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05 Right On 2 - Mod 5

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Module 5

The environment

1 Complete the dialogues. Use: deforestation, recycle, pollution, rubbish, plant, endangered, adopt, ride.

A: Are you doing anything for Earth Day? My class is going to 1) ___________________ trees in the field outside
our school, and we’ve collected money to 2) ___________________ an animal, a tiger in Nepal.
B: That’s amazing! I’ve just done a project about 3) ___________________ in the Amazon Rainforest, so I know
how important trees are. And those 4) ___________________ animals need all the help we can give them. I
heard there are fewer than 4000 tigers left in the wild.

A: I’d like to be more environmentally-friendly. At home, we already 5) ___________________ our tins and
bottles, and I always put my 6) ___________________ in a bin, but what else can I do?
B: Well, air 7) ___________________ is a big problem in our city. It’s caused by too many cars and buses on the
roads. You could 8) ___________________ a bike instead of using your car.

Green activities

2 Choose the correct item.

1 The artist used recycled materials to do/create/organise the sculpture.

2 The neighbours are organising/creating/starting a clean-up day next week.
3 My teacher is starting/doing/building an environmental club at our school.
4 I’d like to create/do/build a bird house for my garden.
5 We are growing/creating/doing environmental projects in science class this month.
6 My family creates/grows/builds organic vegetables in summer.

Wild animals

3 Write the animals in the correct column: frog, butterfly, salamander, crocodile, dolphin, monkey,
wasp, tortoise.


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Module 5


4 Match the phrases (1-8) to the explanations (A-H).

1 clean the bathroom a put out dishes and forks

2 help in the kitchen b wash dirty dishes

3 do the washing-up c remove items to a bin outside

4 do the laundry d take away dirty dishes after eating

5 tidy the room e clean and organise the place where you sleep

6 set the table f clean the washbasin

7 take out the rubbish g prepare food

8 clear the table h wash dirty clothes


5 Match the words in columns A and B to form collocations.


1 food a water

2 full b tap

3 assembly c waste

4 leaky d hall

5 energy-efficient e load

6 running f bulb


6 Choose the correct item.

1 How do you usually get to work? In/By car.

2 Paul visits his parents every day because they live close to/by.
3 Please, talk at/to Mr Green for details about the clean-up day.
4 The first day of the Environmental Festival is on/in Saturday.

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Module 5

Reflexive pronouns

7 Complete the sentences using the correct reflexive pronoun.

1 We took a picture of _______________ at the greenhouse.

2 They cleaned the bathroom by _______________ .
3 She hurt _______________ while she was helping in the kitchen.
4 Have you looked at _______________ in a mirror? You are both covered in dirt!
5 Please, help _______________ to this information about composting. It’s free.
6 Patrick enjoyed _______________ at the clean-up day.
7 I don’t think this problem can fix _______________ without our help.
8 I love going to camp. I can really be _______________ there.

The passive (Present simple/Past simple)

8 Write the sentences in the passive.

1 Unfortunately, some people produce a lot of food waste.

2 The students set up a recycling club last year.
3 When did the boys build the bird house?
4 Lots of people don’t use plastic bags anymore.
5 Who usually recycles these papers?
6 One of their neighbours didn’t sign the volunteer form.

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Module 5


9 Fill in: how, what (a/an), so, such (a/an).

1 Mark is walking __________ slowly!

2 __________ great book!
3 __________ happy the animals at the shelter are!
4 That is __________ kind of you!
5 He is __________ generous person!
6 __________ terrible news!
7 __________ beautifully their house is decorated!
8 __________ amazing project!
9 You’ve given me __________ helpful advice! Thank you!
10 __________ interesting ideas!

Relative pronouns/Defining relative clauses

10 Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it.

1 That’s the boy who brother got hurt.

2 Do you know the man which works at the fishmonger’s?
3 That woman whose you met owns a pet shop.
4 The monkey who we saw on the safari was quite large.
5 Are those the people which you were talking about?
6 I helped organise the group, which adopted an endangered animal.

11 Join the sentences. Use the relative pronouns in brackets.

1 Mr White is the man. He organised a clean-up day last week. (who)

2 The new wildlife documentary has received an award. It was filmed with an underwater camera. (which)
3 That is the animal shelter. It helps stray animals. (that)
4 The scientist gave a speech about deforestation. He also creates art from recycled materials. (who)
5 Yesterday, I spoke to our new neighbour. His dad works for an environmental orgainsation. (whose)

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Module 5

some/any/no/every & compounds

12 Choose the correct sentence.

1 A There isn’t nothing here.

B There isn’t anything here.

2 A Is there any laundry to do?

B Is there some laundry to do?

3 A The beach was empty. Everybody was gone.

B The beach was empty. Somebody was gone.

4 A Do you know something about composting?

B Do you know anything about composting?

5 A We’d like to reuse it, but anyone knows how.

B We’d like to reuse it, but no one knows how.

6 A Would you like some apples? They’re organic.

B Would you like any apples? They’re organic.

7 A Claudia has tried anything to make this underwater camera work but nothing works.
B Claudia has tried everything to make this underwater camera work but nothing works.

8 A These poor animals had nowhere to live before they were taken to the wildlife sanctuary.
B These poor animals didn’t have nowhere to live before they were taken to the wildlife sanctuary.

9 A Anyone can join the club; it’s free.

B Someone can join the club; it’s free.

10 A Can I have any cloth bags, please?

B Can I have some cloth bags, please?

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Module 5


13 Read the text about Green heroes and write if the sentences below are R (right) or
W (wrong).

Felipe is a thirteen year old boy who lives in São Paulo, Brazil. He noticed a lot of food waste being produced in his
school canteen and decided to do something about it. Felipe asked the school headmaster if he could start a
composting programme with the help of classmates and his parents. Now instead of ending up in the rubbish, food
waste is thrown into special bins located around the lunchroom. Way to go, Felipe!

Antonia lives in Rome, Italy and is twelve years old. She is a big animal lover and has organised a team of people
who help her at the local animal shelter. Together with friends and family, Antonia collects items that can be
recycled from people in her neighbourhood, and sells them back to companies which can reuse the materials. She
then donates all the money to her local animal shelter. Antonia is a double Green hero: she encourages people to
recycle, and the money she earns helps care for the animals that live in the shelter. Amazing!

Gerald is eleven years old and lives in Sydney, Australia. Gerald and his family live close to the beach, and he has
been volunteering to help clean the beach since he was six years old. Every weekend morning, Gerald and his two
younger sisters walk along the beach collecting rubbish. They start early in the morning – they leave the house
before they even have breakfast. They pick up anything left behind by visitors the day before, or anything left by the
sea overnight. Usually, they each fill a big rubbish bag before they head home. That means Gerald himself has
removed hundreds of bags of rubbish from the beach. Fantastic job, Gerald!

1 Felipe started the food waste programme by himself. _______

2 Felipe’s school put special bins for rubbish and compost in the canteen. _______
3 Antonia collects recycling from her friends and family. _______
4 Recycling companies can reuse the materials that are collected by Antonia. _______
5 Gerald and his sisters have been cleaning the beach for 6 years. _______
6 Three bags of garbage are often collected from the beach in one morning. _______

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Module 5

14 You will hear some information about volunteering for a school’s clean-up day. For each
question, fill in the missing information in the gaps.

Green Club
Annual Spring Clean-up Day

When: May 1) ________________

Age: 2) ________________ or over

Group 1: collect 3) ________________ and separate it into 4) ________________
Group 2: 5) ________________ and repair benches in a(n) 6) ________________

Volunteers need to bring: 7) ________________

Where to register: outside the Green Club office
Sign up before: 8) ________________

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Module 5

Portfolio Activity
What are some things you can do to help the environment? Use the table below to write your
ideas. Include both the problem and your solution. The first one includes some ideas for you
as an example. Write about: helping animals, saving water or electricity, reducing air pollution, recycling or
reusing, deforestation etc. Include as many solutions as you can for each problem. You can also
use pictures to illustrate your ideas.

- wasting water - turn off the tap when I brush my teeth
- take shorter showers

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