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Prabodhananda Sarasvati Sri Caitanya Candramrta Excerpts

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Çré Caitanya-candåämåta (excerpts)

“The Nectar Moon of Lord Caitanya”

by Çréla Prabodhänanda Sarasvaté
(Translation marked with an * is by Çréla Prabhupäda.)

Translated by Kuçakratha däsa


kaivalyaà narakäyate tri-daça-pür äkäça-puñpäyate

durdäntendriya-käla-sarpa-paöalé protkhäta-daàsträyate
viçvaà pürëa-sukhäyate vidhi-mahendrädiç ca kéöäyate
yat-käruëya-kaöäkña-vaibhavavatäà taà gauram eva stumaù

kaivalyam—impersonal liberation; narakäyate—becomes like hell; tridaça-püù—the cities of the demigods; äkäça—in
the sky; puñpäyate—becomes like a flower; durdänta—untameable; käla-sarpa—of poisonous snakes; paöalé—the
multitude; protkhäta—removed; daàsträyate—teeth; viçvam—the universe; pürëa—becomes full; sukhäyate—of joy;
vidhi—Brahmä; mahä-indra—and Indra; ädiù—the demigods headed by; ca—also; kéöäyate—become like tiny insects; yat
—of whom; käruëya—of mercy; kaöa-akña—of the sidelong glance; vaibhava-vatäm—of those who have attained the
opulence; tam—Him; gauram—the golden-complexioned Lord Caitanya; eva—certainly; stumaù—we glorify.
For those who have attained the merciful sidelong glance of Lord Caitanya, impersonal liberation becomes as
palatable as going to hell, the heavenly cities of the demigods become as enticing as flowers imagined to be
floating in the sky, the poisonous fangs of the untameable black snakes of the senses are broken, the whole world
becomes full of joy, and Brahmä, Indra, and all the other great demigods become as insignificant as tiny insects.
Let us glorify that golden-complexioned Lord Caitanya.


namaç caitanya-candräya

namaù—obeisances; caitanaya-candräya—unto Lord Caitanyacandra; koöé—millions; candra—of moons; änana

—whose face; tviñe—the splendor; prema—of pure love of god; änanda—of the bliss; abdhi—of the ocean; candräya—the
moon; cäru—beautiful; candra—of the moon; aàçu—of the splendor; häsine—with a smile.
Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Caitanyacandra, whose face is as splendid as millions of moons
and whose smile is as charming as moonshine. He is like a moon that has just risen from the ocean of the bliss of
pure love of God.


yasyaiva pädämbuja-bhakti-läbhyaù
premäbhidhänaù paramaù pum-arthaù
tasmai jagan-maìgala-maìgaläya
caitanyacandräya namo namas te

yasya—of whom; eva—certainly; päda—afaeet; ambuja—lotus; bhakti—by devotion; läbhyaù—attainable; prema—

pure love for Kåñëa; abhidhänaù—named; paramaù—supreme; pum—of men; arthaù—the goal; tasmai—to Him; jagat—
in this world; maìgala—of auspiciousness; maìgalaya—the greatest auspiciousness; caitanyacandräya—to Lord
Caitanyacandra; namaù—obeisances; namaù—obeisances; te—unto You.
O Lord Caitanyacandra, by devotedly serving Your lotus feet, one can attain the pure love for Lord Kåñëa that is
the ultimate goal of life for all human beings. O Lord Caitanyacandra, O great auspiciousness of the world, I offer
my respectful obeisances unto You again and again.


uccair äsphälayantaà kara-caraëam aho hema-daëòa-prakäëòau

bähu proddhåtya sat-täëòava-tarala-tanuà puëòarékäyatäkñam
viçvasyämaìgala-ghnaà kim api hari haréty unmadänanda-nädair
vande taà deva-cüòämaëim atula-rasäviñöa-caitanyacandram

uccaiù—loudly; äsphälayantam—moving; kara—hands; caraëam—and feet; aho—ah!; hema—golden; daëòa—rods;

prakäëòau—large; bähu—arms; proddhåtya—raising; sat—transcendental; täëòava—with dancing; tarala—moving;
tanum—body; puëòaréka—lotus; äyata—large; akñam—eyes; viçvasya—of the universe; amaìgala—inauspiciousness;
ghnam—destroying; kim api—something; hari—Hari!; hari—Hari!; iti—thus; unmada—mad; änanda—of bliss; nädaiù—
with sounds; vande—I offer my respectful obeisances; tam—to Him; deva—of all forms of God; cüòä—the crest; maëim
—jewel; atula—peerless; rasa—nectar; äviñöa—entered; caitanyacandram—to Lord Caitanyacandra.
I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Caitanyacandra. Moving His hands and feet here and there, raising
the two golden rods of His arms, and trembling as He dances, He loudly calls out “Hari! Hari!” in the madness of
ecstatic bliss, vanquishing all inauspiciousness in the universe. In this way that lotus-eyed Lord, the crest jewel of
all incarnations, immerses Himself in tasting the sweet nectar of unparalleled pure love for Kåñëa.


tasmai mahä-prema-rasa-pradäya
caitanyacandräya namo namas te

änanda—bliss; lélä—pastimes; maya—consisting; vigrahäya—whose form; hema—of gold; abha—the splendor; divya
—transcendental; chavi—splendor; sundaräya—handsome; tasmai—to Him; mahä—great; prema—of pure love for
Kåñëa; rasa—the nectar; pradäya—giving; caitanyacandräya—to Lord Caitanyacandra; namaù—obeisances; namaù—
obeisances; te—unto You.
O Lord Caitanyacandra, Your form is full of blissful pastimes, Your beautiful complexion is as splendid as
gold, and You give the nectar of pure love for Kåñëa in charity. O Lord, again and again I offer my respectful
obeisances unto You.


antar-dhvänta-cayaà samasta-jagatäm unmülayanté haöhät

premänanda-rasämbudhià niravadhi-prodevalayanté balät
viçvaà çétalayanty atéva vikalaà täpa-trayeëäniçaà
yuçmäkaà hådaye cakästu satataà caitanyacandra-cchaöä

antaù—within the heart; dhvänta—the darkness; cayam—great; samasta—of all; jagatäm—the universes;
unmülayanté—uprooting; haöhät—violently; prema—of love; änanda—of bliss; rasa—of nectar; ambudhim—the ocean;
niravadhi—eternally; prodvelayanté—increasing; balät—violently; viçvam—the world; çétalayanté—cooling; atéva—
greatly; vikalam—overcome; täpa-trayeëa—by the threefold miseries; aniçam—continually; yuñmäkam—of all of you;
hådaye—in the heart; cakästu—may become manifest; satatam—eternally; caitanya—of Lord Caitanya; candra—of the
moon; chaöä—the effulgence.
The splendid effulgence of the moon of Lord Caitanya violently uproots the dense darkness in the hearts
of the entire world, forces the nectar ocean of the bliss of pure love of Kåñëa to overflow its shores without limit,
and continuously cools this universe, which is tormented by the burning threefold miseries. May that moon of
Lord Caitanya forever shine within your hearts.


avatérne gauracandre
vistérne prema-sägare
yo déno déna eva saù

avatérne—in the descent; gauracandre—of Lord Gauracandra; vistérne—expanded; prema—of pure love; sägare—the
ocean; su-prakäçita—manifested; ratna—of jewels; aughe—abundance; yaù—one who; dénaù—is poor; dénaù—is poor;
eva—indeed; saù—he.
The advent of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu is like an expanding ocean of nectar. One who does not collect the
valuable jewels within that ocean is certainly the poorest of the poor.*


vaïcito ’smi vaïcito ’smi

vaïcito ’smi na saàçayaù
viçvaà gaura-rase magnaà
sparço ’pi mama näbhavat

vaïcitaù—cheated; asmi—I am; vaïcitaù—cheated; asmi—I am; vaïcitaù—cheated; asmi—I am; na—no; saàçayaù
—doubt; viçvam—the entire world; gaura—from Lord Gauracandra; rase—in the nectar; magnam—plunged; sparçaù—
touch; api—even; mama—of me; na—not; abhavat—has been.
I am cheated! I am cheated! I am cheated! Of this there is no doubt. For although Lord Gauracandra has
plunged the entire world into a flood of love for Kåñëa, not a single drop has touched me.


kälaù kalir balina indriya-vairi-vargäù

çré-bhakti-märga iha kaëöaka-koöi-ruddhaù
hä hä kva yämi vikalaù kim ahaà karomi
caitanyacandra yadi nädya kåpäà karoñi

kälaù kaliù—Kali-yuga; balinaù—very strong; indriya—senses; vairi-vargäù—enemies; çré-bhakti—of devotional

service; märgaù—the path; iha—here; kaëöaka—of thorns; koöi—with millions; ruddhaù—obstructed; hä—alas; hä—
alas; kva—where?; yämi—shall I go; vikalaù—weak and agitated; kim—what?; aham—shall I; karomi—do;
caitanyacandra—O Lord Caitanyacandra; yadi—if; na—not; adya—now; kåpäm—mercy; karoñi—You do.
It is now the Age of Kali, and my enemies—my senses—have become very strong. The splendid path of
pure devotional service to Kåñëa is blocked by millions of brambles [of false doctrines]. Alas! Alas! I am
overwhelmed! O Lord Caitanyacandra, if You do not immediately give me Your mercy, what can I do, where can I


hä hanta hanta paramoñara citta-bhmau

vyarthé bhavanti mama sädhana-koöayo ’pi
sarvätmanä tad aham adbhuta-bhakti-béjaà
çré-gauracandra-caraëaà çaraëaà karomi

hä—alas; hanta—alas; parama—great; uñara—desert; citta—heart; bhümau—in the place; vyarthé—useless;

bhavanti—become; mama—of me; sädhana—the religious practices; koöayaù—millions; api—even; sarva—with all;
ätmanä—my heart; tat—therefore; aham—I; adbhuta—wonderful; bhakti—of pure devotional service; béjam—the seed;
çré-gauracandra—of Lord Gauracandra; caraëam—the feet; çaraëam—shelter; karomi—I do.
Alas! Alas! Alas! Millions of the seeds of material pious deeds fail to sprout when I try to plant them in the
desert of my heart. I shall give up trying to plant them, and with all my heart I shall take shelter of Lord
Gauracandra’s lotus feet, which are the wonderful seed of pure devotional service.

saàsära-duùkha-jaladhau patitasya käma-

krodhädi-nakra-makraiù kavalé-kåtasya
caitanyacandra mama dehi padävalambam

saàsära—of repeated birth and death; duùkha—of suffering; jaladhau—into the ocean; patitasya—fallen; käma—
lust; krodha—and anger; ädi—beginning with; nakra—crocodiles; makaraiù—and sharks; kavalé—a mouthful; kåtasya—
being made; durväsanä—of sinful thoughts and desires; nigaditasya—chained; niräçrayasya—without shelter;
caitanyacandra—O Lord Caitanycandra; mama—to me; dehi—please give; pada—of the feet; avalambam—shelter.
I have fallen into the ocean of birth and death, which is full of all kinds of sufferings, and am being
devoured alive by the sharks and crocodiles of lust and anger. not only that, but I am chained by my sinful
thoughts and desires. In this condition I have no shelter. O Lord Caitanyacandra, please rescue me by giving me
the shelter of Your lotus feet.


yat tad vadantu çästräëi

yat tad vyäkhyantu tärkikäù
jévanaà mama caitanya-
pädämbhoja-sudhaiva tu

yat—what; tat—that; vadantu—let them say; çästräëi—the scriptures; yat—what; tat—that; vyäkhyantu—let
them comment; tärkikäù—logicians; jévanam—life and soul; mama—of me; caitanya—of Lord Caitanya; päda—feet;
ambhoja—lotus; sudhä—nectar; eva—certainly; tu—indeed.
Let the Vedic scriptures say whatever they like! Let the learned logicians comment as they like! Whatever
they say, the nectar of Lord Caitanya’s lotus feet shall always remain my life and soul.


caitanyeti kåpämayeti paramodäreti nänä-vidha-

premäveçita-sarva-bhüta-hådayety äçcarya-dhämann iti
gauräìgeti guëärëaveti rasa-rüpeti sva-näma-priyety
açräntaà mama jalpato janir iyaà yäyäd iti prärthaye

caitanya—O Lord Caitanya; iti—thus; kåpämaya—O merciful one; iti—thus; parama-udära—O supremely
generous one; iti—thus; nänä—various; vidha—kinds; prema—love; äveçita—entered; sarva—all; bhüta—living entities;
hådaya—heart; iti—thus; äçcarya—wonderful; dhäman—splendor; iti—thus; gaura-aìga—fair complexioned; iti—thus;
guëa—of transcendental virtues; arëava—ocean; iti—thus; rasa—of necrtar; rüpa—form; iti—thus; sva—own; näma—
names; priya—dear; iti—thus; açräntam—without becoming fatigued; mama—of me; jalpataù—chanting; janiù—life;
iyam—this; yäyät—may pass; iti—thus; prärthaye—I pray.
O Lord Caitanya, O merciful one, O supremely generous one, O Lord who fill the heart of the living
entities with the different mellows of devotional love, O wonderfully splendid Lord, O golden-complexioned
Lord, o ocean of transcendental virtues, O personified nectar of devotional love, O Lord who are fond of chanting
Your own holy names, I pray that without ever becoming tired I may pass my life always chanting Your holy
names in this way.


uddäma-dämanaka-däma gaëäbhirämam
äräma-rämam aviräma-gåhéta-näma
käruëya-dhäma kanakojjvala-gaura-dhäma
caitanya-näma paramaà kalayämi dhäma

uddäma—blossomed; dämanaka—dämanaka flowers; däma—with a garland; gaëa—the people; abhirämam—

delighting; äräma—in a garden; rämam—filled with bliss; aviräma—without stopping; gåhéta—chanting; näma—the
holy name; käruëya—of mercy; dhäma—the abode; kanaka—of gold; ujjvala—with the splendor; gaura—fair; dhäma—
complexon; caitanya—Caitanya; näma—bearing the name; paramam—the Supreme; kalayämi—I meditate; dhäma—
I meditate on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who bears the name Caitanya. Pleasing to everyone, He
wears a garland of fully blossomed dämanaka flowers and enjoys pastimes in a secluded garden, continuously
chanting the holy names of Lord Kåñëa. He is the abode of compassion, and His fair complexion is as effulgent as

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