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Modiphius 2d20 MUH Fallout Map Pack 1 Vault OEF, 2023, Compressed

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© 2023 ZeniMax Media Inc. All Rights Reserved, except the Modiphius Logo which is Modiphius Entertainment Modiphius Entertainment Ltd.
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Any trademarked names are used in a fictional manner; no infringement is intended. This is a work of fiction. Any
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Modiphius Entertainment
Special Thanks Product Number: MUH0580220
The Bethesda design team: Michael Kochis, David Evans, Jessica Williams, Alan Nanes, Matt Daniels, Kurt ISBN: 978-1-80281-069-1
Kuhlmann, Jon Paul Duvall, Jessica Daniels and Emil Pagliarulo
 Map Pack One 
Peer Inside the Vault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Vault Entrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Security Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Upper Atrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Abandoned Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Lower Atrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Living Quarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Reactor Wing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Experimental Wing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24


The Vault-Tec Corporation created over a hundred
survival shelters to protect a selected fragment
of the United States population in the event of a
nuclear holocaust to allow humanity to repopulate
This map pack includes poster maps featuring the floor
once the radiation levels reached tolerable levels. An
plans of a Vault by the Vault-Tec Corporation. You can
impoverished U.S. government commissioned these
use these maps for your tabletop roleplaying sessions
shelters despite their costly fabrication, leading to
using Fallout: The Roleplaying Game or miniature
embezzlement and corruption. Despite the various
wargames with Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.
miracle technologies developed by Vault-Tec, sometimes
The pack also includes a companion booklet that
they did not work properly. Near the start of the Great
contains scavenging location details and information
War, a handful of Vaults were either incomplete or
used in Fallout: The Roleplaying Game and its
delayed due to work shortages. Thankfully, a majority
supplementary Gamemaster’s Toolkit.
were completed in time, but they still couldn’t ensure
the survival of humanity—worn out from countless The booklet contains short scenarios and
drills. Beyond the demonstrations and claims, the Vaults’ encounters for each corresponding
true purpose was not to save humanity, at least not as map that can be run individually
altruistically inferred. or as a full-fledged quest. Each
location highlights obstacles
Once the bombs fell, the doors became sealed, and its
and threats, loot tables for
occupants would live out their years until given the
scavenging, and any relevant
all-clear. For some Vaults, the occupants died. In other
NPC stat blocks. Use what you
shelters, the occupants suffered extensive radiation
like and adapt anything else to
exposure, whereby they either died or mutated. The few
suit your game group. Happy
Vaults that remained untouched by the ravages of time
inevitably faced the wasteland that awaited them. For
wastelanders, Vaults are a treasure trove waiting to be
explored. Pry those doors open and uncover the truth
behind those cog-shaped doors.

4 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game

LEVEL 1 — SIMPLE ƒ Entrance Hall: Akin to the passages before, the
entrance hall is bedecked in garish old-world
finery, but unlike the passages the banners are still
“There are few places in the Wasteland more difficult clean and bright, standing in stark contrast to the
to break into than a Vault, so clearly those Pre-war disrepair of the Vault around it. “WELCOME TO
engineers knew a thing or two about protection. THE SAFEST PLACE ON EARTH” the banners
Rumor has it those gigantic doors were as much declare, hanging above lockers filled with
to keep people inside, as to keep nasty things out. form-fitting jumpsuits, in-vogue dresses,
Normally, it takes significant effort to see what and sharp suits. Searching the lockers discovers
lurks inside, but some Vaults just require the right six Vault jumpsuits and six sets of formal
key, or even just the right words. The Vault door clothing. The northern corridor leads from the
looms before you now, its numerical identity long entrance to the Security Office.
lost to the ravages of the Wasteland, offering no
clues to how ingress may be made - I guess
you’ll have to work it out.” LOOT
The Vault Entrance is a Small, Mostly Searched Location.
After clearing the area, characters can spend 15 minutes
Vaults are scattered across the Wasteland, so no
and make a PER + Survival test with a difficulty of 2 to
matter where you go, there’s a significant chance you’ll
find a number of items equal to the minimum number
find a Vault sequestered somewhere nearby. This Vault is
listed in the Loot Table. The possible items are listed for
hidden within the basement of an old five-star hotel,
each category. Action Points can be spent after each roll
a series of posters dotted around its once-luxurious halls
to find an additional item from the same table category,
promising a safe haven from an unfortunate, unknown
up to the maximum limit for the category.
future. Careful navigation of the hotel leads to a red-
carpet-lined pathway underground, where worn banners Vault Entrance Loot Table
hang limply from the ceiling and faded images
of Vault-Boy urge you on. Eventually, the path is 0-2
blockaded by the familiar sight of a yellow and (Formal Hat, Casual Hat)
blue steel-colored Vault door. 0-2
(Sweet Roll, Fancy Lads Snack Cakes)


(Wine, Nuka Cola)
ƒ Vault Door: The Vault door was built to survive
direct nuclear bombardment, so there is little JUNK 0-2
chance of a band of questing Wasteland scum even
putting a dent in it. A small computer terminal CHEMS
(Calmex x2)
sits on the southern walkway with a small series of
lights gently pulsating to indicate the power still
flowing through the systems. A Pip-Boy interface
allows anyone carrying a Pip-Boy to attempt a
simple INT + Science test with a difficulty of 2 to
activate the door and slide it open. Without a Pip-
Boy, an INT + Science test with a difficulty of 5 can
still open the door, but any complications activate
a cadre of four Protectrons to investigate the
unauthorized entry. The Protectrons arrive from
the northern passage and assess if the entrants are a
threat. If the player characters are non-violent, the
Protectrons invite them to “the party” (see Lower
Atrium for more details about the party).

6 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game

Level 3, Robot,
Normal Creature (24 XP)


5 5 2 2 2 ƒ ARM LASERS: If one of a Protectron’s arms

suffers an injury, the Fire Rate of its Arm Lasers
HP INITIATIVE DEFENSE decreases to 2. If both its arms are injured, it can
no longer attack with its Arm Lasers.
8 10 1
ƒ LET RIP: Once per combat, the Protectron may
PHYS. DR ENERGY DR RAD. DR POISON DR ‘let rip’ with a volley from their Arm Lasers. This
adds the weapon’s Fire Rate of 4 to the weapon’s
4 (All) 3 (All) — —
damage for a single attack (for 7 D
C total),
ATTACKS and allows them to use the Burst damage effect
without spending ammo. If one of the Protectron’s
ƒ CLAWS: BODY + Melee (TN 7),
Arm Lasers is injured, this special attack
3 D
C Physical damage decreases to 5 D
C damage.
ƒ ARM LASERS: BODY + Melee (TN 7),
ƒ SELF DESTRUCT: If both of a Protectron’s arms are
3 D
C Burst, Piercing Energy damage, injured, or it has been reduced to half or fewer
Range C, Fire Rate 4
of its maximum HP, it will move towards the
ƒ SELF DESTRUCT: BODY + Melee (TN 7), nearest enemy and use its major action to
6 D
C Physical damage, Blast self-destruct. This self-destruct is an attack
centered upon itself and destroys the Protectron
SPECIAL ABILITIES after it attempts this attack.
ƒ IMMUNE TO POISON: The Protectron reduces all
Poison damage suffered to 0 and cannot suffer INVENTORY
any damage or effects from poison. ƒ SALVAGE: Scavengers can salvage from

ƒ IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The Protectron reduces a destroyed Protectron with a successful

all Radiation damage suffered to 0 and cannot INT + Science test with a difficulty of 1.
suffer any damage or effects from radiation. This yields 2 D
C of common materials with
IMMUNE TO DISEASE: The Protectron is immune
+1 D
C per AP spent, and each Effect yields
ƒ 1 uncommon material.
to the effects of all diseases, and they will never
suffer the symptoms of any disease.

Map Pack One  FALLOUT 7

ƒ Vault Security: Four members of Vault Security
LEVEL 8 — SIMPLE relax in this area: one at the checkpoint idly
smoking a cigar, two playing cards in the staff
room, and one listening to music in the office. Each
“The northern corridor from the entrance leads member is visibly relaxed, wearing their uniforms
through a series of decontamination arches, and armor loosely with their weapons holstered
each releasing a sweet-smelling mist of cleansing and clearly disused. They greet entrants warmly,
chemicals that coat your form as you pass through. remarking on their fabulous apparel and appearance,
The muffled beats of ‘Happy Times’ can be heard and ask if they’re here for the party. Every security
from a distance as you walk, and to your right, member has been exposed to the Better Place mist
a series of small glass windows look into a security and suffers its effects, and unless attacked help the
checkpoint. Inside, a single oddly dressed Vault PCs however they can, allowing them entrance
officer sits looking bewildered, a lit cigar without complaint or question.
hanging loosely from his lips.”

The decontamination arches are actually releasing a
hallucinogen called Better Place mist. The corridor into Level 7, Human,
the security offices is fairly spartan and under-decorated. Normal Character (52 XP)
Small posters depict Vault-Boy with a variety of
exaltations such as “Don’t forget to take your Medicine,”
“Vault-Tec, keeping you safe!” and “The outside can never 5 6 7 6 6 6 6
harm you.” On the right a corridor leads to the security
checkpoint as well as a larger security office, and to the
left another corridor leads to the staff room and storage. Athletics Repair  2

Barter  2 Science 3


ƒ Better Place Mist: Dispersed by the Energy Weapons 1 Sneak

decontamination arches and air filtration systems, Explosives Speech
the Better Place mist is a hallucinogenic drug
developed by Vault-Tec scientists to “help” people Lockpick Survival 2
adjust to the world after the war. Once inhaled, it Medicine 1 Throwing
drapes the world in gold and rosy scents, disguising
Melee Weapons 2 Unarmed 1
all ugliness behind a facsimile of bliss and idealism,
rendering the world into a single grand ball. Pilot
Unless immune to Chems or wearing some
protective gear that provides breathable air, the HP INITIATIVE DEFENSE
first time a creature the mist, they are affected for
14 10 1
one hour, after which they may attempt an END
+ Survival test with a difficulty of 3 to resist it.
Success ends the effect permanently unless they
are re-exposed. Failure means the effect persists, 200 lbs. — —
and the exposed attempts the test again at the
end of another hour. While affected, the exposed PHYS. DR ENERGY DR RAD. DR POISON DR
see everything as an idealized version of itself, 1 (Arms, 2 (Arms,
and all CHA-based tests against them are reduced 2 (All) 0
Legs, Torso) Legs, Torso)
in difficulty by 2. A PC may attempt an INT +
Medicine test with a difficulty of 4 to determine
Addictol cures those affected by Better Place.

Map Pack One  FALLOUT 9

ATTACKS absentmindedly throwing junk at a torn-up
poster on the wall. If queried, he eagerly invites
ƒ UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 6), newcomers to try and beat his darts score.
2 D
C Physical damage One computer terminal is a hidden elevator
BATON: STR + Melee Weapons (TN 7), leading to the Upper Atrium, requiring a successful
PER + Science test with a difficulty of 2 to notice.
3 D
C Physical damage
The officer points out the elevator as a neat party
ƒ 10 MM PISTOL: AGI + Small Guns (TN 9), trick if the PCs ask how to leave.
4 D
C Physical damage, Fire Rate 2, Range C,
Close Quarters, Reliable ƒ Staff Room: The stench of the staff room is
overwhelming, thanks to cupboards full of rotten
SPECIAL ABILITIES food and filthy plates littering every surface.
Two security officers sit at one of the tables,
ƒ VAULT KID: Your healthier start to life at the
happily sipping dirty water from chipped tumblers
hands of trained doctors and sophisticated
and playing cards with blank pieces of paper.
autodocs means you reduce the difficulty of all
They seem overly content with the situation.
END tests to resist the effects of disease.
Despite the general decay, one can of Potted
You may also work with the gamemaster to Meat and three cans of Dog Food can be found
determine what sort of experiment took place in the cupboards. A worrying number of empty
within your vault. Once per quest, the GM may dog food cans cover the floor.
introduce a complication which reflects the
nature of the experiment you unwittingly took ƒ Storage: A ruined room behind the staff room
part in, or introduce a complication related is mostly filled with water-damaged party
to your early life of isolation and confinement decorations and junk. Searching the room
within the vault. If the GM does this, you discovers 4 DC Junk.
immediately regain one Luck point.

ƒ EDUCATED: You have one additional tag skill. LOOT

ƒ GIFTED: You choose two S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes The Security Office is an Average, Heavily Searched
and increase them by +1. Location. After clearing the area, characters can spend
30 minutes and make a PER + Survival test with a
INVENTORY difficulty of 2 to find a number of items equal to the
Vault Jumpsuit, Vault-Tec Security Helmet, Vault-Tec minimum number listed in the Loot Table.
Security Armor, 10mm Pistol, 2d20 10mm rounds,
Pip-Boy, 1 Stimpak, Wealth 2
Security Office Loot Table

AMMUNITION (10mm (8+4 D
C) x2,
NESTED AREAS Shotgun Shells (6+3 D
ƒ Checkpoint: The small room overlooking the
electronically locked door is fitted with a two- 0-3
way comms system allowing the security officer ARMOR
(Vault Tech Armor x3)
to speak with people in the decontamination
arch hallway. The desk is broken down and badly 0-3
chipped, covered in mismatched papers, crumbs, CLOTHING (Vault Jumpsuit, Formal Clothing,
and rubbish, but the officer inside is completely Formal Clothing)
unphased by the mess. A small, unlocked weapons
locker at the back contains a set of Vault-Tec 1-3
Armor, x2 10mm Pistols, 48 rounds of 10mm WEAPONS (10mm Pistol, Baton,
ammo, and x2 Batons. Combat Shotgun)

ƒ Office: A chaotic security office has fallen into
(Holotape Player, Radio,
utter disrepair. Long dead computer terminals run ODDITIES
along the walls. A security officer hums along to Multi-Tool, Pre-War Money
the crooning of The Box Tops and Happy Times, with 5d20 Caps x2)

10 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game

Machine Gun Turrets MK 1
Level 5, Robot,
LEVEL 8 — SIMPLE Normal Creature (24 XP)


“Stepping out from the confines of the elevator
6 5 — 3 —
unveils a small stairwell descending to a waiting
doorway. Beyond it, the sounds of elated laughter
and music mix into a joyous cacophony that stands
in stark relief to the world outside. Dust-smeared 11 11 1
confetti and party favors litter the floor, and
spilled liquor fastens much of it to the ground and PHYS. DR ENERGY DR RAD. DR POISON DR
introduces a sickly stickiness to your movements.
1 (All) 1 (All) Immune Immune
Three shiny Protectrons approach. “Hello, please
proceed to the Lower Atrium to join the party.”


As if the location of a party years abandoned, the upper 5 D
C Physical damage, Range M, Burst,
atrium bears the hallmarks of lives once lived. Garbage Fire Rate 3
and dead plants sit in the corners, and a broom
cupboard and engineer’s room situated on either SPECIAL ABILITIES
side of a central stairwell sit silent and unused apart
ƒ ROBOT: The machine gun turret is a robot. It is
from the Protectrons. The central stairwell descends
immune to the effects of starvation, thirst, and
into the Lower Atrium, where the voices of dozens
suffocation. It is also immune to Poison and
of people and upbeat music can be heard drifting up
from below. At the north end, a circular window peeks Radiation damage. However, machines cannot
into the Overseer’s Room, a once lavish office, and use food and drink or other consumables, they do
reveals two shadows silhouetted there by multicolored not heal naturally, and the Medicine skill cannot
lights—they appear to be dancing. To the right of the be used to heal them: damage to them must be
door leading into the Overseer’s Room is another door repaired (Fallout: The Roleplaying Game, p.34).
leading to the Abandoned Level.
ƒ IMMUNE TO POISON: The machine gun turret
reduces all Poison damage suffered to 0 and
OBSTACLES AND THREATS cannot suffer any damage or effects from poison.

ƒ Protectron Guards and Turrets: Three ƒ IMMUNE TO RADIATION: The machine

Protectrons watch the upper atrium, gently gun turret reduces all Radiation damage
encouraging anyone trespassing in the area to suffered to 0 and cannot suffer any damage
immediately descend into the lower atrium. or effects from radiation.
They immediately stand out against the rest of
ƒ IMMUNE TO DISEASE: The machine gun turret
the Vault in their cleanliness, unblemished and
polished to a near mirror sheen. They stop anyone is immune to the effects of all diseases, and they
ascending the stairwell to both the Overseer’s Room will never suffer the symptoms of any disease.
and the door to the Abandoned Level, reminding
anyone that stands against them to “not be a party INVENTORY
pooper.” If the PCs attack the Protectrons, they ƒ SALVAGE: Scavengers can salvage from a
fight back, and small slots in the ceiling reveal four destroyed machine gun turret with a successful
Machine Gun Turrets MK I (Wall Mount).
INT + Science test with a difficulty of 1.
This yields 3d20 5.56mm rounds. Salvage
also yields 2 D
C uncommon materials.

12 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game

The Upper Atrium is an Average, Mostly Searched
location. After clearing the area, characters can spend
30 minutes and make a PER + Survival test with a
difficulty of 2 to find a number of items equal to the
minimum number listed in the Loot Table.

Upper Atrium Loot Table

CLOTHING (Engineer’s Armor, Hard Hat,
Formal Clothing)

(Cram, Salisbury Steak, Food Paste)
ƒ Overseer’s Room: While the shadows are visible 0-3
through the circular window, more details cannot (Wine x2, Dirty Water)
be ascertained through the frosted glass. Any
attempts to enter meet polite but forceful refusal JUNK 6
from the Protectrons. If the PCs gain entry, they
see in the center of a devastated office, decorated 0-3
with broken pictures and moth-devoured flags, (Calmex, Day Tripper, Daddy-O)
an emaciated man cavorts in place, a soiled suit
clinging to his sweat-covered body and his arms
linked in dance with the decayed corpse of a long-
dead woman draped in finery. Slow show tunes
creak out from broken speakers, tired and tinny.
If the man notices guests, he excitedly invites them
in to talk, apologizing for his wife’s shyness and
‘helping her’ to her favorite chair. He offers his new
friends moldy food, vintage wines, and glasses of
thick brown water. All the food and beverages are
laced with a triple dose of an oral form of Better
Places mist, roll 1 D
C if consumed. If a PC rolls an
Effect, they become affected by the Better Places
mist effects. He eagerly shows off his decaying
personal effects as toys and trophies, often turning
to his wife to pick her memory for anecdotes that
never come. Anyone succeeding a PER + Medicine
test with a difficulty of 2 sees that the man lost his
mind many years ago and has been surviving on
the barest essentials. He still carries the Overseer’s
Key that unlocks every door in the Vault.

ƒ Broom Cupboard: A small broom cupboard

contains various cleaning supplies and a set of
Utility Overalls, as well as 15 pieces of Junk.

ƒ Engineer’s Office: Apart from a loose stack of

ruined papers and a Deluxe Toolkit hidden under
a selection of garbage beneath the desk, the most
significant feature of the room is a large piece of
graffiti on the wall, reading, “The party is a play,
but no one told the actors!”

Map Pack One  FALLOUT 13

LEVEL 10 — SIMPLE ƒ The Concierge: A Protectron fitted with a
Diagnosis Mod, Regeneration Field, and
Electroshock Paddles, the Concierge is in charge
“The door in the Upper Atrium leads into a padded of keeping the Out of Town residents alive and
elevator, the thin grey fabric of the walls torn by the ensuring they undertake their daily education by
frantic clawing of fingernails and pocked with dark any means necessary. The Concierge protects the
red stains. On the control panel, only a single other Vault Dweller if he is attacked, but also uses force
floor is illuminated. As the button is depressed and to prevent him from leaving.
the doors slide shut, all sounds of the music and
party below are mercilessly suffocated.”

Exiting the elevator that links this floor and the Upper
Atrium brings the player characters into a dirt-floored
room where two well-cared-for nuclear generators
hum to one side and a small, locked door is fitted to
a reinforced wall on the other. The door is locked,
requiring either the Overseer’s Key or a successful
AGL + Lockpick test with a difficulty of 5 to open.
This door leads into a smaller room with an electronic
locked door that can only be sealed and unsealed from
this side, as well as a clipboard with tidy paperwork.
The paperwork lists names as well as the date and length
of internment, and each entry has a small tick box titled
“Dispose” at the end, which is marked with curious
regularity. A faint banging sound, like metal on stone,
can be heard muffled through the maglock security door,
interlaced with dull sobbing.


ƒ Party Poopers: Some Vault residents have
developed an immunity to Better Place and have
been violently removed from the Vault proper to
the Out of Town Diner, left here in the care of the
Concierge. The current Vault Dweller has been
left to rot here for four years, becoming violently
depressed due to their isolation. Fed only on the
scraps from the upper floors and water leaking
from the pipes, they have attempted to end their
residency numerous times, but the Concierge
ensures they cling to life. The Vault Dweller is
armed with a Pickaxe and swings unpredictably
between moments of crushing depression and
overwhelming violence. A broken heart
pendant hangs around his neck.

Map Pack One  FALLOUT 15

NESTED AREAS ƒ Hope’s End: A small selection of Pickaxes have
ƒ Out of Town Diner: Once, it was the spitting been mounted to the wall here. One wall has been
image of a Pre-war diner, now in ruins. The tables broken down by years of swinging, leaving rubble
and chairs have been destroyed, the fridge and and rock spread across the floor. However,
stove smashed and kitchen accoutrements scattered the slowly forged, hope-fueled tunnel leads
throughout. What appears at first to be a dumb- inexorably into a reinforced steel wall. Pickaxe
waiter but is actually a garbage chute from the floors marks cover it, but obviously never made a dent.
above overflows with rotten pulp and mass—some A corpse lies on the floor, still dressed in Formal
of which has been gathered into a tin bowl, Clothing with a Pickaxe embedded in the depths
as if waiting to be consumed. The room offers of its grimacing visage, a piece of paper nailed to his
20 Junk if looted. chest reading “Keep going! Don’t give up!”

ƒ Cells: The rooms offer minimal light, a locked door,

and purposefully uncomfortable beds with pointed LOOT
springs and no coverings. The cells reflect the The Abandoned Level is an Average, Heavily Searched
mental state of their previous occupants, location. After clearing the area, characters can spend
pretty wallpapers and trappings of opulence torn 30 minutes and make a PER + Survival test with a
apart by fevered bloody fingers to reveal the grey difficulty of 3 to find a number of items equal to the
ugliness that lurks beneath. Radios playing little
minimum number listed in the Loot Table.
more than static are mounted into the walls,
and soiled copies of Live & Love and Meeting
Abandoned Level Loot Table
People lie about the place.
Education Center: Two Mag-locked rooms contain CLOTHING
ƒ (Vault Jumpsuit x3)
Pre-War Books on self-help topics instilling the
values of acceptance, obedience, and good behavior.
Many pages are stained with tears, while others FOOD (Potted Meat, Food Paste,
are torn and discarded. The southern room’s door Fancy Lads Snack Cake)
is stuck open, the mechanism still attempting to 0-3
operate irregularly and sticking. The word “Lies” BEVERAGES
(Dirty Water x2, Whiskey)
has been written on the walls inside, marked
hundreds of times by the same hand in a 0-2
variety of bodily fluids. (Calmex x2)

JUNK 2-4

(Sledgehammer, Walking Cane)

16 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game

ƒ Protectrons: Ten Protectrons wander the halls,
LEVEL 8 — SIMPLE carrying food and dissuading guests from traveling
anywhere but to and from the Lower Atrium and
Living Quarters. Should violence break out, they
“Descending the stairwell into the Lower Atrium aggressively put down any threats.
evokes the feeling of walking into a room where
everyone knows some grand secret you aren’t privy ƒ Air Filtration Systems: Better Place is constantly
to. Dozens of people move around in merriment, being pumped into the lower atrium through air
holding hands, singing, drinking, and dancing filtration systems, dosing everyone in the room
beneath tattered bunting and half-dead fairy lights. with the drug. The vents also carry the sound of
Protectrons laden with mockeries of party food strange voices. The children call them ghosts, but
lumber between the gracefully gyrating figures as the adults refuse to acknowledge them.
hands eagerly snag mouthfuls of rot from the plates.
Children sit on the outskirts, dressed like ghoulish
dolls as they paint bizarre images upon the walls.
One wall announces, “Welcome Home!” VAULT DWELLER
Level 7, Human,
Normal Character (52 XP)
The locus of activity within the Vault, the lower atrium
has been refashioned into a party hall, with hanging S P E C I A L
lines of bunting and fairy lights messily strewn from 5 6 7 6 6 6 6
the ceiling in various states of ruin. Graffiti lines most
of the walls, written in children’s handwriting and SKILLS
often speaking of ghosts, though the various partygoers
Athletics Repair  2
seem either unaware or willfully ignorant of it. The
inhabitants dress in damaged or faded clothes. A small, Barter  2 Science 3
locked doctor’s office sits to the right of the main Big Guns Small Guns  3
hall, and a readily open smoking room to the left.
Energy Weapons 1 Sneak
The corridors to the east, south, and west lead to the
Living Quarters, Reactor Wing, and Experiment Wing Explosives Speech
respectively, although the latter two end in locked doors Lockpick Survival 2
that require either the Overseers Key or a successful Medicine 1 Throwing
AGI + Lockpick test with a difficulty of 4 to open.
Melee Weapons 2 Unarmed 1
Any questioned partygoers insist there is no fun to
be found in either of those directions. Pilot

ƒ Party Guests: Thirty-six varied Vault Dwellers
make up the party guests, all currently celebrating CARRY WEIGHT MELEE BONUS LUCK POINTS
the return of one of their own from “out of town.” 200 lbs. — —
If questioned, they assure the PCs that no one
leaves the Vault, since they wouldn’t want to be PHYS. DR ENERGY DR RAD. DR POISON DR
a Party Pooper. Despite the disrepair, disgusting
food, and overwhelming stench of the unwashed 1 (Arms, 1 (Arms, 2 (Arms,
masses, each guest seems happy and relaxed. Even Legs, Torso) Legs, Torso) Legs, Torso)
acts of extreme violence are met with laughter
and cheers as the guests enjoy the unexpected
entertainment. They are uniformly unhealthy, thin,
and weak, but seem unaware of their illness.

Map Pack One  FALLOUT 17

ATTACKS ƒ Smoking Room: This room is so pervasively
infused with the smell of tobacco that the walls
ƒ UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 6),
have yellowed, and the fabrics of chairs have begun
2 D
C Physical damage to peel. A handful of guests always linger within the
ƒ 10MM PISTOL: AGI + Small Guns (TN 9), room, with easy access to Fine Cigars and Antique
4 D
C Physical damage, Fire Rate 2, Range C, Lighters, talking through non-existent hobbies and
Close Quarters, Reliable viewing the innumerable photos nailed to the wall
showing multiple generations of dwellers beneath
SPECIAL ABILITIES the same “Welcome Home!” sign in the hall.
Many dwellers appear to be the main celebrant on
ƒ VAULT KID: Your healthier start to life at the
numerous occasions, looking older in each image.
hands of trained doctors and sophisticated
autodocs means you reduce the difficulty of all
END tests to resist the effects of disease. LOOT
You may also work with the gamemaster to The Lower Atrium is a large, Heavily Searched location.
determine what sort of experiment took place After clearing the area, characters can spend 45 minutes
within your vault. Once per quest, the GM may and make a PER + Survival test with a difficulty of 3
introduce a complication which reflects the to find a number of items equal to the minimum
nature of the experiment you unwittingly took number listed in the Loot Table.
part in, or introduce a complication related
to your early life of isolation and confinement Lower Atrium Loot Table
within the vault. If the GM does this, you
immediately regain one Luck point.
CLOTHING (Casual Clothing, Heavy Coat,
ƒ EDUCATED: You have one additional tag skill.
Formal Clothing x2)
ƒ GIFTED: You choose two S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes
and increase them by +1.
FOOD (Potted Meat, Pork n’ Beans,
Canned Dog Food, Food Paste)
Vault Jumpsuit, 10mm Pistol, 2d20 10mm rounds,
BEVERAGES (Wine, Bourbon, Dirty Water,
Wealth 2

JUNK 3-8


ƒ Cafeteria: At the far end of the atrium, an (Hastily Written Note, Behavioral
open cafeteria offers dishes laden with foul- Analysis Mod, Doctors Office Key,
smelling food and drink, each more off-putting 2d20 Caps)
than the last. The food is laid out by a single
Protectron restocking irregularly from a small
pantry. The food is technically edible and carries
the same benefits as Canned Dog Food. PCs can
take as much as they can carry, but anyone who
eats it must pass an END + Survival test with a
difficulty of 2 or suffer Parasites.

ƒ Doctor’s Office: The small, locked office requires

either the Overseer’s Key or a successful AGL +
Lockpick test with a difficulty of 3 to enter.
Inside, the office is untouched, so much so that
merely breathing in the room drags dust into the
lungs. The room contains medical notes for much
of the Vault, reports of dysentery and parasites
rife among them, though the doctor could not tell
why. A medical cabinet holds x4 Stimpacks, x4
Antibiotics, x2 Mentats, and x2 Psycho doses.

18 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game

LEVEL 10 — SIMPLE ƒ Locked Room: One room has been locked down
with an “Out of Order” sign pinned in place.
“As the path away from the party continues into Opening the door requires either the Overseer’s
the living quarters, the spirit of necrotic excess only Key or a successful AGL + Lockpick test with a
grows stronger. Dead plants laden with decorative difficulty of 2. Inside lies the quarters of a man,
tinsel line the corridor, the stink of sweetened spilled identifiable by a photo on his desk. His face is
drinks wafts from rooms, and numerous songs easily recognizable from the photos in the
compete to claim dominance.” Smoking Room, but not among the guests.
The room has been mostly cleared out, but a
large stash of 5 doses of Addictol, Calmex, and
Mentants can be found hidden in a drawer with
The party present in the Lower Atrium spills readily
a note reading, “To keep the lies at bay.”
into the living quarters. Private parties continue behind
locked doors, and those too exhausted to continue
collapse into bunk rooms with shattered beds, piled LOOT
upon one another. Backed-up bathrooms litter the area, The Living Quarters is a Large, Heavily Searched
affluent with the scents of waste, while the showers sit location. After clearing the area, characters can spend
untouched for decades. 30 minutes and make a PER + Survival test with a
difficulty of 3 to find a number of items equal to the
minimum number listed in the Loot Table.
ƒ Thrill Seekers: A handful of Vault Dwellers have Living Quarters Loot Table
taken to acts of violence to keep the party going,
playing with what they believe to be pop guns in
the common areas. The occasional blast of a .44 CLOTHING (Vault Jumpsuit, Casual Clothing,
Pistol can be heard echoing over the music as the Formal Hat, Formal Clothes)
partygoers are barely able to feel the impact of the 0-4
shots in their own flesh, routinely mocking their FOOD (Sugar Bombs, Pork ‘n’ Beans,
dying friends who have let “exhaustion” overtake
Canned Dog Food, Salisbury Steak)
them. They eagerly try to drag newcomers into their
game, as players become harder and harder to find. 2-4
(Wine, Whiskey, Bourbon, Rum)
ƒ Just A Little More: One of the bathrooms 0-4
houses a woman carefully applying makeup over CHEMS
(Calmex x2, Psycho, Daddy-O)
her already-covered face. Tears run unbidden
from her eyes, leaving deep crevices that she JUNK 0-4
repeatedly tries to restore. She doesn’t know why 0-4
she’s crying, only that she’s “got to look good for WEAPONS (.44 Pistol, 10mm Pistol,
when Bobby gets home.” Half of a broken heart
Switchblade, Boxing Glov
pendant hangs around her neck.

ƒ Air Filtration Systems: Better Place is constantly

being pumped into the Living Quarters through
air filtration systems, dosing everyone in the
area with the drug.

20 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game

LEVEL 10 — SIMPLE ƒ Main Reactor Room: The Reactor Room has two
Three Shot Machine Gun Turrets alongside
“As the doors into the reactor wing slide shut behind the normal traps and patrolling Protectrons.
you, and the stairs descend into utter blackness, The reactor controls the power flow to all areas
the sounds and scents of the party slowly ebb of the Vault, giving technically-minded PCs the
away. The air here is heavy and cold, the darkness opportunity to play with door power, airflow,
upset by only the faintest presence of guide lights. and lighting controls. Making any changes to the
The thrumming of machinery lends the area an system requires a successful INT + Science test
uncomfortable sound, one that fails to cover the with a difficulty of 2 per change. An old set of
noise of stomping robotic feet.” Engineer’s Armor and Hard Hats can be found
nearby, as well as a Deluxe Toolkit and Flashlight.

ƒ Air Filtration System: Although the air filters

The Reactor Wing has not seen human inhabitation for
originate in the Experimental Wing, they pass
years, and all non-essential power to it has been cut to
through the Reactor Wing and can be switched on
ensure the air filtration system runs at peak efficiency and off with an INT + Repair or INT + Science test
through the rest of the Vault. Protectrons move on with a difficulty of 2. Switching them off causes the
pre-programmed routines, tending to generators and air Better Place mist to stop flowing, but also limits air
filters, and navigating past traps designed to keep the flow and increases the difficulty of all END-based
area clear of human interference. tests in the entire Vault by 1.


The Reactor Wing is a Large, Partly Searched location.
ƒ Darkness: All but the most integral systems in
the reactor wing have been powered down, After clearing the area, characters can spend 30 minutes
meaning there is very little light. All PER-based and make a PER + Survival test with a difficulty of 3 to
tests and all tests based on sight are increased by find a number of items equal to the minimum number
+2 difficulty. The use of a torch or other light listed in the Loot Table.
source mitigates this effect.
Reactor Wing Loot Table
ƒ Traps: Numerous tripwires and traps litter the
reactor wing, triggering a combination of Shotgun
traps and Gas Mines. Whenever the PCs enter a CLOTHING (Utility Overalls, Engineer’s Armor,
new room or corridor, it contains 3 D
C traps. Any Tough Clothing, Gas Mask)
PC can spend a Luck point to eliminate a trap. 2-4
(Vault-Tec Armor, Metal Armor Leg,
ƒ Protectron Workers: Twelve Protectrons move ARMOR
Power Armor Frame,
expertly through the area, avoiding traps due to
T-45 Power Armor Piece)
their programming. If the PCs witness
a Protectron move through an area, they can 2-4
follow its movements to avoid the traps with BEVERAGES (Nuka-Cola, Nuka-Cherry, Beer,
a successful AGL + Sneak test with a difficulty of 2. Moonshine)
If any non-Protectron trespassers are spotted,
JUNK 2-6
the Protectrons attack.
WEAPONS (Pipe Wrench, Sledgehammer, Baton,
Aluminum Baseball Bat)

22 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game

LEVEL 10 — SIMPLE ƒ Better Place Triggers: If the PCs attack the
Engineer, he floods the entire facility with a
stronger strain of the Better Place drug. The drug
“Compared to the whirring of the reactor wing or threatens to drive those exposed into a state of
the cacophony of the party, there is an eerie silence permanent false euphoria, potentially even a coma.
to this area. Clean white corridors loop past rooms Anyone within the Vault who is susceptible must
of effervescent liquids quietly loosing clouds of white pass an END + Survival test with a difficulty of
gas into a distilling apparatus above. Computer 3 each round or become affected by the drug.
terminals compile readings from chemical mixers Becoming affected renders reality into a nirvana-
and operate automated dispersal machines. All the like state, overwhelming the exposed person
while images of unaware vault dwellers dance on with visions of bliss, and their interactions with
flickering screens, their broken bodies and minds the real world are masked by these visions.
feeding the endless hunger of the data collectors.” Deeply radioactive water appears as if wine,
a destroyed home as a mansion, and a rampaging
deathclaw as a close personal friend. Addictol
cures those affected by Better Place, but they
Akin to the Reactor Wing, the Experimental Wing lies
typically reject the drug if offered since they
abandoned. Centuries-old, automated computer systems
don’t believe anything is wrong. The Engineer is
synthesize chemical compounds for release into the immune to the effects of Better Place.
Vault on a regular basis, collecting information from
observable data via the Vault’s monitoring systems.
While the delicate systems here were designed to THE ENGINEER
operate without human interference, the wIng now Level 7, Human,
receives regular maintenance from the Engineer. Notable Creature (104 XP)
A half dozen corpses rot in lab coats around the area,
limbs and heads smashed apart by a heavy instrument S P E C I A L
—violent impetus clear in the repeated strikes and 6 7 8 7 7 7 6
brutal manner of their executions.

Athletics  2 Repair  3
ƒ The Engineer: Once a victim of the original Better Barter 1 Science 1
Place experiment, the Engineer was born with a Big Guns Small Guns 3
genetic disposition that made him incompatible
Energy Weapons 1 Sneak
with the drug, causing his hallucinations to be
sinister rather than rosy. Over the years he was Explosives Speech
repeatedly sent to the Out of Town Diner by the
Lockpick Survival  4
Overseers, ostracized by his fellow vault dwellers,
and slowly driven to isolation among his peers. Medicine 1 Throwing
The use of various Chems allowed him to start to Melee Weapons  4 Unarmed 2
see reality through the lies perpetuated by Better
Place until he ventured into the Experimental Wing Pilot
with a Pipe Wrench. In a fit of violence, he killed
the scientists and took control of the area. While he HP INITIATIVE DEFENSE
originally intended to end the experiment, the years 21 16 1
of isolation, hatred, and instability motivated him to
instead watch it slowly degrade his old tormentors, CARRY WEIGHT MELEE BONUS LUCK POINTS
letting it run its course. Now the Engineer is a
210 lbs. — 3
middle-aged man, tired, deeply wounded, and
unable to let go of the past.

24 FALLOUT  The Roleplaying Game

ƒ Control Room: A large server room fitted
1 (Arms, 1 (Arms, 2 (Arms,
0 with numerous monitors that regularly flick
Legs, Torso) Legs, Torso) Legs, Torso)
through the Vault’s monitoring cameras. The
Engineer has retrofitted the old control room
into his home, with a bed and countless personal
ƒ UNARMED STRIKE: STR + Unarmed (TN 8), knick-knacks. Pictures of a woman wearing a
2 D
C Physical damage broken heart pendant sitting beside a worn chair
overlooking the camera feed, directly next to a
ƒ PIPE WRENCH: STR + Melee Weapons (TN 10),
.44 Pistol with one round in the chamber. The
3 D
C Physical damage control system allows users who pass an INT +
ƒ 10MM PISTOL: AGI + Small Guns (TN 10), Science test with a difficulty of 3 to interact with
4 D
C Physical damage, Fire Rate 2, Range C, all of the Vault’s controls, including the power flow,
Close Quarters, Reliable Protectrons and Turrets, electronic locks, and
the Better Place dispersers.
ƒ Testing Room: In this small room, concentrated
ƒ VAULT KID: Your healthier start to life at the
canisters of Better Place are stockpiled.
hands of trained doctors and sophisticated
Hundreds of samples have expired and been
autodocs means you reduce the difficulty of all disposed of by automated machinery, but as long
END tests to resist the effects of disease. as the experiment continues, the testing room
You may also work with the gamemaster to produces 4 D C Better Place Gas Grenades on
determine what sort of experiment took place a monthly basis. These grenades have the same
within your vault. Once per quest, the GM may effect as described in the Better Place Triggers
introduce a complication which reflects the section but act as Thrown Weapons with the
nature of the experiment you unwittingly took Area trait. In addition, x4 Hazmat suits can
part in, or introduce a complication related be found on the walls.
to your early life of isolation and confinement
within the vault. If the GM does this, you LOOT
immediately regain one Luck point.
The Experimental Wing is a Large, Partially Searched
ƒ EDUCATED: You have one additional tag skill. location. After clearing the area, characters can spend
ƒ GIFTED: You choose two S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes 45 minutes and make a PER + Survival test with a
and increase them by +1. difficulty of 2 to find a number of items equal to the
minimum number listed in the Loot Table.
ƒ ADRENALINE RUSH: When your health is
below its maximum value, you count your STR
Experimental Wing Loot Table
score as 10 for all purposes when attempting
a STR test or melee attack. 1-4
(Hazmat Suit x2, Lab Coat x2)
Vault Jumpsuit, Pipe Wrench, 10mm Pistol, 2d20 (Calmex x2, Addictol x4, Fury x2)
10mm rounds, Wealth 2
JUNK 7-8

(Syringer, Heavy Pipe Wrench)

ODDITIES (Behavioral Analysis Mod,
Stimpack Diffuser)

Map Pack One  FALLOUT 25

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