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Unit 2 - Break The Routine!

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Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs

1- Replace the underlined phrases with the phrasal verbs from the box.

Bring Find out Give up Grow up

Keep Keep on Look after Get on
· Joan spent her childhood in Hong Kong
· Her mother had a nanny to help her care for the children
· She wouldn’t let them go out if it was raining
· Julia and Les trained their three children to be kind and helpful
· When Laura discovered she was expecting a baby she stopped horse-riding
· If you can’t do something at first, don’t stop trying and you’ll succeed in the end
· I have a good relationship with my brother

2- Complete the text with the phrasal verbs in the box

Look forward to Get on with Move in Run out of

When I was a child I used to _______________ going to stay with my grandparents. I loved going to the shops with
Grandpa because Grandma often _____________ something that she needed. Later we had an extra room built onto
our house and they ___________ us. I still ____________ them but it wasn’t the same as when they lived on their

3.- Fill the gaps with the missing words or phrases

Old friend Divorced First name Get a divorce Have a baby

Surname Only child Single Get married Single parent family

· When you are born, your family gives you a ___________, like Mary or James
· John is just a(n) ___________. We haven’t seen each other for 10 years
· We grew up in a(n) _______________ family. Our mother never lived with us
· She is pregnant. She is going to _____________ next July
· He is ________________ now but he still sees his ex-wife
· We’re engaged and planning to _________________ in the summer
· Their marriage has too many problems. They are going to ______________
· I am a(n) _____________ . I have no brothers or sisters
· Both my sisters are married with children but I am still ______________
· Her first name is Anne, but I don’t know her __________
Inventions of the last 2,000 years

Recently, hundreds of scientists and philosophers were asked to name the most important invention of the last
2,000 years. You might ________ people to say the Internet, penicillin or the internal combustion engine, but in
_______ nobody did. One scientist _______ for paper because, long before the Internet, paper allowed ideas to be
sent around the world. _______ scientists agreed that modern medicine has helped millions of people, but said
______ inventions, such as soap and pipes for clean and dirty water, have _______ more lives. One philosopher said
hay was the most important because it’s winter food for horses. Without ______, horses couldn’t exist in cold
climates, which _____ that there couldn’t be cities in places colder than Athens and Rome. So, thanks _____ hay,
Vienna, Paris, London and Berlin were built! Someone else named the mirror because in ______ at our own faces we
can learn about human beings in general

1) a) Expect b) Think c) Believe d) Guess

2 a) All b) Fact c) Particular d) Detail

3 a) Suggested b) Judged c) Answered d) Voted

4 a) Other b) Another c) Others d) Any

5 a) Clearer b) Plainer c) Simpler d) Purer

6 a) Rescued b) Delivered c) Saved d) Recovered

7 a) Them b) It c) These d) Many

8 a) was b) told c) meant d) understood

9 a) To b) Of c) By d) From

10 a) Seeing b) Looking c) Watching d) Studying


2.- Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box. Sometimes more than one answer is possible

Middle-aged Teenage Youth Old Early twenties

Elderly Young Fifties Childhood Late thirties

· Martha had a wonderful ______________ growing up in the countryside

· She spent her ______________ years studying and having fun with friends
· She left home in her ______________ worked hard and made progress in her career

· She got married when she was in her ______________ and had two children
· When the children were still ______________ she moved to the countryside
· Now she is a ______________ woman in her ______________
· Her parents are now ______________ so she helps them as much as she can
· ______________ is wonderful but being ______________ is not something to be afraid of.
3.- Match the words in the first box with the words in the second box. Some words are used more than once

Attend Boil Brush Clean Comb

Dial Dust Feed Iron Miss
Tidy Tie Wash

Furniture Class Desk Water Hair

Meeting Bus Dishes Teeth Shirt
Shoelaces Pet Shoes Number

4.-Match the words in the first box with the words in the second box.

Hand in Join in Plug in

Put on Put up Put away
Take off Turn up Turn on

Books Homework Game

Make-up Music Radio
Socks Light Umbrella

Your friend is worried. What might you say?
· I’ve put on a lot of weight and all my clothes are too tight
· I spend all my money on fast food
· I can’t sleep at night
· I’m bored at weekends
· My car has broken down

· I have to send a message in English but I don’t speak English

·I want to travel but I work every day
· I want a pet but my parents don’t
· I want to buy a new laptop but I don’t have money
· I love films but cinema is too expensive for me
· I study a lot but I keep failing exams
5- Match the beginnings with the right ending to make logical sentences about Francesca's life

Francesca was born She grew up

Her first boyfriend She went out with him
She went to university She fell in love
They got married She had a baby
Her husband was killed Francesca went back to

For six months Her village to work at the local

In a small house by With another student doing
the sea medicine
In her late twenties As soon as she got her degree
In a car accident Once she had finished school
In 1968 Was Mario, a boy from school

2- Collocations with common verbs

Make / do / get an exercise

Get / take / have a good time
Take / make / get a long time
Make / do / take a tablet
Give / make / get up your mind
Do / make / have the washing-up

3.- Complete the phrases to make collocations

Do Have Make Take

A photo A coffee A mistake A shower A trip Medicine

Homework The washing- A noise Fun Money The housework
Time up
An exam An effort A temperature Progress Your best

4- Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

Break Do Gain Give

Have Keep Make Pay
Perform Print Run save

When was the last time you _______ a lot of fun?

Do you spend all your money or are you good at ______ some of it?
Do you _________ more noise than your neighbours or are they noisier than you?

Would you like to be an actor and __________ on stage in front of hundreds of people?

Are you any good at ___________ a secret or do you tell everybody?

Would you like to _______ your own business in the future?

Which world record would you like to ______?

Do you read documents on your computer screen or do you prefer to ________ them and read them on paper?

Have you ever offered your time for free in order to ________ work experience?

In what situations do you have to ___________ a deposit in your country?

Do you mind ________ housework?

Do you ____________ your parents a call every day?


1- Choose the best option to complete the sentences

I ... Jenny when I was going to the supermarket.

a) Saw b) Was seeing
c) See d) Will see

What _____ you ____ at ten o’clock last night?

a) was, doing b) did, do
c) were, doing d) have, done

Why ____ me last night?

a) were you calling b) you called
c) didn’t you call d) not called

The sun ___ and the sky was blue

a) shines b) shone
c) didn’t shone d) was shining

He ____ very fast when the police stopped him

a) has driven b) was driving
c) will be driving d) was driven

2- Correct the mistakes in the following sentences

Have you ever be to London?

They haven’t got dinner at 7 o’clock
I don’t never drink coffee in the morning
We going to play chess this afternoon
This computer was make in Japan
She is a bank manager, doesn’t she?
How many cheeses you added in this dish?
We talked when the telephone rang
Do you ever tried weird food?
She has finished cooking before we came
How much you spend a week?
It gets dark
I’m not understanding the plan
The flowers smells really good
She has win the prize
How much it costs?
It often raining in Autumn
Look! The children play outdoors
I’ve be waiting for you at the station

3- Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.

I became a geography teacher five years ago.

I …………………………… a geography teacher for five years

Jasmine had a shower, then she went to the juice bar

Jasmine went to the juice bar after she …………………………….. a shower

Our team needs to score a goal!

Our team …………………………….. a goal yet

I don’t know how to play rugby

I………………………………………….. rugby before

She’s already been for a run today

She …………………………………… for a run earlier today

She didn’t pass her driving test yesterday

She …………………………………………… her driving test yet

We went to the supermarket this morning

We ………………………………… to the supermarket already

Learn to ski before you go on a winter holiday in the mountains

Don’t go on a winter holiday in the mountains until ……………………………. to ski

He saw what the letter said, then burned it

After he ………………… what the letter said, he burned it
1.- Decide whether the following sentences are true or false
· Lucas says that everywhere closes early in his town
· Lucas and Zoe agree that taxis are too expensive
· Zoe believes that Lucas’s town can be dangerous at night
· Zoe says people in the north of Europe get up earlier than those in the south
· Lucas thinks it is a good idea to sleep for a short time after lunch

2- Listen to Laura, Ros and John talking about their families and complete the sentences
· Laura has just moved _________ a new house
· Her mum looks __________ Bella while she is at work
· She used to have to get __________ at 5am
· She gets _____________ really well with her family
· Bella looks __________ to being with her grandma
· Ros wants to _________ with her friends at weekend
· Once she was ________ forward to going to a party
· Her father _________ her in because he thought she was too young
· Ros thinks she needs more independence as she’s __________ up
· John’s grandfather _________ them after his grandmother died
· John’s mother had to ________ him
· John and his grandfather didn’t ___________
· Grandad __________ complaining about John
· John thinks ________ teenagers must be difficult

3- Listen again to the recording. Put L for Laura, R for Ros and J for John

· Who has a good relationship with his/her parents?

· Who complains about his/her father?
· Who didn’t like getting up early?
· Who feels he/she has an unsatisfactory social life?
· Who goes out with friends as often as possible?
· Who thinks a parent is bringing him/her up in the wrong way?

4- Choose the right answer to the following questions on a television programme called “The Week the Women
What was the purpose of The Week the Women Went?
a) to give the women of the village a holiday together
b) to find out how the men would get on without the women
c) to improve the quality of life in the village

Why didn’t Andrew cook his sons’ favourite food?

a) He wasn’t skilled enough at cooking
b) Ready meals from the supermarket were cheaper
c) The recipes weren’t in the recipe book
What surprised Andrew about the men’s social evening?
a) that he needed a baby-sitter
b) that it was so successful
c) that he men didn’t know each other

Andrew and his sons found they had to

a) talk more openly together
b) go to sports events together
c) do the shopping together

When Kim returned she was surprised because

a) the house needed cleaning
b) the boys hadn’t changed their clothes
c) Andrew had baked a cake for her

How has the village changed?

a) Some husbands now stay at home with the children
b) The inhabitants all work together to improve life there
c) A lot of people have moved into new houses

5- You will hear a conversation between Jess and Billy about their plans for the weekend. Decide if each sentence is
correct or incorrect
· Billy is planning to leave his job soon
· Jess thinks going to the nightclub is a good idea
· Billy gets on well with all his family
· Billy is going to sleep at his parent’s house on Saturday night
· Jess suggests going to the cinema the following week

· Do you prefer to get up early or late?
· Who watches TV the most in your house?
· What room of your house do you like most?
· How often does your family get together for a celebration?
· Do you enjoy family parties?
· What things do you sometimes forget to do in the morning?
· What is your first name?
· Do you have a middle name?
· Are you an only child?
· Tell us about your best friend
· What is your surname? Is that common in your country?
· Have you got any colleagues or close friends who speak English?

Describe the following pictures

When describing a picture, remember to use the present continuous to talk about what is happening.
The mother is speaking on the phone 
The mother speaks on the phone 

Your teacher has invited the whole class to a party at her house. You would like to take her a present. Talk together
about the types of present you could buy, and say which would be best.

A friend of yours has just moved to a different town and wants to take up a hobby that will help him/her make new
friends. Here are some pictures of some hobbies he/she could do. Talk about how interesting the different hobbies
are, and decide which will be best for making friends.
You have decided to make a time capsule so that people who live a hundred years from now can learn
about life today. Talk together about the things you could put in the time capsule and decide which two
things would give a clear picture of the way we live now. Listen to a conversation between two candidates.
This is part of an email you received from an English friend of yours, Kevin.

I had a great time with my parents yesterday. We had a picnic in a very big park with lots of trees and wild animals. I
think I’ll do more activities with my parents from now on. What about you? Do you do many things with your
parents? Tell me about the last time you did something together.

Write your email. You should write around 100 words.


1.- You want to ask a classmate to help you do something. Write a note to your classmate. In your note, you should
· Explain what help you’d like your classmate to give you
· Suggest a time when your classmate can help you
· Offer to do something for your classmate

2.- You took a phone call for your English friend, Ben, about a parcel. Write the phone message for Ben. In your
message, you should
· Tell Ben who phoned
· Say what is in the parcel
· Explain what Ben should do when the parcel arrives

3.- You have recently started a new hobby. Write an email to your English friend, Tim. In your email, you should
· Tell him what your new hobby is
· Say why you enjoy it
· Suggest a time and a place to meet

4.- You are having a party. Write a card to your English friend, Belinda. In your card, you should
· Say who will be there
· Explain why you are having the party
Tell her when and where it is

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