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English 8 Detailed LP For CO1 Via LAC MESantiago

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


(Classroom Observation via LAC for the Third Quarter)
April 4, 2022

A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as
mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies in processing textual
information strategies in examining features of a listening and viewing
material; structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis.
B. Performance Standard
The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive
speech based on an informative essay featuring use of properly
acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features,
stance, and behavior.
Most Essential Learning Competency
 Use appropriate cohesive devices in various types of speech.
C. Learning Objectives
1. Determine the four types of speech and their purpose
2. Appreciate the important role of cohesive devices in writing a speech
3. Use appropriate cohesive devices in writing an entertaining speech
based on the given scenario

II. CONTENT: Types of Speech According to Purpose and Cohesive Devices

GAD Core Message: Make Women’s Roles and Contribution
Visible, Valued and Recognized
A. References
 English 8 Activity Sheet for Quarter 3 – Module 5
by: Mrs. Ma. Ivy E. Santiago

B. Materials
 Laptop, Cellphone, English 8 Activity Sheet

C. Modality: Modular distance learning delivery with online support

Platform: Facebook Messenger/Google Classroom
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting
the new lesson

Preliminary Activities:
1. Greetings and Prayer
Good morning G8- Darwin! Before we start our
new lesson, let’s ask first the guidance of our Lord
Jesus Christ.

(The teacher will send a short video)

2. Checking of Attendance

Hello Class! This time, I want to know how you are

and what you are feeling today by reacting to this

Kindly react:
♥️- if you're feeling healthy and strong (Students will key in their

👍- if you have eaten your breakfast and


ready for your learning tasks

😲- if you're okay and just cool with your

activities Indicator No. 3

😢- if you're sick and not feeling well

😅- if you have difficulties in answering your

Activity Sheets.

Whatever be your reactions, they're all valid and

accepted. Just a reminder mga anak, that you Indicator No. 2
should not stress yourselves in doing all the
activities at once. No nabannogen, have a break,
relax, and eat something sweet for you to be
energized. If you feel that you’re already in the
mood and you think you can now grasp all the
important details in your activity sheets, then that’s
the time for you to continue. Clear?

Thank you to those who participated. Again, don’t

forget to react because your reactions will serve
as your attendance for today. Yes, Ma’am!

3. Short Review

Last time we have tackled analyzing literature,


Yes, Ma’am. In analyzing two

All right! Can you still recall the basic elements of different literary texts, we need to
a literature that we need to consider when we are consider the basic elements such as
analyzing two different literary texts? Character, Setting, Plot/Conflict,
Point of View and Theme.

Very good, class! That’s correct, in analyzing two

different literary texts, we need to consider the
basic elements such as Character, Setting,
Plot/Conflict, Point of View and Theme. I am glad
that you have understood our previous topic. I
believe you’re now ready with our new lesson for

4. Declaration of Objectives
At the end of our lesson, I'm expecting that
all of you will be able to:
1. determine the four types of speech and
their purpose;
2. appreciate the important role of cohesive
devices in writing a logically speech; and
3. use appropriate cohesive devices in
writing an entertaining speech based on the given

5. Motivation

Before we start our discussion, let’s have first an

activity with the title, “Watch and Share”. This
activity aims to enhance our viewing skill which is
considered as the fifth macro skill, as well as our
skill in expressing our ideas.

For this activity, I will send video clips for you to

watch then afterwards, you need to share your
ideas on what they are all about.

Before we start, please take note of these

important reminders:

While watching, you need to focus and take

note of important details.

In sharing your ideas, avoid using foul words

that might hurt the feelings of others.

Be caring by learning the value of respect,

especially if your perspectives differ from your

Remember, everyone deserves to be treated

with fairness and respect.
(Students will key in their
Before starting the activity, here’s the motive comments/answers.)
question: “What do you think is the commonality
of the three video clips?”

Are you now ready to Watch and Share? Great!

Here’s the first video clip.

(Students will key in their


Alright, do you know who’s in the video clip?

You’re right! She is Hidilyn Diaz. What is the video

clip all about? Can you share your ideas?

You’re all correct! The video clip is all about one of

the interviews of Hidilyn Diaz after winning the
women’s 55-kilogram weightlifting category which
made her the first woman athlete from the
Philippines to win gold at the Olympics.

Insert another question here: How did she

empower her fellow Filipinos, especially the
women in terms of weightlifting? Then put an
expected answer of a student.

As a matter of fact, every Filipino celebrated and

congratulated her for bringing pride and glory to
our nation. With her historic accomplishment, she
was rewarded by our country and featured in
various newspaper, TV stations and magazines all
over the world. This is to make her contribution as
a woman weightlifter visible, valued and

Next video clip:

(Students will key in their

What is the video clip all about? Can you share
your ideas?

You’re correct! The girl is thanking her family,

especially her parents for supporting her in
everything she does.

Did you know that according to Article 46 of the

Child and Youth Welfare Code, supporting our
children is not only the duties of parents?

Parents’ duties are: to give him affection,

companionship and understanding; to extend to
him the benefits of moral guidance, self-discipline
and religious instruction; to supervise his activities,
including his recreation; to inculcate in him the
value of industry, thrift and self-reliance; to
stimulate his interest in civic affairs, teach him the
duties of citizenship, and develop his commitment
to his country; to advise him properly on any
matter affecting his development and well-being;
and to always set a good example.

How about this last video clip?

(Students will key in their


How about the last video clip, what do you think

it’s all about? Can you share your ideas?

Great! All of you got it right! The video clip is all

about knowing the inclusive education.

Did you know that last March 11, 2022, President

Rodrigo Roa Duterte has signed a law mandating
all schools nationwide to ensure inclusive
education for learners with disabilities? Yes, that’s
right. Republic Act (RA) 11560, inked by Duterte,
provides that no learner shall be denied admission
based on their disability. The new law provides
that all schools, whether public or private, shall
ensure equitable access to quality education to The clips have something to do with
every learner with disability. speech Ma’am.
I am so happy that most of you participated and
shared your opinions.

Let’s go back to our motive question, what have

you noticed to the clips that you have watched?
What do you think is the commonality of the

Very good, class! You’re right. The video clips

have something to do with speech. And that is our
topic for today.

B. Discussing new concepts and practicing

new skills

The Four Types of Speech According to

Purpose and Cohesive Devices

Last week, I have received your answer sheets

and I’ve noticed that some of you did not
accomplish your Performance Task in your
English 8, Quarter 3 Week 5 Activity Sheet.

For you to understand better our previous lessons,

I have prepared a Video Explainer. Again, stay
focus and take note all the important details while
watching. It will help you remember the key points
of our topic.

(Play the video explainer)

Here’s the transcript of the video explainer.

Good morning Grade 8 learners! For today’s

discussion, we will talk about the four types of
speech according to purpose and cohesive
devices. There are four types of speech according
to purpose. But before that, let’s define first the
word speech.

Speech is the ability to express thoughts and

feelings through speaking either formal or

To know more about the four types of speech

according to purpose let’s have an activity. I will
play examples of speech and try to guess the
purpose of each.

Are you now ready for your activity? Let’s get


(Play audio clip number 1)

Did you listen well? How was it? Were you
informed about the Indigenous Peoples (IPs) in
the Philippines? If yes, what you have just listened
is an example of an informative speech.
Informative Speech aims to teach concepts and
ideas about a certain topic.

How about this one?

(Play audio clip number 2)

How was it? Have you imagined that there is

someone demonstrating doing the steps? Were
you instructed to do a certain thing? If your
answer is yes, you’re right. It is an example of
Demonstrative Speech. It has many similarities
with an informative speech. A demonstrative
speech also teaches you something. The main
difference lies in including a demonstration of how
to do the thing you’re teaching.

Let’s have another.

(Play audio clip number 3)

After you listen, were you convinced that washing

your hands is the best way to stop germs from
spreading? If yes, well, that’s great. Did you know
that the other term for convince is persuade? It is
an example of Persuasive Speech which purpose
is to persuade people to change in some way:
they think, the way they do something, or to start
doing something that they are not currently doing.

I want you to listen once again for the last time.

(Play audio clip number 4)

So, how was it? Were you smiling while you are
listening? Were you somehow entertained? Well,
if your answer is yes, you’re right! Entertaining
Speech is the last type of speech which goal is to
provide pleasure and enjoyment that make the
audience laugh.

The listening activity let you discover that speech

has four types according to purpose: informative,
demonstrative, persuasive, and entertaining type
of speech.

Moreover, in delivering or writing a speech, you

will have typically a well-defined audience and a
clear purpose. Therefore, your ideas should be
clear and well understood by the listener/reader.
In this matter, cohesive devices play an important
role. Cohesive devices are like bridges between
parts of your paper. They are the cues that help
the reader to interpret ideas in the way that you,
as a writer, want them to understand. Moreover,
Cohesive devices are words or phrases which
play as transitional in sentences or paragraphs
with a specific purpose.

For example, if you want to add something, you

may use the transitional signals, also, besides,
finally, furthermore, in addition, moreover, still,
and too.

We can prevent the spread of covid-19 by

washing our hands often. Moreover, maintaining a
safe distance to anyone is a big help too.

Now, if your purpose is to compare, these are the

words that you may use, also, as well as, alike
and similarly.

Maintaining a safe distance to anyone is a big

help, as well as, wearing face mask when physical
distancing is not possible is a must to do.

Meanwhile, the transitional signals, although,

(and) yet, (and) at the same time, despite that,
even though, however, in contrast, instead, and
the like can be used if you want to show contrast.

For example, Instead of spending our time with

our friends outside, just stay at home. It lowers
our chance getting infected by the virus.

On one hand, certainly, definitely, indeed and in

fact are the transitional signals that you can use
whenever you want to emphasize something

Certainly, by following the health protocols, we

can protect ourselves and others around us.

On the other hand, if your purpose is to give

examples; these are the words that you may use,
for/as an example, for instance, in other words, it
is true that, namely, and specifically.

The best way to prevent covid-19 is through good

respiratory hygiene. Specifically, regular
handwashing and covering our mouth and nose
when we sneeze or cough.

And lastly, if you want to summarize something

important, you may use the transitional signals: in
conclusion, finally, in short, in other words, and to Informative, Demonstrative,
put it simply. Persuasive, and Entertaining Speech

In conclusion, all of us have an important role to Cohesive devices are words or

do to stop the spreading of covid-19 by simply phrases which play as transitional in
being a responsible individual. sentences or paragraphs with a
specific purpose.
C. Developing Mastery
Knowing the different cohesive
Facilitating Questions: devices help me in connecting my
ideas from one sentence/paragraph
1. Based on the video explainer, what are the four to another sentence/paragraph.
types of speech according to purpose?

2. What are cohesive devices?

(Students will key in their

3. How does knowing the different cohesive
devices help you in organizing your written

D. Making Generalizations and Abstractions

about the Lesson

In your opinion, why do you think cohesive

devices play an important role in writing or
delivering a speech? Key in your answers in our

Very good, class! All your answers our correct! To

sum up our lesson today, cohesive devices are
like bridges between parts of our paper. They help
us present our ideas clearly and logically.

Now, you don’t’ have to worry anymore, if your

teacher asks you to compose a paragraph or even
a speech. With the help of these cohesive
devices, you can now present all your ideas in a
clear and understandable way.

E. Evaluating Learning
1. False
I am so glad that you understood our lesson about
the types of speech according to purpose and 2. True
cohesive devices.
Now, to check more your understanding of the
concepts, let’s have a short quiz. 4. False

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct 5. True

and FALSE if it’s not. Key in your answers in our

____1. In delivering or writing a speech, having a

clear purpose is not so important.
____2. Transitional words and expressions are
examples of cohesive devices.
____3. Entertaining speech gives pleasure and
enjoyment that make the audience laugh.
____4. If you want to give additional information
about a certain topic, you may use the transitional
word, however.
____5. Cohesive devices are like bridges between
parts of your paper.

F. Additional activities for application or


Performance Task: Write It Right!

Scenario: Your best friend will celebrate his/her

birthday and you are tasked to give your birthday

Directions: Write an entertaining

speech/message to your friend. Make sure to use
the different cohesive devices. Use separate sheet
of paper. Be guided by the Scoring Rubric.

A Birthday Speech/Message to a Best Friend


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?



Teacher III
Checked and Reviewed:
Master Teacher I, English



Head Teacher III- English

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