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01 Right On 2 - Mod 1

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Module 1

Appearance & clothes

1 Complete the sentences.

Xavier is in his 1) l_ _ _ twenties. He is tall and 2) s_ _ _ with short hair and a

3) b_ _ _ _ . He’s wearing a shirt, 4) s_ _ _ _ _ and 5) t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Trina has 1) s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2) f_ _ _ hair and brown eyes. She’s

wearing a 3) s_ _ _ _ _ _ blue and white 4) t_ _ , high 5) h_ _ _ _ and

James is in his 1) m_ _ thirties. He is of 2) m_ _ _ _ _ height with

3) c_ _ _ _ brown hair. He is wearing a black 4) s_ _ _.

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Module 1

Free-time activities

2 Write sentences about things you always/sometimes/never do in your free time. Use words
from both box A and box B to form your sentences.

go, surf, play, spend, make, post, video games, the Net, music, videos, TV series, photos/social media,
watch, read, listen time/family/friends, amusement parks, sports, books/magazines

In my free time,
1 ____________________________________________________________________________________
2 ____________________________________________________________________________________
3 ____________________________________________________________________________________
4 ____________________________________________________________________________________
5 ____________________________________________________________________________________
6 ____________________________________________________________________________________
7 ____________________________________________________________________________________
8 ____________________________________________________________________________________
9 ____________________________________________________________________________________
10 ____________________________________________________________________________________


3 Match the people to the way they feel.

1 Ben: ‘I’m going on holiday next week! I can’t wait!’ a shy

2 Sue: ‘I find it very difficult to talk to people I don’t know.’ b angry

3 James: ‘This video game is no fun at all. I don’t like it.’ c scared

4 Sarah: ‘I never travel by plane. I’m afraid of heights.’ d sad/upset

5 David: ‘My Internet is slow today! I can’t open any web pages!’ e bored

6 Jessica: ‘I failed my final exams.’ f excited

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Module 1


4 Choose the correct item.

1 Sam is very cheerful/popular/honest. She smiles a lot.

2 I’m impatient/bossy/selfish. I hate waiting!
3 I don’t like selfish/bossy/generous people who tell me what to do.
4 A good friend is generous/talkative/honest and tells you the truth.
5 Pedro is very popular/honest/energetic. He has so many friends at school.
6 His aunt is a talkative/generous/cheerful person. She likes giving people things!
7 Don’t be so impatient/selfish/bossy. It’s my turn to use it.
8 They are so honest/popular/talkative. They always have something to say.

Phrases with make/have/take/do

5 Write the words in the correct column: a chat, your time, a mess, photos, chores, a break, a
mistake, homework, a great time, a noise, a puzzle, fun.



6 Match the words in columns A and B to form collocations.


1 pocket a hair

2 best b money

3 early c shirt

4 wavy d friend

5 checked e fifties

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Module 1


7 Choose the correct item.

1 What are you doing in/on your brother’s birthday?

2 Sue felt like her life was in/at danger while she was in the escape room.
3 Dave and his sister used to argue for/about what to watch on TV, but not any more.
4 Paul’s bookcase is full of/with comic books and magazines.
5 Monica usually helps her mum with chores in/at the weekends.
6 Jon never worries for/about his grades; he studies hard every day.

Present simple – Present continuous

8 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.

1 James __________________________________ (not/wear) gloves because it’s not cold.

2 Be quiet! My parents __________________________________ (sleep).
3 My brothers __________________________________ (not/know) how to post photos online.
4 What time __________________________________ (the escape room/open)?
5 They __________________________________ (not/meet) us at the cinema later.
6 Henry and his brother __________________________________ (not/surf) the Net every evening.
7 __________________________________ (your sister/like) drawing?
8 It __________________________________ (not/snow) in this part of the country.
9 Sue __________________________________ (exercise) at the moment.
10 Why __________________________________ (she/look) so upset?
11 I __________________________________ (not/believe) you!
12 __________________________________ (you/make) a video? Can I see it?
13 My mother __________________________________ (speak) three languages.
14 __________________________________ (Ella/stay) with her grandparents this week?
15 David __________________________________ (not/need) any help with his assignment

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Module 1

Adverbs of frequency

9 Use the prompts to form questions. Then answer them using the following adverbs of
frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom/rarely, never.

How often ...

1 you/stay awake/until 4 am? 4 your mum/do the washing-up?
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
2 your dad/listen to music? 5 your best friend/wake up after 7 am?
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
3 your parents/watch TV? 6 your mum and dad/post photos on social media?
_______________________________________ _______________________________________

Prepositions of time

10 Use at, in, on to complete the following questions and answers. Then match the questions
(1-3) to the answers (a-e).

1 What does your family do ____ New Year’s Eve? a Only ____ Friday and
Saturdays nights.
2 Is your birthday ____ spring?
b Yes, it’s ____ 5th March.
3 How often do you go to bed late ____ the evening? c We usually watch a firework
display ____ midnight.

Past simple – Past continuous

11 Choose the correct item.

1 Alice and Paul didn’t play/weren’t playing video games last night at 7 o’clock.
2 Jane left/was leaving the office about an hour ago.
3 I studied/was studying while you cooked/were cooking dinner.
4 They didn’t visit/weren’t visiting their relatives in Paris last summer.
5 Where did you stand/were you standing when the accident happened/was happening?
6 Jon did/was doing his homework, sent/was sending an email and then chatted/was chatting with his
friends online.

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Module 1

12 Complete the exchanges. Use the past simple or the past continuous.

1 A: ____________________ (it/rain) while you ____________________ (you/wait) for the bus?

B: Yes, but thanks to my umbrella, I ____________________ (not/get) wet.

2 A: What ____________________ (they/do) at lunchtime yesterday?

B: I think they ____________________ (listen) to a radio programme.

3 A: ____________________ (your team/win) the football match in the end?

B: Yes, although we ____________________ (lose) at half time!

4 A: Paul ____________________ (go) to school early every day last week.

B: That’s because he ____________________ (practise) for the school play.

5 A: ____________________ (you/watch) that action film on TV last night?

B: No, my friends and I ____________________ (play) football at the park all evening.

6 A: What ____________________ (you/enjoy) most about your trip to Italy?

B: The food! We ____________________ (eat) some amazing things over there!

used to

13 Complete the sentences using use(d) to/didn’t use to and the words in brackets.

1 Sue _____________________________________ (study) French, but now she studies English.

2 _____________________________________ (you/argue) with your sisters when you were younger?
3 They _____________________________________ (play) tennis every day when they had more free time;
they loved it.
4 We _____________________________________ (go) go sailing every summer, but we have a boat now so
we go very often.
5 _____________________________________ (you/live) in this apartment block? You look familiar.
6 I _____________________________________ (not/like) my curly hair, but now I love it!

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Module 1

14 Read the text about Rosa, a 13 year old girl from Mexico. Say two things that she does:
on weekdays, in her free time.

Today in our series ‘What’s it like being 13?’ we talk to Rosa,

a girl from Mexico.
It starts at 8:30 am and finishes at 2:30 every weekday. In the mornings we study maths, science and other
subjects, and in the afternoon we study languages. We learn French and English at school. Today, I’m preparing
for my French test. I’m sitting it tomorrow.
I get a lot of it! After school I help my father in his shop. I do my homework when I get home around 5 o’clock, and
then I help with dinner.
I’m not sure how to answer that. My father pays me to work in his shop. So, my parents give me money, but I have
to earn it. Does that count?
I usually hang out with my cousins. We play video games, go to the park and have a great time together. At the
weekend, we are going to the seaside. I also like spending time at home listening to music, chatting online with
friends and surfing the Net. On Sundays, I often watch a film with my family.
I live in a three-bedroom flat with my parents and brother. My older sister used to live with us as well, but she’s
studying in Canada right now.
Not really. My parents are usually cheerful and in a good mood. Sometimes I argue with my brother. However, we
spend a lot of time together. We like going to the cinema together.
I really enjoy school, have a lot of good friends and my family is pretty nice. One thing that I don’t like is I can’t go to
bed late on a school night.
Most of the things I worry about are related to my education. I worry about doing well on my tests and what to study
at university.

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Module 1

15 Read the interview again and complete it with the missing questions below.

A What do you do in your free time? E Can you tell us about school?
B Do you have any worries? F Do you argue with your parents?
C Do you get homework? G Do your parents give you pocket money?
D What’s good about being 13? H Where do you live?

16 Listen and match the people (1-4) to the adjectives (a-g).

1 Kassandra a popular

2 Andre b shy

3 Annette c energetic

4 Lawrence d angry

e friendly

f talkative

g generous

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Module 1

Portfolio Activity
Describe someone you know. It could be a friend or family member. Write about: their
physical appearance, the type of clothes they usually wear and their character. Draw or
stick a picture of that person in the box below.

Appearance: ________________________________________________________________________________

Clothes: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Character (with examples):____________________________________________________________________


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