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Sri Vidagdha Madhava

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The key takeaways are that the play depicts the divine loving pastimes of Radha and Krishna through drama and poetry, highlighting themes of divine love, devotion, and spiritual awakening.

The overall story or plot of the play Vidagdha-Madhava follows the divine loving pastimes and romantic encounters of Radha and Krishna in Vrindavan forest amidst their friends and companions.

Some of the main themes or messages conveyed include the heights of divine love between the divine couple Radha and Krishna, awakening spiritual love for God through devotion and service, and finding refuge in the Lord's loving pastimes to overcome material miseries.

Çré Vidagdha-Mädhava

Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé

Act One: Veëu-näda-viläsa: Pastimes of Flute-music

Prastävanä (Prologue)

sudhänäm cändriëäm api madhurimonmäda-damané

dadhänä rädhädi-praëaya-ghana-säraiù surabhitäm
samantät santäpodgama-viñama-saàsära-saraëé-
praëétäà te tåñëäà haratu-hari-lélä-çikhariëi

sudhänäm—of the nectar; cändriëäm—produced on the moon; api—

even; madhurimä—the sweetness; unmäda-damani—overpowering the
pride; dadhänä—distributing; rädhä-ädi—of Rädhä and Her companions;
praëa-ghana—of the concentrated loving affairs; säraiù—by the essence; su-
rabhitäm—a good fragance; samantät—everywhere; santäpa—miserable
conditions; udgama—generating; viçama—very dangerous; saàsära-
saraëi—on the path of material existence; praëitäm—created; te—your;
tåñëäm—desires; haratu—let it take away; hari-lélä—the pastimes of Kåñëa;
çikhariëi—exactly like a combination of yogurt and sugar.
May the pastimes of Kåñëa reduce the miseries existing in the
material world and nullify all unwanted desires. The pastimes of Hari
are like çikhariëé, a blend of yogurt and sugar. They overpower the
pride of even the nectar produced on the moon, for they distribute
the sweet fragrance of the intense loving pastimes of Rädhä and the

anarpita-carià cirät karuëayävatirëaù kalau

sampayitum unnatojjvala-rasäm sva-bhaktiçriyam
hariù puraöa-sundara-dyuti-kadamba-sandipitaù
sadä hådaya-kandare sphuratu vaù çaci-nandanaù

mac-citta-sampuöam alaìkurutäṁ tad ékñä-
saubhägya-bhäjam api çéghram amuà vidhattäm
“Let this precious jewel of poetry, revealing the radiance of glory, opulences, beauty, name and
qualities of the Lord of Våndävana, decorate the casket of my heart and quickly bestow to me His
merciful glance.”
Or: “Let this precious jewel of poetry, written by and revealing the qualities of Çré Rüpa Goswämé,
shining with service to the Lord of Våndävana, decorate the casket of my heart and quickly bestow
to me his merciful glance.”
Or else: “Let this precious jewel of poetry, revealing the radiance of beauty, name and qualities of
Çré Rädhä, shining with service to the Lord of Våndävana, decorate the casket of my heart and quickly
bestow to me Her merciful glance." (Çréla Kåñëadeva Särvabhauma)

1 •
anarpita—not bestowed; carim—having been formerly; cirät—for a
long time; karuëayä—by causeless mercy; avatérëaù—descended; kalau—
in the age of Kali; samarpayitum—to bestow; unnata—elevated; ujjvala-
rasäm—the conjugal mellow; sva-bhakti—of His own service; çriyam—the
treasure; hariù—Hari; puraöa—than gold; sundara—more beautiful; dyuti—
of splendor; kadamba—with a multitude; sandépitaù—illuminated; sadä—
always; hådaya-kandare—in the cavity of the heart; sphuratu—let Him be
manifest; vaù—your; çacé-nandanaù—the son of mother Çacé.

May Hari, who is known as the son of Çacé-devé, be situated in

the innermost core of your heart. Resplendent with the radiance of
molten gold, He has descended in the age of Kali by His causeless
mercy to bestow what no one had ever offered before – the most
elevated mellow of devotional service, the mellow of conjugal love.

sütradhäraù: alam ati-vistareëa. bho bhoù. samäkarëyataà.

adyänaà svapnäntare samädiñöo 'smi bhaktävatäreëa bhagavatä çré-
çaìkaradevena yathä "aye täëòava-kalä-paëòita. iha kila ballavé-cakra-
ceto-våtti-makaré-vihära-makarälayasya niravadya-veëu-vädana-
vidyäsvädhyäya-siddhénäà prathamädhyäpakasya sugandhi-puñpävalé-
saundarya-tuëòiläyäm aravinda-bändhavanandindé-téränta-känana-
lekhäyäm avalambita-matta-puàs-kokila-lélasya paramänanda-vardhini
govardhana-nitambe sambhåta-navyämbudärasya kiçora-çiro-maëer
nanda-nandanasya prema-bharäkåñöa-hådayo nänä-dig-deçataù
sämprataà rasika-sampradäyo våndävana-vilokanotkaëöhayä keçi-
térthopakaëöhe saméyivän. sa ca dhanyaù.

sütradhäraù—Narrator; alam—enough; ati—great; vistareëa—with

this elaborate description; bhoù—gentlemen; bhoù—gentlemen;
samäkarëyatäm—this should be heard; adya—today; aham—I; svapna—
sleep; antare—within; samädiñöaù—instructed; asmi—I am; bhakta—as a
devotee; avatäreëa—who has incarnated; bhagavatä—by the Supreme
Personality of Godhead; çré-çaìkara-devena—by Lord Çiva; yathä—in the
following manner; aye—O; täëòava—of dancing; kalä—in the art; paëòita—
learned; iha—here; kila—indeed; ballavé—of the gopés; cakra—of the
multitude; cetaù—of the minds; våtti—nature; sakaré—sharks; makara-
älayasya—of the ocean; niravadya—perfect; veëu—flute; vädana—playing;
vidyä—of the knowledge; äsvädhyäya—study; siddhénäm-prathamä—first;
adhyäpakasya—of the teacher; sugandhi—aromatic; puçpa—of flowers;
ävalé—because of the multitude; saundarya—beauty; tuniläyäm—
expanded; aravinda—of the lotus flowers; bändhava—of the friend (the sun-
god); nandiné—of the daughter (the Yamunä river); téra—of the shore;

2 •
nata—at the edge; känana—forest; lekhäyäm—series; avalambita—rested;
matta—maddened; puàù—male; kokila—of a cuckoo; lélasya—pastimes;
parama—supreme; änanda—bliss; vardhini—increasing; govardhana—of
Govardhana Hill; nitambe—on the slope; sambhåta—held; navya—fresh;
ambuda—of clouds; äòambarasya—of prowess; kiçora—of youths; çiraù-
maëeù—of the crown jewel; nanda—of Nanda Mahäräja; nandanasya—of
the son; prema—of love; bhära—with an abundance; äkåñöa—attracted;
hådayaù—hearts; nänä—various; dik—deçataù—from directions;
sämpratam—at the present moment; rasika—of those who are expert at
relishing the mellows of devotional service; sampradäyaù—community;
våndävana—Våndävana; vilokana—the sight; utkaëöhayä—with a desire;
keçi-tértha—the place known as Keçi-tértha; upakaëöhe—near; saméyivän—
arrived; saù—that community; ca—and; dhanyaù—fortunate.

Sütradhära: Why speak so many words? O, please hear me! Last

night Lord Çiva, who had come in the role of a devotee, spoke to me
in a dream: “O expert writer of plays, there is one delightful place near
Keçi-tértha, on the slope of Govardhana hill. This grove, on the bank
of the Yamunä river, is very pleasant and full of many fragrant
beautiful flowers. At this moment, eager to see the forest of
Våndävana, the advanced devotees, expert at relishing the mellows of
devotional service, have come here, devotees whose hearts are full of
love for Nanda-nandana, who is the crown jewel of all youths, who is
decorated with many new lotus flowers, playful like a maddened
cuckoo, the first teacher of perfect flute players, and an ocean where
the makarés of the gopés' hearts play. All these devotees are very

kåtaà gopé-våndair iha bhagavato märgaëam abhüd

ihäsét kälindé-pulina-valaye räsa-rabhasaù
iti çräyaà çrävaà caritam asakåd gokula-pater
luöhann udbäñpo 'yaà katham api dinäni kñapayati

kåtam—performed; gopé—of gopés; våndaiù—by the multitudes; iha—

here; bhagavataù—for the Supreme Personality of Godhead; märgaëam—
searching; abhüt—was; iha—here; asét—was; kälindé—of the Yamunä river;
pulina—on the shore; valaye—in the grove; räsa—of the räsa dance;
rabhasaù—with the joy; iti—thus; çrävam çrävam—repeatedly hearing;
caritam—the pastimes; asakåt—again and again; gokula—of Gokula; pateù—
of the Lord (Kåñëa); luöhan—rolling on the ground; udbäñpaù—full of tears;
ayam—this; katham api—with great difficulty; dinäni—days; kñapayati—

3 •
“Here the gopés searched for Kåñëa, and here, in this circle by
the Yamunä's shore, they enjoyed a great räsa dance. Hearing and
hearing wonderful pastimes of the master of Gokula, weeping and
rolling on the ground, these devotees somehow pass their days.”

tad idäném etasya bhakta-våndasya mukunda-viçleñeddépanena bahir

bhavantaù präëäù kam api tasyaiva keli-sudhä-kalloliném ulläsayatä
parirakñaëéyä bhavatä. mat-kåpaiva te sämagréà samagrayiñyati" iti.
tenädiya jagad-guror asya nideçam evänuvartiñye

tat—therefore; idäném—now; etasya—of this; bhakta—of devotees;

våndasya—of the community; mukunda—of Mukunda; viçleça—of
separation; uddépanena—with the stimulus; bahiù—outside; bhavantaù—
going; präëäù—life airs; käm api—some; tasya—of Him; eva—certainly;
keli—of the pastimes; sudhä—of the nectar; kalloliném—river; ullasayatä—
manifesting; parirakñaëéyäù—should be protected; bhavatä—by you; mat—
my; kåpä—mercy; eva—certainly; te—your; sämagrém—complete
assemblage; samagrayiçyati—will fully provide; iti—thus; tena—by that;
adya—today; jagat—of the universe; guroù—of the spiritual master (Lord
Çiva); asya—of him; nideçam—order; eva—certainly; anuvartiçye—I shall

“Burning in separation from Mukunda, they are now about to

give up their lives. Please protect them by giving them a little of the
nectar river of Mukunda's pastimes! My mercy will give you the power
to do this.” In this way Lord Çiva, the spiritual master of the universe,
spoke. I will now obey His order.

päripärçvikah: (praviçya)— bhäva, bhavatä nibaddhasya vidagdha-

mädhava-nämno navéna-näöakasya prayogänusäreëa gåhéta-bhümikäù
kuçélavä raìga-praveçäya tatra-bhavantam anujïäpayanti.
sütradhäraù: märiña, nirmitaù kim iti tan-näöaka-paripäöébhir
varëikä-parigrahaù (kñaëaà vimåçya) bhavatu.

päripärçvikaù—Assistant Narrator; praviçya—having entered; bhäva—

O learned master; bhavatä—by you; nibaddhasya—composed; vidagdha-
mädhava—Vidagdha-Mädhava; nämnaù—according to customs; gåhéta—
having heard; bhümikäù—the introduction; kuçélaväù—actors; raìga—on
the stage; praveçäya—for entrance; tatra—there; bhavantam—to you;
anujïäpayanti—ask permission;

sütradhäraù—Narrator; märiña—my dear student; nirmitaù—created; kim—

what?; iti—thus; tat—that; näöaka—of the play; paripäöébhiù—by the
arrangements; varëikä-parigrahaù—the costumes of the various actors;

4 •
kñaëam—for a moment; vimåçya—reflecting; bhavatu—let it be.

Assistant Sütradhära: (enters) O master, having heard the

prologue of your new play, named Vidagdha-Mädhava, the actors now
ask permission to enter the stage.

Sütradhära: Dear student, Are the costumes ready? (Thinks for a

moment) So be it.

mamäsmin sandarbhe yad api kavitä nätilalitä

mudaà dhäsyanty asyäà tad api hari-gandhäd budha-gaëäù
apaù çälagrämäplavana-garimodgära-sarasäù
sudhéù ko vä kaupér api namita-mürdhä na pibati

mama—my; asmin—in this; sandarbhe—literary composition; yat

api—although; kavitä—poetry; na—not; ati—very; lalitä—beautiful;
mudam—delight; dhäsyanti—will experience; asyäm—in it; tat api—
nevertheless; hari—of Hari; gandhät—from the fragrance; budha-gaëäù—
the learned devotees; apaù—water; çälagräma—Çälagräma stone;
äplavana—bath; garima—significance; udgära—remaining; sarasäù—full of
nectar; sudhéù—intelligent; kaù—who?; vä—or; kaupéù—from a well; api—
even; anmita—offering obeisances; murdhä—with his head; na—not;

Although the poetry in my play is not very beautiful, the wise

will take delight in it, for it bears the scent of Hari. What intelligent
man will not bow his head and respectfully drink well-water that has
washed a Çälagräma-çélä?

päripärçvikaù bhäva, raìga-lakñmé-kauçala-stutibhir eva sabhyän

abhyärthayämahe, yad amé vidyädibhir devän api tän upälabdhum
utsahante kim uta naöän asmän

päripärçvikaù—Assistant Narrator; bhäva—O learned master; raìga—

on the stage; lakñmé—opulence; kauçala—skillfulness; stutibhiù—with
prayers; eva—certainly; sabhyän—to the respected audience;
abhyarthayämahe—we appeal; sabhyän—to the respected audience; yat—
because; amé—these; vidyä-ädibhiù—with their expert knowledge; devän—
the demigods; api—even; tän—them; upälabdhum—to criticize; utsahante—
are able; kim uta—what to speak; naöän—actors; asmän—us.

Assistant Sütradhära: O master, please give us beautiful and

elegant narration, for this audience is so learned that it can criticize
even the demigods, what to speak of us actors.

5 •
sütradhäraù: märiña, kåtam etayä våthopacära-caryayä, yataù

sütradhäraù—Narrator; märiña—my dear student; kåtam—enough;

etayä—with this; våthä-upacära-caryayä—frivolousness; yataù—because.

Sütradhära: Dear student, why talk in this frivolous way? After


aprekñya klamam ätmane vidadhati prétyä pareñäà priyaà

lajjante duritodyamäd iva nija-stotränubandhäd api
vidyä-vitta-kulädibhiç ca yad amé yänti kramän namratäà
ramyä käpi satäm iyaà vijayate naisargiké prakriyä

aprekñya—not having seen; klamam—sweariness; ätmaëaù—of the

self; vidadhati—creates; prétyä—with love; pareçäm—of others; priyam—
dear; lajjante—become ashamed; durita-udyamät—because of a sinful deed;
iva—just as; nija—own; stotra—prayers; anubandhät—because of many;
api—even; vidyä—knowledge; vitta—wealth; kula—birth in a high family;
ädibhiù—etc.; ca—and; yat—because; amé—these; yänti—go; kramät—
gradually; namratäm—to the state of; ramyä—beautiful; kä api—someone;
satäm—of the saintly persons; iyam—this; vijayate—all glories; naisargiké—
natural; prakriyä—conduct.

...ignoring their own welfare, the people in this audience are

concerned only for the well-being of others. Although wealthy, well-
educated and born in exalted families, they are very humble. When
they themselves glorified, they become embarrassed, as if they
themselves had sinned. All glories to the delightful virtues of this
saintly audience.

(samantäd avalokya, saharçam uccaiù) haàho ballava-siàha-

priyäù. bhagavad-dharmajïoñöhé-gurüëäm api yuñmäkaà samäksaà
äroòhum upakramate, tad imäà kñamadhvaà cäpalärabhaöém. (iti
sapräëamaà paçyam)

samantät—in all directions; avalokya—having glanced; saharçam—

cheerfully; uccaiù—with a loud voice; haàhaù—O; ballava—of the cowherd
men; siàha—of the lion (Kåñëa); priyäù—dear devotees; bhagavat—of the
Lord; dharma—of the path of religion; jnoñöhé—knowing; gurüëäm—
spiritual masters; api—and; yuçmäkam—of you; samäkñam—in the presence;
kim api—greatly; eçaù—he; vivakñamäëaù—desiring to speak; täëòavikaù—
actor; nirapatrapäëäm—without shame; padavém—to the path; äroòhum—
to ascend; upakramate—approaches; tat—therefore; imäm—this;

6 •
kñamadhvam—please forgive; cäpala—because of insolence; arabhaöém—
boldness; iti—thus; sapräëamam—with bowing down; paçyan—seeing.

(Looking at all corners of the audience, with a loud and cheerful

voice) O dear devotees of Kåñëa, the lion of the gopas! Beginning to
walk on the path of the shameless, a certain actor now wishes to say
something to you, the spiritual masters wise in the true religion of
worshiping the Lord. Please forgive this rash and arrogant person.
(He bows down and then looks in a certain direction.)

abhivyaktä mattaù prakåti-laghu-rüpäd api budhä

vidhätré siddhärthän hari-guëa-mayé vaù kåtir iyam
pulindenäpy agniù kim u samidham unmathya janito
hiraëya-çreëinäm apaharati näntaù-kaluñatäm

abhivyaktä—manifested; mattaù—from me; prakåti—by nature; laghu-

rüpät—situated in a lower position; api—although; budhäù—O learned
devotees; vidhätré—which may bring about; siddha-arthän—all the objects
of perfection; hari-guëa-mayi—whose subject matter is the attributes of
Kåñëa; vaù—of you; kåtiù—the poetic play known as Vidagdha-mädhava;
iyam—this; pulindena—by the lowest class of men; api—although; agniù—
a fire; kimu—whether; samidham—the wood; unmathya—rubbing;
janitaù—produced; hiraëya—of gold; çreëinäm—of quantities; apaharati—
vanquishes; na—not; antaù—inner; kaluñatäm—dirty things.

O learned devotees, I am by nature ignorant and low, yet even

though it is from me that Vidagdha-Mädhava has come, it is filled with
descriptions of the Hari’s virtues. Therefore, will not such literature
bring about the attainment of the highest goal of life? Although wood
may be ignited by a low-class man, fire can nevertheless purify gold
from all impurities.

tad idäném abhéñöa devaà bhagavantam anusmåtya nåtya-mädhurém

ulläsayämi. (ity aïjalià baddhvä)

tat—therefore; idäném—now; abhéñöa devam—worshipable deity;

bhagavantam—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; anusmåtya—
remembering; nåtya—of the drama; mädhurém—sweetness; ulläsayämi—I
will manifest; iti—thus; aïjalim baddhvä—folds his hands.

Now, remembering the worshipable Lord, I will show the

sweetness of this drama. (He folds his hands.)

prapanna-madhurodayaù sphurad-amanda-våndäöavé-

7 •
niraìkuça-kåpämbudhir vraja-vihära-rajyan-manäù
sanätana-tanuù sadä mayi tanotu tuñöià prabhuù

prapanna—attained for the surrended souls); madhura—the rasa of

conjugal love (or kindness); udayaù—arisal; sphurat—splendid; amanda—
great; våndä-äöavé—forest of Våndävana; nikuïja-maya—full of groves;
maëòapa—of pavillions (or temples); prakara—with multitudes; madhya-
baddha-sthitiù—in the center; niraìkuça—unchecked; ; kåpä—mercy;
ambudhiù—ocean; vraja—in Vraja; vihära—pastimes; rajyat—taking
delight; manäù—mind; sanätana—eternal (or Sanätana Gosvämé); tanuù—
form; sadä—always; mayi—to me; tanotu—may extend; tuñöim—delight;

May the Supreme Lord, whose form is eternal, who is supremely

sweet and charming, who stays in the glorious forests and pavilions
of Våndävana forest, who is a limitless ocean of mercy, and whose
heart delights in His Vraja pastimes, always be pleased with me.

Or: May my spiritual master, Çréla Sanätana Gosvämé, who is

graceful and charming, who stays in the glorious forests and pavilions
of Våndävana forest, who is a limitless ocean of mercy, and whose
heart delights in Kåñëa's Vraja pastimes, always be pleased with me.

päripärçvikaù: bhäva, paçya.

päripärçvikah—Assistant Narrator; bhäva—O master; paçya—just see.

Assistant Sütradhära: Master, look!

bhaktänäm udagäd anargala-dhiyäà vargo nisargojjvalaù

çélaiù pallavitaù sa ballava-vadhü-bandho prabandho 'py asau
lebhe catvaratäà ca täëdava-vidher våndäöavé-garbha-bhür
manye mad-vidha-puëya-maëòala-parépäko 'yam unmilati

bhaktänäm—of devotees; udagät—has appeared; anargala-dhiyäm—

constantly thinking of Rädhä-Kåñëa; vargaù—the assembly; nisarga-
ujjvalaù—naturally very advanced; çélaiù—with natural poetic decorations;
pallavitaù—spread like the leaves of a tree; saù—that; ballava-vadhü-
bandhaù—of the friend of the gopés, Kåñëa; prabandhaù—a literary
composition; api—even; asau—that; lebhe—has achieved; catvaratäm—the
quality of a quadrangular place with level ground; ca—and; täëòava-
vidheù—for dancing; våndä-aöavi—of the forest of Våndävana; garbha-
bhüù—the inner grounds; manye—I consider; mat-vidha—of persons like

8 •
me; puëya-maëdala—of groups of pious activities; paripäkaù—the full
development; ayam—this; unmélati—appears.

The devotees now present are constantly thinking of Rädhä and

Kåñëa and are therefore highly advanced. This work named Vidadgha-
Mädhava depicts Kåñëa's pastimes with decorations of poetic
ornaments. And the inner grounds of the forest of Våndävana provide
a suitable platform for the dancing of Kåñëa with the gopés. Therefore
I think that the pious activities of persons like us, who have tried to
advance in devotional service have now born fruit.

tat tvarasva rasa-mädhuré-pariveñaëäya

sütradhäraù: märiña, nérasävalé-vaimukhyäd viçaìkamäno mathara
päripärçvikaù: bhäva, kåtam atra çaìkayä. yataù.

tat—therefore; tvarasva—please hurry; rasa—of the mellows of

trasncendental pastimes; mädhuré—of the sweetness; pariveñaëäya—for
their distrubution; sütradhäraù—Narrator; märiña—my dear servant;
nérasa—of those who have no taste for this nectar; ävalé—of the multitude;
vaimhyät—because of the aversion; viçaìkamänaù—frightened;
mantharaù—slow; iva—as if; asmi—I am; päripärçvikaù—Assistant Narrator;
bhäva—O master; kåtam—what is the use?; atra—here; çaìkayä—with
caution; yataù—because.

Please, hurry! Distribute the nectar of Kåñëa's pastimes.

Sütradhära: Dear student, I proceed very slowly because I fear

the harsh words of persons who do not like the nectar of the Lord's

Assistant Sütradhära: Master, please give up this caution,


udäsatäà näma rasänabhijïäù

kåtau tavämé rasikäù sphuranti
kramelakaiù kämam upekñite 'pi
pikäù sukhaà yänti paraà rasäle

uòasatäm—let them be indifferent; näma—indeed; rasa—with the

transcendental mellows; anabhijïäù—unaquainted; kåtau—in the creation;
tava—your; amé—these; rasikäù—those who are expert at relishing the
transcendental mellows; sphuranti—shine; kramelakaiù—by camels;
kämam—completely; upakñite—neglected; api—although; pikäù—cuckoos;

9 •
sukham—happiness; yänti—go; param—supreme (or only); rasäle—mango

...persons who know how to taste nectar will be delighted by

your play, and persons ignorant of rasa will ignore it. Camels avoid
the mango trees that are the only happiness for cuckoos.

tad ärabhyatäà sämäjika-cetaç-camatkäräya gändharva-brahma-

sütradhäraù: märiña, paçya paçya.

tat—therefore; ärabhyatäm—may begun; sämäjika—of the audience;

cetaù—of the minds; camatkäräya—for the delight; gändharva-brahma-
vidyä—music; Sütradhäraù—Narrator; märiña—my dear student; paçya—
look at this; paçya—look at this.

So the hearts of the audience will be filled with wonder, let the
play begin!

Sütradhära: Student, look! Look!

so ’yaà vasanta-samayaù samiyäya yasmin

pürëaà tam éçvaram upoòha-navänurägam
güòha-grahä rucirayä saha rädhayäsau
raìgäya saìgamayitä niçi paurëamäsé

saù—that; ayam—this; vasanta-samayaù—springtime; samiyäya—had

arrived; yasmin—in which; pürëam—the complete; tam—Him; éçvaram—
the Supreme Personality of Godhead (or the moon, lord of the night);
upoòha—obtained; nava-anurägam—new attachment (or became red);
güòha-grahä—which covered the stars (or with deep longing); rucirayä—
very beautiful; saha—with; rädhayä—Rädhä (or Viçäkhä constellation);
asau—that full-moon night; raìgäya—for increasing the beauty;
saìgamayitä—caused to meet; niçi—at night; paurëamäsé—the full-moon
night (or Paurëamäsé).

Springtime had arrived, and the moon, the lord of the night,
became red. Now the shining moon meets with the beautiful Viçäkhä
constellation to increase the beauty of this full moon night.

Or: Springtime had arrived, and Kåñëa, who is complete in

everything, has become filled with a new passion. Now the noble
Paurëamäsé, with a deep longing, inspired Kåñëa to meet with the
beautiful Rädhä to increase the beauty of this night.

10 •
aye nartaka-sämanta-särvabhauma, kathaà bhavataù karëapuré-
bhütä bäòhaà nigüdheyaà sandarbha-maïjari, yad ahaà rädhayä
särdham éçvaraà taà saìgamayiñyäméti.
sütradhäraù: (savismayaà nepathyäbhimukham avalokya) aho,
katham ita eva bhagavaté paurëamäsé. paçya paçya.

nepathye—in the actor's dressing room; aye—O; nartaka—of actors;

sämanta—complete; särvabhauma—O absolute monarch; katham—how?;
bhavataù—your; karëa-purä—an ornament for the ears; bhütä—become;
bäòham—indeed; nigüòhä—concealed; iyam—this; sandarbha—in the
form of words; maïjaré—bouquet of flowers; yat—because; aham—I;
rädhayä—by Rädhä; särdham—accompanied; éçvaram—the Supreme
Personality of Godhead; tam—Him; saìgamayiñyämi—will I bring together;
iti—thus; sütradhäraù—Narrator; sa-vismayam—with amazement;
nepathya—of the actor's dressing rooms; abhimukham—in the direction;
avalokya—having seen; ahaù—O; katham—how?; itaù—in this direction;
eva—certainly; bhagavaté—celebrated; paurëamäsé—Paurëamäsé; paçya—
just see; paçya—just see.

(Off-stage) O best of actors, how did your ear become decorated

with the flower that is the secret of this drama, the secret that I will
arrange the meeting of Rädhä and Kåñëa?

Sütradhära: (surprised, he looks offstage) Ah! Was that saintly

Paurëamäsé? Look! Look!

vahanté käñäyämbaram urasi sändépani-muneù

savitré sävitré-samarucir alaà päëòura-kacä
surarñeù çiñyeyaà parijanavaté nandabhavanäd
ito mandaà mandaà sphuöam uöajavéthim praviçati

vahanté—carrying; käñäya—reddish; ambaram—garments; urasi—on

the breast; sändépani—of Sändépani; muneù—of the sage; savitré—mother;
sävitré—with Sävitré-devé, the wife of Lord Brahmä; sama—equal; ruciù—
splendor; alam—greatly; päëòura—white; kacä—hair; sura—of the
demigods; åñeù—of the sage (Närada); çiñyä—student; iyam—she;
parijanavaté—with a friend; nanda—of Nanda Mahäräja; bhavanät—from
the house; itaù—here; mandam mandam—slowly; sphuöam—clearly;
uöaja—of houses; véthém—series (the street); praviçati—enters.

Wearing a red cloth, her hair white, splendid like goddess

Sävitré, and accompanied by a friend, Paurëamäsé, who is Närada's

11 •
disciple and Sändépani Muni's mother, now leaves Nanda's palace and
slowly walks on the road.

tad äväm agrataù karanéyaà varnikäìgékäram älocayävaù

(iti niñkrantau) prastävanä

tat—that; ävam—we; api—even; agrataù—in the beginning;

karaëéyam—to be done; varëikä—costumes and make-up; aìgé-käram—
acceptance; älocayävaù—we see; iti—thus; niñdrantau—they exit;

Let us see if the actors are in their costumes.

(They exit.)

Thus ends the prologue.

(tataù praviçati sa-parijanä paurëamäsé.) paurëamäsé: ("aye

nartaka-sämanta:" iti paöhitvä) hanta vatse nändémukhi. kim api
kamanéyaà gäyatä sphuöam änanditäsmi naöendreëa.
nändé: bhaavadi. kià jahatthaà edam

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; sa—with; parijanä—her companion;

paurëamäsé—Paurëamäsé; aye—O; nartaka—of actors; sämanta—
complete; iti—thus; nändémukhi—Nändémukhé; kim api—greatly;
kamanéyam—beautifully; gäyatä—by the singing; sphuöam—certainly;
änandita—delighted; asmi—I am; naöa-indreëa—by the Narrator; nändé—
Nändémukhé; bhaavadi—O revered mother; kim—whether; kkhu—indeed;
jahattham—true; edam—this.

Paurëamäsé: (enters with her companion after saying “O best of

actors, how did your ear become decorated...”) Child Nändémukhé, the
narrator's singing gave me great pleasure.

Nändé: Noble lady, did he speak the truth?

sambhävyate phalam alambita-müla-puñöes
tat tädåçaà kva mama bhägya-taror varoru
yenänayoù subhagayor ucitä bhaveyaà
çåìgära-mäìgalikayor nava-sängamäya

paurëamäsé—Paurëamäçi; sambhävyate—is produced; alambhita—

not attained; müla—of the root; puñöeù—of the nourishment; tat—that;

12 •
tädåçam—like that; kva—where?; mama—my; bhägya—of good fortune;
taroù—of the tree; vara-uru—O beautiful girl; yena—by which; anayoù—of
the two; subhagayoh—auspicious and beautiful; ucitä—proper; bhaveyam—
may I become; çåìgära—pastimes of amorous love; mäìgalikayoù—
auspicious; nava—new; saìgamäya—for a meeting.

Paurëamäsé: O girl with the beautiful thighs, the tree of my good

fortune is withered at the root. How will it produce a fruit like that, a
fruit that will make me qualified to arrange a new meeting of the
beautiful and auspicious Divine Couple?

nändé: bhaavadi, ja-i visahäëu-ëandiné rähi-ä kaëheëa

saìgamaëijja, tado saìgamäëu-ülaväsaà go-ulaà ujjhi-a säntaëu-väsa-
saëëe bhäëu-titthe kià ti eñä saìgovi-a rakkhidä äsé.

nändé—Nändémukhé; bhaavadi—O respected mother; ja-i—if;

viçahäëu—Våçabhänu; ëandiné—the daughter; rähi-ä—Rädhä; tu-e—by
you; kaëheëa—with Kåñëa; saìgamanijjä—will be united; tadaù—then;
saìgama—for a meeting; aëu-üla—favorable; väsam—residence; go-ulam—
Gokula, våndävana; ujjhi-a—abandoning; säntaëu-väsa—Çäntanu-väsa;
saëëe—named; bhänu-titthe—holy place; kià ti—why?; esa—this; sangovi-
a—having concealed; rakkhidä—protected; äsé—was.

Nändé: Noble lady, if you are destined to arrange Våñabhänu-

nandiné Rädhä's meeting with Kåñëa, then why did Rädhä leave the
land of Gokula, which is so favorable for that meeting, and secretly
reside in the sacred village of Çäntanu-väsa?

paurëamäsé: vatse, nåçaàsataù kaàsa-bhüpateù çaìkayä

nändé: bhaavadi, tahavi kahaà raëëä-viëëädä rähä

paurëamäsé—Paurëamäsé; vatse—my dear child; nåçaàsataù—cruel;

kaàsa—Kaàsa; bhüpateù—king; çaìkayä—because of fear; nändé—
Nändémukhé; bhaavadi—O respected mother; tahavi—nevertheless;
kaham—how?; raëëä—by King Kaàsa; viëëädä—perceived; rähä—Rädhä.

Paurëamäsé: Because She fears cruel King Kaàsa, my child.

Nändé: Noble lady, how did the king learn about Rädhä?

paurëamäsé: rädhä-saundarya-våndam eva vijïäne nidänam. yataù.

lokottarä guëa-çréù
prathayati parito nigüòham api vastu
pihitäm api prayatnäd

13 •
vyanakti kastürikäà gandhaù

rädhä—of Rädhä; saundarya—of the beauty; våndam—abundance;

eva—certainly; vijïäne—in knowledge; nidänam—cause; yataù—because;
loka-uttara—extraordinary; guëa—of transcendental qualities; çréù—
opulence; nigüòham—confidential; api—although; vastu—worthy object;
pihitäm—concealed; api—although; prayatnät—with great endeavor;
vyanakti—manifests; kastürikäm—musk; gandhaù—aroma.

Paurëamäsé: Even if one carefully hides it, musk's sweet scent at

once reveals where it is. In the same way, even though they were
carefully hidden, Rädhä's beauty and virtues became known

nändé: bha-avadi, jaço-ä-dhattä-e muhurä-e attaëo ëattiëé rähi-ä go-

ula-majjhe äëé-a jaòilä-puttassa ahimaëëuëo hatthe uvvähidä tti, tädisaà
jevva asamaïjasaà äpaòidam. jaà kaëhädo aëëena puriseëa tädisé naà
kara-paàsaà asajjam. tä kahaà tumaà ëiccintä vi-a désasi.

bhaavadi—O respected mother; jaço-ä—with Yaçodä; dhattä-e—

mother; muhurä-e—with Mukhurä; attaëaù—own; ëattiëé—grand-daughter;
rähi-ä—Rädhä; go-ula—Gokula; majjhe—in the middle; äùé-a—having
brought; jaòilä—of Jaöilä; puttassa—of the son; ahimaëëuëaù—of
Abhimanyu; hatthe—in the hand; uvvähidä—married; tti—thus; tädisam—
like him; jevva—certainly; asamaïjasam—unsuitable; äpaòiòam—
happened; jam—than whom; kaëhadaù—than Kåñëa; annena—by another;
puriseëa—by a man; tädiséëam—of those like that; kara—of the hand;
paàsam—touch; asajjam—unbearable; tä—therefore; kaham—how?;
tuam—you; ëiccintä—unconcerned; via-a—as if; désasi—are seen.

Nändé: Noble lady, Yaçodä's nurse, Mukharä, brought her

granddaughter Rädhä to Gokula. Rädhä then accepted the hand of
Abhimanyu, the son of Jaöilä, in marriage. A more unsuitable match
could not have been made. Rädhä cannot tolerate the touch of the
hand of any man other than Kåñëa. O mother, how can you remain
aloof when this is happening?

paurëamäsé: tasyaiva hetoù

nändé: kahaà vi-a
paurëamäsé: (vihasya) tad vaïcanädyartham eva svayaà
udvähädikam. nitya-preyasya eva khalu täù kåñëasya.
nändé: (saharñam) tä ëüëaà tumaà ëiccintäsi saàvutä, jaà esä ajja
go-ula-majjhe äëédä.
paurëamäsé: vatse, satyaà bravéñi. kaàsataç cintä me çaithilyam

14 •
ivopalabdhä, kintu duñöäbhimanyutaù sphutaà anyä sämpratam ajaniñöa.
nändé: kerisé sä

tasya—of that; eva—certainly; hetoù—from what cause?; kaham vi-a—

how is this possible?; vihasya—laughing; tat—of him; vaïcanä—deception;
ädi—etc.; artham—for the purpose; eva—certainly; svayam—Himself;
yogamäyayä—by His energy of yogamäyä; mithyä—in an inverted way;
eva—certainly; pratyäyitam—confidential messenger; tat—him; vidhänäm—
of those who are similar; udväha—marriage; ädikam—etc.; nitya—eternal;
preyasyai—most beloved; eva—certainly; khalu—indeed; täù—they;
kåñëasya—of Kåñëa; saharñam—joyfully; tä—therefore; ëüëam—at present;
tumam—you; niccintä—without concern; asi—are; saàvuta—withdrawn;
jam—because; esä—she; ajja—at present; go-ula—of Gokula; majjhe—in the
middle; äëédä—is brought; vatse—O child; satyam—the truth; bravéñi—you
are speaking; kaàsataù—from Kaàsa; cintä—anxious consideration; me—
my; çaithilyam—diminution; iva—as it were; upalabdhä—attained; kintu—
but; duñöa—wicked; abhimanyutaù—from Abhimanyu; sphuöam—certainly;
anyä—another; sämpratam—now; ajaniñöa—is born; kerisé—like what; sä—
is it?

Paurëamäsé: Why should I care?

Nändé: How can you talk like that?

Paurëamäsé: (laughing) This false marriage of Rädhä and

Abhimanyu is simply a trick that Yogamäyä has played to cheat
Kaàsa. Rädhä and all the other gopés are Kåñëa's beloveds eternally.

Nändé: (joyfully) And now that Rädhä has returned to Gokula,

you are free of all worries.

Paurëamäsé: Child, what you say is true. My worry about Kaàsa

is now less, although now I am beginning to worry about Abhimanyu.

Nandi: Why is that?

ballavé-nava-latäsu raìgiëaà
kåñëa-bhåìgaà adhigatya matsaré
rädhikä-puraöa-padminém ayaà
netum icchati punar vanäntaram

ballavé—of the gopés; nava—young; latäsu—among the creepers;

raìgiëam—delighting; kåñëa—of Kåñëa; bhåìgam—the bumble-bee;

15 •
adhigatya—having discovered; matsaré—jealous; radhikä—of Rädhä;
puraöa—golden; padminém—lotus flower; ayam—this; netum—to lead;
icchati—desires; punaù—again; vana—distant land (or water); antaram—

Paurëamäsé: Noticing that the black bumble-bee Kåñëa is fond of

playing among the new-flowering vines of the gopés, Abhimanyu has
become jealous. Now he wants to take the golden lotus Rädhä to
another lake.2

nändé: tatthavi jo-amä-a jjevva samähäëaà karispadi

paurëamäsé: putri, ko jänäti svatanträyäs tasyäç caritam, yadédåçe
'rthe tatästhäyate.

tattthavi—someplace; jo-amä-ä—the Lord's energy of Yogamäyä;

jjevva—certainly; samähäëam—crucial incident; karissadi—will create;
putri—O daughter; kaù—who?; jänäti—understand; svatanträyäù—
undependent; tasyäù—her; caritam—pastime; yadi—if; édåçe—in this way;
arthe—meaning; sä—she; taöasthäyate—stands aloof.

Nändé: Now Yogamäyä will act.

Paurëamäsé: Daughter, independent Yogamäyä now stands

aloof. Who understands her actions?

nändé: aëëo vä ettha ko 'vi uvä-o tthi jeëa eso paòibaddho bhave.
paurëamäsé: vatse, tatra mayä pratibhuvä bhavantyä yukti-mädhuré-
medureëa väg-argalena nisargäd agambhéro 'yaà viñkambhito 'sti.
nändé: (saharñam) bhaavadi, kaàsassa go-maëòalajjhakkho go-
aòòhaëo kaëhäëusäriëä candä-alé-caritteëa kudo na kuppa-e.
paurëamäsé: putri, räja-kulopalabdhena gauraveëa garvito 'yam
vyaktam api tan na çraddadhäti.

aëëaù—another; vä—or; ettha—here; kaù vi—something; uvä—

remedy; tthi—there is; jena—by which; paòibaddhaù—obstructed; bhave—
may be; vatse—O child; tatra—there; mayä—by me; pratibhuvä—security;
bhavantyä—is; yukti—by a stragem; mädhurä—with sweetness;
medureëa—thick; väk—of words; argalena—by the impediment; nisargät—
spontaneously; agambhéraù—shallow; ayam—he; viñkambhitaù—
obstructed; asti—is; saharçam—joyfully; bhaavadi—O respected mother;
kamsassa—of Kaàsa; go-maëòala—of the pasturing ground for the cows;
ajjhakkhaù—superintendent; go-aòòhanaù—Govardhana Malla,

Or: “Now he wants to take the golden lotus Rädhä to another place like Madhuvan or Mathurä.”

16 •
Candrävalé’s husband; kaëha—of Kåñëa; anuçariëä—following; candä-alé—
of Candrävalé-gopé; caritteëa—by the activities; kudaù—why?; na—not;
kuppa—I; kuppa-i—become angry; putri—O daughter; räja—of kings;
kula—community; upalabdhena—obtained; gauraveëa—with gravity;
garvitaù—proud; ayam—this; vyaktam—manifested; api—surely; tat—that;
na—not; çraddadhäti—believe.

Nändé: Is there another way to stop him?

Paurëamäsé: Child, by speaking sweet and clever words, I will

stop shallow Abhimanyu.

Nändé: (joyfully) Respected mother, Govardhana Malla is

appointed by king Kaàsa to watch over the activities in Gokula. Why
does he not become angry at Kåñëa for enjoying pastimes with

Paurëamäsé: Daughter, Govardhana Malla is very proud of his

belonging the king's entourage, and he does not believe it.

nändé: kahaà kaëhena paòhamaàse saìgamo samvuto

paurëamäsé: putri, saìgame khalu gäòhänurägitaiva düté babhüva.
mad-udyamänäà kevalam ajaniñöa piñöa-peñitä

kaham—how?; kaëhena—by Kåñëa; paòhamaàse—on the first day;

saìgamaù—meeting; samvutaù—occurred; putri—O daughter; saìgame—
full of love; eva—certainly; düté—messenger; babhüva—was; mat—my;
udyamänäm—of efforts; kevalam—exclusive; ajaniñöa—produced; piñöa-
peñitä—grinding of what has already been ground.

Nändé: How did Kåñëa and Candrävalé first meet?

Paurëamäsé: Daughter, when they first met, they fell deeply in

love. For me to do anything more would be to crush what is already

nändé: ajje, tuha kahaà erisé bhä-avisena-bhävidä gäòhäëurä-idä

uppaëëä, jaà appaëo ahiööha-de-amni aëuppaëëe kaëhe ujja-iëéà ujjhi-a
paòhaà cce-a go-ulaà laddhäsi.
paurëamäsé: putri, guru-pädänäm upadeça-prasädena.

ajje—O revered mother; tuha—your; kaham—how?; erisé—like this;

bhä-a—love; visesa—specific; bhävidä—was; gäòha—intense; aëurä-idä—
love; uppaëëä—produced; jam—which; appaëaù—of the self; ahiööha—

17 •
worshipable; de-amni—deity; aëuppaëëe—not manifested; kaëhe—Kåñëa;
ujja-iëém—the city of Ujjayiné; ujjhi-a—having left; paòham—at once; cce-
a—indeed; go-ulam—to Gokula; laddhä asi—you attained; putri—O
daughter; guru—of the spiritual master (Närada); pädänäm—of the lotus feet;
upadeça—of instruction; prasädena—by the mercy.

Nändé: Noble lady, why do you love Kåñëa so deeply that you
came to Gokula, leaving Ujjayiné, even though Kåñëa was not yet here?

Paurëamäsé: Daughter, I did it because of the mercy of my guru's


nändé: ettha vasantéà tumam mahä-bhä-o sandépaëé kià kkhu

paurëamäsé: atha kim. yatas tena madhumaìgaläbhidhaù svaputro
mamätra paricaryärthaà preñitaù.

ettha—there; vasantém—residing; tumam—you; mahä-bhä-aù—great

fortunate; sandépaëé—Sandépaëé Muni; kim—does?; kkhu—indeed; jänädi—
know; atha kim—yes; yataù—because; tena—by him; madhumaìgala—
Madhumaìgala; abhidhaù—by the name; sva—own; putraù—son; mama—
my; atra—sent.

Nändé: Does fortunate Sändépaëi Muni know you are here?

Paurëamäsé: Yes. He sent his son, Madhumaìgala, to serve me.

nändé: mahumaìgalo tu-e suööhu anuggahédo jaà eso ëandaëaaë-

indé-ara-candassa saha-aradä mahüsave ëi-utto.
paurëamäsé: putri, mama sarvasva-rüpäyä rädhäyäù kåñëe 'nuräga-
vistäräya tvaà ca niyujyase.

mahumaìgalaù—Madhumaìgala; tu-e—by you; suööhu—excellently;

anuggahédaù—favored; jam—because; esaù—he; nanda—of Nanda
Mahäräja; ëaaë—of the eyes; indé-ara—lotus flowers; candassa—of the
moon; saha-aradä—friendship; mahüsave—in a great festival; ni-uttah—
engaged; putri—O daughter; mama—my; sarvasva—everything; rüpäyäù—
form; rädhäyäù—of Rädhä; kåñëe—for Kåñëa; anuräga—of love; vistäräya—
for the expansion; tvam—you; can—and; niyujyase—are enjoined.

Nändé: You are very kind to Madhumaìgala for you gave him a
great festival of friendship to Kåñëa, the moon for the indévara lotuses
of Nanda's eyes.

18 •
Paurëamäsé: Daughter, Rädhä is my great treasure. Please help
Her fall in love with Kåñëa.

nändé: (sähandam) bhaavadi, adibhümià gado se kaëhe anurä-o.

paurëamäsé: katham etal lakñitam.
nändé: jadä kahäpasaìge esä kaëhatti ëämaà suëädi, tadä
romäïcidä kampi bhä-aà vinda-e.
paurëamäsé: putri, yuktam idam. tathä hi.

sa-änandam—joyfully; bhaavadi—O respected mother; adi-

bhümim—highest point; gadaù—reached; se—her; kaëhe—for Kåñëa;
anurä-aù—love; katham—how?; etat—this; lakñitam—characterized; jadä—
when; kahä—description; pasaìge—in contact; esä—she; kaëhatti—of
Kåñëa; ëämam—name; suëädi—hears; tadä—then; romäïcidä—with hairs
standing upright; kampi—some; putri—O daughter; yuktam—appropriate;
idam—this; tathä hi—for this reason.

Nändé: (joyfully) Noble lady, Rädhä has already climbed to the

highest mountaintop of love for Kåñëa!

Paurëamäsé: How do you know that?

Nändé: Whenever, in the course of an ordinary conversation, She

hears the name “Kåñëa”, the hairs on Her body stand on end, and She
shows the symptoms of ecstasy.

Paurëamäsé: Daughter, that is the right response. After all...

tuëòe täëòaviné ratià vitanute tuëòävalé-labdhaye

karëa-kroda-kaòambini ghaöayate karëärbudebhyaù spåhäm
cetaù-präìgaëa-sanginé vijayate sarvendriyänäà kåtià
no jäne janitä kiyabdhir amåtaiù kåñëeti varëa-dvayé

tuëòe—in the mouth; täëòaviné—dancing; ratim—the isnpiration;

vitanute—expands; tuëòa-ävalé-labdhaye—to achieve many mouths;
karëa—of the ear; kroda—in the hole; kaòambiné—sprouting; ghaöayate—
causes to appear; karëa-arbudebhyaù spåhäm—the desire for millions of ears;
cetaù-präìgaëa—in the courtyard of the heart; saìginé—being a companion;
vijayate—conquers; sarva-indriyäëäm—of all the senses; kåtim—the activity;
naù—not; jäne—I know; janitä—produced; kiyadbhiù—of what measures
by; amåtaiù—by nectar; kåñëa—the name of Kåñëa; iti—thus; varëa-dvayi—
the two syllables.

...I do not know how much nectar the two syllables of Kåñëa's

19 •
name have produced! When the holy name of Kåñëa is chanted, it
appears to dance within the mouth, and we desire many, many
mouths. When that name enters the holes of the ears, we desire many
millions of ears. And when the holy name of Kåñëa dances in the
courtyard of the heart, it conquers the activities of the mind, and
therefore all the senses become inert.

nändé: ajje, dohià lalidä-visähänià sahéhià saddhaà rähä süram

ärähehi. candä-alé uëa pa-umä-sebbä-pahudéhià saddhaà caëòi-am. tä
takkemi de-adä-pasä-a-ëippädi-o imäëaà ériso kaëhe anurä-o.

ajje—O respected mother; dohim—by the two of them; lalidä-

visähähim—by Lalitä and Viçäkhä; sahéhim—with the friends; saddham—
accompanied; rähä—Rädhä; süram—the sun-god; ärähehi—worships;
candä-alé—Candrävalé; uëa—again; pa-umä—Padmä-gopé; sebbä—Saibyä-
gopé; pahudéhim—beginning with; saddham—along with; caëòi-am—the
goddess Pärvaté; tä—therefore; takkemi—I can guess; de-adä—of the
demigods; pasä-a—mercy; ëippädi-aù—achieved; imäëam—of them;
érisoù—in this way; kaëhe—for Kåñëa; anurä-aù—love.

Nändé: Noble lady, accompanied by Her sakhis Lalitä and

Viçäkhä, Rädhä worshipped the sun-god, and, accompanied by Çaibyä,
Padmä and other friends, Candrävalé worshipped Caëòé. I can only
guess, that it was by the mercy of these devatäs, that these gopés
attained such love for Kåñëa.

daivata-sevä kevalam iha vana-yätränusäriëé mudrä
vraja-subhruväà tu kåñëe sahajaù premä sa jägarti

daivata—of the demigods; sevä—worship; kevalam—only; iha—here;

vana—to the forest; yäträ—journey; anusäriëé—following; mudrä—mark;
vraja—of Vraja; subhruväm—of the gopés, whose eyebrows are very
beautiful; tu—but; kåñëe—for Kåñëa; sahajaù—natural; premä—love; saù—it;

Paurëamäsé: Although they went to the forest only to worship

the devatäs, the beautiful-eyebrowed girls of Vraja found that their
natural love for Kåñëa awakened within them.

nändé: saccaà rähä-e sähävi-aà ce-a pimmaà tatthavi sahéëaà

kosalaà uddé-aëam.
paurëamäsé: putri, mad-girä sandiçyatäm älekhya-vicakñaëä viçäkhä
yatheyaà svaskhé-neträravindayor änandanäya nanda-sünoù

20 •
praticchandaà nirmäti.

saccam—truth; rähä-e—of Rädhä; sahävi-am—natural; ce-a—

certainly; pimmam—love; tatthavi—nevertheless; sahéëam—of her friends;
kosalam—good fortune; uddépaëam—stimulus; putri—O daughter; mat—
my; girä—by words; sandiçyatäm—may be shown; älekhya—at drawing
pictures; vicakñaëä—expert; viçäkhä—Viçäkhä; yathä—as; iyam—she; sva—
her; sakhé—of the friend; netra—of the eyes; aravindayoù—lotus;
änandanäya—for the delight; nanda—of Nanda Mahäräja; sünoù—of the
son (Kåñëa); praticchandam—likeness; nirmäti—draws.

Nändé: Rädhä's spontaneous love for Kåñëa increases the good

fortune of Her sakhis.

Paurëamäsé: Daughter, on my order please ask the skillful artist

Viçäkhä to draw, for the pleasure of her sakhi's lotus eyes, a picture of
Nanda's son.

nändé: jaha äëavedi bhaavadé.

paurëamäsé: mayäpi modaka-vånda-dänäpadeçäd våndäöavé-
madhyam äsädya rädheti maìgaläkñara-mädhuryeëa mädhava-karëayor
dvandvam änandéyäm.

jaha—as; äëavedi—order; bhaavadé—you; mayä—by me; api—even;

modaka—candies; vånda—a multitude; däna—giving; apadeçät—on the
pretext; våndä-äöavé—of the forest of Våndävana; madhyam—the middle;
äsäya—having arrived; rädhä—Rädhä; iti—thus; maìgala—auspicious;
akñara—syllales; mädhuryeëa—with the sweetness; mädhava—of Mädhava;
karëayoù—of the ears; dvandvam—pair; änandéyam—I may delight.

Nändé: As the noble lady orders.

Paurëamäsé: Then, on the pretext of carrying some sweets as a

gift, I will enter Våndävana forest and delight Mädhava's ears with the
sweetness of the two auspicious syllables “Rä-dhä”.

nändé: ajje, pekkha eso räma-mahumaìgala-siridäma-pahudéhià

saha-arehià saddhaà go-ulädo ëikkami-a vundävanaà gacchanto kaëho
siëiddhehià pidarehià jaso-änandehià lälijja-i

ajje—O respected mother; pekkha—just see; esah—He; räma—by

Balaräma; mahumaìgala—and Madhumaìgala; sridäma—and Çrédämä;
pahudéhim—and others; saha-arehim—with friends; saddham—
accompanied; go-ulädaù—from Gokula; nikkami-a—having left;

21 •
vundävanam—Våndävana; gacchantaù—going; kaëhaù—Kåñëa;
siëiddhehim—affectionate; pidarehim—by His parents; jaso-ä—Yaçodä;
nandehim—and Nanda; lälijja-i—is fondled.

Nändé: Noble lady, look! Accompanied by Räma, Madhumaìgala,

Çrédämä, and a host of friends, and embraced by his loving parents
Nanda and Yaçodä, Kåñëa now goes from Gokula to Våndävana forest.

paurëamäsé: (vilokya saharñam.)

ayaà nayana-daëòita-pravara-puëdaréka-prabhaù
prabhäti nava-jäguda-dyuti-viòambi-pitämbaraù
harin-maëi-manohara-dyutibhir ujjvaläìgo hariù

vilokya—seeing; esa—with; harsam—joy; ayam—this; nayana—by

whose eyes; daëòita—defeated; pravara—best; puëdaréka-prabhaù—the
luster of the white lotus flower; prabhäti—looks beautiful; nava-jäguòa-
dyuti—the brilliance of newly painted kuìkuma; viòambi—deriding; péta-
ambaraù— whose yellow dress; araëya-ja—picked up from the forest;
pariñkriyä—by whose ornaments; damita—subdued; divya-veña-ädaraù—
the hankering for a heavenly dress; harin-maëi—of emeralds; manohara—
mind-attracting; dyutibhiù—with splendor; ujjvala-aìgaù—whose beautiful
body; hariù—Hari.

Paurëamäsé: (joyfully looking at Kåñëa) The beauty of Hari's eyes

surpasses the beauty of the most excellent white lotus flowers, His
yellow garments surpass the brilliance of fresh decorations of
kuìkuma, His ornaments made of forest flowers subdue one's
appreciation for a heavenly garments, and His bodily beauty
possesses enchanting splendor greater than the radiance of emeralds.

tad ahaà modaka-sampädanäya gaccheyam. tvaà viçäkhäà yähi. (iti


tat—therefore; aham—I; modaka—of candies; sampädanäya—for

giving; gaccheyam—will go; tvam—you; viçäkhäm—to Viçäkhä-gopé; yähi—
please go; iti—thus; niñkränte—they exit.

I will go to deliver sweets. You go to Viçäkhä.

(They exit)

(tataù praviçati yathä-nirdiñöaù kåñëaù.)

22 •
çré kåñëaù: (purastäd avalokya sänandam)
çreëé-bhüta-vapuù-çriyäm abhimukhe gomaëòaléëäà kramaò
äsäm sphäöika-gaëòa-çaila-paöalé-päëòü-tviñäà vyäjataù
çäìke jïäta-guëä purandara-puräc caskanda mandäkiné

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; yathä-nirdiñöaù—as described;

kåñëaù—Kåñëa; çré-kåñëa—Kåñëa; purastät—ahead; avalokya—looking; sa-
änandam—with happiness; çreëé-bhüta—multitudes; vapuù—of forms;
çriyäm—of the beauty; abhimukhe—in the presence; gäù—of cows;
maëòalénäm—of the multitudes; kramät—in order; äsäm—of them;
sphäöika—crystal; gaëòa—side; çaila-paöalé—of mountains; päëòu—white;
tviçäm—of the luster; vyäjataù—having the appearance; çäìke—I think;
jïäta—understood; guëä—qualities; purandara—of Indra; purät—from the
city; caskanda—has descended; mandäkiné—the celestial Gaìgä; våndä-
äraëya—in the forest of Våndävna; vihäri—performing pastimes; dhanya—
auspicious; yamunä—of the Yamunä river; sevä—service; pramoda—delight;
arthiné—for the purpose.

(Kåñëa, as previously described, enters)

Kåñëa: (looking ahead, He joyfully says) I think a host of crystal

mountains, pretending to be these beautiful cows, has come here. Or
perhaps it is the Mandäkiné Gaìgä river from the city of Indra that has
come, disguised as these cows, to joyfully serve the glorious Yamunä
river that now performing pastimes in Våndävana.

nanda: vatsa, sädhu varëitam. kintu goñöha-lakñmér api påñöhataù

prekñyatäm iti. ( parävåtya)
viçälair goçälair bahu-çikhara-çäkhä-vitatibhiù
parétaiù sambädhé-kåta-savidham ambhodhi-gahanam
samåddhäm ägovardhana-kaöakam äkäliya-hradaà
çriyaà bibhrad-goñöhaà sphurati paritas tävakam idam

nandaù—Nanda Mahäräja; vatsa—O child; sädhu—very well;

varëitam—it has been described; kintu—but; goñöha—of the pasturing
grounds; lakñméù—the opulence; api—even; påñöhataù—behind us;
prekñyatäm—may be seen; iti—thus; parävåtya—having turned; viçälaiù—
large; goçälaiù—homes for the cows and cowherds; bahu—many; çikhara—
spires; çäkhä—and wings; vitatibhiù—with multitudes; parétaiù—
surrounded; sambädhé-kåta—abounding; savidham—near; ambhodhi—as
the ocean; gahanam—deep; samåddhäm—opulence; ägovardhana—up to
Govardhana; kaöakam—the side; äkäliya—up to Käliya; hradam—lake;

23 •
çriyam—beauty; bibhrat—holding; goñöham—pasture; sphurati—appears
very splendid; parétaù—all around; tävakam—you; idam—this.

Nanda: Well said, child. Look behind us at the beauty of Vraja.

(He turns around.) From Govardhana to Käliya lake, Your land is like
a great ocean of beauty, shining with many pastures.

kåñëaù: sakhe madhumaìgala, düram anuyäto 'smi tätena. tad

avilambam särdhaà goñöhaà praviçyatäm.
yaçodä: jäda, kiàti avaraëhe vi goööhaà sumarasi. jaà paramädareëa
ma-e randhidä-ià paccahaà sé-aléhonti miööhaëëä-im.

sakhe—O friend; madhumaìgala—Madhumaìgala; düram—from a

great distance; anuyätaù—followed; asmi—I am; tätena—by My father; tat—
therefore; avilambam—without delay; ambayä—by my mother; särdham—
accompanied; goñöham—Våndävana; praviçyatäm—should be entered;
jäda—O son; kim ti—why?; avaraëhe—in the evening; vi—even; goööham—
Våndävana; na—not; sumarasi—you remember; jam—because; parama—
supreme; ädareëa—with care; ma-e—by me; randhitä-im—cooked;
paccaham—every day; sé-aléhonti—become cold; miööha—palatable; annä-

Kåñëa: Friend Madhumaìgala, we have gone very far from the

village, but My father still following us. Without delay he should
return back with my mother.

Yaçodä: O son, why even in the afternoon do You forget that You
have to return home? The delicious food I cook with great care
becomes cold!

madhumaìgalaù: go-ulessari, suëähi. (iti sankåtena) gobhyaù çape

kim api düsäëam asya nästi (iti väg-upakrame kåñëaù sasneham enaà
madhumaìgalaù: täbhir yad eña rabhasäd abhikåñyamäëaù kuïjaà
viçaty adhika-keli-kalotsukäbhiù (iti vag-asamaptau)

go-ula—of Gokula; éssari—O queen; suëähi—please listen; iti—thus;

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; gobhyaù—cows; çape—I promise; kim api—some;
düçaëam—fault; asya—His; na—not; asti—is; iti—thus; väk—of the speech;
upakrame—from the beginning; kåñëaù—Kåñëa; sa—with; sneham—
affection; enam—at him; paçyati—glances; täbhiù—by them (the gopés);
yat—because; eçaù—He; rabhasät—joyfully; abhikåçyamäëaù—pulled;
kuïjam—the grove; viçati—enters; adhika—further; keli—pastimes; kalä—
art; utsukäbhiù—eager; iti—thus; väk—speech; asamäptau—in the

24 •
uncompleted state.

Madhumaìgala: O queen of Gokula, please listen! I swear on the

cows that Kåñëa is not at fault! (Kåñëa affectionately glances at him)
Pulled by them and eager for play, He enters to the forest bower…
(Madhumaìgala's speech remains unfinished.)

kåñëaù: (säpatrapam ätmagatam)- vyaktam eña bäliço ballavébhir iti

vakñyati. tad enam saàjïäyä nivärayämi. (iti çirastiro dhünayati.)
madhumaìgalaù: bho vaasa, kiàti me nivärasi jaà ëiccidaà ajja
ajjäyä aggado edaà viëëavissam.
kåñëaù: (svagatam) hanta, lajjä-jäle jälma-dhiyähaà patito 'smi.
madhumaìgalaù: pétämbaras tvaritam amba suhåd-ghaöäbhiù.

säpatrapam ätmagatam—embarrassed; vyaktam—manifested; eñaù—

this; bäliçaù—fool; ballavébhiù—with the gopés; iti—thus; vakñyati—will
speak; tat—therefore; enam—to him; saàjïäyä—with intelligence;
nivärayämi—I will stop; iti—thus; çiraù—head; tiraù—bent; dhünayati—He
shakes; bhoù—O; vaassa—friend; kiàti—why?; me—to Me; niväresi—do you
obstruct; jam—which; ëiccidam—clearly; ajja—now; ajjäyäù—of Your
pious mother; aggadaù-in the presence; edam—this; viëëavissam—I will
inform; svagatam—speaking to Himself; hanta—alas; lajjä—of
embarrassment; jäle—in a network; jälma—inconsiderate; dhiyä—because of
intelligence; aham—I; patitaù—fallen; asmi—am; péta—yellow; ambaraù—
garments; tvaritam—quickly gone; amba—O mother; suhåt—of His friends;
ghaöäbhiù—with multitudes.

Kåñëa: (embarrassed, He says to Himself) This fool is about to

tell about My pastimes with the gopés! I must signal him to stop.
(Kåñëa shakes His head.)

Madhumaìgala: O friend, why do You stop me as I speak to Your

saintly mother?

Kåñëa: (aside) Ah, because of this fool I have fallen into a snare
of embarrassment!

Madhumaìgala: Dear mother, I meant that Kåñëa, who wears

yellow garments, stays in the forest to play with His friends.

kåñëaù: (sänandam ätmagatam) katham anyad eväsya håd-gatam.

yaçodä: vaccha mahumaìgala, saccaà lalidä-pahudé-o ova-väli-ä-o
maha idaà kahenti tä òimbha-e hadamhi.

25 •
sänandam ätmagatam—joyful; katham—how?; anyat—else; eva—
certainly; asya—of him; håt-gatam—intention; vaccha—O child;
mahumaìgala—Madhumaìgala; saccam—truth; lalidä—Lalitä-gopé;
pahudé-aù—and the others; ova-väli-ä-aù—gopés; a—and; maha—my;
idam—this; kanhenti—describe; tä—therefore; òimbha-e—by the boys;
hadamhi—I am distressed.

Kåñëa: (joyfully He says to Himself) How can any other desire

stay in My heart?

Yaçodä: Child Madhumaìgala, it is true. Lalitä and the other

gopés tell me this. Therefore I am miserable because of these boys.

nandaù: kuöumnini, kaccid anurüpä nirüpitästi gokule käcid bälikä

yäm udvähayämo vatsam.
yaçodä: ajja, duddha-muhassa vacchassa däëià ko kkhu uvvähä-
madhumaìgalaù: (apavärya) vaassa, saccaà duddha-muho 'si jaà
duddha-luddhä-ià gova-kisoré-sahassä-ià tujjha muhaà pi-anti.
(kåñëaù smitaà karoti.)

kuöumbini—my wife; kaccit—is there; anurüpä—suitable; nirüpitä

asti—is found; gokule—in Gokula; käcit—some; bälikä—young girl; yäm—
to whom; udvähayämaù—we will marry off; vatsam—this boy; ajja—O
noble one; duddha-muhassa—of this small child accustomed to drink milk;
vacchassa—of the child; däëim—now; kaù—how?; kkhu—indeed; uvvähä-
osaraù—the proper time for marriage; apavärya—aside; vaassa—O friend;
saccam—in truth; duddha-muhaù asi—You are a small child accustomed to
drink milk; jam—which; duddha-luddhä-im—desiring to drink the milk;
gova-kisoré—of young gopés; sahasä—thousands; tujjha—Your; muham—
lips; pi-anti—drink; kåñëaù—Kåñëa; smitam karoti—smiles.

Nanda: O wife, can any suitable girl be found in Gokula to whom

we can marry our dear son?

Yaçodä: O respectable husband, He is only a little boy. The milk

is still in His mouth. Is this the right time to marry Him?

Madhumaìgala: (whispers to Kåñëa) Friend, it is true that You

have milk in Your mouth. And therefore, thousands of young gopés,
greedy for that milk, drink from Your mouth! (Kåñëa smiles.)

nandaù: vatsa, paçya paçya

26 •
ahaha kamala-gandher atra saundarya-vånde
vinihita-nayaneyaà tvan-mukhendor mukunda
kuca-kalaça-mukhäbhyäm ambara-knopam ambä
tava muhur ati-harñäd varñati kñéra-dhäräm

vatsa—O child; paçya—see; paçya—see; ahaha—O!; kamala—of the

lotus flowers; gandheù—of the fragrance; atra—here; saundarya—of beauty;
vånde—abundance; vinihita—placed; nayanä—eyes; iyam—she; tvat—
Your; mukha—of the face; indoù—of the moon; mukunda—O Mukunda;
kuca—breasts; kalaça—of the waterpotlike; mukhäbhyäm—from the necks;
ambara—garments; knopam—moistened; ambä—mother; tava—Your;
muhuù—constantly; ati-harñät—from great joy; varñati—rains; kñéra—of
milk; dhäräm—showers.

Nanda: Child, look! Look! O Mukunda, with her eyes resting in

the handsomeness of Your moon-like face, fragrant like a lotus flower,
out of great joy Your mother again and again wets her garments with
the showers of milk flowing from the pitchers of her breasts!

(iti çré-kåñëam äliìgya sänandam)

parito mayi çaitya-mädhuréà
vahati sparça-mahotsavas tava

iti—thus; çré-kåñëam—Kåñëa; äliìgya—embracing; sa-änandam—

joyfully; jita—conquered; candra-paräga—of camphor; candrikä—
moonlight; nalada—of the root of the véraëa plant; indévara—of the blue
lotus flower; candana—of sandalwood; çriyam—beauty; paritaù—
everywhere; mayi—on me; çaitya—of coolness; mädhurém—pleasentness;
vahati—carries; sparça—of touch; maha-utsavaù—great festival; tava—

(Nanda joyfully embraces Kåñëa) The great festival of Your touch

brings to me a sweet coolness that defeats that of camphor,
moonlight, nalada, blue lotus flowers, and sandal paste!

kåñëaù: täta, bubhukñäkåñöam api mat-pratékñayä svayaà tastambhe

go-kadambakaà tan nivartetäà tatra-bhavantau.
nandaù: yathäha vatsaù (iti sasnehaà kåñëam avalokyan sabhäryo

täta—O father; bubhukñä—by hunger; äkåñöam—attracted; api—

although; mat—my; pratékñayä—with expectation; svayam—personally;

27 •
tastambhe—stood still; gaù—of the cows; kadambakam—multitude; tat—
therefore; nivartetäm—should turn back; tatra—there; bhavantau—you;
yathä—as; äha—spoken; vatsaù—the child; iti—thus; sa-sneham—with
affection; kåñëam—Kåñëa; avalokyan—looking at; sa—with; bhäryaù—his
wife; niñkräntaù—he leaves.

Kåñëa: O father, pulled by hunger, the cows wait for Me. Please
return home!

Nanda: As the child says. (Affectionately gazing at Kåñëa, Nanda

and Yäsodä exit.)

kåñëaù: (puro 'valokya)

su-gandhau mäkanda-prakara-makarandasya madhure
vinisyande vandé-kåta-madhupa-våndaà muhur idam
kåtändolaà mandonnatibhir anilaiç candana-girer
mamänandaà våndä-vipinam atulaà tundilayati

puraù—ahead; avalokya—looking; su-gandhau—in the fragrance;

mäkanda-prakara—of the bunches of mango buds; makarandasya—of the
honey; madhure—sweet; vinisyande—in the oozing; vandé-kåta—turning
them into panegyrists; madhupa-våëdam—swarms of bumble-bees;
muhuù—again and again; idam—this; kåta-andolam—agitated; manda-
unnatibhiù—moving softly; anilaiù—by the breezes; candana-gireù—from
the Malaya Hills; mama—My; änandam—pleasure; våndä-vipinam—the
forest of Våndävana; atulam—very much; tundilayati—increases more and

Kåñëa: (looking ahead) With the sweet, fragrant nectar oozing

from newly grown mango buds, always attracting swarms of bumble-
bees and turning them into panegyrists, and its trembling in the softly
moving breezes from the Malaya Hills, which are full of sandalwood
trees, the forest of Våndävana increases My happiness!

rämaù: çrédäman, paçya paçya.

våndävanaà divya-latä-parétaà
latäç ca puñpa-sphuritägra-bhäjaù
puñpäëi ca sphéta-madhu-vratäni
madhu-vratäç ca çruti-häri-gétäù

çrédäman—O Çrédämä; paçya—look; paçya—look; våndävanam—the

forest of Våndävana; divya-latä-parétam—surrounded by divine creepers;
latäù ca—and the creepers; puñpa—by flowers; sphurita—distinguished;
agra-bhäjaù—possessing ends; puñpäëi—the flowers; ca—and; sphita-

28 •
madhu-vratäni—having many maddened bumble-bees; madhu-vratäù—the
bumble-bees; ca—and; çruti-häri-gétäù—whose songs defeat the Vedic
hymns and are pleasing to the ear.

Räma: O Çrédämä, this forest of Våndävana is full of divine

creepers and trees. The tops of the creepers are full of flowers, and
intoxicated bumble-bees are buzzing around them, humming songs
that please the ear and surpass even the Vedic hymns!

kåñëaù: sakhe madhumaìgala, bhavad-vidhänäm äsatti-çaàsibhir

vaàçé-gétair änandayämi våndäöavé-västavyùn. (ity adhare veëuà
rämaù: (säçcaryam) hanta, paraspara-viparyasta-svabhävänäm api
bhävänäà dharma-viparyayaù paçyata.

sakhe—O friend; madhumaìgala—Madhumaìgala; bhavat—you;

vidhänäm—of those who are like; äsatti—nearby; çaàsibhiù—sounding;
vaàçé—of the flute; gétaiù—with the songs; änandayämi—I delight; våndä-
äöavé—of the forest of Våndävna; västavyän—inhabitants; iti—thus; adhare—
to His lips; veëum—the flute; vinyasyati—He places; sa—with; açcaryam—
wonder; hanta—O; paraspara—mutual; viparyasta—opposite;
svabhävänäm—of natures; api—even; bhävänäm—of objects; dharma—
nature; viparyayaù—reverted; paçyata—just see.

Kåñëa: Friend Madhumaìgala, staying here with you and the

other cowherd boys, I will delight all the inhabitants of Våndävana
forest with the sound of My flute. (Kåñëa places the flute to His lips.)

Räma: (with wonder) Look! They acquire qualities opposite to

their nature!

jäta-stambhatayä payäàsi saritäà käöhinyam äpedire

gräväëo drava-bhäva-saàvalanataù säkñäd amé märdavam
sthairyaà vepathunä jahur muhur agäj jäòyäd gatià jaìgamäà
vaàséà cumbati hanta yämuna-taöé-kréòä-kuöumbe harau

jäta—produced; stambhatayä—with the state of being stunned;

payäàsi—waters; saritäm—of the streams; käöhinyam—hardness; äpedire—
attained; gräväëaù—stones; drava—fluid; bhäva—nature; saàvalanataù—
from the contact; säkñät—immobility; amé märdavam—??; sthairyaà—??:
vepathunä—by trembling; jahuù—abandon; muhuù—at once; agät—from
the mountain; jäòyät—from the stiffness; gatim—movement; jaìgamäm—
moving; vaàsém—flute; cumbati—when He touches to His lips; hanta—
indeed; yämuna—of the Yämuna river; taöé—on the bank; kréòä-kuöumbe—

29 •
who performs many pastimes; harau—Hari.

When Hari, enjoying pastimes on the banks of the Yamunä,

kisses His flute and starts playing, the water streams become stunned
and solid, the rocks melt, and the mountains, no longer standing still,
tremble and walk about!

madhumaìgala: hé hé accari-am
ëa-a-kusuma-ladäëaà hanta so-aà kuëanté
pivi-a mahura-vaàçé-ëäda-pi-usa-püraà
phura-i garu-a-saukkha-tthambhidä dheëu-patté

hé-hé—Hee-hee!; accari-am—how wonderful; pa-uradara—very

abundant; galanda—trickling; cchéra—of milk; kalloliëéhim—with waves;
na-a—fresh; kusuma—of flowers; ladäëam—of creepers; hanta—O; so-
am—sprinkling; kuëanté—performing; pivi-a—having drunk; mahura—
sweet; vaàçé—of the flute; ëäda—of the sound; pi-usa—of nectar; püram—
river; phura-i—is manifested; garu-a—intense; saukkha—with happiness;
tthambhidä—stunned; dheëu—of cows; patté—multitude.

Madhumaìgala: Hee-hee! How wonderful! Drinking the sweet

sound of Kåñëa's flute like a flood of nectar, the cows are stunned with
bliss, and now they are sprinkling flowers and vines with waves of

(iti kåñëaà hastena cälayan) bho pi-a-vaassa, késa ëimbbharaà

gavvä-esi. edä-e cce-a veëu-jädé-e esä ummädi-ä pa-idé. ettha uëa
ëimittamettaà kkhu tumam.

iti—thus; kåñëam—Kåñëa; hastena—by the hand; cälayan—leads;

bhaù—O!; pi-a—dear; vaassa—friend; kasi—from what?; ëimbbharam—
greatly; gavvä-esi—are You so proud; edä-e—of it; cce-a—certainly; veëu—
of bamboos; jädé-e—of the family; esä—she; unmädi-ä—intoxicating; pa-
idé—energy; ettha—here; uëa—on the contrary; nimitta—instrument;
mettam—only; kkhu—indeed; tumam—you.

(With a hand He pushes Kåñëa) Bho! Dear friend, why are You
so proud? By its very nature, this flute makes everyone mad with bliss.
You are only the flute's helper!

rundhann ambu-bhåtaç camatkåti-paraà kurvan muhus tumburuà
dhyänäd antarayan sanandana-mukhän vismäpayan vedhasam

30 •
autsukyävalibhir balià caöulayan bhogéndram äghürëayan
bhindann aëòa-kaöäha-bhitim abhito babhräma vaàçé-dhvaniù

rundhan—blocking; ambu-bhåtaù—the clouds bearing rain;

camatkåti-param—full of wonder; kurvan—making; muhuù—at every
moment; tumburum—the king of the Gandharvas, Tumburu; dhyänät—from
meditation; antarayan—disturbing; sanandana-mukhän—the great saintly
persons headed by Sanandana; vismäpayan—causing wonder; vedhasam—
even to Lord Brahmä; autsukya-ävalibhiù—with thoughts of curiosity;
balim—King Bali; caöulayan—agitating; bhogi-indram—the King of the
Nägas; äghürëayan—whirling around; bhindan—penetrating; aëòa-kaöäha-
bhitim—the strong coverings of the universe; abhitaù—all around;
babhräma—circulated; vaàçé-dhvaniù—the vibration of the flute.

(A voice in the sky:) The sound of Kåñëa's flute blocked the

movements of the rain clouds, amazed Tumburu, the king of the
Gandharvas, and disturbed the meditation of great saints headed by
Sanandana. It created wonder in Lord Brahmä, agitated the mind of
Bali Mahäräja, made Ananta Çeña whirl around, and penetrated the
strong coverings of the universe.

rämaù: (saharñam. ürdhvam avalokya svagatam) kathaà

meghäntarito 'yaà surarñiù padyam upavéëayäm äsa. (punar äkäçe
madhumaìgalaù: (ürdhvam avalokya. sabhayam) abbamhaëëaà
abbamhaëëaà. bho bho, palä-amha palä-amha.
çrédämä: vä-ula. kiàti ëiraggalaà palavasi.

sa—with; harñam—joy; ürdhvam—upwards; avalokya—looking;

svagatam—aside; katham—how?; megha—clouds; antaritah—within;
ayam—this; sura-åñih—Närada, the sage among the demigods; padyam—
verse; upavéëayäm äsa—playing upon the véëä; punah—again; äkäçe—in the
sky; kalakalaù—a rumbling sound; ürdhvam—upwards; avalokya—looking;
sa—with; bhayam—fear; abbamhaëëam—help!; abbamhaëëam—not
favourable to brähmaëas (meaning “help”, “a disgraceful deed is
perpetrated”); bho bhaù—O! O!; palä-amha—let us flee; palä-amha—let us
flee; vä-ula—O crazy fellow; kiàti—why?; niraggalam—without restraint;
palavasi—you are speaking foolishly.

Räma: (looking up, He happily says to Himself) Why does

Närada, hiding in the clouds, recite poetry and play his véëä?

(A soft indistinct sound is again manifest in the sky.)

31 •
Madhumaìgala: (looking up, frightened) Help! The enemies of
the brähmaëas! Bho! Bho! Run away! Run away!

Çrédämä: O madman, why are you screaming?

madhumaìgalaù: (ürdhvam avalokya. sabhayam) are mukkha go-äli-

ä, kià ëa pekkhasi. eso samäruòha-haàso ëaggeëa bhu-aìga-dhäriëä
keëavi vedäleëa saddhaà ca-ummuho ko vi jakkho rakkhaso vä ä-acchadi.
(punar vékñya sotkampam.) hé mäëahe, ede a acchéhià pürida-savvaìgaà
kaàpi däëaaà aggekadu-a avare asurä gaaëaà äkkamandi. tä saàkemi
hada-kaàsassa kiàkarä huvissandi. (iti saträsaà kåñëa-kakñäntare çiras

ürdhvam—upwards; avalokya—looking; sa—with; bhayam—fear;

are—O!; mukkha—fool; go-äli-ä—cowherd boy; kim—do?; ëa—not;
pekkhasi—you see; esaù—he; samäruòha—ascended; haàsaù—swan;
ëaggeëa—naked; bhu-aìga—snake; dhäriëä—holding; kenavi—by
someone; vedäleëa—ghost; saddham—accompanied; ca-ummuhaù—who
has four heads; ko yi—someone; jakkhaù—Yakña; rakkhasaù—demon; vä—
or; ä-acchadi—is coming; punah—again; vékñya—looking; sa—with;
utkampam—trembling; hé—O!; mäëane—we consider; ede—these; a—and;
acchéhim—with eyes; pürida—filled; savva-entire; aìgam—body; kaàpi—
someone; däëamaam—demon; agge-kadu-a—having placed in front;
avare—others; asurä—demons; gaaëam—the sky; äkkamandi—will enter;
tä—that; saàkemi—I believe; hada—killed; kaàsassa—of Kaàsa;
kiàkarä—servants; huvissandi—will become; iti—thus; sa—with; träsam—
fear; kåñëa—of Kåñëa; kakña—on the side; çiraù—head; tirayati—conceals.

Madhumaìgala: (frightened, looking upwards) O foolish

cowherd, don't you see? Riding on a swan, and accompanied by a
naked ghost holding a snake, a four-headed yakña or räkñasa
approaches us!

(Madhumaìgala looks again and trembles) Led by the Dänava

whose body is covered by eyes, all those demons are about to attack
us from the sky! I think they are the servants of dead Kaàsa!

(Frightened Madhumaìgala hides behind Kåñëa.)

kåñëaù: (svagatam) katham ete veëu-näda-mädhurébhir äkåñöäù

payoda-véthém avagähante diçäm adhéçäù. (iti punar veëuà kvaëayati).

svagatam—aside; katham—how?; ete—these; veëu—of the flute;

näda—of the sound; mädhurébhiù—by the sweetness; äkåñöäù—attracted;

32 •
payoda—of clouds; véthém—multitude; avagähante—enter deeply; diçäm—
of the directions; adhéçäù—controllers; iti—thus; punaù—again; veëum—the
flute; kvaëayati—He plays.

Kåñëa: (to Himself) Why, attracted by the sweetness of My flute-

music, do the controllers of the directions now hide in the clouds? (He
again plays the flute.)

madhumaìgalaù: (vilokya socchväsam ätmagatam) ede duööha-däëa-

ä vaassassa veëu-sadda-metteëa vimhalä bhavi-a sajjhaseëa mujjhanti. tä
jé-ido mhi. (iti säöopaà parikramya prakäçam.) re re duööhä asurä, ciööhada.
eso haà säveëa cäveëa vä tumhäëaà muëòä-im khaëòemi. (iti daëòam
udyamya muhur ürdhvaà kürdati.)

vilokya—seeing; sa—with; ucchväsam—a deep breath; ätmagatam—

attained; ede—these; duööha—wicked; däëa-ä—demons; vaassassa—of my
dear friend; veëu—of the flute; sadda—of the sound; metteëa—by only;
vimhalä—agitated; bhavi-a—having become; sajjhasena—with fear;
mujjhanti—become bewildered; tä—therefore; jé—alive; mhi—I am; iti—
thus; sa—with; ätopam—with pride; parikramya—strutting about;
prakäçam—openly; re re—O! O!; duööhä—wicked; asurä—demons; ciööhada
ciööhada—Stand! Stand!; esaù—he; ham—I; sävena—by the curse; cäveëa—
by the bow; vä—or; tumhäëam—your; muëòä-im—heads; khaëòemi—I
will break; iti—thus; dandam—a stick; udyamya—shaking; muhuh—for a
moment; kurdati—jumps.

Madhumaìgala: (looking and sighing with relief). These wicked

demons have become bewildered by the sound of My dear friend's
flute and now they are overcome with fear! I am alive! (Proudly
strutting about) O wicked demons, stand! Stand! Be damned! I will
break your heads with my bow! (Shaking a stick, Madhumaìgala
jumps about.)

rämaù: (vihasya) vayasya, maivaà bravéù. etau bhagavantau hara-

hiraëyagarbhau. savyataç cämé purandarädayo våndärakäù.
madhumaìgalaù: suööhu. (samäçvasya) bho, jäëanteëa cce-a ma-e
edaà paòihasidam. tado tumhemià kkhu rakkhasa-buddhi-e bhélu-ehià
palä-iduà pa-uttam.
kåñëaù: (smitvä) haàho devänäm-priya, nijäm eva jälmatäà teñu

vihasya—smiling; mä—don't; evam—in this way; bravéù—speak;

etau—these; bhagaantau—lords; hara—Çiva; hiraëyagarbhau—and
Brahmä; savyataù—on the left; ca—and; amé—these; purandara—Indra;

33 •
ädayaù—and other demigods; våndärakäù—leaders of the demigods;
suööhu—clearly; samäçvasya—sighing with relief; bhaù—O!; jäëanteëa—
undertansding; cce-a—certainly; ma-e—by me; edam—this; paòihasidam—
laughable; tadaù—therefore; tumhemim—by you; kkhu—indeed;
rakkhasa—Räkñasa; buddhi-e—with the conception; bhélu-ehim—by the
frightened; palä-idum—to flee; pa-uttam—begun; smitvä—smiling;
haàhaù—O!; devänäm—of the demigods; priya—dear; nijäm—own; eva—
certainly; jälmatäm—foolishness; teçu—on them; saìkrämayasi—you

Räma: (smiling) Friend, don't talk like that. These two person are
Brahmä and Çiva, and on their left are Indra and other demigods.

Madhumaìgala: Indeed! (He sighs with relief.) I knew that. I was

only joking, but you got scared. Thinking the demigods were räkñasas,
you were going to run away in fear!

Kåñëa: (smiling) O friend of the demigods, in others you see your

own foolishness.

rämaù: paçyata paçyata.

añöäbhiù çruti-puöakair nava-vaiëava-käkaléà kalayan
çata-dhåtir api dhåti-mukto maräla-påñöhe muhur luöhati

paçyata paçyata—look! Look!; añöäbhiù—eight; çruti-puöakaiù—with

ears; nava—new; vaiëava—from the flute; käkalém—music; kalayan—
hearing; çata-dhåtiù—Lord Brahmä, who performed a hundred sacrifices;
api—even; dhåti—from composure; muktaù—free; maräla—of the swan;
påñöhe—on the back; muhuh—constantly; luöhati—rolls.

Räma: Look! Look! With eight ears, Brahma listens to Kåñëa's

flute-music, and, overcome with ecstasy, rolls about on the back of his

(äkäçe punar véëä-gétiù)

udite hari-vaktrendau
hanta rudra-samudreëa
sva-maryädä vilaìghitä

äkäçe—in the sky; punaù—again; véëä—of the vina; gétiù—music;

udite—arisen; hari—of Hari; vaktra—of the face; indau—the moon; veëu—
of the flute; näda—of the sound; sudhä—nectar; muci—emitting; hanta—O;
rudra—of Lord Çiva; samudreëa—by the ocean; sva—own; maryädä—limits;

34 •

(Again the sounds of the véëä and singing in the sky.) Ah! When,
emitting the nectar of flute music, the moon of Hari's face rises, the
ocean of the Lord Çiva floods beyond it's boundaries!

sotkaëöhaà muralé-kalä-parimalän äkarëya ghürëat-tanor
etasyäkñi-sahasrataù sura-pater açrüëi sasrur bhuvam
citraà väri-dharän vinäpi tarasä yair adya dhärämayair
dürät paçyata deva-mätåkam abhüd våndäöavé-maëòalam

sa—with; utkaëöham—ardent longing; muralé—of the flute; kalä—of

the artistry; parimalän—sweet aroma; äkarëya—having heard; ghürëat—
shaking; tanoù—body; etasya—of him; akñi—from the eyes; sahasrataù—
thouusands; sura—of the demigods; pateù—of the king (Indra); açrüëi—
tears; sasruù—flowed; bhuvam—to the earth; citram—wonderful; väri-
dharän—rainclouds; vinä—without; api—even; tarasä—quickly; yaih—by
which; adya—today; dhärä-mayaih—consisting of rains; dürät—from a great
distance; paçyata—look; deva-mätåkam—moistened only by rain-water;
abhüt—became; våndäöavé—of the forest of Våndävana; maëòalam—circle.

Räma: Just see the wonder! Eagerly hearing the sound of Kåñëa's
flute, Indra, the king of heaven, is trembling and crying out of ecstasy!
Though the sky is clear of clouds, Våndävana has been nourished by
showers made of these tears!

kåñëaù: (svagatam) puräëänäm améñäà purastäd vihäre saìkucanti

me ceto-våttavyaù. tad agre yämi. (iti taruëäm antaram äsädya prakäçam.)
sakhe madhumaìgala, paçya mädhavéyäà vana-mädhurém.

svagatam—aside; puränäëäm—of elderly persons; améñäm—of these;

purastät—in the presence; vihäre—in pastimes; saìkucanti—shrink; me—
my; cetaù—of the mind; våttayaù—activities; tat—therefore; agre—ahead;
yämi—I will go; iti—thus; tarüëäm—of trees; antaram—under; äsädya—
goes; prakäçam—clearly; sakhe—O friend; madhumaìgala—
Madhumaìgala; paçya—look; mädhavéyäm—in the spring; vana—of the
forest; mädhurém—the charming beauty.

Kåñëa: (to Himself) I feel uncomfortable and can't play freely in

the presence of demigods. I will go ahead. (He goes under trees.) O
friend Madhumaìgala, look at the sweetness of the forest in spring!

kvacid bhåìgé-gétaà kvacid anila-bhaìgé-çiçiratä

35 •
kvacid vallé-läsyaà kvacid amala-mallé-parimalaù
kvacid dhärä-çälé karaka-phala-pälé-rasa-bharo
håñékäëäà våndaà pramadayati våndävanam idam

kvacit—somwhere; bhåìgé-gétam—the humming songs of the bumble-

bees; kvacit—somewhere; anila-bhaìgé-çiçiratä—coolness from the waves of
the mild breezes; kvacit—somewhere; amala-mallé-parimalaù—the pure
fragrance of the mallikä flowers; kvacit—somewhere; dhärä-çälé—abounding
in showers; karaka-phala-pälé—of pomegranate fruits; rasa-bharaù—sweet
juice; håñékänäm—of the senses; våndam—to the group; pramadayati—is
giving pleasure; våndävanam—the forest of Våndävana; idam—this.

My dear friend, this forest of Våndävana is giving great pleasure

to our senses! Somewhere bumble-bees are singing, and in some
places gentle cool breezes are blowing. Somewhere the creepers and
tree branches are dancing, the mallikä flowers are spreading a pure
fragrance, and sweet juice is constantly flowing from ripe

madhumaìgalaù: bho vaassa, edä paduööha-bhiìgi-bhaankari-e kià

kaudühalaà tujjha vundäöa-i-e, ahaà kkhu ca-uvvihehià aëëehià savv-
indi-ahäriëéà go-ulesari-e rasava-ià jjevva daööhüëa raïjemi.

bhaù—O; vaassa—friend; edä—these; paduööha—wicked; bhiìgi—

bumble-bees; bhaankari-e—causing fear; kim—what is the use?; me—to me;
kaudühalam—delight; tujjha—Your; vundäöa-i-e—of the forest of
Våndävana; aham—I; kkhu—certainly; ca-uvvihehim—with four kinds;
aëëehim—of foodstuffs; savv-indi-a—all the senses; häriëém—attracting; go-
ula—of Gokula; ésari-e—by the queen (mother Yaçodä); rasava-im—
palatable; jjevva—indeed; daööhüëa—seeing; ränjemi—I become overjoyed.

Madhumaìgala: O dear friend, how can I be happy in Your

Våndävana forest filled with angry bumble-bees? I become happy only
when I see the four kinds of delicious food that pleases all the senses,
cooked by Gokula's queen!

kåñëaù: vayasya, vandasya våndäöavém eva. sphutam asyäù puräëa-

vallarébhir api taväbhéñöaà phalam ulläsayituà samarthyate.

vayasya—O friend; vandasya—you should offer obeisances; våndä-

äöavém—to the forest of Våndävna; eva—certainly; sphuöam—clearly; asyäù—
of it; puräëa—ancient; vallarébhiù—by creepers; api—even; tava—your;
abhéñöam—desired; phalam—fruit; ulläsayitum—to manifest; samarthyate—
is able.

36 •
Kåñëa: Friend, you should bow down before Våndävana forest.
Its ancient vines can fulfill any your desire.

madhumaìgalaù: bho pi-a-vaassa, tumaà saccaväditti savva-lo-ehià

bhaëijjasi. tä imassa tujjha vaaëassa ma-e parécchä kädavvä. (ity aïjalià
badhvä) bho vallaré-e, esohaà vandämi. buhukkhido me vaasso. tä dentu

bhaù—O; pi-a—dear; vaassa—friend; tumam—you; saccaväditti—as

one who speaks the truth; savva—all; lo-ehim—by the people; bhaëijjasi—
are described; tä—therefore; imassa—of this; tujjha—Your; vaaëassa—of the
words; ma-e—by me; parécchä—investigation; kädavvä—should be done;
iti—thus; aïjalim baddhvä—he folds his hands; bhaù—O; vallaré-e—
creepers; esoham—I; vandämi—offer obeisances to you; buhukkhidaù—
hungry; me—my; vaassaù—friend; tä—therefore; dentu—may give; khaëòa-
laòòu-ä-im—laòòu candies.

Madhumaìgala: Dear friend, everyone says You are very honest.

Now I will see if it's true. (Madhumaìgala folds his hands) O vines of
Våndävana forest, I bow down before you! My friend is very hungry,
please give Him many sweet laòòu candies!

(praviçya modaka-pätra-hastä paurëamäsé)

paurëamäsé: candränana, gåhäëa rasajïämodakän abhün modakäh.
rämaù: (sasmitam) vayasya, dåñöä jarad-vallaré-vadänyatä.
paurëamäsé: saìkarñaëa, jarad-ballavé-vadänyateti bhaëyatäm.
kåñëaù: ärye, keyaà jarad-ballavé.
paurëamäsé: candramukha, mukharä.

praviçya—entering; modaka—candies; pätra—plate; hastä—in her

hand; paurëamäsé—Paurëamäsé; candra—moon; änana—face; gåhäëa—
please take; rasajïa—to the epicures; ämodakän—delighting; amun—these;
modakän—candies; sa—with; smitam—a smile; vayasya—O friend; dåñöä—
seen; jarat—ancient; vallaré—of the creeper; vadänyatä—generosity;
sänkarçaëa—O Balaräma; jarat—ancient; ballavé—gopé; vadänyatä—
generosity; iti—thus; bhaëyatäm—may be described; ärye—O pious woman;
kä—who?; iyam—this; jarat—elderly; ballavé—gopé; candra—moon;
änana—face; mukharä—Mukharä-gopé.

(Carrying a plate of sweets in her hand, Paurëamäsé enters.)

Paurëamäsé: O moon-faced boy, please take these sweet candies.

37 •
Räma: (smiling) Friend, see the generosity of this ancient vine!

Paurëamäsé: Balaräma, everyone says that elderly gopé is very


Kåñëa: O noble lady, which elderly gopé do you mean?

Paurëamäsé: It is Mukharä-gopé, O moon-faced one.

kåñëaù: tayä kim akäëde khaëòa-laòòukäni samarpitäni.

paurëamäsé: naptré tävad etayä abhimanyoù päëau pariëäyitä. tad-
utsaväbhirüpaù samudäcäro 'yam anusasre.

tayä—by her; kim—what?; akäëòe—unexpectedly; khaëòa-

laòòukäni—candies; samarpitämi—offered; naptré—grand-daughter;
tävat—so much; etayä—by her; abhimanyoù—of Abhimanyu; päëau—the
hand; pariëäyitä—accepted in marriage; tat—of that; utsava—festival;
abhirüpaù—corresponding; samudäcäraù—gift; ayam—this; anusasre—
following the custom.

Kåñëa: Why does she unexpectedly send these laòòu candies to


Paurëamäsé: Her granddaughter was married to Abhimanyu.

Following tradition, she is distributing gifts to celebrate.

kåñëaù: keyaà naptré.

paurëamäsé: rädhikäbhidhäna käcid änanda-kaumudé.

kä—who?; iyam—this; naptré—granddaughter; rädhikä—Rädhä;

abhidhänä—named; käcit—some girl; änanda—bliss; kaumudé—

Kåñëa: Who is her granddaughter?

Pauånamäsé: Her name is Rädhikä, and She is delightful like


kåñëaù: (saromäncaà svagatam) çrutaà nünam ambayoù saàväde

çaçvad asyäù sauñöhavam. (iti kampamäno vréòäà näöayati.)
paurëamäsé: (svagatam) kåñëaà vilakñam avekñya nünaà rämaù
savyäjam asau savyataù prayäti.

Balaräma uses the word "jarad-vallaré" (ancient vine), but Paurëamäsé says "jarad-ballavé" (elderly

38 •
sa-romaïcam—hairs standing upright; svagatam—aside; çrutam—
heard; nünam—just now; ambayoù—of the two mothers (Yaçodä and
Rohiëé); saàväde—in the conversation; çaçvat—constantly; asyäh—her;
sauñöhavam—superexcellent beauty and qualities; iti—thus; kampamänaù—
trembling; vréòäm—bashfulness; näöayati—represents dramatically;
svagatam—aside; kåñëam—Kåñëa; vilakñam—bashful; aveksya—having
noticed; nünam—now; rämaù—Balaräma; savyäjam—cleverly; asau—this;
savyataù—from the left side; prayäti—goes.

Kåñëa: (the hairs of His body stand on end, and He says to

Himself) In the talk of My two mothers I heard how beautiful this girl
is. (He becomes embarrassed and trembles.)

Paurëamäsé: (aside) Seeing Kåñëa's embarrassment, on some

pretext clever Balaräma stepped aside.

kåñëaù: (punar ätmagatam) vikriyäà saìgopayituà prasaìgäntaram

aìgé-kuryäm. (prakäçam) ärye, adya madhu-väsare tvayäpi käcin
mahotsava-lakñmér alaìkriyatäm. paçya jarad-vallé-çreëér iyaà phullä
pallavitä ca.

punaù—again; ätma-gatam—to Himself; vikriyäm—this

transformation; saìgopayitum—to conceal; prasaìga—love; antaram—
within; angé-kuryäm—may I accept; prakäçam—openly; ärye—O pious
woman; adya—today; madhu—pleasant; väsare—day; tvayä—by you; api—
certainly; käcit—some; mahä—great; utsava—festival; lakñméù—opulences;
alaìkriyatäm—decorated; paçya—just see; jarat—ancient; vallé—of
creepers; çreëéù—multitudes; iyam—this; phulläù—abounding in flowers;
pallavitäù—blossomed; ca—and.

Kåñëa: (again says to Himself) To conceal these ecstatic

symptoms, I should change the subject of our talking. (Openly) O
noble lady, because of your coming, this spring day has become
decorated with a great festival of beauty. Look how these ancient vines
are blossoming with many flowers!

paurëamäsé: (sasmitam) nägara, tavaiva mahotsvänäm avasaro 'yaà

samvåttaù. yad atra puñpäëäà pallavänäà ca tåñëayä ballavänäà
viläsinyaù sameñyanti.

sa—with; smitam—a smile; nägara—O hero; tava—Your; eva—

certainly; mahä—great; utsavänäm—of festivals; avasaraù—opportunity;
ayam—this; samrötaù—arrived; yat—which; atra—here; puñpäëäm—of

39 •
flowers; pallavänäm—of buds; ca—and; tåñëayä—by the desire;
ballavänäm—of the cowherd men; viläsinyaù—the beautiful wives;
sameñyanti—will assemble.

Paurëamäsé: (smiling) O hero, the auspicious moment of Your

great festival has come. Thirsting to gather many flowers and leaves,
the playful gopés will soon come here.

kåñëaù: (sasmitaà tiryag avekñya.) ärye, tataù kim.

paurëamäsé: (vihasya) viläsin, sva-väsanänusäräd anyathä mä
çaìkiñöäù. param evam abhipräyämi. tatas täsäà çünyeñu sadmasu
sakhibhis te sukham apahartavyäni gavyäni.

sa—with; smitam—a smile; tiryak—crookedly; avekñya—looking;

ärye—O pious woman; tataù kim—how is that?; vihasya—laughing; viläsin—
O playful boy; sva—own; väsanä—desire; anusärät—because of the nature;
anyathä—otherwise; mä—don't; çaìkiñöäù—be afraid; param—other;
evam—certainly; abhipräyä asmi—I intend; tataù—therefore; täsäm—of
them; çünyeñu—empty; sadmasu—in the houses; sakhibhiù—with friends;
te—Your; sukham—happily; apahartavyäni—will be stollen; gavyäni—milk

Kåñëa: (smiling, He looks at her with crooked eyes.) Noble lady,

how is that?

Paurëamäsé: (laughing) Playful boy, don't worry. It is not against

Your desires. I will say what I mean. When they come here, You and
Your friends can happily steal the butter and yogurt from their empty

kåñëaù: dhürte, kià parihasyate. paçya komala-maïjarém

avacinvaténäà ballavénäà maëòalena khaëòitäni me våndäöavé-çäkhi-
viöapäni. tad etäs te niväraëéyäù.

dhuåte—O cunning; kim—why?; parihasyate—is there laughter;

paçya—just look; komala—gentle; maïjarém—blossom; avacinvaténäm—
collecting; ballavénäm—of the gopés; maëòalena—by the multitude;
khaëòitäni—broken; me—My; våndä-äöavé—in the forest of Våndävana;
çäkhi-viöapäni—branches and twigs; tat—therefore; etäù—they te—by you;
niväraëéyäù—should be prevented.

Kåñëa: O cunning woman, why do you laugh? Look! The

branches and twigs in My Våndävana forest were broken by these
gopés picking the tender blossoms! It is your duty to stop them!

40 •
paurëamäsé: mohana, navya-stabakottaàsinä bhavataiva samulläsito
'yaà kusumeçu-rägo ballavénäm. täù katham ito niväryatäm.

mohana—O charming boy; navya—fresh; stabaka—bunches of

flowers; uttamsina—wearing a crown; bhavata—by You; eva—certainly;
samullasitah—delighted; ayam—this; kusumesu—in the flowers (or amorous
feelings); ragah—attachment; ballavinam—of the gopis; tah—them;
katham—how; itah—therefore; nivaryatam—may they be restrained;

Paurëamäsé: O charming boy, it is because You have decorated

your crown with bunches of flowers that these gopés are so eager to
obtain them! How can I stop these girls?

Or: O enchanting boy, it is because You have decorated your

crown with bunches of flowers that these gopés have become filled
with amorous desires! How can I stop them?

kåñëaù: (smitvä) ayi bäläkä-valakña-keçi. kathopakramäd vakram eva

panthänam adhirüòhäsi. yad aparädhikäsv api ballavéñu pakña-pätaà na

smitvä—smiling; ayi—O; baläkä—of cranes; valakña—white; keçi—

hairs; kathä—of speech; upakramät—from the activity; vakram—crooked;
eva—certainly; panthänam—path; adhirüòhä—ascended; asi—you are;
yat—because; aparädhikäsu—offenders; api—although; ballavéçu—gopés;
pakña-pätam—taking their side; na—not; muïcasi—you abandon.

Kåñëa: O woman with hair as white as a crane's feathers, with

these words you walk a crooked path. Although these gopés are
offenders, you don't give up your affection for them.

paurëamäsé: sundara, samprati sarädhikäù khalu ballavyaù katham

aparädhikäù santu. tena te priyasya punnägasyäpi sumanasteyaà haöhena

sundara—O beautiful boy; samprati—at the present time; sa—

accompanied by; rädhikäù—Rädhä; khalu—indeed; ballavyaù—gopés;
katham-how?; aparadhikäù—offenders; santu—have become; tena—by
that; te—of You; priyasya—dear; punnägasya—of the punnäga tree; api—
only; sumanah—flower; steyam—theft; haöhena—by force; kariçyanti—will

Paurëamäsé: O handsome boy, how is it that Rädhikä and the

41 •
gopés became offenders? They will only steal a few flowers from Your
favorite punnäga tree!

Or: They will only steal the mind of You, the best of youths!

kåñëaù: (svagatam) hanta, kathaà maëohäriëé saiva daivät punar

ävartate rädhikä-värtä.
madhumaìgalaù: (svagatam) kahaà ränéti ëäma-matta-eëa
unmaëä-edi eso. (prakäçam) bho vaassa, mä kkhu imä-e uvari ëibbharaà
satiëëo hohi.

svagatam—aside; hanta—O; katham—how?; manohäriëé—

enchanting to the mind; sä—she; eva—certainly; daivät—because of fate;
punaù—again; ävartate—turns; rädhikä—of Rädhä; värtä—news;
svagatam—aside; kaham—how?; rähéti—Rädhä; näma—the name; matta-
eëa—only by; unmanä-edi—is agitated; esaù—He; prakäçam—openly;
bhaù—O; vaassa—friend; mä—don't; kkhu—indeed; imä-e—of this; uvari—
in regard; ëibbharam—excessively; satiëëaù—full of desire; hohi—become.

Kåñëa: (to Himself) Ah! Destiny again brought Me news of

Rädhikä, news that enchants My mind!

Madhumaìgala: (aside) Why does the name “Rädhä” excite Him

so much? (Openly) Friend, don't become so thirsty after this!

kåñëaù: (sapraëaya-roñam) dhig väcäla, kuträhaà satåñëaù.

madhumaìgalaù: bho, mä kuppaha. sarasä-e manoharälé-e uvari tti

sa—with; praëaya—love; roñam—anger; dhik—fie!; väcäla—O

talkative one; kutra—from what?; aham—I; sa-tåñëaù—full of desire; bhaù—
O; mä—don't; kuppaha—become angry; sarasä-e—beautiful; manoharälé-
e—who is attracting the mind; uvari—in relation to; tti—thus; bhaëämi—I am

Kåñëa: (with loving anger) O talkative friend! After what do I


Madhumaìgala: Bho! Don't be angry! I was talking about these

sweet "manoharä" candies.

Or: Bho! Don't be angry! I was talking about one attractive gopé
who stole Your mind!

42 •
kåñëaù: sakhe, bhränto 'si. nemäni manoharäkhyäni kintu
mauktikäkhyäni laòòukäni.
madhumaìgalaù: (vihasya) pi-a-vaassa, ëa kkhu ahaà bhamiséle
rähä-cakked vaööämi. kudo bhamissam.

sakhe—O friend; bhräntaù—bewildered; asmi—I am; na—not;

imäni—these; manohara—manohara; äkhyäni—named; kintu—but;
mauktika—mauktika (similar to pearls); äkhyäni—named; laòòukäni—
laòòu candies; vihasya—laughing; pi-a—dear; vaassa—friend; ëa—not;
kkhu—indeed; aham—I; bhami—bewildering; séle—nature; rähä—of Rädhä
(Visäkhä); cakke—constellation; vaööämi—situated; kudaù—from what
cause?; bhamissam—to become bewildered.

Kåñëa: O friend, you misunderstood. These candies are not

called "manoharä", but "mauktika".

Madhumaìgala: (laughs) Friend, I am not affected by the Rädhä

constellation, which has a bewildering nature! How could I make

paurëamäsé: (svagatam) satyaà parihasyate baöunä, yad eña

bhävodvåtta-ceto-våttitayä vailakñya-bhäg abhilakñyate tad adya pürëa-
käàasmi. (prakäçam) sundara, kåtam atrotkaëöhayä. sä viñëu-pada-véthé-
saïcäriëé rädhä nå-loke kena labhyatäm.

svagatam—aside; satyam—in truth; parihasyate—joked; baöunä—by

this boy; yat—because; eñaù—He; bhäva—by feelings; udvåtta—expanded;
cetaù—heart; våttitayä—by the activity; vailakñya-bhäk—embarrassed;
abhilakñyate—appears; tat—therefore; pürëa—fulfilled; kämä—desires;
asmi—I am; prakäçam—openly; sundara—O beautiful boy; kåtam—
performed; atra—here; utkaëöhayä—with longings; sä—she; viñëu—of Lord
Viñëu; pada-véthé—the domain (the sky); saïcäriëé—moving; rädhä—Rädhä;
nå—of humans; loke—on the sphere; kena—by what?; labhyatäm—can be

Paurëamäsé: (to Herself) Madhumaìgala teases Kåñëa, whose

heart overcome with emotions, and now Kåñëa is embarrassed. Today
all my desires are fulfilled. (Openly) O handsome boy, what is the use
of this longing? How can anyone in the world of humans attain the
Rädhä constellation wandering in the sky?4

kåñëaù: (sasmitam. viñëu-pada-véthém avekñya rämam anusarpan.)

"O handsome boy, how can You attain Rädhä while staying here with your cowherd boy friends?"

43 •
ärya, vyatéteyaà madhyähna-maryäda. tataù kälindé-tére. 'vatérya
samäpäyantu bhavantaù paçünäm äpänéya-tåñëäm. svadayantu ca svädüni
laòòukäni. mayä tu suhåttamäbhyäà çrédäma-subaläbhyäà saha
muhürtam agrato viçramitavyam. (rämaù sakhibhiù saha niñkrantaù).

sa—with; smitam—a smile; viñëu-pada-véthém—at the sky; avekñya—

looking; rämam—to Balaräma; anusarpan—gooing; ärye—O noble Räma;
vyatéta—passed; madhya-ahna—the middle of the day; maryädä—the limit;
tataù—therefore; kälindé—of the Yamunä river; tére—on the shore;
avatérya—having gone; samäpayantu—should bring to an end; bhavantaù—
You; paçünäm—of the cows; äpänéya—for water; tåñëäm—thirst;
svadayantu—may relish; ca—and; svädüni—delicious; laòòukäni—laòòu
candies; mayä—by Me; tu—but; suhåttamäbhyäm—with the two dear
friends; çrédäma—Çrédämä; subaläbhyäm—and Subala; saha—along with;
muhürtam—a moment; agrataù—in front; viçramitavyam—should rest;
rämaù—Balaräma; sakhibhiù—by the friends; saha—accompanied;

Kåñëa: (smiling, He glances at the sky and then approaches

Räma) O noble brother, it is already late. Please take the cows to the
Yamunä's shore, let them satisfy their thirst, and enjoy these tasty
laòòu sweets with the cowherd boys. I will rest for a while with my
dear friends Çrédämä and Subala.

(Räma and the cowherd boys exit.)

paurëamäsé: (svagatam) mayäpi praticchandasya siddhim

avadhärayituà gantavyam. (iti kåñëam abhinandya parikrämati).

svagatam—aside; mayä—by me; api—even; praticchandasya—of a

picture; siddhim—perfection; avadhärayitum—to understand; gantavyam—
should be gone to; iti—thus; kåñëam—Kåñëa; abhinandya—having greeted;

Paurëamäsé: (aside) I should go and see if the picture of Kåñëa is

finished. (Saying farewell to Kåñëa she exits.)

kåñëaù: (padäntare sthitvä). sakhe çrédäman, kià dåñöa-pürvä te jagad-

apurvä rädhä.
(çrédämä salajja-smitam mukham avaïcayati).
subalaù: vaassa, diööha-püvvetti kià etti-aà bhaëäsi. ëa imassa vahiëé
kkhu esä.

pada—a step; antare—within; sthitvä—having stood; sakhe—O friend;

44 •
çrédäman—Çrédämä; kim—have; dåñöa—seen; pürvä—before; jagat—in the
universe; apurvä—unprecedented; rädhä—Rädhä; çrédämä—Çrédämä; sa-
lajja—embarrassed; smitam—smile; mukham—face; vancayati—lowers;
vaassa—O friend; diööha—seen; püvvetti—before; kim—what?; etti-am—in
this way; bhaëasi—are You saying; na—indeed; imassa—his; vahiëé—sister;
kkhu—certainly; esä—she.

Kåñëa: (takes one step, and then pauses) Friend Çrédämä, have
you ever seen this Rädhä, the most beautiful girl in the universe?

(Smiling with embarrassment, Çrédämä lowers his face.)

Subala: Friend, why do You ask if he has seen her? Rädhä is his

kåñëaù: tad ehi. kñaëam atra kadamba-sambädhe rodhasi niviçya

rädhänudhävanäd udvegi ceto vaàçi-vädana-vinodenäyataù kñipämi.
(iti niñkrantäù.)

tat—therefore; ehi—please go; kñaëam—a moment; atra—here;

kadamba—of kadamba trees; sambädhe—full; rodhasi—on the shore;
niviçya—having stopped; rädhä—Rädhä; anubhävanät—because of anxious
thought; udvegi—with the pastimes; anyataù—in some other place;
kñipämi—I will throw; iti—thus; niñkrantäù—they exit.

Kåñëa: Come. Let us go under these kadamba trees by the

riverbank. I will absorb my mind, agitated by thoughts of Rädhä, in
playing the flute.

(They exit.)

paurëamäsé: (parikramya puraù paçyanté paçyanté sänandam.)

katham ita eva vayasyayä vihasyamäëa vikréòati me vatseyaà rädhikä. (iti
latäntare sthitvä).

parikramya—having circumambulated; puraù—before the eyes;

paçyanté—seeing; sa—with; änandam—delight; katham—how?; itaù—here;
eva—certainly; vayasyayä—with a friend; vihasyamänä—being made to
laugh; vikréòati—playing; me—my; vatsä—daughter; iyam—this; rädhikä—
Rädhä; iti—thus; latä—the creeper; antare—within; sthitvä—having stood.

Paurëamäsé: (walking about, she looks ahead and becomes

joyful.) Why is my child Rädhä here, joking with Her sakhi? (She hides
behind a vine.)

45 •
baläd akñnor lakñmiù kavalayati navyaà kuvalayaà
mukholläsaù phullaà kamala-vanam ullaìghayati ca
daçäà kañöäm añöä-padam api nayaty äìgika-rucir
vicitraà rädhäyäù kim api kila rüpaà vilasati

balät—by force; akñnoù—of the two eyes; läkñméù—the beauty;

kavalayati—devours; navyam—fresh; kuvalayam—lotus flower; mukha-
ulläsaù—the beauty of the face; phullam—fructified; kamala-vanam—a
forest of lotus flowers; ullaìghayati—surpasses; ca—also; daçäm—to a
situation; kañtäm—painful; añöä-padam—gold; api—even; nayati—brings;
äìgika-ruciù—the luster of the body; vicitram—wonderful; rädhäyäù—of
Rädhä; kim api—some; kila—certainly; rüpam—the beauty; vilasati—

Rädhä's eyes have absorbed the beauty of the new blue lotuses,
the shining of Her face surpasses that of an entire forest of fully
blossomed lotus flowers, and Her bodily luster shames even gold.
Thus the wonderful beauty of Rädhä is manifested here.

tad etayor nirmala-narma-goñöhé-pratibandhaà parihanté vérun-

niruddhenädhunä viçäkhäà yämi.
(iti niñkrantä.)

tat—therefore; etayoù—of the two; nirmala—pure; narma—joking;

goñöhé—conversation; pratibandham—in relation to; parharanté—shunning;
virut—by the creepers; niruddhena—hidden; adhunä—now; viçäkhäm—to
Viñäkhä-gopé; yämi—I will go; iti—thus; niñkrantä—she exits.

Without interrupting their joyful conversation, I will go, hidden

by these vines, to Viçäkhä.

(Paurëamäsé exits.)

(tataù praviçati lalitayänugamyamänä rädhikä.)

rädhikä: halä lalide kià karedi ajji-ä.
lalitä: sahi, tuha surade-assa pü-äkide esä tamäla-tale vedi-aà

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; lalitayä—by Lalitä; anugamyamämä—

followed; rädhikä—Rädhä; halä—O; lalide—Lalitä; kim—what?; karedi—is
doing; ajji-ä—the noble-gopi; sahi—O friend; tuha—your; sura-de-assa—of
the sun-god; pü-ä—worship; kide—performed; esä—she; tamäla—of a
tamala tree; tale—at the base; vedi-am—altar; ëimmädi—is constructing.

46 •
(Followed by Lalitä, Rädhä enters.)

Rädhikä: Lalitä, what is the noble lady doing?

Lalitä: Sakhi, under that tamäla tree she is making an altar to

worship the sun-god.

rädhikä: (puro 'valokya) halä lalide, saìkemi sä cce-a esä vundäòa-é

jä-e mähuré tu-e puëo puëo mama vaëëé-adi.
lalitä: halä, sä jjeva esä kaëhassa lélä-rukha-väòi-ä.

puraù—ahead; avalokya—looking; halä—O; lalide—Lalitä; saìkemi—

I think; sä—this; cce-a—certainly; esä—this; vundäòa-é—the forest of
Våndävana; jä-e—of which; mähuré—beauty; tu-e—by you; puëo puëaù—
again and again; mama—of me; vaëëé-adi—is described; halä—O; sä—this;
jjeva—certainly; esä—this; kaëhassa—of Kåñëa; lélä—for pastimes; rukkha—
tree; väòi-ä—banyan.

Rädhikä: (looking ahead) O Lalitä, I think this must be

Våndävana forest, whose sweetness you have repeatedly described!

Lalitä: Sakhi, this is the banyan tree under which Kåñëa enjoys

rädhikä: (sautsukyam ätmagatam) aho mahurattaà doëaà

accharäëam. (prakäçam) sahi, kassa tti bhaëäsi.
lalitä: (säküta-smitam) halä, bhaëämi kaëhassa tti.

sa—with; autsukyam—agitation; ätma-gatam—aside; ahaù—O;

mahurattam—sweetness; doëam—of the two; accharäëam—syllables;
prakäçam—openly; sahi—O friend; kassa—of whom?; tti—thus; bhaëäsi—
are you speaking; sa—with; äküta—a purpose; smitam—smiled; halä—O;
bhaëämi—I say; kaëhassa—of Kåñëa; tti—thus.

Rädhikä: (agitated, She says to Herself) Ah, what sweetness in

these two syllables! (Openly) Sakhi, who are you talking about?

Lalitä: (smiling slyly) I am talking about Kåñëa.

rädhikä: (punaù svagatam) hanta jassa ëämävi rämäcittaà itthaà

mohedi so kkhu kédiso vä ëämi tti. (iti sävahitthaà prakäçam) halä, imä-ià
ni-uïjovari puïjidä-ià guïjä-phalä-ià bi-iëissam.

47 •
punaù—again; svagatam—aside; hanta—O; jassa—of whom;
nämävi—by even the name; rämä—of beautiful women; cittam—the minds;
ittham—in this way; mohedi—enchants; saù—He; kkhu—indeed; kidisaù—
someone like this; vä—or; nämé—named; tti—thus; iti—thus; sa—with;
avahittham—concealment of her actual emotions; prakäçam—openly;
halä—O; imä-im—this; ni-uïjovari—in the grove; puïjidä—assembled;
guïjä-phalä-im—guïja berries; bi-iëissam—I will collect.

Rädhikä: (again She says to Herself) Ah! Who is this person who
charms the minds of beautiful girls just by the sound of his name?
(Concealing Her emotions, Rädhä speaks openly) I will go and pick
guïjä berries in this forest grove.

lalitä: (saparihäsam. sanskåtena.)

dehaà te bhuvanäntaräla-virala-cchäyä-viläsäspadaà
mä kautühala-cancaläkñi latikä-jäle praveçaà kröhän
navyäm aïjana-puïja-maïjula-ruciù kuïje-caré devatä
käntäà käntibhir aìkitäm iha vane niùçaìkam äkarñati

deham—body; te—your; bhuvana—in the universe; antaräla—in the

midst; virala—rare; cchäyä—shadow; viläsa—of playfulness; äspadam—
abode; mä—don't; kautühala—with curiosity; caïcala—moving; akñi—eyes;
latikä—of creerpers; jäle—in the network; praveçam—entrance; kåthän—do;
navyäm—young; aïjana—of mascara; puïja—of a great abundance;
maïjula—beautiful; ruciù—splendor; kuïje—in this grove; caré—moving;
devatä—demigod; käntäm—lovely girl; käntibhiù—with great beauty;
aìkitäm—marked; iha—here; vane—in this forest; niùçaìkam—easily;

Lalitä: (joking) O girl whose body is the abode of playfulness

even the shadow of which cannot be found anywhere in the three
worlds, O girl with curious restless eyes, don't enter these tangles of
vines! One young handsome devatä, wandering in this grove and
splendid like a mountain of dark mascara, easily charms young girls
marked with great beauty!

rädhikä: (kiïcid bhéteva parävåtya sanarma-smitam) sahi lalide, tä-e

de-adä-e ëümaà tumaà ä-aööhidäsi jaà edaà jäëäsi.
lalitä: (vihasya) halä, mäà késa esä a-aööhadu. ëa kkhu ahaà tumaà
vi-a kantéhià änkidä.

kiïcit—somewhat; bhétä—afraid; iva—as if; parävåtya—having

stopped; sa-narma—joking; smitam—smile; sahi—O friend; lalide—Lalitä;
tä-e—by this; de-adä-e—demigod; ëünam—certainly; tumam—you; ä-

48 •
aööhidäsi—are attracted; jam—which; edam—this; jäëäsi—you know;
vihasya—laughing; halä—O; mäm—me; késa—for what reason?; esä—He; ä-
aööhadu—may attract; ëa—not; kkhu—indeed; aham—I; tumam—you; vi-
a—as it were; kantéhim—with great beauty; aìkidä—marked.

Rädhikä: (as if She were a little afraid, She conceals Her joking
smile) Sakhi Lalitä, do you know that you are already attracted by this

Lalitä: (laughs) O, why would he charm me? I have not been

marked by great beauty like You!

rädhikä: (niçamya camatkäraà svagatam) ammahe, imassa

mohaëattaëaà çaddassa. (iti vaivaçyaà näöayati.)
lalitä: (vilokya svagatam) huà, esä komaläìgé kuraìgé paòhamam

niçamya—listening; camatkäram—with amazement; svagatam—

aside; ammahe—amazing!; imassa—of this; mohaëattaëam—the
enchantiness; çaddassa—of the sound; iti—thus; vaivaçyam—loss of self-
control; näöayati—represents dramatically; vilokya—seeing; svagatam—
aside; hum—O; esä—this; komala—delicate; aìgé—body; kuraìgé—deer;
paòhamam—immediately; jäle—into the net; ëivaòiòä—fallen.

(Flute-music comes from off-stage.)

Rädhikä: (listening, She becomes full of wonder, and says to

Herself) How amazing! What an enchanting sound! (She loses Her

Lalitä: (looking at Rädhä, she says to herself) This delicate doe

immediately fell into the hunter's trap.

rädhikä: (prayatnena dhairyam älambya. svagatam.) avi ëäma ëaà

saddämi-apüraà uggirantaà jaëaà pekkhissam.

prayatnena—with great effort; dhairyam—composure; älambya—

grasps; svagatam—aside; avi ëäma—I wish; ëam—this; sadda—of sound;
ami-a—nectar; püram—overflowing river; pekkhissam—that I will see.

Rädhikä: (with great difficulty She regains Her composure, and

says to Herself) I have to see who is the source of this sound, which is
like a flood of nectar!

49 •
lalitä: (upasåtya) halä rähe, atthi maduvari tuha visuddha-buddhé.
rädhikä: halä, késa evvaà bhaëäsi. tumaà jevva tattha pamäëam.
lalitä: kadhedu pi-asahé kiàti akäëòe vivasä asi tumam.

upasåtya—approaching; halä—O; rähe—Rädhä; atthi—there is; mad-

uvari—in relation to me; tuha—your; visuddha—pure; buddhi—intelligence;
halä—O; késa—from what?; evvam—certainly; bhaëäsi—you are saying;
tumam—you; jevva—certainly; tattha—there; pamäëam—evidence;
kadhedu—please tell; pi-a—dear; sahé—friend; kimti—what; akäëòe—
unexpectedly; vivasä—helpless; asi—are; tumam—you.

Lalitä: (approaches Her) Rädhä, do You trust me?

Rädhikä: Why do you ask? You know that I trust you.

Lalitä: Dear sakhi, then tell me, why did You suddenly become

rädhikä: (salajjam, sanskåtena.)

nädaù kadamba-viöapäntarato visarpan
ko näma karëa-padavém aviçan na jäne
hä hä kuléna-gåhiëé-gaëa-garhanéyäà
yenädya käm api daçäà sakhi lambhitäsmi

sa—with; lajjam—embarrassment; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; nädaù—sound;

kadamba—kadamba; viöapa—grove; antarataù—from within; visarpan—
moving; kaù—what?; näma—indeed; karëa—of the ears; padavém—path;
aviçan—entering; na—not; jäne—I understand; hä hä—O! O!; kuléna—
chaste; gåhiëé—housewives; gaëa—by the community; garhaëéyäm—to be
blamed; yena—by which; adya—today; käm api—some; daçäm—condition;
sakhi—O friend; lambhitä—attained; asmi—I have.

Rädhikä: (embarrassed) O sakhi, I do not understand, what is

this sound coming from the grove of kadamba trees and now entering
the path to My ears? Ah! It puts Me in a state very shameful for a chaste

lalitä: halä, eso muraléra-o.

rädhikä: (savyatham, sanskåtena.)
ajaòaù kampa-sampädé
sasträd anyo nikåntanaù
täpano 'nuñëatädhäraù
ko 'yaà vä muralé-ravaù

50 •
halä—O; esaù—this; muralé—of the flute; ra-aù—sound; sa-
vyatham—afflicted; ajaòaù—without snow; kampa—trembling; sampädé—
effecting; sasträt—than a weapon; anyaù—other; nikåntanaù—cutting;
täpanaù—the hot summer season; anuñëatä—not warm; dhäraù—
possessing; kaù—what?; ayam—this; vä—or; muralé—of the flute; raväh—

Lalitä: Ah, it is the sound of the flute!

Rädhikä: (afflicted) What kind of flute-music is this? Although

not cold, it makes Me shiver. It is not a weapon, but still it cuts Me. It
is not hot, but still it burns Me.

(ity udvegaà näöayanté.) halä, ëähaà muralé-ëä-assa aëahiëëä. tä

alaà vippalambheëa. phuòaà eso keëa vi mahä-ëä-areëa kovi mohaëa

iti—thus; udvegam—agitation; näöayanté—expression dramatically;

halä—sakhi; ëa—not; aham—I; muralé—of the flute; ëä-assa—of the sound;
aëahiëëa—ignorant; tä—that; alam—great; vippalambheëa—deception;
phuòam—manifested; esaù—this; keëa vi—by someone; mahä—great; ëä-
areëa—enchanter; kovi—some; mohaëa—charming; mantaù—mantra;
paòhé-adi—is reciting.

(Agitated) Sakhi, I understood the nature of this flute-music.

Enough with this deception! Some great enchanter is reciting
bewildering mantra!

(praviçya citra-paöa-hastä viçäkhä.)

viçäkhä: (rädhäm avadhärayanté svagatam.) däëià aëëädisé esä
lakkhé-adi. tä ëünaà kaëùassa vaàsi-ä-e òaàsidä. hodu. pucchissam.

praviçya—entering; citra-paöa—a picture; hastä—in her hand;

viçäkhä—Viçäkhä; rädhäm—Rädhä; avadhärayaté—noticing; svagatam—
aside; däëim—at present; aëëädisé—appearing completely different; esä—
she; lakkhé-adi—appears; tä—therefore; ëünam—at present; kaëhassa—
Kåñëa; vaàsi-ä-e—of flute; òaàsidä—bitten; hodu—it may be; pucchissam—
I will enquire.

(Viçäkhä enters, carrying a picture in her hand.)

Viçäkhä: (seeing Rädhä she says to herself) She is changed.

Perhaps Rädhä was bitten by the sound of Kåñëa's flute. I will ask Her
about it.

51 •
(ity upasåtya prakäçam. sanskåtena.)
kñoëéà paìkilayanti paìkaja-rucor akñëoù payo-bindavaù
çväsäs täëòavayanti päëòu-vadane düräd uro-jäàçukam
mürtià danturayanti santatam amé romäïca-puïjäç ca te
manye mädhava-mädhuré çravaëayor abhyäçam abhyäyayau

iti—thus; upasåtya—approaching; prakäçam—openly; sankåtena—in

Sanskrit; kñoëém—earth; paìkilayanti—turns into mud; paìkaja—lotus;
rucoù—splendor; akñëoù—from the eyes; payaù-bindavaù—tears; çväsäù—
breath; täëdavayanti—dances; päëòu—white; vadane—face; dürät—a great
distance; uroja—breasts; aàçukam—garment; mürtim—form;
danturayanti—covered with hairs standing upright; santatam—constantly;
amé—these; romäïca—hairs standing upright; puïjäù—multitude; ca—and;
te—your; manye—I consider; mädhava—of Mädhava; mädhuré—the
sweetness; çravaëayoù—of the ears; abhyäçam—nearness; abhyäyayau—

(Approaching, she openly says) O Rädhä, Your face has turned

white, the tears from Your lotus-eyes muddy the ground, Your sighs
make Your bodice dance, and the hairs of Your body stand up. I think
the sweetness of Mädhava must have entered Your ears!

rädhikä: (anäkarëitakenaiva sotkampam.) lalide, puëo eso so jjeva

kovi saddo vikkamadi.

anakärëitakena—not hearing; sa-utkampam—trembling; lalide—O

Lalitä; puëaù—again; esaù—this; saù—this; jjeva—indeed; kovi—some;
saddaù—sound; vikkamadi—moves.

Rädhikä: (not hearing her words, She trembles) Lalitä, it is that

sound again!

lalitä: (sanskåtena)
eña sthairya-bhujaìga-saìgha-damanäsaìge vihaìgeçvaro
vréòä-vyädhi-dhurä-vidhünana-vidhau tanvaìgi dhanvantariù
sädhvé-garva-bharämburäçi-culukärambhe tu kumbhodbhavaù
kälindé-taöa-maëòaléñu muralé-tuëòäd dhvanir dhävati

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; eñaù—this; sthairya—composure; bhujaìga—

of snakes; saìgha—multitude; damana—defeating; äsaìge—in attachment;
vihaìga—of birds; éçvaraù—the king (Garuòa); vréòä—of shyness; vyädhi—
disease; dhurä—violently; vidhünana—destroying; vidhau—in the activity;
tanu—delicate; aìgi—body; dhanvantariù—Lord Dhanvantari; sädhvé—of

52 •
pious girls; garva—of the pride; bhara—abundance; amburäçi—of the ocean;
culuka—of drinking; ärambhe—in the beginning; tu—and;
kumbhodbhavaù—Agastya Muni; kälindé—of the Yamunä river; taöa—of the
banks; maëòaléçu—in the area; muralé—of the flute; tuëòät—from the
mouth; dhvaniù—the sound; dhävati—runs.

Lalitä: O girl with the slender limbs, on the Yamunä's shore,

from a flute's mouth comes a melody. This sound is like Garuòa,
immediately defeating the snakes of the gopés' peacefulness, it is like
Dhanvantari, who painfully destroys the disease of the gopés' shyness,
and like Agastya Muni, it quickly drinks up the great ocean of the
saintly gopés' pride!

rädhikä: sahi, jädä maha hi-a-e kävi guru-é ve-aëä. tä gadu-a


sahi—O sakhi; jädä—produced; maha—my; hi-a-e—in the heart;

kävi—some; guru-é—intense; ve-aëä—distress; tä—that; gadu-a—having
gone; supisam—I will sleep.

Rädhikä: O sakhi, a great suffering has now taken birth in My

heart. Only when this pain goes away will I again be able to sleep at

viçäkhä: halä rähe, tuha ve-aëä-viddhaàsaëaà kiàvi edaà osahaà

maha hatthe vaööadi. tä sevehi ëam.

halä—sakhi; rähe—Rädhä; tuha—your; ve-aëä—suffering;

viddhaàsaëam—elimination; kiàvi—some; edam—this; osaham—
medicinal herb; maha—my; hatthe—in the hand; vattadi—is; ta—therefore;
sevehi—please take; nam—it.

Viçäkhä: Rädhä, in my hand is a medicine to cure Your suffering.

Take it.

rädhikä: viçäkhe, ehi. aìganovakaëöhe phulla-kaëé-ära- maëòalé-

cchä-aà ajjhäsi-a pekkhamhe.

(iti niskrantah sarve.)

viçäkhe—O Viçäkhä; ehi—go!; aìgana—courtyard; uvakaëöhe—near;

phulla—opened; kaëëi-ara—karnikara trees; maëòalé—area; cchä-am—
shade; ajjhäsi-a—having entered; pekkhamhe—we shall see; iti—thus;

53 •
niskrantah—exit; sarve—all.

Rädhikä: Viçäkhä, come. Let us go into the shade of these

blossoming karëikära trees and see your medicine.

(They exit.)

End of Act One

54 •
Act Two: Manmatha-lekhä: The Love-letter

(tataù praviçati nändémukhé.) nändémukhé: ädiööhamhi

tattahodé-e paurëamäsé-e, jadhä: a-i ëandémuhi, sudaà ma-e nibbharä
asuttha-sarérä me vacchä rähé. tä gadu-a jäëéni se tattaà tti. tado muharä-
gharaà gamissam. (iti parikramya puëah paçyanté.) kahaà idha jjeva
kandanté muharä-ä-accha-i.

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; nandémukhé—Nandémukhé;

ädiööhamhi—I have been instructed; tattahodé-e—by her ladyship;
paurëamäsé-e—by Paurëamäsé; jadhä—in the following way; a-i—O;
nandémuhi—Nandémukhé; sudam—heard; ma-e—by me; nibharä—intense;
asuttha—illness; särérä—body; me—my; vacchä—child; rähé—Rädhä; tä—
therefore; gadu-a—having gone; jäëéhi—please learn; se—her; tattam—truth
of the situation; tti—thus; tado—therefore; muharä—of Mukharä; gharam—
house; gamissam—I am about to go; iti—thus; parikramya—going; punaù—
again; paçyati—seeing; kaham—how is it?; idha—here; jjeva—indeed;
andanté—crying; muharä—Mukharä; ä-ccha-i—is coming.

Nändémukhé: (enters) Paurëamäsé ordered me: "O Nändémukhé,

I heard that my child Rädhä is feeling very ill. Go to Her and learn the
truth of Her condition." Therefore, now I will go to Mukharä's house.
(She walks, and then, looking ahead, says) Why is weeping Mukharä
coming here?

mukharä: haddhé haddhé, hadamhi manda-bhä-iëé.

nändémukhé: ajje muhare, késa ro-asi.
mukharä: (vilokya) vacche, rähé-sandävaëa.

haddhé haddhé—alas! Alas!; hadamhi—I am doomed; manda-bhä-

iëé—unfortunate; ajje—pious; muhare—O Mukharä; késa—why?; ro-asi—are
you crying; vilokya—glancing; vacche—O child; rähé—Rädhä's; sandävena—
because of the suffering.

Mukharä: (enters) Ah! Ah! I am so unfortunate!

Nändémukhé: O noble Mukharä, why do you weep?

Mukharä: (glancing at Nändémukhé) Child, because of Rädhä's


nändémukhé: kerimaà ceööha-é rähé.

mukharä: vacche, vä-ulä bhavi-a kiàvi palava-i.

55 •
kerisam—in what manner; ceööha-i—acts; rähé—Rädhä; vacche—O
child; vä-ulä—crazy; bhavi-a—having become; kiàvi—something; palava-
i—she talks.

Nändémukhé: What with Her?

Mukharä: Child, She is talking like crazy!

(iti sanskåtena)
krüräëäm alinäà kulaiù malinayä kåtyaà na me mälayä
bälähaà kim u narmaëas tava padaà düré-bhava präìgaëät
ity ädéni durakñaräùi paritaù svapne tathä jägare
jalpanté jalajekñaëä kñapayati kleçena rätrià divam

iti—thus; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; krüräëäm—cruel; alinäm—of the

bees; kulaiù—by the multitudes; malinayä—blackened; kåtyam—proper
action; na—not; me—of me; mälayä—by the garland; bälä—a young girl;
aham—I; kim u—whether?; narmaëaù—of joking; tava—Your; padam—
word; düré-bhava—go far away; präìgaëät—from this courtyard; iti—thus;
ädéni—beginning with this; durakñaräëi—incoherent words; paritaù—
everywhere; svapne—during sleep; tathä—in the same way; jägare—while
awake; jalpanté—speaking; jalaja—lotus; ékñaëä—eyes; kñapayati—she
passes; kleçena—with great pain; rätrim—the night; divam—and the day.

She says: "O cruel bumble-bees, do not blacken My flower

garland! I am only a young girl! Why do you joke like that? Go away
from here!" Awake and asleep talking in that way, this lotus-eyed girl
suffers day and night!

nändémukhé: (svagatam) uvasaggakidä na kkhu erisé paläva-muddä.

tä diööhi-ä vikkamidaà ettha kaëha-viläseëa.
mukharä: vacche, ahaà gadu-a bhaavadéà viëëavissam. tumaà
vedasé-kuïjaà uvasappi-a rähi-aà peccha.
(iti niñkränte.)

svagatam—aside; uvasagga—a fit of madness; kidä—performed; na—

not; kkhu—indeed; erisé—like this; paläva—talking; muddä—sign; tä—that;
diööhi-ä—by good fortune; vikkamidam—activity; ettha—here; kaëha—of
Kåñëa; viläseëa—the pastimes; vacche—O child; aham—I; gadu-a—having
gone; bhaavädim—to Bhagavaté Paurëamäsé; viëëavissam—I shall inform;
tumam—you; vedasé—of vetasé trees; kuïjam—to the grove; uvasappi-a—
having entered; rähi-am—Rädhä; peccha—please observe; iti—thus;
niñkränte—they exit.

56 •
Nändémukhé: (aside) That talk is not the symptom of madness.
By great fortune, She is absorbed in Kåñëa's pastimes.

Mukharä: Child, I will go to Paurëamäsé and tell her, and you go

to the vetasé grove and look at Rädhä.

(They exit.)

(tataù praviçati sakhébhyäm upäsyamänä rädhä.)

radha: (sodvegam svagatam.) hadahi-a-a. jassa paòicchanda-
daàsaëamettädo érisé durüha-saìgamä uvatthidä de avasthä ttha vi puëo
räm-aà vahasi.

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; sakhébhyäm—by her two close friends

(Lalitä and Viçäkhä); upäsyamänä—accompanied; rädhä—Rädhä; sa-
udvegam—agitated; svagatam—aside; hada—wounded; hi-a-a—heart;
jassa—of which; paòicchanda—of a picture; daàsaëa—by the seeing;
mettado—only; érisé—like this; durüha—difficult to understand; saìgamä—
contact; uvatthidä—attained; de—your; avasthä—situation; ttha vi—
somewhere; puëo—again; rä-am—love; vahasi—you carry.

(Accompanied by Lalitä and Viçäkhä, Rädhä enters.)

Rädha: (agitated, She says to Herself) O broken heart, simply by

looking at this picture you have fallen in love!

ubhe: halä rähi-e ämayehinto vilakkhaëo de ve-äëaëubandhe lakkhé-

adi. tä késa amhesu tattaà ëa kadhesi.
(rädhikä niùçvasya vaktraà vyävartayati.)

ubhe—both (Lalitä and Viçäkhä); rähi-e—O Rädhä; ämayehinto—

because of illness; vilakkhaëo—symptoms; de—your; ve-aëä—to distress;
anubandhaù—in relation; lakkhé-adi—is perceived; tä—therefore; késa—the
truth; ëa—not; kadhesi—you tell; rädhikä—Rädhä; niùçvasya—sighing;
vaktram—face; vyäkartayati—turns away.

Lalitä and Viçäkhä: Rädhä, we see how You suffer, tell us the

(Rädhä sighs and turns Her face away.)

viçäkhä: (puro 'bhigamya. sanskåtena)

cintä-santatir adya kåntati sakhi sväntasya kià te dhåtià

57 •
kià vä siïcasi tämram ambaram ati-svedämbhasäà òambaram
kampaç campaka-gauri lumpati vapuù-sthairyaà kathaà vä balät
tathyaà brühi na maìgalä parijane saìgopanäìgé-kåtiù

puraù—in front; abhimagamya—having gone; sanskåtena—in

Sanskrit; cintä—of anxieties; santatiù—a multitude; adya—at present;
kåntati—are tearing apart; sakhi—O friend; sväntasya—of the heart and mind;
kim—why?; te—your; dhåtim—composure; kim vä—why?; siïcasi—you
sprinkle; tämram—reddish; ambaram—garments; ati-sveda—with much
perspiration; ambhasäm—of the water; òamraram—abundance; kampaù—
trembling; campaka—as a campaka flower; gauri—fair; lumpati—stole;
vapuù—of your body; sthairyam—steadiness; katham vä—and why is it?;
balät—by force; tathyam—truthfully; brühi—please tell; na—not;
mangalä—auspicious; parijane—to your servants; saìgopana—
concealment; aìgé-kåtiù—acceptance.

Viçäkhä: (approaching Rädhä) O sakhi, why do these sufferings

cut to pieces the peacefulness of Your heart? Why do You sprinkle
Your reddish garments with a flood of perspiration? O girl fair like a
yellow campaka flower, why does trembling now forcibly stealing the
steadiness of Your body? It is not good to hide the truth from Your
friends. Please tell us everything!

rädhikä: (säsuyam) a-i ëiööhure visähe, tumaà evaà pucchanté vi ëa

viçäkhä: (saçaìkam) halä, kahià pi avaraddhamhi tti ëa sumarämi.

sa—with; asüyam—indignation; a-i—O; niööhure—cruel; visähe—

Viçäkhä; tumam—you; evam—indeed; pucchanté—enquiring; vi—even;
na—not; lajjasi—are ashamed; sa—with; çaìkam—fear; halä—O; kahim
pi—at some time; avaraddhamhi—I have become an offender; tti—thus;
ëa—not; sumarämi—I remember.

Rädhikä: (angrily) O cruel Viçäkhä, are you not ashamed to ask

Me about this?

Viçäkhä: (worried) Perhaps I once offended you, but I do not

remember it!

rädhikä: a-i ëikkive, késa evvaà bhaëäsi. sumari-a pekkha.

viçäkhä: halä, garu-eëa vi paëihäëeëa ëa me sumaraëaà hodi.

a-i—O; ëikkave—merciless one; késa—why?; evvam—in this way;

bhaëäsi—you are speaking; sumari-a—having remembered; pekkha—please

58 •
look; halä—O; garu-eëa—intense; vi—even; paëihäëeëa—with endeavor;
ëa—not; me—my; sumaraëam—remembrance; hodi—is.

Rädhikä: O merciless girl, why do you speak in this way? Just try
to remember.

Viçäkhä: Even with a great effort, I still do not remember.

rädhikä: ummatte, gahaëe imaàssi accähidäùala-kuëòe tumaà jjeva

maha pakkhevaëé.
viçäkhä: kadhaà vi-a.
rädhikä: (serñyam) a-i micchäsarale, älekkhagada-bhu-aìga-saìgiëi,
ciööha ciööha.

ummatte—O distracted; gahaëe—deep; imaàssi—in this;

acchähida—very inauspicious; anala—of fire; kuëòe—in the lake;
tumamm—you; jjeva—indeed; maha—of me; pakkhevaëé—throwing;
kahdham vi-a—how did I do that?; sa—with; érñyam—malice and impatience;
a-i—O; micchä-asarale—crooked liar; älekkha-gada—in the picture; bhu-
aìga—of the serpent; saìgini—O friend; ciööha—stand!

Rädhikä: O forgetful girl, you threw Me into the deep lake of

burning fire!

Viçäkhä: How is that?

Rädhikä: (angrily) O crooked liar, O friend of the snake in this

picture! Stop!

(iti savaivaçyaà sanskåtena)

vitanvänas tanvä marakata-rucénäà ruciratäà
paöän niñkåänto 'bhüd dhåta-çikhi-çikhaëòo nava-yuvä
(ity ardhoktau väk-stambhaà ëaöayati.)
(sakhyau sabhrübhängam anyo 'nyaà paçyataù.)

iti—thus; sa—with; vaivaçyam—loss of control; sanskåtena—in Sankrit;

vitanvänaù—manifesting; tanvä—with His form; marakata—of emerald;
rucénäm—of the splendor; ruciratäm—brilliance; paöät—from the picture;
niçkräntaù—come forth; abhüt—become; dhåta—held; çikhi-çikhaëòaù—
peacock feather; nava—fresh; yuvä—with youthfulness; iti—thus; ardha—
half; uktau—in the speech; väk—of the voice; stambham—choking;
näöayati—represented dramatically; sakhyau—the two friends (Lalitä and
Viçäkhä); sa—with; bhrü-bhaìgam—knitting of the eyebrows; anyaù-
anyam—mutally; paçyata—look.

59 •
(Out of control) Splendid like a sapphire and decorated with
peacock feathers, a youth came out of that picture... (In the middle of
Her words, Rädhä's voice becomes choked.)

(Her two sakhis look at each other with raised eyebrows.)

bhruvaà tena kñiptvä kim api hasatonmädita-mateù

çaçé våtto vahniù param ahaha vahnir mama çaçé

bhruvam—eyebrows; tena—by Him; kñiptvä—having moved; kim

api—some; hasatä—smiling; unmädita—deranged; mateù—mind; çaçé—
moon; våttaù—activity; vahniù—fire; param—great; ahaha—alas; vahniù—
fire; mama—my; çaçé—moon.

...when He smiled and moved His eyebrows, My mind became

crazy. Ah! To Me, moonlight is now like a great fire, and fire is like

lalitä: halä, kià eso siviëëassa viläso.

halä—sakhi; kim—what?; eso—this; siviëëassa—of a dream; viläso—


Lalitä: Sakhi, did this happen in a dream?

rädhikä: (sanskåtena)
kià svapnasya vilakñaëä gatir iyaà kià jägarasyäthavä
kià rätrer upasattir eva rabhasäd ahnaù kim ahnäya vä
itthaà çyämala-candrikä-paricaya-spandena sandépitair
antaù-kñobha-kulair ahaà parivåtä prajïätum ajïäbhavam

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; kim—what?; svapnasya—of a dream;

vilakñaëä—characteristics; gatiù—motion; iyam—this; kim—what?;
jägarasya—of the waking state; athavä—or; kim—what; rätreù—of the night;
upasattiù—connection; eva—indeed; rabhasät—agitation; ahnaù—day;
kim—what; ahnäya—instantly; vä—or; ittham—in this way; çyämala—dark;
candrikä—moonlight; paricaya—accumulation; spandena—by the
movement; sandépitaiù—excited; antaù—internal; kñobha—agitation;
kulaiù—by the multitudes; ahaà—I; parivåtä prajïätum ajïä—ignorant;
abhavam—I became.

Rädhikä: Was it a dream, or was I awake? Was it night, or was it

day? The light from the restless dark moon of that youth greatly

60 •
agitated My mind, and now I cannot distinguish day from night and
dream from reality.

viçäkhä: (säkutam) halä rähe, ëüëaà eso de citta-vibbhamo jevva

rädhikä: (säbhyasüyam) a-i aviçaddhe, viramehi, késa appaëo dosaà
jhampiduà pa-ttäsi.

sa—with; äkütam—an intention; halä—O; rähe—Rädhä; ëüëam—

now; eso—this; de—of you; citta—of the mind; vibbhamo—bewilderment;
jjeva—certainly; kkhaëi-o—temporary; sa—with; abhyasüyam—indignation;
a-i—O; aviçaddhe—untrusting; viramehi—please stop; késa—why;
appaëo—of yourself; dosam—offense; jhampidum—to conceal; pa-uttäsi—
you are engaged.

Viçäkhä: (sincerely) O Rädhä, this agitation of Your mind is only


Rädhikä: (angrily) Faithless girl, stop! Why try to cover up your


(iti sanskåtena)
kåtäà bhakti-cchedair ghusåëa-ghana-cardäm adhivahan
punar labdho lubdhaù priyaka-taru-müle caöula-dhéù
lapantyäù säkñepaà nahi nahi nahéti smita-mukhe
haöhän me durlélaù sa kila bhuja-vallé-dalam adhät

iti—thus; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; kåtäm—done; bhakti-chedaiù—with

decorative marks; ghusåëa—kuìkuma; ghana—intense; carcäm—anointing;
adhivahan—carrying; punaù—again; labdhaù—attained; lubdhaù—eager;
priyaka—kadamba; taru—tree; müle—at the base; caöula—fickle; dhéù—
mind; lapantyäù—speaking; säkñepam—in a teasing manner; nahi nahi
nahi—no, no, no!; iti—thus; smita—smiling; mukhaù—mouth; haöhät—
violently; me—of me; durlélaù—mischievous; saù—He; kila—indeed;
bhuja—arm; vallé—of the creeper; dalam—petal; adhät—placed.

Under a kadamba tree that restless passionate youth, decorated

with designs drawn in kuìkuma, smiled and touched Me with a flower
petal of His creeper-like arm, while I rebuked Him, saying “No! No!

tataç ca
daronmélan-nélotpala-dala-rucas tasya nibiòäd
virüòhänäà sadyaù kara-sarasija-sparça-kutukät

61 •
vahanté kñobhäëäà nivaham iha näjïäçiñam idaà
kva vähaà kä vähaà cakara kim ahaà vä sakhi tadä

tataù—then; ca—and; dara—slight; unmilat—opening; nilotpala—of

a blue lotus flower; dala—of the petal; rucaù—luster; tasya—of Him;
nibiòät—thick; virüòhänäm—sprouted; sadyaù—immediately; kara—of the
hand; sarasija—lotus; sparça—for the touch; kutukät—because of desire;
vahanté—carrying; kñobhäëäm—trembling and agitation; nivaham—
abundance; iha—here; na—not; ajïäsiñam—I knew; idam—this; kva—
where?; vä—or; aham—I; kä—who?; vä—or; aham—I; cakara—I did; kim—
what?; aham—I; vä—or; sakhi—O friend; tadä—then.

Longing for the touch of the lotus hand of that boy radiant like
the petals of a slightly opened blue lotus, I trembled. Where was I?
Who was I? What was I doing? O sakhi, I did not know!

(iti vaivaçyaà näöayati svagatam.) a-i duööha-hia-a makkaòa, kaëho

vaiëavi-o sämala-kisoro tti tiëesu purisesu rä-aà vahanto vi tumaà ëa
lajjasi. tä däëià appäëaà pämaraà tumaà hadäsaà karissam.

iti—thus; vaivaçyam—agitation; näöayati—represents dramatically;

svagatam—aside; a-i—O; duööha—wicked; hi-a-a—heart; makkaòa—
monkey; kaëho—Kåñëa; vaiëavi-o—the fulte-player; sämala—who has a
blackish complexion; kisoro—youth; tti—thus; tiëesu—to three; purisesu—
persons; rä-am—love; vahanto—bearing; vi—although; tumam—you; na—
not; lajjasi—are ashamed; tä—therefore; däëim—now; appäëam—body;
vävädi-a—having destroyed; pämaram—wicked; tumam—you; hadäsam—
without hope; karissam—I will destroy.

(Agitated, She says to Herself) O monkey of My sinful heart! Are

you not ashamed to love three persons simultaneously? You love
Kåñëa, you love the flute-player, and now you also love this dark-
complexioned youth. O heart, when I kill my body, I will also kill
wretched, hopeless you!

lalitä: hanta, hata-mammaha-sacivassa vasantassa vipphujideëa

düsidä ede parisarä désanti. tä kià ettha saraëam.

hanta—O; hata—wretched; mammaha—of Kämadeva; sacivassa—of

the friend; vasantassa—of spring; vipphujideëa—by the appearance;
düsidä—spoiled; ede—these; parisarä—places; désanti—are seen; tä—that;
kim—what?; ettha—here; saraëam—refuge.

Lalitä: Look! Springtime, the prime minister of king Kämadeva,

62 •
has come and polluted everything. Who will give us shelter?

rädhikä: (sanskåtena)
vikréòantu paöéra-parvata-taöé-saàsargiëo märutäù
khelantäh kalayantu komalataräà puàs-kokiläù käkalém
saàrambheëa çilémukhä dhvani-bhåto vidhyantu man-mänasaà
häsyantyäù sakhi me vyathäà param amé kurvanti sähäyakäm

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; vikréòantui—let them play; paöéra—of

sandalwood; parvata—of the hills; taöé—with the slopes; saàsargiëaù—
manifested; märutäù—breezes; khelantaù—playing; kalayantu—let them
sound; komalataräm—pleasent; puàs-kokiläù—cuckoos; käkalém—
warbling; saàrambheëa—with a flurry; çilémukhäù—bees; dhvani-bhåtaù—
buzzing; vidhyantu—my pierce; mat—my; mähasam—heart; häsyantyäù—
who is about to abandon; sakhi—O friend; me—of me; vyathäm—suffering;
param—completely; amé—these; kurvanti—provide; sähäyakam—aid.

Rädhikä: Let the breezes from the Malayan Hills play. Let the
playful cuckoos sweetly sing. Let the buzzing bees attack My heart. O
sakhi, they will help Me end these sufferings!

ubhe: (säsram) halä, edähià ghora-cintähià késa kilimmasi. amhehià

takkidaà adi-metta-dullaho ëa kkhu de hi-a-aööhido attho.

ubhe—both (Lalitä and Viçäkhä); sa—with asram—tears; halä—O;

edähim—by these; ghora—terrible; cintähim—sufferings; késa—why?;
kilimmasi—you have become exhausted; amhehim—by us; takkidam—
surmised; adi-metta—extremely; dullaho—difficult to attain; ëa—not;
kkhu—indeed; de—your; hi-a-a—of the heart; ööhido—situation; attho—aim.

Lalitä and Viçäkhä: (with tears) Why were You attacked by these
terrible sufferings? We do not understand the unusual longings in
Your heart!

rädhikä (niùçvasya sanskåtena)

iyaà sakhi suduùsädhyä
rädhä hådaya-vedanä
kåtä yatra cikitsäpi
kutsäyäà paryavasyati

niùçvasya—sighing; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; iyam—this; sakhi—my

friend; suduùsädhyä—incurable; rädhä—of Rädhä; hådaya-vedanä—pain in
the heart; kåtä—done; yatra—in which; cikitsä—treatment; api—even;
kutsäyäm—in defamation; paryavasyati—end in.

63 •
Rädhikä: (sighs) O sakhis, this agony in Rädhä's heart is
incurable, and it will put any medicine to shame.

tä viëëavemi imaàssi osare jadhä sudiòhaà ekkaà ladä-päsaà

lahemi tadhä siëehessa ëikkidià karedha.

tä—therefore; viëëavemi—I am intructing; imaàssi—in this; osare—

moment; jadhé—just as; sudiòham—very firm; ekkam—one; ladä—of the
creeper; päsam—network; lahemi—I may attain; tadhä—in the same way;
siëehassa—of love; ëikkidim—cure; karedha—please perform.

I will tell you how to cure Me. If this vine were firmly wrapped
around My neck like a noose, then you would cure My disease of love.

ubhe: (savyatham) halä, evvaà däruëaà bhaëanté mä kkhu sahéëaà

jévidaà lumpehi. ëam paccäsaëëä ahétöha-siddhé.

sa—with; vyatham—agitation; halä—O; evvam—in this way;

däruëam—terrible; bhaëanté—speaking; mä—don't; kkhu—indeed;
sahéëam—of your friends; jévidam—life; lumpehi—take away; ëam—at
present; paccasäëëä—near at hand; de—your; ahittha—desired; siddhé—

Lalitä and Viçäkhä: (agitated) Ah, don't say such terrible words!
Don't break your friends' lives! Soon You will attain what You long

rädhikä: sahéo, ëa jäëédha imä-e hada-rähé-e hi-a-a- duddhataëam,

jaà evvaà matedha.

sahéo—O friends; ëa—not; jänédha—you understand; imä-e—of her;

hada—miserable; rähé-e—of Rädhä; hi-a-a—of the heart; duddhataëam—
wickedness; jam—because; evvam—in this way; mantedha—you counsel.

Rädhikä: Sakhis, you give this advice only because you do not
know the sinful heart of this hopeless Rädhä!

kadhidaà jevva savvaà pi-a-sahé-e.

rädhikä: ëahu ëahu, guru-é lajjä ëiväredi.

kahiddham—tell; jevva—certainly; savvam—everything; pi-a-sahé-e—

by our dear friend (Rädhä); ëahu ëahu—no, no; guru-é—intense; lajjä—
shame; niväredi—prevents.

64 •
Lalitä and Viçäkhä: Dear sakhi, please tell us everything!

Rädhikä: No, no, great shame prevents Me.

sakhyau; halä, appasa-äsädo vi guru-o amhesu tuha siëeho lakkhé-adi.

tä bahiraìgä-e lajjä-e ko attha aëuroho.

sakhyau—the two friends (Lalitä and Viçäkhä); apasa-äsädo—from

yourself; vi—even; guru-o—intense; mahesu—to us; tuha—your siëeho—
love; lakkhé-adi—is perceived; tä—therefore; bahiraìgä-e—external; lajjä-
e— ; ko—what?; attha—here; aëuroho—relation.

Lalitä and Viçäkhä: We see Your great love. How can Your shame
hide it?

rädhikä: (sanskåtena)
ekasya çrutam eva lumpati matià kåñëeti nämäkñaraà
sändronmäda-paramparäm upanayaty anyasya vaàçé-kalaù
eña snigdha-ghana-dyutir manasi me lagnaù paöe vékñanät
kañöaà dhik puruña-traye ratir abhün manye måtiù çreyasé

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; ekasya—of one person; çrutam—heard;

lumpati—stolen; matim—the mind; kåñëa iti—Kåñëa; näma-akñaram—the
syllables of the name; sändra-unmäda—of intense madness; paramparäm—
a shower; upanayati—brings; anyasya—of another; vaàçé-kalaù—the sound
vibration of the flute; eñaù—this third one; snigdha—giving love; ghana-
dyutiù—lightning-like effulgence; manasi—in the mind; me—My; lagnaù—
attachment; paöe—in the picture; vikñanät—by seeing; kañtam dhik—oh,
shame upom Me; puruña-traye—to three persons; ratiù—attachment;
abhüt—has appeared; manye—I think; måtiù—death; çreyasi—better.

Rädhikä: Since I have heard the name of Kåñëa, I have lost My

intelligence. On hearing another person who plays the flute, intense
madness arises in My heart. And there is still another youth to whom
My mind becomes attached when I see His lightning-like effulgence in
a picture. Therefore I think that I am greatly condemmed, for I have
become simultaneously attached to tree persons. It would be better
for Me to die because of this!

ubhe: (saharñam) halä, kadhaà tumhädiséëaà go-ula-sundaréëaà

go-ulinda-ëandaëaà ujjhi-a aparaàssi aëurä-o saàbhavadi. tä suëähi.
ekko jjevva eso mahä-ëä-aro kaëho.

ubhe—both (gopés); sa—with; harñam—joy; halä—O; kadham—how?;

65 •
tumhädiséëam—of those like you; go-ula—in Gokula; sundaréëam—of
beautiful girls; go-ulinda—of the king of Gokula (Nanda Mahäräja);
ëandaëam—the son (Kåñëa); ujjhi-a—having abandoned; aparaàssi—
towards someone else; anurä-o—love; saàbhavadi—come into existence;
tä—therefore; suëähi—please listen; ekko—one; jjevva—indeed; eso—He;
mahä-ëä-aro—the great amorous hero (or very clever); kaëho—Kåñëa.

Lalitä and Viçäkhä: (happily) How can beautiful girls of Gokula

like You give up Kåñëa and fall in love with some other man? Listen!
These three persons are one. This is the best of romantic heroes, the
clever Kåñëa.

rädhikä: (socchväsam ätmagatam) hi-a-a, samäsassa samäsassa.

däëià jädä jé-alo-a-niväsa-lälasä.

sa—with; ucchväsam—a sigh of relief; ätmagatam—aside; hi-a-a—O

heart; samäsassa samäsassa—be comforted, be comforted; däëém—now;
jädä—is born; tuha—of you; jé-alo-a—the living entities; niväsa—who
resides; lälasä—eagerly longing.

Rädhika: (breathes a sigh of relief and say to Herself) O heart,

rejoice, rejoice. The person you long to attain is eagerly desired by all
living beings!

ubhe: (sanskåtena)
sä saurabhormi-paridigdha-digantaräpi
vandhyaà januù sutanu gandha-phalé bibharti
rädhe na vibhrama-bharaù kriyate yad-aìke
kämaà nipéta-madhunä madhusüdanena

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; sä—that; saurabha—of sweet fragrance;

ürmi—with waves; paridigdha—anointed; dig-antarä—all directions; api—
although; vandhyam—useless; januù—birth; sutanu—O beautiful one;
gandha-phalé—campaka creeper; bibharti—holds; rädhe—O Rädhä; na—
not; vibhrama—of pastimes; bharaù—multitude; krityate—is performed;
yat—of whom; aìke—on the lap; kämam—joyfully; nipéta—drunk;
madhunä—honey; madhusüdanena—by the bumble-bee who is
Madhusüdana (Kåñëa).

Lalitä and Viçäkhä: O slender Rädhä, even if it anoints the

directions with waves of sweet fragrance, a flowering campaka
creeper lives in vain if a playful bumble-bee does not drink it's honey!

nandémukhé: (parikramya) kahaà aggado jevva esä rähé. (ity

66 •
upasåtya) ja-adu ja-adu pi-asahé.
rädhikä: (sävahittham) sahi, kusalaà bhaavadé-e.

parikramya—walking; kaham—how is it?; aggado—in the presence;

jevva—indeed; esä—she; rähé—Rädhä; iti—thus; upasåtya—approaching; ja-
adu ja-adu—all glories, all glories; pi-a—dear; sahé—friend; sa—with;
avahittham—concealment of her actual thoughts; sahi—O friend; kusalam—
auspiciousness; bhaavadi-e—for you.

Nandémukhé: (walking) Why is Rädhä here? (She approaches

Her) Glory, glory to my dear sakhi!

Rädhikä: (concealing Her emotions) O sakhi, may good fortune

accompany you.

nandémukhé: tuha ullähattaëe jäde (iti rädhäà nibhälya svagatam.)

appekkhi-a cce-a ma-e paòhaà ëiööaìkidam. tadhävi pucchissam.

tuha—your; ullahattane—recovery; jade—produced; iti—thus;

radham—at Rädhä; nibhalya—glancing; svagatam—aside; appekkhi-a—not
seen; ma-e—by me; padham—at first; nittankidam—prevented; tadhavi—
nevertheless; pucchissam—I shall ask.

Nandémukhé: I see You are feeling better. (Looking at Rädhä, she

says to herself) I do not see anything unusual. Perhaps She hides it. I
will ask Her.

(prakäçam, sanskåtena)
na mugdhe vaidagdhé-garima-paridigdhä tava matir
virämo nedäném api vapuñi bälyasya vayasaù
kam apy antaù-kñobhaà prathayasi tathäpi tvam athavä
sakhi jïätam våndävana-madana-visphürjitam idam

prakäçam—openly; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; na—not; mugdhe—O

simple girl; vaidagdhé—cleverness; garima—with a great quantity;
paridigdhä—sufficiently anointed; tava—your; matiù—mind; virämaù—
cessation; na—not; idäném—now; vapuñi—in the body; bälyasya—of youth;
vayasaù—of the age; kam api—some; antaù—internal; kñobham—agitation;
prathayasi—you are manifesting; tathä api—nevertheless; tvam—you;
athavä—perhaps; sakhi—O friend; jïätam—known; våndävana—of
Våndävana; madana—the Kämadeva; visphürjitam—manifested; idam—this.

(Openly) O innocent girl, Your mind is not sufficiently anointed

with great cleverness, and childhood has not yet left Your body.

67 •
Nevertheless, Your heart is very agitated. Sakhi, perhaps You have met
the Kämadeva of Våndävana forest?

lalitä: a-i ali-äsaìkiëi, sédala-dakkhiëäëila-hetu-aà kampa-pula-aà

pekkhi-a késa düsahaà parivädaà desi.

a-i—O; ali—pretended; äçaìkiëi—fear; sédala—cool; dakkiëa—

southern; anila—wind; hetu-am—cause; kampa—trembling; pula-am—hairs
standing upright; pekkhi-a—having seen; késa—why?; düsaham—faulty;
parivädam—blame; desi—you give.

Lalitä: O suspicious girl, the trembling and standing up of hairs

that you see is caused by the cold southern wind. Why do you wrongly
accuse Her?

nandémukhé: (sasmitam, sanskåtena)

romäïcaù pariceñyate katham ayaà näsmäbhir utkampaväh
duñkértià nahi dakñiëäya marute däkñiëya-çünye vada
etan manmatha-koöi-sambhrama-bharair bambhromyate subhruvaù
svänte nägara-cakravarti-nayana-präntasya léläyitam

sa—with; smitam—a smile; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; roma-aïcaù—

hair standing upright; pariceñyate—will be augmented; katham—how is it;
ayam—this; na—not; asmäbhiù—by us; utkampavän—trembling;
duñkértim—dishonor; nahi—not; dakñiëäya—to the southern; marute—
breeze; däkñiëya—of perception; çünye—O you who are devoid; vada—
please say; sambhrama—charm; bharaiù—by the great quantity;
bambhramyate—constantly move; subhruvaù—of she who has beautiful
eyebrows; svänte—in the heart; nägara—of amorous heroes; cakravarti—of
the emperor (Kåñëa); nayana—of the eyes; präntasya—of the corner;

Nandémukhé: (smiling) Why do the hairs of our bodies not also

stand up? O simple-minded girl, don't blame the southern wind. I
think the sidelong glance of the king of amorous heroes, whose
graceful eyebrows are worshiped by millions of Kämadevas, now
plays in this girl's heart!

tä saccaà kahehi. kadä edä-e paccakkhé-kido go-uläëando.

viçäkhä: evaà ëedam.

tä—therefore; saccam—the truth; kahehi—please tell; kadä—when?;

edä-e—by her; paccakkhé-kido—was seen; go-ula—of Gokula; äëando—
bliss (Kåñëa); evam—in this way; ëedam—this.

68 •
Tell the truth. She saw Kåñëa, the bliss of Gokula?

Viçäkhä: Yes, it is so.

nandémukhé: (sanskåtena)
dara-vicalita-bälyä vallabhä bändhavänäà
viharasi bhuvane tvaà patyur ämoda-pätré
ahaha paçupa-rämä kämino mohanatvaà
tvam api yad amunäntar bäòham unmäditäsi

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; dara—slight; vicalita—moved; bälyä—from

childhood; vallabhä—dear; bändhavänäm—of her relatives; viharasi—you
perform pastimes; bhuvane—in the house; tvam—you; patyuù—of the
husband; ämoda—of delight; pätré—the object; ahaha—O; paçupa—of the
cowherd men; rämä—of the beautiful wives; käminaù—of the lusty boy;
mohanatvam—the enchantment; tvam—you; api—even; yat—which;
amunä—by this; antaù—within; bäòham—exceedingly; unmäditä—
maddened; asi—you are.

Nandémukhé: O vessel of bliss! Not so long ago, You left Your

childhood, dear to Your relatives, and began to enjoy pastimes in Your
husband's house. Ah! Now You have fallen under the spell of a lusty
boy who enjoys with the beautiful wives of the cowherds, and Your
heart has become mad!

tä ahaà bhaavadéà tuvareduà gamissam. (iti niñkräntä).

tä—therefore; aham—I; bhaavadém—to the exalted Paurëamäsé;

tuvaredum—to quickly; gamissam—I shall go; iti—thus; niñkräntä—she

I will immediately go to the noble Paurëamäsé. (She exits.)

rädhikä: (vimåçya. sanskåtena)

sä kalyäëé kula-yuvatibhiù çélitä dharma-çailé
gräg asmäbhiù katham avinayotphullam ullaìghanéyä
(ity ardhokte. punaù sotkaëöham.)
hä dåg-bhaìgé-parimala-kalä-karmaöho 'yaà kathaà vä
hätuà çakyaù paçupa-nagaré-nägaré-nägarendraù

vimåçya—reflecting for a moment; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; sä—she;

kalyäëé—auspicious; kula—pious and chaste; yuvatibhiù—by the young
girls; çélitä—performed; dharma—pious; çailé—activities; dräk—quickly;

69 •
asmäbhiù—by us; katham—how is it?; avinaya—immodesty; phullam—
blossomed; ullaìghanéyä—about to be transgressed; iti—thus; ardha—half;
ukte—in the speech; punaù—again; sa—with; utkaëöham—longing; hä—O;
dåk-bhaìgé—of the sidelong glances; parimala—manifestations; kalä—at the
art; karmaöhaù—very expert; ayam—He; katham vä—how is it possible?;
hätum—to neglect; çakyaù—able; paçupa—of the cowherd men; nagaré—of
the town of Gokula; nägaré—of the charming gopés; nägara—of the amorous
heroes; indraù—the king.

Rädhikä: (reflects for a moment, and then says) Why do we pious

girls disobey the auspicious rules of dharma? (She stops in the middle,
and then again speaks, filled with longing.) Ah! How can I reject the
best of the amorous heroes of this cowherd's village, who is very
expert in the art of casting sidelong glances at beautiful girls?

(tataù praviçati nandémukhé-mukharäbhyäm anugamyamänä

paurëamäsé: mukhare, kim aduùsädha-bädhä tarkitä tvayä rädhä
mukharä: bhaavadi, suëähi.

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; nandémukhé—by Nandémukhé;

mukharäbhyäm—and Mukharä; anugamyamänä—followed; paurëamäsé—
Paurëamäsé; mukhare—O Mukharä; kim—why?; aduùsädha—incurable;
bädhä—disease; tarkitä—is thought; tvayä—by you; rädhä—Rädhä;
bhaavadi—O noble gopé; suëähi—please listen.

(Followed by Nandémukhé and Mukharä, Paurëamäsé enters.)

Paurëamäsé: Mukharä, why do you think Rädhä suffers from an

incurable illness?

Mukharä: O noble lady, listen.

agre vikñya çikhaëòa aciräd utkampam älambate

guïjänäà ca vilokanän muhur asau parikroçati
no jäne janayann apürva-naöana-krédä-camatkäritäà
bäläyäù kila citta-bhümim aviçat ko 'yaà navéna-grahaù

agre—in front; vikñya—seeing; çikhaëòa-khaëòam—some peacock

feathers; acirät—all of a sudden; utkampam—trembling of the heart and
body; älambate—takes to; guïjänäm—of a necklace of günjä berries; ca—
also; vilokanät—by seeing; muhuù—constantly; asau—She; sa-asram—with
tears; parikroçati—goes around crying; no—not; jäne—I know; janayan—
awakening; apürva-naöana—unprecedented dramatic dancing; kriòä—of

70 •
activities; camatkäritäm—astonishment; bäläyäù—of this poor girl; kila—
certainly; citta-bhümim—within the heart; aviçat—has entered; kaù—what;
ayam—this; navéna-grahaù—new planet's influence.

Seeing peacock feathers in front of Her, this girl suddenly begins

trembling. When She sometimes sees a necklace of günjä berries, She
sheds tears and cries loudly. I do not know what kind of planet's
influence has affected the heart of this poor girl, awakening in it an
unprecedented and astonishing dramatic dancing!5

paurëamäsé: (svagatam) so 'yam uddaëòasya navänuräga-räçeù ko

'pi caëòimä. (prakäçam) mukhare, sädhu vijïätam. yad atra dänava-
kulävataàsäù kaàsädayo rädhäm anviñyanti tena ko 'py ayam aìganä-
graho bäläm äviveça.

svagatam—aside; saù—it; ayam—this; uddaëòasya—powerful;

nava—new; anuräga—of love; räçeù—of a great quantity; koù api—some;
caëòimä—violent passion; prakäçam—openly; mukhare—O Mukharä;
sädhu—properly; vijïätam—understood; yat—which; atra—here;
dänava—of the demons; kula—of the dynasties; avataàsäù—crowns;
kaàsa—Kaàsa; ädayaù—headed by; rädhäm—Rädhä; anviçyanti—search;
tena—because of this; kaù api—some; ayam—this; aìganä—woman;
grahaù—magical influence; bäläm—the girl; äviveça—entered.

Paurëamäsé: (aside) This is the passion of intense new love.

(Openly) Mukharä, I understand this very well. Kaàsa and the other
demons are searching for Rädhä. Because of them, the magical
influence of some female ghost entered the heart of this girl.

mukharä: bhaavadi, ko ettha paòi-äro.

paurëamäsé: api dänavärer dåñöir eva.

bhaavadi—O noble gopé; ko—what?; ettha—here; paòi-äro—is the

remedy; api—certainly; dänava—of the demons; areù—the enemy; dåñöir—a
glimpse; eva—only.

Mukharä: Noble lady, what is the remedy?

Paurëamäsé: The only remedy is to look at the enemy of the


The word "navéna-grahaù" (and "aìganä-graho" from the following text) can also mean "He, who
is eager to enjoy with young girls". "I do not know, maybe some youth who likes to enjoy with
young gopis has entered the heart of this poor girl!"

71 •
mukharä: bhaavadi, kuòilä kkhu jaòilä edaà ëäniëandissadi.
paurëamäsé: mukhare, sa khalu mad-girä sandiçyatäm—-"jaöile, mä
çaìkiñöhäù. kåñëam ätmavidyayaiva saìghatayiñyämi" iti.
(mukharä namaskåtya niñkräntä.)

bhaavadi—O noble gopé; kuòilä—crooked; kkhu—indeed; jaòilä—

Jaöilä; edam—this; ëa—not; ahiëandissadi—wil become pleased;
mukhare—O Mukharä; sä—she; khalu—indeed; mad—my; girä—by speech;
sandiçyatäm—may be told; jaöile—O Jaöilä; mä—do not; çaìkiñöhäù—be
afraid; kåñëam—Kåñëa; ätma-vidyayä—by mystic power; saìghatayiçyämi—
I shall bring; iti—thus; mukharä—Mukharä; namaskåtya—offering
obeisances; niçkräntä—exits.

Mukharä: Noble lady, this will not please crooked Jaöilä!

Paurëamäsé: Mukharä, I will tell her, "Jaöilä, don't worry! I will

make Kåñëa appear by my mystic power."

(Mukharä offers obeisances and exits.)

paurëamäsé: (upasåtya) vatse, nijäbhéñöa-läbhena kåtärthé-bhüyäù.

(rädhä sävahitthaà praëamati.)

upasåtya—approaching; vatse—O child; nija—own; abhéñöa—of the

desire; läbhena—by the attainment; kåta-arthé—contented; bhüyäù—greatly;
rädhä—Rädhä; sa—with; avahittham—concealment of her actual emotions;
praëamati—offers obeisances.

Paurëamäsé: (approaches Rädhä) Child, now my desires are


(Concealing her emotions, Rädhä offers obeisances.)

paurëamäsé: (svagatam)
bhajantyäù savréòaà katham api tad-äòambara-ghaöäm
apahnotuà yatnäd abhinava-madämoda-madhurä
adhérä kälindé-pulina-kalabhendrasya vijayaà
sarojakñyäù säkñäd vadati hådi kuïje tanuvané

svagatam—aside; bhajantyäù—who is acting; sa—with; vréòam—

embarrassment; katham api—by some means; tat—of Him; äòambara—the
trumpeting; ghaöäm—abundance; apahnotum—to conceal; yathät—with
great effort; abhinava—fresh; mada—of the rut-fluid which flows from an
elephant's temples (or musk); ämoda—bodily fragrance; madhurä—

72 •
sweetened; adhérä—untamed; kälindé—of the Yamunä river; pulina—on the
bank; kalabha—of the young elephants; indrasya—of the king; vijayam—
victory; saroja—lotus; akñyäù—eyes; säkñät—directly; vadati—showing;
hådi—in the heart; kuïje—in the grove; tanu—form; vané—small forest.

Paurëamäsé: (aside) Although She shyly tries to hide the loud

roar of the young elephant's king, who plays on the bank of the
Yamunä in the forest of Her body, sweet with the fragrance of fresh
musk, Rädhä's lotus eyes proclaim the victory of this restless elephant
in the bower of Her heart.

(punar nirüpya janäntikam.) hanta nändémukhé, nirbhara-gabhéra-

premormi-nirmita-manaù-kñobhä kim apy eñä viceñöate. tad iyam
avadhäryatäm anuräga-vérasya käpi durvibodha-gabhéra-vikrama-vaicitré.
tathä hi.

punaù—again; nirüpya—describing; janäntikam—whispering (to

Nändémukhé); hanta—O; nändémukhi—Nändémukhi; nirbhara—great;
gabhéra—deep; prema—of love; ürmi—by waves; nirmita—produced;
manaù—of the mind; kñobhä—agitation; kim api—indescribeable; eñä—she;
viceñöate—acts; tat—that; iyam—this; avadhäryatäm—should be considered;
anuräga—of love; vérasya—of the hero; kä api—something; durvibodha—
difficult to understand; gabhéra—great; vikrama—prowess; vaicitré—
wonder; tathä hi—for this reason it has been said.

Paurëamäsé: (whispers) Nändémukhé, Her mind is agitated by

waves of deep, intense love. Know that this is caused by the wonderful
and inconceivable power of one amorous hero!

pratyähåtya muniù kñaëaà viñayato yasmin mano dhitsate

bäläsau viñayeñu dhitsati tataù pratyäharanté manaù
yasya sphürti-laväya hanta hådaye yogé samutkaëöhate
mugdheyaà bata paçya tasya hådayäh niñkräntim äkäìkñati

pratyähåtya—having withdrawn; muniù—a sage; kñaëam—for a

moment; viñayataù—from the objects of the senses; yasmin—in whom;
manaù—mind; dhitsate—is placed; bälä—girl; asau—this; viñayeñu—in the
sense-objects; dhitsati—places; tataù—from that; pratyäharanté—
withdrawing; manaù—the mind; yasya—of whom; sphürti—of
manifestation; laväya—for a tiny particle; hanta—O; hådaye—in the heart;
yogé—a yogé; samutkaëöhate—aspires; mugdhä—bewildered; iyam—this;
bata—alas; pañya—just look; tasya—of Him; hådayät—from the heart;
niskräntim—the exit; äkäìkñati—desires.

73 •
Just see how wonderful it is! Great sages windraw their
consciousness from the objects of the senses and with great difficulty
try to situate Kåñëa in their hearts. And opposed to this, this young
girl is trying to withdraw Her mind from Kåñëa so She can apply it to
the material activities. Ah! What a regrettable thing it is that this girl
is trying to drive away from Her heart the same Kåñëa who is sought
after by great yogis through severe austerities!

nändémukhé: bhaavadi, érisassa bhä-assa viëëäne müòhamhi.

paurëamäsé: vatse satyam ättha. durgamo 'yam gäòhänuräga-
vivartaù. çruyatäm.

bhaavadi—O noble lady; érisassa—like this; bhä-assa—of love;

viëëäne—in knowledge; müòhamhi—I am bewildered; vatse—child;
satyam—truth; ättha.—you say; durgamaù—difficult to attain; ayam—this;
gäòha—deep; anuräga—love; vivartaù—ecstasy; çruyatäm—please hear.

Nändémukhé: O noble lady, love like this bewilders me.

Paurëamäsé: Child, what you say is true. This deep and ecstatic
love is very rare and difficult to understand. Please listen.

péòäbhir nava-käla-küöa-kaöutä-garvasya nirväsano

nisyandena mudäm sudhä-madhurimähaìkära-saìkocanaù
premä sundari nanda-nandana-paro jägarti yasyäntare
jïäyante sphutam asya vakra-madhuräs tenaiva vikräntayaù

péòäbhir—by the sufferings; nava—fresh; käla-küta—of poison;

kaöutä—of the severity; garvasya—of pride; nirväsanaù—banishment;
nisyandena—by pouring down; mudäm—happiness; sudhä—of nectar;
madhurimä—of the sweetness; ahaìkära—the pride; saìkocanaù—
minimizing; premä—love; sundaré—beautiful girl; nanda-nandana-paraù—
fixed upon the son of Mahäräja Nanda; jägarti—awakens; yasya—of whom;
antare—in the heart; jïäyante—are perceived; sphutam—clearly manifested;
asya—of that; vakra—crooked; madhuräù—and sweet; tena—by him; eva—
alone; vikräntayaù—the path.

The pain caused by this love destroys the pride of the fresh käla-
küöa6 poison, but at the same time, the experienced stream of bliss
eclipses the sweetness of the nectar. My beautiful girl, only the person
who awakens prema for Nanda-nandana in his heart will be able to

A poison produced at the churning of the Milk Ocean and swallowed by Lord Çiva.

74 •
experience the crooked path of this sweet love.7

tad ehi, bhävam asyäù parékñevahi. (ity upasåtya) vatse kim api

tat—to that; ehi—please do; bhävam—the love; asyäù—of her (Rädhä);

parékñevahi—let us observe; iti—thus; upasåtya—approaching; vatse—O
child; kim api—a little; prañöavyä—to be questioned; asi—you are.

Come, let us test Her love. (They approach Rädhä) Child, we

would like to ask You some questions.

yatiù premodättaù sucarita-kathä gokula-pure

prasiddhä te çuddhe janir api ca lakñmévati kule
apurvä kurväëä matim iha mahä-sähasamayéà
suhådbhyas tvaà lajjäm api kim iva rädhe na bhajasi
(rädhikä kätaryam abhinéya salajjaà lalitä-karëa-müle lagati.)

yatiù—self-control; premodattaù—love for others; sucarita—of pious

conduct; kathä—the account; gokula—of Gokula; pure—in the town;
prasiddhä—famous; te—your; çuddhe—pure; janiù—birth; api—even; ca—
and; lakñmévati—prosperous; kule—in a family; apurvä—unprecedented;
kurväëä—performing; matim—mind; iha—here; mahä—great; sähasa—of
restlessness; mayém—consisting; suhåbhyaù—to friends; tvam—you;
lajjäm—embarrassment; api—even; kim iva—why?; rädhe—O Rädhä; na—
not; bhajasi—you do; rädhikä—Rädhä; kätaryam—agitated and alarmed;
abhinéya—having become; sa-lajjam—embarrassed; lalitä—of Lalitä; karëa-
müle—the ear; lagati—approaches.

Your self-control, love for others, pious conduct, and birth in a

prosperous family are well-known in Gokula. O Rädhä, why are You
so reckless, and not shy even in front of Your friends?

(Agitated and embarrassed, Rädhikä whispers in Lalitä's ear.)

lalitä: ajje, viëëavedi rähi. (iti sanskåtena.)

doñodgäraà tvam api kuruñe hä mayi vyäkuläyäà
7 The word “jägarti” (“awakened”) indicates that such prema always exists and never sleeps. This is
its essential characteristic (svarüpa-lakñaëa). This is experienced (jïäyante) only by those in whom
such love has awakened, and cannot be described in words. "Vakra-madhuräù” means that the path
of such sweetness is winding, and a person’s attachment (anuräga) will simply be perceived only
as a burden. This prema cannot be understood by questions and answers, but only by great good
fortune. The one who awakens such love in his heart will experience both the great sweetness and
the intense pain caused by it (although both of these feelings are the highest transcendental
happiness). Therefore, one should strive for this kind of bhäva.

75 •
pädebhyas te bhagavati çape näparädhyämi sädhvi
parëaiù karnotpala-valayibhis täòyamäno 'pi dhürto
na çyämätmä mama tanu-pariñvaìga-raìgaà jahäti

ajje—O noble gopé; viëëavedi—should explain; rähi—Rädhä; iti—

thus; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; doña—of faults; udgäram—spitting out;
tvam—you; api—even; kuruñe—perform; hä—O; mayi—to me;
vyäkuläyäm—perplexed; pädebhyaù—to the feet; te—Your; bhagavati—to
you; çape—I swear; na—not; aparädhyämi—I offend; sädhvi—O saintly
gopé; parëaiù—with leaves; karëa—on the ear; utpala—blue lotus flowers;
valayibhiù—circled by; täòyamänaù—beaten; api—even; dhürtaù—rascal;
na—not; çyäma—dark complexioned; ätmä—person; mama—my; tanu—
body; pariñvaìga—of embracing; raìgam—pleasure; jahäti—abandons.

Lalitä: Noble lady, Rädhä wants to explain. She says: "O noble
lady, I take an oath upon your feet, that I have not done anything
wrong. Even though again and again I struck Him with a garland of
lotus flowers, that dark-complexioned rake would not give up the
pleasure of embracing Me!"

paurëamäsé: (serñyam ivälokya) mugdhe, kim anyäà prauòha-

mudräà noddaëòayasi.

sa—with; érñyam—malice; iva—as if; älokya—glancing; mugdhe—O

bewildered girl; kim—what?; anyäm—further; prauòha—arrogant;
mudräm—sign; na—not; uddaëòayasi—you violently strike.

Paurëamäsé: (looking at Rädhä with pretended anger) O silly

girl, why did You not do something more ferocious to stop Him?

rädhikä: (saroñam. sanskåtena)

kroçantyäà kara-pallavena balavän sadyaù pidhatte mukhaà
dhävantyäà bhaya-bhäji viståta-bhujo rundhe puraù paddhatim
pädänte viluöhaty asau mayi muhur dañöädharäyäà ruñä
mätaç caëòi mayä çikhaëòa-mukuöäd ätmäbhirarakñyah katham

sa—with; roñam—anger; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; kroñantyäm—when

crying; kara—hand; pallavena—with the sprout; balavän—strong; sadyaù—
immediately; pidhatte—covers; mukham—the mouth; dhävantyäm—while
running away; bhaya-bhäji—frightened; viståta—spread; bhujaù—arms;
rudhe—obstructs; puraù—in the front; padhatim—the path; päda—of the
feet; ante—at the end; viluöhati—falling down; asau—Him; mayi—My;
muhuù—again and again; dañöa-adharäyäm—bitten lips; ruñä—with anger;
mätaù—O mother; caëòi—angry; mayä—by Me; çikhaëòa-mukuöät—from

76 •
Kåñëa who wears a peacock feather on His head; ätma—self; abhirakñyaù—
protection; katham—how may it be?

Rädhikä: (angrily) If I want to cry, He immediately covers My

mouth with His tender sprout-like fingers. When I try to flee in fear,
He spreads His arms to block My path, and I fall at His feet, angrily
biting My lips again and again. O angry mother, please tell Me, how I
can protect Myself from this youth with a peacock feather on His

paurëamäsé: (svagatam) niñkampatayä baddha-mülo 'yaà prema-


svagatam—aside; niñkampatayä—by not shaking; baddha—bound;

mülaù—root; ayam—this; prema—of love; paläçé—tree.

Paurëamäsé: (aside) Her tree of love is firmly rooted!

tvayä néto vämaù phalaka-milad-aìgo madhu-ripuù
sukhäçäbhiù kréòä-kutukini kuto netra-padavém
kukülägni-jvälä-paöala-kaöu-kelir yad adhunä
daçeyaà danta tväà jvalayati himänéva naliném

prakäçam—openly; tvayä—by you; nétaù—brought; vämaù—inimical;

phalaka—picture; milat—meeting; aìgaù—body; madhu-ripuù— Kåñëa,
whose sweetness defeats spring and honey; sukha—of happiness; äçäbhiù—
with hopes; kréòä—pastimes; kutukini—O you who are eager to perform;
kutaù—for what reason?; netra—of the eyes; padavém—to the path; kuküla-
agni—entire body set on fire; jvälä—burning; paöala—abundance; kaöu—
fierce; keliù—pastimes; yat—which; adhunä—now; daçä—condition;
iyam—this; tväm—you; jvalayati—burns; himäni—snows; iva—like;
naliném—lotus flower.

(Openly) O Rädhä fond of joyful pastimes, why did You bring

Kåñëa to the pathway of Your eyes, looking at His form, which is
sweeter than honey, in the picture? Now a fierce fire burns Your body,
just like snow scorching a lotus flower.

rädhä: (kåñëam uddiçya sopälambham ätmagatam)

çiçiraya dåñau dåñövä divyaà kiçoram itékñitaù
parijana-giräà visarmbhät tvaà viläsa-phaläìkitaù
çiva çiva kathaà jänémas tväm avakra-dhiyo vayaà

77 •
kåñëam—Kåñëa; uddisya—noting; sa—with; upälambham—
recognition; ätma-gatam—aside; çiçiraya—cooling; dåçau—eyes; dåñövä—
having seen; divyam—charming; kiçoram—youth; iti—thus; ékñitaù—seen;
parijana—of the associates; giräm—of the words; viçrambhät—because of
confidence; tvam—you; viläsa-phaläìkitaù—marked with playfulness; çiva
çiva—ah! ah! (an interjection of disapprobation); katham—why?; jänémaù—
we understand; tväm—you; avakra—honest; dhiyaù—minds; vayam—we;
nibida—intense; vaòavä-vahni—vadava-agni form of fire; jvälä—of flames;
kaläpa—multitude; vikäsinam—expanded.

Rädhä: (thinking of Kåñëa, She says to Herself) Having faith in

the words of My sakhis, who told Me to look at Your kiçora form
marked with playfulness to soothe My eyes, I looked at Your picture.
O Çiva Çiva! How could We simply-minded girls know that You are like
the vaòavä-agni, burning with great flames?8

paurëamäsé: (sasneham älokya.) vatse, kñaëam ekänte niviçya puñpeñu

lekho nirméyatäm. yathäà kåñëäya svasakhébhyäà samarpyate.
(rädhä sakhébhyäà saha niñkraëtä.)

sa—with; sneham—affection; älokya—seeing; vatse—O child;

kñaëam—for a moment; ekänte—in a private place; niviçya—having entered;
puñpeñu—among flowers; lekhaù—a letter; nirméyatäm—may be written;
yathä—just as; ayam—this; kåñëäya—to Kåñëa; sva—your own;
sakhébhyäm—by the two friends (Lalitä and Viñäkhä); samarpyate—may be
presented; rädhä—Rädhä; sakhébhyäm—with two friends; saha—with;

Paurëamäsé: (affectionately glancing at Rädhä) Child, come for a

moment in this secluded flower garden and write a letter. Your sakhis
will carry it to Kåñëa.9 (Accompanied by Her two sakhis, Rädhä exits.)

paurëamäsé: (parikramya) nändémukhi. kåñëo 'pi nätidüre bhaviñyati,

yad atra dakñiëato naiciké-nikurambasya hambäraväòambaro 'yam
ambaram äkrämati. tad ahaà snähärtaà vrajämi.
(iti niñkränte.)

parikramya—beginning to walk; nändémukhi—O Nändémukhi;

Vaòavä-agni is the most terrible form of fire, dormant at the bottom of the cosmic ocean. It flares
up at the end of each cosmic cycle to consume the universe.
9 The word "niviçya puñpeñu" can also mean "enter into love". “Child, immersed in love for Kåñëa,

write a letter to Him.” In pürva-räga (love feelings before the first meeting), the heroine sends her
love letter and garland through a messenger. Paurëamäsé speaks according to käma-çästra.

78 •
kåñëaù—Kåñëa; api—certainly; na—not; ati—very; düre—far away;
bhaviñyati—will be; yat—because; atra—here; dakñiëataù—from the south;
naiciké—of transcendental surabhi cows; nikurambasya—of the herd;
hambä-rava—of the lowing sound; äòambaraù—the loud sound; ayam—
this; ambaram—to the sky; äkrämati—goes; tat—therefore; aham—I;
sëana—of taking bath; artham—for the purpose; vrajämi—I shall go.

Paurëamäsé: (walking) Nändémukhé, Kåñëa is not far from here

since the mooing of His cows, coming from the south, fills the sky. I
will go to take a bath.

(Paurëamäsé and Nändémukhé exit.)

(tataù praviçati kåñëaù)

kåñëaù: (sodvegam)
yadavadhi tad akasmäd eva vismäyitäkñaà
nava-taòid-abhirämaà dhäma säkñäd babhüva
tadavadhi cira-cintä-cakra-saktä viraktià
mama matir upabhoge yoginéva prayäti

yadavadhi—since that time; tat—that; akasmät—suddenly; eva—

indeed; vismäyita—astonished; akñam—eyes; nava—new; taòit—lightning;
abhirämam—splendid; dhäma—form; säkñat—directly; babhüva—became;
tadavadhi—from that time; cira—for a long time; cintä—anxious thought;
cakra—in the circle; saktä—fixed; viraktim—indifference; mama—my;
matiù—mind; upabhoge—in the objects of enjoyment; yoginé—an ascetic;
iva—as; prayäti—attains.

Kåñëa: (enters, distressed) From the moment that form splendid

like new lightning suddenly filled My eyes with wonder, My mind fell
into a whirlpool of thoughts and, like a yogé, renounced all other

(puro 'nusåtya) hanta, raìgaëa-mälyam upanetuà prasthito vayasyaù

kathaà vilambate.
(praviçya mälya-hastaù.)
madhumaìgalaù: kadhaà ajja dummaëä-edi pi-a-vasso. hodu.
pasaìgado jänissam.

puraù—ahead; anusrtya—moving; hanta—O; raìgaëa—from

rangana flowers; mälyam—garland; upanetum—to bring; prasthitaù—
appointed; vayasyaù—companion; katham—why; vilambate—tarries;
praviçya—enters; mälya—with a garland; hastaù—in his hand; kadham—
why?; ajja—now; dummaëä-edi—is troubled; pi-a—dear; vaasso—friend;

79 •
hodu—may it be; pasaìgado—when the occasion presents itself; jäùissam—
I will understand.

(Going ahead) Oh! I sent My friend to bring a garland of raìgaëa

flowers. Why does he delay?

(Carrying a garland in his hand, Madhumaìgala enters.)

Madhumaìgala: Why is my dear friend unhappy? So be it. In time

I will know why.

(iti parikramya kåñëam paçyan. svagatam, sanskåtena)

phulla-prasüna-paöalais tapanéya-varëäm
älokya campaka-latäà kila kampate 'sau
çaìke niraìka-nava-kuìkuma-paìka-gauré
rädhäsya citta-phalake tilaké-babhüva

iti—thus; parikramya—walking; kåñëam—Kåñëa; paçyan—seeing;

svagatam—aside; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; phulla—blossomed; prasüna—of
flowers; paöalaiù—with multitudes; tapanéya—of gold; varëäm—color;
älokya—having seeing; campaka—campaka; latäm—creeper; kila—indeed;
kampate—trembles; asau—He; çaìke—I think; niraìka—pure; nava—fresh;
kuìkuma—by kuìkuma powder; gauré—golden; rädhä—Rädhä; asya—His;
citta—of the mind; phalake—on the drawing-paper; tilaké—marking;
babhüva—has become.

(Walking, Madhumaìgala sees Kåñëa and says to himself)

Looking at the vine blooming with many golden campaka flowers,
Kåñëa trembles. I think that golden Rädhä, decorated with fresh
kuìkuma, has now marked the canvas of His mind.

(ity upasåtya) bho geëha (iti mälyaà nivedayati)

kåñëa: (anäkarëitakenaiva)
hådi sä mudiräli-medure
capalä mäà kim alaìkariñyati

iti—thus; upasåtya—approaching; bho—O; geëha—please take; iti—

thus; mälyan—the garland; nivedayati—offers; anäkarëitakena—as if He
had not heard; eva—certainly; kanaka—of gold; adri—mountain; niketa—
residence; ketaké—the ketaké; kalikä—unblossomed flowers; kalpa—equal;
kalevara—of the body; dyutiù—splendor; hådi—on the chest; sä—she;
mudira—of clouds; äli—of a multitude; medure—smooth; capalä—lightning;

80 •
mäm—me; kim—whether?; alaìkariñyati—will ornament.

(Madhumaìgala approaches Kåñëa). Bho! Please take it. (He

offers the garland to Kåñëa).

Kåñëa: (as if not hearing) Her body is splendid like a budding

ketaké flower on a golden mountain... When will She become a
lightning flash decorating the smooth monsoon-cloud of My chest?10

madhumaìgalaù: (svagatam) phalidaà me takkeëa. (prakñäm

uccaiù) bho pi-a-vaassa. samuhe vikkosandaà vi késa maà ëa pecchasi.

svagatam—aside; phalidam—fruitful; me—my; takkeëa—by logic;

prakäçam—openly; uccaiù—with a loud voice; bho—O; pi-a—dear;
vaassa—friend; sammuhe—in Your presence; vikkosandam—crying; vi—
although; késa—for what reason?; mam—me; ëa—not; pecchasi—you see.

Madhumaìgala: (aside) My suspicions were correct. (Openly,

with a loud voice) Bho! Dear friend, why do You not see me, even
though I stand right in front of You and calling out?

kåñëaù: (sävahittham) sakhe, campaka-latäyä lävaëyäkåñöena mayä

nopadåñöo 'si.
madhumaìgalaù: saccaà cce-a bhaëäsi, kià tu saàcäriëé-e campa-

sa-avahittham—concealing His emotions; sakhe—O friend; campaka-

latäyaù—of the campaka creeper; lävaëya—by the beauty; äkåñöena—
attracted; mayä—by me; na—not; upadåñöaù—perceived; asi—you are;
saccam—the truth; cce-a—indeed; bhaëäsi—you are speaking; kim tu—but;
saàcäriëé-e—of the moving; campa-a—campaka; ladä-e—creeper.

Kåñëa: (concealing His emotions) Friend, attracted by the beauty

of this flowering campaka vine, I did not notice you.

Madhumaìgala: You speak the truth, but why are You looking at
that trembling campaka vine?

kåñëaù: sakhe, kämam asambhävyaç campaka-latäyäù saïcäraù.

madhumaìgalaù: vaassa, kkhaëaà viramedu vaìkattaëam. ujju-aà
kahehi kahaà suëëa-hi-a-osi tti.
kåñëaù: (sasmitam) sakhe, mäläà vinä.

"She is fickle like lightning. I will be successful if I can touch Her even for a moment!"

81 •
madhumaìgalaù: bälaà tti bhaëa.
kåñëaù: mudheyaà te viçaìkä.

sakhe—O friend; kämam—desiring; asambhävyaù—impossible;

campaka—campaka; latäyäù—of the creeper; saïcäraù—the movements;
vaassa—O friend; kkhaëam—for a moment; viramedu—may be stopped;
vaìkattaëam—ambiguity; ujju-am—in a straightforward truthful manner;
kahehi—please speak; kaham—how is it?; suëëa—empty; hi-a-osi—your
heart; tti—thus; sa—with; smitam—a smile; sakhe—O friend; mäläm—the
garland; vinä—without; bälam—the girl; tti—thus; bhaëa—You should say;
mudhä—uselessly; te—your; viçaìkä—suspicion.

Kåñëa: Friend, I want to understand its incredible movements.

Madhumaìgala: O dear friend, give up Your ambiguity even for

a moment! Speak the truth. Why is Your heart now desolate like a

Kåñëa: (smiles) Friend, because I have no garland.

Madhumaìgala: You should say "girl", not "garland"!11

Kåñëa: Leave your silly suspicions.

kåñëaù: (sanskåtena äçritya)

na jänéñe murdhnaç cyutam api çikhaëòam yad akhilaà
na kaëöhe yan-mälyaà kalayasi purastät kåtam api
tad unnétaà våndävana-kuhara-lélä-kalabha he
sphuöaà rädhä-netra-bhramara-vara-véryonnatir iyam

sanskåtena—speaking in Sanskrit; na—not; jänéñe—you understand;

murdhnaù—for the head; cyutam—fallen; api—even; çikhaëòam—peacock
feather; yat—which; akhilam—all; na—not; kaëöhe—on the neck; yat—
which; mälyam—garland; kalayasi—prepared; purastät—before the eyes;
kåtam—done; api—even; tat—that; unnétam—lifted; våndävana—in
Våndävana; kuhara—in the groves; lélä—who performs pastimes; kalabha—
young elephant; he—O; sphuöam—manifested; rädhä—of Rädhä; netra—of
the eyes; bhramara—bees; vara—excellent; vérya—power; unnatiù—rising;

Madhumaìgala: You don't even notice that the peacock feather

has fallen from Your head. In front of You is a freshly made garland,

“You should say “bälam” ("girl"), not “mälam” ("garland")!”

82 •
but You do not put it on Your neck. O young elephant playing in the
groves of Våndävana forest! I think all this is caused by the great
power of Rädhä's charming bee-like eyes!12

kåñëaù: (svagatam) kathaà nikhilam eva tarkitaà dhürtena, tad alam

pratarya. (prakäçam) sakhe, yathärtham attha. tad akarnyatam.

svagatam—aside; katham—how?; nikhilam—everything; eva—indeed;

tarkitam—has been deduced; dhurtena—by this rascal; tat—that; alam—
greatly; pratarya—having misled; prakasam—openly; sakhe—O friend;
yatha-artham—as it is proper; attha—you have spoken; tat—this;
akarnyatam—should be heard.

Kåñëa: (aside) How did this rascal understand everything? I will

not lie to him. (Openly) Friend, what you say is true.

mama rädhä nisargasthaà

pratépam anayan manaù
mahä-jyaiñöhéva sahasä
praväham saura-saindhavam

mama—my; rädhä—Rädhä; nisarga-stham—situated in it's own

nature; pratépam—in the opposite manner; anayan—leads; manaù—mind;
mahä—great; jyaiñöhé—the full moon in the month of May-June; iva—just like;
sahasä—quickly; praväham—the mighty current; saura-saidhavam—of the
Gaìgä river.

As the full moon in the month of Jyaiñöha fills the Gaìgä with
mighty waves, so Rädhä has agitated My peaceful mind.

madhumaìgalaù: ëüëaà acchéëaà de paccakkhé-bhudä esä.

kåñëaù: atha kim. subalataù sä paricikye ca. (ity autsukyam abhinéya)

ëüëam—at present; acchinam—of the eyes; de—Your; paccakkhé—

manifested; bhudä—has become; esä—she; atha kim—indeed; subalataù—
because of Subala; sa—she; paricikye—known; ca—and; iti—thus;
autsukyam abhinéya—eager.

Madhumaìgala: This girl now stands before Your eyes.

Kåñëa: Yes, it is true. I learned about Her from Subala... (Kåñëa

It is well known that the bees, attracted by the scent of mada from the temples of an intoxicated
elephant, greatly agitate him. “O young elephant! I think Your agitation is caused by the great power
of the bees in the form of Rädhä's charming eyes!”

83 •
becomes impatient.)

bhramad-bhrü-vallékaiù pratidiçam apäìgasya valanaiù

kuraìgébhyo bhaìgé-bharam upadiçantém iva dåçoù
tatas täà bimbauñöhéà kalayati mayi krodha-vikaöo
mano-janmä pauñpaà dhanur anupamaà sajjam akarot

bhramat—moving; bhrü—eyebrows; vallékaiù—with the creepers;

pratidiçam—in all directions; apäìgasya—of the corners of the eyes;
valanaiù—moving; kurangébhyaù—deer; bhaìgé-bharam—very curved;
upadiçantém—instructing; iva—as if; dåçoù—of the eyes; tataù—then; täm—
her; bimba—like the bimba fruit; oñöhém—lips; kalayati—sees; mayi—in Me;
krodha—anger; vikaöah—in great; mano-janmä—Kämadeva; pauñpam—
made of flowers; dhanuù—bow; anupamam—incomparable; sajjam—
strung; akarot—made.

When I look at that girl with bimba-fruit lips, who, moving the
creepers of Her eyebrows, teaches the does the art of casting waves of
crooked glances in all directions, Kämadeva in great anger aims at Me
his peerless flower bow.

madhumaìgala: avi ëäma saàvuttaà aëëoëëa-daàsaëam

kåñëaù: nahi nahi
tasyäh sakhe mukha-tuñära-mayükha-bimbe
dürän mamäkñi-padavém adhirüòha-mätre
nirbandhataù çapatha-koöibhir ambayähaà
nétaù kñaëaò ahaha sadmani bhojanäya

avi ëäma—perhaps?; saàvuttam—occurred; aëëoëëa—mutual;

daàsaëam—sight; nahi nahi—no! no!; tasyäù—of Her; sakhe—O friend;
mukha—of the face; tuñära—cooling; mayükah—effulgence; bimbe—the
moon's disk; dürät—from a distance; mama—my; akñi—of the eyes;
padavém—path; adhirudha—risen; mätre—only; nirbandhataù—insistently;
çapatha—of complaints; koöibhiù—with millions; ambayä—by mother;
aham—I; nétaù—am led; kñaëät—in a moment; ahaha—alas; sadmani—
home; bhojanäya—for eating.

Madhumaìgala: Perhaps You two have seen each other before?

Kåñëa: No, no! Friend, as soon as the cooling and splendid moon
of Her face rises on the horizon of My sight, My mother, with millions
of complaints, stubbornly takes Me home to eat.

madhumaìgalaù: vaassa, ciööhanti bahulä-o ballava-sundaré-o,

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tadavi késa ekä-e rähé-e nibharaà aëurajjasi.
kåñëaù: sakhe, rädhäyäm asädhäraëé käpi mädhuré. tathä hi.

vaassa—O friend; ciööhanti—there are; bahulä—many; ballava-

sundaré-o—beautiful gopés; tadavi—nevertheless; késa—why?; tumam—
You; ekä-e—to only one; rähé-e—to Rädhä; nibharam—greatly; anurajjasi—
you attracted; sakhe—O friend; rädhäyäm—in Rädhä; asädhäraëé—
extraordinary; kä api—some; mädhuré—sweetness; tathä hi—therefore I say.

Madhumaìgala: Dear friend, there are so many young beautiful

gopés. Why are you so strongly attracted only to Rädhä?

Kåñëa: O friend, some extraordinary sweetness is present in


tasyäù känti-dyutini vadane maïjule cäkñi-yugme

taträmäkaà yadavadhi sakhe dåñöir eñä niviñöä
satyaà brumas tadavadhi bhaved indum indévaraà vä
smäraà smäraà mukha-kuöilatä-käriëé yaà håëéyä

tasyäù—her; känti—beautiful; dyutini—splendid; vadane—face;

maïjule—charming; cäkñi-yugme—eyes; tatra—there; asmäkam—of us;
yadavadhi—since that time; sakhe—O friend; dåñöiù—sight; esa—this;
niviñöä—entered; satyam—truthfully; brumaù—we speak; tadavadhi—from
that time; bhavet—may be; indum—the moon; indévaram—the blue lotus
flower; vä—or; smäram smäram—continually remembering; mukha—of the
mouth; kuöilatä—crookedness; käriëém—doing; yam—which; håëéyä—

Friend, from the moment I saw Her face, shining with beauty,
and Her charming eyes, on remembering the moon and the blue lotus
flower My mouth curls in disgust.

madhumaìgalaù: daàsaëado paòhaà jjeva tattha tujjha rä-o ma-e

takkido tthi. tä kià tti lävaëëovähi-o tti bhaëasi.

daàsaëado—from the sight; paòham—at the beginning; jjeva—

certainly; tattha—there; tujjha—Your; rä-o—love; ma-e—by me; takkido—
surmised; tthi—is; tä—therefore; kim—what?; tti—thus; lävaëëovähi—
extreme beauty; tti—thus; bhaëasi—You say.

Madhumaìgala: I saw from the very beginning that You had

fallen in love with Her. Why do You say Rädhä is exceptionally

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kåñëaù: sakhe satyam ättha. sva-cittäbhiniveçäd eva tasyäà ko 'pi
mahimonnähaù pratéyate. tathä hi.

sakhe—O friend; satyam—the truth; ättha—have spoken; sva—own;

citta—of the mind; abhiniveçat—fully absorbed; eva—indeed; tasyäm—to
her; kaù api—someone; mahimä—glory; unnähaù—abundance; pratéyate—
is perceived; tathä hi—therefore I say.

Kåñëa: Friend, I speak the truth. By absorbing the mind in Her,

one will understand Her supreme glory.

yatra prakåtyä ratir uttamähäà

tatränumeyaù paramo 'nubhävaù
naisargiké kåñëa-mrgänuvåttir
deçasya hi jïäpayati praçastim

yatra—where; prakåtyäù—of her own nature; ratiù—delight;

uttamänäm—of the best; tatra—there; anumeyaù—immeasurable;
paramaù—supreme; anubhävaù—love; naisargiké—natural; kåñëa—black;
måga—the deer; anuvåttiù—engaged in the activity; deçasya—of the place;
hi—indeed; jïäpayati—instructs; praçastim—glorification.

If great souls love a person, you should know that person is very
glorious, just as the presence of black deer glorifies the place where
they stay.13

sahi säri-e, diööho tu-e ettha ballavinda-àandaëo.
kåñëaù: sakhe, nedéyan ayam sukumäré-kaëöha-dhvanir udaïcati. tad
atra tüñëém äsvahe.

nepathye—from off-stage; sahi—O friend; säri-e—a female parrot;

diööho—seen; tu-e—by you; ettha—here; ballavinda—of the king of the
cowherd men; ëandaëo—the son (Kåñëa); sakhe—O friend; nedéyäh—very
near; ayam—this; sukumäré—of a young girl; kaëöha—of the voice;
dhvaniù—sound; udaïcati—arises; tat—then; atra—here; tüñëém—silence;
äsvahe—let us go to.

(Off-stage) O friend parrot, have you seen Nanda-nandana?

Kåñëa: Friend, that's the voice of a young girl very near. Let's be

Or: just as Kåñëa-bhakti glorifies the place where it is performed.

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(tataù praviçato lalitä-viçäkhä)

lalitä: pekkha eso diööhi-ä purado kaëho. tä upasappamhe. (ity
ubhe tathä kåtvä.) jaadu jaadu go-uläëando.

tataù—then; praviçataù—enter; lalitä—Lalitä; viçäkhe—and Viçäkhä;

pekkha—just see; eso—He; diööhi-ä—by good fortune; purado—in our
presence; kaëho—Kåñëa; tä—therefore; upasappamhe—let us approach Him;
iti—thus; ubhe—the two of them; tathä—in that way; kåtvä—having done;
jaadu jaadu—all glories, all glories; go-ula—of Gokula; äëando—the bliss.

(Lalitä and Viçäkhä enter.)

Lalitä: Look! By good fortune Kåñëa stands before us. Let us go to

Him. (They approach Kåñëa.) Glory, glory to the bliss of Gokula!

kåñëaù: sakhi lalite. çaìke manohäri-kusuma-patram ädätum adya

våndäöavé-madhye avatérëäsi.

sakhi—O friend; lalite—O Lalitä; çaìke—I think; manohäri—charming;

kusuma—flowers; patram—petals; ädätum—to collect; adya—now; våndä-
äöavé—of the forest of Våndävana; madhye—in the midst; avatérëä—you have

Kåñëa: Sakhi Lalitä, I think you must have come to Våndävana

forest to pick many beautiful flower petals.

lalitä: viëëädaà vi ëüëaà ä-äreëa saàgovesi jaà däduàti ëa

bhaëäsi. tä geëha ëaà kaëëi-ära-kora-a-pattam. (ity anaìga-lekhaà
kåñëa-kare 'rpayati.)

viëëädam—known; vi—although; ëüëam—at present; ä-ärena—

appearance; saàgovesi—You conceal; jam—what; dädum—to give; ti—thus;
ëa—not; bhaëäsi—You say; tä—that; geëha—please take; ëam—this;
kaëëi-ära—of a karnikara flower; kora-a—of a bud; pattam—petal; iti—thus;
anaìga-lekham—love-letter; kåñëa—of Kåñëa; kare—in the hand; arpayati—

Lalitä: Although You certainly know why we came, You cleverly

hide it, and don't ask us "What did you bring to Me?" Please take this
karëikära petal. (She places the love-letter in Kåñëa's hand.)

kåñëaù: (svagatam) cetaù, samäçvasihi samäçvasihi. tvad-abhéñöa-

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béjasyäìkuro 'yam iti çaìke.

svagatam—aside; cetaù—O heart; samäçvasihi samäçvasihi—be

encouraged, be encouraged; tvat—your; abhéñöa—of the desire; béjasya—of
the seed; aìkuraù—sprout; ayam—this; iti—thus; çaìke—I think.

Kåñëa: (aside) O heart, rejoice! Rejoice. I think this sprout grew

from the seed of your desire.

madhumaìgalaù: bhodi lalide, kià imiëä akkharäëäà patteëa

sakkaräëäà pattaà samappehi.
kåñëaù: sakhe, vädaya patram. kadäcid etan naù karëa-rasäyanasya

bhodi—you; lalide—O Lalitä; kim—what is the use?; imiëä—with this;

akkharäëäm—of letters; pattena—with this leaf paper; sakkaräëäm—of
sugar candies; pattam—leaf; samappehi—please give; sakhe—O friend;
vädaya—please read; patram—the petal; kadäcit—sometimes; etat—this;
naù—our; karëa—of the ears; rasäyanasya—of the palatable nectar; pätré—
a drinking vessel; bhavati—may become.

Madhumaìgala: Lalitä, what is the use of this leaf, simply full of

letters? Better you give us a leaf with sugar candies on it!

Kåñëa: Friend, please read the letter. It must be a cup full of

nectar for our ears.

madhumaìgalaù: bho vaassa, diööhä tumha go-äla-jädé-e vadäëëadä.

ëaà amha amhaëa-jädià jevva gaura-eëa vandämi, jaà tahià di-ahe
jaëëi-abamhaëéhià ca-uviheëa aëëena bho-ida mha. (iti lekhaà

bho—O; vaassa—friend; diööhä—seen; tumha—Your; go-äla—of

cowherd men; jädé-e—birth; vadäëëadä—generosity; ëam—therefore;
amha—of us; amhaëa—of brähmaëas; jädim—birth; jevva—certainly;
gaura-eëa—with respect; vandämi—obeisances; jam—because; tahim—in
this; di-ahe—day; jaëëi-a—of sacrifices; bamhaëéhim—by the wives of the
brähmaëas; ca-u—four; vihena—types; aëëena—of food; bho-ida—fed;
mha—we were; iti—thus; lekham—the letter; väcayati—reads.

Madhumaìgala: O friend, I have seen the generosity of your

cowherd birth. Therefore, I offer my obeisances to those of us who
have a brähmaëa birth, because today we were fed with four kinds of

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delicious food prepared by the wives of the yajïika-brähmaëas.14

(Madhumaìgala reads the letter.)

dhari-a paòicchanda-guëaà
sundara maha mandire tumaà vasasi
taha taha rundhasi bali-aà
jaha jaha ca-idä paläemhi

dhari-a—capturing; paòicchanda-guëam—the quality of an artistic

picture; sundara—O most beautiful one; maha—my; mandire—within the
heart; tumam—You; vasasi—reside; taha taha—everywhere; rundhasi—
You block; bali-am—surround; jaha jaha—wherever; ca-idä—being
disturbed; paläemhi—I try to escape.

“O handsome one, Your beauty and qualities, captured in the

picture, are impressed in My mind, and now You are residing in the
temple of My heart. Wherever I wish to flee because I am agitated by
the thoughts of You, I find that You are blocking My way.”

kåñëaù: sakhe, duradhigamärthä tävad iyaà gäthä. tena punar

(madhumaìgalas tathä karoti.)
kåñëaù: (sänandam svagatam). kula-striyo hi dharma-bhéravo
bhavanti. tad-upekñayä bhäva-niñöhäà niñöaìkayämi. (iti saàrambham
abhinéya prakäçam.) haàho. paçyata paçyata.

sakhe—O friend; duradhigama—difficult to understand; arthä—

meaning; tävat—to that extent; gäthä—verse; tena—by that; punaù—again;
bhaëyatäm—it should be spoken; madhumaìgalaù—Madhumaìgala;
tathä—in that way; karoti—acts; sa—with; änandam—bliss; svagatam—
speaking to Himself; kula-striyaù—pious girls; hi—indeed; dharma-
bhéravaù—afraid to transgress the rules of morality; bhavanti—are; tat—of
them; upekñaya—because of the disregard; bhäva-niñöhäm—firm attraction;
niñöaìkayämi—I consider; iti—thus; saàrambham—anger; abhinéya—
represent dramatically; prakäçam—openly; haàho—O; paçyata paçyata—
look! Look!

Kåñëa: Friend, this verse is very difficult to understand. Please

read it again. (Madhumaìgala reads the letter again).

"O friend! The wives of the brähmaëas fed me delicious food, but from You I received only a
flower petal with letters on it, although You claim it is full of nectar!"

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Kåñëa: (becomes blissful, and says to Himself) Girls from a
respectable families are afraid to break the rules of dharma, so I think
Her attraction to Me must be very strong! (Pretending to be angry,
Kåñëa openly says) Ah! Look, look!

snigdhair ebhiù sakhibhir akhilair dhenu-våndänusäré

näré-värtä-vimukha-hådayaù känanänte carämi
mä svairiëyas tad pi yad imä düñayanti prakämaà
tad-vijïäptià drutam iha jarad-gopa-goñöyäà kariñye
(iti kåtrimämarñeëa drutaà parikrämati.)

snigdhaiù—affectionate; ebhiù—with these; sakhibhiù—friends;

akhilaiù—all; dhenu—of cows; vånda—of the multitude; anusäré—a
follower; näré—of women; värtä—news; vimukha—averse; hådayaù—in the
heart; känana—of the forest; ante—on the edge; carämi—I wander; mä—
don't; svairiëyaù—unrestrained girls; tat—that; api—even; yat—which;
imäù—these; düñayanti—defame; prakämam—greatly; iha—here; jarat—
elderly; gopa—of cowherd men; goñöyäm—in the assembly; kariñye—I shall
do; iti—thus; kåtrima—artificial; amarñeëa—with anger; drutam—gone
away; parikrämati—walks.

Accompanied by My loving cowherd boy friends and following

the cows, I wander through the outskirts of the forest, with My heart
disinterested in hearing the news about women. These unrestrained
girls only pollute us. I will quickly go and complain to the elder

(With feigned anger, Kåñëa wants to leave.)

madhumaìgalaù: (smitam ävåtya) bho bamha-äri-sihä-maëe,

kkhaëaà ëivaööi-a imä-o dummuha-go-iä-o paccuttareëa ëijjitti-a
viòòävehi. aham kkhu edaà saccaà dhiööhäëaà vuttantaà go-ulesaré-e
viëëavissam. (iti päëau dhåtvä vyävartayati.)
(iti parasparam avekñya vailakñyaà näöayataù).

smitam—smile; ävåta—concealing; bho—O; bamha-äri—of

brahmacärés (celibates); sihä—crest; maëe—jewel; kkhaëam—a moment;
nivaööi-a—having withdrawn; imä-o—these; dummuha—who speak horrible
words; go-i-ä-o—gopés; paccuttareëa—with a reply; ëijjitti-a—having
defeated; viòòävehi—you should cause to flee; aham—I; kkhu—indeed;
edam—this; saccam—everything; dhiööhäëam—of these impudent gopés;
vuttantam—description of the activities; go-ula—of Gokula; ésaré—to the
queen (Yaçodä); viëëavissam—I will inform; iti—thus; panau—on the hand;
dhrtva—having held; vyavartayati—retreats; iti—thus; parasparam—

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mutually; aveksya—looking; vailakñyam—unusual; näöayataù—they
represent dramatically.

Madhumaìgala: (concealing a smile) Bho! O crest jewel of the

brahmacärés, stop for a moment and defeat these foul-mouthed gopés
with Your answer! Make them flee! I myself will tell Gokula's queen
everything about these shameless girls! (Madhumaìgala stops Kåñëa
by holding His hand.)

(They exchange meaningful glances.)

kåñëaù: sakhi viçäkhe, cäturakñikaà prekñaëam api nästi. kutas tävat

parito rodhanam. tad anuyämi. kenäpy apareëa nägareëa tasyäù sväntam

sakhi—O friend; viçäkhe—O Viçäkhä; cäturakñikam—four eyes;

prekñaëam—sight; api—although; na—not; asti—is; kutaù—how?; tävat—as
it may; paritaù—surround; rodhanam—impediment; tat—therefore;
anuyämi—follow; kena api—by some; apareëa—by another; nägareëa—
lover; tasyaù—her; sväntam—heart; uccälitam—moved.

Kåñëa: Sakhi Viçäkhä, our eyes have never met each other. How
can I block Her way? It must be some other hero that has captured Her

viçäkhä: (sanskåtena äçritya).

kas tädåg vraja-maëòale 'tha valate çakyo garéyän asau
yenoccälayituà balät kulavaté-ceto-giri-grämaëéù
ity asmäbhir avakra-vikrama-laväd utkñipta-govardhano
hetus tvaà kila paìkajäkña yadubhis taträsti niñöaìkitaù

sanskåtena äçritya— speaking in Sanskrit; kaù—who?; tädåk—of such;

vraja—of Vraja; maëòale—in the area; atha—therefore; valate—performs
pastimes; çakyaù—competent; garéyän—more glorious; asau—he; yena—by
whom; uccälayitum—to took away; balät—forcibly; kulavaté—the pious
girls; cetaù—of the minds; giri—like mountains; grämaëéù—great; iti—
therefore; asmäbhiù—by us; avakra—genuine; vikrama—of stregnth;
lavät—with a small fragment; utkñipta—lifted; govardhanaù—Govardhana
Hill; hetuù—cause; tvam—You; kila—indeed; paìkaja—lotus; akña—eyes;
yadubhiù tatra—there; asti—is; niñöaìkitaù—described.

Viçäkhä: Who else in Vraja is as glorous as You? You carried away

the mountain-like minds of chaste girls, and with a small particle of
Your inconceivable power You lifted Govardhana Hill. O lotus-eyed

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one, You are the person in this letter!

madhumaìgalaù: a-i vä-äli-e, ciööha ciööha. diööho ma-e ukkhitta-

daëòa-maëòalehià govehià govaòòhaëo dharido. tumaà késa ekkam jjeva
pi-a-vaassaà saàbhävesi.

a-i—O; svä-äli-e—talkative; ciööha ciööha—wait, wait; diööho—seen;

ma-e—by me; ukkhitta—held up; daëòa—of staffs; maëòalehim—by the
multitude; govehim—by the cowherd men; govaòòhaëo—Govardhana Hill;
dharido—held; tumam—You; késa—why?; ekkam—only; jjeva—indeed; pi-
a—dear; vaassam—friend; saàbhavesi—praise.

Madhumaìgala: Ayi! O talkative girl, wait, wait! I myself saw how

the cowherd men with their upraised sticks held Govardhana Hill.
Why do you praise only my dear friend Kåñëa?

kåñëaù: lalite, alam ati-prasaìgena. tan nivartasva.

lalitä: sundara, savva-go-ula-suha-käriëo vi tu-atto kadhaà sä ekä
jjevva dukkhaà arihadi vari-asi.

lalite—O Lalitä; alam—enough; ati—great; prasaìgena—with this

topic of conversation; tat—from that; nivartasya—please refrain; sundara—
O beautiful one; savva—all; go-ula—in Gokula; suha-käriëo—making happy;
vi—although; tu-atto—from You; kadham—how is it?; sä—she; ekä—alone;
jjevva—indeed; dukkham—distress; arihadi—deserves; vari-asi—greatly.

Kåñëa: Lalitä, enough talking about it. Please stop.

Lalitä: O handsome one, although You delight everyone in

Gokula, why should only this girl suffer so much because of You?

saìgé me madhumaìgalo na sahate dharmädhvano vicyutià

çrédämä parimärgayan mama nahi cchidräëi nidräyati
kaàsaù çästi khalaù kñitià katham ato mugdhe vidheyaà mayä
niùçaìkaà kula-sundaré-paribhavaj-jvälä-mahä-sähasam

saìgé—companion; me—My; madhumaìgalaù—Madhumaìgala;

na—does not; sahate—tolerate; dharma—of dharma; adhvanaù—from the
path; vicyutim—fall; çrédämä—Çrédämä; parimärgayan—searching;
mama—My; nahi—does not; chidräëi—faults; nidräyati—sleep; kaàsaù—
Kaàsa; çästi—ruling; khalaù—wicked; kñitim—this land; katham—how is it?;
ataù—from this; mugdhe—O bewildered girl; vidheyam—may be given;
mayä—by Me; niùçaìkam—fearlessly; kula—family; sundaré—the beautiful
girl; paribhavat—disgrace; jvälä—flames; mahä—great; sähasam—boldly.

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Kåñëa: My companion Madhumaìgala does not tolerate any
deviation from the path of dharma, and Çrédämä does not even sleep,
busily searching for My faults. Wicked Kaàsa rules this country. O
bewildered girl, in these circumstances how is it possible for Me to
fearlessly make this girl, the ornament of Her family, burn in flames
of anguish?

lalitä: (samärñam. sanskåtena).

antaù-kleça-kalaìkitaù kila vayaà yämo 'dya yämyaà purià
näyaà väncana-saïcaya-praëayinaà häsaà tathäpy ujjhati
asmin sampuöite gabhéra-kapaöair äbhira-pallé-viöe
hä medhävini rädhike tava kathaà premä gariyän abhüt
(iti roditi)

sa—with; amarsam—angrily; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; antaù-kleça-

kalaìkitäù—polluted by inner miserable conditions that continue even after
death; kila—certainly; vayam—all of us; yämaù—are going; adya—now;
yämyäm—of Yamaräja; purém—to the abode; na—not; ayam—this;
vaïcana-saïcaya—cheating activities; praëayinam—loving; häsam—
smiling; tathäpi—still; ujjhati—gives up; asmin—in this; sampuöite—filled;
gabhira—great; kapaöaiù—will deceit; äbhéra-pallé—from the village of the
cowherd men; viöe—in a debauchee; hä—alas; medhävani—O intelligent
one; rädhike—Rädhikä; tava—Your; katham—how; premä—love; garéyan—
so great; abhüt—became; iti—thus; roditi—she cries.

Lalitä (angrily) Our hearts are so polluted by miserable condition

that we are certainly going to the abode of Yamaräja. Nevertheless,
Kåñëa does not give up His loving smile, which is full of cheating
tricks! O intelligent Rädhikä, how could You develop such a deep love
for this great deceitful debauchee from the cowherds village? (Lalitä

madhumaìgalaù: a-i muddhe, sa-ala-sattha-visära-o jassa amhäriso

amacco ho-i sovi kià edaà dhammaà adikkamissa-i. tä alaà vaëa-

a-i—O; muddhe—bewildered girl; sa-ala—all; sattha—scriptures;

visära-o—expert; jassa—of whom; amhäriso—like me; amacco—the
minister; ho-i—is; sovi—He certainly; kim—how?; edam—this; dhammam—

“O Rädhä! His smile is charming, but it is full of deceit. Although He is loved by many girls whose
mind is blinded by amorous feelings, You should not behave like them since You are intelligent!
This rogue Kåñëa is greedy for cowherd girls and filled with deception.”

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dharma; adikkamissa-i—will transgress; ta—therefore; alam—what is the
use?; vaëa—in the forest; rudideëa—with this crying.

Madhumaìgala: Ayi! O bewildered girl, Kåñëa is expert in all

scriptures, and I am His minister. How can He break the rules of
dharma? Enough of these words, which are like crying in the forest!

viçäkhä: (svagatam) ëaàrähé-e guïjä-ali-aà kaëhassa denté haà

iìgidaà lakkhemi.

svagatam—aside; ëam—now; rähi-e—of Rädhä; günjä—of günjä; ali-

am—necklace; kaëhassa—to Kåñëa; denté—giving; ham—I; iìgidam—
conduct; lakkhemi—I shall observe.

Viçäkhä: (to herself) Now I will give this Rädhä's necklace of

günjä berries to Kåñëa, and by observing His reaction, I will know His
actual feelings toward Her.

(prakäçam, sanskåtena)
udérëa-rägeëa karambitäntarä
parisphurat-kåñëa-mukhé guëäïcitä
guïjävalé maïjutarävalambatäà
särädhikeyaà tava kaëöha-saìgamam
(iti kaëöhe svayam arpayati.)

prakasam—openly; sanskåtena—in Sanskit; udérna—elevated;

rägeëa—with redness or love; karambita—inlaid; antarä—within (or in the
heart); parisphurat—manifesting or blooming; kåñëa—black (or the name
Kåñëa); mukhé—in the middle (or mouth); guëa—a thread (or qualities);
aïcitä—strung (or decorated); guïjä—of günjä berries; ävalé—garland;
maïjutarä—the most charming; avalambatäm—may it cling; sära—essence;
adhikä—excellence (or sä rädhikeyam - from Rädhikä); iyam—this; tava—
Your; kaëöha—of the neck; saìgamam—contact.

(Openly) May this very beautiful red-black guïjä-necklace,

strung on a thread, gracefully hang upon Your neck.

Or: May this most charming Rädhikä, endowed with excellent

qualities, whose lips bloom with the name "Kåñëa", and whose heart
is filled with great love for You, rest on Your neck like a guïjä-

(She places the necklace on Kåñëa's neck.)

94 •
kåñëaù: (smitvä sakapaöerñyam).
rägiëam api sukaöhoraà
suvåttam api muhur udérëa-mälinyam
yuvaténäm iva bhävaà
nahi guïjä-häram icchämi
(ity ajänan iva kaëöhäd avatärya raìgaëa-mälikäm arpayati.)

smitvä—having smiled; sa—with; kapaöa—feigned; érñyam—anger;

rägiëam—red (or affectionate); api—although; sukaöhoram—very hard (or
hard-hearted); suvåttam—nicely round (or good behavior, virtuos); api—
although; muhuù—on the contrary (or always); udérëa—greatly (or proud);
mälinyam—tarnished or impure (or crooked); yuvaténäm—unripe (or young
girls); iva—like; bhävam—state (or feelings); nahi—not; guïjä—of guïjä;
häram—necklace; icchämi—I desire; iti—thus; ajänan—not knowing; iva—
as if; kanthät—from the neck; avatärya—removed; raìgaëa—from raìgaëa
flowers; mäkikäm—garland; arpayati—offers.

Kåñëa: (smiling, He pretends to be angry) Although these berries

are red, they are very hard, and although they are well rounded, they
look tarnished. I don't want a necklace from unripe guïjä berries.

Or: Although Rädhä is affectionate to Me, She is hard-hearted,

and although this girl is very chaste and virtuous, She is always very
crooked and proud. I don't want this guïjä necklace, which is like the
feelings of young girls.

(As if bewildered, instead of a guïjä necklace, Kåñëa removes the

raìgaëa garland from His neck and gives it back to Viçäkhä.)

viçäkhä: (svagatam) imassa bhamo vi amhäëaà maìgalo saàvutto.

(iti vastreëa samvåëoti.)

svagatam—aside; imassa—His; bhamo—mistake; vi—indeed;

amhäëam—our; mangalo—auspicious good fortune; saàvutto—arrived;
iti—thus; vastreëa—with the garment; samvåëoti—conceals.

Viçäkhä: (aside) Kåñëa's confusion is our good fortune. (She

hides the garland under her clothes.)

lalitä: halä, govi-ä-koòi-bhu-aìgassa imassa akkhalidaà accari-am

bamhacari-aà diööhi-ä paaòi-bhümam. tä mahevi gadu-a taà amhevi gadu-
a taà atthäëänurä-iëéà rähi-aà nivaööävemha.
viçäkhä: sahi, juttaà mantesi.
(ity ubhe parikrämataù.)

95 •
halä—O; govi-ä—of gopés; koòi—of millions; bhu-aìgassa—of the
lover; imassa—of Him; akkhalidam—firm; accari-am—wonderful;
bamhacari-am—vow of celibacy; diööhi-ä—by good fortune; paaòi-
bhüòam—manifested; tä—that; amhevi—we two gopés; gadu-a—having
gone; tam—to her; aööhäëäëurä—who has fallen in love with an unsuitable
person; rähi-am—Rädhä; nivaööävemha—we should check; sahi—O friend;
juttam—appropriate; mantesi—you advice; iti—thus; ubhe—the two gopés;
parikramataù—begin to walk.

Lalitä: Ah! By good fortune, we have seen the amazing firm

celibacy of this lover of millions of gopés! We should go and stop
Rädhikä, who has fallen in love with a very unsuitable person!

Viçäkhä: Sakhi, you are right.

lalitä: viçähe, tumaà gadu-a imä-e raìgaëa-mäli-ä-e pi-a-sahéà

äsäsehi. ahaà kkhu edaà vuttantaà bhaavadé-e viëivedissam.
(iti niñkränte.)

viçähe—O Viçäkhä; tumaà—you; gadu-a—having gone; imä-e—with

this; raìgaëa—delightful; mäli-ä-e—garland; pi-a—dear; sahém—friend;
äsäsehi—console; aham—I; kkhu—indeed; edam—this; vuttantam—
incident; bhaavadé-e—to the pious Paurëamäsé; viëivedissam—I shall inform;
iti—thus; niçkränte—they exit.

Lalitä: Viçäkhä, take this raìgaëa garland to our dear sakhi and
comfort Her. I will explain everything to Paurëamäsé.

(Lalitä and Viçäkhä exit.)

madhumaìgalaù: bho baassa, ädarijjantaà vi appäëaà késa

ädarävesi ? idaà kkhu paccädäva-pavvatähirohaëassa ahirohiëé-
ëimamäëaà däva.
kåñëaù: sakhe satyaà bravéñi. sähasikyaà hasitenaivänuñöhitam.

bho—O; baassa—friend; ädarijjantam—adored; vi—although;

appäëam—Yourself; késa—why; ädarävesi—do You cause to worship;
idam—this; kkhu—indeed; pacca-däva—of sorrow; pavvata—mountain;
ahiroëassa—of the ascent; ahirohiëé—staircase; nimäëam—construction;
däva—to that extent; sakhe—O friend; satyam—truthfully; bravéñi—you
speak; sähasikyam—rashness; hasitena—with laughter; eva—indeed;

96 •
Madhumaìgala: Bho! Friend, this girl loves You. Why don't You
reciprocate Her feelings? You are building a staircase that leads up a
mountain of regret!

Kåñëa: Friend, what you say is true. I rashly laughed at this girl.

madhumaìgalaù: pekkha go-i-ju-alam nettapaham adikkamidam.

pekkha—look; go-i—of gopis; ju-alam—a pair; netta—of the eyes;

paham—to the path; adikkamidam—passed.

Madhumaìgala: Look, two gopés are already out of sight.

çrutvä niñöhuratäm mamendu-vadanä premäkuraà bhindati

svänte çänti-dhuräm vidhäya vidhure präyaù paräïciñyati
kiàvä pämara-käma-kärmuka-paritrastä vimokñyaty asün
hä maugdhyät phaliné manoratha-latä mådvi mayonmülitä

çrutvä—by hearing; niñöhuratäm—cruelty; mama—My; indu-

vadanä—moon-like face; prema-aìkuram—the seed of love; bhindaté—
breaking; sva-ante—within Her heart; çänti-dhuräà—burden of
peacefulness; vidhäya—accepting; vidhure—aggrieved; präyaù—almost;
paräciñyati—may turn against; kià vä—or; pämara—wicked; käma—
Kämadeva; kärmuka—of the bow; paritrastä—very frightened; vimokñyati—
will give up; asün—life; hä—ah!; maughdyät—on account of bewilderment;
phaliné—almost fruitful; manaù-ratha-latä—the desire-creeper; mådi—new
and soft; mayä—by Me; unmülita—uprooted.

Kåñëa: (with regret) After hearing of My cruelty, the seed of love

of this moon-faced girl may be broken, and with the desire of attaining
peacefulness in Her aggrieved heart, She may reject Me. Or, being very
afraid of the wicked Kämadeva's bow, She may even give up Her life.
Ah! I have foolishly uprooted the tender desire creeper just when it
was ready to bear fruit!

madhumaìgalaù: däëià kià ettha saraëam.

kåñëaù: sakhe, pratyanaìga-lekhaà vinä nänyat paçyämi çaraëam.

däëim—at present; kim—what?; ettha—here; saraëam—shelter;

sakhe—O friend; prati—in return; anaìga-lekham—love-letter; vinä—with;
na—not; anyat—another; paçyämi—I see; çaraëam—recourse.

Madhumaìgala: Now what will be out shelter?

97 •
Kåñëa: Friend, I do not see any other shelter but to write a love-
letter in responce.

madhumaìgalaù: kià ettha leha-sähaëam.

kåñëaù: vaçékära-kriyä-praçasto rägavän javä-niryäsaù.
madhumaìgalaù: ehi, uòòa-mahäòa-i-maëòidaà ëädüre
pakkandaëa-tétthaà gacchemha.
(iti niñkräntau.)

kim—how; ettha—here; leha—of the letter; sähaëam—completion;

vaçé-kära—enchanting and bringing under control; kriyä—in the activities;
praçastaù—celebrated; rägavän—red; javä—of javä flower (China rose);
niryäsaù—sap; ehi—come near; uòòa—of roses; mahä-aòa-i—with a great
forest; maëòidam—decorated; ëa—not; adi—very; düre—far away;
pakkandaëa—Praskandana; téttha—the holy place; gacchemha—let us go;
iti—thus; niçkräntau—exit.

Madhumaìgala: What will we use to write it?

Kåñëa: The juice of red javä flowers is the best way to charm a
girl's mind.

Madhumaìgala: Let us go to nearby Praskandana-tértha, which is

decorated with a great forest of javä flowers.

(Kåñëa and Madhumaìgala exit.)

(tataù praviçati viçäkhayä prabodhyamänä rädhä.)

rädhä: (sakkhedam. sanskåtena)
yasyotsaìga-sukhäçayä çithilitä gurvi gurubhyas trapa
präëebhyo 'pi suhåt-tamäù sakhi tathä yüyaà parikleçitäù
dharmaù so 'pi mahän mayä na gaëitaù sädhvibhir adhyäsito
dhig dhairyaà tad-upekñitäpi yad ahaà jivämi päpiyasé

sa—with; khedam—unhappiness; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; yasya—of

whom; utsaìga-sukha-äçaya—by the desire for the happiness of the
association; çithilitä—slackened; gurvi—very great; gurubhyaù—unto the
superiors; trapä—shame; präëebhyaù—than My life; api—although; suhåt-
tamäh—more dear; sakhi—O friend; tathä—similarly; yüyam—you;
parikleçitäù—so much troubled; dharmaù—dharma; saù—that; api—even;
mahän—very great; mayä—by Me; na—not; gaëitaù—cared for;
sädhvibhiù—by the most chaste women; adhyäsitaù—practiced; dhik
dhairyam—to hell with patiente; tat—by Him; upekñitä—neglected; api—
although; yat—which; aham—I; jivämi—am living; päpiyasé—the most

98 •

(Rädhä enters with Viçäkhä, who consoles Her.)

Rädhä: (with grief) O sakhi, desiring the happiness of His

embraces, I almost abandoned the shame before My superiors.
Furthermore, although you are My best friend, more dear to Me than
My own life, I have given you so much trouble. I even put aside the
rules of dharma followed by the most chaste women. To hell with My
so-called patience! Although He has neglected Me, I am so sinful that I
continue to live!

viçäkhä: (sasambhramam) sahi, samässasa samässasa. (iti raìgaëa-

mäläà ghräëe 'rpayati.)
rädhikä: (samjïäm labdhvä.) halä, kià edam accari-aà jaà
saàmohaëaà vi pavohedi.

sa—with; sambhramam—agitated; sahi—O friend; samässasa

samässasa—do not lament, do not lament; iti—thus; raìgaëa—from raìgaëa
flowers; mälam—garland; ghräëe—on the nose; arpayati—places;
samëäm—consciousness; labdhvä—having gained; halä—O; kim—what?;
edam—this; accari-am—wonderful; jam—which; saàmohaëam—
bewilders; vi—although; pavohedi—revives.

Viçäkhä: (agitated) Sakhi, please do not lament. Do not lament.

(She brings the raìgaëa garland to Rädhä's nose.)

Rädhikä: (regaining consciousness) Ah! What is this amazing

thing? Although it completely enchants Me and makes Me faint, it also
brings Me back to consciousness!

viçäkhä: (mälyaà nivedya. sanskåtena)

aìgottérëa-vilepanaà sakhi samäkåñöi-kriyäyäà maëir
mantro hanta muhur vaçé-kåti-vidhau nämäsya vaàçi-pateù
nirmälya iyaà mahauñadhir iha sväntasya sammohane
näsäà kastisåëäà gåëäti paramäcintyäà prabhävävalém

aìga—of limbs; uttérëa—topmost (head); vilepanam—ointment;

sakhi—O friend; samäkåñöi—of attracting; kriyäyäm—in the activity; maëiù—
jewel; mantraù—mantra; hanta—O; muhuù—at every moment; vaçé-kåti—
bringing under control; vidhau—in the activity; näma—name; asya—of Him;
vaàçé-pateù—master of the flute; nirmälya—rejected; srak—garland; iyam—
this; mahä—great; oçadhiù—medicinal herb; iha—here; sväntasya—of the
heart; sammohane—in the fainting; na—not; äsäm—of us; kaù—what?;

99 •
tisåëäm—of the three; gåëäti—proclaims; parama—supreme; acintyam—
inconceivable; prabhäva—stregnth; ävalém—abundance.

Viçäkhä: (gives the garland to Rädhä) Sakhi, the ointment from

the forehead of Kåñëa, the master of the flute, is the crest jewel of all
charming things. His name is a mantra that brings people under its
control again and again. The flower garland He wore is a
great medicine that enchants hearts. Who does not know the supreme
inconceivable power of these three things?

rädhikä: (svagatam) evaà-guëeëa imiëä uvekkhidaà vi ëaà hada-

saréraà kadhaà ajjavi ëillajjänaà dhäremi. tä käli-a-hada-pavesovä-am
aëusarissam. (prakäçam) visähe, viëëavehi guru-aëaà jaà bärahä-icca-
titthaà gadu-a süraà accidukämamhi.

svagatam—aside; evam—like this; guëeëa—with qualities; imiëä—

with this; uvekkhidam—neglected; vi—although; ëam—this; hada—
wounded; maréram—body; kadham—how is it?; ajja—today; vi—even;
ëillajjäham—I am shameless; dhäremi—I maintain; tä—therefore; käli-a—
Käliya; hada—in the lake; pavesa—of entering; uvä-am—by the remedial
measure; aëusarissam—I shall adopt; prakäçam—openly; visähe—O
Viçäkhä; viëëavehi—please tell; guru—superior; aëam—personalities;
jam—which; bärahä-icca-tittham—the holy place named Dvädaçä-ditya-
tértha; gadu-a—having gone; süram—the sun god; accidukäm—desiring to
worship; amhi—I am.

Rädhikä: (aside) Although Kåñëa, who has all these glorious

qualities, has neglected My worthless body, why am I shamelessly
keeping it alive? I will drown it the waters of Käliya lake. (Openly)
Viçäkhä, please tell My supreriors that, desiring to worship the sun-
god, I went to Dvädaçäditya-tértha.

viçäkhä: sähu sumarä-idaà pi-a-sahé-e jaà ajjä-e jaòilä-e vi idaà

jjevva däëià ädiööhamhi. tä ehi. (ity ubhe parikrämataù.)

sähu—well; sumarä-idam—caused to remeber; pi-a—dear; sahé-e—by

the friend; jam—which; ajjä-e—by the noble; jaòilä-e—by Jaöilä; vi—
although; idam—this; jjevva—certainly; däëim—at present; ädiööhamhi—I
am instructed; tä—therefore; ehi—come with me.

Viçäkhä: My dear sakhi, You know very well that the noble Jaöilä
has given me the order to always be with You. So let's go together.

(They begin to walk.)

100 •
rädhikä: (savyämocham)
maà parihara-i mu-undo tahavi duräsä virohiëé òaha-é
maha sahi gahéra-ëérä saraëaà bahiëé kidantassa

mam—me; parihara—neglects; mu-undo—Mukunda; tahavi—

nevertheless; duräsä—unattainable aspiration; virohiëé—inimical; daha-é—
burns; maha—my; sahi—O friend; gahéra—deep; nérä—water; saraëam—
recourse; bahiëé—sister; kidantassa—of the god of death (Yamaräja).

Rädhikä: (perplexed) Although Mukunda has neglected Me, still

the hostile and unattainable hope to attain Him burns in Me. O sakhi,
the deep waters of the Yamunä, the sister of the king of death, is My
only shelter.

viçäkhä: halä, pekkha patthäëe maìgala-sü-nëä-ià sa-uëä-ià. tä

evaà mä bhaëa.
rädhikä: (puro dåñövä) halä, katham esä puvva-disä-muhe ä-äli-ä
saàjhä désa-i.

halä—O; pekkha—look; patthäëe—in the walking; maìgala—

auspicious; sü-uëä-im—signs; sa-uëä-im—favorable omens; tä—therefore;
evam—indeed; mä—don't; bhaëa—talk; puraù—ahead; dåñövä—looking;
halä—O; katham—how is it?; esä—it; puvva—front; disä—in the direction;
muhe—in the face; ä-äli-ä—not happening at the proper time; saàjhä—
sunset; désa-i—is seen.

Viçäkhä: Ah, don't say that! Look at the auspicious signs

appearing on our path!

Rädhikä: (looking ahead) Why did the sun suddenly set in the
east at the wrong time?

viçäkhä: ëa kkhu saàjhä. pekkha pakkandaëe sürassa ballahä

pariphullidä oòra-rä-i rehadi. tä imassa agghaà käduà ëaà avaciëamha.
(ity ubhe kurutaù).

ëa—not; kkhu—indeed; saàjhä—sunset; pekkha—look;

pakkandaëe—at Praskandana; sürassa—of the sun-god; ballahä—dear;
pariphullidä—blossomed; oòra—of javä flowers; rä-i—series; rehadi—
shines; tä—therefore; imassa—of that; aggham—scented water; kädum—to
make; ëam—this; avaciëamha—let us collect; iti—thus; ubhe—the two
gopés; kurutaù—act.

101 •
Viçäkhä: It's not sunset. Look! These are the javä flowers, dear to
the sun-god, shining in Praskandana-tértha. Let's pick some to make
rose water.

(tataù praviçati baöunä saha kåñëaù.)

kåñëaù: sakhe, seyaà rädhädhara-känti-taskaré javä-räjiù.
madhumaìgalaù: ado ëaà ëippéòi-a nimmähi paccaëaìga-leham.

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; baöunä—boy; saha—with; kåñëaù—

Kåñëa; sakhe—O friend; sä—this; iyam—this; rädhä—of Rädhä; adhara—of
the lips; känti—the beauty; taskaré—thief; javä—of javä flowers; räjiù—
series; ado—therefore; ëam—this; nippéòi-a—having pressed; ëimmähi—
please write; paccanaìga-leham—the reply to the love-letter.

(Kåñëa and Madhumaìgala enter.)

Kåñëa: Friend, these javä flowers are thieves who have stolen the
beauty of Rädhä's lips!

Madhumaìgala: Press the juice from these flowers, and write a

reply to Rädhä's love-letter.

kåñëaù: (parikampya savismayam.)

eñä näntika-vartiné sura-girer ailävåté hanta bhür
agre kià kalayämi käïcana-rucäm udgära-gaurér diçaùäà jïätaà
maëi-nüpura-dhvani-bharäd älé-janälaìkåtä
känténäà kula-devatä vilasituà våndäöavéà vindati

parikampya—trembling violently; sa—with; vismayam—wonder;

eñä—this; nä—not; nantika—near; vartiné—situated; sura—of the demigods;
gireù—of the mountain (Mount Sumeru); ailävåté—of Ilävåta-varça; hanta—
O; bhüù—land; agre—in the presence; kim—what?; kalayämi—do I perceive;
käïcana—of gold; rucäm—splendor; udgära—emanating; gauréù—a
golden effulgence; diçaù—in all directions; äm—yes; jïätam—known;
maëi—jewels; nüpura—of the ankle-bells; dhvani—sound; alaìkåtä—
decorated; känténäm—of beauty; kula-devatä—the presideing deity;
vilasitum—to perform pastimes; våndä-aöavém—the forest of Våndävana;

Kåñëa: (trembling violently, He says with wonder) This is not

Ilävåta-varça located near Mount Sumeru. Why do I see a golden glow
spreading in all directions? Ah! Hearing the sound of jeweled ankle-
bells, I think that the goddess of beauty, along with her friends, must
have entered Våndävana forest to enjoy pastimes!

102 •
madhumaìgalaù: hanta bho, maggijjnatammi vä-uräsähaëe kuraìgé
sa-aà hatthaà gadä.
kåñëaù: (sänandam) sakhe, sadhu vijïätam. tad atra våkñäntaritau
çåëuvaù kim asau prastauti. (iti tathä sthitau.)

hanta—just see!; bho—Bho!; maggijjantammi—being sought; vä-

urä—to the trap; sähaëe—preparing; kuraìgé—doe; sa-am—by herself;
hattham—in our hands; gadä—approached; sa—with; änandam—bliss;
sakhe—O friend; sadhu—nicely; vijïätam—understood; tat—therefore;
atra—here; våksä—by the tree; antaritau—hidden; çåëuvaù—let us hear;
kim—what; asau—these two gopés; prastauti—say.

Madhumaìgala: Bho, just see! We wanted to trap this doe, but

she came into our hands by herself!

Kåñëa: (happily) O friend, you understood everything perfectly!

Let us hide behind this tree and hear what they say.

(They hide behind the tree.)

rädhikä: (viçäkhä älambya säsram). halä, eso jaëo kadhäpasaìge sa-

aà sumaridavvo.
viçäkhä: (sabañpam) sahi, acchéëa-dhérattanädi-guëa bhanijjasi. ta
kiàti evvaà uvviggäsi.

viçäkhä—Viçäkhä; älämbya—resting; sa—with; asram—tears; halä—

O; eso—this; jaëo—person; kadhä—of the description; pasaìge—in relation;
sa-am—yourself; sumaridavvo—remember; sa—with; bañpam—tears; sahi—
O friend; acchéëa—unfalling; dhérattana—gravity and patience; ädi—and
other; guëa—noble qualities; bhaëijjasi—are spoken; ta—therefore; kiàti—
why?; evvam—thus; uviggäsi—have you become so agitated.

Rädhikä: (weeping, She rests her hand on Viçäkhä's shoulder)

Ah, please remember sometimes this person!16

Viçäkhä: (also weeping) Sakhi, everyone says You are grave,

patient, and full of all other qualities. Why are You so sorrowful?

rädhikä: sahi, ëigguëé-kidamhi teëa dhutteëa. (iti sanskåtena)

tasyoras-taöa-maëòalaà dhåti-nadé-rodha-kriyä-paëòitaà
vaktrenduù kula-dharma-paìkaja-vané-saìkoca-dékñä-vraté

Here Rädhikä speaks about Herself.

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dor-yüpau nitaräm udaïcita-cira-vréòäbhidärädhvarau
hä kañöaà nikhilaì-gilä sakhi dåçor bhaìgé-bhujaìgé tu sä

sahi—O friend; nigguëé-kidambi—I have become devoid of all good

qualities; teëa—because of Him; dhutteëa—rascal; iti—thus; sanskåtena—in
Sanskrit; tasya—His; uraù—of the chest; taöa—of the surface; maëòalam—
area; dhåti—of patience; nadé—of the river; rodha—a dam; kriyä—in the
activities; paëòitam—expert; vaktra—face; induù—moon; kula-dharma—of
the family traditions; paìkaja—of lotus flowers; vané—of the forest;
saìkoca—closing; dékñä—initiated; vraté—who has taken a vow; doù—of the
arms; yüpau—the two pillars; nitaräm—completely; udaïcita—elevated;
cira—for a long time; vrédä—shyness; abhidära—to exercise; adhvarau—
sacrifice; hä—O; kañöam—ah!; nikhilam—everything; gilä—swallowing;
sakhi—O friend; dåçoù—of the eyes; bhaìgé—crooked; bhujaìgé—the
serpent; tu—indeed; sä—she.

Rädhikä: O sakhi, this rogue has robbed all My virtues! His chest
is a dam that expertly stops the river of My patience. His moon-like
face has taken a vow to close the lotus flowers of My family duties. His
arms are pillars in a yajïa to drive away My great shyness. Ah, Sakhi!
The crooked snake of His glances devours everything!

kåñëaù: priye, tvan-mädhuryeëa mädhavaç ca jaòé-kåtya nirguëäm

avasthäà néto 'yam.

priye—O beloved; tvat—your; mädhuryeëa—by the charm;

mädhavaù—Mädhava; ca—and; jaòé-kåtya—become stunned; nirguëäm—
devoid of good qualities; avasthäm—state of being; nétaù—brought; ayam—

Kåñëa: O beloved, stunned by Your sweetness, Mädhava has also

lost all His virtues!

rädhikä: (äkäçe aïjalià baddhvä. sanskåtena) hanta bho baké-hantaù.

grhäntaù-khelantyo nija-sahaja-bälyasya balanäd
abhadraà bhadraà vä kim api hi na jänémahi manäk
vayaà netuà yuktäù katham açaraëäà käm api daçäà
kathaà vä nyäyyä te prathayitum udäséna-padavé

äkäçe—in the sky; aïjalim baddhvä—folding hands; sanskåtena—in

Sanskrit; hanta—O; bhoù—You; baké—of Pütana, the sister of Baka;
hantaù—O killer; grha-antaù-khelantyaù—engaged in games within the
house; nija—one's own; sahaja—simple; bälyasya—childhood; balanäd—
influence; abhadraà bhadraà—good and bad; vä—or; kim api—what; hi—

104 •
certainly; na—not; jänémahi—we did know; manäk—even slightly; vayam—
we; netum—to lead; yuktäù—suitable; katham—how; açaraëäm—without
shelter; käm api—such as this; daçäm—to the condition; katham—how; vä—
or; nyäyyä—correct; te—of You; prathayitum—to manifest; udäséna—of
carelessness; padavé—the position.

Rädhikä: (folds Her hands in the direction of the sky) O Kåñëa,

O killer of Pütanä, I was absorbed in the games in My house, and
because of My childish simplicity I did not know right from wrong at
all. You attracted us, and brought us into this condition without any
shelter, and now You have become indifferent to us. Do You think it's

kåñëaù: priye, kaù khalu jijéviñur jévätu-bhütäyäà siddhauñadhi-

latäyäm udäste.

priye—O beloved; kaù—who; khalu—indeed; jijéviñuù—desiring to

live; jévätu—of life-giving; bhütäyäm—consisting; siddha—perfect;
auñadhi—medicinal herb; latäyäm—creeper; udäste—remains unconcerned.

Kåñëa: O beloved, who, desiring to live, will ignore the perfect

life-giving vine?

rädhikä: (niùçvasya) halä, esä piä me ekä-alé tu-e appaëo kaëöhe

dhäraëijjä. (iti kaëöhäd ekävalém uttäyati.)

niùçvasya—sighing; halä—O; esä—this; pi-ä—dear; me—to me; ekä-

alé—necklace; tu-e—by you; appaëo—your; kaëöhe—on the neck;
dhäraëijjä—should be worn; iti—thus; kaëöhät—from the neck; eka-
ävalém—necklace; uttärayati—removes.

Rädhikä: (sighs) Sakhi, please wear My favorite necklace...

(Rädhä removes the necklace from Her neck.)

viçäkhä: (haöhän nivärya) halä, evvaà aëucciööhanté kiàti maà

dahasi jaà lalidaà paòikkhi-a nirujjamamhi. (iti roditi).

haöhät—forcefully; nivärya—checking; halä—O; evvam—in this

manner; aëuciööhanté—staying; kiàti—why?; mäm—me; dahasi—do you
burn; jam—which; lalidam—Lalitä; paòikkhi-a—waiting; nirujjamamhi—I
am inactive.

Viçäkhä: (forcibly stops Rädhä.) Ah! Why are You hurting me?
Wait for Lalitä! (Viçäkhä cries.)

105 •
rädhikä: (sanskåtena)
akäruëyaù kåñëo yadi mayi tavägaù katham idaà
mudhä mä rodir me kuru param imäm uttara-kåtim
tamälasya skandhe viihita-bhuja-vallarir iyaà
yathä våndäraëye ciram avicalä tiñöhati tanuù

akäruëyaù—without mercy; kåñëaù—Kåñëa; yadi—if; mayi—unto Me;

tava—your; ägaù—offense; katham—how; idam—this; mudhä—uselessly;
mä rodéù—do not cry; me—for Me; kuru—do; param—but afterwards;
imäm—this; uttara-kåtim—final act; tamälasya—of a tamäla tree; skandhe—
the trunk; vinhita—fixed upon; bhuja-vallariù—arms like creepers; iyam—
this; yathä—by which; våndä-araëye—in the forest of Våndävana; ciram—
forever; avicalä—without being disturbed; tiñöhati—remains; tanuù—the

Rädhikä: If Kåñëa is not merciful to Me, then I shall have to die.

There is no need to cry, because it is not your fault. But afterwards
please do one thing for Me. Let My body embrace a tamäla tree with
its creeper-like arms, so that I may remain in Våndävana forever.

kåñëaù: (säsram) sakhe, dåñöänurägasya sädhiñöhatä.

sa—with; asram—tears; sakhe—O friend; dåñöä—seen; anurägasya—

of the love; sädhiñöhatä—greatness.

Kåñëa: (with tears) Friend, see how great Her love is!

rädhikä: (svagatam) tuvarävedi maà kävi ghaëukkaëöhä. (prakäçam)

halä. süram acci-a kià pi abbhatthidukämämhi. tä jäva siëäëaà kadu-a
ëivuttä bhave tumaà ettha pupphaà avaciëehi. (iti térthäbhimukhaà
dviträëi padähi gatvä punar ätmagatam.) hanta, so tilloka-mohaëo muha-
cando puëo ma-e na diööho. (iti sotkaëöhaà nivåtya prakäçam.) halä, paséda
paséda. daàsehi taà paòicchanda-am.

svagatam—aside; tuvarävedi—impells; mam—me; kävi—some;

ghanutkaëöhä—intense longing; prakäçam—openly; halä—O; süram—the
sun-god; acci-a—having worshiped; kim pi—somewhat;
abbhatthidukämämhi—I desire to request; tä—therefore; jäva—to what
extent; siëäëam—bath; kadu-a—having performed; ëivuttä—dead; bhave—
I may become; täva—to that extent; tumam—you; ettha—here; puppham—
flowers; avaciëehi—gather; iti—thus; tértha—the holy place; abhimukham—
in the direction; dvi-träëi—two or three; padäni—steps; gatvä—having gone;
punaù—again; ätma-gatam—say to herself; hanta—O; so—He; tilloka—the

106 •
three worlds; mohaëo—enchanting; muha—face; cando—moon; puëo—
again; ma-e—by me; ëa—not; diööho—seen; iti—thus; sa—with;
utkaëöham—longing; nivåtya—having returned; prakäçam—she openly says;
halä—O; paséda paséda—be merciful, be merciful; daàsehi—please show;
tam—that; paòicchanda-am—picture.

Rädhikä: (to Herself) Intense longing makes Me hurry. (Openly)

After worshiping the sun-god, there is one more thing I wish to ask.
After I have gone, please pick a flower for each time I have bathed
here. (She takes two or three steps in the direction of Praskandana,
and again speaks to Herself) Ah, never again will I see Kåñëa, whose
face is like the moon and who enchants the three worlds! (Full of
longing, She returns and openly says) O Viçäkhä! Be merciful, be
merciful! Please, show Me His picture again!

viçäkhä: sahi, ëatthi attha citta-phala-am.

rädhikä: (savyatham) tado paëinäëeëa ëaà paccakhé-karissam. (iti
dhyänaà naöayati).

sahi—O friend; ëatthi—it is not; ettha—here; citta-phala-am—a

painting; phala-am—paper; sa—with; vyatham—grieve; tado—then;
paëihäëeëa—by meditation; ëam—Him; paccakkhé—visible; karissam—I
shall cause to become; iti—thus; dhyänam—meditation; naöayati—she
represents dramatically.

Viçäkhä: Sakhi, there is no picture here.

Rädhikä: (sorrowful) Then I will make Him appear in My

meditation. (Rädhä begins to meditate.)

kåñëaù: sakhe, pétam apéta-pürvamaunmädakaà çrotra-mädhvékam.

tad agrato gacchävaù. (iti ubhau tatha kurutah.)
viçäkhä: (vilokya sänanddam sasambhramama.) diööhi-ä tujjha suha-
jjhäëeëa phalidam. tä jhatti ugghäòehi lo-aëam.
(rädhikä dåçaà daronmélya camatkäraà naöayati.)

sakhe—O friend; pétam—drunk; apéta—not drunk; pürvam—before;

unmädakam—intoxication; çrotra—for the ears; mädhvékam—nectar; tat—
therefore; agrataù—in the presence; gacchävaù—we have come; iti—thus;
ubhau—the two gopas (Kåñëa and Madhumaìgala); tathä—in that way;
kurutaù—act; vilokya—having seen; sahi—O friend; diööhi-ä—by good
fortune; tujjha—your; suha—auspicious; jjhänena—by the meditation;
phalidam—becomes successful; ta—therefore; jhatti—immediately;
udghäòehi—open; lo-aëam—eyes; rädhikä—Rädhä; dåçam—eyes; dara—

107 •
slightly; unmélya—opens; camatkäram—amazement; ëaöayati—represents

Kåñëa: Friend, My ears have never drunk such intoxicated nectar

before! Let's appear before them. (They both do that.)

Viçäkhä: (seeing Kåñëa, she becomes joyful and says with

agitation) Sakhi, by good fortune Your auspicious meditation has
borne fruit! Open your eyes!

(Rädhä slightly opens her eyes and becomes filled with wonder.)

viçäkhä: (sanskåtena)
yad-arthaà saìkérëe patasi hata-kandarpa-kadane
måduà vä durväre jvalayasi tanuà prema-dahane
akhaëòenäpéòaà sakhi nava-çikhaëòena kalayan
viläsé so 'yaà te sphurati purato jévita-patiù

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit: yat—of whom; artham—because of;

saìkérne—confused; patasi—you are falling; hata—struck; kandarpa—by
Kämadeva; kadane—a miserable condition; mådum—delicate; vä—or;
durväre—unbearable; jvalayasi—to burn; tanum—body; prema—of love;
dahane—in the fire; akhaëòena—unbroken; äpéòam—decoration for the top
of the head; sakhi—O friend; nava—fresh; çikhaëòena—with a peacock
feather; kalayan—wearing; viläsé—playful (or splendid); saù ayam—this
person; te—your; sphurati—is manifested; purataù—in the presence; jévita—
of the life; patiù—the Lord.

Viçäkhä: O sakhi, the playful youth, because of whom You fell

into the miserable condition caused by Kämadeva, who made Your
delicate body burm in the great fire of love, whose crown decorated
with a fresh peacock feather, and who is the lord of Your life, has now
appeared before You!

rädhikä: ammahe siviëassa mähuré.

viçäkhä: avisaddhe, eso de apuvvo siviëo jo ëiddä-e viëä vi ëippaëo.

ammahe—O; siëivassa—of the dream; mähuré—the sweetness;

avisaddhe—untrusting; esoh—He; de—your; apuvvo—unprecedented;
siviëo—dream; jo—who; niddä-e—sleep; viëä—without; vi—even;

Rädhikä: Ah, how sweet this dream is!

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Viçäkhä: O unbeliever, this youth has amazingly appeared in
front of You, and this is not a dream!

asau dåg-bhaìgébhiù kusuma-çaram ängé-kåta-çaraà
såjanté danténdra-kramaëa-kamanéyälasa-gatiù
adüre rambhorür iha vadana-bimbasya suñamä
samärambhäd ambhoruha-madhurimäëaà damayati

asau—this person; dåk—of the eyes; bhaìgibhiù—with the

movements; kusuma—of flowers; çaram—arrow; aìgé-kåta—accepted;
çaram—arrow; såjanté—creating; danti—of elephants; indra—king;
kramaëa—steps; kamanéya—graceful; älasa—slow; gatiù—gait; adüre—not
far away; rambhorür—having lovely thighs like the stems of banana tree;
iha—here; vadana—of the lips; bimbasya—of the bimba fruit; suçamä—great
beauty; samärambhät—undertaking; ambhoruha—of the lotus flower;
madhurimäëam—the charming beauty; damayati—conquers.

Kåñëa: Creating excellent flower arrows with Her restless

glances, with a slow graceful gait resembling the movements of the
king of elephants, with rounded hips like the trunks of banana trees,
and Her charming bimba-fruit lips, this girl defeats the sweetness of
the lotus flower!

rädhikä: (kåñëe dåg-antaà nartayanté svagatam). sähu re hi-a-a,

sädhu diööhi-ä muhuttaà vilambidam.
kåñëaù: (smitvä) dhürte viçäkhe, samantäh mågyamäëä diñöyä tvam
atra dåñöäsi. yad adya bhavatyä rüpa-sädåçyäd apäkima-guïjä-häreëa mäà
pratärya durlabhä me raìgaëa-mälikäpanétä.

kåñëe—on Kåñëa; dåk—of the eyes; antam—corners; nartayanté—

causing to dance; svagatam—speaking to herself; sähu—excellent; re—O; hi-
a-a—O heart; sädhu—excellent; diööhi-ä—by good fortune; muhuttam—a
moment; vilambidam—slow; smitvä—smiling; dhürte—O rascal; viçäkhike—
O Viçäkhä; samantät—completely; mågyamäëä—sought; diñöyä—by good
fortune; tvam—you; atra—here; dåñöä—seen; asi—are; yat—because;
adya—today; bhavatyä—by you; rüpa—of the form; sädåçyät—because of
similarity; apäkima—unripe; guïjä—of guïjä; häreëa—with the garland;
mäm—me; pratärya—having misled; dulabha—difficult to attain; me—my;
raìgaëa—from raìgaëa flowers; mälikä—garland; apanétä—taken away.

Rädhikä: (dancing with Her eyes on the form of Kåñëa, She says
to Herself) O heart, how wonderful! How wonderful! By good fortune
this moment lasts so long!

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Kåñëa: (smiling) O crafty Viçäkhä, I have been looking for you
everywhere, and now, by good fortune, I have finally found you! One
girl who looked just like you bewildered Me with the necklace of
unripe guïjä berries and took away My rare raìgaëa garland!

madhumaìgalaù: bho ëaà rähé-e kaëöhädo désantéà appaëo

raìgaëa-mäli-aà sa-aà jebba ä-aòi-a geëha.
kåñëaù: sakhe, jänatäpi bhavatä kim idam anyäyyam upanyastam. na
khalu svapne 'pi mayä käminé-sparçaù smaryate.

bho—O; ëam—this; rähé-a—of Rädhä; kaëöhädo—from the neck;

désantém—seen; appaëo—Your; raìgaëa—from raìgaëa flowers; mäli-
am—garland; sa-am—personally; jebba—certainly; ä-aòi-a—pulling;
geëha—please take; sakhe—O friend; jänatä—knowing; api—although;
bhavatä—by you; kim—what; idam—this; anyäyyam—improper;
upanyastam—mentioned; na—not; khalu—indeed; svapne—in a dream;
api—even; mayä—by me; käminé—of this beautiful and affectionate girl;
sparçaù—the touch; smaryate—is remembered.

Madhumaìgala: Bho! I see Your garland on Rädhä's neck. Take


Kåñëa: Friend, although you are very wise, still your advice is not
very good. I do not remember touching such a beautiful girl even in
My dreams!

rädhikä: (svagatam) imassa parihäso vi eso saàkidä-e mama sacco

viçäkhä: (vihasya) ayi varäìgaëä-taraìgiëénäà mahä-sä-ara, ciööha
ciööha. däëià vi imä-ià désanti tujjha aìgesu täëaà ciëhä-ià.

svagatam—aside; imassa—His; parihäso—jesting; vi—although; eso—

this; sämkidä-e—suspicious; mama—of me; sacco—honest; padibhadi—is
manifested; vihasya—laughing; ayi—O; vara—beautiful; aìgaëä—girls;
taraìgiëénäm—rivers; mahä—great; sa-ara—O ocean; cittha cittha—stand,
stand; däëim—now; vi—even; ima-im—these; désanti—are seen; tujjha—
Your; aìgesu—on the limbs; täëam—their; ciëhä-im—marks.

Rädhikä: (to Herself) Although Kåñëa is joking, I think He is

telling the truth.

Viçäkhä: (laughing) O great ocean into which the rivers of many

beautiful girls flow, stop! Stop! Even now I see the marks they left on

110 •
Your body!17

äkåñöäni kaöäkña-bhaìgibhir alaà gopäìganänäà tvayä

raktäny atra manäàsi yähi nimiñonmuktäni neträëy api
täny etäni bhavän naväïjana-tano guïjävalénäà chalät
picchänäà ca sadä prasädhana-dhiyä sandhärayan nandasi

äkåñöani—attracted; katäkña-bhaìgibhiù—by roving sidelong glances;

alam—greatly; gopa-aìgaëänäm—of the gopés; tvayä—by You; raktäni—
charming; atra—then; manäàsi—minds; yäni—which; nimiça—from
blinking; unmuktäni—refrained; neträòi—eyes; api—even; täni—they;
etäni—these; bhavän—You; nava—fresh; aïjana—ointment; tano—body;
guïjä—of guïjä; ävalénäm—many; chalät—on the pretext; picchänäm—of
peacock feathers; ca—and; sadä—always; prasädhana—for decoration;
dhiyä—with a mind; sandhärayan—supporting; nandasi—You enjoy

With Your sidelong glances You greatly fascinate the minds of

the gopés, making them look at You with unblinking eyes, and You
enjoy always supporting their meditation with Your form, anointed
with fresh ointments and decorated with guïjä necklaces and peacock

kåñëaù: (saharñam ätmagatam)

smara-dhanur anubandhi-bhrü-latä-läsya-bhäjaù
mada-kala-cala-bhåìgé-bhränti-bhaìgià dadhäno
hådayam idam adäìkñét pakñmaläkñyäù kaöäkñaù

sa—with; harñam—joy; ätmagatam—to Himself; pramada—of joy;

rasa-taraìga—by the continuos waves of the mellow; smera—mildly smiling;
gaëòa-sthaläyäù—whose cheeks; smara-dhanuù—the bow of Kämadeva;
anubandhi—related with; bhrü-latä—of the arched eyebrows; läsya—
dancing; bhäjaù—of one who has; mada-kala—intoxicated; cala—unsteady;
bhåìgé-bhränti—the moving to and fro of bees; bhaìgém—by gestures;
dadhänaù—giving; hådayam idam—this heart; adäìkñit—has bitten;
pakñmala—possessing exquisite eyelashes; akñyäù—of whose two eyes;
kaöa-akñaù—the glance.

Kåñëa: (joyfully, to Himself) When Rädhä smiles, sweet waves of

joy inundate Her cheeks, and Her arched eyebrows, which are like the
bow of Kämadeva, begin to dance. Her sidelong glance, emphasized
Seeing Rädhä, Kåñëa became covered with drops of perspiration from agitation.

111 •
by charming eyelashes, is like a wandering bee, moving unsteadily
due to intoxication. That bee has now bitten My heart!

(nepathye) ëattiëi visähe.

kåñëaù: katham akhäëòe jarä-päëòureyaà jaöilä.
(praviçya) jaöilä: (puro dåñövä svagatam) kahaà ettha kaëho.
(prakäçam) visähe, kiàti imä-ià dhü-a-gandha-ratta-candanä-im tu-e

nepathye—offstage; ëattiëi—O granddaughter; visähe—O Viçäkhä;

katham—why?; akhäëòe—unexpectedly; jarä—old; paëòurä—white;
iyam—this; jaöilä—Jaöilä; praviçya—enters; puraù—ahead; dåñövä—having
glanced; svagatam—speaking to herself; kaham—why?; ettha—here;
kanho—Kåñëa; prakäçam—openly; visähe—O Viçäkhä; kiàti—why?; dhü-
a—incenses; gandha—aguru; ratta—red; candanä—sandalwood paste;
im—to bring; tu-e—by you; visumaridä-im—forgotten.

(Off-stage) Granddaughter Viçäkhä!

Kåñëa: Why has old pale Jaöilä, come so unexpectedly?

Jaöilä: (enters, and looking ahead, says to herself) Why is Kåñëa

here? (Openly) Viçäkhä, why did you forget the incense, aguru and
red sandalwood paste?

kåñëaù: (svagatam)
candrikäà candra-lekhäyäç
cakore pätum udyate
pidhänaà vidadhe hanta
(prakäçam) mätur mätuläëi, praëamämi.

svagatam—aside; candrikäm—moonlight; candra-lekhäyaù—the crest

of the young moon; cakore—cakora bird; pätum—to drink; udyate—
preparing; pidhänam—a covering; vidadhe—making; hanta—O; çarat—
autumn; ambhodhara—of clouds; ävalé—series; matuù—of My mother;
mätuläëi—an aunt, the wife of a maternal unkle (Jaöilä is the wife of Gola,
Yasoda's maternal uncle); pranämämi—I offer respects.

Kåñëa: (aside) As soon as the cakora bird was about to drink the
glow of the young moon, autumn clouds appeared and covered the
sky... (Openly) O aunt of My mother, I offer respects to you!

jaöilä: mohaëa, valla-a-kiçoré-ule avaìka-diööhé hohi.

112 •
madhumaìgalaù: (vihasya) bho dadhéci-haòòa-kakkase, eso savvado
udära-diööhé cce-a majjha pi-a-vaasso. tumaà kkhu ke-aracché. tävappäëam

mohaëa—O enchanting boy; valla-a—of the cowherds; kiçoré—of the

young girls; ule—in the community; avaìka—not crooked; diööhé—with a
glance; hohi—please become; vihasya—laughing; bho—O; dadhéci—of the
sage Dadhéci (Indra's thunderbolt made from Dadhéci's bones); haòòa—of the
bones ; kakkase—hard; eso—this; savvado—always; udära—noble; diööhé—
glance; cce-a—indeed; majjha—my; pi-a—dear; vaasso—friend; tumam—
you; kkhu—indeed; ke-aracchi—squinting eyes; tä—therefore; äppaëam—
self; äsaàsehi—please bestow a benediction.

Jaöilä: O charming boy, don't cast such crooked glances at young


Madhumaìgala: (laughs) Bho! O old woman hard like Dadhéci's

bones, my dear friend's glance is always kind and gentle! It is your
eyes that are squinting, so give your instructions to them!

jaöilä: bho kiçoré-bhu-aìga, késa tumaà ä-adosi.

kåñëaù: ärye, lokottaränuräga-camatkäriëéyam sujavä-lakñméù kaà
vä näkarñati.

bho—O; kiçoré—if the young girls; bhu-aìga—O lover (or snake);

késa—why?; tumam—you; a-adosi—have you arrived; arye—O noble gopé;
lokottara—extraordinary; anuraga—redness (or love); camatkarini—
wonderful; iyam—she; sujavä—of beautiful javä flowers; lakñméù—beauty;
kam—whom?; vä—or; na—not; akarñati—attracts.

Jaöilä: O lover of young girls, why have You come here?

Or: O snake chasing young girls, why have You come here?

Kåñëa: O noble woman, who would not be attracted by the

wonderful beauty of these red javä flowers?

Or: O noble woman, who would not be attracted by this lovely

girl, who is beautiful like a javä flower and whose love is
incomparably wonderful?

jaöilä: (svagatam) ëüëaà bhaavadi-e vijjä-pahäva-saàbhävidä

imassa ettha uvasatté. (prakäçam) mohaëa, jhatti ido gacchehi.
kåñëaù: ayi jalpäki våddhe. kim ity äkuläsi. svacchandato gaccheyam.

113 •
svagatam—aside; ëüëam—at present; bhaavadi-e—by Paurëamäsé;
vijjä—of knowledge; panäva—by the stregnth; saàbhävidä—connected;
imassa—He; ettha—here; uvasatté—union; prakäçam—openly; mohaëa—O
charming boy; jhatti—immediately; ido—from here; gacchehi—go; ayi—O;
jalpäki—talkative; våddhe—O elderly gopé; kim iti—why; äkulä—agitated;
äsi—you are; svacchandataù—according to My desire; gaccheyam—I shall

Jaöilä: (aside) The omniscient Paurëamäsé must have told Him

that Rädhä would be here. (Openly) O charming boy, leave this place
at once!

Kåñëa: O talkative old woman, why are you so agitated? I will

leave when I want to.

jaöilä: (kuöilaà vilokya. sanskåtena)

nirdhautänäà nikhila-dharaëé-mädhuréëäà dhuréëä
kalyäëé me nivasati vadhüù paçya pärçve navoòhä
antar goñöhe caöula naöayann atra netra-tri-bhägaà
niùçaìkas tvaà bhramasi bhavitä näkulatvaà kuto me

kuöilam—crooked; vilokya—seeing; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit;

nirdhautänäm—purified; nikhila—entire; dharaëé—of the earth;
mädhuréëäm—with the sweetness; dhuréëä—bearing; kalyäëé—all-
auspicious; me—of me; nivasati—dwells; vadhüù—bride; paçya—look;
pärçve—near; navoòhä—newly married; antaù—in the middle; goñöhe—in
the pasture field; caöula—unsteady; naöayann—dancing; atra—here; netra—
eyes; tri-bhägam—the 3rd part (of the eye sending a particular side-glance);
niùçaìkaù—fearless; tvam—You; bhramasi—wander; bhavitä—caused to
be; na—not; äkulatvam—anxiety; me—my; kutäh—why?; me—of me.

Jaöilä: (looks at Kåñëa with crooked eyes) Look! Here, in the

middle of the pasture ground, purifying the entire world with Her
great loveliness, is my all-auspicious newly married daughter-in-law.
And You are here also, carelessly wandering around with Your
dancing glances. Why should I not be worried?

kåñëaù: måñäçaìkini våddhe, mä praläpaà kåthäù. yävad etäà te

vadhüm äkarëayaà tävan mänyäà bhävayämi.
jaöilä: visähe, kiàti etti-a vilambidäsi.
viçäkhä: (smitvä) ajje, ëaà dullalidaà kuraìgaà pekkhanté
vimhidamhi. (iti sadåñöi-kñepam).

114 •
måñä-äçaìkini—suspicious; våddhe—old gopé; mä—don't; praläpam—
gossip; kåthäù—perform; yävat—to what extent; etäm—this; te—your;
vadhüm—daughter-in-law; äkarëayam—have heard; tävat—to that extent;
mänyäm—respectable; bhävayämi—become; visähe—O Viçäkhä; kiàti—
why?; etti-a—in this way; vilambidäsi—are you loitering about; smitvä—
smiling; ajje—O pious gopé; ëam—this; dullalidam—wayward; kuraìgam—
a deer; pekkha—looking; iti—thus; vimhidamhi—amazed; sa—with; dåñöi—
of glance; ksepam—throwing;

Kåñëa: O needlessly suspicious old woman, don't talk like that.

The more I hear about your daughter-in-law, the more I respect Her.18

Jaöilä: Viçäkhä, why are you here?

Viçäkhä: (smiling) O noble lady, I saw a mischievous deer and

became filled with wonder.19 (Glances at Kåñëa)

akaruëa mukki-a caìgaà kuraìga pemmeëa saìgadaà hariëém

vihalaà küddaëa-caòulo tumaà baëädo baëaà bhamasi

akaruëa—without mercy; mukki-a—having abandoned; caìgam—

beautiful; kuraìga—O deer; pemmeëa—with love; saìgadam—suitable;
hariëém—female deer; vihalam—useless; küddaëa—in playfully leaping;
caòulo—expert; tumam—you; baëädo—from forest; baëam—to forest;

O cruel deer, abandoning your beautiful doe, who loved you and
stayed by your side, you now aimlessly wonder, leaping and playing,
from forest to forest.20

jaöilä: a-i atthäëa-duggahe, muïca kuraìga-kodühalam.

madhumaìgalaù: pi-a-vaassa, pekkha. eso satiëëo vi kéraju-äëo ëaà
mahuraà däòiméà ëa paòipajja-i.

a-i—O; atthäëa—restless; duggahe—stubborn; muïca—abandon;

kuraìga—deer; kodühalam—interest; pi-a—dear; vaassa—O friend;
pekkha—look; eso—he; satiëëo—filled with longing; vi—although; kéra—

The word “mänyäm” ("respectful one") can also be divided as "mä anyäà". "She doesn't belong
to anyone but Me!"
19 The word “kuraìga" may also mean "rake" (ku-raìga), "one who enjoys naughty games”. “O noble

lady! Seeing this mischievous Krishna, who likes to enjoy amorous pastimes with the wives of
cowherds, we were amazed!”
20 The word “hariëé” also means "the charming woman". “Leaving the charming Rädhikä, full of

incomparable love for You, You are now restlessly and aimlessly wandering from forest to forest!”

115 •
parrot; ju-äëo—young; ëaà—this; mahuram—sweet; däòimém—
pomegranate; na—not; paòipajja-i—accepts.

Jaöilä: O foolish fickle girl, give up your affection for this deer!

Madhumaìgala: Dear friend, look! Although this young parrot is

full of desire, he does not touch the sweet pomegranate fruit.

kåñëaù: (smitvä)
hådi täòito 'pi däòimi
sumanorägeëa te rucià vahatä
paktrima-rasäsi kià vä
neti çukaù çaìkayodäste

smitvä—having smiled; hådi—in the heart; täòitaù—struck; api—

although; däòimi—O pomegranate tree; sumanorägeëa—the red flowers;
te—your; rucim—beauty; vahatä—carrying; paktrima—matured; rasä—
nectar (or love); asi—you are; kim vä—whether?; na—not; iti—thus; çukaù—
parrot; çaìkayä—with doubt; udäste—remains indifferent and aloof.

Kåñëa: (smiling) O pomegranate tree! Although the parrot's

heart is struck by the beauty of your red flowers, he remains
unattached, wondering, "Is your fruit ripe or not?"21

(viçäkhä sadåg-bhaìgaà rädhikäm avalokate.)

rädhikä: (svagatam) hi-a-a, samassasa samassasa. (iti sakhedam
apavärya. sanskåtena.)
pétaà na väg-amåtam atra harer açaìkaà
nyastaà mayäsya vadane na dåg-aïcalaà ca
ramye ciräd avasare sakhi labdha-mätre
hä durvidhir virurudhe jaraté-cchalena

viçäkhä—Viçäkhä; sa—with; dåk—of the eyes; bhaìgam—movement;

rädhikäm—Rädhä; avalokate—glances; svagatam—aside; hi-a-a—O heart;
samassasa samassasa—rejoice, rejoice; iti—thus; sa—with; khedam—
distress; apavärya—concealed; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; pétam—drunk; na—
not; väk—of the words; amåtam—nectar; atra—here; hareù—of Hari;
açaìkam—without fear; nyastam—placed; mayä—by me; asya—His;
vadane—on the face; na—not; dåk—of the eyes; aïcalam—corner; ca—and;
ramye—delightful; cirät—for a long time; avasare—opportunity; sakhi—O

The word “sumanorägeëa” means “redness of flowers”, as well as "räga born in a pure mind"
(prema). "Your redness or räga makes you radiantly beautiful. When you are blooming like this,
how can this parrot remain indifferent? What to speak of when you bear fruit!”

116 •
friend; labdha—attained; mätre—only; hä—O; durvidhiù—wicked fate;
virurudhe—opposed; jaraté—of the old woman; chalena—by the pretext.

(Viçäkhä casts a sidelong glance at Rädhikä.)

Rädhikä: (aside) O heart, rejoice, rejoice. (With grief, She secretly

says to Viçäkhä) I have not yet drunk fearlessly the nectar of Hari's
words, and I have not yet glanced at His face from the corners of My
eyes. O sakhi, after a long time I finally obtained this delightful
opportunity, but now, alas, wicked fate, in the form of this old woman,
stands in My way.

jaöilä: (svagatam) amhahe kaëha-diööhiëo mähambhaà. jaà vahü-e

so uvasaggo taha ëatthi. (prakäçam) visähe pekkha. adikkamadi majjhaëho.
tä turidaà süra-maëòavaà pavissamha.

svagatam—aside; amhahe—O; kaëha—of Kåñëa; diööhiëo—of the

sight; mähambham—glorification; jam—because; vahü-e—of the bride; so—
He; uvasaggo—calamity; taha—in this way; ëatthi—is not; prakäçam—
openly; visähe—O Viçäkhä; pekkha—look; adikkamadi—passes away;
majjhanho—mid-day; ta—therefore; turidam—quickly; süra—of the sun-
god; maëòavam—the temple; pavisamha—let us enter; iti—thus; tisraù—the
three gopés; niçkräntäù—exit.

Jaöilä: (to herself) Oh, see the power of Kåñëa' glance, which
takes away all the difficulties of newly married girls! (Openly)
Viçäkhä, look! Noon has passed. We should quickly go to the sun-god's
temple. (The three gopés exit.)

kåñëaù: sakhe, kaumudéyaà paurëamäsém anuvartate. tad ehi täm

eva pratipadyevahi.(iti niñkräntau.)

sakhe—O friend; kaumudé—moonlight; iyam—this; paurëamäsém—

the full moon (paurëa-mäsé); anuvarta—follows; tat—therefore; ehi—come
here; täm—to her (Paurëamäsé): eva—indeed; pratipadyevahi—let us go;
iti—thus; niñkräntau—they exit.

Kåñëa: O friend, this girl is like moonlight that follows the full
moon. Therefore let us go to Paurëamäsé.

(Kåñëa and Madhumaìgala exit).

End of Act Two

117 •
Act Three: Rädhä-saìga: The Meeting With Rädhä

(tataù praviçati lalitayänugamyamänä paurëamäsé).

paurëamäsé: vatse, nünaà mattas trapamäëo näbhinandati nanda-
kumäras te sakhé-saìgamam.
lalitä: bha-avadi, dubbohaà kkhu lo-ottaräëäà cittaà ëa jhatti vi-
paurëamäsé: (puro ‘valokya) vatse, paçya kadamba-väöikäyäà
madhumaìgalena särdhaà samaìgalaà vardhate madhu-mardhanaù.

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; lalitayä—by Lalitä; anugamyamähä—

followed; paurëamäsé—Paurëamäsé; vatse—O child; nünam—certainly;
mattaù—because of me; trapamänaù—embarrassed; na—not;
abhinandati—delighting; nanda—of Nanda Mahäräja; kumäraù—the son
(Kåñëa); te—your; sakhé—of the friend (Rädhä); saìgamam—meeting;
bhaavadi—O noble gopé; dubboham—difficult to understand; kkhu—indeed;
lo-ottaräëäm—of those who are very exalted; cittam—the mind; ëa—not;
jatti—immediately; vi-asadi—is manifested; puraù—ahead; avalokya—
looking; vatse—O child; paçya—look; kadamba—of kadamba trees;
väöikäyäm—in this garden; madhumaìgalena—by Madhumaìgala;
särdham—accompanied; samaìgalaà—endowed with happiness,
auspicious; vardhate—increases; madhu—honey; mardhanaù—destroying
(by His sweetness).

(Followed by Lalitä, Paurëamäsé enters.)

Paurëamäsé: Child, being embarrassed in front of me, Kåñëa

does not enjoy meeting your sakhi.

Lalitä: Noble lady, the inscrutable hearts of great souls are not at
once revealed.

Paurëamäsé: (looking ahead) O child, look! Kåñëa, who

surpasses honey in sweetness, along with Madhumaìgala increases
auspiciousness in that grove of kadamba trees.

(punar nirüpya).
paräàåñöäìguñöha-trayam asita-ratnair ubhayato
vahanté saìkérëau maëibhir arunais tat parisarau
tayor madhye hirojjvala-vimala-jämbünada-mayé
kare kalyäëéyaà viharati hareù keli-muralé

118 •
punaù—again; nirüpya—glancing; parämåñöä—measured; anguñöha-
trayam—three aìgulas, or a length of three fingers22; asita-ratnaiù—with
indranila jewels; ubhayätaù—from both ends; vahanté—having; saìkérnau—
bedecked; manibhiù—by gems; aruëaih—rubies; tat-parisarau—the two
ends of the flute; tayoù madhye—betweeen them; héra—with diamonds;
ujjvala—blazing; vimala—pure; jämbünada-mayé—covered with gold plate;
kare—in the hand; kalyäni—very auspicious; iyam—this; viharati—glitters;
hareù—of Kåñëa; keli-muralé—the pastime flute.

(Looking at Him again) Kåñëa’s flute is bedecked with sapphires

at a distance of three fingers from both ends. At the tips of the flute
are beautifully glittering rubies, and in the middle it is plated with gold
and blazing spotless diamonds. This all-auspicious pastime flute is
shining in Hari's hand.

(tataù praviçati yathä-nirdiñöaù kåñëaù).

kåñëaù: (sänutäpam)
trapayä nitaräà paräù-mukhé
sahasä smera-sakhé-dhåtäïcalä
gamitädya haöena rädhikä
na kathaà hanta mayä bhujäntaram

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; yathä-nirdiñöaù—as indicated;

kåñëaù—Kåñëa; sa—with; anutäpam—regret; trapayä—with embarrassment;
nitaräm—completely; paräk—turned away; mukhé—face; sahasä—at once;
smera—slightly smiling; sakhé—by the friend; dhåta—held; aïcalä—corner
of the garment; gamitä—attained; adya—immediately; haöena—by force;
rädhikä—Rädhä; na—not; katham—why; hanta—O; mayä—by me;
bhuja—the arms; antaram—between.

(As described, Kåñëa enters.)

Kåñëa: (regretful) Grasping the edge of Her sakhi's garment with

a slight smile, embarrassed Rädhikä at once turned away from Me. Ah,
why did not I immediately embrace Her tightly in my arms?23

(niùçvasya) sakhe madhumaìgala, khaïjaréöa-dåñäù sä viläsa-

maïjari corayati me citta-caïcarékam.

One aìgula is equal to a finger's breadth.
“When Madhumaìgala told Me to take the raìgaëa garland from Rädhikä's neck, why didn't I
immediately squeeze Her in My arms, which are like the ropes of Kämadeva? Although this girl was
so close, She turned away from Me out of shyness. I should have grabbed Rädhikä by the edge of
Her garment and forcefully pulled Her to Me! Why didn't I do that?”

119 •
niùçvasya—sighs; sakhe—O friend; madhumaìgala—O
Madhumaëala; khaïjaréöa—like the khaïjaréöa bird; dåñäù—eyes; sä—she;
viläsa—of pastimes; maïjaré—blossom; corayati—steals away; me—my;
citta—of the heart (or mind); caïcarékam—bumble-bee.

(Sighs) O friend Madhumaìgala, this khaïjana-eyed girl is like a

playful flower blossom that steals the bumble-bee of My heart!24

(ity autsukyaà näöayan).

chinnaù priyo maëi-saraù sakhi mauktikäni
våttäny ahaà vicinuyäm iti kaitavena
mugdhäà vivåtya mayi hanta dåg-anta-bhaìgéà
rädhä guror api puraù praëayäd vyatänét

iti—thus; autsukyam—longing; näöayan—represents dramatically;

chinnaù—broken; priyaù—dear; maëi-saraù—necklace of jewels; sakhi—O
friend; mauktikäni—pearls; våttäni—round; aham—I; vicinuyäm—I should
search for; iti—thus; kaitavena—by the trick; mugdhäm—bewildering;
vivåtya—having revealed; mayi—to Me; hanta—O; dåk—of the eyes; anta—
of the corners; bhaìgém—movement; rädhä—Rädhä; guroù—of her
superiors; api—even; puraù—in the presence; praëayät—because of love;

(With longing) Rädhä once said the following words, “O sakhi,

My favorite pearl necklace has broken, and now I must search for the
scattered pearls”. Ah! Using this trick, She lovingly glanced at Me from
the corners of Her charmingly beautiful eyes, even in the presence of
Her elders!

paurëamäsé: (dürata eva kåñëaà nirvarëya. säçankam).

akñëor dvandvaà prasarati darodghürëa-täraà muräreù
çväsäù kÿptäà kila vicakilair mälikäà mläpayanti
keyaà dhanyä vasati ramaëé gokule kñipram etäà
nétas tévräm ayam api yayä käm api dhyäna-niñöhäm

durataù—from a distance; eva—indeed; kåñëam—Kåñëa; nirvarëya—

describes and looks; sa—with; äçäìkam—anxiety; akñëoù—of the eyes;
dvandvam—pair; prasarati—displaying; dara—slight; udghürëa—restlessly
moving about; täram—radiant; muräreù—of Kåñëa; çväsäù—sights; klptäm—
fashioned; kila—indeed; vicakilaiù—with vicakila flowers (kind of jasmine);
mälikäm—garland; mläpayanti—causes to wither; kä—who?; iyam—this;

"Ah! The bumble-bee of My heart is enchanted by this playfully swaying flower blossom and

wants to leave Me!"

120 •
dhanyä—fortunate; vasati—resides; ramaëé—beautiful girl; gokule—in
Gokula; kñipram—quickly; etäm—to her; nétaù—brought; tévram—intense;
ayam—this; api—even; yayä—by whom; käm api—to someone; dhyäna—
to meditation; niñöhäm—fixed.

Paurëamäsé: (sees Kåñëa from a distance, and anxiously says)

Muräri’s agitated eyes move restlessly to an fro, and His sighs wilt the
jasmine garland on His chest. What fortunate beautiful girl of Gokula
put Him into such deep meditation?25

athavä kåtäm sandehena. vatsäù rädhikaiva khalv atra käraëam

kåñëaù: (paurëamäsé paçyann upasåtya.) bhagavati, praëamämi.
paurëamäsé: nägara, gopé-stana-taöéñv alampaöé-bhava.

athavä—what; kåtam—performed; sandehena—with doubt; vatsäù—

child; rädhikä—Rädhä; khalu—certainly; atra—here; käraëam—is the
cause; paurëamäsé—Paurëamäsé; paçyan—seeing; upasåtya—approaching;
bhagavati—O respected woman; praëamämi—I offer obeisances; nägara—
O amorous hero; gopé—of the gopés; stana—of the breasts; taöéñu—on the
surface; alampaöé—not lustful or alam (able to) –paöé (garment); bhava—

Can there be any doubt? The cause of this is my child Rädhikä.

Kåñëa: (seeing Paurëamäsé, He approaches her) O noble lady, I

offer My obeisances to you.

Paurëamäsé: O hero, please don't think about embracing gopés’


kåñëaù: (kiïcid vihasya) kåtaà piñöa-peñiëébhir äçérbhir yad aham eva

gopéti prasiddhäà çyämäà vallém api na päëi-pallavena spåçämi.
madhumaìgala: (vihasya) bhoù, kià amhäëaà säma-e, guaré jjevva

kiïcit—somewhat; vihasya—smiling; kåtam—doing; piñöa-

peñiëébhiù—grinding flour (useless); äçérbhiù—asking for; yat—what;
aham—I; eva—indeed; gopé—gopé; iti—thus; prasiddhäm—well known;
çyämäm—dark coloured; vallém—creeper; api—even; na—not; päëi-
pallavena—with the hand-twigs (fingers); spåçämi—I touch; vihasya—

Muräri also means "one who surrounds (mura) with His arms, wanting to embrace". Kåñëa is still
thinking about embracing Rädhikä.
26 If the word "alampaöé-bhava" is divided into "alam paöé-bhava", then the meaning will be: "I bless

You to become a bodice embracing the gopés’ breasts".

121 •
laughing; bhoù—O; kim—what is the use?; amhäëam—for us; säma-e—with
this dark colored creeper; gauré—golden; jjevva—indeed; maggijja-i—is

Kåñëa: (smiling slightly) Asking for it is like grinding flour. With

My tender sprout-like fingers I have not even touched this dark vine
known as "gopé".27

Madhumaìgala: (laughing) Bho! What is the use of this dark vine

for us? We are looking for a golden one!

paurëamäsé: (sa-narma-smitam)
gopeçvarasya tanayo ‘si nayopapannaù
khyätas tathä vraja-kule bhujayor balena
lélä-çatais tad api kià kulayoñitas tvam
unmädam udvahasi mädhava rädhikäyäù

sa—with; narma—joking; smitam—smile; gopa—of the cowherd men;

éçvarasya—of the king; tanayaù—the son; asi—You are; naya—good
behaviour; upapannaù—attained; khyätaù—in the community; tathä—and;
vraja-kule—of Vraja’s residents; bhujayoù—of the two arms; balena—by the
strength; lélä—of pastimes; çataiù—by hundreds; tad api—nevertheless;
kim—why?; kula—pious; yoñitaù—of the girl; tvam—You; unmädam—
madness; udvahasi—You bring; mädhava—O Mädhava; rädhikäyäù—of

Paurëamäsé: (with a playful, joking smile) O Mädhava, You are

the righteous son of the gopas’ king Nanda, and Your hundreds of
pastimes and the power of Your arms are all well-known among the
residents of Vraja. Why do You agitate this virtuous girl Rädhikä?

madhumaìgalaù: a-i vivaréda-vädiëi buòòhi-e, ciööha ciööha.

tujjha rähi-ä-e jjebba eso amha pi-a-vaasso ummädi-o
jaà sehara-siìga-vettä-i däëià kahià vibhaööä-ià ti ëa jäëädi

a-i—O; vivaréda—just the opposite; vädiëi—speaking; buòòhi-e—

whose intelligence; ciööha ciööha—wait, wait; tujjha—your; rähi-ä-e—by
Rädhä; jjebba—indeed; esaù—He; amha—our; pi-a—dear; vaassaù—friend;
ummädi-aù—maddened; jam—because of which; sehara—crown; siìga—
buffalo horn bugle; vettä-i—and stick; däëim—at present; kahim—where?;
vibhaööä-im—fallen; ti—thus; ëa—not; jäëädi—He knows.

The word çyämä (dark) can also mean "a charming girl".

122 •
Madhumaìgala: Ayi! O old lady speaking false words, wait, wait!
It is my dear friend who is agitated by your Rädhikä! He is so
bewildered that He does not even know where He lost His crown,
buffalo horn, and stick!

kåñëaù: (salajjam) ärye, väcäöo ‘yaà baöur måñä jalpati. kintu niçcitaà
te vyäharämi. na täsu mac-citta-rägas tvad-gopéñu. tad atra tattvataù
påccyataà ayam.

sa—with; lajjam—embarrassment; ärye—O pious woman; väcäöaù—

talkative; ayam—this; baöuù—boy; måñä—falsely; jalpati—speaks; kintu—
but; niçcitam—conclusion; te—your; vyäharämi—I describe; na—not;
täsu—for them; mat—My; citta—mind; rägaù—love; tvat—your; gopéñu—
gopés; tat—that; atra—in this matter; tattvataù—in truth; påccyatäm—should
be asked; ayam—him.

Kåñëa: (embarrassed) O noble lady, this talkative boy is lying.

Please listen. In My heart there is no affection for your gopés. Ask

madhumaìgalaù: ajje saccaà saccam. amha-p-ia-vaassa-hi-a-assa

ajjavi rä-o tumha-go-i-äëaà aìgesu ëa ma-e diööhotthi. patthuda täëaà
aìgarä-o jjebba imassa hi-aye désa-i.

ajje—O noble lady; saccam saccam—this is true, this is true; amha—

our; pi-a—dear; vaassa—of the friend; hi-a-assa—of the heart; ajjavi—even
now; rä-aù—love; tumha—your; go-i-ä-ëam—of the gopés; aìgesu—for the
bodies; na—not; ma-e—on the contrary; täëam—of them; aìgarä-aù—
cosmetics; jjebba—certainly; jjebba—certainly; imassa—His; hi-aye—in the
heart; désa-i—is seen.

Madhumaìgala: O noble lady, it’s true, it’s true. I never saw

attachment for these gopés in the heart of my dear friend. On the
contrary, it is the kuìkuma from their bodies that is placed over His

kåñëaù: (sa-praëaya-roñam) dhië mürkha, viçrabhäd ädåto ‘pi

jimhatäà na jahäsi.

sa—with; praëaya—affection; roñam—anger; dhik—fie; mürkha—

The word “räga” means both “attachment” and “kuìkuma”. "I never saw räga (attachment) for
these gopés in the heart of my dear friend. On the contrary, it is their räga (kuìkuma from their
bodies) that is placed over His heart (on His chest)."

123 •
fool; viçrabhäd—close friend; ädåtaù—respected; api—although;
jimhatäm—false; na—not; jahäsi—you abandon.

Kåñëa: (with loving anger) Oh fool! Although I respect you very

much and although you are My close friend, you do not stop lying!

paurëamäsé: satyam äha baöuù. tathä hi.

kämaà sad-guëa-maëòaläçrayatayä tanvan mahiñöhäà rucià
vaicitré-bhara-bhäk sadä çubha-daçä-çreëé-çriyäm äspadam
vaàçé-huìkåti-lélayä çithilatäm eëé dåçäà néyate
väsaù kaàsa-niñüdanädya bhavatä deheñu geheñv api

satyam—the truth; äha—spoke; baöuù—the boy; tathä hi—for thus it

has been said; kämam—with pleasure; sat—excellent; guëa—qualities;
maëòala—of the multitude; açrayatayä—by the state of being the reservoir;
tanvan—extending; mahiñöhäm—greatest; rucià—splendor; vaicitré-
bhara—great astonishment; bhäk—possessing; sadä—always; çubha—
auspicious; daçä—condition; çreëé—rows; çriyäm—beauty; äspadam—
abode; vaàçé—of the flute; huìkåti—of the sound; léläyä—by the pastime;
çithilatäm—the state of being loose; eëé—deer; dåçäm—eyes; néyate—led to;
väsaù—garment; kaàsa—of Kaàsa; nisüdana—O killer; adya—now;
bhavatä—by You; deheçu—on the bodies; geheçu—in the homes; api—even.

Paurëamäsé: This brähmaëa boy tells the truth. You are the
greatest shining abode of many excellent qualities, the source of great
astonishment, and the reservoir of great all-auspicious beauty. O
Kåñëa, O killer of Kaàsa, when You play the flute, this playful music
loosens the garments of the doe-eyed gopés, even while they stay in
their homes!29

madhumaìgalaù: ajje kià vi jäëäsi jaà vaàsé-huàkidi-lélä-etti

bhaëäsi. diööham tahià di-ahe kaëëa-änaà téraöhöhi-dä-ià mabarä-ià
appaëo hattheëa ukkhivi-a imiëä kkhandhe ëikkhittä-ià.

ajje—O pious woman; kim vi—much more; jäëäsi—you know; jam—

which; vaàsé—of the flute; huàkidi—of the sound; lélä—pastimes; etti—thus;
bhaëasi—you describe; diööham—seen; tahim—in this; di-ahe—day; kaëëa-
äëam—of the young girls; téra—on the shore; öhöhi-dä-im—situated;
ambarä-im—garments; appaëaù—of the self; hattheëa—with the hand;
ukkhivi-a—having thrown; imiëä—by this; kkhande—on the shoulders;

“Just as You destroyed the mighty Kaàsa, the sweet and playful sounds of Your flute mercilessly
destroy the chastity of the young girls of Vraja even from a distance!”

124 •
Madhumaìgala: O noble lady, you have only told about His flute-
playing pastimes, but He also did many other things you don’t know!
Today I saw how He gathered the garments of many young girls from
the Yamunä’s shore and with His own hand throw over His shoulder!

kåñëaù: (sa-bhrü-bhaìgam baöum ävärya). ärye, nuìkäräd api tathä-

bhäväd bhavad-gopénäm abhivyaktaù sädhvé-bhäva-prabhävaù.

sa—with; bhrü—of the eyebrows; bhaìgam—knitting; baöum—the

boy (Madhumaìgala); ävärya—warding off; ärye—O pious woman;
huìkärät—from the sound; api—even; tathä-bhävät—of this nature;
bhavat—your; gopénäm—of the gopés; abhivyaktaù—manifest; sädhvé—
pious; bhäva—nature; prabhävaù—dignity.

Kåñëa: (knitting His eyebrows, He restrains Madhumaìgala.)

Noble lady, even though the sound of My flute is very charming, your
gopés remain chaste.

lalitä: (sanskåtena)
kenäpi dhürta-patinä khalu çikñito ‘si
mantraà vaçé-karaëa-käraëam auñadhaà vä
puëyojjvaläny akhila-gopa-viläsinénäà
yena tvayä gåha-sukhäni viluëöhitäni

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; kena api—by ; dhürta—of rascals; patinä—

the king; khalu—indeed; sikñitaù—instructed; asi—you are; mantram—
mantra; vaçé-karaëa—of bewitching; käraëam—the cause; auñadham—
herb; vä—or; puëya—pious; ujjvaläni—glorious; akhila—of all; gopa—of
the cowherd men; viläsinénäm—of the beautiful wives; yena—by which;
tvayä—by You; gåha—of the household; sukhäni—happiness; viluëöhitäni—
is plundered.

Lalitä: Some king of rogues must have given You a mantra or

potion that bewilders others and brings them under Your control.
That is how You plundered the household happiness of the gopas’
beautiful wives, glorious with their piety.30

madhumaìgalaù: saccaà kahedi lalidä. aëëadhä mantädim

antareëa pavvaduttuìgä mahä-däëa-ä ëavindévaräd ovi somma-sé-ala-pa-
idiëa kadhaà imiëä saàharijjanti.

“You are not only the destroyer of the gopés’ virtues, but also a thief who steals the wealth of their
family happiness right from their homes!”

125 •
saccam—the truth; kahedi—speaks; lalidä—Lalitä; aëëadha—
otherwise; mantädim—of mantras etc.; mantareëa—in relation;
pavvaduttuìgä—lofty mountains; mahä—great; däëa-ä—demons;
navindévarät—than a fresh lotus flower; ovi—even; somma—gentle; sé-ala—
and cooling; pa-idiëä—with the nature; kadham—how is it?; imiëä—by this;
saàharijjanti—become ashamed.

Madhumaìgala: Lalitä speaks the truth. Without using powerful

mantras, how could Kåñëa, by nature more gentle and cooling than a
fresh lotus flower, destroy so many great demons who are like huge

lalitä: ajja, jassa sumaranaà vi tathä santävanaà taà edaà appano

vaassam mä kkhu sé-alam bhana.

ajja—O noble boy; jassa—of whom; suamranam—the rememberance;

vi—even; tathä—in the same way; santävanam—distressing; tam—Him;
edam—this; äppanaù—of the self; vaassam—the dear friend; mä—don’t;
kkhu—indeed; sé-alam—cooling; bhana—describe.

Lalitä: O noble one, remembering Him makes us burn like fire.

Please don’t tell us how cooling your dear friend is!

madhumaìgalaù: bho vaassa, pa-idi-si-alo vi tumäm go-i-ahià

unhotti bhanijjasi. ta ppaàsi-a jänissam. (iti kåñëa-vakñasi hastaà nyasya
sasaàbhramam.) aho, saccaà jjevva kahedi lalidä. (ksaëaà vimåçya).
lalide, viëëädaà viëëädam. tu-a rä-a cce-a ëüëaà uëëä jä-e hi-a-vaööhiëé-
e canda-kodi-sé-alo vi esa unné-kido.

bhaù—O; vaassa—friend; pa-idi—of the nature; si-alaù—coolness;

vi—although; tumam—You; go-i-ahim—by the gopis; unhaù—hot; tti—thus;
bhanijjasi—are described; ta—therefore; ppaàsi-a—having touched;
jänissam—I will understand; iti—thus; kåñëa—of Kåñëa; vakñasi—on the
chest; hastam—hand; nyasya—having placed; sa—with; saàbhramam—
respect; ahaù—O; saccam—the truth; jjevva—certainly; kahedi—speaks;
lalidä—Lalitä; kñanam—for a moment; vimrsya—reflects; lalide—O Lalitä;
vinnädaà vinnädam—it is understood, it is understood; tu-a—Your; rä-a—
Rädhä; cce-a—indeed; nünam—at present; unnä—hot; jä-e—by whom; hi-
a-a—of the heart; vaööhiné-e—staying; canda—moons; vi—although; eça—
He; unné-kidaù—made cool.

Madhumaìgala hints that since it is actually impossible to kill very powerful demons by mantras
and potions, it is simply the nature of his dear friend Kåñëa to steal the minds of cowherd girls.

126 •
Madhumaìgala: Bho! Dear friend, although You are cooling, the
gopés say You are very hot. By touching You, I will see if it's true. (With
great respect Madhumaìgala places his hand on Kåñëa’s chest). Aho!
Lalitä speaks the truth! (Madhumaìgala reflects for a moment.) Lalitä,
I understood. I understood. Your Rädhä is hot. Entering His heart, She
has made Kåñëa, who is more cooling as millions of moons, hot also.

lalitä: ajja, ettha rä-a-paööa-patthara-hi-a-e tä-e duranta-pemma-

saukumajjahadä-e maha-sahi-e kudo paveso sambhävi-adi.

ajja—O pious boy; ettha—here; rä-a-paööa—diamond; patthara—

jewel; hi-a-e—in the heart; tä-e—of Her; duranta—unlimited; pemma—pure
love; saukumajja—delicateness; hadä-e—comprises; maha-sahi-e—of my
friend; kudaù—why?; pavesaù—entrance; saàbhävi—is effected.

Lalitä: O noble brähmaëa, how could my sakhi, with Her delicate

nature overwhelmed with unlimited love, enter Your friend’s heart,
which is hard like diamond?

madhumaìgalaù: (saroñam) cavale, amha-vaasso tado vi tumha-

sahido nibbharaà sineha-komalo jaà eso vaïcida-nindo jo-indo vi-a
ekkagga-citto ëaà jjevva savvadä cinte-i.

sa—with; roñam—anger; cavale—O fickle girl; amha—my; vaassaù—

friend; tadaù vi—better than; tumha—your; sahidaù—sakhi; nibbharam—
great; sineha—tender love; komalaù—delicate and beautiful; jam—because;
esaù—He; vaïcida—cheated; nindaù—sleep; jo-indaù—a king of yogés; vi-
a—like; ekkagga—with single-pointed concentration; cittaù—mind; ëam—of
her; jjevva—indeed; savvadaù—constantly; cinte-i—thinks.

Madhumaìgala: (angrily) O fickle girl, my dear friend is more

soft-hearted than your sakhi, since, cheating sleep, like the king of
yogés, He always meditates on Her with deep concentration!

kåñëaù: (säpatrapam) dhig bäliça, kåtam alékena narma-puïjena.

lalitä: (svagatam) diööhi-ä vaòòhadi pi-a-sahé.
paurëamäsé: sundara, viçrämyatu narma-mudrä. äkarnaya mad-

sa—with; apatrapam—turning away the face with embarrassment;

dhik—fie; bäliça—foolish like a child; kåtam—enough; alékena—with this lie;
narma—of joking; puïjena—with an abundance; svagatam—aside; diööhi-
ä—good fortune; vaòòhadi—increased; pi-a—dear; sahé—friend; sundara—

127 •
O beautiful boy; viçramyatu—should rest; narma—of joking; mudrä—
expressions; äkarnaya—please hear; mat—my; vivakñitam—what is desired
to be said.

Kåñëa: (embarrassed) Fool, enough of these lying jokes!

Lalitä: (aside) My dear sakhi is very fortunate.

Paurëamäsé: O handsome boy, stop these jokes and hear what I

want to say.

hitvä düre pathi dhava-taror antikaà dharma-setor

bhaìgodagrä guru-çikhariëam raàhasä laìghayanté
lebhe-kåñëärëava nava-rasä rädhikä-vähiné tväà
väg-vécibhiù kim iva vimukhé-bhävam asyäs tanoñi

hitvä—giving up; düre—far away; pathi—on the road; dhava-taroù—

of the tree of the husband32; antikam—the vicinity; dharma-setoù—the dam
of religion; guru—the superior relatives; çikhariëam—the hills; raàhasä—
with great force; laìghayanté—crossing over; lebhe—has obtained; kåñëa-
arëava—O black ocean (Kåñëa); nava-raça—being influenced by new
ecstatic love; rädhikä—Rädhä; vähiné—like a river; tväm—You; väk-
vécibhiù—only by the waves of words; kim—how; iva—like this; vimukhé-
bhävam—indifference; asyäù—toward Her; tanoñi—You are spreading.

O Kåñëa, O black ocean, the river of Rädhikä has reached You

from a long distance, leaving far behind the tree of Her husband,
breaking through the dam of dharma, and forcibly crossing the hills
of elder relatives. Coming here because of fresh love for You, that
river has now received Your shelter. Why are You trying to turn Her
back by the waves of unfavorable words?

madhumaìgalaù: a-i çuddha-buddhi-e ajjavi edaà cce-a pucchasi.

pekkha ku-ataëaà hada-kokilaëaà vittasaëatthaà ma-e edaà puppha-
kodaëòam ëimmidam.

a-i—O; çuddha—pure; buddhi-e—with intelligence; ajjavi—even now;

edam—this; cce-a—indeed; pucchasi—you ask; pekkha—just see; ku-
ataëam—cooing; hada—useless; kokilaëam—of cuckoos; vittasaëattham—
for protection; ma-e—by me; edam—this; puppha—of flowers; kodaëòam—
bow; ëimmidam—constructed.

It is well-known that where the dhava tree grows, the river does not flow. The word “dhava”

means “husband” , as well as a kind of tree.

128 •
Madhumaìgala: Ayi! O woman with pure intelligence, why do
you ask such a question? Look! I have made a flower bow for
protection from these terrible cuckoos!33

paurëamäsé: candränana, säpi vatsä.

älénäà pratihära-rodhana-vidhau vékñya prayathävaléà
bälä tarkita-mädhavé-parimala-sphürtir bhayäd vepate
kiïcälokya sudhäàçu-känta-salila-spandäh alinde kñaëäd
eëäìkodaya-çaìkiné vikalatäm ätanvaté mürcchati

candra—moon; anana—face; sa-api—this girl; vatsä—child;

älénäm—of friends; pratihära—of the gate-keepers; rodhana—of
obstruction; vidhau—in the activity; vékñya—having seen; prayatna—of
endeavor; avalém—the abundance; bälä—this young girl; tarkita—
conjectured; mädhavé—of a mädhavé creeper; parimala—aromatic fragrance;
sphürtiù—manifestation; bhayät—fearful; vepate—trembles; kiïca—
moreover; älokya—seeing; sudhäàçu—of the candrakanta jewel; salila—of
the water; spandän—quivering; alinde—on the terrace; kñaëät—
immediately; eëäìka—of the moon; udaya—the rising; çaìkiné—supposing;
vikalatäm—agitation; ätanvaté—spreading; mürcchati—faints.

Paurëamäsé: O boy with a moon-like face, She is just a child.

Seeing Her sakhis carefully guarding the door, and smelling the
fragrance of the mädhavé flowers, this young girl trembles. On seeing
a candrakänta jewel begin to melt on the terrace, Rädhä thinks the
moon has risen and falls unconscious.

kåñëaù: (svagatam) hanta, kaöhoro ‘yaà daçä-vivartaù.

paurëamäsé: sundara.
praëayiñu militeñu prema-bhäjäm upekñä
ghaöayati kaöu-päkäny uccakair düñaëäni
dina-maëir anurägé projjhya sandhyäà raktäà
tamasi nikhilam ugre majjayaty eña lokam

svagatam—aside; hanta—O; kaöhoraù—harsh; ayam—this; daçä—of

condition; vivartaù—change; sundara—O beautiful boy; pranayiñu—
affectionate; militeñu—encountered; prema—of love; bhäjäm—full; upekñä—
neglect; ghaöayati—produces; kaöu—bitter; päkäni—consequences;
uccakaiù—greatly; düñanäni—sins; dina—of the day; maëiù—jewel (the

"Although you are very intelligent, you don't understand the meaning of Kåñëa's contradictory
actions. Without Rädhikä, my dear friend suffers, and the singing of the cuckoos causes Him pain.
Recognizing Kåñëa’s terrible condition, you should quickly think of some method to help Him."

129 •
sun); anurägi—affectionate; projjhya—having abandoned; sandhyäm—
evening; hi—indeed; raktäm—red; tamasi—in the darkness; nikhilam—
complete; ugre—terrible; majjayati—caused to become immersed; eñaù—
this; lokam—world; kåñëaù—Kåñëa; sa—with; lajjam—embarrassment;
namré-bhavati—bows His head.

Kåñëa: (aside) Ah, it must be very painful for Her!

Paurëamäsé: O handsome boy, neglect of another’s love

produces sins with very bitter results. Look! Setting on the horizon,
the sun, rejecting the passionate red evening, now plunges the whole
world into darkness.34

(Embarrassed, Kåñëa bows His head).

paurëamäsé: (punar nibhälya. sänandaà svagatam). diñöyäyaà

smitäliìgitam aìgé-kurvan dakñiëaà nyamélyad ékñaëam. (prakäçam)
gokulänanda. purastäd iyaà mäkanda-vedé svayam alaìkartavyä nimélati
heli-bimbe sakhyor ekatarä tvaà abhéñöa-deçaà präpayati.

punaù—again; nibhälya—having seen; sa—with; anandam—bliss;

svagatam—aside; diñöya—by good fortune; ayam—this; smita—smile;
aliìgitam—embrace; angé-kurvan—accepting; dakñiëam—right;
nyamélayat—closes; ikñanam—eye; prakäçam—openly; gokula—of Gokula;
ananda—O bliss; purastät—in front of; iyam—this; mäkanda—of a mango
tree; vedi—a place in the courtyard; svayam—personally; alankartavya—
should be decorated; nimélati—closes; heli-bimbe—on the sun; sakhyoù—of
the two friends; ekataräj—one; tväm—You; abhéñöa—desired; deçam—place;
präpayati—cause to attain.

Paurëamäsé: (again glancing at Kåñëa, she becomes very happy,

and says to herself) By good fortune Kåñëa is smiling and His right eye
is closing. (Openly) O bliss of Gokula, please decorate this place in the
mango grove in front of You. When the sun sets, one of my sakhis will
bring You to the appointed place.

kåñëaù: (säpatranam) yathäha bhagavaté. (iti sa-vayasyo niñkrantaù).

paurëamäsé: putri lalite, kämaà nirvåtäsmi. tad ehi. rädhäm
(ity ubhe parikrämataù).

sa—with; apatrapam—embarrassment; yatha—as; aha—speaks;

Here the sun is Kåñëa, and the evening is Rädhä.

130 •
bhagavati—the noble Paurëamäsé; iti—thus; sa—eith?; vayasyaù—the friend
(Madhumaìgala); niñkrantaù—exits; putri—O daughter; lalite—O Lalitä;
kämam—according to desire; nirvåta—happy; asmi—I am; tat—therefore;
ehi—please go; rädhäm—to Rädhä; anusarävaù—please go; iti—thus;
ubhe—the two; parikrämataù—begin to walk.

Kåñëa: (embarrassed) As the noble lady says. (Accompanied by

Madhumaìgala, He exists.)

Paurëamäsé: Daughter Lalitä, now I am happy. Come, let us go to


(They both exit.)

(tataù praviçati viçäkhayä saha saìkathayanté rädhä).

rädhikä; (sanskåtena)
sakhi jalpita-närikela-néraà
smita-karpüra-våtaà harer nipéya
tanu-saìga-sudhäà vinä na tasya
glapitähaà garalena jévitäsmi

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; viçäkhayä—with Viçäkhä; saha—

accompanied; saìkathayanté—conversing; rädhä—Rädhä; sakhi—O friend;
jalpita—spoken; närikela—of a coconut; néram—water; smita—smile;
karpüra—with camphor; våtam—enclosed; hareù—of Hari; nipéya—having
drunk; tanu—of the body; saìga—of the contact; sudhäm—nectar; vinä—
without; na—not; tasya—of Him; glapita— exhausted; aham—I; garalena—
with poison; jévita—alive; asmi—I am.

(Conversing with Viçäkhä, Rädhä enters.)

Rädhikä: O sakhi, although I have drunk the coconut water of

Hari’s words, mixed with the camphor of His smile, because I have
not also drunk the nectar of His touch, I am now exhausted, as if I had
drunk poison.35

viçäkhä: a-i aviëëäda-ëi-a-mähädmye, tädiso tuha rä-assa garimä

jena so kkhu sämasundaro vi vädhaà rattékido tadhä vi appaëo mäliëëaà

a-i—O; aviëëäda—unknown; ëi-a—own; mähädmye—glorification;

tädisaù—like this; tuha—your; rä-assa—of the love; garimä—intense;

According to medical scriptures, a mixture of coconut water and camphor produces poison.

131 •
jena—by which; saù—He; kkhu—certainly; sämasundaraù—Çyämasundara
(Kåñëa); vi—even; vädham—strongly; rattékidaù—affectionate; tadhä vi—
nevertheless; appaëaù—of the self; mäliëëam—impurity; saìkasi—you fear.

Viçäkhä: O girl who do not know Your own glory, even though
Your love is so great that Çyämasundara has become strongly attracted
to You, You still worry that You are wretched and fallen!

rädhikä: (punaù sanskåtena).

nälékinéà niçi ghanotkalikäm açaìkaà
kñiptvä våtér atanu-vanya-gajaù kñunatti
atränurägiëi ciräd udite ‘pi bhänau
hä hanta kià sakhi sukhaà bhavitä varäkyäù

punah—again; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; nälékiném—a multitude of

lotus flowers; niçi—at night; ghana—intense; utkalikäm—longing;
açankam—fearless; kñiptvä—having thrown; våtiù—fence; atanu—
Kämadeva; vanya—jungle; gajaù—elephant; kñunatti—tramples; atra—
here; anurägiëi—causing love; cirät—after a long time; udite—arisen; api—
although; bhänau—the sun; hä—O; hanta—O; kim—whether?; sakhi—O
friend; sukham—happiness; bhavitä—will be; varäkyäù—the miserable one.

Rädhikä: Tonight, the jungle elephant of Kämadeva, having

fearlessly broken the fence, tramples the lotus flowers of My
passionate longings. Ah! Ah! O sakhi, will this unfortunate girl become
happy when the red sun of love finally rises?36

paurëamäsé: (puro rädhäm drñövä). putri lalite, sakhyäs tava premokti-

mudräm udghäöayitum utkaëöhitäsmi. tad-bhavatyä tüñném eva
lalitä: jaà änävedi tattthahodu.

puraù—in front; rädhäm—Rädhä; dåñöva—having seen; putri—O

daughter; lalite—O Lalitä; sakhyaù—of the friend; tava—your; prema—of
love; ukti—of the words; mudram—the mark; udghäöayitum—to reveal;
utkaëöhita—longing; asmi—I am; tat—therefore; bhavatyä—by you;
tüñném—silently; eva—indeed; bhavitavyam—should be; jam—what;
anavedi—you instruct; tatthahodu—let that be.

Paurëamäsé: (seeing Rädhä before her) Daughter Lalitä, I am

eager to hear your sakhi describe Her love. Please be silent.

"I will not live till morming. Please, think of some method so that I can meet Kåñëa right now!"

132 •
Lalitä: As you order.

paurëamäsé: (rädhäm upetya. sakaitava-viñädam).

bhavad-aìga-saìga-viñaye priyoktibhir
muhur arthito ‘pi madiräkñi mädhavaù
manute manäg api na héti håd-vyathä
pratikära-yuktir aparä vidhéyatäm

rädhäm—Rädhä; upetya—approaching; sa—with; kaitava—

pretended; viñadam—unhappiness; bhavat—your; aìga—of the body;
saìga—contact; viñaye—in the state; priya—affectionate; uktibhiù—with
words; muhuù—constantly; arthitaù—appealed; api—although; madira—
like khaïjana birds; akñi—eyes; mädhavaù—Mädhava (Kåñëa); manute—
considers; manäk—a little; api—even; na—not; hi—indeed; iti—thus; håt—
of the heart; vyathä—agitation; pratikära—remedy; yuktiù—device; aparä—
unequalled; vidhéyatäm—may be administered.

Paurëamäsé: (approaching Rädhä, she says with feigned grief) O

girl with the beautiful eyes, with sweet words Mädhava again and
again begs for the touch of Your body. He knows that no other
medicine will cure the fever that burns in His heart.

rädhikä: (sa-vyämoham) alaà ettha lajjideëa. (ity aïjalià baddhvä).

abbhaà lihamhi òahane ëaòahaà raìgaëa-ladaà lihantamhi
kä padi-äre juttià mukki-a sämalaghaëullasam

sa—with; vyamoham—embarrassment; alam—enough; ettha—here;

lajjidena—with this bashfulness; iti—thus; anjalim—having folded her
hands; abbhaàlihamhi—touching the clouds; dahane—scorching;
nadaham—charming; rangana—delightful; ladam—creeper; lihantamhi—
licks; ka—what?; padi-are—in the remedy; juttim—method; mukki-a—
having abandoned; samala—dark; dhan—of clouds; ullasam—appearance.

Rädhikä: (embarrassed, She says to Herself) Enough with this

shyness! (She folds Her hands and speaks openly) When a blazing
forest fire that reaches the sky burns a delicate raìgaëa vine, what can
save her except the sudden appearance of a dark rain-cloud?

jaratyäs tvaà naptré sa tu kamalayä lälita-padaù
kathaìkäraà tasmai muhur asulabhäya sprùayasi
praséda vyähäre mama racaya ceto divi-caraà
gåhétuà päëibhyäà vidhum ahaha mä bhüt kutukiné

133 •
jaratyaù—of the old woman; tvam—you; naptré—granddaughter;
saù—He; tu—and; kamalayä—by the goddess of fortune, Lakñmi-devé;
lälita—caressed; padaù—feet; kathaà-käram—how?; tasmai—to Him;
muhuù—constantly; asulabhäya—who is not easy to attain; spåhayasi—you
desire; praséda—please be merciful; vyähäre—in the conversation; mama—
my; racaya—please construct; cetaù—O mind; divi-caram—moving in the
sky; gåhétum—to grasp; päëibhyäm—with the two hands; vidhum—the
moon; ahaha—O; mä—there should not; bhüt—be; kutukiné—curious.

Paurëamäsé: Why do You, who are only granddaughter of the old

woman, desire a person who is very difficult to attain, a person whose
feet are desired by the goddess of fortune? Please be peaceful and
listen to my words. Don’t become like a curious child who wants to
grasp the moon that moves in the sky.

rädhikä: (sa-gadgadaà. sanskåtena).

mayä te nirbandhän mura-jayini rägaù parihåto
mayi snigdhe kintu prathya paramäçés tatim imäm
mukhämododgära-grahila-matir adyaiva hi yataù
pradoñärambhe syäà vimala-vana-mälä-madhukaré

sa—with; gadgadam—choked up voice; mayä—by me; te—your;

nirbandhät—because of perseverance; mura—of the Mura demon; jayini—
towards the conqueror (Kåñëa); rägaù—love; parihåtaù—abandoned; mayi—
towards me; snigdhe—affectionate; kintu—nevertheless; prathaya—please
expand; parama—supreme; aséù—benedictions; tatim—multitude; imäm—
this; mukhä—of the mouth; amoda—gladdening; udgära—emanating;
grahila—interested; matiù—mind; adya—now; eva—indeed; hi—certainly;
yataù—restrained; pradoñä—of evening; arambhe—in the beginning;
syäm—let me become; vimala—pure; vana—of the forest; mälä—in the
garland of flowers; madhukaré—bumble-bee.

Rädhikä: (Her voice choked with emotion) O noble woman who

is so gentle with Me, on your repeated request I will give up My love.
But please, this evening, give Me a blessing to become a bee attracted
by the fragrance of Kåñëa's forest-flower garland.37

viçäkhä: bhaavadi, parittähi parittähi. i-am uttänida-ëettä kaàpi

däruëaà dasä-visesam lahedi rähé.

bhaavadi—O noble woman; parittähi parittähi—please protect, please

These words of Rädhä show Her determination to give up Her life, because She cannot live
without Kåñëa.

134 •
protect; i-am—this; uttänida—wide open; netä—eyes; kaàpi—something;
däruëam—terrible; dasä—condition; viçeñam—specific; lahedi—attains;

Viçäkhä: Noble lady, please rescue Her, rescue Her! Rädhä's eyes
are wide open, and Her condition is very frightening!

paurëamäsé: (savegam) hä dhik. keyaà baläd äkåñöä mahä-vipat-käla-

sarpé. (iti sadayaà rädhäm äliìgya). vatse samäçvasihi samäçvasihi.
bhävävyaktaye protthäpitäsi. tad idaà yathärtham äkarëyatäm.

sa—with; vegam—agitation; hä-dhik—alas; kä—who?; iyam—this;

balät—forcibly; äkåñöä—attracted; mahä—great; vipat—calamities; käla—of
time; sarpé—snake; iti—thus; sa—with; dayam—compassionate; rädhäm—
Rädhä; äliìgya—embracing; vatse—O child; samäçvasihi samäsvasihi—be
comforted, be comforted; bhäva—of love; abhivyaktaye—for the
manifestation; protthäpitä—agitated; asi—you are; tat—therefore; idam—
this; yathä-artham—appropriate; äkarëyatäm—should be heard.

Paurëamäsé: (agitated) Ah! The black snake of the great calamity

is forcibly dragging this girl away. (She kindly embraces Rädhä.)
Child, be peaceful. Be peaceful. You are overcome with love. Please

amita-vibhavä yasya prekñä laväya bhavädayo

bhuvana-guravo ‘py utkaëöhäbhis tapäàsi vitanvate
ahaha gahanä-dåñöänäà te phalaà kim abhiñöuve
sutanu sa tanur jajïe kåñëas tavekñaëa-tåñëayä

amita—immeasurable; vibhaväù—opulence; yasya—of whom;

prekñä—of the sight; laväya—for a small particle; bhava-ädayaù—headed by
Lord Çiva; bhuvana—of the universe; guravaù—masters; api—even;
utkaëöhäbhiù—with longings; tapäàsi—austerities; vitanvate—perform;
ahaha—O; gahana—in the darkness; adåñöänäm—unseen; te—your;
phalam—result; kim—how?; abhiñöuve—I offer prayers; sutanu—O slender
girl; saù—He; tanuù—thin; jajïe—became; kåñëaù—Kåñëa; tava—your;
ékñaëa—of the glance; tåñëayä—with the thirst.

Longing to see You even for a moment, Lord Çiva and the other
limitlessly powerful masters of the universe perform severe
austerities. Ah! How can I properly praise the results of Your past
pious deeds? O slender girl, thirsting to see You, Kåñëa has become

135 •
lalitä: (sanskåtena)
tvad-värtottara-géta-gumphita-mukho veëuù samantäd abhüt
tvad-veñocita-çilpa-kalpana-mayé sarvä babhüva kriyä
tvan-nämäni babhüvur asya surabhé-våndäni våndäöavé
rädhe tvan-maya-valli-maëòala-ghanä jätädya kaàsa-dviñaù

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; tvat—Your; värtä—description of the

pastimes; uttara—excellent; géta—songs; gumphita—strung; mukhaù—
voice; veëuù—flute; samantät—completely; abhüt—became; tvat—your;
veña—appearance; ucita—delightful; çilpa—amorous arts like kissing and
embracing; kalpana—creating in the mind; mayé—filled; sarva—all;
babhüva—became; kriyä—activity; tvat—your; nämäni—names; babhüva—
became; asya—of Him; surabhé—of sweet fragrance; våndäni—multitudes;
våndä-ätävé—the forest of Våndävana; rädhe—O Rädhä; tvat—your; maya—
consisting of; valli—of creepers; maëòala—multitude; ghana—thick; jätä—
born; adya—today; kaàsa-dviñaù—of Kåñëa, the enemy of Kaàsa.

Lalitä: His flute now sings only about Your excellent pastimes,
and all His activities are filled with thoughts about Your delightful
amorous arts. For Him, Your names have become like a fragrant
stream. O Rädhä, today Kåñëa sees You in every flowering vine of
Våndävana forest!

rädhikä: (samäçvasya. svagatam) caïcala he citta, ajjavi ëa patti-ä-


samäçvasya—having become calm; svagatam—aside; caïcala—fickle;

he—O; citta—mind; ajjavi—even now; ëa—not; patti-ä-esi—you have faith.

Rädhikä: (becoming calm, She says to Herself) O fickle mind,

even now you do not believe this!

paurëamäsé: putri lalite, bäòhaà pragalbhäsi. tad viçäkhä yävan

mäkanda-müläh mukundena saha pratyävartate tävad atra saìketite
karëikära kuïje gopaya tvam gopälikäbhyaù rädhikäm. mayä tu sva-kåtyäya
(iti tisro ‘pi niñkräntäù)

putri—O daughter; lalite—O Lalitä; bäòham—indeed; pragalbhä—

intelligent; asi—you are; tat—therefore; viçäkhä—Viñäkhä; yävat—when;
mäkanda—of the mango tree; mülät—from the base; mukundena—by
Mukunda; saha—accompanied; pratyävartate—returns; tävat—then; atra—
here; saìketite—appointed place; karëikära—of karëikära flowers; kuïje—
in the grove; gopaya—please conceal; tvam—you; gopälikäbhyaù—from the

136 •
gopés; rädhikäm—Rädhä; mayä—I am; tu—indeed; sva-kåtyäya—for my
own duties; gantavyam—should be done; iti—thus; tisraù—the three; api—
and; niñkräntaù—exit.

Paurëamäsé: O daughter Lalitä, you are very brave and skillful.

When Viçäkhä brings Mukunda under the mango tree, please hide
Rädhikä in the karëikära bower apart from the other gopés. Now I
should go to do my duties.

(Paurëamäsé, Rädhikä, and Lalitä exit.)

viçäkhä: (düraà parikramya). so mäkando eso puro désa-i jattha


düram—far away; parikramya—having walked; saù—He (Kåñëa);

mäkandaù—mango tree; esaù—this; puraù—in the presence; désa-i—is seen;
jattha—where; kaëhaù—Kåñëa.

Viçäkhä: (walking a great distance). I see Kåñëa under the mango


(tataù praviçati kåñëaù).

kåñëaù: (sotkaëöhaà pratécém avalokya).
sadyas tapta-hiraëya-piëòa-madhuraà caëòa-tviño maëòalaà
saìgaà hanta taraìgiëé-rati-guror aìgé-cakärämbhasi
dräg etäny api ghüka-netra-paöalé-siddhäïjana-kñodatäà
bibhranti dvipa-vibhramäëi rurudhur dhväntäni våndävanam

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; kåñëaù—Kåñëa; sa—with;

utkaëöham—eagerness; pratécém—to the west; avalokya—glancing;
sadyaù—at once; tapta—molten; hiraëya—of gold; piëòa—sphere;
madhuram—sweet; caëòa—hot; tviñaù—effulgence; maëòalam—circle;
saìgam—contact; hanta—O; taraìgiëé—of the waves; rati-guroù—love-
teacher; aìgé-cakära—accepted; ambhasi—in the water; dräk—quickly;
etäni—these; api—even; ghüka—of owls; netra—of the eyes; paöalé—of the
multitude; siddhä—perfect; aïjana—ointment; kñodatäm—the state of being
crushed to a powder; bibhranti—they carry; dvipa—of an elephant;
vibhramäëi—blunders; rurudhuù—obstructed; dhväntäni—darkness;

Kåñëa: (enters, eagerly looking to the west) Ah! The pleasantly

hot and glowing molten-gold circle of the sun is now embraced by the
passionate waves of the ocean. Bewildering the elephants and
anointing the owls’ eyes, darkness now covers Våndävana forest.

137 •
(sotsukyam panthänam udvékñya). katham adyäpi sakhé käcin
neträdhvani me nävataöara. (iti parävåtya präcià paçyan)

sa—with; utsukyam—restlessness and uneasiness; katham—how is it?;

adya api—even now; sakhé—the gopé friend; käcit—someone; netra—of the
eyes; adhvani—on the path; me—my; na—not; avatatära—has descended;
iti—thus; parävåtya—having turned around; präcém—behind; paçyan—

(Anxiously looking at the path) Why has one of Rädhä's sakhis

not yet entered the pathway of My eyes? (Turning around, He looks

sändräù supta-kumud-vaté-kula-vadhü-nidrä-bhidä-kovidäù
kurväëäù kaluña-çriyaà pari bhavätaìkena paìkejiném
samrambhäd abhisärikäbhir asakåd vyäkruñyamäëodgamä-
bhäsaù çétakarasya hanta haritaà pürväà pariñkurvate

sändrä—intense; supta—asleep; kumut-vaté—multitude of lotus

flowers; kula—pious; vadhü—of the wives; nidrä—the sleep; bhidä—in the
matter of breaking; kovidäù—expert; kurväëaù—performing; kaluña—
foulness; çriyam—beauty; paribhava—of disgrace; atankeëa—with the fear;
paìkejiném—multitude of lotus flowers; samrambhät—violently;
abhisärikäbhiù—by women who meet their lovers; asakåt—continually;
vyäruñyamäëa—lamented; udgamä—becoming manifested; abhäsaù—
reflecting; çétakarasya—of the cooling moon; hanta—O; haritam—direction
of the sky; pürväm—eastern; pariñkurvate—embraces.

Expertly waking the lotus-like gopés, eclipsing the lotus flowers’

beauty, and causing the lamentations of the girls eagerly awaiting
their lovers, the brilliant moonlight now embraces the darkened
eastern horizon.

(iti vaiyagryaà näöayati).

dhyätvä dharmaà dhåtim udayinéà kià babandhädya rädhä
tévräkñepaiù kim uta gurubhir lambhitä vä nivåttim
kià vä kañöäm abhajata daçäà täm avispanda-mandäm
indau vindaty udayam api yan näjagämjädya düté

iti—thus; vaiyagryam—perplexity; näöayati—represents dramatically;

dhyätvä—having reflected; dharmam—on religious duties; dhåtim—
patience; udayiném—abounding; kim—whether?; babandha—bound;
adya—today; rädhä—Rädhä; tévra—sharp; aksepaiù—by objections; kià

138 •
uta—why why indeed?; gurubhiù—by superiors; lambhitä—abused; vä—or;
nivåttim—inactive; kià vä—whether; kañöäm—distressful; abhajata—
attained; daçäm—condition; täm—this; avispanda—without motion;
mandäm—slow; indau—in the moon; vindati—finds; udayam—
appearance; api—although; yat—which; na—not; ajagama—arrived;
adya—today; düté—the messenger-gopé.

(Perplexed) Thinking of dharma, did Rädhä decide not to come?

Was She stopped by the harsh words of Her superiors? Did a some
calamity arise and make Her walk slower or stop on the path? Though
the moon has risen, Her messenger has not yet come...38

viçäkhä: (latäntare sodgrévikam) eso ëüëaà ukkaëöhä-e maha jjeva

pa-avéà vilo-edi kaàho. tä kkhaëaà parihasissam.

latäntare—in the vines; sodgrévikam—eagerly; esaù—this; ëüëam—at

present; ukkaëöhä-e—with longing; maha—my; jjeva—indeed; pa-avém—
path; vilo-edi—observes; kaàho.—Kåñëa; tä—therefore; kkhaëam—for a
moment; parihasissam—I will joke.

Viçäkhä: (hiding behind a creeper, she eagerly says) With

impatience, Kåñëa is looking at the path. I will joke with Him for a

kåñëaù: (sänandam) iyaà viçäkhäpi caïcala-pancasäkhä sakhé

militä. (ity upasåtya) sakhi tavopalambhät täm eva rambhoruà labdhäm
avaimi yad viçäkhä-rädhayor advaitam.

sa—with; anandam—bliss; iyam—this; viçäkhä—Viçäkhä; api—even;

caïcala—moving; païcasakha—fingers; sakhié—gopé-friend; militä—is met;
iti—thus; upasåtya—approaching; sakhi—O friend; tava—your;
upalambhät—from the attainment; täm—she; eva—certainly; rambhorum—
with beautiful hips; labdhäm—attained; avaimi—I perceive; yat—which;
viçäkhä—of Viçäkhä; rädhäyoù—of Rädhä; advaitam—the non-difference.

Kåñëa: (happily) Moving her hand, Viçäkhä gestures to Me.

(Kåñëa approaches her.) Sakhi, seeing you, I think I have attained
Rädhä, whose rounded hips are like the trunks of banana trees. I think
you and Rädhä are not different from each other.

"If She decided not to come, then everything is lost. If She was locked at home by Her elders,
then perhaps there is an opportunity to escape and come to the meeting. Or maybe Rädhikä is
already hurrying to Me, but became motionless in the middle of the way, overwhelmed with
feelings? Or is She just walking slowly because of the trembling?"

139 •
(viçäkhä mukham änamayya maunam älambate).
kåñëaù: sakhi, kim atra tuñném asi.
viçäkha: canda-muha, manda-bhä-iëé mhi. tä kià viëëavissam.
kåñëaù: (saçaìkam) kim artham idam.

viçäkhä—Viçäkhä; mukham—face; änamayya—turning down;

maunam—silence; älambate—attains; sakhi—O friend; kim—why?; atra—
here; tuñném asi—are you silent; canda—moon; muhe—face; manda-bhä-
iné—unfortunate; mhi—I am; tä—therefore; kim—why?; viëëavissam—
should I speak; sa—with; çaìkam—apprehension; kim artham—why?;

(Turning her face down, Viçäkhä becomes silent.)

Kåñëa: Sakhi, why are you silent?

Viçäkhä: O moon-faced one, what can I say? I am very


Kåñëa: (fearful) Why?

viçäkhä: sundara, ëa me sarassa-é nissaradi. hodu. tadhä vi

saàvaridum ëa juttam idam. (iti mukha-vaikåtyam abhinéya). bho bhaööi-
dära-a, sä pi-a-sahé ahimaëëuëä hadäseëa mahurä-pattaëammi. (ity
ardhokte çuñkaà roditi).

sundara—O handsome boy; ëa—not; me—my; sarassa-é—Sarasvaté,

the goddess of eloquence; nissaradi—appears; hodu—let it be; tadhä vi—
nevertheless; saàvaridum—to conceal; ëa—not; juttam—proper; idam—
this; iti—thus; mukha—of the face; vaikåtyam—disfigurement; abhinéya—
brings; bhaù—O; bhaööi-dära-a—king's son; sä—she; pi-a—dear; sahé—
friend; abhimaëëunä—by Abhimanyu; hadäsena—wretched; mahurä—of
Mathurä; pattaëammi—in the town; iti—thus; ardha-ukte—in the middle of
the speech; çuñkam—dry; roditi—cries.

Viçäkhä: O handsome one, Sarasvaté does not allow graceful

words to come from my mouth. So be it. It is not right to hide the
truth. (With a pained expression on her face she says) O Nanda-
nandana, the wretched Abhimanyu has taken my dear sakhi Rädhä to

kåñëaù: (savyatham) kadä näma nétä.

viçäkhä: jadä bhaavadé tumha sa-äsaà laddhä.
kåñëaù: (sakhedam) viçäkhe, kathaìkäraà nétä.

140 •
viçäkhä: tu-ammi bhä-aà takki-a.
kåñëaù: kathaà sa tarkitaù.
viçäkhä: lo-ottaré-honto attho ëa kassa takkaëijo ho-i.

sa—with; vyatham—agitation; kadä—when?; näma—indeed; nétä—

brought; jadä—when; bhaavadé—the noble Paurëamäsé; tumha—Your; sa-
äsam—presence; laddhä—attained; sa—with; khedam—grief; viçäkhe—O
Viçäkhä; kathaà-käram—how?; nétä—was brought; tu-ammi—towards You;
bhä-am—love; takki-a—suspecting; katham—how?; saù—he; tarkitaù—
suspected; lo-ottaré-honto atthaù—extraordinary love; ëa—not; kassa—of
whom?; takkaëijaù—able to be guessed; ho-i—is.

Kåñëa: (with anxiety) When did this happen?

Viçäkhä: When noble Paurëamäsé was with You.

Kåñëa: (grief-stricken) O Viçäkhä, why did he take Her away?

Viçäkhä: He suspected that She fell in love with You.

Kåñëa: Why did he suspect that?

Viçäkhä: Who could not see the symptoms of Her incomparable


glapayati vapur durlélo me balän malayänilo
vikirati karair induù kñodaà tuñägni-bhavaà ruñä
madana-hatakas tarjaty eña sphuöair ali-huìkåtais
truöir api vinä rädhäà netum mayä na hi çakyate
(iti vyamoham natayati).

glapayati—fatigues; vapuù—body; durélaù—ill-mannered; me—my;

balät—violently; malaya—from the Malaya Hills; anilaù—breeze; vikirati—
scatters about; karaiù—with rays of light; induù—moon; kñodam—dust;
tuña—of the chaff of grain; agni—of the fire; bhavan—state; ruñä—angrily;
madana—by Kämadeva; hatakaù—afflicted; tarjati—scolds; eñaù—these;
sphuöaiù—manifested; ali—of the bees; huìkåtaiù—by the buzzing; truöiù—
a moment; api—even; vinä—without; rädhäm—Rädhä; netum—to lead;
mayä—by Me; na—not; hi—indeed; çakyate—is possible; iti—thus;
vyamoham—perplexity; natayati—represents dramatically.

Kåñëa: Ah! The wicked breeze from the Malaya Hills forcibly
withers My body. With its rays, the moon angrily scatters the fire dust.

141 •
The buzzing of these bumble-bees is more painful than suffering from
Kämadeva's arrows.Without Rädhä I cannot live for a moment! (Kåñëa
is overwhelmed by emotions.)

viçäkhä: (sakhedaà sasaàbhramam). go-ulänanda, samässasa

samässasa, ma-e kkhu parihasidam. sa tavassiëé tä-e raìgaëa-mäli-ä-e

sa—with; khedam—unhappiness; sa—with; saàbhramam—respect;

go-ulänanda—O bliss of Gokula; samässasa samässasa—take comfort, take
comfort; ma-e—by me; kkhu—indeed; parihasidam—joke; sa—she;
tavassiëé—distressed; tä-e—by this; raìgaëa-mäli-ä-e—rangana flower
garland; rakkhida—protected; paräëatthi—the life is.

Viçäkhä: (she becomes sorrowful and speaks with anxiety) O

bliss of Gokula, please be peaceful, be peaceful! I was only joking.
Although Rädhä is unhappy, Her life is protected by the raìgaëa
garland You gave Her.

kåñëaù: (samäçvasya) dhürte, bhadreëa kadarthito ‘smi.

viçäkhä: appaëo guëaà ëa sumarasi.
kåñëaù: sakhi varnyatäà premëäm aìkaù priyäyäù.

samäçvasya—relieved; dhürte—O rascal; bhadreëa—by you;

kadarthitaù—teased; asmi—I am; appanaù—of yourself; guëam—the
quality; na—not; sumarasi—You remember; sakhi—O friend; varnyatäm—
should be described; premëäm—of the great love; aìkaù—the symptoms;
priyäyäù—of the beloved.

Kåñëa: (relieved) O cunning girl, you teased Me!

Viçäkhä: Don't You remember Your own deeds?

Kåñëa: O sakhi, please describe the signs of love in My beloved!

viçäkhä: (sanskåtena)
düräd apy anuçaìgataù çruti-mite tvan-nämadheyäkñare
sonmädaà madirekñaëä viruvaté dhatte muhur vepathum
äù kià vä kathanéyam anyad api te daiväd varämbhodhare
dåñöe taà parirabdhum utsuka-matiù pakña-dvayém icchati

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; dürät—from a great distance; api—even;

anuçaìgataù—from the contact; çruti—by the ears; mite—measured; tvat—
Your; nämadheya—of the name; akñare—the syllables; sa—with;

142 •
unmädam—intoxication; madira—as beautiful as restless; ikñana—eyes;
viruvaté—crying; dhatte—performs; muhuù—constantly; vepathum—to
tremble; äù—O; kià vä—whether?; kathanéyam—should be described;
anyat—another; api—even; te—Your; daivät—by destiny; vara—excellent;
ambhodahre—cloud; dåñöe—seen; tam—Him; parirabdhum—to embrace;
utsuka—eager; matiù—mind; pakña—wings; dvayém—pair; icchati—desires.

Viçäkhä: When from far away the syllables of Your name enter
Her ears, Her charming eyes become mad and She cries and trembles
again and again. Ah, listen to another amazing thing! If somehow She
sees a dark rain cloud, eager to embrace it, She desires a pair of wings!

kåñëaù: tad ehi. satvaram eva preyaséà prekñävahi.

(iti parikrämataù).

tat ehi—come here; sa—with; tvaram—haste; eva—indeed; preyasém—

the beloved (Rädhä); prekñävahi—we see; iti—thus; parikrämataù—the

Kåñëa: Then let's go quickly to see My beloved!

(They walk.)

(tataù praviçati lalitayärädhyamänä rädhä).

rädhä: (sakhedam. sanskåtena).
pratyühena parähatä nu kim abhüd gantuà sakhé kñamä
tasyäù kintu niveditena hi harir viçrambham äbhyäyayau
hä hanta pratikülatäà mayi gataù kià vä vidhir däruëo
yad düräd vana-mälikä-parimalo py adyäpi näsädyate

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; lalitaya—by Lalitä; arädhyamänä—

solaced; rädhä—Rädhä; sa—with; khedam—unhappiness; saìkåtena—in
Sanskrit; pratyühena—by the obstacle; parähatä—struck; nu kim—perhaps;
abhüt—became; gantum—to go; sakhé—friend; na—not; kñamä—able;
tasyäù—her; kiëtu—but; niveditena—by the appeal; hi—indeed; hariù—
Hari (Kåñëa); viçrambham—to trust; abhyäyau—went; hä—alas; hanta—
alas; pratikülatäm—to hostility; mayi—towards me; gataù—has gone; kim
vä—whether?; vidhiù—destiny; däruëaù—cruel; yat—because; dürät—from
a distance; vana—of forest flowers; mälika—of the garland; parimalaù—
possesing the pleasent fragrance; api—although; adya—today; api—even;
na—not; asädyate—is found.

(Consoled by Lalitä, Rädhä enters).

143 •
Rädhä: (with grief) Stopped by some obstacle, perhaps My sakhi
did not find Him? Or maybe He did not believe her words? Ah! Alas,
fate is cruel to Me! Even from afar I cannot catch the fragrance of
Hari's forest garland!

viçäkhä: (puro ‘nusåtya. sanskåtena)

namré-kåtya çiro muhus taru-våtäm älokate vartaném
utthäya kñaëam äsanät punar aho niñédaty asau
dviträëy etya padäni vékñya lalitäà bhüyaù parävartate
paçyägre tava saìgamotsukatayä rädhä pariklämyati

puraù—in the presence; anusåtya—approaching; namré-kåtya—

offering obeisances; çiraù—head; muhuù—constantly; taru—by a tree;
våtäm—covered; alokate—sees; vartaném—path; utthäya—having risen;
kñaëam—for a moment; asanät—from the seat; punaù—again; ahaù—O;
bhräntä—perplexed; nisédati—sitting; asau—she; dviträëi—two or three;
etya—having walked; padäni—steps; vékñya—having seen; lalitäm—Laitä;
bhüyaù—exceedingly; parävartate—turns around; paçya—just see; agre—in
front; tava—your; saìgama—for the association; utsukatayä—with
eagerness; rädhä—Rädhä; pariklämyati—has become exhausted.

Viçäkhä: (approaching) Lowering Her head, She constantly

looks at the path surrounded by trees. Ah! One moment She rises from
Her seat, and the next moment, upset and perplexed, She sits down
again. Taking two or three steps, but seeing Lalitä, She turns back.
Look! Rädhä, longing to meet You, has become exhausted!39

nakha-jitoòur iyaà harinekñaëä
tåëayati kñaëadä-mukha-mädhurém

vadana—of the face; dépti—splendor; vidhüta—destroyed; vidhu—of

the moon; udayä—the rising; kumuda—of red lotus flowers; dhäma—of the
abode; dhurä—multitudes; madhura—charming and sweet; smitä—smile;
nakha—by her nails; jita—conquered; uòuù—the stars; iyam—She;
hariëa—as beautiful as those of a deer; ikñaëä—eyes; tåëayati—considers as
insignificant as a blade of grass; kñaëadä-mukha—sunset; mädhurém—the

Rädhä wants to run to Kåñëa, but seeing Lalitä, She is afraid of her reproaches and turns back.

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Kåñëa: The luster of Her face eclipsing the rising moon, Her
smile sweet like a multitude of red lotuses, and Her nails defeating the
stars, this doe-eyed girl makes the beauty of the sunset as insignificant
as a blade of grass!

rädhikä: (sakätaryam. sanskåtena)

dåg-bhaìgénäà kim u parimalaiù preyasébhir niruddhaù
kià vä svairé mayi vihitavän uddhatäyäm upekñäm
hä cändrébhir dyutibhir abhito grasyamäëe ‘pi loke
präpto näyaà yadi ha latikä-mandire nanda-sünuù

sa—with; kätaryam—dejection; saëskåtena—in Sanskrit; dåk—of the

eyes; bhaìgénäm—of sidelong glances; kim u—why indeed; parimalaiù—by
the fragrance; preyasébhiù—by the beloved gopés; niruddhaù—restrained;
kim vä—and why?; svairé—independent; mayi—towards me; vihitavän—
performed; uddhata—arrogant; ayam—this; upekñäm—rejection; hä—O;
cändrébhiù—of the moon; dyutibhiù—by the shining; abhitaù—completely;
grasyamäëe—being swallowed; api—although; loke—the universe;
präptaù—attained; na—not; ayam—this; yadi—if; ha—O; latikä—of
creepers; mandire—in the cottage; nanda—of Nanda Maharäjä; sünuù—the
son (Kåñëa),

Rädhikä: (with despair) Perhaps the other girls stopped Him

with the fragrance of their sidelong glances? Or, being independent,
does He neglect Me, thinking I am arrogant? Ah! Although the whole
world is swallowed by splendid moonlight, Nanda-nandana has not
come to this bower of flowering vines!

kåñëaù: (puro ‘nusåtya). aho, sädhéyan prasädaù paurëamäsyäù, yad

iyam ämodayati kaumudé.
rädhikä: (camatkåtim abhinéya. svagatam). huà, etti-a bhä-a-dhe-
äëaà bhä-aëaà saàvutto esa jaëo. (iti vaivaçyam älambate).

puraù—the presence; anusåtya—having approached; ahaù—O;

sädhéyän—in a higher degree; prasädaù—mercy; paurëamäsyäù—of the full
moon; yat—because; iyam—this; ämodayati—delighting; kaumudé—
moonlight; camatkåtim—wonder; abhinéya—attaining; svagatam—aside;
hum—O; etti-a—of this extent; bhä-a—good fortune; dhe-änam—of
meditation; bhä-aëam—become visible; saàvuttaù—imagination; esa—this;
jaëaù—person; iti—thus; vaivaçyam—loss of composure; älambate—attains.

Kåñëa: (approaches Rädhä) Aho! It is Paurëamäsé’s great mercy

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that I see this delightful girl, who is like a night lotus!40

Rädhikä: (full of wonder, She says to Herself) Ah! By good

fortune, My auspicious meditation completed successfully, and this
youth appeared in front of Me! (She loses control.)

viçäkhä: (saëskåtena)
aho dhanyä gopyaù kalita-nava-narmoktibhir alaà
viläsair änandaà dadhati madhurair yä madhubhidaù
dhig astu svaà bhägyaàmama yad iha rädhä priya-sakhé
puras tasmin präpte nibiòa-jaòimäìgé viluöhati

saëskåtena—in Sanskrit; ahaù—O; dhanyaù—fortunate; gopyaù—

gopés; kalita—spoken; nava—novel; narma—joking; uktibhiù—with words;
alam—enough; viläsaiù—with pastimes; änandam—bliss; dadhati—places;
madhuraiù—charming; yä—who; madhu—of the Madhu; bhidaù—of the
killer; dhik—fie; astu—may be; svam—own; bhägyam—destiny; mama—my;
yat—which; iha—here; rädhä—Rädhä; priya—dear; sakhé—friend; puraù—
in the presence; tasmin—His; präpte—attained; nibiòa—intense; jaòima—
the state of being stunned; aìgé—body; viluöhati—confused.

Viçäkhä: Ah! What a misfortune! Although the fortunate gopés

delight Kåñëa, whose sweetness defeats honey, with fresh jokes and
sweet pastimes, my dear sakhi Rädhä, seeing Him, became so agitated
that She could not even move!

lalitä: a-i lajjälu-e rähi-e, aggado eso de mäëasa-haàsa-haro ëä-aro.

tä mä kkhu sajjhaseëa vimhalä hohi. jaà pagabhadä jeva ajja kajja-sähiëé.

a-i—O; lajjälu-e—shy; rähi-e—O Rädhä; aggadaù—before; esaù—He;

de—of you; mäëasa—of the mind; haàsa—the swan; harah—enchanting;
ëa-araù—handsome young man; tä—therefore; mä—don’t; kkhu—indeed;
sajjhaseëa—with fear; vimhalä—agitated; hohi—become; jam—because;
pagabbhadä—courage; jeva—indeed; ajja—at this moment; kajja-sähiné—
will fulfill your desires.

Lalitä: O shy Rädhä, the amorous hero who captivated the swan
of Your mind now stands before You. Don’t be paralyzed by fear. Now
boldness will fulfill Your desires!

(iti rädhikäm baläd iväkåñya kåñëäntikam äsädya ca. sanskåtena).

The external meaning, however, is: “By the great mercy of the full moon, this moonlight shines
so pleasantly!”

146 •
vidüräd älokya prabalatara-tåñëä-taralitaù
sakhé-ceto-haàsas tava vadana-padme nipatitaù
bhramad-bhrü-päçäbhyäà kitava tam abadhnäd iha bhavän
kim asmäsu nyäyyä vyavasitir iyaà te visadåçé

iti—thus; åadhikäm—Rädhä; balät—forcibly; iva—as it were; akåñya—

dragging; kåñëa—of Kåñëa; antikam—to the vicinity; äsädya—attaining; ca—
and; saëskåtena—in Sanskrit; vidürat—from a great distance; älokya—having
seen; prabala-tara—very strong; tåñëä—thirst; taralitaù—trembling; sakhé—
of the friend; cetaù—of the mind; haàsaù—swan; tava—your; vadana—of
the face; padme—in the lotus flower; nipatitaù—fallen; bhramat—moving;
bhrü—of the eyebrows; päsäbhyäm—by the two nets; kitava—O cheat;
tam—that; abadhnät—bound; iha—here; bhavän—You; kim—whether?;
asmäsu—towards us; nyäyyä—method; vyavasitiù—resolution; iyam—this;
te—your; visadåçé—contrary.

(Dragging Rädhikä, as if by force, to Kåñëa, she says) Seeing You

from afar, the swan of my sakhi’s mind, trembling with intense thirst,
fell into the lotus flower of Your face and became trapped in the net
of Your moving eyebrows. O cheater, why are You acting so unfairly?

kåñëaù: (smitvä) lalite, mad-vidhä näbalärtha-häriëo bhavanti.

viçäkhä: dhammi-a, saccaà saccam. bhaddakäli-téttha-kalambo jjeva
atta pamäëam.

smitvä—smiling; lalite—O Lalitä; mat-vidhä—like me; na—not;

abala—of the women; artha—wealth; hariëaù—stealing away; bhavanti—
are; dhammi-a—O pious boy; saccam saccam—this is true, this is true;
bhaddakäli—Bhadrakali; téttha—at the holy place; kalambaù—kadamba
tree; jjeva—certainly; atta—here; pamänam—authority or witness.

Kåñëa: (smiling) Lalitä, persons like Me do not steal wealth from


Viçäkhä: O pious boy, it's true, it's true. The kadamba tree at
Bhadrakäli-tértha is a witness to this!42

kåñëaù: sakhi lalite, mad-visuddhau kathaà vaù pratétiù.

lalitä: cha-illa-parikkhä-vihäëeëa.
kåñëaù: väme, kämaà kathyatäà parékña. mama bhräjiñëur ayaà
kérti-çubhräàçur na måñä kalaìké-kartuà çakyate.

"I didn't kidnap the swan of Her mind!"
This is the place where Kåñëa stole the young gopés’ clothes, as well as their hearts.

147 •
sakhi—O friend; lalite—O Lalitä; mat—My; viñuddhau—in the absolute
purity; katham—how is it?; vaù—of you; pratétiù—trust; cha-illa—expert;
parikkhä—trial; vihäëeëa—by performance; väme—O contrary girl;
kämam—as you wish; kathyatäm—may be spoken; parékña—trial; mama—
My; bhräjiçëuh—brilliant; ayam—this; kérti—of the good reputation;
çubhra—spotless; aàsuù—beam of light; na—not; måñä—falsely; kalaìké-
kartum—to be stained with disgrace; çakyate—is able.

Kåñëa: Sakhi, what will make you think I am absolutely pure?

Lalitä: We will test You.

Kåñëa: O crooked girl, what kind of test is this? It is impossible

to falsely tarnish My impeccable reputation!

lalitä: (sanskåtena)
tvam unnaddhe rädhä-stana-kanaka-kumbhäntara-milat-
yadi kñobhonmuktaù kalayasi karaà näyaka-maëau
tatas te dhvastäìkaù pracarati yaço-maëòala-çaçé

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; tvam—you; unnadhe—raised; rädhä—of

Rädhä; stana—of the breasts; kanaka—golden; kumbha—pots; antara—
within; milat—meeting; tanü-ja—produced from the body; ali—multitude;
käla—black; uraga—serpent; yuvati—young girl; mürdha—head;
praëayini—intimate; yadi—if; kñobha—from agitation; unmuktaù—free;
kalayasi—You place; karam—hand; näyaka-maëau—on the most
prominent jewel; tataù—then; te—Your; dhvasta-aìkaù—free from any;
pracarati—is manifest; yaçaù—of the honor; maëòala—round; çaçé—moon.

Lalitä: A young, black female snake, that is the line of dark hairs,
rises between Rädhä’s golden waterpot-like breasts. If You can place
Your hand on the crest jewel of that tender snake’s head and remain
undisturbed, then the moon of Your good reputation will shine
without any touch of disgrace.

kåñëaù: (kåtrimaà träsam abhinéya). hanta niñöhure, nämnaiva

lalitäsi. yad alpéyasi tävad-arthe garéyaséà sarpa-ghaöäkhyaà parékñäm-

kåtrimam—artificial; träsam—fear; abhinéya—having brought;

hanta—O; niñöhure—cruel girl; nämna—by name; eva—indeed; lalitä—
Lalitä (playful); asi—you are; yat—because; alpéyasi—in something very

148 •
insignificant; tävat-arthe—on that account; garéyasém—very severe; sarpa—
containing a serpent; ghaöa—pitcher; akhyäm—known; parékñam—trial-
ordeal; upakñipasi—you prescribe.

Kåñëa: (pretending to be scared) O cruel girl, you are called

Lalitä, which means playful and charming, but for a very insignificant
fault you propose a severe test of touching a snake in a pot!

rädhikä: (sapraëayerñyam). lalide, ciööha ciööha. (iti sa-bhrü-bhaìgam

lalitä: visähe ëaööha-ghaëuddesa-käriëéà maà késa tajjati rähi-ä.
viçäkhä: lalide imä-e hi-a-aööhidaà ä-üdaà ma-e jäëé-adi.
lalitä: taà kadhe-i. suëissam.

sa—with; praëaya—affection; irñyam—malice; lalide—O Lalitä; ciööha

ciööha—stay, stay; iti—thus; sa—with; bhrü—of the eyebrows; bhaìgam—
knitting; avalokate—glances; viçahe—O Viçäkhä; ëaööha—destroyed; ghaë—
cloud; uddesa—a motive; käriném—performer; mam—me; késa—why?;
tajjati—critizes; rähi-a—Rädhä; lalide—Lalitä; imä-e—of her; hi-a-a—in the
heart; ööhidam—situated; a-üdam—desire; ma-e—by me; jäëé-adi—is
undertood; tam—that; kadhe-i—please relate; suëissam—I shall listen.

Rädhikä: (with affectionate anger) Lalitä, stop, stop! (Knitting

her eyebrows, She stares at Lalitä.)

Lalitä: Viçäkhä, I want to destroy the hidden motives of this

cloud. Why does Rädhä rebuke me?

Viçäkhä: Lalitä, I know the desire hidden in Her heart.

Lalitä: Tell it, and I will listen.

viçäkhä: (sanskåtena äçritya)

spåçantam yo meghän agham anagha-karmä tam avadhé-
dviña-jvälä-jälonmada-mada-mayat-käliyam ahim
akärñéd gopendra-druham ajagaram divya-puruñaà
bhujaìgäcäryo ‘smin kim iva ghaöate yan naga-ghaöaù

sankåtena—speaking in Sanskrit; spåçantam—touching; meghän—

clouds; agham—Aghasura; anagha—pure, and never to be frustrated;
karmä—deeds; tam—him; avadhé-dviña—envious; jvälä-jäla—with a liquid
fire (poison); unmada—intoxicated; mada—pride; mayat—moving;
käliyam—Kalya; ahim—serpent; akärñét—did; gopa—of the cowherd men;
indra—the king (Nanda); druham—harming; ajagaram—snake; divya—

149 •
celestial; puruñam—person; bhujaìga—of serpents (or of handsome young
men); äcäryaù—teacher; asmin—to Him; kim—how is it possible?; iva—as it
were; ghaöate—to be affective; yat—which; naga-ghaöah—the trial where the
accused touches a snake.

Viçäkhä: Kåñëa easily killed Aghäsura, a snake so huge that it

touched the clouds. He also defeated the arrogant Käliya snake,
intoxicated with the poison of pride. The snake that attacked king
Nanda He turned into a demigod. Kåñëa must be the guru of the
snakes. What is your test of a snake in a pot to Him?

lalitä: (vihasya) halä radhe, appaëo pari-ara-rüva-e ëa jäëäsi

mähappaà imä-e, pekkha. tah hi.

vihasya—laughing; halä—O friend; rädhe—Rädhä; appaëaù—of the

self; pari-ara—of a body-guard; rüvä e na—who has the form; ëa—not;
jäëäsi—you understand; mähappam—glory; imä-e—of her; pekkha—just
see; taha hi—therefore it is said.

Lalitä: (laughs) O Rädhä, You do not know the glory of this

snake, Your protector! Look!

avi garuòassa sihä-maëim uraga-vahü-gavva-häri-virudassa

pahava-i sahi moheduà tuha ëa-a-romä-alé-bhu-agé

avi—even; garuòassa—of Garuda; sihä-manim—crest jewel; uraga—

of the serpents; vähu—of the wives; gavva—pride; häri—removing;
virudassa—whose call; pahava-i—is able; sahi—O friend; mohedum—to
stunn; tuha—your; ëa-a—new; romä-alé—line of hairs; bhu-agé—female

Sakhi, the snake of Your line of hairs has the power to bewilder
even the crest jewel on the head of Garuòa, the bird whose cry take
away the pride of the snakes' wives!43

rädhikä: (sa-praëaya-roñam) a-i dhiööhe lalide, ettha äëavi-a maà

viòambesi. tä gadu-a buòòhi-äëaà go-éëaà viënavissam (iti gantum
lalitä: a-i muddhe. ëaà sähuà coraà vä jäëi-a jähi. (iti paöäïcalam

sa—with; praëaya—affection; roñam—anger; a-i—O; dhiööhe—

Kåñëa is the person who stays like a crest jewel on Garuòa’s head.

150 •
audacious; lalide—O Lalitä; ettha—here; äëavi-a—having brought; mam—
me; viòambesi—you are mocking; tä—that; gudu-a—having gone; buòòhi-
änam—elderly; go-éëam—of the gopés; viënassam—I shall inform; iti—thus;
gantum—to go; icchati—desires; a-i—O; muddhe—bewildered girl; ëam—
this; sähum—honest; coram—thief; vä—or; jäëi-a—having known; jähi—
you go; iti—thus; paöa—of the garment; aïcalam—the corner; ädadäti—

Rädhikä: (with affectionate anger) Ayi! O arrogant Lalitä, first

you bring Me here, and then you mock Me! I will go to Våndävana and
tell the elderly gopés about your behavior! (She wants to leave.)

Lalitä: O bewildered girl, first determine whether He is a saint or

a thief, and then go. (She grabs Rädhä by the edge of Her garment.)

kåñëaù: caëòi lalite, yad yato durägrahän na viçräntäsi, tataù

karaväëi. (iti rädhäm anusarpati).
lalitä: (vilokya) cha-illa, ciööha ciööha. viëëadam viëëadam.

caëòi—cruel; lalite—O Lalita; yat—which; yataù—because;

durägrahät—obstinacy; na—not; viçranta—stopped; asi—you are; tataù—
therefore; karaväni—I should undergo; parékñam—the trial-by-ordeal; iti—
thus; rädhäm—Rädhä; anusarpati—approaches; vilokya—observing; cha-
illa—O clever one; ciööha ciööha—stop, stop; viëëadam viëëadam—it is
understood, it is understood.

Kåñëa: O cruel Lalitä, because you do not give up your

stubbornness, I accept this test. (He approaches Rädhä).

Lalitä: (observing Kåñëa) O clever one, stop, stop! Now I

understood, now I understood.

(iti sanskåtena)
prärabdhe purataù parékñaëa-vidhau träsänuviddhasya te
khinno ‘yaà kara-pallavas tara-latäà kampodgamaiù puñpayati
romäïcaà çikhi-piccha-cüòa-nibiòaà mürtiç ca dhatte tato
jïätas tvaà nanu paçyato hara-puré-sämräjya-dhaureyakaù

iti—thus; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; prärabdhe—in the previous activity;

purataù—previosly; parékñaëa—of trial; vidhau—in the activity; träsa—fear;
anuviddhasya—pierced; te—of You; khinnaù—distressed; ayam—this;
kara—of trembling; pallava—twig; kam-a—of shaking; udgamaiù—rising;
puñpayati—flowering; romäïcaà—thrill of the hair; çikhi—peacock;
piccha—feather; cüòa—crest; nibiòam—thick; mürtiù—form; ca—and;

151 •
dhatte—assumes; tato—then; paçyataù—before the eyes; hara—stealing;
puré—of the city; sämräjya—dominion; dhaureyakaù—being foremost.

At the beginning of this test, You were so frightened that the twig
of Your hand began to tremble and bloom with hairs standing on end,
and the peacock feathers in Your crown stood up. Seeing this, I
understand that You are certainly the prominent king of the city of

kåñëaù: (saìkucan namré-bhüya). hanta, dhé-gauravaà gauréëaà

yad aham eva cauré-kåto ‘smi.
lalitä: cha-illa, diööhi-a appaëo muheëa aìgékidam.
kåñëaù: sakhi, sauhådenopadiçyatäà me çreyasaù panthäù.

sankucan—shrinking; namré—bowing His head; hanta—O; dhi—of

the intelligence; gauravam—the significance; gauréëam—of the fair
complexioned gopés; yat—because; aham—I; eva—indeed; cauré-kåtaù
asmi—I am a thief; cha-illa—O clever boy; diööhi-a—by good fortune;
appaëaù—of the self; muhena—by the mouth; aìgé-kidam—accepted;
sakhi—O friend; sauhådena—by friendship; upadiçyatäm—may be
instructed; me—My; çreyasaù—best; panthäù—path; yena—by which;
aham—I; aparädhé—of being an offender; bhavam—the state; na—not;
vrajämi—I attain.

Kåñëa: (confused, He bows His head) Ah, the great intelligence

of these fair-complexioned gopés proves that I am a thief!

Lalitä: O clever boy, You admit it with Your own mouth.

Kåñëa: Sakhi, out of friendship, please show Me the best way to

get rid of My offenses!

lalitä: (sanskåtena äçritya).

gatänäà rädhäyäù stana-giri-taöe yogam abhito
vivikte muktänäà tvam iha taralé-bhüya tarasä
viçuddhänäà madhye praviça saraëärthé sahådayä
bhajante säd-guëyäd api påthula-doñaà hi puruñam

sanskåtena açritya—speaking in Sanskrit; gatänäm—gone;

rädhäyaù—of success (or of Rädhä); stana—of the breasts; giri—of the
mountains; taöe—on the slope; yogam—yoga (or meeting); abhitaù—
towards; vivikte—in solitude; muktänäm—of the liberated souls (or of the
pearls); tvam—You; iha—here; taralé-bhüya—having trembled (or having
become the central gem of a necklace); tarasä—quickly; viçuddhänäm—of

152 •
the pure; madhye—in the midst; praviça—please enter; sarana—for shelter;
arthi—begging; sahrdayaù—sincerely; bhajante—worship (or accept); säd-
guëyät—because of saintly qualities (or the best thread); api—even;
påthula—great (or broad); doñam—faults (or arm); hi—certainly; puruñam—

Lalitä: To do this, You should quickly approach the pure

liberated souls who practice yoga in a secluded place on the slope of
the mountain of success. Then, trembling, You should sincerely beg
them for shelter and serve them with all Your heart, whether You are
the most sinful or full of virtues.

Or: You should become the central jewel of the pearl-necklace

decorating the solitary slopes of Rädhä’s mountain-like breasts. Those
pure pearls, strung on the best thread and situated of Her chest, will
certainly accept the person who has broad arms.44

kåñëaù: sakhi sädhüpadiñöaà tvayä. (iti sänandam upasåtya pänau

rädhäà dadhäti).
rädhikä: (sagadgadam) sundara, ajuttaà tujjha edam. (iti paëim
äcchidya çäkhinäm tirodadhäti).
kåñëaù: (rädhäm aprekñya. saçaìkam). hanta sakhyau, kva väà priya-

sakhi—O friend; sädhu—well; upadiñöam—instructed; tvayä—by you;

iti—thus; sa—with; anandam—bliss; upasåtya—approaching; päëau—the
two hands; rädhäm—Rädhä; dadhäti—places; sa—with; gadgadam—words
choked up; sundara—O beautiful boy; ajuttam—improper; tujjha—Your;
edam—this; iti—thus; paëim—the hand; äcchidya—removing; çäkhinäm—
of the trees; tirodadhäti—hides; rädhäm—Rädhä; aprekñya—observing; sa—
with; çaìkam—alarm; hanta—O; sakhyau—friends; kva—where?; väm—
your; priya—dear; sakhé—friend.

Kåñëa: Sakhi, you explained everything very well. (He blissfully

approaches Rädhä, and places His hand upon Her).

Rädhikä: (with a choked voice). O handsome one, this is not

proper! (Rädhä removes Kåñëa’s hand and then disappears among the

Kåñëa: (not seeing Rädhä, He becomes anxious) Ah! Lalitä,

"You must quickly embrace Rädhä with Your broad arms, and become a precious sapphire
necklace decorating Her chest, whether you are a saint or the best of cheaters and thieves!"

153 •
Viçäkhä, where did your dear sakhi go?

ubhe: mohaëa, ëirüvi-a bhaëissamha. (iti çäkhi-prñöham äsädya).

halä rähi. ëamma-sélaà kanùaà parihasiduà laddho osaro. tä kkhaëaà
sävahitthä ho-i.

ubhe—both; mohana—O charming boy; ëirüvi-a—having discovered;

bhaëissamha—we shall relate; iti—thus; çäkhi—of the friend; rähi—O
Rädhä; ëamma—joking; çélam—nature; kaëham—Kåñëa; parihasidum—to
make a joke; laddhaù—attained; osaraù—opportunity; tä—that; kkhaëam—
moment; sävahitthä—with pretense; ho-i—please become.

Lalitä and Viçäkhä: O charming one, when we find Her, we will

tell You. (They approach Rädhä from behind) Sakhi Rädhä, now there
is an opportunity to tease this joker Kåñëa. Hide Your emotions for a

rädhikä: (savyäjaà bhruvau vibhujya). lalide, parihasiduà ti kià

bhaëäsi. jaà érisaà sähasaà ëa kkhu mädisé-e juttam. tä patthidamhi.

sa—with; vyäjam—with pretension; bhruvau—eyebrow; vibhujya—

bending; lalide—O Lalitä; parihasidum—to joke; ti—thus; kim—how?;
bhaëäsi—you speak; jam—which; érisam—like this; sähanam—bold; ëa—
not; kkhu—indeed; mädisé-e—by one like me; juttam—proper; tä—that;
patthidamhi—I’m ready.

Rädhikä: (frowning with displeasure) Lalitä, why do you tell Me

to joke with Him? It's too bold for Me... I will try.

lalitä: (kåñëam abhyupetya). candäëaëa. amha-pi-a-sahé kià vi

viëëavidu-kämävi bhä-edi.
kåñëaù: sakhi, na khalv atra vaça-vartini jane bhétir avakäçaà labhate.
tan nikämam äjïäpayatu.

kåñëam—Kåñëa; abhyupetya—approaching; canòäëaëa—O moon-

faced boy; amha—our; pi-a—dear; sahé—friend; kim vi—something;
viëëavidu—to say; kämävi—although she desires; bhä-edi—she is afraid;
sakhi—O friend; na—not; khalu—indeed; atra—here; vaça-vartini—
submissive and obedient; jane—towards a person; bhétiù—fear; avakäsäm—
opportunity; labhate—attain; tat—that; nikämam—according to desire;
äjïäpayatu—may she command.

Lalitä: (approaches Kåñëa) O moon-faced one, although She

yearns to speak with You, our dear sakhi is afraid.

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Kåñëa: Sakhi, there is no need to be afraid of a submissive
person. She may order Me as She likes.

lalitä: (sanskåtam äçritya).

cetas tämyati me bhayormibhir alaà päëi-dvayaà kampate
kaëöhaù sajjati hanta ghürëati çiraù svidyanti gäträëy api
goñöhäkhaëòala caëòa-sähasa-vidhau tenäsmi nähaà kñamä
yad düräd abhisärito niçi bhavän etan mama kñämyatu

cetaù—mind; tämyati—is perplexed; me—my; bhaya—of fear;

urmibhiù—with waves; alam—greatly; päëi—hands; dvayam—two;
kampate—tremble; kaëöhaù—throat; sajjati—is choked up; hanta—O;
ghürëati—spins; çirah—head; svidyanti—perspire; gäträëi—limbs; api—
even; goñöhä—of the land of cows (Vraja); akhaëòala—O monarch; caëòa—
cruel; sähasa—reckless; vidhau—deed; tena—by that; asmi—I am; na—not;
aham—I; kñamä—able; yat—which; dürät—from a great distance;
abhisäritaù—who has arrived at the place of rendesvouz; niçi—at night;
bhavän—You; etat—that; mama—of me; kñämyatu—may forgive.

Lalitä: My mind is tossed by waves of fear, and my hands are

trembling. My throat is choked, my head is spinning, and my limbs
perspire. O Indra of the pasture land, I have no power to do cruel
deeds! You have come to this rendezvous at night from far away.
Please forgive me.45

kåñëaù: (svagatam) na jäne narmato dharmato väyaà giräà garimä.

rädhikä: (kiïcid ävirbhüya). sahi tüëëaà patthävehi ëam. jäva kovi
ëa pekkhadi.
kåñëaù: (sakhedam ätmagatam) capala-premaëo hi bälä-ramaëyah.
tat kim iväsaàbhävyaà näma.

svagatam—aside; na—not; jäne—I understand; narmataù—from

joking; dharmataù—from religious principles; va—or; ayam—this; giräm—
of the words; garimä—significance; kincit—somewhat; ävirbhüya—
becoming visible; sahi—O friend; tüëëam—quickly; patthävehi—please
send away; nam—Him; jäva—to which extent; kovi—someone; na—not;
pekkhadi—sees; sa—with; khedam—unhappiness; ätmagatam—aside;
capala—flickering; premaëaù—love; hi—indeed; bälä-ramaëyaù—young
girls; tat—that; kim—what?; ivä—like; asaàbhävyam—impossible; näma—

Lalitä wants to joke with Kåñëa, telling Him that Rädhä does not want this meeting.

155 •
Kåñëa: (aside) She speaks so seriously. I don’t know whether she
is joking or following dharma.

Rädhikä: (becoming partly visible) Sakhi, quickly send Him

away! No one should see Me.

Kåñëa: (unhappily says to Himself) Beautiful young girls are very

fickle in love. What is not possible for them?

tvayähütaù pärçve praëaya-nikurambeëa rabhasäd
asiddhärtho rädhe bhavitum iha yuktaù katham aham
çriyäkåñöaù kåñëäyasa-maëir ayas-känta-çilayä
sphuöaà täm aspåñtvä bhajati kim adüre sthagitatäm

prakäçam—openly; tvaya—by you; ahütaù—called; pärçve—nearby;

praëaya—love; nikurambeëa—with an abundance; rabhasät—with great
zeal; asiddha—not completed; arthaù—goal; rädhe—O Rädhä; bhavitum—
to be; iha—here; yuktaù—proper; katham—how is it? aham—I; sriya—by the
opulence; akåñöaù—attracted; kåñëäyasa-maëiù—iron; ayas-känta—of the
magnet; çilayä—by the stone; sphuöam—clearly; täm—her; aspåñövä—not
touching; bhajati—attains; kim—why?; adüre—not far away; sthagitatäm—
the state of being concealed.

(Openly) With great love You called Me to this rendezvous and I

quickly came. O Rädhä, is it right now to leave My desires unfulfilled?
As iron is drawn to a magnet, so I am drawn to Your beauty. I did not
even touch You. Why did You run away and hide?

lalitä: go-uläëanda, rähi-aà késa uvälahesi. ëaà dhamma-hada-aà

cce-a uvälaha, jo kkhu hadäso doëaà ëibbhraräëurattäëaà antare

go-uläëanda—O bliss of Gokula; rähi-am—Rädhä; késa—why?;

uvälahesi—do you criticise; ëam—indeed; dhamma—of religion; hada-
am—wretched; cce-a—indeed; uvälaha—You should criticise; jaù—which;
kkhu—indeed; hadäsaù—foolishly; doëam—of the two; ëibhaù—greatly;
anurattanam—affectionate; antare—within; paòibandhé hodi—become an

Lalitä: O bliss of Gokula, why do You blame Rädhä? You should

blame the cursed dharma, which foolishly creates obstacles for those
who are deeply in love!

156 •
kåñëaù: paçya paçya.
sakhi nirbharam anuraktäù
praëayinam anuyänti dharmam api hitvä
iyam ati-rägä präcé
cumbati vidhum indra-näthäpi

paçya paçya—look, look; sakhi—O friend; nirbharam—deeply;

anuraktäù—affectionate; praëayinam—to the beloved; anuyänti—goes
after; dharmam—morality; api—even; hitvä—having abandoned; iyam—
this; ati-rägä—reddish (or great love); präcé—the eastern direction;
cumbati—kisses; vidhum—the moon (also a name of Lord Viñëu); indra-
nätha— belonging to Indra; api—although.

Kåñëa: O sakhi, look, look! Passionately in love, and always

following his beloved leaving behind even the rules of dharma, the
moon is now kissing the reddish eastern direction, even though she
is the wife of Indra!46

lalitä: tumhäëaà uttara-pa-uttare ko ëäma pahavadi. tä ido vijayentu

rädhikä: (säkütam anusåtya). lalide, appaëo muheëa kiàvi viëëavi-a
ëaà nivaööhäva-issam.

tumhänam—your; uttara-pa-uttare—excellent answer; kaù—what;

ëäma—indeed; pahavadi—is possible; tä—therefore; idaù—from this;
vijayentu—be victorious; sämi—of the master; pädä—feet; sä—with;
akütam—intention; anusåtya—approaching; lalide—O Lalitä; appanaù—
own; muheëa—by the mouth; kiàvi—something; viëëavi-a—having
informed; ëam—Him; nivaööhäva-issam—to be detained.

Lalitä: Is it possible that You don't give a perfect reply to any

statement? May the feet of svämi be victorious!47

Rädhikä: (deliberately approaching Lalitä) Lalitä, I want to tell

something that will restrain His passionate eagerness.

(iti lalitäm avekñya. sanskåtena).

samantän me kértir mukharita-saté-maëòala-mukhä
kalaìkenonmuktaà kulam avikala-çrér api patiù

"Look, look to the east! Even the eastern direction, reddened with desire, although she is the wife
of Indra, is now kissing with her lover, the moon! The east direction is like Rädhä, who is filled with
great affection for Me, and I am like the moon, always eager to meet with Her! Therefore our
situation is proper."
47 The word “svämi” can mean "husband", "lord", and "lover".

157 •
calac-cillé-lélä-jita-madana-dhanvoddhatir ayaà
tad asminn ärambhe hådayam aphalaà viklavayati

iti—thus; lalitäm—Lalitä; avekñya—glancing; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit;

samantät—all around; me—my; kértiù—glory; mukharita—resounding;
saté—of the chaste girls; maëòala—of the community; mukhä—mouths;
kalaìkena—of any taint; unmuktam—free; kulam—family; avikala—entire;
çréù—beauty and opulence; api—also; patiù—master; calat—moving; cillé—
of the eyebrows (compared to creepers); lila—by the pastimes; jita—
conquered; madana—Kämadeva; dhanva—of the bow; uddhatiù—the pride
(or stretched); ayam—this; tat—that; asmin—in this; ärambhe—attempts;
hådayam—heart; aphalam—fruitless; viklavayati—affliction.

(Glances at Lalitä) All chaste girls praise My virtues. My family’s

reputation is impeccable. My husband is endowed with incomparable
wealth. Therefore, the attempts of Your restless and playful creeper-
like eyebrows, which defeat the pride of Kämadeva’s stretched bow,
to agitate My heart are fruitless.

kåñëaù: (rädhäm nirüpya. socchvasam ätmagatam).

dhävantyäù çruti-çañkulé-parisaram saìgäd apäìgäd apäìga-çriyo
dhatte héraka-kuëòalaà marakatottaàsa-dyutià subhruvaù
väg-antaù smita-bhäg vibhäti tad idaà säìke sakhé-çikñayä
vaimukhyaà kila kåtrimaà vilasati kläntià mano mä sma gäù

rädhäm—Rädhä; nirüpya—observing; sa—with; ucchvasam—a sigh;

ätmagatam—aside; dhävantyäù—moving; çruti—of the ears; çaskulé—the
opening; parisaram—near; saìgät—from contact; apäìga—of sidelong-
glances; apäìga—of Kämadeva; çriyaù—of the beauty; dhatte—places;
héraka—diamond; kuëòalam—earring; marakata—sapphire (because of the
blue eyes); uttaàsa—ornament; dyutim—luster; subhruvaù—of she who has
beautiful eyebrows; väk—words; antaù—within; smita—smile; bhäk—
possessing; vibhäti—shines; tat—therefore; idam—this; çaìke—I suspect;
sakhé—of the friend; çikñayä—by the instruction; vaimukhyam—aversion;
kila—indeed; kåtrimam—artificial; vilasati—is manifested; kläntim—
dejection; manah—O mind; mä—don’t; sma—indeed; gäù—diving into.

Kåñëa: (glancing at Rädhä, He sighs and says to Himself) Because

of the association with Her restless sidelong glances that reach the
edges of Her ears and arouse amorous feelings in Me, Rädhä’s
diamond earrings now shine like sapphires. The words of this girl
with beautiful eyebrows reveal Her shining smile. O My heart, don't
be unhappy! I think Her indifference to Me is just a pretense caused

158 •
by Her sakhi’s advice.

lalitä: (kåñëa-mukham älokya. janäntikam). visähe, iìgideëa

lakkhemi. uëëédaà imiëä amhäëaà rahassam.
viçäkhä: adha im.

kåñëa—Kåñëa’s; mukham—face; älokya—observed; janäntikam—

whishpering; visähe—O Viçäkhä; iìgidena—by the intention; lakkhemi—I
am undertood; uëëédam—discovered; imiëa—by this; amhänam—our;
rahassam—secret; adha im—this is certainly true.

Lalitä: (looks at Kåñëa’s face and whispers) Viçäkhä, it looks like

Kåñëa has revealed our secret.

Viçäkhä: Yes, it is so.

kåñëaù: (sasmitam) lalite, kåtam atra vaïcana-cäturé-prapaïcena. na

hi latayä prasäritäs tantavo gandha-sindhurasya bandhäya prabhavanti.
viçäkhä: sahi rähe, ëipphalaà vilambasi. jhatti kidatthé-kuëa appaëo

sa—with; smitam—a smile; lalite—O Lalitä; kåtam—made; atra—here;

vaïcana—cheating; cäturé—expert; prapaïcena—tricked; na hi—not at all;
latayä—creeper; prasäritaù—spreaded; tantavaù—net; gandha-
sindhurasya—of a maddened elephant; bandhäya—for binding;
prabhavanti—is able; sahi—O friend; rähe—O Rädhä; ëipphalam—fruitless;
vilambasi—slowness; jhatti—immediately; kidatthé-kuëa—please fulfill the
desire; appanaù—of your own; pi-a-jaëam—dear friend.

Kåñëa: (with a smile) O Lalitä, your efforts to trick Me were very

skillful, but an intoxicated elephant cannot be tied with creepers!48

Viçäkhä: Sakhi Rädhä, there is no reason to delay it any longer.

Quickly satisfy the desires of Your beloved!

kåñëaù: (sänurägam)
karëa-dvandvam idaà rutair iha kuhü-kaëöhasya kuëöhé-kåtaà
sadyaù komala-bhäraté-parimalenolläghaya släghayä
niùçaìkaà kila çétalé-kuru parérambheëa rambhoru me
gambhéra-smara-vahni-täpa-laharé-paöräëi gäträëy api

“O Lalitä, your skillful attempts to deceive Me, the king of all cheaters and the most intelligent
youth, with cunning words are like trying to tie an intoxicated elephant with a net of creepers!”

159 •
karëa—of ears; dvandvam—the pair; idam—this; rutaiù—with
sounds; iha—here; kuhükaëöhasya—of a cuckoo; kuëöhé-kåtam—blunted;
sadyaù—immediately; komala—gentle; bhäraté—of eloquent words;
parimalena—with the fragrance; ulläghaya—plase revive; släghayä—
delightful; niùçaìkam—fearlessly; kila—indeed; çétalé-kuru—make cool;
parérambhena—with an embrace; rambhoru—O girl with the beautiful hips;
me—My; gambhéra—deep; smara—of love; vahni—of the fires; täpa—of the
heat; laharé—of the waves; päträëi—recipients; gäträni—limbs; api—also.

Kåñëa: (with passion) Please quickly revive My ears, deafened by

the cuckoos’ singing, with the fragrance of Your gentle eloquent
words, bringing delight! O girl with the beautiful hips, with Your bold
embrace please cool My body now filled with waves of burning fire of
deep love!

viçäkhä: sundara, esä bhaavadé lajjä rähi-ä-rüveëa uttiëëa. tä jäva

ëaà cädü-bandheëa saàmuhé kadu-a samapemha täva bhavanteëa
somma-sé-ala-vuttiëä hodavvam.

sundara—O handsome boy; esä—she; bhaavadé—of the demigodess;

lajjä—shame; jjevva—certainly; rähi-ä—of Rädhä; rüveëa—in the form;
uttiëëa—has descended; tä—therefore; jäva—as long as; ëam—Her; cädü-
bandheëa—with words of praise; saàmuhé-kadu-a—in front of;
samappemha—I offer; täva—for that legnth of time; bhavanteëa—by You;
somma—gentle and sober; sé-ala—calm; vuttiëä—with a behavior;
hodavyam—should be done.

Viçäkhä: O handsome one, assuming the form of Rädhä, the

goddess of shyness has descended into this world. While I'm trying to
satisfy Her with graceful words, You please be gentle and calm!

kåñëaù: (sädaram)
ayam atra nisarga-çétalaù
sakhi rädhä-kucayor avasthitim
nava-käïcana-kumbhayor ahaà
sphurad indévara-dämavad bhaje

sa—with; adaram—reverence; ayam—this; atra—here; nisarga—by

nature; çétalaù—cool; sakhi—O friend; rädhä—of Rädhä; kucayoù—of the
breasts; avasthitim—residence; nava—new; käïcana—gold; kumbhayoù—
pitchers; aham—I; sphurat—clearly; indévara—of blue lotus flowers;
däma—a garland; vat—like; bhaje—I attain.

Kåñëa: (respectfully) Sakhi, by nature I am very cool. Now I will

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become a garland of blue lotuses resting on the new golden waterpots
of Rädhä’s breasts!49

(iti mandaà mandaà rädhäm upasarpati).

rädhikä: (kincid upasåtya) sahi visähe, suööhu bhédamhi. tä kiàti mam

iti—thus; mandam mandam—very slowly; rädhäm—Rädhä;

upasarpati—approaches; kincit—slightly; apasåtya—shrinking; sahi—O
friend; visähe—Viçäkhä; suööhu—very; bhidamhi—I am afraid; tä—therefore;
kiàti—why?; mam—to me; uvekkhasi—do you abandon.

(Kåñëa very slowly approaches Rädhä.)

Rädhikä: (stepping back a little) Sakhi Viçäkhä, I am very scared!

Why do you abandon Me?

lalitä: rähe, esä visäheti vikkhédä kadhaà tumaà pacchädi-a

rakkhiduà pahavadu, tä rakkhaëa-kkhamaà ëaà vaëa-mäli-aà jjeva
bhajehi. jaà esä a-aòida-çilé-muhä désa-i.

rähe—O Rädhä; esä—she; visäheti—as Viçäkhä; vikkhédä—celebrated;

kadham—how; tumam—you; pacchädi-a—to be obstacle; rakkhidum—to
protect; pahavadu—may be able; tä—therefore; rakkhaëa—protection;
kkhamam—kñamäm, be able (or kñämäm, very weak); ëam—this or Him;
vaëa—of forest flowers; mäli-am—garland; jjeva—surely; bhajehi—please
accept; jam—because; esä—this; a-aòida—attracted; çilémuhä—bumble-
bees (or arrows); désa-i—seen.

Lalitä: Rädhä, her name is “Viçäkhä”. How can she protect You?
Pleace accept this garland. I see it is able to give You protection, since
it attracts bees.50

Or: Please accept this helpless Kåñëa, who is like a garland of

blue lotuses, because I see that He is attacked by Kämadeva's arrows.

rädhika: (sapraëaya-roñam) a-i dummuhi lalide, siddhä cce-a tumha

maëorahä, tadhävi ëa nivuttäsi.
viçäkhä: halä rähi, savväëaà go-ula-jaëäëaà abha-adäëa-sattre

The word "çétala" that Viçäkhä used when she said "Be calm" means "calm" (free from passion) or
"cool". Kåñëa took the second meaning. Blue lotuses also have a cooling nature.
50 The word “Viçäkhä” also means “without hands” (vi-çäkhä). “Because she is handless, Viçäkhä

cannot protect You. Please accept this garland of forest flowers, which is able to give You
protection, since it attracts frightening bees.”

161 •
dékkhido kaëho. tä ido kià ti bhä-esi.

sa—with; praëaya—affection; roñam—and anger; a-i—O; dummuhi—

foul-mouthed; lalide—O Lalitä; siddhä—accomplished; cee-a—surely;
tumha—your; maëorahä—desires; tadhävi—nevertheless; ëa—not;
nivuttäsi—being stopped; halä—O; rähi—Rädhä; savväëam—to all; go-
ula—of Gokula; jaëäëam—the residents; abha-adäëa—for giving
fearlessness; sattre—for the Vedic ritual; dékkhidaù—consecratede; kaëhaù—
Kåñëa; tä—therefore; idaù—from this; kim ti—why indeed?; bhä-esi—are you

Rädhikä: (with affectionate anger) O foul-mouthed Lalitä! Now

your desires are fulfilled, but still you don't stop!

Viçäkhä: Rädhä, Kåñëa has initiated a sacrifice to bring

fearlessness to all the people of Gokula. Why are You afraid?

kåñëaù: sundari rädhe, tvam eva suñöhu baliñthäsi. tataù katham

mattas tava bhéttiù. tathä hi.

sundari—beautiful; rädhe—O Rädhä; tvam—you; eva—certainly;

suñöhu—clearly; baliñöha—strongest; asi—are; tataù—therefore; katham—
how is it?; mattaù—because of Me; tava—your; bhétiù—fear; tathä hi—as it
is said.

Kåñëa: O beautiful Rädhä, You are much stronger. Why are You
afraid of Me?

ahéno bhrü-gucchaù kutéla-valanair veñöayati mäà

kharas te netränto mayi vitanute täòana-vidhim
pralambaù keçänto harati haöha-våttyä mama balaà
bhajadbhis tväm etair aham iha jitair asmi vijitaù

ahinaù—broad (or Kaliya snake); bhrü—of the eyebrows; gucchaù—a

bush; kuöila—curved; valanaiù—agitated movements; veñöayati—surrounds;
mäm—Me; kharaù—sharp (or the demon Dhenuka); te—Your; netra—of the
eyes; antaù—corner; mayi—in Me; vitanute—extends; täòana—hurting;
vidhim—the activity; pralambaù—long (or the demon Pralamba); keçantaù—
locks of hair; harati—takes away; haöha—forcibly; våttyä—by the activity;
mama—My; balam—strength; bhajadbhiù—taking shelter; tväm—You;
etaiù—by them; aham—I; iha—in this case; jitaiù—victorious; asmi—I am;

Your excitedly moving, wide, curved eyebrows surround Me.

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Your sharp sidelong glances pierce Me. Your locks of hair inevitably
take away My power. Although I am very strong, now I am conquered
by them and take shelter of You.

Or: The Käliya snake of Your broad eyebrows surrounds Me. The
Dhenuka demon of Your sidelong glances hurts Me. The Pralamba
demon of Your hair makes Me powerless. Though I once defeated
them, now I am conquered by these enemies who have taken shelter
in You.

lalitä: kaëha, kudo imä-e valiööhattaëaà jaà appaëo dhaëaà tu-atto

mo-äviduà ëa samatthä.

kaëha—O Kåñëa; kudaù—how; imä-e—her; valiööhaëam—superior

stregnth; jam—because; appaëaù—of the self; dhaëam—opulence; tu-
attaù—from You; mo-ävidum—to take ; ëa—not; samatthä—is able.

Lalitä: O Kåñëa, can anyone be strong enough to deprive You of

Your glories?

viçäkhä: (sanskåtena)
vidhatte kaàsäriù sakhi paramahaàsäliñu ratià
manohaàsendraà te katham api na nirmokñyati tataù
badhänämuà sadyas tvam api bhuja-vallé-vilasitaiù
çathe kaù kñemärthé sumukhi nahi çäöhyaà ghaöayati

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; vidhatte—accepts in special way; kaàsa—of

Kaàsa; ariù—the enemy (Kåñëa); sakhi—O friend; paramahaàsa—of pure
devotees; aliñu—towards the multitudes; ratim—love; manaù—of the mind;
haàsa—os swans; indram—to the king; te—your; katham api—some way or
other; na—not; nirmokñyati—will free; tataù—therefore; badhäna—binding;
amum—this; sadyaù—immediately; tvam—you; api—even; bhuja—of the
arms; vallé—creepers; vilasitaiù—playful; çathe—cheating; kaù—who;
kñema—wellfare; arthé—desiring; sumukhi—beautiful face; nahi—certainly
not; çäöhyam—dishonesty; ghaöayati—attains.

Viçäkhä: Sakhi, Kåñëa accepts the love of His swan-like devotees.

Why don't You release the regal swan of Your mind to meet Him? Why
don't You even yearn to bind Him with the playful vines of Your arms?
O girl with the beautiful face, O cheater, who, desiring his own
happiness, would show such insincerity?

rädhikä: (säbhisüyam) päve visähi-e. tumaà vi lalidä-e visaladä-e

märudeëa düsidäsi.

163 •
sa—with; abhisüyam—anger; päve—sinner; visähi-e.—Viçäkhä;
tumam—you; vi—even; lalidä-e—of Lalita; visaladä-e—of the poison
flowervine; märudeëa—by the breeze; düsidäsi—polluted.

Rädhä: (angrily) O sinful Viçäkhä, the breeze from the poisoned

vine of Lalitä has contaminated even you!

kåñëaù: sakhi lalite, svaprasädämåte kämam adattävagähanayä

katham adyäpi taöasthi-kåto ‘smi rädhayä.

sakhi—O friend; lalite—O Lalitä; sva—own; prasäda—mercy; amåte—

nectar; kämam—according to desire; adatta—not granted; avagähanaya—
the immersion; katham—how is it?; adya—now; api—even; taöasthi-kåtaù—
placed on the shore; asmi—I am; rädhayä—by Rädhä.

Kåñëa: Sakhi Lalitä, why does Rädhä not allow Me to dive into
the nectar of Her mercy and makes Me stand on its shore?

lalitä: kaëha, muïca cäturé-vitthäraà. ëa kkhu canda-alé vi-a jhatti

vä-ametta-eëa sulaha-ppasädä amha-pi-a-sahé.
kåñëaù: kathaà sulabhas te sakhé-prasädaù.
lalitä: se-ä saëtäëena.

kaëha—O Kåñëa; muïca—please abandon; cäturé—of cleverness;

vitthäram—expansion; ëa—not; kkhu—indeed; canda-alé—Candrävalé; vi-
a—just like; jhatti—immediately; vä-a—by words; metta-eëa—only;
sulaha—easy to attain; ppasädä—mercy; amha—our; pi-a—dear; sahé—
friend; katham—how is it?; sulabhaù—easy to attain; te—your; sakhé—of the
friend; prasädaù—mercy; se-ä—of service; saëtäëena—constant.

Lalitä: Kåñëa, give up Your clever tricks! Our dear sakhi is not
like Candrävalé, who immediately gives mercy if asked.

Kåñëa: How can I easily get your sakhi’s mercy?

Lalitä: By constant service.

kåñëaù: (sänandam, rädhäà paçyan).

kià candanena kucayo racayämi citram
uttaàsayämi kabaréà tava kià prasünaiù
aìgäni laìgimataräìgi kareëa kià vä
saàvähayämy atanu-kheda-karambitäni

164 •
sa—with; änandam—bliss; rädhä—Rädhä; paçyan—seeing; kim—
whether?; candanena—with sandalwood paste; kucayoù—on the two
breasts; racayämi—I shall draw; citram—a picture; uttaàsayämi—shall I
decorate with a crown; kabarém—braids; tava—your; kim—whether?;
prasünaiù—with flowers; aìgäni—limbs; laìgima—union; taraìgi—waves;
kareëa—with the hand; kim vä—or whether?; saàvähayämi—I massage;
atanu—of Kämadeva; kheda—affliction; karambitäni—mixed.

Kåñëa: (joyfully glancing at Rädhä). O girl with the beautiful

limbs, can I draw pictures with sandalwood paste on Your breasts?
Can I decorate Your braids with flowers? With My hand can I gently
massage your limbs tormented by Kämadeva?

rädhikä: (salélam apakramya. säìguli-tarjanam). pämari, sumarissasi

osare. tä esä gharaà gacchanté jimhäëaà tumhäëaà hatthädo appäëaà

sa—with; lélam—pastimes; apakramya—retreating; sa—with; sa—

with; aìguli—finger; tarjanam—scolding; pämari—O rascal; sumarissasi—
you shall remember; osare—on the occasion; tä—therefore; esä—I; gharam—
home; gacchanté—going; jimhäëam—crooked; tumhäëam—of you;
hatthädaù—from the hand; appäëam—myself; mo-äva-issam—I shall

Rädhikä: (playfully turning away, she points a finger at Lalitä) O

wicked girl, you will remember this moment! O crooked gopés, going
home, I will free Myself from your company!

lalitä: (paöäncalam äkåñya)

sahi rähi yähi na gharaà para-hatthe patthidamhi ëi-ahaàse
a-i bahire hiraëëaà desi kudo aïcale gaëöhim

paöa—of the sari; aïcalam—corner; äkåñya—pulling; sahi—O friend;

rähi—O Rädhä; yähi—please go; na—not; gharam—home; para—other;
hatthe—hand; patthid—departure; amhi—I am; ëi-a—own; haàse—in the
swan; a-i—O; bahire—out; hiraëëam—gold; desi—you give; kudaù—how
is it?; aïcale—of the border; gaëöhim—tie.

Lalitä: (grabbing Rädhä by the hem of Her clothes) Sakhi Rädhä,

don’t go home, since the swan of my hand will stop You! Ayi! After
taking out and giving away the gold, why are You now trying to tie a
knot in the edge of Your garment?51

“O silly girl! After showing Your feelings to Kåñëa and giving Him Your gold-like heart, why are

165 •
rädhikä: muïcehi muïcehi aïcalam. ido gadu-a ajji-aà viëëavissam.
hanta ëattiëi lalide, kahià de pi-a-sahé rähi-ä.
lalitä: hanta, esä ajji-ä muharä idha jjevva ä-acchadi.
kåñëaù: (saçaìkam) tato davéyän bhavämi. (iti tathä sthitaù).

munca—let go; munca—let go; aïcalam—of the border; idaù—from

this place; gadu-a—having gone; ajji-am—the noble lady; viëëavissam—I
shall inform; nepathye—from the wings; hanta—O; ëattiëi—O
granddaughter; lalide—O Lalitä; kahim—where?; de—your; pi-a—dear;
sahé—friend; rähi-ä—Rädhä; hanta—O; esä—she; ajji-ä—the pious woman;
muharä—Mukharä; idha—here; jjevva—indeed; ä-acchadi—is coming; sa—
with; çaìkam—alarm; tataù—from here; daviyan—far away; bhavämi—I
shall become; iti—thus; tathä—in that way; sthitaù—He becomes situated.

Rädhikä: Let go of My clothing, let go! I will go home and tell the
noble lady everything!

(Off-stage) O granddaughter Lalitä, where is your dear sakhi


Lalitä: Ah, here comes noble Mukharä!

Kåñëa: (with anxiety) I should run away from here! (He does

mukharä: (puro dåñtià nikñipya säçaìkam ätmagatam). jo kkhu
dürado kovi nélima-puïjo maraga-a-tthambhaà bidambaàto diööhim me a-
attha-i. ëüëam so eso kanho bhave jaà a-uruvvam kim pi sorabbham
pasappa-e. (iti kåñëäntikam anusarpati).

puraù—ahead; dåñtim—glance; nikñipya—throwing; sa—with;

açaìkam—uncertainly; düradaù—from a great distance; kovi—someone;
nélima—of blueness; puïjaù—abundance; maraga-a—emerald;
tthambham—column; viòambantaù—imitating; diööhim—vision; me—my; a-
attha-i—attracts; ëüëam—indeed; saù—He; esaù—this; kaëhaù—Kåñëa;
bhave—may be; jam—because; a-uruvvam—unprecedented; kim pi—
something; sorabbham—fragrance; pasappa-i—has become extended; iti—
thus; kåñëa—of Kåñëa; antikam—proximity; anusarpati—approaches.

You now trying to leave, pretending to be indifferent?”

166 •
(Mukharä enters.)

Mukharä: (glancing ahead, she becomes doubtful about what she

sees, and says to herself) Something that looks like a sapphire pillar
attracts my eyes from afar. It must be Kåñëa, since He emanates an
incomparably sweet fragrance. (She approaches Him.)

kåñëaù: ärye (ity ardhokte).

mukharä: (sakapaöäkroñam) ko kkhu ajjeti khulakhulavedi.
kåñëaù: ärye mukhare, sukhaà vardhase.
mukharä: mohaëa. jäva tuha vamsi-ä-e mu-attaëaà ëa saàvuttaà
täva kudo amhäëaà suham.
kåñëaù: ärye, kià te ‘parädhyati vaàsé.

ärye—O pious woman; iti—thus; ardha—half; ukte—spoken; sa—

with; kapaöa—pretended; akrosäm—harsh words; kaù—who?; kkhu—
indeed; ajjeti—the word “O pious woman”; khulakhulavedi—speaks; ärye—
O pious woman; mukhare—O Mukharä; sukham—happiness; vardhase—
increase; mohana—O charming boy; jäva—to which extent; tuha—Your;
vamsi-ä-e—of the flute; mu-attaëam—silence; ëa—not; saàvuttam—
occurred; täva—to that extent; kudaù—how?; mahäëam—of us; suham—
happiness; ärye—O pious woman; kim—how; te—you; aparädhyati—
offends; vaàsi—the flute.

Kåñëa: O noble lady... (He is interrupted in the middle of His


Mukharä: (with pretended anger). Who mumbles "noble lady"?

Kåñëa: O noble Mukharä, may your happiness increase!

Mukharä: Charming boy, how can we be happy when Your flute

refuses to be silent?

Kåñëa: O noble lady, has My flute offended you?

mukharä: puccha imä-o savva-go-ula bäli-ä-o jä-o kaëëa-sémaà

pavisattammi vamsi-ä-phukkärärambhe väraà-väraà ëivärijjanté-o vi vaëe

puccha—please ask; imä-aù—these; savva—all; go-ula—of Gokula;

bäli-ä-aù—young girls; jä-aù—who; kaëëa—of the ears; sémam—the
boundary; pavisattammi—enters; vamsi-ä—of the flute; phukkära—of the
hissing; ärambhe—in the beginning; väram-väram—again and again;

167 •
ëivärijjanté-aù—forbidden; vi—even though; vaëe—in the forest; dhä-anti—

Mukharä: Go ask all the girls of Gokula! Whenever the sound of

Your flute approaches their ears, those girls run into the forest, even
though they are stopped again and again by their elders!

kåñëaù: (vihasya) mukhare, satyam yathärthanämäsi.

mukharä: mohaëa, padose tujjha ettha paveso maà saìkä-ulaà
kåñëaù: mukhare, kåtam atra çaìkayä. yad adya parunamäsyä me
varëitaà tavätra catvaräìke caìkraméti käpy adbhutä hariëéti.

vihasya—laughing; mukhare—O Mukharä; satyam—in truth; yatha-

artha—appropriate; näma—name; asi—you are; mohaëa—O charming boy;
padose—in the evening; tujjha—Your; ettha—here; pavesaù—entrance;
mam—to me; saìkä-ulam—suspicious; karedi—causes; mukhare—O
Mukharä; kröam—useless; atra—here; säìkaya—fear; yat—because; adya—
now; paurnamäsyä—by Paurëamäsé; me—to Me; varëitam—described;
tava—your; atra—here; catvara-aìke—in the garden; caìkrami—
wandering about; iti—thus; ka api—some; adbhutä—amazing; hariëé—
female deer; iti—thus.

Kåñëa: (laughing) O Mukharä, your name is very appropriate!52

Mukharä: O charming boy, Your coming here in the evening

worries me.

Kåñëa: Mukharä, you are afraid for no reason. Paurëamäsé told

Me that some wonderful doe wanders in this garden.53

mukharä: ëä-ara, pahäde pecchisassi. ëaà däëià sähehi.

kåñëaù: hanta våddhe gaòòara-viñäëa-kaöhorre, viçrabdham äsyatäm.
eño ‘haà vrajämi. (iti çäkhinäm antardadhäti).

nä-ara—O amorous hero; pahäde—in the morning; pecchisassi—You

shall see; ëam—this; däëim—now; sähedi—please go; hanta—O; våddhe—
elderly gopi; gaòòara—of a ram; viñäëa—as a horn; kaöhore—hard;
viçrabdham—trust; äsyatäm—from the mouth; eçaù—He; aham—I;
vrajämi—am going; iti—thus; çakhinäm—into the trees; antardadhäti—

“Mukharä” means “talkative”.
As previously mentioned, “hariëé” also means "the charming woman".

168 •
Mukharä: O hero, You will see this doe tomorrow morning. Now
go home.

Kåñëa: Ah! Old lady, you are hard like a ram’s horn. But I trust
your words, therefore I'm leaving. (Kåñëa dissappears behind the

mukharä: lalide, saccaà gado kaëho.

lalitä: adha im.
kåñëaù: (svagatam) ghürëäkuleyaà jaraté. tad atra tuñëém etya rädhä-
paöam akarñayämi. (iti tathä karoti.)

lalide—O Lalita; saccam—truth; gadaù—gone; kaëhaù—Kåñëa; adha

im—certainly; svagatam—aside; ghürëäkuleyam—bewildered; jaraté—old
lady; tat—this; atra—here; tuñëém—quietly; etya—going; rädhä—Rädhä;
paöam—garment; akarñayämi—I will tug; iti—thus; tathä—thus; karoti—

Mukharä: Lalitä, did Kåñëa really gone?

Lalitä: Yes.

Kåñëa: (aside) This old lady is bewildered. Therefore I will

quietly approach Rädhä and tug at Her clothes. (He does that.)

mukharä: (cakñuñé vikasya säkroñam) ghaööi lalide, aggado eso

pédambaro kaëho rähé-säòi-a-aïcalaà ä-aòòhanto vi-a désa-i. tä késa
tumaà maà padävesi.

cakñuñé—two eyes; vikäsya—expanding; sa—with; äkroñam—angry

words; ghaööhi—reckless; lalide—O Lalitä; aggadaù—in the presence; esaù—
this; pédambaraù—dressed in yellow garments; kaëhaù—Kåñëa; rähé—of
Rädhä; säòi-a—of the garment; aïcalam—the border; ä-aòòhantaù—
pulling; vi-a—as if; désa-i—is observed; tä—therefore; késa—how is it?;
tumam—you; mam—to me; padävesi—you are deceiving.

Mukharä: (her eyes wide-open with anger) O reckless Lalitä! I see

Kåñëa, who is dressed in yellow garments, tugging at the edge of
Rädhä’s clothing! Why do you try to fool me?

(kåñëaù saçaìkam kiïcid spasarpati).

lalitä: (svagatam) ratti-andhi-am nam buddhi-am vaïcemi.
(prakäçam. samrambham abhinéya. sanskåtena).

169 •
mudhä çaìkäm andhe jarati kuruñe yämuna-taöe
tamälo ‘yaà cämékara-kalita-müle nivasati
saméra-preìkholäd ati-caöula-çänkhä-bhujatayä
vayasyäyä yena stana-vasanam äsphälitam abhüt

kåñëaù—Kåñëa; sa—with; çaìkam—fear; kiïcit—somewhat;

apasarpati—retreats; svagatam—aside; ratti—at night; andhi-am—darkness;
nam—this; buddhi-am—old woman; vaïcemi—I shall deceive; prakäçam—
openly; samrambham—anger; abhinéya—attaining; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit;
mudhä—uselessly; çaìkäm—fear; andhe—blind; jarati—O old woman;
kuruñe—you perform; yämuna—of the Yamunä river; taöe—on the bank;
tamälaù—tamala tree; ayam—this; cämékara—golden; kalita—arrangement;
müle—at the root; nivasati—dwells; saméra—of the breezes; preìkholät—
from the movements; ati—very; caöula—unsteady; çäkhä—of the branches;
bhujatayä—by the state of having branches; vayasyäyäù—of the friend;
yena—by whom; stana—of the breast; vasanam—garment; äsphälitam—
shaken; abhüt—became.

(Kåñëa becomes frightened and retreats a little.)

Lalitä: (aside) At night this old lady is almost blind. I will trick
her. (Aloud, with anger) O blind old lady, you worry without reason!
This is a tamäla tree by the Yamunä and this is a golden platform at
its roots. Moving in the wind, the tree’s branches tug at this girl’s

mukharä: (svagatam) asaccaà ëa kahe-i. (prakäçam) vatse, ghummä-

ulamhi. tä gharaà gadu-a suvissam. (iti niñkräntä).

svagatam—aside; asaccam—a lie; ëa—not; kahe-i—she speaks;

prakäçam—openly; vatse—O child; ghummä-ulamhi—bewildered; tä—
therefore; gharam—home; gadu-a—having gone; suvissam—I shall sleep;
iti—thus; niñkräntä—she exits.

Mukharä: (to herself) She is not lying. (Openly) Child, I am

disoriented. Therefore, I will return home and go to bed. (Mukharä

viçäkhä: halä rähi, kaëhassa muha-maëälumélidaà ghamma-jala-

bindu-jälaà ëi-a-aïcaleëa avaëehi.
rädhikä: (sabhrübhaìgam) visähe, tumaà jeva avaëehi. jä kkhu
äkomäraà imaàssi vade gahéda-dikkhäsi.

halä—O; rähi—Rädhä; kaëhassa—of Kåñna; muha—of the face;

170 •
maëòalummélidam—the circle has become manifested; ghamma-jala—of
perspiration; bindu—of drops; jälam—a network; ëi-a—own; säòi-a—of the
garment; aïcaleëa—by the border; avaëehi—please wipe away; sa—with;
bhrü—of the eyebrows; bhaìgam—knitting; visähe—O Viçäkhä; tumam—
you; jeva—indeed; avaëehi—should wipe them away; jä—who; kkhu—
indeed; äkomäram—childhood; imaàssi—in this; vvade—in the vow;
gahéda-dikkhäsi—you have accepted initiation.

Viçäkhä: Sakhi Rädhä, Kåñëa’s face is covered with drops of

perspiration. With the corner of Your garment please wipe them

Rädhikä: (knitting her eyebrows) Viçäkhä, you wipe them away!

Since childhood you have taken a vow to do these things.

viçäkhä: rädhe, kaëöha-ööhidä de raìgaëa-mäli-ä bhaëädi. mä kuppa.

tumaà vi taha dikkhä-vihäëe kärijjanta-saìkalpäsi.

rädhe—O Rädhä; kaëöha—on the neck; ööhidä—situated; de—your;

raìgaëa—delightful; mäli-ä—garland; bhaëädi—speaks; mä—don’t;
kuppa—become excited; tumam—you; vi—even; taha—there; dikkhä—of
initiation; vihäëe—in the activity; kärijjanta—being performed; saìkalpäsi—
you have the desire.

Viçäkhä: Rädhä, the raìgaëa garland on Your neck says, "Don’t

worry, You may also take initiation into this service that You desire so

kåñëaù: (raìgaëa-mäläà dåñövä saçlägham).

çaìke cirät kim api raìgaëa-puñpa-saìghaù
puëyaà purä parama-tértha-vare vyadhatta
yasmän mamäpy asulabhe madiräkñi säkñäd
aìgé-cakära tava vakñasi saìga-saukhyam

raìgaëa—delightful; mäläm—garland; dåñövä—having seen; sa—with;

çlägham—words of praise; çaìke—I believe; cirät—for a long time; kim api—
to a great extent; raìgaëa—delightful; puñpa—of flowers; saìghaù—
multitude; puëyam—pious deeds; purä—previously; parama—supreme;
tértha—of holy places; vare—very excellent; vyadhatta—performed;
yasmät—because of which; mama—My; api—even; asulabhe—very difficult
to attain; madira-akñi—with fascinating eyes; säkñät—directly; aìgé-cakära—
accepted; tava—your; vakñasi—on the breast; saìga—of association;

171 •
Kåñëa: (glancing at the raìgaëa garland, Kåñëa praises it) O girl
whose eyes are as restless as khanjaëa birds, I think these raìgaëa
flowers must have for a long time performed many pious activities at
the best of holy places so that now they may enjoy the difficult-to-
attain pleasure of directly touching your breasts, which I Myself am
not allowed to touch!

rädhikä: halä visähe, jä kkhu maha kaëöhädo baleëa ä-aööhi-a nédä

tu-e aëagghä guïja-alé sä däëéà samappé-adu. esä sakkhä appaëo raìgaëa-
mäli-ä geëhé-adu.

halä—O; visähe—Viçäkhä; jä—who; kkhu—indeed; maha—my;

kaëöhädaù—from the neck; baleëa—by force; ä-aööhi-a—having pulled;
néda—brought; tu-e—by you; aëagghä—priceless; guïjä-alé—necklace of
gunja; sä—she; däëém—now; samappé-adu—withered; äppanaù—own;
raìgana—rangana flowers; mäli-ä—garland; genhé-adu—should be taken.

Rädhikä: Sakhi Viçäkhä, please give Me the priceless guïjä

necklace that you forcibly took from My neck, and take this withered
raìgaëa garland.

viçäkhä: go-uläëanda. guïja-hära-kide maha kuppadi pi-a-sahi.

kåñëaù: rädhe, saënidhehi. tava kaëöhe guïjävalém ädadhämi. (ity
lalitä: (sasmitam ätmagatam) guïjä-hära-samappaëa-miseëa rähi-
kaïcu-a-aïcalaà pa-usadi kaëho.
(rädhikä sabhrü-vikñepaà parävartate).

go-uläëanda—O bliss of Gokula; guïjä—of gunja; hära—stolen;

kide—performed; maha—towards me; kuppadi—is angry; pi-a—dear; sahi—
friend; radhe—O Rädhä; saënidhehi—please give; tava—your; kaëöhe—on
the neck; guïja-avalém—necklace of guïjä; ädadhämi—I shall place; iti—
thus; upasarpati—approaches; sa—with; smitam—smile; ätmagatam—
aside; guïjä—of gunja; hära—of the necklace; samappaëa—of the offering;
niseëa—on the pretext; rähi—of Rädhä; kaïcu-a—the garment covering the
breasts; ancalam—border; pa-usadi—touched; kaëhaù—Kåñëa; rädhikä—
Rädhä; sa—with; bhrü—of the eyebrows; vikñepam—knitting; parävartate—
turning back.

Viçäkhä: O bliss of Gokula, my dear sakhi is angry with me

because I took away Her guïjä necklace.

Kåñëa: Rädhä, come here. I will put this guïjä necklace on Your
neck. (Kåñëa approaches Her.)

172 •
Lalitä: (smiling, She says to Herself) On the pretext of giving
Rädhä this guïjä necklace, Kåñëa touched the edge of Her bodice.

(Rädhikä knitting Her eyebrows and turns away from Kåñëa.)

viçäkhä: halä rähe, jaà laddhuà ukkaëöhesi taà kià kkhu laddhäsi.
rädhikä: (bimbädharaà saëdaçya). dhiööhe, ciööha ciööha. (iti
léläravindena täòayati).
viçäkha: (vihasya) sva-am asaìkëi, mä kuppa. guïjähäraà pucchemi.

halä—O; rähe—Rädhä; jam—Who; laddhum—to attain; ukkaëöhesi—

you are eager; tam—Him; kim—whether?; kkhu—indeed; laddhäsi—you
have attained; bimba—like bimba fruits; adharam—lips; saëdaçya—bitting;
dhiööhe—impudent; ciööha ciööha—stop, stop!; iti—thus; léla—for playing;
aravindena—with a lotus flower; tädayati—strikes; vihasya—laughing; sva-
am—self-; açaìkini—fearing; mä—don’t; kuppa—become angry; guïjä—of
gunja; häram—necklace; pucchemi—I ask.

Viçäkhä: Sakhi Rädhä, now You have attained what You so

longed for.

Rädhikä: (bitting Her bimba-fruit lips) O arrogant girl, stop! Stop!

(She strikes Viçäkhä with a play lotus-flower.)

Viçäkhä: (laughing) O doubting girl, don’t be angry. I'm talking

about the guïjä necklace!

kva tapas tathä mamäste
lélämbuja-hatim aväpnuyäà yena
mäà caïcalena täòaya

kva—where?; tapaù—austerity; tathä—in that way; mama—my; aste—

is; lélä—for playing; ambuja—of a lotus flower; hatim—stricking;
aväpnuyäm—I may attain; yena—by which; mäm—me; caïcalena—
moving; täòaya—please srike; locana—of the eyes; kamala—lotus;
aïcalena—from the corner; api—at least.

Kåñëa: What austerity should I perform to be hit by Your lotus

flower? At least hit Me with a restless glance from the corners of Your
lotus eyes!

173 •
hariëo samappi-a taëum kiviëäsi kadhaà darävalo-ammi
diëëe cintära-aëe ëa saàpuòammi jutto

hariëaù—to Hari; samappi-a—having offered; taëum—the body;

kiviëäsi—you are a miser; kadham—how is it?; darävalo-ammi—in the small
glance; diëëe—given; cintära-aëe—cintämani jewel; na—not;
saàpuòammi—in the jewelry box; ggahaù—obstinacy; juttaù—proper.

Lalitä: Rädhä, You have offered your body to Hari. Why are You
such a miser that You will not even look at Him? A person who gives
away a cintämaëi jewel should not refuse to give the case that holds

rädhikä: lalide, evvaà jappanti guru-lo-esu mä kkhu imaà jaëaà

avaraddhaà karehi.
viçäkhä: sahi, késa saìkasi. ëaà bhaavadé jevva ettha samähäëa-
lalita: (saharñam ätmagatam) diööhi-ä pi-a-sahé hasidäpäìga-
taraìgena kanhaà äliìgadi.

lalide—O Lalitä; evvam—thus; jappanti—talking; guru-lo-esu—among

the superiors and other people; mä—don’t; kkhu—indeed; imam—this;
jaëam—person; avaraddham—offense; karehi—perform; sahi—O friend;
késa—how is it?; saìkasi—you are afraid; ëam—this; bhaavadé—by the noble
Paurëamäsé; jevva—certainly; ettha—here; samänäëa—arranging; dakkhä—
expert; sa—with; harñam—joy; ätmagatam—aside; diööhi—by good fortune;
pi-a—dear; sahé—friend; hasida—smiling; apaìga—of the sidelong glances;
tarangeëa—with the wave; kaëham—Kåñëa; äliìgadi—embraces.

Rädhikä: Lalitä, if My elders and other people of Vraja hear your

words, they will blame Me!

Viçäkhä: Sakhi, why are you afraid? Paurëamäsé is expert in

solving such problems.

Lalitä: (joyful, aside) By good fortune, my dear sakhi now

embraces Kåñëa with a wave of Her smiling sidelong glance.

viçäkhä: (sanskåtena) lalite, paçya paçya.

çaçé vyomotsaìgam çaçinam abhitaù känti-laharé
puro våëdäraëyaà sumukhi sahasä känti-laharém
harir våëdäraëyaà harim api kileyaà tava sakhé
sakhéà premëaù puro nija-suñamayämaëòayad ayam

174 •
saëskåtena—in Sanskrit; lalite—O Lalitä; paçya paçya—look, look;
çaçé—the moon; vyoma—of the sky; utsaìgam—contact; çaçinam—the
moon; abhitaù—all around; känti—of shining beauty; laharé—wave;
puraù—in front; våëda-araëyam—the forest of Våndävana; sumukhi—O
beautiful-faced one; sahasä—at once; känti—of splendor; laharém—wave;
hariù—Hari; våëda—of Våndävana; araëyam—the forest; harim—attracting;
api—even; kila—indeed; iyam—this; tava—your; sakhé—friend; sakhém—
friend; premëaù—from love; puraù—in front; nija—own; suñamaya—with
the great splendor; amaëdayat—decorates; ayam—Him.

Viçäkhä: Lalitä, look! Look! The moon decorates the sky, and
with waves of effulgence immediately makes Våndävana forest in
front of us radiant. O girl with the beautiful face, but Your sakhi Rädhä
adorns even Kåñëa, who steals the beauty of Våndävana forest, with
the incomparable splendor of Her love!

lalitä: haddhé haddhé. visähe pekkha sasi-kantamaëipasüdehià jala-

pürehià süra-pü-aëa-ve-é-purado kidä-im viluppé-anti alevaëa-maëòalä-ià
tä ehi. ëaà puppha-ke-äri-aà ëemha.

haddhé haddhé—Ah, ah; visähe pekkha—Viçäkhä, look!; sasi-

kantamaëi—of chandrakanta jewels; pasüdehià—produced; jala—of water;
püraih—by the stream; süra—of the sun-god; pü-aëa—for the worship; ve-
é—of the altar; puradaù—in the presence; kidä-im—performed; vilupp-
éanti—is broken; alevaëa—of ointments; maëòalä-im—decoration; tä—
there; ehi—please go; ëam—these; puppha—of flowers; ke-äri-am—field;
ëemha—we should go; niskrante—they exit.

Lalitä: Alas! Alas! Viçäkhä! Look! Water from melting candrakänta

jewels washes away the sandal-paste ornaments on the altar for
worshipping the sun-god. Come. Let us go to the garden to pick some
flowers. (Lalitä and Viçäkhä exit).

kåñëaù: priye, nedäném api vämyäd virämas te. (ity aïcalaà gåhëäti).
rädhikä: muïcehi muïcehi. sahé-o maà a-ärenti.
kåñëaù: kaöhore. mayy atra mäìgé-kuru bhaìguratäm.
rädhikä: (sasmitam) de-i sarassa-i, vandijjasi jaà saccä jjeva pa-aòäsi.

priye—beloved; na—not; idanim—now; api—even; vamyat—from

contrariness; viramah—stop; te—of You; muïcehi muïcehi—let go, let go!;
sahé-aù—the two friends; mama—me; a-ärenti—are calling; kaöhore—O
cruel girl; mayi—towards me; atra—here; ma—don’t; aìgé-kuru—accept;

175 •
bhaìguratäm—dishonesty; sa—with; smitam—a smile; de-i—O goddess;
sarassa-i—O Sarasvaté; jjasi—you are offered obeisances; jam—because;
saccä—the truth; jjevva—indeed; pa-aòäsi—cause to be manifested.

Kåñëa: Beloved, even now You remain unfavorable to Me. (Kåñëa

clutches the edge of Rädhä’s garment.)

Rädhikä: Let go! Let go! I have to go to My sakhis.

Kåñëa: O cruel girl, don't be dishonest with Me.

Rädhikä: (with a smile) O goddess Sarasvaté, I bow down before

you. Please show that I speak the truth.

kåñëaù: (kiïcid vihasya)

padminyäs te sumukhi parama-prema-saurabhya-puro
durotsarpé yad-avadhi mudä kåñëa-bhåìgena bheje
äkränto ‘yaà tava nava-mukhämbhoja-mädhvika-päna-
pratyäçäbhis tad-avadhi ruvan saàbhramé bambhraméti

kiïcit—somewhat; vihasya—laughing; padminyäù—like a lotus

flower; te—of you; sumukhi—beautiful face; parama—excellent; prema—
love; saurabhya—of the sweet fragrance; puräh—flood; dura—from a great
distance; utsarpé—appearing; yad-avadhi—since which time; mudä—with
delight; kåñëa—black; bhåìgena—by the bumble-bee; bheje—was enjoyed;
äkräntaù—approached; ayam—this; tava—your; nava—fresh; mukha—of
the face; ambhoja—lotus flower; mädhvéka—of the sweet nectar; päna—of
the drinking; pratyäçäbhiù—with the hopes; tat-avadhi—from that time;
ruvan—buzzing; saàbhramé—with great respect (or agitation);
bambhrami—constantly whirling about; iti—thus.
I have to go to my friends
Kåñëa: (smiling slightly) O girl with the beautiful lotus face, from
afar, with the fragrant flood of Your great love, You have attracted a
bumble-bee, and now he joyfully worships your sweetness. Hoping to
taste the nectar of Your lotus mouth, that excited bumble-bee now
buzzes around You.

muktänäm upalabhyam eva kucayoù sälokyam älokya te
hitvä saìgam-haàsamasta-suhådäm kaivalyam äsedivän
vaiñamyaà tilam apy anäçritavatoù sändrämåta-syandibhir
mäà pürëaà kuru tanvi türëam anayoù säyujya-dänotsavaiù

kiïca—furthermore; muktänäm—of the pearls; upalabhyam—

176 •
attainable; eva—indeed; kucayoù—on the breasts; sälokyam—the liberation
of residing at the same place; älokya—observing; te—of you; hitvä—having
placed; saìgam—contact; aham—I; samasta—of all; suhådäm—of the
friends; kaivalyam—the liberation of becoming united; äsedivän—sitting;
vaiñamyam—unevenness; tilam—a tiny particle; api—even; anäçritavatoù—
of those which possess; sandra—intense; amåta—nectar; syandibhiù—by the
trickling; mäm—to Me; pürëam—fulfilled; kuru—please fo; tanvi—O
beautiful and slender girl; türëam—quickly; anayoù—of the two; säyujya—
of the liberation of constant association; däna—of the gift; utsavaiù—with the
festivities; rädhikä—Rädhä; lajjate—becomes embarrassed.

Your pearls have attained sälokya liberation, for they live on the
same planet as Your breasts. Seeing this, I have abandoned the
company of all My cowherd boy friends, and now I desire the same
kind of liberation as Your pearls. O slender girl, please fulfill My
desire, and give Me a jubilant festival, a festival flowing with streams
of nectar, a festival of säyujya liberation at Your breasts, which have
not taken shelter of even a single sesame seed of imperfection.

(Rädhä becomes embarrassed).

kåñëaù: priye, paçya paçya.

apäà patyuù puñöé-karaëa-rasa-päkaù kumudiné-
kadambänäm aìga-jvara-haraëa-çétauñadhi-ghaöaù
mågäìko ‘yaà koké-pariñad-abhicärädhvarä-dhurä
purognäù kälindé-parisara-pariñkäram akarot

priye—O beloved; paçya paçya—look, look; apäm—of the waters;

patyuù—of the master; puñöé—nourishment; karaëa—cause; rasa—the
nectar; päkaù—drinking; kumudiné—of night lotus flowers; kadambänäm—
of the multitudes; aìga—of the limbs; jvara—fever; haraëa—removing;
çéta—cooling; auçadhi—of medicinal herbs; ghaöah—pitcher; mågäìkaù—
moon; ayam—this; koké—of cakravaki birds; pariçat—the assembly;
abhicära—of destruction; adhvara—of the sacrifice; dhura-purodhäù—the
chief priests; kälindé—to the Yamunä river; parisara—near; pariñkäram—
decoration and purification; akarot—performed.

Kåñëa: Beloved, look! Look! The moon, nourishing the ocean,

acting as a medicine to destroy the night lotus flowers’ fever, and
playing the role of the first priest at a sacrifice against the cakraväka
birds, has come to the Yamunä’s shore.54

The cakraväka birds suffer at night because they are separated from each other.

177 •
tad etäà väsantikä-känti-maëòita-maëòalasya candramasaç
candrikä-cakra-cumbitaà vicarävo nikuïja-candraçälikäm. (iti
niñkräntau).(iti niskräntäù sarve).

tat—therefore; etäm—this; väsantika—related to spring; känti—of

beauty; maëòala—by the abundance; maëòita—decorated; maëòalasya—
of the circle; candramasaù—of the moon; candrikä—of the moonlight;
cakra—by the circle; cumbitäm—kissed; vicarävaù—let us go; nikuïja—in
the grove; candraçäkikäm—to the turret of the house; iti—thus; niskräntau—
Rädhä and Kåñëa exit; iti—thus; niñkräntah—exits; sarve—all.

Let us go to that forest bower, kissed by the light of the beautiful

springtime moon.

(Rädhä and Kåñëa exit.)

(Everyone exits.)

End of Act Three

178 •
Act Four: Veëu-haraëa: Theft of the Flute

(tataù praviçati nändémukhé).

nändémukhé: bhaëidamhi lalidä-e “halä ëändémuhi, go-maëòale
goööhaà pa-iööhe eùi kaëho tuvaranto go-aòòhaëähimuhaà patthido. tä
tumaà tattha gadu-a su-alaà viëëavehi, jadhä eso osare ëi-a-vaassassa
rähi-äà sumarävedi” tti. (parikramya) kadhaà ettha pa-umä ä-accha-i.

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; nändémukhé—Nändémukhé;

bhaëidamhi—I was told; lalidä-e—by Lalita; halä—O; ëändémuhi—
Nändémukhé; go-maëòale —when the herd of cows; goööham—the pasture;
pa-iööhe—enters; eùi—when; kaëhaù—Kåñëa; tuvarantaù—hurridly; go-
aòòhaëa—Govardhana Hill; ahimuham—near; patthidaù—is situated; tä—
therefore; tumam—you; tattha—there; gadu-a—having gone; su-alam—
Subala; viëëavehi—please inform; jadhä—just as; esaù—he; osare—on the
occasion; ëi-a—own; vaassassa—of the friend; rähi-äm—Rädhä;
sumarävedi—causes to remember; tti—thus; parikramya—walking;
kadham—how is it?; ettha—here; pa-umä—Padmä; ä-accha-i—is coming.

Nändémukhé: Lalitä said to me, "Sakhi Nandémukhé, Kåñëa has

brought the cows to the pastures and now He is approaching
Govardhana Hill. Please go there and tell Subala to remind his dear
friend about Rädhikä." (Begins to walk.) Why does Padmä come here?

padmä: halä ëändémuhi, kämaà kusaläsi? tä kaàpi uvä-aà kadhehi
jeëa uvviggaà canda-além äsäsemi.

praviçya—enters; halä—O; ëändémuhi—Nandémukhé; kämam—

indeed; kusaläsi—you are skillful; tä—therefore; kaàpi—some; uvä-am—
remedy; kadhehi—please speak; jeëa—by which; uvvi-ggam—agitated;
canda-além—Candrävalé; äsäsemi—I may relieve.

Padmä: Sakhi Nändémukhé, you are very wise. Please tell me

what I should do to pacify agitated Candrävalé.

nändémukhi: kià se uvve-a-kälaëam.

padmä: halä, jäëäsi jjevväàtumaà jadhä padose savvaà kkhu go-
ulaà vibbhameëa kaëho paccahaà raïjedi.
nändémukhé: adha im.
padmä: saàpadaà däva ettha dakkhiëe goööhaddhe imassa gandho vi

179 •
kim—what?; se—of her; uvve-a—of the agitation; kälaëam—cause;
halä—O; jäëäsi—you know; jjevvam—certainly; tumam—you; jadhä—just
as; padose—in the beginning of evening; savvam—all; kkhu—indeed; go-
ulam—Gokula; vibbhameëa—with pastimes; kaëhaù—Kåñëa; paccaham—
every day; raïjedi—charms and delights; adha im—this is certainly so;
saàpadam—at the present time; däva—to that extent; ettha—here;
dakkhiëe—in the southern; goööhaddhe—part of the pasture; imassa—of Him;
gandhaù—fragrance; vi—even; dullahaù—is difficult to find.

Nändémukhé: Why is she agitated?

Padmä: You know that every evening Kåñëa delights the people
of Gokula.

Nändémukhé: Yes, it is so.

Padmä: But now it is hard to find even the fragrance of Kåñëa in

the southern part of the pastures.

nändémukhé: halä, mä düëehi. (saëskåtena)

dåñöaà bimbita-dhätu-citra-racanaà çaibyä lalaöaà mayä
çyämä-kuntala-cämaraà ca viluöhad-vanya-srajoòòämaram
guïjä-hära-latärdha-maïjur adhunä bhadrä-bhujäntas tathä
tathyaà viddhi sa nägaré-gurur abhüd govardhanasyätibhiù

halä—O; mä—don’t; düëehi—become unhappy; dåñöam—seen;

bimbita—attached; dhätu—with mineral pigments; citra—pictures;
racanam—arranged; çaibyä—Çaibyä; lalaöam— forehead; mayä—by me;
syama—Çyämä; kuntala—hair; cämaram—camara whisk; ca—and;
viluöhat—moving about; vanya—of forest flowers; sraja—by the garland;
udòämaram—excellent; guïjä—of guïjä; hära—necklace; latä—of a
creeper; ardha—half; manjuù—beautiful; adhunä—now; bhadra—Bhadrä;
bhuja—of the arm; antaù—the end (shoulders); tathä—in the same way;
tathyam—the truth; viddhi—please know; saù—He; nägaré—of the playful
gopés; guruù—the spiritual master; abhüt—was; govardhanasya—of
Govardhana Hill; atithiù—the guest.

Nändémukhé: Don’t worry. I saw Çaibyä, her forehead marked

with pictures and designs made with mineral pigments. I also saw
Çyämä, her cämara hair excellently decorated with moving forest
garlands. And I saw Bhadrä, with a charming creeper-like guïjä
necklace on her chest. Please know that He who is the teacher of all
playful girls must now be the guest of Govardhana Hill.

180 •
kåtvä vaàçém akhila-jagaté-géta-saìgéta-bhaìgé-
säìgé-bhäva-prathama-vasatià saìginéà väma-päëau
eça premëä vrajati nayanänandanaù nanda-sünur
mandaà govardhana-çikhariëaù kandarä-mandiräya

nepathye—offstage; kåtvä—having performed; vaàçém—flute;

akhila—entire; jagaté—of the universe; géta—song; saìgéta—music;
bhaìgé—of the waves; säìgé—complete; bhäva—nature; prathama—
original; vasatim—residence; saìginém—companion; väma-päëau—in His
left hand; eça—He; premëä—with love; vrajati—is going; nayana—to the
eyes; änandanaù—giving bliss; nanda—of Nanda; sünuù—the son (Kåñëa);
mandam—slowly; govardhana—of Govardhana Hill; çikharinaù—of the
summit; kandarä—of a cave; mandiräya—temple.

(Off-stage) Holding in His left hand His companion the flute,

whose waves of sweet music completely flooded all the worlds, and
filled with great love, Nanda-nandana, who gives bliss to the eyes,
slowly walks to the temple-like cave on the top of Govardhana Hill.

nändémukhé: pa-ume, tumaà imiëä vuttanteëa candä-ali-aà

suhävehi. ahaà su-alaà aëusarissam. (iti niçkräntä).
padmä: (punaù paçyanté). esä karälä-e ejji-ä-e cittaà anuvaööanté
vaëa-de-adä vundä candä-ali-aà sacchalaà ëiväredi.

pu-ume—O Padmä; tumam—you; imiëä—with this; vuttanteëa—

news; candä-ali-am—Candrävalé; suhävehi—please delight; aham—I; su-
alam—to Subala; aëusarissam—shall go; iti—thus; niçkräntä-j-she exits;
punaù—again; paçyanti—looking; esä—this; karälä-e—of Karälä; ajji-ä-e—
of the noble woman; cittam—the mind; anuvaööanté—following; vaëa—of
the forest; de-adä—the demigoddess; vundä—Vånda-devé; candä-ali-am—
Candrävalé; sa—with; cchalam—a trick; ëiväredi—hinders.

Nändémukhé: Padmä, with this news please make Candrävalé

happy. I will go to Subala. (Nändémukhé exits.)

Padmä: (looking again) Understanding Karälä’s mind, Våndä, the

goddess of Våndävana forest, wants to stop Candrävalé.55

kià rädheva durantam icchasi baläd unmädam älambituà
mugdhe mänaya mänanéya-jaraté-väkyaà bahir mä vraja

Karälä is Candrävalé’s grandmother.

181 •
eça smera-vilocanäïcala-rucä cäpalyam ulläsayann
äyäti vraja-sundaré-gaëa-mano-mäëikya-häré hariù

nepathye—offstage; kim—why?; rädhä—Rädhä; iva—just like;

durantam—uncontrollably; icchasi—do you desire; balät—strong;
unmadäm—mad; älambitum—to embrace; mugdhe—O bewildered girl;
mänaya—obeying; mänanéya—which deserve respect; jaraté—old woman;
väkyam—words; bahiù—outside; mä—don’t; vraja—go; eçaù—He; smera—
amorous; vilocana—of the eyes; aïcala—of the corners; rucä—with the
luster; cäpalyam—agitation; ulläsayan—causing to manifest; äyati—coming
near; vraja—of Vraja; sundaré—of the beautiful girls; gaëa—of the multitude;
manah—of the heart; mäëikya—the rubies; häré—stealing; hariù—Hari.

(Off-stage) Why do you, like Rädhä, irresistibly desire His strong

intoxicating embraces? O silly girl, following the instructions of old
Karälä, don’t go outside. With His charming amorous sidelong glances
that cause agitation, Hari, appearing nearby, steals the rubies of the
hearts of the beautiful girls of Vraja.

candrävalé: (sautkyaà samantäd avalokya). kadhaà vundä-e alé-aà
vva vyäharé-adi. kudo ettha kaëho. (iti khedaà näöayati).

praviçya—enters; sa—with; autsukyam—anxiety; samantät—in all

directions; avalokya—looking; kadham—how is it?; vundä-e—by Våndä; alé-
am—cheating; vva—indeed; vyäharé-adi—is spoken; kudaù—where?;
ettha—here; kaëhaù—is Kåñëa; iti—thus; khedam—distress; näöayati—
represents dramatically.

Candrävalé: (enters and anxiously looking in all directions) Why

does Våndä say these deceptive words? Where is Kåñëa now? (She
becomes distressed.)

padmä: (upasåtya, saëskåtena).

na saëtäpaà sväntäd davayasi kathaà däva-viçamaà
ghana-sväçaiù kià vä malinayasi bimbädharam api
vanäntän kekäbhiù sakhi çikhari-kakñe mukharayan
sakhé-sthalyäù kalyäëy abhajad upaçalyaà yadu-patiù

upasåtya—appoaching; saëskåtena—in Sanskrit; na—not; saëtäpam—

distress; sva-antät—from your heart; daayasi—drive far away; katham—how
is it?; däva-viçamam—terrible forest-fire; ghana—deep; sväsaiù—with sighs;
kim vä—and why?; malinayasi—are you polluting; bimba—like bimba fruits;
adharam—lips; api—and; vana—of the forest; antan—the outskirts; —with

182 •
the cries of teh peacocks; sakhi—O friend; çikhari—on the mountain
(Govardhana); kakñe—in the forest; mukharayan—talking; sakhé-sthalyäù—
of the town Sakhisthali; kalyäëi—O fortunate beautiful girl; abhajat—has
attained; upaçalyam—the vicinity; yadu—of the Yadu dynasty; patiù—the
master (Kåñëa).

Padmä: (approaching) O sakhi, why not drive that terrible forest-

fire from your heart? Why pollute your bimba-fruit lips with those
sighs? O beautiful one, making the forest resound with the peacocks’
calls, Kåñëa now stays near the village of Sakhésthalé, by the side of
Govardhana Hill!

candrävalé: (vilokya) kadhaà pi-a-sahé pa-umä. (iti gädham äliìgya).

avi ëäma akkhalidaà bhaëidä.
padmä: adhaim.

vilokya—glancing; kadham—how is it?; pi-a—dear; sahé—friend; pa-

umä—Padmä; iti—thus; gädham—deeply; äliìgya—embracing; avi ëäma—
perhaps; akkhalidam—truthfully; bhaëidä—spoken; adha im—it is certainly

Candrävalé: (looking) Is this my dear friend Padmä? (Tightly

embraces her). I hope what you say is true.

Padmä: Yes, it is true.

(tataù praviçati subalenänugamyamänaù kåñëaù).

kåñëaù: paçya paçya.
akalita-täpas taraëer
asta-çiro-véthibhis tirodhänät
prathayati toñaà niçärambhaù

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; subalena—by Subala;

anugamyamänaù—followed; kåñëaù—Kåñëa; paçya paçya—look, look;
akalita—weak; täpaù—heat; taraëeù—of the sun; asta—of the western
mountain; çiraù—of the peaks; véthibhiù—by the series; tirodhänät—because
of the dissappearance; asphuöa—unclear; timira—of darkness; vijåmbhaù—
the yawning; prathayati—increases; toñam—delight; niça—of the evening;
arambhaù—the beginning.

(Accompanied by Subala, Kåñëa enters.)

Kåñëa: Look! Look! The sun, whose heat has now dissipated, is

183 •
setting behind the peaks of the western mountains. With it’s faint
yawning of darkness, the beginning of evening is very pleasing!

subalaù: vaassa, ajja go-dohaëaà vi aëavekkhi-a salälasao vi kiàti

ettha laddhosi.
kåñëaù: sakhe, mayuraà varnayaöa kenacit priyäà candrävaléà
smärito ‘smi tad-vilokanäya lälaseyam.
subalaù: kerisaà mora-vaëëaëam.

vaassa—O friend; ajja—today; gaù—of the cows; dohaëam—milking;

vi—even; aëavekkhi-a—neglecting; sa—with; lälasaù—the delight (of
performing pastimes); vi—even; kiàti—what?; ettha—here; laddhosi—you
have attained; sakhe—O friend; mayuram—the peacock; varnayatä—
speaking; kenacit—by someone; priyäm—beloved; candrävalém—
Candrävalé; smäritaù—reminded; asmi—I am; tat—of her; vilokanäya—for
the sight; lälasa—desire; iyam—this; kerisam—like what?; mora—of the
peacock; vaëëaëam—description.

Subala: O friend, even if You eager to enjoy Your pastimes this

evening, You should not neglect milking the cows.

Kåñëa: Friend, some cowherd boy described a peacock, and that

reminded Me of My beloved Candrävalé. Now I yearn to see her.

Subala: How did he describe the peacock?

unmadena purataù çikhaëòinä
täëòave påthuni maëòalé-kåtäà
paçya nindita-mahendra-kärmukäà

unmadena—intoxicated; purataù—in the presence; çikhaëòinä—by a

peacock; täëòave—in a frenzied dance; påthuni—extensive; maëòalé—into
a circle; kåtäm—made; paçya—just see; nindita—criticized; mahendra—of
Lord Indra; kärmukäm—the bow (the rainbow); kåñëa—dark; candra—of the
moon; cala—moving; candraka—the eye in a peacock's tail (or the moon);

Kåñëa: He said, "Look at the tail feathers of this wildly dancing

peacock! They are like a cluster (ävali) of moving dark moons
(candra), and eclipse even the rainbow!"

subalaù: tado ä-aööhaëaà vaàçé-kalaà ulläsehi.

184 •
(kåñëo vaktre veëuà vinyasyati).
candrävalé: (niçamya. saghürëam). savvadä suvvantivé vi assuda-aré
vi-a vimhävedi dummuhé muralé.

tadaù—therefore; ä-aööhaëam—attractive; vaàçé—of the flute;

kalam—sweet sound; ulläsehi—please manifest; kåñëaù—Kåñëa; vaktre—to
His mouth; venum—the flute; vinyasyati—places; niçamya—having heard;
sa—with; ghürëam—agitation; savvada—at all times; suvvantivi—although
heard; assuda—unheard; aré—being; vi-a—as if; vimhävedi—amazes;
dummuhé—harshly speaking; muralé—flute.

Subala: Then attract her with the sweet sounds of Your flute.

(Kåñëa places the flute to His mouth.)

Candrävalé: (hearing the sound of Kåñëa's flute, she becomes

agitated) Whenever I hear this harsh flute, its music fills me with
wonder, as if I had never heard it before!

kåñëaù: sakhe subala, adya candrävalé-prasäde tvayä mamänukülena

subalaù: adha im.
padmä: halä, pekkha. eso veëu-saëëä-e tumaà tuvarävedi go-ulenda-

sakhe—O friend; subala—Subala; adya—now; candrävalé—of

Candrävalé; prasäde—mercy; tvayä—because of you; mama—My;
änükülena—for the sake; bhavitavyam—may be; adha im—yes, indeed;
halä—O; pekkha—look; esaù—He; veëu—of the flute; saëëä-e—with the
signal; tumam—to you; tuvarävedi—hastening; go-ulenda—of the king of
Gokula; ëandaëaù—the son (Kåñëa).

Kåñëa: Friend Subala, today you must help Me obtain

Candrävalé's mercy.

Subala: Yes.

Padmä: Sakhi, listen! With the sound of His flute, Nanda-nandana

calls you to quickly come to Him!

candrävalé: (vilokya. saëskåtena).

sakhi murali viçäla-cchidra-jälena pürëä
laghur atikaöhinä tvaà granthilä nirasäsi
tad api bhajasé çvaçvac cumbanänanda-sändraà

185 •
hari kara-parirambhaà kena puëyodayena

vilokya—looking; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; sakhi murali—O friend the

flute; viçäla—big; cchidra—faults; jälena—so many; pürëä—full; laghuù—
very light; atikaöhinä—very hard; tvam—you; granthilä—crooked; nérasä—
dry; asi—are; tat api—therefore; bhajasi—you obtain through service;
çvaçvat—continuously; cumbana-änanda—the bliss of Hari's kissing;
sändram—intense; hari-kara-parirambham—embracing by the hands of
Hari; kena—by what; puëya-udayena—performed pious activities.

Candrävalé: (listening) My friend the flute, you are full of big

faults. You are light, very hard, dry and crooked. What pious activities
have you performed to obtain the great happiness of Hari's kisses and

kåñëaù: (puro dåñövä, sänandam) sakhe, seyaà mama locanendévara-

candrikä candrävalé. (iti sädaram upetya).

purah—ahead; dåñövä—looking; sa—with; anandam—bliss; sakhe—O

friend; sa—she; iyam—this; mama—My; locana—of the eyes; indévara—of
the night lotus flowers; candrikä—moonlight; candrävalé—Candrävalé; iti—
thus; sa—with; adaram—respect; upetya—approaching.

Kåñëa: (looking ahead, He happily says) Friend, here is

Candrävalé, the moon for the night lotuses of My eyes! (Kåñëa
approaches respectfully.)

candras tava mukha-bimbaà
candrä nakharäëi kuëòale candrau
nava-candras tu laläöaà
satyaà candrävalé tvam asi
(candrävalé lajjate).

priye—O beloved; candraù—moon; tava—your; mukha—of the face;

bimbam—circle; candrah—moons; nakharäëi—nails; kuëòale—two
earrings; candrau—moons; nava—new; candraù—moon; tu—and;
laläöam—forehead; satyam—in truth; candrävalé—Candrävalé; tvam—you;
asi—are; candrävalé—Candrävalé; lajjate—becomes embarrassed.

O beloved! Your face is a moon, your nails are moons, your

earrings are two moons, and your forehead is a new moon. You are
rightly called Candrävalé! (Candrävalé is embarrassed.)

186 •
kåñëaù: priye, duñöa-dänava-damanäbhiniveçät tvan-mukha-candra
aprekñamäëa yätayämä bhavantyo ‘pi na yäta-yämä bhavanti mamämür

priye—O beloved; duñöa—wicked; dänava—of the demons;

damanä—the curbings; abhiniveçät—because of concentration; tvat—your;
mukha—of the face; candram—moon; aprekñamäëasya—not seeing; yäta-
yämä—useless; bhavantyah—because of your; api—although; na—not;
yäta-yämäù—useless; bhavanti—they are; mama—My; amuù—these;

Kåñëa: Beloved, unable, because I was busy killing so many

wicked demons, to see the moon of your face, I wasted so many nights!

candrävalé: sundara, bhamarassa via ëava-ëaväëusäriëé de pa-idé

kadhaà ciräsaìga-ëérasäsu pa-umiëésu ahiramadu.

sundara—O handsome boy; bhamarassa—of a bumble-bee; vi-a—just

like; ëava—newer; ëava—and newer; aëusäriëé—female friends; de—Your;
pa-idé—nature; kadham—how is it?; cira—for a lont time; asaìga—because
of contact; ëéraräsu—withered; pa-umiëésu—among the lotus flowers;
ahiramadu—may enjoy.

Candrävalé: O handsome one, You are like a bumble-bee that

always seeks a new girlfriend. How can You enjoy the lotus flowers
withered from a long separation from You?

kåñëaù: priye candrävalé, pratipad-äloke tvaà sarveçäà nava-naväsi.

tad adya nirväpaya virahottäpaà pariçvaìga-rasena.

priye—dear; candrävalé—O Candrävalé; pratipat—of the beginning;

äloke—in the sight; tvam—your; sarveçam—of all; nava—newer; nava—and
newer; asi—are; tat—therefore; adya—at this moment; nirväpaya—please
cool; viraha—of separation; uttäpam—the burning distress; pariçvaìga—of
an embrace; rasena—with the nectar.

Kåñëa: My dear Candrävalé, whenever I see you, you are always

fresher than everyone else. Therefore, with the nectar of your
embrace, now please extinguish the flame of My separation from you!

padmä: pi-a-sahé-viraheëa kudo tumha tävuppatté.

subalaù: a-i, mä kkhu evvaà bhaëa. eso candä-alé-viraheëa saëtatto
sé-alä-e jaladhärä-e kacche dehaà ëikkhivi-a satiëëo ca-uro vi-a ëaà jjevva

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candä-ali-aà savvado peccha-i vaasso.

pi-a—dear; sahé—of the friend (Candrävalé); viraheëa—because of the

separation; kudaù—why?; tumha—your; tävuppatté—burning distress; a-i—
Alas; mä—don’t; kkhu—indeed; evvam—in this way; bhaëa—speak; esaù—
He; candä-alé—of Candrävalé; viraheëa—because of the separation;
saëtattaù—burning with distress; sé-alä-e—cooling; jaladhärä-e—of a water-
filled cloud (dhä-rä); kacche—in the vicinity; deham—body; nikkhivi-a—
having placed; satiëëaù—thirsty; ca-uraù—cakora bird; vi-a—like; ëam—
this; jjevva—indeed; candä-alim—Candrävalé; savvadaù—everywhere;
peccha-i—sees; vaassaù—friend.

Padmä: How can it be that Kåñëa is burning in separation from

my dear sakhi?

Subala: Ayi! Don’t speak in this way! As a thirsty cakora bird

always striving for a cooling, water-filled cloud, so my friend, burning
in separation, always wants to see Candrävalé!

kåñëaù: priye, çrüyatäm.

vipinäntare milanté
madhura-rasä çétala-sparçä
amåta-mayé tvad-virahe
samajani mama täpa-nuttaye rädhä
(iti saàbhramam) dhärä dhärä.

priye—O beloved; srüyatäm—this should be heard; vipina—of the

forest; antare—within; milanté—assembling; madhura—sweet (or filled with
madhura-rasa); rasä—nectar; çétala—cool; sparçä—to the touch; amåta—of
nectar; mayé—consisting; tvat—of you; virahe—in the separation;
samajani—became manifested; mama—My; täpa—of the burning distress;
nuttaye—for removing; rädhä—Rädhä; iti—thus; saàbhramam—confused;
dhära dhära—a stream of water, a stream of water.

Kåñëa: Beloved, listen. During our separation, when I was in the

forest, there was only one thing to relieve My fever of separation. That
thing was full of nectar, cooling to the touch and very sweet. It was
Rädhä... (confused) Oh, I meant dhärä, the stream of water, the stream
of water!

candrävalé: (säbhyasüyam) gaccha, rähaà jjeva sevehi.

kåñëaù: priye, dharety avadam.
candrävalé: jädaà kadhaà doëaà vaëëäëaà vivarédattaëam.
kåñëaù: priye, dvayor varëayoù karëayor vä viparétatvam ity asminn

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asti vicäraù.

sa—with; abhyasuyam—anger and jealousy; gaccha—go!; räham—

Rädhä; jjeva—indeed; sevehi—serve!; priye—O beloved; dhära—a stream of
water; iti—thus; avadam—I said; jädam—produced; kadham—how is it?;
doëam—of the two; vaëëäëam—of the syllables; vivarédattanam—the
opposite; priye—O beloved; dvayoù—of the two; varëayoù—syllables;
karëayoù—on the ears; vä—or; viparétatvam—the opposite; iti—thus;
asmin—in this; asti—is; vicäraù—consideration.

Candrävalé: (with jealous anger) Go away and serve Your Rädhä!

Kåñëa: Beloved, I said dhärä, a stream, not Rädhä.

Candrävalé: Then why did my ears hear something else?

Kåñëa: O beloved, your ears did not hear it right.

candrävalé: (roçäruëaà mukham änamayya). a-i däna-sauëòa. alam

edä-e avahitthä-e. ajja appaëo maëahäriëo suvaëëa-ju-alassa viëëäsädo
sähu mähuré-pürida-kaëëamhi kidä.

roça—with anger; aruëam—red; mukham—face; änamayya—

bowing; a-i—O; däna-sauëda—generous; alam—what is the need; edä-e—
of this; avahitthä-e—pretense; ajja—today; appaëaù—of the self;
maëahäriëaù—captivating; suvaëëa—gold; ju-alassa—of the two
(earrings); viëëäsäddaù—because of the placing; sähu—very well; mähuré—
with nectar; pürita—filled; kaëëamhi—my ears; kidä—performed.

Candrävalé: (bowing her head, and red with anger) O generous

Kåñëa, what is the use of pretending? Now my ears are flooded with
the sweetness of those two golden syllables, syllables that enchant the

yathärtheyaà väëé tava cakita-säraìga-nayane
suvarëälankäro madhurayati yat te çruti-yugam
mukhendor antas te bahir api suvarëa-cyutir iyaà
mama çrotra-dvandvaà nayana-yugalaà cäkulayati

yatha-artha—appropriate; iyam—this; väëé—word; tava—your;

cakita—trembling; säraìga—of a deer; nayane—eyes; suvarëa—of gold;
alankäraù—ornament; madhurayati—sweet; yat—because; te—your;
çruti—of ears; yugam—pair; mukha—of the face; indoù—of the moon;

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antaù—end; te—of you; bahiù—outside; api—even; suvarëa—of the gold;
cyutih—falling; iyam—this; mama—My; çrotra—of ears; dvandvam—pair;
nayana—of eyes; yugalam—pair; ca—and; akulayati—excites.

Kåñëa: O girl with eyes of a frightened doe, what you say is right.
These golden ornaments have decorated your ears and filled them
with sweetness. Now the golden radiance emanating from your moon-
like face excites My eyes, and the sweet sounds coming from your
mouth excite My ears!

padmä: halä appaëo adiööhaà sumaranté mä khijjehi. jutto

rähäëurattassa imassa rähä-ëäma-mayé saìkadhä.
candrävalé: (niçvasya) sahi pa-ume, evam ëedam.

halä—O; appaëaù—of the self; adiööham—misfortune; sumaranté—

remembering; mä—don’t; khijjehi—become depressed; juttaù—appropriate;
rähä—of Rädhä; aëurattassa—of one who is attached; imassa—of him;
rähä—of Rädhä; ëäma—of the name; mayi—consisting; saìkadhä—speech;
niçvasya—sighing; sahi—O friend; pa-ume—Padmä; evam ëedam—this is

Padmä: Sakhi, don't be sad thinking about your own misfortune.

It is proper that one who is attached to Rädhä always repeats Her

Candrävalé: (sighs) Sakhi Padmä, it is true.

kåñëaù: priye, bäòham anäçaìkanéyam evedam. yataù.

tasya ñoòaça-kalasya ñoòaçé
vallabhä sphurati yä nabhas-tale
rädhayä suvadane kathaà tayä
saìgatir bhuvi mamädya saàbhavet

priye—O beloved; bäòham—assuredly; anäçaìkanéyam—not worthy

of suspicion; eva—indeed; idam—this; yataù—because; tasya—of Him;
çoòaça-kalasya—endowed with sixteen phases (the moon); çoòaçé—the 16th
constellation named Viçäkhä (also named Rädhä); vallabhä—dear; sphurati—
is manifested; yä—who; nabhaù—of the sky; tale—on the surface; rädhayä—
by Rädhä; suvadane—O beautiful-faced girl; katham—how is it; tayä—by
her; saìgatiù—contact; bhuvi—on the ground; mama—My; adya—now;
saàbhavet—may be possible.

Kåñëa: Beloved, please don’t worry. O girl with the beautiful face,
the word "Rädhä" means "the constellation Viçäkhä, dear to the moon

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shining in the sky". How can I, who stand on the earth, meet her?

padmä: ca-u-saööhi-kalä-säliëo de ëa kkhu sävi solaha-kalassa vallahä


ca-u-saööhi—sixty-four; kalä—arts; säliëaù—expert; de—of You; ëa—

not; kkhu—indeed; sävi—some girl; solaha-kalassa—endowed with sixteen
phases (of the moon); vallahä—beloved; dullahä—difficult to attain.

Padmä: You are learned in sixty-four arts (kalä). It is not so

difficult for You to attain this girl, beloved of the moon with sixteen
phases (kalä).

kåñëaù: (sapraçrayaà avalokya).

çaìkäkulo ‘tra kalayan kamaläyatäkñi
säà käku-lola-hrdayaù pravisämi näham

sa—with; praçrayam—humbleness; avalokya—glancing; candrävalé—

of Candrävalé; vadana—of the face; puçkara—lotus flower; saìgi—contact;
gaëòa—cheeks; candrau—two; alékatara—very false; tarka—logic;
kalaìkita—polluted; aìgau—limbs; çaìka—anxiety; äkula—filled with;
atra—then; säà—pacify; käku—sorrow; lola—agitated; hådayaù—heart;
praviçämi—enter; na—not; aham—I.

Kåñëa: (looking with affection) O girl with the lotus eyes, when
I see that the two moon-like cheeks in the sky of Candrävalé’s face are
blackened by this false logic, My heart becomes sad and I cannot be

candrävalé: (savyäja-prasädam) de-a, ëaà kkhu go-ula-jaëa-jé-aëa-

bhüdassa de savva-suha-käridä-guëaà kä kkhu hada-buddhi-ä ëa sahadi.
tä ëipphaleëa saìko-eëa sädaìko hohi.

sa—with; vyäja—feigned; prasädam—calmness; de-a—O playful or

shining one; na—not; kkhu—indeed; go-ula—of Gokula; jaëa—of the
people; jé-aëa—the life; bhüdassa—produced; de—of You; savva—all;
suha—happiness; kärida—the state of doing; gunam—quality; kä—who;
kkhu—indeed; hada—struck; buddhi-ä—intelligence; ëa—not; sahadi—is
able to control; tä—therefore; ëipphaleëa—useless; saìko-eëa—with
shrinking away; mä—don’t; sädaìkaù—worried; hohi—become.

Candrävalé: (with pretended calmness) O playful one, O life of

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Gokula’s people, what foolish girl is not delighted by Your qualities
that give happiness to everyone? Therefore, please don't worry about
my useless shyness and hesitation.

kåñëaù: (svagatam) gariñöhäm api manyu-mudräà dhéreyaà mukha-

mädhuryeëa nihnute. (prakäçam) priye kåtam anena gaurava-viçodgäreëa.
roçokti-mädhvékam eva varaà variñöham.

svagatam—aside; gariñöhäm—most intense; api—although; manyu—

of anger; mudräm—symptoms; dhéra—sober; iyam—she; mukha—of the
face; mädhuryeëa—with sweetness; nihnute—denies; prakäçam—openly;
priye—O beloved; kåtam—done; anena—with this; gaurava—respectable;
viça—of poison; udgärena—coming out; roça—angry; ukti—words;
mädhvékam—sweet nectar; eva—indeed; varam—excellent; variñöham—

Kåñëa: (aside) With a sweet face this girl hides the signs of her
great anger. (Openly) Beloved, what is the use of this poison of
respectful words? The mädhvéka nectar of your anger is much

candrävalé: go-uläëanda, tumha purado muhaà daàseduà ëa

pahavämi. jaà pragabbhaà väharanté avaraddhammi tä gharaà
gamissam. kåñëaù: (sänunayam) priye, praséda praséda. baddho ‘yam

go-ula—of Gokula; ananda—O bliss; tumha—Your; puradaù—

presence; muham—face; daàsedum—to show; ëa—not; pahavämi—I am
not able; jam—because; prabbham—arrogant; väharanté—speaking;
avaraddhammi—I am an offender; tä—therefore; gharam—home;
gamissam—I shall go; sa—with; anunayam—an appeal; priye—O beloved;
praséda—be merciful, be merciful; baddhaù—folded; ayam—these;
aïjaliù—folded hands.

Candrävalé: O bliss of Gokula, I cannot show my face before You,

because, speaking arrogantly, I have offended You. Therefore I will go

Kåñëa: (appealing) Beloved, be kind, be kind! I am begging you

with folded hands!

candrävalé: suha-a, ujju-aà vi-äharantém késa mäà alé-aà saìkasi.

tä aëujäëehi maà bhadda-älé-daàsaëassa. (iti padmayä saha niçkräntä).

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suha—O fortunate one; ujju-am—in a straightforward way; vi-
äharantém—speaking; késa—why?; mäm—me; alé-am—untrue; saìkasi—
You suspect; tä—therefore; aëujäëehi—please give permission; mäm—to
me; bhadda-älé—of Bhadrakälé; daàsaëassa—seeing; iti—thus; padmayä—
Padmä; saha—along with; niçkräntä—exits.

Candrävalé: O fortunate one, I speak the truth. Why do You think

I am cheating You? Please allow me to see the deity of Bhadrakälé.

(Accompanied by Padmä, Candrävalé exits.)

kåñëaù: sakhe, mahänubhäväm etäà mac-citta-mahäkäça-

candrävalém api baléyas-tamaùkandalébhir avaskanditäm älokya niräloko
subalaù: pi-a-vaassa, kiàti evvaà bhaëäsi. sä kkhu adakkhiëä ëa

sakhe—O friend; maha—great; anubhäväm—splendor; etäm—this;

mat—My; citta—of the heart; mahä—great; akäça—in the sky;
candrävalém—Candrävalé; api—although; baléyaù—more powerful; tamaù-
kandalébhiù—by the dark Rahu planet; avaskanditäm—eclipsed; älokya—
having seen; nirälokaù—unable to see; asmi—I am; pi-a—dear; vaassa—
friend; kimti—why indeed?; evvam—in this way; bhaëäsi—You are speaking;
sä—she; kkhu—indeed; adakkhinä—cunning; ëa—not; diööha—seen.

Kåñëa: Friend, the shining moon of Candrävalé in the sky of My

heart was eclipsed by the powerful dark Rähu planet of her anger, and
now I am in darkness.

Subala: Dear friend, why do You talk like this? I did not notice
any anger in her.

kåñëaù: sakhe, bäòhaà durühä mahéyasäà prakåtiù. tathedäném.

nyaviçata nayanänte käpi säralya-niñöhä
vacasi ca vinayena stotra-bhaìgé nyavätsét
ajani ca mayi bhüyän saàbhramas tena tasyä
vyavåëuta hådi manyuà susöhu däksiëyam eva

sakhe—O friend; bäòham—greatly; durühä—difficult to understand;

mahéyamäm—of the great; prakåtiù—the nature; tatha—therefore; idäném—
now; nyaviçata—entered; nayana—of the eyes; ante—on the corner; ka
api—some; säralya—to honesty; niñöha—faithful; vacasi—in words; ca—
and; vinayena—with humbleness; stotra—prayers; bhaìgé—wave;
nyavätsét—held; ajani—was produced; ca—and; mayi—for Me; bhuyän—

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great; saàbhramaù—reverence; tena—by that; tasyäù—of her; vyavåëuta—
hiding; hådi—in the heart; manyum—anger; susthu—greatly; däksiëyam—
submission; eva—indeed.

Kåñëa: Friend, the nature of great souls is not easy to understand.

Although there was some honesty and simplicity in the corners of her
eyes, although her lips humbly glorified Me, and although she showed
great respect to Me, under the disguise of obedience she hid a great
anger in her heart.

tad ehi manoräriëi, tasmin keçara-künje niviçya candrävalé-

saìgomapäyam aìgé-karomi. (iti parikramya) sakhe, seyaà bakulävali-
maïjulä nikuïja-véthé. paçya paçya.

tat—therefore; ehi—please go; manohärini—charming; tasmin—in

that; keçara—of bakula trees; kuïje—in the grove; niviçya—having entered;
candrävalé—with Candrävalé; saìgama—contact; upäyam—a means; aìgé-
karomi—I shall accept; iti—thus; parikramya—He walks; sakhe—O friend;
sa—she; iyam—this; bakula—of bakula trees; avali—with a multitude;
maïjulä—charming; nikuïja—of groves; véthé—series; paçya paçya—look,

Come. Entering this charming grove of bakula trees, we will

think of a strategy to meet Candrävalé again. (They walk.) O friend,
this forest path with many bakula trees is so beautiful! Look! Look!

sphurati saro dakñiëataù

savye väpi samantataù kalyäù
iti keçaräöavéyaà
pramadaà nérädhikä kurute

sphurati—glittering; sarah—lake; dakñiëataù—from the right side;

savye—on the left; väpi—a pond; samantataù—in every direction; kalyäù—
small artificial canal or river; iti—thus; keçara—of bakula trees; aöavi—forest;
iyam—this; pramadam—delight; néra—of water; ädhikä—abundance;

On the right is a glittering lake, and on the left there are many
small rivers. This water-filled forest of bakula trees is so pleasant!56

subalaù: (svagatam) laddho ma-e osaro. (prakäçam) vassa, sarähi-ä

jjevva tuha pamadam kura-i kiàti ëérähi-ä tti bhaëäsi.

The word “néra-ädhikä” (“water-filled”) may also be divided “né-rädhikä” (without Rädhikä).

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svagatam—aside; laddhaù—attained; ma-e—by me; osaraù—
opportunity; prakäçam—openly; vaassa—O friend; sarähi-ä—accompanied
by Rädhä; jjevva—certainly; tuha—Your; pamadam—delight; kura-i—
performs; kimti—why indeed?; ëérä hi-ä—without Rädhä; tti—thus;
bhaëäsi—You say.

Subala: (to himself) This is a good opportunity for me. (Openly)

O friend, Rädhikä gives You great happiness. Why do You say that this
forest is pleasant without Rädhikä?

kåñëaù: (subalam äliìgya) sakhe, satyaà bhavéçi. tad adya rädhikä

yathemäà keçara-nikuïja-lakñmém alaìkaroti tathä mad-girä saëdiçyatäm
subalaù: jaà äëabedi pia-baassa. (iti niçkräntaù).

subalam—Subala; äliìgya—embraces; sakhe—O friend; satyam—the

truth; bravéçi—you speak; tat—therefore; adya—now; rädhikä—Rädhä;
yatha—just as; imäm—this; keçara—of bakula trees; nikuïja—of the grove;
lakñmém—the beauty; alaìkaroti—decorates; tathä—in that way; mat—My;
girä—by the words; saëdiçyatam—should be instructed; lalitä—Lalitä; jaà
äëabedi—as directed; pia-baassa—by my dear friend; iti niçkräntaù—he

Kåñëa: (embracing Subala) Friend, you say the truth! Rädhä

would decorate the beauty of this grove of bakula trees. Please, repeat
My words to Lalitä.

Subala: I will do as my dear friend says. (He exists.)

(tataù praviçati padmä madhumaìgalaç ca).

madhumaìgalaù: pa-ume, ma-e ajja vaasseëa cäòu-äriëä aëunédä vi
candävalé ëa pasaëëa.
padmä: adha ià

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; padmä—Padmä; madhumaìgalaù—

Madhumaìgala; ca—and; pa-ume—O Padmä; sudam—heard; ma-e—by me;
ajja—today; vaassena—by the friend (Kåñëa); cäòu-äriëä—speaking
flattering words; aëuëédä—appealed; vi—although; candävalé—Candrävalé;
ëa—not; pasaëëa—satisfied; adha-im—yes, it is true.

(Padmä and Madhumaìgala enters).

Madhumaìgala: Padmä, I heard that even though He flattered

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her with many words, today Candrävalé was not pleased with my

Padmä: Yes, it is true.

madhumaìgalaù: ëüëaà vaasso vi sisaëëaà vaööa-i. tä juttä doëaà

saìgame amhäëaà saha-äridä.
padmä: ajja, ado jjevva ma-e aëusaridosi.

ëüëam—now; vaassaù—my friend (Kåñëa); vi—indeed; visaëëam—

dejected; vaööa-i—has become; tä—therefore; juttä—fitting; doëam—of the
two; saìgame—in the meeting; amhäëam—of us two; saha-äridä—
assistance; ajja—O pious boy; ado jevva—for this reason; ma-e—by me;
aëusaridosi—you are followed.

Madhumaìgalaù: Now my friend is unhappy. Therefore we must

help them meet again.

Padmä: O noble one, I will help you.

madhumaìgalaù: (puro dåñövä) pa-ume, pekkha eso pi-a-vaasso

chappada-metta-sahä-o kesara-kuëòage kiàpi mantedi.
padmä: ajja, ladä-jälehià antaridä bhavi-a suëamha kià eso
(iti tathä sthitau).

puraù—ahead; dåñöva—having looked; pa-ume—O Padmä; pekkha—

look; esaù—He; pi-a—dear; vaassaù—friend; chappada—with a bumble-
bee; metta—exclusive; sahä-aù—companion; kesara—of bakula trees;
kuëòage—in the grove; kiàpi—something; mantedi—is consulting; ajja—O
pious boy; ladä—of the creepers;; jälehim—by the networks; antaridä—in
the middle; bhavi-a—having gone; suëamha—we shall hear; kim—what;
esaù—He; bhaëaditti—is saying; iti—thus; tathä—in that way; sthitau—

Madhumaìgala: (looking ahead) Padmä, look! In this bakula

forest my dear friend Kåñëa is talking about something with a bumble-
bee, who is now His only friend.

Padmä: O noble one, let us hide behind these creepers and hear
what He says.

(They do that.)

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kåñëaù: (rädhäm smaran. sotkaëöham).
prasarati yad bhrü-cäpe çlathajyam
akarot smaro dhanuù pauñpam
bhüñäyai me priyä sästu

rädhäm—Rädhä; smaran—remembering; sa—with; utkaëöham—

agitation; prasarati—extending; yat—because; bhrü—of the eyebrows;
cäpe—in the bow; çlathajyam—loosened; akarot—performed; smarah—
Kämadeva; dhanuù—bow; pauçpam—fashioned from flowers;
madhurima—of sweetness; maëi—of the jewels; maïjüça—a box;
bhüçäyati—for an ornament; me—of Me; priyä—beloved; sa—she; astu—
may be.

Kåñëa: (remembering Rädhä, He becomes filled with longing)

When She raises the bow of Her eyebrows, Kämadeva slackens his
flower bow. May My beloved, who is like a jewel box of sweetness,
become an ornament decorating Me.

madhumaìgalaù: pa-ume, eso ukkaëthä-e tujjha pi-a-sahéà cce-a

vaëëedi. tä ehi. turidaà gadu-a ëaà samäëemha.
padmä: ajja, suööhu ëiööhaìkidaà suëamha jaà bahu-vallaho eso.

pa-ume—O Padmä; esaù—He; ukkaëöhä-e—with longing; tujjha—

Your; pi-a—dear; sahém—friend (Candrävalé); cce-a—certainly; vaëëedi—is
describing; tä—therefore; ehi—please go; ëam—to her; samäëemha—
clearly; suööhu—right; ëiööhaìkidam—express in words; suëamha—hear;
jam—who; bahu—very; vallahaù—beloveds; esaù—He.

Madhumaìgala: Padmä, with great longing He describes your

dear sakhi. Let us quickly go and bring her.

Padmä: O noble one, let us hear fully that He says, since He has
many beloveds.

kåñëaù: (punaù sautsukyam)

sä mukha-suñamä nirjita-räkä-
candrä valé-lasan-madhyä...
(ity ardhokte)

punaù—again; sa—with; autsukyam—longing; sä—Her; mukha—

face; suçamä—very beautiful; nirjita—conquered; räkä-candrä—the full
moon; vali—with folds of skin; lasat—beautified; madhyä—the waist; iti—

197 •
thus; ardha—middle; ukte—in the speech.

Kåñëa: (again, with longing) The beauty of Her face defeats the
full moon, and Her waist is beautiful with three folds of skin... (Kåñëa
stops in the middle.)57

madhumaìgalaù: pa-ume, alaà idaà imädo pareëa sudeëa tuëëaà

padmä: juttaà kadhesi.
(ity ubhau javena düraà parikrämataù).

pa-ume—O Padmä; alam—enough!; idam—with this; imädaù—from

this place; pareëa—with further; sudeëa—with hearing; tuëëam—quickly;
gacchamha—let us go; juttam—appropriately; kadhesi—you speak; iti—
thus; ubhau—the two; javena—quickly; düram—far away; parikrämataù—

Madhumaìgala: Padmä, why listen any more? Let us quickly go!

Padmä: You are right.

(They quickly walk far away).

...muhurä dhäsyati rädhä
mad-urasi rasikä ätmanam

muhurä—moment; dhäsyati—will place; rädhä—Rädhä; mat—My;

urasi—on the chest; rasikä—full of rasa; kim—will?; ätmanam—personally.

Kåñëa: ...when will Rädhä, filled with sweetness, embrace My


padmä: ajja, evvam bhaëämi. mäëiëé-e pi-a-sahé-e sa-aà samä-

amejïa lähavaà hodi. tä parävaööi-a kaëhaà viëëavehi.

ajja—O noble one; evvam—in this way; bhaëämi—I speak; mäëiëé-

e—proud; pi-a—dear; sahé-e—of the friend; sa-am—personally; samä-
amena—with the meeting; lähavam—disrespectful; hodi—will be; tä—
therefore; parävaööi-a—having returned; kaëham—to Kåñëa; viëëavehi—
please inform.

If the line is divided “sä mukha-suñamä nirjita-räkä candrävalé lasan-madhyä”, these words mean
“Eclipsing the full moon with her beautiful face, Candrävalé shines...”

198 •
Padmä: O noble one, please listen. My proud sakhi may be harsh
with Kåñëa. Therefore, go back and tell Him about it.

madhumaìgalaù: sohaëaà mantesi. (iti kåñëäntim äsädya). pi-a-

vaassa, pacchaëëeëa bhavi-a savvaà de a-aëëidaà ma-e ukkhaëöhäva-
aëaà. tä äëavehi. taà jjevva tujjha vallaham turi-aà samäëemi.

sohaëam—the proper thing; mantesi—you are speaking; iti—thus;

kåñëa—Kåñëa; antim—the presence; äsädya—attains; pi-a—dear; vaassa—O
friend; pacchaëëena—by hidding; bhavi-a—having become; savvam—all;
de—of You; aëëidam—heard; ma-e—by me; ukkaëöhä—of longing; va-
aëam—words; tä—that; äëavehi—please order; tam—her; jjevva—certainly;
tujjha—Your; vallaham—beloved; turi-am—quickly; samäëemi—I shall

Madhumaìgala: You speak right. (Madhumaìgala approaches

Kåñëa). Dear friend, by eavesdropping I heard Your words of longing.
Just say, and I will quickly bring Your beloved!

kåñëaù: (saçlägham äliìgya) sakhe, mad-anugraheëa çéghram änaya.

(madhumaìgalaù parikramya padmayä saha niçkräntaù).

sa—with; çlägham—praise; äliìgya—embracing; sakhe—O friend;

mat—My; anugrahena—the mercy; çéghram—quickly; änaya—bring;
madhumaìgalaù—Madhumaìgala; parikramya—returns; padmayä—by
Padmä; saha—accompanied; niçkräntaù—exits.

Kåñëa: (praising Madhumaìgala, Kåñëa embraces him) Friend,

be merciful to Me and quickly bring Her!

(Madhumaìgala returns to Padmä and they exit.)

kåñëaù: aho paramotkaëöhänäà premëäm utkaëöhä-käritvam.

bhramare ‘pi guïjati nikuïja-koöare
manute manas tu maëi-nüpura-dhvanim
anilena caïcati tåëäïcale ‘pi täm
purataù priyäm upagatäà viçaìkate

ahaù—O; parama—supreme; utkaëöhänäm—of longing; premëäm—

of love; utkaëöhä—of longing; käritvam—the cause; bhramare—bumble-
bees; api—even; guïjati—buzzes; nikuïja—of the grove; koöare—in the
interior; manute—considers; manah—mind; tu—but; maëi—jewelled;
nüpura—ankle-bells; dhvanim—sound; anilena—by the wind; caïcati—
moves; tåëa—of the grass; aïcale—the border; api—even; täm—her;

199 •
purataù—presence; priyäm—beloved; upagatäm—arrived; viçaìkate—

Kåñëa: Ah, love causes such a strong longing! When a bumble-

bee hums in the grove, My heart thinks it is the sound of My beloved’s
tinkling anklets, and when the grass moves in the wind, My heart
thinks My beloved has come!

(tataù praviçati padmä-madhumaìgaläbhyäà saìgatä candrävalé).

candrävalé: halä pa-ume, kià eso ba-ula-kuëòago désa-i.
padmä: adha im. tä tüëëaà ehi. (iti parikrämati).

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; padmä—by Padmä;

madhumaìgaläbhyäm—and Madhumaìgala; saìgatä—accompanied;
candrävalé—Candrävalé; halä—O; pa-ume—Padmä; kim—what; esaù—this;
ba-ula—of bakula trees; kuëòagaù—grove; désa-i—is seen; adha im—yes,
indeed; tä—therefore; tüëëam—quickly; ehi—go there; iti—thus;
parikrämati—she walks.

(Accompanied by Padmä and Madhumaìgala, Candrävalé


Candrävalé: Sakhi Padmä, is this a grove of bakula trees?

Padmä: Yes. Let us quickly go there. (They walk there.)

kåñëaù: (nüpura-ravam äkarëya) hanta, bhüriço bhrämito ‘smi

bhramaré-jhaìkäraiù. tad alaà våthä pratyudgama-saàbhrameëa. (ity
udvegaà näöayan).

nüpura—of the ankle-bells; ravam—the sound; äkarëya—hearing;

hanta—Ah; bhüriçaù—greatly; bhrämitaù—bewildered; asmi—I am;
bhramaré—of the bumble-bees; jhaìkäraiù—by the buzzing; tat—therefore;
alam—enough; våthä—uselessly; pratyudgama—appearing;
saàbhramena—with this bewilderment; iti—thus; udvegam—agitation;
näöayan—representing dramatically.

Kåñëa: (hearing the tinkling of the anklets) Ah! I am bewildered

by buzzing of the bumble-bees and foolishly thought She has come.
(He becomes agitated.)

puraù-phaläyäm äçäyäà
janaù kämaà viòambyate
äsanne hi ghanärambhe

200 •
dvi-guëaà ranti cätakaù

puraù-phaläyäm—when the promising fruit is close; äçäyäm—

desirable; janaù—a person; kämam—with longing; viòambyate—acting like;
äsanne—near; hi—indeed; ghana—of clouds; arambhe—in the beginning;
dvi-guëam—two kinds; rauti—cries; cätakaù—cataka bird.

When the cherished goal is near, desire increases. When the

clouds come, the cataka bird cry twice as loud.

(punar utkarëo bhavan). katham abhyarëe bhüçana-çiïjitaà çrüyate.

(ity udgrévikäm datvä. sasaàbhramam). satyam asau militä me preyasé. (iti
tarasä candrävalé-pärçvam ägatya).

punaù—again; utkarëaù-bhavan—becomes attentive; katham—how

is it?; abhyarëe—nearby; bhüçaëa—of ankle bells; çiïjitam—tinkling;
çrüyate—is heard; iti—thus; udgrévikäm—craning His neck with expectation;
datvä—having done; sa—with; saàbhramam—agitation; satyam—in truth;
asau—she; militä—arrived; me—My; preyasé—beloved; iti—thus; tarasä—
quickly; candrävalé—of Candrävalé; pärçvam—the side; ägatya—goes.

(He listens attentively) Why do I hear tinkling ornaments?

(Kåñëa turns His head with excitement) It is true, My beloved has
come! (He rushes in the direction of Candrävalé).

maìgala-bhä rädhikä mayonmuditä...
(ity ardhokte).

håt—of the heart; bhåìga—the bumble-bee; jaìgama—moving; latä—

creeper; maìgala—auspiciousness; bhä—radiance; rädhikä—Rädhikä;
maya—for Me; unmuditä—delighting; iti—thus; ardha-ukte—half-spoken.

The flowering vine for the bumble-bee of My heart, all-

auspicious, shining Rädhikä, who gives Me happiness... (Kåñëa stops
in mid-sentence.)

(candrävalé serñyam madhumaìgalam älokate.)

madhumaìgalaù: sahi candä-ali, maìgala-bhäreëa adhi-äsi ti pi-a-
vaasso tumaà vaëëedi.

candrävalé—Candrävalé; sa irçyam—with anger; madhumaìgalam—

at Madhumaìgala; älokate—glances; sahi—O friend; candä-ali—Candrävalé;
maìgala—of auspiciousness; bhäreëa—with the abundance; adhi-äsi—you

201 •
are; congratulated; ti—thus; pia—dear; vaassaù—the dear friend (Kåñëa);
tumam—you; vaëëedi—is describing.

(Candrävalé angrily glances at Madhumaìgala).

Madhumaìgala: Sakhi Candrävalé, you are so fortunate! Just

listen how my dear friend describes you!58

kåñëaù: (savailakñyam ätmagatam). hanta, katham anena

candrävalér eväbhisäritä ? bhavatu, baöunoktam eva nirvähayämi.

sa—with; vailakñyam—embarrassment; ätmagatam—aside; hanta—

O; katham—how is it?; anena—by him; candrävaléù—Candrävalé; eva—
indeed; abhisäritä—has been brought; bhavatu—let it be; baöuna—of
Madhumaìgala; uktam—the words; eva—indeed; nirvähayämi—I shall

Kåñëa: (surprised, He says to Himself) Ah, why did he bring

Candrävalé? Let it be. I will follow Madhumaìgala’s words.

candrävalir aïjasälambhi

prakäçam—openly; suhåt—heartfelt; anuräga—the love; vitandrä—

firm; candrävaléù—Candrävalé; aïjasa—suddenly; alambhi—arrived.

(Openly) ...filled with unwavering, heartfelt love, Candrävalé

came to Me!

(candrävalé salajjaà kåñëa-kaëöhe vaijayantéà vinyasyati).

kåñëaù: (sänandam)
ekaà prayäti paricarya cakora-räji
candraà priye nija-manoratha-püra-pürtim
candrävalé kim u mamäkñi-cakorayos tvaà
prétià dvayor api na dhäsyati sevyamänä

candrävalé—Candrävalé; sa—with; lajjam—embarrassment; kåñëa—of

Kåñëa; kaëöhe—on the neck; vaijayantém—vaijayanti garland; vinyasyati—
places; sa—with; änandam—bliss; ekam—one; prayäti—attains;
paricarya—having worshiped; cakora—of cakora birds; räji—multitude;

Madhumaìgala interpreted Kåñëa’s words “maìgala-bhä rädhikä” (auspicious, shining Rädhikä)
as “maìgala-bhärä-adhikä” (very fortunate one).

202 •
candram—moon; priye—O beloved; nija—own; manoratha—of desires;
pura—the flood; purtim—fulfilling; candrävalé—Candrävalé; kim u—how
much more?; mama—My; akñi—of the eyes; cakorayoù—of the two cakora
birds; tvam—you; prétim—pleasure; dvayoù—of the two; api—even; na—
not; dhäsyati—will give; sevyamänä—being served.

(Embarrassed, Candrävalé places a vaijayanté garland on Kåñëa’s


Kåñëa: (joyfully) O beloved Candrävalé, if by worshipping only

one moon, many chakora birds fulfill all their desires, then how much
pleasure will you give to the two cakora birds of My eyes that serve
you, who are like a multitude of moons?

madhumaìgalaù: (sagarvam) bho vaassa, diööha tu-e majjha

vilakkhaëa-vi-akkhaëadä, jo kkhu ananta-guëa-säliëävi tu-e mo-ä-iduà
ëa pärido so pi-a-sahé-e mäëa-gaëöhé ëa-a-guëa-dhäriëä ma-e mo-ävido.

sa—with; garvam—pride; bhaù—O; vaassa—friend; diööha—see; tu-

e—You; majjha—my; vilakkhaëa—abundant; vi-akkhaëadä—intelligence;
jaù—who; kkhu—indeed; änanta—unlimited; guëa—qualities; säliëävi—
although endowed; tu-e—by You; mo-ä-idum—to release; ëa—not;
päridaù—in any way; saù—he; pi-a—dear; sahé-e—towards the sakhi;
mäëagaëöhé—knot of anger; ëa-a—new or nine; guëa—qualities ot threads;
dhäriëä—possessing or wearing; ma-e—by me; mo-ävidaù—released.

Madhumaìgala: (with pride) Bho! Friend, see how skillful I am!

Although You are endowed with limitless qualities (guëa), You could
not untie Your dear sakhi’s knot of jealous anger. But I, who wear the
brähmaëa thread of nine strands (guëa), made it!

kåñëaù: vayasya, tvam uddaëòa-kusuma-kodaëòa-viläsa-çäò-guëye

mahäsändhi-vigrahilo ‘si.
padmä: ajja, puro paphullä-ià mallé-pupphä-ià papphuranti. tä ehi,
imä-ià geëhamha.
(ity ubhau niçkräntau).

vayasya—O friend; tvam—you; uddaëda—prominent; kusuma—of

flowers; kodaëòa—bow; viläsa—in the pastimes; çäò-guëye—in the six
diplomatic maneuvers; mahä-säëdhi-vigrahikaù—the minister of peace and
war; asi—you are; ajja—O pious boy; puraù—in the presence; paphullä—
blossomed; mallé—mallé (jasmin); pupphä-im—flowers; papphuranti—are
manifest; tä—therefore; ehi—please go; imä—these; geëhamha—let us pick;
iti—thus; ubhau—the two; niçkräntau—exit.

203 •
Kåñëa: Friend, in the pastimes of Kämadeva, who holds a
fearsome flower bow and is skilled in six diplomatic maneuvers, you
are the prime minister of war and peace! 59

Padmä: (speaking to Madhumaìgala) O noble one, in front of us

are many blossoming malli flowers. Come. Let us pick them.60

(Padmä and Madhumaìgala exit).

kåñëaù: (svagatam) kuïje ‘smin nägatamäträà rädhäà tarkayämi.

tad anyataù prasthäsye. (prakäçam) priye, purastän nätidüre nägara-
raìgocitä näga-kesaräöavé. tad atraivänusarävaù.
(iti niçkräntau).

svagatam—aside; kuïje—grove; asmin—in this; na—not; agata-

mäträm—arrived; rädhäm—Rädhä; tarkayämi—I can guess; tat—therefore;
anyataù—somewhere else; prasthäsye—I shall go; prakäçam—openly;
priye—O beloved; purastät—from this place; na—not; ati—very; düre—far
away; nägara—amorous pastimes; raìga—arena; ucitä—suitable; naga-
kesara—of fragrant näga-keçara trees; aöavé—forest; tat—therefore; atra—
there; eva—indeed; anusarävaù—let us go; iti—thus; niçkräntau—they exit.

Kåñëa: (to Himself) Before Rädhä comes to this forest grove, I

need to go to some other place. (Openly) Beloved, not far from here
is a näga-keçara grove suitable for our amorous pastimes. Let us go

(Candrävalé and Kåñëa exit.)

(tataù praviçati lalitayä saha saìkathayanté rädhä).

rädhä: halä, pekkha pekkha. anda-ärehià gholidaà savvaà disä-
lalitä: pi-a-sahi. timirähisärecidehià sälama-ppasähaëehià maëòido
tu-e kià kkhu appä.
rädhikä: adha im.

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; lalitayä—by Lalitä; saha—

accompanied; saìkathayanté—talking; rädhä—Rädhä; halä—O; pekkha

Six diplomatic maneuvers are: peace, war, neutrality, marching, alliance, and making peace with
one and end war with another. Among these six qualities, the one who is engaged in war and peace
is the best. “O friend! For such a skilled diplomat like you, it's not difficult to calm Candrävalé and
bring her to Me!”
60 Padmä wants to leave the couple alone and uses this pretext to take Madhumaìgala away.

204 •
pekkha—look, look; andha-ärehim—with darkness; gholidam—made
terrible; savvam—all; disä—of the directions; muham—the face; pi-a—dear;
sahi—O friend; timira—in the darkness; ahisära—a secret rendezvous;
ucidehim—appropriate; sälama—dark; ppasähanehim—with ornaments;
maëòidaù—decorated; tu-e—by you; kim—whether; kkhu—indeed; appä—
the self; adha im—yes, it is so.

(Talking to Lalitä, Rädhä enters.)

Rädhä: Sakhi, look! Look! Every direction is covered by terrible


Lalitä: Dear sakhi, have You decorated Yourself with dark

ornaments suitable for a night rendezvous?

Rädhä: Yes.

lalitä: (vilokya sasmitam. saëskåtena).

dhammillopari nélaratna-racito häras tvayä ropito
vinyastaù kuca-kumbhayoù kuvalaya-çreëé-kåto garbhagaù
aìge kalpitam aïjanaà vinihitä kastürikä netrayoù
kaàsärer abhisära-sambhrama-bharän manye jagad-vismåtam

vilokya—glancing; sa—with; smitam—a smile; saìkåtena—in Sanskrit;

dhammilla—the braided hair; upari—above; nélaratna—with sapphires;
racitaù—fashioned; häraù—necklace; tvayä—by you; ropitaù—placed;
vinyastaù—arranged; kuca-kumbhayoù—waterpot-like breasts; kuvalaya—a
blue lotus flower; sreni—many; kåtaù—fashioned; anjanam—black mascara;
vinihita—placed; kasturika—musk; netrayoù—on the eyes; kamsa—of
Kaàsa; areù—of the enemy (Kåñëa); abhisara—of the secret rendezvous;
sambhrama—with the agitation; bharat—because of the great abundance;
manye—I consider; jagat—the universe; vismåtam—is forgotten.

Lalitä: (smiling, she looks at Rädhä) You have placed the

sapphire necklace on Your braided hair, decorated Your waterpot-like
breasts with blue lotus flowers, anointed Your limbs with black
mascara, and adorned Your eyes with musk. I think that, yearning to
meet Kåñëa, in Your great anxiety You have forgotten everything!

rädhikä: halä, muïcehi parihäsaà. turi-aà uddesehi kesara-


halä—O; muïcehi—please give up; parihäsam—joking; turi-am—

quickly; uddesehi—indicate; kesara—of keçara; kuëòaga—to the grove;

205 •
maggam—the path.

Rädhä: O sakhi, please, stop joking! Quickly show Me the path to

the keçara bower.

lalitä: ido ido pi-a-sahé. (iti parikrämanté saçaìkam. sanskåtena).

timira-masibhiù saàvétäìgyaù kadamba-vanäntare
sakhi mura-ripuà puëyätmänaù saranty abhisärikäù
tava tu parito vidyud-varëäs tanu-dyuti-sücayo
hari hari ghana-dhväntänyetäù svavairiëi bhindate

ido idaù—here, here; pi-a—dear; sahi—friend; iti—thus;

parikrämanté—walks; sa—with; çaìkam—fear; saëskåtena—in Sanskrit;
timira—of darkness; masibhiù—with dark ointments; saàvéta—concealed;
aìgyaù—limbs; kadamba—of kadamba trees; vana—of the forest; antare—
in the interior; sakhi—O friend; mura—of the Mura demon; ripum—the
enemy (Kåñëa); puëya—pure; ätmanah—souls; sarati—go; abhisärikäh—
going to the rendezvous; tava—your; tu—but; paritaù—everywhere;
vidyut—of lightning; varnäù—color; tanu—of the form; dyuti—splendor;
sucayaù—shining; hari hari—alas, alas!; ghana—intense; dhväntäni—
darkness; etaù—these; sva—own; vairiëi—enemy; bhindate—break.

Lalitä: This way, this way, dear sakhi. (She walks with anxiety)
Anointing their limbs with dark cosmetics, many saintly girls go to
meet Kåñëa in the kadamba forest. O sakhi, alas, alas! The lightning
splendor of Your body, dispelling the deep darkness, has become
Your enemy!

rädhikä: alaà imiëä uvälambheëa. pekkha paccäsaëëo ba-ula-

kuëòago. (iti saàbhramäd upasåtya saparämarçam. saëskåtena).
vidürän na ghräëaà madayati muräreù parimalo
na kuïje ‘yam tasya sphurati nakhara-dyoti-nikaraiù
tataù çaìke kasminn api rahasi vallé-valayite
parihäsäìkñé priya-sakhi nilénas tava sakhä

alam—enough; imiëä—with this; uvälambheëa—with harsh words;

pekkha—look!; paccäsaëëaù—near; ba-ula—of bakula trees; kuëòagaù—
grove; iti—thus; saàbhramät—with agitation; upasåtya—having
approached; sa—with; parä—great; amarçam—impatience; saëskåtena—in
Sanskrit; vidürät—from a great distance; na—not; ghräëam—sense of smell;
madayati—excites; muräreù—of Muräré; parimalah—fragrance; na—not;
kuïje—in the grove; ayam—this; tasya—of Him; sphurati—is manifest;
nakara—the nails; dyoti—of the effulgence; nikaraiù—by the abundance;
tataù—therefore; sanke—I suspect; kasmin api—in some; rahasi—secret

206 •
place; vallé—by creepers; valayite—enclosed; parihäsa—to joke; akaëçé—
desiring; priya—dear; sakhi—O friend; nilénaù—hiding; tava—your;

Rädhä: Stop teasing Me! Look, the bakula forest is in front of us.
(She walks, and says anxiously) From afar Muräré’s fragrance does not
make My nose mad with bliss. The forest is not filled with the splendor
of His nails. Dear sakhi, I suspect your friend, wishing to play a joke,
is hiding among the vines!

lalitä: halä, ehi. vämado kadamba-kuëòagaà vi-iëamha.

rädhikä: (tathä kurvaté) a-i cha-illa, diööhosi diööhosi, kisa aìgehià
aìgä-ià saìgovesi. (iti samantän mågayati).
lalitä: sahi, muïca maggaëa-ggaham. ehi keli-kuëòaga-kappaëaà

halä—O; ehi—come here; vämadaù—on the left; kadamba—of

kadamba trees; kuëòagam—grove; vi-aëamha—we see; tathä—in that way;
kurvaté—doing; a-i—O; cha-illa—pretender; diööhosi diööhosi—You are seen,
You are seen; kisa—why?; aìgehim—by the limbs; aìgä-im—limbs;
saìgovesi—are You hiding; iti—thus; samantät—in all directions; mågayati—
searching; sahi—O friend; muïca—please abandon; maggaëa—of
searching; ggaham—endeavours; ehi—come here; keli-kuëòaga—of pastime
bower; kappaëam—the decoration; kuëamha—let us perform.

Lalitä: Sakhi, come. Let us look for Him in the grove of kadamba
trees on the left.

Rädhä: (goes there) O cheater, I see You, I see You! Why are You
hiding behind the trees? (She searches everywhere.)

Lalitä: Sakhi, give up searching. Come. Let’s decorate this

pastime bower.

rädhikä: (sanskåtena)
racaya bakula-puçpais toraëaà keli-kuïje
kuru varam aravindais talpam indévaräkñi
upanaya çayanäntaà sädhu mädhvéka-pätrém
sahacari harir adya çläghatäà kauçalaà te

saëskåtena—in Sanskrit; racaya—please construct; bakula—bakula;

puçpaiù—with flowers; toraëam—an archway; keli-kunje—in pastime
bower; kuru—please construct; varam—excellent; aravindaiù—with lotus
flowers; talpam—couch; indévara—blue lotus; akñi—eyes; upanaya—please

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bring; çayana—of the couch; antam—to the edge; sädhu—nicely;
mädhvéka—of sweet nectar; pätrém—a cup; sahacari—O friend; hariù—
Hari; adya—today; çlaghatäm—may praise; kauçalam—the expertise; te—of

Rädhä: Make an archway of bakula flowers in this forest bower.

O lotus-eyed girl, make a couch of blue lotus flowers and bring a cup
of mädhvéka nectar. Sakhi, today Hari will praise your skill.

lalitä: (tathä kåtvä) halä, pekkha. kaëho vilambedi. tä kuïjaà pavisi-

a ëaà paòivälemha.

tathä—in that way; kåtvä—having done; halä—O; pekkha—look;

kaëhaù—Kåñëa; vilambedi—is delayed; tä—therefore; kuïjaà—the grove;
pavisi-a—having entered; ëam—Him; paòivälemha—we should wait.

Lalitä: (she does that) Ah! Look! Kåñëa is late. Let us go to the
bower and wait for Him.

rädhikä: (parikramya. udvegaà ëaöayanté. saëskåtena).

ruddhaù kväpi sakhé-hitärtha-parayä çaìke hariù padmayä
präptaù kuïja-gåham yad esa na taméyäme ‘py atikrämati
paulomé-ratibandhu-dië-mukham asan hä hanta saëtarpayann
unmélaty abhisära-lubdha-ramané-gotrasya çatruù çaçé
(ity ubhe niçkränte).

parikramya—walking about; udvegam—agitation; näöayaté—

represents dramatically; saëskåtena—in Sanskrit; ruddhaù—obstructed; kva
api—at some place; sakhé—of the friend; hita-artha—to the welfare;
parayä—devoted; çaìke—I suspect; hariù—Hari; padmayä—by Padmä;
präptaù—attained; kuïja—in the grove; gåham—a cottage; yat—because;
esah—He; na—not; tam—there; éyäme—we should go; api—although;
atikrämati—he goes beyond; paulomé—of Paulomi (Saci); rati-bandhu—of
the husband (Indra); dik-mukham—the direction; asau—this; hä—O;
hanta—O; saëtarpayan—delighting; unmélati—is becoming visible;
abhisära—a secret rendezvous; lubdha—desiring; ramaëé—beautiful young
girls; gotrasya—of the community; çatruù—the enemy; çaçi—the moon; iti—
thus; ubhe—the two; niçkränte—exit.

Rädhä: (She goes, and says with anxiety) I think that Hari has
been stopped by Padmä, who is devoted to pleasing her sakhi
Candrävalé. Therefore He did not come to this forest bower. Alas! The
moon is now rising and delighting the eastern direction, which is
presided over by Indra, the husband of Paulomé. That moon is the

208 •
enemy of beautiful young girls who desire a secret rendezvous with
their lovers.

(Rädhä and Lalitä exit).

(tataù praviçati kåñëaù).

kåñëaù: (samantäd avalokya).
äsaìgaù kumudäkareçu çithilo bhåìgävalénäm abhüd
vékñante nija-koöaränkitam amé kñoëéruhaà kauçikäù
saìkoconmukhatäà prayäti çanakair auttänapäder dyutiù
kià bhänur nanu pürva-parvata-taöém äroòhum utkaëöhate

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; kåñëaù—Kåñëa; samntät—in all

directions; avalokya—looking; äsaìgaù—attachment; kumuda—of lotus
flowers; akareçu—towards the multitudes; çithilaù—slackened; bhåìga—of
bumble-bees; avalénäm—of the multitudes; abhüt—was; vékñante—looking;
nija—own; koöara—in the hollows; aìkitam—marked; amé—these;
kñonéruham—tree; kauçikäù—owls; saìkoca—of shrinking; unmukhatäm—
expectation; prayäti—goes; çanakaiù—gradually; auttänapadeù—of the
pole star (Dhruvaloka); dyutiù—effulgence; kim—how?; bhänuù—the sun;
nanu—indeed; pürva—eastern; parvata—of the mountain; taöém—the slope;
äroòhum—to climb; utkaëöhate—raises the neck with eagerness.

(Kåñëa enters).

Kåñëa: (looks around) The bumble-bees have left their

attachment to the lotus flowers, and the owls are returning to their
nests in the hollows of the trees. The light of the pole-star is gradually
fading. Is the sun now eager to rise on the eastern mountain?

(iti parikramya) na jäne navéna-vipralambhena saàbhåta-nirbhara-

saàrambhä kià näma pratipatsyate ‘dya rädhä. (vimåçya) bhavatu.
keçareëa näga-keçaraà pratipädayiçye. tad amüni näga-keçaräëi
vicinuyämi. (iti tathä kåtvä puro ‘nusarpan).

iti—thus; parikramya—walking about; na—not; jäne—I understand;

navéna—recent; vipralambhena—from separation; saàbhåta—held;
nirbhara—great; saàrambhä—anger; kim näma—whether indeed?;
pratipatsyate—will be attained; adya—today; rädhä—Rädhä; vimrsya—
reflects; bhavatu—let it be; keçareëa—with bakula flowers; näga-keçaram—
näga-keçara trees; pratipädayiçye—I shall attain; tat—therefore; amüni—
these; näga-kesaräëi—näga-keçara flowers; vicinuyämi—I shall collect; iti—
thus; tathä—in that way; kåtvä—having done; purah—in the presence;

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(Walking about) I do not know if Rädhä will be very angry
because I did not come to the rendezvous. (Reflects for a moment).
Anyway, I will go to the grove of bakula trees and pick some flowers.
(Kåñëa picks some flowers and returns).

kapaöé sa latä-kuöém imäà

sakhi nägäd adhunäpi mädhavaù
iti jalpa-parétayä tayä
klama-dérghä gamitä kathaà tamé

kapaöé—a cheater; sah—He; latä—of creepers; kuöém—grove; imäm—

this; sakhi—O friend; na—not; agät—come; adhuna—now; api—even;
mädhavaù—Mädhava (Kåñëa); iti—thus; jalpa—with talk; parétayä—filled;
tayä—by her; klama—of weariness; dérghä—for a long time; gamitä—will
pass; katham—how?; tamé—the night.

Rädhä will certainly say, “O sakhi, even now that cheater

Mädhava has not come to this grove of bakula trees!” How will She be
able to pass the night in such great distress?

(parikramya. bakula-kuïjaà paçyan. saviçädam).

tambülaà ghanasära-saìkåtam adaù kñiptam puro rädhayä
häré hanta harinmaëi-stabakito häro ‘yam utsäritaù
pauçpé ceyam udäre-saurabha-mayé cüòä nakhaiù khaëòitä
tasyäù çaàsati vipralambha-janitaà kuïjo ‘yam antaù klamam

praikramya—walking about; bakula—of bakula trees; kuïjam—grove;

paçyan—seeing; sa—with; visädam—depression; tambülam—betel nuts;
ghanasära—with camphor; saëkåtam—fashioned; adaù—from there;
kñiptam—thrown; puraù—in front; rädhayä—by Rädhä; häré—charming;
hanta—Ah; harimaëi—with emeralds; stabakitaù—clustered; häraù—
necklace; ayam—this; udära—great; saurabha—sweet fragrance; mayé—
consisting of; cüòä—crown; nakhaiù—by the fingernails; khaëòitä—ripped
apart; tasyäù—of her; çaàsati—proclaims; vipralambha—from separation;
janitam—produced; kuïjaù—grove; ayam—this; antaù—internal;

(Walking about, Kåñëa sees the grove of bakula trees and speaks
sadly) Ah! Rädhä has thrown away Her tämbüla scented with
camphor, and She has discarded Her charming necklace of emeralds.
With Her fingernails She has ripped apart the fragrant crown of
flowers. In this way this grove proclaims Rädhä’s great distress,
caused by My inability to come to the place of rendezvous.

210 •
(ity agrato gatvä). iyam eva rädhäyaù süryärädhana-vedikä. tad
asyäù pärçvam äsädayämi. (iti parikrämati).

iti—thus; agratah—in front; gatvä—having gone; iyam—this; eva—

certainly; rädhäyaù—of Rädhä; sürya—of the sun-god; ärädhana—for the
worship; vedikä—altar; tat—therefore; asyäù—of her; pärçvam—side;
äsädyämi—I shall go; iti—thus; parikrämati—He walks.

(Walking ahead) This is the altar where Rädhä worships the sun-
god. I will go there. (Kåñëa approaches the altar).

(tataù praviçati sakhébhyäm anugamyamänä rädhä).

rädhä: (puro vilokya) halä lalide, pekkha ve-i-ä-ëediööho so tujjha cha-
lalitä: sahi, kaïcaëa-paòimevva kaöhorä hohi.

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; sakhébhyäm—by two friends (Lalitä and

Viçäkhä); anugamyamänä—followed; rädhä—Rädhä; puraù—ahead;
vilokya—looking; halä—O; lalide—Lalitä; pekkha—look; ve-i-ä—to the altar;
ëediööhaù—near; saù—He; tujjha—your; cha-illaù—clever; sahi—O friend;
kaïcana—golden; paòimevva—like a deity; kaöhorä—hard; hohi—please

(Accompanied by Lalitä and Viçäkhä, Rädhä enters).

Rädhä: (looking ahead) O Lalitä, look! Your clever friend is

standing near the altar!

Lalitä: O sakhi, become like a hard golden deity.

kåñëaù: purastäd eçä saha-parivärä priyä. tad idam uööaìkayämi. (ity

upasåtya) lalite, sädhu sädhu. dåñöaà tava gariñöham atra durmantra-
tantra-caryäyäm äcäryatvam. yad adya bhavatyä keçara-nikuïja-vedyäm
aham ujjägara-vrata-dékñäm parigrähito ‘smi.

purastät—in front; eçä—she; saha—accompanied; parivärä—by her

friends; priyä—beloved; tat—therefore; idam—this; uööaìkayämi—I shall
play the part; iti—thus; upasåtya—approaching; lalite—O Lalitä; sädhu
sädhu—excellent, excellent; dåñöam—observed; tava—your; gariñöham—
most significant; atra—here; durmantra—of malicious mantras; tantra—
rituals; caryäyäm—in the activity; äcäryatvam—the state of being a teacher;
yat—because; adya—today; bhavatyä—by you; keçara—of keçara trees;
nikuïja—in the grove; vedyäm—in the sacred area; aham—I; ujjägara—of

211 •
being awake; vrata—in the vow; dékñäm—initiation; parigrähitaù-asmi—I
have accepted.

Kåñëa: Here are My beloved Rädhä and her sakhi Lalitä! I will go
to speak to them. (Kåñëa approaches them). O Lalitä, well done, well
done! Now I see how skilled you are in malicious mantras and rituals!
Today, in this grove of keçara trees, you made Me take a vow of
wakefulness and stand at the altar all night long!

lalitä: (sasämbhramam. sanskrtena). aho vaiparityam, aho

kuhaka vasanti sakhi tvaya rahite
trutim api kalpädhikaà mene

sa—with; sasämbhramam—anger; sanskrtena—in Sanskrit; ahaù—O;

vaiparityam—it’s the opposite; ahaù—O; vaiparityam—it’s the opposite;
keçara—of bakula trees; nikuïja—of the grove; kuhare—in the interior;
kuhaka—kuhaka (sound of the rooster); vasanti—staying; tvaya—by You;
rahite—abandoned; çrita—rested; nava—fresh; pallava—of blossoms;
çayana—couch; trutim—for a moment; api—even; kalpa—than a kalpa;
adhikam—longer; mene—considers.

Lalitä: (angrily) Ah, just the opposite, just the opposite! You did
not arrive until the rooster crowed! Resting on this couch of newly
blossomed flowers, my sakhi Rädhä waited for You in the middle of
this grove of bakula trees, and in Your absence She considered every
moment to be longer than a kalpa!

kåñëaù: (kapaöenäöopaà näöayan). aho, dambha-bharärambheçu

gämbhéryam asyäù. (nägara-kesaräëy uddhäöya darçayan).
aratià mama niçi paçyan
aklämyan näga-keçaro 'py asakåt
vigalan-madhubhiù kusumair
ebhir netrair ivodasraiù

kapaöena—with false; aöopam—anger; näöayan—represents

dramatically; ahaù—O; damha—of cheating; bhara—of the abundance;
arambheçu—in the activities; gämbhéryam—depth; asyäù—of her; nägara-
kesaräëi—bakula flowers; uddhätya—turned; darçayan—showing;
aratim—distress; mama—My niçi—in the night; paçyan—seeing;
aklämyam—became unhappy; näga-keçaraù—the bakula tree; api—even;

212 •
asakåt—continually; vigalat—trickling; madhubhiù—with honey;
kusumaiù—by flowers; ebhiù—with these; netraiù—eyes; iva—as if;

Kåñëa: (with feigned anger) Ah, she is expert at deception! (He

points to the näga-keçara trees) Tonight, seeing My grief, these näga-
keçara trees also became unhappy, and now they seem to be crying,
continually dripping honey from their flowers!

lalitä: ammahe, dhüttataëaà, jaà ba-ula-vä-iëä kesareëa däëià

näa-kesaro vikkhävé-adi.

ammahe—Aho!; dhüttataëam—deception; jam 'yat—because; ba-

ula—bakula; vä-iëä—signifying; kesareëa—by the inner part of the flowers;
däëim—now; näa-kesaraù—naga-keçara; vikkhävé-adi—is understood.

Lalitä: Aho! What a lie! He used the word “näga-keçara” to

indicate bakula grove!61

kåñëaù: (savyäja-nirvedam) lalite, viçrämyatu taveyaà

çabdärthasyäthä-kalpanena vacana-caïcutä. atha vä kas te doçaù. dåñöa-
doçäbhir api gaurängébhiù sauhärdam abhilaçyatä mayaiväparaddham.
viçäkhä: ko kkhu gauraìgéëaà diööho tu-e doso.

sa—with; vyäja—false; nirvedam—depression; lalite—O Lalitä;

viçrämyatu—should stop; tava—your; iyam—this; çabda—of the words;
arthasyä—of the meaning, in another way; kalpanena—by the interpretation;
vacana—words; caïcuta—expertise; atha vä—or; kah—who; doçaù—faults;
dåñöa-doçäbhir—find fault with Me; api—although; gauraìgébhiù—fair
complexioned gopés; sauhärdam—friendship; abhilaçyatä—desiring;
maya—My; eva—only; aparaddham—offense; kaù—what?; kkhu—indeed;
gauraìgéëam—of the fair-complexioned gopés; diööhaù—seen; tue—by you;

Kåñëa: (pretending to be depressed) O Lalitä please stop this

clever playing with words accusing Me of cheating! My only fault is
the desire to make friends with golden-complexioned gopés, who are
so eager to find faults with Me!

Viçäkhä: What fault do You see in the fair-complexioned gopés?62

Keçara can mean both bakula tree and näga-keçara tree.
The word “drsta-dosabhih” can mean both “find fault with Me” and “one who sees faults in
others”. Kåñëa intended the first, and Viçäkhä assumes the second meaning.

213 •
kåñëaù: paçya paçya.
nava-rasa-dhäriëi madhure
vidadhati na kåñëa-mudire
gauryaù kñaëa-rociñaù sthairyam

paçya paçya—look, look; nava—fresh; rasa—nectar; dhäriëi—

holding; madhure—charming; dharaëé—of the earth; saëtäpa—burning
distress; häri—removing; visphuraëe—manifestation; vidadhati—grants;
na—not; kåñëa—dark (or Kåñëa); mudire—to the cloud (or lover); gauryaù—
golden lightning or girls; kñaëa-rociçaù—momentary flashes (or beauty);

Kåñëa: Look, look! Full of fresh nectarean water, a charming

dark cloud has appeared to alleviate the burning heat of the earth.
Golden flashes of lightning appear in that cloud for a moment only.

Or: Full of the fresh rasa of conjugal love, the charming lover
Kåñëa has appeared to alleviate the burning heat of the earth, but the
golden-complexioned gopés show attraction to Him only for a

viçäkhä: tassià kulisa-küòa-kaöhora-ceööhide täëaà komaläëaà juttä

jjevva tadhä pa-utti.

tassim—in this; kulisa—thunderbolt; küòa—excellent; kaöhora—sharp;

ceööhide—performed; täëam—of them; komaläëam—delicate; juttä—
appropriate; jjevva—certainly; tadhä—in that way; pa-utti—activity.

Viçäkhä: It is proper for the delicate gopés to act in that way, for
Kåñëa is as harsh as a thunderbolt.

lalitä: visähe, suëähi kaàpi gäham. (iti bhåìgaà darçayanté).

campa-aladaà siëiddham ëa-a-kaïcaëa-kanti-kusuma-gauraìgé
mukkhi-a dhäva-i bhamare cavalä cci-a sämalä honti

visähe—O Viçäkhä; suëähi—please hear; kaàpi—a certain; gäham—

sound; iti—thus; bhåìgam—the bumble-bee; darsäyaté—indicates; campa-
a—campaka; ladam—creeper; siëiddham—charming; ëa-a—fresh;
kaïcaëa—gold; kanti—splendor; kusuma—flowers; gauraìgé—with a fair
complexion; mukki-a—having abandoned; dhava-i—runs; bhamaraù—
bumble-bee; ca alä—restless; cci-a—as if; sämalä—dark; honti—are.

214 •
Lalitä: O Viçäkhä, listen to this sound. (She points to a bumble-
bee) Giving up the vine full of fresh yellow flowers as splendid as gold,
this black bumble-bee seems as fickle as lightning.

kåñëaù: (smitvä) satyaà vagminäm asi räjné.

lalitä: (apavärya) suööhu, ëésaìkena, va-aëäòovena aëavaraddhaà
jjevva ëa takkemi.

smitvä—smiling; satyam—in truth; vagminäm—of those who are

eloquent; asi—you are; räjné—the queen; apavärya—concealing; suööhu—
very well; nisankena—fearless; va-aëa—of words; aòovena—with pride;
aëavaraddham—without offense; jjevva—indeed; ëa—not; takkemi—I

Kåñëa: (smiles) You are certainly the queen of all eloquent girls.

Lalitä: (aside) Because He is speaking so proudly and fearlessly,

I think He is not free from fault.

vämyäd bhaven na viratir nava-yauvanänäà
väma-bhruväm iti jana-srutir avyalékä
cäöüni kartum ucitäni vimucya khinnaà
mäà pratyutädya yad amür aparaà jayanti

vämyät—because of contrariness; bhavet—there may be; na—not;

viratih—cessation; nava—new; yauvanänam—of the youths; väma—
crooked; bhruväm—of the eyebrows; iti—thus; jana—of the living entities;
srutiù—news; avyatékä—honest; cäöüni—eloquent or flattering words;
kartum—to perform; ucitäni—appropriate; vimucya—having released;
khinnam—depressed; mäm—Me; pratyuta—on the contrary; adya—now;
amüù—they; aparam—excellent; jayanti—conquer.

Kåñëa: There is a very truthful saying that young girls with

beautiful crooked eyebrows will never give up their obstinate
behavior. These girls have completely conquered Me with their expert
clever words that give Me pain.

lalitä: (apavärya) halä, saccaà ujjä-ara-khinno kaëho. tä pasida.

rädhikä: (kåñëam apaìgenävalokya) muddhäëaà vaïcala-kalä-vi-

apavärya—concealing; halä—O; saccam—in truth; ujjä-ara—by

staying awake; kkhinnaù—exhausted; kaëhaù—Kåñëa; tä—therefore;

215 •
pasida—please be merciful; kåñëam—Kåñëa; apaìgena—with a sidelong
glance; avalokya—looks; muddhäëam—bewildered; vaïcana—at cheating;
kalä—at the art; vi-addhosi—you are expert.

Lalitä: (aside) Sakhi, Kåñëa is exhausted from staying awake all

night. Be merciful to Him.

Rädhä: (glances at Kåñëa from the corners of Her eyes) You are
an expert in the art of cheating innocent girls!

kåñëaù: (sänandam) phulla-keçara-kaläpenämunä dhammilla-çrés

tavälaìkriyatäm. vandhyatäà mam vindatu mama prayäsaù. (iti puöikäm
uddhäöya) priye, paçyämuni sugandhénäm agresaräëi keçaräëi yair ahaà
sadyaù suväsito 'smi.

sa—with; änandam—bliss; phulla—blossomed; keçara—keçara

flowers; kaläpena—with a bundle; amunä—with this; dhamilla—of the
braided hair; çréù—beauty; alankriyatäm—may be ornamented;
vandhyatäm—uselessness; ma—may not; vindatu—find; mama—My;
prayäsaù—effort; iti—thus; puöikäm—cloth; uddhätya—lifts up; priye—O
beloved; paçya—just see; amuni—these; sugandhénäm—of those which are
fragrant; agresaräëi—best; keçaräëi—keçara flowers; yaih—by which;
sadyaù—at this moment; suväsitaù—aromatic; asmi—I am.

Kåñëa: (happily) Let these blossomed keçara flowers decorate

Your braided hair. Please do not make My efforts go in vain! (Kåñëa
opens the edge of His garment filled with flowers) O beloved, look at
these most fragrant keçara flowers. They made Me very fragrant too!

rädhikä: (sanarma-smitam) ëüëaà candä-alé-parimaleëa väsidosi

kåñëaù: priye, pärihäsikäny api te vacäàsi na kadacid api
vyabhicaranti. yad adya mad-aìgatas candrävalé-saurabhyam udaïcati.

sa—with; narma—joking; smitam—smile; ëüëam—because; candä-

ali—of Candrävalé; parimaleëa—by the fragrance; väsidosi—you have
become aromatic; tumam—You; priye—O beloved; pärihäsikäni—joking;
api—even; te—your; vacämsi—words; na—not; kadacit—ever; api—even;
vyabhicaranti—false; yat—because; adya—today; mat—My; aìgataù—from
the body; candrävalé—of Candrävalé; saurabhyam—sweet aroma;

Rädhä: (with a playful smile) You have become fragrant because

of Candrävalé's fragrance!

216 •
Kåñëa: O beloved, Your words are true, because now the
fragrance of Candrävalé really emanates from My body.

Rädhä: (angrily turning away) O Lalitä, did you hear that?

Kåñëa: Beloved, why have You become so agitated simply

because these two words mean the same thing? By saying the word
“candrävalé”, I meant “camphor”.

rädhikä: (sasmitam) samappehi pupphä-ià. (iti paöäïcalaà

kåñëaù: (rädhä-mukhaà prekñya. svagatam). hanta, vibhrama-
maëòitasya cillé-kodaëòasya täëòäva-kalä.

sa—with; smitan—a smile; samappehi—give; pupphä-im—the flowers;

iti—thus; paöa—of the sari; aïcalam—the corner; prasärayati—extends;
rädhä—of Rädhä; mukham—the face; prekñya—observing; svagatam—
aside; hanta—O; vibhrama—with playfulness; maëòitasya—decorated; cillé-
kodaëòasya—eyebrows; täëòava—in graceful dancing; kalä—artistry.

Rädhä: (with a smile) Give Me the flowers. (Rädhä spreads Her


Kåñëa: (looking at Rädhä's face, He says to Himself) Ah!

Decorated with restlessness, the eyebrows of Rädhä are expert in the
art of graceful dancing!

viçäkhä: (janäntikam) lalide, pekkha pekkha. sammohaëeëa rähi-e

kaòakkha-bäëeëa lakkhé-kido puppha-puòi-ä-e saddhaà aïcale diëëaàpi
veëum na jäëädi kaëho.

jana-antikam—whispering; lalide—O Lalitä; pekkha pekkha—look,

look; sammoheëeëa—enchanting; rähi-a—of Rädhä; kaòakkha—of the
sidelong glances; bäëena—by the arrow; lakkhé—into a target; kidaù—made;
puppha—of flowers; puòi-ä-e—with the package; saddham—accomapanied;
aïcale—in the corner; diëëam—placed; pi—although; venum—flute; na—
not; jaëädi—perceive; kaëhaù—Kåñëa.

Viçäkhä: (whispers) O Lalitä, look, look! Because Rädhä pierced

Kåñëa with the arrow of Her enchanting sidelong glance, He has
become bewildered and is not aware that He has placed His flute in
Rädhä's cloth along with the flowers.

217 •
lalitä: (saëskåtena)
nidrägamo 'pi sakhi nanda-sutasya hartuà
yäà çaknuvanti na paräù paçu-päla-bäläù
dhanyä kaöäkña-kalayä kila mohayanté
täà rädhikädya purato muraléà jahära

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; nidra—of sleep; agame—on the arrival; api—

even; sakhi—O friend; nanda—of Nanda Maharaja; sutasya—of the son
(Kåñëa); hartum—to steal; yäm—which (flute); çaknuvanti—are able; na—
not; paräù—best; paçu—of the cows; päla—protectors; bäläù—boys;
dhanyä—fortunate; kaöäkña—of sidelong glances; kalayä—with the art;
kila—indeed; mohayanté—bewildering; täm—that (flute); rädhikä—Rädhä;
adya—now; purataù—in the presence; muralém—flute; jahära—has stolen.

Lalitä: The best of the cowherd boys cannot steal Kåñëa's flute
even when He sleeps, but fortunate Rädhikä, bewildering Him with
the art of Her charming sidelong glances, has stolen Kåñëa's muralé
right in front of His eyes!

rädhikä: (apavärya, sançkåtena).

yä nirmäti niketa-karma-racanärambhe kara-stambhanaà
rätrau-hanta karoti karçaëa-vidhià yä patyur aìkäd api
gauréëaà kurute guroå api puro yä névi-vidhvaàsanaà
dhürtä gokula-maìgalasya muralé seyaà mamäbhüd vaçä

apavärya—aside; saëskåtena—in Sanskrit; yä—which (flute); niketa—

household; karma—duties; racana—performance; arambhe—in the
beginning; kara—of the hands; stambhanam—numbing; rätrau—at night;
hanta—indeed; karoti—causes; karçana—of attracting; vidhim—activity;
yä—which; patyuù—of the husband; aìkät—from the lap; api—even;
gauréëam—of the fair-complexioned gopés; kurute—causes; guroù—of the
superiors; api—even; puraù—in the presence; yä—which; névi—of the tight
belts; vidhvaàsanam—undoing; dhürtä—crafty; gokula—of Gokula;
maìgalasya—of the auspiciousness (Kåñëa); muralé—flute; sa-iyam—this
very; mamä—my; abhüt—became; vaçä—controlled.

Rädhä: (aside) This flute paralyzes the gopés' hands when they
perform their household duties, attracts the golden-complexioned
girls at night even from their husband's laps, and loosens the tight
belts of the gopés even in the presence of their superiors. This rascal
muralé, the property of Kåñëa, the auspiciousness of Gokula, is now
under My control!

(nepathye) are kuraìgä, diööho tumhehià pi-a-vaasso.

218 •
kåñëaù: kathaà milaty eça madhumaìgalaù.

nepathye—from the wings; are—O; kuraìgäù—deer; ditöhaù—seen;

tumhehim—by you; pi-a—dear; vaassaù—friend; katham—how is it?;
milati—meets; eçaù—this; madhumaìgalaù—Madhumaìgala.

(Off-stage) O deer, have you seen my dear friend?

Kåñëa: Why did Madhumaìgala come here?

(praviçya mälya-hastaù)
madhumaìgalaù: sudaà subala-muhädo jaà ajja ëi-uïja-majjhe
rähi-ä jägaridä äsé. tä gadu-a ëaà pocchäha-issam.

praviçya—entering; mälya—with a garland; hastah—in hand; sudam—

heard; subala—of Subala; muhädaù—from the mouth; jam—because; ajja—
now; ëi-uïja—of the forest; majjhe—in the middle; rähi-ä—Rädhä;
jägaridä—awake; äsé—was; tä—therefore; gadu-a—having gone; ëam—to
that place; pocchäha-issam—I shall give courage.

(Madhumaìgala enters, holding a garland in his hand.)

Madhumaìgala: I have heard from Subala that Rädhä is staying

awake in the forest grove. Therefore, I will go there and encourage

(ity upasåtya, sançkåtena)

sphurita-kaöaka-käntir dhätubhir maëòitäìgaù
akhila-bhuvana-tuìgo netra-bhaìgyä vikåñtaù
katham iva sakhi rädhe kåñëa-çailas tvayäbhüt

iti—thus; upasåtya—approaching; saëskåtena—in Sanskrit; avirala—

dense; vana—of forest flowers; mälä—by the garland; alaìkåta—
ornamented; snigdha—charming; murtiù—form; sphurita—manifested;
kaöaka—golden bracelets; käntiù—splendor; dhätubhiù—with mineral
pigments; maëòita—decorated; aìgaù—limbs; akhila—all; bhuvana—
planets; tuìgaù—prominent; netra—of the eyes; bhaìgya—by the wave;
vikåñtah—stolen; katham—how is it?; iva—just as; sakhi—O friend; rädhe—
O Rädhä; kåñëa—black; çailaù—a stone; tvaya—because of You; abhüt—has

(He approaches) My dear sakhi Rädhä, Kåñëa appears very

handsome, decorated with many flower garlands. He wears glistening

219 •
golden bracelets, and His limbs adorned with patterns made of
mineral pigments. He is the best person in all the worlds. How is it,
that attracted by the waves of Your sidelong glances, He has become
stunned, and now appears as a black stone?

(rädhikä smayate).
kåñëaù: priye, vetti me tamas tamé-saàbhavaà vayasyo 'yam.
rädhikä: ajja, daàsidaà ajja sineha-dakkhiëaà jaà kantära-sindhu-
saëtära-kosalä-ià sikkhävidamhi.

rädhikä—Rädhä; smayate—smiles; priye—O beloved; vetti—

understands; me—My; tamah—unhappiness; tamé—of night; saàbhavam—
produced; vayasyaù—friend; ayam—this; ajja—O noble one; damçidam—
shown; ajja—today; sineha—love; dakkhiëam—kindness; jam—because;
kantära—of the forest; sindhu—in the ocean; saëtära—passing over; kosalä-
im—expertness; sikkhävidamhi—I am instructed.

(Rädhikä smiles.)

Kåñëa: O beloved, my dear friend Madhumaìgala knows how

unhappy I was during the night!

Rädhä: O noble one, you have shown your mercy and affection
for Me, and in this way You have instructed Me in the art of crossing
the ocean of this dense forest.

madhumaìgalaù: sahi, sahu amhe uvalahijamha, jehim calantim pi

vallim tumam takki-a vane vasantehim sadankam ja-aridam. tumhe kkhu
salahi-jjha-i, jahim pi-a-vaassa-sanaham pi kunjam anibbandhena sunnam
bhani-a ghare pavisanthihim niradankam suttam.

sahi—O friend; sahu—well; amhe—we; avalahijamha—are

reproached; jehim—by whom; calamtim—moving; pi—even; vallim—
creeper; tumam—You; takki-a—having considered; vane—in the forest;
vasanatehim—by those who reside; sadankam—with a fear; ja-aridam—
awake; tumhe—you; kkhu—indeed; salahi-jjha-i—should be praised;
jahim—by those who; pi-a—dear; vaassa—friend; sa-naham—occupied by;
pi—only; kunjam—grove; anibbandhena—without objection; sunnam—
empty; bhani-a—having become; ghare—to the home; pavisantihim—
entering; niradankam—without fear; suttam—asleep.

Madhumaìgala: It is right that You rebuke us. You must have

remained awake in the forest, fearing that the movements of the
creepers was caused by wild animals. You should be praised. Now You

220 •
know that there is only my dear friend Kåñëa in this forest grove, and
therefore, free from any fear, You can return home and go to sleep.

rädhikä: ajja kim evvam bhanasi. (iti sanskrtena)

nikunjam kamsarer bata nakhara-candraväli-ruci-
cchatägras tam nagre muhur api yada preksitam abhut
tada sadyah prodyah-vidhu-hata-kavi-kranti-hataya
maya labdharanye klama-nivaha-purna parinatih

ajja—noble one; kim—why?; evvam—in this way; bhanasi—do you

speak; iti—thus; sanskrtena—in Sanskrit; nikunjam—the forest grove;
kamsa-arateh—of Kåñëa, the enemy of Kaàsa; bata—indeed; nakhara—of
the nails; candravalih—the series of moons (or the name of Candrävalé);
ruci—of the splendor; chata—abundance; agrah—the tip; tam—that; na—
not; agre—before Me; muhuh—for a moment; api—even; yada—when;
preksitam—seen; abhut—was; tada—then; sadyah—at once; prodyat—
rising; vidhu—by the moon; hata—struck; kavi—of the sun; kranti—the path;
hataya—struck; maya—by Me; labdha—attained; aranye—in the forest;
klama—of exhaustation; nivaha—with an abundance; purna—filled;

Rädhikä: O noble one, why do you speak in this way? When I

cannot see the bright radiance from the moons of Kåñëa's toenails in
the forest grove, then the rising moon exhausts Me and I become filled
with despair.63

madhumaìgalah: (svagatam) aho kaham kudanga-sangada candra-

ali bi rahi-a-e ditthatthi. ta vancanam mukki-a nam ukkarisa-issam.
(prakasam sanskrtena)
klantena te vadana-candram anakalayya
kalyani gokula-purandara-nandanena

svagatam—aside; aho—ah!; kaham—how?; kudanga—to the forest

grove; sangada—met; candra-ali—Candravali; bi—even; rahi—by Radhä;
ditthatthi—was seen; ta—this; vancanam—treachery; mukki-a—
abandoning; nam—Her; ukkarisa-issam—excellence; prakasam—openly;
sanskrtena—in Sanskrit; klantena—with despair; te—of You; vadana—of the
face; candram—the moon; anakalayya—not seeing; kalyani—auspicious;
gokula—of Gokula; purandara—of the king; nandanena—by the son;

The word “nakhara-candrävali-ruci-cchatägras” can also mean "shining with the marks of
Candrävalé's nails".

221 •
Madhumaìgala: (to himself) Aho! How did Rädhä see Candrävalé
with Kåñëa in this forest-grove? I will give up trying to cheat Her and
just tell about Her exalted position. (Openly) O fortunate girl, when
Nanda-nandana could not see the moon of Your face, He became filled
with despair. In that condition Candrävalé...

(ity ardhokte kåñëo bhrü-saìjïaya nivarayati. sarvaù parasparaà

sakutam avalokayanti).

iti—thus; ardha—halfway; ukte—spoken; kåñëah—Kåñëa; bhru—of

the eyebrows; samjnaya—with a signal; nivarayati—checks; sarvah—
everyone; parasparam—mutually; sa—with; akutam—meaning;

(In the middle of Madhumaìgala's words, Kåñëa knits His

eyebrows, signaling him to stop. Struck with wonder, everyone gazes
at each other).

madhumaìgalah: (svägatam) hanta hanta kidam ma-e bamhana-

batu-ocidam cabalam.

svägatam—aside; hanta—alas!; hanta—alas!; kidam—spoken; ma-e—

by me; bamhana—of a brähmaëa; batu—boy; ocidam—known; cabalam—

Madhumaìgala: (aside) Alas, alas! I am a brähmaëa boy who

speaks very recklessly!

kåñëah: (vibhavya) vibhävaré-bhävam me variyah kañöam bäçpa-

ruddha-kaëöho 'yaà saàvåttaù. tad aham eva väkyam samapayami. (iti
...caëòrävalina-nayanantataya kilasya
sädrsyatah katham api ksapita ksapeyam

vibhavya—reflecting; vibhavari-bhavam—loquacity; me—Me;

variyah—great; kastam—regrettable; baspa—with tears; ruddha—choked;
kanthah—whose throat; ayam—he; samvrttah—is; tat—therefore; aham—I;
eva—certainly; vakyam—the statement; samapayami—shall complete; iti—
thus; smitva—smiling; candra—of moon; avalina—entered; nayana—of the
eyes; antataya—by the corner; kila—indeed; asya—of that; sadrsyatah—
similarity; katham api—somehow; ksapita—passed; ksapa—the night.

Kåñëa: (thinking) Regretting that he said too much, his eyes are

222 •
full of tears and his voice is choked. I will complete his speech. (With
a smile) “...The shining of the moon entered the corner of His eyes
and reminded Him of You. Only in this way was Kåñëa able to
somehow pass the night!”

madhumaìgalah: pi-a-assa savannosi. kim ti maha hi-a-atthidam

pajjhaddham na janissasi.

pi-a-dear; va-assa—O friend; savannosi—You are omniscient; kim—

how?; ti—thus; maha—my; hi-a-a—in the heart; tthidam—situated; pajjha—
of the verse; addham—the other half; na—not; janissasi—You will know.

Madhumaìgala: O dear friend, You are omnicient. Is it possible

for You not to know the second half of my words that I kept in my

lalitä: rahe ajja bi sandiddhasi. pekkha rati-vilasa-pisuna-im na-

arassa canga-im anga-im. (iti sersyam sanskrtena)
bale gokula-yauvata-stana-tati-dattardha-netrad itah
kamam syama-sila-vilasi-hrdayac cetah paravartaya
vidmah kim na hi yad vikrsya kulajah kelibhir esa striyo
dhurtah sankulayan kalanka-tatibhir nihsankam unmuncati

rahe—O Rädhä; ajja—now; bi—just; sandiddhasi—You are

bewildered; pekkha—look!; rati—amorous; vilasa—of pastimes; pisuna-im—
showing; na-arassa—of this lover; canga-im—handsome; anga-im—limbs;
iti—thus; sa—with; irsyam—anger; sanskrtena—in Sanskrit; bale—O young
girl; gokula—of Gokula; yauvata—of the girls; stana-tati—on the breasts;
datta—placed; ardha-netrat—sidelong glances; itah—from Him; kamam—
passionately; syama-sila—sapphires; vilasi—playful; hrdayat—heart; cetah—
mind; paravartaya—turn; vidmah—we know; kim—whether?; na—not hi—
indeed; yat—which; vikrsya—attracting; kulajah—pious; kelibhih—with
pastimes; striyah—girls; dhurtah—rake; ankulayan—filling; kalanka-
tatibhih—with impurities; nihsankam—without fear; unmuncati—abandon.

Lalitä: O Rädhä, they are trying to deceive You! Look at the

handsome body of this lover, bearing the marks of amorous pastimes!
(Angrily) O young girl, forget about this Kåñëa, whose playful heart is
like a dark sapphire and whose sidelong glances rest on the breasts of
the young girls of Gokula! Don't we know how this rake attracts
respectable girls with His pastimes, pollutes them, and then fearlessly
leaves them?

radhika: haddhi haddhi sutthu vidambidamhi.

223 •
haddhi—alas!; haddhi—alas!; sutthu—completely; vidambidamhi—I
have been cheated.

Rädhikä: Alas! Alas! I have been cheated!

kåñëah: priye mudhaiva mam dusayasi.

priye—O beloved; mudha—needlessly; eva—certainly; mam—Me;

dusayasi—You rebuke.

Kåñëa: Beloved, You rebuke Me without any reason!

radhika: (sopalambham, sanskrtena).

muktantar-nimisam madiya-padavim alokamanasya te
jane keçara-renubhir nipatitaih soni-krte locane
sitaih kanana-vayubhir viracito bimbadhare ca vranah
sankocam tyaja deva daiva-hataya na tvam maya dusyase

sa—with; upalambham—rebuke; sanskrtena—in Sanskrit; mukta—

released; antah—within; nimisam—blinking; madiya—My; padavim—path;
alokamanas ya—looking; te—of You; jane—I know; keçara—of keçara
flowers; renubhih—with the pollen; nipatitaih—fallen; soni-krte—reddened;
locane—eyes; sitaih—cold; kanana—in the forest; vayubhih—by the winds;
viracitah—made; bimba—bimba fruit; adhare—on the lips; ca—also;
vranah—the wound; sankocam—fear; tyaja—give up; deva—O playful one;
daiva—by destiny; hataya—struck; na—not; tvam—You; maya—by Me;
dusyase—are rebuked.

Rädhikä: (with reproach) I know that Your eyes are red because
some pollen from keçara flowers fell in them when You, without
blinking, looked at the path, waiting for My arrival. And I know that
the wounds on Your bimba fruit lips was created by the cold forest
wind. O playful one, do not be afraid, I am not criticizing You. I just
cursed by My own destiny.

kåñëah: priye tavadhinasya me sankoco 'py alankarayaiva.

priye—O beloved; tava—to You; adhinasya—submissive; me—Me;

sankocah—hesitation; api—even; alankaraya—to decorate; eva—certainly.

Kåñëa: Beloved, I am Your submissive servant. Although You are

reluctant, please allow Me to decorate You.

224 •
radhika: sahino savva-lo-a-vikkhadosi. kadham mamahino duvissasi.

sahinaù—independent; savva—all; lo-a-in—the worlds; vikkhadosi—

You are famous; kadham—how is it?; mama—on Me; ahinaù—dependent;
duvissasi—You will be.

Rädhikä: In all the worlds You are famous as completely

independent. How is it possible for You to become the submissive,
dependent servant of Me?

kåñëah: tavadhino naham eva kevalo 'smi. kintu te mama dasavataras

ca. tatha hi
cancan-mina-vilocanasi kamathotkrsta-stani sangata
krodena sphurata tavayam adharah prahlada-samvardhanah
madhyo 'sau bali-bandhano mukha-ruca ramas tvaya nirjita
lebhe sri-ghanatadya manini manasy angi-krta kalkita

tava—to You; adhinah—subordinate; na—not; aham—I; kevalah—

alone; asmi—am; kintu—but; te—They; mama—My; dasa—ten; avatarah—
incarnations; ca—also; tatha hi—furthermore; cancat—moving; mina—fish;
vilocana—eyes; asi—You are; kamatha—tortoise; utkrsta—beautiful;
stani—breasts; sangata—met; krodena—with the middle; sphurata—
manifesting; tava—of You; ayam—this; adharah—lips; prahlada—
happiness; samvardhanah—increasing; madhyah—waist; asau—this; bali-
bandhanah—three folds of skin above the navel (regarded as a mark of
beauty); mukha—of the face; ruca—with the splendor; ramah—beautiful
girls or Räma incarnation; tvaya—by You; nirjitah—are defeated; lebhe—
attained; sri—of beauty; ghanata—intensity; manini—O angry girl; manasi—
in the heart; angi-krta—accepted; kalkita—quarrelsomeness.

Kåñëa: Not only Me, but My ten incarnations are also Your
humble servants! My Matsya incarnation serves the restless fish of
Your eyes. My Kurma incarnation serves the two beautiful turtles of
Your breasts. My Varäha incarnation serves the line of hairs between
Your breasts. My Nåsiàha incarnation, who delights Prahläda
Maharaja, serves Your delightful lips. My Vämana incarnation, who
bound Bali Maharaja with ropes, serves Your waist, which is decorated
with the folds of skin known as tri-bali. My Räma incarnation is
conquered by the beauty of Your face, which also defeats the splendor
of all beautiful girls. My Buddha incarnation serves the loveliness of
Your body. O proud girl, My Kalki incarnation serves the anger You
harbor in Your heart!

radhika: hala lalide a-annidam tu-e.

225 •
hala—sakhi; lalide—Lalitä; a-annidam—heard; tu-e—by you.

Rädhikä: Sakhi Lalitä, did you hear that?

lalitä: kanha tuha odara tu-ammi jjevva vasanti. jam edanam cinha-
im disanti. (sanskrtena)
vanyäntar-guru-cäpalaà kathinatä go-saìgatiù pänije
krauryaà dambha-ruciù sucaëòi-madhurälaìkeça-vidhvaàsanam
açräntonmada-laulyam iñöa-kadanaà nistriàsa-lilonnatir
ménendrädy-avatärah sphutam ami bhrajanti bhagas tvayi

kanha—O Kåñëa; tuha—of You; odara—the incarnations; tu-ammi—

in You; jjevva—certainly; vasanti—reside; jam—which; edanam—of them;
conha-im—the marks; disanti—are seen; sanskrtena—in Sanskrit; vanya—in
the water (or in the forest); antar—within; guru—great; capalam—
restlessness; kathinata—hardness; gaù—the earth; sangatih—association;
panije—fingernails; krauryam—cruelty; dambha-rucih—expertize at
cheating; su-candi-madhura—ferocity; lanka-isa—of Rävaëa, the king of
Laìkä; vidhvamsanam—the destruction; asranta—without fatigue; unmada-
laulyam—intoxication; ista—sacrifices; kadanam—tormenting; nistrimsa—
sword; lila—pastime; unnatih—raised; mina—of fish; indra—the king;
adi—beginning with; avataratah—from the incarnations; sphutam—clearly;
ami—they; bhrajanti—are splendidly manifested; bhagah—portions; tvayi—
in You.

Lalitä: O Kåñëa, Your incarnations all remain within Your own

self. We can clearly see their symptoms in Your character. You possess
the restlessness of Matsya, the hardness of Kurma, Varäha's
accociation with the earth, the terrible fingernails of Nåsiàha,
Vämana’s taste for cheating, the ferocity of Paraçuräma, Rämacandra’s
power to destroy Rävaëa, the continual drunkenness of Balaräma,
Buddha's wish to stop Vedic sacrifices, and Kalki's pastime of
attacking with a raised sword!64

kåñëah: (sa-smitam) sakhe pasya pasya

lalitäjani durlalitä
babhuva radha durärädhä

The word “vanyäntar-guru-cäpalaà” means “You are restless like a fish in water” or “You wander
a lot in the forest”; go-saìgatiù: “You associate with the earth” or “You associate with cows”;
sucaëòi-madhurä: “You are ferocious” or “You are ardent with passion”; laìkeça-vidhvaàsanam:
“You have the power to destroy Rävaëa” or älaìkeça-vidhvaàsanam: “You pulls the girls’ hair”; iñöa-
kadanaà: “You wish to stop Vedic sacrifices” or “You are chasing girls”; nistriàsa-lilonnatir: “You
are holding a raised sword” or “You enjoy cruel pastimes”.

226 •
tapte mayi na cchäyäm
sasäka kartum visäkheyam

sa—with; smitam—a smile; sakhe—O friend; pasya—look!; pasya—

look!; lalitä—Lalitä; ajani—has become; durlalitä—ill-mannered; babhuva—
has become; radha—Rädhä; duraradha—difficult to overcome; tapte—
burning with pain; mayi—to Me; na—not; chayam—shade; sasaka—is able;
kartum—to do; visakha—Viçäkhä or branchless tree; iyam—this.

Kåñëa: (with a smile) Friend, look! Look! Lalitä has become very
harsh, and Rädhä is very difficult to conquer. I am now burning in
pain and Viçäkhä is unable to give Me any shade!

(iti batoh karan malli-dama grhitva. sa-catu-prananam).

srag iyam uru-guna te citta vithiva radhe
sucir ati-sukumari amodani ca
nakha-pada-sasi-rekha-dhamni pusnatu kantim
tava kuca-siva-murdhni svardhuni-vibhramena

iti—thus; batoh—of Madhumaìgala; karat—from the hand; malli—of

malli flowers; dama—a garland; grhitva—taking; sa—with; catu—flattering
words; pranamam—obeisances; srak—garland; iyam—this; uru-guna—very
valuable; te—of You; citta—to the heart; vithi—pathway; iva—like; radhe—
O Rädhä; sucih—splendid; ati—very; sukumari—delicate; kamam—
perfectly; amodani—fragrant; ca—and; nakha—of fingernails; pada—the
marks; sasi—moons; rekha—scratches; dhamni—on the abode; pusnatu—
may increase; kathim—the beauty; tava—of You; kuca—of the breasts; siva—
of Lord Çiva; murdhni—on the head; svardhuni—of the celestial Gaìgä;

(Taking a garland of malli flowers from the hand of

Madhumaìgala, Kåñëa prays to Rädhä with sweet words) O Rädhä,
this very precious, splendid, exquisitely delicate and fragrant garland
is like the pathway that leads to Your heart. May this garland increase
the beauty of Your breasts, the abode of the moon-like fingernail
scratches, just as the playful Gaìgä river beautifies Lord Çiva's head!

(iti bhru-smajnaya visakham anukulayan malyam arpayati).

visakha: (malyam nivedayanti. sanskrtena)

yasmin netra-saroruhangana-bhuvah prapte viduram manak

sadyas te nimiso 'pi yati tulanam tanv-angi manvantaraih
tasmin kaku-parayane tava katham kamyani vamyany api

227 •
iti—thus; bhru—of the eyebrows; samjnaya—with a gesture;
visakham—Viçäkhä; anukulayan—propitiation; malyam—the garland;
arpayati—gives; malyam—the garland; nivedayanti—giving; sanskrtena—in
Sanskrit; yasmin—in whom; netra—of the eyes; saroruha—of lotus flowers;
angana-bhuvah—from the courtyard garden; prapte—attained; viduram—far
away; manak—slightly; sadyah—at once; te—of You; nimisah—the blinking
of an eye; api—even; api—even; yati—attains; tulanam—equality; tanu-
angi—O slender girl; manvantaraih—with many manvantara milleniums;
vrnda-aranya—in Våndävana forest; kadamba—of kadamba trees;
mandapa-tata—in the pavillion; krida—of pastimes; bhara—a multitude;
akhankale—Indra; tasmin—Him; kaku—to plaintive words; parayane—
intent; tava—of You; katham—how is it?; kamyani—desireable; vamyani—
contrariness; api—even.

(Moving His eyebrows, Kåñëa tries to gain Viçäkhä's sympathy,

and gives her a garland.)

Viçäkhä: (offers the garland to Rädhä) O slender girl, when Your

lotus eyes are even briefly separated from Him, then You feel each
moment to be as long as many manvantaras. Is it right for You to be
so averse to Kåñëa, who, like Indra, enjoys pastimes in the kadamba
groves of Våndävana forest?65

radhika: (sabhyasuyam) avehi nibuddhi-e avehi.

sa—with; abhyasuyam—anger; avehi—go away; nibuddhi-e—foolish;

avehi—go away.

Rädhikä: (angrily) Go away, foolish girl! go away!

candrakanta-mukhi vallabho janah
arpayan muhur ayam namaskriyam
bhiksate tava kataksa-madhurim

dhuli—with dust; dhusarita—grey; candraka—of the peacock feather;

ancalah—the edge; candrakanta—beautiful as the moon (or moon-stone, or
night water-lily); mukhi—face; vallabhah—dear; janah—person; arpayan—

“O slender Rädhä! When Kåñëa takes shelter of You and begs You with plaintive words, Your
stubbornness is inappropriate. Look, look at this charming youth! He is like Indra, enjoying pastimes
among the kadamba trees in Våndävana forest." Here Kåñëa is compared to Indra because of His
independent and carefree nature.

228 •
offering; muhuh—repeatedly; ayam—He; namaskrityan—obeisances;
bhiksate—begs; tava—of You; kata-aksa—of the sidelong glance;
madhurim—the sweetness.

Kåñëa: O girl with a face as beautiful as the moon! His peacock-

feather crown covered with dust, Your beloved repeatedly bows down
before You and begs for the sweetness of Your sidelong glance!

lalitä: rahe jhatti kandharam paravattehi. putthado a-aredi ajji-a.

(radhika tatha karoti).

rahe—Rädhä; jhatti—at once; kandharam—Your neck; paravattehi—

turn; putthadaù—from behind; a-arehi—calls; ajji-a—the noble lady;
radhika—Radhika; tatha—in that way; karoti—does.

Lalitä: Rädhä, turn around! Noble lady calls You from behind!

(Rädhikä does that).

mukhara: (kåñëam vilokya. sanskrtena)
vanasaktam cetah pranayati grhad yo viramayan
varenyam bandhunam pranayam api vismarayati yah
karotsange tasya tvam api sarale putri patita

pravisya—entering; kåñëam—Kåñëa; vilokya—seeing; sanskrtena—in

Sanskrit; vana—to the forest; asaktam—attached; cetah—heart; pranayati—
brings; grhat—from home; yah—who; viramayan—ends; varenyam—
excellent; bandhunam—of the relatives; pranayam—the love; api—also;
vismarayati—causes to forget; yah—who; maha—great; dhurta—of rogues;
sreni—of the multitude; guna—of the qualities; garima—the significance;
vistarana—spreading; patoh—expert; kara-utsange—in the hand; tasya—of
Him; tvam—You; api—also; sarale—honest; putri—O daughter; patita—
have fallen.

Mukharä: (enters, and glancing at Kåñëa, says) This is that

person who attracts gopés’ minds and lures gopés from their homes
into the forest, making them forget the love of their relatives! O honest
daughter, You have now fallen into the hands of this Kåñëa, who is
more expert than a host of rogues!

madhumaìgalah: bho va-assa maruda-va-ali-kida-muhi tujjham

vamsiva ettha vuddhi-a patta. ta ettha kim vilambesi.

229 •
bhaù—O; va-assa—friend; maruda—wind; va-ali—talkative; kida—
made; muhi—whose mouth; tujjham—of You; vamsi—the flute; iva—like;
ettha—here; vuddhi-a—the old lady; patta—has attained; ta—therefore;
ettha—here; kim—why?; vilambesi—do You loiter.

Madhumaìgala: Bho! Friend, the wind blows through the mouth

of this talkative old woman. She is just like Your flute! Why should
You stay here?

kåñëah: sakhe kva me vamsi.

sakhe—O friend; kva—where?; me—My; vamsi—flute.

Kåñëa: O friend, where is My flute?

madhumaìgalah: sa-am jjevva janasi kaha tti.

sa-am—personally; jjevva—certainly; janasi—You know; kaha—

where; tti—thus.

Madhumaìgala: You must know where is it!

kåñëah: sphutam radhikayaiva hrteyam. tad enam vina katham

prasthanam ucitam.

sphutam—clearly; radhikaya—by Rädhikä; eva—certainly; hrta—

stolen; iyam—it; tat—therefore; enam—it; vina—without; katham—how?;
prasthanam—going; ucitam—is proper.

Kåñëa: It was definitely stolen by Rädhikä! How can I leave

without My flute?

madhumaìgalah: (sa-parihasam) bho idam kkhu amhanam garu-am

bha-a-dhe-am jam imahim mohinihim tumam cori-a na sangovidosi. ta
citthadu varagi murali-a. attanam ghettuna pala-amha.

sa—with; parihasam—joking; bhaù—O; idam—this; kkhu—indeed;

amhanam—of us; garu-am—greatest; bha-a-dhe-am—good fortune; jam—
which; inahim—by these; mohinihim—charming girls; tumam—You; cori-
a—having stolen; na—not; sangobidosi—You are hidden; ta—therefore;
citthadu—may stay; varagi—wretched; murali-a—flute; attanam—self;
ghettuna—taking; pala-amha—let us flee.

Madhumaìgala: (joking) Bho! Friend, this is our great fortune

230 •
that these charming girls did not steal and hide You! Leave this
wretched flute here. Let us simply run away from this place!

kåñëah: (sa-smitam) re vacata tistha. (iti parikramya)

sundari bindu-cyutake
tava naipunyam babhuva punyena
çaçimukhi vaçé-krtabhud
vaàçé mama yat tvaya tvaraya

sa—with; smitam—a smile; re—O; vacata—talkative one; tistha—

stand; iti—thus; parikramya—walking; sundari—O beautiful girl; bindu-
cyutake—in the bindu-cyutaka literary ornament; tava—of You;
naipunyam—expertness; babhuva—is; punyena—with purity; sasi-mukhi—
O moon-faced girl; vasi-krta abhut—stolen; vamsi—flute; mama—My; yat—
which; tvaya—by You; tvaraya—quickly.

Kåñëa: (with a smile) O talkative one, wait. (He approaches

Rädhä) O beautiful girl, by Your pious activities You have become very
expert in word-play such as bindu-cyutaka, and thus, O moon-faced
one, You quickly turned My vaàçé (flute) into vaçé (what is under Your

radhika: (sa-bhru-bhangam) muncehi nam bhangi-e kalakarobanam.

ka janadi tumha vamsi-am.

sa—with; bhru—of the eyebrows; bhangam—knitting; muncehi—give

up; nam—this; bhangi-a—with tricks; kalanka—of fault; arobanam—
imposition; ka—who?; janadi—knows; tumha—Your; vamsi-am—flute.

Rädhikä: (knitting Her eyebrows) Stop blaming Me using these

clever tricks! Who knows what happened to Your flute?

lalitä: (sanskåtena)
na kacid gopinam bhavati para-vitta-pranayini
satinam asmakam na vada parivadam nanu mudha
(ity ardhokte)

sanskrtena—in Sanskrit; na—not; kacit—anyone; gopinam—of the

gopés; bhavati—is; para—of others; vitta—the wealth; pranayini—stealing;
satinam—pious; asmakam—of us; na—not; vada—say; parivadam—
accusation; nanu—is it not?; mudha—uselessly; iti—thus; ardha—halfway;

Bindu-chyutaka is a kind of word-play in which the removal of the anusvära (à) gives a different


231 •

Lalitä: Gopés don’t steals another's wealth! We are pious and

honest! Do not blame us unnecessarily! (She stops after the first half
of the verse).

kåñëah: sakhi lalite prasida. darsaya sakhyau daksinyam.

sakhi—O friend; lalite—Lalitä; prasida—please be kind; darsaya—

please show; sakhyau—to the friend; daksiyam—politeness.

Kåñëa: Sakhi Lalitä, please be merciful. Show kindness to Me,

your friend.

alam jalpair ebhir vraja nija-niketam drutam ito
vayam kim samvrttas tava kitava venoh pratibhuvah

alam—enough!; jalpaih—words; ebhih—with these; vraja—please go;

nija—own; niketam—home; drutam—immediately; itah—from this;
vayam—we; kim—how; samvrttah—engaged; tava—of You; kitava—O
cheater; venoh—of the flute; pratibhuvah—guarantee.

Lalitä: Enough of these words! Go home immediately. O cheater,

how can You prove that we stole Your flute?

radhika: (vrddham asadya) ajje dittham tu-e appano nattino carittam.

jam eso amhanam cori-aparivadam dedi.

vrddham—the old lady; asadya—approaching; ajje—O noble lady;

dittham—seen; tu-e—by you; appanaù—personally; nattinaù—of the
grandson; caittam—the character; jam—which; esaù—he; amhanam—to us;
cori-a—of being a thief; parivadam—criticism; dedi—gives.

Rädhikä: (approaching Mukharä) O noble lady, you have seen

the character of your grandson. He accusing us of stealing!

mukhara: (sa-samrambham) re kanhada saccam ma-e vinnadam.

jam natti-am rahi-am, maha tumam vidambedum laddhosi.

sa—with; samrambham—anger; re—O; kanhada—Kåñëa; saccam—

the truth; ma-e—by me; vinnadam—is known; jam—which; natti-am—
granddaughter; rahi-am—Radhika; maha—of Me; tumam—You;
vidambedum—to mock; laddhosi—You have attained.

232 •
Mukharä: (angrily) O Kåñëa, I know the truth. You have come
here only to mock my granddaughter Rädhikä!

madhumaìgalah: a-i nitthura-samsini nivvamsi-e vamsi-am hari-a

tujjha nattini tumam duggam laddha.

a-i—O; nitthura—harsh; samsini—speaking; nivvamsi-e—lying;

vamsi-am—the flute; hari-a—stealing; tujjha—your; nattini—
granddaughter; tumam—you; duggam—fortress; laddha—has attained.

Madhumaìgala: Ayi! O woman who speaks harsh, lying words!

Your granddaughter stole the flute, and now She takes shelter of You
for protection!

kåñëah: arye mukhare satyam aha vayasyah.

arye—O noble lady; mukhare—O Mukharä; satyam—the truth; aha—

has spoken; vayasyah—My friend.

Kåñëa: O noble Mukharä, My friend speaks the truth.

mukhara: a-i rahi-e abi kim saccam edam.

a-i—O; rahi-e—Radhika; abi kim—whether?; saccam—the truth;


Mukharä: O Rädhikä, is this true?

radhika: ajji-e vundavane indhananam kim mahagghada jada jam

hattha-metta vamsakatthi-a amhehim haridavva.

ajji-e—O noble lady; vundavane—in Våndävana forest;

indhananam—of firewood; kim—whether?; mahagghada—valuable; jada—
manifested; jam—which; hattha—a cubit in length; metta—only; vamsa—of
bamboo; kaatthi-a—wood; amhehim—by us; haridavva—stolen.

Rädhikä: O noble lady, has firewood become so valuable in this

Våndävana forest that we have to steal this small piece of bamboo?

kåñëah: (smitva) he pite pracanda-devi yadi venum na jaharthas tatah

katham tad-vartayam smita-kudmalollasad utphulla-kapolandolayita-drg-

smitva—smiling; he—O; pite—fair-complexioned girl; pracanda—

233 •
cruel; devi—O playful one; yadi—if; venum—the flute; na—not; jaharthah—
You have stolen; tatah—then; katham—why?; tat—this; vartayam—in the
story; smita—smiling; kudmala—a bud; ullasat—from the happiness;
utphulla—bright; kapola—of the cheeks; andolayita—swinging to and fro;
drk—of the eyes; anta—the corners; asi—You are.

Kåñëa: (with a smile) O cruel one! O playful, fair-complexioned

girl, if You did not actually steal My flute, then why, as You say these
words, the blissful flower-like smile suddenly appeared on Your face,
and Your eyes restlessly move to and fro over Your blossoming

mukhara: (sakrosam) cancala ahimanno sadhammini tujjha

vandanijja tahabi parihasajja-i.

sa—with; akrosam—anger; cancala—O libertine; ahimannaù—of

Abhimanyu; sadhammini—the chaste wife; tujjha—by You; vandanijja—the
object of worship; tahabi—still; parihasajja-i—is mocked.

Mukharä: (angrily) O libertine! Although You should worship

this chaste wife of Abhimanyu, You are mocking Her!

madhumaìgalah: muhare eso jannobavi-assa sabami. dittham ma-e

puhavi-vilagga-seharena ajja rahi-a vandida pi-ava-assena.

muhare—O Mukharä; esaù—he; jannobavi-assa—on my sacred

thread; sabami—I swear; disstham—seen; ma-e—by me; puhavi—on the
ground; vilagga—resting; seharena—with His head; ajja—today; rahi-a—
Radhika; vandida—was bowed down before; pi-a-va-assa—vy my dear

Madhumaìgala: O Mukharä, I swear on my brähmaëa's thread

that today I have seen my dear friend Kåñëa place His head on the
ground as He bowed down before Rädhikä!

mukhara: (sanandam) taòo imassa dhammo vaddhissadi.

sa—with; anandam—bliss; tadaù—then; etassa—of Him; dhammaù—

piety; vaddhissadi—will increase.

Mukharä: (blissfully) That act will increase His piety!

(sarve smitam kurvanti).

234 •
sarve—everyone; smitam—smiling; kurvanti—does.

(Everyone smiles).

mukhara: kanhade imina tujjha cabalena khijjhissadi ballava-indo

nando, ta gadu-a go-mandalam sambhalehi.

kanhada—O Kåñëa; imina—by this; tujjha—Your; cabalena—

fickleness; khijjhissadi—upsets; ballava—of the cowherd men; indaù—the
king; nandaù—Nanda; ta—therefore; gadu-a—going; gaù—of cows;
mandalam—the herd; sambhalehi—look after.

Mukharä: Kåñëa, Your carefree behavior upsets the cowherd

king Nanda. Therefore, go and look after the cows.

kåñëah: arye vine venum viprakrstaya dhavalavaler akrstir durghata.

arye—O noble lady; vina—without; venum—the flute;

viprakrtstayah—excellent; dhavala-avaleh—of the cows; akrstih—attracting;
durghata—is difficult.

Kåñëa: O noble lady, without My flute it will be very difficult to

call My beautiful cows!

lalitä: kanha abalavalino ti kisa ujju-am na kadhesi.

kanha—O Kåñëa; abala—of girls; avalinaù—the multitude; ti—thus;

kisa—why?; ujju-am—in a straightforward manner; na—not; kadhasi—You

Lalitä: O Kåñëa, just tell the truth. Without the flute, it will be very
difficult for You to attract the gopés!

kåñëah: lalite vrddhayadya sabala yuyam. tatah katham idam


lalite—O Lalitä; vrddhaya—with the elderly lady; adya—now; sabala—

strong; yuyam—you are; tatah—therefore; katham—why?; idam—this;
kathayisyami—I shall say.

Kåñëa: Lalitä, the presence of elderly Mukharä gives you

strength. How can I argue with you?

mukhara: (sa-rosam, sanskrtena)

navinagre naptri catula na hi dharmat tava bhayam

235 •
na me drstir madhye-dinam api jaratya patur iyam
alindat tvam nandatmaja na yadi re yasi tarasa
tato 'ham nirdosa pathi kiyati hamho madhu-puri

sa—with; rosam—anger; sankrtena—in Sanskrit; navina—young;

agre—in the presence; naptri—granddaughter; catula—O rogue; na—not;
hi—indeed; dharmat—from religion; tava—of You; bhayam—fear; na—not;
me—of me; drstih—sight; madhye—in the middle; dinam—of the day; api—
even; jaratyah—an old lady; patuh—expert; iyam—this; alindat—from the
porch; tvam—You; nanda—of Nanda Maharaja; atmaja—O son; na—not;
yadi—if; yasi—You go; tarasa—at once; tatah—then; aham—I; nirdosa—
faultless; pathi—on the path; kiyati—near; hamhaù—indeed; madhu-puri—
to Mathurä.

Mukharä: (angrily) My granddaughter is a young girl, and You,

rogue, are not afraid to break the rules of dharma. I am an old lady
and even in midday I cannot see very clearly. O son of Nanda, if You
do not leave this place at once, then I will not be at fault. Mathurä is
not far away!67

madhumaìgalah: (sa-rosam) dummuhi vuddhi-e tujjha kamsado kim

amhe bha-emha jam mahu-puram asannam kahesi.

sa—with; rosam—anger; dummuhi—O foul-mouthed one; vuddhi-e—

O old lady; tujjha—of you; kamsadaù—from Kaàsa; kim—what?; amhe—
we; bha-emha—fear; jam—which; mahu-puram— Mathurä City; sannam—
reached; kahesi—you speak.

Madhumaìgala: (with anger) O foul-mouthed old woman, why

should we fear that you will go to king Kaàsa in Mathurä?

mukhara: (sa-vyajam) are cittha. esaham nattini-am ghettuna raja-

saham patthidamhi.
(iti radhadibhir anugamyamana niskranta).

sa—with; vyajam—a trick; are—O; cittha—stand; esa—she; aham—I;

nattini—my granddaughter; ghettuna—taking; raja-saham—the royal
assembly; patthidamhi—I shall depart; iti—thus; radha-adibhih—by the
Rädhä and the other gopés; anugayamana—followed; niskranta—exists.

Mukharä: (bluffing) Wait, wait! I will take my granddaughter and

go to the king's assembly hall!

“O rascal! I will go to Mathurä and inform king Kaàsa about Your arrogant behavior!”

236 •
(Followed by Rädhä and the others, she exits).

kåñëah: sakhe samagaccha. kalindi-kaccham upetya gavam uddesam


sakhe—O friend; samagaccha—come; kalindi—of the Yamunä;

kaccham—the shore; upetya—approaching; gavam—of the cows;
uddesam—the looking; karavavah—let us do.

Kåñëa: Friend, come. Let us go to the shore of the Yamunä and

look for the cows.

(iti parikramya. valita-grivam pasyan socchvasam.)

mudram dhairya-mayim ksanam vivrnute taralya-laksmin ksanam
sopeksah ksanam atanoti bhani-tirautsukya-bhajan ksanam
suddham drstim itah ksanam pranyayate prenkhat-kataksam ksanam
rosena pranayena cakulita-dhi radha dvidha bhidyate
(iti niskrantah sarve).

iti—thus; parikramya—walking; valita-grivam—craning His neck;

pasyan—looking; socchvasam—sighing; mudram—mark; dhairya-mayim—
peaceful; ksanam—one moment; vivrnute—does; taralya-laksmin—
restlessness; ksanam—the next moment; sa—with; upeksah—indifference;
ksanam—one moment; atanoti—does; bhanitira—another moment;
utsukya—eager; bhajan—assuming; ksanam—one moment; suddham—
pure; drstim—glance; itah—then; ksanam—one moment; pranayate—does;
prenkhat—moving; kata-aksam—sidelong glances; ksanam—another
moment; rosena—with anger; pranayena—with love; ca—also; akulita—
agitated; dhih—whose mind; radha—Rädhä; dvidha—in two parts;
bhidyate—is divided; iti—thus; niskrantah—exit; sarve—all.

(They go. Looking back, Kåñëa says with a sigh) One moment
She is peaceful, and the next moment She becomes restless. One
moment She neglects Me, and the next moment She is very eager to
talk with Me. One moment She looks at Me with a pure, innocent
glance, and the next moment She casts quick glances from the corners
of Her eyes. Her mind agitated with both anger and love, Rädhä is
divided in two.

(Everyone exits.)

End of Act Four

237 •
Act Five: Rädhä-prasädana: Pacifying Rädhä

(tataù praviçati paurëamäsé).

snehaù çoka-kåñaëor
vinoda-sadanaà sadeti nätathyam
snigdhädya rädhikäyaà
yad ahaà tenäsu dagdhäsmi

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; paurëamäsé—Paurëamäsé; snehaù—

love; soka—of grief; krsanoù—of the fire; vinoda—of pastimes; sadanam—
the abode; sada—eternally; iti—thus; na—not; atathyam—a lie; snigdha—
affectionate; adya—now; rädhikäyam—towards Rädhikä; yat—because;
aham—I; tena—for this reason; asu—at once; dagdha—pained; asmi—I am.

Paurëamäsé: (enters) It is not untrue that love always brings both

happiness and the fire of grief. Because I am affectionate to Rädhikä,
now I am also suffering.

(puro 'valokya) keyaà madhumaìgala-sangini mam abhivartate.

(punar nibhalya)
sthira-jaìgama-mandalaiù sva-vane
vindati purataù kathaà våndä

puraù—ahead; avalokya—looking; ka—who?; iyam—this girl;

madhumaìgala—Madhumaìgala; sangini—accompanying; mam—me;
abhivartate—approaches; punaù—again; nibhalya—looking; a—not;
janita—manifested; sasana—of the order; bhaìga—the breaking; sthira—
unmoving; jaìgama—and moving entities; mandalaiù—by the multitudes;
sva—own; vane—in the forest; nikhila—all; prani—living entities; ruta—the
language; jïä—understanding; vindati—finds; purataù—in the presence;
katham—how is it?; våndä—Våndä.

(Looking ahead) Who is this girl coming to me with

Madhumaìgala? (Looking again) Why is Våndä, who knows the
languages of all living entities, and whose order is never disobeyed by
any of the moving or non-moving creatures in her forest of
Våndävana, coming here?


238 •
våndä madhumaìgala ca: amba vande.

praviçya—entering; våndä—Våndä; madhumaìgalaù—

Madhumaìgala; ca—and; amba—O mother; vande—I offer my respects.

(Våndä and Madhumaìgala enter).

Våndä and Madhumaìgala: O mother, our obeisances to you.

paurëamäsé: svasti yuvabhyam.

svasti—auspiciousness; yuvabhyam—to you both.

Paurëamäsé: Auspiciousness to you both.

våndä: bhagavati kathaà socanty asi.

bhagavati—O noble lady; katham—why?; socanti—lamenting; asi—

you are.

Våndä: O noble lady, why are you so unhappy?

paurëamäsé: vatse vidagdha-pungavasyaìga-saìgama-laksmani

rädhikäyam abhilakñya manyuman abhimanyuù samprati madhu-puryaà
sa-kutumbo vastum utkanthate. tatrapi tad-amba tad-irsya-jambalavali-
jrmbhayaà kadambini-bhavam alambya rädhä-maralim udvejayati.
tenadya socami.

vatse—O child; vidagdha—of those who are expert; pungavasya—of

He who is the best; aìga—of the body; saìgama—contact; laksmani—the
signs; rädhikäyam—on Rädhikä; abhilakñya—seeing; manyuman—angry;
abhimanyuù—Abhimanyu; samprati—now; madhu-puryam—in Mathurä;
sa—with; kutumbaù—his family; vastum—to reside; utkanthate—yearns;
tatra api—nevertheless; tat—his; amba—mother; avali—of the abundance;
jrmbhayam—in the awakening; kadambini—of a host of clouds; bhavam—
the nature; alambya—attaining; rädhä—of Rädhä; maralim—the swan;
udvejayati—torments; tena—for this reason; saocami-adya—now; socami—
I lament.

Paurëamäsé: My child, when Abhimanyu saw on Rädhä's body

the marks from the touch of the most expert lover Kåñëa, he became
very angry, and now he wants to take his family and live in Mathurä.
Also, when Abhimanyu's anger flares up, then his mother becomes
like a host of monsoon clouds to torment the swan of Rädhä. For these

239 •
reasons I lament.

våndä: paurëamäsé-subhasis-candrikaiva vighnandhakara-


paurëamäsé—of the full moon (Paurëamäsé); subha—auspicious;

asiù—benediction; candrika—moonlight; eva—indeed; vighna—of
obstacles; andhakara—the darkness; samharini—removing.

Våndä: The blessing light of the full moon (Paurëamäsé) will

dispel all darkness of obstacles.

madhumaìgalaù: ajje kahaà rahopari tujjha varitthaà pemmam.

ajje—O noble lady; kaham—why?; raha-upari—on Rädhä; tujjha—

your; varittham—best; pemmam—love.

Madhumaìgala: Noble lady, why do you love Rädhä so dearly?

paurëamäsé: vatsa saty api bhurini premodaya-karane tasyam

ananyapaikñi mamedaà prema.

vatsa—O child; sati—being; api—also; bhurini—manifold; prema—of

love; udaya—of the arising; karane—causes; tasyam—for Her; ananya—
extraordinary; apaikñi—in relation; mama—my; idam—this; prema—love.

Paurëamäsé: Child, there are many reasons why I deeply love


våndä: yuktam idam. yataù

jagati kila vicitre kutracin niscalatma
bhavati nirabhisandhiù kasyacit prema-bandhaù
vilasati samudirne kumbhaje khaïjanali
kalitavati tathastaà hanta nasaà prayati

yuktam—appropriate; idam—this is; yataù—because; jagati—in the

universe; kila—indeed; vicitre—variegated; kutracit—sometimes; niscala—
unwavering; atma—whose heart; bhavati—of someone; prema—of love;
bandhaù—the bonds; vilasati—sports; samudirne—risen; kumbhaje—when
the star Agastya; khaïjana—of Khaïjana birds; aliù—the flock; kalivati—is
seen; tatha—then; astam—to the west; hanta—indeed; nasam—destruction;

Våndä: You have spoken well. In this variegated world

240 •
sometimes someone loves another with unwavering love. When the
star Agastya rises in the sky, the khaïjana birds rejoice, and when this
star sets in the west, the khaïjana birds at once disappear.

madhumaìgalaù: kerisaà nirähisandhino pemmassa cinham.

kerisam—like what?; nirähisandhino—selfless; pemassa—of love;

cinham—the symptom.

Madhumaìgala: What are the symptoms of this unalloyed love?

stotraà yatra taöa-sthatäm prakaöayac cittasya dhatte vyathäà
nindäpi pramadaà prayacchati paréhäsa-ñriyaà bibhraté
doñena kñayitäà guëena gurutäà kenäpy anätanvaté
premëaù svärasikasya kasyacid iyaà vikréòati prakriyä

stotram—praising; yatra—in which; taöa-sthatäm—neutrality;

prakaöayat—manifesting; cittasya—to the heart; dhatte—gives; vyathäm—
painful reaction; nindä—blaspheming; api—also; pramadam—pleasure;
prayacchati—delivers; paréhäsa—of joking; ñriyam—the beauty; bibhraté—
bringing forth; doñena—by accusation; kñayitäm—the quality of diminishing;
guëena—by good qualities; gurutäm—the importance; kena api—by any;
anätanvaté—not increase; premëaù—of love; svärasikasya—natural;
kasyacit—of any; iyam—this; vikriòati—acts within the heart; prakriyä—the
manner of action.

Paurëamäsé: When one hears praise from his beloved, he

outwardly remains neutral but feels pain within his heart. When he
hears his beloved making accusations about him, he takes them to be
jokes and enjoys. When he finds faults in his beloved, they do not
diminish his love, nor do the beloved's good qualities increase this
love. That is how true prema acts within the heart.

madhumaìgalaù: evvam rubbaà kkhu donaà raha-mahavanaà


evvam—in this way; rubbam—the form; kkhu—indeed; donam—of

Them; raha-mahavanam—of Rädhä and Mädhava; pemma—love.

Madhumaìgala: The love of Rädhä and Mädhava is like that.

paurëamäsé: vatsa kià ucyate. madhurya-samsargino naisargikasya

paraspara-vallabhanaà vidagdha-mithunanaà prema-

241 •
srnkhaalabandhasya paramotkarsa-rekhayaà dåñöantaù kila rädhä-
madhavayor bhavamrta-bhuma.

vatsa—O child; kim—what?; ucyate—is said; madhurya—sweetness;

samsarginaù—association; naisargikasya—natural; paraspara—mutual;
vallabhanam—dear; vidagdha—expert; mithunanam—of amorous couples;
prema—of love; srnkhala—with the shackles; bandhasya—of the bondage;
parama—supreme; utkarsa—of excellence; rekhayam—in the line;
dåñöantaù—example; kila—indeed; rädhä-madhavayoù—for Rädhä and
Mädhava; bhava—of love; amrta—of the nectar; bhuma—flood.

Paurëamäsé: Child, what more can I say? The nectar flood of

prema that Rädhä and Mädhava bear for each other is the supreme
example of the naturally sweet love that bind expert amorous couples
like chains.

våndä: bhagavati sruyatam

yastià vasti na panina kalayituà srnge na saìgarthitaà
dhatte dhatubhir aìga-mandanamayià nangi-karoti kriyam
parnaà vadayate na ghurnita-manas tire kåtanta-svasuù
kintutklamyati mukta-vibhrama-guna-gramo 'dya damodaraù

bhagavati—O noble lady; sruyatam—let it be heard; yastim—the stick;

vasti—desires; na—not; panina—with the hand; kalayitum—to hold;
srnge—in the buffalo-horn bugle; na—not; saìga—touch; arthitam—the
desire; dhatte—places; dhatubhiù— with mineral pigments; aìga—of the
limbs; mandana-mayim—decoration; na—not; angi-karoti—accepts;
kriyam—the activity; parnam—a leaf; vadayate—causes to count; na—not;
ghurnita—agitated; manaù—whose mind; tire—on the shore; kåtanta-
svasuù—of the Yamunä river, the sister of Yamaraja; kintu—however;
utklamayati—distressed; mukta—released; vibhrama—playful; guna—of
qualities; gramaù—a host; adya—now; damodaraù—Kåñëa.

Våndä: O noble lady, please listen. Kåñëa does not wish to hold
the stick in His hand. He has no desire to touch His buffalo-horn
bugle. He does not decorate His body with mineral pigments. He no
longer makes musical sounds using leaves. His great playfulness gone
and His mind agitated, Dämodara now stays by the shore of the
Yamunä in a depressed mood.

paurëamäsé: (sa-khedam) kim idam.

sa—with; khedam—unhappiness; kim—what?; idam—this.

242 •
Paurëamäsé: (unhappily) Why is Kåñëa so depressed?

madhumaìgalaù: lalida-kaudillena.

lalida—of Lalitä; kaudillena—by the crookedness.

Madhumaìgala: It is because of Lalitä's cunning behavior!

paurëamäsé: nunaà lalitäya hathanuvartita-mana vartate rädhä.

nunam—certainly; lalitäya—by Lalitä; hatha—obstinacy; anuvartita—

following; mana—anger; vartate—is; rädhä—Rädhä.

Paurëamäsé: Lalitä teaches Rädhä how to be obstinate and show


våndä: atha kim.

atha kim—surely.

Våndä: Yes.

paurëamäsé: na jane kva khalv adya lalitädayaù.

na—not; jane—I know; kva—where?; khalu—indeed; adya—now;

lalitä-adayaù—Lalitä and the other gopés.

Paurëamäsé: I do not know where Lalitä and her friends now.

våndä: tasam uddesaya maya subalaù presito 'sti.

tasam—of them; uddesaya—to find; maya—by me; subalaù—Subala;

presitaù—send; asti—is.

Våndä: I sent Subala to find them.

(praviçya) subalaù: ajje vandemi.

praviçya—entering; ajje—O noble lady; vandemi—I offer my respects.

Subala: (enters) O noble lady, I offer my obeisances to you.

paurëamäsé: subala kva dåñöa rädhädayaù.

subala—O Subala; kva—where?; dåñöaù—were seen; rädhä-adayaù—

243 •
Rädhä and the other gopés.

Paurëamäsé: Subala, did you find Rädhä and the other gopés?

subalaù: muhara-gharobanta-vatthino rasalassa mule.

muhara—of Mukharä; ghara—the home; ubanta—near; vatthino—

staying; rasalassa—of a mango tree; mule—at the base.

Subala: Yes, they are under a mango tree near Mukharä's house.

paurëamäsé: vatsa madhumaìgala turnam anusåtya rädhikäm

abhisarayanty asmi. tad etaya sukti-candrikaya tvam anandaya

vatsa—O child; madhumaìgala—Madhumaìgala; turnam—quickly;

anusåtya—approaching; rädhikäm—Rädhä; abhisarayanti—bringing to the
rendezvous; asmi—I am; tat—therefore; etaya—with this; su-ukti—of
pleasing words; candrikaya—with the moonlight; tvam—you; anandaya—
please delight; mukudam—Kåñëa.

Paurëamäsé: Child Madhumaìgala, I will quickly go to Rädhikä

and convince Her to meet with Kåñëa. You please cheer Mukunda up
with the moonlight of this good news.

(madhumaìgalaù sa-harsaà niñkräntah).

madhumaìgalaù—Madhumaìgala; sa—with; harsam—happiness;


(Madhumaìgala happily exits.)

våndä: (janantikam) subala maya samarpitam padyaà tvaya kià

nama viçäkhäyaà saïcaritam.

jana—the person; antikam—near; subala—O Subala; maya—by me;

sama pitam—given; padyam—a verse; tvaya—by you; kim—whether?;
nama—indeed; viçäkhäyam—to Viçäkhä; saïcaritam—given.

Våndä: (whispers) Subala, did you deliver the message I wrote to


subalaù: adha im.

adha im—surely.

244 •
Subala: Yes.

paurëamäsé: vånde yavat prasadya prasadhya ca rädhäà

saïcarayämi tavad adhunävabhyaà puraù kadamba-nikuïje

vånde—O Våndä; yavat—when; prasadya—pacifying; prasadhya—

decoration; ca—and; rädhäm—Rädhä; saïcarayami—I bring; tavat—then;
adhunä—now; avabhyam—of us both; puraù—in the presence; kadamba—
of kadamba trees; nikuïje—in the grove; visramyatam—is rested.

Paurëamäsé: Våndä, I will pacify Rädhä, decorate Her nicely and

bring Her to meet Kåñëa. Then we will both wait in the grove of
kadamba trees.

(våndä subalena saha niñkräntä).

våndä—Våndä; subalena—Subala; saha—with; niñkränta—exits.

(Accompanied by Subala, Våndä exits).

paurëamäsé: (parikramya) kathaà laliteyam ayati.

parikramya—walking; katham—whether?; lalitä—Lalitä; iyam—she;


Paurëamäsé: (walking) Is this Lalitä coming here?

lalitä: bha-avadi tumha sa-asaà gacchanti mhi.

bh-avadi—O noble lady; tumha—of you; sa-asam—the presence;

gacchanti—attaining; mhi—I am.

Lalitä: O noble lady, I was just going to meet with you.

paurëamäsé: kim artham.

kim—what?; artham—is the purpose.

Paurëamäsé: Why?

lalitä: ajje tina dhuttena puno puno abaraïjida pi-a-sahi lahavaà

amani-a sutthu ukkanthedi. ta kià karissam.

245 •
ajje—O noble lady; tina—by this; dhuttena—villain; puno—again;
puno—again; abaraïjida—insulted; pi-a—dear; sahi—friend; lahavam—
disrespect; amani-a—not considering; sutthu—intently; ukkanthedi—longs;
ta—therefore; kim—what?; karissam—shall I do.

Lalitä: O noble lady, although this rascal Kåñëa again and again
insults my dear sakhi Rädhä, She does not take it seriously and longs
to be with Him. What shall I do?

paurëamäsé: vatse munca mudha-kalusyam. naparädhyati

madhavaù. kintu madhumaìgala-pramaditaiva vaù khedaya babhuva.

vatse—O child; munca—give up; mudha—useless; kalusyam—

defamation; na—not; aparädhyati—offends; madhavaù—Kåñëa; kintu—
however; madhumaìgala—by Madhumaìgala; pramadita—carelessness;
eva—certainly; vaù—of you; khedaya—for distress; babhuva—has become.

Paurëamäsé: Child, give up these useless rebukes. Mädhava has

not committed any offense, it is Madhumaìgala's carelessness that has
made you unhappy.

lalitä: (svagatam) mama hi evvaà nandimuhi-e kathidam.

(prakasam) ajje pekkha esa rähi rasalasya mule kampanti kimpi jappadi.

svagatam—aside; mama—to me; bi—even; evvam—in this way;

nandimuhi-e—by Nändémukhé; kathidam—was spoken; prakasam—openly;
ajje—O noble lady; pekkha—look!; esa—She; rähi—Rädhä; rasalasya—of the
mango tree; mule—at the base; kampanti—trembling; kimpi—something;

Lalitä: (to herself) Nändémukhé told me the same thing. (Openly)

O noble lady, look! There is Rädhä under a mango tree. Trembling,
She says something.

(tataù praviçati sanutapaà rädhä).

rädhä: (sanskåtena)
karnante na kåta priyokti-racana kñipraà maya durato
malli-dama nikama-pathya-vacase rusaù kalpitaù
ksoni-lagna-sikhanda-sekharam asau nabhyarthayann ikñitaù
svantaà hanta mamadya tena khadiraìgarena dandahyate

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; sa—with; anutapam—remorse;

rädhä—Rädhä; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; karna—of the ear; ante—in the
edge; na—not; kåta—done; priya—affectionate; ukti—of words; racana—

246 •
the doing; kñipram—quickly; maya—by Me; durataù—far away; malli—of
jasmine flowers; dama—the garland; nikama—very; pathya—beneficial;
vacase—whose words; sakhyai—to My friend; rusaù—anger; kalpitaù—
directed; ksoni—on the earth; lagna—resting; sikhanda-sekharam—peacock
feather crown; asau—He; na—not; abhyarthayan—praying; ikñitaù—is
seen; sva—own; antam—heart; hanta—Ah; mama—of Me; adya—now;
tena—by this; khadira—khadira wood; anarena—burning charcoal;
dandahyate—intensely burns.

(Filled with regret, Rädhä enters)

Rädhä: Affectionate words no longer enter My ears. I quickly

threw away the jasmine garland. I was angry with My sakhi who spoke
words for My benefit. I do not see Him placing His peacock-feather
crown on the ground and begging with many prayers. Ah! My heart
intensely burns like the ashes of a khadira tree!68

paurëamäsé: putri pracchannam upasåtya srnuvaù prema-vilasam.

(ity ubhe tatha sthite).

putri—O daughter; prachchannam—hidden; upasåtya—approaching;

srnuvaù—let us hear; prema—of love; vilasam—the pastimes; iti—thus;
ubhe—both of them; tatha—in that way; sthite—stand.

Paurëamäsé: Daughter, approaching unnoticed, let us hear about

the pastimes of love. (They hide.)

rädhikä: (sa-capalam. punaù sanskåtena)

dhanyas ta harini-dåçaù sa ramate yabhir navino yuva
(punaù sa-sankam)
svairaà capalam akalayya lalitä maà hanta nindisyati
(punaù sautsukyam)
govindaà parirabdhum indu-vadanaà ha cittam utkanthate
(punaù samarsam)
dhig vamaà vidhim astu yena garalaà manabhidhaà nirmame

sa—with; capalam—agitation; punaù—again; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit;

dhanyaù—fortunate; taù—they; harini-dåçaù—doe-eyed girls; saù—He;
ramate—enjoys pastimes; yabhiù—with whom; navinah yuva—youthful
Kåñëa; punaù—again; sa—with; sankam—fear; svairam—according to My
desire; capalam—fickleness; akalayya—seeing; lalitä—Lalitä; mam—Me;
hanta—indeed; nandisyati—will rebuke; punaù—again; sa—with;

The khadira tree has very hard wood and a high burning temperature.

247 •
autsukyam—eagerness; govindam—Kåñëa; parirabdhum—to embrace;
indu—moon; vadanam—whose face; ha—ah!; cittam—heart; utkanthate—
yearns; punaù—again; sa—with; amarasam—anger; dhik—fie!; vamam—
contrary; vidhim—fate; astu—may be; yena—by which; garalam—the
poison; mana—pride; abhidham—named; nirmame—created.

Rädhikä: (with a restless mind) The doe-eyed girls who enjoy

pastimes with this youth are very fortunate. (With fear) Seeing how
agitated I became by the desire to meet Kåñëa, Lalitä will rebuke Me.
(Passionately) My heart yearns to embrace moon-faced Govinda!
(Angrily) To hell with the stubborn fate that has created this poison
called anger!69

lalitä: adakhine cittha. sa-aà jeva kanhaà nirakadu-a bhangi-e me


adakkhine—O ungrateful girl; cittha—stop; sa-am—personally; jeva—

certainly; kanham—Kåñëa; nirakadu-a—rejecting; bhangi-e—crooked; me—
me; dusesi—You rebuke.

Lalitä: O ungrateful girl, stop! You Yourself rejected Kåñëa, and

now You are unfairly criticizing me!

rädhikä: (bhrngim avekñya. sanskåtena)

kåmir api namitätmä hanta våndävane 'smin
kalayati nija-maulau barha-mauler nideçam
anunayati muhur mäà netu-kämä niléyaà
yad-amala-madhuroktis tasya dåñöià ñaöhasya

bhrngim—a bee; avekñya—seeing; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; krimiù—

an insect; api—although; namita—bent down; ätmä—at heart; hanta—
indeed; våndävane—Våndävana; asmin—in this; kalayati—bears; nija—
own; maulau—on the crown; barha-mauleù—of Kåñëa, who wears a crown
of peacock feathers; nideçam—message; anunayati—pacifies; muhuù—
repeatedly; mäm—Me; netu—to bring; käma—desiring; niléyaà—
concealed; yat—which; amala—splendid; madhura—sweet; uktiù—words;
tastya—of Him; dåñöim—the glance; sathasya—the cheater.

Rädhikä: (she notices a bee, and says) Even though he is only an

insect, this bumble-bee still bows down to the land of Våndävana. On
his head he bears the message from the peacock-feather crowned
cheater Kåñëa. Desiring to secretly bring Me to see Him, this bumble-

This is a treasure-like expression of Rädhikä's various saïcäri-bhävas, starting with agitation.

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bee repeatedly tries to pacify Me with sweet words.

paurëamäsé: (sa-narma-smitam) nikhilam eva våndätavi-präëé-

våndäà düti-bhütam iyaà manyate mahä-mäniné.

sa—with; narma—a playful; smitam—smile; nikhilam—all; eva—

certainly; våndä-atavi—in Våndävana forest; präëé—of living entities;
våndäm—the host; düti—messenger; bhütam—become; iyam—She;
manyate—considers; mahä-mäniné—filled with great jealous anger.

Paurëamäsé: (with a playful smile) Filled with great jealous

anger, She now thinks that all the creatures in Våndävana forest have
become messengers of Kåñëa.

rädhikä: (premäveñaà natayanti. sa-camatkäram) kadähaà eño mäà

mottimaà pariraddhuà ubasanno kanho.

prema—of love; avesam—the entrance; natayanti—representing

dramatically; sa—with; camatkaram—wonder; kadham—how is it?; eso—He;
mam—to Me; mottimam—forcibly; pariraddhum—to embrace; ubasanno—
approached; kanho—Kåñëa.

Rädhikä: (overwhelmed with love and filled with wonder) How

is it that Kåñëa has now come to tightly embrace Me?

paurëamäsé: gambhéränuräga-vivarto 'yam. yad asyam mädhavasya


gambhéra—deep; anuräga—of love; vivartaù—transformation;

ayam—this; yat—which; asyam—in Her; mädhavasya—of Kåñëa;
visphuränäm—the appearance.

Paurëamäsé: This is the dance of deep love. Rädhä thinks that

Mädhava has now appeared before Her.

rädhikä: (sa-huìkäraà parävåtya) hanta bho vaìka-käla-çäli caëòa-

äli-koòa-cirasaìga-bhaìgura-kuraìga avehi. eño tumaà paribhavisasi ma-
e. (iti karnotpalaà kñipanti).

sa—with; hunkaram—disdain; paravåtya—turning; hanta—ah!; bho—

ah!; vanka—crooked; kala—art; sali—possessing; canda-ali—of Candravali;
koda—on the breast; cira—for a long time; asaìga—attached; bhangura—
dishonest; kuraìga—libertine; abehi—begone! eso—He; tumam—You;
paribhavissasi—are despised; ma-e—by Me; iti—thus; karna—on the ear;

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utpalam—the blue lotus; kñipanti—throwing.

Rädhikä: (with contempt She turns away) O master of deceit, O

crafty libertine who is always attached to the breast of Candrävalé, go
away, go away! I despise You! (She throws down the blue lotus flower
from Her ear.)

samprati mama hanta sakñino yüyam
eña bälän mäm abaläà
gokula-dhürtaù kadarthayati

saìskåtena—in Sanskrit; yamuna—of the Yamunä; tira—on the shore;

kadamba—O kadamba trees; samprati—now; mama—My; hanta—indeed;
sakñinaù—witnesses; yuyam—you; eñaù—He; balät—violently; mäm—Me;
abalam—a weak woman; gokula—of Gokula; dhürtaù—the villain;

O kadamba trees on the shore of the Yamunä, you are My

witnesses! This Kåñëa, the rascal of Gokula, is now violently torturing
Me, a weak girl!

paurëamäsé: lalite paraà kotim adhiruòha rädhikotkaëöhä. tad iyaà

tvaritam abhisaryatam.

lalite—O Lalitä; param kotim—the ultimate stage; adhirudha—

ascended; rädhikä—of Rädhikä; utkantha—the yearnings; tat—therefore;
iyam—She; tvaritam—quickly; abhisaryatam—should be brought to meet

Paurëamäsé: Lalitä, Rädhikä’s longing has reached the highest

level. She should be quickly brought to Kåñëa.

lalitä: (parikramya) hala rähi ekka jjevva kià mantesi.

parikramya—walking; hala—sakhi; rähi—Rädhä; ekka—alone;

jjevva—certainly; kim—what?; mantesi—are You saying.

Lalitä: (approaching) Sakhi Rädhä, what are You saying to


rädhikä: (lalidam alokya. svagatam) kadhaà saccaà jevva ekkamhi.

jaà kanho na disa-i. (iti sautsukyam) hala lalide

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para-tanu-paveña-vijja kaham iha samena kamina padhida mama hi-
a-e mananni pavis-i-a nivvabido jena

lalitäm—Lalitä; alokya—seeing; svagatam—aside; kadham—how?;

saccam—in truth; jevva—certainly; ekkamhi—I am alone; jam—which;
kanho—Kåñëa; na—not; disa-i—is seen; iti—thus; sa—with; autsukyam—
eagerness; hala—sakhi; lalide—Lalitä; para—of another; tanu—into the
body; pavesa—of entering; vijja—the science; kaham—how is it?; iha—here;
samena—by Kåñëa; kamina—amorous; padhida—was learned; mama—of
Me; hi-a-e—in the heart; mananni—the fire of anger; pavisa-i-a—entering;
nivvabido—extinguished; jena—by whom.

Rädhikä: (seeing Lalitä, She says to Herself) Am I really alone and

there is no Kåñëa here? (Full of longing) O Lalitä, how has this
amorous Kåñëa learned the science of entering someone else's body?
He has entering My heart and extinguished the fire of anger burning

(praviçya) viçäkhä: hala subala-hatthado laddha i-aà patti-a.

praviçya—entering; hala—sakhi; subala—of Subala; hatthado—from

the hand; laddha—obtained; i-am—this; patti-a—letter.

Viçäkhä: (enters) Sakhi, I got this letter from Subala.

lalitä: (grhitvä vacayati)

medhyo 'pi mädhavikkaya madhupo yad esa
kñiptaù svayaà pracalatä nava-pallavena
tasyaù khalu kñitir iyaà susamäkñayena
nandaty ayaà tu viruvann aravindinéñu

gåhitvä—taking; vacayati—reads; medhyaù—devoid of faults; api—

although; mädhavikaya—by the mädhavé creeper; madhupaù—the bee;
yat—because; esaù—He; kñiptaù—tossed; svayam—personally; pracalatä—
moving; nava—fresh; pallavena—by the blossom; tasyaù—of that creeper;
khalu—certainly; kñitiù—on the earth; iyam—this; susama—very beautiful;
kñayena—loss; nandaty—enjoy; ayaà—this; tu—indeed; viruvan—buzzing;
aravindinisu—among the lotus flowers.

Lalitä: (take the letter and reads aloud) “If, even though the black
bumble-bee has not committed any offense, the mädhavi creeper still
pushes him away with her trembling young sprout, then her
incomparable beauty will be wasted, and the bumble-bee will enjoy

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other pastimes, happily buzzing among the lotus flowers.”70

rädhikä: (sa-visadam. sanskåtena)

ajani vimukhaù saìke paìkeruhäkñi vicakñano mayi
madhu-ripur doña-srené-vihära-vana-çriyam
akalita-rasaù çücé-viddho rajaù prasarändha-dhir
na madhupa-yuvä kià ketakyaà viraktim upaiñyati

sa—with; visadam—grief; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; ajani—became;

vimukhaù—averse; sanke—I fear; pankeruha—lotus; akñi—eyes;
vicakñanaù—expert; mayi—to Me; madhu-ripuù—Kåñëa, the enemy of
Madhu; dosa—of faults; sreni—a host; vihara-vana-sriyam—the place for
recreation; akalita—without; rajaù—of pollen; prasara—an abundance;
andha—blinded; dhiù—whose heart; na—not; madhupa—bumble-bee;
yuva—young; kim—why?; ketakyam—the ketaké flower; viraktim—
renunciation; upaiñyati —will attain.

Rädhikä: (with grief) O lotus-eyed girl, I fear that because I am a

playground for a host of faults, intelligent Kåñëa, the enemy of Madhu,
is now averse to Me. Struck by thorns, blinded by pollen, and not
finding any nectar, why should a young bumble-bee not turn away
from a ketaki flower?

paurëamäsé: na hi candrena candrikaya mokñaù kadapi sambhavati.

na—not; hi—indeed; candrena—by the moon; candrikayaù—from

the moonlight; mokñaù—freedom; kada api—ever; sambhavati—is possible.

Paurëamäsé: The moon can never be separated from moonlight.

viçäkhä: hala samassasa. tuha ukkanthidaà takki-a ma-e kanha-pa-

uttià vinnaduà nandimuhi pesidatthi.

hala—sakhi; samassasa—be comforted; tuha—of You;

ukkanthidam—longing; takki-a—guessing; ma-e—by me; kanha—of Kåñëa;
pa-uttim—the activity; vinnadum—to understand; nandimuhi—
Nändémukhé; pesidatthi—was sent.

Viçäkhä: Sakhi, please calm down. I thought You would be very

anxious and so I sent Nändémukhé to discover what Kåñëa is doing

She casts him away with her tender young shoot. The bumble-bee enjoys in any case, but without
him, the mädhavi creeper doesn't look beautiful. Without this mädhavi creeper, the bumble-bee
enjoys among the lotus flowers with great bliss. However, the word "medhyaù" means "pure",
"without any fault". Therefore, without her, he will not actually wander in other places.

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nandimukhi: (sanskåtena)
mrdur api nisargatas tvaà
katham ardre madhave kathorasi
athava navanita-puti
hima-drave kakkhata praikñi

praviçya—entering; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; mrduù—gentle; api—

although; nisargataù—by nature; tvam—You; katham—why?; ardre—tender
(or full of feelings); madhave—towards Kåñëa; kathora—hard; asi—You are;
athava—or; navanita-puti—fresh butter; hima-drave—in cold water;
kakkhata—hard; praikñi—is seen.

Nändémukhé: (enters) By nature You are soft. Why are You so

hard with this gentle Mädhava, overflowing with feelings? You are like
fresh butter in cold water.

rädhikä: hala abi nama suhaà vattadi mahavo.

hala—ah!; abi—how?; nama—indeed; suham—happiness; vattadi—is

manifested; mahavo—Kåñëa.

Rädhikä: Sakhi, is Mädhava happy now?

nandimukhi: (sanskåtena)
kñanam api na suhrdbhir narma-gosthià vidhatte
racayati na ca cudaà campakanaà cayena
param iha mura-vairi yogivan mukta-bhogas
tava sakhi mukha-candraà cintayan nirvrnoti

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; kñanam—for a moment; api—not;

suhrdbhiù—with friends; narma—joking; gosthim—conversation; vidhatte—
does; racayati—fashions; na—not; ca—and; cudam—a crown;
campakanam—of campaka flowers; cayena—with a host; param—
furthermore; iha—here; mura-vairi—Kåñëa, the enemy of Mura; yogi—a yogi;
vat—like; mukta—abandoned; bhogaù—sense-gratification; tava—of You;
sakhi—O friend; mukha—of the face; candram—the moon; cintayan—
meditating; nirvrnoti—experiences happiness.

Nändémukhé: He does not joke with His cowherd boy friends for
even a moment, and He does not make crowns of campaka flowers.
Renouncing all pleasures, Kåñëa has become like a yogi meditating on

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Your moon-like face. In this way He experiences happiness.

rädhikä: (viçäkhäà parisvajya. sanskåtena)

bhuyo bhuyaù kali-vilasitaiù saparädhäpi rädhä
slaghyenahaà yad agha-ripuna badham angi-kåtasmi
tatra kñamodari kim aparaà karanaà vaù sakhinaà
dattamodaà praguna-karuna-maïjarim antarena

viçäkhä—Viçäkhä; parisvajya—embracing; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit;

bhuyaù—again; bhuyaù—and again; kali—of quarreling; vilasitaù—with
pastimes; sa—with; aparädhä—offense; api—although; rädhä—Rädhä;
slaghyena—glorious; aham—I; yat—because; agha-ripuna—by Kåñëa, the
enemy of Aghasura; badham—indeed; aìgai-kåta—accepted; asmi—Me;
tatra—in this; kñama-udari—O slender-waisted girl; kim—what?; aparam—
further; karanam—cause; vaù—of you; sakhinam—friends; datta—given;
amodam—happiness; praguna—excellent; karuna—of mercy; maïjarim—
the flower blossom; antarena—without.

Rädhikä: (embracing Viçäkhä) Again and again this Rädhä has

quarreled with Kåñëa, the enemy of Aghäsura, and offended Him, but
glorious Kåñëa is still willing to accept Her! O slender-waisted girl,
what reason is there for this, other than the delightful flower blossom
of the great mercy of you, My sakhis?

garvodagraù kalam avilakaà tanvatam anya-pusta
nispratyuhaà mrga-yuvatayaù sasyam asvadayantu
simantinyo grha-nayamayià silayantu pranalià
dhurto venur viharati kare nadya pitambarasya

nepathye—from behind the scenes; garva—pride; udagraù— with

great; kalam—cooing sounds; avikalam—great; tanvatam—may do; anya-
pustaù—the cuckoos; nispratyuham—without obstruction; mrga-
yuvatayaù—does; sasyam—grass; asvadayantu—may eat; simantinyaù—
the gopés; grha—to their homes; naya—leading; mayim—consisting;
silayantu—may take; pranalim—the path; dhurtaù—the rogue; venuù—
flute; viharati—plays; kare—in the hand; na—not; adya—now; pita-
ambarasya—of Kåñëa, who is dressed in yellow garments.

(Off-stage) Now the cuckoos may proudly coo, the young does
may eat grass without any interruption, and the gopés may walk on
the paths leading to their homes, for at this moment the rascal flute
does not play in the hand of Kåñëa.

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rädhikä: (vamsim udghatya. sopalambham)
sad-vaàñatas tava janiù puruñottamasya
päëau sthitir muraléke saraläsi jätyä
kasmät tvayä sakhi guror viñamä gåhétä

vamsim—the flute; udghatya—revealing; sa—with; upalambham—

scorn; sat-vaàñataù—very respectable families; tava—your; janiù—birth;
puruñottamasya—of the supreme person; päëau—in the hands; sthitiù—
residence; muraléke—O flute; saralä—simple; asi—you are; jätyä—by birth;
kasmät—why; tvayä—by you; sakhi—O my friend; guroù— from the spiritual
master; viñamä—dangerous; gåhétä—taken; gopä-aìganä-vimohana—for
bewildering the groups of the gopés; mantra-dékñä—initiation in the mantra.

Rädhikä: (taking out the flute, She says with reproach) My dear
sakhi the flute, you have been born in a very good family, and you
reside in the hands of Kåñëa, the best of all youths. O muraléka, by
birth you are simple. From which guru have you received initiation
into this dangerous mantra that enchants the gopés?

viçäkhä: hala accari-a i-aà vamsi jaà marudahimuhi-kida sa-aà


hala—ah!; accari-a—amazing; i-am—this; vamsi—flute; jam—which;

maruda—of the wind; ahimuhi—to the face; kida—placed; sa-am—
spontaneously; sadda-edi—sounds.

Viçäkhä: This is an amazing flute. When placed before the wind

it plays music by itself.

rädhikä: sahi parikkhassam. (iti tathä karoti).

sahi—O friend; parikkhassam—I will test; iti—thus; tatha—in that way;


Rädhikä: Sakhi, I will test it. (She does that).

viçäkhä: sunijja-u mahura ka-ali.

sunijja-u—let it heard; mahura—the sweet; ka-ali—musical sounds.

Viçäkhä: Listen to the sweet sounds!

lalitä: sambarehi sambarehi, ma sunadu kanhassa paribaro.

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sambarehi—stop; sambarehi—stop; ma sunadu—don't let them hear;
kanhassa—of Kåñëa; parivaraù—the friends.

Lalitä: Stop, stop! Don’t let Kåñëa’s friends hear it!

våndä: (pracchannam) bhagavati na kadapi vamsi deyeti srutam
maya lalitä-durmantritam.

praviçya—entering; pracchannam—in private; bhagavati—O noble

lady; na—not; kada api—at any time; vamsi—the flute; deya—should be
given; iti—thus; srutam—heard; maya—by me; lalitä—by Lalitä;
durmantritam—badly advised.

(Våndä enters).

Våndä: (in private) O noble lady, I have heard Lalitä’s bad advise
that the flute should not be returned back.

paurëamäsé: vatse yuktim ayatyaà karisyami.

vatse—O child; yuktim—arrangements; ayatyam—in the future;

kariñyami—I shall make.

Paurëamäsé: Child, I will take care of it.

jatila: nünaà ido kanhena milidaà jaà murali vadida. (vilokya) avvo
kahaà vasahanavi-hatthe kanhassa vamsi. ta ninhudaà gadu-a naà
gehissam. (iti sahasopasåtya samarsam) ayi duvvinida-go-ala-putti-e munca
murali-am. (ity akrsya grhnati).

nunam—is it not so?; ido—therefore; kanhena—with Kåñëa;

milidam—met; jam—because; murali—the flute; vadida—was sounded;
vilokya—looking; avvo—aha!; kaham—why?; vasahanavi—of Rädhä, the
daughter of Maharaja Våñabhänu; hatthe—in the hand; kanhassa—of Kåñëa;
vamsi—the flute; ta—therefore; ninhudam—secretly; gadu-a—going;
nam—it; gehissam—I shall take; iti—thus; sahasa—quickly; upasåtya—
approaching; sa-amarsam—with anger; ayi—O; duvvinda—ill-behaved; go-
ala—of a cowherd; putti-e—O daughter; munca—give up; murali-am—the
flute; iti—thus; akraya—pulling; grhnati—takes.

(Jatilä enters).

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Jatilä: Kåñëa must be here since I heard the sounds of His flute.
(Looking) Aha! The flute is in the hand of Rädhä. I will stealthily
approach and take it. (Angry, she quickly approaches) O naughty
cowherd girl, give up the flute! (She pulls the flute away).

lalitä: haddhi pamado. kadhaà vuddhi-a atakkidaà murali a-


haddhi—alas!; pamado—carelessness; kadham—how is it; vuddhi-a—

by the old lady; atakkiam—unexpectedly; murali—the flute; a-atthida—was

Lalitä: Ah, what a carelessness! How did it happen that the old
lady suddenly snatched the flute?

jatila: naà kkhu bha-avadi-e paurëamäsé-e damsa-issaà ja majja

bhanidaà na patthi-a-edi.

nam—this; kkhu—indeed; bha-avadi-e—to the noble lady;

paurëamäsé-e—Paurëamäsé; damsa-issam—I will show; ja—which; majja—
by me; bhanidam—spoken; na—not; patthi-a-edi—will believe.

Jaöilä: I will show this flute to the noble Paurëamäsé. If I were

only to tell her she would not believe me.

paurëamäsé: putri vånde gahanaà kastam apatitam. pasya jatila

mamotaja-disaà prayati.

putré—O daughter; vånde—Våndä; gahanam—a great; kañöäm—

calamity; apatitam—has fallen; paçya—look!; jatilä—Jatilä; mama—my;
utaja—of the cottage; diçam—in the direction; prayati—goes.

Paurëamäsé: O daughter Våndä, this is a great calamity! Look!

Jatilä is going in the direction of my cottage!

våndä: bhagavati ma cintaya. kñipram asau muralià lunthayami. (iti


bhagavati—O noble lady; ma—don't; cintaya—be anxious; kñipram—

quickly; asau—this; muralim—flute; lunthayami—I shall steal; iti—thus;

Våndä: O noble lady, don't worry. In a moment I will rob her of

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this flute. (She exits).

lalitä: (sa-bhayam anusåtya) ajje kisa ali-aà sankasi jaà esa kalindi-
kulamhi amhehi laddha.

sa—with; bhayam—fear; anustya—following; ajje—O noble lady;

kisa—why?; ali-am—deception; sankasi—do you fear; jam—because; esa—
this flute; kalindi—of the Yamunä river; kulamhi—on the shore; amhehi—by
us; laddha—was obtained.

Lalitä: (fearfully following behind) O noble lady, why have you

become suspicious? We found this flute on the shore of the Yamunä!

jatila: (sa-rosam) cabale dumhantini cittha cittha.

sa—with; rosam—anger; cabale—O restless girl; dumhantini—O giver

of bad advise; cittha—stop!; cittha—stop!

Jaöilä: (angrily) O fickle girl! O girl who gives bad advice, stop!

subalaù: ajje jadile pekkha dahi-lampada makkadi tujjha gharaà

praviçya—entering; ajje—O noble lady; jadile—Jaöilä; pekkha—look!;

dahi—for yogurt; lampada—greedy; makkadi—the female monkey; tujjha—
your; gharam—house; pavisa-i—enters.

(Subala enters).

Subala: O noble Jaöilä, look! The monkey greedy for yogurt is

now etering your house!

jatila: (saci-grivam alokya) subala saccaà kahesi. makkhana-corini

kkhu esa makkadi. (iti paravåtya dhavanti niñkräntä).

saci—tilted; grivam—neck; alokya—looking; subala—O Subala;

saccam—the truth; kehesi—you speak; makkhana—butter; corini—the thief;
esa—she; makkadi—the female monkey; iti—thus; paravåtya—turning;
dhavanti—running; niñkränta—exits.

Jaöilä: (tilting her neck, she looks) Subala, you speak the truth.
This monkey is really a butter thief. (She changes direction and runs

258 •

paurëamäsé: nunaà våndäya preritasti kakkhatiyaà nama jaran-


nunam—certainly; våndäya—by Våndä; prerita—sent; asti—is;

kakkhati—Kakkhaöé; iyam—this; nama—named; jarat—old; markati—
female monkey.

Paurëamäsé: It was Våndä who sent this old monkey named


subalaù: nandimuhi pekkha. pakkhittena venuna mudha-jadila-e

makkadi tadida.

nandimuhi—Nändémukhé; pekkha—look!; pakkhittena—thrown;

venuna—by the flute; mudha—foolish; jadila-e—Jaöilä; makkadi—the
monkey; tadita—was struck.

Subala: Nändémukhé, look! Foolish Jaöilä threw the flute at the


paurëamäsé: (sa-harsam) distya muralim adaya kakkhatiyaà

kadambam adhirudha.

sa—with; harsam—happiness; distya—by good fortune; muralim—the

flute; adaya—taking; kakkhati—Kakkhaöé; iyam—this monkey;
kadambam—a kadamba tree; adhirudha—has climbed.

Paurëamäsé: (happily) Fortunately this monkey Kakkhaöé has

taken the flute and now climbed a kadamba tree.

(sarvaù praharsaà natayanti).

sarvaù—everyone; praharsam—happiness; natayanti—represents


(Everyone becomes happy).

jatila: haddhi vaccha subala hatthado me murali gada. ta tujjha
ninamchanaà jami. samappehi me vamsi-am.

haddhi—alas!; vaccha—child; subala—Subala; hatthado—from the

hand; me—my; murali—the flute; gada—is gone; ta—therefore; tujjha—of

259 •
you; nimanchanam—the stirring; jami—I attain; samappehi—please give;
me—to me; vamsi-am—the flute.

(Jaöilä enters)

Jaöilä: Ah! Subala, my child, the flute is no longer in my hands. I

request you, bring me the flute.

subalaù: ajje jahattha-nama esa kakkhati ke-alaà tujjha bahini-

puttado visalado bha-edi. ta govahdhana-singe khelantaà naà gadu-a

ajje—O noble lady; jahattha—appropriate; nama—whose name; esa—

this; kakkhati—Kakkhaöé (hard); ke-alam—exclusively; tujjha—of you;
bahini—of the sister; puttado—from the son; visalado—Viñäla; bha-edi—
fears; ta—therefore; govaddhdhana—of Govardhana Hill; singe—on the
summit; khelantam—enjoying pastimes; nam—this; gadu-a—having gone;
abhyatthehi—you should request.

Subala: O noble lady, this monkey, rightly named Kakkhaöé

(hard), is afraid of only your nephew Viçäla, who is now playing on
top of Govardhana Hill. Go there and ask him to help.

(jatila niñkräntä).

jatila—Jaöilä; niñkränta—exits.

(Jaöilä exits).

paurëamäsé: distya vyajena jaratià duram apasarya dhurto 'yaà

bhru-vibhramena lalitäà tvarayati.

distya—by good fortune; vyajena—by a trick; jaratim—the old lady;

duram—far away; apasarya—sending; dhurtaù—villain; ayam—this; bhru-
vibhramena—by moving the eyebrows; lalitäm—Lalitä; tvarayati—causes to

Paurëamäsé: By good fortune, using this trick, Subala has now

sent old wretch Jaöilä far away. Now, by moving his eyebrows, he
makes Lalitä hasten here.

lalitä: (netra-prantaà kunayanti) hala rähi ehi. venuà maggamhe.

netra—of the eyes; prantam—the corner; kunayanti—contracting;

260 •
hala—sakhi; rähi—Rädhä; ehi—come; venum—for the flute; maggamhe—let
us search.

Lalitä: (glancing from the corners of her eyes) Sakhi Rädhä,

come. Let us search for the flute.

rädhikä: (svagatam) ditthi-a ahisaredi mam.

svagatam—aside; ditthi-a—by good fortune; ahisaredi—meets;


Rädhikä: (to Herself) By good luck now I will be able to meet

with Kåñëa.

mukhara: visakhe ahimannu sandisa-i ajja jo-iti-anaà upadesena
ma-e gomaìgala nama candi pu-anijja. ta pu-anopaharaà ghetuna tumaà
cecca-rukkhassa tale rähi-aà lambhaya tti.

praviçya—entering; apati—of the curtain; kñepena—with tossing;

visakhe—O Viçäkhä; ahimannu—Abhimanyu; sandisati—instructs; ajja—
now; jo-iti-anam—of the astrologers; upadesena—by the advice; ma-e—by
me; gomaìgala—Gomaìgala; nama—named; candi—Durga; pu-anijja—is
to be worshiped; ta—therefore; pu-ana—of worship; upaharam—the
articles; ghetuna—taking; tumam—You; cecca-rukkhassa—of a caitya tree;
tale—at the base; rähi-am—Rädhikä; lambhaya—you should bring; tti—thus.

(Tossing the backdrop curtain aside, Mukharä hastily enters.)

Mukharä: O Viçäkhä, Abhimanyu said to me: "Today the

astrologers have instructed me to worship the form of the goddess
Durga named Gomaìgala. Please take the articles of worship and,
bringing Rädhä with you, meet me under the caitya tree."

rädhikä: (sa-khedam apavarya) hanta dudde-assa padi-ullam. (iti

lalitä-mukhaà ikñate).

sa—with; khedam—grief; apavarya—concealing; hanta—indeed;

dudde-assa—of misfortune; padi-ullam—opposition; iti—thus; lalitä—of
Lalitä; mukham—at the face; ikñate—looks.

Rädhikä: (unhappily says to Herself, concealing Her words from

other's ears) Ah, cruel fate! (She gazes at Lalitä's face).

261 •
lalitä: hala sacca-nama eso ahimannu. ta gadu-a pu-anobaharaà

hala—ah!; sacca—truth; nama—name; eso—he; ahimannu—

Abhimanyu; ta—therefore; gadu-a—going; pua-ana—of worship;
ubaharam—the paraphernalia; sampademhi—let us arrange.

Lalitä: Sakhi, the name Abhimanyu (angry) fits him perfectly. Let
us go and prepare the paraphernalia of worship.

(iti sarva niñkräntah).

iti—thus; sarvaù—everyone; niñkräntaù—exits.

(Everyone exits).

paurëamäsé: (subalam anusåtya sa-vyatham) vatsa

duhsamadhaneyaà gatir upasthita. tad adya våndäya saha gatvä
samasvasyataà tvaya patavena pundarikakñaù. maya tu pramanika-
purandhrinaà gostim asadya jatila-kautilyaà varnayisyate. (iti niñkräntä).

subala—Subala; anusåtya—following; sa—with; vyatham—anxiety;

vatsa—O child; duhsamadhana—unfortunate; iyam—this; gatiù—situation;
upasthita—occurred; tat—therefore; adya—now; våndäya—Våndä; saha—
with; gatvä—having gone; samasvasyatam—should be consoled; tvaya—by
you; patavena—expertly; pundarikakñaù—lotus-eyed Kåñëa; pramanika-
purandhrinam—of the elderly women; gostim—the assembly; asadya—
entering; jatila—of Jaöilä; kautilyam—the crookedness; varnayisyate—will be
described; iti—thus; niñkränta—exits.

Paurëamäsé: (approaching Subala, she says with anxiety) Child,

this is an unfortunate situation. Now you and Våndä should go to lotus-
eyed Kåñëa and skillfully console Him, and I will go to the elderly
women and describe to them the crookedness of Jaöilä. (She exits).

subalaù: (parikramya) esa tamala-tale dahina-hatthe gahida-vamsi-a

vunda cittha-i.

parikramay—walking; esa—this; tamala—of the tamala tree; tale—at

the base; dahina-hatthe—in the right hand; gahida—taken; vamsi-a—the
flute; vunda—Våndä; cittha-i—stands.

Subala: (walking) There is Våndä standing under a tamala tree

and holding Kåñëa’s flute in her right hand.

262 •
våndä: bhoù subala vilokita-sarvarthasmi. tad alaà tad-vartaya.

praviçya—entering; bhoù—O; subala—Subala; vilokita—seen; sarva—

all; artha—meaning; asmi—I am; tat—therefore; alam—what is the need?;
tat—of that; vartaya—with the news.

(Våndä enters).

Våndä: O Subala, I have already seen everything. No need to tell

me what happened.

subalaù: vunde turi-aà ehi. venuà jevva ubaharamha.

vunde—O Våndä; turi-am—quickly; ehi—come; venum—the flute;

jevva—certainly; ubaharamha—let us bring.

Subala: Våndä, let us quickly go and bring the flute to Kåñëa.

(ity ubhau parikramatah).

iti—thus; ubhau—both; parikramataù—walk.

(They both walk).

subalaù: vunde mahumaìgalena vaddhidukkantho pi-a-va-asso

maggaà jje-a pekkhanto cittha-i. ta na jane akidatthanaà amhanaà tattha
gamane ka tassa dasa bhave.

vunde—O Våndä; mahumaìgalena—by Madhumaìgala; vaddhid—

increased; ukkantho—longings; pi-a—dear; va-asso—friend; maggam—the
path; jje-a—certainly; pekkhanto—seeing; cittha-i—stands; ta—therefore;
na—not; jane—I know; akida—unfulfilled; atthanam—purpose;
amhanam—of us; tattha—there; gamane—in the journey; ka—what?;
tassa—of Him; dasa—condition; bhave—might be.

Subala: Våndä, there is my dear friend Kåñëa gazing at the path,

and Madhumaìgala increases His desire to meet Rädhä. I do not know
what will happen to Kåñëa when He learns that we could not fulfill
His request.

våndä: subala satyaà bravisi. pasyayaà punnäga-taror upakanthe

samutkanthate kamsariù.

263 •
subala—O Subala; satyam—the truth; bravisi—you speak; pasya—
look!; ayam—He; punnäga-taroù—a punnäga tree; upakanthe—near;
samutkanthate—longs; kamsa-ariù—Kåñëa, the enemy of Kaàsa.

Våndä: Subala, you speak the truth. Look! There is Kåñëa, the
enemy of Kaàsa, standing under a punnäga tree and eagerly waiting
for Rädhä.

subalaù: vunde bhanami cintehi juttim

vunde—O Våndä: bhanami—I say; cintehi—please consider; juttim—


Subala: Våndä, I am asking you to think of a solution.

våndä: (vimraya) subala govindasya kñana-vinodaya cintitopayasmi.

tad ehi, tan-nispattaye vesaà bhajavaù. (iti niñkräntau).

vimrsya—thinking; subala—O Subala; govindasya—of Kåñëa; kñana—

for a moment; vinodaya—for happiness; cintita—thought; upaya—the
remedy; asmi—I am; tat—of that; nispattaye—for the accomplishment;
vesam—costume; bhajavaù—let us accept; iti—thus; niñkräntau—they exit.

Våndä: (thinking) Subala, I know how we can make Govinda

happy for some time. Come. To do this we must first disguise
ourselves. (The both exit).

(tataù praviçati madhumaìgalenopasyamanaù kåñëah).

kåñëaù: (sautsukyam)
rädhä puraù sphurati pascimatas ca rädhä
rädhädhisavyam iha dakñinatas ca rädhä
rädhä khalu kñiti-tale gagane ca rädhä
rädhä-mayi mama babhuva kutas tri-loki

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; madhumaìgalena—by

Madhumaìgala; upasyamanaù—followed; kåñëaù—Kåñëa; sa—with;
autsukyam—longing; rädhä—Rädhä; puraù—in front; sphurati—is
manifested; pascimataù—behind; ca—also; rädhä—Rädhä; ca—and;
rädhä—Rädhä; rädhä—Rädhä; adhisavyam—on the left; iha—here;
dakñinataù—on the right; ca—also; rädhä—Rädhä; rädhä—Rädhä; khalu—
indeed; kñiti—of the earth; tale—on the surface; gagane—in the sky; ca—and;
rädhä—Rädhä; rädhä—of Rädhä; mayi—consisting; mama—of Me;
babhuva—has become; kutaù—why?; tri-loki—the three worlds.

264 •
(Followed by Madhumaìgala, Kåñëa enters).

Kåñëa: (filled with longing) Rädhä is in front and behind Me.

Rädhä is on My left and on My right. On the earth and in the sky is
Rädhä. Why do I see all the three worlds filled with Her?

madhumaìgalaù: pi-a-va-assa bha-avadi-e ahisaridaà danià jevva

pekkhissasi rähi-am.

pi-a—dear; va-assa—O friend; bha-avadi-e—by the noble Paurëamäsé;

ahisaridam—brought here; danim—now; jjevva—certainly; pekkhissasi—
You will see; rähi-am—Rädhikä.

Madhumaìgala: Dear friend, the noble Paurëamäsé is already

bringing Her here. Soon You will see Your Rädhikä.

karenäntas tuñöyä sa-lalitam avañöäbhya lalitä-
karäìguñöhäà rädhä bhåñam abhisaranté sa-rabhasäm
kim adya smeräkñi smara-parimalolläsi-valayä-
dhvanir mäà nirmasyaty anupama-camatkära-catuläm

karena—by the hand; antaù—within; tustya—with satisfaction; sa—

with; lalitäm—playfulness; avastabhya—resting; lalitä—of Lalitä; kara-
angustham—on the thumb; rädhä—Rädhä; bhrsam—quickly; abhisaranti—
goes to the rendezvous; sa—with; rabhasam—eagerness; kim—whether?;
adya—today; smera—smiling; akñi—whose eyes; smara—of Kämadeva;
parimala—with the scent; ullasi—glistening; valaya—of bracelets;
dhvaniù—the sound; mam—Me; nirmasyati—will make; anupama—
incomparable; camatkara—with wonder; catulam—trembling.

Kåñëa: Will Rädhä, with smiling eyes and happy at heart,

playfully holding Lalitä's thumb in Her hand as She eagerly walks to
the meeting, and tinkling sound of Her bracelets bearing the fragrance
of conjugal desire, soon make Me tremble with incomparable wonder?

madhumaìgalaù: bho bho ma uttammassa. kankana-jhanakaro


bhoù—Oh!; bhoù—Oh!; ma—don't; uttammassa—to lose heart;

kankana—of ankle-bells; jhanakaro—the sound; succa-i—is indicated.

Madhumaìgala: Bho, don't despair! I hear the tinkling of ankle-


265 •
(nepathye) hala lalide pekkha. sa eso punna-a-rukkho disa-i.

nepathye—from behind the scenes; hala—sakhi; lalide—Lalitä;

pekkha—look!; sa eso—He; punna-a—punnäga; rukkho—tree; disa-i—is

(Off-stage) Lalitä, look! There is Kåñëa under the punnäga tree.

(punas tatraiva) sahi rahe dhittha-bhamara-jampidaà pekkha nam.

ta kkhanam idha jjevva citthamha.

punaù—again; tatra—there; eva—certainly; sahi—O friend; rahe—

Rädhä; dhittha—bold; bhamara—of a bumble-bee; jampidam—talking;
pekkha—look; nam—at this; ta—therefore; kkhanam—for a moment; idha—
here; jjevva—certainly; citthamha—let us stop.

(Another voice) Sakhi Rädhä, look at this boldly buzzing bumble-

bee. Let us stop here for a moment.

madhumaìgalaù: (sa-capalam) bho pi-a-va-assa vamado kià na

pecchasi. esa lalida-e saddhaà rähi-a sama-ada.

sa-capalam—restless; bho—O; pi-a-va-assa—dear friend; vamado—

from the left; kià—what?; na—not; pecchasi—You see; esa—She; lalida-e—
Lalita; saddhaà—with; rähi-a—Rädhä; sama-ada—has arrived.

Madhumaìgala: (with anxiety) O dear friend, do You not see?

Rädhikä has come here with Lalitä!

kåñëaù: (sotkantham) distya sakñad adya mad-ikñanayoù saukhyaà

vistaryate sakhya.

sa—with; utkantham—longing; distya—by good fortune; sakñat—

directly; adya—now; mat—My; ikñanayoù—of the eyes; saukyam—the
happiness; vistaryate—is expanded; sakhya—by the friend.

Kåñëa: (with longing) How fortunate I am! Today, thanks to My

friend, My eyes have found great happiness!

madhumaìgalaù: (sa-garvam) bho kisa na vittharidavvaà jattha

ahaà vi-addho dudo mhi.

sa—with; garvam—pride; bho—ah; kisa—why?; na—not;

266 •
vittharidavvam—to be expanded; jattha—where; aham—I; vi-addho—
clever; dudo—messenger; mhi—I am.

Madhumaìgala: (proudly) Bho! Why should You not become

happy? After all, I am the most expert messenger!

kåñëaù: sakhe purah-sthayor mat-priyayor avyalikata nadyapy

avadharita. yad abhyaà ne sannidhiyate.

sakhe—O friend; puraù—in the presence; sthayoù—staying; api—

although; mat—to Me; priayyoù—dear friends; avyalikata—not untruthful
(sincere); na—not; adya—now; api—even; avadharita—is considered; yat—
because; abhyam—by them; na—not; sannidhiyate—in approached nearby.

Kåñëa: Friend, My beloved Rädhä and Lalitä have no affection for

Me! Although they both stand not far away, they don't come any

madhumaìgalaù: pi-a-va-assa sutthu pasannaà rähià janahi. jaà

sadi-aïcala-jhampida murali jhalakka-i.

pi-a—dear; va-assa—friend; sutthu—clearly; pasannam—favourable;

rähim—Rädhä; janahi—You should know; jam—because; sadi—of Her
garments; aïcala—in the corner; jhampida—hidden; murali—the flute;
jhalakka-i—is manifested.

Madhumaìgala: Dear friend, You should know that Rädhä is

definitely attracted to You, because She holds Your flute in the corner
of Her garments.

kåñëaù: (sa-sneham)
vidhur eti divä virüpatäà
çata-patraà bata çarvaré-mukhe
iti kena sadä çriyojjvalaà
tulanäm arhati mat-priyänanam
(iti sa-kautukam anusarpati).

sa—with; sneham—tenderness; vidhuù—the moon; eti—becomes;

divä—by daytime; virüpatäm—faded away; ñata-patram—the lotus flower;
bata—alas; ñarvaré-mukhe—in the beginning of evening; iti—thus; kena—
with what; sadä—always; ñriyä-ujjvalam—brilliant with beauty; tulanäm—
comparison; arhati—deserves; mat—of Me; priyä—of the dear one;
änanam—the face; sa—with; kautukam—eagerness; anusarpati—

267 •
Kåñëa: (tenderly) The moon fades away in the daytime, and the
lotus closes at evening. But the face of My beloved Rädhä is always
shines with beauty, both day and night. Therefore, to what can Her
face be compared? (He eagerly approaches Rädhä).

varisahana-i lacchi i-aà puro ra-ini samuggama-i
canda-ali-kutumha-aca-ora ma dha-a suppasaham
nepathye—froà behind the scenes; varisahana-i—the daughter of
Maharaja Våñabhänu; lacchi—the goddess of fortune; i-am—She; puro—in
the presence; ra-ini—reddish (or affectionate); samuggama-i—approaches;
canda-ali—many moons (or Candrävalé); kutumba—maintaining; aca-ora—
cakora bird; ma—don't; dha-a—run; suppasaham—enthusiastically.

(Off-stage) The beautiful reddish sun, situated in the

constellation Taurus, now rises in the sky. O cakora bird that sustains
its life by the light of many moons, do not run so hastily to this sun!

Or: The goddess of fortune who is the daughter of Maharaja

Våñabhänu, filled with love for You, has now come here. O Kåñëa, who
is like the cakora bird for whom Candrävalé is life itself, do not run so
hastily to Rädhä!

madhumaìgalaù: lalide bhamidasi. na kkhu ca-oro. pekkha eso

rahangiramano jena varisahana-i lacchi kamijja-i.

lalide—O Lalitä; bha idasi—You are mistaken; na—not; kkhu—indeed;

ca-oro—a cakora bird; pekkha—look!; eso—he; rahangiramano—a
cakraväka bird; jena—by whom; varisahana-i—of the sun in the sign Taurus;
lacchi—the beauty; kamajja-i—is desired.

Madhumaìgala: Lalitä, you are mistaken. This is not the cakora.

Look! This is the cakraväka bird that yearns after the beauty of the sun
shining in the constellation Taurus!71

(nepathye punar anyatah).

bho kanha sunahi.

The cakora bird maintains itself by drinking moonlight, and therefore it yearns to see the moon.
The cakraväka birds separate at night and reunite in the morning when the sun rises. For this reason
the cakraväkas yearn to see the sun. Madhumaìgala rebukes Lalitä for using the wrong bird in her
metaphor. Kåñëa is eager to see Rädhä, not Candrävalé.

268 •
nepathye—behind the scenes; punar—again; anyatah—another; bho
kanha—O Kåñëa; sunahi—listen.

(Another voice from a different place behind the scenes) O

Kåñëa, listen!

madhumaìgalaù: (vilokya sa-sankam) esa dahine visalassa bahini

sarangi nama bali-a.

vilokya—looking; sa—with; sankam—fear; esa—she; dahine—on the

right; visalassa—of Viçäla; bahini—the sister; sarangi—Säraìgé; nama—
named; bali-a—girl.

Madhumaìgala: (fearfully looking) On the right is Viçäla's sister


kåñëaù: sakhe ma sankisthaù. susthu balikeyam.

sakhe—O friend; ma—don't; sankisthaù—be afraid; susthu—clearly;

balika—a young girl; iyam—this.

Kåñëa: Friend, don't be afraid. It is only a young girl.

sarangi: bho kanha sunahi. vuddhi-a muhala bhanadi kisa tu-e mama
nattini ali-aà dusi-jja-i. jaà tujjha vamsi-a amhehià kakkhali-a-hatthe
dittha ta ma gohi naà ti.

praviçya—entering; bho—O; kanha—Kåñëa; sunahi—listen; vuddhi-

a—the elderly lady; muhala—Mukharä; bhanadi—says; kisa—why?; tu-e—
by You; mama—my; nattini—granddaughter; ali-am—falsely; dusi-jja-i—is
defamed; jam—because; tujjha—Your; vamsi-a—flute; amhehim—by us;
kakkhali-a—of the monkey Kakkhaöé; hatthe—in the hand; dittha—seen; ta—
therefore; ma—don't; gohi—defame; nam—He; ti—thus.

Säraìgé: (enters) O Kåñëa, please listen. Elderly Mukharä speaks

to You the following words: "Why do You falsely defame my
granddaughter? We have personally seen Your flute in the hand of the
monkey Kakkhaöé. Do not accuse Rädhä of stealing Your flute!"

kåñëaù: sarangike vijïäpaya mukharaà yad ahaà labdha-muraliko


sarangike—O Säraìgé; vijïäpaya—please inform; mukharam—

269 •
Mukharä; yat—that; aham—I; labdha—found; muralika—the flute; asmi—I

Kåñëa: Säraìgika, please tell Mukharä that I have found My flute.

(nepathye) hala pacchanna hohi.

nepathye—from behind the scenes; hala—sakhi; pacchanna—hide;

hohi—please be.

(Off-stage) Sakhi, hide!

sarangi: (nepathyabhimukham avalokya. serasyam). hala rähi-e

cecca-rukkhassa tale tumaà vidudi a-aledi me bhadu-o. ta tattha kià ti na

nepathya—of behing the scenes; abhimukham—in the direction;

avalokya—looking; sa—with; irsyam—anger; hala—Ah!; rähi-e—Rädhikä;
cecca-rukkhassa—of a caitya tree; tale—at the base; tumam—You; vidudi—;
a-aledi—summons; me—my; bhadu-o—brother; ta—therefore; tattha—
there; kim—why?; ti—thus; na—not; gadas—You have gone.

Säraìgé: (looking in the direction of the behind-the-scene voice,

she angrily says) Rädhikä, my brother Abhimanyu called You to meet
him under the caitya tree. Why have You not gone there?

(nepathye) hadase saha-saraìga-mukhi sarangi-e tumaà pi dudi-a

jadila samvutta. ta vuddha-saddulassa tunda-kodare padehi.

nepathye—from behind the scenes; hadase—foolish; saha-saraìga—

of the color of tree branches (monkeys); mukhi—with face; sarangi-e—O
Säraìgé; tumam—you; api—also; dudi-a—a second; jadila—Jaöilä;
smavutta—are; ta—therefore; vuddha—old; sa dulassa—of a tiger; tunda-
kodare—in the jaws; padehi—you should fall.

(Off-stage) O foolish Säraìgé, O girl with the face of a monkey,

you are a second Jaöilä! May you fall into the jaws of some old tiger!

sarangi: (samarsam) lalide ullatti-a maà jevva tumaà tajjasi. ta ahaà

gadu-a ma-usi-a-e jadila-e vinnavissam. (iti niñkräntä).

sa—with; amarsam—anger; lalide—O Lalitä; ullatti-a—offending;

mam—me; jevva—certainly; tumam—you; tajjasi—rebuke; ta—therefore;
aham—I; gadu-a—having gone; ma-ui-a-e—to aunt; jadila-e—Jaöilä;

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vinnavissam—I shall inform; iti—thus; niñkränta—exits.

Säraìgé: (angrily) Lalitä, you have insulted me with these words.

I will go to my aunt Jaöilä and tell her everything! (She exits).

madhumaìgalaù: (savajïäm) jadu naà bali-a-palave kassa


sa—with; avajïäm—neglect; jadu—ever; nam—indeed; bali-a—of a

girl; palave—in the words; kassa—of whom?; visambho—trust.

Madhumaìgala: (with neglect) Who will believe the words of a


(nepathye) sakhi rahe munca munca.

sakhi—O friend; rahe—Rädhä; munca—release; munca—release .

(Off-stage) Sakhi Rädhä, throw it away, throw it away!

madhumaìgalaù: sunahi sankidena kià bhanedi lalida.

sunahi—listen; sankidena—in Sanskrit; kim—what?; bhanedi—says;


Madhumaìgala: Listen. What does Lalitä say in Sanskrit?

(punar nepathye)
kià taskarià yuvati-mana-dhanasya vamsim
anke karosi vikira tvaraya vidure
esa prayatu vanitambara-taskaraya
yogyena saìgam iha gacchatu vastu yogyam

punaù—again; nepathye—from behind the scenes; kim—why?;

taskarim—a thief; yuvati—of young girls; mana—of the mind; dhanasya—
of the wealth; vamsim—the flute; anke—the arm; karosi—You do; vikira—
throw; tvaraya—quickly; vidure—far away; esa—it; prayatu—should go;
vanita—of girls; ambara—of the garments; taskaraya—to the thief;
yogyena—with appropriateness; saìgam—association; iha—here;
gacchatu—should go; vastu—thing; yogyam—suitable.

(Again the voice from the off-stage) This flute is a thief who steals
the wealth of the young girls’ minds. Why do You hide it in Your arm?
Quickly throw it far away! Let it go to Kåñëa, the thief who stole the

271 •
gopés' garments. They are both rogues, therefore it is proper that they
should be together.

kåñëaù: (smitvä) sakhe pasyeyam aïcalad vamsià balad ivakraya

purastac cikñepa. tad imaà grhana.

tvä—smiling; sakhe—O friend; pasya—look; iyam—this; aïcalat—

from the corner of the sari; amsim—the flute; balat—violently; iva—as if;
akrsya—pulled; purastat—in the presence; cikñepa—tossed; tat—therefore;
imam—it; grhana—grab.

Kåñëa: (smiling) Friend, look! She took the flute from the edge
of Her garments and threw it. Grab it!

(madhumaìgalaù karoti).

madhumaìgalaù—Madhumaìgala; karoti—does it.

(Madhumaìgala does it).

(nepathye duratah) amma sarangi-e asaccaà na bhanidam.

nepathye—from behind the scenes; durataù—from far away; amma—

ah!; sarangi-e—by Säraìgé; asaccam—untruth; na—not; bhanidam—is

(Off-stage, from far away) Ah! Säraìgé told the truth!

kåñëaù: (sa-vyatham) sakhe pasya. puro nisthureyaà upasthita jarati.

sa—with; vyatham—anxiety; sakhe—O friend; pasya—look!; puraù—

before us; nisthura—cruel-hearted; iyam—she; upasthita—stands; jarati—
the old lady.

Kåñëa: (anxious) Friend, look! The cruel-hearted old lady is here.

madhumaìgalaù: hanta sa-ana-kasuna-bhu-angiva kura-muhi esa

rosa-vesena latthià khivanti parusaà gajja-i jadila.

hanta—Ah!; sa-ana—in the month of Çrävaëa; kasuna—a black;

bhujangi—snake; iva—like; kura—cruel; muhi—mouth; esa—she; rosa-
vesena—with anger; latthim—cane; khivanti—tossing; parusam—harsh;
garjati—roars; jadila—Jaöilä.

Madhumaìgala: Ah! The foul-mouthed Jaöilä appeared like a

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black snake in the month of Çrävaëa. Angrily waving her stick, she
shouts harsh words.

(nepathye) bho dukulaìgara-dhuma-leha paccahaà vancesi danià

ka pa-tti.

nepathye—from behind the scenes; bho—O; dukulaìgara—the coals

of a bad family; dhuma-lekha—smoke; paccaham—every day; vancesi—You
cheat; danim—now; ka—what?; pa-utti—attachment.

(Off-stage) O youth who is like the smoke from the embers of a

bad family, every day You cheat someone! What will You achieve by

madhumaìgalaù: haddhi ka-aliva kampa-i rähi-a.

haddhi—alas!; ka-ali—a plantain trees; iva—like; kampa-i—trembles;


Madhumaìgala: Ah, Rädhikä trembles like a plantain tree in the


ajje pasida. na kkhu amhe abarajjhamha.

nepathye—behind the scenes; ajje—O noble lady; pasida—be kind;

na—not; kkhu—indeed; amhe—we; abarajjhamha—offended.

(Off-stage) O noble lady, please be kind! We have not committed

any offenses!

madhumaìgalaù: pekkha rähi-aà hatthe ghettuna lalida-e sama


pekkha—look!; rähi-am—Rädhikä; hatthe—in the hand; ghettuna—

taking; lalida-e—Lalitä; samam—with; patthida—set out; vuddhi-a—the old

Madhumaìgala: Look! Taking Rädhikä by the hand, the old lady

is walking away with Lalitä.

kåñëaù: (sa-khedam) sakhe na jane kim adya pratipadyate kathoreyaà

jatila. tad upasåtya tattvam avadharyatam.

sa—with; khedam—unhappiness; sakhe—O friend; na—not; jane—I

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know; kim—what?; adya—now; pratipadyate—does; kathora—cruel;
iyam—she; jatila—Jaöilä; tat—therefore; upasåtya—following; tattvam—the
truth; avadharyatam—should be learned.

Kåñëa: (with grief) Friend, I do not know what cruel Jaöilä will
do now. Please follow her and learn what happens.

(madhumaìgalo niñkräntah).

madhumaìgalaù—Madhumaìgala; niñkräntaù—exits.

(Madhumaìgala exits).

kåñëaù: (nihavasya)
vyaktià gate mama rahasya-vinoda-våtte
rusto laghistha-hrdayas tarasabhimanyuù
rädhäà nirudhya sadane viniguhate va
ha hanta lambhayati va yadu-rajadhanim

vyaktim—manifestation; gate—attained; mama—of Me; rahasya—

confidential; vinoda-våtte—pastimes; rustaù—angry; laghistha—light;
hrdyayaù—heart; tarasa—quickly; abhimanyuù—Abhimanyu; rädhäm—
Rädhä; nirudhya—stopping; sadane—at home; viniguhate—hides; va—or;
ha—ah!; hanta—alas!; lambhayati—causes to attain; va—or; yadu—of the
Yadu dynasty; rajadhanim—the capital.

Kåñëa: (sighing) Learning of My confidential pastimes with Her,

this fool Abhimanyu will probably force Rädhä to stay at home, or
even take Her to Mathurä, the capital of the Yadu dynasty.

madhumaìgalaù: bho pi-a-va-assa accari-am. nunaà rähi-a kampi

vijjaà jana-i.

bho—O; pi-a—dear; va-assa—friend; accari-am—it is wonderful;

nunam—is it not?; rähi-a—Rädhikä; kampi—something; vijjam—mystic
knowledge; jana-i—knows.

Madhumaìgala: (enters) Bho! Dear friend, it was very

wonderful! Rädhikä must have some mystic knowledge!

kåñëaù: kathyataà kidåçi vidya.

kathyatam—should be spoken; kidåçi—what kind?; vidya—mystic


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Kåñëa: What kind of mystic knowledge? Tell Me.

madhumaìgalaù: kula-vuddhahiri-mandale nivittha-e bha-avadi-e

aggado vikkosanti jadila rähi-aà nida.

kula—respectable; vuddha—elderly; ahiri—of gopés; mandale—in the

circle; nivittha-e—entered; bha-avadi-e—the noble Paurëamäsé; aggado—
before; vikkosanti—very angry; jadila—Jaöilä; rähi-am—Rädhikä; nida—

Madhumaìgala: Jaöilä angrily brought Rädhikä to the assembly

of elder gopés and placed Her before Paurëamäsé.

kåñëaù: tatas tataù.

tataù—then; tataù—then.

Kåñëa: What happened then?

madhumaìgalaù: tado ditthaà ma-e sinehena vikkhuhidasu tasu

savvasu rähi-a-oggunthanaà utsari-a hasanto su-alo samvutto.

tado—then; dittham—seen; ma-e—by me; snehena—with affection;

vikkhuhidasu—agitated; tasu—among them; savvau—all; rähi-a—of
Rädhikä; oggunthanam—the veil; utsari-a—lifting; hasanto—laughing; su-
alo—Subala; samvutta—was manifested.

Madhumaìgala: Then I saw how in the midst of the assembly of

elder gopés, who were agitated because of their affection for Rädhä,
Jaöilä lifted the veil covering Her face, and from under the veil
appeared not Rädhikä, but laughing Subala!

kåñëaù: (smitvä) tatas tataù.

smitvä—smiling; tataù—then; tataù—then.

Kåñëa: (with smile) And what happened then?

madhumaìgalaù: tado hasa-kolahale ubarade rutthahià savvahià

nibbhacchida lajja-e nada-muhi jadila pala-ida.

tado—then; hasa—of laughter; kolahale—in the uproar; ubarade—

ceased; rutthahim—angry; savvahim—by all the gopés; nibhacchida—
rebuked; lajja-e—with embarrassment; nada—with bowed; muhi—face;
jadila—Jaöilä; pala-ida—fled.

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Madhumaìgala: Then, when the loud laughter finally ended, all
the gopés were very angry. They loudly scolded Jaöilä, and she, bowing
her head in shame, fled from their midst.

kåñëaù: kathyatam. tayor dvitiya katham abhut.

kathyatam—let it be told; tayoù—of the two; dvitiya—the second girl;

katham—how; abhut—was.

Kåñëa: Tell me, what happened to the second girl?

madhumaìgalaù: rähi-a-e kanne padhidena kena bi mantena

padhaà jevva sa vunda kida.

rähi-a-e—by Rädhikä; kanne—in the ear; padhidena—recited; kena

bi—some; mantena—by a mantra; padham—first; jevva—certainly; sa—she;
vunda—Våndä; kida—became.

Madhumaìgala: Rädhikä wispered some magical mantra in her

ear and the girl turned into Våndä!

kåñëaù: sakhe na rädhikäyaù khalv iyaà vidya. kintu taà

abhimanyuna samahrtaà avadharya mad-vinodaya yad våndäya pranitaà
idaà kautuhalam.

sakhe—O friend; na—not; rädhikäyaù—of Rädhikä; khalu—indeed;

iyam—this; vidya—magic; kintu—however; tam—Her; abhimanyu—by
Abhimanyu; samahrtam—called; avadharya—knowing; mat—of Me;
vinodaya—for the pleasure; yat—which; våndäya—by Våndä; pranitam—
fashioned; idam—this; kautuhalam—pastime.

Kåñëa: Friend, this is not Rädhikä's mystic knowledge! Knowing

that Rädhä was called by Abhimanyu, Våndä arranged these wonderful
pastimes to please Me.

madhumaìgalaù: (satta-hasam) bho saccaà vi-a kahesi. ditthaà ma-

e- punobi vunda-e. nimmida-raha-veso su-alo muhara-ghare pavittho.

sa—with; atta-hasam—loud laughter; bho—O; saccam—the truth; vi-

a—indeed; kehesi—You speak; dittham—seen; ma-e—by me; punobi—also;
vunda-e—by Våndä; nimmida—done; raha—of Rädhä; veso—the garment;
su-alo—Subala; muhara—of Mukharä; ghare—at the home; pavittho—

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Madhumaìgala: (with a loud laugh) Bho! You speak the truth!
Våndä and I have seen Subala enter Mukharä's house disguised as

dadhana madhyahna-jvalad-aruna-kanta-pratimaya
vapus tulyaà ganda-sthala-tulita-karandava-ruciù
krsangiyaà nidra-parimala-daridrakñi-kavala
sakhi-badhaà rädhä hari-viraha-khinna prathayati

dadhana—placing; madhya-ahna—midday; jvalat—blazing; aruna-

kanta—of suryakanta jewels; pratimaya—as a statue; vapuù—form;
tulyam—equality; ganda-sthala—cheeks; tulita—equal; karandava—of
ducks; ruci—color; krsa—slender; angi—limbs; iyam—She; nidra—of sleep;
parimala—fragrance; daridra—poor; akñi—eyes; kavala—a mouthful;
sakhi—of Her gopi-friends; badham—suffering; rädhä—Rädhä; hari—from
Kåñëa; viraha—from the separation; khinna—distressed; prathayati—

(Off-stage) With body like a statue of suryakanta jewels burning

at midday, with cheeks as pale as white ducks, and with eyes deprived
of even a little sleep, slender Rädhä, tormented by separation from
Hari, brings great suffering to Her sakhis.72

kåñëaù: (sa-dåñöi-kñepam) sakhe distya kirenamuna samasvasito 'smi.

sa—with; dåñöi—of a glance; kñepam—the casting; sakhe—O friend;

distya—by good fortune; kirena—parrot; amuna—by this; samasvasitaù—
comforted; asmi—I am.

Kåñëa: (glancing in that direction) O friend, by good fortune this

parrot has brought Me some consolation.

madhumaìgalaù: nunaà vunda-bhasidaà anukaredi kiro.

nunam—is it not so?; vunda—of Våndä; bhasidam—the words;

anukaredi—imitates; kiro—the parrot.

Madhumaìgala: This parrot is repeating the words spoken by


kåñëaù: sakhe drañöum icchämi tadåçau våndä-subalau. tatas

The suryakanta jewels bursts into flame when placed before the midday sun.

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sakhe—O friend; drañöum—to see; icchami—I wish; tadåçau—like this;

våndä—Våndä; subalau—and Subala; tataù—therefore; tvaryatam—it should
be hurried.

Kåñëa: Friend, I wish to see Våndä and Subala in disguise. Let’s

hurry to them.

(madhumaìgalo vamsià kåñëa-kare nikñipya parikramati).

madhumaìgalaù—Madhumaìgala; vamsim—the flute; kåñëa—of

Kåñëa; kare—in the hand; nikñipya—placing; parikramati—walks.

(Madhumaìgala places the flute in Kåñëa's hand and then starts

to walk.)

kåñëaù: su-vicyutaà vamsim upalabdho 'smi. tad enaà purayami. (iti

tatha karoti).

su-vicyutam—lost; vamsim—flute; upalabdhaù—obtained; asmi—I

have; tat—therefore; enam—it; purayami—I shall fill with music; iti—thus;
tatha—in that way; karoti—He does.

Kåñëa: I have found My lost flute. Let Me fill it with music. (He
does that).

madhumaìgalaù: (kñanam utkarno bhavan, sanskåtena)

manohari ko 'pi pratimukha-visari mrdutaya
viravo 'yaà varyaà sravana-paricaryaà racayati
tataù karnottamsi-kåta-catula-vamsi-kala-rutir
niratanka sanke milati kalaviìkavalir itaù

kñanam—in a moment; utkarnaù—with raised ears; bhavan—

becoming; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; manohari—charming; kah api—
something; pratimukha—in all directions; visari—going; mrdutaya—with
softness; viravaù—sound; ayam—this; varyam—best; sravana—of the ears;
paricaryam—service; racayati—does; tataù—then; karna—of the ears;
uttamsi—earrings; kåta—made; catula—sweet; vamsi—of the flute; kala—
melodious; rutiù—music; niratanka—fearless; sanke—I am afraid; milati—
meets; kalaviìka—of kalaviìka birds (Indian cuckoo); avaliù—multitude;

Madhumaìgala: (listening with pricked ears) The charming, soft

278 •
sound of the flute flows in all directions, giving happiness to the ears.
Because of this, all kalaviìka birds have fearlessly gathered here,
making these sweet melodious sounds their ear ornaments!

(punar vilokya) hi hi. sadda-sadhammena padarido mhi. kankana-

sinjidam kkhu edam.

punaù—again; vilokya—looking; hi hi—Hee-hee!; sadda—of sound;

sadhammena—by the similarity; padarido—tricked; mhi—I am; kandana—
of bracelets; sinjidam—the tinkling sounds; kkhu—indeed; edam—this.

(Looking again) Hee-hee! I was mistaken! These are not the

sounds of birds, but the tinkling of bracelets!

rädhikä: ami-aà pi-asi su-mahuraà vamasi ru-aà vissamohanaà

visamaà tujjha na dusanaà adhava murali jado darunasi kida

ami—nectar; pi-asi—you drink; su—very; mahuram—sweet; vamasi—

you spit; ru-am—a sound; vissa—the world; mohanam—bewildering;
visamam—dangerous; tujjha—of You; na—not; dusanam—criticism;
adhava—or; murali—the flute; jado—from which; daruna—hard (or
wooden); asi—you are; kida—done.

Rädhikä: O flute, although you drink the sweetest nectar, you

spit out a sound so poisonous that it bewilders the entire world! But
still, it is not your fault, since it is your nature to be hard.

lalitä: hala purado punna-assa mule kanho rehadi.

hala—sakhi; purado—in the presence; punna-assa—of a punnäga tree;

mule—at the base; kanho—Kåñëa; rehadi—is manifested.

Lalitä: Sakhi, here is Kåñëa under the punnäga tree.

madhumaìgalaù: (vilokya sa-harsam) dure magganijjo attho kahaà

sa-aà jevva hatthe ubatthido. (iti paravåtya) pi-a-va-assa pekkha. vunda-e
saddhaà subalo tujjha samnihià laddho.

vilokya—looking; sa—with; harsam—joy; dure—for a great distance;

magganijjo—to be sought; attho—purpose; kaham—how; sa-am—on its
own accord; jevva—indeed; hatthe—in the hand; ubatthido—manifested;
iti—thus; paravåtya—turning; pi-a—dear; va-assa—friend; pekkha—look!;
vunda-e—Våndä; saddham—with; subalo—Subala; tujjha—of You;
samnihim—nearness; laddho—obtained.

279 •
Madhumaìgala: (looks ahead and becomes joyful) How did this
happen? What we have been looking for everywhere is now falling
into our hands on its own accord! (Turning to Kåñëa) Dear friend,
look! Subala and Våndä are coming to You!

kåñëaù: (sa-sneham alokya) hanta priya-sakhyau praviçta me dåñöiù

prakamam amodate. (iti parikramya) bho sakhinaà sikha-mane tarasa
sa—with; sneham—affection; alokya—looking; hanta—indeed;
priya—dear; sakhyau—friends; praviçta—entered; me—My; dåñöiù—glance;
prakamam—greatly; amodate—delights; iti—thus; parikramya—walking;
bhoù—O; sakhinam—of gopi-friends; sikha—crest; mane—O jewel;
tarasa—at once; sannidhiyatam—may be approached.

Kåñëa: (with affection) O My friends, I am so happy to see you!

(Walking) O crest jewel of all My sakhis, come here at once!

rädhikä: (sa-smitam apavarya) hala lalide maà kkhu su-alam jevva

janadi de va-asso.

sa—with; smitam—a smile; apavarya—concealing; hala—sakhi;

lalide—Lalitä; mam—Me; kkhu—indeed; su-alam—Subala; jevva—indeed;
janadi—thinks; de—your; va-asso—friend.

Rädhikä: (concealing a smile) Lalitä, your friend Kåñëa thinks I

am Subala in disguise.

kåñëaù: sakhe madhumaìgala pasya samvidhanakasya sausthavam

asau sakñad agrato rädhikäiva sa-vayasya pratibhati.

sakhe—O friend; madhumaìgala—Madhumaìgala; pasya—look;

samvidhanakasya—arranged; sausthavam—excellence; yat—which; asau—
this; sakñat—directly; agrataù—in front; rädhikä—Rädhikä; eva—certainly;
sa-vayasya—with friend; pratibhati—appears;

Kåñëa: Friend Madhumaìgala, look! It is so wonderful! They look

exactly like Rädhikä and Her sakhi!

lalitä: hala rähi-e pariphullo eso sura-vallaho.

hala—sakhi; rähi-e—Rädhikä; pariphullo—blossomed with happiness;

eso—this; sura-vallaho—punnäga tree.

280 •
Lalitä: Rädhikä, this punnäga tree is certainly blossomed with

madhumaìgalaù: (sersyam) thaggini vunde ajja bi kià ti amhanaà

purado rähi rähiti bhanami. su-ala tti ujju-aà kahehi.

sa—with; irsyam—malice; thaggini—cunning; vunde—O Våndä!;

ajja—now; bi—even; kim—why?; ti—thus; amhanam—of us; purado—in
the presence; rähi—Rädhä; rähi—Rädhä; iti—thus; bhanasi—you say; su-
ala—Subala; tti—thus; ujju-am—honestly; kahehi—say.

Madhumaìgala: (angrily) O cunning Våndä, even now in our

presence you repeat "Rädhä, Rädhä". This is actually Subala. Speak the

kåñëaù: sakhe malam evaà braviù. prakamam rädhäbhidhanaà

dhinoti mam. tad anenaham apy amantrayisye. (iti sannidhaya) sakhi
rädhe parisvajasva mam. kñanam ahaà tad eva priyabhimarsa-saukhyam

sakhe—O friend; ma—don't; alam—so much; evam—in this way;

braviù—talk; prakamam—greatly; rädhä—of Rädhä; abhidhanam—the
name; dhinoti—pleases; mam—Me; tat—therefore; anena—by this; aham—
I; api—also; amantrayisye—I shall say; iti—thus; sannidhaya—coming close;
sakhi—O friend; rädhe—Rädhä; parisvajasva—embrace; mam—Me;
kñanam—for a moment; aham—I; tat—that; eva—certainly; priya—of the
beloved; abhimarsa—of the touch; saukhyam—the happiness;
anubhavami—shall experience.

Kåñëa: Friend, don't talk in this way. The sound of Rädhä’s name
brings Me great pleasure! I also like to speak the name “Rädhä”.
(Coming close) Sakhi Rädhä, embrace Me. For a moment let Me
experience the bliss of touching My beloved!

lalitä: (rädhäà prsthataù kåtvä) na-ara tattha gadu-a su-alaà jevva

alingehi. alam imina dambha-mudda—a-u-ena.

rädhäm—Rädhä; prsthataù—to the back; kåtvä—doing; na-ara—O

romantic hero; tattha—there; gadu-a—going; su-alam—Subala; jevva—
certainly; alingehi—embrace; alam—what is the use?; imina—of this;

Lalitä: (pushes Rädhä forward) O amorous hero, come here and

embrace Your Subala. What is the use of trying to cheat You?

281 •
madhumaìgalaù: (sa-rosam) vunde tumaà pa-idi-ebi nunaà lalida
samvutta jaà pajjussu-aà pi-a-assaà varesi.

sa—with; rosam—anger; vunde—O Våndä; tumam—you; pa-idi-ebi—

by nature; nunam—certainly; lalida—delicate; samvutta—covered; jam—
which; pajjussiu-am—eagerly desirous; pi-a—dear; va-assam—friend;

Madhumaìgala: (angrily) Våndä, although you are naturally very

delicate, now you are trying to deceive my dear friend, who is very
agitated and full of desire!

(praviçya) våndä: sakhi rädhe tvad-bhuja-vallari-sparsa-kamo 'yaà

purastad punnägaù. tad enaà dohada-danenotphullaya.

praviçya—entering; sakhi—O friend; rädhä—Rädhä; tvat—of You;

bhuja—of the arms; vallari—of the creepers; sparsa—the touch; kamaù—
desiring; ayam—He; purastat—in the presence; punnägaù—the punnäga
tree; tat—therefore; enam—it; dohada—of desiring; danena—by granting;
utphullaya—make blossom.

Våndä: (enters) Sakhi Rädhä, this punnäga tree yearns to touch

the creepers of Your arms. Fulfill its desire and make it blossom with

madhumaìgalaù: (sa-vismayam) va-assa ditthaà vunda-e indajalam.

(iti sa-kautukaà avekñya) indajalini vunde ghana-idi bi dhuma-leha vi-
addha-saraìgaà akatthiduà narihadi.

sa—with; vismayam—astonishment; va-assa—O friend; dittham—

seen; vunda-e—of Våndä; indajalam—this illusion; iti—thus; sa—with;
kautukam—wonder; avekñya—looking; indajalini—O magician; vunde—
Våndä; ghana-idi—in the form of a cloud; bi—even; dhuma-lekha—smoke;
vi-addha—of intellegent men; saraìgam—the best; akatthidum—to
bewilder; na—not; arhadi—deserves.

Madhumaìgala: (astonished) Friend, this is the magic power of

Våndä! (Gazing with wonder) O magician Våndä, even a great cloud of
smoke cannot confuse my supremely intelligent friend Kåñëa!

våndä: arya tadid-dama-kanthiyaà kadambini pratiyatam.

arya—O noble one; tadit—of lightning; dama—with a garland;

282 •
kanthi—around the neck; iyam—this; kadambini—group of clouds;
pratiyatam—is believed.

Våndä: O noble one, I think it is a group of clouds garlanded with

lightning flashes.73

kåñëaù: (nibhalya sa-vismayam) kathaà satyaà evanaya

raìganamalikaya dustyaja-kanthiyaà priya me varsabhanavi.

nibhalya—looking; sa—with; vismayam—wonder; katham—is it?;

satyam—truth; eva—certainly; anaya—by her; raìgana-malikaya—a
garland of raìgana flowers; dustyaja—difficult to give up; kanthi—on the
neck; iyam—She; priya—the beloved; me—My; varsabhanavi—Rädhä, the
daughter of Maharaja Våñabhänu.

Kåñëa: (gazing with wonder) Is this really My beloved Rädhä,

who is unable to give up the garland of raìgana flowers from Her

madhumaìgalaù: a-i de-i vunde pasida. ma kkhu buddhià mohehi.

jaà raha caicca-rukkha-mule patthida.

a-i—O; de-i—playful; vunde—Våndä; pasida—please be kind; ma—

don't; kkhu—indeed; buddhim—intelligence; mohehi—bewilder; jam—
because; raha—Rädhä; caicca-rukkha—of the caitya tree; mule—at the root;
patthida—has gone.

Madhumaìgala: Ayi! O playful Våndä, please be merciful and

don't bewilder me in this way! The real Rädhä is under the caitya tree!

våndä: ärya, raìgaëamälikä-sparçänabhijïa-kaëöhé kåtrimaiva

rädhikä viçäkhayä särdhaà tatra gatä

arya—O noble one; raìgaëamälikä—a garland of raìgana flowers;

sparça—a touch; anabhijïa—not knows; kaëöhé—whose neck; kåtrimaiva—
artificial; rädhikä—Rädhikä; viçäkhayä—with Viçäkha; särdhaà—
accompanied; tatra—that place; gatä—gone.

Våndä: O noble one, the false Rädhikä, whose neck does not
know the raìgana garland, left with Viçäkha.

kåñëaù: (rädhäm alokya)

Våndä hints that it is not Subala, but Rädhä, who is like lightning on Kåñëa's chest.

283 •
tavanukarat subalaà didrksuna
maya tvam apta purataù sudurlabha
sadåçyataù kacam ivabhilasyata
premagra-bhumir vanija harinmaniù

rädhäm—Rädhä; alokya—seeing; tava—of You; anukarat—from

imitation; didrksuna—desiring to see; maya—by Me; tvam—You; apta—
attained; purataù—in the presence; sudarlabha—difficult to attain;
sadåçyataù—from similarity; kacam—glass; iva—like; abhilasyata—desiring;
premagra—of highest love; bhumiù—the abode; vanija—by a merchant;
harinmaniù—an emerald.

Kåñëa: (gazing at Rädhä) I wished to see Subala in disguise, but

now I see You, who are very difficult to attain, standing before Me! I
am like a merchant who goes in search of glass, but instead finds a
rare emerald, the abode of the highest love!

rädhikä: cittha. vinnado si.

cittha—stop!; vinnado—known; si—You are.

Rädhikä: Enough! I know You!

lalitä: jala-i sahi maha raha manda jam ho-i nilini-ra-a kanha tumaà
nandasi jaà dhanno halidda-ra-o si

jala-i—burns; sahi—friend; maha—my; raha—Rädhä; manda—

miserable; jam—because; ho-i—is; nilini—blue, or steady; ra-a—color, or
affection; kanha—Kåñëa; tumam—You; nandasi—enjoy; jam—because;
dhanno—fortunate; halidda—yellow, or unsteady; ra-o—color, or affection;

Lalitä: Because the affection of my unhappy sakhi Rädhä is

colored with the blue color of constant attachment to You, She burns
with pain. But You, Kåñëa, are not suffering at all. Because Your
attachment is colored with the yellow color of fickleness and
indifference, You always remain happy.74

rohiny-adhara-sobhaya viharase jyesthasi vama-bhruvaà
vanya rajasi citraya parijanesv ardraà dhiyaà yacchasi
“Rädhä, with niléné-rägä (bluish attraction or attraction to the dark-complexioned person), suffers,
since She cannot give You up. But You, with häridra-rägä (yellowish attraction or attraction for
golden-complexioned girls), don't suffer at all!”

284 •
rädhe tvaà sravanottareti paritas tarodayollasini
naslesarpana-dikñite mayi kathaà dakñinyam athsithasi

rohini—red (or Rohiëé constellation); adhara—of the lips; sobhaya—

with the beauty; viharase—You shine; jyestha—the best (or Jyeñöhä
constellation); asi—You are; vama-bhruvam—of the beautiful-eyebrowed
gopés; vanya—with words; rajasi—You shine; citraya—wonderful (or Citra
constellation); parijanesu—to Your friends; ardram dhiyam—happiness (or
Ärdrä constellation); yacchasi—You give; rädhe—O Rädhä; tvam—You;
sravana—ears (or Çravaëa constellation); uttara—above; iti—thus; paritaù—
everywhere; tara-udaya—with a necklace of pearls (or rising of the stars);
ullasini—decorated; na—not; alsesa—of embraces (or Açleñä constellation);
arpana—to giving; dikñite—determined; mayi—to Me; katham—why?;
dakñinyam—favorable; atistham—You accept.

Kåñëa: O Rädhä, Your red lips are very charming. You are the
best of all the beautiful-eyebrowed gopés. Your words are wonderfully
eloquent. You bring great happiness to the hearts of Your friends. The
sound of Your name is always in everyone's ears. You are nicely
decorated with a necklace of pearls. O Rädhä, I yearn to embrace You!
Why are You not friendly to Me?75

mudha manonnahad glapayasi kim aìgani kathine
rusaà dhatse kià va priya-parijanabhyarthana-vidhau
prakamaà te kuïjalaya-grhapatis tamyati puraù
krpa-laksmivantaà catulaya drg-antaà kñanam iha

mudha—uselessly; mana—of anger; unnahat—from the increase;

glapayasi—You torture; kim—why?; aìgani—bodily limbs; kathine—O
harsh girl; rusam—anger; dhatse—You place; kim—why?; va—or; priya—
dear; parijana—of the friend; abhyarthana-vidhau—in the requests;
prakamam—full of desire; te—of You; kuïja-alaya—of the forest grove;
grhapatiù—the master; tamyati—exhausted; puraù—in the presence; krpa—
of mercy; laksmi—the opulence; vantam—possessing; catulaya—please
move; drk—of the eye; antam—the corner; kñanam—for a moment; iha—

Våndä: O hard-hearted girl, why do You uselessly torture Your

own body with this violent anger? Why are You angry to hear the
requests of Your dear friends? The master of the forest bowers,

“O Rädhä, You are the abode of all nakñatras: Rohiëé, Jyeñöhä, Citra, Ärdrä, Çravaëa and Açleñä.

Why are You not favorable to Me?”

285 •
exhausted by amorous desires, now stands before You. For a moment
give Him a merciful glance from the corner of Your eye.

nisthura bhava mrdvi va
pranas tvam asi rädhike
asti nanya cakorasya
candra-lekhaà vina gatiù

nisthura—harsh; bhava—You may be; mrdvi—gentle; va—or;

pranaù—life breath; tvam—You; asi—are; rädhike—O Rädhikä; asti—there
is; na—not; anya—another; cakorasya—of the cakora bird; candra-
lekham—the moonlight; vina—without; gatiù—goal.

Kåñëa: You may be cruel, or You may be kind. O Rädhikä,

whatever You do, You are always My life and soul! Just as the cakora
bird depends only on the moonlight and does not take shelter of
anything else, in the same way I take shelter only of You!

rädhä: saccaà ma-inaà bi tumaà mohano si. (iti sa-sabdaà


saccam—in truth; ma-inam—of magician; bi—even; tumam—You;

mohano—the bewilderer; si—You are; sa—with; sabdam—a sound;
krandati—She cries.

Rädhä: You are really able to bewilder even the greatest of

magicians! (She cries loudly.)

lalitä: (sankåtena)
dhara baspamayi na yati viratià lokasya nirmitsataù
premasminn iti nanda-nandana-rataà lobhan mano ma
kåthaùitthaà bhuri nivaritapi tarale mad-vaci saci-kåta-
bhru-dvandva na hi gauravam tvam akaroù kià nadya rodisyasi

dhara—a stream; baspa—of tears; mayi—consisting; na—does not;

yati—attain; viratim—cessation; lokasya—of the world; nirmitsataù—
desiring to created; prema—love; asmin—in this; iti—thus; nanda-
nandana—to Kåñëa, the son of Maharaja Nanda; ratam—devoted; lobhat—
out of greed; manaù—mind; ma—do not; kåthaù—do; ittham—in this way;
bhuri—greatly; nivarita—restrained; api—although; tarale—O fickle girl;
mat—my; vaci—in the words; saci—crooked; kåta—done; bhru—of
eyebrows; dvandva—with a pair; na—not; hi—indeed; gauravam—serious;
tvam—you; akaroù—do; kim—whether; na—not; adya—now; rodisyasi—

286 •
You cry.

Lalitä: Alhough I have warned You many times, saying, “Do not
allow Your heart to fall in love with Nanda-nandana, for those who
love Him cry incessantly”, frowning Your eyebrows, You did not take
my words seriously. O fickle girl, is it any wonder that You are crying

(kåñëaù kararavindena rädhikäsru-bindun apasarayati).

kåñëaù—Kåñëa; kara—hand; aravindena—with the lotus flower;

rädhikä—of Rädhikä; asru—tear; bindum—drops; apasarayati—removes.

(With His lotus hand, Kåñëa wipes away Rädhikä's tears).

rädhikä: muddha-jane bi vankaà vavaharanto kisa na lajjasi.

muddha—bewildered; jane—to a person; bi—even; vankam—

dishonestly; vavaharanto—performing; kisa—why?; na—not; lajjasi—You
are ashamed.

Rädhikä: Aren’t You ashamed to act so dishonestly with an

innocent young girl?

smara-krida-lubdhaù pasupa ramanisu sphutam ahaà
tathapy aksnor vartis tvam asi mama divyaïjanamayi
tapadyaù kià bhrngaà prthulaà rtu-laksmir na bhajate
rasollasad enaà tad api hi madhu-srir madayti

smara—amorous; krida—for pastimes; lubdhaù—greedy; pasupa-

ramanisu—among the gopés; sphutam—clearly; aham—I am; tatha api—
nevertheless; aksnoù—of the eyes; vartiù—abode; aïjana-mayi—ointment;
tapa—summer; adyaù—beginning with; kim—is it?; bhrngam—the bumble-
bee; prthulam—greatly; rtu—of the season; laksmiù—the charm; na—not;
bhajate—is; rasa-ullasat—from the abundance of nectar; enam—this; tat
api—that; hi—indeed; madhu—of spring; sriù—the beauty; madayati—

Kåñëa: Although I am very eager to enjoy amorous pastimes with

the other gopés, still You are the divine ointment for My eyes. The
summer and other seasons may display their charm to the bumble-
bee, but the beauty of spring, full of nectar, really intoxicates him with

287 •
våndä: sakhi yatharthaà vakti vanamali.

sakhi—O sakhi; yatha-artha—appropriate; vakti—speaking; vana-

mali—Kåñëa, who wears a garland of forest flowers.

Våndä: Sakhi, Vanamälé speaks the truth.

kåñëaù: priye tvaya sahacarya vana-viharam angi-kartum icchami.

priye—O beloved; tvaya—with You; sahacarya—as My companion;

vana—in the forest; viharam—pastimes; angi-kartum—to accept; icchami—
I desire.

Kåñëa: Beloved, I wish to enjoy pastimes in the forest with You.

våndä: tenahaà sakhi våndäm apadhapayami. (iti paritaù pasyanti).

smitaà vitasu mädhavé prathaya malli hasodgamaà
muda vikasa patale purata-yuthi nidraà tyaja
prasida sata-patrike bhaja lavaìga-valli sriyaà
dadhara saha rädhäya harir ayaà vihara-sprham

tena—by this; aham—I; sakhi—O friend; våndäm—the host;

apadhapayami—shall arrange; iti—thus; paritaù—in all directions;
pasyanti—looking; smitam—a smile; vitanu—please exhibit; mädhavé—O
mädhavé creeper; prathaya—please manifest; malli—O jasmine creeper;
hasa-udgamam—a laugh; muda—with happiness; vikasa—please blossom;
patale—O patala flowers; purata-yuthi—O golden yuthi flower; nidram—
sleep; tyaja—please abandon; prasida—be kind; sata-patrike—a hundred
petaled lotus; bhaja—manifest; lavaìga-valli—O lavaìga creeper; sriyam—
beauty; dadhara—manifested; saha—with; rädhäya—Rädhä; hariù— Kåñëa;
ayam—He; vihara—of pastimes; sprham—the desire.

Våndä: Sakhi, I will make the arrangements. (Looking in all

directions) O mädhavi creeper, please smile! O jasmine creeper,
laugh! O päöala creeper, blossom wih happiness! O golden yüthi
creeper, wake up! O lotus, please be kind to us! O lavaìga creeper,
show us your beauty! Hari now wishes to enjoy pastimes with Rädhä
in the forest!

madhumaìgalaù: hi hi. kahaà kantara-jakkhinni-e va-a-matta-ena

upphulli-ki-aà valli-mandalam.

hi hi—hee-hee; kaham—how is it?; kantara—of the forest; jakkhinni-

288 •
e—by the fairy; va-a—by words; matta-ena—only; upphilli-kidam—
blossomed; valli—of creepers; mandalam—the host.

Madhumaìgala: Hee-hee! How is it? Simply by speaking some

words this forest fairy has made all the creepers blossom!

kåñëaù: sakhe cittam amodayanti puspamodavatyo virudhaù.

sakhe—O friend; cittam—the heart; amodayanti—delight; puspa—of

flowers; amodavatyaù—with the fragrance; virudhiù—the creepers.

Kåñëa: O friend, these fragrant flowering creepers delight My


madhumaìgalaù: va-assa tumhanaà savva-o cittaà amodenti lada.

mama una ekka hema-juhi jjeva ja gokulesari-e samkiam gabba-dhi-aà bia
tthabaam dhore-i.

va-assa—O friend; tumhanam—of You; savva-o—all; cittam—the

heart; amodenti—pleases; lada—the creepers; mama—of me; una—
however; ekka—only; hema—golden; juhi-yuthi—flowers; jjeva—certainly;
ja—which; gokulesari-e—by the queen of Gokula; samkiam—purified;
gabba-dhi-am—ghee from cow milk; bia—like; tthabaam—clusters; dhore-

Madhumaìgala: Friend, all the flowering creepers delight Your

heart. But I am pleased only with the golden yüthi flowers that
Gokula's queen Yaçodä wears, and whose clusters look like ghee made
by her.

lalitä: (smitvä) ajja tado kkhu pa-adida de rasannada.

smitvä—smiling; ajja—O noble one; tado—therefore; kkhu—indeed;

pa-adida—is manifested; de—of you; rasannada—expertness at enjoying

Lalitä: (smiling) O noble one, you have really shown your

knowledge of mellows.

madhumaìgalaù: (sersyam) va-assa pekkha pekkha. ima-o ratta abi

vanka-kimsua-kaliao go-i-a vi-a maà na suhavedi.

sa—with; irsyam—anger; va-assa—friend; pekkha—look!; ima-o—

these; ratta—red; abi—also; vanka—crooked; kimsua—kimsuka; kaliao—

289 •
flower buds; go-i-a—the gopés; vi-a—like; mam—me; na—do not;

Madhumaìgala: (angrily) Friend, look! Look! These crooked red

kiàçuka flowers, similar to the gopés, do not please me at all!

lalitä: vunde ede valla-a vi-a- pekkhi-antu java tthava-a- ja kkhu lo-
ana-lohanijja bi namodaà vittharenti.

vunde—O Våndä; ede—these; valla-a—gopas; vi-a—indeed; pekkhi-

antu—should be seen; java—of jäva flowers; tthava-a—clusters; ja—which;
kkhu—indeed; loa-an—by the eyes; lohanijja—to be desired; bi—indeed;
na—not; amodam—a sweet fragrance; vittharenti—spreads.

Lalitä: Våndä, look at these gopas! They are just like clusters of
jäva flowers, which are attractive to the eyes, but have no fragrance.

madhumaìgalaù: (sa-rosam) janamha tumhanaà go-i-anaà kamma

ja-o rasa-kumbhaà bi didhaà nimmanthi-a sinehaà kaddhanti.

sa—with; rosam—anger; janamha—we know; tumhanam—of you;

go-i-anam—gopés; kamma—the activity; ja-o—which; rasa—of nectar;
kumbham—a pot; bi—indeed; didham—firmly; nimmanthi-a—churning;
sineham—ghee (or tender love); kaddhati—removing.

Madhumaìgala: (with anger) We know what you gopés do! You

vigorously churn the pot of rasa and extract all the butter from it!76

våndä: (smitvä) sakhi lalite

ye danda-pasa-bhajaù
sphutaà vahanto manaù silakalpam
kantaram asrayante
tebhyo vaù kñemam ullasatu

smitvä—smiling; sakhi—O friend; lalite—Lalitä; ye—those who;

danda—sticks; pasa—and ropes; bhajaù—possessing; sphutam—clearly;
vahantaù—carrying; manaù sila— with the mineral pigment manaù-çilä (or
have stone-like hearts); akalpam—decorated; kantaram—forest path (or the
dense, dark forest); asrayante—take shelter; tebhyaù—to them; vaù—of you;
kñemam—kindness; ullasatu—should be manifested.

Våndä: (smiling) Sakhi Lalitä, these boys, carrying sticks and

“We know what you gopés do! By engaging in pastimes with Kåñëa, you deprive them of all the
attractiveness and sweetness! You have no affection for my dear friend at all!”

290 •
ropes, and decorated with manaù-çilä mineral pigment, follow the
surabhi cows on the forest paths. Be kind to them.

Or: Sakhi Lalitä, these boys have hearts as hard as stone. Armed
with sticks and ropes, they found shelter in the dense dark forest. You
should be careful with them.77

kåñëaù: (smitvä) vånde jïätaà jïätam. buddhià murchayata kurcika

lobhena gopikaïcala-grähini tvaà kåtasi.

smitvä—smiling; vånde—O Våndä; jïätam—understood; jïätam—

understood; buddhim—intelligence; murchayata—bewildering; kurcika—of
cottage cheese; lobhena—with the desire; gopika—of the gopés; aïcala-
grähini—taking the side; tvam—you; kåta asi—are.

Kåñëa: (with smile) O Våndä, I understood, I understood! The

desire to taste curd bewildered your intelligence and made you side
with these gopékas!

kasturikeva duravacchada-saìgameyaà
gopi-tatir madamayi kila picchila ca
dakñinyatas tanubhrtam anuraïjano 'yaà
vasanta-vayur iva hanta murantakari

nepathye—from behind the scenes; kasturika—musk; duravacchada-

—difficult to be covered; saìgama—union; iyam—this; gopi—of gopis;
tatiù—host; madamayi—intoxicating; kila—indeed; picchila—slippery; ca—
also; dakñinyataù—from the south (or favorable); tanubhrtam—for all the
living beings; anuraïjanaù—delighting; ayam—He; vasanta—springtime;
vayuù—breeze; iva—like; hanta—indeed; mura-anta-kari—Kåñëa, the killer
of the Mura demon.

(Off-stage) These gopés are like sticky, slippery, intoxicating

musk, whereas Kåñëa, the enemy of Mura, is like the southern spring
breeze that pleases all living beings.

kåñëaù: (prsthato dåñöià kñiptvä) sadhu bho kira-raja sadhu.

prsthataù—from behind; dåñöim—glance; kñiptvä—casting; sadhu—

well spoken; bhoù—O; kira—of parrots; raja—O king; sadhu—well spoken.

“Just as villains take life using weapons, these gopas, armed with sticks and ropes, destroy prema.”

291 •
Kåñëa: (glancing backwards) Well spoken, O king of parrots!
Well spoken!

madhumaìgalaù: vihaìga-punga-a ca-uddaha-vijja-vi-akkhano

diha-u hohi.

vihaìga—of birds; punga-a—O best; ca-uddaha—fourteen; vijja—

arts; vi-akkhano—expert; diha-u—long life; hohi—may you have.

Madhumaìgala: O best of birds, O learned scholar in the

fourteen kinds of knowledge, long life to you!78

lalitä: hande candala-kira pa-anda-sasa-ana-tunda-rahuno pahuno

hodu de pinda-sasi.

hande—O; candala—outcaste; kira—parrot; pa-anda—ferocious;

sasa-ana—of a hawk; tunda—of the beak; rahuno—of the Rahu planet;
pahuno—a guest; hadu—may become; de—of you; pinda—of the body;
sasi—the moon.

Lalitä: O low parrot, may the moon of your body become the
guest of the Rahu planet of the ferocious hawk’s beak!

kåñëaù: sakhe turnam asmai samarpaya pakimani dadimi-bijani.

sakhe—O friend; turnam—at once; asmai—to him; samarpaya—give;

pakimani—ripe; dadimi—pomegranate; bijani—seeds.

Kåñëa: Friend, quickly feed this parrot with ripe pomegranate


madhumaìgalaù: bho vindavana-bihappa-e dadimi-bi-a-hindobi

susthu kantaà lalida-e danta-pattià de da-issam.

bho—O; vindavana—of Våndävana; bihappa-e—O Båhaspati;

dadimi—pomegranate; bi-a-hinobi—for seeds; susthu—nicely; kantam—
beautiful; lalida-e—of Lalitä; danta—of teeth; pattim—the row; de—to you;

Madhumaìgala: Bho Båhaspati of Våndävana! As pomegranate

seeds I offer you Lalitä's beautiful teeth!

(punar nepathye)

The fourteen kinds of knowledge are 4 Vedas, 6 Vedäìgas and 4 Upäìgas.

292 •
caïcala-saïjhaghana vi-a muhutta-ra-aà tanodi de sämi
vaha-i sinehià rähi ke-alaà na-ani-a-puttivva
punaù—again; nepathye—from behind the scenes; caïcala—O restless
one; saïjhaghana—at sunrise; vi-a—as; muhutta—for a 48 minutes; ra-am—
red; tanodi—does; de—of you; sami—the master; vaha-i—carries;
sinhetim—love or oiliness; rähi—Rädhä; ke-alam—changeless; na-ani-a—of
fresh butter; putti—the daughter; ivva—like.

(Again the voice from the off-stage) O fickle parrot, your master
Kåñëa does not really love Rädhä! His love lasts only for a moment,
just as the rising sun is red for only one muhürta. Only Rädhä's love
is pure and constant. Just as butter always retains its oily nature, so
Rädhä is saturated with the tender love for Kåñëa.

lalitä: (sanandam) sahi sari-e sohaggavadi dohi. jaà paccutarena

nijjido tu-e dummaho kiro.

sa—with; anandam—bliss; sahi—O friend; sari-e—çärikä (female

parrot); sohaggavadi—fortunate; dohi—may you become; jam—because;
paccutarena—with this reply; nijjido—defeated; tu-e—by you; dummaho—
bad-mouthed; kiro—male parrot.

Lalitä: (blissfully) O sakhi çärikä, good fortune to you! With this

reply you have defeated this foul-mouthed parrot!

kåñëaù: (svagatam) dhruvaà våndävyedam adhyapita-kausalaà

vihaìgayor dvandvam.

svagatam—aside; dhruvam—certainly; våndäya—by Våndä; idam—

this; adhyapaita—instructed; kausalam—skillfulness; vihaìgayoù—of birds;
dvandvam—the pair.

Kåñëa: (aside) Våndä has taught these two birds to speak so


madhumaìgalaù: (sa-krodham) hajje bhajjemi de tikka-jappinaà

cancu-pudam. (iti sa-vyajaà dandaà kñipati).

sa—with; krodham—anger; hajje—O female servant; bhajjemi—I will

break; de—your; tikka—sharp; jappinam—speaking words; cancu-pudam—
beak; iti—thus; sa—with; vyajam—false; dandam—a stick; kñipati—thrown.

Madhumaìgala: (angrily) O low maidservant! I will break your

293 •
beak that speaks such sharp words! (He waves his stick with
pretended anger.)

rädhikä: hanta kadham uddinaà vavadu-aà vihaìga-mihunam.

hanta—alas!; kadham—how is it?; uddinam—flown away; vavadu-

am—eloquent; vihaìga—of birds; mihunam—the pair.

Rädhikä: Ah! The two eloquent birds flew away.

kåñëaù: (rädhäm avekñya)

sevante taru-gehinaù sumanasaà våndäir madhu-syandibhir
yatrotphulla-lata-vadhubhir abhitaù saìgatya bhrngatithin
samvita pasubhis tatha khaga-kulaiù kheladbhir avyahataà
na syat kasya sukanthi seyam adhikanandaya våndätavi

rädhäm—at Rädhä; avekñya—looking; sevante—serve; taru—of the

trees; gehinaù—the householder men; sumanasam—flowers; våndäiù—with
multitudes; madhu—with honey; syandibhiù—dripping; yatra—where;
utphulla—blossoming; lata—of creepers; vadhubhiù—by the wives;
abhitaù—embraced; saìgatya—meeting; bhrnga—of bumble-bees;
atithin—the guests; samvita—surrounded; pasubhiù—by animals; tatha—in
that way; khaga—of birds; kulaiù—by the hosts; kheladbhiù—playing;
avyahatam—without obstruction; na—not; syat—may be; kasya—of whom?;
su-kanthi—O sweet-voiced girl; sa iyam—this; adhika—for great;
anandaya—bliss; våndä-atavi—forest of Våndävana.

Kåñëa: (looking at Rädhä) Embraced by their blossoming

creeper wives, the householders trees offer many flowers, trickling
with honey, to their bumble-bee guests. Many birds and forest animals
are peacefully frolicking everywhere. O sweet-voiced girl, who is not
delighted by this Våndävana forest?

harinir vidambayasi netra-khelaya
lalitäir lata-pika-kulaà kalotibhiù
sikhinas ca kuntala-kalapa-vibhramair
iti te puraù kim iva me vana-sriya

atha va—or; hariniù—the does; vidambayasi—You mock; netra—of

the eyes; khelaya—playing; lalitäiù—graceful; lata—on the creepers; pika—
of cuckoos; kulam—the multitude; kala—sweet; uktibhiù—with words;
sikhinaù—the peacocks; ca—also; kuntala—of curling locks of hair;
kalapa—of the host; vibhrmaiaù—with the beauty; iti—thus; te—of You;

294 •
puraù—in the presence; kim—how?; iva—as if; me—to Me; vana—of the
forest; sriya—with the beauty.

But still... With Your playful glances You mock the beauty of the
does’ eyes. With Your charming movements You shame the
gracefulness of the creepers. With Your sweet voice You surpass the
singing of the cuckoos. With Your curling locks of hair You disgrace
the beauty of the peacocks’ tails. How can this forest look beautiful in
Your presence?

våndä: pasya pasya

viratormir iyaà su-niraja
sphuta-kåñëa-rucir yamadrta
muni-gosthiva cakasti bhanuja

pasya—look!; pasya—look!; virata—stopped; urmiù—waves; iyam—

this; su-niraja—with beautiful lotuses; dhrta—held; suddha—pure; ujjvala—
splendid; sattvä—natures; santataiù—multitude; sphuta—manifested;
kåñëa—dark; ruciù—luster; yama—by Yamaraja; adrta—honoured; muni—
of sages; gosthi—an assembly; iva—like; cakasti—is manifested; bhanuja—
the Yamunä river, daughter of the sun-god.

Våndä: Look! Look! The Yamunä river, the daughter of the sun-
god and the honoured sister of Yamaraja, filled with beautiful lotus
flowers and inhabited by many living beings, has stopped the flow of
her dark shining waters and looks like an assembly of sages!

kåñëaù: priye pasya pasya

smita-ruci-virajitaà te
mukham iva nirajayaty adhirakñi
niraja-raji marud-bhramita

smita—smile; ruci—charming; virajitaà—splendid; te—Your;

mukham—face; iva—like; nirajayati—offers ärati; adhirakñi—restless eyes;
niraja—of the lotus; bandhava—friend; duhitur—of the daughter; niraja—
lotuses; raji—series; marud—in the wind; bhramita—tossed.

Kåñëa: Beloved, look! Look! O restless-eyed one, as they move in

the breeze, the lotus flowers in the Yamunä seem to be offering ärati
to Your beautiful smiling face!

våndä: (parikramya. nirajany ahrtya ca). pundarikakña stokotphullam

295 •
idaà grhana lila-pundarikam. tathavatamsocitaà kokanada-dvandvam.

parikramya—walking; nirajani—lotuses; ahrtya—picking; ca—also;

pundarika—lotus; akña—eyes; stoka—slightly; utphullam—blossomed;
idam—this; tatha—in this way; avatamsa—for earrings; ucitam—suitable;
kokanada—of red kokanada lotuses; dvandvam—the pair.

Våndä: (walks and picks some lotus flowers) O lotus-eyed one,

please take this slightly blossomed white lotus as a toy, and these two
red lotuses as earrings.

kåñëaù: (sa-harsam adaya) vånde raktotpale rädhä-karnayor

adhanena sriyaà labhatam. (iti tatha kåtva. sa-kautukam) hanta
pundarika-kose caïcariko vartate.

sa—with; harsam—happiness; adaya—taking; vånde—O Våndä;

rakta—red; utpale—lotuses; rädhä—of Rädhä; karnayoù—on the ears;
adhanena—by the taking; sriyam—beauty; labhatam—may attain; iti—thus;
tatha—in that way; kåtvä—having done; sa—with; kautukam—surprise;
hanta—ah!; pundarika—of the white lotus flower; kose—in the whorl;
caïcarikaù—a bumble-bee; vartate—is.

Kåñëa: (happily taking them) Våndä, these two red lotuses will
become beautiful on Rädhä's ears. (Kåñëa decorates Rädhikä's ears
and then expresses surprise) Ah! There is a bumble-bee in the whorl
of this white lotus!

madhupaù kamalena sardham udyan-
makarandena mukundam asasada
sarasesu vinirmito hi saìgaù
paramananda-bharonnatià tanoti

madhupaù—the bumble-bee; kamalena—the lotus; sardham—with;

udyat—rising; makarandena—with honey; mukundam—Kåñëa; asasada—
approached; sarasesu—filled with rasa; vinirmitaù—done; hi—indeed;
saìgaù—contact; parama—supreme; ananda—of bliss; bhara—abundance;
unnatim—great; tanoti—spreads.

Våndä: Along with the honey-filled lotus, this bumble-bee has

reached Mukunda. When objects filled with rasa meet, the supreme
bliss they give increases even more.

kåñëaù: priye pasya pasya

296 •
asmin madiya-kara-sangini pundarika-
kose kñanaà kila vilambya silimukho 'yam
karnavalambya tava kokanadaà prapede
kaà va balan na hi haraty anuraga-laksmiù

priye—O beloved; pasya—look; pasya—look!; asmin—in this;

madiya—My; kara—of the hand; sangini—in contact; pundarika—of the
white lotus flower; kose—in the whorl; kñanam—for a moment; vilambya—
resting; silimukhaù—bee; ayam—this; karna—on the ear; avalambi—
resting; tava—of You; kokanadam—red lotus; prapede—attained; kam—
who?; va—or; balat—by force; na—not; hi—indeed; harati—attracted;
anuraga—red (or love); laksmiù—beauty (or treasure).

Krnsa: Beloved, look! Look! The bumble-bee resting in the white

lotus flower in My hand has now landed on the kokanada lotus on
Your ear! Who would not be forcibly attracted by the red color of this

Or: Who would not be forcibly attracted by Your wealth of love?

(rädhikä sambhramaà natayanti bhuja-lataà kñipati).

rädhikä—Rädhikä; sambhramam—agitation; natayanti—representing

dramatically; bhuja—of Her arms; latam—the creeper; kñipati—tosses.

(Rädhikä becomes agitated and begins to wave Her creeper-like


kåñëaù: (sphutaà vihasya)

karnottamsita-rakta-pankaja-juso bhrngi-pater jhankriya
bhrantenadya drg-aïcalena dadhati bhrngavali-vibhramam
trasandolita-dor-latanta-vicalac-cuda jhanat-karini
rädhe vyakulataà gatapi bhavati modam mamadhyasyati

sphutam—openly; vihasya—laughing; karna-uttamsita—earring;

rakta—red; pankaja—to the lotus flower; jusaù—devoted; bhrngi—of the
bumble bee; pateù—of the leader; jhankriya—buzzing; bhrantena—
restlessly moving; adya—now; drk—of the eyes; aïcalena—by the corners;
dadhati—places; bhrnga—of bees; avali—of a host; vibhramam—the
illusion; trasa—with fear; andolita—swinging about; doù—of arms; lata—of
the creepers; anta—at the ends; vicalat—moving; cuda—bracelet; jhanat-
karini—jingling; api—although; bhavati—You; modam—delight; mama—of
Me; adhyasyati—establish.

297 •
Kåñëa: (laughing) Attracted by Your red lotus flower earrings,
this best of the bumble-bees hovers aroung You, followed by Your
restless sidelong glances that look like a swarm of bees. Jingling Your
bracelets, You wave Your creeper-like arms to chase him away. O
Rädhä, Your fear of this bumble-bee brings Me great pleasure!

rädhikä: (sa-trasam celaïcalam udaïcayanti) kathaà ajjabi na

caladi dhittho.

sa—with; trasam—fear; cela—of the garment; aïcalam—the edge;

udaïcayanti—raises; katham—why?; ajj—now; bi—even; na—does not;
caladi—go; dhittho—arrogant.

Rädhikä: (with fear She waves the edge of Her garment) Why
does this arrogant bumble-bee not fly away?

madhurakñi mudhatha sambhramena
kñipa celaïcalam aïjasa na bhuyaù
pibatu sravanotpalodgataà te
madhupo 'yaà madhu-maìgalaà krsangi

madhura—sweet; akñi—eyes; mudha—in vain; atha—then;

sambhramena—with agitation; kñipa—toss; cela—of the garment;
aïcalam—the edge; aïjasa—quickly; na—not; bhuyaù—again; pibatu—
may drink; sravana—on the ear; utpala—on the lotus flower; udgatam—
manifested; te—of You; madhupaù—bee; ayam—this; madhu—of honey;
maìgalam—the auspiciousness; krsa—slender; angi—whose limbs.

Kåñëa: O girl with the charming eyes, don't uselessly wave the
edge of Your clothes out of anxiety. O slender girl, let this bumble-bee
drink the auspicious honey from the lotus on Your ear!79

madhumaìgalaù: bho va-assa kisa bamhanaà maà mahubena viba-

esi. (iti dandena bhramaraà tadayati).

bho—O; va-assa—friend; kisa—why?; bamhanam—a brähmaëa;

mam—me; mahubena—by a bumble-bee; viba-esi—to be drunk; iti—thus;
dandena—with a stick; bhramaram—the bumble-bee; tadayati—hits.

Madhumaìgala: Bho! Friend, why do You want this bumble-bee

The word “madhu-maìgala” means "auspicious honey", and it is also the name of Kåñëa’s friend


298 •
to drink me, a brähmaëa? (He tries to hit the bumble-bee with his

rädhikä: (sa-slagham) ajja pi-ankaro mamasi samvuttaù.

sa—with; slagham—praise; ajja—O noble one; pi-ankaro—kind;

mama—to Me; asi-samvuttaù—you are.

Rädhikä: (with praise) O noble one, you are very kind to Me.

madhumaìgalaù: kahaà mahusu-ano takkala jevva tirohido jaà

kudo bi na lakkhi-adi.

kaham—how is it?; mahusu-ano—the bumble-bee; takkala—at this

time; jevva—indeed; tirohido—has disappeared; jam—which; kudo bi—
anywhere; na—not; lakkhi-adi—is seen.

Madhumaìgala: How did this madhusüdana disappear? I don't

see him anywhere.80

rädhikä: (sa-vyamoham) haddhi haddhi. kahià gado mahumahano.

(iti sanskåtena)
samajani davad vitrastanaà kim arta-ravo giraà
mayi kim abhavad vaigunyaà va nirakusaà ikñitam
vyaraci nibhrtam kià va hutiù kayacid abhistaya
yad iha sahasa mam atyakñid vane vanajekñanaù
(kåñëaù samjïäya sarvan nivarya smitaà karoti).

sa—with; vyamoham—bewilderment; haddhi— what a pity!; haddhi—

what a pity!; kahim—where?; gado—has gone; mahumahano—Kåñëa, the
killer of the Madhu demon; iti—thus; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; samajani—
manifested; davat—from the forest-fire; vitrastanam—frightened; kim—
why?; arta—of pain; ravaù—calls; giram—of words; mayi—in Me; kim—
whether?; abhavat—was; vaigunyam—a fault; va—or; nirankusam—
uncontrolled; ikñitam—is observed; vyaraci—created; nibhrtam—privately;
kim—whether?; va—or; hutiù—calling; kayacit—someone; abhistaya—
desired; yat—because; iha—here; sahasa—at once; mam—Me; atyakñit—
abandoned; vane—in the forest; vanaja-ikñanaù—lotus-eyed; kåñëaù—
Kåñëa; samjïäya—with a signal; sarvan—everyone; nivarya—stops;
smitam—a smile; karoti—does.

Rädhikä: (bewildered) Ah! Alas! Where has Kåñëa, the killer of

The word “madhusüdana” means “bumble-bee”, and it is also the name of Kåñëa.

299 •
Madhu, gone? Perhaps He had heard someone's piteous, frightened
cries caused by the forest fire? Or He had seen some faults in Me? Or
maybe some beloved gopé called Him to a secluded place in the forest
and the lotus-eyed Kåñëa quickly left Me?

(With a gesture, smiling Kåñëa asks everyone to remain silent.)

rädhikä: hanta (sanskåtena)

vasantibhir ayaà na me kaca-bharaù kamsarinottamsitas
tasyora-sthala-cumbi-campaka-mayair nagumphi malyaà maya
mallibhis ca nirargalaà parihasan nayaà balat taditaù
prarambhe 'dya vanotsavasya viraha-cchadmad ayaù prodagat

hanta—indeed; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; vasantibhiù—with väsanti

flowers; ayam—this; na—not; me—My; kaca-bhara—hair; kamsa-arina—by
Kåñëa, the enemy of Kaàsa; uttamsitaù—crowned; tasya—of Him; ura-
sthala—the chest; cumbi—kissed; campaka-mayair—with campaka flowers;
na—not; agumphi—strung; malyam—a garland; maya—by Me; mallibhiù—
with malli (jasmine) flowers; ca—also; nirargalam—without restraint;
parihasan—joking; balat—forcibly; taditaù—struck; prarambhe—in the
beginning; adya—now; vana-utsavasya—of the forest festival; viraha—of
separation; chadmat—on the pretext; davaù prodagat—turned into the forest

Rädhikä: Ah! Now Kåñëa, the enemy of Kaàsa, will not decorate
My hair with väsanti flowers! Now the garland of campaka flowers I
have made will not kiss His chest! Now I will not be able to jokingly
strike Him with a bunch of malli flowers! The festival of meeting with
Kåñëa in Våndävana has now turned into the forest fire in the guise of

vånde: (apavarya) kamam andhakarini prema-bandha-kandali ya

khalu vispastam api nanusandhapayati.

apavarya—aside; kamam—greatly; andhakarini—blinded; prema—of

love; bandha—of the bondage; kandali—the abundance; ya—which;
khalu—indeed; vispastam—clearly; api—even; na—not;
anusandhapayati—allows to see.

Våndä: (aside) The strong bonds of prema have blinded Her and
now She can no longer see.

rädhikä: sahi vunde rakkhehi mam. (iti trasaà natayanti).

sappa sappa-i bhinga-panti-misado kali rasalankure

300 •
rattaso-a-sire vireha-i tadha puppha-cchalado sihi
singe kesu-a-sahino a kali-a-dambhena sambhedini
maà bhettuà kusuma-uhassa vala-i kkuraddha-canda-ali
(iti vaivasyaà natayati).

sahi—O friend; vunde—Våndä; rakkhehi—please protect; mam—Me;

iti—thus; trasam—fear; natayanti—representing dramatically; sappa—a
snake; sappa-i—slithers; bhinga—of bees; panti—of a line; misado—on the
pretext; kali—black; rasala—of a mango tree; ankure—on the blossoming
branch; ratta—red; aso-a—of the açoka tree; sire—on the top; vireha-i—is
manifested; tadha—in that way; puppha—of flowers; chalado—on the
pretext; sihi—fire; singe—on the top; kesu-a—of the kiàçuka; sahino—tree;
a—and; kali-a—of new buds; dambhena—on the pretext; sambhedini—the
destroyer; mam—Me; bhettum—to pierce; kusuma-uhassa—of Kämadeva,
who shoots flower arrows; vala-i—is; kkura—cruel; addha-canda-ali—half-
moon-headed arrows; iti—thus; vaivasyam—helpless; natayati—represents

Rädhikä: Sakhi Våndä, please protect Me! (With fear) Disguised

as a swarm of bees, a black snake slithers on the blossoming branch
of the mango tree! Disguised as red flowers, flames shoot from the
branches of the açoka tree! Disguised as new buds on the kiàçuka
tree, Kämadeva’s severe half-moon-headed arrows pierce Me! (She
becomes helpless).81

kåñëaù: (sambhramad abhyupetya panià grhnann uccaih) sukumari

kim akande katarasi. yatah
candravalir iha bibheti purnapi
pranayandhe tava kartuà
kim ardha-candravali kñamate

sambhramat—agitated; abhyupetya—approaching; panim—the hand;

grhnan—taking; uccaiù—in a loud voice; sukumari—O beautiful, delicate
girl; kim—why?; akande—without a reason; katara—distressed; asi—You
are; yataù—because; tvat—of You; mukha—of the face; laksmi—by the
beauty; glapita—wilted; candravaliù—the many moons (or Candrävalé);
iha—here; bibheti—fears; purna—full; api—even though; pranayandhe—
blinded with love; kim—what?; ardha—half; candravaliù—of Candrävalé;
kñamate—is able.

Kåñëa: (excitedly approaches Rädhikä, takes Her hand, and

The word "candrävalé" here is a type of arrow and also the name of Candrävalé.

301 •
speaks loudly) O beautiful, delicate girl, why are You distressed for no
reason? Even a multitude of full moons fade seeing the beauty of Your
face! O girl blinded with love, what then can a host of half moons do
to You?

rädhikä: (sa-dhairyaà lajjaà natayanti svagatam) kadhaà acchi-

laggaà cce-a haridaà mananti khinnamhi.

kadhaà—how is it; acchi-laggaà—near My eyes; cce-a—indeed;

haridaà—lost; mananti—thinking; khinnamhi—pained.

Rädhikä: (regaining composure, She becomes embarrassed and

says to Herself) Ah! Although Kåñëa was in front of My eyes, I thought
He was gone. It caused Me so much pain!

kåñëaù: priye pasya pasya

kusumam upahasantyas tanvi danta-cchadena
phala-vijayi-kucayas tvad-bhayad dadimiyaà
mrdula-pavana-dola-dambhataù kampate 'dya

priye—O beloved; pasya—look!; pasya—look!; parinata—ripe; vara—

excellent; bija—seeds; spardhi—rivalling; danta—of the teeth; uru—great;
bhasaù—luster; kusumam—the flower; upahasantyaù—laughing; tanvi—O
slender girl; danta-chadena—with the lips; phala—the fruits; vijayi—
defeating; kucayaù—whose breasts; tvat—of You; bhayat—because of fear;
dadimi—pomegranate tree; iyam—this; mrdula—gentle; pavana—in the
breeze; dola—swaying; dambhataù—on the pretext; kampate—trembles;

Kåñëa: Beloved, look! Look! Its ripe seeds, rivalled by the

splendor of Your teeth, its flowers mocked by Your lips, and its fruit
defeated by Your breasts, this pomegranate tree, on the pretext of
swaying in the gentle breeze, now trembles in fear of You!

våndä: sakhi nirvarnaya tava karnikocita-korakaà karnikaram


sakhi—O friend; nirvarnaya—look!; tava—of You; karnika—for the

ears; ucita—delightful; korakam—bud; karnikaram—karëikära; amum—

Våndä: Sakhi, look! These karëikära buds will be a wonderful

decoration for Your ears.

302 •
rädhikä: na-a-kanni-ara-kusume bhasalo rasa-loha-niccalo bhedi.

na-a—fresh; kanni-ara—karëikära; kusume—on the flower; bhasalo—

bumble-bee; rasa—nectar; loha—greedy; niccalo—motionless; bhedi—is.

Rädhikä: Greedy after nectar, a bumble-bee became motionless

on this fresh karëikära flower.

kåñëaù: kaïcana-maïca-nivisto rasa-rajo 'yaà saririva.

kaïcana—on a golden; maïca—throne; nivistaù—entered; rasa—of

nectar; rajaù—the king; ayam—he; sariri—personified; iva—like.

Kåñëa: He looks like the personified king of the nectar seated on

a golden throne!

rädhikä: pekkha pekkha, (sanskåtena)

ruddhe sarena gandha-visarena
iha sundara-malli-gane
rolamba hanta guïjanti

pekkha—look!; pekkha—look!; uddhura—abundant; maranda—by

the honey; mattaù—maddened; ruddhe—filled; sarena—with excellent;
gandha—of a sweet fragrance; visarena—with the expansion; iha—here;
sundara—beautiful; malli—of jasmine flowers; gane—in the multitude;
rolambaù—the bees; hanta—indeed; guïjanti—buzz.

Rädhikä: Look! Look! Intoxicated by a large amount of honey,

many bees buzz among the beautiful jasmine flowers filled with a
sweet fragrance.

kåñëaù: uddhara-maranda-ity-adi pathati.

uddhara-maranda-iti-adi—the verse beginning with the words

"uddhara-maranda"; pathati—recites.

(Kåñëa repeats the verse spoken by Rädhä).

våndä: pitati-suksma-sikhara campaka-kalikeyam abhati.

pita—yellow; ati—very; suksma—fine; sikhara—top; campaka—

campaka; kalika—bud; iyam—this; abhati—is manifested.

303 •
Våndä: This delicate yellow campaka bud is very beautiful.

kåñëaù: manavati-hrn-mathini haimi kamasya saktir iva

manavati—of proud girls; hrt—the hearts; mathini—churning;

haimi—golden; kamasya—of Kämadeva; saktiù—the power; iva—like.

Kåñëa: This campaka bud is like Kämadeva's golden çakti which

agitates the hearts of proud girls.

madhumaìgalaù: bho va-assa esa kamassa satti na ho-i. pekkha

jadila-khitta sa hari-ala-gori la-udi-a.

bho—O; va-assa—friend; esa—this; kamassa—of Kämadeva; satti—

potency; na—not; ho-i—is; pekkha—look; jadila—by Jaöilä; khitta—
dropped; sa—this; hari-ala-gori—yellow; la-udi-a—cane.

Madhumaìgala: Bho! Friend, this is not Kämadeva's çakti. Look!

It is the yellow cane left by Jaöilä!82

jatila: are jamha bamhana ettha lagudi ma-e visumarida.

praviçya—entering; are—O; jamha—crooked; bamhana— brähmaëa;

ettha—here; lagudi—cane; ma-e—by me; visumarida—was forgotten.

(Jaöilä enters).

Jaöilä: O crooked brähmaëa, I have forgotten my cane here.

rädhikä: (apavarya. sa-bhayam) sahi parittahi parittahi. esa kala-

rattiva daruna vuddhi maà ditthavadi. (iti lalitä-våndäbhyaà niñkräntä).

apavarya—concealed; sa—with; bhayam—fear; sahi—O friend;

paritthahi—protect; praittahi—please protect; esa—this; kala-ratti—the time
of cosmic destruction; iva—like; daruna—fierce; vuddhi—old lady; mam—
Me; ditthavadi—sees; iti—thus; lalitä—with Lalitä; våndäbhyam—and Våndä;
niñkränta—She exits.

Rädhikä: (whispers with fear) Sakhi, please protect Me, protect

Me! This fierce old lady looks at Me as if she is the dark night at the
time of the destruction of the universe! (Accompanied by Lalitä and

The word “çakti” means "power", and also "pike", "spear". “This is not Kamadeva's spear, it is the
cane left by Jaöilä!”

304 •
Våndä, Rädhä exits).

kåñëaù: (apavarya)
mama saìgamamrta-rasaà
na jighrkñati na ca jihasati prakatam
trsita rädhä-kurangiyam

apavarya—aside; mama—My; saìgama—association; amrta—

rasam—nectar; na—not; jighrkñati—desires to drink; na—not; ca—also;
jihasati—desires to abandon; prakatam—clearly; jatila—of Jaöilä; vyaghri—
by the tigress; cakita—frightened; trsita—thirsty; rädhä—of Rädhä;
kurangi—doe; iyam—she.

Kåñëa: (aside) Not wishing to drink the nectar of My company,

but also unwilling to leave Me, the thirsty doe Rädhä has been
frightened by the tigress Jaöilä!

madhumaìgalaù: bho sarama-langula-kutile gheppa appano juttim.

bho—O; sarama—dog's; langula—tail; kutile—crooked; gheppa—

take; appano—your; juttim—cane.

Madhumaìgala: Bho! O crooked dog's tail, take your cane!

jatila: (yastim adaya) are su-ala, kisa tumaà bahudi-avesena sada


yastim—the stick; adaya—taking; are—O; su-ala—Subala; kisa—why?;

tumam—you; bahudi—of a girl; avesena—in the disguise; sada—always;

Jaöilä: (taking the cane) O Subala, why do you repeatedly make

fun of me by dressing up like a girl?

kåñëaù: (svagatam) distya subalataya jïätam abhut. (prakasam. sa-

narma-smitam) jatile gurubhyaù sapamano 'smi. rädhikäiva sadhayati. na
khalv asau subalaù.

svagatam—aside; distya—by good fortune; subalataya—as Subala;

jïätam—understood; abhut—has been; prakasam—openly; sa—with;
narma—playfulness; smitam—a smile; jatile—O Jaöilä; gurubhyaù—to My
superiors; sapamanaù—vowing; asmi—I am; rädhikä—Rädhikä; eva—
certainly; sadhayati—goes; na—not; khalu—indeed; asau—this; subalaù—

305 •
is Subala.

Kåñëa: (to Himself) By luck, she thinks Rädhä is Subala in

disguise. (Openly, with a playful smile) O Jaöilä! I swear by all My
superiors, this is Rädhikä, not Subala!

jatila: re dhutta-vi-akkhana haà savvaà parikkhiduà khamamhi. ta

alaà ettha thaggattanena. (iti niñkräntä).

re—O; dhutta—fool; vi-akkhana—intelligent; ham—I; savvam—

everything; parikkhidum—to test; khamamhi—am able; ta—therefore;
alam—enough; ettha—here; thaggattanena—of roguery; iti—thus;

Jaöilä: O cheater! I can see everything, since I am very intelligent.

Stop trying to deceive me! (She exits).

kåñëaù: sakhe samagaccha. gokulam eva praviçamaù. (iti niñkräntau)

(iti niñkräntaù sarve).

sakhe—O friend; samagaccha—come; gokulam—Gokula; eva—

certainly; praviçamaù—let us enter; iti—thus; niñkräntau—they both exit;
iti—thus; niñkräntaù—exit; sarve—everyone.

Kåñëa: Friend, come. Let us go to Gokula.

(They both exit).

(Everyone exits).

End of Act Five

306 •
Act Six: Çarad-vihära: Autumn Pastimes

(tataù praviçati jaöilä).

jaöilä: sudaà ma-e- ajja pi-a-padena kid uttari-a vahu ghare cittha-i.
ta gadu-a jahatthaà niddhari-assam. (parikramya paçyanti). kadhaà esa
visaha ghummi-a ghummi-a alinde pada-i. ta sadda-issam. (ity upasåtya)
visahe jado ekka-paharo tahabi ghummasi.

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; jaöilä—Jaöilä; gudam—heard; ma-e—by

me; ajja—today; pi-a—yellow; padena—with the cloth; kid uttari-a—
wearing the upper garment; vahu—my daughter-in-law Rädhä; ghare—in the
house; cittha-i—is; ta—therefore; gadu-a—having gone; jahattham—the
truth; niddhari-assam—I shall determine; parikramya—walking; paçyanti—
looking; kadham—why?; esa—she; visaha—Viçäkhä; ghummi-a—
wandering; ghummi-a—and wandering; alinde—on the porch; pada-i—falls;
ta—therefore; sadda-issam—I shall make her explain; iti—thus; upasåtya—
approaching; visahe—O Viçäkhä; jado—manifested; ekka—the first;
praharo—three hours; tahabi—nevertheless; gummasi—you are drowsy.

Jaöilä: (enters) I have heard that today my daughter-in-law Rädhä

is wearing a yellow garment. I shall go and see if it is true. (She walks
and looks) Why does Viçäkhä walking back and forth on the porch
with an unsteady gait? I shall ask her about it. (Approaching) O
Viçäkhä, although it is only the beginning of the morning, you are so

viçäkhä: (svägatam) sampadaà rasa-mahusava-gabbhasu savvarisu
kudo nidda-gandhobi amhanam. ta juttaà jevva ghummanam. (iti hathad
dåçau vikasya. prakäçam). ajje ajja bha-avadi-e nidesena de-ada-adane
amhe dinna-ja-aramha.

praviçya—entering; svägatam—aside; sampadam—now; rasa—of the

rasa dance; mahusava—the great festival; gabbhasu—in; savvarisu—in the
nights; kudo—where?; nidda—of sleep; gandho—the scent; amhanam—of
us; ta—therefore; juttam—appropriate; jevva—certainly; dåçau—eyes;
vékñasya—opening wide; prakäçam—openly; ajje—O noble lady; ajja—
today; bha-avadi-e—of the noble Paurëamäsé; nidesena—by the order; de-
ada-adane—in the temple; amhe—we; dinnaja-aramha—have stayed
awake all night.

307 •
(Viçäkhä enters).

Viçäkhä: (to herself) We have spend the entire night in the great
festival of the rasa dance. Where have we been able to find even the
slightest fragrance of sleep? It is quite appropriate that we stagger
about like this. (She forced her eyes open and says openly) O noble
lady, by the order of Paurëamäsé we have stayed awake all night in the

jaöilä: (svägatam) aho jevva padose vahu-e sejja suna asi. (prakäçam)
visahe a-arehi vahu-am.

svägatam—aside; aho—ah! jevva—certainly; padose—at night; vahu-

e—of my daughter-in-law; sejja—the bed; suna—empty; asi—was;
prakäçam—opening; visahe—O Viçäkhä; a-arehi—please call; vahu-am—
my daughter-in-law.

Jaöilä: (aside) Ah, that's why Rädhikä's bed was empty last night.
(Openly) Viçäkhä, please call my daughter-in-law.

viçäkhä: hala rahe ido ido.

hala—sakhi; rahe—Rädhä; ido—here; ido—here.

Viçäkhä: Sakhi Rädhä, come here! Come here!

rädhä: (caksusu vimrjya. sa-jrmbham) visahe badhaà nidda-ulamhi.
(iti dåñöià darodghatya sa-saìkaà svägatam) kadhaà idha jjevva ajja.

caksusi—eyes; vimrjya—wiping; sa—with; jrmbham—a yawn;

visahe—O Viçäkhä; badham—certainly; nidda—by sleep; a-ulamhi—I am
agitated; iti—thus; dåñöim—eyes; dara—a little; udghatya—opening; sa—
with; saìkam—fear; svagtam—aside; kadham—hwo is it?; idaù—here;
jjevva—certainly; ajja—the noble lady.

(Rädhä enters).

Rädhä: (wiping Her eyes and yawning) O Viçäkhä, I am so sleepy.

(Opening Her eyes a little, She becomes frightened, and says to
Herself) Why has noble Jaöilä come here?

jaöilä: (rädhäà nirvarëya. svägatam) haddhi haddhi. saccaà jjevva

edaà pi-ambaram.

308 •
rädhäm—at Rädhä; nirvarëya—looking; svägatam—aside; haddhi—
alas!; haddhi—alas!; saccam—in truth; jjevva—indeed; edam—this; pi-a—
yellow; ambaram—garment.

Jaöilä: (gazing at Rädhä, she says to herself) Ah! It is true! It is

really a yellow garment!

rädhikä: (janantikam) hala sudaà ma-e sarangi-muhado jaà nisidhe

buddhi-a-e tassià vilasa-puline gadaà asi. ta nunaà mhe tattha ditthamhi.

jana-antikam—aside to Viçäkhä; hala—sakhi; sudam—heard; ma-e—

by Me; sarangi—of Säraìgé; muhado—from the mouth; jam—that; nisidhe—
in the middle of the night; buddhi-a-e—by an elderly lady; tassim—in this;
vilasa—of pastimes; puline—shore; gadam—gone; asi—had; ta—therefore;
nunam—is it not so?; mhe—we; tattha—there; ditthamhi—were seen.

Rädhikä: (whispers to Viçäkhä) Sakhi, from the mouth of Säraìgé

I heard that the old lady went in the middle of the night to the river's
shore where we were enjoying pastimes. She must have seen us there.

viçäkhä: na hu na hu. jaà kadhidaà vunda-e- tumaà dhettuna

tirohide kanhe tatha amhesu dosu sahisu sa-saìkaà tuha uddesassa gadasu
esa buddhi uvatthida.

na—not; hu—indeed; na—not; hu—indeed; jam—because;

kadhidam—spoken; vunda-e—by Våndä; tumam—You; dhettuna—taking;
tirohide—disappear from that place; kanhe—by Kåñëa; amhesu—we; dosu—
two; sahisu—sakhis; sa-saìkaà—with fear; tuha—You; uddesassa—
direction; gadasu—went; esa—she; buddhi—old woman; uvatthida—

Viçäkhä: No, no! Våndä said that old Jaöilä came when You and
Kåñëa disappeared from that place, and we, full of anxiety, went to
look for you.

rädhikä: tado kisa i-aà koha-bha-aìkari-e maà pekkhanti citthadi.

tado—then; kisa—why?; i-am—she; koha—with anger; bha-aìkari-e—

fearful; mam—at Me; pekkhanti—staring; citthadi—remains.

Rädhikä: Then why does she look at Me with such great anger?

jaöilä: (sersyam) miccha-jappini visahe kià nama andhasi tumam.

309 •
sa—with; irsyam—anger; niccha—of lies; jappini—O speaker;
visahe—O Viçäkhä; kim—whether; nama—indeed; andha—blind; asi—have
become; tumam—you.

Jaöilä: (angrily) O lier Viçäkhä, have you become blind?

viçäkhä: (rädhäà vilokya. sa-khedam, janantikam) a-i vilasa-vimhale

kià kkhu idam.

rädhäm—at Rädhä; vilokya—glances; sa—with; khedam—

unhappiness; jana-antikam—aside to Rädhä; a-i—O; vilasa—by pastimes;
vimhale—agitated; kim—whether?; kkhu—indeed; idam—this.

Viçäkhä: (glances at Rädhä, and despondent, she whispers to

Her) O girl agitated by amorous pastimes, what clothes are You

rädhikä: (svaà vakso nirékñya sa-sambhramam) hala tumaà jevva


svam—own; vakñaù—chest; nirékñya—glancing; sa—with;

sambhramam—agitation; hala—sakhi; tumam—you; jevva—certainly;

Rädhikä: (glances at Her own chest and speaks with agitation)

Sakhi, you are My only shelter now!

viçäkhä: (jaöiläm avekñya. sanskåtena)

muda kñipatiù parvottarala-hrdayabhir yuvatibhiù
payah-puraiù piti-kåtam ati-haridra-drava-mayaiù
dukulaà dor-mulopari paridadhanaà priya-sakhià
kathaà rädhäm arye kutilita-drg-antaà kalayasi

jaöiläm—at Jaöilä; avekñya—looking; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; muda—

with happiness; kñiptaiù—thrown; parva—by the jubilant festival; uttarala—
agitated; hrdayabhiù—whose hearts; yuvatibhiù—by the young girls;
payaù—of water; puraiù—with floods; piti—yellow; kåtam—made; ati-
haridra-drava-mayaiù—with turmeric; dukulam—garment; doh-mula-
upari—on the shoulders; paridadhanam—placing; priya—dear; sakhim—
friend; katham—why?; rädhäm—at Rädhä; arye—O noble lady; kutilita—
crooked; drk—of the eyes; antam—from the corner; kalayasi—you stare.

Viçäkhä: (looking at Jaöilä) O noble lady, why do you stare at my

310 •
dear sakhi Rädhä with suspicion? With jubilant hearts the young gopés
playfully threw water mixed with turmeric on each other, and this
water has given a yellow color to the cloth on Rädhä's shoulders!

jaöilä: (sa-visrambham) visahe tu-e jjevva cancala-e mama putta-

gharaà vinasidaà jaà jovvanandhanaà go-inaà majjhe vahudi-a nijja-i.

sa—with; visrambham—faith; visahe—O Viçäkhä; tu-e—by you;

jjevva—certainly; cancala-e—reckless; mama—my; putta—of the son;
ghanam—the home; vinasidam—destroyed; jam—because; jovvana—by
youthfulness; andhanam—blinded; go-inam—of gopis; majjhe—in the
midst; vahudi-a—my daughter-in-law; nijja-i—was brought.

Jaöilä: (believing the story) Viçäkhä, because you are so restless

you brought my daughter-in-law among these gopés, blinded by their
youthfulness! In this way you almost destroyed my son's home!

viçäkhä: ajje kià ti maà uvalahesi. naà uvasannaà diva-mali-a-

pabba-lacchià uvalahedi ja-e savvaà a-bala-vuddhaà go-ulaà jjevva

ajje—O noble lady; kim—why?; ti—thus; mam—me; uvalahesi—do

you rebuke; mam—this; uvasanam—approached; diva-mali-a—Diwali;
pabba—festival; lacchim—the glory; uvalahehi—you may criticize; ja-e—by
which; savvam—all; a—from; bala—children; vuddham—to elders; go-
ulam—Gokula; jjevva—certainly; unmadidam—is maddened.

Viçäkhä: O noble lady, why do you criticize me? This is all

because of the approaching beautiful Diwali festival, which maddens
all of Gokula from the small children to the elderly!

jaöilä: vatse saccaà kahesi. ajja rattimi diththaà ma-e savva-o go-ula-
kisori-o tattha puline ummatti-bhavi-a kià pi kià citthandi.

vatse—O child; saccam—the truth; kahesi—you speak; ajja—now;

rattini—at night; diththam—was seen; ma-e—by me; savva-o—all; go-ula—
of Gokula; kisori—the young girls; tatttha—there; puline—on the river bank;
ummatti—maddened; kim pi—something; kim pi—something; citthandi—

Jaöilä: Child, you speak the truth. Last night I saw all the young
girls of Gokula madly doing something like that on the river bank.

(viçäkhä sa-drg-bhaìgaà rädhikäm ékñate).

311 •
viçäkhä—Viçäkhä; sa—with; drk—of the eye; bhaìgam—a crooked
gesture; rädhikäm—at Rädhikä; ékñate—looks.

(With a crooked eye Viçäkhä glances at Rädhikä).

jaöilä: (sa-dainyam) a-i visahe pasida pasida. esa anguli-siharaà

muhe nikkhivi-a abbhatthemi. ta ma-i ekkaà anuggahaà karehi.

sa—with; dainyam—humbleness; a-i—O; visahe—Viçäkhä; pasida—

be merciful; pasida—be merciful; esa—this; anguli—of the finger; siharam—
the tip; muhe—in the mouth; nikkhivi-a—placing; abbhatthemi—I beg; ta—
therefore; ma-i—to me; ekkam—one thing; anuggaham—mercy; karehi—
please do.

Jaöilä: (humbly) O Viçäkhä, forgive me. Forgive me. I place the

tip of my finger in my mouth and beg you. Please be merciful to me.

viçäkhä: (saprasrayam) ajje kià ti evvaà bhanasi. nikamaà anavehi.

sa—with; prasrayam—affection; ajje—O noble lady; kim—why?; ti—

thus; evam—in this way; bhanasi—do you speak; nikamam—as you wish;
anavehi—you may order me.

Viçäkhä: (affectionately) O noble lady, why do you speak in this

way? I am your servant. You may order me as you wish.

jaöilä: vacche tumaà visuddhasi. ta kanha-hatthado rakkhehi vahudi-


vacche—O child; tumam—you; visuddha—pure; asi—are; ta—

therefore; kanha—of Kåñëa; hatthado—from the hands; rakkhehi—please
protect; vahudi-am—my daughter-in-law.

Jaöilä: Child, your heart is so pure! Please protect my daughter-

in-law from the hands of this Kåñëa.

viçäkhä: ajje niccinta hohi lalida kkhu ettha dakkha vi-akkhana a.

ajje—O noble lady; niccinta—free from anxiety; hohi—become; jam—

because; lalida—Lalitä; kkhu—indeed; ettha—in this matter; dakkha—
expert; vi-akkhana—intelligent; a—and.

Viçäkhä: O noble lady, be free from all worries. Lalitä is very

intelligent and expert in these affairs.

312 •
jaöilä: kahià gada lalida.

kahim—where?; gada—gone; lalida—is Lalitä.

Jaöilä: Where is Lalitä now?

viçäkhä: pekkha. pa-uma-e samaà ido jevva esa a-acchadi.

pekkha—look!; pa-uma-e—Padmä; samam—with; ido—from there;

jevva—certainly; esa—she; a-acchadi—comes.

Viçäkhä: Look! She is coming here with Padmä.

(praviçya padmaya saha).

praviçya—entering; padmaya—Padmä; saha—with.

(Accompanied by Padmä, Lalitä enters).

lalitä: sahi pa-ume kudo a-acchasi.

sahi—O friend; pa-ume—Padmä; kudo—from where?; a-acchasi—

have you come.

Lalitä: Sakhi Padmä, from where have you come?

padma: hala kanhassa sa-asado.

hala—sakhi; kanhassa—of Kåñëa; sa-asado—from the presence.

Padmä: I have come from Kåñëa.

lalitä: kahià kanho.

kahim—where?; kanho—is Kåñëa.

Lalitä: Where is Kåñëa now?

padma: malati-vati-a-perante.

malati—of mälaté (jasmin) flowers; vati-a—of the garden; perante—on

the boundary.

Padmä: He is at the boundary of the garden of mälaté flowers.

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lalitä: kià kunadi.

kim—what?; kunadi—is He doing.

Lalitä: What is He doing?

padma: mahumaìgala-dudi-o viharadi.

mahumaìgala—with Madhumaìgala; dudi-o—as a second;

viharadi—enjoys pastimes.

Padmä: He is playing with Madhumaìgala.

lalitä: (sa-parihasa-smitam) hala kià nama sampuridahitthasi).

sa—with; parihasa—a joking; smitam—smile; hala—ah!; kim—

whether?; nama—indeed; sampurida—fulfilled; ahittha—desires; asi—you

Lalitä: (with a joking smile) Sakhi, has He fulfilled all your


padma: (vihasya) ma annadha sambhavehi. ma-e maladi-seharo ekko

ganthi-a tassa uvahari-kido. (smrtim abhiniya) hala kadhidaà me kanhena
pa-ume tumaà jadha santadaà malaà samappesi evvaà lalida vi me
vicitta-da-u-lacchim. ta esa leha-patti-a tu-e tissa hatthe de-a tti. (iti patrikam

vihasya—laughing; ma—don't; annadha—otherwise; sambhavehi—

think; ma-e—by me; maladi—of malati flowers; seharo—a crown; ekko—one;
ganthi-a—stringing; tassa—of Him; uvahari-kido—offered; smrtim—
remembering; abhiniya—representing dramatically; hala—indeed;
kadhidam—said; me—to me; kanhena—by Kåñëa; pa-ume—O Padmä;
tumam—you; jadha—as; santadam—always; malam—garlands;
samappesi—offer; evvam—in the same way; lalida—Lalitä; vi—indeed; me—
to Me; vicitta—various; da-u—of mineral pigments; lacchim—wonderful;
ta—therefore; esa—this; me—from Me; leha-patti-a—letter; tu-e—by you;
t/issa—of her; hatthe—in the hand; de-a—should be given; tti—thus;
patrikam—the letter; arpayati—gives.

Padmä: (laughing) Don't think otherwise. I made a crown of

flowers and gave it to Kåñëa. (Remembering) Kåñëa said to me,
“Padmä, you always give Me flower garlands. In the same way Lalitä
always gives Me various beautiful mineral pigments. Please place this

314 •
letter in her hand”. (Padmä gives her the letter).

lalitä: (grhitvä svägatam) kada vi kanhassa ma-e da-u-ra-o na

samappidotthi. ta ettha avarena kenavi rahassena hodavvam.

grhitvä—taking; svägatam—aside; kada vi—ever; kanhassa—of Kåñëa;

ma-e—by me; da-u—of minerals; ra-o—colors; na—not; samappidotthi—
was given; ta—therefore; ettha—here; avarena—with some other; kenavi—
with some; rahassena—secret meaning; hodavvam—must be.

Lalitä: (Taking the letter, she says to herself) I have never given
mineral pigments to Kåñëa. There must be some other, some secret
meaning in these words.

(iti prakäçaà patrikaà vacayati)

tvayä mukta-giriù päëau
nidhéyatäm adhéräkñi

iti—thus; prakäçam—out loud; patrikam—the letter; vacayati—reads;

tvaya—by you; mukta—taken from; giriù—the mountain; panau—in the
hand; mama—of Me; atuccha-pada-sthitiù—from the peak; nidhiyatam—
should be placed; adhira—restless; akñi—whose eyes; ragi—pigments;
dhatu—mineral; paricchadaù—goods.

(She reads the letter aloud). “O restless eyed girl, please bring Me
mineral pigments from the peak of the mountain.”

Hidden meaning: “O girl with restless eyes, free the words "rägi-
dhätu-paricchadaù" (mineral pigments) from the syllables "gi", "ri",
and also from the syllables "tu", "ccha", "pa" and "da".”83

(iti kñaëaà vimrsya svägatam) rädhä mama panau nidhiyatam. evva

sankedena imina anattam. (prakäçam) sahi tatha karissaà ta aggado rahi-
aà apucchi-a sahehi.

iti—thus; kñaëam—for a moment; vimrsya—reflection; svägatam—

aside; rädhä—Rädhä; mama—My; panau—in the hand; nidhiyatam—
should be placed; evvam—in this way; sankedena—by a meeting; imina—by

The remaining syllables are “rä” and “dhä” (Rädhä). “O restless eyed girl! Please bring to Me your
sakhi Rädhä, who is like cosmetics adorning My chest." This letter shows Kåñëa's cleverness and His
skill in delivering messages even through gopés unfavorable to Rädhikä.

315 •
this; anattam—is ordered; prakäçam—openly; sahi—O friend; tatha—in that
way; karissam—I shall act; ta—therefore; aggado—in the presence; rahi-
am—Rädhikä; apucchi-a—enquiring; sahehi—make.

(Reflecting for a moment, she says to herself) These words

actually mean “Please place Rädhä in My hand”. This is a request for a
meeting with Her. (Openly) Sakhi, I shall certainly do that. Now you
please go and greet Rädhikä.

padma: (rädhikäà upetya sa-narma-smitam) hala rahe ditthi-a

nivvivadaà jadam. jadha go-ulinda-nandanena amhanaà amsu-a-ià
avaharida-ià tadha amhehià pi tassa idaà pidamsu-am.

rädhikäm—Rädhikä; upetya—approaching; sa—with; narma—a

playful; smitam—smile; hala—sakhi; rahe—Rädhä; ditthi-a—by good
fortune; nivvivadam—undisputed; jadam—manifested; jadha—as; go-ula—
of Gokula; inda—of the king; nandanena—by the son; amhanam—of us;
amsu-a-im—garments; avaharida-im—stolen; tadha—then; amhehim—by
us; pi—even; tassa—of Him; idam—this; pida—yellow; amsu-am—garment.

Padmä: (approaches Rädhä, and says with a playful smile) Sakhi

Rädhä, by good fortune there is no rivalry or dispute between us.
Formerly Kåñëa, the prince of Gokula, stole our garments, but now
You Yourself have stolen His yellow clothes.

lalitä: (smitvä) a-i nillajji kuìkuma-paìka-pinjaridaà pi-a-sahi-e

uttari-aà pekkhi-a kià ti anatthaà asaìkasi.

smitvä—smiling; a-i—O; nillajji—shameless girl; kuìkuma—

kuìkuma; paìka—mixed with water; panjaridam—made yellow; pi-a—
dear; sahi-e—of the friend; uttari-am—the upper garment; pekkhi-a—seeing;
kim—why?; ti—thus; anattham—something improper; asaìkasi—you

Lalitä: (smiling) O shameless girl, my sakhi's upper cloth has

become yellow because of kuìkuma. Why do you suspect Her of doing
something improper?

padma: (sa-smitam) hala rahe anujanihi mam. turi-aà sahitthalià

gadu-a kanhassa lilaà ga-antià pi-a-sahià canda-alià suhava-issam.

sa—with; smitam—a smile; hala—sakhi; rahe—Rädhä; anujanihi—

please give permission to depart; mam—to me; turi-am—quickly;
sahitthalim—to Sakhésthali village; gadu-a—having gone; kanhassa—of

316 •
Kåñëa; lima—the pastimes; ga-antim—glorifying; pi-a—dear; sahim—friend;
canda-alim—Candrävalé; suhava-issam—I shall please.

Padmä: (with smile) O Rädhä, please permit me to go. I shall

quickly go to Sakhésthali village and satisfy my dear sakhi Candrävalé,
who sings the glories of Kåñëa.

viçäkhä: (vihasya) pa-ume dhanna-o tumhe. jahià adamsane vi

kanhassa vilasa-gidihià ni-a-sahi canda-ali suhavi-adi.

Viçäkhä: (laughing) Padmä, you are so fortunate! Your dear sakhi

Candrävalé can remain happy simply by singing about Kåñëa, even
without the opportunity to see Him.

padma: visahe tumhehià kisa tatha na kijja-i.

visahe—O Viçäkhä; tumhehim—by you; kisa—why?; tatha—in that

way; na—not; kijja-i—is done.

Padmä: Viçäkhä, why do you not also act in that way?

viçäkhä: a-i kudo amhanaà idi sambhavve-am.

a-i—O; kudo—how?; amhanam—for us; iti—in this way; sambhavve-

am—is possible.

Viçäkhä: Ah, how will we become able to act like that?

padma: hala kadhaà natthi.

hala—sakhi; kadham—why?; natthi—not.

Padmä: Sakhi, why not?

viçäkhä: muddhe kanhassa nama-mette patthude sahi rahi-a


muddhe—O silly girl; kanhassa—of Kåñëa; nama—by the name;

matte—only; patthude—spoken; sahi—friend; rahia—Rädhikä;
vikkhubbhadi—becomes agitated.

Viçäkhä: O silly girl, my sakhi Rädhikä becomes agitated simply

by hearing the sound of the name “Kåñëa”!84

“Therefore, how could She hear songs about Kåñëa? It is possible only for Candrävalé, who has no

317 •
padma (svägatam) sapakkhe pemukkariso ima-e vikkhavido. hodu.
(prakäçam) visahe tumhe jjevva sutthu suhini-o. amhanaà kkhu kavi
dukkha-dasa anuvattadi.

svägatam—aside; sapakkhe—among Her own group; pem—of love;

ukkariso—the excellence; ima-e—by her; vikkhavido—is proclaimed; hodu—
so be it; prakäçam—openly; visahe—O Viçäkhä; tumhe—you all; jjevva—
certainly; sutthu—genuinely; suhini-o—are happy; amhanam—of us;
kkhu—indeed; kavi—something; dukkha—of unhappiness; dasa—the
condition; anuvattadi—is.

Padmä: (aside) She praises the highest love for Kåñëa of her
group members. So be it. (Openly) Viçäkhä, all of you are really happy.
But we are suffering.

lalitä: pa-ume kkhu tumhanaà kià pi dukkhaà sambhavi-adi.

pa-ume—O Padmä; na—not; kkhu—certainly; tumhanam—of you;

kià pi—something; dukkham—unhappiness; sambhavi-adi—is possible.

Lalitä: Padmä, you do not suffer at all.

padmä: lalide ma evvaà bhana. jaà hara-ganthana-kesa-pasahana-

bimbahara-ranjana-pahudi-e canda-ali-e nevaccha-ià savvada
kunantinaà amhanaà dukkha jalassa anto natthi.

lalide—O Lalitä; ma—don't; evvam—in this way; bhana—speak; jam—

because; hara—of garland; ganthana—stringing; kesa—of hair; pasahana—
arranging; bimba—bimba fruit; ahara—of lips; ranjana—anointing with red
cosmetic; pahudi-e—beginning with; canda-ali-e—of Candrävalé; navaccha-
im—in the dressing room; savvada—always; kunantinam—doing;
amhanam—of us; dukkha—of suffering; jalassa—of the network; anto—an
end; natthi—is not.

Padmä: Lalitä, don't speak in this way. We are constantly engaged

in stringing garlands for Candrävalé, arranging her hair, coloring her
bimba-fruit lips, and decorating her in many ways. Therefore, there is
no end to our great sufferings.85

85“Because of her great fortune, Candrävalé meets Kåñëa many times a day, and we have to decorate

her again and again for enjoying with Him. You, however, only sometimes dress Rädhikä for
occasional meetings with Kåñëa, because of Her lesser fortune.”

318 •
viçäkhä: (vihasya) hala pa-ume saccaà tumhanaà bahu-ià dukkha-
im. amhanaà una ekkaà jjevva.

vihasya—laughing; hala—sakhi; pa-ume—Padmä; saccam—in truth;

tumhanam—of you; bahu-im—many; dukkha-im—sufferings; amhanam—
of us; una—again; ekkam—one; jjevva—certainly.

Viçäkhä: (laughing) O Padmä, it is true that you have many

sufferings. But we have only one.

padma: hala kià tat.

hala—sakhih!; kim—what?; tat—is that.

Padmä: Oh! What is that?

viçäkhä: pa-ume ja kavi macca-dullaha agasatara papphuradi tattha

jadahilasassa kassavi kalindi-kula-nandino samadassa gandha-kala-
hindassa savvada abbhatthana-kadatthanam.

pa-ume—O Padmä; ja—which; kavi—something; macca—by a human

being; dullaha—difficult to attain; agasa—in the sky; tara—a star;
papphuradi—shining; tattha—in that way; jada—manifested; ahilasassa—of
the desire; kassavi—something; kalindi—of the Yamunä; kula—on the shore;
nandino—enjoying pastimes; samadassa—intoxicated; gandha-
kalahindassa—of the regal young elephant; savvada—always;
abbhatthana—of yearning; kadatthanam—the torture.

Viçäkhä: For Kåñëa, Rädhä is like an unattainable star shining in

the sky, and He, like a regal young maddened elephant enjoying
pastimes on the shore of the Yamunä, is always tormented by the
desire to attain Her.86

lalitä: (smitvä) visahe annaà pi ekkaà garu-aà dukkhaà tu-e

kadhaà visumaridam.

smitvä—smiling; visahe—O Viçäkhä; annam—another; pi—indeed;

ekkam—one; garu-am—severe; dukkham—suffering; tu-e—by you;
kadham—how is it?; visumaridam—is forgotten.

Lalitä: (smiling) O Viçäkhä, there is one more very severe

“Kåñëa does not like to enjoy with Candrävalé because she is easy accessible. But, understanding
that Rädhä is very difficult to attain, He becomes mad like an uncontrollable young elephant, and
therefore always comes to us with a request to help Him. It causes us suffering.”

319 •
suffering. How have you forgotten it?

viçäkhä: lalide kià taà sumaravehi.

lalide—O Lalitä; kim—what?; tam—that; sumaravehi—please remind.

Viçäkhä: Lalitä, what is it? Please remind me.

lalitä: a-i rjju-e raha-e pa-a-palla-ammi java-a-ra-assa kkhane kkhane


a-i—Oh!; rjju-e—O simple-minded girl; rahe-e—of Rädhä; pa-a—feet;

palla-ammi—on the blossoms; java-a—lac; ra-assa—cosmetic; kkhane—
moment; kkhane—by moment; vira-anam—application.

Lalitä: O simple-minded girl, again and again we must apply lac

to Rädhä's feet, which are tender like new buds.87

viçäkhä: (sa-hasam) ali-a-sankini lalide viramehi viramehi. kanhassa

uttamage da-u-ra-o jjevva rehadi na kkhu java-anam.

sa—with; hasam—laughter; ali-a-sankini—O crooked lier; lalide—O

Lalitä; viramehi—stop; viramehi—stop; kanhassa—of Kåñëa; uttamange—on
the head; da-u—mineral; ra-ao—pigment; jjevva—certainly; rehadi—is
manifested; na—not; kkhu—indeed; java-anam—of lac.

Viçäkhä: (laughs) O crooked lier Lalitä, stop! Stop! Rädhä's feet

are anointed with the mineral pigments from Kåñëa's head! They are
not anointed with lac!

rädhikä: (sa-lajjam) hala pa-ume imanaà dummuhinaà palavaà

ana-ani-a tunnaà pi-a-sahià canda-alià jjevva jahi.

sa—with; lajjam—embarrassment; hala—sakhi; pa-ume—Padmä;

imanam—of these; dummuhinam—bad-mouthed girls; palavan—the
talking; ana-ani-a—without listening; tunnam—at once; pi-a—dear;
sahim—friend; canda-ali—to Candrävalé; jjevva—certainly; jahi—please go.

Rädhikä: (embarrassed) O Padmä, don't listen to the words of

these foul-mouthed girls. Just quickly go to your dear sakhi

Because of Kåñëa’s gifts, and pacifying, flattering words, the lac on Rädhä’s feet gradually
disappears (when She places Her feet on Kåñëa’s head).
88 Rädhä became embarrassed, hearing about Her glory. Compassionate by nature, She says these

320 •
padma: jadha adisadi pi-a-sahi. (iti niñkränta).

jadha—as; adisadi—orders; pi-a—dear; sahi—the friend; iti—thus;


Padmä: As my dear sakhi orders. (She exits).

lalitä: (svägatam) enhià kanhassa annaà karissam. (prakäçam) hala

rahe ehi. pupphaà avacini-a bha-avantaà suraà pu-emha.

svägatam—aside; enhim—now; kanhassa—of Kåñëa; anna—the

order; karissam—I shall execute; prakäçam—openly; hala—sakhi; rahe—
Rädhä; ehi—come here; puppham—flowers; avacini-a—collecting; pu-
ema—let us worship.

Lalitä: (aside) Now I shall fulfill Kåñëa's request. (Openly) Sakhi

Rädhä, come. Let us gather some flowers to worship the sun-god.

rädhikä: (svägatam) ditthi-a hi-a-a-tthido jjevva me kamo ima-e

uvanido jaà kanhassa damsanaà ettha sambhave. (prakäçam) jadha hi ro-
adi pi-asahi-e. (iti niñkränta).

svägatam—aside; ditthi-a—by good fortune; hi-a-a—in the heart;

tthido—situated; jjevva—certainly; me—My; kamo—desire; ima-e—by her;
uvanido—is fulfilled; jam—because; kanhassa—of Kåñëa; damsanam—the
sight; ettha—here; sambhave—may be; prakäçam—openly; jadha—as; hi—
indeed; ro-adi—it pleases; pi-a—My dear; sahi-e—friend; iti—thus;

Rädhikä: (to Herself) Now, by good fortune, she may fulfill My

heart’s desire, since it may be possible to see Kåñëa there. (Openly) As
it pleases My dear sakhi. (They exit).

(tataù praviçati madhuna galenopasyamanaù kåñëah).

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; madhumaìgalena—by

Madhumaìgala; upasyamanaù—followed; kåñëaù—Kåñëa.

(Accompanied by Madhumaìgala, Kåñëa enters).


words, seeing that Padmä cannot reply to the words of Lalitä and Viçäkhä.

321 •
bhramad-bhramara-jhankåti-plutam udagra-gunjarbudam
parisphurati candraka-sthagitam adya våndävanam

nava—of fresh; stavaka—clusters of flowers; vallari—creepers;

catula—moving; gandha—fragrance; vandi-kåta—become prisoner;
bhramat—wandering; bhramara—of the bumble-bees; jhankåti—the
buzzing sounds; plutam—inundated; udagra—large; gunja—of the gunja
berries; arbudam—hundreds of millions; sarat—in autumn; krsa—thin;
kalindaja—of the Yamunä river; pulina—of shores; våndä—the group;
samvardhitam—increased; parisphurati—is shining; candraka—peacock
feathers; sthagitam—covered; adya—now; våndävanam—Våndävana.

Kåñëa: Now that autumn has come, the Yamunä river has
become thin, and the river banks have increased. Våndävana forest
shines with a multitude of peacock feathers and millions of large
gunja berries, and is filled with the sounds of buzzing bumble-bees,
who, like poets, fly around creepers full of newly grown fragrant

(punar nibhalya. sanandam).

saradi mukharitasas tara nadavalibhir
valad-avicala-netraù paçya våndävane 'dya
vidadhati rana-raìgaà vasita-saìga-hetoù
sa-rabhasa-guru-srngaiù saìgave pungavendraù

punaù—again; nibhalya—looking; sa—with; anandam—bliss;

saradi—in autumn; mukharita—filled with sound; asaù—the directions;
tara—loud; nada—of sounds; avalibhiù—with multitudes; valat—moving;
avicala—steady; netraù—whose eyes; paçya—look!; våndävane—in
Våndävana; adya—now; vidadhati—places; rana-raìgam—the battle;
vasita—with a cow; saìga—of union; hetoù—for the purpose; sa-rabhasa—
powerful; guru—large; srngaiù—with horns; saìgave—collected together;
pungava-indraù—the best of bulls.

(Looking again, blissfully) In the autumn forest of Våndävana, all

directions are filled with loud sounds. Look! For the sake of a cow in
heat, the best of the bulls have gathered together and passionately
fighting each other using their big horns!

madhumaìgalaù: (sarvato vilokya)

tuha saìgamena nunaà mu-unda vunda-da-i ghana-cchaya u-a
dambhena kuranta-a-bharassa pidambaraà dhara-i

322 •
sarvataù—in all directions; vilokya—looking; tuha—with You;
saìgamena—by contact; nunam—certainly; mu-unda—O Kåñëa; vundada-
i—Våndävana; ghana—dark; chaya—shady or glittering; u-a—indeed;
dambhena—by a trick; kuranta-a—of kurantaka flowers; bharassa—of the
abundance; pida—yellow; ambaram—garments; dhara-i—wears.

Madhumaìgala: (looking in all directions) O Mukunda, this

Våndävana forest has become brilliantly dark because of associating
with You. On the pretext of bearing many kuraëöaka flowers, the
forest is now dressed in yellow garments.

kåñëaù: (svägatam) kim adya nistankita-sanketa-lekharthaya purna-

manorathi-karisye 'haà lalitäya. hanta sarada-madhuri-sandoha-
sandanitapi våndätavi-kakña khaïjanakñi-viprakarsad ananda-bindum api
na me sandadhati. tad venu-sanketaà sancarayami. (iti tatha kurvan)

svägatam—aside; kim—whether?; adya—now; nistankita—

understood; sanketa—of the rendezvous; legha—of the letter; arthaya—the
meaning; purna—fulfilled; manorathi—desires; karisye—shall become;
aham—I; lalitäya—by Lalitä; hanta—indeed; sarada—of autumn;
madhuri—the sweetness; sandoha—by the abundance; sandanita—bound;
api—although; våndätavi—of Våndävana forest; kakña—the interior;
khaïjana-akñi—from Rädhä, who restless eyes resemble khaïjana birds;
viprakarsad—because of separation; ananda—of happiness; bindum—a
drop; api—even; na—not; me—to Me; sandadhati—gives; tat—therefore;
venu—of the flute; sanketam—a signal; sancarayami—I shall give; iti—thus;
tatha—in that way; kurvan—doing.

Kåñëa: (to Himself) Did Lalitä understand My hint in the letter?

Will she fulfill My desire? Ah! Now that I am separated from Rädhä,
whose restless eyes are like playful khaïjana birds, even this
Våndävana forest, which is now filled with the abundant sweetness of
autumn, does not give Me even a drop of happiness! I shall send a
message with My flute. (Kåñëa plays the flute).

divyo rathangi samayaù sakhi saìgamasya

jajne varangi tarasa kuru pakña-patam
adhvanam ardha-nayanena vilokamanaù
sokad ayaà sahacaras tava rauraviti

divyaù—splendid; rathangi—O cakraväké bird; samayaù—the time;

sakhi—O friend; saìgamasya—of meeting; jajne—is manifested; vara-
angi—O beautiful-limbed girl; tarasa—at once; kuru—please do; pakña—to
the side; patam—going; adhvanam—the path; ardha—half; nayanena—

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with eyes; vilokamanaù—gazing; sokat—from grief; ayam—He;
sahacaraù—the friend; tava—of You; rauraviti—continually cries.

“O cakraväké bird, now the auspicious time to meet your lover

has come. O beautiful girl, please quickly come to Me! Your friend is
gazing at the path with half-open eyes and constantly cries in grief!”

madhumaìgalaù: bho va-assa kim edaà apuvvaà vadidam.

bho—O; va-assa—friend; kim—what?; edam—this; apuvvam—

unprecedented; vadidam—sound.

Madhumaìgala: Bho! Friend, what was that wonderful sound?

kåñëaù: sakhe kuraìgé-lokanärthaà mamayam udyamaù.

sakhe—O friend; kurangi—a doe; lokana—for looking; artham—for

the purpose; mama—of Me; ayam—this; udyamaù—endeavor.

Kåñëa: Friend, that was My attempt to find a doe.

madhumaìgalaù: saccaà kadhidam. kià tu ekkaà akkharaà

annadha ki-am.

saccam—the truth; kadhidam—spoken; kim—why?; tu—however;

ekkam—one; akkharam—syllable; annadha—otherwise; ki-am—is done.

Madhumaìgala: You have spoken the truth. But one syllable in

Your words was incorrect.

kåñëaù: sakhe sadhu vaditaà kuraìgé-locanärthaà eva.

sakhe—O friend; sadhu—well; vaditam—spoken; kuraìgé-locana—

the doe-eyed; arthaà—for the purpose; eva—certainly.

Kåñëa: Well said, friend. It was a message for the doe-eyed girl.89

pibantinaà vamsi-rava iha gavaà karna-culukaiù
payah-pura durad disi disi tatha susruvur ami
akale puspadbhis tarubhir abhitaù sobhitam idaà
yatha våndäranyaà dadhi-maya-nadi-matrkam abhut

Kåñëa said “kuraìgé-lokanärthaà” (to find a doe), but Madhumaìgala corrected Him: “You
probably wanted to say “kuraìgé-locanärthaà” (for the doe-eyed girl)!”

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nepathye—behind the scenes; pibantinam—drinking; vamsi—of the
flute; ravam—the sound; iha—here; gavam—of the cows; karna—of the
ears; culukaiù—with vessels; payaù—of milk; puraù—floods; durat—from a
great distance; disi disi—in all directions; tatha—in that way; susruvuù—
flowed; ami—they; akale—out of season; puspadbhiù—flowering;
tarubhiù—by trees; abhitaù—everywhere; sobhitam—beautified; idam—
this; yatha—as; våndä-aranyam—forest of Våndävana; dadhi—of yogurt;
maya—consisting; nadi—a river; matrkam—like; abhut—became.

(Off-stage) As, with the pitchers of their ears, the surabhi cows
drink the sound of the flute, they fill all directions with a great flood
of milk. All the trees suddenly began to bloom out of season,
beautifying the forest of Våndävana with many flowers. The juice of
these flowers has curdled the flood of milk from the surabhi cows,
and now a great river of yogurt flows in Våndävana forest.

kåñëaù: sakhe dakñinataù paçya paçya.

tuìgas tamroru-çåìgaù sphurad-aruna-khuro ramya-piìgekñaëa-çréù
kaëöha-vyalambi-ganto dharani-vilulitoccanda langula-dandaù
so 'yaà kailasa-pandu-dyutir atula-kakun-mandalo naicikinaà
cakre bhati priyo me parimala-tulitotphulla-padmaù kakudmi

sakhe—O friend; dakñinaaù—from the right; paçya—look!; paçya—

look!; tuìgaù—tall; tamra—brown; uru—great; çåìgaù—horns; sphurat—
shining; aruna—red; khuraù—hooves; ramya—beautiful; pinga—reddish;
ékñaëa—eyes; çréù—beauty; kaëöha—on the neck; vyalambi—hanging;
gantaù—a bell; dharani—on the earth; vilulita—rolling; uccanda—great;
langula-dandaù—tail; sah ayam—this; kailasa—of Mount Kailäsa; pandu—
white; dyutiù—splendor; atula—incomparable; kakut—of hump;
mandalaù—rounded; naicikinam—of surabhi cows; cakre—in the circle;
bhati—is splendidly manifest; priyaù—favorite; me—My; parimala-tulita-
utphulla-padmaù—named Padmägandha; kakudmi—bull.

Kåñëa: Friend, look to the right! Look! There, among the surabhi
cows, is my favorite bull Padmägandha. He is very tall and has big
brown horns. His shining hooves and beautiful eyes are red, a bell
hangs from his neck, his long tail touches the ground, his huge
rounded hump is incomparable, and he is the same white color as
Mount Kailäsa.

(tataù praviçati sakhibhyam anugamyamana rädhä).

tataù—then; praviçati—enters; sakhibhyam—by two friends;

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anugamyamana—followed; rädhä—Rädhä.

(Accompanied by Lalitä and Viçäkhä, Rädhä enters.)

rädhä: (svägatam) jado disado venu-saddo a-ado sa disa mohida-e

ma-e na bhalida.

svägatam—aside; jado—from this; disado—direction; venu—of the

flute; saddo—the sound; a-ado—has come; sa—this; disa—direction;
mohida-e—mistaken; ma-e—by Me; na—not; bhalida—is possible.

Rädhä: (to Herself) A flute sound came from this direction. I

couldn't be mistaken.

lalitä: (sotrasa-smitam) hala rahi-e kisa akande harina-kanni tumaà

sa—with; utprasa—jocular expression; hala—sakhi; rahi-e—Rädhikä;
kisa—why?; akande—suddenly; harina—of a doe; kanni—with ears;
tumam—you; jada asi—have become.

Lalitä: (with a playful smile) Sakhi Rädhikä, why have You

suddenly prick up Your ears like a doe?

rädhikä: lalide kià ti appano dhammaà parassa appesi. saccaà

tumaà jjevva harini jaà kala-saddena harijjanti disani.

lalide—O Lalitä; kim—why?; ti—thus; appano—of the self;

dhammam—nature; parassa—of another; appesi—you place; saccam—in
truth; tumam—you; jjevva—indeed; harini—the doe; jam—because; kala—
sweet; saddena—by the sound; harijjanti—enchanted; disasi—you are seen.

Rädhikä: Lalitä, why do you attribute your own qualities to

others? In truth, it is you who are the doe, because it is easy to see how
you are enchanted by the sweet sound of the flute!

lalitä: rahe tumaà kkhu harini jaà rangini nama harini tumha sahi.

rahe—O Rädhä; tumam—You; kkhu—indeed; harini—a doe; jam—

because; rangini—Raìgiëé; nama—named; harini—the doe; tumha—of
You; sahi—is the friend.

Lalitä: O Rädhä! You are the doe, because the doe named Raìgiëé
is Your sakhi!

rädhikä: (svägatam) ditthi-a esa kavi sorabha-dhara-vadi-a

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dodudivva maà a-atthadi. (iti sa-vyajaà puraù prayati).

svägatam—aside; ditthi-a—by good fortune; esa—this; kavi—

something; sorabbha—of sweet fragrance; dhara—the flood; vadi-a—
garden; dodudi—a messenger; ivva—like; mam—Me; a-atthadi—attracts;
iti—thus; sa—with; vyajam—a trick; puraù—ahead; prayati—goes.

Rädhikä: (aside) The flood of sweet fragrance coming from this

garden attracts Me like a messenger. (On the pretext of picking
flowers, She goes forward).

viçäkhä: (smitvä) hala rahi kisa tumaà bhangiva kimpi gandhaà


smitvä—smiling; hala—sakhi; rahi—Rädhä; kisa—why?; tumam—

You; bhangi—a bee; iva—like; gandhaà—by fragrance; sappasi—You go.

Viçäkhä: (smiling) Sakhi Rädhä, why have You become like a

bee, attracted by a sweet fragrance?

rädhikä: visahe aggado phulla-ià kusuma-ià disanti. ta eda-ià

ghettuna taà mittaà pu-a-issam.

visahe—Viçäkhä: aggado—before us; phulla-im—blossomed; kusuma-

im—flowers; disanti—are visible; ta—therefore; eda-im—these; ghettuna—
taking; tam—him; mittam—the sun-god; pu-a-issam—I shall worship.

Rädhikä: Viçäkhä, there are many blooming flowers in front of

us. I shall pick some and use them in the worship of the sun-god

lalitä: saccaà mittasya anura-aà tumaà taraledi. bho dava gahana-

carassa jjevva na kkhu ga-ana-carassa.

saccam—in truth; mittasya—an intimate friend; anura-am—love;

tumam—You; taraledi—causes to tremble; bho—O; dava—in that way;
gahana—in the forest; carassa—moving; jjevva—certainly; na—not; kkhu—
indeed; ga-ana—in the sky; carassa—moving.

Lalitä: You are actually trembling with love for Your intimate
friend (mitra). This is attraction to someone who wanders in the
forest, not in the sky!

rädhikä: (sa-pranaya-rosam) a-i adakkhine kamala-bandhuà

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sa—with; pranaya—of love; rosam—the anger; a-i—O; adakkine—

unexperienced one; kamala—of the lotus flowers; bandhum—the friend;
kadhemi—I speak.

Rädhikä: (with loving anger) O foolish girl, I speak of the friend

of the lotus flowers (the sun)!

lalitä: sahi kisa a-araà sangovesi.

sahi—O friend; kisa—why?; a-aram—true intention; sangovesi—You


Lalitä: Sakhi, why do You hide Your true intentions?

viçäkhä: lalide savatti-ba-ena isa cce-a sangovedi. na una pi-a-sahi.

lalide—O Lalitä; savatti—of a rival; bha-ena—with the nature; isa—

jealousy; cce-a—as if; sangovedi—concealing; na—not; una—again; pi-a—
dear; sahi—friend.

Viçäkhä: Lalitä, it seems that She hides it out of jealous anger at

Her rival. Dear sakhi, don't bother Her anymore.90

rädhä: (sa-bhru-bhaìgam) a-i vame attano hi-a-tthidaà atthaà para-

munde kisa padesi. ta tuvarehi. jaà nadi-dure jjevva so tumhanaà

sa—with; bhru—of the eyebrows; bhaìgam—knitting; a-i—O; vame—

contrary girl; attano—own; hi-a-a—in the heart; tthidam—situated; attham—
purpose; para-munde—very vile; kisa—why?; padesi—you reveal; ta—
therefore; tuvarehi—hurry; jam—because; na—not; adi—very; dure—far
away; jjevva—indeed; so—He; tumhanam—of you; bimba—bimba fruit;
ahara—of the lips; kandu—of the itching; khadano—the destroyer.

Rädhä: (knitting Her eyebrows) O crafty one! O vile girl! Why do

you reveal your heart's desire? Hurry up! Your lover Kåñëa, who
relieves the itching of Your bimba-fruit lips, is not far from you!

lalitä: rahe akomaraà amhe naà akkhudidaà kulaìgana-vvadaà

vundavana-lada-o jjevva janeneti. ta attano muhena kià kadha-issamha.

“Out of jealous anger at Lakñmé, Her rival, Rädhikä cannot say her name.” The word “kamala-
bandhu” means "friend of the lotus flowers (sun)", but also "friend of Lakñmé".

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rahe—O Rädhä; akomaram—from childhood; amhanam—of us;
akkhudidam—unbroken; kulaìgana—of chastity; vvadam—the vow;
vundavana—of Våndävana; lada-o—the creepers; jjevva—certainly;
janenti—understand; ta—therefore; attano—own; muhena—with the
mouth; kim—what?; kadha-issamha—shall we say.

Lalitä: O Rädhä, the creepers of Våndävana forest know that

since childhood my vow of chastity has never been broken. What else
can I say?

rädhikä: (vihasya) a-i pa-ivvade janenti janenti. tado jjevva kalle tuha
bhu-a-vallino anke saìkamidaà ditthaà ma-e ma-ara-kundala-
lanchanam. tadha jjevva visana-e-tattha tuli-ovari kkhudidaà sihanda-

vihasya—laughing; a-i—O; pa-ivvade—chaste girl; janenti—they

know; tado—then; jjevva—certainly; kalle—at dawn; tuha—of you; bhu-a—
of the arm; vallino—of the creeper; anke—in the lap; saìkamidam—
transfered; dittham—seen; ma-e—by Me; ma-ara—makara; kundala—of
earrings; lanchanam—the mark; tadha—then; jjevva—certainly; visaha-e—
of Viçäkhä; tattha—there; tulika—the bed; uvari—on; kkhudidam—fallen;
sihanda—peacock feather; kiridam—crown.

Rädhikä: (laughing) O chaste girl, they know, they know! At

dawn I personally saw the mark of Kåñëa's makara-shaped earring
imprinted on the creeper of your arm. I also saw Kåñëa's peacock
feather crown on Viçäkhä's bed.

lalitä: (smitvä) para-parivadini avehi avehi.

smitvä—smiling; para—supremely; parivadini—scandalous girl;

avehi—go!; avehi—go!

Lalitä: (smiling) O scandalous girl, go away! Go away!

viçäkhä: rahe kittiyaà jhampissasi. na kkhu candalo-e candakanta-

sila appasinna hoduà pahuvadi.

rahe—O Rädhä; kittiyam—imitation; jhampissasi—can You conceal;

na—not; kkhu—indeed; candalo-e—on the moon; candakanta—a
candrakanta jewel; apasinna—without perspiring; hodum—to be;
pahuvadi—is able.

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Viçäkhä: Rädhä, how long are You going to pretend? The
candrakanta jewel cannot stop melting under the moonlight!91

rädhikä: (puro sa-camatkaram) lalide tunnaà anujanehi. pala-issam.

(ity utkampate)

puraù—ahead; dåñövä—looking; sa—with; camatkaram—wonder;

lalide—O Lalitä; tunnam—at once; anujanehi—please excuse Me; pala-
issam—I am running away; iti—thus; utkampate—She trembles.

Rädhikä: (looking ahead with wonder) Lalitä, please excuse Me.

I need to get out of here. (She trembles).

lalitä: (sasaìkam) rädhe kisa bha-esi.

sa—with; asaìkam—anxiety; rädhe—O Rädhä; kisa—why?; bha-esi—

are You afraid.

Lalitä: (with anxiety) Rädhä, what has frightened You?

rädhikä: (sabhyasuyam) a-i vanke alaà imina ujju-attanena. nunaà

imassa lampadassa hatthe pekkheduà maà dure anidasi.

sa—with; abhyasuyam—anger; a-i—O; vanke—cruel or cunning girl;

alam—enough; imina—of this; ujju-attanena—of the simpleness; nunam—
certainly; imassa—of this; lampadassa—debauchee; hatthe—in the hand;
pakkhedum—to place; mam—Me; dure—from far away; anidasi—you have

Rädhikä: (with anger) O cruel girl, enough of this pretended

innocence! You have brought Me here from far away simply to place
Me into the hands of this debauchee!

lalitä: (nipunaà nibhalya svägatam) nunaà durado vilo-ijjantaà

tamalaà jjevva i-aà kanhaà mannedi. (prakäçam) huà danià kadhaà
pala-issasi. laddho ma-e osaro. (iti rädhäm akarsati).

nipunam—carefully; nibhalya—looking; svägatam—aside; nunam—

indeed; durado—fro far away; vilo-ijjantam—being seen; tamalam—a
tamäla tree; jjevva—certainly; i-am—She; kanham—Kåñëa; mannedi—
considers; prakäçam—openly; hum—Oh; danim—now; kadham—why?;
pala-issasi—should You run away; laddho—obtained; ma-e—for me; osaro—

Just as a candrakanta jewel cannot stop melting under the moonlight, in the same way Rädhikä
cannot conceal Her love for Kåñëa.

330 •
the opportunity; iti—thus; rädhäm—Rädhä; akarsati—pulls.

Lalitä: (carefully looking, she says to herself) Seeing the tamäla

tree from afar, this girl thinks it is Kåñëa. (Openly) Oh! Why do You
want to run away? This is a good opportunity for me. (She pulls Rädhä

rädhikä: (sa-kataryam) sahi visahe parittahi parittahi. sarana-


sa—with; kataryam—timidity; sahi—O friend; visahe—Viçäkhä;

parittahi—protect; parittahi—protect; sarana-adamhi—I take shelter of you.

Rädhikä: (with timidity) Sakhi Viçäkhä, please protect Me!

Protect Me! I have come to you for shelter!

visakhe: a-i pemm-ubbhamide kadhaà tillokaà jjeva de kanha-edi.

pekkha eso paläsi na kj kkhu jjevva vilasi.

a-i—O; pemm—by love; ubbhamide—bewildered; kadham—how is

it?; tillokam—the three worlds; jjeva—certainly; de—for You; kanha-edi—
have become Kåñëa; pekkha—look!; eso—this; palasi—a tree; na—not;
kkhu—indeed; jjevva—certainly; vilasi—the playful Kåñëa.

Viçäkhä: O girl bewildered by love, how did it happen that for

You all three worlds have turned into Kåñëa? Look! This is a tree, not
Your playful lover!

kåñëaù: kathaà nedanim api pratyasanna tanv-angi. tan muralim

irayami. (iti tatha kurvan).

katham—why?; na—not; idanim—now; api—even; pratyasanna—

arrived; tanu-angi—the slender girl; tat—therefore; muralim—the flute;
irayami—I shall cause to speak; iti—thus; tatha—in that way; kurvan—

Kåñëa: Why has the slender Rädhä still not come? I shall play My
flute. (Kåñëa does that).

ayi sudhakara-mandali mandaya

tvam atavià mrdu-pada-visarpanaiù
nanu cakora-yuva paritapyate

331 •
ayi—O; sudhakara-mandali—moon; mandaya—please decorate;
tvam—You; atavim—the forest; mrdu—gentle; pada—of steps;
visarpanaiù—spreading; udaya-saila-tati—on the eastern horizon; nihita—
placed; ékñaëaù—glance; nanu—is it not so?; cakora—cakor bird; yuva—
young; paritapyate—greatly distressed.

“O moon, please decorate this forest by spreading your soft rays.

Suffering greatly, a young cakora bird stares at the eastern horizon.”

viçäkhä: (svayaà dhairyam avastabhya) hala rahe kisa tumaà

bhamanti kalamba olambesi.

svayam—own; dhairyam—peaceful composure; avastabhya—

accepting; hala—sakhi; rahe—Rädhä; kisa—why?; tumam—You;
bhamanti—dizziness; kalamba—on this kadambe tree; olambesi—You rest.

Viçäkhä: (calming down) Sakhi Rädhä, why are You in confusion

trying to lean on this kadamba tree?

lalitä: sahi vamsi-e varaà varaà tumaà vandemi. jaà ugghadida-

rahassa tu-e rahi kida.

sahi—O; vamsike—O flute; varam—again; varam—and again;

tumam—to you; vandemi—I offer my respectful obeisances; jam—because;
ugghadida—manifested; rahassa—secret; tu-e—by you; rahi—Rädhä;
kida—is done.

Lalitä: O sakhi vaàçika, again and again I offer my obeisances to

you. You have revealed the great secret hidden in Rädhä’s heart.

(rädhikä sa-lajjam avahitthaà natayati).

rädhikä—Rädhikä; sa—with; lajjam—embarrassment; avahittham—

concealment; natayati—represents dramatically.

(Rädhikä shyly tries to hide Her feelings).

lalitä: (sanskåtena)
visadbhiù karnante tava visrmarair adya murali-
kalair uru-sthambho gurur ajani rambhoru tarasa
viluptabhud dåñöir nayana-jala-vrsti-vyatikaraiù
pranitabhir yatnat tad alam avahittha-laharibhiù

saìskåtena—in Sanskrit; visadbhiù—entering; karëa—of the ears;

332 •
ante—the corner; tava—of You; visrmaraiù—flowing; adya—now; muralé—
of the flute; kalaiù—by the sweet music; uru—of the thighs; stambhaù—the
pillar; guruù—stunned; ajani—have become; rambhä-uru—O girl whose
thighs are as beautiful as banana trees; tarasa—at once; vilupta—broken;
abhut—has become; dåñöiù—sight; nayana-jala—of tears; våñti—of rain;
vyatikaraiù—by the abundance; pranitabhiù—brought; yatnät—with great
effort; tat—therefore; alam—enough; avahittha—of concealment;
laharibhiù—of these waves.

Lalitä: O girl whose thighs are as beautiful as plantain trees, the

sweet sound of the flute that is now flowing into Your ears has made
the pillars of Your thighs heavy, and also blinded You with a rain of
tears. Enough of these great efforts to hide the waves of Your

viçäkhä: lalide ko danià avahittha-e osaro.

lalide—O Lalitä; ko—what?; danim—now; avahittha-a—of

concealment; osaro—opportunity.

Viçäkhä: Lalitä, how will She be able to hide Her feelings now?

trapäbhicaraëa-krame parama-siddhir ätharvani
smaranala samindhane sapadi samidheni-dhvaniù
tathatma-paramatmanor upanisan-mayi saìgame
vilasa-murali-bhava virutir adya vairayate

saìskåtena—in Sanskrit; trapa—bashfulness; abhicarana—a charm to

exorcise; parama-siddhiù—perfect; atharvani—a hymn from the Atharva
Veda; smara—of amorous love; anala—the fire; samindhane—in igniting;
sapadi—at once; samidheni-dhvaniù—the sacred verse for igniting the
sacrificial fire; tathä—in that way; ätmä—of the individual soul;
paramätmanoù—and of the Supersoul; upaniñat-mayi—the mantra of the
Upaniñads; saìgame—in union; vilasa—playful; muralé—of the flute;
bhava—nature; virutiù—the sound; adya—now; vairayate—has become
Your enemy.

The sound of the playful flute has now become Your enemy. That
flute music is the powerful hymn from the Atharva Veda to destroy
Your shyness. It is the sacred verse to ignite the sacrificial fire of
amorous love. It is the "tat tvam asi" mantra from the Upaniñads to

333 •
proclaim Your conjugal union with Kåñëa.92

rädhikä: (sa-ksobham) sahi saccaà kadhesi. ahmanaà va-irini

samvutta daruno vamsi-a. ta uvala-issam.

sa—with; ksobham—agitation; sahi—O friend; saccam—the truth;

kadhesi—you speak; ahmanam—of us; va-irini—the enemy; samvutta—has
become; daruno—the cruel or wooden; vamsika—flute; ta—therefore;
uvala-issam—I shall rebuke.

Rädhikä: (agitated) Sakhi, you speak the truth. This cruel flute is
now My enemy. Therefore I rebuke it.

(iti sanskåtena)
sutis te dhanusas ca vamsa-varato vande tayor antimaà
viddho yena janas tanuà viharayan nantas ciraà tamyati
viddhänaà hådi mära-patri-visamair dhvanesubhir mas tvaya
krüre vaàsi na jévanaà na ca måtir ghoräviräsid daça

iti—thus; saìskåtena—in Sanskrit; sutiù—birth; te—of you;

dhanusaù—of the bow; ca—and; vamsa-varataù— from the respected family
(or from bamboo); vande—I offer my respectful obeisances; tayoù—of both;
antimam—the end; viddaù—pierced; yena—by which; janaù—a person;
tanum—the body; viharayan—giving up; na—not; antaù—within; ciram—
for a long time; tamyati—suffers; viddhanam—of those who are pierced;
hrdi—in the heart; mara—of Kämadeva; patri—than the arrows; visamaiù—
more terrible; dhvana—sound; isubhiù—by the arrows; naù—of us; tvaya—
by you; krure—O cruel; vamsi—flute; na—not; jivanam—life; na—not; ca—
and; mrtiù—death; ghora—horrible; avirasti—is manifested; dasa—the

O flute, although both you and the bow come from a respected
family, still I offer My respectful obeisances to the bow and not to you.
When someone is wounded by arrows from the bow, he quickly gives
up his body without suffering for a long time. O cruel flute! When we
are pierced by the arrows of your sound, which are even more terrible
than Kämadeva's arrows, we get into a terrible situation where we can
neither continue to live nor die!

kåñëaù: (puro vilokya sanandam)

bhavita savidhe 'tra rädhikä

The "tat tvam asi" (“You are the same”) mantra produces oneness and lost of one’s identity. “It is
the "tat tvam asi" mantra from the Upaniñads to proclaim Your conjugal oneness with Kåñëa!”

334 •
yad iyaà ringati rangini puraù
mrga-lanchana-lekhayeva ya
mrga-murtir na taya viyujyate

puraù—ahead; vilokya—looking; sa—with; anandam—bliss;

bhavita—will be; savidha—near; atra—here; rädhikä—Rädhikä; yat—
which; iyam—She; ringati—moves; rangini—the doe name Raìgiëé;
puraù—in the presence; mrga-lanchana—of the moon; lekhaya—with the
mark; iva—as if; ya—who; mrga—of the deer; murtiù—the form; na—not;
taya—by her; viyujyate—abandoned.

Kåñëa: (blissfully looking ahead) I see Rädhä's pet doe Raìgiëé

frolicking in front of us! I think Rädhikä will soon appear in this place,
because this doe never leaves Her company, just as the mark of the
deer never leaves the moon!93

(punar nirupya) sakhe jnataà jnatam. nasau rädhikä-nyankuù. yad

niranko nediyan induù. (iti vismayam abhiniya).

punaù—again; nirupya—looking; sakhe—O friend; jnatam—it is

understood; jnatam—it is understood; na—not; asau—this; rädhikä—of
Rädhikä; nyankuù—the doe; yat—because; ayam—this; niraìkaù—spotless;
nediyan—approaching; induù—the moon; iti—thus; vismayam—wonder;
abhiniya—representing dramatically.

(Looking again) Friend, I understood. I understood. This is not

Rädhikä's doe, because the spotless moon is approaching us! (Kåñëa
is struck with wonder).94

aìkat parityajya puraù kuraìgaà

sanke sudhamsur bhuvam asasada
(punar nibhalya)
äà jïätam utphulla-viläsa-våndair
änandi rädhä-vadanaà cakästi
(ity agre sarati).

aìkat—a mark; parityajya—abandoning; puraù—in the presence;

kuraìgam—the deer; sanke—I think; sudhä-aàçuù—the nectar moon;
bhuvam—to the world; asasada—has come; punaù—again; nibhalya—
looking; äm—yes; jïätam—understood; utphulla—blossomed; vilasa—of
It is said in poetry that the dark spots on the moon resemble a deer. “Just as the mark of the deer
never leaves the moon, so this doe never leaves the company of My moon-faced Rädhikä!”
94 “It is not a doe always accompanying the moon-faced Rädhä, because My beloved is like a

flawless moon on which there are no spots!”

335 •
pastimes; våndäiù—with hosts; änandé—delightful; rädhä—of Rädhä;
vadanam—the face; cakästi—is glowing; iti—thus; agre—before; sarati—

I think the moon has left its deer mark and descended to earth.
(Looks again) Ah! Now I understand! This is Rädhä's shining face,
blooming with many playful emotions, and giving Me great pleasure!
(Kåñëa goes to Her.)

madhumaìgalaù: (sa-parihasam) bho va-assa ma dhava. lahu jahi.

ahava tumaà kià ti dusijjasi jaà dhutta-kisorihià duttha-mantena
ummadidosi. ta imassià jogge osare tumaà nivari-a sinhehassa nikidaà
karissam. (iti panim adadhati).

sa—with; parihasam—joking; bho—O; va-assa—friend; ma—don't;

dhava—run; lahu—slowly; jahi—go; ahava—otherwise; tumam—You;
kim—whether; iti—thus; dusijjasi—You are injured; jam—because; dhutta—
rascal; kisorihim—by these girls; duttha—inimical; mantrena—by the
mantras; ummadidosi—You have become maddened; ta—therefore;
imassim—in this; jogge—proper; osare—occasion; tumam—You; nivari-a—
restraining; sinehassa—out of affection; nikidam—for Your benefit;
karissam—I shall do; iti—thus; panim—hand; adadhati—takes.

Madhumaìgala: (laughing) O friend, don't run like that. Walk

slowly. How have You become so agitated? These young rascal girls
must have made You crazy using malicious mantras! Therefore, now,
out of affection for You and for Your benefit, I must stop You. (He
takes Kåñëa by the hand).

kåñëaù: sakhe sadhu cestase yad adya rädhikopasarpane kampena

kåta-vighnasya me datta-hastavalambo 'si.
(iti parikramya)

sakhe—O friend; sadhu—well-disposed; cestase—your behavior; yat—

because; adya—now; rakhika—of Rädhikä; upasarpane—in the
approaching; kampena—by trembling; kåta—done; vighnasya—impediment;
me—of Me; datta—given; hasta—of the hand; avalambaù—support; asi—
you are; iti—thus; parikramya—walking.

Kåñëa: Friend, you are very kind to Me. I tremble as I approach

Rädhikä, and it is difficult for Me to proceed. It is good that you are
holding My hand. (Kåñëa walks).

iyam ati-tåñitaà varänurägo-

336 •
jjvala-sumanaù kamaniya-patra-lekhaù
mama vära-tanur acakarña cittaà
madhupam açoka-lateva puñpitägra

iyam—She; ati—very; trsitam—thirsty; vara—excellent; anuraga—

with love; ujjvala—splendid; sumanaù—whose mind; kamaniya—
charming; patra—tablet; lekhaù—decorated with lines; mama—of Me;
vara—beautiful; tanuù—whose form; acakarsa—attracted; cittam—the
mind; madhupam—a bumble-bee; asoka—an açoka; lata—creeper; iva—
like; puspita—with blossoming flowers.

Her mind shining with incomparable affection, and Her limbs

charmingly decorated with designs drawn with various cosmetics,
this girl with a beautiful body enchants My mind and makes Me very
thirsty to attain Her! Rädhä attracts Me just as a blossoming açoka
creeper attracts a bumble-bee!95

rädhikä: (kåñëam apangena vilokya. svägatam. sanskåtena)

milita-mådula-mauler mälayä mälaténäà
madayati mama medhaà mädhuré mädhavasya

kåñëam—Kåñëa; apangena—from the corner of Her eye; vilokya—

seeing; svägatam—aside; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; nava—new; manasija—
of Kämadeva; lila—pastimes; bhranta—moving about; netra—of the eyes;
anta—the corners; bhajaù—possesing; sphuta—blossomed; kisalaya—
twigs; bhangi—beding; sangi—touching; karna—of the ears; ancalasya—the
edge; milita—met; mrdula—gentle; mauleù—of the crown; malaya—by the
garland; malatinam—of the crown; malaya—by the garland; malatinam—of
mälaté (jasmine) flowers; madayati—maddens; mama—My; medham—
intelligent; madhuri—the sweetness; madhavasya—of Kåñëa.

Rädhikä: (casting sidelong glance at Kåñëa, She says to Herself)

In the corners of His eyes plays a young Kämadeva, a fresh
blossoming twig decorates His ear, and a garland of mälaté flowers
gently touches His crown. The sweetness of Mädhava is driving Me

viçäkhä: (vihasya sanskåtena)

vasi-cakre kåñëas tava parimalair eva balibhir

Her mind shines with great love or She is decorated with the best flowers shining with reddish

337 •
vilasanaà våndäà katham iva mudha kandalayasi
jaye panau datte rana-patubhir agre sarbhataiù
svayaà ko vikrantià punar iha jigisuù pranayati

vihasya—laughing; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; vasi-cakre—brought

under control; kåñëaù—Kåñëa; tava—of You; parimalaiù—by the fragrance;
eva—certainly; balibhiù—powerful; vilasanam—of ecstatic emotions;
våndäm—the host; katham—why?; iva—as if; mudha—uselessly;
kandalayasi—do You manifest; jaye—victorious; panau—in the hand;
datte—placed; rana—in battle; patubhiù—expert; agre—in the presence;
sarbhataiù—by the soldiers; svayam—personally; kaù—who?; vikrantim—
valor; punaù—again; iha—here; jigisuù—one desiring victory; pranayati—

Viçäkhä: (laughing) The sweet fragrance of Your body now

forcibly brought Kåñëa completely under Your control. So why are
You uselessly showing a multitude of ecstatic emotions? When the
strong warrior expert in battles in the presence of his soldiers already
holds victory in his hands, would he continue to fight?96

rädhikä: a-i dummuhi patti-amsi saìkade maà srovi-a ajjavi na

vissantasi. ta nikkiva-hi-a-aà tumaà ujjhi-a ahaà siniddha-pi-sahià
lalidaà caranaà pavisami. (iti tatha kåtvä sanskåtena).

a-i—O; dummuhi—full-mouthed girl; patti-ammi—to this extent;

saìkade—distress; mam—to Me; arovi-a—putting Me; ajjavi—even now;
na—not; vissantasi—stopped; ta—therefore; nikkiva—without mercy; hi-a-
am—whose heart; tumam—you; ujjhi-a—abandoning; aham—I; siniddha—
affectionate; pi-a—dear; sahim—friend; lalidam—Lalitä; saranam—shelter;
pavisami—I shall enter; iti—thus; tatha—in that way; kåtvä—doing;
sanskåtena—in Sanskrit.

Rädhikä: O foul-mouthed girl, even now you don't stop hurting

Me! There is no mercy in your heart! I will leave you and take shelter
of My dear sakhi Lalitä, who is very affectionate to Me. (Rädhä goes to
Lalitä and says)

atrayantaà calam api harià lokayanti balisthaà

tvam alambya priya-sakhi ghane nasmi kunje nilina

atra—here; ayantam—coming; calam—restless; api—also; harim—

The word “vilasanam” refers to such ecstatic emotions as vivvoka, vibhrama, etc., which
completely enchant Kåñëa's mind.

338 •
Kåñëa; lokayanti—seeing; balistham—very powerful; tvam—of you;
alambya—taking shelter; priya—dear; sakhi—O friend; ghane—dense; na—
not; asmi—I am; kunje—in the forest bower; nilina—hiding.

I see the restless Hari approaching. O dear sakhi, you are very
strong. I take shelter of you, and I will not hide in a dense forest

lalitä: (sa-narma-amitam. sanskåtena).

asman mugdhe hrdaya-nihitad adya pétämbarat te
sakto nanyaù kuca-paricaye mat-puro ma vyathisthaù

sa—with; narma—a playful; smitam—smile; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit;

asmat—from this; mugdhe—O tender girl; hrdaya—on the chest; nihitat—
placed; adya—now; pita—yellow; ambarat—than the garment; te—of You;
saktaù—is able; na—not; anyaù—anyone; kuca—of the breasts; paricaye—
in intimacy; mat—of me; puraù—in the presence; ma—don't; vyathisthaù—
become agitated.

Lalitä: (with a playful smile) O tender girl, do not fear. In my

presence, only Your yellow garment will be able to touch Your

kåñëaù: (sanandam) kalyani kale labdhasi. (iti rädhäm upasarpati).

sa—with; anandam—bliss; kalyani—O all-auspicious one; kale—in

the time; labdha—obtained; asi—You are; iti—thus; rädhäm—Rädhä;

Kåñëa: (blissfully) O auspicious girl, I have finally obtained You!

(He approaches Rädhä).

lalitä: (satopaà parikramya kåñëaà varayanti) cha-illa na hu esa

tumha parihasa-jogga amhanaà pi-a-sahi ta avehi.

sa—with; atopam—arrogance; parikramya—walking; kåñëam—to

Kåñëa; varayanti—stopping; cha-illa—O lover; na—not; hu—indeed; esa—
She; tumha—of You; parihasa—for joking; jogga—the proper object;
amhanam—of us; pi-a—the dear; sahi—friend; ta—therefore; avehi—go

Lalitä: (proudly approaches Kåñëa and stops Him) O amorous

"In my presence, only Kåñëa, who wears yellow garments (Pétämbara), will be able to touch Your

339 •
hero, our dear sakhi Rädhä is not the proper object of Your jokes! Go

kåñëaù: (sa-smitam) lalite nedaà gosthaìganam. paçya våndätavi-

kukñir asau. tan neha vaù prabhavisnuta.

sa—with; smitam—a smile; lalite—O Lalitä; na—not; idam—this;

gostha-aìganam—the cowherd village; paçya—look!; våndä-atavi—of
Våndävana forest; kuksiù—the middle; asau—this is; tat—therefore; na—not;
iha—here; vaù—of you; prabhavisnuta—is the power.

Kåñëa: (smiling) O Lalitä, this is not a cowherd village. Look! This

is the middle of the Våndävana forest. You have no power here.

lalitä: kanha assa-o ta-o kkhu muddhi-a-o ja-o tu-atto vi sutthu bha-
enti. esamhi pasiddha lalida.

kanha—O Kåñëa; assa-o—among us; ta-o—they; kkhu—indeed;

muddhi-a-o—foolish; ja-o—who are; tu-atto—of You; vi—indeed; sutthu—
clearly; bha-enti—are afraid; esa—she; amhi—I am; pasiddha—the famous;

Lalitä: Kåñëa, other stupid girls are afraid of You, but I am the
famous Lalitä!

(rädhikä calapangena kåñëaà vilokya kampaà natayati).

rädhikä—Rädhikä; cala—restless; apangena—from the corner of Her

eye; kåñëam—Kåñëa; vilokya—seeing; kampam—trembling; natayati—
represents dramatically.

(Casting a sidelong glance at Kåñëa, Rädhikä begins to tremble).

lalitä: rahe kisa sajjhasena kampasi jaà esa ji-adi lalida.

rahe—O Rädhä; kisa—why?; sajjhasena—with fear; kampesi—You

tremble; jam—because; esa—she; ji-adi—still here; lalida—Lalitä.

Lalitä: Rädhä, why are You trembling with fear while Lalitä is

rädhikä: lalide gahi-da-ià bandhuga-puppha-im. ta ehi. kalindi-tiraà


lalide—O Lalitä; gahi-da-im—taken; bandhuga—bandhuka; puppha-

340 •
im—flowers; ta—then; ehi—come; kalindi—of the Yamunä; tiram—to the
bank; gacchamha—let us go.

Rädhikä: Lalitä, let us take the bandhuka flowers and go to the

bank of the Kälindé.

kåñëaù: kathore kathaà ahåta-bandhujiva viduraà gantum

udyuktasi. (iti panthanam avrnvan).

kathore—O cruel girl; katham—why?; ahåta—taken or stolen;

bandhujiva—bandhujéva flowers; viduram—far away; gantum—to go;
udyukta—engaged; asi—You are; iti—thus; panthanam—the path;

Kåñëa: O hard-hearted girl, after stealing these bandhujéva

flowers, how can You leave? (Kåñëa blocks the path).

Or: O cruel girl, how can You take the life of Your friend Kåñëa
and then leave?98

paritaà srngena sphuta-tara-sila-syamala-rucaà

calad-vetraà vamsa-vyatikara-lasan-mekhalam amum
atikramyottuìgaà dharani-dharam agre katham itas
tvaya gantuà sakya tarani-duhitus tira-saraniù

paritam—endowed; srngena—with a lofty peak (or with a buffalo-horn

bugle); sphuta-tara—clearly manifested; sila—rocks; syamala—dark (or
sapphire); rucam—splendor; calat—moving; vetram—with canes (or stick);
vamsa—with bamboo (or bamboo-flute); vyatikara—filled; lasat—glistening;
mekhalam—base (or belt); amum—this; atikramya—passing through;
uttuìgam—high (or prominent); dharani-dharam—mountain (or Kåñëa,
who bearing or sustaining the earth); agre—before; itaù—then; tvaya—by
You; gantum—to go; sakya—able; tarani-duhituù—of the Yamunä river, the
daughter of the sun-god; tira—by the shore; saraniù—the path.

How will You be able to cross Govardhana Hill, with its lofty
peaks, and covered with thickets of bamboo and reeds moving in the
wind? You must take the easier path that goes by the Yamunä's shore.

Or: Kåñëa, the best of the cowherd boys, shining like a sapphire,
now stands before You. He holds a buffalo-horn bugle and a stick, and
a bamboo-flute is tucked into His splendid belt. How will You be able

The word "bandhujéva" means "bandhuka flower" or "the life (jéva) of a friend (bandhu)".

341 •
to pass through His roadblock?

rädhikä: (vakraà vilokya huà kurvati). na-ara mama doso natthi.

danià esa go-ulasarià anusarissam.

vakram—in a crooked manner; vilokya—looking; hum—with anger;

kurvati—does; na-ara—O lover; mama—My; doso—fault; na—not; atthi—
is; danim—now; esa—she; go-ulesarim—to the queen of Gokula;
anusarissam—I shall go.

Rädhikä: (casting a crooked glance, She angrily says) O

debauchee, I am not at fault for this! Now I am going to complain to
Yaçodä, the queen of Gokula!

kåñëaù: rädhe kià vibhisikaya. kamaà gamyatam. tad-bhuja-mula-

sthaà pita-dukulam eva mamanukulam. (iti rädhäà didhirsati).

rädhe—O Rädhä; kim—what is the need; vibhisikaya—of this fear;

kamam—as You like; gamyatam—should be gone; tat—this; bhuja—of the
arms; mula—at the roots; stham—situated; pita—yellow; dukulam—cloth;
eva—certainly; mama—to Me; anukulam—pleasant; iti—thus; rädhäm—
Rädhä; dhidhirsati—wants to hold.

Kåñëa: O Rädhä, why are You afraid? You can go if You want. Ah!
I like the beautiful yellow cloth covering Your shoulders! (Kåñëa
wants to stop Rädhä).99

rädhikä: (bhru-kutim abadhya. sanskåtena).

sadhvinaà dhuri dharya
lalitä-sangena garvita casmi
hitam alapami madhave
pathi madya bhujaìgataà racaya

bhru—of the eyebrows; kutim—knitting; abadhya—binding;

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; sadhvinam—of chaste girls; dhuri—at the summit;
dharya—considered; lalitä—of Lalitä; sangena—by the association;
garvita—proud; ca—also; asmi—I am; hitam—good advise; alapami—I
speak; madhava—O Kåñëa; pathi—on the path; ma—don't; adya—now;
bhujaìgatam—the condition of a snake or a debauchee; racaya—do.

Rädhikä: (knitting Her eyebrows) I am the most chaste among

“ I recognized that cloth on Your shoulders!” Kåñëa thought: “What's wrong with taking back My
cloth? Rädhikä will not be able to leave without Her upper garment. Or She will be too shy to show
up in Vraja wearing My yellow cloth.”

342 •
all the girls and I feel brave in the company of Lalitä. I give You this
good advise, Mädhava: don't stand like a snake on My path!100

kåñëaù: lalite kià asravi vag-bhangir asyah. tad ahaà naparädhyami.

(iti bhuja-dandav uddandayati).

lalite—O Lalitä; kim—what?; asravi—heard; vak—of words; bhangiù—

indications; asyaù—of Her; tat—then; aham—I; na—not; aparädhyam—
shall become an offender; iti—thus; bhuja-dandau—both arms; uddanyati—

Kåñëa: Lalitä, did you hear Her hints? Then I am not at fault!
(Kåñëa stretches out both arms).

lalitä: (rädhäà prsthataù kåtvä) kanha savva-lo-a-sahalanijja-gunovi

tumaà go-ulindassa nandanosi. ta nedaà de dullilatanaà amhesu joggam.

rädhäm—Rädhä; prsthataù—behind; kåtvä—doing; kanha—O Kåñëa;

savva—all; lo-a—by the world; sahalanijja—worthy to be glorified; tumam—
You; go-ulindassa—of the king of Gokula; nandanosi—You are the son; ta—
then; na—not; idam—this; de—of You; dullalitänam—wicked thing;
amhesu—among us; joggam—is proper.

Lalitä: (putting Rädhä behind her) Kåñëa, even though Your

qualtities are worthy to be glorified by the entire world, and even
though You are the son of the king of Gokula, You must not commit
this immoral act!

madhumaìgalaù: a-i gavvide kià ti vunda-anaà viddhamsi-a

tumhehià amha pi-a-va-assa puppha-ià harissanti.

a-i—O; gavvide—arrongant girl; kim—why; ti—indeed; vunda-

anam—Våndävana forest; viddhamsi-a—destroying; tumhehim—by you;
amha—my; pi-a—dear; va-assa—of the friend; puppha-im—flowers;
harissanti—are stolen.

Madhumaìgala: Ayi! O arrogant girl, why do you steal these

flowers that are the property of my dear friend? You are ruining this
forest of Våndävana!

100“I feel brave in Lalitä’s company” or “I feel proud because of My beauty.” “Today, don't stand
like a snake or like a lover (bhujaìga) on My path!” “And don't (mä) even try to embrace Me with
Your arms (bhuja-aìga)!” or “O Mädhava, embrase Me (mä) with Your arms.” Thus Rädhikä’s word
play acts as an independent messenger.

343 •
kåñëaù: sakhe turnaà ganayasaà puspani yatha tutsankhyaya
kaëöhato hara-manin aharami.

sakhe—O friend; turnam—quickly; ganaya—please count; asam—of

them; puspani—the flowers; yatha—as; tu—indeed; utsankyaya—by the
enumeration; kaëöhataù—from the necks; hara—of the necklaces; manin—
the jewels; aharami—I shall take.

Kåñëa: Friend, quickly count the flowers they have stolen so I

can take from their necks an equal number of jewels!

madhumaìgalaù: pi-a-va-assa ki-aà gananam. ta rattanaà

pupphanaà parivatthena pa-uma-raga-ià genha. pandaranaà una hira-

pi-a—dear; va-assa—O friend; ki-am—completed; gananam—the

counting; ta—therefore; rattanam—red; pupphanam—for the flowers;
parivatthena—by exchange; pa-uma-im—rubies; genha—You may take;
pandaranam—of white flowers; una—again; hira—diamonds; mautti-a-
im—and pearls.

Madhumaìgala: Dear friend, everything is counted. Now, in

exchange for the red flowers You may take rubies, and for the white
flowers diamonds and pearls.

kåñëaù: sakhe paryalocayam. namuni puspa-mulya-tulyani. tataù

katham ebhir eva paryaptiù.

sakhe—O friend; paryalocayam—let Me consider; na—not; amuni—

these; puspa—of the flowers; mulya—for the value; tulyani—equal; tataù—
therefore; katham—how?; ebhir—by these; eva—certainly; paryaptiù—

Kåñëa: Friend, I am thinking... These jewels are not as valuable

as the flowers. Would they be sufficient payment?

madhumaìgalaù: (sa-kaku-prapancam) va-assa eso anugga-ido

bamhano abbhatthedi. ta imehià jjevva santuttho hohi.

sa—with; kaku—of plaintive words; prapancam—manifestation; va-

assa—O friend; eso—this; anugga-ido—strictly adherent; bamhano—
brähmaëa; abbhatthedi—begs; ta—therefore; imehim—with these; jjevva—
certainly; santuttho—satisfied; hohi—please become.

344 •
Madhumaìgala: (with plaintive words) Friend, this honest
brähmaëa begs You: please be satisfied with these jewels.

kåñëaù: yatha braviti vyasyaù.

yatha—as; braviti—speaks; vaysayaù—the friend.

Kåñëa: I will do as My friend says.

lalitä: (vihasya) ajja samino joggo jjevva amaccosi.

vihasya—laughing; ajja—O noble one; samino—of the master; joggo—

proper; jjevva—certainly; amaccosi—you are a councellor.

Lalitä: (laughing) O noble one, you are a counselor who gives

good advises to your master!

viçäkhä: (alika-sambhramam) kanha dure citthehi.

alika-sambhramam—feigned agitated; kanha—Kåñëa; dure—far away;


Viçäkhä: (with feigned agitation) Kåñëa, stand back!

kåñëaù: kutile kim iti.

kutile—O crooked girl; kim—why?; iti—thus.

Kåñëa: O crooked girl, why is that?

viçäkhä: pekkha. samrambhena saìgaraà gamida canda-hasaà

ullasedi amha pi-a-sahi raha.

pekkha—look!; samrambhena—with anger; saìgaram—a battle;

gamida—will attain; canda—moon; hasam—smile; ullasedi—is causing to
shine; amha—of us; pi-a—the dear; sahi—friend; raha—Rädhä.

Viçäkhä: Look! Shining with a moon-like smile, our dear sakhi

Rädhä is preparing to violently fight with You!101

kåñëaù: (smitvä) mugdhe paçya. ahaà ca prapancita-gadha-romanca-

kancuko 'smi. tad ayatnaà rama-ratnaà harisyami. (iti rädhäm
“She wants to fight with You because She is filled with anger or filled with agitation. She came
to the battle (saìgaraà gamitä) or She came to enjoy amorous pastimes (saìga raìgam itä) with
You. She is shining with a moon-like smile (candra-häsa) or She is holding a sword (candra-häsa).”

345 •

smitvä—smiling; mugdhe—O silly girl; paçya—look; aham—I; ca—

also; prapancita—manifested; gadha—greatly; romanca—hair standing
erect; kancukaù—wearing the garment; asmi—I am; tat—therefore;
ayatnam—without effort; rama—of a charming girl; ratnam—the jewel;
harisyami—I will take; iti—thus; rädhäm—Rädhä; upasarpati—approaches.

Kåñëa: (smiling) O silly girl, look! I am also wearing armor in the

form of hairs strongly standing on end!102 Now I will easily take this
jewel of all charming girls! (He approaches Rädhä).

lalitä: (samrambham abhiniya) kanha pekkhami de sahasam. rahi-

accha-aà pi tumaà phamsehi.

samrambham—angry; abhiniya—representing dramatically; kanha—

O Kåñëa; pekkhami—I see; de—Your; sahasam—rash action; rahi—of
Rädhikä; accha-am—the shadow; pi—even; tumam—You; phamsehi—may
try to touch.

Lalitä: (with anger) O Kåñëa, I see Your recklessness. Just try to

touch even the shadow of Rädhikä!

kåñëaù: sakhe nunaà lalitä-rupena maha-bhairaviyaà pradurbhuta.

sakhe—O friend; nunam—certainly; lalitä—of Lalitä; rupena—in the

form; maha-bhairavi—the goddess Durga; iyam—she; pradurbhuta—has

Kåñëa: Friend, the goddess Maha Bhairavé now appeared in the

form of Lalitä!103

rädhikä: hala kallani hohi. (iti lalitäà sakutam alingati).

hala—sakhi; kallani—peaceful; hohi—please become; iti—thus;

lalitäm-sa—with; akutam—emotion; alingati—embraces.

Rädhikä: Sakhi, calm down. (She affectionately embraces Lalitä).

kåñëaù: (janantikam) lalite vimunca kathinyam.

“Your sakhi Rädhä is armed, but I am also not defenseless!”
The goddess Maha Bhairavé (“very terrible”) is the consort of Bhairava (one of the forms of Lord
Çiva associated with destruction). But also Bhairava is the name of Lalitä's husband.

346 •
jana-antikam—aside; lalite—O Lalitä; vimunca—give up;
kathinyam—Your hardness.

Kåñëa: (whispers) Lalitä, give up your harshness.

lalitä: ukko-aà me dehi.

ukko-am—a bribed; me—to me; dehi—give.

Lalitä: Give me a bribe.

kåñëaù: (smitvä) lalite satyaà te bravimi rädhäm api vipralambhya

sayam anaìga-saìgare tvam eva pratirirayisye.

smitvä—smiling; lalite—O Lalitä; satyam—the truth; te—to you;

bravimi—I speak; rädhäm—Rädhä; api—even; vipralambhya—abandoning;
sayam—at night; anaìga—of amorous pastimes; saìgare—in the battle;
tvam—you; eva—certainly; pratirirayisye—I shall fight.

Kåñëa: (smiling) Lalitä, I will tell you the truth. Leaving Rädhä,
tonight I will fight with you in a love battle.

lalitä: (sa-rosaà paravrtya) avehi vidusaka avehi.

sa—with; rosam—anger; paravrtya—turning away; avehi—go!;

vidusaka—clown; avehi—go!

Lalitä: (angrily turning away from Kåñëa) Go away, clown! Go


kåñëaù: kathayotkocaà yatra te tustih.

kathaya—please tell; utkocam—the bribe; yatra—where; te—of you;

tustiù—the satisfaction.

Kåñëa: Tell Me what bribe will please you.

lalitä: na-ara puppha-maggana-rangena vundavanaà bhammatti

dumedi me sahi. ta divva-pupphehià naà alaìkadu-a suhavehi.

na-ara—O debauchee; puppha—for flowers; maggana—searching;

rangena—a place (or pastimes); vundavanam—in Våndävana; bhammatti—
wandering; dumedi—bothered; me—my; sahi—friend; ta—therefore;
divva—splendid; puphehim—with flowers; nam—Her; alaìkadu-a—
decorating; suhavehi—You should please.

347 •
Lalitä: O debauchee, You have caused trouble to my sakhi, who
was wandering in Våndävana forest looking for flowers. Therefore
You should satisfy Rädhä by decorating Her with beautiful flowers.104

kåñëaù: (smitvä) yathabhirocate tubhyam. (iti parikramya

darparabhatià natayan). lalite badhaà vikrusyatam. na tvaà trnaya
manye. (iti rädhikä-haraà akrastuà karaà prasarayati).

smitvä—smiling; yatha—as; abhirocate—it pleases; tubhyam—you;

iti—thus; parikramya—walking; darpa—with pride; arabhathim—boldness;
natayan—representing dramatically; lalite—O Lalitä; badham—certainly;
vikrusyatam—abusive; na—not; tvam—you; trnaya—a blade of grass;
manye—I consider; iti—thus; rädhikä—of Rädhikä; haram—the necklace;
akrastum—to pull; karam—a hand; prasarayati—extends.

Kåñëa: (smiling) Whatever pleases you. (He walks proudly and

boldly) Lalitä, you may be harsh and scold Me, but I consider you no
more important than a blade of grass! (Kåñëa extends His hand to take
Rädhikä's necklace.)

lalitä: (vamaà vilokya. sa-smitam) cha-illa sura-de-a-pu-a kide kida

sinanaà pi-a-sahià akida-sinano kkhu tumaà ma phamsehi.

vamam—crookedly; vilokya—glancing; sa—with; smitam—a smile;

cha-illa—O clever one; sura-de-a—of the sun-god; pu-a-kide—for the
worship; kida—performed; sinanam—bathing; pi-a—dear; sahim—friend;
akida—not performed; sinano—bathing; kkhu—indeed; tumam—You;
ma—don't; phamsehi—touch.

Lalitä: (casting a sidelong glance, she says with a smile) O clever

one, my dear sakhi has bathed so She can worship the sun-god. You
have not bathed, and therefore You must not touch Her!

kåñëaù: ayi madandhe samantad ullasini prakhedambu-pure mayi

kathaà kåta-mahabhisekaà na paçyasi.

ayi—O; mada—by passion; andhe—O girl who is blinded; samantat—

completely; ullasini—splendid; prakheda-ambu—of perspiration; pure—in
the flood; mayi—in Me; katham—why?; kåta—performed; maha—great;
abhisekam—bath; na—not; paçyasi—you see.

The word “puñpa-märgaëa” (“looking for flowers”) also means “Kämadeva”. “You have caused
trouble to my sakhi, who was wandering in Våndävana with a desire to enjoy amorous pastimes.”

348 •
Kåñëa: O girl blinded by passion, don't you see? I have already
completely bathed in the splendid waters of My own perspiration!105

lalitä: (rädhäm antarayanti sa-mantharyam) hala uddanda-kala-

tamala-gholena vana-khandena imassa pa-andada dusaha kida. ta amhe
haraà rakkhiduà kkhanaà somma homha.

rädhäm—Rädhä; antarayanti—taking aside; sa—with; mantharyam—

gently; hala—sakhi; uddanda—terrible; kala—dark; tamala—the tamala
tree; ghorena—terrible; vana—the forest; khandena—by this part; imassa—
of Him; pa-andada—anger; dusaha—unbearable; kida—is done; ta—
therefore; amhe—of us; haram—the necklace; rakkhidum—to protect;
kkhanam—for a moment; somma—gentle; homha—let us become.

Lalitä: (taking Rädhä aside, she gently says) Sakhi, this fearful
forest filled with terrible dark tamala trees has made Kåñëa intolerably
angry. In order to protect our necklaces, for some time we should be
very gentle.

madhumaìgalaù: hihi nijjida-o gavvida-giovi-a-o. (iti nrtyati).

hihi—hee-hee!; nijjida-o—defeated; gavvida—arrogant; govi-a-o—the

gopis; iti—thus; nrtyati—he dances.

Madhumaìgala: Hee-hee! These arrogant gopés are defeated! (He

begins to dance.)

rädhikä: a-i muddhe lalide bha-avantassa uvasanaà tu-e ajja kià


a-i—O; muddhe—foolish; lalide—O Lalitä; bha-avantassa—of the sun-

god; uvasanam—the worship; tu-e—by you; ajja—now; kim—whether?;
visumaridam—is forgotten.

Rädhikä: O foolish Lalitä, have you forgotten about worshipping

the sun-god?

madhumaìgalaù: dei rahi-e ke-alaà tumhe jjevva uvasanaà kurädhä

tti ma gavva-evva jaà amhepi uvasanaà karemha.

de-i—O Devi; rahi-e—Rädhikä; ke-alam—only; tumhe—you; jjevva—

“O girl blinded by passion! I didn't just take a bath, I performed a complete mahä-abhiñeka in the
shining stream of My own perspiration!”

349 •
certainly; uvasanam—worship; kurädhä—do; tti—thus; ma—do not; gavva-
evva—become proud; jam—because; amhepi—even we; uvasanam—
worship; karemha—do.

Madhumaìgala: O Devi Rädhikä, do not become proud, thinking

that You alone are engaged in worship. We also perform worship.

viçäkhä: ajja kidisaà tam.

ajja—O noble one; kidisam—what?; tam—that.

Viçäkhä: O noble one, what kind of worship?

madhumaìgalaù: bhodi visahe sunahi. gandha-puppha-purassaraà

ni-unja-vedi-a-majjhe ujja-arana-bhu-itthaà tad ekagga-cittada-e
kaìkananaà saddovasanam.

bhodi—you; visahe—O Viçäkhä; sunahi—please listen; gandha-

puppha-purassaram—with fragrant flowers; ni-unja—in the forest-grove;
vedi-a—in courtyard; majjhe—in the middle; ujja-arana-bhu-ittham—
staying awake; tat—then; ekagga-vicittada-e—with concentration;
kaìkananam—of ankle-bells; sadda—of the sound; uvasanam—the

Madhumaìgala: O noble Viçäkhä, please listen. In the middle of

the forest bower decorated with fragrant flowers, we stay awake all
night, intently meditating on the sound of ankle-bells!

(sarvaù smayante).

sarvaù—everyone; smayante—smiles.

(Everyone smiles).

madhumaìgalaù: (sa-slagham. sanskåtena).

adambarojjvala-gatir vara-kunja-baddhaù
svairi parisphurita-puskara-caru-hastaù
dhanyasi sundari yaya mrdulaà hasantya
vandi-kåtas tarala-ballava-kunjaro 'yam

sa—with; slagham—praise; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; adambara—with

a great noise; ujjvala—graceful; gatiù—whose gait; vara—excellent; kunja—
in the grove; baddhaù—bound; svairi—unrestrained; parisphurita—
blossomed; puskara—lotus flower; caru—beautiful; hastaù—holding in the

350 •
trunk; dhanya—fortunate; asi—You are; sundari—O beautiful girl; yaya—by
which; mrdulam—gentle; hasantya—smiling; vandi-krtah—bound; tarala—
restless; ballava—gopa; kunjarah—elephant; ayam—this.

Madhumaìgala: (with praise) Holding a beautiful blossoming

lotus flower in his trunk, this elephant, making a great noise,
gracefully entered this charming forest grove. O beautiful girl, You are
very fortunate! Just with Your gentle smile, You have tied up this
restless elephant!

kåñëaù: priye
rucira sahacarinaà vithibhiù sevyamana
sasimukhi gata-nidraà kurvati mam idanià
sarad iva bhavatiyaà loka-laksmin tanoti

priye—O beloved; rucira—beautiful; sahacarinam—of friends;

vithibhiù—by a host; sevyamana—served; mada—intoxicated; mrdula—
delicate; marali—of swans; ramya—beautiful; lila—playful; gati—
movements; çréù—beauty; sasi-mukhi—O moon-faced girl; gata—gone;
nidram—sleep; kurvati—doing; mam—Me; idanim—now; sarat—autumn;
iva—like; bhavati—You; iyam—this; loka—of the eyes; laksmin—beauty;

Kåñëa: O beloved! You are served by a multitude of beautiful

gopi-friends, and Your playful gait is as graceful as the movements of
gentle, love-intoxicated swans. O moon-faced girl! Like the spring
season, You are bestowing wealth to My eyes, and deprive Me of

tad arvacinena hari-lavanya-srngarena bhavatim alankurvanaù

saradià çréyam avadhyayami.

tat—therefore; arvacinena—fresh; hari-lavanya—shining with beauty;

srngarena—with decorations; bhavatim—You; alankurvanaù—decorating;
saradim—of autumn; çréyam—the wealth; avadhyayami—I shall make

By decorating You with these fresh, shining flowers, I will make

the wealth of this autumn season fruitful.107
“You are served by a multitude of beautiful gopi-friends or Your are served by a rows of beautiful
jhiëöé flowers. You are bestowing wealth to My eyes or You shower the whole world with Your
107 “By decorating You with the shining Hari (embracing You), I will relieve You from the sufferings

351 •
madhumaìgalaù: (sanskåtena)
balanuja kalapinam avakalayya kala-jnataà
manaù kila baliyasià mama bibharti vismeratam
yad adya sarad-agame tava vilokya lilotkantaà
kiranti ruci-mandali-jusam ami sikhandavalim

sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; bala—of Balarama; anuja—O younger

brother; kalapinam—of peacocks; avakalayya—seeing; kala—the proper
time; jnatam—undertanding; manaù—the mind; kila—indeed; baliyasim—
strong; mama—my; bibharti—holds; vismeratam—wonder; yat—because;
adya—now; sarat—of autumn; agame—on the arrival; tava—of You;
vilokya—seeing; lila—pastimes; utkatam—eagerness; kiranti—scatters;
ruci—of splendor; mandali—the circle; jusam—possessing; ami—they;
sikhanda—of peacock feathers; avalim—a host.

Madhumandala: O Kåñëa! O Balaräma's younger brother! Now

that the autumn has come, my mind is filled with wonder when I see
how the peacocks, realizing that the proper time has come, and seeing
Your eagerness to enjoy pastimes, respond by dropping their
splendid feathers on the ground.

kåñëaù: sakhe sadhu lakñitaà tan-mauli-kalpanaya candrakan

aharami. (iti batuna saha tatha karoti).

sakhe—O friend; sadhu—nicely; lakñitam—observed; tat—this;

mauli—of crowns; kalpanaya—for making; candrakan—peacock feathers;
aharami—I shall gather; iti—thus; batuna—the brahmacari; saù—with;
tatha—in that way; karoti—acts.

Kåñëa: Friend, you have noticed well. I will go to collect some

feathers for making a crown. (Kåñëa and Madhumaìgala exit.)

rädhikä: sahi lalide jattha dinna-bhara ahaà niccidamhi sa tumaà

ja-i sommasi tado java kanho dure gado tava kankelli-kudaìgaà
pavesissam. (iti tatha isthita).

sahi—O friend; lalide—Lalitä; jattha—where; dinna—given; bhara—

trouble; aham—I; niccidamhi—not thinking; sa—she; tumam—you; ja-i—if;
sommasi—are kind-hearted; tado—then; javat—as long as; kanho—Kåñëa;
dure—far away; gado—has gone; tava—then; kankelli—of açoka trees;
kudaìgam—the grove; pavesissam—I shall enter; iti—thus; tatha—in that

caused by the beauty of spring!”

352 •
way; sthita—situated.

Rädhikä: Sakhi Lalitä, now that this problem is gone, I feel free
from all My worries. If you agree, while Kåñëa is far away, I will go to
this grove of açoka trees. (She goes there).

kåñëaù: sakhe nirmitaà pracalaka-salakabhiù kiritaà khanjarita-

netrayaù simanta-simani vinyasa-suabhagyam alambatam. (iti
parikramya). lalite kva sa te priya-sakhi.

sakhe—O friend; nirmitam—fashioned; pracalaka-salakabhiù—with

peacock feathers; kiritam—a crown; khanjarita-netrayaù—of Rädhä whose
eyes are like khaïjana birds; simanta-simani—on the parted hair; vinyasa—
of placing; saubhagyam—the beauty; alambatam—may be placed; iti—thus;
parikramya—walking; lalite—O Lalitä; kva—where?; sa—She; te—your;
priya—dear; sakhi—friend.

Kåñëa: Friend, now this crown of peacock feathers is ready and

may beautify the parted hair of Rädhä, whose restless eyes are like
two graceful khaïjana birds. (He is coming back) Lalitä, where is your
dear sakhi?

lalitä: attano gharaà gada.

attano—own; gharam—to the home; gata—gone.

Lalitä: She went home.

kåñëaù: nisthure tistha. turnam asau te dhurtata-garvam apaharami.

(iti samantat paçyan sa-harsam). vayasya paçya. sahaseyam avapta
gaurangi priya. (ity upasarpati).

nisthure—O cruel girl; tistha—stop; turnam—at once; asau—this; te—

of you; dhurtata—of deceitfulness; garvam—the pride; apaharami—I shall
remove; iti—thus; samantat—in all directions; paçyan—looking; sa—with;
sahasa—at once; iyam—She; avapta—attained; gaura-angi—the fair-
complexioned girl; priya—My beloved; iti—thus; upasarpati—approaches.

Kåñëa: O cruel girl, enough! I will quickly remove all the pride
of your deceitfulness! (He looks in all directions, and then joyfully
says) Friend, look! I have again attained My fair-complexioned
beloved! (He approaches).

madhumaìgalaù: (vihasya) bho va-assa cakkavadena tinavattena

353 •
bhamidassa de ajjavi nunaà bhamo na gado. pekkha esa pida-para-a-
punja-pinjarida thala-nalini.

bho—O; va-assa—friend; cakkavadena—by the whirlwind;

tinavattena—Tåëävarta; bhamidassa—whirled about; de—of You; ajjavi—
even now; nunam—is it not so?; bhamo—bewilderment; na—not; gado—
attained; pekkha—look!; esa—this; pida—yellow; para-a—of pollen; punja—
by an abundance; pinjarida—made yellow; thala-nalini—the land-growing
lotus flower.

Madhumaìgala: (laughing) Bho! Friend, are You still dizzy from

the time when the Tåëävarta whirlwind spun You around? Look! It is
just a land-growing lotus flower that turned yellow because of the high
amount of pollen!

kåñëaù: (nirupya) sakhe satyaà bravisi. (ity anyato gatvä). bho sakhe
paçya kuìkumangi nistankitam idanim eva labdha. (iti didhirsuh

nirupya—looking; sakhe—O friend; satyam—the truth; bravisi—you

speak; iti—thus; anyataù—to another place; gatvä—having gone; bho—O;
sakhe—friend; paçya—look!; kuìkuma—decorated with kuìkuma; angi—
the girl whose limbs; nistankitam—without doubt; idanim—now; eva—
certainly; labdha—is attained; iti—thus; didhirsuù—desiring to hold;

Kåñëa: (looking) Friend, you speak the truth... (He goes to

another place). O friend, look! Now I have really attained Rädhä,
whose limbs are anointed with kuìkuma! (Desiring to embrace
Rädhikä, Kåñëa runs.)

madhumaìgalaù: (sa-hasta-talam uccair vihasya) bho va-assa ettha

tujjha avaraho natthi. kintu pema-lahari-e jjevva. ja-e savva vundata-i rahi-
a nimmide.

sa—with; hasta-talam—clapping the hands; uccaiù—loudly; vihasya—

laughing; bho—O; va-assa—friend; ettha—in this; tujjha—of You; avaraho—
offense; na—not; atthi—is; kintu—however; pema—of love; lahari-e—by
the waves; jjevva—certainly; ja-e—by which; savva—all; vundata-i—of
Våndävana forest; rahi-a—of Rädhikä; nimmida—is constructed.

Madhumaìgala: (loudly clapping his hands and laughing) O

friend, this is not Your mistake. Drowning in the waves of love, You
now think that the entire Våndävana forest is actually Rädhikä!

354 •
kåñëaù: (sa-vailakñyam vilokya). katham utphulleyaà sahacari.
(parsvato vilokya). lalitängi lalite ito vamya-parvatad avarohanti kantaram
itasya dadasva me hastavalambam.

sa—with; vailaksyam—embarrassment; vilokya—looking; katham—

how is it; utphulla—impudent; iyam—she; sahacari—the gopi friend;
parsvataù—to the side; vilokya—looking; lalitä—beautiful; angi—whose
limbs; lalite—O Lalitä; itaù—from that; vamya—of obstinacy; parvatat—from
the mountain; avarohanti—descending; kantaram—to the forest; itasya—
come; dadasva—please give; hasta—of the hand; avalambham—extension.

Kåñëa: (with embarrassment He looks around) Why is this girl

so proud?108 (Looking to the side) O beautiful Lalitä, please come down
from the mountain of stubbornness and extend your hand to help Me
in this dense forest!

lalitä: (smitvä) sundara visahaà pucchehi. esa kkhu naà janadi. (iti
samjnaà natayati).

smitvä—smiling; sundara—O handsome one; visaham—Viçäkhä;

pucchehi—You should ask; esa—she; kkhu—indeed; nam—Her; janadi—
knows; iti—thus; samjnam—a signal; natayati—represents dramatically.

Lalitä: (smiling) O handsome one, You should ask Viçäkhä. She

definitely knows where Rädhä has gone. (Lalitä sends a signal to

kåñëaù: (sa-harsam apavarya) sakhe paçya viçäkhäyaù parokñaà

kincit tiro 'valambanti lalitä bhru-samjnaya kadamba-kunjaà sucayati. tad
atra nasti manag api sandigdhata. (iti parikramya sa-darpa-smitam). priye
vilokitasi. nirgamyatam. (ity udgrivikaà kåtvä sa-hasam). lalite sadhu
sadhu. jataà tava dhurtata-latikayaù saphalyam idam.

sa—with; harsam—happiness; apavarya—aside; sakhe—O friend;

paçya—look!; viçäkhäyaù—Viçäkhä; parokñam—secret; kincit—something;
tiraù—secretly; avalambanti—resting; lalitä—Lalitä; bhru—of the eyebrows;
samjnaya—with a signal; kadamba—of kadamba trees; kunjam—a grove;
sucayati—indicates; tat—there; atra—in this; na—not; asti—there is;
manak—slightly; api—even; sandigdhata—doubt; iti—thus; parikramya—
walking; sa—with; darpa—of pride; smitam—a smile; priye—O beloved;
vilokita—seen; asi—You are; nirgamyatam—come out; iti—thus;

Or: “Why is this jhiëöé flower blooming?”

355 •
udgrivikam—raised neck; kåtvä—doing; sa—with; hasam—a laugh; lalite—
O Lalitä; sadhu—well done!; sadhu—well done!; jatam—manifested; tava—
of you; dhurtata—cunning; latikayaù— of the creeper; saphalyam—
fruitfulness; idam—this.

Kåñëa: (joyfully, aside to Madhumaìgala) Friend, look! Lalitä

signals with her eyebrows to Viçäkhä, pointing to the grove of
kadamba trees. There is not the slightest doubt that Rädhikä is there!
(With a proud smile He walks in that grove) O beloved, I see You!
Come out! (He waits with raised neck and then laughs out loud). Lalitä!
Well done! Well done! The creeper of your trickery has now borne its

madhumaìgalaù: va-assa esa ma-e jjevva laddha tuha rädhä.

va-assa—O friend; esa—She; ma-e—by me; jjevva—certainly; laddha—

obtained; tuha—Your; rädhä—Rädhä.

Madhumaìgala: Friend, I have found Your Rädhä!

kåñëaù: (sa-kautukam) vayasya laliteva kaccid avisrambhaniya-

bhanitir nasti.

sa—with; kautukam—eagerness; vayasya—O friend; lalitä—Lalitä;

iva—like; kaccit—something; avisrambhaniya—untrustworthy; bhanitiù—
statement; na—not; asti—is.

Kåñëa: (with eagerness) O friend, you are not like Lalitä, whom
I do not trust.

madhumaìgalaù: ga-atti-e savami.

ga-atti-e—on the Gäyatré mantra; savami—I swear.

Madhumaìgala: I swear on the Gäyatré mantra that I speak the


kåñëaù: (sa-visrambham) sakhe kva sa darsaya sighram.

sa—with; visrambham—trust; sakhe—O friend; kva—where?; sa—is

She; darsaya—show; sighram—quickly;

Kåñëa: (with trust) Friend, quickly show Me where She is!

madhumaìgalaù: tumha hattha-gadaà jjevva naà karemi. ta dehi me

356 •

tumha—of You; hattha—into the hand; gadam—gone; jjevva—

certainly; nam—Her; karemi—I shall do; ta—therefore; dehi—please give;
me—to me; paritosi-am—a reward.

Madhumaìgala: I will place Her in Your hands, but first You

must give me a reward.

(kåñëaù sa-slaghaà malati-malaya mandayati).

kåñëaù—Kåñëa; sa—with; slagham—praise; malati—of mälaté flowers;

malaya—with the garland; mandayati—decorates.

(Kåñëa respectfully decorates him with the garland of mälaté


madhumaìgalaù: gheppijja-u esa. (iti rädhä iti varëa-dvayi-bhajaà

patra-lekham arpayati).

gheppi-ha-u—may be taken; esa—She; iti—thus; rädhä—Rädhä; iti—

thus; varëa—syllables; dvayi—two; bhajam—possessing; patra—on a leaf;
lekham—writing; arpayati—gives.

Madhumaìgala: Now You may take Her. (He gives Kåñëa a leaf
with the word "Rädhä" written on it).

kåñëaù: (smitvä) sakhe satyam anenapi bhavad-arpitena tarpito 'smi.


smitvä—smiling; sakhe—O friend; satyam—in truth; anena—by this;

api—even; bhavat—by you; arpitena—given; tarpitaù—pleased; asmi—I
am; yataù—because.

Kåñëa: (smiling) Friend, I am really pleased by your gift.

kramat kakñam aksnoù parisara-bhuvaà va sravanayor

manag adhyarudhaà pranayi-jananam akñara-padam
kam apy antas tosaà vitarad avalambad anupadaà
nisargad visvesaà hrdaya-padavim utsukayati

kramat—in due course; kakñam—the middle; aksnoù—of the eyes;

parisara-bhuvam—the vicinity; va—or; sravanayoù—of the ears; manak—
slightly; adhayrudham—entered; pranayi-jananam—of lovers; akñara-
padam—the syllable; kam api—something; antaù—inner; tosam—

357 •
satisfaction; vitarat—granting; avalamvat—from resting; anupadam—at
every moment; nisargat—naturally; visvesam—of everyone; hrdaya—of the
heart; padavim—the pathway; utsukayati—fills with affection.

When the syllables of the beloved's name even for a moment

enter the eyes or ears of the lover, at every moment they bring great
inner satisfaction. What to speak of the lover's heart, these syllables
delight the hearts of everyone in the entire world!

(iti paravrtya dakñinato vikasantam asokam avalokya sa-vismayam).

iti—thus; paravrtya—turning; dakñinataù—from the right;

vikasantam—blossoming; asokam—an açoka tree; avalokya—seeing; sa—
with; vismayam—wonder.

He turns and becomes struck with wonder, seeing a blossoming

açoka tree on the right.)

sanke sankulitantar adya nibida-kridanu bandhecchaya

kunje vanjula-sakhinaù sasimukhi lina varivarti sa
no ced esa tad-anghri-saìgama-vinabhavad akale kathaà
puspamoda-ninamtritali-patali-stotrasya patri-bhavet

sanke—I think; sankulita—bewildered; antaù—within; adya—now;

nibida—intense; krida—pastimes; anubandha—in relation; icchaya—with
the desire; kunje—in the grove; vanjula—of açoka; sakhinaù—trees; sasi-
mukhi—moon-faced Rädhä; lina—has disappeared; varivarti—chooses; sa—
She; na—not; u—indeed; cet—if; esaù—this; tat—of Her; anghri—of the feet;
saìgama—the touch; vina—without; abhavat—became; akale—at the
improper time; katham—how?; puspa—of the flowers; amoda—the
fragrance; ninamtrita—proclaimed; ali—of bumble-bees; patali—of the
multitude; stotrasya—of the prayers; patri—the proper object; bhavet—may

I think moon-faced Rädhä has entered this grove of açoka trees

with a desire to enjoy pastimes here. If this were not so, then why do
the bumble-bees praise the fragrance of açoka flowers, even though it
is not the proper season? This would not have happened if Rädhikä
had not touched these trees with Her foot!109

(iti parikramyan udgrivikaya rädhäà dåñövä sanandam). priye

kathyatam idanià ka va varta.

It is said that if a young girl touches an açoka tree with her foot, the tree will immediately blossom.

358 •
iti—thus; parikramyan—walking; udgrivikaya—with raised neck;
rädhäm—Rädhä; dåñövä—seeing; sa—with; anandam—bliss; priye—O
beloved; kathyatam—let it be said; idanim—now; ka—what?; va—or;
varta—is the news.

(Kåñëa walks. Lifting His neck, He sees Rädhä and becomes

blissful). Beloved, please tell Me, what has happened?

rädhikä: (sa-pranayersyam) tu-atto bha-ena jevva pala-edamhi. ettha

vi maà vidambeduà laddhosi.

sa—with; pranaya—of tender love; irsyam—the anger; tu-atto—of

You; bha-ena—with fear; jevva—certainly; pala-edamhi—I fled; ettha—here;
vi—even; mam—Me; vidambedum—to mock; laddosi—You have come.

Rädhikä: (with loving anger) I fled out of fear of You. Even here
You have come to mock Me!

kåñëaù: (satma-slagham) dåñöa me patavarabhati, yatas tirodhana-

vidyapaharena nirjita yuyam.

sa—with; atma—of the self; slagham—praise; dåñöa—seen; me—My;

patava-arabhati—expertness; yataù—because; tirodhana—of
disappearance; vidya—the science; apaharena—by removing; nirjita—
defeated; yuyam—You are.

Kåñëa: (praising Himself) See how clever I am! By ruining Your

art of hiding, I have defeated You!

lalitä: (sanskåtena) hanto bho van matra-jita-kasin

asminn eka-sarojasambhava-kåta-stotro 'si våndävane
rädhä bhuri-hiranyagarbha-racita-pratyaìga-kanti-stava
hastodasta-mahidharas tvam asakrn-netranta-bhangi-cchata-
krstoccair dharanidhara mama sakhi tad vira mahankåthaù

sankåtena—in Sanskrit; hanta—indeed; bhoù—O; vak—by words;

matra—only; jita-kasin—defeated; asmin—in this; eka—by one;
sarojasambhava—Brahmä; kåta—offered; stotraù—prayers; asi—You are;
våndävane—in Våndävana forest; rädhä—Rädhä; bhuri—by many;
hiranyagarbha—Brahmas; racita—fashioned; prati—on each; aìga—limb;
kanti—of the beauty; stava—prayers; hasta—by the hand; udasta—lifted;
mahidharaù—Govardhana Hill; tvam—You; asakåt—repeatedly; netra—of
the eyes; anta—from the corners; bhangi—of crooked glances; chata—

359 •
effulgence; akåsta—attracted; uccaiù—greatly; dharanidhara—Kåñëa, who
sustains the earth; mama—my; sakhi—friend; tat—therefore; vira—O hero;
na—do not; ahankåthaù—become proud.

Lalitä: O expert boaster, in this Våndävana forest only one

Brahmä offers prayers to You, but my sakhi Rädhä is worshipped by
many Brahmäs, who glorify the beauty of every limb of Her body!
With Your hand You lifted Govardhana Hill only once, but my sakhi
Rädhä, casting Her radiant sidelong glances, greatly attracts You, the
bearer of the earth, again and again! Therefore, O hero Kåñëa, don't
be so proud!110

kåñëaù: lalite niline mayi vilokite natathyam tava vikatthanaà

bhavatinaà vidaìkaravani.

lalite—O Lalitä; niline—disappeared; mayi—when I have; vilokite—

seen; na—not; atathyam—false; tava—your; vikatthanam—boasting;
bhavatim—of you; vidaìkaravani—I will destroy.

Kåñëa: O Lalitä, when I really hide in the forest, all your boasting
will be destroyed!111

sarvaù: evvaà hodu.

evvam—in that way; hodu—act.

Everyone: So be it!

kåñëaù: iyam uttaras cancarika-sancaya-rocir ullasi-symala-palasa-

guluchha duratas tapiccha-viccholi. tad esa savarëataya sakhi-bhavam
apanna mam atra sangopayisyati. (iti sa-vayasyo niñkräntah).

iyam—this; uttaraù—in the north; cancarika—of black bees;

sancaya—of a swarm; rociù—the splendor; ullasi—splendid; syamala—dark;
palasa—foliage; guluccha—an abundance; durataù—far away; tapiccha-
viccholi—a grove of tamäla trees; tat—therefore; esa—this; savarëataya—by
being the same color; sakhi—of being a friend; bhavam—the nature;
apanna—having attained; mam—Me; atra—here; sangopayisyati—will
conceal; iti—thus; sa—with; vayasyaù—His friend; niñkräntaù—exits.

Kåñëa: Far to the north is a grove of tamäla trees with foliage

“Here only one Brahmä offers prayers to You, but My golden-complexioned sakhi is worshipped
by many Hiraëyagarbhas (Brahmäs originated from the the golden egg)!”
111 “Rädhä couldn't hide from Me, but I am a real expert in hide-and-seek!”

360 •
shining dark like a swarm of black bees. Because those trees and I are
the same color, we are close friends, and they will certainly hide Me.
(Accompanied by Madhumaìgala, Kåñëa exits).

lalitä: hala rahe kanhassa adamsanena ma uttamma. naà ditthaà

jevva janehi. ta vijutta asavvado upasappamha.

hala—sakhi; rahe—Rädhä; kanhassa—of Kåñëa; adamsanena—by not

seeing; ma—don't; uttamma—become unhappy; nam—Him; dittham—
seen; jevva—certainly; janehi—You should know; ta—therefore; vijutta—
separated from Him; asavvado—everywhere; upasappamha—we shall go.

Lalitä: Sakhi Rädhä, do not be unhappy because Kåñëa is no

longer in Your sight. You will surely see Him again. Now that we are
separated from Kåñëa, we must go in search of Him.

rädhikä: jadha bhanadi pi-a-sahi.

jadha—as; bhanadi—speaks; pi-a—dear; sahi—My friend.

Rädhikä: As My dear sakhi says.

(iti tisraà tatha kurvanti).

iti—thus; tisraù—the three girls; tatha—in that way; kurvanti—act.

(The three girls start searching.)

rädhikä: (uttaraà vana-lekhaà asadya sa-vimarsam). nunaà kanho

ettha patto huvissadi jaà me pekkhanto dakkhinaà pa-ittho.

uttaram—in the north; vana-lekham—the forest; asadya—entering;

sa—with; vimarsam—reflection; nunam—certainly; kanho—Kåñëa; ettha—
here; patto—obtained; huvissadi—will be; jam—because; me—Me;
pekkhanto—seeing; dakkhinam—to the right; pa-ittho—will enter.

Rädhikä: (coming to the edge of the northern forest, She reflects)

I will definitely find Kåñëa here. Perhaps seeing Me, He went to the

sa hariti bhavatébhiù svänta-häré harinyo

harir iha kim apäìgätithya-saìgi vyadhäyi
yad anuranita-vaàçé-käkalébhir mukhebhyaù
sukha-tåëa-kavalä vaù sämi-lédhaù skhalanti

361 •
saù—He; hariti—in this direction; bhavatibhiù—by you; svanta-hari—
who steals hearts; harinyaù—O does; hariù—Kåñëa; iha—here; kim—
whether?; apaìga—of glances; atithya—a guest; sangi—touching;
vyadhayi—has placed; yat—because; anuranita—sounded; vamsi—of the
flute; kakalibhiù—by the sweet sounds; mukhebhyaù—from mouths;
sukha—happy; tåëa—of grass; kavaläù—mouthfuls; vaù—of you; sämé-
lédhaù—half-chewed; skhalanti—fall.

O does, has a youth who charms and steals hearts come to this
place and become the guest of your sidelong glances? You must have
heard the sweet music of Hari's flute, because the grass is now falling,
half-chewed, from your mouths.

(puro 'bhyupetya samantat paçyanti. sanskåtena).

yad agalita-marandaà vartate çäkhi-våndäà
milati ca yad alabdha-prema-ghürëä khagäli
tad iha na hi çikhändottaàñiné sä praviñöä
nikhila-bhuvana-ceto-häriné käpi vidyä

puraù—ahead; abhyupetya—approaching; samantat—in all directions;

paçyanti—looking; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit; yat—because; agalita—without
trickling down; marandam—honey; vartate—remain; çäkhi—of trees;
våndäm—the host; milati—meet together; ca—also; yat—because;
alabdha—not attained; prema—of love; ghurna—agitation; khaga—of birds;
ali—the flocks; tat—therefore; iha—here; na—not; hi—certainly; sikhanda-
uttamsini—of Kåñëa, who wears a crown of peacock feathers; sa—that;
praviçta—entered; nikhila—the entire; bhuvana—world; cetaù—the minds;
harini—enchanting; ka api—something; vidya—knowledge.

(Rädhä walks ahead, lookings in all directions) Since the trees

do not ooze honey, and the flocks of birds are not agitated by love, I
think that Kåñëa, who wears a crown of peacock feathers, and who
enchants the minds of the entire world, did not appear here.

(iti savyataù parikramya. sanskåtena).

vighürëäntaù pauñpaà na madhu lihate 'mé madhulihaù
suko 'yaà nadatte kalita-jadima dadima-phalam
vivarëa-parnagraà carati hariniyaà na haritaà
pathanena svami tad ibhavara-gami dhruvam agat

iti—thus; svayataù—from the left; parikramya—goes; sanskåtena—in

Sanskrit; vighurnantaù—agitated; pauñpam—clusters of flowers; na—not;
madhu—honey; lihate—licks; amé—these; madhulihaù—bees; sukaù—
parrot; ayam—this; na—does not; adatte—take; kalita—manifested;

362 •
jadima—the condition of being stunned; dadima-phalam—pomegranate;
vivarëa—turned color; parna—of leaves; agram—the tip; carati—goes;
harini—doe; iyam—this; na—not; haritam—green; patha—the path;
anena—by Him; svami—the master; tat—that; ibha—of elephants; vara—the
best; gami—gait; dhruvam—indeed; agat—attained.

(She walks to the right) These restless bumble-bees fly to and fro
not wanting to drink the nectar of flowers, and this parrot has become
stunned, and ignores the pomegranate near him. This doe has become
pale and declines to eat the green grass beneath her. This certainly
indicates that Kåñëa, who walks gracefully like the best of elephants,
must have travelled down this path.

(puro gatvä) esa vamado kali tamala-ali disa-i. (iti saci-kandharaà

nibhalya. sanskåtena).
naisargikany api nirargala-capalani
hitvadya sankula-tanuù pulakankurena
dåñöià cirena parirabdha-tamala-sakha
sakha-mrgi-tatir iyaà kim adhas tanoti

puraù—ahead; gatvä—going; esa—this; vamado—on the left; kali—

black; tamala—of tamäla trees; ali—group; disa-i—is seen; iti—thus; saci—
tilted; kandharam—neck; nibhalya—looking; sanskåtena—in Sanskrit;
naisargikani—natural; api—also; nirargala—uncheckable; capalatani—
restlessness; hitvä—abandoning; adya—now; sankula—filled; tanuù—body;
pulaka-ankurena—with hairs standing upright; dåñöim—glance; cirena—for
a long time; parirabdha—embraced; tamala—of the tamala trees; sakhaù—
the branches; sakha-mrgi—of monkeys; tatiù—troop; iyam—this; kim—why;
adhaù—downwards; tanoti—place.

(Goes ahead) On the left I see a grove of black tamäla trees.

(Tilting Her neck, Rädhikä looks around and says) Why have the
monkeys on the branches of the tamäla trees given up their natural
restlessness? Why do their bodily hairs stand upright in ecstasy, and
why do they, embracing the branches of the trees, constantly stare at
the ground?

ta esa manjula tavincha-ni-unja-sali-a pekkhidavva.

ta—in this way; esa—this; manjula—beautiful; tavincha—of tamäla

trees; ni-unja—of the grove; sali-a—the branches; pekkhidavva—may be

These branches of the tamäla trees appear very beautiful.

363 •
(praviçya) kåñëaù: (svägatam) satyam asyaà citta-catvara-saìga-
tvari premavalir eva mad-uddesa-duti. yad avilambitaà vijnata-bhuyistho
'smi samvrttaù. tataù sthanur iva niscalaà tisthami. (iti tatha sthitah).

praviçya—enters; svägatam—aside; satyam—in truth; asyaù—of Her;

citta—of the heart; catvara—in the courtyard; saìga—touching; tvari—
quickly going; prema—of love; avaliù—the abundance; eva—certainly;
mat—to Me; uddesa—in relation; duti—the messenger; yat—because;
avilambitam—staying; vinnata—out of cleverness; bhuyisthaù—great;
asmi—I am; samvrttaù—hide; tataù—therefore; sthanuù—a pillar; iva—like;
niscalaù—motionless; tisthami—I will stand; iti—thus; tatha—in that way;

(Kåñëa enters.)

Kåñëa: (aside) Without a doubt, the great love that Rädhä bears
for Me in the courtyard of Her heart is like a messenger that will guide
Her to Me very quickly. Since I am very clever, I need to hide Myself
immediately. Therefore, I will stand here as motionless as a pillar. (He
does that).

rädhikä: (murdhanam anamayya kåñëaà paçyanti. sa-vyajam). ettha

kanho natthi.

murdhanam—Her head; anamayya—stretching; kåñëam—Kåñëa;

paçyanti—seeing; sa—with; vyajam—a trick; ettha—here; kanho—Kåñëa;
na—not; atthi—is.

Rädhikä: (craning her neck, She sees Kåñëa, but pretends not to
see Him. (As a trick, She says) Kåñëa is not here...

kåñëaù: (svägatam) distya na dåñöo 'smi.

svägatam—aside; distya—by good fortune; na—not; dåñöaù—seen;

asmi—I have been.

Kåñëa: (aside) Fortunately She does not see Me.

rädhikä: (sa-smitam) eso nilamani kilo jjevva rehadi.

sa—with; smitam—a smile; eso—this; nilamani— sapphire; kilo—

colomn; jjevva—only; rehadi—shine.

364 •
Rädhikä: (smiling) There is only a shining sapphire pillar.

kåñëaù: nunaà ghanandhakarato nahaà pratyabhijnataù.

nunam—certainly; ghana—dense; andhakarataù—because of the

blinding darkness; na—not; aham—I am; pratyabhijnataù—recognized.

Kåñëa: Because of the dense, blinding dakness, She did not

recognize Me.

rädhikä: amhahe ujjalada indanila-kilassa.

amhahe—aha!; ujjalada—the splendor; indanila—of sapphires;

kilassa—of the column.

Rädhikä: Ah, the splendor of this sapphire pillar!

kåñëaù: (sa-harsam apavarya)

re dhvanta-mandala sakhe saranagato 'smi
vistarayasva tarasa nija-vaibhavani
abhyasam abhyupagatapi muhur yatha sa
navaiti maà nava-kuraìga-tarangi-netra

sa—with; harsam—joy; apavarya—aside; re—O; dhvanta-mandala—

darkness; sakhe—O friend; sarana—at the shelter; agataù—arrived; asmi—I
am; vistarayasva—please extend; tarasa—at once; nija—you; vaibhavani—
potency; abhyasam—nearby; abhypagata—approached; api—although;
muhuù—repeatedly; yatha—as; sa—She; na—not; avaiti—understand;
nava—young; kuraìga—deer; tarangi—with waves; netra—whose eyes.

Kåñëa: (with bliss, He says to Himself) O darkness, My friend, I

take shelter of you! Please quickly extend your influence, so that even
though this girl, whose eyes are as restless as the eyes of a young doe,
looks at Me at close range and for a long time, She will not recognize

rädhikä: (smitvä) accari-aà accari-am. imassa nilovalassa antarale

padibimbida canda-ali lakkhi-adi.

smitvä—smiling; accari-am—wonderful; accari-am—wonderful;

imassa—of this; nilovalassa—a blue lotus; antarala—in the middle;
padibimbida—reflected; canda-ali—a row of moons; lakkhi-adi—is seen.

Rädhikä: (with a smile) O, how wonderful! How wonderful! I see

365 •
many moons reflected inside this blue lotus!

kåñëaù: (smitaà kåtvä svägatam) kathaà samvidana khalu

narmatanoti. (ity utthaya. prakäçam). priye satyam attha. yad ayaà tvad-
asya-candro me hrd-vrtti-tarangesu bimbitas candravali babhuva.

smitam—a smile; kåtvä—doing; svägatam—aside; katham—how is it?;

samvidana—understanding; khalu—indeed; narma—a joke; atanoti—does;
iti—thus; utthaya—rising; prakäçam—openly; priye—O beloved; satyam—
the truth; attha—You speak; yat—because; tvat—of You; asya—of the face;
candraù—the moon; me—of Me; håt—of the heart; vrtti—of the activities;
tarangesu—on the waves; bimbitaù—is reflected; candra—of moons;
avali—a series; babhuva—has become.

Kåñëa: (smiles, and says to Himself) Did She really recognize Me

and now She is joking? (He rises and says openly) O beloved, You
speak the truth. The moon of Your face, reflected in the waves of My
heart, turned into many moons!112

rädhikä: amhahe. kathaà tumaà jevva. tado nedaà accari-am.

mahahe—Ah!; katham—how is it?; tumam—You; jevva—certainly;

tado—then; na—not; idam—this; accari-am—wonderful.

Rädhikä: Ah, it is You! Then it is not surprising.113

kåñëaù: vilasini kim anena vislesa-sampadyena keli-narmana. tad ehi.

dana-gandhina kusuma-vrndesu purna-murdhani saptaparna-kunje
kñaëaà visrama-sakukhyam anubhavavah. (iti tatha sthitau).

vilasini—O playful girl; kim—what is the use?; anena—of this; vislesa—

with puns; sampadyena—enriched; keli—playful; narmana—joking; tat—
therefore; ehi—come here; dana-gandhina—the fragrance of the meadow;
kusuma—of flowers; vrndena—a multitude; purna—filled; murdhani—to
the top; saptaparna—of sapta-parëa trees; kunje—in the grove; kñaëam—for
a moment; visrama—resting; saukhyam—with comfort or happiness;
anubhavavah—let us both experience; iti—thus; tatha—in that way;

Kåñëa: O playful girl, what is the need for all these punning

“Oh, I see the reflection of Candrävalé in Your heart!” “No, it's Your moon-like face, causing a
great tide in the ocean of My heart, reflected in its waves and turned into many moons (candra-
113 “It is not surprising that Candrävalé is reflected in Your heart.”

366 •
jokes? Come here. Happily rest with Me for a moment in this sapta-
parëa forest bower, filled with the fragrance of many meadow
flowers.114 (They both do that).

lalitä: visahe pekkha. kanhena saìgada pi-a-sahi. jaà tassa padehià

sammissida-ià eda-e pada-ià disanti.

visahe—O Viçäkhä; pekkha—look!; kanhena—by Kåñëa; saìgada—

accompanied; pi-a—dear; sahi—the friend; jam—because; tassa—of Him;
padehim—with the footprints; sammissaida-im—mixed; eda-e—of Her;
pada-im—the footprints; disanti—are seen.

Lalitä: Viçäkhä, look! Our dear sakhi Rädhä met Kåñëa. Here are
Her footprints, along with the footprints of Kåñëa.

viçäkhä: (padaìkan anusåtya sanskåtena).

priya-sakhi parirambhan anumukhyanubandhad
asadåça-vinivesan narma-laulyorjitani
iyam avisama-manda-nyasato jalpa-gosthià
pada-tatir iha rädhä-kåñëayor atanoti

pada-aìkan—the footprints; anusåtya—following; sanskåtena—in

Sanskrit; priay—dear; sakhi—friend; parirambhan—embraces; anumukhya-
anubandhat—because of facing each other; asadåça—disimilar; vinivesan—
footprints; narma-laulya-urjitani—playfulness; iyam—this; avisama—
equal; manda—soft; nyasataù—foorprints; jalpa-gosthim—conversation;
pada—of footprints; tatiù—the series; iha—here; rädhä-kåñëayoù—of Rädhä
and Kåñëa; atanoti—is places.

Viçäkhä: (following the footprints, she says) Here Rädhä and

Kåñëa's footprints face each other, showing that here they must have
embraced. Here the footprints are placed in different directions,
showing that Rädhikä must have playfully resisted Kåñëa's advances.
And here the footprints are equal and soft, showing that they must
have had a conversation.

kåñëaù: priye nati-dure komalo 'yaà kanci-dhvanir udacati. tatas

tusnià srnuvaù.

priye—O beloved; na—not; ati—very; dure—far away; komalaù—

The word “däna-gandhinä” can also mean “one who emanates the fragrance of the mada of an
elephant”. “O beloved! Rest comfortably for a while in this flower-filled sapta-parëa bower with Me,
who is very fragrant with the scent of mada, just like an intoxicated elephant.”

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delicate; ayam—this; kanci—of the sash of bells; dhvaniù—the sound;
udancati—arises; tataù—therefore; tusnim—silence; srnuvaù—let us listen.

Kåñëa: Beloved, I hear the soft sound of a tinkling sash of bells

appearing not so far away from here. Let us be quiet and listen.

viçäkhä: hala vitthinna-valli-mandala-kundalide vi vana-khande pi-

a-sahi-e kadhaà kanho turi-aà laddho.

hala—ah!; vitthinna—covered; valli—with creepers; mandala—with

circle; kundalide—encircled; vi—even; vana-khande—in this forest; pi-a—
dear; sahi-e—by the friend; kadham—how?; kanho—Kåñëa; turi-am—so
quickly; laddho—was obtained.

Viçäkhä: Ah! How was our dear sakhi Rädhä able to find Kåñëa
so quickly in this forest overgrown with creepers?

garu-aà rama-i jahià jo na tassa so ho-i dullaho bhuvane
ma-ulantammi-rasale kalakaëöhi takkhanaà mila-i

guru—greatly; rama-i—enjoys; jahim—where; jo—who; na—not; tassa—

of Him; sa—He; ho-i—is; dullabo—difficult to attain; bhuvane—in the world;
ma-ulantammi—budding; rasale—in a mango tree; kalakaëöhi—cuckoo;
takkhanam—immediately; mila-i—meets.

Lalitä: When this guru enjoys His pastimes, He is not hard to find
in this world. When the mango tree begins to blossom, a sweet-voiced
cuckoo immediately arrives.

kåñëaù: priye pratyasanne tava sakhyau. tad ubhe parihasisyann

antarito bhavami. (iti tatha sthitah).

priye—O beloved; pratyasanne—arrived; tava—You; sakhyau—two

friends; tat—then; ubhe—with them; parihasisyan—joking; antaritaù—
hidden; bhavami—I shall become; iti—thus; tatha—in that way; sthitaù—is

Kåñëa: Beloved, Your two sakhis are coming here. Hiding, I shall
play a joke on them. (He does that).

lalitä: (parikramya puro rädhäm alokya ca sa-harsam). hala kudo so


368 •
parikramya—walking; puraù—ahead; rädhäm—Rädhä; alokya—
seeing; ca—also; sa—with; harsam—happiness; hala—sakhi!; kudo—where;
so—He; na-aro—the lover.

Lalitä: (walking ahead, she sees Rädhä, and happily says) Sakhi,
where is Your beloved?

rädhikä: (sa-smitam) ka kkhu taà janadi.

sa—with; smitam—a smile; ka—who?; kkhu—indeed; tam—Him;


Rädhikä: (with a smile) Who knows?

lalitä: (sa-narma-smitaà sanskåtena açrétya).

kaca mukta muktavalir api yayau nirguna-dasaà
visuddhaà te dantacchada-yugam abhud danta-hrdaye
abandhasit kanci tad iva sakhi yuktasi harina
satinaà vaù kåtyaà kim ucitam idaà gokula-bhuvam

sa—with; narma—a playful; smitam—smile; sanskåtena—of Sanskrit;

açrétya—taking shelter; kacaù—hair; muktaù—dishevelled; mukta—of
pearls; avaliù—the string; api—even; yayau—has attained; nirguna—of
being without a string; dasam—the condition; visuddham—free from red
betel-nut stains; te—of You; dantacchada—of lips; yugam—the pair; abhut—
has become; danta—firmly embraced; hrdaye—whose chest; abandha—
untied; asit—has become; kanci—the belt; tat—therefore; iva—as if; sakhi—
O friend; yukta—united; asi—You have been; harina—with Kåñëa;
satinam—chaste girls; vaù—of us; kåtyam—to be done; kim—whether?;
ucitam—proper; idam—this; gokula-bhuvam—of the residents of Gokula.

Lalitä: (with a playful smile) Your hair is dishevelled, Your pearl

necklace is broken, Your lips are no longer reddened with betel-nuts,
Your breasts are crushed from passionate embraces, and Your belt is
untied. O sakhi! It looks like You have met Hari. Is this proper for us,
chaste girls of Gokula?115
115“Your hair is is dishevelled or has attained liberation (muktäù). Your pearl necklace is broken or
has become free from the influence of the three guëas (nirguëa). Your lips are no longer reddened
with betel-nuts or have become completely pure (viçuddham). Your breasts are crushed from
passionate embraces or You have gained control of Your mind and senses (däntam). Your belt is
untied or now You are free from material bondage (abandha). Is this proper for chaste girls of
Gokula? Actually, You Yourself should have taken off Kåñëa’s crown, torn His necklace, and
scratched His chest, thus showing opposition!” Or: “Is such behavior, which gives mere liberation,
suitable for chaste girls of Gokula, who are like the highest places of pilgrimage and are the abodes
of prema-bhakti?”

369 •
kåñëaù: (puro 'nusåtya) lalite naham aparädhyami sakhyai. vane
sangopito 'smi.

puraù—in front; anusåtya—approaching; lalite—O Lalitä; na—not;

aham—I; aparädhyami—have offended; sakhyai—your friend; vane—in the
forest; sangoptitaù—hidden; asmi—I have been.

Kåñëa: (approaches) Lalitä, I have not done anything bad to Your

sakhi. I was hiding in the forest.

lalitä: kià ti pi-a-sahi-e sangovinijjo tumam.

kim—why?; ti—in this way; pi-a—dear; sahi-e—by my friend;

sangovinijjo—to be hidden; tumam—You.

Lalitä: Why did my dear sakhi make You hide?

kåñëaù: sundari nija-kandarpa-kala-pragalbhyasyapalapaya. (ity

angulya darsayan). paçya paçya.

sundari—O beautiful girl; nija—own; kandarpa—amorous; kala—of

pastimes; pragalbhyasya—of the boldness; apalapaya—causing to flee; iti—
thus; angulya—with a finger; darsayan—indicating; paçya—look!; paçya—

Kåñëa: O beautiful girl, Her bold amorous advances made Me

flee. (Pointing with His finger). Look, look!

kathoragrair bhuyo vranam ajanayad vakñasi nakhair

balad akramanti vyakirad api maà piccha-racanam
vikrsya chinnangim akåta-vana-malaà ca ruciram
idanià janite na kim api puras te priya-sakhi

kathora—sharp; agraiù—with tips; bhuyaù—many; vranam—a

wound; ajanayat—produced; vakñasi—on the chest; nakhaiù—with nails;
balat—violently; akramanti—attacking; vyakirat—scattered; api—even
mam—Me; piccha-racanam—crown of peacock feather; vikrsya—pulling;
chinna—torn; angim—whose body; akåta—undone; vana—of forest
flowers; malam—the garland; ca—also; ruciram—very beautiful; idanim—
now; janite—knows; na—not; kim api—anything; puraù—in the presence;
te—your; priya—dear; sakhi—friend.

She wounded My chest many times with the sharp tips of Her

370 •
fingernails. Violently attacking Me, She scattered My peacock feather
decorations, and tore apart My very beautiful garland of forest
flowers. Even though She did all these things, your dear sakhi now
stands before you as if She doesn't know anything about it!

rädhä: (sapatrapam) huà appana kadu-a paraà duseduà pandidosi.

sa—with; apatrapam—embarrassment; hum—indeed; appana—by

Yourself; kadu-a—having done; param—another; dusedum—to lay the
blame; pandidosi—You are expert.

Rädhä: (embarrassed) You are expert at blaming others for what

You have done Yourself!

(nepathye) jaöilä puda-manjarihim. (ity ardhokte).

jaöilä—twisted or combined together; puda—opened; manjarihim—

with blossoms; iti—thus; ardha—half; ukte—spoken.

(Off-stage) With their young buds joined (jaöilä) together... (The

sentence is half-finished).

rädhikä: (sa-trasam) accahidaà accahidam. bha-aìkari buddhi-a. ta

turi-aà pala-emha. (iti sakhibhyaà saha nistranta).

sa—with; trasam—fear; accahidam—great calamity; accahidam—

great calamity; bha-aìkari—frightened; buddhi-a—the old lady; ta—
therefore; turi-am—quickly; pala-emha—let us flee.

Rädhikä: (frightened) Ah, a great calamity! The old Jaöilä is

coming here! Let us quickly flee! (With Her two gopi-friends, Rädhä

(nepathye) vihudimanto para-a-punjena hara-bhatta vi-a sava-e

pphuranti satta-cchada-ppa-araù.

vuhudimanto—opulent; para-a—of pollen; punjena—with an

abundance; hara—of Lord Çiva; bhatta—the devotees; vi-a—like; sava-e—in
autumn; pphuranti—manifested; sattacchada—the sapta-parna trees; ppa-

(Again the voice from the off-stage) ...and very beautiful because
of the abundance of flower pollen, in autumn the multitudes of sapta-
parna trees look like devotees of Lord Çiva.

371 •
kåñëaù: (sa-vailakñyam) hanta hanta saptaparna varëayata jatileti
katudgarena batuna kadarthito 'smi. tad agre suhrn-mandalam eva
(iti niñkräntaù sarve).

sa—with; vailakñyam—embarrassment; hanta—Ah!; hanta—Ah!;

saptaparnam—a saptaparna tree; varëayata—by describing; jaöilä—jaöilä;
iti—thus; katu—bitter or improper; udgarena—by words; batuna—by the
brahmacari; kadarthitaù—tormented; asmi—I am; tat—therefore; agre—in
the presence; suhåt—of friends; mandalam—the circle; eva—certainly;
prayami—I shall go; iti—thus; niñkräntaù—exits; sarve—everyone.

Kåñëa: (confused) Alas! Madhumaìgala used the word "jaöilä" to

describe the sapta-parna trees. These wrong words have hurt Me. I will
go to My gopa-friends...

(Everyone exits).

End of Act Six

372 •
Act Seven: Gauré-tértha-vihära: Pastimes at Gauré-tértha

(tatah pravisati våndä).

våndä: (samantad avalokya)
kadambälé jåmbhä-bhara-parimalodgäri-pavanä
sphuöad-yüthé yüthé-kåta-madhupa-gäna-praëayiné
naöat-keké-stomä mådula-yavasäsyä malina-bhüs
tapante ‘dya svantam mama ramayati dvadasa-vani

tatah—then; pravisati—enters; våndä—Våndä; tatah—then;

samantat—in all directions; avalokya—looking; kadamba—of kadamba;
ali—the host; jrmbha—yawning; bhara—abundance; parimala—fragrance;
udgari—emitting; pavana—breeze; sphutat—blossoming; yuthi—yüthé
flowers; yuthi-krta—assembled; madhupa—of bees; gana—songs;
pranayini—affectionate; natat—dancing; keki—of peacocks; stoma—the
host; mrdula—tender; yavasasya—with grass; malina—darkened; bhuh—
the earth; tapa-ante—in autumn; adya—now; sva-anta—heart; mama—my;
ramayati—delights; dvadasa-vani—the twelve forests.

(Våndä enters).

Våndä: (looking in all directions) The breeze carries the sweet

scent of the blooming kadamba flowers, the jubilantly buzzing bees
assemble on the yüthé flowers, the peacocks dance, and the earth is
green with grass. Now that it is autumn, these twelve forests delight
my heart!

(nepathye drstim niksipya) katham asau paurnamasi nija-parna-

kutiropanta-vatikayam abhimanyuna sankathayanti vartate. tad aham
ksanam atraiva tistheyam.

nepathye—behind the scenes; drstim—a glance; niksipya—casting;

katham—why?; asau—she; paurnamasi—Paurëamäsé; nija—own; parna—
of leaves; kutira—the cottage; upanta—nearby; vatikayam—in the garden;
abhimanyuna—with Abhimanyu; sankathayanti—talking; vartate—is; tat—
therefore; aham—I; ksanam—for a moment; atra—here; eva—certainly;
tisthayam—shall stay.

(Looking off-stage) Why is Paurëamäsé talking with Abhimanyu

in the garden by her cottage? Let me wait here a moment.

(pravisya tatha-bhuta paurnamasi).

373 •
paurnamasi: vatsabhimanyo kim artham pratar evaham

pravisya—entering; tatha-bhuta—in that way; paurnamasi—

Paurëamäsé: vatsa—O child; abhimanyo—Abhimanyu; kim artham—why?;
pratah—early in the morning; eva—certainly; aham—I; upasadita—
approached; asmi—am.

(Paurëamäsé enters.)

Paurëamäsé: Abhimanyu, my child, why have you come to me so

early in the morning?

abhimanyu: tujjha anam gahidum.

tujjha—of you; anam—the permission; gahidum—to take.

Abhimanyu: To ask your permission.

paurnamasi: kasminn arthe.

kasminn—in what?; arthe—matter.

Paurëamäsé: For what?

abhimanyu: varisahanavi-e mahura-patthano.

varisahanavi-e—of Rädhä, the daughter of Maharaja Våñabhänu;

mahura—to Mathurä; patthano—in the journey.

Abhimanyu: To take Rädhä to Mathurä.

paurnamasi: (sa-vyatham) kas tatra hetuh.

sa—with; vyatham—anxiety; kah—what?; tatra—in that; hetuh—is the


Paurëamäsé: (with anxiety) Why?

abhimanyuù: donham raha-mahavanam capalam jevva.

donham—of the couple; raha-mahavanam—Rädhä and Kåñëa;

capalam—the amorous pastimes; jevva—certainly.

Abhimanyu: There is a love affair between Rädhä and Mädhava.

374 •
paurnamasi: vira kena tavedam varnitam.

vira—O hero; kena—by whom?; tava—of you; idam—this; varnitam—

was described.

Paurëamäsé: O hero, who told you such a thing?

abhimanyuù: pi-a-va-assena govaddhanena.

pi-a—dear; va-assena—by the friend; govaddhanena—Govardhana


Abhimanyu: My dear friend Govardhana Malla.

paurnamasi: vatsabhimanyo caturan-manyo ‘pi tvam anarya-buddhir

asi. yena bhojendra-vallabhasya kautilya-cakrena vibhramyase.

vatsa—O child; abhimanyo—O Abhimanyu; caturam—intelligent;

manyah—considering yourself; api—although; tvam—you; anarya—not
good; buddhih—with intelligence; asi—you are; yena—by which; bhoja—of
the Bhoja dynasty; indra—of the king; vallabhasya—the beloved (Kaàsa);
kautilya—of crookedness; cakrena—by the wheel; vibhramyase—spun

Paurëamäsé: Child Abhimanyu, although you think that you are

very clever, your intelligence is not very strong. The whirlpool of
Kaàsa’s crookedness has spun you around.

abhimanyuù: adipasiddha esa pa-utti kena va na kahijja-i.

adi—very; pasiddha—famous; esa—this; pa-utti—activity; kena—by

whom; va—indeed; na—not; kahijja-i—is being described.

Abhimanyu: Their activities are well known. Everyone is talking

about it!

paurnamasi: putra nunam karnejapanam upajapena lupta-viveko ‘si.

tad akarnaya.

putra—O son; nunam—certainly; karnejapanam—of gossipers;

upajapena—by the gossip; lupta—removed; vivekah—discrimination; asi—
you are; tat—therefore; akarnaya—please listen.

Paurëamäsé: O son, your intelligence is stolen by the words of

375 •
these gossipers. Listen.

abhimanyuù: anavehi.

anavehi—please instruct.

Abhimanyu: Please instruct me.

paurnamasi: vatsa yena lavanya-gandha-lava-lubdhena kamsa-

sardulena svayam eva rädhä-mrgi mrgyate. tasya darunasya kamsa-
sardulasya hastopari nyayyah katham asyah praksepah.

vatsa—O child; yena—by whom; lavanya—of the beauty; gandha—of

the fragrance; lava—for a fractional part; lubdhena—greedy; kamsa—of
Kaàsa; sardulena—by the tiger; svayam—personally; eva—certainly;
rädhä—of Rädhä; mrgi—the doe; mrgyate—is sought; tasya—of him;
darunasya—the cruel; kamsa—of Kaàsa; sardulasya—tiger; hasta-upari—
into the hand; vyayyah—to be placed; katham—why?; asyah—of Her;

Paurëamäsé: Aroused by a small fraction of the fragrance of Her

beauty, the tiger Kaàsa is hunting the doe Rädhä. Why should you
place Her in the hand of this cruel tiger?

abhimanyuù: bha-avadi tattha cinta. so kkhu kusali suhittamo

govaddhano jena vijja-mahurihim mahurindo vasi-ki-o.

bha-avadi—O noble lady; tattha—there; na—not; cinta—worry; so—

he; kkhu—indeed; kusali—clever; hodu—may be; suhittamo—best friend;
govaddhano—Govardhana Malla; jena—by who; vijja—of knowledge;
mahurihim—by the charm; mahurindo—the king of Mathurä; vasi-ki-o—is

Abhimanyu: O noble lady, why are you worrying about this?

With the charm of his great learning, my clever best friend
Govardhana Malla keeps the king of Mathurä under his control!

paurnamasi: (sa-khedam. ksanam anudhyaya). hamho dhanyanam

murdhanya govinda-matur matuleyo ‘si. katham alpayusam gokula-
dvesinam mandala-patitam alambase. tad adya kayapi maryadaya tvam
paryapayitum icchami.

sa—with; khedam—unhappiness; ksanam—for a moment;

anudhyaya—reflecting; hamho—ah!; dhanyanam—of those who are

376 •
fortunate; murdhanya—O most important one; govinda—of Kåñëa; matuh—
of the mother; matuleyah—the cousin; asi—you are; katham—why?; alpa—
short; ayusam—of those whose lives; gokula—of Gokula; dvesinam—of the
enemies; mandala—in the circle; patitam—falling; alambase—You have
attained; tat—therefore; adya—now; kaya api—with a certain; maryadaya—
proper conduct; tvam—you; paryapayitum—to attain; icchami—I wish.

Paurëamäsé: (reflecting for a moment) O most fortunate one,

you are the cousin of Govinda’s mother. How did you fall under the
influence of these short-lived enemies of Gokula? Now I want you to
behave properly.

abhimanyuù: anavedu tattha-hodi.

anavedu—may order; tattha-hodi—the noble lady.

Abhimanyu: The noble lady may order me.

paurnamasi: vatsa sa kacin matsara-kalpitapi kim-vadanti yadi tvaya

natathyataya pratiyate tatah svayam eva caksusor aparoksi-krtya yathestam

vatsa—O child; sa—this; kacit—something; matsara—with malice;

kalpita—concieved; api—even; kim-vadanti—rumor; yadi—if; tvaya—by
you; na—not; atathyataya—as a lie; pratiyate—is believed; tatah—then;
svayam—personally; eva—certainly; cuksusor—in the eyes; aparoksi-krtya—
seeing; yatha—as; istam—desired; cestaniyam—may be performed.

Paurëamäsé: Child, if you actually do not accept that this

malicious rumor is a lie, then at least investigate the matter, and if you
see with your own eyes that it is true, then you may do as you wish.

abhimanyuù: (sa-prasrayam) bha-avadi siro-gahidam de nidesa-


sa—with; prasrayam—humbleness; bha-avadi—O noble lady; siro—

on the head; gahidam—taken; de—of you; nidesa—of the instruction;
kusumam—the flower.

Abhimanyu: (with humbleness) O noble lady, I place the flower

of your words upon my head.

paurnamasi: (sanandam) somanana goman atra bhuyah.

377 •
sa—with; anandam—happiness; soma—moon; anana—face; go-man—the
master of many cows; atra—here; bhuyah—may be.

Paurëamäsé: (happily) O moon-faced one, may you become the

master of many cows!

abhimanyuù: bha-avadi amba mam puno puno bhanadi putta canda-

ali-candi-accanena go-addhano jahattha-nama samvutto. ta vahudiya
vitattha dikkhavijja-utti.

bha-avadi—O noble lady; amba—mother; mam—to me; puno—again;

puno—and again; bhanadi—says; putto—O son; canda-ali—of Candrävalé;
candi—of Durgä; accanena—by the worship; go-addhano—Govardhana
Malla; jahattha—appropriate; nama-a—whose name; samvutto—has
become; ta—therefore; vahudiya—wife; vitattha—in that; dikkhavijja-utti—
should become initiated.

Abhimanyu: O noble lady, my mother tells me again and again:

“Son, because Candrävalé worships goddess Caëòé, Govardhana
Malla’s name has become very appropriate for him. For this reason
your wife Rädhä should also become initiated into this worship.116

paurnamasi: mangala-mate sarva-mangalarädhäne diksitam

avilambam eva varsabhanavim viddhi.

mangala—auspicious; mate—whose mind; sarva-mangala—of Durgä;

arädhäne—in the worship; diksitam—initiated; avilambam—without delay;
eva—certainly; varsabhanavim—Rädhä, the daughter of Maharaja Våñabhänu;
viddhi—please know.

Paurëamäsé: O lucky one, know that very soon the daughter of

Maharaja Våñabhänu will be initiated into the worship of Durgä.117

abhimanyuù: bha-avadi anukampido mhi. (iti niskrantah).

bha-avadi—O noble lady; anukampido—the object of kindness; mhi—

I am; iti—thus; niskrantah—exits.

The word “govardhana” means “the one who increases the number of cows”. Govardhana Malla
has become the master of many cows, because of Candrävalé’s worship, and therefore his name is
very appropriate.
117 The word “sarva-maìgalä” (“all-auspicious”) refers to goddess Durgä, as well as to Kåñëa, who

is also all-auspicious. “O lucky one, know that very soon Rädhä will be initiated into the worship of
the all-auspicious Kåñëa!”

378 •
Abhimanyu: O noble lady, you are very kind to me! (He exits).

våndä: (parikramya) vande bhagavatim.

parikramya—walking; vande—I offer respects; bhagavatim—to the

noble lady.

Våndä: (approaching) O noble lady, I offer my respectful

obeisances to you.

paurnamasi: (vilokya subhasirbhir abhivandya ca). vatse kamam

krtarthasi. tad avedaya rädhä-madhavayor nikunja-keli-madhurim.

vilokya—looking; subha—auspicious; asirbhih—with benedictions;

abhivandya—greeting; ca—also; vatse—O child; kamam—to the heart’s
content; krta—attained; artha—object; asi—you are; tat—therefore;
avedaya—please describe; rädhä-madhavayoh—of Rädhä and Kåñëa;
nikunja—in the forest-groves; keli—of the amorous pastimes; madhurim—
the sweetness.

Paurëamäsé: (noticing Våndä, she greets her with words of

benedictions) Child, you fulfill all my desires. Please tell me about the
sweetness of Rädhä and Mädhava’s pastimes in the forest bower.

sarvasvaà prathama-rasasya yah prathiyan
kamsarer udayati rädhäya vilasaù
vaktum ko viramati tam janah samantad
anandas tirayati ced giram na våttim

sarvasvam—everything; prathama—the first; rasasya—of rasa; yah—

which; prathiyan—expanding; kamsa-areh—of Kåñëa, the enemy of Kaàsa;
udayati—manifests; rädhäya—with Rädhä; vilasah—the pastimes; vaktum—
to describe; kah—who; viramati—ceases; tam—them; janah—a person;
samantat—completely; anandah—bliss; tirayati—stops; cet—if; giram—of
words; na—not; våttim—the action.

Våndä: The pastimes of Rädhä and Kåñëa, the enemy of Kaàsa,

are the great treasure of conjugal love. Who would stop describing
them as long as bliss does not stop His voice?

paurnamasi: (sanandam) putri vrnde

harir eña na ced avätariñyan
mathuräyäà madhuräkñi rädhikä ca

379 •
abhaviñyad iyaà våthä visåöir
makaräëkas tu viñeñatas tadätra

sa—with; anandam—bliss; putri—O daughter; vrnde—Våndä; hariù—

Kåñëa; eñaù—this; cet—if; avätarisyat—would have descended;
mathuräyäm—Mathurä district (Våndävan); madhura-akñi—lovely-eyed;
rädhikä—Ñrématé Rädhékä; ca—and; abhaviñyat—would have been; iyam—
this; våthä—useless; visåöiù—the whole creation; makara-aëkaù—the
demigod of love, Kämadeva; tu—then; viñeñataù—above all; tadä—then;
atra—in this.

Paurëamäsé: (blissfully) O daughter Våndä! If Hari had not

descended in Våndävana with the lovely-eyed Rädhä, this entire
creation – and especially Kämadeva, the god of love – would have been

tad adya gostha-madhye tavopasattir mam vismaprayati.

tat—in that place; adya—now; gostha—of Vraja; madhye—in the midst;

tava—of you; upasattih—the entrance; mam—me; vismarayati—surprises.

I am surprised that you came into the village at this time.

våndä: bhagavati tavarate ko ‘pi gariyan arthah. tad atra lalitam


bhagavati—O noble lady; tvarate—hastens; kah api—something;

gariyan—significant; arthah—purpose; tat—therefore; atra—here; lalitam—
for Lalitä; apeksamana—waiting; asmi—I am.

Våndä: O noble lady, there is something very serious. For this

reason I am waiting here for Lalitä.

paurnamasi: kidrso ‘yam.

kidrsah—like what?; ayam—this.

Paurëamäsé: What is it?

våndä: purve-dyur adistasmi govindena. yatha

ahara gauri-tirtham
madhura-sriyam tatra rantum icchami
priyaya padmavatamsikaya

380 •
purve-dyuh—yesterday; adista—instructed; asmi—I was; govindena—
by Kåñëa; yatha—as; ahara—please bring; gauri-tirtham—to Gauré-tértha;
madhura—of spring; sriyam—the beauty; tatra—there; rantum—to enjoy
pastimes; icchami—I desire; padma—a lotus; avalambi—holding; karaya—
in Her hand; priyaya—with My beloved; padma—of lotuses; avatamsikaya—
with garlands.

Våndä: Yesterday I received a request from Govinda. He said:

“Please decorate Gauré-tértha so that it shines with spring beauty. In
that place I wish to enjoy pastimes with My beloved, who wears
garlands of lotus flowers and holds a lotus in Her hand.”

paurnamasi: yuktam adistam yad adya saubhagya-purnima. tatha hi

prasunair adbhutaih kanta
kantena sravani-dine
prasadhita prasiddhena
saubhagyena vivardhate

yuktam—appropriate; adistam—requested; yat—because; adya—to

today; saubhägya—of auspiciousness; pürëimä—the full-moon day; tatha
hi—furthermore; prasunaih—with flowers; adbhutaih—wonderful; kanta—
the beloved; kantena—by the lover; sravani-dine—on the full-moon day of
the month of Çrävaëa; prasadhita—decorated; prasiddhena—celebrated;
saubhagyena—by the good fortune; vivardhate—is increased.

Paurëamäsé: This is a very appropriate request, for today is the

auspicious day known as saubhägya-pürëimä. A famous verse says: “A
woman decorated by her lover with many wonderful flowers on the
full-moon day of the month of Çrävaëa will attain great good fortune”.

tatas tatah.

tatah—then; tatah—then.

What happened then?

våndä: tatas ca tad-våtte sarika-mukhatah sakhi-samsadi sancarite

yatharthatas tarkita-rädhärtha-siddhir api padma lalitam kataksayanti
hathad avadit.

tatah—then; ca—also; tat-våtte—in the verse; sarika—of a female

parrot; mukhatah—from the mouth; sakhi—of gopi-friends; samsadi—in the
assembly; sancarite—recited; yatha-arthatah—appropriately; tarkita—

381 •
logically considered; rädhä—of Rädhä; artha—of the meaning; siddhih—the
conclusion; api—although; padma—Padmä; lalitam—at Lalitä;
kataksayanti—glancing from the corner of her eyes; hathat—vehemently;

Våndä: A female parrot recited that verse in the assembly of

gopés. Even though she knew that the verse actually referred to Rädhä,
Padmä glanced at Lalitä from the corner of her eyes, and boldly said:

utphulla-murteh samam ullasantyas

candravales candraka-maëòalena
mlasyanti saubhagya-bhara-prabhabhir

utphulla—blossomed; murteh—whose form; samam—with;

ullasantyah—glittering; candravaleh—of Candrävalé; candraka—of peacock
feathers; mandalena—with the circle; mlasyanti—will cause to wilt;
saubhagya—of good fortune; bhara—of the abundance; prabhabhih—with
the splendor; garva—with pride; anda—blinded; gopi—of the gopis;
vadana—of the faces; ambujani—the lotus flowers.

“Her blossoming form glittering with happiness as she enjoys

pastimes with peacock-feathered Kåñëa, the full moon of Candrävalé,
shining with the moonlight of her great good fortune, will wilt the
lotus faces of the gopés blinded by their pride!”118

paurnamasi: tatas tatah.

tatah—then; tatah—then.

Paurëamäsé: What happened then?

våndä: (vihasya) tatas ca smeraya drsti-mudrayaiva tam adhiram

avadhirayanti lalita maya saha rädhäm upasadya kalye prasthanaya tam
ati-sambhramam lambhayam asa. paçya våtte ‘dya yame seyam najagama.

vihasya—laughing; tatah—then; ca—also; smeraya—smiling; drsti—of

a glance; mudraya—with the sign; eva—certainly; tam—to her; adhiram—
foolish; avadhirayanti—treating with contempt; lalita—Lalitä; maya—me;
saha—with; rädhäm—to Rädhä; upasadya—went; kalye—at the proper time;
prasthanaya—for departing; tam—Her; ati—with great; sambhramam—
Padmä took the words “padmävalambi-karayä” (“who holds a lotus in Her hand”) from Govinda’s
request to Våndä to mean “who is supported by Padmä”. The word “candraka-maëòalena” refers to
Kåñëa, who is decorated with many peacock feathers.

382 •
haste; lambhayam asa—went; paçya—look!; våtte—attained; adya—now;
yame—the period of three hours; ayam—She; na—not; ajagama—has come.

Våndä: (laughing) Then, with a smiling glance, Lalitä showed

her contempt for the foolish Padmä and went with me to Rädhä to
quickly arrange Her meeting with Kåñëa in the morning. Look! Even
at this hour She still has not come.

lalita: sahi vunde juttam gavva-idam pa-uma-e. danim janidam.

tattha patthane kudo amhanam joggada.

pravisya—entering; sahi—O friend; vunde—Våndä; juttam—properly;

gavva-idam—being proud; pa-uma-e—by Padmä; danim—now; janidam—
it is understood; tattha—there; patthane—in the journey; kudo—where?;
amhanam—of us; joggada—the appropriateness.

Lalitä: (enters) Sakhi Våndä, Padmä had reason to be proud. Now

I understand. How can we go there?

paurnamasi: putri katham evam.

putri—O daughter; katham—how?; evam—in this way.

Paurëamäsé: My daughter, what do you mean?

lalita: bha-avadi tumha purado amhanam tina dohagga-sallena kim


bha-avadi—O noble lady; tumha—of you; purado—in the presence;

amhanam—of us; tina—there; dohagga—of misfortune; sallena—the
mountain; kim—what is the need; ugghadidena—of pulling up.

Lalitä: O noble lady, what is the use of showing you our great

paurnamasi: vatse susrusur asmi. varnyatam.

vatse—O child; susrusuh—eager to hear; asmi—I am; varnyatam—let

it be described.

Paurëamäsé: Child, I am very eager to hear it. Tell me.

lalita: (sasram) ajje gora-patta-suttena ganthide ekka divva-mala pi-a-

sahi-e kanhassa dinna. sa amhehim pa-umi-a-dhammille takkalam jjevva

383 •
sa—with; asram—tears; ajje—O noble lady; gora—golden; patta—silk;
suttena—with a thread; ganthida—strung; ekka—one; divva—beautiful;
mala—flower garland; pi-a—dear; sahi-e—by our friend; kanhassa—to
Kåñëa; dinna—was given; sa—that; amhehim—by us; pa-umi-a—of Padmä;
dhammille—in the braided hair; takkalam—at that time; jjevva—certainly;
dittha—was seen.

Lalitä: (with tears) O noble lady, our dear sakhi Rädhä strung a
charming flower garland on a golden silk thread and gave it to Kåñëa,
but later we saw that same garland decorating Padmä’s braided hair!

paurnamasi: sthane glanir iyam. badham asampraptam etad


sthane—properly; glanih—unhappiness; iyam—this; badham—

certainly; asampraptam—impropriety; etat—this; govindasya—of Kåñëa.

Paurëamäsé: Your sorrow is reasonable. It was not proper for

Kåñëa to do this.

våndä: santam amangalam.

santam—pacified; amangalam—the inauspiciousness.

Våndä: Now everything inauspicious is over.

paurnamasi: vrnde kathyatam kim namedam.

vrnde—O Våndä; kathyatam—let it be told; kim—what?; nama—

indeed; idam—this.

Paurëamäsé: Våndä, please explain.

våndä: varnitam me manysya-vakyaya taya kakkhatikaya kadamba-

sakhayam malam alambya kalindim avagadhe vana-malini sampravåtte ca
ketaki-paraga-cakra-cande marun-mandale padma kilemam jahara.
marutas tu muddha kalankam jagameti.

varnitam—described; me—to me; manusya—of human beings;

vakyaya—with the words; taya—by her; kakkhatikaya—by Kakkhaöéka;
kadamba—of a kadamba tree; sakhayam—on the branch; malam—the
garland; alambya—resting; kalindim—into the Yamunä; avagadhe—
entering; vana—of forest flowers; malini—wearing a garland; sampravåtte—

384 •
being so; ca—also; ketaki—of ketaki flowers; paraga—of pollen; cakra-
cande—in the whirling circle; marut—of the wind; mandale—in the circle;
padma—Padmä; kila—indeed; imam—the garland; jahara—took;
marutah—the wind; tu—indeed; muddha—uselessly; kalankam—fault;
jagama—attained; iti—thus.

Våndä: The old monkey Kakkhaöéka told me what happened.

Kåñëa placed the garland on the branch of a kadamba tree, and then
went to bathe in the Kälindé. While He was swimming, the wind raised
a cloud of ketaké pollen, and Padmä stole the garland. And Kåñëa
thought that His garland was carried away by the wind.

lalita: dhutte munca nam vancanam.

dhutte—O rascal; munca—abandon; nam—this; vancanam—


Lalitä: O rascal, stop lying!

våndä: puspa-manjaribhyah sape.

puspa—of flowers; manjaribhyah—by the blossoms; sape—I swear.

Våndä: I swear by these blossoming flowers, it is true!

lalita: (visrabhya) hala saccam saccam. amha purado appano

sohaggam vikkheventi pa-umi-a malam vivaredi. kanha-mittanam aggado
una nam samvaredi.

visrabhya—with faith; hala—ah! it is; saccam-it is true; saccam—it is

true; amha—of us; purado—in the presence; appano—of herself;
sohaggam—the good fortune; vikkheventi—displaying; pa-umi-a—Padmä;
malam—the garland; vivaredi—shows; kanha—of Kåñëa; mittanam—of the
friends; aggado—in the presence; una—again; nam—this; samvaredi—

Lalitä: (believing) Ah! It is true! It is true! In front of us, Padmä,

proclaiming her good fortune, shows the garland, but she hides it in
front of Kåñëa’s cowherd boy friends.119

paurnamasi: putri lalite sphutam atra purnimayam yusmakam

anudyamaya padmaya tam chadma-caturim prasarya gauri-tirtham

Kåñëa’s friends think that the garland was carried away by the wind.

385 •
candravali lambhita.

putri—O daughter; lalite—Lalitä; sphutam—clearly; atra—here;

purnimayam—on the full-moon day; yusmakam—of you; anudyamaya—for
undoing the plans; padmaya—by Padmä; tam—this; chadma—of deception;
caturim—expertise; prasarya—manifesting; gauri-tirtham—Gauré-tértha;
candravali—Candrävalé; lambhita—has attained.

Paurëamäsé: O daughter Lalitä, Padmä, skilled in deception, has

taken Candrävalé to Gauré-tértha on this full-moon day just to destroy
your plans.

våndä: yuktam aha bhagavati. tad adya gauri-tirthe rädhikopanitih

kalyani me na pratibhati.

yuktam—properly; aha—has spoken; bhagavati—the noble lady; tat—

therefore; adya—today; gauri-tirthe—at Gauré-tértha; rädhikä—of Rädhikä;
upanitih—taking; kalyani—auspicious; me—to me; na—not; pratibhati—

Våndä: The noble lady speaks the truth. It doesn't seem

auspicious to take Rädhikä there today.

(pravisya) visakha: vunde kalyani padibhadi tti bhananhi.

pravisya—entering; vunde—O Våndä; kalayani—auspicious;

padibhadi—it appears; tti—thus; bhanadi—you should say.

Viçäkhä: (enters) Våndä, you should say “it seems auspicious”!

våndä: katham evam.

katham—why?; evam—in this way.

Våndä: Why is that?

visakha: go-ullesari-muhado ajja sohagga-punnimam suni-a karala-e

canda-ali appa-bhattuno mallassa pase patthavi-adi.

go-ula—of Gokula; isari—of the queen; muhado—from the mouth;

ajja—today; sohagga-punnimam—the auspicious full-moon day of
saubhagya-purnima; suni-a—hearing; karala-e—by Karälä; canda-ali—
Candrävalé; appa—own; bhattuna—of the husband; mallasssa—of the
wrestler; pase—by the side; patthavi-adi—is placed.

386 •
Viçäkhä: Hearing from Gokula’s queen Yaçodä that today is the
auspicious full-moon day, Karälä has arranged that Candrävalé spend
the whole day with her husband Govardhana Malla.

lalita: (sa-harsam) visahe ittha-de-o saro-anaho de pasidadu. ta


sa—with; harsam—joy; visahe—O Viçäkhä; ittha—worshipable; de-

o—deity; daro-anaho—the sun-god; de—to you; pasidadu—may be merciful;
ta—therefore; tuvari-adu—let there be haste.

Lalitä: (happily) Viçäkhä, may your worshipable deity, the sun-

god, be merciful to you! Let's hurry up!

paurnamasi: putri vrnde kam apy adyatanim abhimanyor darunam

durmantri-mudram rädhäyam avedya mayapy asyah sanka-pankavali-
sankalanaya gauri-tirthe bhavitavyam.

putri—O daughter; vnrde—Våndä; kam api—something; adyatanim—

present; abhimanyoh—of Abhimanyu; darunam—terrible; durmantri—of a
bad advisor; mudram—the mark; rädhäyam—Rädhä; avedya—after
informing; maya—by me; api—also; asyah—of Her; sanka—of fear; panka—
of mud; avali—the abundance; sankalanaya—for washing away; gauri-
tirthe—at Gauré-tértha; bhavitavyam—shoul be.

Paurëamäsé: Daughter Våndä, I will inform Rädhä of

Abhimanyu’s terrible plan given to him by a bad advisor, and then I
will bring Her to Gauré-tértha to wash away all the mud of Her worries.

vrnde: bhagavati purvena gauri-tirtham lavanga-kudungasya

prangane sa-visakhaya rädhäya sardham sadhayatu tatra-bhavati. tavad
avam madhavam asadayavah.

bhagavati—O noble lady; purvena—east; gauri-tirtham—to Gauré-

tértha; lavanga—of clove trees; kudungasya—of the forest bower;
prangane—in the courtyard; sa—with; visakhaya—Viçäkhä; rädhäya—
Rädhä; sardham—with; sadhayatu—should go; tatra-bhavati—You; tavat—
then; avam—we both; madhavam—to Kåñëa; asadayavah—shall bring.

Våndä: O noble lady, you should go with Rädhä and Viçäkhä to

the forest bower of lavaìga trees east of Gauré-tértha, and we will bring

(paurnamasi visakhaya saha niskrantah).

387 •
paurnamasi—Paurëamäsé: visakhaya—Viçäkhä; saha—with;

(Paurëamäsé exits with Viçäkhä).

lalita: (våndäya saha parikramya) hala pekkhi-adu dahine esa durado

sevva-e samam jappanti pa-uma.

våndäya—Våndä; sah—with; parikramya—walking; hala—ah!; pekkhi-

adu—should be seen; dehine—to the south; esa—she; durado—from faw
away; sevva-e—Çaibyä; samam—with; sappanti—talking; pa-uma—Padmä.

Lalitä: (walks with Våndä) Ah! Look! To the south, some distance
away, Padmä is talking with Çaibyä.

våndä: sakhi nasangatam vyahared visakha. (ity agrato gatva sa-

vimarsam). sakhi paramautsukya-sambhutena bhurina sambhramena
sambhedite rädhikä-vinayam anirdharya turnam avam viduram agate. tad
atra ganga-pare paurnamasim ksanam pratipalayavah. (iti niskrante).

sakhi—O friend; na—not; asangatam—a lie; vyaharet—will speak;

visakha—Viçäkhä; iti—thus; agratah—ahead; gatva—going; sa—with;
vimaram—reflecting; sakhi—O friend; parama—supreme; autsukya—of
eagerness; sambhutena—manifested; bhurina—with great; sambhramena—
excitement; sambhedite—bewildered; rädhikä—of Rädhikä; vinayam—the
going; anirdharya—without understanding; turnam—quickly; avam—we
both; viduram—far away; agate—have come; tat—therefore; atra—here;
ganga—of the Manasi Gaìgä; pare—on the opposite shore; paurnamasim—
Paurëamäsé; ksanam—for a moment; pratipalayavah—let both wait; iti—
thus; niskrante—they both exit.

Våndä: Sakhi, Viçäkhä will not lie. (Goes ahead, and then
reflects) We were so excited and eager that even without knowing
whether Rädhä will come we have quickly gone a great distance. Let
us wait here for a moment on the opposite shore of Manasi Gaìgä.
(They both exit).

(tatah pravisatah padma-saibye).

tatah—then; pravisatah—enter; padma—Padmä; saibye—and Çaibyä.

(Padmä and Çaibyä enter.)

388 •
padma: sahi sevve ma kkhu dummana hohi.

sahi—O sakhi; sevve—Çaibyä; ma—don’t; kkhu—indeed; dummana—

unhappy; hohi—be.

Padmä: Sakhi Çaibyä, don’t be unhappy.

saibya: pa-ume paramahitthassa alahena salahavam cittam

samadhatum na kkhamamhi.

pa-ume—O Padmä; parama—supreme; ahitthassa—of the desire;

alanhena—by the non-attainment; salahavam—unhappy; cittam—heart;
na—not; kkhama—able; amhi—I am.

Çaibyä: Padmä, because my greatest desire is not fulfilled, I

cannot pacify my unhappy heart.

pa-ume canda-ali anijja-u go-addhanassa pasammi jhatti. nivvatta-i
vaccha jaha kusumehim sunevaccha.

nepathye—behind the scenes; pa-ume—O Padmä; canda-ali—

Candrävalé; anijja-u—should be taken; go-addhanassa—of Govardhana Hill;
pasammi—to the side; jhatti—at once; nivvatta-i—may be; vaccha—the
child; jaha—as; kusumehim—with flowers; sunevaccha—nicely decorated.

(Off-stage) Padmä, Candrävalé should be quickly taken to

Govardhana so that my child can decorate her with flowers.120

saibya: pa-ume sudam jam ajji-a karala tam jjevva jappa-garalam

puno uggiradi.

pa-ume—O Padmä; sudam—heard; jam—what; ajji-a—the noble lady;

karala—Karälä; tam—that; jjevva—certainly; jappa—of words; garalam—
poison; puno—again; uggiradi—spits.

Çaibyä: O Padmä, the noble Karälä is again spitting out

poisonous words!

padma: hala ami-am kkhu edam jam pivi-a uvaladdha-balamhi jada.

hala—ah!; ami-am—nectar; kkhu—indeed; edam—this; jam—which;

Karälä asks Padmä to bring Candrävalé to her husband, Govardhana Malla.

389 •
pivi-a—drinking; uvaladdha—attained; bala—stregnth; amhi—I am; jada—

Padmä: Ah sakhi, this is nectar! Drinking it, I have regained my


saibya: (sa-vailaksyam) hala kadham vi-a.

sa—with; vailaksyam—bewilderment; hala—ah!; kadham—how?; vi-

a—like that.

Çaibyä: (bewildered) How is that?

padma: muddhi-e go-addhanassa girino pase jevva tam gauri-tittham.

muddhi-e—O bewildered girl; go-addhanassa—of Govardhana;

girino—Hill; pase—on the side; jevva—certainly; tam—that; gauri-tittham—

Padmä: O silly girl, Gauré-tértha is by the side of Govardhana Hill!

saibya: (sa-harsam) sa-alattha-pandidasi. ta utthehi. canda-ali-am

tattha nemha.

sa—with; harsam—happiness; sa-ala—of all; attha—purposes;

pandida—a learned schorlar; asi—you are; ta—therefore; utthehi—rise;
canda-ali-am—Candrävalé; tattha—there; nemha—we shall bring.

Çaibyä (with happiness) In understanding how to achieve one’s

desires you are the most learned scholar! Let us bring Candrävalé to
that place!

padma: padhamam cce-a canda-ali ma-e calida. ta tuvarehi. nam


padhamam—at first; cce-a—certainly; canda-ali—Candrävalé; ma-e—

by me; calida—was sent; ta—therefore; tuvarehi—hurry; nam—Her;
anusaramha—let us both follow.

Padmä: I already sent Candrävalé there. Hurry! Let us follow her.

(ity ubhe parikramatah).

iti—thus; ubhe—both; parikramatah—walk).

390 •
(They both walk.)

saibya: pa-ume gauri-kide jo kkhu sampadido so kahim uvaharo.

pa-ume—O Padmä; gauri—of Gauré; kide—for the sake; jo—which;

kkhu—indeed; sampadido so kahim uvaharo.

pa-ume—O Padmä; gauri—of Gauré; kide—for the sake; jo—which;

kkhu—indeed; sampadido—prepared; so—that; kahim—where; uvaharo—
the offering.

Çaibyä: Padmä, where is the offerings prepared for Gauré?

padma: mahumangala-hatthe samappidotthi.

mahumangala—of Madhumaìgala; hatthe—in the hand;

samappidotthi—was placed.

Padmä: I gave them to Madhumaìgala.

saibya: vivakkah-ulassa ukkarisam takki-a uttamami.

vivakkha—of our rivals; ulassa—of the community; ukkarisam—the

superior position; takki-a—considering; uttamami—I faint.

Çaibyä: When I consider the superior position of our rivals, I

become filled with despair...

padma: ma kkhu uttamma. jam eta-e mala-e damsida-e nirajjhavasa-

o kido ma-e vivakkha-pakkho.

ma—don’t; kkhu—indeed; uttamma—become unhappy; jam—

because; eta-e—with this; mala-e—garland; damsida-e—shown;
nirajjhavasa-o—disheartened; vivakkha—of rivals; pakkhao—the party.

Padmä: Don’t be unhappy. By showing them this garland, I have

completely discouraged them.

(saibya sa-harsam padmam alingati).

saibya—Çaibyä; sa—with; harsam—joy; padmam—Padmä; alingati—


(Çaibyä happily embraces Padmä).

391 •
sauhagga-punnimahe gauri-titthamhi phullide mahuna
ajja ramantim harina suhena canda-alim pekkha

sauhagga-punnimahe—on Saubhagya-purnima; gauri-titthamhi—at

Gauré-tértha; phullide—filled with blossoms; mahuna—with honey; ajja—
now; ramantim—enjoying pastimes; harina—with Kåñëa; suhena—happily;
canda-alim—Candrävalé; pekkha—look!

Padmä: Today, on the auspicious full-moon day, at Gauré-tértha,

filled with honey-dripping flowers, we will see Candrävalé happily
enjoying pastimes with Hari.

(nepathye sauhagga-punnimahe ity adi pathyate).

nepathye—behind the scenes; sauhagga-punnimahe iti adi—the verse

beginning with the words “sauhagga-punnimahe”; pathyate—is recited.

(From the off-stage this verse is repeated).

saibya: (sadbhutam vilokya) hala ima-e muham vanki-kadu-a bi-

accha-sarena pathanti-e kakkhadi-a-e amhe uvahasijjamha.

sa—with; adbhutam—wonder; vilokya—looking; hala—ah!; ima-e—

by this; muham—mouth; vanki-kadu-a—making crooked; bi-accha—
hideous; sarena—with a voice; pathanti-e—reciting; kakkhadi-a-e—by
Kakkhaöéka; amha—we both; uvahasijjamha—are mocked.

Çaibyä: (struck with wonder, looks) Ah! Making her mouth

crooked, the old monkey Kakkhaöé recites this verse in a hideous
voice. In this way she is mocking us.121

padma: (sa-smitam) dutthe makkadi tundam de dahissam.

sa—with; smitam—a smile; dutthe—wicked; makkadi—monkey;

tundam—mouth; de—your; dahissam—I will burn.

Padmä: (with a smile) O wicked monkey, I will burn your mouth!

(nepathye) pa-umi-e cittha cittha. sunnam tujjha gharam gadu-a na-

ani-a-im gilissam.

nepathye—behind the scenes; pa-umi-e—Padmä; cittham—stay;

Kakkhaöé is Rädhä’s pet monkey.

392 •
cittha—stay; cunnam—empty; tujjha—your; gharam—house; gadu-a—
going; na-ani-am—fresh butter; gilissam—I will eat.

(Off-stage) O Padmä, just wait! Just wait! I will go to your empty

house and eat all the fresh butter!

saibya: hala saccam gilissadi jam esa tam cce-a padhanti dhavida.

hala—ah!; saccam—truth; saccam—truth; gilissadi—will eat; jam—

because; esa—she; tam—this; eva—certainly; pathanti—reciting; dhavita—
will run.

Çaibyä: Ah! She is really going to eat it, running over there and
saying these words!

padma: ma cintehi, ghare ajji-a karala citthadi. (iti parikramya

sanskrtena). paçya paçya
säcé-kåtäìgam iha savya-karena yañöim
viñöabhya våtta-saraläm upakäkña-küpam
tiñöhann adho vitapinaù paçu-vånda-cäré
réréti gétim adhunä subalas tanoti

mä—don’t; cintehi—worry; ghare—at home; ajji-a—the noble one;

karala—Karälä; citthadi—stays; iti—thus; parikramya—walking;
sanskrtena—in Sanskrit; paçya—look!; paçya—look!; saci-krta—tilted;
angam—body; iha—here; savya—left; karena—with the hand; yastim—on
the staff; vistabhya—resting; våtta-saralam—straight; upakaksa-kupam—
arm; tisthan—standing up; adhah—beneath; vitapinah—a tree; pasu—of
cows; våndä—the multitude; cari—herding; ri-ri—ri-ri; iti—thus; gitim—a
song; adhuna—now; subalah—Subala; tanoti—does.

Padmä: Don’t worry, noble Karälä is at home. (Walks and then

says) Look! Look! Leaning on a stick with his left hand, Subala stands
beneath a tree, and in the presence of many cows sings “ré-ré”.

saibya: (parikramya) hala puvvena sankarisana-kudam canda-ali


parikramya—walking; hala—ah!; puvvena—in the east; sankarisana-

kundam—Saìkarñaëa-kunda; canda-ali—Candrävalé; disa-i—is seen.

Çaibyä: (walking) I see Candrävalé to the east of Saìkarñaëa-


393 •
padma: (sa-harsam sanskrtena).
ayaà puraù smera-mukhäravindaù
candrävaléà vindati kåñëa-candraù

sa—with; harsam—happiness; sanskrtena—in Sanskrit; ayam—He;

purah—in the presence; smera—smiling; mukha—face; aravindah—lotus
flower; prayana—of walking; lila—by the pastimes; krta—done; kumbhi—of
the elephant; nindah—criticism; kalevara—of the body; dyoti—by the luster;
hrta—stolen; aksi—of the eyes; tandrah—sleepiness; candravalim—
Candrävalé; vindati—finds; kåñëacandrah—the moon of Kåñëa.

Padmä: (with joy) His smiling face as beautiful as a lotus flower,

His playful gait criticizing the gracefulness of the elephants, and the
splendor of His bodily luster robbing the eyes of their fatigue, the
moon-faced Kåñëa has now found Candrävalé.

(tatah pravisati kåñëam candravali ca).

tatah—then; pravisati—enters; kåñëah—Kåñëa; candravali—

Candrävalé; ca—and.

(Kåñëa and Candrävalé enter).

kåñëaù: (vartmarvarudhya) priye distyadya saundarya-makaranda-

bhrngarayitasi mamaksi-bhrngayoh.

vartma—the path; avarudhya—blocking; priye—O beloved; distya—

by good fortune; adya—now; saundarya—of beauty; makaranda—of the
honey; bhrngarayita—become a pitcher; asi—you have; mama—of Me;
aksi—of the eyes; bhrngayoh—for the two bumble-bees.

Kåñëa: (blocking the path) O beloved! I am very fortunate,

because today, to the joy of the two bumble-bees of My eyes, you have
kindly assumed this form of a pitcher filled with the honey of beauty!

candravali: munca maggam. jam gauri-tittham gadu-a kacca-ani-am


munca—give up; maggam—the path; jam—because; gauri-tittham—

to Gauré-tértha; gadu-a—going; kacca-ani-am—Kätyäyané; accissam—for

394 •
Candrävalé: Get out of my way! I am going to Gauré-tértha to
worship Kätyäyané!

kåñëaù: (sa-smitam)
labdham mam avalokya tanvi purato romalir abhyudgata
netre padya-vidhim ksaraj-jala-bharaih prityarpayam cakratuù
vaksas ca skhalad-uttariyam adisad divyasanam sambhramad
vamayas tava daksinah parikaro distyadya våtto mayi

sa—with; smitam—a smile; labdham—obtained; mam—Me;

avalokya—seeing; tanvi—O slender girl; puratah—in the presence; roma—
of hairs; alih—the series; abhyudgata—stands up; netre—the eyes; padya-
vidhim—water for washing the feet; ksarat—streaming; jala—of water;
bharaih—with an abundance; pritya—with love; arpayam cakratuh—offer;
vaksah—the chest; ca—also; skhalat—slipping; uttariyam—bodice; adisat—
shows; divya—splendid; asanam—a seat; sambhramat—from excitement;
vamayah—contrary; tava—of you; daksinah—friendly; parikarah—
followers; distya—by good fortune; adya—now; våttah—engaged; mayi—
towards Me.

Kåñëa: (with a smile) Seeing Me, the hairs of your body rise out
of respect, your eyes affectionately offer many tears as pädya to wash
My feet, and your breasts allow their bodice to slip a little to show Me
a splendid äsana. O agitated slender girl, even though you are
unfavourable, fortunately your friends are very friendly and kind to

sakhyaù: (upasrtya) sahi santi bhurino magga. ta ekassim niruddhe

niruddha na homhi.

sakhyau—the two gopi-friends; sahi—O friend; santi—there are;

bhurino—many; magga—paths; ta—therefore; ekassim—when one;
niruddhe—is blocked; niruddha—stopped; na—not; homhi—do we

The two gopi-friends: (approaching) Sakhi, there are many

paths. When one is blocked, we choose another one.

candravali: (saci-grivam alokya) hala ditthi-a tumhehim sahidamhi


“O slender girl, although you are going to worship Kätyäyané, it seems your friends want to

worship Me!”

395 •
saci—tilting; grivam—neck; alokya—looks; hala—ah!; ditthi-a—by
good fortune; tumhehim—by you; sahidamhi—assisted; amhi samvutta—I

Candrävalé: (tilting her neck, she looks) Ah! Fortunately you are
with me!

kåñëaù: (svägatam) katham adya rädhäbhisisarayisor mamantike

candravalir upasthita.

svägatam—aside; katham—how is it?; adya—now; rädhä—with

Rädhä; abhisisarayisoh—desiring to meet; mama—of Me; antika—nearby;
candravalih—Candrävalé; upasthita—appeared.

Kåñëa: (aside) How is it that even though I yearn to meet with

Rädhä, Candrävalé has appeared here?

padma: (janantikam) candamuha pa-umavalambi-kara-e tti tuha

manorädhäm suni-a chalena ma-e canda-ali lambhide.

jana—the person; antikam—near; candamuha—O moon-faced one;

pa-uma—of Padmä; avalambi—resting; kara-e—in the hand; tti—thus;
tuha—of You; manorädhäm—the desire; suni-a—hearing; chalena—by a
trick; ma-e—by me; canda-ali—Candrävalé; lambhida—brought.

Padmä: (whispers to Kåñëa) O moon-faced one! When I heard

Your words “I wish to enjoy pastimes with My beloved, who holds
Padmä’s hand”, I understood Your desire and, by a trick, brought
Candrävalé here.

kåñëaù: (svägatam) am jnatam. padma-mandanam abhilasyatah

mayaiva dattantarasi. kim te dusanam. (prakasam) sakhi prasiddhaiva
padmayah padmanabha-paksa-patita.

svägatam—aside; am—an interjection of recollection; jnatam—

understood; padma—with a lotus flower; mandanam—ornamented;
abhilasyata—desiring; maya—by Me; eva—certainly; datta—given;
antara—another meaning; asi—you are; kim—what?; te—of you;
dusanam—the fault; prakasam—openly; sakhi—O friend; prasiddha—
famous; eva—certainly; padmayah—of Padmä; padmanabha—of the lotus-
naveled Kåñëa; paksa-patita—partiality.

Kåñëa: (aside) Ah, I understood. I wished the girl decorated with

lotuses, but she misunderstood Me. It is not her fault. (Openly) Sakhi,

396 •
Padmä and Padmanäbha’s friendship is well-known to everyone!

padma: aho turidam gauri-tittham lambhehi canda-ali-am.

aho—Ah; turidam—quickly; gauri-tittham—to Gauré-tértha;

lambhehi—take; canda-ali-am—Candrävalé.

Padmä: Ah, quickly take Candrävalé to Gauré-tértha.

kåñëaù: (svägatam) candravaler agatir eva rädhikodyama-

pratibandhini våtta. tad enam eva nirvyalika-bhavam tavat pramodayan
svam mano vinodayami.

svägatam—aside; candravaleh—of Candrävalé; agatih—the arrival;

eva—certainly; rädhikä—of Rädhikä; udyama—the effort; pratibandhini—
thwarting; våtta—is; tat—therefore; enam—her; eva—certainly; nirvalika—
sincere; bhavam—whose feelings; tavat—then; pramodayan—pleasing;
svam—own; manah—heart; vinodayami—I shall please.

Kåñëa: (aside) The arrival of Candrävalé will certainly create an

obstacle for Rädhä’s coming here. Candrävalé’s feelings for Me are
sincere. Therefore, by pleasing her, I will also satisfy My own heart.

alabdha-dosodaya sada sphurati
sakhi kåñëa-paksa-purna
candravlir adbhuta tvam asi

prakasam—openly; dhrta—sustaining; padma—of lotuses (or Padmä);

utsava—of jubilant festivals (or blooming); santatih—a multitude; alabdha—
not attained; dosa—of faults; udaya—the arisal; sada—always; sphurati—is
manifested; sakhi—O friend; kåñëa—of Kåñëa (or dark); paksa—at the side
(or the half of the month); purna—full; candravalih—Candrävalé (or many
moons); adbhuta—wonderful; tvam—you; asi—are.

(Openly) O sakhi, you give many festivals of happiness to

Padmä, and you are always radiant and faultless. O Candrävalé, always
staying in My company, you look wonderful!

Or: O sakhi, you are an amazing row of faultless, shining moons

that nourish the multitudes of lotus flowers and always remain full,
even during the dark fortnight!

397 •
(ity agre parikramya) kurangaksi paçya kananasya kamaniyatam.

iti—thus; agre—ahead; parikramya—walking; kuranga-aksi—O doe-

eyed girl; paçya—look; kananasya—of the forest; kamaniyatam—at the

(Walking ahead) O doe-eyed girl, look at the beauty of the forest!

padma: hala eso purado suranga-nama kanhassa kurango. jassa

gharini sa kidatthi rangini nama kurangi.

hala—ah!; eso—he; purado—in front; suranga—Suraìga; nama—

named; kanhassa—of Kåñëa; kurango—the deer; jassa—of him; gharini—the
wife; sa—she; kidatthi—is; rangini—Raìgiëé; nama—named; kurangi—the

Padmä: Ah! Here is Kåñëa’s deer Suraìga. His wife is the doe
named Raìgiëé.

kåñëaù: (sa-cakitam nepathye karnam dattva svägatam) nunam agata

rädhä yad ayam rangini-kantha-dhvanir darodancati.

sa—with; cakitam—alarmed; nepathye—in the direction of behind the

stage; karnam—an ear; dattva—placing; svägatam—aside; nunam—is it
not?; agata—arrived; rädhä—Rädhä has; yat—because; ayam—this;
rangini—of Raìgiëé; kantha—of the throat; dhvanih—resounding; dara—
faintly; udancati—arises.

Kåñëa: (frightened, He points an ear in the direction of the off-

stage, and says to Himself) Rädhä has certainly come here, because I
can hear the faint sounds of Raìgiëé in the distance.

padma: kadham eso surango dakkhinahimuham dha-ido.

kadham—why?; eso—he; surango—Suraìga; dakkhina-ahimuham—

in the sourthern direction; dha-ido—runs.

Padmä: Why did Suraìga suddenly run to the south?

kåñëaù: (punar atma-gatam) nistankitam eva rangini-kantha-

sabdenayam akrstah kurango gauri-tirtham jagama. sankarsana-tirtha-tira-
vana-lekhayam vilambamanah ksanam udarkam yami.

punah—again; atma-gatam—to Himself; nistankita—without fear;

eva—certainly; rangini—of Raìgiëé; kantha—of the throat; sabdena—by the

398 •
sound; ayam—he; akrstah—attracted; kurangah—the deer; gauri-tirtham—
to Gauré-tértha; tira—by the shore; vana-lekhayam—in the grove of trees;
vilambamanah—lingering; ksanam—for a moment; udarkam—a later time;
yami—I shall think.

Kåñëa: (again to Himself) Attracted by the sound of Raìgiëé’s

voice, Suraìga has now gone to Gauré-tértha. I will stay for a while in
the forest near Saìkarñaëa-tértha and think about what to do next.

na-a-pa-umini-sahassam ahamana-rasuttaranga-vitthari
u-a go-ulam vi-a puro saro-aram rehadi ppharam

na-a—new; pa-umini—hosts of lotus flowers; sabassam—thousands;

ahamana—purifying sins; rasa—nectar water; uttaranga—with waves;
vitthari—expanding; u-a—look!; go—of cows; kulam—a herd; vi-a—like;
puro—in the presence; saro-aram—the lake; rehadi—is splendid; ppharam—

Padmä: Filled with thousands of new lotus flowers and

overflowing with waves of sweetness that wash away all sins, this
large shining lake appears like a great herd of surabhi cows.

Or: This large splendid lake appears like Gokula village filled
with thousands of lotus-like gopés and spreading waves of rasa that
inundate Kåñëa’s heart.

kåñëaù: priye paçya paçya

mitre vicitram anuraga-bharam vahanti
samvardhitali-nikara sva-rasodayena
sat-karnikojjvala-rucir bhuvane samantal
laksmin tanoti bhavativa sarojiniyam

priye—O beloved; paçya—look!; paçya—look!; mitre—to the sun;

vicitram—wonderful; anuraga—of love; bharam—an abundance; vahanti—
carrying; samvardhita—increased; ali—of bumble-bees; nikara—the
swarms; sva—own; rasa—nectar; udayena—by the arisal; sat—beautiful;
karnika—of the whorl; rucih—the splendor; bhuvane—in the lake or world;
samantat—in all directions; laksmin—beauty; tanoti—manifests; bhavati—
you; iva—like; sarojini—lotus; iyam—this.

Kåñëa: Beloved, look! Look! Bearing great and wonderful love for
the sun, delighting the bumble-bees with its nectar, this lotus flower
that has such a lovely whorl displays its beauty throughout the entire

399 •
lake, just as you manifest your beauty throughout the whole world!

Or: Beloved, look! Look! Bearing great and wonderful affection

for your intimate friend Kåñëa, delighting your gopi-friends with the
nectar of your ever-increasing love feelings, and decorated with
excellent splendid earrings, you, O lotus-like girl, spread your beauty
to the whole world!

saibya: nam manoharam pa-uminim kisa kalanihi-malanam karedi.

nam—this; manoharam—charming; pa-uminim—lotus flower; kisa—

why?; kalanihi—the moon of Kåñëa; malanam—fading; karedi—does.

Çaibyä: Why does the moon of Kåñëa make this charming lotus-
like girl wilt?123

padma: (candram upadisya sakutam)

suranuratta-hi-a i-am pa-umini pasaridamo-a
iha na tumam kkhana-ra-o tarahisa kkhivehi karam

candram—the moon; upadisya—indicating; sa—with; akutam—

meaning; sura—for the sun (or to the mighty hero); anuratta—with love; hi-
a-a—in the heart; i-am—this; pa-umini—lotus flower; pasarida—manifests;
amo-a—fragrance; iha—here; na—not; tumam—you; kkhana—for a
moment; ra-o—reddish; tarahisa—O lord of Tärä; kkhivehi—extend;
karam—rays of light.

Padmä: (pointing to the moon, she speaks the following

meaningful words) This fragrant lotus bear love for the sun. O moon
who is red for only a moment, don’t cast your rays here!

Or: This blissful lotus-like girl is attracted to her mighty husband

Govardhana Malla. O lord of Rädhä, whose love for Candrävalé lasts
for only a moment, don’t place Your hand upon her!

kåñëaù: padme natra tarapatir aparädhyati. yad iyam padmini

cancalaya padmaya sayam mucyamana mlayati.

padme—O Padmä; na—not; atra—here; aparädhyati—offends;

tarapatih—the moon; yat—because; iyam—this; padmini—lotus flower;
cancalaya—fickle; padmaya—goddess of fortune Lakñmé-devi; sa ayam—
she; mucyamana—abandons; mlayati—wilts.

Here "withering" means that Candrävalé's fortune is less than that of Rädhä and Her sakhés.

400 •
Kåñëa: O Padmä, the moon is not at fault here. This lotus flower
wilts because the fickle goddess of fortune has abandoned her.

Or: O Padmä, I am not at fault here. This lotus-like girl wilts

because the fickle Padmä has abandoned her.

candravali: (sa-smitam puro vilokya sanskrtena)

samada-madhupa-laulyotsekam alokya sanke
vihasati latikali puspa-sobha-bharena
visrjati makaranda-cchadmana baspa-bindun
iyam ati-mrdur eka snehatah svarna-yuthi

sa—with; smitam—a smile; purah—ahead; vilokya—looking;

sanskrtena—in Sanskrit; sa—-with; mada—intoxication; madhupa—of the
bees; laulya—of greed; utsekam—overflowing; alokya—of creepers; ali—the
host; puspa—of flowers; sobha—of beauty; bharena—with the abundance;
visrjati—abandons; makaranda—of honey; chadmana—on the pretext;
baspa—of tears; bindun—drops; iyam—this; ati—very; mrduh—delicate;
eka—one; snehatah—out of love; svarna—golden; yuthi—yüthé flower.

Candrävalé: (smiling, she looks ahead, and says) I think the

creepers have noticed the overflowing greed of the intoxicated
bumble-bee, and they are now laughing with the great beauty of their
flowers. Only this delicate golden yüthé flower, under the pretext of
dripping honey, sheds tears of love.124

kåñëaù: priye paçya paçya

ayam ucca-çiraù kadamba-räjaù
marudävéjita-vigrahaç cakästi

priye—O beloved; paçya—look!; paçya—look!; ayam—this; ucca—

raised; sirah—whose head; kadamba—of kadamba trees; rajah—the king;
sphurat—manifested; indindira—of bumble-bees; vnrda—of the host;
vandi—by the poets; gitah—glorified is song; surabhi—of the surabhi cows;
kula—of the herd; puccha—of the tails; camara—of camara wisks; ali—of
the multitude; marut—by the breeze; avijita—fanned; vigrahah—whose
form; cakasti—is manifest.

Here the creepers are other gopés, the golden yüthé flower is Candrävalé, and the tears indicate
her great prema.

401 •
Kåñëa: Beloved, look! Look! Glorified by the songs of the bumble-
bee poets, and fanned by the camara wisks of the surabhi cows’s tails,
this king of the kadamba trees stands so proudly!125

candravali: amhahe lalida vundavana-lacchi.

amhahe—ah!; lalida—charming; vundavana—of Våndävana; lacchi—

the beauty.

Candrävalé: Ah! How enchanting is the beauty of Våndävana


(tatah pravisati lalita våndä ca).

tatah—then; pravisati—enters; lalita—Lalitä; våndä—Våndä; ca—and.

(Lalitä and Våndä enter.)

lalita: (puro drstva sa-vyatham) kakkhadam purado sankadam eso.

purah—ahead; drstva—looking; sa—with; vyatham—sorrowful;

kakkhadam—solid; purado—ahead; sankadam—difficulty; eso—this.

Lalitä: (looking ahead, she becomes sad) There is a serious

problem ahead of us.

våndä: hanta durlanghya-sasana kila karala. tat katham adya

padmayatra candravalir upanita.

hanta—Oh; duh—difficult; langhya—to transgress; sasana—order;

kila—indeed; karala—Karälä; tat—therefore; katham—how; adya—now;
padmaya—by Padmä; atra—here; candravalih—Candrävalé; upanita—was

Våndä: Ah! It is not easy to disobey Karälä’s order. How then has
Padmä been able to bring Candrävalé here?

lalita: hala sa-ala-vijja-vi-addhasi. ta kaddhehi ido kanham.

hala—sakhi; sa-ala—all; vijja—of knowledge; vi-addha—expert; asi—

you are; ta—therefore; kaddhehi—please pull; ido—here; kanham—Kåñëa.

Lalitä: Sakhi, you are skilled in all kinds of knowledge. Pull Kåñëa

“Look! I, the shelter for all, stand beside you with My head held high!”

402 •
out from their company.

svasya prema-maninam
gaurava-bhajam iyam vara yatri
harina pariharaniya
katham nu candravali bhavita

svasya—own; prema—of love; maninam—of the jewels; gaurava—

respect; bhajam—possessing; iyam—this; vara—exalted; yatri—receptacle;
harina—by Kåñëa; pariharaniya—reject; katham—how is it?; nu—indeed;
candravali—Candrävalé; bhavita—will be.

Våndä: Candrävalé is a precious treasure of love and reverence

for Kåñëa. How will we convince Hari to leave her?126

lalita: (sanskrtena)
yasyopalabhya gandham
gaurava-kulam asu cauravad bhramati
udbhatam anuraga-bhatam
tam ranjita-nagaram naumi

sanskrtena—in Sanskrit; yasya—of whom; upalabhya—perceiving;

gandham—the fragrance; gaurava—of reverence; kulam—the abundance;
asu—at once; caura—a thief; vat—like; bhramati—goes; udbhatam—
vehement; anuraga—of love; bhatam—the warrior; tam—to Him; ranjita—
charmed; nagaram—hero; naumi—I offer my respectful obeisances.

Lalitä: I offer my respectful obeisances to the furious warrior of

Rädhä’s great love that enchants the amorous hero Kåñëa. The
slightest scent of that warrior’s presence immediately makes
Candrävalé’s reverent affection run away like a thief.127

våndä: sakhi yuktam bravisi. kintu daksinya-mudreyam candravalya

kåñëasya tatah khalv amum durakarsam kathayami.

sakhi—O friend; yuktam—rightly; bravisi—you speak; kintu—

however; daksinya—of kindness; mudra—the mark; iyam—this;
candravalya—with Candrävalé; kåñëasya—of Kåñëa; tatah—therefore;
amum—this; duh-akarsam—difficult to pull out; kathayami—I say.

The word “gaurava-bhäjäm” means that Candrävalé has ghåta-sneha, affection for Kåñëa in which
reverence prevails.
127 Here “anuräga-bhaöa” means consisting of "madhu-sneha".

403 •
Våndä: Sakhi, you speak rightly. Still, Kåñëa is now showing
favor to Candrävalé. Therefore I say it will be difficult to pull Him away
from her company.

lalita: vunde saccam bhanasi. ta imassim accahide kim saranam.

vunde—O Våndä; saccam—the truth; bhanasi—you speak; ta—

therefore; imassim—in this; accahide—catastrophe; kim—what?; saranam—
is the shelter.

Lalitä: Våndä, you speak the truth. What will be our shelter in
this calamity?

våndä: prathamam gosthim avisya tattvam avadharayavah.

prathamam—first; gosthim—the group; avisya—entering; tattvam—

the truth; avadhayavah—we shall determine.

Våndä: First let us go to them and try to understand the situation.

(ity ubhe parikramatah).

iti—thus; ubhe—both; parikramatah—walk.

(They both walk).

saibya: (vilokya janantikam) hala pa-ume hanta nunam gauri-titthe

rahi sangada. pekkha tad disado lalida miladi.

vilokya—seeing; jana-antikam—to a single person; hala—sakhi; pa-

ume—Padmä; hanta—Ah; nunam—indeed; gauri-titthe—at Gauré-tértha;
rahi—Rädhä; sangada—is met; pekkha—look!; tat—therefore; disado—from
that direction; lalida—Lalitä; miladi—meets.

Çaibyä: (seeing them, she whispers to Padmä) Ah! Sakhi Padmä,

Rädhä must have come to Gauré-tértha. Look! Lalitä is coming from
that direction!

padma: ka de hani ? jam harina dupparihara pi-a-sahi.

ka—what?; de—for us; hani—the harm; jam—because; harina—by

Kåñëa; dupparihara—difficult to be abandoned; pi-a—dear; sahi—our friend.

Padmä: What harm is there for us? It is very difficult for Hari to

404 •
leave our dear sakhi Candrävalé.

lalita: (upasrtya) hala canda-ali vallaha-sinehanahinassa kurangi-

sangha-bhu-angassa kurangassa ghare na kkhu amhehim rangini-
vasanijja. jam imina masabbhantare vi sa kala-sara-kumari na sumari-adi
ta ettha tumam sakkhinim kadum a-adamhi.

upasrtya—approaching; hala—sakhi; canda-ali—Candrävalé;

vallaha—of the lover; sineha—of the love; anahissa—ignorant; kurangi—of
does; sangha—to the flock; bhu-angassa—feeling affection; kurangassa—of
deer; ghare—at home; na—not; kkhu—indeed; amhehim—by us; rangini—
of Raìgiëé; vasanijja—could stay; jam—because; imina—by him; masa—a
month; abbhantare—within; vi—even; sa—she; kala-sara-kumari—the
young black doe; na—not; sumari-adi—is remembered; ta—therefore;
ettha—here; tumam—to you; sakkhinim—a witness; kadum—to make; a-
adamhi—I have come.

Lalitä: (approaching) O sakhi Candrävalé, this deer ignores the

love of his beloved, and he has become a debauchee who loves all the
does. We should not allow the doe Raìgiëé to stay with him. I have
come to you to bear witness that this black deer has not remembered
his young doe for an entire month.

(candravali smayate).

candravali—Candrävalé; smayate—smiles.

(Candrävalé smiles).

kåñëaù: (svägatam) hanta mad-artham agata lalita. (candravalim

alokya chalam alambate. prakasam). lalite hrdayengitam avijnaya mudha
surangam upalabhase. tad esa sandesas tvaya tasyam avedyatam.

svägatam—aside; hanta—Oh; mat-artham—for My sake; agata—has

come; lalita—Lalitä; candravalim—at Candrävalé; alokya—glancing;
chalam—a trick; alambate—takes to; prakasam—openly; lalite—O Lalitä;
hrdaya—of the heart; ingitam—the intention; avijnaya—not understanding;
mudha—uselessly; surangam—Suraìga; upalabhase—you critise; tat—
therefore; esah—this; sandesah—message; tvaya—by you; tasyam—to her;
avedyatam—should be caused to be known.

Kåñëa: (to Himself) Oh, Lalitä has come for Me. (Glancing at
Candrävalé, He cunningly says) Lalitä, you criticise Suraìga unfairly.
You do not know the true intentions within his heart. Please give this

405 •
message to the doe Raìgiëé:

saranga-ramani sada tvam atrasi
tad amum tvad-vasa-hrdayam
hrdayangama-locane viddhi

harina—by the deer (or Hari); abhilasyamana—desired; saranga—of

the deer (or playful); ramani—O wife (or beautiful girl); sada—always;
tvam—you; atra—here; asi—are; tat—therefore; amum—him; tvat—of you;
vasa—under the control; hrdayam—whose heart; hrdayam—to the heart;
gama—touching (captivating); locane—whose eyes; viddhi—please know.

“O belowed doe of Suraìga, this deer always desires you. O doe

with charming eyes, please know that Suraìga’s heart always belongs
to you!”

Or: “O playful girl, Hari is always striving for You! O girl with
captivating eyes, please know that Kåñëa’s heart is always under Your

padma: (janantikam) kanha appaano pi-a-janam laddhosi. ta juttam

ajo-a-jogganam amhanam visajjanam.

jana—the person; antikam—near; kanha—O Kåñëa; appano—of the

Self; pi-a-janam—beloved; laddhosi—You have attained; ta—therefore;
juttam—it is proper; ajo-a-jogganam—who are not qualified to associate with
You; amhanam—of us; visajjanam—abandonment.

Padmä: (whispers to Him) Kåñëa, You have attained Your

beloved. Now You may abandon us, who are not qualified to associate
with You.

karavani hanta divyam
divyangi madonnatasu gopisu
anuragitam sakhi dadhe
rädhä-gandhisu na vamasu

karavani—I do; hanta—indeed; divyam—a vow; divya—splendid;

angi—whose limbs; mada—with pride; unnatasu—raised; gopisu—among
the gopis; anuragitam—love; sakhi—O friend; dadhe—I place; rädhä—of
Rädhä; gandhisu—who bear the fragrance; na—not; vamasu—contrary.

406 •
Kåñëa: O sakhi, O splendidly beautiful one, I swear that I have
no attraction for the proud, crooked gopés who are even slightly
related to Rädhä!

Or: O splendidly beautiful sakhi, I swear that I love the gopés who
are related to Rädhä, and who are filled with sweet love for Me. But I
have no attachment to the gopés, who do not bear even the slightest
fragrance of Rädhikä.128

padma: (sa-darpa-smitam) sahi lalide accari-am accari-am. tumam

kkhu anuraha bhanijjasi. ta kisa ajja raha-e u-a-am vina u-idasi.

sa—with; darpa—pride; smitam—smiling; sahi—O friend; lalide—

Lalitä; accari-am—wonderful; accari-am—wonderful; tumam—you; kkhu—
indeed; anuraha—Anuraha; bhanijjasi—are called; ta—therefore; kisa—
why?; ajja—now; raha-e—of Rädhä; u-a-am—the appearance; vina—
without; u-idasi—you have appeared.

Padmä: (with a proud smile) O sakhi Lalitä, how wonderful! How

wonderful! You are called Anurädhä because you always accompany
Rädhä. How is it that today you have come here without Her?129

lalita: (sanskrtena)
cumbati gandam pipasaya tasya
sarati trsarta sarasim
sa karindram tam punar na hi sa

sanskrtena—in Sanskrit; rolambi—of bees; nikurambam—the swarm;

cumbati—kisses; gandam—the cheek; pipasaya—with a desire to drink;
tasya—of him; sarati—goes; trsa—with thirst; artah—pained; sarasim—to
the lake; sah—he; kari—of elephants; indrah—the king; tam—to him;
punah—again; na—not; hi—indeed; sa—the lake.

Lalitä: With great thirst the bees kiss the cheek of the king of
elephants. Suffering from thirst, this elephant goes to the lake, but the
lake does not go to him.130

Here, the word “madonnatäsu” also indicates madhu-sneha, the honey-like love that greatly
attracts Kåñëa.
129 Rädhä and Anurädhä are also the names of constellations. Anurädhä means “who follows Rädhä”.
130 The bees bother the elephant, who again and again neglectfully waves them off with his ears. In

the same way, many gopés want to enjoy with Kåñëa, but they do not give him even a particle of
pleasure and only bother Him. He strives to meet only Rädhä and attain supreme happiness.

407 •
ekkam dhimadi sevve paheli-am me saheli janehi
citta-phala-ammi lihidä ka reha-i mahavassa sada

ekkam—one; dhimadi—O intelligent girl; sevve—Çaibyä; paheli-am—

riddle; me—from me; saheli—O friend; janehi—please know; citta—of the
heart; phala-ammi—on the drawing surface; lihida—drawn; ka—who; reha-
i—is manifested; mahavassa—of Kåñëa; sada—always.

Padmä: O intelligent Çaibyä, hear this one riddle from me. What
is always painted on the canvas of Mädhava’s heart?

saibya: sahi canda-ali.

sahi—O friend; canda-ali—Candrävalé.

Çaibyä: Sakhi, it is Candrävalé!

våndä: (sa-smitam) sadhu vijnatam. candra-mandalavali-

mandanena citram khalu mapateh phalakam sata-candram acaksate.

sa—with; smitam—a smile; sadhu—well; vijnatam—understood;

candra—of moons; mandala—of circles; avali—with a host; mandanena—
with the decoration; citram—the picture; khalu—indeed; mapateh—of
Mädhava, the husband of the goddess of fortune; phalakam—the shield;
sata—a hundred; candram—moons; acaksate—is said.

Våndä: (with a smile) You have understood perfectly. The shield

of Lord Viñëu is called “Çata-candra”, because it is decorated with the
pictures of many moons.131

kåñëaù: (svägatam) avadata-sileyam candravali sa-lajjam apasavye


svägatam—aside; avadate—pure; sila—whose character; iyam—she;

candravali—Candrävalé; sa—with; lajjam—shyness; apasavye—to the left;

Kåñëa: (to Himself) Pure-hearted Candrävalé shyly stepped aside.

Våndä smiles because she has refuted the cunning words of Çaibyä and Padmä. The shield of
Lord Viñëu is called “A hundred moons”, because it has pictures of many moons. The word
“phalaka” means “canvas” and also “shield”; Mädhava refers to Kåñëa and to the husband of Lakñmé;
Candrävalé is the name of a gopé, and it also means “many moons”.

408 •
mama vaharehi vunde paheli-am dippa-heli-vinnane
pi-a-sahi kim ahikkha-e likkhijja-i mahavo bhu-ane

mama—my; vyahara—please do; vunde—O Våndä; paheli-am—

riddle; dippa—brilliant; heli—in riddles; vinnane—learned; pi-a—dear;
sahi—friend; kim—what?; ahikkha-e—by the name; likkhijja-i—is perceived;
mahavo—Kåñëa; bhu-ane—in the world.

Lalitä: O dear sakhi Våndä, O wonderful expert in riddles! Tell

me, by what name is Mädhava known in the world?132

våndä: sakhi rädhäbhikhyaya.

sakhi—O sakhi; rädhä—Rädhä; abhikhyaya—shining.

Våndä: Sakhi, He is famous by the name "the one who shines

with Rädhä".133

kåñëaù: yuktam idam yad vaisakha-paryayau madhava-rädhäu.

yuktam—correct; idam—this; yat—because; vaisakha—of the month

Vaisakha; paryayau—two synonyms; madhava—Mädhava; rädhäu—and

Kåñëa: This is correct, because Mädhava and Rädhä are both

names of the month of Vaiçäkha.

padma: sevve alam paheli-a-pasangena. suhavehi kamalikkhana-

rasehim attana-am.

sevve—O Çaibyä; alam—enough; paheli-a-sangena—with these

riddles; suhavehi—find happiness; kamalikkhana—seeing the lotuses (or
lotus-eyed Kåñëa); rasehim—in the water (or with the transcendental
mellows); attana-am—yourself.

Padmä: Çaibyä, enough of these riddles! Just be happy beholding

132 “Çaibyä and Padmä glorified the excellence of their group with a riddle, but we have given a
different meaning to their words. Now we should make a riddle, to which it will be impossible to
give a different meaning.”
133 Abhikhyä also means “shining” according to Amara-koña. This is stated in the Vedas: rädhayä

mädhavo devo mädhavenaiva rädhikä vibhräjante janeñu (Åk-pariçiñöa) – “Mädhava shines with
Rädhä and Rädhä shines with Mädhava”. Thus they are well-knows as Rädhä-Mädhava. This
compound indicated the highest position of Rädhä. All these words of Lalitä and Våndä are a pretext
to remind Kåñëa of Rädhikä.

409 •
these lotuses in the water.134

saibya: (kamalakaram vilokya)

bhamarassa tava pamadam padosa-mudita kumuddadi kuna-i
java i-am pa-umali vinda-i na hu ditthim edassa

kamala-akaram—at the pond of lotus flowers; vilokya—looking;

bhamarassa—of the bumble-bee; tava—that time; pamadam—happiness;
padosa—at evening; mudita—blossoming; kumuddadi—lilies blooming in
the moonlight; kurute—does; java—until; i-am—this; pa-umali—the hosts of
lotus flowers; vinda-i—finds; na—not; hu—indeed; ditthim—the glance;
edassa—of him.

Çaibyä: (looking at the lotus flowers in the pond) This bumble-

bee happily enjoys the water lilies, which bloom in the evening, as
long as he does not see the hosts of lotus flowers.135

padma: hala saccam bhanasi. tatha hi

vijjodanti raha pekkhijja-i tava tara-alihim
ga-ane tamala-same na java canda-ali phura-i

hala—sakhi; saccam—the truth; bhanasi—you speak; tatha hi—

furthermore; vijjodanti—shining; raha—the constellation of Viçäkhä (another
name is Rädhä); pekkhijja-i—is seen; tava—then; tara-alihim—with the stars
(or gopis); ga-ane—in the sky; tamala—as a tamäla tree; same—dark (or
Kåñëa); na—not; java—as long as; canda-ali—a host of moons (or
Candrävalé); phura-i—is manifested.

Padmä: Sakhi, you speak the truth. The constellation of Viçäkhä

and the other stars shine in the sky, dark as a tamäla tree, only until
the many moons rise.136

lalita: (visasya. sanskrtena).

sahacari vrsabhanujaya
pradurbhave vara-tvisopagate
candravali-satany api

134 Or: “Just be happy beholding the lotus-eyed Kåñëa, filled with rasa."
The bumble-bee is Kåñëa, filled with desire. This bumble-bee enjoys lilies (kumudvaté) which
bloom in the evening (pradoña) or this Kåñëa is attracted to Rädhä, who is insignificant, silly
(kumudvaté:kutsitä mandavaté), and full of faults (pradoña:prakåñöa-doña). This lustful bumble-bee
is attracted to water lilies as long as he does not see the hosts of lotus flowers or Kåñëa is attracted
to Rädhä only until he sees Padmä's sakhi (padmä-älé) Candrävalé.
136 Or: “Rädhä and the other gopés shine on Kåñëa's chest, dark as a tamäa tree, only until Candrävalé


410 •
bhavanti nirdhuta-kantini

vihasya—laughing; sanskrtena—in Sanskrit; sahacari—O friend;

vrsabhanujaya—the sun in Våñabha (Taurus); pradurbhave—in the
manifestation; vara—excellent; tvisa—with bodily luster; upagate—arrived;
candravali—of moons; satani—hundreds; api—even; bhavanti—are;
nirdhuta—eclipsed; kantini—splendor.

Lalitä: (laughing) Sakhi, the peerless splendor of the dazzling

sun in Våñabha eclipses the shining of even hundreds of moons!137

kåñëaù: (smitva) kim vacatataya. sannikrstasya surabheh saurabhyam


smitva—smiling; kim—what is the use?; vacatataya—this abundant

talking; sannikrstasya—nearby; surabheh—of springtime; saurabhyam—the
sweet fragrance; anubhyatam—should be experienced.

Kåñëa: (with a smile) What is the need for all these words? Let us
simply enjoy the sweet fragrance of the spring season.

våndä: (sa-smitam)
ullasati phulla-gatri
ka valli natra madhave ‘bhyudite
tan-namatah prasiddham
tathapi tam mädhavém naumi

sa—with; smitam—a smile; ullasati—opens; phulla—blossoming;

gatri—whose limbs; ka—what?; valli—creeper; na—not; atra—here;
madhave—when spring (or Mädhava); abhyudite—comes; tat—of him;
namatah—from the name; prasiddham—famous; tatha api—therefore;
tam—to her; mädhavém—the mädhavé creeper (or Rädhä); naumi—I offer
my respectful obeisances.

Våndä: (smiling) What creeper does not burts into flower when
spring comes? I offer my respectful obeisances to the mädhavé
creeper, which is named after spring (mädhava).138

padma: (sa-vaimanasyam parikramyoccaih). hala canda-ali dhutta-

Or: “Sakhi, the incomparable radiance of Rädhä eclipses the splendor of even hundreds of
138 Or: “What beautiful girl as delicate as a flowering creeper does not blossom with happiness when

Mädhava appears? I offer my respectful obeisances to Mädhavé (Rädhä), who is named after

411 •
gotthi-range sangami-a vigghesa-janani-pu-ane kisa sidhilasi.

sa—with; vaimanasyam—unhappiness; parikramya—walking;

uccaih—in a loud voice; hala—sakhi; canda-ali—Candrävalé; dhuttos
dhutta—of rascals; gotthi-range—in the company; sangami-a—associating;
vigghesa—of; janani—of Durgä, the mother of Ganesa; pu-ane—in the
worship; kisa—why?; sidhilasi—abandoned.

Padmä: (unhappy, she walks and loudly exclaims) Sakhi

Candrävalé, why have you abandoned the worship of goddess Durgä,
the mother of Ganesa, and continue to be in this bad company?

kåñëaù: (sopalambham)
candravalim mam anurudhyamanam
runaddhi padme bhavati balena
mallim tamalabhimukham milantim
himsreva valli puratah karala

sa—with; upalambham—reproach; candravalim—Candrävalé; mam—

Me; anurudhyamanam—attached; runaddhi—you stop; padme—O Padmä;
bhavati—you; balena—forcibly; mallim—jasmine creeper; tamala—a tamal
tree; abhimukham—facing; milantim—meeting; himsara—violently; iva—as
if; valli—creeper; puratah—in the presence; karala—karala.

Kåñëa: (with reproach) O Padmä! Candrävalé is attached to Me,

and you forcibly prevent her from associating with Me. You are like a
karälä grass that prevents a jasmine creeper from approaching a
tamäla tree!

(pravisya) karala: citthadha re citthadha. ditthi-a magge cce-a


pravisya—enters; citthadha—stop!; re—Oh!; citthadha—stop!; ditthi-

a—by good fortune; magge—on the path; cce-a—certainly; laddhattha—

Karälä: (enters) Ah! Stop, stop! By good fortune I have found you
on this path!

(sarvah paravåtya sambhramam natayanti).

sarvah—everyone; paravåtya—turning; sambhramam—agitation;

natayanti—display dramatically.

412 •
(Everyone turns back anxiously)

saibya: (apavarya) pa-ume haddhi haddhi. kadham ettha amhe

vinnada buddhi-a-e.

apavarya—aside; pa-ume—Padmä; haddhi—alas!; haddhi—alas!;

kadham—how.; ettha—here; amhe—we; vinnada—we known; buddhi-a-
e—by the old woman.

Çaibyä: (aside) Padmä! Alas! Alas! How did this old woman know
we were here?

karala: ammo saccam cce-a- jappidam ta-e nava-ni-a-lampada-e


ammo—aha!; saccam—the truth; cce-a—certainly; jappidam—was

spoken; ta-e—by her; nava-ni-a—for butter; lampada-e—greedy; vuddha—
old; makkadi-e—by the monkey.

Karälä: Aha! The old monkey greedy after butter spoke the

(padma sa-khedam saibya-mukham iksate).

padma—Padmä; sa—with; khedam—unhappiness; saibya—of Çaibyä;

mukham—at the face; iksate—looks.

(Padmä unhappily glances at Çaibyä).

lalita: (svägatam buddha-makkadi kakkhadi-e sakkaramakkhidam

makkhanam de da-issam.

svägatam—aside; buddha—old; makkadi—monkey; kakkhadi-e—

Kakkhaöéka; sakkara—with sugar; makkhidam—mixed; makkahanam—
butter; de—to you; da-issam—I will give.

Lalitä: (aside) O old monkey Kakkhaöéka, I will give you butter

with sugar!

kåñëaù: (apavarya) priye tirodhanaya sthanam api te na paçyami.


savye girih sphurati durgama-tunga-srngo

"Ammo” is an expression of anger in the local dialect (çaurasené-bhäñä).

413 •
gah palayaty ahaha daksinatas tatharyaù
bhuh prsthato virahita våtibhih purastat
krura vivesa jarati katamatra yuktiù

apavarya—aside; priye—O beloved; torodhanaya—for disappearing;

sthanam—a place; api—even; te—for you; na—not; paçyami—do I see;
yatah—because; savye—on the left; girih—Govardhana Hill; sphurati—is
manifested; durgama—difficult of climb; tunga—lofty; srngah—with
summits; gah—the cows; palayati—protects; ahaha—aha!; daksinatah—on
the right; tatha—in thay way; aryah—the noble person; bhuh—the earth;
prsthatah—behind; virahita—without; våtibhih—bushes; purastat—ahead;
krura—cruel; vivesa—has entered; jarati—the old lady; katama—what?;
atra—here; yuktih—solution.

Kåñëa: (to Candrävalé) Ah! Beloved, I don’t see any place to hide.
On the left is Govardhana Hill, with its insurmountable, tall peaks. On
the right is your noble husband herding the cows, and there are no
any thickets behind us for shelter. This cruel old woman is in front.
What should we do?

candravali: (svägatam) hanta hanta. akande kakkhasa-e

bhavidavvada candali-e candima.

svägatam—aside; hanta—alas!; hanta—alas!; akande—suddenly;

kakkhasa-e—harsh; bhavidavva—there may be; candali-e—of the outcast
woman; candima—ferocity.

Candrävalé: (aside) Alas! Alas! This low outcast woman suddenly

became so cruel!

karala (samrambham abhiniya) pecchadha bho pecchadha imassa

kusuma-tella-kajjalajalakassa kala-bhu-anga-bha-ankara lo-anancalassa
sancalassa bhu-angattanam. jam varaha-maggam gamido imina sa-
alanam go-ula-kulangananam mangalo kula-dhammo. (iti sa-sirah-
kampam drsau vispharya). are samala-a kassa esa ja-atti janasi. sunahi re
nisankam sunahi. jo kkhu bho-indassa dudi-u-appa tassa maha-mallassa.

samrambham—anger; abhiniya—representing dramatically;

pecchadha—look!; bho—Oh!; pecchadha—look!; imassa—of Him;
kusumma—from safflower; tella—of the oil; kajjalaja-alakassa—of black
mascara; kala—a black; bhu-anga—snake; bha-ankara—fearful; lo-ana—of
the eyes; ancalassa—of the corners; sancalassa—moving; bhu-
angattanam—the lust; jam—because; varaha-maggam—to destruction;
gamido—brought; imina—by Him; sa-alanam—of all; go-ula—of Gokula;

414 •
kula-angananam—of the respectable girls; mangalo—welfare; kula-
dhammo—chastity; iti—thus; sa—with; sirah—of the head; kampam—
shaking; drsau—eyes; vispharya—opening wide; are—O; samala-a—
blackish; kassa—of whom?; esa—this; ja-ati—wife; janasi—you know;
sunahi—listen; re—O; nisankam—without hesitation; sunahi—listen; jo—
who; kkhu—indeed; bho-indassa—of Kaàsa, king of the Bhojas; dudi-u-
appa—the second self; tassa—of him; maha—the great; mallassa—wrestler.

Karälä: (angrily) Look! Bho! Look at the lustfulness of this boy,

who is anointed with safflower oil and mascara, and who, like a black
snake, throws His fearful sidelong glances! He has destroyed the
welfare and chastity of all the respectable girls in Gokula! (Shaking
her head and opening her eyes wide). O black boy, do You know
whose wife is this? Listen, carefully listen! She is the wife of the great
wrestler, who is like a second Kaàsa, the king of the Bhojas!

kåñëaù: karalike tatah kim.

karalike—O Karälikä; tatah—then; kim—what?

Kåñëa: O Karälikä, and so what?

karala: (sa-krodham) saccam saccam tumam vana-majjhe appanam

dudi-am ra-anam janasi. so cce-a ra-a-ula-gami gotthanaho appano
laladam tadissadi.

sa—with; krdoham—anger; saccam—truth; saccam—truth; tumam—

You; vana—of the forest; majjeh—in the middle; appanam—self; dudi-am—
a second; ra-anam—king; janasi—You think; so—he; cce-a—certainly; ra-
a—of the king; kula—into the assembly; gami—going; gotthanaho—the king
of the cowherds (Nanda); appano—his own; laladam—forehead; tadissadi—
will strike.

Karälä: (with anger) Is it true that here, in the middle of the

forest, You consider Yourself the second king. But when the leader of
the cowherds comes to the assembly of the real king, he will lower his
head in shame!

kåñëaù: karale tubhyam sape. candravalim vilokya sadhvasam gato

‘ham udvegam asadayami.

karale—O Karälä; tubhyam—to you; sape—I swear; candravalim—

Candrävalé; vilokya—seeing; sadhvasam—disturbed; gatah—attained;
aham—I; udvegam—trembling; asadayami—attain.

415 •
Kåñëa: O Karälä, I swear to you, seeing Candrävalé, I tremble in

karala: (candravalim vilokya. samarsam) ha ni-unjojjarini akomara-

sikkhida-kanhahisara-kosale samrambhonnaddha-govi-a-
sahassocchitthahara-bimba-tinha-metta-viddhamsida-kulavvade cittha
cittha. kim danim bha-esi.

candravalim—at Candrävalé; vilokya—looking; sa—with; amarsam—

anger; ha—ah!; ni-unja—in the forest; ujjarini—who stays awake at night;
akomara—since childhood; sikkhida—taught; kanha—with Kåñëa;
ahisara—rendezvous; kosale—expert; samrambha—with agitation;
unnaddha—filled; govi-a—of gopis; sahassa—of thousands; ucchittha—
remnants; ahara—of lips; bimba—of bimba fruits; tinha—straw; metta—
only; viddhamsida—destroyed; kulavvade—whose chastity; cittha—stop!
cittha—stops; kim—whether?; danim—now; bha-esi—you are afraid?

Karälä: (looking at Candrävalé, she angrily says) O girl who

spends sleepless nights in the forest, O girl who since childhood has
been expert at secretly meeting with Kåñëa, O girl whose chastity has
been destroyed simply by tasting the remnants from His bimba-fruit
lips, which have already kissed thousands of passionate gopés, stop!

lalita: ajje ko kkhu doso ji-ana-nahanugada-e paccima-disa-e. ko va

dosavaharino surassa; kintu edanam arudha-ra-anam donam ra-am
uspadi-a sangama-karini-e sanjha-kuttini-e cce-a- padosanubandhida

ajje—O noble lady; ko—what?; kkhu—indeed; doso—fault; ji-ana-

naha—of the lord of life (presiding deity of the west); anudgada-e—of the
follower; pascima-disa-e—of the western direction; ko—what?; va—or;
dosa—fault or darkness; avaharino—removing; surassa—of the sun; kintu—
however; edanam—of them; arudha—risen; ra-anam—redness; donam—of
them both; ra-am—redness; upasadi-a—manifesting; sangama—together;
karini-e—bringing; sanjha—of twilight; kuttini—obscene; cce-a—certainly;
padosa—the evening; anubandhida—relationship.

Lalitä: O noble lady, what is the fault of the western direction,

who simply desires to follow the lord of her life? And what is the fault
of the sun, who removes darkness? It is the lecherous twilight that

"Seeing Candrävalé, I become greatly agitated and begin to tremble with amorous desires!”

416 •
brings them together in the evening and makes them both red.141

karala: jade saccam kadhesi. (iti praudham atopam natayanti). hanje

pa-umi-e para-ghara-virahini kuttini-kamma-lampade ghanti-mandala-
cakkavattini maha hatthado kaham mukkissasi. (iti yastim udyacchati).

jade—O daughter; saccam—the truth; kadhesi—you speak; iti—thus;

praudham—greatly; atopam—puffing; natayanti—representing
dramatically; hanje—O maidservant; pa-umi-e—Padmä; para—of others;
ghara—the homes; virahini—breaking up; kuttini— lecherous; kamma—the
activities; lampade—greedy; ghanti—of unchaste women; mandala—of the
circle; cakkavattini—O queen; maha—of me; hatthado—from the hand;
kaham—how?; mukkissasi—you will become freed; iti—thus; yastim—the
stick; udyacchati—raises.

Karälä: Daughter, you speak the truth. (With great agitation) O

maidservant Padmä, O destroyer of others' homes, O lecherous one,
O queen of unchaste woman, how will you escape from my hand?
(Karälä raises her stick).

padma: (paravåtya) ajje na jane kisa kkhijjasi. amhehim tujjha

sasanam ce-a kijjantam atthi.

paravåtya—recoiling; ajje—O noble lady; na—not; jane—I understand;

kisa—why?; khijjasi—you are unhappy; amhehim—by us; tujjha—of you;
sasanam—the order; ce-a—certainly; kijjantam—being done; atthi—is.

Padmä: (dodging her) O noble lady, I do not understand why you

have become so unhappy. We were simply following your orders!

våndä: (svägatam) nunam dhurtaya sabda-cchalam alambitam

padmaya. (prakasam) arye saila-mallayor namadvaitena bhranteyam
mugdha bala. tad adya ksamyatam.

svägatam—aside; nunam—is it not sot?; dhurtaya—by the rascal;

sabda—of words; chalam—a trick; alambitam—rested upon; padmaya—by
Padmä; prakasam—openly; arye—O noble lady; saila—of the hill;
malayoh—and of the wrestler; nama—of the names; advaitena—by being

What is the fault of the western direction, who simply desired to follow the lord of her life,
Varuëa? Or: What is the fault of Candrävalé, who strives for Kåñëa, the lord of her life? And what is
the fault of the sun, who removes darkness? Or: What is the fault of the hero Kåñëa who steals girls
at night? It is the lecherous twilight that brings together the western direction and the sun, making
them red. Or: It is the bawdy Padmä who brings Candrävalé to Kåñëa in the evening, awakening
their feelings for each other. It's her fault.

417 •
not different; bhranta—bewildered; iyam—this; mugdha—foolish; bala—
girl; tat—therefore; adya—now; ksamyatam—should be forgiven.

Våndä: (aside) Now the rascal Padmä is speaking this tricky lie.
(Openly) O noble lady, this foolish girl became bewildered because
both the wrestler and the hill have the same name. Therefore, please
forgive her.142

(karala yastim vimuncati).

karala—Karälä; yastim—the stick; vimuncati—abandons.

(Karälä lowers her stick).

padma: (svägatam) lalide cittha cittha. tuha nikkidam kadum esa

jadilam gacchanti mhi. (iti niskranta).

svägatam—aside; lalide—O Lalitä; cittha—stay; vittha—stay; tuha—of

you; nikkidam—payment in return; kadum—to do; esa—this girl; jadilam—
to Jaöilä; gacchanti-going; mhi—I am; iti—thus; niskranta—exits.

Padmä: (aside) O Lalitä, just wait! Just wait! Now I am going to

Jaöilä to pay you back! (She exits).

karala: (candravalim alokya) ehi bho kudunga-kudumbgini. ehi. (iti

candravalim adaya saibyaya saha niskranta).

candravalim—at Candrävalé; alokya—glancing; ehi—come here; bho—

O; kudunga—in the forest bower; kudumbini—O house-wife; ehi—come;
iti—thus; candravalim—Candrävalé; adaya—taking; saibyaya—Çaibyä;
saha—with; niskranta—exits.

Karälä: (glancing at Candrävalé) Let's go, O house-wife enjoying

in the forest bowers, let's go. (Taking Candrävalé with her, and
accompanied by Çaibyä, Karälä exits).

kåñëaù: (socchvasam) vunde nunam sadhitarthasi.

sa—with; ucchvasam—a sigh; vunde—O Våndä; nunam—certainly;

sadhita—fulfilled; artha—your purpose; asi—you are.

Candrävalé’s husband is named Govardhana. The hill in Vraja is also named Govardhana. Karälä
told Padmä to bring Candrävalé to her husband Govardhana, but instead Padmä brought her to
Govardhana Hill.

418 •
Kåñëa: (sighing) Våndä, now you have achieved your goal.

våndä: madhava rupini madhava-laksmir gauri-tirthe khelati. taya

copadhautikam sarvasvam idam daronmudritam gandhaphali-dvandvam.

madhava—O Kåñëa; rupini—personified; madhava—of springtime;

laksmih—beauty, wealth (or Rädhä); gauri-tirthe—at Gauré-tértha; khelati—
enjoys pastimes; taya—by her; ca—also; upadhaukitam—prepared;
sarvasvam—all possessions; idam—this; dara—slightly; unmudritam—
bloomed; gandhaphali—of campaka flowers; dvandvam—pair.

Våndä: O Mädvava, the personified beauty of spring is now

performing pastimes in Gauré-tértha, and presents before You this gift
of two very valuable, slightly blossomed campaka flowers.

Or: O Mädvava, Rädhä, the embodiment of beauty and all

opulences, is now enjoying pastimes in Gauré-tértha. She presents
before You this gift of two very valuable, slightly blossomed campaka

kåñëaù: (sanandam adaya) vunde yavad gavam carane vayasyan

avadharya tatranusarami tavad bhavatibhyam agratah prasthiyatam. (iti

sa—with; anandam—happiness; adaya—taking; vunde—O Våndä;

yavat—while; gavam—of the cows; carane—in the herding; vayasyan—
friends; avadharya—perceiving; tatra—there; anusarami—I shall follow;
avat—then; bhavatibhyam—of you both; agratah—in the presence;
prasthiyatam—will be situated; iti—thus; niskrantah—exits.

Kåñëa: (happily takes the flowers) Våndä, while I see how My

cowherd boy friends are herding the cows, you two go ahead. I will
come to you later.

våndä: (parikramya) lalite purah sambhavaya kadamba-samrajam.

(ity upetya) hanta hanta
sanke pankaja-sambhavo ‘pi bhavatah saubhagya-bhangi-bharam
vaktum na ksamate kadamba-nrpate våndätavi-dyotinaù
puspair yasya rama-sahodaratayapy udbhasuram kaustubham
durlilair avahelayadbhir abhitah saurer uras chadyate

parikramya—walking; lalite—O Lalitä; purah—ahead; sambhavaya—

look; kadamba—of kadamba trees; samrajam—king; iti—thus; upetya—
approaching; hanta—indeed; hanta—indeed; sanke—I think; pankaja-

419 •
sambhavah—the demigod Brahma, who is born from a lotus flower; api—
even; bhavatah—of you; saubhagya-bhangi-bharam—the great good
fortune; vaktum—to describe; na—not; ksamate—is able; kadamba—of
kadamba trees; nrpate—O king; våndä-atavi—in the forest of Våndävana;
dyotinah—shining; puspaih—with the flowers; yasya—of whom; rama—of
the goddess of fortune Lakñmé; sahodarataya—with the status of being the
brother; api—even; udbhasuram—shining; kaustubham—Kaustubha;
durlilaih—playfully; avahelayadbhih—mocking; abhitah—in all respects;
saureh—of Kåñëa; urah—the chest; chadyate—is covered.

Våndä: (walking) Lalitä, look at this emperor of the kadamba

trees ahead of us! (Approaching) Ah! Ah! O regal kadamba tree, even
the demigod Brahmä, who is born from a lotus flower, cannot
describe your great good fortune! You beautify this Våndävana forest
with your radiance, and your flowers, which adorn Kåñëa's chest,
playfully mock even the effulgent Kaustubha jewel, the brother of the
goddess of fortune!143

lalita: (puro vilokya) vunde i-am visaha-dudi-a bha-avadi ma-anda-

kunje pracchannam citthadi.

purah—ahead; vilokya—looking; vunde—O Våndä; i-am—this;

visaha—of Viçäkhä; dudi-a—the second; bha-avadi—Paurëamäsé; ma-
anda—of mango trees; kunje—in the grove; pracchannam—hidden;

Lalitä: (looking ahead) Våndä, there is Paurëamäsé with Viçäkhä

hiding in that bower of mango trees.

våndä: (lavanga-latantike rädhäm vilokya) lalite paçya paçya

kim itah susama vapusmati
kim abhivyaktir alam guna-sriyaù
athava pranayabhisampadaù
kim iyam murtir udeti rädhikä

lavanga—clove; lata—creeper; antike—near; rädhäm—Rädhä;

vilokya—seeing; lalite—O Lalitä; paçya—look!; paçya—look!; kim—whether?;
itah—here; susama—beauty; vapusmati—personified; kim—whether?;
abhivyaktih—manifestation; alam—greatly; guna—of virtues; sriyah—the
opulence; athava—or; pranaya—of the tender love; abhisampadah—the
opulences; kim—whether?; iyam—this; murtih—manifested; rädhikä—

Lakñmé and the Kaustubha jewel were both born from the Milk Ocean, and therefore they are
brother and sister.

420 •

Våndä: (noticing Rädhä standing near the clove creeper) O Lalitä,

look! Look! Is this beauty personified? Is this a manifestation of all the
most beautiful qualities? Or is this Rädhikä, the deity of the most
intense and tender love?

(punar nirupya)
viòambayaty alam asau kamaläm

punah—again; nirupya—looking; karna—ear; alankrta—decorated;

kamala—lotus; kuntala—hair; veni—braids; sikhara—at the top; uccalat—
moving; kamala—lotuses; kara—in the hand; kamala—lotus; asrita—
resting; kamala—lotus; vidambayati—mocks; alam—greatly; asau—She;

(Looking at Rädhä) With Her ears decorated with lotuses, with a

lotus on the tip of Her swinging braided hair, and with a lotus resting
in Her lotus hand, Rädhä puts to shame even Kamalä, the goddess of

karnandolita-mugdha-puspa-kalika-dvandvah kadamba-sraja
samvito murali-karambita-karas cudancale candrika
durad esa manahsila-tilakina bhalena bibhrad dyutim
murtah khelati hanta nanda-grhini-vatsalya-laksmi-rasaù

nepathye—from behind the scenes; karna—on the ears; andolita—

swinging; mugdha—charming; puspa—of flowers; kalika—of buds;
dvandvah—a pair; kadamba—of kadamba flowers; sraja—with a garland;
samvitah—endowed; murali—with the flute; karambita—set; karah—whose
hand; cuda-ancale—in His crown; candrika—the peacock feather; durat—
from far away; esah—He; manahsila—with the red pigment; tilakina—with
tilaka markings; bhalena—with the forehead; bibhrat—manifesting; dyutim—
splendor; murtah—personified; khelati—enjoys pastimes; hanta—indeed;
nanda—of Nanda Maharaja; grhini—of the wife; vatsalya—of parental love;
laksmi—of the opulence; rasah—the nectar.

(Off-stage) With two charming flower buds swinging on His ears,

a garland of kadamba flowers on His chest, a flute in His hand, a

421 •
peacock feather in His crown, and shining with a red tilaka
beautifying His forehead, Kåñëa, the personified rasa of Yaçodä’s great
maternal love, enjoys pastimes in the distance.144

lalita: nunam bha-avadi-e dure dittho kanho jam vanni-adi.

nunam—indeed; bha-avadi-e—by the noble Paurëamäsé; dure—from

far away; dittho—seen; kanho—Kåñëa; jam—because; vanni-adi—He is

Lalitä: Seeing Kåñëa from afar, Paurëamäsé describes Him.

våndä: lalite satyam avidura-varti madhuvairi. tatha hi

sakhi kundali-krta-sikhanda-mandalo
natatiha tandavika-hutir andajaù
na kadapi kåñëa-mudireksanam vina
madireksane ksanam api svasity asau

lalite—O Lalitä; satyam—in truth; avidura-varti—not very far away;

madhuvairi—Kåñëa, the enemy of Madhu; tatha hi—furthermore; sakhi—O
friend; kundali-krta—circled; natati—dances; iha—here; tandavika—
Täëòavika; hutih—named; andajah—the bird; na—not; kada api—at any
time; kåñëa—of Kåñëa; mudira—khaïjana birds; iksane—whose eyes; vina—
without; madireksane—O girl with fascinating eyes; ksanam—for a moment;
api—even; svasiti—breathes; asau—he.

Våndä: O Lalitä, Kåñëa, whose beauty defeats the beauty of

spring, is certainly not far away. O sakhi whose eyes are restless like
khaïjana birds, the peacock named Täëòavika spreads his tail
feathers and dances. Without seeing the dark cloud of Kåñëa, that
peacock cannot live even for a moment!

lalita: sakhi dakkhinena punna-a-sandam pekkha punda-a-mandape


sakhi—O sakhi; dakkhinena—on the right; punna-a—of punnäga

trees; sandam—at the grove; pekkha—please look; punda-a—of pundraka;
mandape—in the cottage; enam—this.

Lalitä: Sakhi, look at that cottage of mädhavé creepers to the right

of the punnäga grove!

"Kåñëa became incredibly beautiful because of Yaçodä’s loving care. Aho! He is the culmination
of her good fortune!”

422 •
våndä: (vilokya. sa-harsam).

cakram vasi-krtavatah kila naicikinam

vamsi-ninada-madhuna madhusudanasya
abhira-sekhara-gatim pratipadayanti
sobha babhuva parama paramasya yastiù

vilokya—looking; sa—with; harsam—happiness; cakram—the circle;

vasi-krtavatah—brought under control; kila—indeed; naicikinam—of
surabhi cows; vamsi—of the flute; ninada—of the sounds; madhuna—with
the honey; madhu-sudanasya—of Kåñëa, whose sweetness conquers the
sweetness of honey; abhira—of cowherds; sekhara—chief; gatim—the
destination; pratipadayanti—bestowing; sobha—beautiful; babhuva—
became; parama—greatly; paramasya—of the supreme person; yastih—the

Våndä: (looking, she happily says) With the sweet sounds of His
flute, Madhusüdana controls the herds of surabhi cows. His beautiful
splendid staff is the sceptor that establishes Kåñëa as the chief of the
cowherd boys.145

lalita: na vuttam danim pi donam annonna-damsanam. ke-alam

rangini-am pekkhi-a la-anga-kudangam pavisadi kanho.

na—not; vuttam—done; danim—now; pi—even; donam—of the two;

annonna—of each other; damsanam—seeing; ke-alam—only; rangini-
am—Raìgiëé; pekkhi-a—seeing; la-anga—of clove creepers; kudangam—
the grove; pavisadi—enters; kanho—Kåñëa.

Lalitä: Rädhä and Kåñëa still have not seen each other. As soon
as Kåñëa saw the doe Raìgiëé, He entered the grove of clove creepers.

våndä: paçya paçya

vismaram parito hari-murtitaù
parimalan upalabhya kalavati
iyam itah sakhi pundraka-mandape
smita-mukhi tanu-vallim apavrnot

paçya—look!; paçya—look!; vismaran—emanating; paritah—in all

directions; hari—of Kåñëa; murtitah—from the form; parimalan—the sweet
fragrance; upalabhya—perceiving; kalavati—skillful Rädhä; iyam—She;

Or: Holding a beautiful shining staff in His hands, this best of the cowherd boys bestows the
highest destination to all the inhabitants of Vraja.

423 •
itah—there; sakhi—O sakhi; pundraka—of mädhavé creepers; mandape—in
the bower; smita—smiling; mukhi—whose face; tanu—body; vallim—
creeper; apavrnot—hid.

Våndä: O sakhi, look! Look! Feeling the sweet fragrance flowing

in all directions from Hari’s body, skillful Rädhä, whose body is as
tender as a vine, with a smile on Her face hid in the bower of mädhavé

(punar nirupya. sa-kautukam).

vyaktim gatabhir abhito bhuvi pamsulayam
sadyah padanka-tatibhih kathitadhvano ‘yam
pascad upetya nayane kila rädhikäyaù
kamprena pani-yugalena harir dadhara

punah—again; nirupya—looking; sa—with; kautukam—eagerness;

vyaktim—manifestation; gatabhih—attained; abhitah—there; bhuvi—on the
earth; pamsulayam—in the dust; sadyah—quickly; pada—of the feet; anka—
of the marks; tatibhih—by the multitude; kathita—described; adhvanah—the
path; ayam—He; pascat—from behind; upetya—approaching; nayane—Her
eyes; kila—certainly; rädhikäyaù—Rädhä’s; kamprena—with trembling;
pani—of hands; yugalena—with the pair; harih—Kåñëa; dadhara—held.

(Looking again, she jubilantly says) Rädhikä’s footprints on the

ground quickly announced to Kåñëa the direction She had taken, and,
approaching Her from behind, Hari covered Rädhä’s eyes with His
trembling hands.

lalita: hanta hanta esa pula-idangi vama lila-kamalena tadedi


hanta—indeed; hanta—indeed; esa—She; pula-idangi—the hairs of

Her body standing upright in ecstasy; vama—the unruly girl; lila—toy;
kamalena—with the lotus flower; tadedi—strikes; kamala-ikkhanam—lotus-
eyed Kåñëa.

Lalitä: The hairs of Her body standing erect in bliss, this playful
girl is now hitting the lotus-eyed Kåñëa with Her lotus flower.

våndä: paçya paçya

bhru-bhedah smita-samvåto na hi na hity uktir madenakula
visrantoddhati pani-rodha-racanam suskam tatha krandanam
srsto yah sakhi rädhäya muhur ayam sangopanopakramo
bhavas tena hrdi sthito murabhidi vyaktah samantad abhut

424 •
paçya—look!; paçya—look!; bhru—of the eyebrows; bhedah—knitting;
smita—by a smile; samvåtah—covered; na—not; hi—indeed; na—no; hi—
indeed; iti—thus; uktih—statement; madena—with madness; akula—filled;
visranta-uddhati—weak; pani—of the hands; rodha—of the obstruction;
racanam—creation; suskam—dry; tatha—in that way; krandanam—crying
tears; srstah—created; yah—who; sakhi—O friend; rädhäya—by Rädhä;
muhuh—repeatedly; ayam—this; sangopana—of concealment;
upakramah—the attempt; bhavah—love; tena—by this; hrdi—in the heart;
sthitah—situated; mura-bhidi—for Kåñëa, the killer of the Mura demon;
vyaktah—manifested; samantat—completely; abhut—was.

Våndä: O sakhi, look! Look! Her frowning eyebrows, hidden

smile, Her words “No! No!” spoken in the loving madness overflowing
Her, weak resistance of Her hands and Her dry tears, although She
again and again tries to conceal Her true feelings, only reveal the great
love that Rädhä bears for Kåñëa in Her heart.

pratikulyam iva yad vivrnvati
keli-karmani gata pravinatam
tena tustim atulam harir yayau

pratikulyam—hostility; iva—as if; yat—which; vivrnvati—doing;

rädhikä—Rädhikä; rada—with Her teeth; nakha—and nails; arpana—
placing; uddhura—unrestrained; keli—of amorous pastimes; karmani—in
the activity; gata—attained; pravinatam—expertise; tena—by this; tustim—
pleasure; atulam—incomparable; harih—Kåñëa; yayau—attained.

Lalitä: Showing Her skill in amorous pastimes, Rädhikä boldly

bites Kåñëa with Her teeth and scratches Him with Her nails, as if She
has become His enemy. These activities bring Hari incomparable

våndä: (vihasya)
nairanjanyam upeyatuh parigalan modasruni locane
svedodbhuta-vilepanam kila kuca-dvandvam jahau ragitam
yogautsukyam agad urah sphurad iti preksyodayam sanginam
rädhe nivir iyam tava slatha-guna sanke mumuksam dadhe

vihasya—laughing; nairanjanyam—without mascara; upeyatuh—

attain the condition; parigalat—trickling down; moda—of joy; asruni—tears;
locane—in the eyes; sveda—perspiration; udbhuta—manifested;

425 •
vilepanam—without kunkuma; kuca—of breasts; dvandvam—pair; jahau—
gave up; ragitam—red color; yoga—for the union; autsukyam—eager; agat—
attained; urah—the chest; sphurat—manifested; iti—thus; preksya—seeing;
udayam—manifestation; sanginam—of those that touch; rädhe—O Rädhä;
nivih—undergarment; iyam—this; tava—Your; slatha—loosened; guna—
string; sanke—I think; mumuksam—the desire for becoming free; dadhe—

Våndä: (laughing) O Rädhä, Your eyes are full of tears of joy that
have washed away Your black mascara, and the red kuìkuma
adorning Your breasts has disappeared because of Your perspiration.
As You gaze at the chest of Kåñëa, You yearn to embrace Him. Your
undergarment has become loosened, and I think it wants to untie

lalita: kadham edam vi-addha-mi-unam mahavi-kudangantaridam


kadham—how?; edam—this; vi-addha—expert; mi-unam—couple;

mahavi—of mädhavé creepers; kudanga—the bower; antarida—hidden;

Lalitä: Why did these two skillful lovers hide in the bower of
mädhavé creepers?

rädhä-madhavayor medhyam
dhayan nayana-bhrngena
kas trptim adhigacchati

rädhä-madhavayoh—of Rädhä and Kåñëa; medhyam—pure; keli—of

pastimes; madhvika—of the intoxicating drink; madhurim—the sweetness;
dhayan—drinking; nayana—of the eyes; bhrngena—with bumble-bee;
kah—who; trptim—satiation; adhigacchati—attains.

Våndä: Who can become fully satisfied by drinking the pure and
sweet intoxicating nectar of Rädhä and Mädhava's pastimes with the
bumble-bees of his eyes?147

The word “nairaïjanyaà” means "without mascara” or “without material contamination”. The
kuìkuma (räga) on your breasts has disappeared or You have become free from all attachments
(räga). Your undergarment wants to untie (çlatha-guëä) completely (mumukñäà), or wants to break
all ties (çlatha-guëä) with this world and attain liberation (mumukñäà).
147 “Medhyäà” means "free from material desires and lust”.

426 •
lalita: hala ede galana-marandam pi mahavi-puppha-sandoham
mukki-a kisam bhinga puvvahimuham dha-anti.

hala—aha!; ede—they; galanta—trickling; marandam—honey; pi—

even; mahavi—mädhavé; puppha—of flowers; sandoham—the multitude;
mukki-a—abandoning; kisam—why?; bhinga—the bees; puvva—the eastern
direction; ahimuham—facing; dha-anti—fly.

Lalitä: Ah, why have these bees abandoned the mädhavé flowers
dripping with honey, and quickly flew to the east?

våndä: sakhi vimucya mädhavé-mandapam nagara-mandalottamsau

prasthitau tayor amodam anusarpantah satpada dhavanti. tad ehi lata-
mandiralokanena nandayavas caksusi. (iti parikramya) lalite paçya paçya.

sakhi—O friend; vimucya—abandoning; mädhavé—of mädhavé

creepers; mandapam—the bower; nagara—of lovers; mandala—of the
multitude; uttamsau—ornament; prasthitau—situated; tayoh—of Them;
amodam—the sweet fragrance; anusarpantah—following; satapadah—the
bees; dhavanti—run; tat—therefore; ehi—come; lata—of creepers;
mandira—the palace; alokanena—by seeing; nandayavah—let us delight;
caksusi—the eyes; iti—thus; parikramya—walking; lalite—O Lalitä; paçya—
look!; paçya—look!

Våndä: O sakhi, Rädhä and Kåñëa, the crest jewels among all
lovers, have left the bower of mädhavé creepers, and the bees are
hurriedly following Their sweet fragrance. Come, let us delight our
eyes by looking at the place where Rädhä and Kåñëa enjoyed Their
pastimes. (They walk). Look! Look!

manohari hara-skhalita-manibhis tara-taralaiù

parimlayan-malyo milita-puratalankrti-kanaù
ayam kunjas talpi-krta-kusuma-punja-pranayavan
samantad uttungam pisunayati rangam murabhidaù

manohari—charming; hara—from the necklace; skhalita—fallen;

manibhih—with jewels; tara—of pearls; taralaih—with the middle of the
necklace; parimlayat—wilted; malyah—garland; milita—met; purata—
golden; alankrti—of ornaments; kanah—fragments; ayam—this; kunjah—
forest bower; talpi—the bed; krta—fashioned; kusuma—of flowers; punja—
an abundance; pranayavan—with love; samantat—on all sides; uttungam—
great; pisunayati—indicates; rangam—pleasure; mura-bhidah—of Kåñëa,
the killer of the Mura demon.

427 •
This forest bower, attractive with the scattered jewels and pearls
from broken necklaces, wilted garments, pieces of golden ornaments,
and a bed lovingly fashioned from many flowers, indicates that Kåñëa
enjoyed blissful pastimes here.

lalita: (nipunam nirupya. sanskrtena).

dhuna dhinoto nayane mama puspa-sayya

nipunam—expertly; nirupya—looking; sanskrtena—in Sanskrit;

kåñëa—of Kåñëa; anga—the limbs; sangama—touching; milat—meeting;
ghursrna—kuìkuma; anga-raga—ointment; rädhä—of Rädhä; pada—from
the feet; skhalat—falling; alaktaka—lac; rakta—red; parava—side;
sindura—of sindura; bindu—with drops; cita—collected; gharma-jala—with
perspiration; uksita—sprinkled; iyam—this; dhuna—crumpled; dhinoti—
delights; nayane—eyes; mama—my; puspa—of flowers; sayya—bed.

Lalitä: (looking closely) Smeared with kuìkuma from Kåñëa’s

limbs and red lac from Rädhä’s feet, and sprinkled with perspiration
mixed with drops of red sindura, this crumpled flower bed delights
my eyes!

våndä: (sa-vismayam)
cakrida ya rajasi ranjita-sutra-baddha-
gokarna-matra-cikura nava-viddha-karna
seyam kutah pravara-vibhrama-kausalani
rädhädhyagista bata vairajitam jigaya

sa—with; vismayam—wonder; cakrida—played; ya—who; rajasi—in

the dust; ranjita—colored; sutra—by a string; baddha—bound; go—of a cow;
karna—as the ear; matra—only as long; cikura—whose hair; nava—newly;
viddha—pierced; karna—whose ear; sa iyam—She; kutah—where?
pravara—excellent; vibhrama—in amorous pastimes; kausalani—expertise;
rädhä—Rädhä; adhyagista—has learned; bata—indeed; vairajitam—
unconquerable Kåñëa.

Våndä: (struck with wonder) With newly pierced ears and locks
of hair only as long as a cow’s ear and tied with a colored thread,
Rädhä used to play in the dust. Where has She so expertly learned the
art of loving pastimes that She has defeated the unconquerable Kåñëa?

428 •
lalita: (purvatah preksya) vunde pekkha nadi-dure sa-raho mahavo.

purvatah—to the east; preksya—looking; vunde—O Våndä; pekkha—

look; na—not; adi—very; dure—far away; sa—with; raho—Rädhä;

Lalitä: (looking to the east) Våndä, look! Not very far away are
Rädhä and Mädhava.

våndä: srnuvah kim aha.

srnuvah—let us listen; kim—what?; aha—says.

Våndä: Let us listen what Rädhä says.

rädhä: (sanskrtena)
kuru kuvalayam karnotsange lavangam abhanguram
vikira cikurasyantar malli-srajam ksipa vaksasi
anagha jaghane kadambim me pralambaya mekhalam
kalayati na mam ali-våndäm hare niralankrtam

nepathye—behind the scenes; sanskrtena—in Sanskrit; kuru—please

do; kuvalayam—a blue lotus flower; karna—of the ear; utsange—on the top;
lavangam—a clove flower; abhanguram—firm; vikira—spread; cikurasya—
of the hair; antah—within; malli—of mallé flowers; srajam—a garland;
ksipa—please place; vaksasi—on the chest; anagha—O sinless one;
jaghane—on the hip; kadambim—of kadamba flowers; me—of Me;
pralambaya—please place; mekhalam—a belt; kalayatu—may see; na—not;
mam—Me; ali—of gopi-friends; våndäm—the multitude; hare—O Kåñëa;

Rädhä: Place a blue lotus on My ear. Decorate My hair with clove

flowers. Place a garland of mallé flowers on My chest and a belt of
kadamba flowers around My hips. O Hari, O virtuous one, My sakhis
should not see Me undecorated!

våndä: (smitam krtva)

vahanti manjistharunita-tanu-sutrojjvala-rucin
nakhankan khelormi-skhalita-sikhi-paksavalir iyam
sphuram-mukta-tulyair alaghu-ghana-gharmambubhir alam
samrddha me medham madhumathana-murtir madayati

smitam—a smile; krtva—doing; vahanti—carrying; manjistha—as

manjistha; arunita—as red; tanu—thin; sutra—threads; ujjvala—splendid;

429 •
rucin—luster; nakha—of fingernails; ankan—marks; khela—of pastimes;
urmi—by the waves; skhalita—fallen; sikhi—peacock; paksa—of feathers;
avalih—host; iyam—this; sphurat—glistening; mukta—pearls; tulyaih—like;
alaghu-ghana—abundant; gharma-ambubhih—with perspiration; alam—
greatly; samrddha—enriched; me—of me; medham—the mind; madhu-
mathana—of Kåñëa, the killer of the Madhu; murtih—the transcendental
form; madayati—delights.

Våndä: (smiling) Marked with fingernails scratches shining like

thin threads dyed with maïjisöha, His peacock feathers scattered in
different directions by the waves of amorous pastimes, and decorated
with profuse pearl-like glistening drops of perspiration, Kåñëa's form
delights my mind!

(tatah pravisati kåñëah prasadhitangi rädhä ca).

tatah—then; pravisati—enters; kåñëa—Kåñëa; prasadhita—decorated;

angi—whose body is; rädhä—Rädhä; ca—and.

(Kåñëa enters, accompanied by decorated Rädhä).

nitam te punar-uktatam bhramarakaih kasturika-patrakam
netrabhyam viphali-krtam kuvalaya-dvandvam ca karnarpitam
haras ca smita-kanti-bhangibhir alam pistanupesi-krtaù
kim rädhe tava mandanena nitaram angair asi dyotita

nitam—brought; te—to you; punah-uktatam—to the condition of

being redundant; bhramarakaih—by curling locks of hair; kasturika—of
musk; patrakam—designs; netrabhyam—by the eyes; viphali-krtam—
useless; kuvalaya—of blue lotus flowers; dvandvam—the pair; ca—also;
karna—on the ears; arpitam—placed; harah—the necklace; ca—and;
smita—of the smile; kanti—by the beautiful splendor; bhangibhih—by the
waves; alam—greatly; pista-anupesi-krtah—crushed; kim—what is the use?;
rädhe—O Rädhä; tava—Your; mandanena—with the ornaments; nitaram—
greatly; angaih—by Your own bodily limbs; asi—You are; dyotita—splendid.

Kåñëa: Your curling locks of hair make these designs drawn in

musk on Your forehead redundant. Your eyes are so beautiful that
they make the two blue lotus flowers on Your ears useless. The waves
of Your splendid smile's beauty has crushed Your necklace into dust.
O Rädhä, what is the use of all these decorations? You are already
shining with Your own bodily beauty!

430 •
ubhe: (upasrtya) sundara idam parama-manjulam vasanti-kusuma-

ubhe—both; upasrtya—approaching; sundara—O handsome one;

idam—this; parama—supremely; manjulam—beautiful; vasanti—mädhavé;
kusuma—flowers; mandanam—decoration.

Våndä and Lalitä: (approaching) O handsome one, these

decorations of mädhavé flowers are very beautiful!

kåñëaù: (stabaka-dvandvam adaya sa-harsam).

dhyeyena mukta-våndäsya
kamyamana muhur maya
yukta tvam atimuktanam
srenya su-sroni sevitum

stabaka—bunches of flowers; dvandvam—the pair; adaya—taking;

sa—with; harsam—joy; dhyeyena—the object of meditation; mukta—of
liberated souls; våndäsya—of the multitudes; kamyamana—desired;
muhuh—at every moment; maya—by Me; yukta—proper; tvam—You;
atimuktanam—of mädhavé flowers (or liberated souls); srenya—by hosts; su-
sroni—O girl with the beautiful hips; sevitum—to be served.

Kåñëa: (taking the two bunches of flowers, He joyfully says) I am

the object of the meditation for many liberated souls, and You are the
constant object of My desires. O girl with the beautiful hips, it is
proper that You be decorated with these mädhavé flowers.148

(iti rädhäm avatamsayati).

iti—thus; rädhäm—Rädhä; avatamsayati—decorates.

(Kåñëa decorates Rädhä).

anuparamati yame kamam ahnas trtiye
jalada-samaya-laksmir yauvanojjrmbhane ‘dya
nava-yavasa-kadambais tarpitanam kadambaù
kalayati surabhinam gokulayabhimukhyam

"I am the object of the meditation for many liberated (mukta) souls, and You are the constant
object of My desires. Therefore, O girl with the beautiful hips, it is proper that You be decorated
with these mädhavé (ati-mukta) flowers!" According to Amara-koña, the word “ati-mukta” means
“mädhavé creeper” and also “completely liberated soul”.

431 •
nepathye—from behind the scenes; anuparamati—not over; yame—
period of three hours, the eighth part of the day; kamam—though; ahnah—
of the day; trtiye—the third; jalada-samaya—of the season of clouds;
laksmih—the beauty; yauvana—arise; ujjrmbhane—expanded, blown;
adya—now; nava—new; yavasa—of grasses; kadambaih—with multitudes;
tarpitanam—satisfied; kadambah—the multitude; kalayati—does;
surabhinam—of surabhi cows; gokula—of Gokula; abhimukhyam—in the

(Off-stage) The monsoon season now displays its beauty

everywhere. Even though the third yäma of the day is not yet over, the
surabhi cows, satisfied by the abundant fresh grass, are now moving
towards Gokula.

lalita: rahe anujanehi. ratti-mandana-ttham dullaham vasanta-

kususmam gehnissam. (iti niskranta).

rahe—O Rädhä; anujanehi—please give permission to depart; ratti—

at night; mandana—decoration; ttham—for the purpose; dullaham—rare;
vasanta—spring; kusumam—flowers; gehnissam—I shall gather; iti—thus;

Lalitä: O Rädhä, please let me go. I shall gather rare spring

flowers to decotate You tonight. (She exits).

kåñëaù: (smitva. janantikam) vrnde kincid vinodam vidhatu-kamo

‘smi. tad atra priyayah pratyayiteyam puro drumadhirudha kakkhati tvaya
mat-paksa-grahini kriyatam.

smitva—smiling; jana-antikam—aside; vrnde—O Våndä; kincit—

some; vinodam—pastime; vidhatu—to perform; kamah—desiring; asmi—I
am; tat—therefore; atra—here; priyayah—of My beloved; pratyayita—the
trustworthy friend; purah—in the presence; druma—a tree; adhirudha—
climbed; kakkhati—Kakkhaöé; tvaya—by you; mat—of Me; paksa—the part;
grahini—taking; kriyatam—may be.

Kåñëa: (smiling, He whispers) Våndä, I want to play one game.

In this tree in front of us is Rädhä’s friend, the monkey Kakkhaöé,
whom She trusts. Please, make her act on My behalf.

våndä: bhavatu yatisye.

bhavatu—so be it; yatisye—I will try.

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Våndä: So be it. I will do as You say.

kåñëaù: (rädhäm avetya) priye candrä... (ity ardhokte krtrima-

sambhramam natayati).

rädhäm—Rädhä; avetya—approaching; priye—O beloved; candra—Candrä;

iti—thus; ardha—half; ukte—spoken; krtrima—artificial; sambhramam—
bewilderment; natayati—represents dramatically.

Kåñëa: (approaching Rädhä) My dear Candrä... (He stops in the

middle of the word and pretends to become bewildered)

rädhikä: (sa-khedam) haddhi haddhi. kadham evvam sunantam vi na

me phudidam kanna-ju-alam.

sa—with; khedam—grief; haddhi—alas!; haddhi—alas!; kadham—

why?; evvam—in this way; sunantam—hearing; vi—although; na—not; me—
My; phudidam—burst; kanna—of ears; ju-alam—the pair.

Rädhikä: (aggrieved) Alas! Alas! Why did My ears, even though

they heard these words, not burst?

våndä: (svägatam) picchika-bhramanena kakkhatikam unmadya

harer abhistam vyaharayisye. (ity alaksitam tatha krtva prakasam). sakhi
range ma bhaja vaimukhyam.

svägatam—aside; picchika—of a bunch of peacock feathers;

bhramanena—by waving; kakkhatikam—Kakkhaöé; unmadya—make mad;
hareh—of Kåñëa; abhistam—the desire; vyaharayisye—I shall cause to speak;
iti—thus; alaksitah—unobserved; tatha—in that way; krtva—having done;
prakasam—openly; sakhi—O sakhi; range—in these happy pastimes; ma—
don’t; bhaja—become; vaimukhyam—averse.

Våndä: (aside) By waving this bunch of peacock feathers I will

make Kakkhaöé angry and force her to speak according to Hari’s
desire. (Unobserved, she does that, and then openly says) O sakhi,
don't stop your blissful pastimes!

kåñëaù: priye candranane kim ity akande vimanaskasi.

priye—O beloved; candra—moon; anane—whose face; kim—why?;

iti—thus; akande—suddenly; vimanaska—very unhappy; asi—You are.

Kåñëa: O moon-faced beloved, why have You suddenly become

433 •
so unhappy?

samini imina tujjha muddhattanena lalida na jivissadi.

nepathye—behind the scenes; samini—O mistress; imina—because of

this; tujjha—your; muddhattanena—foolishness; lalida—Lalitä; na—not;
jivissadi—will live.

(Off-stage) O mistress, because of Your foolishness Lalitä will not

be able to live!149

rädhikä: (urdhvam alokya. svägatama). nisandehamhi kida

kakkhadi-a-e. (prakasam) pa-andam kkhu kulisa-vipphujjidam kadham
dindimadambarena samvaranijjam hodu. (iti paran-mukhi bhavati).

urdhvam—upwards; alokya—looking; svägatam—aside; nisandeha—

freed from doubt; amhi—I am; kida—become; kakkhadi-a-e—by the monkey
Kakkhaöé; prakasam—openly; pa-andam—powerful; kkhu—indeed; kulisa-
vipphujjidam—thunder; kadham—how is it?; dindima—of small dindima
drum; dambarena—loud-sounding; samvaranijjam—covered; hodu—may
be; iti—thus; parat-mukhi—turning the face in aversion; bhavati—becomes.

Rädhikä: (looking up, She says to Herself) Kakkhaöé has dispelled

My doubts. (Openly) How can the òiëòima drum drown out the
rumble of thunder?150 (She turns Her face in aversion).

kåñëaù: (apavarya)
vijayi-bhru-yugam akulaksi-padmam
vidhuri-krtam apy ati-krudhagre
mama rädhä-vadanam mano dhinoti

apavarya—aside; samara—in battle; uddhura—raised; kama—of

Kämadeva; karmuka—of the bow; sri—the beauty; vijayi—defeating; bhru—
of eyebrows; yugam—the pair; akula—agitated; aksi—of eyes; padmam—
lotus flowers; vidhuri-krtam—depressed; api—even; ati—great; krudha-
agre—in anger; mama—of Me; rädhä—of Rädhä; vadanam—the face;
manah—the heart; dhinoti—delights.

Kåñëa: (to Himself) With eyebrows that defeat the beauty of

"You believed this libertine, and He is deceiving You. O mistress, learning about this, Lalita will
not be able to live!”
150 “O crest-jewel of cheaters, how can Your clever words drown out the truth?”

434 •
Kämadeva’s bow raised in battle, and with agitated, distressed lotus
eyes, even though they are filled with great anger, Rädhä's face
delights My heart!

(iti rädhä-patancalam uccalya) sundari madhurena samapyatam


iti—thus; rädhä—of Rädhä; pata—of the garment; ancalam—the edge;

uccalya—lifting; sundari—O beautiful girl; madhurena—with a sweet;
samapyatam—should be concluded; madhu—of springtime; vihara—of
pastimes; kautukam—the happiness.

(Pulling the edge of Rädhä’s clothes) O beautiful one, the

happiness of these springtime pastimes should be concluded with

(punar nepathye) haddhi haddhi. bho pa-uma-sikkhe duttha-

sarasi tumam pi mam kadakkhasi. ta kisa paranam dharemi.

punah—again; nepathye—from behind the scenes; haddhi—alas!;

haddhi—alas!; bho—Oh!; pa-uma—of Padmä; sikkhe—student; duttha—
wicked; sarasi—O särasi bird; tumam—you; pi—even; mam—at Me;
kadakkhasi—gaze from the corner of the eye; ta—therefore; kisa—why?;
paranam—life; dharemi—do I maintain.

(Again a voice from the off-stage) Alas! Alas! O wicked särasi-

bird, O disciple of Padmä, even you stare at me from the corner of
your eye! Why should I continue to maintain my life?151

rädhikä: (nisamya sa-rosam apasarpanti) vunde param ketti-am

vidambidamhi. ta jhatti varehi nam kavada-paripadi-nata-a-suttadharam
bhu-ana-mararambhi-murali-sikkha-nisankam karali-a-natti-kila-

nisamya—listening; sa—with; rosam—anger; apasarpanti—moving

away; vunde—O Vrnde; param—further; ketti-am—how much?;
vidambida—mocked; amhi—I will be; ta—therefore; jhatti—at once;
varehi—please stop; nam—him; kavada—deceit; paripadi—manifesting;
nata-a—of the drama; suttadharam—the stage manager; bhu-ana—of the
world; mara—of death (or the passion of love); arambhi—the initiator;
murali—of the flute; sikkha—instruction; nisankam—without doubt; karali-
a-natti—of Candrävalé, the granddaughter of Karälä; kila-kurangam—a pet

Kakkhaöé says this to indicate that Candrävalé's associates are hiding nearby.

435 •

Rädhikä: (listening, She angrily steps back) O Våndä, how much

longer will I be ridiculed? Immediately stop the deceitful director of
this drama, who carelessly teaches his flute how to destroy the entire
world! He is just a pet monkey of Candrävalé!152

kåñëaù: (sananda-smitam) sakhi vrnde prasadaya rädhäm.

sa—with; ananda—of bliss; smitam—a smile; sakhi—O friend;

vrnde—Våndä; prasadaya—please pacify; rädhäm—Rädhä.

Kåñëa: (with a blissful smile) Sakhi Våndä, please pacify Rädhä!

våndä: priya-sakhi rädhe vidagdha-vadhunam murdhanyasi. tad

akande kathora-mana-kandena napasaraya vallabha-kåñëasaram.

priya—dear; sakhi—O friend; rädhe—Rädhä; vidagdha—expert;

vadhunam—girls; murdhanya—the leader; asi—You are; tat—therefore;
akande—without reason; kathora—harsh; mana—anger; kandena—with
the stick; na—do not; apasaraya—drive away; vallabha—of Your beloved;
kåñëasaram—the black deer.

Våndä: Dear sakhi Rädhä, You are the leader of all intelligent
girls. Therefore, without any reason, please don’t chase away with the
stick of Your cruel anger the black deer that is Your beloved Kåñëa!

rädhikä: (badham avajnam abhiniya) ettha avatthadum na juttamhi.

(iti niskranta).

badha—greatly; avajnam—contempt; abhinya—representing

dramatically; ettha—here; avasthatum—to stay; na—not; jutta—proper;
amhi—I am; iti—thus; niskranta—exits.

Rädhikä: (very contemptuous) It is not proper for Me to stay

here! (She exits).

kåñëaù: vrnde baliyasi rosanale sama-madhvikam uddipanayaiva. tad

alam atranuyatraya.

vrnde—O Våndä; baliyasi—powerful; rosa—of anger; anale—in the

Or: “He teaches the flute how to fill the whole world with love passion!” “He does this without
thinking about sin. If the sweet sounds of His muralé enter our ears, we will fall under His control.”
A tamed monkey dancing at the will of its master is called "kréòä-kuraìga".

436 •
fire; sama—of words conciliation; madhvikam—madhvika nectar;
uddipanaya—for inflaming; eva—certainly; tat—therefore; alam—what is
the use?; atra—here; anuyatraya—of following Her.

Kåñëa: Våndä, the honey nectar of soothing words will only

inflame the fire of Her anger. What is the use of following Her?

våndä: kim atra yuktam.

kim—what?; atra—here; yuktam—is proper.

Våndä: What shall we do?

krdhaù: vrnde vara-varnini-vesena rädhäm prasadhayitum icchami.

tad atra bhavatya samadhana-madhya-vasiyatam.

vrnde—O Våndä; vara—best; varnini—handsome girl; vesena—with

the disguise; rädhäm—Rädhä; prasadhayitum—is conquer; icchami—I
desire; tat—this; atra—in this; bhavatya—you; samdhana-madhya-
vasiyatam—should be agreed to help.

Kåñëa: Våndä, I want to conquer Rädhä by disguising Myself as a

most charming girl. Please help Me with this.

(våndä sangi-karam smitam karoti).

våndä—Våndä; sa—with; sangi-karam—assent; smitam—a smile;


(Våndä smiles in agreement).

kåñëaù: sakhi gauranga-raga-sangatam varangana-vesa-sadhanam

katham atrabhilipsye.

sakhi—O friend; gauranga—golden; raga—dye; sangatam—in

contact; vara—beautiful; angana—of a girl; vesa-sadhanam—garments;
katham—how; atra—here; abhilipsye—may be obtained.

Kåñëa: Sakhi, how can I obtain some golden cosmetics and

clothing suitable for a beautiful girl?

(pravisya) madhumangalaù: pi-ava-assa atthi gauri-ghare taha-

viha-vesa-samaggi ja pa-uma-e mama hatthe samappide.

pravisya—entering; pi-a—dear; va-assa—friend; atthi—there is;

437 •
gauri—of Gauré; ghare—in the temple; taha—in this; viha—various; vesa—
apparel; samaggi—a collection; ja—which; pa-uma-e—by Padmä; mama—
of me; hatthe—in the hand; namappida—placed.

Madhumaìgala: (enters) Dear friend, here are the various

garments and ornaments Padmä gave me to worship Gauré in the

kåñëaù: (sa-harsam) vrnde gauri-grha-gambhirikayam bhavisayami.

tad atma-bhagini-bhavena sambhavaniyo ‘ham. (iti sa-vayasyo niskranta).

sa—with; harsam—happiness; vrnde—O Våndä; gauri—of Gauré;

grha—of the temple; gambhirikayam—in the inner room; bhavisyami—I
shall be; tat—then; atma—own; bhagini—of the sister; bhavena—with the
nature; sambhavaniyah—shall be conceived; aham—I; iti—thus; sa—
accompanied by; vayasyah—His friend; niskrantah—exits.

Kåñëa: (with joy) Våndä, I will stay in the inner sanctum of Gauré
temple. You act as if I am your sister. (Kåñëa exits with His friend

våndä: (parikramaya. dure drstim ksipanti).

avacinvantyor vayasyayor atra
sphutam idam eva sa-lajjam
rädhä-våttam nivedayati

parikramya—walking; dure—far away; drstim—glance; ksipanti—

casting; campaka—campaka; lavanga—lavanga; bakulani—and bakula
flowers; avacinvatyoh—picking; vayasyayoh—of the friends; atra—here;
sphutam—clearly; idam—this; eva—certainly; sa—with; lajjam—
embarrassment; rädhä—Rädhä; våttam—activity; nivedayati—informs.

Våndä: (walks, and then gazes into the distance) As Her two
sakhis pick campaka, lavaìga and bakula flowers, Rädhä shyly tells
them about everything that has happened.

(pravisya tatha-vidha rädhä).

pravisya—entering; tatha—in that; vidha—way; rädhä—Rädhä.

(In that way Rädhä enters).

rädhä: sahi tado ham anunedum pa-uttam mam avahiri-a ettha

438 •

sahi—O friend; tado—therefore; ham—I; anundena—to pacify; pa-

uttam—engaged; nam—Him; avahiri-a—seeing; ettha—here; pattamhi—I
have come.

Rädhä: ...Sakhi, then seeing that He wished to pacify Me, I came


lalita: rahe na kkhu tumamhi kanhassa gotta-skhalidam sivine vi

sambhavi-adi. ta pa-iti-pamattanam pasunam palave kida-visambha
tumam vancidasi.

rahe—O Rädhä; na—not; kkhu—indeed; tumamhi—to You;

kanhassa—of Kåñëa; gotta—the name; akhalidam—make a mistake; sinive—
in dream; vi—even; sambhavi-adi—is possible; ta—therefore; pa-iti—by
nature; pamattanam—mad; pasunam—animals; palave—in the talking;
kida—done; visambha—trust; tumam—You; vancida—cheated; asi—are.

Lalitä: O Rädhä, in Your presence, Kåñëa cannot make a mistake

and utter the name of another girl, even when He is sleeping! You
have believed the words of an animal, crazy by nature, and as a result
You have been cheated!

visakha: haddhi haddhi. lalide pekkha ajja sohagga-punnimahe

araddha-sangharisa balino padipakkha. ta vidambida mha devena.

haddhi—alas!; haddhi—alas!; lalide—O Lalitä; pekkha—look!; ajja—

now; sohagga-punnimahe—on Saubhagya-purnima; araddha—begun;
sangharisa—rivalry; balino—powerful; padipakkha—rivals; ta—therefore;
vidambida—mocked; mha—surely; devena—by fate.

Viçäkhä: Alas! Alas! Lalitä, look! On this auspicious full-moon day

our strong rivals have begun a battle with us. This is certainly a
mockery of fate!

lalita: visahe saccam kahesi. ettha mahusave ja-i amhanam muha-

malinnam savvatti-o pekkhissanti tado solluntham kadukkhanti-o hasissanti.

visahe—O Viçäkhä; saccam—the truth; kahesi—you speak; ettha—in

this; mahusave—great festival; ja-i—if; amhanam—of us; muha—of the face;
malinam—affliction; savvatti-o—rivals; pekkhissanti—will see; tado—then;
sa—with; ulluntham—sarcasm; kadukkhanti-o—casting sidelong glances;
hasissanti—will laugh.

439 •
Lalitä: Viçäkhä, you speak the truth. If our rivals see the sadness
on our faces during this great festival, they will look at us with
mockery and laugh at us.

rädhikä; (svägatam) sahu sahi-o mantenti. ta kim ettha saranam.

svägatam—aside; sahu—nicely; sahi-o—My friends; mantenti—advise;

ta—therefore; kim—what?; ettha—in this matter; saranam—is the shelter.

Rädhikä: (aside) My sakhis give good advise. What should we do


våndä: (upasrtya) lalite ramanujasya nidesena ramam upanetum


upasrtya—approaching; lalite—O Lalitä; rama-anujasya—of Kåñëa,

the younger brother of Balaräma; nidesena—by the request; ramam—
Balaräma; upanetum—to bring; prasthita—departing; asmi—I am.

Våndä: (approaching) Lalitä, on Kåñëa’s request I shall now go

to bring Räma.

lalita: kim tti.

kim—why?; tti—thus.

Lalitä: Why?

vnrda: vasanta-sri-darsanaya.

vasanta—of spring; sri—the beauty; darsanaya—for showing.

Våndä: To show Him the beauty of spring.

visakha: sahi vunde kkhanam vilambi-a kuna sandhim.

sahi—O friend; vunde—Våndä; kkhanam—for a moment; vilambi-a—

resting; kuna—please do; sandhim—conversation.

Viçäkhä: Sakhi Våndä, please stop for a moment to talk.

våndä: satyam janihi maya duskaro ‘dya sandhih.

satyam—the truth; janhihi—please know; maya—by me; duskarah—

440 •
difficult to arrange; adya—now; sandhih—a meeting.

Våndä: Actually, at this time it is very difficult for me to arrange

a meeting with Kåñëa.153

visakha: kadham vi-a.

kadham—why?; vi-a—like that.

Viçäkhä: Why is that?

våndä: prcchatam atma-sakhi yayadya katuktibhir aparanjitah


prcchatam—should be asked; atma—your; sakhi—friend; yaya—by

whom; adya—today; katu—harsh; uktibhih—with words; aparanjitah—
displeased; kanja-iksanah—lotus-eyed Kåñëa.

Våndä: You should ask your sakhi who today hurt lotus-eyed
Kåñëa with many harsh words.

rädhikä: (nihsvasya) hala vunde tumam cce-a gadi.

nihsvasya—sighing; hala—sakhi; vunde—Våndä; tumam—you; cce-

a—certainly; gadi—destination.

Rädhikä: (sighing) O sakhi Våndä, you are My only hope.

våndä: (sa-vyaja-rosam)
asuya candali hrdi padam ita candi vivisur
na vacas te pathyah sruti-carani-simancalam api
idanim audasyam vasaga-madiraksi-tatir agan
mukundo nirdvandvi-bhava sakhi mudha nihavasisi kim

sa—with; vyaja—pretended; rosam—anger; asuya—jealousy;

candali—the low class woman; hrdi—in the heart; padam—place; ita—gone;
candi—O fierce one; vivisuh—entered; na—not; vacah—words; te—of You;
pathyah—beneficial; sruti—of the ears; sarani—of the path; sima—of the
boundary; ancalam—the edge; api—even; idanim—now; audasyam—
indifference; vasaga—obedient; madiraksi—of girls with enchanting eyes;
tatih—a host; agat—attained; mukundah—Kåñëa; nirdhvandvi—free from
duality; bhava—become; sakhi—O friend; mudha—uselessly; nihsvasisi—

Viçäkhä asked Våndä for a conversation (sandhi), but Våndä thought Viçäkhä wanted to arrange
a meeting (sandhi) with Kåñëa.

441 •
sigh; kim—why?

Våndä: (with pretended anger) O angry girl! The low, jealous

woman has entered Your heart, and beneficial words cannot even
touch the edges of Your ears. Now Mukunda, who has a host of
obedient girls with charming eyes under His control, has become
indifferent to You. O sakhi, please become free from the dualities of
happiness and distress. Why do You uselessly sigh in this way?

lalita: kahim so kkhu mohano.

kahim—where?; so—He; kkhu—indeed; mohano—the enchanter.

Lalitä: Where is that enchanter?

våndä: gauri-sadmani.

gauri—of Gauré; sadmanti—in the temple.

Våndä: In the temple of Gauré.

lalida: kim haredi.

kim—what?; karedi—is He doing.

Lalitä: What is He doing?

våndä: nikuïjavidyäya sardham gosthim tanoti.

nikuïjavidyäya—Nikuïjavidyä; sardham—with; gosthim—

conversation; tanoti—does.

Våndä: He is talking to Nikuïjavidyä.

tisraù: sahi ka kkhu ni-unja-vijja.

tisrah—the three girls; sahi—O friend; ka—who?; kkhu—indeed; ni-

unja-vijja—is Nikuïjavidyä.

The three girls: Sakhi, who is this Nikuïjavidyä?

våndä: (sphutam vihasya) aho maugdhyam kisorinam yad amur ati-

prasiddham api nikuïjavidyäm na vidanti.

sphutam—out loud; vihasya—laughing; aho—ah!; maugdhyam—the

442 •
ignorance; kisorinam—of these young girls; yat—because; amuh—they;
ati—the very; prasiddham—famous; api—even; nikuïjavidyäm—
Nikuïjavidyä; na—do not; vidanti—know.

Våndä: (laughing out loud) Aho! The ignorance of these young

girls! They don’t even know about the very famous Nikuïjavidyä!

tisraù: (sa-lajjam) sahi kadhehi saccam. na janimha.

sa—with; lajjam—embarrassment; sahi—O friend; kadhehi—please

tell; saccam—the truth; na—not; janimha—we know.

The three girls: (embarrassed) Sakhi, please tell us! We really

don’t know!

våndä: hanta bho visuddhah ka nama sa gokule ballava-balikastu ya

khalu svasaram me bhantira-devatam na janite.

hanta—indeed; bhoh—Oh!; visuddhah—pure girls; ka—what?;

nama—indeed; sa—she; gokule—in Gokula; ballava—cowherd; balika—
girl; astu—may be; khalu—indeed; svasaram—sister; me—my; bhandira—
of Bhäëòéravana forest; devatam—the goddess; na—does not; janite—know.

Våndä: O innocent gopés, what cowherd girl in Gokula does not

know my sister, the goddess of Bhäëòéravana forest?154

lalita: vunde dehi tumam mantam jena edam vesammam suhodakkam

vunde—O Våndä; dehi—please give; tumam—you; mantam—advise;
jena—by which; edam—this; vesammam—calamity; sukha—happiness;
udarkam—at the end; bhave—may become.

Lalitä: O Våndä, please give us advise so that these difficulties will

end happily.

våndä: sakhi gokulananda-nigudha-visrambha-mani-manjuseyam

nikuïjavidyä. tad enam bhajema.

sakhi—O friend; gokula-ananda—of Kåñëa, the bliss of Gokula;

nigudha—hidden; visrambha—of secrets; mani—of the jewels; manjusa—
the jewel-chest; iyam—she is; nikuïjavidyä—Nikuïjavidyä; tat—therefore;
enam—to her; bhajema—let us worship or surrender.

Or: “Who does not know my (sva) source (säram), the devatä of Bhäëòéravana forest, playful

443 •
Våndä: Sakhi, Nikuïjavidyä is a treasure-chest where the jewels
of the most intimate secrets of Kåñëa, the bliss of Gokula, are kept.
Therefore, let us worship her.

(iti sarvah parikramanti).

iti—thus; sarvah—everyone; parikramanti—walks.

(Everyone walks).

rädhikä: vunde edam cce-a gauri-mandavam; ta ettha pavisi-a

sanna—e kaddhe ni-unjavijjam.

vunde—O Våndä; edam—this; cce-a—certainly; gauri—of Gauré;

mandavam—the temple; ta—therefore; ettha—here; pavisi-a—entering;
sanna-e—with a signal; kaddhe—pull; ni-unjavijjam—Nikuïjavidyä.

Rädhikä: Våndä, here is the temple of Gauré. Please enter, and,

with a signal bring Nikuïjavidyä outside.

våndä: (krtodgrivikam alokya svägatam) hanta gaurim iva kisorim

dvarim paçyami. (prakasam) sakhyah kevalam ekatra bhandira-devataiva
sikhandena kundalam kurvati vartate.

krta—done; udgrivikam—raised neck; alokya—looking; svägatam—

aside; hanta—Ah!; gaurim—with a fair complexion; iva—like; kisorim—a
young girl; dvarim—at the entrance; paçyami—I see; prakasam—openly;
sakhyah—O friends; kevalam—only; eka—alone; atra—here; bhandira—of
Bhäëòéravana forest; devata—the goddess; eva—certainly; sikhandena—a
peacock feather; kundalam—an earring; kurvati—making; vartate—stays.

Våndä: (raising her neck and looking, she says to herself) Ah! At
the entrance I see Kåñëa disguised as a fair-complexioned young girl.
(Openly) O sakhis, the goddess of Bhäëòéravana forest is here alone,
making an earring from a peacock feather.

tisraù: asacca-samsini cittha cittha. jam eso tandavi-a-sihandi

pangane citthadi.

asacca—of untruth; samsini—O speaker; cittha—stop!; cittha—stop!;

jam—because; eso—he; tandavia-a—Täëòavika; sihandi—the peacock;
pangane—in the courtyard; citthadi—stays.

The three girls: O lier, stop! Stop! Kåñëa’s peacock Täëòavika is

444 •
in the courtyard!

våndä: hanta bho daksinya-sunyah svayam agatya samiksyatam. kim


hanta—indeed; bhoh—O; daksinya—of manners; sunyah—devoid;

svayam—personally; agatya—coming; samiksyatam—may be seen; kim—
what?; atra—in this; anumanena—is the use of speculation.

Våndä: O girls devoid of manners, go and see for yourselves!

What is the use of speculating?

lalita: hala phudam tanda-ulada canda-ino jada jam nikkamanto

canda-a-ma-uli imina na lakkhido.

hala—sakhi; phudam—obviously; tanda—by sleepiness; a-ulada—

overwhelmed; canda-ino—the peacock; jada—manifest; jam—which;
nikkamanto—leaving; canda-a-ma-uli—Kåñëa, who wears a crown of
peacock feathers; imina—by him; na—not; lakkhido—was seen.

Lalitä: Sakhi, it seems that the peacock was overcome by

drowsiness and did not notice when Kåñëa, crowned with a peacock
feather, left.

rädhikä: hala gharam pavisi-a ni-unjavijjam puchamha.

hala—sakhi; gharam—the temple; pavisi-a—entering; ni-

unjavijjam—Nikuïjavidyä; puchamha—let us ask.

Rädhikä: Sakhi, let us enter the temple and ask Nikuïjavidyä.

(iti sarvah pravesam natayanti).

iti—thus; sarvah—everyone; pravesan—entrance; natayanti—

represent dramatically.

(Everyone enters).

(pravisya) jatila: bhanidamhi pemmena pa-uma-e ajje jadile ditthi-a

vaddhasi. go-addhano vi-a tumha putto vi go-kodisaro huvissadi. jam
dittham ma-e ajja gauri-titthe rahi-e gauri arahi-adi ti. ta gadu-a
vahudiham asisahim vaddhayissam. (iti parikramya ranginim angane
drstva sanandam). sahu pa-ume sahu. asacca-bhasini nasi. (punar
nibhalya. sa-khedam). haddhi haddhi. kaham gauri-simhassa sire tandavi-
o cittha-i. ta paravatti-a puttam anissam. (iti dhavanti niskranta).

445 •
pravisya—entering; bhanida—addressed; amhi—I was; pemmena—
with love; pa-uma-e—by Padmä; ajje—O noble lady; jadile—Jaöilä; ditthi-a—
by good fortune; vaddhasi—you will prosper; go-addhano—Govardhana-
gopa; vi-a—like; tumha—your; putto—son; vi—indeed; go—of cows; kodi—
of millions; isaro—the master; huvissadi—will become; jam—because;
dittham—seen; ma-e—by me; ajja—today; gauri-titthe—at Gauré-tértha; rahi-
e—by Rädhikä; gauri—goddess Gauré; arahi-adi—worshipped; ti—thus;
ta—therefore; gadu-a—going; vahudiham—daughter-in-law; asisahim
vaddhayissam—I will bless; iti—thus; parikramya—walking; ranginim—the
doe Raìgiëé; angane—in the courtyard; drstva—seeing; sa—with;
anandam—joy; sahu—well done; pa-ume—O Padmä; sahu—well done;
asacca—of lies; bhasini—a speaker; na—not; asi—you are; punah—again;
nibhalya—looking; sa—with; khedam—unhappiness; haddhi—alas!;
haddhi—alas!; kaham—why?; gauri—of Gauré; simhassa—of the lion; sire—
on the head; tandavi-o—the peacock Täëòavika; cittha-i—is perched; ta—
therefore; paravatti-a—returning; puttam—my son; anissam—I shall bring;
iti—thus; dhavanti—running; niskranta—exits.

Jaöilä: (enters) Padmä affectionately told me, “O noble Jaöilä, you

are very fortunate! Like Govardhana Malla, your son will soon become
the master of millions of cows, for today I saw Rädhä worshipping
goddess Gauré at Gauré-tértha”. Therefore, now I shall go there and give
Her my blessings. (Walking, she sees the doe Raìgiëé in the courtyard
and happily says) Well done, Padmä! Well done! You didn't lie to me.
(Looking again, she becomes unhappy) Ah! Why is Kåñëa’s peacock
Täëòavika standing on the head of Gauré’s lion? I shall go back and
bring my son! (She is running away).

rädhikä: (janantikam) sahi-o pekkhadha lo-ottaram kim pi gauri-e


jana-antikam—aside; sahi-o—O friends; pekkhadha—look; lo-

ottaram—extraordinary; kim pi—something; gauri-e—of the golden-
complexioned girl; saundaram—at the beauty.

Rädhikä: (whispers) O sakhis, look at the extraordinary beauty

of this golden-complexioned girl!

sakhyau: hala saccam saccam. thane kanhassa pemma-visamha-

sambhavida esa.

hala—sakhi; saccam—truth; saccam—truth; thane—it is proper;

kanhassa—of Kåñëa; pemma—love; visamha—and trust; sambhavida—is;

446 •

The two gopés: O sakhi, it's true! It is right that Kåñëa has placed
His love and deep trust in her.

rädhikä: nam adittha-puvvam sambhasidum sa-sambhamamhi. (ity

apatrapam natayati).

nam—to her; adittha—not seen; puvvam—before; sambhasidum—to

speak; sa-sambhama—very eager; amhi—I am; iti—thus; apatrapam—
shyness; natayati—represents dramatically.

Rädhikä: I am very eager to speak with this girl whom I have

never seen before. (She becomes shy).

(nepathye) yami vrnde nunam rädhäya naham pariciye. maya tu

sahasradheyam anubhuyamanasti.

yami—O sister; vrnde—Våndä; nunam—certainly; rädhäya—by

Rädhä; na—not; aham—I am; pariciye—recognized; maya—by me; tu—but;
sahasradhä—thousands of times or ways; iyam—She; anubhuyamana—
seen or enjoyed; asti—has been.

(Off-stage) Sister Våndä, it seems Rädhä did not recognize me,

although I have seen Her thousands of times.155

våndä: (svägatam) citram saksad angana-kantha-dhvanir evayan.

svägatam—aside; citram—wonderful; saksat—directly; angana—of a

girl; kantha—of the throat; dhvanih—the sound; eva—certainly; ayam—this.

Våndä: (to herself) How wonderful! It is really the voice of a


rädhikä: vunde na jane kisa pasaham ni-unjavijja-e sinijjhadi me hi-


vunde—O Våndä; na—not; jane—I know; kisa—why?; pasaham—

intensely; ni-unjavijja-e—for Nikuïjavidyä; sinijjhadi—affectionate; me—
My; hi-a-am—heart.

Rädhikä: Våndä, I do not know why My heart is so strongly

Or: "O Våndä! It seems Rädhä did not recognize Me, although I have enjoyed with Her thousands
of times!”

447 •
attracted to Nikuïjavidyä!

våndä: sakhi tattvam jane. na citram idam yad asav api ciram tvayy

sakhi—O friend; tattvam—the truth; jane—I understand; na—not;

citram—surprising; idam—this; yat—because; asau—she; api—also;
ciram—for a long time; tvayi—You; anurajyati—attached.

Våndä: Sakhi, I know the truth. It is not surprising, because she

has also been attached to You for a long time.

rädhikä: (sanandam anusrtya) hala ni-unjavijje kahim so tuha ni-


sa—with; anandam—joy; anusrtya—approaching; hala—sakhi; ni-

unjavijje—Nikuïjavidyä; kahim—where?; so—he; tuha—of you; ni-unja—in
the forest bowers; na-aro—lover.

Rädhikä: (joyfully approaching) O Nikuïjavidyä, where is your


(nepathye) sakhi kas tam jano janati.

sakhi—O friend; kah—what?; tam—him; janah—person; janati—


(Off-stage) Sakhi, who knows him?

lalita: sahi ni-unjavijje muncehi parihasa-cchalam. appavaggo de

mahariso jano.

sahi—O friend; ni-unjavijje—Nikuïjavidyä; muncehi—please give up;

parihasa—of joking; chalam—the pretense; appa-vaggo—on the same side;
de—You; amhariso—like us; jano—person.

Lalitä: Sakhi Nikuïjavidyä, please don’t joke like this. We are

your friends.

badham tattvam avijnaya
tapyamanah krsanuna
katham sarada-padmaksi
"Where is your lover, with whom you enjoy in the forest bowers?”

448 •
paradah parilabhyate

badha—certainly; tattvam—the truth (or bhakti-tattva); avijnaya—not

understanding; tapyamanah—being heated (or performed austerities);
krsanuna—by fire (or becoming thin); katham—how; sarada—autumn;
padma—lotus; aksi—eyes; paradah—mercury (or bestower of the highest
goal); parilabhyate—is obtained.

(Off-stage) O girl whose eyes are like autumn lotus flowers!

Without knowledge, how will You obtain gold by heating mercury in
the fire?157

våndä: (janantikam)
smera kapola-pali
samsati dutyam nikuïjavidyäyaù
rädhe mrdulaya tad imam
snehenabhyajya bhavyena

jana-antikam—aside; smera—smiling; kapola—of the cheek; pali—on

the edge; samsati—indicates; dutyam—the role of a messenger;
nikuïjavidyäyah—Nikuïjavidyä; rädhe—O Rädhä; mrdulaya—gently; tat—
therefore; imam—her; snehena—with the tender love; abhyajya—anointing;

Våndä: (whispers to Rädhikä) With her smiling cheeks,

Nikuïjavidyä sends You a message. O Rädhä, be gentle and anoint her
with the excellent oil of Your love.158

rädhikä: hala ni-unjavijje kisa vundevva nanubandhanasi sineha-


hala—sakhi; ni-unjavijje—Nikuïjavidyä; kisa—why?; vunda—Våndä;

ivva—like; na—not; anubandhana—bound; asi—you are; sineha—of
affection; bandham—the bonds.

Rädhikä: Sakhi Nikuïjavidyä, why didn't you bind Me, as you

bound Våndä, with the bonds of love?

vidhih padme padau nava-kadalike sakthi-yugalim
mrnale dor-dvandvam tava sasinam apadya vadanam
Or: “Without understanding the truth, how will You attain Kåñëa, who gives the supreme goal of
life, even by performing severe austerities?”
158 “O Rädhä, be gentle to her, and anoint her with your tender affection (sneha)!”

449 •
mrdunam arthanam na kathinam avastambhakas rte
sthitih syad ity ara vyadhita hrdayam nunam asanim

nepathye—behind the scenes; vidhih—Lord Brahmä; padme—two

lotus flowers; padau—feet; nava—new; kadalike—plantain trees; sakthi—of
thighs; yugalim—pair; mrnale—two lotus stems; doh—of arms; dvandvam—
the pair; tava—of You; sasinam—the moon; apadya—obtaining; vadanam—
face; mrdunam—of soft; arthanam—things; na—not; kathinam—something
hard; avastambhakam—as a pillar for support; rte—without; sthitih—
steadiness; syat—may be; iti—thus; atra—here; vyadhita—created;
hrdayam—heart; nunam—indeed; asanim—a thunderbolt.

(Off-stage) Making Your feet lotus flowers, Your thighs young

trunks of plantain trees, Your arms lotus stems, Your face the moon,
and understanding that these soft things cannot remain without a firm
support, the creator Brahmä turned your heart into a thunderbolt.159

rädhikä: vunde pekkha sanura-a-hasam parihasijjami ni-unjavijja-e.

ta gadu-a milissam. (iti niskranta).

vunde—O Våndä; pekkha—look!; sa—with; anura-a—of affection;

hasam—a smile; parihasijjami—jokes with Me; ni-unjavijja-e—
Nikuïjavidyä; ta—therefore; gadu-a—going; milissam—I shall meet; iti—
thus; niskranta—exits.

Rädhikä: Våndä, look! With an affectionate smile, Nikuïjavidyä

jokes with Me. I will go to her. (She exits).

nikunjavidye kathora-dhis tvam asi
yat-pravanam api purataù
parirabhya sakhim na ranjayasi

gokula—of Gokula; rama—of the girls; preyasi—very dear;

nikunjavidye—O Nikuïjavidyä; kathora—hard; dhih—mind; tva—you; asi—
are; yat—who; pravanam—devoted and submissive; api—even; puratah—in
the presence; parirabhya—embracing; sakhim—friend; na—not; ranjayasi—
you please.

Våndä: O Nikuïjavidyä, dear to the beautiful girls of Gokula, your

heart is very hard. Even though this girl is your devoted sakhi, still

There is nothing harder than thunderbolt, because it destroys even mountains.

450 •
you do not please Her with an embrace.160

visakha: i-am rahi ni-unjavijjam pariraddhum bhu-a-vallim ullasenti

pemma-visaddham jappadi.

i-am—this; rahi—Rädhä; ni-unjavijjam—Nikuïjavidyä;

pariraddhum—to embrace; bhu-a—of arms; vallim—the creeper; ullasanti—
extending (or jubilantly); pemma—of love; visaddham—trust or playful
quarrel; jappadi—talking.

Viçäkhä: Extending the creepers of Her arms and embracing

Nikuïjavidyä, Rädhä talks and lovingly quarrels with her.

(nepathye) hala bhandira-de-ade pekkha. gokula-pavesa-vela paccasi-

adi. ta karijja-u trnnam amhesu lila-ranga-sangamido kanhassa pasa-o.

nepathye—behind the scenes; hala—sakhi; bhandira—of

Bhäëòéravana forest; de-ade—O goddess; pekkha—look!; gokula—to Gokula;
pavesa—of entrance; vela—the time; paccasi-adi—approaches; ta—
therefore; karijja-u—should be done; trnnam—quickly; amhesu—among us;
lila—of pastimes; ranga—arena; sangamido—meeting; kanhassa—of Kåñëa;

(Off-stage) O sakhi, O goddess of Bhäëòéravana, look! The time

to return to Gokula is now approaching! Be merciful to us, may Kåñëa
quickly return to the place of our pastimes!

lalita: vunde esa tujjha bahini rahi-am parirambhi-a cumbadi.

vunde—O Våndä; esa—She; tujjha—of you; bahini—the sister; rahi-

am—Rädhikä; parirambhi-a—embracing; cumbadi—kisses.

Lalitä: Våndä, your sister is now embracing Rädhikä and kissing


visakha: (sa-sankam) dittha nillajji-a-e tujjha ni-unjavijja-e purisa-

dhamma-luddhada. jam esa raha-vakkhoruhe naharankuram appedi.

sa—with; sankam—anxiety; dittha—observed; nillajji-a-e—shameless;

tujjha—your; ni-unjavijja—by Nikuïjavidyä; purisa—male; dhammo—
nature; luddhada—achieved; jam—because; esa—she; raha—of Rädhä;

Or: “O Kåñëa, who is dear to the beautiful girls of Gokula and knows how to enjoy in the forest

bowers! Why don't You embrace Your beloved?” The word "preyasé" may refer to both a woman
and a man.

451 •
vakkhoruhe—on the breasts; naharankuram—fingernail scratch markings;

Viçäkhä: (anxiously) I see your sister Nikuïjavidyä has no

shame! Now she acts like a man, scratching Rädhä’s breasts with her

våndä: (sa-smitam) sakhi mabhyasuyam krthah. premotkarsa-vilaso


sa—with; smitam—a smile; sakhi—O friend; ma—don’t;

abhyasuyam—indignation; krthah—do; prema—of love; utkarsa—
excellence; vilasah—pastimes; ayam—this.

Våndä: (with a smile) Sakhi, don’t become angry. It is just a

pastime of great love!

(pravisya sotkampa) rädhikä: (sa-bhru-bhangam) vunde juttam

juttam amhesu tumha jimhattanam.

pravisya—entering; sa—with; utkampam—trembling; sa—withj;

bhru—of the eyebrows; bhangam—knitting; vunde—O Våndä; juttam—
good; juttam—good; amhesu—on us; tumha—of you; jimhattanam—

Rädhikä: (enters, trembling and knitting Her eyebrows) Våndä!

Well done, well done! You have played a trick on us!

våndä: (vihasya) sakhi na vedmi kim tavakutam.

vihasya—laughing; sakhi—O friend; na—not; vedmi—I understand;

kim—what?; tava—of You; akutam—the intention.

Våndä: (laughing) Sakhi, I don’t understand. What do You mean?

sakhyau: (sa-smitam) vunde vinnada de mohini-bhuda ni-unjavijja.

sa—with; smitam—a smile; vunde—O Våndä; vinnada—understood;

de—by you; mohini—a charming girl; bhuda—manifested; ni-unjavijja—

The two gopés: (with a smile) Våndä, now we understand thanks

to whom the charming Nikuïjavidyä appeared!

(tatah pravisati sa-putra jatila) jatila: vaccha ahimanno pekkha

452 •
pangane rangini taha tandavi-o vi sihandi cittha-i.

tatah—then; pravisati—enters; sa—with; putra—her son; jatila—Jaöilä;

vaccha—O child; ahimanno—Abhimanyu; pekkha—look!; pangane—in the
courtyard; rangini—the doe Raìgiëé; taha—in the same way; tandavi—
Täëòavika; vi—also; sihandi—the peacock; cittha-i—stays.

Jaöilä: (enters with her son) Child Abhimanyu, look! In this

courtyard are both Rädhä’s pet doe Raìgiëé and Kåñëa’s peacock

abhimanyuù: amba saccam kahesi. jam dittham ma-e go-gova-

mandalena saddham ekko jjevva go-ulam pa-ittho.

amba—O mother; saccam—the truth; kahesi—you speak; jam—

because; dittham—observed; ma-e—by me; go—of the cows; gova—and
cowherd boys; mandalena—the circle; saddham—with; ekko—alone;
jjevva—indeed; ramo—Balaräma; go-ulam—Gokula; pa-ittho—entered.

Abhimanyu: Mother, you speak the truth, because I saw Räma

return to Gokula village with the cows and cowherd boys, but without

jatila: vaccha esa visarini kavi sorabbha-dhara jjevva tam sahasi-a-

mihunam ettha kahe-i.

vaccha—O child; esa—this; visarini—spreading; kavi—something;

sorabbha—of sweet fragrance; dhara—flood; jjevva—certainly; tam—this;
sahasi-a—reckless; mihunam—couple; ettha—here; kahe-i—proclaims.

Jaöilä: Child, this overflowing stream of sweet fragrance

undoubtedly speaks of the presence of this arrogant couple.

abhimanyuù: amba bhavadi-e nideso vi ma-e padivalido ajja

samvutto. ta danim rahi-am mahura-pure na-issam.

amba—O mother; bhavadi-e—of the noble Paurëamäsé; nideso—the

instructions; vi—indeed; ma-e—by me; padivalido—followed; ajja—now;
samvutto—gone; ta—therefore; pure—to the city; na-issam—I shall bring.

Abhimanyu: Mother, I will no longer follow the instructions of

the noble Paurëamäsé! Now I will take Rädhikä to Mathurä.

jatila: putta ditthi-a ekka-du-aram gharam. ta du-ara-bhitti-e lagga

453 •
bhavi-a sunamha patthavam

putta—son; ditthi-a—by good fortune; ekka—one; du-aram—door;

gharam—the building; ta—therefore; du-ara-bhitti-e—by the door panel;
lagga—touched; bhavi-a—having become; sunamha—let us listen;
patthavam—to the topic of the conversation.

Jaöilä: Son, fortunately this temple has only one entrance. Let us
stay by the door and eavesdrop on the conversation.

(iti tatha sthitau).

iti—thus; tatha—in that way; sthitau—standing.

(They both do that).

(pravisya) kåñëaù: (sa-smitam) rädhe ma sma karsir ati-durlabhe

‘sminn arthe prarthanam.

pravisya—enters; sa—with; smitam—a smile; rädhe—O Rädhä; ma—

don’t; sma—indeed; karsih—do; ati—very; durlabhe—difficult to attain;
asmin—in this; arthe—request; prarthanam—beg.

Kåñëa: (entering, with a smile) Rädhä, do not ask for something

that is very difficult to obtain!

rädhikä: (sa-narma-smitam) a-i de-i pasida pasida.

sa—with; narma—a playful; smitam—smile; a-i—O; de-i—goddess;

pasida—be merciful; pasida—be merciful.

Rädhikä: (with a playful smile) O goddess, be merciful! Be

merciful to Me!

abhimanyuù: (grham pravisya) hum sahasini paccakkham hatthatthi


grham—the temple; pravisya—entering; hum—an exclamation of

anger and reproach; sahasini—foolhardy; paccakkham—before my eyes;
hattha-ahatthi—hand-to-hand; gahida—taken; asi—You are.

Abhimanyu: (entering the temple) Aha! O reckless girl! I have

caught You red-handed!

kåñëaù: (svägatam) hanta svarad abhimanyum abhijnaya katareyam

454 •
priya yastivad bhumau nipapata.

svägatam—aside; hanta—Alas!; svarat—from the sound;

abhimanyum—Abhimanyu; abhijnaya—recognizing; katara—frightened;
iyam—She; priya—My beloved; yasti—a stick; vat—like; bhumau—on the
ground; nipapata—fell.

Kåñëa: (to Himself) Ah! Hearing the sound of Abhimanyu's voice,

My beloved has become frightened and at once fainted, falling like a
stick to the ground!

jatila: (sa-vismayam angulya darsayanti), vaccha lo-ottarena la-

anna-bharena ka esa gauri gharam ujjale-i.

sa—with; vismayam—astonishment; angulya—with a finger;

darsayanti—pointing; vaccha—O child; lo-ottarena—extraordinary; la-
anna—of beauty; bharena—with the abundance; ka—who?; esa—this;
gauri—golden-complexioned girl; gharam—the temple; ujjale-i—

Jaöilä: (struck with wonder, she points with her finger) O child,
who is this golden-complexioned girl that illuminates this temple
with her extraordinary beauty?

abhimanyuù: (vimrsya) amba de-i pasida pasida tti bhani-a rahi-e

danda-ppanamo kidatthi. ta esa divva-rupa mahesa-mahisi phudam

vimrsya—reflecting; amba—O mother; de-i—O goddess; pasida—have

mercy; pasida—have mercy; tti—thus; bhani-a—speaking; rahi-e—by
Rädhä; danda—like a stick; ppanamo—obeisances; kidatthi—performed;
ta—therefore; esa—she; divva—celestially beautiful; rupa—whose form;
mahesa—of Lord Çiva; mahisi—royal consort; phudam padubbhuda—is

Abhimanyu: (reflecting) Mother, Rädhä said, “O goddess, be

merciful! Be merciful!” and then She at once bowed down, falling like
a stick to the ground. Undoubtedly, this divine girl is the goddess
Gauré, the consort of Lord Çiva, manifested here!

kåñëaù: (sa-harsam atma-gatam) gauri-nepathyam mama susthu

pathyam babhuva.

sa—with; harsam—happiness; atma-gatam—to Himself; gauri—of

455 •
Gauré; nepathyam—the attire; mama—of Me; susthu—very; pathyam—
suitable; babhuva—has become.

Kåñëa: (joyfully says to Himself) My disguise of a golden-

complexioned girl has been very useful here!

sakhyau: (sanandam) govuttama tumhanam ambedidena amhehim

arahijjanti gauri padimado nikkamida.

sa—with; anandam—bliss; govuttama—O best of the cowherds;

tumhenam—of you; ambedidena—by the request; amhehim—by us;
arahijjanti—worshipped; gauri—Gauré; padimado—from the deity;
nikkamida—has come out.

The two gopés: (happily say to Abhimanyu) O best of the

cowherds, on your request we worshipped Gauré, and now the
goddess herself has emerged from the deity!

abhimanyu: visahe kim danim de-i-pade su-dullaham rahi-e


visahe—O Viçäkhä; kim—what?; danim—now; de-i—of the goddess;

pade—at the feet; su-dullaham—very difficult to achieve; rahi-e—by Rädhä;
abbhatthidam—was requested.

Abhimanyu: Viçäkhä, what difficult-to-attain thing was Rädhä

praying for at the feet of the goddess?

kåñëaù: virabhimanyo, darunam kim api sankatam tavopasthitam. tan

nivrttim iyam yacate.

virabhimanyo—O hero Abhimanyu!; darunam—fierce; kim api—

some; sankatam—danger; tavopasthitam—you have come upon; tan—that;
nivrttim—taken away; iyam—She; yacate—prays.

Kåñëa: O hero Abhimanyu! You are in terrible danger, and She

is praying that I will save you.

abhimanyu: (sa-sankam) bha-avadi kerisam tam.

sa—with; sankam—fear; bha-avadi—O noble goddess; kerissam—like

what?; tam—that.

Abhimanyu: (frightened) O noble goddess, what kind of danger?

456 •
kåñëaù: vrnde tad-abhivyaktaya sankucanti me vacanani. tatas tvaya

vrnde—O Våndä; tat—of that; abhivyaktaye—for the revelation;

sankucanti—hesitant; me—my; vacanani—words; tatah—therefore; tvaya—
by you; kathyatam—let it be said.

Kåñëa: Våndä, I hesitate to say it. You tell him.

våndä: maninn abhimanyo para-svas tvam bho jesvarena bhairavaya

sayam upahari-kartavyo ‘si.

maninn—proud; abhimanyo—O Abhimanyu; para—the day after;

svah—tomorrow; tvam—you; bhoja-isvarena—by Kaàsa, the king of the
Bhojas; bhairavaya—to Lord Çiva; sayam—in the evening; upahari-
kartavyah—to be offered in sacrifice; asi—you.

Våndä: O proud Abhimanyu! The day after tomorrow, at sunset,

Kaàsa, the king of the Bhojas, will sacrifice you to Lord Çiva.

(sa-vaiklavyam) de-i pasida pasida ji-a-putti-am me mam karehi.

sa—with; vaiklavyam—despair; de-i—O goddess; pasida—have

mercy; pasida—have mercy; ji-a—living; putti-am—with a son; mam—me;
karehi—please make.

Jaöilä: (with despair) O goddess, be merciful! Be merciful! Let my

son live!

rädhikä: (sa-harsam utthaya) de-i pasida pasida.

sa—with; harsam—happiness; utthaya—rising; de-i—O goddess;

pasida—have mercy; pasida—have mercy.

Rädhikä: (happily rising) O goddess, be merciful! Be merciful to


kåñëaù: (smitva) rädhe varnitam eva te. yad adya durnivaram idam.

smitva—smiling; rädhe—O Rädhä; varnitam—described; eva—

certainly; te—to You; yat—because; adya—now; durnivaram—difficult to
stop; idam—this.

Kåñëa: (smiling) Rädhä, I have already told You. Now it will be

457 •
very difficult to stop it.

rädhikä: (sa-kaku-bharam pranamya) hanta ballavi-ula-de-ade kim

pi asakkam de natthi. ta tu-e nahena avippa-o-am pasadi-kadu-a anugehi-
adu eso jano.

sa—with; kaku—of plaintive words; bharam—an abundance;

pranamya—offering obeisances; hanta—O!; ballavi—of the gopis; ula—of
the community; de-ade—O goddess; kim pi—something; asakkam—
impossible to perform; de—for you; na—not; atthi—is; ta—therefore; tu-e—
by you; nahena—with My master; avippa-o-am—not suffering separation;
pasadi-kadu-a—becoming merciful; anugehi-adu—may become to object of
mercy; eso—this; jano—person.

Rädhikä: (bowing down and lamenting) O goddess of the

cowherd women, nothing is impossible for you! Please be merciful to
this person! Don't separate Me from My master!161

kåñëaù: (smitva)
vasi-krtatmasi vasindra-duskarais
tavadya rädhe nava-bhakti-damabhiù
tad-ista-siddhim krta-gokula-sthitiù
sada mad-arädhäna tvam apsyasi

smitva—smiling; vasi-krta—conquered; atma—self; asi—You are; vasi-

indra—for great sages and ascetics; duskaraih—difficult to perform; tava—of
You; adya—today; rädhe—O Rädhä; nava—fresh (or nine kinds); bhakti—of
devotion; damabhih—with the ropes; tat—of this; ista—request; siddhim—
the success; krta—done; gokula—in Gokula; sthitih—residence; sada—
continually; mat—of me; arädhänatah—from the worship; tvam—You;
apsyasi—will attain.

Kåñëa: (with a smile) O Rädhä, You have conquered me and

bound me with the ropes of Your ever-fresh devotion, which even
great sages and ascetics cannot achieve! By always staying in Gokula
and worshipping me, You will attain Your desired goal.162

abhimanyuù: (socchvasam) a-i bhatta-jana-vacchale kada vi

mahurahimuhi ma-e na rahi-a kadavva. ta iha vasanti tumam esa arahedu.

Or: "O Kåñëa, O devatä of all the cowherd girls, O My master! Don't separate Me from You!” But
Jaöilä, hearing the word “master”, will think that Rädhä is talking about Abhimanyu.
162 "O Rädhä! You are the crest-jewel among all chaste girls. Therefore, do not go to Mathurä, and

stay in Gokula. Following Jaöilä’s order, always go to the forest to worship Me.”

458 •
sa—with; ucchvasam—a sigh; a-i—O; bhatta-jana—to the devotees;
vacchale—kind; kada vi—at any time; mahura—to Mathurä; ahimuhi—
eager to go; ma-e—by me; na—not; rahi-a—Rädhikä; kadavva—shall be;
ta—therefore; iha—here; vasanti—residing; tumam—you; esa—She;
arahedu—will worship.

Abhimanyu: (sighing with relief) O goddess who is very kind to

her devotees, I will never take Rädhikä to Mathurä! She will always
stay here and worship you!

jatila: (rädhäm alingya) a-i go-ula-nandini rakkhidamhi.

rädhäm—Rädhä; alingya—embracing; a-i—O; go-ula—of Gokula;

nandini—delight; rakkhida—saved; amhi—I am.

Jaöilä: (embracing Rädhä) O delight of Gokula, I am saved!

våndä: (abhimanyum aveksya).

vidhvamsayati hi pumsam
sadhvi parivaditayumsi
para-devatatra gauri
bhava-grahiny asau vadatu

abhimanyum—at Abhimanyu; aveksya—glancing; vidhvamsayati—

destroys; hi—indeed; pumsam—of men; sadhvi—a chaste girl; parivadita—
insulted; ayumsi—the span of life; para-devata—the supreme goddess;
atra—here; gauri—Gauré; bhava—the love of the devotees; grahini—who
accepts; asau—she; vadatu—may speak.

Våndä: (glancing at Abhimanyu) A chaste girl will destroy the

life-span of men who insult her. The supreme goddess Gauré, who
responds to the love of her devotees, will now give us her opinion.

kåñëaù: dhanyabhimanyo kalyana-sadhika te rädhikä. tad asyam

navisrabdhena bhavitavyam bhavata.

dhanya—O fortunate; abhimanyo—Abhimanyu; kalyana—

auspiciousness; sadhika—bringing; te—of you; rädhikä—Rädhikä; tat—
therefore; asyam—in Her; na—not; avisrabdhena—without trust;
bhavitavyam—should be; bhavata—by you.

Kåñëa: O fortunate Abhimanyu, Rädhikä is the source of your

good fortune. Don't ever loose faith in Her!

459 •
abhimanyuù: de-i rahi-vesam kadu-a su-alena amba me parihasijja-i.
tam pekkhi-a macchari anahinno micchahisattim uppavedi.

de-i—O goddess; rahi—as Rädhä; vesam—the dress; kadu-a—doing;

su-alena—by Subala; amba—mother; me—my; parihassija-i—is ridiculed;
tam—him; pekkhi-a—seeing; macchari—envious; anahinno—ignorant;
miccha—false; ahisattim—accusation; uppavedi—create.

Abhimanyu: O goddess, Subala dresses up like Rädhä and makes

fun of my mother. When some envious, ignorant people see that, they
begin to gossip.

lalita: ahimanno ditthi-a sa-am ce-a visatthosi.

ahimanno—Abhimanyu; ditthi-a—by good fortune; sa-am—

personally; ce-a—certainly; visatthosi—you have trust.

Lalitä: Abhimanyu, fortunately you yourself have confidence in


abhimanyuù: amba ehi mama gharam. savvassa-im mahura-pure

nedum nijuttam janam nivaremha. (ity ambaya saha harim pranamya

amba—O mother; ehi—come; mama—my; gharam—to the house;

savvassa-im—all the household goods; mahura-pure—to Mathurä; nedum—
to take; nijuttam—engaged; janam—a servant; nivaremha—let us stop; iti—
thus; ambaya—mother; sah—with; harim—Kåñëa; pranamya—bowing
down; niskrantah—exits.

Abhimanyu: Mother, come home with me. We must stop the

servants I asked to move all my possessions to Mathurä. (With his
mother he bows down to Hari and then exits).

sakhyau: (rädhäm aslisya sasram) ha pi-a-sahi kadham pamarehim

tumam mahura-pure nedum niccidasi.

rädhäm—Rädhä; aslisya—embracing; sa—with; asram—tears; ha—O;

pi-a—dear; sahi—friend; kadham—why?; pamarehim—by this wretched
people; tumam—You; mahura-pure—to Mathurä; nedum—to take;
niccida—decided; asi—You are.

The two gopés: (embracing Rädhä, with tears) O dear sakhi, why
did these wretched people want to take You to Mathurä?

460 •
paurnamasi: (sananda-smitam)
angaragena gaurangi
mam agre ranjayaty esa
nikunja kula-devata

pravisya—entering; sa—with; ananda—of bliss; smitam—a smile;

angaragena—with cosmetics; gaura—yellow; angi—whose limbs;
hiranya—of gold; dyuti—the splendor; harini—captivating; mam—me;
agre—in the presence; ranjayati—delights; esa—she; nikunja—of the forest-
grove; kula—of the multitude; devata—the goddess.

Paurëamäsé: (enters, and says with a jouful smile) This goddess

of the forest bowers, anointed with yellow cosmetics and charming
with the golden radiance of her body, brings me great delight!

kåñëaù: (parikramya) bhagavati vande.

parikramya—walking; bhagavati—O noble lady; vande—My

respectful obeisances.

Kåñëa: (approaching her) O noble lady, I offer My respectful

obeisances to you.

paurnamasi: asih-satam. hanta yasoda-matah distya bhavatadya

samvardhitasmi yad aham rädhikä-vislesa-vedananam anabhijni-krta.

asih—of blessings; satam—hundreds; hanta—indeed; yasoda—of

Yaçodä; matah—mother; distya—by good fortune; bhavata—by You; adya—
today; samvardhita—overjoyed; asmi—I am; yad—because; aham—I;
rädhikä—of Rädhikä; vislesa—of separation; vedananam—of the sufferings;
anabhijni-krta—made forget.

Paurëamäsé: Hundreds of blessings to You! O son of Yaçodä,

today I am very happy because You made me forget about Rädhikä’s
sufferings in separation from You!

uttirna parama-bhayad babhuva rädhä
nirbadhajani bhavati gatadhi-suciù
nihsankam pramadam itas tathadya sakhyaù
kartavyam bhagavati kim priyam tavasti

461 •
uttirna—lifted; parama—supreme; bhayat—from danger; babhuva—
has become; rädhä—Rädhä; nirbadha—freed from all obstacles; ajani—has
become; bhavati—You; gata—gone; adhi—of anxiety; sucih—the sharp
point; nihsankam—free from fear; pramadam—happiness; itah—attained;
tatha—in that way; adya—now; sakhyah—gopi-friends; kartavyam—should
be done; bhagavati—O noble woman; kim—what?; priyam—favor; tava—of
you; asti—is.

Kåñëa: Rädhä is now rescued from the great danger, and the
thorn of Her anxiety is removed. Her sakhis are also delighted and
free from all fear. O noble lady, what else may I do to please you?

paurnamasi: (sanandasram). gokula-bandho badham avandhya-

janmasmi krta. tathapi kincid abhyarthaye.

sa—with; ananda—of bliss; asram—tears; gokula—of Gokula;

bandho—O friend; badham—certainly; avandhya—not barren; janma—
with a birth; asmi—I am; krta—done; tatha api—nevertheless; kincit—
something; abhyarthaye—I request.

Paurëamäsé: (with tear of joy) O friend of Gokula, now my birth

is fruitful. Still, there is one thing I want to ask for.

prathayan guëa-vånda-mädhurém
saha rädhikayä bhavan sadä
çubham abhyasyatu keli-vibhramam

prathayan—expanding; guna—of qualities; våndä—of the host;

madhurim—the sweetness; adhi-våndävana—of Våndävana; kunja—the
groves; kandaram—in the recesses; saha—with; rädhikäya—Rädhikä;
bhavan—You; sada—eternally; subham—auspicious and beautiful;
abhyasyatu—may perform; keli-vibhramam—amorous pastimes.

Spreading the sweetness of Your qualities, eternally enjoy

charming, all-auspicious amorous pastimes with Rädhikä in the
bowers of Våndävana forest.

kim ca
antah-kandalitadarah sruti-putim ugdhatayan sevate
yas te gokula-keli-nirmala-sudha-sindhuttha-bindum api
rädhä-mädhavéka madho madhurima svarajyam asyarjayan
sadhiyan bhavadiya-pada-kamale premormir unmilatu

462 •
kim ca—furthermore; antah—in the heart; kandalita—sprouted;
adarah—devotional faith; sruti—of the ears; putim—the opening;
ugghatayan—opening wide; sevate—serves; yah—one who; te—of You;
gokula—in Gokula; keli—of amorous pastimes; nirmala—pure and splendid;
sudha—of the nectar; sindhu—from the ocean; uttha—arisen; bindun—the
drops; api—even; rädhä—of Rädhä; madhavaika—of the mädhavé creeper;
madho—O springtime; madhurima—sweetness; svarajyam—own kingdom;
asya—such a person; rjayan—gaining; sadhiyat—most excellent;
bhavadiya—of You; pada—feet; kamale—for the lotus flower; prema—of
love; urmih—the waves; unmilatu—may become manifest.

O Kåñëa, who is like the spring that makes the mädhavé vine of
Rädhä blossom with happiness! May that person, whose loving
devotion for You has already sprouted in his heart, and who with his
ears serves and worships the drops of nectar from the pure and
splendid nectar ocean of Your amorous pastimes in Gokula, attain the
kingdom of Your sweetness and swim in the waves of pure love for
Your lotus feet.

kåñëaù: (smitva) bhagavati tathastu. tad ehi. go-dohavasane mam

apreksya cintayisyantau pitarav avilambam gokulam pravisya nandayavah.
(iti niskrantah). (iti niskrantah sarve).

smitva—smiling; bhagavati—O noble lady; tatha—in that way; astu—

may it be; tat—then; ehi—come; go—of the surabhi cows; doha—of milking;
avasane—at the time; mam—Me; apreksya—not seeing; cintayisyantau—
may worry; pitarau—parents; avilambam—without delay; gokulam—
Gokula; pravisya—entering; nandayavah—let us delight; iti—thus;
niskrantah—exits; iti—thus; niskrantah—exit; sarve—all.

Kåñëa: (with a smile) O noble lady, so be it. Come. Not seeing Me

at the time of milking the cows, My parents will become very worried.
Let us quickly go to Gokula village and give them pleasure.

(He exits).

(Everyone exits).

End of Act Seven

463 •

rädhä-viläsaà vitaìkaà
catuù-ñañti-kalä dhäram
vidagdha-mädhavam sädhu
çilayantu vicaksanaù

rädhä—of Rädhä; vilasam—with the pastimes; vita—completed;

ankam—the final act; catuh-sasti—64; kala—arts; dharam—manifesting;
vidagdha-madhavam—this Vidagdha-madhava; sadhu—nicely; silayantu—
may study; vicaksanah—the learned.

This Vidagdha-Mädhava, which contains the pastimes of Rädhä

and endowed with the sixty-four arts, is now completed. May those
who are learned and intelligent carefully study it.

sankhye samvatsare gate
vidagdha-madhavam nama
natakam gokule krtam

nanda—nine; sindhu—eight; bana—five; indu—one; sankhye—

bearing the numbers; samvatsare—in the year; gate—gone; vidagdha-
madhavam—Vidagdha-madhava; nama—named; natakam—the play;
gokule—in Gokula; krtam—created.

This play named Vidagdha-Mädhava was written in Gokula in

1532 A.D.

çänta-çriyaù parama-bhägavataù samantäd

dvai-guëya-puïjam api sad-guëatäà nayanti
doñävaléà aparitäpitayä mådüni
jyotéàñi viñëu-pada-bhaïji vibhüñayanti

santa—peaceful; sriyah—wealth; parama—exalted; bhagavatah—the

devotees; samantah—in all ways; dvai-gunya—doubling; punjam—many
times; api—even; sat-gunatam—the state of having good qualities; nayanti—
lead; dosa—of nights; avalim—the host; aparitapitaya—with coolness;
mrduni—gentle; jyotimsi—the stars; visnu-pada—the sky; bhanji—
possessing; vibhusayanti—decorate.

464 •
The great devotees, endowed with a wealth of peacefulness,
multiply good qualities, just as the stars, shining with gentle coolness,
always decorate the night sky.

Jaya Rädhä-Govinda!
Jaya Våndävana!
Jaya Çré Kåñëa Caitanya!
Jaya Gaura-bhakta-vånda!

465 •

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