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A Project Report 2019

Executive Summary 4

Introduction 5

Company`s Vision 5

Company`s Mission 5

Company`s Organization Goals 5

Performance Expectations Meetings 6

Monitoring and Developing of Performance 6

Method of Gathering Information 7

Achieving of Company`s Goals and Expectations: 7

Performance Appraisal Meetings 8

Appraisal Method 8

Performance Management Software 8

Important Tools Used to Maintain Company`s Performance 9

∙ Greenhouse Recruitment Software: 9

∙ LinkedIn Learning: 9

∙ Learning Management System (LMS): 9

∙ Redash Database Software: 9

Performance Management Responsibilities 10

Employees` Performance Chart 10

Conclusions- Gaps 10

Group Participation 13

A Project Report 2019

Executive Summary

This project report discusses the findings and gaps of Careem`s performance
management system. Careem is one of the top cab-hailing apps in Pakistan. With its
vision making peoples` lives simpler, Careem has been expanding in different industries
like food delivery and service provider.

The company follows a friendly culture-based environment where employees’ feedback

is considered with the utmost attention and their needs are taken care of. Recently
being bought by Uber the company is going through a transition phase that can leave
certain loopholes in the system.

This report shares information about their current system and how the company keeps
up with its performance and what tool they use for their employee`s performance
appraisal. The problems and the gaps present in the system are discussed in the

The company uses a performance management system called Peakon that has its own
advantages and disadvantages. The appraisal system of the company is the done
through rating software called 360-degree feedback software. Before the transition, the
company used to have appraisal meetings twice a year.

The communication of performance expectation are set every year and those
expectations are passed down from top managers to department managers and then to
the teams. To motivate the employees, Careem has flexible work hours where the
employee can take a break at any time they want. Careem rewards good performance
with different incentives like bonuses and promotions.

The other tools related to their performance management are Greenhouse Recruitment
Software, LinkedIn learning, LMS, and Redash. The performance management
responsibilities are handled by each department head. The employees` performance
chart was confidential but in this report, we provided an example of how the
performance chart is of the company.

A Project Report 2019

In the conclusion, different gaps of the company are discussed, as in what the company
lacks and how can they improve on it.

A Project Report 2019

Careem is a ride-hailing app that was founded in 2012. Created by Mudassir Shiekha
and Magnus Olsson in the UAE, as a web-based car booking service for corporate clients
given the traditional, private limousine and taxi cab-based nature of the industry,
Careem has rapidly evolved into a leading application-based passenger booking and
transportation service in most of the regions, catering heavily to local market needs.
The app was bought to Pakistan in 2016 by Mr. Junaid Iqbal, who was MD Careem
Pakistan. Today, Careem operates in 25+ cities of Dubai and Pakistan including Riyadh,
Cairo, Doha, and Karachi and many cities around the region. In Pakistan, the SOP of
Careem is to serve affordable & reliable transportation service that fits into the
everyday life of people.

Careem has 1700 employees, in those eight are HR representatives. The name of the HR
Director is Sanam Ahmed. Now, being bought by Uber both companies have merged and
are becoming one of the most widespread apps in Pakistan.

Company`s Vision
Careem strives to be the enabler that improves the lives of millions of people, by
uplifting communities, supporting infrastructures, and solving local problems.

Company`s Mission
To simplify and improve the lives of people and build an awesome organization that

Company`s Organization Goals

The organization goals of Careem are as follows:

A Project Report 2019

● The main goal of every organization is growth and profit maximization, same goes for
Careem. They want to be the number one app service that provides car rides, food
delivery services, and network services to different companies.

● They also want to make people`s lives simple by providing them everything within
one app. they want to provide convenience to customers so they can have one app
from where they can get their food deliveries and also their rides.

Performance Expectations Meetings

Performance expectations are set after the meeting with the stakeholders. The
stakeholders during the meeting let the company know what they are expecting from
the company this year and that expectations are communicated down the line whole
year through different meetings. The new hiring is made aware by interviews and their
Job Description, while the old employees are made aware by monthly meetings.

The performance expectations are set annually and then communicate by the different
department heads to their teams by monthly meetings.

Monitoring and Developing of Performance

In Careem, the line manager is responsible for monitoring of the employee`s daily tasks.
The manager uses a grading system where he/she ranks the employee’s behavior and
tasks and record their performance on a daily basis.

Every end of the month the manager and employee have a one-on-one feedback meeting
where the manager lets the employee know how they have performed during the month.
While good performance is rewarded by different incentives, bad performance or
average performance is encouraged to do better. These meetings are recorded in Google
Drive and reviewed at the end of the year. Employees with Careem I.Ds can log in to the
Drive and see their performance for themselves.

A Project Report 2019

Method of Gathering Information

The data and observations of Careem are collected via software called Peakon
Engagement Software. In this evaluation software, the employees are encouraged to
engage and give feedback to the company. They can give comments on how they are
feeling about their work and how the company can improve their work experience more.
The information on this software is sent to the top managers of the company and they
evaluate the data and come up with different solutions to make their employees happy.
Through this software, they are not only able to retain their employees' retention, but it
also makes the employees feel that the company is concerned about the employee`s
wants and needs and will give it the top priority. This helps in motivating the employees
and increase their work performance. It opens a communication channel between the
employees and top managers, through which the company can have an insight into the
company`s performance and make the decisions that will improve their company`s

Achieving of Company`s Goals and

Like many organizations, Careem uses different methods to increase work productivity
to achieve the year`s goal. First, they allow flexible work hours and an employee can
take breaks whenever they want to take a break. The employees are also allowed to
work from home, which makes it easier for female staff. They also offer paid leaves
where the employee with a legit reason can take paid leaves. Besides that, they provide
health insurance and if the employee is working for a long time in the company, they
have an option to buy the stocks of the company. For incentives, the company provides
quarterly and semi-annual bonuses and promotions, so the employee is motivated to
work towards the goals of the company provided for the year. All these perks are
offered to the employees that have a good work ethic and are good performers of the

A Project Report 2019

company, through these incentives the employees try to keep up with their

Performance Appraisal Meetings

The company used to have performance appraisal meetings two times a year. One in the
middle of the year and an annual appraisal meeting at the end of the year. But now that
Uber has bought Careem, the company is going through a transition phase. The new
acquisition is changing the systems so the employee`s performance will be recorded
automatically by different computer software. It will not be based on the rating system
but will be based on the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) system. This system will be
far more efficient in regard to rating systems and will tell the top managers directly if
the company is achieving its targets and goals.

Appraisal Method
Careem uses a tool called 360-degree feedback for appraisal. Through this tool, an
employee is evaluated about their performance through their manager, co-workers, and
team members. The tool takes feedback from the manager, their team members and
different staff members the employee comes across on a daily basis and compiles the
information in a data that helps the company understand how the employee is
performing. This is helpful because there could be no biases, if a manager ranks an
employee`s behavior or work with low grades, the feedback from the team members
and staff members backs up those ratings given by the manager.

Performance Management Software

As mentioned above, Careem used software called Peakon Engagement Software to
keep track of its performance. This helps them in finding how the employees felt about
the company and what they are lacking. Careem knows its biggest assets are its human

A Project Report 2019

assets, which is why they care about their employees` feedback and make sure the
employee is happy and productive so the company has good performance. It was a good
communication channel between an employee and a top manager, but as day-to-day
technology is increasing the software lacked the features that new software has and had

Important Tools Used to Maintain

Company`s Performance
Careem uses different Performance Management tools to keep up the company`s
performance, below are some of the systems the company use:

● Greenhouse Recruitment Software:

Greenhouse recruitment software helps Careem hire and recruit suitable applicants that
the company is looking for. As hiring is a long process, this helps in tracking the
applicants that are most suited for the given position, making the hiring process easy.

● LinkedIn Learning:
Careem offers access to LinkedIn Learning which are online video courses to help train
the employees. If the employee feels he can increase their set of skills and knowledge,
the company provides full access to the top performer employees to help them increase
their work knowledge more which improves their overall work performance.

● Learning Management System (LMS):

Careem uses LMS software to create different training programs to train their
employees that require training. Through this, they can track their employee`s training
A Project Report 2019

progress and see how the employee performing during the training. It helps in
documentation, reporting and designing courses that the company wants.

● Redash Database Software:

Redash Database Software that deciphers cryptic data to information that can be easy to
understand. The company uses this for their data that is hard to understand make it as
such that is easy for them to understand.

Performance Management Responsibilities

Like many organizations, every department manager is responsible for its team
performance and it’s on them how they motivated the employee to do better or reward
the employee that is doing better, the same hierarchy is followed in Careem. With
monthly check-in meetings, the manager makes sure the employee knows how they
have performed during the month. If the performance is lacking the manager coaches or
trains the employee to do better. The communication is very open and employees are
provided feedback regularly.

Employees` Performance Chart

When asked for the performance chart, the HR representative informed us that it was
confidential and cannot be shared with anyone outside of the company, the same goes
for the increment percentage. Nowadays every organization is facing problems
regarding employee retention while recruiting the employees for the company, the well
qualified and talented people can be interested in higher positions, better salary, rapid
growth, and promotions. Careem provides a wide and open platform in regard to
employees while upgrading from their initial and lower positions can move to the
Executive level or Management base.

A Project Report 2019

“Zeeshan Baig” is a live example, he joined the company two years back from now as an
Operations Manager in Lahore. He got his first promotion in less than 6 months to
General Manager in Central Punjab, luckily he got promoted again from General
Manager to Director Operation in Pakistan in less than a year and has recently been
promoted to General Manager Pakistan in July.

Conclusions- Gaps
Careem is a good organization with its many perks and incentives, it is one of the best
organization to work for. But no organization is perfect and neither is Careem. There
are some gaps within the company`s system that they need to be fixed, so they can be
one of the best organizations in the world.

1. The company uses a rating system for appraisal of employee`s performance which is
one the basic appraisal tools and it is not good enough. While they do have a
performance management tool Peakon, it has many loopholes and is not the best tool.
As the company is expanding day by day they need a proper management tool and
with it a compatible appraisal tool. So, the evaluation of the company`s and
employees’ performance can be measured.

2. Even with the culture-based work system, the company lacks the communication
channel system where they can reveal the results of an employee`s performance. It is
hard for an employee to keep tracks of their performance as the company keep their
performance records private.

A Project Report 2019

Figure 1Card of HR Representative the group interviewed

Figure 2 Junaid Arif, Adil Ansari and Ms. Zainab Jalali

A Project Report 2019

Group Participation


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