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English10 q1 Mod9 Perceivingthroughtheeyes v5

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Quarter 1 - Module 9

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

English- Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 - Module 9: Perceiving Through the Eyes
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Bukidnon

Development Team of the Module


Reviewers: SARAH M. MANCAO, PhD, EPS in English

Illustrator and Layout Artist: HARLEY BERT M. GERONA

Management Team

Chairperson: ARTURO B. BAYOCOT, PhD, CESO III, Regional Director

VICTOR G. DE GRACIA Jr. CESO V, Asst. Regional Director
RANDOLPH B. TORTOLA, PhD, CESO IV, Schools Division Superintendent
SHAMBAEH A. USMAN, PhD, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

SARAH M. MANCAO, PhD, EPS in English
SHELLA O. BOLASCO, Division Librarian II
DARYL REY T. MACARIO, Division ICT Coordinator

Printed in the Philippines by

Department of Education – Division of Bukidnon

Office Address: Fortich St. Sumpong, Malaybalay City

Telephone: (088) 813-3634
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Quarter 1 - Module 9

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines


Welcome to the world of learning through viewing. This Alternative Delivery
Mode will help you develop your viewing comprehension. Enjoy the activities while

This module is intended to enable the students to keep learning even outside
the four corners of the study hall amidst a health challenge the nation is confronting.
This will empower the students to work autonomously even at home.

This learning asset is made accessible to address the issues on the learning
continuity and will assist students to meet the guidelines set by the K to 12 Curriculum.

The learning bundle plans to connect with students into guided individual
exercises for a specific skill to be developed.

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to assist you improve
your viewing comprehension. The extent of this module allows it to be utilized in a wide
range of learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary
level of students. The exercises are organized to adhere to the standard arrangement
of the course

The module contains two lessons:

 Lesson 1 – Expressing Insights
 Lesson 2 – Drawing Generalizations and Conclusions

After going through the lessons of this module, you are expected to

a. express insights based on the ideas presented in the material viewed


b. draw generalizations and conclusions based on the ideas presented in the

material viewed (EN10VC-Ig-1.5/2.5). Specifically, you are to:
Pre- Assessment
Multiple Choice
Instructions: Answer the following questions by writing the letters which
correspond to your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. This is one of the responsibilities of the viewer.

A. ignore all warnings
B. share the video to everyone
C. watch whatever they want to view
D. check the source of the video and the uploader
2. This refers to the ability of the participants to perceive meaning from
visual presentations.
A. viewing comprehension B. writing skills
C. listening comprehension D. reading comprehension
3. It is the action or capability of understanding things.
A. censorship B. responsibility
C. comprehension D. understanding
4. In viewing educational films, videos, pictures, and other images, you are
developing what skills?
A. viewing comprehension B. writing skills
C. listening comprehension D. reading comprehension
5. The following are purposes of viewing activities except for one.
A. develops critical thinking
B. encourages viewers to be appreciative
C. make the viewers give harsh comments
D. allows the viewer to evaluate details of the materials
6. This is what you do after viewing activities.
A. view select part only B. share insights gained
C. discuss while the viewing is going on D. keep details all by yourself
7. This refers to writing a journal entry after viewing.
A. cheating B. recording events
C. keeping a secret D. expressing insights
8. These are types of videos except one.
A. Vlogs B. Youtube
C. educational films D. product reviews
9. It is a judgement or decision reached after evaluating reasons.
A. conclusion B. assumption
C. inclusion D. generalization
10. It is a general concept obtained by inference from specific cases.
A. conclusion B. assumption
C. inclusion D. generalization

Expressing Insights
Viewing is inevitable most especially when your lessons involves interpreting
images, browsing websites, movie reviews and watching latest news from television.
Developing viewing comprehension is important to students like you. In this lesson,
you will apply your ability to understand thoughts as introduced through an image or
video. As you go on, you should be a perceptive viewer for you to have the option to
share experiences dependent on the thoughts introduced in the materials you are
going to see.

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
A. express insights based on the ideas presented in the material viewed
Specifically, you have to:

a. assess contents of the viewed material;

b. share insights gained from the viewed materials: and
c. compose a poem for insights gained.

Prior Knowledge
Study the pictures below. Look into the details of the image. Based on your
experiences in life, can you relate them to the images below? Answer the questions
given. Write you answers on a separate answer sheet.

Process Questions:
1. What is the difference between the two pictures?
2. How do you feel about the persons in the pictures?
3. What do you think does each picture want to convey about human life?


You are endowed with strengths and weaknesses. It is up to you on how you
are going to use them in improving yourself in winning life’s challenges.

Watch this video clip of a Filipino armless pilot. Enter the link below on your
browser. After viewing, please answer the questions below on a separate sheet of

Process Questions:

1. What does the video suggest about life?

2. Does it remind you of some experiences where you compared yourself with

3. What insights are being emphasized in the video clip about strengths and

Concept Development

In watching videos, you have to be aware that not all videos are suitable for you
to watch. You have to practice your own censorship to what kind of video to watch.
Viewing can be a wonderful experience for it will allow you to discover places, people
and events and even updates you to the latest news, trends and fashion. While almost
all people enjoy watching videos and even TV shows, it can also bring harmful effects
to the viewer. Videos can be the source of misinformation, violence, and even

Videos can be seen from different sources. You can have them online and
offline. Different websites can provide you with lots of appropriate and suitable videos.
The most popular source of videos are Youtube, Facebook, Daily Motion and Metacafe
among others. These video sources can provide you with videos for educational and
leisure purposes. You can also choose what types of video you want to view. These
types are educational videos, vlogs, gaming videos, comical videos, product reviews,
and challenge videos. You can have all these types online and can download some
for offline viewing.

As much as you want to watch every video that pops up in your screen, you
need to have your own censorship of the video that you are going to view. As a student,
your teachers may ask you to view videos related to your lessons. As you go with
viewing activities it is your responsibility to:

1. Validate the source of the video. Search for the uploader, background,
and the purpose of the video
2. Go through every detail of the video.
3. Write important points presented.
4. Make a summary of the content of the video.
5. Share insights gained.

As part of your viewing activity, you need to express the important insights you
acquire from the video you viewed. The following are ways to express insights:

1. Share to a friend.
2. Present insights through graphic organizers.
3. Write journal entries of the insights gained.
4. Compose a poem or song.
5. Write a speech.

In this particular lesson, the video that was presented in the previous activity
allowed you to express the important insights you gained after watching. The learnings
or ideas you got from the video will help you realize that whatever life throws at you, it
will always bring out the best in you.

Activity 1:

Here’s an activity for you. Watch the video on finding your strengths and
accepting your weaknesses. Copy the link on your browser and do the activity

Based on the video, fill the balloons with insights gained from the video clip.


At this point, you already have recognized your strengths and acknowledged
your weaknesses from the videos you have viewed. What is the biggest challenge you
are facing? Banking on your strengths and motivated by your weaknesses, how are
you going to deal with this challenge? Use the table below to show your ways of
capitalizing on your strengths and weakness based on what you learned from the
My Challenges My way of dealing with my challenges using my
strengths while considering my weaknesses

Activity 2:
Recall a movie or a video you viewed where the characters faced challenges.
How did the characters deal with the challenges they encountered? Write your
observations about the characters on the space below.



Ways to succeed

Reflect and summarize the essential points you learned in this lesson.
Complete the following statements below:

I learned that

Weaknesses make me

When I express my feelings and insights, I

In watching videos, I need to

In going through a video, I have the responsibility to

From the pictures, videos and text in this lesson, compose a poem with four stanzas
about all the insights you gained from the ideas presented. Your output will be graded based
on the following rubrics.

Category 5 4 3 2

Title of the poem Presents creative Presents some Presents title with There is no clear
title related to the creativity in the little creativity. title.
poem. title.
Creativity The poem contains The poem contains The poem contains There is little
many creative a few creative a few creative evidence of
details that details that details, but they creativity in the
contribute to the contribute to the distract from the poem.
reader's enjoyment. reader's enjoyment. poem.
Relevance to Entire poem is Most of the poem is Some of the poem No attempt has
the topic related to the related to the is related to the been made to
assigned topic. assigned topic. assigned topic. relate the poem to
the assigned topic.
Spelling There are no There is 1 spelling There is 2-3 The output has
spelling errors in error in the output spelling errors in more than 3
the output the output spelling errors.

In watching videos, movies and television shows you are not just entertaining yourself
but you are learning as well. You must learn to choose what to view and validate the authenticity
of the material. Choose what is suitable and appropriate to view. Do not forget to personally
censor the material you are going to view to avoid misinformation and misinterpretation. Be sure
to share insights you gained from the materials you viewed.

Lesson Drawing Generalizations and

2 Conclusions

Viewing sharpens one’s mind just like watching movies, television drama series and even
newscasts. You always analyze events, details and even project what will happen next while
watching. Collecting and connecting details will lead you to have your own perception about the
material you viewed. In this lesson, you will learn to how to draw generalizations and

After going through Lesson 2 of this module, you are expected to:

A. draw generalizations and conclusions based on the ideas presented in the

material viewed (EN10VC-Ig-1.5/2.5). Specifically, you are to:
a. evaluate contents of the material viewed; and
b. write generalizations and conclusions.

Prior Knowledge

From the previous lesson, you learned how to capitalize on your strengths and
weaknesses to conquer your personal challenges. The videos you have viewed enabled you to
express your insights. Certainly, videos are platforms by which we learn a lesson which we can
apply in our real-life situation.
As you are about to start a new lesson, complete the statements below.

Generally, viewing

I can conclude that

In this new lesson, reflect on the following questions:
How important is winning over your challenges? How does conquering challenges
prepare you for a better life?

 Take a look at the image below and answer the questions that follow on a separate sheet
of paper.


1. What does the image convey?

2. What specific detail of the picture shows about life’s challenges?

When you analyzed the image above, you looked at specific details which led you to an
idea. In watching a video, you also look for specific details which will help you draw a
generalization and/or a conclusion.

Concept Development
From the videos and images you viewed, you now have your generalizations and
conclusions about the topic. Developing viewing comprehension can be a challenge. As a
student, you sometimes find a hard time understanding the content of what you viewed but it is
one of the most important skills you must develop. In generalizing, you must consider larger
samples, show all sides of the case or situation, then use a precise language. It is not possible
to generalize with smaller sample. While in making conclusions, it is how you feel, supported
by the ideas being tied up from the video presented. Conclusions are made after watching the
whole movie or video.

When you generalize, you may consider these commonly used expressions as your

Generally On the whole By and large

Basically all in all
over all In general

In making conclusions, you may use these phrases/ words:

Taking everything into account Finally it can be concluded

To conclude In summary In closing
To summarize On the whole, In the end
In sum Overall, it9may be said…
Now, take note of the following conclusions and generalizations on winning over
challenges in life based on the videos you viewed.

 It can be concluded that, challenges are part of your daily life whether
you want them and they add color to your life. You can never appreciate
good times when you never had bad times. Getting anxious about the
challenges that you encounter every day is natural. It affects your
choices and your decisions. You must be clever enough to decide and
choose what you want.
 Generally, you feel that you are scared to take the risks because you
might fail but what matters most is you have to face all the challenges
that come your way. You need to take each day as a great opportunity
to try something new. Great opportunity to win over challenges.
Conquering your personal challenges prepares you for the bigger
challenge around you and facing them will make you stronger.
 In the end, winning is sweeter when you fight hard for it.
 Although the path leading you to success is not as smooth as you want
it to be but it can be concluded that along your journey, you will come
across challenges or trials which you need to hurdle. That’s a challenge
for you and definitely, you learn from it.

Activity 1: Never Give Up

In this part of the lesson, you are going to view a heart-warming video of a man who
wants to succeed in his chosen field. Watch the video from the beginning until the end to be
able to get the details that will lead you into drawing generalizations and making conclusion.

Watch this video clip of an athlete who experienced a life changing challenge. Copy the
link on your browser and answer the questions that follow on a separate sheet of paper.


1. What can you tell about the persons in the video?

2. How do you feel while watching the video?

3. What does the video want to tell about conquering individual challenges?

4. What conclusion can you make based on the person’s attitude towards winning

Activity 2: Dream Big

Read the quotation below. How would you relate it to the videos you viewed?

“A winner is a dreamer who never

gives up.”

- Nelson Mandela
In a paragraph, write your generalizations about the video in relation to the quotation
given. Use a separate sheet of paper.

Learn and Be More
As you are about to finish this lesson, take time to think on the important learnings you
gained from the activities you have taken. Write what you have learned by completing the
statements below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

I learned that

I know I can

I will make sure that

I am inspired to

I can conclude that

Activity 5: Just Do It

As a student, you are facing various personal challenges. The decisions that you are
about to make may either make or break you. Now, you are going to apply what you have
learned from the activities above.
Recall a movie you have viewed which made an impact to your personal outlook in life.
Note: You may present your answer to the questions below through a song, poem
dance or essay.
a. What generalizations do you have after watching the movie?
b. Based on the story in the movie, what conclusions do you have?
c. With your generalizations and conclusions, how are you going to apply all these to real
life situations?

Drawing generalizations and conclusions can be sometimes difficult. As a student, your
viewing comprehension matters in dealing with viewing activities that needed in depth
understanding. Going into details of the materials you viewed, will help you draw comprehensive
generalizations and conclusions.

Post Assessment
Choose the best answer for each item below. Write the letter that corresponds to your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. The following are the things /behavior to observe in viewing activity except one.
A. be quiet
B. jot down notes
C. playing online games while watching
D. wait for the video of movie to stop before discussing
2. This develops a person’s learning skill and understanding by just watching or
A. writing B. painting
C. reading D. viewing
3. It refers to the ability of the participants to perceive meaning from visual
presentations with levels in literal, reorganizational, inferential, evaluation and
A. writing skills B. listening comprehension
C. viewing comprehension D. reading comprehension
4. In viewing educational film, video, pictures and other images, you are developing
what skills?
A. writing skills B. listening comprehension
C. viewing comprehension D. reading comprehension
5. What cue word tells a conclusion in the following statement?
In the end, winning is sweeter when we play it well.
A. well B. play it
C. in the end C. winning is sweeter
6. The following are to be considered in making generalizations except ____.
A. consider bigger sample B. use precise language
C. generalize without basis D. show multiple sides of the case
7. The following are purposes of viewing activities except for one.
A. To develop critical thinking
B. To encourage viewers to be appreciative
C. To make the viewers give harsh comments
D. To allow the viewer to evaluate details of the materials
8. Refers to the supported facts along with how the viewer feels.
A. conclusion B. assumption
C. inclusion D. generalization
9. Only girls wear pink- colored outfit. What statement is this?
A. conclusion B. assumption
C. inclusion D. generalization
10. What does a conclusion do?
A. connects ideas B. leaves the topic
C. introduces a topic D. keeps explaining


"404 Not Found." Free Clip Art - Download Clipart Collection | Clipart.Email.
Accessed June 16, 2020.

"Stres Images, Stock Photos & Vectors." Stock Images, Photos, Vectors, Video, and
Music | Shutterstock. Accessed June 16, 2020.

Whatmore, M. "Why Is Courage Important in Leadership & Implementing Change."

Last modified June 4, 2017.

YouTube. n.d. Nikolas Spark

June 2018

YouTube. n.d. PlayReadLive

June 10, 2020

YouTube. n.d. Efficientlyeffective

April 5, 2013.

For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:

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Development Center(LRMDC)

DepEd Division of Bukidnon

Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon
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