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Serna, Rioliza Mae H.




1. What does a teacher do when he/she engages himself/herself in diagnostic, formative

and summative assessment?

- When a teacher engages in diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments, they

are involved in comprehensive evaluation, which means that they are evaluating each
student's progress and learning. Diagnostic assessment means, this is a form of
pre-assessment that allows a teacher to determine individual students’ prior knowledge
and skills. It helps the teacher to identify the strengths and weaknesses of every student.
Formative assessment means that they provide feedback to students and teachers
about how students have learned the learning materials. Teachers can also determine
how each student learns, and provide a way for the teacher to adjust the teaching so
that the students' abilities can improve even more. Summative assessment, this is an
assessment of learning that is usually at the end of a project, unit, course, semester, or
school year after diagnostic assessment, teaching and formative assessment have been
completed. This is also a reason to know if each student really learned something.

2. Why does a teacher engage himself/herself in diagnostic, formative and summative


- A teacher conducts diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment for several main
The first one is to Understand the needs of the students, in the diagnostic assessment it
helps the teacher to identify the prior knowledge and skills of the students, it helps them
to further expand their teaching strategy and help students with what they still have to
To Monitor Progress, Formative assessment, continuous evaluation of students and
teachers to find out how the students learn, it helps to know this to adjust and change
the strategy in teaching the students, and improve their learning.
To Evaluate Achievement, Summative assessment measures students' learning at the
end of their teaching period, this assessment helps teachers to also know if students
have learned anything throughout the semester.

3. What tests does a teacher give when he/she makes use of traditional assessment?
Authentic assessment?
- Traditional assessments methods are the multiple choice, true/false questions,
matching type, essays, these are to measure the knowledge, skills and abilities of the
- Authentic assessments are about the achievements of each student and can be done
by the teacher, or in collaboration with the student through interaction for example
by providing a portfolio, performance tasks, and so on.

4. How does norm-referenced assessment differ from criterion-referenced assessment?

- Norm referenced assessment is like a race where every student compared their
performance to others. Their scores tell how well they did compare to everyone. On
the other hand, Criterion referenced assessment is more like aiming for a specific
target. Here you can tell to yourself or judge yourself based on the criteria or
standard you get in the performance you do.

5. What is meant by contextualized assessment? How does it differ from decontextualized


- Contextualized assessment seems to mean an evaluation of a person's ability or

knowledge in real life. It's like an example in competition before you face your
opponent, you first know his skills and weaknesses before you enter the game.
While the decontextualize, assessment refers to your source of ideas and opinions
stored in the memory of a student.

6. When we can say that assessment is of high quality? Explain each quality.

- Assessment is considered of high quality when it meets certain criteria and

standards that ensure its effectiveness, fairness, validity, reliability, and usefulness.
Here's an explanation of each quality:
Validity- A high-quality assessment accurately measures what it is intended to
measure. This means that the assessment should align with the learning objectives
or standards it aims to assess. Validity ensures that the assessment provides
meaningful and relevant information about students' knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Reliability- Reliability refers to the consistency and stability of assessment results. A
high-quality assessment produces reliable results, meaning that if the assessment
were administered multiple times to the same group of students under similar
conditions, it would yield consistent scores. Reliability ensures that the assessment
outcomes are dependable and trustworthy.
Fairness- Fairness in assessment means that all students have an equal opportunity
to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities. A high-quality assessment minimizes
bias and ensures that it does not unfairly advantage or disadvantage any particular
group of students based on factors such as race, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic
Authenticity- Authentic assessments require students to apply their knowledge and
skills in meaningful contexts, rather than merely regurgitating memorized
Usefulness- A high-quality assessment provides meaningful feedback to students,
educators, and other stakeholders that can inform teaching and learning. It should
help identify areas of strength and weakness, guide instructional planning, and
support student growth and development.

7. What are the current trends in assessment? Explain each.

- The assessment of current trends is encouraging a high caliber of performance. that

since the written exam is not relevant in real life, students need to be experiencing
the scenarios in the field in which they are majoring. The way that traditional
assessments are being used is driving students and teachers to realize that, even
though a student performs very well on a multiple-choice exam, real life is not only
about making choices. This is demonstrated by the kids' example in the book.
Everything is an act or performance.


1. Can a diagnostic assessment and a formative assessment affect the result of summative
assessment? How?

- Yes, if diagnostic and formative is not given accurately and nicely the summative can be the
same if there is no action taken. If diagnostic and formative is not giving attention the
summative might have a result and even worse because many questions in summative. Also if
the diagnostic and formative is given accurately the summative assessment will have a good
result because students understand every step and the teachers take action in every formative

2. Can teachers do away with traditional assessment? Explain your answer?

- No, Because traditional assessment is also helping in learners critical thinking, and develop
their brain to answer question. Traditional assessment is also important in learning because
this can prove thsme learner if they really learn and get the topic.

a) Is it possible that a student has a high percentile rank, but doesn't meet the criterion or standard of
success or proficiency. Is that student doing well, because he is outperforming his peers, or is he doing
poorly, because he hasn't achieved proficiency?

- the learner is focusing on the peer if the criteria existing his effort will not be appreciated by
the facilitator. He's doing well but the learner is not focusing on the criteria that the facilitator
are looking so it will become looks like learner is lacking.

b) Is the opposite scenario also possible? A student could have a very low percentile rank, but still
meets the criterion for proficiency. Is this student doing poorly because he isn't performing as well as
his peer or is he doing well because he has achieved the standard of proficiency?

- learner has a focus on criteria and work to notice his doing. he's not the best in doing but the
effort on focusing and learning the criteria makes the learner best and succeed on what
they're performing.

3. Have you ever experienced having been given unfair assessment? Why do you consider it unfair? As
a future teacher, any lesson learned? Discuss in your small groups.

- I experience that some teachers are bias when it comes to assessment. The smarter are getting
much attention and getting more favor if they say their concern while the quiet in yhe room
are just going with the flow even it can affect on their scores. As a future teacher I will not be
bias in any student smarter or slower in class they have a right to say their concern aand up to
a conversation.

4. When a teacher explains how you will be scored in a written or a performance test, will this most
likely help you come up with better output or performance? Why?

- yes because you will work on the criteria or rubrics that is prepared by the teacher. If they say
how they will grade the output we willwork more on that part that can give us a high grade.
5. As a student, were you ever involved in assessing your learning? If yes, how? Did your involvement
in the assessment process have a favorable impact on you? Explain.

- When pandemic happen i tend to assess my learning always and the impact on me is a good
because i developed critical thinking skills and develop to solve a problem on my own and
figure things out.

6. Study the multiple choice test items given in Check for Your Understanding of this Chapter.

a) Would you consider the test items contextualized or decontextualized assessment? Support your

- decontextualized, because it's a written exam that can be more understanding and easy to
answer because you can relate into it. Based on the book that I read decontextualized is really
a written exam.

b) Which test item do you like most? Explain why.

- Multiple choice because it can give a hint if you read the choices even you're familiar and
forgot the word ehen you read the choice you will remember your answer and what you

Assessment Practices That Six Current Trends in

Enhance Learning (McTighe) Assessment (Santrock)

a. The "end" learning goals are known in Making standards and criteria public rather than
advance, as are the assessments private and secretive

of them.

b. The assessment tasks are set in a realistic Using at least some performance-based
context and require application of skills. assessment

c. The assessments are challenging yet

Having high performance standards including
d. The assessments are "open". In other words, world-class standard for interpreting assessment
there is not a single correct answer or single way results
of accomplishing the task.
Examining higher-level cognitive skills and
e. Students produce tangible products and/or emphasizing integrated rather than isolated
performances to show evidence of their skills.
Involving students in all aspects of assessment.
f. The learners have some choice regarding how
they will demonstrate their learning (such as via
products and performances) and/or how they go Using multiple assessment methods
about the task (process.)

g. There is an audience other than the teacher.

h. There are opportunities to work with others

(collaboration). Involving students in all aspects of assessment.

i. The teacher functions like a coach or an Involving students in all aspects of assessment.
advocate a critical friend not an adversary.
Involving students in all aspects of assessment.
J.Detailed feedback is provided along the way.
Using computer as part of assessment
k. Leamers have opportunities to practice, refine
or "re-do" after feedback is given.
Using at least some performance-based
l. Learners are encouraged to self- assess, reflect assessment
on their learning and set future goals based on
the assessment results.
Using multiple assessment methods



- Computer assessment is the process of using technology, computing for students'

work. This also helps the teacher's teaching style and strategy for the students, it
also causes the students to pay attention to what you share because they better
understand and see the information they should know. It is also able to send tasks to
students and make decisions on what they should finish. It also helps to better
navigate the skills and knowledge of each student based on the lessons given.

1. Reflect on your life as a student. Did your welcome assessment? If you had a choice, you
rather not subject yourself to an assessment process? Why or why not?

- I accept assessment and choose to subject myself to assessment. because it helps to

improve your learning and knowledge especially among students, you also receive
feedback so you can also determine if there is something to change in your ability.

2. “I enjoy watching but assessing and correcting papers reduce my love for teaching.” Is this
true of you?

- For me it's not true, as a teacher of your students you will do everything for your
students to learn, Assessing and correcting papers does not reduce your desire to
teach, because one of the teacher's jobs is to check every work of his students and it
helps to improve the way you teach so that your students can better understand
what they should know and improve their skills.

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