dosneri, where the interconnect-
This book serves as a guide for sto- edness of Enaria’s world takes center
rytelling, allowing you, as the Game stage. Metaphysics, politics, and the
Master, to navigate its chapters at struggles between powers intertwine,
your leisure. Each chapter stands particularly the tension between the
on its own, providing independent ethereal realm of dreams and faerie
content, while a concise summary of and our tangible material world.
all essential elements can be found In the sixth chapter, titled
in the Appendixes (where the magic “People Hunt This Dragon…”, an ex-
items reside). citing adventure awaits as your
Our introductory is just that: an players investigate the dragon hunt-
introduction. This introduction. ers. Within Enaria, multiple factions

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 9

seek this Dragon, and your players tation, retreat, or negotiation. Be pre-
must navigate their intentions. As pared for a greater adversary, tipping
your journey unfolds, encounter power scales. Learn about One-Fang’s
groups vying for control over the offspring, exploit strengths and weak-
fate of the Dragon. Will your players nesses, strategize to achieve victory.
align with the noble Knightly Order The fate of players and the world rests
of Enaria, the enigmatic Dark Ca- upon adaptability and seizing oppor-
bal, the determined Scaled Rene- tunities.
gades, or the ambitious Adventurers’ In the gripping finale, titled
Guild? The choices made will shape “…And the Kingdom Shall Fall,”
Enaria’s destiny and the outcome of Dosneri faces doom as unleashed
this thrilling tale. events unfold. Shape Dosneri’s des-
In the seventh chapter, titled tiny in the face of major threats to
“…Because There’s a Treasure…”, the Enaria. Ten adventure hooks offer
true nature of these hunts is revealed. heroic journeys, political maneu-
Delving deeper into the Dragon’s lair, vering, and cataclysmic challenges.
players understand the treasure’s de- Guide players through this climactic
ceptive nature. One-Fang, the cun- chapter, leaving an indelible mark on
ning dragon, employs strategies to Enarian history.
display greater wealth. The end game Unearth three invaluable appendi-
is not just power and riches, but the ces within this supplement. The first,
preservation of her domain and con- a compendium of NPCs and adversar-
trol. Foes may become allies, allianc- ies, populates Dosneri with vibrant
es may unravel. Players must assess personalities and thrilling encoun-
strengths and weaknesses. Will they ters. The second unravels influential
succumb to the illusion or uncov- groups and organizations, their webs
er One-Fang’s true motives? Choices of power and intrigue interwoven. The
shape the destiny of the Dragon and third reveals coveted magical items,
those who face her. each possessing unique properties.
In the eighth chapter, titled Embark on this extraordinary ad-
“…But This Dragon Is Powerful…”, venture, immersing yourself in the
One-Fang unveils true might after knowledge held within these appen-
challenging quests. Players face the dices, guiding you through Dosneri’s
formidable Dragon, choosing confron- expansive realms.

May your games be filled with

excitement and wonder.

Zander Catta Preta

10 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 11
…who lives in a cave… or mere sport. And then there are
us, the namegivers, who hunt these
majestic beasts for various reasons,
ragons, in their awe-in- wielding their formidable might as in-

D spiring magnificence and

formidable might, have the
ability to claim any loca-
tion as their abode. Picture, if you
will, a humble fisherman diligently
struments of war.
Stepping into One-Fang’s lair,
a hero is immediately confronted by
an overwhelming sense of desolation.
The entrance to the cave, a narrow and
going about her daily routine when foreboding crevice, sets the stage for
an immense dragon descends upon the arduous path that lies ahead. The
her modest dwelling, declaring it the cave’s stark and barren walls rever-
new sanctuary. How does one even berate with the sound of water drop-
begin to negotiate with such a majes- lets dripping from stalactites, the only
tic creature? However, despite their interruption in the chilling silence.
ability to dwell anywhere, dragons The air hangs heavy with the damp,
are discerning when it comes to se- earthy scent of the cave, tainted by
lecting their habitats. Elder dragons, a lingering etching aroma — a grim
in particular, seek expansive spaces reminder of One-Fang’s acid breath.
that can accommodate their colossal A dragon’s lair serves multiple
forms and safeguard their vast trea- purposes. It is a sanctuary, a hi-
sures. Not to mention their ever-pres- bernation den, a vault for treasures
ent minions, akin to an eccentric en- amassed over the ages, a bastion
tourage, constantly buzzing about. against foes, and an enticing lure
for the curious or the foolhardy. It is
But size is only a minor consid- also a place where dragons can grow
eration for our dragon protagonist, and evolve without feeling confined
One-Fang. You see, dragons are often or imprisoned by their surroundings.
fated to meet their end in close prox- While dragons can settle anywhere
imity to their birthplace, an inevita- their hearts desire, not all environ-
ble consequence of the intricate eco- ments can provide the nurturing or
logical balance. The environment that protection these creatures require.
nurtures a dragon from its hatchling Venturing deeper into the cave,
days to its ascension as a Great the darkness becomes almost tan-
Wyrm must adapt over thousands gible, pressing upon the hero with
of years. These environments — for- a weight that feels almost physical.
ests, mountains, deserts, jungles, The faint glow of bioluminescent fun-
or bogs — must endure and recover gi provides a brief respite in the envel-
from the extensive damage caused oping gloom, casting eerie shadows
by the growth of these formidable that dance and flicker. The chilling
creatures. Life as a young dragon is echoes of distant growls and the skit-
fraught with challenges: sibling rival- tering of unseen creatures serve as
ries over sustenance, attention, and constant reminders of the perils that
shiny trinkets. Predators lurk in ev- lurk within.
ery corner, viewing dragon whelps as In ther context, One-Fang’s deci-
potential prey, territorial conquests, sion to make a cave her dwelling is

12 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

a prudent one. While ther choice may terial wealth does not diminish her
restrict her ability to take flight and determination to protect her home.
escape during an assault, it offers its Adventurers and minions alike must
own advantages. With a single en- tread carefully, for One-Fang’s wrath
try point, she can easily engulf all is no less fierce despite her absence of
intruders in her formidable breath hoarded riches.
weapon and unleash a barrage of Ultimately, the desolation of One-
area spells. Her ever-present minions Fang’s cave serves as more than
are summoned to lay traps or stand a mere physical characteristic — it
guard during vulnerable moments. is a reflection of the dragon herself.
Further into the cave, a hero Born into a world that perceives her
might stumble upon the remnants of as a threat, she is forced to defend
One-Fang’s past victims. Skeletons herself from the very moment of her
of various creatures, some recogniz- hatching. The cave is not just her
able, others grotesquely twisted and dwelling; it is her fortress, her sanc-
foreign, litter the cave floor. Tattered tuary, and her prison. It stands as
banners and broken weapons, each a testament to the life she has led — a
telling a silent tale of lost battles, life marked by conflict, survival, and
are scattered haphazardly. The sight above all, solitude.
serves as a chilling reminder of the
dragon’s deadly capabilities.
In the heart of the cave, the hero Areas of the cave
would discover One-Fang’s dwelling, A. The entrance
a stark contrast to the desolation of the B. Traps area
surrounding cave. Shere, the dragon C. Ambush points
has attempted to create a semblance D. The rubbish area
of comfort. The area is surprisingly E. The dragon’s bed
organized, with distinct spaces desig- F. The treasure vault
nated for rest, feeding, and even play,
marked by an assortment of toys
crafted from rocks and bones. Howev- Area A – The Entrance
er, the simplicity of the dragon’s living As one approaches the entrance
conditions is a stark reminder of her of the cave, the air grows heavy with
solitude. Despite her power and feroc- the pungent scent of decomposed
ity, One-Fang is a prisoner within her animal and human bodies. The lin-
own lair, bound by the very defenses gering stench acts as a natural de-
that keep her safe. terrent, keeping most animals and
One-Fang’s cave, while a strate- curious onlookers at a distance.
gic choice, also reflects her nature. Additionally, it serves as a natural
She is not a creature of opulence and alarm, alerting the Dragon to any
grandeur, but one driven by survival potential intruders. If a player or
and pragmatism. Her lair is not over- party ventures into ther area, there
flowing with gold and jewels, but with is a chance that they may trigger
the remnants of past battles — a tes- an Alarm spell. Someties, however,
tament to her resilience against over- the designated minion responsible
whelming odds. Yet, the lack of ma- for setting the alarm failed to com-

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 13

A. The entrance
B. Traps area
C. Ambush points
D. The rubbish area
E. The dragon’s bed
F. The treasure vault
100ft 10ft





plete the task, leaving part of the search for victims in ther area. Un-
entrance unguarded and devoid of fortunate heroes, as well as various
the protective enchantment. How- forest animals such as foxes, bears,
ever, during the day, the Dragon is boars, and deer, become their prey.
particularly vigilant and will keenly Once captured, the heroes meet
perceive any sounds or movements a swift and merciless demise. The
in the vicinity. minions then proceed to salvage
what is edible or valuable from the
carcasses, discarding the remains at
B – Traps areas the entrance of the cave. The grisly
Every fortnight, the Dragon’s aftermath serves as a chilling warn-
minions conduct their gruesome ing to any who dare venture near.

14 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

C – Ambush points methods employed by the Dragon to
Within these areas, the heroes create the illusion of a vast and opu-
may find themselves ambushed by lent treasure trove.
a “cleaning” party or other adventur-
ers who had the same notion but ar- • Coins: 2,000 cp; 900 sp; 70 gp
rived ahead of them. The surround- • Art objects (×7): Black velvet
ings offer advantageous cover and mask stitched with silver thread
concealment for those seeking to ×2; Carved bone statuette; Copper
launch stealthy attacks without be- chalice with silver filigree; Gold
ing detected. Proceed with caution, locket with a painted portrait
for unseen foes may lie in wait, ready inside; Small gold bracelet ×2
to strike when least expected. • Gems: 10 blue crystal
shards (100 gp each)

D – Rubbish
Ther dragon has developed some- Using the
what unrefined habits. It keeps the cave in a campaign
remains of its meals near its resting Once a fearsome and mighty
place, paying little mind to the pres- dragon, One-Fang now finds herself
ence of insects, worms, and other haunted by fear and mistrust. Recent
small creatures in the vicinity. encounters have shattered her once
unwavering sense of invincibility, re-
vealing the existence of beings in ther
E – Bed realm and beyond who are just as for-
Ther is the Dragon’s designat- midable as herself. Scarred by these
ed sleeping area, although you will revelations, she has retreated deep
rarely find the Dragon actually sleep- into the recesses of her cave, har-
ing. It is constantly occupied with its boring a deep-seated distrust for all
various tasks and responsibilities, who dare approach. Clinging to the
leaving no time for rest. While others remnants of her diminished hoard,
sleep, the Dragon is busy amassing a stark reminder of her lost wealth
its hoard and engaging in its entre- and waning power, One-Fang broods
preneurial pursuits. in solitude, plotting to reclaim her
dominance and restore her treasure
to its former opulence.
F – Treasure vault If the Game Master chooses to
Despite the initial appearance of embark on ther chronicle as a full-
ther room being filled with an abun- fledged adventure, the Cave shall
dance of treasure, upon closer in- serve as the stage where heroes
spection, it becomes evident that the will cross paths with One-Fang, the
cave room is actually quite empty. To once mighty and powerful dragon.
fully understand the deceptive nature Or something of that sort.
of the Dragon’s hoard, it is advised to
refer to the chapter titled “...because
there’s a treasure...” Ther chapter
delves into the intricate devices and

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 15

16 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta
…and hunts But let not the forest’s beauty lull
in a forest… you into a false sense of security.
For within its boundaries, creatures
of a more menacing nature make
their home. The chilling chorus of
he cave of the Dragon, One- a wolf pack echoes through the trees,

T Fang, is cradled within

a sprawling expanse of dense
woodland, a forest of tower-
ing trees that reach for the heavens,
their grandeur both awe-inspiring
a haunting serenade that serves as
a warning to those who trespass on
their territory. Bears, solitary and
powerful, roam these woods, their
heavy treads a rumble in the distance.
and ominous. The forest is a labyrinth And deeper still, an even greater
of darkened pathways and verdant threat lies dormant. The Earth Ele-
clearings, shrouded in an ever-pres- mental, a formidable entity composed
ent aura of mystery. Shafts of sunlight entirely of earth and stone, slum-
pierce the verdant canopy, their ethe- bers amongst the roots and rocks. It
real light casting a mosaic of shadows is a force of nature, as much a part
upon the forest floor, painting a can- of the forest as the trees themselves,
vas of darkness and light that is as a dormant titan waiting to be roused
enchanting as it is foreboding. by summoning or provocation.
The wolves that claim this forest
The air within this woodland is as their domain are a force to be reck-
thick and potent, laden with the sharp, oned with.
resinous aroma of pine needles and Their pack is an efficient hunting
damp earth. The ground underfoot is machine, skilled in tracking and kill-
a carpet of fallen leaves, their decay si- ing their prey. They are fiercely terri-
lenced by a thick layer of moss, which torial, and their snarls and growls are
muffles the footfall of those who dare a clear warning to those who dare to
to tread here. The trees stand guard, encroach upon their hunting grounds.
their trunks so close-knit that they Their teeth and claws are sharp as
form a natural barrier, limiting visibil- daggers, and their pack tactics can
ity and shrouding much of the forest quickly encircle and overwhelm their
in an enigmatic cloak of green. prey. If the eerie echo of their howls
As one ventures further into the reaches your ears, it is a clarion call
depths of the forest, the first signs to vigilance and caution.
of the woodland’s inhabitants begin Navigating through this verdant
to reveal themselves. Darting move- labyrinth is a task fraught with peril.
ments in the underbrush reveal the Every rustle of leaves, every snapped
presence of squirrels and rabbits, twig could spell danger. But for those
their agile bodies a blur as they skit- armed with the right skills and equip-
ter between the safety of the under- ment, there may yet be hope. Over-
growth. Avian melodies fill the air, coming the Earth Elemental and out-
the forest’s feathered denizens flitting witting the wolves could lead you ever
from branch to branch, their songs closer to the Dragon’s lair, the heart
a symphony of sounds that punctu- of the forest where One-Fang makes
ates the silence. his home.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 17

Adventure seeds Act 1:
Embark on an epic journey with A woody encounter with
“A Dragon” as our tale unfolds with some troublemakers
the majestic presence of a mighty A Terrifying Discovery
Dragon. To captivate your players
and ignite their adventurous spir- As our heroes delve further into
it, we offer a selection of thrilling the shrouded woods, an unnerving
adventure seeds. These carefully sight is revealed. The pungent stench
crafted quests will beckon a cou- of decay and death wafts through
rageous group of four adventurers, the air, signaling an impending hor-
ideally ranging from levels 3 to 5, ror. Amid the twisted trees and the
to embark on a daring expedition dense underbrush, they happen upon
into the treacherous depths of the a macabre tableau — the remains of
foreboding woods that conceal the a hunting party.
formidable lair of One-Fang. Pre- Once bold hunters seeking drag-
pare to be enthralled by the chal- on glory, their bodies are now strewn
lenges that await and the secrets across the forest floor, ripped and
that lie within. ravaged beyond recognition. The ev-
These adventure seeds are but idence suggests that they woefully
stepping stones for your campaign. underestimated the force they aimed
The Game Master and players to challenge. Their weapons lie scat-
are heartily encouraged to mod- tered, shattered and futile. The grim
ify them or weave their own nar- scene attests to their unpreparedness
ratives, molding the stor y to align for the true might of the beasts lurk-
with their characters’ histories and ing within the woodland.
aspirations. It’s essential to keep As our adventurers approach,
the initial objectives clear and sim- their footsteps disrupting the eerie
ple, as the narrative will naturally stillness, a sudden flurry of move-
deepen and unfold as the chronicle ment interrupts their morbid discov-
progresses, unveiling fresh layers ery. A pack of wolves, their muzzles
of complexity and challenges for slick with fresh blood, momentarily
the adventurers to tackle. lock eyes with the adventurers, estab-
As the Chronicle begins, set the lishing an instinctual understand-
scene for your players with the fol- ing before they scatter into the thick
lowing introduction: undergrowth, disappearing as if they
were never there. The only remnants
“As you draw nearer to the of their presence are the haunting
Dragon’s lair, the woods grow echoes of their mournful howls, car-
denser and more intimidating, ried away by the breeze.
and the creatures within, more Left alone to contemplate the grim
formidable. Yet, with the right destiny of the dragon hunters, the
blend of skills and a touch of adventurers are served a chilling re-
fortune, you may just navigate minder of the perils that await them.
through the lurking perils, Their once audacious dreams have
and emerge triumphant.” been devoured by the malevolent forc-
es dwelling within these woods, high-

18 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

lighting the formidable foes they may Enora’s Knights, emerges from the
encounter on their journey to confront darkness. Their faces are a blend of
the legendary One-Fang. determination and apprehension as
The forest soon descends into an they take in the grisly sight of their
unsettling silence once the wolves’ fallen comrades.
howls diminish. Hidden in the foli- Caught off guard by the sudden
age, the dire wolf mother, perceiv- appearance of the hunters, the ad-
ing an imminent threat, rallies her venturers find themselves in a tense
pack. Their eyes burn with fierce re- standoff between the dire wolf pack
solve as they form a defensive circle and the newly arrived dragon hunt-
around her. ers. The air crackles with tension as
As tension thickens the air, a rus- both groups evaluate each other with
tling from the shadows draws every- guarded eyes.
one’s attention. A new group of dragon The leader of the royal hunting
hunters, wearing the insignia of the party, a grizzled warrior with a face

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 19

etched with experience, steps for- Act 2:
ward. His voice, laden with caution Burglars, Bandits,
and authority, acknowledges the ad- and Scoundrels:
venturers. He reveals their mission The Desperate Gambit
to exterminate the legendary dragon, Old Ambitions, Audacious Missteps
One-Fang, believed to inhabit these
woods. He beseeches the adventur- At any moment, after Act 1, you
ers to unite forces, recognizing the can play this brief encounter. Read
shared goal and the need for collec- the following paragraph to the players
tive strength. (alas, eveytime you see a box like that,
The dire wolf mother, alert to the read it to the players!):
escalating tension, watches the un-
folding scene with intense eyes. The “As the adventurers journey
adventurers are now faced with a cru- deeper into the treacherous
cial decision: align with the dragon woods, unbeknownst to them,
hunters and face the uncertain dan- a group of cunning bandits has
gers ahead, or venture alone into the been tailing their every move. For
treacherous woods searching for the the wrong reasons, of course.”
elusive One-Fang.
The choices made in this crucial
moment will carve their path, ensnar- Deep within the foreboding woods,
ing them in a complex web of allianc- an unseen danger stalks our daring
es, rivalries, and the relentless pur- adventurers. An unlikely group of
suit of a legendary beast. bandits, driven by tales of powerful

20 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

magical items and the potential to nothing to lose, the most daring gam-
turn their fortunes, has latched onto bles seem worth the risk.
the adventurer’s trail like a shadow Thus, the stage was set for a thrill-
at night. These bandits, not usually ing encounter, a clash of survival,
known for bravery, are pushed to au- ambition, and desperate courage. The
dacity by the tantalizing whispers of adventurers, suddenly caught in this
untold riches and perhaps a chance unexpected skirmish, found their
at a grand destiny. mettle tested against the bandits’
The bandits were conscious of last-ditch effort. The outcome of this
their limitations. They knew that confrontation would shape the fate of
they were ill-equipped to face the ter- all involved, setting in motion a thrill-
rifying dragon One-Fang or even the ing dance of blades and spells, a cha-
well-armed adventurers. Yet, the lure os of ambition, and the unpredictable
of an extraordinary future propelled whims of fate.
them to tail the first group of hunters, In the event, the adventurers decide
eagerly awaiting an opportunity to to hunt the pack of wolves, they will
seize any valuable possessions until find themselves without the support of
they met their inevitable demise at the the Knights of Enaria. The knights, fo-
hands of One-fang. cused on their duty to defend the king-
However, their plans started to un- dom against supernatural threats,
ravel when they discovered that their would leave them to their own devices.
intended targets were not alone. The Conversely, if the adventurers choose
renowned Knights of Enaria were in to ally with the knights, they’ll find
their company, a formidable force that themselves welcomed within the city
even these desperate bandits were walls, albeit with restricted access to
hesitant to cross. Faced with this un- the city’s seedy underbelly due to the
expected challenge, the bandits de- knights’ strict code of honor.
cided to bide their time, hiding in the Regardless of the choices they
shadows and observing from a safe make, the adventurers are bound for
distance. But as the saying goes, even the bustling city of Hartlum. This
the best-laid plans of mice and men thriving hub of commerce and knowl-
often go awry. edge, with its shady alleyways and
Fate, in its unpredictable fash- scholarly halls, could offer invaluable
ion, decided to shuffle the deck. The allies, resources, and information to
paths of our fearless adventurers and help them in their quest. Yet, the jour-
the desperate bandits intersected. In ney to Hartlum is fraught with dan-
a moment of mad daring—or perhaps gers as bandits, monsters, and other
sheer desperation—the bandits threw unsavory elements lurk at every cor-
caution to the wind. They launched ner. However, the potential rewards
an all-out, audacious attack against could be a game-changer, making the
the adventurers, staking everything risks a necessary gamble.
on this reckless gamble. Their slender The road ahead is strewn with un-
thread of hope was either to triumph certainty, danger, and potential glory.
over their rivals or, against all odds, With a mix of wit, skill, and a dash
prove themselves against the mighty of luck, our adventurers stand poised
dragon itself. After all, when one has on the edge of destiny, their sights set

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 21

on the legendary dragon, One-Fang, contain are formidable, and any misuse
a formidable adversary whose reign of could have disastrous consequences.
terror looms over the land. Their sto- This unexpected find presents the
ry, a testament to their courage and adventurers with an important decision
resolve, promises to be one of valiant and opens up new possibilities for
battles, unlikely alliances, and unfor- exploration and strategy. How they
gettable adventures. choose to utilize these newfound
artifacts, balancing between control
and chaos, will influence their journey
Sidebar: A Hidden Revelation and determine their ultimate fate
against One-Fang, the legendary
In the aftermath of their grisly dragon that lies in wait.
discovery, the adventurers may uncover Both the gem and the tome require
a significant clue for their quest. attunement by an arcane spellcaster
They decide to search for loot or are to function properly. Each tome is
extremelly perceptive, they notice designed to summon and control
a traveler’s bag nestled near a bush, a specific named elder elemental, thus
apparently untouched by the recent not merely a creature to summon, but
chaos. They approach the bag and an entity with which a relationship may
carefully sift through its contents be built.
Inside, they find two items of While holding both the tome and the
paramount importance: a tome of gem, an action can be taken to speak
elemental summoning, filled with the command word and summon
ancient spells and esoteric knowledge, an elder elemental, as if the Conjure
and a primordial elemental gem, Elemental spell was cast. These items
pulsating with the untamed energy of can’t be used in this manner again
elder elementals. until the next dawn. The stone weighs
These artifacts hint at the catastrophic 5 pounds (or 2.27 kg).
fate of one of the fallen hunters,
a mage who recklessly attempted to
summon an elder elemental to confront Act 3:
One-Fang, resulting in their own The Phantom Beast
destruction and the devastation of their Unearthed Fury: A Tangle with an
party. This discovery serves as a stark Elemental Colossus
reminder of the dangers associated
with wielding such immense forces As our adventurers pick up the
without the necessary expertise or pieces from their encounter with the
precautions. desperate bandits, a new, colossal
Now, equipped with the tome of challenge looms on the horizon. The
elemental summoning and the very earth rumbles beneath their feet,
primordial elemental gem, the signalling the awakening of a formi-
adventurers have the opportunity to dable force.
explore the realm of elemental magic.
These artifacts might prove invaluable “The forest around you falls eerily
in their quest, but they should proceed silent, the birdsong ceases, and
with caution. The powers these items even the wind seems to hold its

22 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

breath. Suddenly, the ground is particularly sensitive to the pres-
begins to tremble under your feet ence of the Tome of Elemental Sum-
as a massive, stone-like creature, moning and the Primordial Elemental
a living embodiment of earth and Gem—the very objects the bandits
rock, rises before you. It’s an elder had sought to exploit. These artifacts
earth elemental, a formidable foe resonate with the raw elemental power
summoned and left uncontrolled coursing through the creature, draw-
after the bandits’ reckless ambition.” ing its attention and potentially its ire.
The adventurers now find them-
selves in a precarious situation. Bear-
The bandits, in their audacious ing the Tome and the Gem, they inad-
pursuit of power, had summoned vertently make themselves the focus
a massive elder earth elemental, one of the elemental’s attention. Their ac-
of the ancient and powerful beings tions in this critical moment could ei-
from the elemental planes. However, ther escalate the situation into a dan-
their lack of control over the ritual gerous confrontation or help pacify
led to the colossal creature being left the elemental, thereby averting a po-
untethered and uncontrolled. The ele- tential disaster.
mental, now freely roaming the land, As they navigate this challenge,
poses an unpredictable and potential- they must remember that the elder
ly catastrophic threat. earth elemental is an entity of pure
Despite its intimidating presence, elemental force, not evil or malice. It
the elder earth elemental is not in- represents a raw and primal aspect
herently hostile. It acts primarily in of the natural world, acting more on
self-defense or if provoked. The entity instinct than intent. Its actions, while

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 23

potentially destructive, are not driven The Phantom Beast, a manifes-
by a desire for chaos or destruction. tation of pure elemental might, now
Should they manage to communi- stands before them—an imposing test
cate with the elemental or successful- of their resourcefulness, understand-
ly control it through the Tome and the ing of elemental magic, and their abil-
Gem, they might gain a powerful ally ity to navigate complex challenges.
or at least prevent further harm. On Their decisions will shape their jour-
the other hand, provoking the crea- ney moving forward, adding another
ture or failing to control it could lead layer of complexity to their already
to a catastrophic confrontation. perilous quest.
Regardless of their choice, this en-
counter with the elder earth elemen-
tal serves as a stark reminder of the Act 4:
immense power contained within the Criminals and
Tome and the Gem, the consequences Informants
of wielding such power recklessly, and Dark Deals in the Deep Woods —
the potential benefits and dangers of A Criminal’s Paradise
interacting with beings from the ele-
mental planes. As the players delve deeper into
This encounter is a critical junc- the treacherous woods that encircle
ture in their journey. How they han- the city, they encounter more than
dle this situation could set the tone just the natural dangers of this omi-
for future interactions with elemental nous landscape. The woods are home
entities, influence the surrounding to various unsavory groups, each
environment, and potentially alter with their own nefarious agendas.
their path towards facing One-Fang, These groups are not like the bandits
the legendary dragon. that the players encountered before—
these are hardened criminals, famil-
iar with every secret path and hidden
hollow of the forest.

“Having escaped the clutches

of the bandits and the wrath of
the phantom beast, you venture
further into the woods, unaware
of the new threats that await.
As the surrounding trees grow
denser and darker, the air grows
tense with the whispers of unseen
conspirators and the echoes of
unsolved mysteries. Welcome to the
deep woods, a criminal’s paradise.”

The first of these groups is a rebel

faction known as “The Scaled Rene-
gades.” These rebels are a motley crew

24 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

of goblins, kobolds, and other small as the adventurers delve deeper, they
folk, united under the banner of dis- must tread carefully, for every step
content. Their second-in-command they take brings them closer to the
is a kobold warlock named Locasha, heart of the forest and its web of crim-
known for her cunning and unyield- inal intrigue. The choices they make
ing spirit. The Renegades seek to here will shape not only their path but
overthrow the reign of Queen Ma’rra- also the destiny of the entire kingdom.
mus, whose rule has lasted longer Will they emerge as heroes or become
than most of the trees in the forest. another dark tale whispered amongst
Then there are the “Army Men”— the trees? Only time will tell.
fallen soldiers and war veterans who, Now, let’s dive into the details
forgotten by the kingdom they served, of these groups, starting with the
now roam the woods seeking work, Scaled Renegades.
trouble, or both. These grizzled war-
riors are a force to be reckoned with,
their numbers varying from a handful The Scaled Renegades
to a small army. They bear the scars The first group of adversaries is
of countless battles and the weight of an unlikely assembly of creatures,
unfulfilled promises. composed mainly of goblins, kobolds,
Lastly, there is an ominous cabal and other beings of smaller stature.
of magic-wielders—wizards, sorcer- Known as the Scaled Renegades, they
ers, warlocks, and clerics—who con- are led by a cunning kobold war-
vene in the depths of the forest. They lock named Locasha and are bound
plot to unleash an ancient evil that together by a common cause — the
lies dormant within the kingdom, overthrowing of Queen Ma’rramus,
their malicious plans thus far thwart- whose reign has outlasted the oldest
ed by their own failures and the men- trees in the kingdom.
acing presence of One-Fang. These The Scaled Renegades are not
dark sorcerers have their spies in ev- mere miscreants. They are a diverse
ery city and major group, their web of band of rebels, each member contrib-
deceit stretching across the realm. uting unique abilities and tactics to
As the adventurers navigate their collective cause. Their ranks
through the labyrinthine woods, they boast agile goblins, resourceful ko-
may cross paths with these groups, bolds, and other diminutive folk, all
each encounter a potential spark for driven by a shared sense of disenfran-
conflict or cooperation. They could chisement and the desire for change.
find themselves embroiled in the reb- Their size and lack of traditional
els’ uprising, enlisted by the Army power do not reflect their potential
Men for a dangerous mission, or tan- for influence and disruption. Through
gled in the cabal’s dark machinations. guile, teamwork, and sheer determi-
They might even choose to work for nation, the Scaled Renegades have
these groups, whether out of necessi- proven to be a considerable thorn
ty, mutual interest, or a darker motive. in the side of the kingdom’s regime.
The woods are a playground for Their second-in-command, the kobold
these criminals, their deeds hidden warlock Locasha, has been instru-
beneath the canopy of leaves. And mental in organizing the Renegades

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 25

and directing their operations, mak- • The Golden Guardians:
ing them a formidable force despite A squadron of sixteen, respected
their diminutive size. for their stoic endurance and
Although they might not be the shining golden emblems.
most physically imposing group, the • The Onyx Order: A force of
Scaled Renegades are not to be un- twenty, feared for their stealth
derestimated. Their cunning, de- and swift, deadly strikes under
termination, and resourcefulness the cover of darkness.
make them a significant player in the • The Green Enclave: The largest
kingdom’s ongoing power struggles. group, numbering twenty-four,
Whether they will turn out to be al- lauded for their adaptability and
lies, adversaries, or unwitting pawns knowledge of forest warfare.
in the adventurers’ journey remains
to be seen. What’s clear, however, is The Army Men are not merely foot
that their actions are reshaping the pads and brigands; they are seasoned
balance of power in the kingdom, for veterans, each with their own unique
better or worse. skills, tactics, and stories. Each group
In these perilous woods, the Scaled represents a different aspect of their
Renegades are a reminder that size collective struggle, and each encoun-
and power are not always correlated, ter with them can provide a different
and that even the smallest creatures challenges and opportunity for the
can cast a large shadow. adventurers.

Army Men The Dark Cabal

The Army Men are a group of dis- Lastly, the Dark Cabal is a group
enfranchised soldiers, varying in size of arcane practitioners who meet in
from a small squad to a formidable the shadowy depths of the forest.
force. These are not just simple ban- They are a secretive and ominous
dits or thugs; they are experienced group, their activities shrouded in
warriors, trained in the art of warfare, mystery. The Cabal includes wizards,
who have found themselves on the sorcerers, warlocks, and clerics, each
wrong side of society. Their numbers contributing their unique abilities to-
and the names of their subgroups are wards their shared goal — the release
as varied as their backgrounds: of an ancient evil that lies dormant
within the kingdom.
• The Iron Vanguards: A group of Their plans have been continu-
five, known for their impenetrable ously thwarted, however, both by
defense and unwavering discipline. their own failures and by the loom-
• The Silver Sentinels: A band ing threat of One-Fang. The dragon’s
of eight, famed for their presence in the forest has proven to
vigilance and keen senses. be a significant obstacle for the Ca-
• The Crimson Company: bal, disrupting their rituals and scat-
A company of thirteen, recognized tering their gatherings.
for their ferocity in battle and Despite these setbacks, the Ca-
their reddened armor. bal persists, their resolve hardened

26 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

by each failure. They have infiltrat- deeper into the forest, the adventurers
ed every major city and group with must remain vigilant, for the woods
their spies, and they continue to con- are teeming with hidden threats and
vene in the forest, using its dense fo- unforeseen alliances, each with the
liage as cover for their dark rituals. potential to turn friend into foe, and
Their exact numbers and identities vice versa. Their survival depends not
remain unknown, making them just on their combat prowess, but also
a formidable and elusive adversary on their ability to navigate the com-
for the adventurers. plex web of criminal intrigue that per-
These are the denizens of the deep vades the forest.
woods — rebels, forgotten soldiers, So, tread lightly, adventurers, for the
and clandestine sorcerers. Each deep woods are fraught with danger,
group presents a unique challenge, and every step you take can lead you
and each encounter with them can further into the heart of darkness… or
drastically alter the course of the ad- towards the dawn of a new day.
venturers’ journey. As they venture

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 27

…near a city… The city is constructed around
a large fortress and is known for its
Hartlun: no-nonsense populace. The current
A City of Simple ruler, a fair and just leader named
Pleasures Ambershard, is held in high regard by
the people of Hartlun.
estled amidst the verdant At the heart of the city’s social life

N greenery, Hartlun is a mod-

est settlement of 3,624
souls, spread across 110
acres of land. Founded a hundred and
thirty years ago by Harlan Hartlun, a
are a number of shops and estab-
lishments. The Brazen Horse, a sim-
ple wooden tavern located in a major
crossroads, is the go-to spot for the
townsfolk and visitors alike, offer-
brave explorer and leader of treasure ing specials like Sausage Ramen with
hunters and poachers, the city has a Nutmeg and Leek or Boar Stew with
humble, but intriguing history. The Peaches and a Glass of Brandy. The
city was initially a midpoint for boun- Steel Pommel, a wooden tower serving
tiful hunting grounds and ancient as the city’s blacksmith shop, offers
dragon nests, but as the riches dwin- armor and weapons, while Wondrous
dled, the inhabitants chose to settle, Dose, a sprawling alchemical store,
shifting to a quieter, more sedentary provides various potions. The city’s
lifestyle. Thanks to a circle of druids, general store, Eida’s, is a quaint cabin
the forest began to recover from its that sells everything from Carpenter’s
past exploitation, while the settlers Tools to Vials and Smith’s Tools.
harvested crops and raised livestock, The housing in Hartlun is as
thus securing a steady source of food. simple as the city itself, consisting
of small cottages and cruck houses,
Although Hartlun’s political and each with its own charm. These hous-
cultural influence is minimal, it’s es, like the terracotta single-story
the simplicity of the city that charms building owned by Rohesia Kitchur, or
its visitors. There are no grand the- the wooden broad single-story home
aters, extensive libraries, or presti- of Hugolina Eastoft, offer a comfort-
gious schools here. The majority of able living space for the city’s inhab-
the population are simple peasants, itants.
with little formal education and no Hartlun may not be a city of gran-
fighting skills, and literacy is virtual- deur, but it is a city of hard-working
ly non-existent. people, simple pleasures, and a sense
Hartlun’s economy thrives on its of community that makes it a unique
major production of processed meat, place to live and visit. The city’s histo-
vegetables, and dry fruits, while it also ry, its steady economy, and the resil-
produces minor quantities of iron and ience of its people make it an integral
steel products and pottery. The city’s part of the kingdom, a testament to
total wealth amounts to 543,600 gp, the strength and endurance of those
with the maximum value for sale be- who call it home.
ing 1,196 gp and the maximum pawn
value being 6,342 gp.

28 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Places of interest:
The Steel Pommel (Blacksmith)

Owner: Erard Bobek, Male

Location: Located in an
adventurer’s district. The
street outside is ominously
quiet and empty.
Description: The blacksmith’s
shop is a wooden tower,
featuring a red tile roof and a
small vegetable garden. Inside,
a large brass countertop is
littered with horseshoes and
metal hanging from the rafters.

• Shield (9 gp)
• Mithral Armor (794 gp)
• Ring Mail (30 gp)

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 29

The Brazen Horse (Tavern)

Owner: Dauk Anjynd, Female

Location: In a major crossroads,
adjacent to a broad home.
Description: This tavern is a
simple wooden structure with a
tanned wooden roof, a pillared
curved-roof entryway, and piles
of scrolls and books stacked
on the counter and along the
walls. A large stew pot over a
fire serves as the centerpiece
of the establishment.

• Sausage Ramen with
Nutmeg and Leek (4 sp)
• Chocolate Stew with Cake and
a Tankard of Cider (5 sp)
• Boar Stew with Peaches and
a Glass of Brandy (5 sp)

30 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Wondrous Dose (Alchemist)

Owner: Hobart
Porridgepot, Male
Location: Found in the
market quarter, a street
unusually full of carriages.
Description: The alchemist
shop is a concrete, sprawling
single-story building with a
reinforced wooden door and
moss-covered walls.
The interior holds an empty
cage and meticulously
organized drawers of herbs.

• Potion of Resistance (293 gp)
• Potion of Animal
Friendship (199 gp)
• Philter of Love (90 gp)

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 31

Eida’s General Store

Owner: Eida Wildheart, Female

Location: Situated on a
well-lit avenue with guard
towers, the street outside is
ominously quiet and empty.
Description: The general store
is a plaster and wood-framed
cabin with a red tile roof and a
koi pond. Inside, you can find
crates stacked along the back
wall and big bags of rice and
lentils along another wall.

• Carpenter’s Tools (15 gp)
• Vial (1 gp)
• Smith’s Tools (19 gp)

32 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Act 5: with the task of locating the cauldron
The Stolen Cauldron and bringing it back to him.
The Alchemist’s Misfortune To uncover the whereabouts of the
stolen cauldron, the adventurers must
Hobart Porridgepot, the distraught delve into the heart of the Scaled Ren-
alchemist, seeks the aid of the adven- egades’ operations. They will need to
turers in recovering his stolen family gather information, follow leads, and
heirloom, a precious cauldron used for engage with the local underworld to
brewing potent potions. He suspects uncover the identity of the culprit who
the Scaled Renegades’ involvement absconded with the cauldron. Along
and offers a reward from his stock of the way, they will encounter various
potions in exchange for the return of members of the Scaled Renegades,
his cherished cauldron. each with their own motivations and
“Hobart Porridgepot, renowned Among the potential suspects is
alchemist, approaches you with Grimjaw, a goblin thief known for his
a look of distress. His eyes dart nimble fingers and lightfootedness.
around nervously as he explains, The adventurers may need to track
‘Oh, adventurers! I am in dire need him down and extract information
of your assistance. My treasured through persuasion, intimidation, or
cauldron, a prized family heirloom, cunning tactics. Alternatively, they
has been pilfered from my workshop. might come across Orla the Kobold,
I suspect the Scaled Renegades, a an expert in underground networks,
notorious band of rebels, are behind who could provide valuable insights
this misdeed. Please, I implore into the Scaled Renegades’ recent ac-
you to retrieve my cauldron. I offer tivities. And then there is Skarn, a
a reward from my collection of mysterious halfling with a reputation
potions as a token of my gratitude.’ for procuring rare and valuable items,
Hobart’s voice quivers with a who could be involved in the caul-
mix of desperation and hope.” dron’s disappearance.
As the adventurers unravel the
mystery, they will traverse the dark
Hobart Porridgepot, an accom- underbelly of Hartlun, navigating
plished alchemist in Hartlun, has fall- through shadowy back alleys, secret
en victim to a recent theft. His beloved meeting spots, and hidden hideouts.
cauldron, a symbol of his family’s Along the way, they may face encoun-
long-standing lineage of alchemists, ters with other criminal elements, like
has been stolen, and he believes the corrupt officials, or rival factions vy-
Scaled Renegades are responsible. ing for control.
This unlikely alliance of rebels has
been known to seek out high-quali-
ty gear for their cause, and Hobart’s Mission
cauldron holds great value to them. The mission to recover the stolen
Determined to recover his cherished cauldron is twofold: retrieve the pre-
possession, Hobart enlists the aid cious heirloom and uncover the true
of the adventurers, entrusting them motives behind its theft. The fate of

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 33

Hobart Porridgepot’s family legacy
rests in the adventurers’ hands. Will
they be able to infiltrate the Scaled
Renegades’ ranks, recover the caul-
dron, and bring those responsible to

Creatures and NPCs:

• Hobart Porridgepot The
distraught alchemist seeking the
return of his stolen cauldron.
(Human, Male, Alchemist)
• Grimjaw A goblin thief suspected
of involvement in the cauldron
theft. (Goblin, Male, Rogue)
• Orla A kobold informant with
knowledge of the Scaled Renegades’
activities. (Kobold, Female, Rogue)
• Skarn A mysterious halfling
procurer of rare items who
may have connections to the
cauldron’s disappearance.
(Halfling, Non-binary, Bard) ing themselves “The Iron Vanguards,”
causing unrest on the outskirts of
Hartlun have raised concerns. Dauk
Treasure: seeks the assistance of the adventur-
Recovered Cauldron: Hobart Por- ers to investigate the Iron Vanguards
ridgepot’s stolen family heirloom caul- and uncover their true intentions.
dron, a finely crafted artifact with
alchemical enchantments (1,500 gp). “The lively atmosphere of The Brazen
Its true value lies in its sentimental Horse is tinged with unease as you
worth to Hobart, but it may hold hid-
approach Dauk Anjynd, the tavern
den secrets or properties that can aid
owner. She leans in and whispers,
the adventurers in their future en-
‘Adventurers, I’ve heard troubling
whispers from my patrons. A band
of veterans, known as The Iron

Act 6: Vanguards, has been spotted causing

A Taste for Trouble a ruckus on the outskirts of town.

Brews, Brawls, and Suspicion I fear they may bring trouble to
Hartlun. Can you investigate and
Troubling rumors have reached find out what they’re planning? I’ll
the ears of Dauk Anjynd, the owner reward you handsomely for your
of The Brazen Horse tavern. Reports efforts.’ Dauk’s eyes convey a mix
of a group of unruly veterans, call- of worry and determination.”

34 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Dauk Anjynd, the vibrant loyalty and honor, leading The Iron
and spirited owner of The Brazen Vanguards with unwavering resolve.
Horse tavern, has become increas- His battle-hardened nature and tac-
ingly concerned about reports of a tical expertise make him a formidable
group of veterans known as The Iron force to reckon with.
Vanguards. These seasoned war- Another member of The Iron Van-
riors, disillusioned by their experi- guards is Larethion, an elven archer
ences and lacking a place in society, of exceptional skill and unwavering
have been seen causing disturbanc- dedication. His quiet demeanor hides
es and unsettling the peace on the a burning desire for justice and a
outskirts of Hartlun. longing for a purpose greater than his
The adventurers are tasked with past achievements. Larethion’s sharp
investigating The Iron Vanguards and eyes and keen intuition make him an
uncovering their true intentions. This invaluable asset to the group.
mission leads them on a journey to The orc warrior, Grommash,
interact with the veterans, delve into stands as a testament to the
their motivations, and discover if they strength and resilience forged in
pose a genuine threat to the city. As the crucible of battle. He carries
they navigate the social dynamics of the weight of past wars and unful-
The Iron Vanguards, the adventurers filled promises, seeking solace and
will encounter various individuals, meaning in the ranks of The Iron
each with their own unique story and Vanguards. Grommash’s imposing
reasons for joining the group. stature and relentless determina-
Among the veterans is Captain tion make him a fearsome adver-
Thurgard, a stoic dwarf with a long sary and a steadfast ally.
white beard and a commanding pres- Milo Goodbarrel, a quick-witted
ence. He harbors a deep sense of halfling rogue, provides the group

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 35

with nimble fingers and a knack for Creatures and NPCs:
stealth. His experiences as a scout • Captain Thurgard Dwarf
have honed his skills in reconnais- Veteran (Fighter, Seasoned)
sance and gathering valuable infor- • Larethion Elven Archer (Ranger)
mation. Milo’s mischievous nature • Grommash Orc Warrior
and street-smart instincts make him (Barbarian)
an invaluable source of knowledge • Milo Goodbarrel Quick-
about The Iron Vanguards’ activities. Witted Halfling (Rogue)
Lastly, the group is joined by • Sir Roland Devoted Paladin
Sir Roland, a paladin with a deep of Venggeance (Paladin)
sense of justice and unwavering
devotion to his beliefs. Clad in
shining armor, Sir Roland ser ves Treasure:
as a beacon of hope and righteous- The Iron Vanguards’ Cache:
ness amidst the chaos of The Iron A hidden stash of weapons, supplies,
Vanguards. His unwavering faith and valuables collected by The Iron
and unwavering conviction inspire Vanguards during their time as vet-
those around him and guide the erans. Depending on the adventur-
group on their path. ers’ actions and the outcome of their
The adventurers must navigate investigation, they may have the op-
the delicate balance between suspi- portunity to claim some of these trea-
cion and trust as they interact with sures as a reward for their efforts.
The Iron Vanguards. They can choose
to approach the group with caution,
seeking to gather information and Act 7:
understand their intentions, or they The Brazen Heist
can offer their assistance in bringing Spirits, Suspicion,
peace and purpose to the veterans’ and a Tavern Mystery
lives. The outcome of their investiga-
tions will determine the fate of The The lively atmosphere of The Bra-
Iron Vanguards and their potential zen Horse tavern turns sour as Dauk
impact on Hartlun. Anjynd, the owner, approaches the
adventurers with worry in her eyes.
She explains that her prized stash of
Mission: high-quality brandy has been stolen,
Investigate The Iron Vanguards and she suspects the rowdy group of
and uncover their true intentions. In- veterans who have been frequenting the
teract with the veterans, gather infor- tavern. Dauk implores the adventurers
mation, and assess the level of threat to investigate the theft, gather evidence,
they pose to Hartlun. Depending on and recover the stolen brandy.
their findings, the adventurers may
choose to quell the unrest, negotiate “As you enjoy the vibrant atmosphere
a peaceful resolution, or take decisive of The Brazen Horse, Dauk Anjynd,
action to protect the city from any im- the tavern’s owner, approaches
minent danger. you with a mix of frustration and
concern. She whispers, ‘Adventurers,

36 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

I need your help. Someone has stolen matic commander, they are a force to
my secret stash of fine brandy, and be reckoned with, seeking purpose
I suspect the group of veterans and recognition that eluded them af-
who’ve been causing quite a ruckus ter their military service.
in here. Can you investigate and Lastly, The Brazen Heist intro-
find evidence of the theft? If you duces the players to the enigmatic
succeed, there will be a reward for figure known as Semil, an elvish
you.’ Dauk’s eyes convey a mix of wandering minstrel who has been
gratitude and determination.” entertaining the patrons of The
Brazen Horse. Unbeknownst to all,
Semil is a spy for Queen Ma’rramus,
Dauk Anjynd, the fiery and collecting information on the city’s
no-nonsense owner of The Brazen various groups and activities.
Horse tavern, is known for her fine The adventurers must gather
selection of spirits. However, her re- clues, interrogate suspects, and fol-
cent discovery of the missing stash of low the trail of evidence to uncover
high-quality brandy has left her both the truth behind the stolen brandy.
angry and suspicious. She strongly Their actions will shape the relation-
believes that the rowdy group of veter- ships between the veteran groups, the
ans, who have been regular patrons of tavern, and the city itself.
the tavern, are behind the theft.
The adventurers are tasked with
uncovering evidence of the theft Mission:
and recovering the stolen brandy. Investigate the theft of Dauk An-
This mission leads them to interact jynd’s secret stash of high-quality
with the various veteran groups in brandy. Interact with the veteran
the city, each with their own dis- groups, gather evidence, and un-
tinct characteristics and motives. cover the truth. Recover the stolen
As they navigate the intertwined brandy and ensure that justice is
relationships and hidden agendas served. Depending on the outcome,
within the veteran community, the the adventurers may receive a re-
adventurers will uncover secrets, ward, earn the gratitude of Dauk
forge alliances, and face challenges Anjynd, and establish themselves
that test their wits and investiga- as reputable problem-solvers with-
tive skills. in the city.
Among the veteran groups is The
Iron Vanguards, led by Captain Thur-
gard, a stoic dwarf veteran with a Creatures and NPCs:
keen sense of honor and duty. The • Captain Thurgard
Iron Vanguards’ reputation for caus- Dwarf Veteran (Fighter)
ing disturbances raises suspicions, • Commander Gravewalker
but whether they are responsible for Fallen Army Man
the theft remains uncertain. (Fighter, Seasoned)
The Steel Pommel, a group of fallen • Semil Elvish Wandering
army men and veterans, can also be Minstrel (Bard, Spy)
potential suspects. Led by their enig-

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 37

Recovered Stolen Brandy: The
adventurers have the opportunity to
recover the stolen brandy, a valuable
commodity in Hartlun. Its return will
not only bring joy to Dauk Anjynd but
also enhance their reputation and po-
tentially unlock future opportunities
within the city.

Act 8:
Eida’s Delivery
Rumors, Risk, and a Dangerous Task

Eida Wildheart, the owner of

the general store, approaches the
adventurers with a worried expres-
sion. She explains that she needs
to deliver a large shipment of goods
to a buyer in a neighboring town,
but recent rumors of increased ac-
tivity from the evil cabal of spell-
casters in the forest have made her
war y. Eida seeks the assistance of
the adventurers to make the deliv-
er y, offering a generous reward for
their ser vices.

“Eida Wildheart, the owner of the

general store, looks at you with
concern etched on her face. She
shares that she has a crucial
delivery to make to a buyer in a
neighboring town, but rumors
of an evil cabal of spellcasters
lurking in the forest have made her
hesitant to undertake the journey
herself. Eida implores you to help
her with the delivery, promising
a handsome reward for your
services. She adds, ‘Be cautious,
my friends. The forest holds many
dangers, but I trust in your abilities
to keep the shipment safe.’”

38 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 39
Eida Wildheart, a kind-hearted counters with the evil cabal of spell-
and astute businesswoman, owns the casters and their minions. Ensure the
general store in Hartlun. She has re- safe arrival of the goods and protect
ceived a lucrative opportunity to de- them from any attempts to intercept
liver a large shipment of goods to a or sabotage the delivery. The adven-
buyer in a neighboring town. Howev- turers will be rewarded handsomely
er, rumors of the evil cabal of spell- for their services and earn the trust
casters operating in the forest have and gratitude of Eida Wildheart.
raised concerns about the safety of
the journey.
Realizing the risks involved, Eida Creatures and NPCs:
seeks the assistance of the adven- • Eida Wildheart Human
turers to ensure the safe delivery of Proprietor of the General Store
the goods. The cabal’s presence in the • Shade Spellcaster Humanoid
forest adds an element of danger and Undeade (Shade)
intrigue to the mission, as the adven-
turers may come into direct contact
with the spellcasters and uncover Treasure:
their nefarious plans. The adventurers will receive a gen-
As the adventurers venture into erous reward from Eida Wildheart
the forest, they encounter various upon the successful completion of the
challenges and obstacles orchestrat- delivery. Additionally, the potential
ed by the cabal. These can include discovery of valuable magical items
magical traps, enchanted creatures, or information about the cabal’s plans
or encounters with spies sent by may lead to further rewards or plot
the spellcasters. The mission tests the developments.
adventurers’ resilience, resourceful-
ness, and ability to navigate through
treacherous terrain. Act 9:
Successfully completing the de- Semil’s Song
livery will not only earn the adven- Melodies, Intrigue,
turers a handsome reward, but also and a Queen’s Secret
gain the gratitude of Eida Wildheart
and potentially establish a valuable A wandering minstrel named
business connection. Failure, how- Semil has captivated the people of
ever, could have dire consequences, Hartlun with his enchanting el-
such as the spellcasters obtain- vish melodies. However, beneath
ing the goods and furthering their his charismatic façade lies a hidden
plans of darkness. truth — Semil is a spy for Queen
Ma’rramus, sent to gather informa-
tion about the city and its inhabi-
Mission: tants. Troubled by rumors of a plot
Assist Eida Wildheart in delivering against the queen, Semil seeks the
a large shipment of goods to a buyer assistance of the adventurers to
in a neighboring town. Navigate the uncover the truth and protect the
dangers of the forest, including en- kingdom from potential danger.

40 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

“The sweet strains of elvish melodies and influential guild leaders. They
fill the air as you approach the must tread carefully, for not everyone
town center. A crowd has gathered, is as they seem, and danger lurks in
enraptured by the enchanting the shadows. The fate of the queen
performance of a wandering and the stability of the kingdom hang
minstrel named Semil. His skillful in the balance.
fingers dance across the strings, By working alongside Semil, the
weaving a tale of mystery and adventurers will have the opportu-
wonder. Little do they know, Semil nity to expose the plot, protect the
bears a secret burden as a spy for queen from harm, and safeguard
Queen Ma’rramus. He approaches the kingdom’s future. Along the way,
you, his eyes filled with concern, they may gain valuable allies, unravel
and whispers urgently, ‘I have long-standing mysteries, and shape
heard troubling whispers of a plot the destiny of Hartlun itself.
against our queen. Will you help me
uncover the truth and protect the
kingdom from imminent danger?’” Mission:
Aid Semil, the wandering min-
strel and spy for Queen Ma’rramus,
In the bustling town of Hartlun, a in uncovering the truth behind the
wandering minstrel named Semil has plot against the queen. Delve into
captured the hearts of the locals with Hartlun’s political intrigues, engage
his mesmerizing elvish melodies. Un- with influential NPCs, and navigate
beknownst to the people, Semil is not the delicate balance of power within
merely an entertainer, but a spy dis- the city. Uncover secrets, expose hid-
patched by Queen Ma’rramus herself. den agendas, and protect the queen
Tasked with gathering information from imminent danger. The adventur-
about the city and its inhabitants, ers’ actions will shape the fate of the
Semil has stumbled upon rumors of a kingdom and determine the course of
nefarious plot that threatens the sta- Hartlun’s future.
bility of the kingdom.
Filled with concern for the queen
and the people she governs, Semil Creatures and NPCs:
seeks the aid of the adventurers to • Semil Elven Spy and Minstrel
delve into the depths of Hartlun’s po-
litical intrigues and uncover the truth
behind the plot. As they navigate the Treasure:
city’s social circles and interact with The adventurers will gain the grat-
various NPCs, the adventurers will itude and favor of Semil, as well as
uncover secrets, engage in delicate potentially earn the appreciation of
diplomacy, and uncover the hidden Queen Ma’rramus. Depending on their
agendas of influential figures. actions and discoveries, they may re-
The journey will take the adven- ceive valuable rewards, such as magi-
turers to the heart of Hartlun’s power cal items, powerful artifacts, or infor-
structure, where they will encounter mation that could shape the outcome
cunning nobles, enigmatic advisors, of the kingdom’s political landscape.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 41

Plots discovered the Iron Vanguards, who have
• Noble Conspiracy: The players been secretly supporting opposing
uncover a plot among influential guilds to gain leverage and
nobles to overthrow Queen control over the city’s resources.
Ma’rramus and seize control of • The Locket’s Mystery: While
the kingdom. This conspiracy investigating the locket found in
involves members of the Iron Eida’s general store, the players
Vanguards, who seek to use the uncover a connection to a noble
unrest to further their own agenda family involved in the noble
of gaining power and land. conspiracy against the queen. The
• Cabal’s Infiltration: The players locket contains a hidden message,
stumble upon evidence that the evil hinting at the family’s involvement
cabal of spellcasters has infiltrated in the plot and revealing potential
key positions of power within the alliances with other rebel factions.
city. They have manipulated events • The Veteran’s Secret: The
and individuals to sow chaos and adventurers learn that some
weaken the queen’s rule. Locasha, members of the Iron Vanguards
the Kobold warlock, serves as are harboring a dark secret from
a liaison between the cabal their time as soldiers. This secret
and the rebel groups, providing ties back to the criminal activities
information and resources. of the fallen army men and their
• Guild Rivalry: The adventurers involvement with a powerful
discover a deep-rooted rivalry criminal organization operating
between two prominent guilds in the city. The Iron Vanguards’
in Hartlun. This rivalry involves actions are driven by their desire for
both the Scaled Renegades and revenge against the organization.

42 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 43
mation were mere whispers in the
As the players progress through shadows, known only to a select
the “Semil’s Song” seed, they will un- few. However, the tireless research
cover these interconnected plots, re- and investigations conducted by the
vealing the intricate web of political Dark Cabal have begun to unsettle
intrigue, rivalries, and hidden agen- the entity. It senses their probing
das that permeate the city of Hartlun. and grows increasingly uncomfort-
Their choices and actions will shape able, its power slowly seeping into
the outcome of these plots and deter- the surrounding land.
mine the future of the kingdom. As the Avatar of Corruption’s un-
ease grows, manifestations of its in-
fluence emerge in the form of rest-
Act 10: less spirits and infernal entities that
An Old Walking Evil haunt the vicinity of the blighted
Unveiling Shadows, farm. Their spectral whispers and
Unleashing Horrors malicious presence serve as har-
bingers of deeper darkness lurking
On the outskirts of Hartlun, near within the city. The farm becomes
its entrance, lies a blighted farm that a focal point of supernatural oc-
stands as a foreboding testament currences, drawing the attention of
to the darkness that lingers in the those attuned to the supernatural
world. It is here that an ancient evil, and the vigilant eyes of those who
an Avatar of Corruption, resides in seek to protect the realm.
solitude. Unseen and unnoticed by Though this Act does not pres-
most, this malevolent entity has si- ent a specific mission, it serves as
lently observed the passing genera- a background plot that adds depth
tions, biding its time, and manifest- and intrigue to the overarching
ing its true form only under the cover narrative. It unveils the existence
of darkness. of an ancient evil, highlights the re-
During the day, the Avatar of lentless pursuit of knowledge by the
Corruption poses no immediate Dark Cabal, and hints at the poten-
threat to those who pass by the tial consequences of their meddling.
farm. Travelers and adventurers The Avatar of Corruption and its
may glimpse a withered figure, old blighted farm stand as a reminder
and frail, tending to the barren land that evil can lie dormant for centu-
with a sense of melancholy. But as ries, waiting for the right circum-
night falls, the true nature of this stances to awaken and unleash its
entity reveals itself. It transforms horrors upon the world.
into a monstrous creature known
as the Gigantic Vrok, a fearsome
and grotesque being that radiates Creatures and NPCs:
an aura of pure malevolence. • The Old Man in the Road
For ages, the Avatar of Corrup- Avatar of Chaos and Decay
tion has remained undisturbed, (Avatar, Elder force, Creator)
ensuring that none would linger on
the farm, particularly after sunset.
Its eerie presence and transfor-

44 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

…in a mighty kingdom amidst treacherous scenarios, hoping
to amass riches and fame. Many per-
ish in their pursuit, while a select few
n the ancient realms of emerge with legendary fortunes. How-

I Enaria, when the Aether

Elves first graced mortal
lands, they brought with
them a powerful magic unknown to
the realm. With this magic came the
ever, the true test lies in facing Queen
Ma’rramus herself. None have ever
returned from this fateful encounter,
leaving an air of mystery and appre-
hension surrounding the meeting.
emergence of Dragons, Elementals, In this mighty kingdom of Dosneri,
Undead, and other mystical creatures where ancient magic and ambition
that wreaked havoc upon the un- collide, a journey awaits those brave
suspecting people. Simultaneously, enough to venture into the unknown
a transformation swept through the and uncover the secrets hidden with-
various intelligent beings, giving rise in its borders.
to the diverse races that now inhabit
our world.
The Queen
Centuries passed, and the lands Queen Ma’rramus of Dosneri is
became divided as the Elflords as- a figure of intrigue and aspiration
cended, assuming positions of au- within the kingdom. She is a capti-
thority and ruling through proxies. vating ruler who wields both power
However, some of these Elflords delved and grace in equal measure. With her
deeper into forbidden arts, defying ethereal beauty, flowing raven hair,
the natural order and embracing un- and piercing amethyst eyes, she com-
death. They sought to attain god-like mands attention wherever she goes.
powers for themselves, becoming li- Her regal presence and enigmatic
ches and other twisted abominations. aura captivate the hearts and minds
Among the Aether Elves king- of those who behold her.
doms, Dosneri stands as the grandest Beneath her composed demean-
and most tranquil. Its ruler, Queen or lies an unwavering determination
Ma’rramus, is known for her fair gov- and a relentless pursuit of knowledge
ernance, allowing the people the free- and power. Queen Ma’rramus is driv-
dom to live their lives as they see fit. en by an unyielding desire to tran-
She is not driven by greed or malice scend mortal limitations and achieve
but possesses an unwavering focus immortality as a living-lich. This am-
on her ultimate goal: to transcend bitious goal sets her apart from her
mortality and become a living-lich, a Aether Elf kin, for no other has dared
feat yet unaccomplished by her kind. to venture into such forbidden terri-
Queen Ma’rramus serves as the tories. Her unquenchable thirst for
patron of the bi-monthly festival of arcane knowledge fuels her tireless
the new moon, a grand spectacle held studies and rituals in the darkest re-
in the capital. The centerpiece of the cesses of the kingdom.
event is a grueling contest of surviv- Despite her insatiable thirst for
al, open to all who dare to partici- power, Queen Ma’rramus is not a ty-
pate. Contestants battle one another rant. She rules Dosneri with a deli-

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 45

cate balance of fairness and autono- encounter with the Queen herself —
my, allowing her subjects to lead their a confrontation that has left no survi-
lives according to their own desires. vor to recount its mysteries.
Her governance is marked by wisdom,
compassion, and a respect for individ-
ual freedoms. The Queen’s keen intel- Sidebar:
lect and strategic acumen guide her the Aether Elves
decision-making, ensuring the stabil-
ity and prosperity of the kingdom. The arrival of the Aether Elves in the
While Queen Ma’rramus may be mortal realms of Enaria occurred
shrouded in an air of mystery and countless millennia ago, leaving an
enigma, there is no denying her pro- indelible mark on the world’s history.
found influence over the kingdom and Their coming brought with it an
its people. The annual festival of the intertwining of powerful magic, as
new moon, a testament to her power well as a profound connection to the
and authority, serves as a reminder of forces of decay and undeath. These
her dominion. It is during this grand enigmatic beings became custodians
event that challengers vie for riches of ancient knowledge, delving deep
and glory, their ultimate test being an into the mysteries of necromancy and
the delicate balance between life and
With their arrival, the Aether Elves
awakened dormant powers within
the realms, giving rise to dragons,
elementals, and other mystical beings.
Yet, their influence extended beyond
the realm of creation, as they delved
into the realm of decay, exploring
its dark depths and uncovering
secrets shrouded in shadows. They
became conduits between the realms
of the living and the dead, wielding
necromantic arts that defied mortal
The Aether Elves’ tights with decay
and undeath were both a source of
fascination and fear for the other
races of Enaria. Their intricate
understanding of the cycle of life and
death, and their ability to harness the
energies of decay, gave rise to rumors
of sinister intentions. Some viewed
them as manipulators of the natural
order, while others revered them as
stewards of balance in a world fraught
with chaos.

46 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

To this day, the legacy of the Aether various fields, making them a com-
Elves persists, their presence felt in mon sight across the realms.
the ancient tomes and hidden tombs Dwarves are a resilient and indus-
that speak of their intricate magic and trious race, hailing from the moun-
their profound connection to the forces tains and vast underground cities.
of decay and undeath. Their knowledge They are master craftsmen and skilled
and power continue to shape the world, warriors, known for their sturdy con-
even as their motives and ultimate stitution and exceptional craftsman-
goals remain veiled in mystery. The ship. Dwarves value honor, loyalty,
Aether Elves stand as a testament and tradition, forging unbreakable
to the complexity of magic and the bonds with their kin and cherishing
intricate dance between life and death their ancestral heritage.
in the realms of Enaria. Goblins are small, agile creatures
with a mischievous and resource-
ful nature. They often form tribes or
The People clans and are adept at stealth and
In the realm of Enaria, the history survival. While they are sometimes
and existence of races are intricate- seen as troublemakers, goblins pos-
ly intertwined with the arrival of the sess an inherent adaptability and
enigmatic Aether Elves. Millennia cleverness that allows them to thrive
ago, these powerful beings brought in a variety of environments.
with them a surge of potent magic Tieflings are beings with infernal
and unfathomable dreams, shap- heritage, bearing distinctive physical
ing the very fabric of reality. From features such as horns, tails, or glow-
their influence, races such as hu- ing eyes. Their lineage connects them
mans, elves, dwarves, goblins, tief- to the realms of fiends, granting them
lings, orcs, kobolds, halflings, and innate magical abilities. Tieflings face
gnomes emerged, each embodying prejudice and mistrust due to their
a unique aspect of the Aether Elves’ demonic traits, but their individual
desires and visions. Some even spec- natures can vary widely, ranging from
ulate that these races are part of noble protectors to cunning manipu-
an ethereal dream, a manifestation lators.
of the Aether Elves’ subconscious. Orcs are a robust and warlike
As Enaria flourishes with diverse race, known for their raw strength
peoples and cultures, the origins of and ferocity in battle. They thrive in
these races remain shrouded in mys- harsh environments and possess a
tery, but their existence stands as a strong sense of tribal loyalty and hon-
testament to the profound influence or. While often depicted as aggressive,
of the Aether Elves’ dreams upon the Orcs value unity and kinship, and
mortal realm. many are skilled warriors or shrewd
Humans are the most populous strategists.
and versatile race in Enaria. They Kobolds are small, reptilian crea-
exhibit a wide range of physical ap- tures known for their cunning and
pearances, cultural backgrounds, adaptability. They excel in traps,
and skills. Their adaptability and am- ambushes, and guerrilla warfare,
bition have allowed them to excel in making them formidable opponents

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 47

despite their size. Kobolds are often did not exist. It is believed by some
organized in tribes or clans, and their scholars and sages that the appearance
societies revolve around hierarchy of these races is intricately connected
and the pursuit of survival. to the influence and dreams of the
Halflings are a diminutive and ag- Aether Elves themselves. The Aether
ile race, known for their cheerful dis- Elves, with their profound magical
position and love of simple comforts. abilities and close ties to the realm of
They have a keen sense of adventure dreams and ethereal planes, are said to
and are adept at stealth and agility. have shaped the very fabric of reality,
Halflings value community and the giving life to these diverse races.
simple pleasures of life, often finding Humans, the most populous race,
contentment in close-knit societies are believed to embody the resilience
and warm hearths. and adaptability that the Aether Elves
Elves are an ancient and grace- sought in their mortal creations.
ful race, renowned for their ethereal Elves, with their grace and affinity
beauty and deep connection to na- for magic, were born from the Aether
ture. They possesses a natural apti- Elves’ desire for a race connected to
tude for magic andaffinity for magic nature and the arcane arts. Dwarves
and are often skilled archers, mages, emerged as a reflection of the Aether
or guardians of the forests. Elves val- Elves’ appreciation for craftsmanship,
ue harmony with the natural world, hardiness, and the strength of
and their long lifespans grant them communal bonds.
wisdom and a profound understand- Goblins, tieflings, orcs, kobolds,
ing of the magical arts. halflings, and gnomes, on the other
Gnomes are curious and inventive hand, are believed to have been born
beings, filled with boundless energy from the Aether Elves’ dreams, each
and an insatiable thirst for knowl- embodying a particular aspect or
edge. They are skilled tinkers, inven- archetype that resonated with their
tors, and illusionists, often delighting subconscious desires and visions.
in mischief and clever tricks. Gnomes These races are said to have emerged
have a deep connection to the natural from the depths of the Aether Elves’
world and possess an innate under- collective unconscious, taking form and
standing of the magical forces that becoming real through the power of
permeate Enaria. their dreams.
In the diverse realms of Enaria, Thus, the existence of these races is
these races coexist, each contributing intricately tied to the Aether Elves and
their unique qualities, perspectives, their magical influence on the world
and cultural traditions to the vibrant of Enaria. Their dreams and desires
tapestry of the world. have shaped the very nature of mortal
life, giving rise to a diverse tapestry
of beings with their unique qualities,
Sidebar: abilities, and cultures. The true origins
The Dream of the Aether of these races may remain shrouded in
mystery, but their existence serves as
Indeed, before the arrival of the Aether a testament to the power and creative
Elves, the races as we know them today potential of the Aether Elves’ dreams.

48 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Geography plummets at night. Mirages dance
The Barrens of Dosneri stretch on the horizon, playing tricks on
endlessly, a vast expanse of desola- the weary traveler. The Desert is
tion where life struggles to survive. home to nomadic tribes who have
This barren land is characterized adapted to its harsh environment,
by arid plains, cracked earth, and surviving through resourcefulness
scorching winds that whip through and resilience.
the landscape. Sparse vegetation Nestled amidst the mighty peaks,
clings to existence, and only the har- the Mountains of Dosneri rise ma-
diest creatures can endure the harsh jestically, their snow-capped peaks
conditions. The Barrens hold an eerie piercing the sky. These towering gi-
silence, broken only by the haunting ants are a sight to behold, with rugged
whispers carried by the wind, hinting cliffs and deep valleys. The mountains
at secrets long forgotten. are a land of adventure, where treach-
In stark contrast, the Desert erous trails lead to hidden caves,
of Dosneri is a realm of relentless crystal-clear lakes, and ancient ru-
heat and shifting sands. Endless ins. Awe-inspiring waterfalls cascade
dunes stretch as far as the eye can down sheer cliffs, feeding into mighty
see, their golden hues gleaming un- rivers that cut through the valleys
der the scorching sun. The desert is below. The Mountains hold a sense of
a place of extremes, where the tem- grandeur and mystery, attracting ex-
perature soars during the day and plorers and seekers of wisdom.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 49

The Forests of Dosneri are en- the sweet scent of wildflowers and
chanting realms, where sunlight the calls of grazing creatures echo
filters through the dense canopy, through the vast expanse. The grass-
casting dappled shadows upon the lands are a place of harmony, where
forest floor. Towering trees stand tall, herds of majestic creatures roam free-
their branches reaching towards the ly and predators hunt with grace. It is
heavens, while vibrant undergrowth a land of tranquility and abundance,
teems with life. The forest is a sanc- providing sustenance for both wildlife
tuary for countless creatures, from and the people who call it home.
playful woodland critters to elusive The Scrublands of Dosneri pres-
magical beings. Ancient groves, sa- ent a rugged and untamed terrain,
cred clearings, and hidden glens hold characterized by sparse vegetation
the secrets of the land, whispering and hardy shrubs. This arid land
tales of forgotten magic and mythical is dotted with rocky outcrops and
creatures. thorny bushes, creating a challenging
The Grasslands of Dosneri stretch environment for survival. Despite its
like an endless sea of swaying grass, harshness, the scrublands are home
a serene landscape of rolling hills and to resilient creatures that have adapt-
open plains. Here, the wind carries ed to the harsh conditions. Scattered

50 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

oases provide precious water sources, whispers that seem to echo from the
attracting diverse wildlife and offering depths.
respite to weary travelers. United, these diverse landscapes
The Sea-swamps of Dosneri are paint a vivid tapestry that is the king-
mysterious and haunting, a labyrinth dom of Dosneri. From the unforgiv-
of murky waters, tangled vegetation, ing desolation of the Barrens to the
and eerie mist. The air is thick with awe-inspiring heights of the Moun-
humidity, and the ground gives way tains, from the enchanting depths of
to treacherous marshes and deep the Forests to the tranquil expans-
mud. Ancient trees rise from the wa- es of the Grasslands, and from the
ter, their gnarled roots intertwined harshness of the Scrublands to the
like the secrets hidden within. The haunting allure of the Swamps, Dos-
swamps teem with unique flora and neri offers a realm of breathtaking
fauna, from carnivorous plants to beauty and untamed wonders. Each
elusive amphibious creatures. Ex- area holds its own secrets and chal-
plorers who dare to venture into lenges, beckoning both adventurers
the swamps must navigate through and explorers to uncover the myster-
treacherous paths and beware of the ies that lie within.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 51

Military solve in the face of adversity, charging
Dosneri, a mighty kingdom, boasts into battle with precision and exper-
a formidable military force composed tise to vanquish their foes.
of its able-bodied citizens, totaling Standing shoulder to shoulder
an impressive 14,291 individuals with the cavalry is the Company
ready for service in times of need. of Light Infantry, a newly recruited
The realm’s unwavering support and force of 97 brave soldiers. While they
dedication ensure that the military may lack the seasoned experience of
is well-maintained and adequately their counterparts, their hearts burn
prepared to defend itself from exter- with an unwavering passion for their
nal threats. With a goal firmly set on homeland. Armed with shortbows,
safeguarding the kingdom and pro- shortswords, shields, and reliable
tecting its people, Dosneri’s military studded leather armor, these infan-
stands as an unwavering bastion of trymen form the steadfast backbone
strength and resilience. of Dosneri’s ground forces. Their
At the forefront of Dosneri’s defense training emphasizes agility, marks-
stands the esteemed Company of Me- manship, and close-quarter combat,
dium Cavalry, a renowned unit con- making them versatile and formidable
sisting of 94 highly skilled and disci- defenders who embody the indomita-
plined soldiers. Mounted on majestic ble spirit of Dosneri.
steeds, these cavalry troops exude an Together, the Company of Medium
aura of power and authority as they Cavalry and the Company of Light
don their lance, javelin, shield, and Infantry forge an unbreakable bond
sturdy studded leather armor. Their of unity, forming a cohesive military
unwavering loyalty to the realm is force poised to face any challenges
matched only by their unwavering re- that may arise. With their unyield-

52 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

ing loyalty, unparalleled skill, and only as a deterrent against potential
the unwavering support of the realm, threats but also as a tool of leverage
these soldiers stand as a testament in the realm of clandestine negotia-
to Dosneri’s determination to protect tions and hidden alliances.
its people, uphold its sovereignty, and Behind closed doors, Dosneri en-
ensure the safety and prosperity of its gages in a complex dance of power,
beloved kingdom. where trade agreements and eco-
nomic partnerships are meticulous-
ly crafted to benefit the kingdom’s
Dosneri political affairs interests. With a network of inf lu-
While Dosneri may project an im- ential merchants, cunning diplo-
age of neutrality and peaceful coex- mats, and shadowy figures, Dos-
istence with its neighboring realms, neri’s commercial affairs extend far
beneath the surface lies a web of intri- beyond its borders. It maintains a
cate commercial and political affairs, carefully cultivated web of connec-
shrouded in a cloak of secrecy and tions, both within and outside the
subtle manipulation. The kingdom’s realm, allowing it to exert its inf lu-
strong military presence serves not ence and extract valuable resources

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 53

while remaining shielded from pry- In this realm of political chess,
ing eyes. where every move is calculated,
However, whispers abound of Dosneri treads a fine line between
deeper machinations at play, sug- maintaining an outward facade of
gesting that Dosneri’s seemingly neutrality and pursuing its clandes-
neutral stance masks a web of po- tine objectives. The kingdom’s rulers
litical intrigue and hidden agendas. navigate the treacherous waters of
Whispers of covert alliances, back- diplomacy, employing intricate strat-
room dealings, and secret societies egies to ensure the survival and pros-
swirl through the corridors of power, perity of Dosneri. Behind the scenes,
hinting at a grand conspiracy that unseen hands guide the kingdom’s
stretches beyond the realm’s borders. destiny, pulling the strings of power,
Some believe that Dosneri’s ultimate and sowing the seeds of intrigue that
aim goes far beyond the pursuit of could set the stage for dramatic shifts
wealth and power, reaching into the in the balance of power.
realms of ancient prophecies and ar- In Dosneri, commerce and poli-
cane secrets that could reshape the tics intertwine, weaving a tapestry
very fabric of the world. of hidden alliances, clandestine ma-

54 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

neuvers, and whispered secrets. Be- bind Dosneri to its allies and enemies
neath the tranquil surface, a world of alike. Only time will reveal the true
conspiracy awaits those with the wit extent of Dosneri’s ambitions and the
and courage to delve into the depths, secrets it guards so closely.
unraveling the intricate threads that

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 55

Power Players and Rebellious Factions 4. The Illuminated Order:
in Dosneri A clandestine society of scholars and
intellectuals, the Illuminated Order
Within the seemingly tranquil kingdom
seeks to uncover the hidden truths
of Dosneri, beneath the veneer of its
and ancient knowledge that lie beneath
official neutrality and peaceful image,
the surface of Dosneri’s history. With
a diverse array of power players and
their access to arcane texts and secret
rebellious factions lurk in the shadows.
libraries, they strive to unveil the
These secretive groups, driven by their
mysteries surrounding the Aether Elves
own ambitions and agendas, strive to
and their arrival in Enaria.
shape the destiny of Dosneri and wield
5. The Black Market Consortium:
influence over its political landscape.
Operating in the seedy underbelly of
Here are some of the notable factions
Dosneri’s bustling cities, the Black
vying for power within the realm:
Market Consortium controls a vast
1. The Crimson Syndicate:
network of illicit trade, smuggling, and
A notorious underground organization
information brokering. Their members
composed of masterful spies, skilled
have infiltrated the highest echelons
assassins, and corrupt officials.
of society, leveraging their connections
The Crimson Syndicate operates
and resources to manipulate the
in the dark underbelly of Dosneri,
flow of goods and secrets within the
manipulating political affairs and
orchestrating covert operations to
As Dosneri teeters on the brink of
further their own interests.
hidden conspiracies and internal
2. The Circle of Shadows: A secretive
strife, these power players and
cabal of arcane practitioners and dark
rebellious factions vie for control,
enchanters, the Circle of Shadows
seeking to shape the kingdom’s
delves into forbidden magics and
destiny. Their intricate webs of
ancient rituals. Whispers suggest that
influence and shadowy machinations
they seek to harness the latent power
intertwine, promising a future rife
of the Aether Elves to fulfill their dark
with political intrigue, perilous
ambitions, leading some to question
alliances, and potential upheaval.
their true intentions.
Only time will reveal which factions
3. The Rebel Vanguard: A resistance
will rise to prominence and which will
movement formed by disgruntled
fall into obscurity in the tumultuous
nobles, disillusioned military officers,
landscape of Dosneri.
and oppressed commoners who seek
to challenge the status quo in Dosneri.
Driven by grievances against the
monarchy and the stratified social
structure, they operate in the shadows,
plotting to bring about social change
and a redistribution of power.

56 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

People hunt this One-Fang the ancient dragon, seek-
Dragon… ing vengeance and reclaiming their
lost treasures. Finally, the Adventur-
ers’ Guild brings together a diverse
assortment of skilled individuals,
n the realm of Dosneri, united by their desire for glory, riches,

I several main groups have

emerged, each with their
own agenda and role in the
unfolding story. The Knightly Order of
Enaria, an esteemed order of knights,
or a sense of justice. As these groups
converge on the quest to hunt down
One-Fang, their paths intertwine,
leading to an epic confrontation that
will shape the destiny of Dosneri.
stands as a beacon of light and pro-
tection, valiantly defending the king-
dom from all threats. The Dark Cabal, The Knightly
a secretive and sinister organization, Order of Enaria
delves into the forbidden arts of nec- The Knightly Order of Enaria
romancy and seeks to harness dark stands as a bastion of honor and righ-
powers for their own malevolent pur- teousness within the realm of Dos-
poses. The Scaled Renegades, a group neri. Comprised of noble knights and
of outcast kobolds and goblins, have dedicated warriors, they embody the
turned against their former master, ideals of chivalry and service to the

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 57

a seasoned fighter, is renowned for
his prowess with a blade, while Sir
Tristan Silverbane, a paladin, wields
the power of divine magic to smite evil
and protect his comrades. The order
also includes Sir Gregory Swiftblade,
a cunning rogue skilled in stealth
and subterfuge, and Lady Elara
Dawnsworn, a paladin who channels
her faith to smite enemies and heal
the wounded.
As the defenders of Dosneri, the
knights of Enaria are revered and
respected by the people. They under-
take quests and missions to vanquish
threats to the kingdom, whether they
be marauding monsters, dark forces
of evil, or treacherous individuals.
Their noble deeds and selfless acts in-
spire hope and confidence among the
populace, serving as a shining exam-
ple of valor and honor.

The Dark Cabal

The Dark Cabal, a secretive and
enigmatic organization, lurks in the
shadows of Dosneri. Comprised of
kingdom. Led by their valiant leader, powerful sorcerers, warlocks, and as-
Sir William Ironshield, the order op- sassins, they weave a web of intrigue
erates under a strict code of conduct, and manipulation, seeking to fur-
upholding justice, protecting the in- ther their own dark agenda. Led by
nocent, and maintaining peace. the cunning and mysterious Malachi
The knights of Enaria are known Nightshade, a necromancer of formi-
for their unwavering loyalty and un- dable power, the Dark Cabal operates
wavering dedication to their cause. with utmost secrecy and discretion.
Clad in gleaming armor and wield- Each member of the Dark Cabal
ing mighty weapons, they charge into possesses a unique set of skills and
battle with courage and valor. Lady abilities. Lilith Darkheart, a seductive
Seraphina Lightbringer, a devoted tiefling sorceress, harnesses the ar-
cleric, provides spiritual guidance cane forces of chaos and destruction,
and healing magic to the order, en- while Thaddeus Blackthorn, a human
suring their strength and resilience warlock, draws power from a pact
on the battlefield. made with a sinister otherworldly en-
Within their ranks, the order tity. Seraphina Shadowdancer, a drow
boasts a diverse array of skilled in- assassin, strikes swiftly and silently,
dividuals. Sir Roland Stormwind, leaving no trace of her presence, and

58 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Ignatius Bloodbane, a vampire lord, sabotage, all in service of their dark
commands the forces of darkness and ambitions. Their insidious plots and
feeds on the life essence of his victims. schemes threaten to undermine the
The Dark Cabal’s members are stability and harmony of Dosneri,
united by their thirst for power and casting a shadow of uncertainty and
the pursuit of forbidden knowledge. fear over the realm.
They delve into dark arts and forbid-
den rituals, seeking to unlock ancient
secrets and tap into eldritch powers The Scaled Renegades
that lie beyond mortal comprehen- The Scaled Renegades, a rene-
sion. Their actions are shrouded in gade band of outcasts and misfits,
secrecy, and their true motives re- roam the lands of Dosneri with a re-
main hidden from the world. With bellious spirit. Comprised of kobolds,
their sinister influence, they sow dis- goblins, tieflings, and other unlikely
cord and chaos, manipulating events allies, they have formed an unconven-
from the shadows to further their own tional alliance in their shared pursuit
malevolent goals. of freedom and independence. Led by
Feared by many and sought after Locasha, a cunning and charismatic
by those who seek forbidden power, kobold warlock, the Scaled Renegades
the Dark Cabal operates with ruth- defy societal norms and challenge the
less efficiency. established order.
They carry out clandestine oper- Each member of the Scaled Ren-
ations, assassinations, and acts of egades brings a unique set of skills

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 59

and perspectives to the group. The Adventurers’ Guild
Griznak, a nimble goblin rogue, ex- The Adventurers’ Guild is a re-
cels in stealth and subterfuge, while nowned organization that operates
Snix, a fiery kobold sorcerer, com- across the realms, gathering brave
mands the destructive powers of el- and skilled individuals who seek fame,
emental magic. Rix, a fierce goblin fortune, and the thrill of adventure.
barbarian, unleashes his primal The guild serves as a hub for adven-
rage in battle, and Zara, a tiefling turers, offering a range of services and
sorcerer, harnesses her infernal her- opportunities for those willing to take
itage to cast devastating spells. on quests and explore the unknown. It
Bound by their shared experienc- acts as a central point for recruitment,
es of marginalization and oppression, training, and coordination of expedi-
the Scaled Renegades seek to carve tions.
out their own path in the world. They Led by a council of experienced ad-
operate outside the confines of tradi- venturers, the guild provides a plat-
tional society, preying on the weak- form for networking and collaboration
nesses of the powerful and exploit- among its members. It offers a vari-
ing opportunities for personal gain. ety of resources, including job boards
While their methods may be seen as with quests of various difficulty levels,
unconventional and their motives training facilities, equipment vendors,
ambiguous, they embody the spirit of and knowledgeable mentors who can
rebellion and resistance against the offer guidance and advice to aspiring
established order. adventurers.
The Scaled Renegades are known he guild also serves as a mediator
for their resourcefulness and adapt- between adventurers and clients, en-
ability. They excel in hit-and-run tac- suring fair contracts and agreements.
tics, ambushes, and guerrilla war- It establishes standards of conduct and
fare, using their intimate knowledge ethics to maintain the reputation of its
of the terrain and their innate cun- members and foster a sense of cama-
ning to outmaneuver and outwit their raderie among them. Additionally, the
enemies. Though often underestimat- guild may organize social events, com-
ed due to their disparate origins, they petitions, and tournaments to show-
prove time and again that unity and case the talents of its members and
determination can overcome even the celebrate their accomplishments.
most daunting challenges. Membership in the Adventurers’
With their unwavering loyalty to Guild grants access to a network of
one another and their shared disdain like-minded individuals, valuable in-
for authority, the Scaled Renegades formation about potential quests and
present a formidable force that dis- opportunities, and a sense of belonging
rupts the balance of power in Dosneri. to a community of adventurers. Wheth-
Their presence is a constant reminder er it’s slaying fearsome monsters, un-
that not all who wander the realm are covering ancient treasures, or solving
bound by the same rules and expec- intricate mysteries, the guild offers a
tations, and that sometimes it is those supportive environment for those who
on the fringes of society who have the wish to make a name for themselves in
greatest potential to effect change. the world of adventuring.

60 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

…because there’s By strategically arranging the re-
a treasure… maining coins and art objects, uti-
lizing mirrors and reflective surfaces
to multiply their radiance, employ-
ing powerful illusions to create the
Deception illusion of overflowing chests, and
ne-Fang, the great wyrm enhancing the size and brilliance of

O green dragon, had her

once-magnificent treasure
hoard stolen by older and
more powerful dragons, who evict-
ed her from her lair. Left with a de-
each gem and art piece with magnifi-
cation charms, One-Fang successful-
ly created the perception of a vast and
awe-inspiring treasure hoard. Intrud-
ers were captivated by the illusion of
pleted hoard consisting of a meager opulence, completely unaware of the
collection of coins, art objects, and dragon’s true circumstances.
a few blue crystal shards, One-Fang Despite the loss of her original
devised a cunning strategy to make treasure, One-Fang’s ingenuity and
her diminished treasure appear mastery of illusion allowed her to
larger and more impressive than it maintain her reputation as a fearsome
truly was. Through a combination of and wealthy dragon. The illusionary
clever arrangement, reflective sur- grandeur served as a deterrent to po-
faces, illusory magic, and enchanted tential threats, dissuading would-be
magnification charms, she created adventurers and kingdoms from at-
an elaborate illusion that fooled any tempting to challenge her. One-Fang’s
who dared enter her lair. cunning strategy ensured that her

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 61

diminished hoard still conveyed the showcasing her artistic
image of a formidable dragon with im- tastes and adding an air of
mense wealth and power, even if the sophistication to her hoard.
reality fell far short of the illusion. 2. Reflective Surfaces: One-Fang
Those are the strategies used by employs an array of strategically
One-fang to deceive herself. placed reflective surfaces
throughout her lair. Mirrored
1. Clever Arrangement: One- walls and ceilings create an
Fang meticulously arranges optical illusion, multiplying
her remaining coins and art the gleam of the coins and
objects to create an illusion the sparkle of the gems. The
of abundance. Towering entire cavern is bathed in a
columns of coins are carefully radiant glow, as each reflective
stacked, with the larger surface accentuates the perceived
denominations strategically size and grandeur of her hoard.
placed on top, catching the Intruders find themselves
light and radiating a sense of surrounded by a dazzling
opulence. Prominently displayed display of treasures, their eyes
are the black velvet masks, drawn to the mesmerizing
stitched with silver thread, reflections that seemingly extend
and the carved bone statuette, the hoard into infinity.

62 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

3. Illusory Magic: One-Fang Strategy
harnesses her formidable magical ne-Fang, the Great Wyrm
powers to enhance the perception
of her hoard. She weaves
powerful illusions that create the
appearance of overflowing chests
brimming with gold and gems.
O Green Dragon, has devised
a cunning plan to make her
treasure grow despite the
initial setback. With her numerous
minions at her service, she employs
These illusions dance and shift, a multipronged approach to accumu-
casting an ethereal glow and late wealth and expand her hoard.
creating the illusion of movement
within her hoard. Even the most Firstly, she dispatches her ko-
discerning eyes are deceived, as bold minions to scour the surround-
the illusory treasures radiate an ing lands and neighboring realms for
aura of wealth and abundance, sources of wealth. They undertake
convincing any who behold them daring heists, targeted raids, and clan-
of the vastness of her riches. destine operations to acquire valuable
4. Magnification Charms: To make items, coins, and artifacts. These trea-
her remaining gems and art sures are swiftly brought back to the
objects appear larger and more dragon’s lair, where they are carefully
captivating, One-Fang employs added to the growing hoard.
enchanted magnification charms. Additionally, One-Fang employs
With a touch of her claw, these her network of spies and informants
charms imbue each item with a to gather intelligence on hidden cach-
captivating aura, enhancing its es of wealth, forgotten ruins, and lu-
size and brilliance. A small blue crative trade routes. This information
crystal shard, when influenced allows her to plan strategic raids and
by the magnification charm, acquire treasures of significant val-
transforms into a breathtaking ue. With her minions acting as her
centerpiece, its radiant beauty eyes and ears, she remains informed
commanding attention and and poised to seize opportunities for
fueling the belief in the dragon’s wealth accumulation.
vast wealth. Furthermore, she makes strate-
gic alliances with powerful entities
Through the clever arrangement, and individuals who can provide her
strategic use of reflective surfaces, with additional resources. Whether
masterful illusions, and enchant- it’s striking deals with unscrupulous
ed magnification charms, One-Fang merchants, collaborating with nefar-
masterfully creates the illusion of ious organizations, or entering into
an awe-inspiring and vast treasure pacts with otherworldly beings, the
hoard. Her adversaries are left awe- dragon leverages these alliances to
struck by the sheer opulence and acquire valuable assets and expand
grandeur, completely unaware that her hoard.
the dragon’s true power lies not sole- Lastly, she utilizes her fearsome
ly in her physical wealth, but in her presence and reputation to intimidate
ability to manipulate perception and and extort wealth from those who
maintain an aura of fearsome majesty. dare cross her path.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 63

Through calculated displays of With her minions’ support and her
power and acts of terror, she coerces own cunning strategies, One-Fang is
towns, villages, and even kingdoms determined to grow her treasure once
into paying tribute or offering up more, amassing wealth and power as
valuable treasures as a form of pro- she rebuilds her hoard to reclaim her
tection from her wrath. status as a formidable dragon of im-
mense wealth and influence.

Table: taxes from the peasants

Collecting taxes is an essential the corresponding tax value per year.
part of many realms and campaigns. The values have been adjusted to rep-
Below are tables that provide exam- resent a scaled-down version of taxa-
ples of different types of peasants, in- tion. You are welcome to adapt these
cluding magic users, their work, and tables to suit your game and setting.

Work and Tax Value Per Year:

Peasant Type Work Performed Tax Value (in currency)

Tending fields and

Farmers 5-10 gp

Fishermen Catching and selling fish 3-6 gp

Cutting down trees and

Lumberjacks 4-8 gp
gathering wood

Extracting valuable
Miners 6-12 gp

Craftsmen Crafting goods for trade 7-15 gp

Spellcasting and magical

Magic Users 10-20 gp

Weapon proficiency and

Weapon Bearers 8-16 gp
combat skills

Note: The tax values provided have been reduced to reflect a scaled-down
version of taxation. They represent the approximate annual tax value per peas-
ant based on their specific work and abilities.

Table: Magic Items Rarity and Tax Rates

The table below provides a break- as a guide to determine the avail-
down of magic items based on their ability and distribution of magic
rarity, as well as corresponding tax items within your game world, as
rates for peasants and weapon-bear- well as the tax rates imposed on dif-
ing individuals. Use this table ferent groups.

64 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Magic Items and Tax Value Per Year:

Peasant Tax
Rarity Description Bearing Tax
(per year)
(per year)

Basic magical items with minor

Common 1 gp 2 gp

Enhanced magical items with

Uncommon 5 gp 10 gp
moderate power

Powerful magical items with

Rare 25 gp 50 gp
significant impact

Exceptional magical items of

Very Rare 100 gp 200 gp
immense power

Legendary artifacts with

Legendary 500 gp 1000 gp
unmatched abilities

mination, using her cunning and

End-game intellect to devise intricate plans
ne-Fang’s end game goes far and manipulate those around her to

O beyond amassing a treasure

hoard. While rebuilding her
wealth and reclaiming her
lost treasures is an important aspect of
her plan, it is just one step in her grand
serve her cause. She has carefully
gathered minions and followers who
serve her faithfully, each playing
a unique role in her grand design.
Some serve as spies, gathering cru-
scheme to regain her power and dom- cial information and sabotaging po-
inance. One-Fang’s ultimate goal is to tential threats, while others act as
attain god-like status and transcend enforcers, carrying out her will and
her current limitations as a dragon. protecting her interests.
As adventurers become entangled
To achieve this, One-Fang seeks in One-Fang’s web of schemes, they
to harness the potent energies of the will witness firsthand the depths of
elder elemental she hunts. This pow- her ambition and the lengths she is
erful being possesses a connection willing to go to accomplish her end
to the primal forces of the world, and game. Whether the adventurers choose
by consuming its essence, One-Fang to aid or oppose her, they will find
believes she can absorb its incred- themselves embroiled in a high-stakes
ible power and ascend to a higher battle against an ancient dragon on
form of existence. This process is the precipice of godhood. Their choic-
not without risks, as the elemental es and actions will have far-reaching
is more formidable than the dragon consequences, shaping the fate of not
herself, posing a significant chal- only One-Fang, but the entire realm
lenge to overcome. itself. Will they become pawns in her
However, One-Fang is not de- grand design, or rise up as the heroes
terred by the dangers that lie who thwart her plans? The fate of the
ahead. She is resolute in her deter- world hangs in the balance.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 65

Sidebar: Harnessing the Energies
of Earth Elementals

Harnessing the energies of earth

elementals is a perilous and complex
endeavor, coveted by those who seek
immense power. Earth elementals are
ancient beings, embodiments of the
raw forces of earth and stone. Their
essence contains potent energies that
can grant incredible abilities to those
who can tap into them.
To harness the energies of an earth
elemental, one must first establish a
deep connection with the elemental
realm. This often involves extensive
rituals, invoking ancient earth deities,
and communing with the spirits of
the land. The process requires great
concentration, attunement to the
earth’s vibrations, and a profound
understanding of elemental forces.
Once a connection is established,
the practitioner must carefully
channel the elemental energies into
themselves. This can be an arduous
and dangerous process, as the
raw power of the earth elemental
can be overwhelming. Only those
with great strength of will and a
profound affinity for earth magic can
successfully channel and control
these energies.
Harnessing the energies of earth
elementals grants a variety of

66 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

abilities. It can enhance one’s physical
strength and durability, enabling
them to withstand great forces and
endure extreme conditions. It can
also provide mastery over earth and
stone, allowing manipulation of the
terrain, creation of barriers and
fortifications, and even the ability to
cause earthquakes and upheavals.
However, it is important to note that
harnessing such energies comes with
inherent risks. Earth elementals are
ancient and proud beings, and they
do not take kindly to their power
being exploited. They may resist or
retaliate against those who seek to
control them, unleashing their fury in
catastrophic ways.
Adventurers who encounter
individuals harnessing the energies
of earth elementals should approach
with caution. Their powers can be
awe-inspiring, but their motives and
control over these forces should be
scrutinized. The delicate balance
between mastery and servitude to the
earth elemental energies is a constant
struggle, and the consequences of
mishandling such power can be
As adventurers delve deeper into
the realms of earth magic and
encounter those who harness these
energies, they must weigh the risks
and rewards. Will they seek to learn
from these individuals, attempting
to harness the elemental energies
themselves? Or will they stand
against those who would wield
such power, fearing the potential
devastation it could unleash? The
choice is theirs, and the outcome will
shape their own destiny and the world
around them.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 67

but the Dragon is She has ventured into the depths of
powerful… ancient ruins, forging alliances with
dark creatures and delving into for-
bidden magics in her relentless pur-
ne-Fang, a formidable suit of power. No obstacle is too great,

O great wyrm green drag-

on, may appear as a mi-
nor player in the grand
schemes of the kingdom, but her
very name and presence hold the
no risk too perilous, as she seeks to
amass a new hoard and establish a
lair worthy of her illustrious name.
Yet, the road to reclaiming her for-
mer glory is fraught with challenges
power to dissuade any military ad- and dangers. In her current quest
vance against the cities or realms for power and riches, One-Fang has
aligned with her. Legends and set her sights on an elder elemen-
tales of her immense size, wickedly tal, a colossal entity that roams a
sharp claws, and venomous breath treacherous and unforgiving hunt-
have spread far and wide, instill- ing ground. This elemental, with its
ing fear and respect in the hearts towering presence and body adorned
of both mortals and magical beings with gleaming gems, represents a
alike. The mere sight of her emer- tantalizing prize for the dragon.
ald-scaled form soaring through the However, the elemental’s raw pow-
skies is enough to give pause to even er far surpasses that of One-Fang,
the boldest of warriors. making each encounter a deadly
game of survival where the dragon
However, recent events have left must risk her life to claim even the
One-Fang in a state of upheaval smallest fragments of its essence.
and uncertainty. Evicted from her Unbeknownst to One-Fang, nu-
once-majestic lair by a pair of an- merous factions and hunters have
cient and more powerful dragons, become aware of her plight and seek
who ruthlessly plundered her vast to exploit her vulnerability. Some
treasure hoard, she now finds herself view her as a valuable asset in their
adrift, driven by wounded pride and own nefarious schemes, while oth-
a relentless desire for vengeance. The ers see her as a dangerous threat
loss of her treasure, accumulated over to be eradicated. As these diverse
centuries of cunning and conquest, groups converge upon her, the an-
has left a bitter taste in her mouth cient wyrm unknowingly becomes
and a burning hunger for retribution. entangled in a complex web of in-
She longs to rebuild her dominance trigue and danger. The fate of Dos-
and reclaim her former glory, to once neri, and indeed the entire region,
again sit atop a mountain of riches hangs in the balance, and the ac-
and bask in the adoration and fear of tions of One-Fang will shape the
all who behold her. destiny of the kingdom, determin-
Driven by an unyielding determi- ing whether she can reclaim her
nation, One-Fang is willing to stoop to lost treasure and restore her reign,
any means necessary to achieve her or become an unwitting catalyst for
goals, even if it means engaging with cataclysmic events that will forever
what she perceives as “lesser” beings. alter the land she calls home.

68 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

The Dragon’s minions for their service, receive the dragon’s
One-Fang, possesses a retinue of protection and the privilege of shar-
loyal minions who serve her with un- ing in her hoarded wealth. They act
wavering devotion. These creatures, as scouts, spies, and craftsmen, uti-
handpicked by the dragon herself, lizing their innate abilities to navigate
come from a diverse array of races and treacherous terrain, gather valuable
backgrounds, bound by the promise resources, and construct elaborate
of power, protection, and the spoils of traps to deter intruders. With their
conquest. Each minion plays a vital unwavering loyalty to their dragon
role in One-Fang’s schemes, carrying mistress, the kobolds stand as a for-
out her orders with ruthless efficiency. midable force ready to defend One-
First among her minions are the Fang’s domain.
kobolds, from The Greenback Clan, Alongside the kobolds, One-Fang
diminutive reptilian creatures known has also forged alliances with a
for their cunning and industrious group of goblins who have pledged
nature. One-Fang has established a their allegiance to her. The goblins,
symbiotic relationship with the ko- known for their opportunistic na-
bold tribe that dwells in the vicini- ture and proficiency in stealth and
ty of her lair. The kobolds, in return subterfuge, serve as the dragon’s

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 69

eyes and ears in the wider world. With her diverse cadre of min-
They excel in gathering intelligence, ions, One-Fang weaves a tapestry
infiltrating rival factions, and con- of power and influence, leveraging
ducting covert operations to further their unique strengths to extend her
One-Fang’s interests. In exchange dominion and further her insatia-
for their services, the goblins receive ble hunger for wealth and conquest.
protection and a share of the drag- Each minion plays a crucial role in
on’s spoils, elevating their stand- the dragon’s machinations, ensuring
ing among their kind and granting that her presence is felt far and wide,
them access to resources previously and that any who dare to challenge
beyond their reach. her supremacy will face a formidable
Among the dragon’s minions are coalition of creatures fiercely devoted
also a band of savage orcs, drawn to their draconic mistress.
to One-Fang’s power and the prom-
ise of glorious battles. These fierce
warriors, known for their brutal- The minions groups
ity and martial prowess, form the Servants, spies, and an army of
vanguard of One-Fang’s forces. loyal followers, the minions of the
They relish the opportunity to fight mighty dragon One-Fang serve as ex-
alongside such a mighty creature, tensions of her will and power. These
believing that their victories under groups play crucial roles in executing
her banner will bring them eternal her commands, protecting her lair,
glory. With their intimidating pres- and furthering her ambitions. Here
ence and unyielding ferocity, the are five of the various groups that
orcs strike fear into the hearts of serve One-Fang:
their enemies, acting as the drag- Scalebound Sentinels: These elite
on’s enforcers and executing her warriors are hand-picked by One-
will with ruthless efficiency. Fang to serve as her personal body-
Lastly, One-Fang has garnered the guards and defenders. Clad in ar-
allegiance of a group of sorcerers and mor adorned with dragon scales and
warlocks, from the Dark Cabal, who armed with formidable weapons, the
harness the arcane arts to serve her Scalebound Sentinels are trained in
cause. These spellcasters, seduced by the arts of combat and display unwav-
the allure of dark power and the se- ering loyalty to their draconic mis-
crets whispered by the great wyrm, tress. Their primary duty is to protect
have willingly pledged their loyalty One-Fang at all costs and carry out
to her. They provide invaluable mag- her orders without hesitation.
ical support to One-Fang’s endeavors, Shadowclaw Infiltrators: A clan-
casting potent spells, unleashing de- destine group of stealthy operatives,
structive forces, and manipulating the the Shadowclaw Infiltrators excel in
very fabric of reality to further her am- covert operations and espionage. Gift-
bitions. Their mastery over the arcane ed with natural agility and exception-
arts, combined with their unwavering al stealth, these minions specialize
devotion to the dragon, makes them in gathering information, sabotaging
formidable assets in both battle and enemies, and conducting reconnais-
the pursuit of ancient knowledge. sance on behalf of One-Fang. Their

70 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

ability to blend into shadows and uals forge alliances, negotiate terms,
move silently makes them formidable and ensure the dragon’s interests are
agents of the dragon’s will. represented. Through their connec-
Flameborn Fury: Comprised tion to dragonkind, the Wyrmcallers
of fire-wielding sorcerers and pyro- bring forth wisdom and influence to
mancers, the Flameborn Fury har- advance One-Fang’s objectives.
nesses the elemental powers associat- Greenback Clan: The Greenback
ed with One-Fang’s draconic essence. Clan consists of dedicated kobolds
These spellcasters are adept at manip- who serve as the personal servants
ulating flames and harnessing the de- of One-Fang, attending to the drag-
structive force of fire magic. They are on’s needs and maintaining her lair.
often deployed in battle to unleash fiery These diligent minions are responsi-
devastation upon enemies, turning the ble for cleaning the cave, ensuring its
battlefield into an inferno of destruc- cleanliness and tidiness at all times.
tion under the dragon’s command. Additionally, the Greenback Clan dil-
Wyrmcallers: Masters of dragon igently keeps the traps within the lair
lore and ancient rituals, the Wyrm- armed and operational, acting as the
callers possess the knowledge and first line of defense against intruders.
skill to communicate with other drag- Their unwavering loyalty and metic-
ons and creatures of draconic origin. ulousness make them vital in main-
Serving as diplomats and mediators taining the security and functionality
on behalf of One-Fang, these individ- of One-Fang’s lair.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 71

Note: These groups are just a Despite their physical separation,
glimpse of the various factions that the connection between One-Fang
serve One-Fang, each with their and her Offsprings is a mystical one,
own specialized skills and purposes. transcending vast distances. Through
The specific members and capabilities a unique telepathic link, One-Fang
of these groups may vary, depending on can summon her offspring to her side
the campaign and the Dungeon Mas- with a mere thought. This ability is
ter’s creative interpretation. Players can not limited by time or space, enabling
encounter or even join these groups as her to call upon their aid whenever
they navigate the complex web of power the need arises.
surrounding the mighty dragon. The offsprings, scattered across
different lands and realms, are always
vigilant, their senses attuned to their
The Dragon’s Offsprings parent’s call. When summoned, they
One-Fang’s Offsprings, although heed the beckoning of their mighty
physically distant from their mighty progenitor and swiftly make their way
parent, share an unbreakable bond to her side. Whether it be to defend
that allows them to be called upon at their shared territory, unleash their
any moment. Born from the ancient devastating breath weapons in battle,
bloodline of One-Fang, these drag- or fulfill a mission of great importance,
onkin inherit the power and legacy of the Offsprings respond with unwaver-
their formidable parent, manifesting ing loyalty and determination.
their draconic traits and forging their Their arrival is a sight to behold,
own paths in the world. as the skies darken and their majes-

72 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

tic forms descend upon the battle- The Dragon’s Psyche
field. The ground trembles beneath The psyche of One-Fang, an elder
their powerful footsteps, and their dragon who recently suffered a signif-
roars shake the very foundations of icant defeat, is marked by a complex
the land. With their combined might, amalgamation of pride, resilience, and
they become an unstoppable force, a burning desire for vengeance. De-
standing alongside their parent as a spite her formidable power and age,
united front against any who dare to the loss she experienced has left a pro-
challenge them. found impact on her psyche, challeng-
The bond between One-Fang ing her sense of invincibility and in-
and her Offsprings serves as a tes- flicting a deep wound upon her pride.
tament to the enduring power of fa- Once a mighty and revered pres-
milial ties and the unyielding loyal- ence in the realms, One-Fang’s de-
ty that exists within their bloodline. feat has shaken her to the core. It
Their collective strength and shared has awakened a fierce determination
purpose ensure that the legacy of within her, fueled by the primal in-
One-Fang lives on through each of stincts of survival and the thirst for
her formidable offspring, forever in- retribution. The dragon’s psyche is
tertwined in their destiny and the fate now consumed by a burning desire to
of the mortal realms. rebuild her strength, reclaim her lost

Sidebar: 2. Draconic Sight: The warlock gains

The Powers of the Dragon the ability to see through magical
darkness and dim light, their eyes
Warlock Pact: One-Fang
attuned to the supernatural senses
Warlocks who pledge their allegiance
of their dragon patron.
to the mighty dragon One-Fang gain
3. Breath Weapon: As they deepen
access to a unique set of powers and
their bond with One-Fang,
abilities bestowed upon them by
warlocks may gain the ability
their draconic patron. By forging a
to unleash a devastating breath
pact with this ancient and powerful
weapon, channeling the dragon’s
being, warlocks tap into the raw
elemental power to unleash
elemental energies and manipulative
destructive force upon their
powers of One-Fang. Here are some
of the abilities and benefits that
4. Draconic Presence: The warlock
warlocks who choose the One-Fang
emanates an aura of authority
pact may receive:
and dominance, commanding the
1. Draconic Scales: The warlock’s respect and fear of those around
pact with One-Fang grants them them. This presence can inspire
a measure of protection, as their allies and intimidate foes.
skin becomes tough and scaly,
granting them increased resistance
to certain forms of damage.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 73

Sorcerer Bloodline: 3. Draconic Wings: As their powers
Dragon Ancestry (One-Fang) develop, sorcerers may manifest
Sorcerers with a lineage tied to the a pair of ethereal or physical
dragon One-Fang inherit powerful wings, enabling them to glide or
magical abilities that reflect their fly through the air with grace and
draconic heritage. Those who carry agility, mirroring the majestic flight
the blood of One-Fang flowing through of their dragon patron.
their veins may exhibit the following 4. Draconic Presence: Sorcerers of
abilities: the Dragon Ancestry exude an aura
of awe and power, commanding
1. Draconic Resistance: The sorcerer
attention wherever they go. This
gains resistance to poison and acid,
presence can influence the emotions
both associated with One-Fang’s
and reactions of others, allowing the
elemental natures of he destructive
sorcerer to exert a subtle control over
force of her breath weapon.
those around them.
2. Draconic Spells: Sorcerers of
the Dragon Ancestry gain access Note: The specific powers and abilities
to a unique selection of spells granted by One-Fang may vary
associated with One-Fang’s power, depending on the individual’s pact
including spells that manipulate or bloodline, and the level of their
elements, enhance their own mastery over their draconic heritage.
physical abilities, or harness the It is advised that players work with
destructive force of draconic magic. their Dungeon Master to customize
and balance these abilities within the
context of their campaign.

74 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

treasure, and avenge herself upon Understanding and exploiting these
those who dared to challenge her. fears can provide an advantage when
This defeat has also exposed vul- facing the formidable dragon. Here
nerabilities within One-Fang’s psyche. are the main fears of One-Fang and
It has humbled her, causing her to re- how a group of adventurers should ex-
flect on her own limitations and the ploit them:
ever-present possibility of failure. The
dragon’s once-unshakeable confidence 1. Pride and Ego: One-Fang’s defeat
now carries a subtle tinge of caution, and eviction from her former lair
reminding her to approach future bat- have deeply wounded her pride
tles with a newfound respect for the and ego. Exploiting this flaw
strength of her adversaries. requires manipulating her need
Yet, despite the psychological to reclaim her lost glory and
scars inflicted by her defeat, One- prove her superiority. A group
Fang remains an indomitable force. of adventurers can strategically
Her resilience, born from countless challenge her sense of pride,
years of survival and triumph, fuels goading her into reckless actions
her relentless pursuit of power and or making her underestimate
restoration. She channels her wound- their abilities. By presenting
ed pride into a fierce determination to themselves as formidable
prove her might once more, to reclaim opponents or sowing doubt in her
her status as a feared and respected mind, they can provoke One-
presence in the realms. Fang’s arrogance and cloud her
In the depths of her psyche, One- judgment.
Fang harbors a relentless hunger 2. Fear of Loss: The dragon’s
for triumph and an unyielding drive hoard, once vast and legendary,
to protect her legacy. The defeat she has been significantly depleted.
suffered has transformed her psyche, One-Fang fears the loss of her
molding her into a force to be reck- treasure and the potential
oned with. As she rises from the ash- consequences it may have on
es of her defeat, the dragon’s psyche her power and reputation.
is emboldened by a burning resolve Adventurers can exploit this
to restore her former glory, ensuring fear by targeting her remaining
that her name will be spoken with treasures or manipulating
reverence and awe once more. her belief that her wealth is in
jeopardy. By cleverly presenting
scenarios that threaten her
The flaws of the mind hoard or offer the possibility
Even the mightiest of creatures of reclaiming lost riches, the
have their vulnerabilities, and One- adventurers can distract and
Fang, the powerful elder dragon, is unsettle One-Fang, potentially
no exception. Despite her fearsome gaining the upper hand.
reputation and indomitable pres- 3. Vulnerability of Solitude:
ence, there are certain weaknesses Dragons, despite their immense
that can be exploited by cunning ad- power, can experience isolation
venturers who dare to challenge her. and loneliness. One-Fang, in

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 75

particular, has been evicted from of 4 to 8 adventurers of level 12 to 15
her lair and seeks to establish when dealing with the dragon:
a new home. Adventurers
can exploit her vulnerability 1. Gather Information: Before
by preying on her desire for engaging with One-Fang, gather
companionship or exploiting as much information as possible
her need for alliances. By about her abilities, weaknesses,
offering a sense of camaraderie and current state. Seek out local
or presenting opportunities for legends, scholars, or even rival
her to forge connections, the factions who might have valuable
adventurers can manipulate her knowledge. Uncover her fears,
emotional state and potentially vulnerabilities, and any potential
distract her from their true allies or enemies in the area.
intentions. 2. Exploit Weaknesses: Leverage
4. The Legacy of Defeat: One- the weaknesses mentioned in the
Fang’s recent defeat has left sidebar to gain an advantage.
her with a lingering fear of Manipulate One-Fang’s pride,
failure and a burning desire ego, fear of loss, vulnerability
for redemption. Adventurers of solitude, and the legacy
can exploit this fear by cleverly of defeat to sow discord and
challenging her perception confusion. Exploit her emotions
of strength and prowess. By to create openings for attack or to
presenting themselves as worthy negotiate favorable terms.
adversaries or undermining her 3. Plan the Battlefield: Choose
belief in her own invincibility, the location of the encounter
they can stoke her insecurities carefully. Seek an area that
and make her more susceptible to provides tactical advantages for
mistakes or rash decisions. the adventurers while limiting
One-Fang’s mobility and
Note: Exploiting One-Fang’s fears utilizing environmental hazards
requires careful planning, strategy, to their benefit. Set traps,
and understanding of her psyche. create chokepoints, or prepare
These vulnerabilities should be used ambushes to gain the upper
judiciously and in line with the Dun- hand.
geon Master’s discretion. The adven- 4. Assemble a Diverse and Skilled
turers must approach with caution, Party: Build a well-rounded
as One-Fang remains a formidable group of adventurers with diverse
opponent despite her flaws. skills and abilities. Include
members with high damage
output, crowd control, healing,
How to deal with and utility. Each party member
the Dragon should contribute a unique
Facing a powerful and cunning strength that can be utilized
dragon like One-Fang requires care- during the encounter.
ful planning and strategic execution. 5. Coordinate Attacks and
Here are some suggestions for a group Tactics: Coordinate the group’s

76 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

actions and develop a solid Secure powerful weapons,
strategy. Assign roles and protective items, or magical
positions for each member, artifacts that grant advantages
taking advantage of their against dragons. Forge alliances
individual strengths. Focus on with other factions or beings who
teamwork, timing, and exploiting have a vested interest in One-
the dragon’s weaknesses, such Fang’s defeat.
as attacking during moments of 8. Exploit Environmental Factors:
distraction or vulnerability. Use the environment to the
6. Utilize Powerful Spells and group’s advantage. Manipulate
Abilities: Use high-level spells the battlefield, such as collapsing
and abilities strategically. Spells structures, creating hazards, or
like Banishment, Disintegrate, using magical or natural traps.
or Dominate Monster can have Take advantage of areas with
a significant impact on the cover, difficult terrain, or features
encounter. Additionally, abilities that hinder the dragon’s mobility.
that impose conditions like 9. Be Mindful of One-Fang’s
paralysis or restrain can limit Minions: Consider the presence
One-Fang’s mobility and offensive of One-Fang’s minions and factor
capabilities. them into the plan. Neutralize
7. Acquire Powerful Artifacts or distract them before engaging
or Allies: Seek out legendary the dragon directly to prevent
artifacts or powerful allies that interference or added threats
can aid in the confrontation. during the encounter.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 77

10. Have Contingency Plans: them with tasks and quests, testing
Prepare contingency plans their abilities and resolve. They may
in case the initial plan goes be tasked with retrieving a rare arti-
awry. Account for unexpected fact, solving a riddle, or proving their
variables and develop alternative prowess in combat against formidable
strategies. Be adaptable and foes handpicked by the dragon itself.
ready to adjust tactics based Throughout their encounters with
on the dragon’s reactions or One-Fang, the dragon’s vast knowl-
unexpected developments. edge and ancient wisdom become ap-
parent. It shares tales of forgotten lore,
Remember, facing a powerful drag- offering cryptic clues and insights
on like One-Fang is an extremely dan- that guide the adventurers on their
gerous undertaking. The group should quest. But every step of the way, they
be well-prepared, well-equipped, and must remain vigilant, for One-Fang is
willing to make sacrifices to achieve a cunning and formidable adversary.
victory. Exercise caution, utilize re- The dragon’s lair becomes a treach-
sources wisely, and above all, work erous battleground, filled with traps,
together as a team to overcome this puzzles, and guardians loyal to One-
formidable foe. Fang. The adventurers must navigate
the treacherous terrain, leveraging
their skills and working together to
How to introduce the overcome the challenges laid before
Dragon on the Campaign them. They must decipher ancient in-
As the adventurers stand in awe of scriptions, unlock hidden passages,
the massive dragon, they can feel the and outsmart the dragon’s minions in
ground quiver beneath them as One- order to reach the heart of its lair.
Fang’s deep, rumbling voice fills the Ultimately, the fate of the adven-
air. The dragon’s voice carries a com- turers and the realm rests on their
manding presence, demanding atten- ability to outmaneuver and defeat
tion and respect. It speaks in a voice One-Fang. They must exploit its
that resonates with power and author- weaknesses, using their knowledge
ity, addressing the party with a mix of the dragon’s fears and vulnerabil-
of curiosity and a touch of arrogance. ities to gain the upper hand. Whether
One-Fang’s piercing gaze scans through strategic combat, clever ne-
the group, its eyes seemingly seeing gotiations, or a well-executed plan,
into the depths of their souls. It poses they must prove themselves worthy
a question, challenging the adventur- adversaries and claim victory over the
ers to prove their worth and justify ancient wyrm.
their intrusion into its territory. The The encounter with One-Fang be-
dragon’s voice echoes in their minds, comes a defining moment in the cam-
its words an invitation or a warning, paign, a battle of epic proportions that
depending on their response. challenges the adventurers to push
From this moment forward, the ad- themselves to their limits. Success
venturers find themselves caught in a brings glory, rewards, and the knowl-
dangerous game of wits and strategy edge that they have triumphed over
with One-Fang. The dragon presents one of the most formidable creatures

78 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

in the land. Failure, however, may re- if their goals align with its own.
sult in their demise or the dragon’s This could involve a common
continued reign of terror. The adven- enemy, a shared desire for power
turers must tread carefully, for the or knowledge, or a common
outcome will shape the course of their threat to their respective
journey and the fate of the realm itself. territories. The dragon’s vast
knowledge and resources can be
invaluable in the adventurers’
One-Fang as an Ally quest, providing them with
While One-Fang is most common- insights, guidance, and access to
ly encountered as a formidable ad- ancient artifacts or secrets.
versary, there are rare circumstanc- 2. Bargaining Power: One-Fang
es where the ancient dragon can be rarely offers assistance without
persuaded to become an unlikely ally something in return. The
to the adventurers. Such an alliance, adventurers must be prepared
however, comes with great risks and to offer a substantial boon or
challenges, as the nature of drag- fulfill a task of great importance
ons is inherently unpredictable and to the dragon. This could involve
self-serving. Here are some consider- retrieving a rare treasure,
ations for including One-Fang as an eliminating a rival dragon, or
ally in your campaign: aiding in the fulfillment of its
own ambitions. Negotiating
1. Mutual Interests: One-Fang may with a dragon requires tact,
align itself with the adventurers

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 79

diplomacy, and an understanding the opportunity for unique interac-
of its desires and motivations. tions, formidable challenges, and the
3. Unpredictability: Aligning exploration of themes such as power,
with One-Fang carries inherent loyalty, and the blurred lines between
risks. Dragons are known for friend and foe. Just remember, an
their mercurial nature and alliance with an ancient dragon is a
the pursuit of their own self- double-edged sword, and the conse-
interests. The adventurers must quences of such a pact can reverber-
be cautious and maintain a level ate throughout your campaign.
of skepticism. One-Fang’s loyalty
may be fleeting, and its actions
could ultimately serve its own One-Fang as an Informant
agenda, potentially leading to While the prospect of dealing with
conflicts or betrayals down the an ancient dragon may seem daunt-
line. ing, One-Fang can turn out to be a
4. Power Imbalance: Having an valuable source of information and
ancient dragon as an ally can insight in your campaign. Under cer-
significantly shift the power tain circumstances, the cunning and
dynamics of the campaign. One- knowledge of the dragon can be har-
Fang’s presence alone can deter nessed to assist the adventurers as
many adversaries, but it can also an informant. Here are some consid-
draw unwanted attention and erations for using One-Fang in this
make the adventurers the target role:
of other powerful entities. The
players must carefully manage 1. Ancient Wisdom: As an ancient
the delicate balance of power, being, One-Fang possesses
ensuring they do not become a wealth of knowledge about
overshadowed or controlled by history, magic, and the workings
their newfound ally. of the world. The dragon’s
5. Moral Considerations: One- intelligence and longevity make
Fang’s alignment and actions it an unparalleled source of
may clash with the adventurers’ information on a wide range of
own values and sense of morality. topics, from forgotten civilizations
The dragon’s inclination towards to powerful artifacts. Engaging
dominance and the pursuit One-Fang as an informant can
of power can create ethical help the adventurers uncover
dilemmas and challenge the secrets, solve mysteries, and gain
party’s moral compass. The a more profound understanding
adventurers must grapple with of the campaign’s lore.
the consequences of aligning with 2. Bargaining for Knowledge:
such a powerful and potentially Like any dragon, One-Fang
morally ambiguous creature. expects something in return for
its assistance. The adventurers
Including One-Fang as an ally in- must be prepared to offer
troduces a complex and dynamic el- valuable information, rare books,
ement to your campaign. It provides magical artifacts, or other items

80 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

of interest to pique the dragon’s 4. Navigating the Web of Intrigue:
curiosity. Negotiating with One- One-Fang’s access to information
Fang for knowledge requires extends beyond its own vast
finesse, as the dragon will only knowledge. The dragon’s vast
part with its secrets if it deems network of spies and informants
the exchange worthy. can provide valuable insights
3. The Art of Riddles: One-Fang and intelligence about the
is known for its love of riddles political landscape, rival
and puzzles. If the adventurers factions, or hidden plots. The
seek specific information, the adventurers can leverage One-
dragon may present them with Fang’s connections to gather
a series of challenging riddles valuable information, unravel
or tasks that they must solve conspiracies, or uncover the true
to earn the desired knowledge. motives of powerful entities in the
This can lead to engaging campaign.
and intellectually stimulating 5. Trust and Betrayal: While
gameplay, requiring the players One-Fang may offer valuable
to think creatively and work information, the adventurers
together to unravel the dragon’s must always be mindful of the
enigmatic challenges. dragon’s self-serving nature.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 81

One-Fang’s loyalties are fickle, One-Fang as a cartoonish
and its desire for power and Arch-enemy
control can lead to manipulation
or double-crossing. The In some campaigns, it can be en-
adventurers must navigate the tertaining to portray One-Fang, the
delicate balance of trust and mighty dragon, as a more light-hearted
skepticism when dealing with and cartoonish arch-enemy for the ad-
an informant as cunning and venturers. Here are some ideas for em-
unpredictable as One-Fang. bracing a whimsical approach to One-
Fang’s role in the campaign:
Using One-Fang as an informant in-
troduces an element of intrigue an in- 1. Quirky Personality: Give One-
tellectual challenge to your campaign. Fang a larger-than-life personality
It provides the opportunity for engaging with amusing quirks and
interactions, mind-bending puzzles, eccentricities. Perhaps the dragon
and the exploration of the complexi- has an insatiable sweet tooth and
ties of alliances and betrayals. Just re- hoards not only treasure but also
member, dealing with a dragon always an assortment of comically large
comes with risks, and the adventurers candies. Or maybe One-Fang has
must weigh the benefits against the an irrational fear of mice and goes
potential consequences when seeking into a hilarious panic whenever
knowledge from One-Fang. one scurries by. Embrace

82 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

humorous character traits that side of the dragon’s failures to
add levity to encounters with the create memorable and amusing
dragon. encounters.
2. Over-the-Top Speech: Have One-
Fang speak in an exaggerated Remember, introducing a cartoon-
manner, using bombastic ish version of One-Fang as a comical
and flowery language. The arch-enemy can bring a lighthearted
dragon could deliver grandiose and playful tone to your campaign.
monologues, complete with This approach is ideal for groups look-
dramatic pauses and sweeping ing to inject humor and levity into their
gestures. Play up the theatricality adventures, allowing players to engage
of the character to create comedic in hilarious encounters and enjoy a
moments and engage players in break from the serious and dramatic
lively interactions. aspects of the game. Embrace the silli-
3. Wacky Schemes: Depict One- ness, and let the laughter ensue as the
Fang as a mastermind of zany and adventurers face off against the whim-
outlandish schemes. The dragon sical and larger-than-life One-Fang.
might hatch plots that involve
elaborate contraptions, absurd
disguises, or convoluted plans that The Dragon and Combat
constantly backfire in comedic
fashion. Embrace the chaotic Inside the Cave:
nature of these schemes, allowing When engaged in combat inside
players to outsmart One-Fang and her cave, One-Fang utilizes the en-
revel in their victory. vironment to her advantage. She
4. Slapstick Comedy: Infuse strategically positions herself to
encounters with One-Fang with make use of the tight spaces, sta-
slapstick comedy elements. Picture lagmites, and uneven terrain, maxi-
the dragon comically tripping mizing her mobility and cover. One-
over its own tail, getting tangled Fang employs her breath weapon,
in its wings, or accidentally unleashing a devastating cloud of
setting off comical traps in its poisonous gas or a powerful cone of
lair. Incorporate physical humor acid, filling the cavern with hazard-
and visual gags to elicit laughter ous effects. She uses her massive
and create memorable moments of size to knock down stalactites, cre-
lightheartedness. ating falling debris that can damage
5. Epic Failures: Instead of a and disorient her opponents. The
formidable adversary, portray dragon’s lair is filled with traps and
One-Fang as an arch-enemy hidden mechanisms, adding an ele-
with a knack for comedic failure. ment of surprise and danger to the
Despite its grandiose aspirations, encounter. One-Fang swoops down
the dragon constantly finds from the shadows, striking with her
itself in absurd situations, foiled razor-sharp claws and savage bites,
by its own clumsiness or the and then quickly retreats to the
unintended consequences of its safety of her lair, making hit-and-
actions. Embrace the humorous run tactics a part of her strategy.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 83

84 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta
Outside the Cave: Using Terrain to
Outside her cave, One-Fang Her Advantage
takes advantage of her superior mo-
bility and aerial prowess. She soars One-Fang, the mighty dragon, is a
through the sky, using her wings master of utilizing the terrain to her
to gain altitude and launch devas- advantage in combat. As adventur-
tating aerial assaults. One-Fang ers, it is crucial to understand how
unleashes her breath weapon from the dragon leverages the environment
above, targeting groups of adven- to enhance her attacks and defenses.
turers and engulfing them in ele- By studying her tactics and adapting
mental fury. She uses her size and your strategies, you can find ways to
strength to unleash powerful phys- counter her advantages and increase
ical attacks, swiping with her claws your chances of success.
and delivering bone-crushing tail
strikes. One-Fang is cunning and 1. Aerial Superiority: One-Fang
agile, using hit-and-run tactics to excels in airborne combat,
keep her opponents off balance. She utilizing her wings to gain aerial
strategically utilizes the surround- superiority. She will swoop
ing terrain, such as mountains, down from above, utilizing dive
forests, or canyons, to gain tacti- attacks and her breath weapon
cal advantages. The dragon may to devastating effect. Engaging
dive into a nearby body of water to her in open spaces or locations
extinguish f lames or launch sur- with high ceilings plays to her
prise attacks from the depths. She strengths. Beware of her ability
employs her legendary resistance to manipulate the battlefield
and spell-like abilities to resist from the skies and find ways to
and evade magical attacks, making counter her aerial dominance.
her a formidable opponent even for 2. Lair Advantage: One-Fang’s
skilled spellcasters. lair is her sanctum, where she is
Overall, whether inside her cave most comfortable and prepared.
or in the open, One-Fang is a mas- It is essential to consider the
ter of aerial combat and utilizes her lair’s layout and features when
breath weapon, physical attacks, planning your approach. Her
and strategic maneuvering to over- lair likely contains winding
power her foes. She adapts her tac- tunnels, concealed entrances,
tics based on the situation and the and hidden traps designed to
abilities of her adversaries, always give her the upper hand. Expect
seeking to exploit weaknesses and deadly surprises and prepare
maintain the upper hand. Engaging accordingly. Consider using tactics
in combat with One-Fang is an epic such as baiting her out of her lair
and intense experience that tests or setting traps of your own to
the mettle and resourcefulness of neutralize her lair advantage.
the adventurers. 3. Natural Obstacles: One-
Fang will make use of natural
obstacles to impede her foes
and protect herself. Dense

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 85

forests, rocky terrains, or strategically while denying her
winding rivers can limit the same advantages.
movement and provide her with 4. Elemental Dominance: One-
cover. She may use her size Fang’s mastery of the elements
and agility to her advantage, is a formidable asset in combat.
maneuvering around boulders She can harness the power of
or trees to evade attacks and fire, poison, or other elemental
strike from unexpected angles. forces to enhance her attacks
Be mindful of the landscape or create hazardous conditions
and find ways to navigate it for her enemies. Avoid engaging

86 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

her in environments that can understanding how she uses the
amplify her elemental powers, terrain to her advantage is crucial,
such as dry grasslands or it is equally important to adapt and
f lammable areas. Instead, seek find ways to turn the environment
opportunities to exploit her against her. Use your wits, study
vulnerabilities or disrupt her the surroundings, and exploit any
control over the elements. weaknesses you can find to even the
odds in your favor when confronting
Remember, One-Fang is a cun- the mighty dragon.
ning and adaptable adversary. While

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 87

…and the Kingdom shape its fate, and witnessed the re-
shall fall. lentless pursuit of power and sur-
vival. From the treacherous political
landscape to the untamed wilder-
ness, Dosneri stands as a testament
ow, my dearest readers, as to the resilience and cunning of its

N we conclude this book, we

bid farewell to the realm of
Dosneri, a land shrouded
in mystery, intrigue, and the loom-
ing presence of the mighty drag-
inhabitants. But the future holds
uncertain outcomes, and the king-
dom’s destiny hangs in the balance.
Join us as we journey forth, for the
path ahead is fraught with perils,
on, One-Fang. We have delved into secrets, and the inevitable clash
the depths of its history, explored that will decide the fate of Dosneri…
the diverse races and factions that and the kingdom shall fall.

88 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Act 11: a legendary artifact of untold power.
The Lost Relic Unleashed As you reach out to grasp it, you can
Unleashing the Power Within feel its energy pulsating, resonating
with the very essence of the kingdom.
As the players delve deeper into the The relic calls to you, urging you to
secrets of Dosneri, they uncover the unlock its secrets and harness its
Lost Relic of Dosneri, a long-lost arti- mighty power. What do you do?
fact of immense power. This relic holds
the key to unraveling the mysteries of
the kingdom and unlocking its hidden The Lost Relic of Dosneri is a leg-
potential. The players must navigate endary artifact infused with the es-
treacherous paths, face formidable sence of the kingdom, and the Aether
foes, and make critical choices as they Elves. It is said to hold immense
harness the relic’s power and deter- power and the key to unlocking the
mine the fate of Dosneri. true potential of Enaria. The relic is
a beautifully crafted object, adorned
As you venture through ancient with intricate engravings that depict
ruins, a glimmer catches your eye. scenes from the kingdom’s history.
Amidst the debris and decay, you Its powers can be harnessed by those
discover a hidden chamber. In the who possess it, granting them in-
center lies the Lost Relic of Dosneri, credible abilities and influencing the
course of events in Dosneri.
A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 89
Act 12: As you investigate the shadowy
The Shadow Council underbelly of Dosneri, you discover
A Sinister Web Unveiled whispers of an elusive organization
known as the Shadow Council.
The adventurers stumble upon a Rumors suggest that this clandestine
hidden network of powerful individ- group wields great influence, pulling
uals known as the Shadow Council. the strings behind the kingdom’s
Operating from the shadows, this politics and shaping its destiny. Their
clandestine organization seeks to motives remain shrouded in mystery,
manipulate the fate of Dosneri for but one thing is clear: their reach
their own dark purposes. As the ad- extends far and wide, encompassing
venturers delve deeper into the web both the highest echelons of power
of intrigue and secrets, they become and the darkest corners of Dosneri.
entangled in a dangerous game of
power and deception. Will they un-
ravel the mysteries of the Shadow The Shadow Council is a secret so-
Council and thwart their nefari- ciety composed of influential figures
ous plans, or will they fall victim to from various sectors of Dosneri’s so-
their sinister machinations? ciety, including nobles, high-ranking

90 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

officials, powerful magic users, and and deceptive abilities to sway
enigmatic individuals. Their motiva- others to the council’s cause.
tions and ultimate goals are known to
only a select few within their ranks, 3. Vesper Shadowblade
as they operate with utmost secrecy A skilled assassin and loyal
and discretion. agent of the Shadow Council. He
The adventurers find themselves carries out covert operations and
drawn into the intricate web of the eliminates anyone who poses a
Shadow Council when they stum- threat to the council’s secrets.
ble upon evidence of their existence
during their investigations. Clues 4. Ambassador Selene Nightshade
lead them to unmask key members A high-ranking diplomat and
of the council and unveil their hidden council member who is skilled
agendas. The adventurers must nav- in diplomacy and negotiation.
igate a treacherous landscape of po- She uses her position to
litical maneuvering, espionage, and advance the council’s interests
dangerous encounters as they strive in foreign affairs and forge
to thwart the Shadow Council’s plans alliances with other kingdoms.
and protect Dosneri from their malev-
olent influence.
Throughout their journey, the ad- Treasures and Valuables:
venturers encounter a variety of chal- 1. Shadow Council’s Seal
lenges, including encounters with in- A unique signet ring bearing the
fluential council members and their emblem of the Shadow Council.
loyal agents, deciphering cryptic Possessing this seal grants the
messages and hidden codes, infiltrat- bearer limited access to secret
ing secret meetings and gatherings, council meetings and can be
and gathering evidence to expose the used to command the allegiance
council’s sinister plots. of some council operatives.

2. Scrolls of Forbidden Knowledge

Creatures and NPCs: Ancient scrolls containing
1. Lord Arandor Blackthorn forbidden magical rituals, dark
A charismatic nobleman incantations, and hidden secrets.
who serves as the council’s These scrolls hold immense power
enigmatic leader. He is a and can be a valuable resource
master of manipulation and for those seeking to delve into
intrigue, wielding both political the darker arts of magic.
influence and dark magic to
further the council’s goals. 3. Shadowblade’s Dagger
A finely crafted dagger imbued
2. Lady Eveline Ravenshadow with shadow magic. This weapon
A powerful sorceress and council allows the wielder to strike with
member who specializes in deadly precision and infuse their
illusion and mind manipulation. attacks with shadowy energy.
She uses her enchanting charms

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 91

As the adventurers uncover the covert operations, stealing sensitive
mysteries of the Shadow Council, documents, eavesdropping on clan-
they must gather allies, expose the destine meetings, and gathering in-
council’s hidden agendas, and thwart telligence from trusted informants.
their plans for domination. Along The stakes are high, and every move
their perilous journey, the adventur- they make must be calculated, as
ers may form unlikely alliances with the council’s influence extends to the
rebel factions, disgruntled nobles, highest echelons of power.
and even rival political figures who As the adventurers unearth the
share a common enemy in the Shad- truth, they come face to face with the
ow Council. They delve deep into the council’s formidable leaders. These
underbelly of Dosneri, uncovering master manipulators wield dark mag-
evidence of corruption, bribery, and ic, employ ruthless tactics, and will
blackmail that permeate every level stop at nothing to protect their se-
of society. crets. The adventurers must confront
To expose the council’s hidden their own fears and navigate treach-
agendas, the adventurers must gath- erous moral dilemmas to make the
er crucial evidence, decipher cryp- choices that will determine the fate of
tic clues, and infiltrate the council’s Dosneri. Will they expose the coun-
secret strongholds. They engage in cil’s corruption and restore justice,

92 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

or will they succumb to the shadows Act 13:
themselves and become pawns in the The Forgotten Prophecy
council’s twisted game? Pieces of Fate
In this act, the adventurers must
draw upon their skills, alliances, and The ancient prophecy resurfaces,
inner strength to unravel the intricate its cryptic words stirring fear and in-
web of deceit and bring the Shadow trigue among the people of Dosneri.
Council to its knees. The fate of Dos- The adventurers are drawn into a
neri hangs in the balance, and the race against time to uncover the frag-
adventurers stand as the kingdom’s ments of the prophecy and decipher
last hope against the encroaching its meaning before disaster strikes.
darkness. Will they emerge victori- Allies and enemies await them on this
ous and restore peace and prosperity, perilous quest, each holding a crucial
or will the Shadow Council’s grip on piece of the puzzle.
power be too strong to overcome? The
answers lie within the hearts of the “In the forgotten annals of Dosneri’s
adventurers as they embark on their history, a prophecy lies dormant,
final, harrowing quest to save Dosneri its secrets guarded by time and
from its shadowed fate. fate. But now, whispers of its
existence echo through the kingdom,
stirring fear and curiosity. As
the chosen champions, you are
tasked with unraveling the enigma
of the Forgotten Prophecy, for its
words hold the key to averting
cataclysmic disaster. Seek the
fragments scattered across the
land, consult sages, and beware
those who seek to manipulate the
prophecy for their own gain. The fate
of Dosneri rests in your hands.”

The adventurers find themselves

entangled in a web of prophecy and
destiny. The ancient prophecy, long
forgotten and shrouded in mystery,
resurfaces with dire warnings of a
looming cataclysm. The kingdom of
Dosneri trembles with anticipation
and fear as its people look to the ad-
venturers to uncover the fragments
of the prophecy and unveil its true
meaning. The journey takes them
through treacherous landscapes, an-
cient ruins, and hidden sanctuaries,

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 93

where they must navigate complex Act 14:
riddles, decipher cryptic symbols, and The Curse of Undeath
confront their own inner demons. Veil of Shadows
Amidst their quest, the adventur-
ers encounter individuals who possess A sinister curse engulfs Dosne–
fragments of the prophecy. Some are ri, spreading like a malignant shad-
sages and scholars, offering guidance ow and transforming its once vibrant
and wisdom, while others are enigmat- inhabitants into mindless undead. In
ic figures with hidden agendas. Allies this dire hour, the adventurers dis-
and enemies alike hold pieces of the cover that they alone possess immu-
puzzle, each with their own interpre- nity to the curse, becoming the last
tations and motives. The adventurers hope to save the kingdom from eter-
must navigate delicate alliances, un- nal darkness. They must navigate
mask deceptions, and make difficult treacherous tombs, confront powerful
choices to assemble the fragments and necromancers, and seek the means to
unlock the prophecy’s true power. break the curse before it devoursthe
The stakes are high, as the fate realm.
of Dosneri hangs in the balance. The
adventurers’ success or failure in de- “A chilling darkness descends upon
ciphering the prophecy will determine Dosneri, as a foul curse taints
the kingdom’s destiny. Will they un- its lands and corrupts its people.
ravel the cryptic messages and prevent The once living now wander as
the impending catastrophe, or will they mindless undead, trapped in an
fall victim to the machinations of those endless nightmare. But you, brave
who seek to exploit the prophecy for adventurers, bear a rare gift of
their own gain? The journey is fraught immunity to this unholy affliction.
with danger and uncertainty, but the You are the beacon of hope amidst
adventurers are driven by a sense of the encroaching darkness. Venture
duty and the hope that they can shape forth into haunted tombs, face the
a brighter future for Dosneri. necromantic forces that spawned
this curse, and unravel the
secrets that can bring salvation to
Dosneri. The fate of the kingdom
rests upon your shoulders.”

A dark curse casts its pall over

Dosneri, transforming the living
into mindless undead and plunging
the kingdom into chaos. The adven-
turers, immune to the curse’s grip,
find themselves thrust into a night-
marish landscape teeming with
hordes of undead and the malevolent
necromancers who wield the curse’s
power. Their mission is clear: to find

94 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

a way to break the curse and restore ing from mindless zombies to cun-
the kingdom to its former glory. ning wraiths and ghasts. Along their
The path to salvation is treacher- journey, they encounter powerful
ous, as the adventurers must navigate necromancers who seek to harness
haunted tombs, desecrated crypts, the curse’s power for their own dark
and cursed ruins. They face relent- purposes. The adventurers must con-
less waves of undead creatures, rang- front these vile practitioners of nec-
romancy, unravel their
sinister plots, and gather
the necessary knowledge
and artifacts to break
the curse.
Time is of the essence,
for the curse spreads
relentlessly, engulfing
more of Dosneri with
each passing day. The
adventurers must race
against the tide of un-
death, drawing upon
their skills, magic, and
alliances to find the key
to breaking the curse.
They delve into forbid-
den knowledge, seek the
aid of wise mystics, and
confront the very es-
sence of death itself. The
fate of Dosneri hangs in
the balance, and the ad-
venturers must muster
their courage, resolve,
and cunning to save the
kingdom from eternal
Note: The Curse of
Undeath can be tailored
to fit the tone and level
of horror desired for the
campaign. The level of
undead encounters, the
nature of the curse, and
the difficulty of breaking
it can be adjusted to suit
the players’ preferences
and the campaign’s over-
all theme.
A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 95
Act 15: adventurers, find yourselves at the
The Rebellion Rises heart of this uprising, standing
Shadows of Dissent at the crossroads of loyalty and
justice. The choices you make will
A spark ignites in the hearts of the determine the fate of Dosneri and
oppressed, as a rebellion rises to chal- its people. Will you fight for the
lenge the rule of Queen Ma’rramus and crown or join the rebellion? The time
the oppressive monarchy. The adventur- has come to make your stand.”
ers find themselves caught in the midst
of a growing conflict, torn between loy-
alty to the crown and the call for jus- In the face of Queen Ma’rramus’s
tice and freedom. They must navigate rule, a rebellion gains momentum,
a treacherous political landscape, forge rallying the oppressed and disillu-
alliances, and make choices that will sioned to rise against the monarchy.
shape the destiny of Dosneri’s future. The adventurers become entangled in
the conflict, their actions and choic-
“The people of Dosneri have es shaping the course of Dosneri’s fu-
endured long years of oppression, ture. As tensions mount, they must
their voices silenced, and their navigate a treacherous political land-
dreams crushed under the weight scape, navigating shifting allegianc-
of a tyrannical monarchy. But now, es, secret societies, and clandestine
hope flickers like a flame in the meetings in the shadows.
darkness, as a rebellion rises to The rebellion is a diverse alli-
challenge the status quo. You, brave ance, drawing support from various

96 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

factions and individuals who share Act 16:
a common desire for change. From The Elemental Awakening
the working-class laborers and Unleashed Fury
peasants yearning for better lives
to disgruntled nobles and disillu- The serene harmony of Dosneri
sioned soldiers, the rebels represent is shattered as elder evil elemental
a spectrum of Dosneri society. The forces surge with unchecked power,
adventurers must forge alliances unleashing chaos and devastation
with key figures, earn the trust of across the kingdom. The adventurers
inf luential leaders, and rally the are tasked with a monumental quest
people to their cause. to restore balance and discover the
However, the path to revolution is source of this elemental upheaval.
paved with challenges and dangers. They must navigate treacherous land-
The crown’s loyalists remain vigilant, scapes, confront ancient elemental
seeking to suppress the rebellion at guardians, and ultimately save Dos-
every turn. The adventurers must neri from being consumed by the un-
navigate acts of espionage, sabotage, bridled fury of the elements.
and political maneuvering, all while
keeping their true allegiances con- “The very fabric of Dosneri is
cealed. They face the wrath of the trembling, as the elemental forces
Queen’s enforcers, encounter spies, rage unchecked, wreaking havoc
and infiltrate the royal court, gath- and devastation across the kingdom.
ering vital information and sowing The land trembles beneath your
seeds of dissent. feet, storms rage in the sky, and
As the rebellion gains strength, the earth splits asunder. You
the adventurers must grapple with are chosen, the champions of
the weight of their decisions. Will Dosneri, entrusted with the sacred
they remain loyal to the crown, seek- task of restoring balance to the
ing to reform the system from within, elemental realms. Will you stand
or will they fully embrace the cause of against the unleashed fury of the
the rebellion, risking everything for elements and uncover the source
the pursuit of justice and freedom? of this cataclysmic awakening?”
The choices they make will shape the
destiny of Dosneri, and their actions
may lead to either a new era of hope An unknown power has set the
or a devastating clash that could tear elemental forces of Dosneri ablaze,
the kingdom apart. causing them to surge with unprec-
Note: The Rebellion Rises can be edented strength and rage. The king-
customized to suit the campaign’s dom is plunged into chaos as storms
tone and level of political intrigue. The ravage the skies, earthquakes rock
level of rebellion activities, the com- the land, and wildfires consume the
plexity of alliances, and the poten- forests. The adventurers find them-
tial consequences of the adventurers’ selves in the midst of this elemental
choices can be adjusted to match the maelstrom, their mission clear: to
desired gameplay experience and the restore balance and prevent the com-
players’ preferences. plete destruction of Dosneri.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 97

To quell the elemental unrest, the The elemental awakening poses
adventurers must embark on a peril- not only physical challenges but also
ous journey across diverse terrains, tests the adventurers’ resolve and in-
from soaring mountain peaks to des- genuity. They must learn to harness
olate deserts and tempestuous seas. the power of the elements themselves,
Along the way, they encounter ancient forging alliances with elemental be-
elemental guardians, embodiments of ings, acquiring elemental magic, and
fire, water, earth, and air, each wield- unlocking ancient elemental artifacts.
ing immense power and guarding the Their decisions and actions will shape
secrets to restoring balance. These the outcome of Dosneri’s destiny, de-
guardians must be convinced, defeat- termining whether harmony can be
ed, or appeased to gain their aid in restored or if the kingdom will be con-
taming the raging elements. sumed by the unyielding fury of the
As the adventurers delve deeper elements.
into the elemental realms, they un- Note: The Elemental Awakening
cover clues and encounters that hint can be customized to fit the desired
at the mysterious entity responsible level of elemental danger and explora-
for the disturbance. They navigate tion. The magnitude and the scope of
treacherous elemental puzzles, deci- the elemental disturbances, the chal-
pher cryptic prophecies, and seek the lenges faced during encounters with
counsel of sages and wise beings who the elemental guardians, and the in-
possess ancient knowledge. The path tricacy of unraveling the mystery can
to restoring balance is fraught with be tailored to suit the campaign’s tone
danger, but with each triumph over and the players’ preferences.
the elements, the adventurers inch
closer to the truth.

98 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Act 17: long-lost heir to the Dosneri throne
The Lost Heir and ensure their rightful ascension.
The Hidden Birthright Hidden bloodlines, forgotten rituals,
and treacherous adversaries lie
Short introduction: Whispers of a in your path. Will you unravel the
lost heir to the Dosneri throne echo secrets of the lost heir and guide
through the kingdom, casting doubt them towards their destiny?”
on Queen Ma’rramus’ rule. The ad-
venturers are entrusted with the cru-
cial mission of locating the rightful Legends speak of a hidden birth-
heir and guiding them on the path to right, a rightful heir to the Dosneri
claim their birthright. Their journey throne who has long been obscured
will lead them through hidden royal from the annals of history. Whispers of
bloodlines, ancient rituals, and peril- their existence now resurface, threat-
ous encounters with those who seek ening to unravel the established order
to undermine the monarchy. of the kingdom. The adventurers find
themselves at the center of this politi-
“The echoes of a lost lineage cal turmoil, tasked with the daunting
reverberate through the kingdom of responsibility of locating the lost heir
Dosneri, challenging the legitimacy and ensuring their claim to the throne.
of Queen Ma’rramus’ reign. You have To uncover the truth of the lost
been chosen to embark on a quest heir’s lineage, the adventurers must
of utmost importance: to find the delve into the depths of Dosneri’s
history, tracing back the royal blood-

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 99

lines and unearthing forgotten tales. navigate the complexities of power,
They encounter enigmatic figures identity, and destiny.
who guard the secrets of the past, Note: The Lost Heir seed allows
guiding them through ancient rituals for rich political intrigue, exploration
and tests to prove the heir’s rightful of Dosneri’s history and royal lin-
claim. Along the way, they face op- eage, and the opportunity for the ad-
position from factions loyal to Queen venturers to shape the destiny of the
Ma’rramus, who will stop at nothing kingdom. The details of the lost heir’s
to maintain their grip on power. identity, the challenges faced in prov-
The journey to find the lost heir ing their legitimacy, and the reactions
takes the adventurers across the vast of various factions can be tailored to
lands of Dosneri, from opulent palac- fit the campaign’s themes and the
es to hidden strongholds and sacred players’ preferences.
ancestral sites. They navigate treach-
erous political land-
scapes, forming
alliances with key
players who hold
pieces of the puzzle.
As they follow the
clues and unravel
the mysteries, they
face dangerous en-
counters with those
who seek to thwart
their mission and
keep the truth bur-
The fate of Dos-
neri hangs in the
balance as the
adventurers race
against time to en-
sure the rightful
heir’s ascension.
They must make
difficult choices,
weigh loyalty and
betrayal, and con-
front the conse-
quences of their
actions. The future
of the kingdom and
its people hinges
on their success in
this quest, as they

100 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Act 18: of twisted enchantments, ancient
The Forbidden curses, and forbidden rituals. They
Knowledge navigate a treacherous landscape of
Delving into Darkness arcane libraries, secret cults, and hid-
den chambers, where they face formi-
A long-lost forbidden tome sur- dable challenges to unlock the tome’s
faces, said to hold ancient and dan- secrets. Along the way, they must con-
gerous knowledge that could alter front moral dilemmas, make difficult
the balance of power in Dosneri. The choices, and grapple with the conse-
adventurers find themselves entan- quences of their actions.
gled in a high-stakes race against The race to possess the forbidden
rival factions to obtain the coveted tome brings the adventurers into con-
book. As they navigate the treacher- flict with rival factions, each driven
ous realm of dark magic, they must by their own motivations and desires.
confront moral dilemmas and make They encounter dark wizards, pow-
choices that will shape the destiny of er-hungry sorcerers, and unscrupu-
the kingdom. lous individuals willing to go to any
lengths to claim the knowledge for
“Legends speak of a forbidden tome, themselves. Betrayal, alliances, and
a repository of arcane knowledge so unexpected alliances shape the path
potent and dangerous that it has to the tome, as the adventurers nav-
remained hidden for centuries. Now, igate a web of intrigue and deception.
this ancient book has resurfaced, Within the pages of the forbidden
casting a shadow of uncertainty tome, the adventurers discover pow-
over the kingdom of Dosneri. You erful spells, forbidden rituals, and in-
are drawn into a race against rival sights into ancient magical artifacts.
factions, all seeking to possess the The knowledge contained within is a
forbidden knowledge within. As you double-edged sword, capable of un-
delve into the depths of dark magic, locking immense power but also car-
moral dilemmas and life-altering rying great risks and consequences.
choices will test your resolve. The fate They must carefully consider how to
of the kingdom hangs in the balance.” wield this newfound knowledge and
grapple with the ethical implications
of delving into dark magic.
Whispers of a forbidden tome, The choices made by the adventur-
rumored to hold esoteric knowledge ers in their pursuit of the forbidden
that could tip the scales of power in knowledge will have far-reaching con-
Dosneri, capture the attention of the sequences for the kingdom of Dosneri.
adventurers. The ancient book, long They must decide whether to safe-
hidden and guarded, emerges into the guard the tome, destroy it to prevent
realm of possibility, igniting a fierce its misuse, or use its power for their
competition among rival factions who own purposes. The destiny of Dosneri
seek to harness its dark secrets. hangs in the balance as they navigate
As the adventurers delve deep- the dangerous path of forbidden mag-
er into the pursuit of the forbidden ic and face the ultimate test of their
knowledge, they encounter a world character and resolve.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 101

Note: The Forbidden Knowledge of the forbidden tome, its contents,
seed offers an opportunity for ex- and the factions vying for its pos-
ploration of dark magic, moral di- session can be customized to fit the
lemmas, and the consequences of campaign’s themes and the players’
seeking forbidden power. The nature preferences.

102 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Act 19: “As night falls, an eerie crimson
The Curse of the glow bathes the land. The moon,
Blood Moon once serene and comforting, now
When the Tide Turns radiates an ominous red hue.
The Curse of the Blood Moon has
A rare celestial event known as the befallen Dosneri, turning creatures
Blood Moon casts a malevolent curse into nightmarish abominations.
upon Dosneri, transforming crea- The kingdom teeters on the brink
tures into monstrous abominations. of chaos, and you are the last hope
The kingdom descends into chaos as to uncover the origin of this curse
the curse spreads, and the adventur- and find a way to lift it. The fate
ers are thrust into a race against time of Dosneri rests in your hands.”
to uncover the origin of the curse and
find a way to reverse its effects. They
must navigate a treacherous land- The Blood Moon, a rare celes-
scape, confront twisted creatures, tial phenomenon, casts a malevolent
and uncover dark secrets to save Dos- curse upon Dosneri. As the moon
neri from descending into madness turns red, creatures across the king-
and darkness. dom are transformed into monstrous

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 103

versions of themselves, consumed
by dark and savage instincts. The
curse spreads rapidly, causing panic
and chaos among the inhabitants of
the realm.
The adventurers are thrust into
the heart of the crisis, as they possess
an innate resistance to the curse’s ef-
fects. Their unique immunity grants
them a vital role in unraveling the
mystery and finding a way to reverse
the curse. They embark on a perilous
journey to uncover the origin of the
curse, following ancient prophecies,
seeking the guidance of wise sages,
and exploring forbidden territories.
Throughout their quest, the ad-
venturers encounter twisted and cor-
rupted creatures, once their allies that could aid their quest. Allies and
and friends. These monstrous abomi- enemies emerge, each with their own
nations, driven by primal urges, pose motivations and agendas, as the ad-
a constant threat and test the adven- venturers navigate the blurred lines
turers’ resolve. They must navigate between friend and foe.
treacherous landscapes, haunted for- The ultimate challenge lies in con-
ests, and desolate ruins, facing chal- fronting the source of the curse, a
lenging battles and making difficult formidable entity or an ancient arti-
choices to gather the knowledge and fact corrupted by dark forces. The ad-
artifacts needed to break the curse. venturers must gather their courage,
As they delve deeper into the harness their abilities, and face the
heart of the Blood Moon’s curse, the malevolent entity head-on to break
adventurers uncover dark secrets the curse’s grip on Dosneri. Success
and forgotten rituals. They learn of a means restoring balance, peace, and
powerful entity or malevolent force be- hope to the kingdom, while failure
hind the curse, whose machinations heralds a future of eternal darkness
threaten to plunge Dosneri into eter- and despair.
nal darkness. Unraveling the curse’s Note: The Curse of the Blood
origins requires them to face danger- Moon seed presents an opportunity
ous foes, decipher cryptic texts, and for thrilling and intense encounters,
perform ancient rites to weaken the exploration of corrupted landscapes,
curse’s hold on the land. and moral dilemmas as the adventur-
The fate of Dosneri hangs in the ers strive to lift the curse. The specif-
balance as the adventurers race ics of the curse’s origin, the nature of
against time to lift the curse of the the malevolent entity, and the meth-
Blood Moon. Along their journey, they ods to reverse the curse can be tai-
encounter individuals who hold key lored to suit the campaign’s themes
information or possess rare artifacts and the players’ preferences.

104 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Act 20: The rival factions involved in the al-
The Treacherous Alliance liance each have their own motivations
Loyalties Shattered and goals. Some seek to exploit Dos-
neri’s resources, while others aim to
A alliance between rival factions dismantle the monarchy or establish
threatens to plunge Dosneri into cha- their own reign of power. The adven-
os and destruction. The adventurers turers must gather intelligence, forge
are caught in the crossfire, forced to alliances with like-minded factions,
navigate shifting loyalties and make and expose the treacherous plots that
difficult choices to safeguard the threaten the stability of the kingdom.
kingdom. As they uncover dark con- Throughout their journey, the ad-
spiracies and face dangerous foes, the venturers encounter powerful and in-
fate of Dosneri hangs in the balance. fluential figures within the factions.
They must make difficult choices
“The delicate balance of power that impact the balance of power and
in Dosneri is shattered as rival determine the future of Dosneri. Be-
factions forge a dangerous alliance. trayals, assassinations, and epic con-
The kingdom teeters on the brink frontations test their resolve and force
of destruction, and you find them to question their own loyalties.
yourselves caught in the middle The stakes are high as the alliance
of this treacherous web of politics gains momentum, with dire conse-
and power. Loyalties will be tested, quences for Dosneri if left unchecked.
choices will be made, and the future The adventurers must navigate a web
of Dosneri hangs in the balance. Will of deception, corruption, and pow-
you rise to the challenge and protect er struggles, using their skills, wits,
the kingdom from its own downfall?” and alliances to outmaneuver their
enemies and preserve the kingdom.
In the final showdown, the ad-
A alliance forms between rival fac- venturers confront the mastermind
tions in Dosneri, driven by a shared behind the treacherous alliance, a
desire to overthrow the established cunning and ruthless individual who
order and seize control. The adventur- seeks to solidify their grip on Dosneri.
ers become entangled in this power The fate of the kingdom hangs in the
struggle, as their actions and choices balance as the adventurers face their
play a pivotal role in determining the greatest challenge yet, requiring them
fate of the kingdom. to make sacrifices, forge unlikely al-
As the adventurers delve into the liances, and take a stand against the
heart of the conspiracy, they uncov- forces of darkness.
er hidden agendas, dark secrets, and Note: The Treacherous Alliance seed
unexpected alliances. The lines be- presents an opportunity for deep politi-
tween friend and foe blur as loyalties cal intrigue, moral dilemmas, and com-
shift and betrayals unfold. They must plex character interactions. The specific
navigate a treacherous landscape of factions involved, their goals, and the
political intrigue, dangerous allianc- consequences of the adventurers’ choic-
es, and clandestine operations to pro- es can be tailored to fit the campaign’s
tect Dosneri from destruction. themes and the players’ preferences.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 105

106 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta
Appendix I: your journeys be filled with awe-in-
Magic Items spiring discoveries and incredible
feats of heroism!

ithin this appendix, you will The tome of elemental

W discover a selection of mag-

ical items that can be found
and utilized throughout the
Dosneri campaign. While the descrip-
tions and mechanics of these items
Wondrous item, legendary
(requires attunement)

The tome of elemental summoning

align with the rules of Dungeons & is a magnificent and weathered book,
Dragons 5th Edition, it is important its once-lustrous cover now faded and
to note that they are intended as a adorned with intricate, weathered
framework and can be easily adapted designs. The pages within are made
to suit any fantasy role-playing game from thick parchment, yellowed with
system you prefer. age and delicately preserved despite
The purpose of presenting these the passage of time. The script upon
magic items in a system-agnostic its pages is written in a language that
manner is to provide flexibility and seems ancient and arcane, bearing
encourage the incorporation of these the wisdom of forgotten ages.
unique treasures into your own RPG Within the tome’s yellowed pages,
world. By keeping the rules at a gen- each section is dedicated to a specif-
eral level, it allows for seamless inte- ic named elder elemental (earth, air,
gration and customization to fit your fire, and water). Each elemental tome
chosen game system and setting.
Feel free to modify, enhance, or
create new magical items based on
the concepts and themes presented
here. The focus of this appendix is to
inspire imagination, creativity, and
wonder in your games, rather than
rigid adherence to specific rules. Em-
brace the spirit of your RPG system
and let the magic of Dosneri unfold in
your own unique way.
Remember, the true power of mag-
ic lies in the stories it weaves and the
impact it has on the narrative. These
magic items are tools to enhance
the role-playing experience and add
depth to your adventures. Embrace
the opportunities for customization
and make them truly your own as
you embark on epic quests within the
enchanting realm of Dosneri. May

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 107

delves deep into the nature, charac-
teristics, and rituals associated with
summoning and communing with
these powerful entities. It is widely
known among scholars that only a
limited number of these tomes exist—
no more than 206 have been writ-
ten throughout history. Each tome
is unique, containing insights, an-
ecdotes, and specific techniques for
connecting with and commanding a
particular elemental force.
The tome contains a ritual that
you can use to summon an elder ele-
mental, as if you had cast the conjure
elemental spell. It stays on the prime
material plane for 24 hours or until
dismissed. The tome can’t be used
this way again until the next dawn. It
weighs 10 pounds.

The primordial
elemental gem Lost Relic of Dosneri
Wondrous item, legendary Wondrous item, artifact
(requires attunement) (requires attunement)

The primordial elemental gem is a The Lost Relic of Dosneri is a leg-

mesmerizing gemstone that radiates endary artifact infused with the es-
an ethereal glow, captivating the gaze sence of the kingdom. It is said to
of all who behold it. Carved with intri- hold immense power and the key to
cate patterns that seem to shift and unlocking the true potential of Dos-
ripple like flickering flames or swirl- neri. The relic is a beautifully craft-
ing currents, it encapsulates the es- ed object, adorned with intricate en-
sence of the primordial elements. Its gravings that depict scenes from the
pulsating energy resonates with raw kingdom’s history. Its powers can be
power, a conduit to harness the forc- harnessed by those who possess it,
es of the elder elementals. Holding the granting them incredible abilities and
gem in hand, one can feel the surges influencing the course of events in
of elemental energy coursing through Dosneri.
their veins, a testament to the un- The Lost Relic of Dosneri is more
tamed might contained within this than a mere trinket; it is a conduit
mystical artifact. of ancient magic, resonating with the
Attuning to it removes the neces- very heartbeat of the kingdom. Leg-
sity of maintain concentration on any ends speak of its creation by the an-
elemental summon spells. cient Aether Elves, who imbued it with

108 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

risma, empowering the bearer to sway
hearts and minds with ease.
However, harnessing the relic’s pow-
er is not without risk. The immense
energy within the artifact can be over-
whelming, and its use draws the atten-
tion of both allies and adversaries. The
relic’s power attracts those who seek to
control or exploit it for their own nefar-
ious purposes. The bearer must navi-
gate treacherous paths and make diffi-
cult choices, for the fate of Dosneri rests
on their shoulders.
The Lost Relic of Dosneri holds the
key to unraveling the kingdom’s se-
crets, restoring its former glory, and
shaping its future. Only those worthy
and courageous enough can harness
its power and determine the destiny
of Dosneri. The relic’s true potential
awaits those who dare to grasp it and
embrace the challenges that lie ahead.
The relic possesses both major
and minor powers, which have been
the combined essence of Dosneri’s long sought after by adventurers,
land, people, and history. As a result, scholars, and those who desire the
the relic pulses with a radiant energy, ancient secrets of Dosneri. Its major
casting a soft glow in its vicinity. powers include:
Those who possess the relic find Dominion of the Kingdom: The
themselves drawn to its power, as bearer of the relic gains the author-
if the relic itself is alive and yearn- ity and recognition of the Dosneri
ing to be utilized. The amulet holds kingdom. They can command the
secrets waiting to be unlocked, loyalty of Dosneri’s inhabitants,
and each bearer discovers differ- including its citizens, soldiers,
ent facets of its potential. It grants and even some inf luential figures.
visions and whispers of forgotten This power allows the bearer to
lore, guiding the chosen one to ful- rally support, gather information,
fill their destiny and shape the fate and potentially sway the course of
of Dosneri. events within Dosneri.
While attuned to the Lost Relic of Realm’s Legacy: The relic be-
Dosneri, the bearer gains an extraor- stows upon the bearer a deeper con-
dinary connection to the kingdom and nection to the ancient history and
its people. The relic enhances their nat- wisdom of Dosneri. It grants them
ural abilities and grants them insights access to hidden knowledge, forgot-
into the mysteries of Dosneri’s past. It ten legends, and the ability to de-
instills a sense of authority and cha- cipher ancient texts and artifacts.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 109

moviment and hiding while in dim
This power can be invaluable in light or covered in shadows.
uncovering the mysteries of Dosneri Whispering Shadows: Once
and its lost secrets. per long rest, you can cast a dark-
The relic’s minor powers include: ness spell. The darkness created by
Protection of Dosneri: The relic this ability is infused with the es-
provides the bearer with enhanced sence of the Shadow Council, making
resistance against various magical it difficult for creatures to dispel or
and physical threats that originate see through magically.
from or target Dosneri. It grants a Shadowstep: As a bonus action,
measure of protection against harm- you can teleport up to 30 feet to an
ful spells, curses, and other forms of unoccupied space that you can see
magical manipulation. that is also in dim light or darkness.
Gateway to Dosneri: By attun- You must have line of sight to the des-
ing to the relic, the bearer gains the tination. Once you use this feature,
ability to open a portal that leads you can’t use it again until you finish
directly to any part of Dosneri. This a short or long rest.
portal can be used to travel swiftly Shadow Council’s Influence: You
between the realm and other loca- have advantage on Charisma skill
tions, facilitating expeditions, re- checks made when interacting with
connaissance, or even emergency members or agents of the Shadow
escapes. Council.
It is said that the true potential Cursed Bond: While attuned
of the Lost Relic of Dosneri can only to the Shadow Council’s Seal, you
be fully unlocked by someone who are bound to the will of the Shadow
understands the true essence and Council. The seal cannot be removed
history of the kingdom. Those who willingly, and if you attempt to do
possess this ancient artifact hold a so, you must succeed on a Charisma
piece of Dosneri’s power and legacy saving throw or be compelled to keep
within their grasp. it on. Additionally, the seal acts as a

Shadow Council’s Seal

Wondrous item, very rare
(requires attunement)

This intricately designed seal is

made of obsidian and adorned with
mysterious glyphs that seem to shift
and writhe in the shadows. It radiates
an aura of enchantment and carries
the mark of the secretive Shadow
Council. While wearing the Shadow
Council’s Seal, you gain the following
Shadowy Veil: You are highlly pro-
ficient in any skill check concerning

110 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

magical beacon, making you easier to
detect by those who are familiar with
the Shadow Council’s symbols or ene-
mies seeking to uncover their secrets.
Note: The Shadow Council’s Seal
is a powerful artifact connected to the
mysterious and elusive Shadow Coun-
cil. It offers great advantages to those
who wear it, but the cursed bond and
the potential consequences of its use
should be carefully considered by
the adventurers. The DM may intro-
duce additional story elements or plot
hooks related to the Shadow Council’s
agenda or the repercussions of wield-
ing their seal.

Scrolls of
Forbidden Knowledge
Scroll, very rare. forbidden knowledge contained within
(requires attunement) can corrupt the minds of those who
delve too deeply. Each time a charac-
These ancient scrolls, bound with ter uses the granted ability or casts
faded leather and inscribed with cryp- the spell from the scroll, they must
tic symbols, contain long-lost secrets make a willpower resistance. On a
and forbidden knowledge. Each scroll failed save, they suffer psychic damage
focuses on a specific area of exper- or experience a temporary madness,
tise, whether it be arcane, divine, or reflecting the toll of accessing such for-
mundane. The information within is bidden knowledge.
potent but dangerous, as it delves into It is said that the Scrolls of For-
realms of magic and lore that were bidden Knowledge are fragments of
meant to remain hidden. a greater tome, scattered throughout
Properties: When a character at- the world. Collecting and studying
tunes to a Scroll of Forbidden Knowl- these scrolls can unlock greater se-
edge, they gain access to a unique crets and unravel the mysteries of the
ability or spell that is normally be- ancient past. However, those who seek
yond their reach. The specific ability to possess this forbidden lore must be
or spell granted by the scroll depends prepared to confront the consequenc-
on its nature and the type of knowl- es and resist the allure of power that
edge it holds. The character can use comes with it.
this ability or cast this spell a limited Note: The specific abilities
number of times per day, as specified or spells granted by the Scrolls of
in the scroll’s description. Forbidden Knowledge should be de-
While the scrolls grant incredible termined by the DM based on the
power, they also come with risks. The campaign’s themes, setting, and the

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 111

needs of the story. They can range several unique abilities. The dagger
from unique spells or abilities to has the finesse property, allowing it to
access to specialized knowledge or be used with either Strength or Dex-
skills. The DM is encouraged to cre- terity for attack and damage rolls. Ad-
ate flavorful and intriguing effects ditionally, the blade is imbued with
that align with the forbidden nature shadow magic, granting advantage on
of the scrolls. attack rolls made against creatures in
dim light or darkness.
Once per day, the wielder can in-
Shadowblade’s Dagger voke the Dagger’s Shadow Step ability.
Weapon (dagger), rare. As a bonus action, they can teleport up
(requires attunement) to 30 feet to an unoccupied space in
Shadowblade’s Dagger is a sleek dim light or darkness, gaining advan-
and deadly weapon, crafted with ex- tage on their next attack made with
ceptional precision. The blade is forged Shadowblade’s Dagger.
from a mysterious dark metal that The Shadowblade’s Dagger also
seems to absorb light, emanating an holds a hidden power: the Shad-
aura of darkness. The hilt is adorned ow Strike. Once per day, when the
with intricate engravings that depict wielder hits a creature with the dag-
shadows twisting and intertwining. ger, they can expend a charge to deal
Properties: When attuned to Shad- extra necrotic damage equal to their
owblade’s Dagger, the wielder gains level bonus

112 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Appendix II: bility is encouraged to align them with
Organizations, Bands the specific ruleset and world of your
campaign. The focus is on the stories,
and Cabals characters, and conflicts that these or-
ganizations bring to life, allowing you
to customize and integrate them seam-
his appendix delves into lessly into your own adventures.

T the intricate web of organi-

zations, bands, and cabals
that shape the landscape of
Dosneri. From secretive societies to
noble orders, each group has its own
Whether your players choose to
align themselves with or oppose these
groups, the organizations presented
in this appendix offer a wealth of op-
portunities for intrigue, alliances, be-
motives, beliefs, and goals that can trayals, and epic quests. Delve into the
greatly influence the course of adven- secrets, schemes, and machinations
turers’ journeys. While these organi- of Dosneri’s most influential factions
zations are designed with Dosneri in as you navigate the treacherous paths
mind, they can easily be adapted to fit of power, uncover ancient prophecies,
any fantasy RPG setting. and confront the forces that threaten
the kingdom’s very existence.
It is important to note that the in- Embrace the complexity and diver-
formation provided in this appendix sity of Dosneri’s organizations, bands,
serves as a foundation and source of in- and cabals, and let them add depth
spiration for GMs and players alike. The and richness to your campaign as you
rules and mechanics presented here explore the ever-evolving tapestry of
are intended as guidelines, and flexi- this enchanted realm.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 113

Major groups ed individuals to aid adventurers in
The Shadow Council: A clandes- their quests across Dosneri.
tine organization composed of pow- The Rebellion: A growing move-
erful and influential individuals who ment of oppressed and disillusioned
pull the strings behind the scenes, individuals who rise against Queen
manipulating Dosneri’s political Ma’rramus’ rule, seeking to bring
landscape for their own gain. about a more just and equal society
The Green Enclave (Forest in Dosneri.
Guardians): A group of druids and The Elemental Guardians: An-
rangers dedicated to preserving the cient and powerful elemental beings
natural balance and protecting the entrusted with maintaining the bal-
forests of Dosneri. They are guard- ance of elemental forces in Dosneri.
ians of the ancient trees and crea- They have been awakened by a dis-
tures that dwell within. turbance and seek aid from the ad-
Scaled Renegades: A band of re- venturers to restore harmony.
bellious kobolds who have broken free The Lost Heir: A hidden royal
from their traditional subservient bloodline that holds the key to the
roles and seek to establish their own rightful ascension to the Dosneri
independent stronghold in the caves throne. They are pursued by various
and mountains of Dosneri. factions and individuals who seek to
Dark Cabal: A secretive cult of control or eliminate them for their
necromancers and dark mages who own purposes.
worship undeath and seek to spread The Forbidden Knowledge Seek-
their influence throughout Dosneri, ers: A group of scholars, wizards,
harnessing the powers of death and and seekers of forbidden lore who
decay to further their own sinister are drawn to the power and secrets
agenda. contained within the forbidden tome.
The Knights of Enaria: An or- They are willing to go to great lengths
der of noble and honorable knights to possess and unlock its arcane
dedicated to upholding justice and knowledge.
protecting the innocent. They serve The Blood Moon Cult: A fanat-
as the Queen’s personal guard and ical cult that worships the Blood
champions of Dosneri. Moon and seeks to embrace the
The Greenback Clan: A loyal chaos and darkness it brings. They
group of kobolds who serve as per- perform dark rituals and commit
sonal servants to One-Fang, the heinous acts in their quest for power
ancient green dragon. They are re- and destruction.
sponsible for maintaining the drag- The Treacherous Alliance:
on’s lair, keeping it clean, and arm- A dangerous alliance formed be-
ing its traps. tween rival factions, each with their
The Adventurers’ Guild: A re- own agendas and ambitions. They
nowned organization that recruits seek to overthrow the established
and supports adventurers from all order in Dosneri and seize control
walks of life. They provide quests, re- for themselves.
sources, and a network of like-mind-

114 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Minor groups and known for their crimson-colored ar-
their affiliations mor and ruthless efficiency in battle.
Scaled Renegades (Affiliation: The They are hired by the crown to carry
Rebellion): A band of renegade kobolds out dangerous missions and serve as
and other smallfolk who have risen the kingdom’s expendable force.
against the rule of Queen Ma’rramus. The Golden Guardians (Affilia-
They fight for freedom and justice, tion: Knights of Enaria): A revered
seeking to overthrow the monarchy order of paladins devoted to the pro-
and establish a new order in Dosneri. tection of the innocent and the pres-
The Iron Vanguards (Affiliation: ervation of justice. Clad in gleaming
Knights of Enaria): An elite order of golden armor and wielding radiant
knights dedicated to protecting the weapons, they embody the ideals of
kingdom and upholding the ideals righteousness and virtue.
of honor and chivalry. Clad in heavy The Onyx Order (Affiliation: Dark
armor and wielding mighty weapons, Cabal): A clandestine cabal of dark sor-
they serve as the frontline defenders cerers and warlocks who seek forbidden
of Dosneri. knowledge and power. They operate in
The Silver Sentinels (Affilia- the shadows, manipulating events
tion: Knights of Enaria): A secretive from behind the scenes and weaving a
group within the Knights of Enaria, web of deception and intrigue.
the Silver Sentinels specialize in es- The Brotherhood of the Cres-
pionage, reconnaissance, and intelli- cent Moon (Affiliation: Secret Cult):
gence gathering. They operate in the A secretive cult that worships an
shadows, keeping a vigilant eye on the ancient entity known as the Moon
kingdom’s enemies and uncovering Serpent. They conduct dark rituals,
hidden threats. practice forbidden magic, and work
The Crimson Company (Affilia- towards fulfilling their twisted vision
tion: Knights of Enaria): A mercenary of ushering in a new era of darkness
company of highly skilled warriors and chaos.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 115

Appendix III: system. By keeping the rules at a gen-
Monsters and NPCs eral level, it allows for flexibility and
encourages creativity in adapting the
presented material to fit your cam-
paign’s specific mechanics and ruleset.
n this appendix, you will Feel free to modify, adjust, or

I find some of non-play-

er characters (NPCs) and
creatures that are major
encounters throughout the Dosneri
campaign. While the descriptions and
expand upon the NPCs and crea-
tures presented here to suit the
needs of your gaming group. The
focus of this book is to provide a
rich and immersive world, engag-
stat blocks provided here are based ing stor ylines, and memorable en-
on the mechanics of the Dungeons & counters, rather than being overly
Dragons 5th Edition system, it is im- rules-heav y. Embrace the spirit of
portant to note that they are meant to your chosen RPG system and let
serve as guidelines and can be easily your imagination take f light as you
adapted to any fantasy role-playing bring the vibrant world of Dosneri
game system of your choice. to life in your games.
Remember, the rules are merely
The purpose of this approach is to a tool to enhance the storytelling
make the Dosneri supplement as ac- experience, and ultimately, the en-
cessible as possible to a wide range joyment and engagement of every-
of players and Game Masters, allow- one involved at the gaming table.
ing them to seamlessly incorporate Happy adventuring!
the content into their preferred RPG

116 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 117
One-Fang, Legendary Dragoness
One-Fang bears the scars of sever- Her razor-sharp claws and poisonous
al battles fought against elder beings, breath leave histoprical devastation
more powerful than her. Despite her in their wake. Her legendary status is
last defeat, she remains a formidable reflected in her unparalleled intelli-
force, commanding the powers of na- gence and spellcasting abilities, mak-
ture and poison. With her immense ing her a true master of manipulation.
strength, cunning tactics, amassed Beware, for One-Fang is a dragon
army, and vast knowledge, One-Fang not easily vanquished, even by the
strikes fear into the hearts of any mightiest of foes.
group of uncautious adventurers.

One-Fang, Legendary Great Wyrm Green Dragon

Gargantuan Dragon, Lawful Evil

Armor Class: Hit Points: Speed:

21 (natural armor) 385 (26d12+234) 40 ft., fly 80 ft.


29 (+9) 12 (+1) 28 (+9) 22 (+6) 17 (+3) 25 (+7)

Saving Throws: Dex +5, Damage Immunities: Poison, Languages: Common,

Con +14, Wis +10, Cha +10 Condition Immunities: Draconic
Skills: Perception +17, Charm, Frightened Challenge Rating:
Stealth +5 Senses: Blindsight 24 (62,000 XP)
Damage Resistances: Acid 60 ft., Darkvision 120 ft.,
Passive Perception 27
Multiattack: One-Fang makes make a DC 22 Constitution Claw: Melee Weapon
three Actions: one with her saving throw, taking Attack: +14 to hit, reach
bite and two with her claws. 45 (10d8) poison damage on 10 ft., one target. Hit:
Bite: Melee Weapon a failed save, or half as much 14 (2d6+7) slashing damage.
Attack: +14 to hit, reach damage on a successful one. Tail: Melee Weapon
15 ft., one target. Hit: Attack: +14 to hit,
18 (2d10+7) piercing reach 20 ft., one
damage plus 10 (3d6) poison target. Hit: 16 (2d8+7)
damage. The target must bludgeoning damage.

Legendary Actions:
One-Fang can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the following options:
• Tail Attack: One-Fang One-Fang can then fly up or half as much damage
makes a tail attack. to half her flying speed. on a successful one.
• Wing Attack (Costs • Acid Breath (Costs 3 The acid then spreads
2 Actions): One-Fang Actions): One-Fang around corners, and
beats her wings. Each exhales acid in a 90-foot One-Fang can choose
creature within 15 feet line that is 10 feet wide. which direction it flows.
of her must succeed on Each creature in that
a DC 22 Dexterity saving line must make a DC 22
throw or take 16 (2d6+9) Dexterity saving throw,
bludgeoning damage taking 67 (15d8) acid
and be knocked prone. damage on a failed save,

118 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Lair Actions:
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), One-Fang takes
aair action to cause one of the following effects:
• The area becomes • One-Fang releases a saving throw, taking
difficult terrain for cloud of poisonous gas in 45 (10d8) poison damage
all creatures except a 60-foot radius centered on a failed save, or half
One-Fang. on herself. Each creature as much damage on
in that area must make a successful one.
a DC 22 Constitution

Regional Effects:
One-Fang’s presence causes to grow unnaturally thick and poisonous creatures to
plants in a 6-mile radius be attracted to the area.

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 119

Queen Ma’rramus, Ruler of the Kingdom
Queen Ma’rramus is a formidable With her deep knowledge of ar-
and enigmatic figure. As a living-lich, cane secrets, she governs with a keen
she has achieved a rare fusion of un- intellect and strategic brilliance. Yet,
life and life, wielding immense magi- behind her regal facade lies an in-
cal power. At 18th level, her wizard- scrutable agenda, her motivations
ry surpasses mortal limits, enabling obscured by centuries of existence.
her to manipulate the very fabric of Beware, for those who cross her path
reality. Queen Ma’rramus exudes an may face the full might of her arcane
aura of authority and commands the mastery and unearthly longevity.
respect of her subjects.

Queen Ma’rramus
Medium Humanoid (Aether Elf), Lawful Neutral

Armor Class: Hit Points: Speed:

17 (natural armor) 220 (20d8+120) 30 ft., fly 60 ft.


10 (+0) 14 (+2) 22 (+6) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 20 (+5)

Saving Throws: Int +13, piercing, and slashing Senses: truesight 120 ft.,
Wis +10, Cha +11 from nonmagical attacks passive Perception 20
Skills: Arcana +16, Damage Immunities: poison Languages: Common,
History +16, Insight +10, Condition Immunities: Draconic, Abyssal, Celestial
Perception +10 charmed, exhaustion, Challenge Rating:
Damage Resistances: frightened, paralyzed, 20 (25,000 XP)
necrotic; bludgeoning, poisoned
Staff Melee Attack: attacks). She has the • 5th Level (2 slots):
+13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one following spells prepared: Cone of Cold, Scrying
target. Hit: 16 (2d8+7) • 6th Level (1 slot):
bludgeoning damage. • Cantrips:
Chill Touch, Mage Chain Lightning, Globe
Life Drain: Hand, Prestidigitation of Invulnerability
Queen Ma’rramus drains the • 7th Level (1 slot):
life force from a creature • 1st Level (4 slots):
Detect Magic, Mage Finger of Death,
she touches, dealing Plane Shift
36 (8d8) necrotic damage. Armor, Shield
Queen Ma’rramus regains • 2nd Level (3 slots): • 8th Level (1 slot):
hit points equal to the Blindness/Deafness, Power Word Stun,
necrotic damage dealt. Mirror Image Sunburst
Spellcasting: • 3rd Level (3 slots): • 9th Level (1 slot):
Queen Ma’rramus is an Counterspell, Dispel Meteor Swarm,
18th-level spellcaster. Magic, Fireball True Polymorph
Her spellcasting ability • 4th Level (3 slots):
is Intelligence (spell save Dimension Door,
DC 21, +13 to hit with spell Ice Storm

120 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

Legendary Actions:
Queen Ma’rramus can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the following options:
• Cantrip: prepared spells, using Wisdom saving throw
Queen Ma’rramus a spell slot as normal. or be paralyzed for
casts a cantrip. • Paralyzing Gaze (Costs 2 1 minute. The creature
• Spellcast: Actions): can repeat the saving
Queen Ma’rramus casts Each creature within 30 throw at the end of each
a spell from her list of feet of Queen Ma’rramus of its turns, ending the
must make a DC 21 effect on a success.

Lair Actions:
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Queen Ma’rramus can take
a lair action to cause one of the following magical effects:

Darkness fills the area in a Queen Ma’rramus can within 120 feet.
60-foot radius centered on teleport up to half her flying The duplicate lasts until
Queen Ma’rramus. speed without provoking initiative count 20 on
The darkness lasts opportunity attacks. the next round or until
until initiative count 20 Queen Ma’rramus creates an it takes any damage.
on the next round. illusory duplicate of herself

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 121

Terragrath, Primordial Evil Earth Elemental
Terragrath is a colossal embodi- the very earth quakes in terror. Terra-
ment of relentless destruction and un- grath’s immense strength allows it to
yielding power. Rising from the depths unleash devastating seismic strikes,
of the earth, this towering behemoth causing the land to split asunder and
radiates an aura of malevolence that reducing its foes to rubble. A force of
can be felt for miles. Its rocky exteri- nature driven by an insatiable hunger
or, adorned with jagged formations for chaos and domination, Terragrath
and fissures, hints at the tremendous stands as a formidable adversary ca-
force it can unleash. With every thun- pable of toppling kingdoms and re-
derous step, the ground trembles, and shaping the world itself.

Terragrath, Elder Earth Elemental

Colossal Elemental, Unaligned

Armor Class: Hit Points: 650 (40d20+240) Speed: 60 ft., burrow 40 ft.
26 (natural armor)


30 (+10) 8 (-1) 30 (+10) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)

Saving Throws: Petrified, Poisoned, Challenge Rating:

Str +17, Con +17 Unconscious 23 (50,000 XP)\
Damage Immunities: Poison Senses: Tremorsense 120 ft.,
Condition Immunities: Passive Perception 10
Exhaustion, Paralyzed, Languages: Common, Terran
Multiattack: Terragrath random direction. The Each creature on the ground
makes two slam attacks. target must succeed on within that area must make
Slam: Melee Weapon a DC 25 Dexterity saving a DC 25 Dexterity saving
Attack: +17 to hit, throw or take 55 (10d10) throw, taking 55 (10d10)
reach 20 ft., one bludgeoning damage bludgeoning damage on a
target. Hit: 30 (4d8+10) and be knocked prone. failed save, or half as much
bludgeoning damage. Earthquake (Recharge 5-6): damage on a successful
Terragrath stomps the one. The ground in that
Fling: Terragrath chooses area becomes difficult
a Large or smaller creature ground, causing a violent
earthquake in a 100-foot terrain until the end of
held by it and throws it Terragrath’s next turn.
up to 60 feet away in a radius centered on itself.

Legendary Actions:
Terragrath can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the following options:
• Slam: Terragrath makes throw, taking 33 (6d10) reaches out and attempts
one slam attack. bludgeoning damage to grasp a creature within
• Earth Tremor (Costs on a failed save, or half 30 feet of it. The target
2 Actions): Terragrath as much damage on must make a DC 25
causes the ground to a successful one. The Strength saving throw
shake in a 30-foot radius ground becomes difficult or be restrained until
centered on itself. Each terrain until the end of the end of its next turn.
creature on the ground Terragrath’s next turn.
in that area must make • Stone Grasp (Costs 3
a DC 25 Dexterity saving Actions): Terragrath

122 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 123
The Old Man in the Road, Avatar of Chaos and Decay
The Old Man in the Road is a malev- being, he strikes fear into the hearts
olent being that brings ruin and cor- of all who dare to cross his path. With
ruption wherever he treads. Cloaked his malevolent presence and mastery
in ancient shadows, this enigmatic over the forces of chaos, he poses a
figure wields the formidable Staff of formidable challenge for even the most
Decay, a relic pulsating with dark en- seasoned adventurers. Beware the Old
ergies. With a touch that drains the Man in the Road, for chaos and decay
life essence of his victims and a corro- follow in his wake, leaving only deso-
sive aura that eats away at their very lation in their wake.

The Old Man in the Road, Avatar of Chaos and Decay

Size: Medium humanoid (avatar), Chaotic Evil

Armor Class: Hit Points: 250 Speed: 30 ft.

18 (natural armor)


18 (+4) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5)

Saving Throws: Str +9, Condition Immunities: Languages:

Dex +8, Con +11, Poisoned Common, Abyssal, Primordial
Wis +7, Cha +11 Skills: Deception +11, Challenge Rating:
Damage Resistances: Insight +7, Perception 20 (25,000 XP)
Acid, Necrotic +7, Stealth +10
Damage Immunities: Senses: Darkvision 120 ft.,
Poison passive Perception 17
Decay’s Touch: Melee Spell reduction lasts until the also succeed on a DC 18
Attack: +10 to hit, reach target finishes a long rest. Constitution saving throw
5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 Corrosive Aura: Any creature or have its armor, weapons,
(2d8+7) necrotic damage. that starts its turn within and other metallic equipment
The target must succeed 10 feet of the Old Man corroded, reducing their
on a DC 18 Constitution in the Road or enters the effectiveness until repaired.
saving throw or have its hit area for the first time on a Multiattack: The Old Man
point maximum reduced turn takes 21 (4d6+7) acid in the Road makes three
by an amount equal to the damage. The creature must Decay’s Touch attacks.
necrotic damage taken. This

Legendary Actions:
The Old Man in the Road can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only
one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s
turn. The Old Man in the Road regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
• Decay’s Grasp: The • Aura of Decay (Costs his Corrosive Aura to
Old Man in the Road 2 Actions): The Old 30 feet for 1 minute.
makes one Decay’s Man in the Road
Touch attack. extends the range of

Lair Actions:
On initiative count 20 (losing Man in the Road can take a lair action to cause one
initiative ties), The Old of the following effects:

124 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

• Decay’s Embrace: The or be restrained until radius centered on a
area becomes difficult the end of its next turn. point The Old Man in
terrain as the ground • Shadow of Decay: the Road can see within
crumbles and rots. Each Shadows coalesce and 120 feet. The darkness
creature within the area writhe, creating an area lasts until initiative count
must make a DC 18 of darkness in a 30-foot 20 of the next round.
Dexterity saving throw

A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta 125

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126 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

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128 A Dragon | Zander Catta Preta

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