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Emerging United States-India Strategic Partnership: Implications For Pakistan

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P-ISSN: 2709-6254 Journal of Development and Social Sciences Jul-Sep 2023, Vol.4, No.

O-ISSN:2709-6262 [329-341]

Emerging United States-India Strategic Partnership: Implications for
1Dr. Sawaira Rashid* 2Dr. Gulshan Majeed 3Dr. Muhammad Ikram

1. Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science & International Relations, University of

Central Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
2. Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab,
3. Assistant Professor (Adjunct), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Central
Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
*Corresponding Author
In order to counter China’s rising influence, US is finding more allies in South Asia. As a
result, it has been signing various agreements with India to strengthen its footsteps in the
region. Due to the mutual interests and shared values of both the partners, they have come
close to each other through the civil nuclear cooperation. This is causing a number of
concerns for the neighbors as US-India partnership is proving highly beneficial for both of
the states at the international arena. India is becoming a source of balancing power for the
US to retain its influence in the Pacific and Indian oceans against the rising power, China and
its allies. Contrary to this, India is also getting benefit from US in terms of strengthening its
military capabilities using the state-of-the-art technologies provided by the US, posing many
security implications for the adversaries and neighbors of India. India-US strategic
partnership is causing a shift in balance of power in India’s favor which can be dangerous
for Pakistan’s security. In this scenario, Pakistan can never afford to remain oblivious of the
developments taking place between these two countries because of its security concerns.
These developments can undermine Pakistan’s deterrent capabilities and can weaken its
position in the Indo-Pak strife over the Kashmir issue. Consequently, Pakistan will have to
work with China to strengthen its bond to counter the negative effects caused by the US-
India partnership. Also, it will have to rethink its foreign policy towards the eastern
countries and will have to establish cordial bilateral relations with its neighbors. This paper
covers all the aspects of bilateral partnership between India and the USA and its implications
for Pakistan economically, politically, strategically and diplomatically. This research aims to
analyze the emerging strategic partnership between the United States and India and its
implications for Pakistan. Moreover, a descriptive-analytical method has been adopted to
carry out this research work.

Bilateralism, Foreign Policy, Non-Alignment, Nuclear Deal, South Asia, Strategic

Keywords: Partnership

The US-India relationship has seen many ups and downs, and convergences and
divergences from its very formation till the nuclearisation of South Asia in 1998. During the
cold war, India, did not aligned its foreign policy either of the both super powers the USA
and the USSR, emerged as an independent state and played a greater role in the formation
of Non-Aligned movement by Jawahar Laal Nehru. Despite being declared itself as a Non-
Aligned state, India joined hands with USSR. On the other hand, Pakistan had to align itself
with US due to the geostrategic environment and aligned itself with US in containment of
Communism. After the independence of India, the first time India asked for help from US was
during the Sino-India war in 1962. US supported India at that time on all fronts and provided
them with the military cooperation. The actual transformation in US-India relations
happened in the post-cold war era and within a span of time friendly bilateral relation
Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3

between both the states established that turned into the mutual benefits for both countries.
When the disintegration of USSR took place, there was a series of convergence of interests
between US and India which resulted in a gradual tilt of US security policy towards India.
These relationships were further cemented after the Clinton’s first visit to India and then
tragic event of 9/11 altogether changed the relations of US with Pakistan and India. The
attack gave US a solid ground to offer India, a full-time cooperation to counter terrorism.
From there, the interest based partnership between India and the US commenced which
Bush administration further took forward to the level of strategic and diplomatic
partnership. The bilateral partnership, comprising of a number of areas, included the
defense cooperation, terrorism, containment and halting the rise of China, missile and
armament technological transformation, geo-political, geo-economic and partnership of
nuclear arsenals (Yaseen, Jathol, & Muzaffar, 2016).

India has emerged to be a regional powerful ally in the scheme of grand strategy by
US. The strategic partnership between both of the independent states is based on the shared
vision of curtailing global terrorism and countering the emergence and fast-growing Chinese
influence in the region of South Asian, South East Asia, Indian and Pacific oceans and beyond.
The United States of America wants to maintain its economic and military supremacy in the
whole World; while, India wants to become a hegemonic regional power. All this practice by
India and US is to maintain the regional and global dominance, respectively. This partnership
may increase strategic imbalance in the region which will ultimately become beneficial for
India only. To counter this collaboration, Pakistan can go for making similar arrangements
with China, in which China too will not be hesitating because of the combined motive of US
and India to counter China. This partnership on the whole can disturb balance of power, with
the rise of various powers and changing international dynamics, between India and Pakistan
leading to unrest of the whole region (Muzaffar, Yaseen, & Rahim, 2017).

The strategic partnership between InDia and America since 2010 has reached to the
wider spectrum, comprising defense, trade, energy, and people to people partnership. The
foreign minister of India, Jaishankar met with the US state secretary Anthony Blinken with
the objective of signing various memorandums of understanding (MoUs). The significant
partnership of both countries in the indo-pacific region to contain the rise of china and its
military installments along with the string of pearls, has a great significance in the mutual
collaboration of relations. For the sharing of the geo spatial date, India and the United States
of America have signed BECA agreement. While, to contain the ride of China, these both
countries are the members of GSOMIA, LEMOA, COMCASA, Quad agreement, and Five eyes.
Shangrila dialogues between these states not only gave the rise of the Malabar exercises
between tri military exercises, army, navy and air force, but also signed USA and India
maritime security partnership initiatives. Apart from this, on the economic stage, USA is the
2nd highest number of importer of Indian goods while exports its goods to India at 7 th
number. The annual trade between India and the USA has reached to 140bn USD. At the
people to people relations, largest numbers of Indians are living in the USA which
contributes 7bn USD to the economy of US. As far as, the CPEC (China Pakistan Economic
Corridor) is concerned, both states have shown their commitment to oppose CPEC and
striving to derail this project. This hegemonic attitude of India is totally antagonistic to the
interests of Pakistan which poses greater threats and implications for Pakistan.

The Emerging Indo-US Strategic Partnership

The strategic cooperation between the US and India has affected the situation of
balance of power in the South Asian region while disturbing the relations of Pakistan with
the US. (Muzaffar, Jathol, & Yaseen, 2017). The first step of the strategic partnership of India
and USA was the Civil Nuclear deal also called as the 123 Agreement. The deal was formally
announced by in the Era of George Bush in 2005, and was approved by the American
Congress in 2008.In this deal, America declared India as a responsible nuclear weapon
country and agreed on assisting India with advanced nuclear technology which meant to be

Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3

used for the civilian nuclear purposes (Bajoria & Pan, 2010). The reservation related to the
civil nuclear deal was that this deal will help India to develop and enhance its military
equipment besides its usage for the civilian purposes. This advancement will ultimately lead
to the Indian superiority in conventional, non-conventional, hybrid, and nuclear weapons.
The purpose of this deal is solemnly to recognize India as a de-facto nuclear weapon state,
irrespective of the fact that India is the non-signatory member of NPT. India successfully
managed to win the trust of US as India promised US to create the state-of-the-art nuclear
facilities which will be monitored by IAEA’s Watchdog. But if India found violating the terms
and conditions of IAEA and International law and commitment, this deal never takes India’s
sovereignty and India still hold the right to decide what favors national interest. This
somehow defies the international law and commitments. So, there was a fear that India will
manipulate the deal and can use the energy for their military and nuclear purposes. The
critic associated to this deal is that it has undermined the rationale behind nuclear non-
proliferation treaty but also contributed to the strategic instability of South Asia. The civil
nuclear cooperation also contained dual use the materials and equipment that could also be
used for the enrichment of the uranium and in the reprocessing of plutonium which creates
a threat of usage of these materials for the enhancement of the its nuclear arsenals (Sidhu,

The US-India cooperation is not only limited to the transfer of defense and military
technology. This cooperation extends to different aspects of trade which boost the economy
of India. Since 2014, the amount invested in by the members of US-India business council is
approximately 28billion dollars. Another 45 billion dollars are still in the pipeline to be
invested into different departments of India. The companies and investors of US are very
much interested in investing in India for its big market. Thus, India has eased many
governmental restrictions so to create an ease for the foreign investors to invest. This trade
and investment in India have made India one of the largest trading partners with 140 billion
USD and one of the biggest investment partners of the US. Similarly, India is also investing
immensely in the US. A number of companies hailing from India have invested in around
thirty-five states of US almost 15 billion dollars, which has created a total of 91000 jobs for
the Americans living over there (Singh, 2018).

With the proposals of Banki Moon for the enhancement of the membership of the
Security Council in 2007, the US has supported in the Indian favor, from Asia, with the
formation of G-4. The undue favors to India for the fulfillment of the own interests of the US;
the US is committed to elevate India to a point of rightful position in the globe. For this
purpose, the endorsement of India by Obama in 2010, was the significant move to put India
in this direction. Followed by this, the US congress also supported the stance of India
permanent membership in UNSC. In case India happens to be the permanent member of the
UNSC, this will authorize the US for initiating any multilateral action in the world in order to
advance its objectives either legal or political. This will also help India to make its formal
status accepted as a Nuclear weapon state and will legitimize any action it takes in the region
to fulfill its own interest. India’s permanent position in the UNSC will stem the
confrontations and conflicts with the south Asian countries generally and with Pakistan over
Kashmir issue particularly. So, it can anytime veto any resolution by Pakistan on Kashmir
issue and this would be an alarming situation for the peace and security in the region.
Moreover, if India gets the seat, Pakistan will also go after it which US will not agree, this can
cause a strain in Pak-US Relations (Yadav, 2014).

The Indo US strategic partnership also extends to the space cooperation with the
signing of BECA agreement. The sole purpose is to share geo spatial data between them. This
cooperation which enables India’s building capacity of the Indian civil space agency which
will benefit the agriculture production of India. This cooperation enables India to acquire
the advanced technology which will ultimately benefit the agriculture sector India by
forecasting the climate and weather condition necessary for the enhancement agriculture
sector. US also supported the India’s participation in the field of earth observation satellites.
Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3

This state of the art technology for monitoring of the environment will provide useful data
for how to make maximum benefit from the agriculture sector and will help India to boost
its economy (Rajagopalan, 2011). The space technology allows the states to cooperate in
weather system and the environment monitoring system. This cooperation has benefits for
both the states as India gets benefitted by the space cooperation, India also provides
valuable information’s, technical assistance and financial support to the US national weather
service office. Moreover, in the few recent years, the hurdles that were drawn between the
different departments of space are removed and US is cooperating on a level playing field
with India and trading with the space agencies of India. The encouragement of US towards
India to take a part in different groups of Earth Observation satellites is a sign that this
cooperation will be extended to further heights (Vijayalakshmi, 2017).

With the inception of India, the US did not show its inclination to form the defense
agreement with India due to the socialist leadership but both states had close diplomatic ties
with each other. India remained neutral during cold war; the US signed various defense
agreements with Pakistan in 1950s to halt the USSR to reach to the warm waters. (Muzaffar
& Khan, 2016)

defense and security cooperation between the US and India was signed between
Bush and Vajpayee under the NSSP i.e. next step strategic partnership which was initiated
right after the incident of 9/11 for the joint purpose of defense and security of both the
countries from terrorism. Later in 2010, this bilateral strategic partnership elevated and a
deal of approximately 10 billion dollars was signed which took the partnership to new
heights. Also, another initiative called as the Defense and Trade Agreement Initiative was
formed between India and US for the enhancement of bilateral relation in defense area for
the advanced research and development of defense manufacturing. This initiative gave more
momentum to the already indigenous defense process between both countries. The National
Defense Authorization Act, 2016 which gave India the FY-17 further cemented the relations
between India and US and India was called as the Major defense partner of US at that time.
Still now US is the second biggest arms exporter to India while Russia being the number 1
according to the stats of 2020. The Indian imports of arms from US have reached to
approximately 16billion dollars in the period of 2018-2020. These arms deal include the
transfer of latest technology like P-8 which is a maritime information and patrol aircraft, C-
130, C-17, M777 howitzers, transport aircrafts, Apache AH-64 helicopters and Chinook
helicopters (Cheng, 2008).

In addition to this, India has signed many other agreements for the procurement of
other advanced defense technologies. First of these agreements is the LEMOA which is called
as the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement. This agreement is a defense
agreement between the military forces of US and India which established basic terms and
conditions for the support, supplies and services for close military cooperation. Another one
signed by India is the Communication and Information Security Memorandum of Agreement
(CISMOA) which was renamed as the COMCASA. This agreement allows India to get
specialized equipment for the encrypted communications between the militaries of both the
countries and will enable the militaries of both sides to conduct joint operations using the
similar network for communications. After LEMOA and COMCASA, the US and India have
signed BECA, which is the Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement to further cement the
framework of the long-term military and strategic partnership. This is the recent agreement
done by India with US in the 2+2 in October 2020. This will help India get the real time access
to the American Geospatial Intelligence System which will contribute towards the accuracy
of the automated weapon systems like missile and drones. The sharing of information on
maps and satellite’s images, this will help India to access both the aeronautical and
topographical data aiding in the navigation and targeting. These agreements give a sign of
an increase arms race in the region leading to the destruction of peace in South Asia which
is alarming for Pakistan (White, 2021).

Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3

President of the US Barack Obama and Donald J. Trump, during their visits to India
announced that the USA will fully support India’s decision of joining all export control
regimes. This was seen as a step that will raise India’s status as a responsible nuclear weapon
state. Supporting India’s wish to join NSG and meanwhile ignoring Pakistan in this regard
can cause a de-hyphenation of India-Pakistan security concern. India’s membership of NSG
can boost its economy further an India can produce its own nuclear equipment. India wants
this membership because of its aim of maintaining a major power status in the region (Bano,

Implications for Pakistan

This section focuses on various and multifarious Implications faced by Pakistan due
to the growing strategic cooperation between India and the US. There will be a number of
implications due to this strategic partnership. These implications, one after another, are
given below:

From a strategic point of view, the Indo-Us strategic partnership carries a lot of
potential to destabilize the regional balance of power between both arch rivals, Pakistan and
India. There is a concern that US, which is de jure nuclear weapon state, is cooperating with
India on the nuclear grounds. This undermines the essence of NPT and negates the article 1
of NPT which says that nuclear weapon states will not assist the non-nuclear weapon states
in acquiring nuclear weapons. Though India is a nuclear weapon state (de facto) but the
criteria of nuclearization of India doesn’t fit in the NPT’s foundation. The US-India
cooperation is further endangering the NPT’s essence and its articles because every state
which is party to the NPT has signed an undertaking of not to transfer the nuclear material
or nuclear devices and will not motivate or assist any state that is a non-nuclear weapon
states according to NPT (Non-proliferation Treaty), to manufacture the nuclear weapons or
assist them in legalizing them (Bukhari, 2011).

The civil nuclear deal signed between India and the US was named is only civil by its
mere name. It was done to avoid the reservations that may emerge from the deal because
the diversion of civil nuclear technology transferred from US to India into military use can’t
be implausible. There prevails a threat due to the civil nuclear deal that India will use the
civil nuclear technology for the military purposes. The deal also encloses that India can buy
conventional weapons from US anytime and they will definitely do so. If these kinds of acts
come into practice, it will eventually deepen the animosity between Pakistan and India
leading the disturbance of balance of power between the two. This will diminish the
possibility of resolving the delayed issues between both the countries particularly Kashmir
issue and water issues. The Indo-US cooperation on nuclear grounds can increase an arms
race in between both the armed states whose effect will be seen as a war tension in South
Asia due to India and Pakistan. Thus, an arms race in a region where India, Pakistan and
China, these three countries are nuclear capable, can disturb the peace and stability in the
entire region (Kirk, 2008).

According to many Pakistani authors, civil nuclear deal has given India, another
excuse on the legal grounds to justify its hegemonic behavior in the region. The roots of this
deal come out of the actual fact of Indian exceptionalism which is backed by US for its own
motives. The deal, strategically, will destabilize the balance of power and will disturb
ultimately equilibrium between two neighbors as arch rival. US rewarding India with major
benefits in the form of this deal and undermining Pakistan’s efforts for fighting against
terrorism for US’s interests could increase very unfavorable circumstance sin the region
leading to conflict between the belligerent neighbors. The support of Washington for India
will increase India’s pressure on Islamabad, always blaming Pakistan of cross-border
terrorism in India. this is how they manipulate the World opinion to shut out any possible
resolution of the Kashmir dispute (Muhammad, 2006).

Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3

The partnership between India and US will be carrying a number of diplomatic and
political implications as well. It will definitely contribute to already anarchic situation in the
South Asian region and it will become more intense if Pakistan goes towards china due to US
estrangement towards Pakistan. This anarchic situation can also disturb other states while
putting them in a cobweb of alliances. Due to a considerably noninvolvement of military
establishment in the political affairs of India as compared to Pakistan, where military
establishment is part and parcel of the country (as the post-independence history also gives
many relative signs of it), US considers India a stronger democratic country than Pakistan as
obviously shares more similarity to the US certain values of politics, therefore a more
suitable country for Partnership. So due to these values, if India becomes entirely a proxy of
US in South Asia, it will never stop interfering in the domestic matters of Pakistan, which can
be alarming (Heath, 2016).

Also, there will be diplomatic implications due to this deal. US is not going to mediate
the bone of contention i.e. Kashmir issue, between India and Pakistan. As seen many times
in the reign of every newly appointed US president except Obama (who flatly refused to
mediate the issue and compelling to resolve it by themselves), an offer comes by US side to
mediate the Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan which is turned down every time by
India quoting that it is a bilateral issue. The recent example is the president of the US Donald
J. Trump’s offer to play a role of mediator between Pakistan and India to resolve Kashmir
issue, several times. This means no solution of the issue in the near future because of the
Indian unavailability for a dialogue in the name of false terrorism accusation to Pakistan
(Yadav, 2018).

In this regard, the US which is endorsing Indian narrative of getting a permanent seat
in the United Nations Security Council, could lead to a permanent dissolution of the Kashmir
issue because if India gets a permanent seat in UNSC by the assistance of United States, India
will have the power of exploiting Pakistan resources in the name of a veto power. It can
anytime veto Pakistan’s request to resolve the Kashmir dispute. UNSC at the instant is
Pakistan’s only ray of hope to have an unbiased resolution on the Kashmir dispute. If this
partnership between US and India flutters to a level that India becomes a permanent
member of UNSC and can use its veto power for exploitation of Pakistan’s resources, it would
be considered a murder of International peace that day (Blum, 2005).

The possible arms race in the region, with the armament proliferation, because of
the US-India civil nuclear deal can have a number of implications on Pakistan, of which
economic implications are no exception. The already struggling economy of Pakistan can
have worse effects due to an increased arms race in the region. The procurement of arms by
India through US cooperation will also motivate Pakistan to further modernize its weapon
system which will need a specific allocation of a part of budget in the upcoming years.
Pakistan’s today need is a very reasonable part of budget to be allocated for development of
social structure and a better living and wellbeing of the citizens. But this competition for the
advancement of military equipment to maintain the deterrence will strain the already fragile
and weak economy (Meier, 2006).

The India-US defense deal will create significant benefits for the already
strengthened Indian economy. While there will be an exchange of developmental projects
and professional in every field, it will open the field of a strong business between Indian and
US and with each other’s allies too. The fact is that the US will get more advantage from this
because the US production companies will be having a very major market to sell its
production. This deal will not only enable the military equipment to exchange but will also
open gates for trade in different fields. As the relations of India gets stronger, India will be
selling the American products at very cheap rates on the behalf of US to bolster its economy
and make a strong hold in its customer states. This will create a gap between US and Pakistan
as US will be bound to give its products to India and Pakistan will be deprived of the US

Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3

technology. In this way, Pakistan will be far behind from India in having technological
advancements to bolster its economy (Pant & Super, 2015).

The emerging closer ties of US with India will have many consequences, of which,
the ultimate by product will be the realignment of Pakistan’s foreign policy towards East.
Due to the changed and rapidly changing geo-strategic and political environment of South
Asian region due to the alignment of the US interest with India and vice versa, Pakistan will
need to realign some of its policies towards East, and the most important of these policies
will be the foreign policy of Pakistan. For this purpose, Pakistan will tilt towards China and
Russia to counterweight the negative aspects caused by the US-India strategic partnership.
Strengthening ties with these countries can provide a better replacement in the geostrategic
and geopolitical and economic needs than US. Due to the changing power politics in South
Asian region, Pakistan needs to reshape its foreign policy to safeguards its national interest
at the very first spot. Pakistan will have to look for other partners to counter the effects born
off US India strategic partnership. In this regards Pakistan will maximize its efforts to build
cordial relation with its neighbors so Pakistan would not face the consequences of the US-
India nexus, alone. The US-India partnership commenced on the shared values and interest
requires for Pakistan to make change its foreign policy and align itself diplomatically with
other countries to counter Indian hegemonic attitude. To counter China and its rising
influence in the South Asian region and having a check on Pakistan is the main objective of
India under the shadow of strategic partnership. If this partnership causes alarming concern
for Pakistan, it can review its ties with US and devise a new strategy and plan to cement its
relationship with eastern countries. Pakistan’s strengthening ties with China are a very
recent example for this. To maintain the strategic balance of power in the region, Pakistan
will shift its foreign policy which is already inclined to China as after the cold war motives
Pakistan relations with US started going down and started rising in the case of India. So,
Pakistan’s all-weather friend from the date is China and due to this strategic partnership,
Pakistan has started relying more on China because China has not stopped offering its
support to Pakistan at any forum, be it domestic or international. This is now more
important because of the strained relationships of Pakistan with India and US in the realm
of this partnership (Kumar, 2014).

To cope with the effects of US’s Strengthened relations with India, Pakistan also
needs a reliable ally and time-tested partners on the strategic ground. Pakistan finds these
specifications in none other than China. Pakistan’s improved ties with China has many
evidences which means that Pakistan, in the near future will be looking towards east and
will entirely be an ally of China in the region. This is a relation of mutual reciprocity. The
clear example of these relations growing stronger is the CPEC that is the major and pilot
project of the BRI by China. These projects ushered a progressive development in Pakistan.
The developments that are happening because of these projects further emphasize on the
importance of the eastwards policy options for Pakistan. Due to these projects, Pakistan will
prove to be an important strategic and economic player in the region. The stance that
Pakistan’s look towards east in beneficial is because of the untiring support of China with
Pakistan at every forum. China defended Pakistan on the international issue of terrorism
sponsoring and other negative labels, on all the forums while it is the United Nation’s
Security Council or the BRICS and that too with full diplomatic support. On the whole, China
has supported Pakistan in various fields that range from economy, military supports, the
nuclear fields, diplomatic support, and in the cultural exchange (Garver, 2004).

China’s support to Pakistan in the nuclear field is remarkable. The negative remarks
attached to this support enhances a campaign against both the countries but China managed
to support and continuously adhered to Pakistan on its stance of Peaceful uses of nuclear
energy. China has supported Pakistan in exploring various means of renewable energy
which Pakistan uses for the production of its electricity. This nuclear support by China is
also implied to maintain a strategic balance in the region which enables to have an extended
deterrence on India to restrain its nuclear eagerness. This support is actually a counter
Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3

balance to the India-US growing nexus to simultaneously contain China in the region.
Another evidence for the stronger relationships of Pakistan with China (part of eastwards
foreign policy) is China’s economic support to Pakistan. The major example of this support
is the developments happening because of CPEC. The continuing improvements in the
infrastructure, energy sectors, regional security, and the specials economic zones are
foreseeable. There is hardly any sector in Pakistan where China is not investing for the
mutual benefits. Adding to the reliability of this partnership, it is based on mutual benefits
of both the countries. Pakistan’s route towards gulf countries has enabled China in its easy
import of Oil. This partnership between China and Pakistan will play the role of
strengthening Pakistan against the negative will of India of Pakistan’s isolation for the
solution of Kashmir issue (Chaudhri, 1986).

The continued dissatisfaction of Pakistan from the US throughout history of Pakistan

and the USA relations carries with itself a number of concerns for Pakistan to find new
strategic partners. The biased support of the US to India will ultimately redirect foreign
policy of Pakistan towards Russia. So, the role of Russia and its influence on Pakistan’s
foreign affairs direct Pakistan to strengthen the bilateral and multilateral relations with
Russia Union because of the present scenario which can be taken as a counter balance vis-a-
vis US cooperation with India (Weinbaum & Harder, 2008).

In order to overshadow the negative effects of the US and India partnership, it is very
obvious that Pakistan will have to look for stronger relations with its neighbors, but besides
that, Pakistan can never ignore Russia to look for stronger relations. Pakistan, who has seen
worsening of overall ties with US, is now eager to embrace Russia. During the cold war from
1947 to 1991, there was a distrust in the ties between Pakistan and Russia because Pakistan
sided with US in the cold war times. The biggest manifestation of the USA Pakistan defense
agreement can be seen by the U-2 incident in 1960 and the USSR’s support to India in
Pakistan India war 1971. Due to this, India’s relations with the USSR developed and
advanced at that time and till now, both countries have good bilateral relations. The
relationship between Pakistan and Russia revived when the USSR disintegrated into fifteen
republics and Russian Union realized that it needs another all-weather ally in South Asia in
addition to India. During the post-soviet years, Russia started coming close to Pakistan due
to the concerns in Afghanistan and the US pivot of Asia policy. The 9/11 incident made
Pakistan and Russia closer and both the countries marked a long-term alliance on fighting
side by side in the War on Terror and also for securing stability for Afghanistan (Hussain,

Pakistan sees Russia as a power that Pakistan will use to counter the aims of India to
be a South Asian giant which can have severe implications for Pakistan’s national security
and its stance on Kashmir. Russia now, also considers Pakistan, an important player in the
prevailing geostrategic conditions. Lately, Pakistan and Russia made multiple alliances
cooperating in different fronts. Despite the entangled history of diplomatic relations of both
the countries, Pakistan successfully managed to come close to Russia through its multilateral
approach when Russia showed its inclinations to establish good will relations with Pakistan
in the 21st century. The Russian union has also showed its inclination to become the partner
in China Pakistan Economic Corridor when other states like the USA and India are trying to
derail this project (Guihong, 2013).

Russia has supported Pakistan in acquiring advanced military equipment. This

cooperation got extended when Russia sent armed men in Pakistan for joint military
exercises with Pakistan army. Pakistan and Russia are also the part of multilateral
agreements like Dushanbe four, Shanghai cooperation organization SCO and MCIS. Pakistan
has also signed a defense agreement with Russia and after a couple of years of signing that
agreement, Pakistan purchased Mi-35 combat helicopters from Russia and negotiated on the
deal of purchasing Su-35 and Su-37 combat aircraft. In addition to its support for armed
equipment, Russia also supported Pakistan’s stance in the Nuclear Suppliers Group. Another

Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3

important feature of the growing diplomatic and good will ties between Pakistan and Russia
is that the defense ministers of both the countries met two years back in Moscow and
decided to join hands with Pakistan and reaffirmed their commitments to cooperate actively
in the fight against terrorism in the region (Norling & Swanström, 2007).

Precisely, Russia and Pakistan have reasonably come close in the recent years even
though their long-term skepticism. As India is also a long-term ally of Russia, it has managed
its partnership with Pakistan so well that it has kept both the foes at ease and made efforts
to satisfy both at the same time. In the time to come, Pakistan must continue to manage its
cooperation with Russia in all the fields. The diplomatic cooperation between both the
countries should keep going on. This will facilitate the bilateral process keep going and will
help both the state to look forward to fulfill their national interests.

Pakistan has strengthened its relations with neighboring nations as well. Beside all
other states, Russia would prove reliable and trusted ally of Pakistan concerning the transfer
of military equipment, weapons and science, and technology. In this regard, it is crucial for
Pakistan to use more policy options through engaging with other nations instead of engaging
with the United States which has not yet proved trusted and reliable ally of Pakistan. Given
the pace the US-India moving at, from the past two decades, this is very much clear that this
partnership will gain real grip. The US-India ties are moving with strong dedication due to
their mutual objectives, if they kept moving at the same pace, then it is very much evident
that this partnership can turn into a true strategic partnership. The newly elected
government of US has also shown a deep tilt towards strengthening the relations with India.
He is a strong advocate of deeper ties with India, to counter the hegemonic attitude and rise
of Chin, who played the key role in lifting sanctions from India in 2001. Moreover, he was
the Vice President in the Obama administration when they declared India as their major
defense partner. So, this thing makes clear the fact that these ties will be stronger in the reign
of the Democratic Party as it got a boost then in their reign when they were elected last time
(Khan, 2019).


With the changing International political dynamics, India is playing a greater role in
the region. India is emerging as economically, military and politically a greater country. The
diamonds of necklace policy of India that was started in 2003 was a biggest break-through
in India’s hegemonic foreign policy in its region. The USA perceives India a hindrance in the
way of China to emerge as a superpower in the world affairs and consider India rather than
Pakistan as a strategic ally. Therefore, they have signed multilateral agreement ranging from
economic, political, military, and defense agreements. The biggest manifestations of the
goodwill relationships are the visit of Barack Obama to India and the Donald J Trump during
the era of Narendra Modi. Both states did not have such good will relations throughout the
history. The socialist leadership of India under Jawaharlal Nehru was a biggest stumbling
block for the USA to counter socialism and socialist tendencies in the region as Indian
leadership built strong relationship with the USSR. That period of Jawaharlal Nehru's
idealism give a way to Pakistan to build mutual and good relations with America which were
at its apex and pinnacle during Jawaharlal Nehru era. Both the countries signed economic
agreements, military aid agreements and defense purposes agreements. Pakistan signed
SEATO and CENTO in 1954 and 1955 respectively. Socialist leadership under the Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto in withdrew from SEATO and CENTO in 1972 and 1979. In one way or other Pakistan
chose to stay with the USA as an ally against the USSR. It is not so that India, which has built
the goodwill relations with the USA currently, had same relations in the past. The
experiments and tests of nuclear arsenals of India in 1998, initially did not brought sanctions
in the face of India, brought heavy sanctions on India and Pakistan when Pakistan tested its
nuclear arsenals. Such convergence and divergence of relations between India and Pakistan
with America remained till 2001. India gave America government an option to use its soil
again the terrorist and to launch its military activities in Afghanistan. So, it brought second

Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3

decade of the 21st century a great time period of good will relations between America and

Indo-US strategic partnership reached to its pinnacle after 2010. Both countries
signed various strategic economic and defense agreements like for the economic purposes
2+2 dialogue was started in which both States signed BECA agreement to share the secret
information. In other words, the fundamental purpose for this was agreement was to share
the geo-spatial information. On the defense lines, the United States of America and India
signed had GSOMIA and LIMOVA agreements, COMCASA agreement and five eyes
agreement. Both states are the member of QUAD agreement. All these agreements are signed
with basic objective to counter the rise of China and Russia. In Shangrilla dialogue the
Malabar exercise were launched between both States. Malabar exercise is or the trio-military
exercise of army, navy and air force of both States. These agreements strengthened the
already hegemonic position of India. The goodwill relations of both states have reached to
the extent that America has allowed India to established goodwill relations with Russia.
Therefore, India is importing oil and gas from Russia under the CAATSA agreement between
India, Russia and Iran on the behest of the USA. Both countries have also signed people to
people contact to established cultural communication and cultural homogeneity. The
leaders of both States also visit to the other country. The visit of ex -president Donald J
Trump gave a fair a favorable condition and good be relations between both countries. The
diplomatic mission of Donald J Trump to India was considered as a Namasty Trump mission.
The good will relation of both states has brought the greater implications for Pakistan,
strategically, economically, politically and military particularly on Kashmir issue and
permanent membership of India in the United Nation Security Council (UNSC) and selling of
nuclear arsenals to the under to the other countries under the nuclear supplier group. The
permanent seat of India in the Security Council will not only create the greater implications
for Pakistan but also other Asian countries over which India is hovering as a demonic power.
Long story short, India and the United signed the space cooperation agreements with each
other. The fundamental objective behind the space cooperation between these both
countries is to look after the weather condition, moments of military of the neighboring
countries, sharing geo-spatial data, and monitoring of environment system. This will provide
immense benefits for India. .

The Indo-US strategic relationship has brought greater implications for Pakistan as
a sovereign and independent country. While the military cooperation of these states will give
a rise to armament proliferation and arms race which would disturb the peaceful
coexistence of South Asian countries. The disturbance of peaceful coexistence can be
manifested by quoting the example of India and China’s skirmishes over Ladakh issue in
2021 and 2022. The Uscooperation on the nuclear ground is also giving achance of nuclear
war between both countries. The excessive US and India military relations is tilting Pakistan
to shift its foreign policy in the favor of Russian Union and China to get nuclear and other
military armaments from these countries. The support of America in the favor of India in
NPT and NSG is showing the biased foreign policy of America. The arrest of Kulbhushan
Yadav from Balochistan is the biggest example India’s involvement in the internal affairs of
Pakistan for creating political chaos in Pakistan. Pakistan was enlisted in the grey list of FATF
just because of the bureaucratic influence of India over Asian Pacific Group with the backing
of the US. To overcome such implications, hovering over Pakistan just because of Indo-US
strategic relationships, Pakistan is realigning its foreign policy to find the Trustworthy and
all weather friends. Pakistan is enhancing its diplomatic military, economicand political ties
with China. Both countries have signed multifarious memorandums of understanding and
initiated track-3 diplomacy. For enhancing cultural cooperation between two countries, not
only language courses have been started but also opportunities of foreign scholarship are
provided for both countries. Apart from China, Pakistan and Russian Union have also started
goodwill relationship after bearing the brunt of war on terror. To reach to the warm waters,
Russia is becoming a staunch supporter of China Pakistan Economic Corridor. Both
countries have also drilled many military exercises in the Arabian Sea. Russia is supporting
Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3

the stance of Pakistan for plebiscite under the United Nation Security Council’ resolutions.
Both countries have also signed various military agreements which are supporting the
military enhancement of Pakistan immensely. So, the shift of tilt of the US in the favor of
India has opened the gates of other countries for Pakistan. It is need of the hour, the United
States of America needs Pakistan to look afterthe political dynamics and political growth
inAfghanistan. The United States of America should follow the balanced approach to form its
strategic, military,economic, and diplomatic relations with India and Pakistan for the
peaceful coexistence and sovereignty of South Asian states will be neglected time and again.

Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS) July- September, 2023 Volume 4, Issue 3


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