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Central Sanskrit University

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(Under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India)
Accredited by 'NAAC' with 'A' Grade
NEW DELHI-110058
Publisher :
Dr. Binod Kumar Singh
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan
(Deemed University)
56-57, Institutional Area, Janak Puri,
New Delhi-110058
EPABX: 28524993, 28521994, 28524995

4.1.1 Administration 19
4.1.2 Finance & Accounts 19
4.1.3 Academic Section 20
4.1.4 Research and Publication Section 21
4.1.5 Examination Section 21
4.1.6 Library 25
4.1 .7 Sales Unit 25
4.1.8 Scheme Section 26
4.1.9 Scholarship Section 28
4.1.10 Akhila Bharatiya Shastriya Spardha 32
4.1.11 Adarsha Mahavidyalaya/Shodh Sansthan 34
4.1.12 Projects 35
4.1.13 Pali and Prakrit 36
4.1.14 Non-Formal Sanskrit Education 37
4.1.15 Correspondence Course 39
4.1.16 Mukta Swadhyaya Peetham (Institute of Distance Education) 40


4.2.1 Shri Ganganath Jha Campus, Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh) 43
4.2.2 Shri Sadashiv Campus, Puri (Odisha) 46
4.2.3 Shri Ranbir Campus, Jammu (Jammu and Kashmir) 49
4.2.4 Guruvayoor Campus, Trichur (Kerala) 52
4.2.5 Jaipur Campus, Jaipur (Rajasthan) 58
4.2.6 Lucknow Campus, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) 62
4.2.7 Shri Rajiv Gandhi Campus, Sringeri (Karnataka) 67
4.2.8 Ved Vyas Campus, Balahar (Himachal Pradesh) 71
4.2.9 Bhopal Campus, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) 77
4.2.10 K.J. Somaiya Sanskrit Vidyapeetham Campus, Mumbai (Maharashtra) 83
4.2.11 Delhi Campus, New Delhi 86
4.2.12 Eklavya Campus, Agartala, (Tripura) 87

( 3 )
5. MAIN EVENTS OF THE YEAR 2014-2015 93-102
5. 1 Sanskrit Saptahotsava 95
5.2 Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 96
5.3 Foundation Day 97
5.4 Rashtriya Ekata Diwas 98
5.5 National Education Day 98
5.6 12th Sanskrit Natyotsava 101

6. ANNEXURES 103-201
A. List of Members of the Board of Management 105
B. List of Members of Academic Council 107
C. List of Members of the Finance Committee 112
D. Details of Campuswise faculty members of Faculties 113
E. Details of Research Scholars awarded Vidyavaridhi (Ph.D.) Degree 121
F. Affiliated Institutions 124
G. Recognition granted by the Governments to the Examinations 131
H. Recognition granted by the Universities to the Examinations 1 33
I. Details of Statewise Number of Voluntary Sanskrit Organisations 138
sanctioned annual grant
J. Details of books published with Financial Assistance 138
K. Details of proposals sanctioned for publication Grant 139
L. Details of Adarsha Sanskrit Mahavidyalayas/Shodha Sansthans 1 40
in receipt of Annual Grant
M. Annual Accounts for the year 2014-2015 143
N. Audit Report of C&AG of India on accounts of Sansthan 197
for the year 2014-15

( 4 )

1.1. The Institution 1.2 Role and functions

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (hereinafter The major objectives of the Rashtriya

designated as Sansthan) was established on Sanskrit Sansthan as indicated in the
15th October, 1970 as an autonomous Memorandum of Association are to propagate,
organisation registered under the Societies develop and encourage Sanskrit learning and
Registration Act, 1860 (Act XXI of 1860). It is
research and in pursuance thereof—
an autonomous organisation created for the
overall development and promotion of Sanskrit 1. To Provide for higher education leading to
in the country. It is being fully funded by the excellence and innovations in such
Government of India since its inception. It branches of knowledge as may be deemed
functions as the apex body for the propagation fit primarily at post-graduate and
and development of Sanskrit and assists the research degree levels fully conforming to
Ministry of Human Resource Development in the concept of university, namely
University Education Report (1948) and
formulating and implementing various plans and
the Report of the Committee on
schemes for the development of Sanskrit studies.
Renovation and Rejuvenation of Higher
It has assumed the role of a nodal agency for
Education in India (2009) and the Report
the effective implementation of various
of the Review Committee for Deemed to
recommendations made by the Sanskrit
be Universities (2009).
Commission set up by the Government of India,
Ministry of Education in 1956 concerning the 2. To engage in areas of specialization with
preservation, propagation and development of proven ability to make distinctive
Sanskrit language and education in all its contributions to the objectives of the
aspects. university education system that is
academic engagement clearly
Considering Sansthan’s contribution in the distinguishable from programmes of an
field of promotion and propagation of traditional ordinary nature that lead to conventional
Sanskrit education including teaching, training degrees in arts, science, engineering,
and research activities in Sanskrit, the medicine, dental, pharmacy, management,
Government of India accorded it the status of etc. routinely offered by conventional
Deemed University w.e.f. 7th May, 2002 vide institutions.
Notification No. F.9-28/2000-U.3 followed by
3. To provide for high quality teaching and
U.G.C.’s Notification No.F.6-31/2001(CPP-I)
research and for the advancement of
dated 13th June, 2002. On 5th July, 2012
knowledge and its dissemination through
National Assessment and Accreditation
various research programmes undertaken
Council (NAAC), Bangalore awarded
in-house by substantial number of full
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed
time faculty/research scholars (Ph.Ds and
University), New Delhi with 'A' grade.
Post Doctoral) in diverse disciplines.
Under the scheme of review of Deemed 4. To enable creation of Sansthan under the
Universities, the UGC Review Committee 'de novo' category devoted to unique in
inspected all the campuses of the Sansthan emerging areas of knowledge, not being
including its Head Quarter at Delhi. The pursued by conventional or existing
committee has praised the academic standard institutions - particularly in specific areas
maintained by the Sansthan and has further of study and research preferably
recommended the status of Deemed University sponsored by the Government of a State/
to it. UT or the Central Government regarded

( 5 )
as important for strategic needs of the - Cooperating with other organisations in
country or for the preservation of our sponsoring joint projects of common
cultural heritage, so determined by a well interest.
laid-out process of wide consultation with
the eminent peers of academic - Establishment of Sanskrit libraries,
commuinity. manuscripts' collection centres and also
editing and publishing rare manuscripts
5. To undertake, aid, promote, coordinate
and books of importance.
research in all branches of Sanskrit
learning including teachers' training and - Conferment of degrees and granting of
manuscriptology, to bring out linkage diplomas/certificates to persons having
with the outcome of modern research in satisfactorily completed the approved
the contextually relevant fields and to prescribed courses of study/research and
bring out publications. passed prescribed examinations.
6. To act as nodal agency for the - Instituting and awarding visitorship,
Government of India to implement its fellowship, scholarships, stipends, prizes
policies and programmes for the and medals.
development of Sanskrit.
- Conducting distance education
7. To provide for instruction and training in
such branches of learning as it may deem
fit. - Implementation of schemes of the
8. To provide for research and for the Ministry of Human Resource Development
advancement of/and dissemination of for the promotion of Sanskrit.
1.4 Teaching
9. To undertake extra mural studies,
extension programmes and field Teaching is conducted from Prak Shastri to
outreach activities to contribute to the Acharya levels on the basis of syllabus drawn
development of society. up by the Sansthan in its 12 Campuses. The
1 0. To do all such other acts and things as affiliated institutions carry out teaching from
may be necessary or desirable to further Prathama to Acharya.
the objectives of the Sansthan. Sanskrit institutions managed by voluntary
organisations and affiliated to the Sansthan also
1.3 Programmes and Activities impart teaching with the same syllabus.
Realising its objectives, the Sansthan has
undertaken the following major programmes and 1.5 Teachers' Training
In the Campuses, teachers’ training course
- Establishment of Campuses in different of one academic year with emphasis on teaching
States of India. practice, is conducted leading to the award of
- Conducting teaching of Sanskrit on Shiksha Shastri Degree which is equivalent to
traditional lines at Secondary/ Under- B.Ed.. In addition, Shiksha Acharya Degree
graduate, Graduate, Post-graduate and course equivalent to M.Ed. is conducted in
Research at Doctorate levels. Puri, Jaipur, Jammu and Bhopal Campuses.

- Conducting teachers’ training at graduate 1.6 Research

level i.e. Shiksha Shastri (B. Ed.) and Post
graduate level i.e. Shiksha Acharya In all the Campuses of the Sansthan,
(M.Ed.). students are enrolled for carrying out research
leading to the award of degree of Vidyavaridhi,
- Conducting and Coordinating research
which is equivalent to Ph.D..
work in various disciplines of Sanskrit.

( 6 )
However, Ganga Nath Jha Campus, Campus, Allahabad'. While the first journal is
Allahabad is exclusively dedicated to research brought out by the Sansthan’s Headquarters
activities in selected branches of Sanskrit. The office, the other is published by Ganganath Jha
Library of the Campus is one of the richest Campus, Allahabad. In addition, the Campuses
Sanskrit Libraries in the country. A collection also publish annual literary magazines. The
of over 57,957 rare manuscripts are also campuses at Bhopal and Jaipur have also
preserved in the library. upgraded the annual magazines published by
them as research journals.
1.7 Publications
The Sansthan as well as the Campuses have
Research Journals and Books brought out scholarly works, rare manuscripts
and original texts. The Sansthan has published
The Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan has been
588 books so far.
publishing two research journals containing
research based articles, namely 'Sanskrit Sanskrit Varta - a quarterly news bulletin in
Vimarsha' and 'Journal of the Ganganath Jha Sanskrit is also published regularly.

( 7 )
2.1 Minister of Human Resource Development, to ensure implementation of the decisions.
Government of India is the Chancellor of the
2. Academic Council - It is the principal
Sansthan. During the reporting year, Shrimati,
academic body responsible for the
Smriti Zubin Irani, Minister of Human
maintenance of standards of education,
Resource Development, Government of
teaching, training, examinations and
India held the position of the Chancellor of the
research programme.
Sansthan w.e.f. 27.05.2014. The Vice-Chancellor
is the principal academic & executive officer. He 3. Finance Committee - It is the apex
is the president of all statutary bodies of the finance body responsible for placing annual
Sansthan. He exercises general supervision and accounts and financial estimates before the
control over the affairs of the Sansthan, executes Board of Management, fixing limits of total
policies and programmes and implements the expenditure and recommending creation of
decisions of all its authorities. During the year all types of posts.
2014-15, the following persons held the post of
Vice-Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor incharge (1) 4. Planning and Monitoring Board- It is
Dr. N.R. Kannan (I/c V.C.) 01.04.2014 to the principal planning body responsible for
06.07.2014. (2) Shri R.P. Sisodiya (I/c V.C.) monitoring of development programmes.
Joint Secratery (Languages) 07.07.2014 to Apart from the above the Sansthan has also
12.10.2014. (3) Shri Shashi Prakash Goyal, (I/c other consituted bodies for making
V.C.) Joint Secratery (Languages) 13.10.2014 to recommendations with regard to their
13.11.2014. (4) Dr. Sukhbir Singh Sandhu (I/c respective nature of functions namely Grant in
V.C.) Joint Secratery (CU&L) 14.11.2014 to Aid Committee, Publication Committee,
31.03.2015. The following are the authorities of Scholarship Selection Committee, Research
the Sansthan: Board and Examination Board.
1. Board of Management - It is the principal The following table shows the dates of
organ of the management in the Sansthan. meetings held by the above bodies of the
It is empowered to take policy decisions and Sansthan during the year 2014-2015:

Board/Council/Committee Dates of Meetings held

Board of Management (BOM)

40th Meeting 25.07.2014
41th Meeting 12.01.2015
Academic Council 04.06.2014
Board of Studies 25.03.2015
Finance Committee
26th Meeting 26.06.2014
27 th Meeting 12.01.2015
Planning and Monitoring Board --

Composition of the Board of Management, placed at Annexures-'A', 'B' and 'C'

Academic Council and Finance Committee are respectively.

( 8 )

( 9 )
2.2 Headquarters and Campuses of 5 . Academic Section
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan - 6. Library
2.2.1 Headquarters 7 . Sales Unit
The activities of the Sansthan are carried out 8. Scheme Section.
at its Headquarters through various
9. Scholarship Section
departments, sections & units as shown below :
1 0. Adarsh Mahavidyalaya/Shodh Sansthan
1 . Administration consisting of General,
1 1 . Project Section
Personnel, Campus, Academic &
Administration Sections. 12. Pali & Prakrit
2. Finance Section 13. Non-Formal Sanskrit Education
3. Research and Publication Section 14. Correspondence Course
4. Examination Section. 1 5 . Mukta Swadhyaya Peetham




REGISTRAR Secretariat for BOM,

AC, FC, P&M Board

General Establishment Campus Academic Scheme &

Admn. Section Admn. Admn. Project
(Personnel) Section

Office Admn. Maintenance

Wing Wing
Publication RTI & VIP Library
Wing & IQAC & ICT

Legel Sales
Section Wing

( 10 )
2.2.2 Campuses
The following Campuses at different parts of the country are being run by the Rashtriya Sanskrit
Sansthan (Deemed University) :

S.No. Name of the Campuses Location

1. Shri Ganga Nath Jha Campus Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
2. Shri Sadashiv Campus Puri, Odisha
3. Shri Ranbir Campus Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir
4. Guruvayoor Campus Trichur, Kerala
5. Jaipur Campus Jaipur, Rajasthan
6. Lucknow Campus Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
7. Shri Rajiv Gandhi Campus Sringeri, Karnataka
8. Ved Vyas Campus Balahar, Himachal Pradesh
9. Bhopal Campus Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
10. K.J. Somaiya Sanskrit Vidyapeetham Campus Mumbai, Maharashtra
11. Delhi Campus (Headquarter) Janakpuri, New Delhi
12. Ekalavya Campus Agartala, Tripura

Delhi Campus has a library, publications following regular/on Campus Courses

devision, research centre and exhibition rooms. (Programmes) throught its Campuses.
Rest of the Campuses have well equipped Campuswise details of regular course
libraries, laboratories, rooms, staff-quarters and programmes are given under the activities of
hostels. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan offers the each campus.

S.No. Course Equivalent to

1. Uttar Madhyama/Prak Shastri Sr. Secondary/+2
2. Shastri B.A. (Hons.)
3. Acharya M.A. in Sanskrit
4. Shiksha Shastri B.Ed.
5. Shiksha Acharya M.Ed.
6. Vidyavaridhi Ph.D.

Courses/Programmes through Mukta Swadhyaya Peetham (Institute of Distance

Distance mode Education). It operates through its H.Q. at Delhi
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan offers Distance and Swadhyaya Kendras situated in the
mode for Prak Shastri, Shastri, Acharya (in campuses across the country. (For details please
Vyakaran, Jyotisha & Sahitya) and other refer section no. 4.1.16 of this report.)
certificate/introductory programmes through its

( 11 )
The total No. of students/learners in various course of studies under Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan
is 20602. The statistics of students/learners modewise is as following :
3.1 Classwise number of students enrolled in regular mode campuses of the Sansthan.

Prak Shiksha Shiksha Vidya-
Shastri Shastri Acharya Acharya Varidhi

Sl.N. Campus I II I II III - I II -

1. Shri Ganganath Jha - - - - - - - - - 46

Campus, Allahabad
2. Shri Sadashiv Campus 119 111 117 118 91 128 288 239 32 53
3. Shri Ranbir Campus 45 29 43 39 29 127 28 18 22 12
4. Guruvayoor Campus
44 23 58 28 48 127 34 14 - 04
5. Jaipur Campus
48 43 153 136 161 126 183 98 29 82
6. Lucknow Campus
14 18 62 52 41 129 52 44 - 55
7. Shri Rajiv Gandhi
29 29 52 65 57 128 50 35 - 17
Campus, Sringeri
8. Ved Vyas Campus
29 39 143 124 58 131 67 67 - 35
9. Bhopal Campus
28 34 79 60 39 127 46 31 34 54
10. K.J.S. Skt.Vid.Peet.
Campus, Mumbai 07 04 07 07 05 95 19 07 - 22

11. Delhi Campus, New - - - - - - - - - 40

12. Ekalavya Campus, Tripura 10 3 06 04 - 32 12 08 - 03

Total 3 7 3 333 7 2 0 633 529 1150 779 561 117 423

Grand Total — 5618

( 12 )
SI.No. Name of the Instituted Code PM-I PM-II P-III UM-I UM-II PS-I PS-II S-I S-II S-III A-I A-II TOTAL
1 JNB+2 Vidyalaya 6 10 43 41 26 15 — — — — — — — 135
2 Devraha Baba Bhaktshiv 7 — 14 16 — — 12 09 — — — — — 51
3 Dr. Ramji Mehta Adarsh 8 — 03 — — — 38 19 20 10 14 21 10 135
4 Rajkumari Ganesh Sharma Ad. 10 — — — — — 30 25 14 22 32 19 36 178
5 Saraswati Adarsh Skt. M.V. 12 — 07 07 03 05 17 07 08 07 07 10 13 91
6 Ram Sunder Skt. Vishwa V. 13 03 57 49 18 14 23 17 28 33 18 26 21 307
7 Dr. Mandan Mishra Skt. M.V. 14 — 45 35 — — 30 28 14 21 22 — — 195
8 Ajit Kumar Skt. Sikshan 15 02 13 — 06 02 — — 08 — — — — 31
9 Laxmi Harikant Prathmic 16 02 62 92 21 19 — — — — — — — 196
10 Deenanath Mithila Skt. 18 57 49 20 17 — — — — — — — — 143
11 J.N.B. Adarsh Skt. M.V. 19 — — — — — 14 34 24 37 22 23 17 171
12 Sh. Motinath Skt. M.V. 26 14 16 15 14 14 — 12 25 14 26 31 17 208
13 Brahmrishi Ram P. 27 04 07 04 04 04 — — — — — — — 23
14 Sh. Ram Jyotish Karam Kanda 28 — — — — — — — — — — 10 01 11
15 Vasant Gram Adarsh Skt. 29 15 18 11 09 07 01 — — — — — — 61
16 Ramdal Skt. M.V. 31 08 04 01 14 09 — — 11 04 07 — — 58

( 13 )
17 Sharda Devi Skt. Vidyapeetha 32 25 34 30 34 37 — — 16 17 16 — — 209
18 Samant Bhadra Skt. M.V. 33 — — — — — 13 18 14 06 09 11 10 81
19 Sh. Mahavir Vishwa Vidyapeeth 34 09 18 07 — — 18 06 32 23 18 20 17 168
20 Sh. Hanuman Skt. M.V. 35 25 25 19 16 11 05 02 10 06 05 — — 124
21 Arya Kanya Gurukul 36 05 10 04 06 05 — — — — — — — 30
22 Sh. Ramrish Skt. M.V. 37 — 16 10 12 11 03 04 19 13 05 — — 93
23 Adarsh Skt. Vidyapeetha 38 07 02 — — — 15 09 07 14 09 — — 79
24 Bal Vidya Mandir 39 24 11 12 — — 04 05 — — — — — 56
25 Sh. Raghuvar Ramanand 47 — 04 06 04 10 — — 12 05 03 08 05 57
26 Alok Skt. Mahavidyalaya 52 — — — — — 13 — 31 34 24 — — 102
27 Haryana Skt Vidyapeetha 53 — — — — — — — 20 17 17 24 20 98
28 Sh. Ram Nanda Brahmrishi Skt. 55 — 10 12 08 08 — 03 09 03 08 — — 61
29 Sh. Lazzaram Skt M.V. 56 09 07 21 06 — 11 25 27 46 36 22 14 224
30 Sh. Guru Gangadevji Skt. M.V. 62 15 21 28 20 23 04 — 11 14 07 01 03 147
31 Laxmidevi Shroff Adarsh Skt. 09 — — — — — 16 14 08 05 04 18 22 87
32 Bhartiya Samskrita M.V. 66 — — — — — 07 08 06 08 11 04 04 48
33 Sh. Ram Krishna Ad. Skt. M. V. 67 — — — — — 35 17 09 10 07 03 03 84
34 Sh. Sankara Skt. V. Iddakadom 68 — — 02 — — 27 09 06 07 01 — — 52
35 Calicut Ad. Skt Vidyapeetha 70 — — — — — 48 36 57 20 19 09 09 198
36 Kodungallur Vidwatpeetham 71 — — — — — 18 05 09 02 07 05 04 50
37 Sh. Sankara Skt. V. Heera H. 73 — — — — — 13 06 — — — — — 19
38 Maheshwari Skt. College 75 — — — — — 16 10 — — — — — 26
39 Mumbadevi Ad. Skt. M.V. 81 — — — — — 08 06 09 05 11 14 18 71
40 Sh. Ambaji Skt. M.V. 82 — — — — — — 03 — — — — — 03
41 Manipur Skt. M.V. 86 — 20 12 04 03 35 28 19 15 23 21 19 199
42 Radha Madhav Skt. M.V. 87 10 93 89 41 21 52 50 31 39 49 15 17 507
43 Sh. Baba Hardit Giriji 96 — — — — — 14 11 17 11 07 05 11 76
44 Sh. Saraswati Skt. College 97 — — — — — 14 16 13 15 22 — — 80
45 Navjagriti Skt V.P. 102 — 18 10 — — — — — — — — — 28
46 Srimati Lad Devi Sharma — — — — — — 11 25 — — — — — 36
47 Rani Padmavati T.T. Ucha Mad. 113 01 24 26 — — — — — — — — — 51

( 14 )
48 Sh. Batukanath Skt. M.V. 114 02 14 16 13 14 12 10 74 56 49 25 20 305
49 Ginni Devi Modi Skt. V.P. 115 04 06 06 06 04 — — 02 — 06 — — 34
50 Sh. Tibrinath Sangved Skt. M.V. 118 22 34 33 28 17 — — 04 01 — — — 139
51 Gandhi Skt. M.V. 119 — — — — — 08 07 70 36 69 58 26 274
52 Anantadevi Skt. M.V. 120 — — — — — 06 13 112 70 109 123 54 487
53 Rani Padmavati T.T. Adarsh 123 — — — — — 36 30 31 28 52 25 29 231
54 112 01 05 03 04 08 — — 08 05 02 — — 36
55 122 — — — — — — — — 04 04 — — 08

56 Sh. Sitaram Vaidic Ad. Skt M.V. 127 — — — — — 03 02 19 28 19 304 261 636
57 Thakur Gadadhar Skt. V.P. 128 06 61 29 — — 45 56 — — — — — 197
58 Kaliachak Bikram Kishore Ad. 129 — — — — — 05 01 70 35 52 150 108 421
59 Mother Usha M.Oriental 130 03 42 49 — — 48 59 — — — — — 201
60 Bharati Chatuspati Skt. M.V. 131 — — — — — 18 10 207 135 78 102 96 646
61 Ram Krishna Math 132 — 09 11 06 07 — — — — — — — 33
62 Hareshwer Skt. M.V. Lingsey 106 10 16 09 — — 07 11 03 07 04 — — 67
63 Paglanand Skt. M.V. 126 17 44 04 — — 111 — — — — — — 176
Total- 303 898 744 334 269 853 641 1141 893 908 1107 885 8976
3.3 Programme wise learners strength in Distance mode programmes (Session
2014-15) :

Programme 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year

Prak Shastri Setu 14 - -

Prak Shastri 49 22 -

Shastri Setu 118 - -

Shastri 61 58 16

Acharya Setu 67 - -

Acharya 449 273 -

Pali Elementary Course - - -

Prakrit Elementary Course 04 - -

Pali Certificate Course 18 - -

Prakrit Certificate Course 04 - -

Sanskrit Journalism Certificate Course 14 - -

Total 798 353 16

Grand Toal 1167

3.4 Statewise learners strength under Non Formal Sanskrit Education Programme

S.N. STATE Centers No. of Students (2nd Cycle)

1. North East 69
2. West Bengal 01 (W.A.*)
3. Karnataka 01 (W.A.*) 1951
4. Maharashtra 01 (W.A.*)

Total 69+3=72 1951

( 15 )
3.5 Learners enrolled for Correspondence Course

S.No. Name of the Course No. of Students

1. Hindi Medimum (I year) 1107

2. Hindi Medimum (II year) 95
3. English Medimum (I year) 1658
4. English Medimum (II year) 0026
5. Foreigners Students 0004
Total 2890

Classwise number of male, female, and categories of schedule caste, schedule tribe and other
backward class students admitted in different classes in the campuses (in regular mode) is as under:

Class Total Male Female SC ST OBC

Prak Shastri-I 373 209 164 28 21 70

Prak Shastri-II 333 208 125 18 14 68

Shastri-I 720 445 275 64 26 165

Shastri-II 633 367 266 63 18 134

Shastri-III 529 334 195 45 19 124

Shiksha Shastri 1150 646 504 115 42 21 0

Acharya-I 779 377 402 57 21 197

Acharya-II 56 1 245 31 6 40 20 175

Shiksha Acharya 117 87 30 19 0 17

Vidyavaridhi 423 304 119 25 08 74

Grand Total 5618 3222 2396 474 189 1234

( 16 )

( 17 )
( 18 )
The administration services of the Sansthan progress. The amount of Rs. 6,24,57,000/- and
are executed with the following sections/wings Rs. 1,80,51,000/- for the construction of Ist and
which are headed by its officers in-charge who IInd floor of girls hostel building and
assist in the subject matters linked with their construction of truncated portion of building of
following units : administrative cum college building respectively
(a) General Administration/Establishment has already been released to Sringeri Campus,
(b) Personal Administration
Under Right to Information Act, total
(c) Campus Administration
number of 126 applications were received in the
The construction work of Bhopal Campus, Headquarters Office and replies to 102
Bhopal (M.P.) and Sadashiva Campus, Puri applications were given. 24 applications were
(Orissa) under Phase II and boundary wall of transferred to the related campuses and
Ekalavya Campus, Agartala, West Tripura is in institutions.


The important activities reported by this 2013-2014 to the financial year 2014-2015. A
section for the year under report are as under:- total budget of Rs. 17358.46 lakh (including the
previous unspent balance) was sanctioned by
Budget (2014-15) the Ministry. The amount was further allocated
among the constituent units in the following
An unspent balance of Rs. 4778.46 lakh Plan manner:-
{NER} Rs. 3418.33 lakh and Non-Plan Rs.
1360.13 lakh was carried over from the year (Figures in lakh of Rupees)

Sl.No. Name of the Unit Plan Non-Plan Total

1. Headquarters 6923.01 3947.80 10870.81
2. Shri Sadashiv Campus 4.40 767.17 771.57
3. Jammu Campus 2.51 505.84 508.35
4. Allahabad Campus 7.98 403.13 41 1.11
5. Guruvayoor Campus 15.1 0 625.76 640.86
6. Jaipur Campus 21.52 788.01 809.53
7. Lucknow Campus 23.00 627.42 650.42
8. Shri Rajiv Gandhi Campus 1257.32 0.00 1257.32
9. Ved Vyas Campus 368.99 0.00 368.99
1 0. Bhopal Campus 512.61 0.00 512.61
11. Mumbai Campus 246.23 0.00 246.23
12. Eklavya Campus 310.66 0.00 310.66

Total : 9693.33 7665.13 17358.46

( 19 )
These funds were utilised during the year on Maintenance of Provident Fund
pay and allowances, scholarships, President's Acco unts
award to eminent Sanskrit scholars and various
The section maintains pay and provident
schemes under development of Sanskrit
fund accounts for officers and members of the
Education and other maintenance items of
staff of the Headquarters’ Office. Every member
has been supplied with the annual provident
Acco unts fund account statement immediately after the
close of the financial year.
The wing is responsible for the consolidation
of accounts received from various units of the Settlement of Audit Objections
Sansthan and submission to DGACR for audit.
Concerted efforts were made during the year
The consolidated annual account for the year
to get the audit objections settled. For this
2014-2015 submitted to DGACR for Audit are
purpose, the individual campuses were directed
placed at Annexure-'M' & 'N'.
to take necessary corrective measures and
replies of compliance were sent to the audit
authorities with the result that a number of audit
objections were settled during the year.


The important responsibilities of this section  During the year, the Academic Council of
are : Sansthan had met once in the month of
 To facilitate the Academic activities of the June, 2014. On the recommendations of
Sansthan. the Board of studies for different subjects,
the syllabus of Sansthan was amended
 To constitute subject committees through
incorporating the changes and was
Board of Studies to frame syllabi of
prepared for its printing. In addition to
different subjects from Prathama to
this, the syllabi of Shiksha Shastri (B.Ed.)
and Shiksha-Acharya (M.Ed.) were also
 To coordinate convening of Academic revised in pursuance of the instruction of
Council Meeting and Meeting of Board of NCTE for converting these courses to two
Studies and take follow up action. year courses with semester system of
 This Section is also responsible for laying examination for these courses. The matter
down standards for Academic was under process till the end of the
performance and preparation of calendar reporting year i.e. April 2015.
of Academic programme. The list of institutions affiliated to Sansthan
during the year under report is given at

( 20 )

This department is entrusted with the Bhardwaj.

responsibilities of :
3. Pipilika Vipanim Gachchhati (Sanskrit
A. Co-ordinating Research activities of Balgeet Sangrah) - Dr. Harsh Dev Madhav.
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan.
4. Harish Chandra Charitam - Dr. Raja Ram
B. Looking after the publication work of Hazari Pathak.
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan.
5 . Ponniyin Selvan (Nutan Badham) Part-I - Dr.
The department has the responsibility of Rajlaxmi Sriniwasan.
organizing the meetings of Central Research
6. Ponniyin Selvan (Jhanjhawat) Part-II - Dr.
Board and Publication Committee to carryout
Rajlaxmi Sriniwasan.
the above tasks.
7 . Ponniyin Selvan (Hananchhurika) Part-III -
Sansthan's Central Research Board met on
Dr. Rajlaxmi Sriniwasan.
16-05-2014, 25-26.11.2014 and 31.03.2015.
Registration of 423 research students was 8. Ponniyin Selvan (Manimukutam) Part-IV -
approved in different Campuses for Vidyavaridhi Dr. Rajlaxmi Sriniwasan.
research degree course. 15 JRF have been
registered in Vidyavaridhi. 9. Ponniyin Selvan (Tyagshikhram) Part-V - Dr.
The Sansthan through its Publication Rajlaxmi Sriniwasan.
Committee meetings held on 06.05.2014 1 0. Sugat Shasan Sar - Prof. Sanghsen Singh.
approved various important titles for
publication. The following books have been published
under the Reprint Scheme.
The following books have been published
under the Sansthan's publications. 1 . Mimamsa Shlok Vartik.
1 . Bodhisatva - Dr. Prafull Gadpal. 2. Prathama Diksha.
2. Tulsi Sur Kavya Sangrah (Part-III) (Pt. Prem In addition to this, Sanskrit Varta - quarterly
Narayan Dwivedi Rachnawali) - Dr. Rishan news bulletin in Sanskrit was also published.


The section is mainly responsible for Sansthan. In these examinations, students from
conducting various examinations and the the constituent Campuses as well as from the
evaluation of examination papers of the affiliated institutions are admitted. These
Sansthan. The examinations, such as Prathama examinations are conducted in accordance with
to Acharya, Shiksha Shastri, Shiksha Acharya the guidelines laid down by the Academic
and Vidyavaridhi are conducted by the Council and the Examination Board.

( 21 )
The class wise number of students who appeared and passed various examinations conducted
centrally during the year 2014-2015 is as under:-

Class No. of appeared Passed EP/Comtt. Fl. %


Purva Madhyama-I 941 Home Exam -- -- -- --

Purva Madhyama-II 834 78 3 660+4 RL 101 18 84.80
Uttar Madhyama-I 401 Home Exam Home Exam — — —
Uttar Madhyama-II 33 7 31 4 283 30 01 90.12
Prak Shastri-I Year 1082 Home Exam Home Exam — — —
Prak Shastri-II Year 966 904 729+54 RL 108 13 86.61
Shastri-I Year 865 794-30=764 624+14 RL 11 1 10 84.16
Shastri-II Year 691 655-23=632 527 96 09 83.38
Shastri-III Year 91 7 889 808 59 8+14=22 90.88
Acharya-I Year 460 410-2=408 37 2 32 04 9 1 .1 7
Acharya-II Year 367 348-3=344 325+1 RL 13 05 94.76
Shiksha Shastri 1246 1 231 1219+4 RL — 08 99.35
Shiksha Acharya- I
Semester 119 119 119 — — 100
Shiksha Acharya- II
Semester 119 118 118 — — 100
Shastri-I Semester 1069 1034 8 71 15 0 13 84.23
Shastri-II Semester 93 7 91 5 780 1 31 04 85.24
Shastri-III Semester 964 950 878 66 06 92.42
Shastri-IV Semester 886 874-2=872 833+1 RL 38 — 95.64
Shastri-V Semester 557 555 542 13 — 97 .65
Shastri-VI Semester 53 7 536 509 04 01+22+23 94.96
Acharya-I Semester 1358 12 7 7 11 64 99 14 91.1 5
Acharya-II Semester 1224 1186 1103+33 RL 48 02 95.78
Acharya-III Semester 1 1 02 1 08 7 1043 40 04 95.95
Acharya-IV Semester 1063 1 053 990+3 RL 23 01+36=37 94.30
Total 19042 15971 14616 1162 193 92.02
Home Exam Home Exam

( 22 )
Students of the Campuses performed well in the annual examination during the year 2014-15.
The following graph depicts classwise/semesterwise percentage of result :

99 .3 5%

10 0%
9 5.78 %

9 5.95%
9 5.6 4%

9 4.30%
95.77 %

91.15 %
92 .4 2%
9 0.12 %

8 6.61 %

85 .2 4%
8 4.23 %
8 4.80 %



Pass Percentage







Poorva Uttar Prak Shastri S I- S II- S III- S IV- S III- Shiksha A I- A II- A III- A IV- Shiksha
Madhyama Madhyama II Shastri Shastri Acharya Acharya

The Campuses have trained and learned 54 Students were awarded Vidya Varidhi
regular teaching faculties. However, learned degree during the year 2014-15. Details of such
teachers on contract basis and part time research students is placed at Annexure-E.
teachers were also engaged in the campuses to
Students as detailed below gave topped in
overcome the shortage of regular teaching staff.
the course wise annual examination 2014-2015:
Details of Campus wise regular members of
faculties are given at Annexure-'D'.

Sl.No. Roll No. Student's Name Class/Subject Campus/Institution

01 141618 Mrityunjai Kumar Pandey Purva Madhyama-II Sh. Batuknath Skt. M.V.,
Shankudhara, Varanasi
02. 142112 Sonu Kumar Pathak Uttar Madhyama-II Vasant Gram Adarsh Skt.
V., Vasant Vihar, New
03. 142352 Maheshwar Mani Uttar Madhyama-II Sh., Batuknath Skt. M.V.,
Shankudhara, Varanasi
04. 143135 Aishwarya Prak-Shastri-II RSKS (DU), Rajiv Gandhi
Campus, Sringeri
05. 11398 Vani Manjunath Hegde Shastri-III RSKS (DU), Rajiv Gandhi
Campus, Sringeri

( 23 )
Sl.No. Roll No. Student's Name Class/Subject Campus/Institute

06. 22277 Ragini Sharma Acharya-II RSKS (DU), Bhopal

Campus, Bhopal
07. 21683 Vikram Acharya-II RSKS (DU), Ved Vyas
Campus, Balahar, H.P.
08. 22191 Oracgu Goswami Acharya-II Mumba Devi Adarsh Skt.
M.V., Mumbai
09. 22595 Yash Sharma Acharya-II RSKS (DU). Jaipur
Campus, Jaipur

1 0. 22410 Chinimayee Sahoo Acharya-II RSKS (DU), Sh. Sadashiv

Campus, Puri

11. 22515 Tilottama Nayak Acharya-II RSKS (DU), Sh. Sadashiv

Campus, Puri

12. 22382 Ranjita Kar Acharya-II RSKS (DU), Sh. Sadashiv

Campus, Puri

13. 22439 Meghamala Jena Acharya-II RSKS (DU), Sh. Sadashiv

Campus, Puri

14. 22330 Sradhanjali Dash Acharya-II RSKS (DU), Sh. Sadashiv

Campus, Puri

15. 21 867 Brajbhushan Acharya Acharya-II Sh. Ram Sundar Skt.

V.V.P., Ramauli Belaun,

16. 145009 Aribam Gopeshwar Sharma Acharya-II Manipur Skt. M.V.,

Imphal, Manipur

17. 21655 Pratiti Jain Acharya-II RSKS (DU), Jaipu Campus,


18. 22884 Beby Majumder Acharya-II Sh. Sitaram Vaidic Adarsh

Skt. M.V., Kolkata

19. 22470 Kishori Padhan Acharya-II RSKS (DU), Sh. Sadashiv

Campus, Puri

20. 20939 Yoganand Jha Acharya-II RSKS (DU), Sh. Sadashiv

Campus Puri

21 . 22156 Prashant Ramachandra Acharya-II RSKS (DU), Rajiv Gandhi

Gaonkar Campus, Sringeri

22. 22152 Vaibhav Savaleram Rakshe Acharya-II RSKS (DU), Rajiv Gandhi
Campus, Sringeri

( 24 )
Sl.No. Roll No. Student's Name Class/Subject Campus/Institute

23. 16028 Shubhalaxmi Gajanana Yaji Shiksha Sahstri RSKS (DU), Rajiv Gandhi
Campus, Sringeri

24. 759 Arun Kumar Dubey Shiksha Acharya RSKS (DU), Bhopal
Campus, Bhopal

In addition to very rich libraries in its eleven working of all libraries under the Sansthan has
Campuses, the head quarters office of the started during 2012-2013. 2,20,278 entries
Sansthan also has a library having more than have been done during the reporting year.
27200 titles of Sanskrit books to facilitate
The amount of acquired books during the
academic activities of the Sansthan and visiting
year under report is as under:
scholars. The wing is headed by Librarian. Net

1. Amount utilized for purchasing of books Rs. 1,550.00

2. Value of books received as gift Rs. 17,724.00


Sansthan's Headquarter has a sales unit sale.
which works as the outlet of the publication of
 Taking initiation and representing the
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. The sales unit in
Sansthan to promote the sale of Sanskrit
the H.Q. undertakes the following activities :
books during the book fair organized by
 Handling the sale of the publications of RSkS various organizations in the country.
at the sales counter at H.Q.
The details of the amount received through
 Supplying of the books/publications to the the sales of publication at H.Q. during the year
campuses and affiliated sales counters for under report are given below.

1. Reprinted Rare Books Rs. 2,34,907.00

2. Sansthan’s Publications Rs. 11,81,715.00
3. DVD/CDs Rs. 01,85,340.00
Total Rs. 16,01,962.00

( 25 )

The section is responsible for implementing of India for the promotion and propagation of
following schemes transferred from the Ministry Sanskrit language and literature:
of Human Resource Development, Government

Financial Assistance for Sanskrit Teaching
a) towards salary of Sanskrit teachers for Traditional Sanskrit Pathshalas/Schools/Mahavidyalayas,
b) Teachers for Modern subjects in Traditional Sanskrit Pathshalas/Mahavidyalayas and
c) Sanskrit teachers for Secondary/Higher Secondary Schools.

Samman Rashi to Eminent Sanskrit Pandits in indigent circumstances.

Financial Assistance to NGOs/Deemed Sanskrit Universities/ Universities for various Research Projects and
Programmes/ Activities for promotion of Sanskrit.

Financial Assistance for Publication, Re-print of Rare Sanskrit Books and Bulk Purchase of Sanskrit Books.

Financial Assistance for Utilization of services of retired/eminent literary Sanskrit Scholars (Shastra Chudamani).

Financial Assistance to Registered Academic Organisations to conduct “Prayogik Prasikshan” for Vocational training
courses for the students of Traditional Sanskrit Pathshalas/ Institutions.

Financial Assistance to Universities/ Deemed Universities/ CBSE/ NCERT/ SCERT etc. to improve standards of
Sanskrit teaching.

Award of Scholarships to Students of Sanskrit Pathshalas /Mahavidyalayas/ High/Higher Secondary Schools/Colleges.

All India Sanskrit Elocution Contest.

( 26 )
I. Financial Assistance for Sanskrit Sansthan to the eminent scholars above the age
Teac hing of 55 who have dedicated their lives to Sanskrit
but have no settlled source of income. The
a) Towards salary of Sanskrit Teachers
recommended scholar will be given Rs. 24,000/
for Traditional Sanskrit Pathshalas/
- per annum, without deduction of income from
other sources. For this purpose of Pandits
Under this scheme, selected organisations having income of less than Rs. 24000/- per
are sanctioned financial assistance in the shape annum only would be considered.
of salary to Sanskrit teachers, scholarship to
III Financial Assistance to NGOs/
students, Library grants and for the
Deemed Sanskrit Universities/
construction of the institution building. An
Universities for various Research
amount of Rs. 608.06/- lakh approximately was
Projects and Programmes/
incurred under this scheme by the Sansthan.
Activities for promition of Sanskrit
During the year, financial assistance was
provided to 359 institutions. &
b) Towards Salary of Teacher for V I I Finacial Assistance to Universities/
Modern subjects in Traditional Deemed Universities/CBSE/NCERT/
Sanskrit Pathshalas/ Mahavidyalas SCERT etc. to improve standards of
Sanskrit teaching.
Under this scheme of development of
Sanskrit, the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan is Under these schemes, Rashtriya Sanskrit
providing financial assistance to teachers for Sansthan meets cent percent approved
modern subjects remuneration of Rs. 6000/- expenditure on different projects and
per subject. As per the scheme, the financial programmes for the development and
assistance is restricted to three teachers in propagation of Sanskrit undertaken by NGO's/
modern subjects in each institution. An amount Deemed Sanskrit Universities/Universities/
of Rs. 91.23 lakh was incurred under this scheme Institutions. During the year 2014-2015 the
by the Sansthan in the year 2014-2015. The Sansthan incurred an expenditure of Rs. 15.96
financial assistance was provided to 104 lakh for various projects.
c) Towards Salary of Sanskrit Teachers I V Financial Assistance for Publication,
for Secondary/Higher Secondary Re-print and Bulk Purchase
During the year 2014-15, meeting of the
Under the Scheme of development of Grants-in-Aid Committee of the Sansthan was
Sanskrit, the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan is convened on 15.01.2015 in which several
providing financial assistance to Sanskrit important proposals were approved under
teachers of Government Schools in different publication schemes. A total amount of Rs.
states. This assistance is extended towards 35,35,964/- lakh was released for the these
salary of one Sanskrit teacher. During the year schemes to meet out the expenses for their
2014-2015, a total of 46 Government Schools execution.
were the beneficiaries and and an amount of Rs.
Under the scheme of Production of Sanskrit
19.96 lakh was utilised under this scheme. see
Literature, 08 books were published by different
Annexure I.
authors with financial assistance of the Sansthan
and 14 other proposals were sanctioned for
publication grant. (Annexures at 'J' and 'K')
I I . Samman Rashi to Eminent Sanskrit
In addition to it, 36 Sanskrit Journals/News
Pandits in indigent circumstances.
Papers were also granted annual publication
Under the scheme the financial assistance is grant.
provided in the form of Samman Rashi by
Details of Scheme of purchase of books,

( 27 )
during the period under report are as following: were selected during 2014-2015. A sum of
Rs. 55.26/- was utilised under the scheme.
No. of Applicants 087
No. of Titles Submitted 195 VI Vocational Training Scheme
No. of Titles Purchased in Bulk 165 Under this scheme, selected organisations
are sanctioned financial assistance to organise
V Shastra Chudamani Scheme the workshop and to conduct Prayogik
Prashikshan in vocational disciplines like
Under this Scheme, the services of retired
Jyotisha, Karmakanda, Paleography, Catalogu-
eminent Sanskrit scholars are utilised in
ing, Manuscriptology, Sanskrit Shorthand and
campuses, Adarsh Sanskrit Pathashalas and
Typing etc.. An amount of Rs. 1.56 lakh was
other State Government run Sanskrit Colleges/
utilised under this scheme during 2014-2015.
Universities and voluntary organisations. The
object of the Scheme is to preserve the indepth VIII Award of Scholarships
studies of different Shastras at the various
This scheme is carried out by the
centres where Sanskrit education is imparted to
scholarship section. Details regarding this are
the Sanskrit students of traditional system. As
shown in 4.1.9. (2&3)
per the scheme, the traditional scholars are
appointed in different organisations. The IX All India Sanskrit Elocution Contest
scholars are being paid Rs.6000/- p.m. for a
We organize 22 different Shastric
period of two years. The appointment so made
Competitions under the programme named
can be extended for another one year on the
Akhila Bharateeya Shastriya Spardha. The details
recommendation of the Grants in Aid
of this programme during 2014-15 are given in
Committee. In addition to the existing appointed
4.1.10 of this Annual Report.
scholars, 28 more Shastra Chudamani Scholars


Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan disburses 3 scholarships are distributed under the 'Scheme
scholarships of three types - for the Development of Sanskrit Education' of
Govt. of India. The disbursement of scholarships
(1) Internal scholarships for traditional
under this scheme is looked after by the
Sanskrit students studying in its own campuses.
scholarship section of H.Q. of Sansthan.
(2) Merit scholarship at all India level for
students studying Sanskrit from class 9th to PhD Internal (type 1) Scholarships
in modern stream.
The rates of internal scholarships for
(3) Merit Scholarship at all India level for students of Prak Shastri, Shastri, Shiksha Shastri
Sanskrit students studying from Poorva and Acharya courses are Rs. 600/- Rs. 800/-,
Madhyama to Vidyavaridhi or equivalent Rs. 800/- and Rs. 1000/- per month respec-
degrees in traditional Sanskrit institutes. tively. Scholars pursuing research for the award
of Vidyavaridhi degree are granted monthly
Among the above mentioned 1,2,3, the type
1 scholarship (i.e. internal scholarship for the scholarship amount of Rs. 8000/- in addition to
campus students) are directly distributed to the annual contingency grant of Rs. 3000/- for two
eligible students by the Campuses. Type 2 and years.

( 28 )
Following table shows statement pertaining to students awarded internal scholarships during
the year 2014-2015:

Prak Shiksha Shiksha Vidya-
Shastri Acharya
Shastri Shastri Acharya Varidhi
No. Campus I II I II III - I II - -

1. Ganganath Jha Campus,

- - - - - - - - - 15

2. Shri Sadashiv Campus, 25 25 60 60 60 66 135 135 18 -


3. Shri Ranbir Campus,

45 29 43 39 29 127 28 18 22 12

4. Guruvayoor Campus, 25 21 45 23 37 65 29 14 - 05

5. Jaipur Campus, 25 25 60 60 60 64 69 57 18 -

6. Lucknow Campus, 09 15 50 41 31 64 30 36 - 15

7. Shri Rajiv Gandhi 25 25 54 60 57 64 47 35 - 17

Campus, Sringeri

8. Ved Vyas Campus, 29 39 143 124 58 66 67 67 - 35


9. Bhopal Campus,
19 19 39 43 31 64 37 23 18 21

1 0. K.J. Somaiya Sanskrit

Vidyapeetham Campus, 06 04 07 07 05 50 16 06 - 03

11. Delhi Campus, - - - - - - - - - 14

New Delhi

12. Eklavya Campus, Tripura 2 3 4 4 - 20 09 08 - -

Total 210 205 505 461 368 650 467 399 76 137

Grand Total — 3478

( 29 )
Classwise number of male and female students including students belonging to schedule caste,
Schedule tribe and other backward class awarded scholarship is as under:

Class Total Male Female SC ST OBC

Prak Shastri-I 21 0 120 90 10 08 37

Prak Shastri-II 205 1 32 73 11 08 35

Shastri-I 50 5 275 230 42 18 1 04

Shastri-II 461 252 209 37 13 98

Shastri-III 368 189 179 31 12 85

Shiksha Shastri 650 354 296 44 16 98

Acharya-I 467 239 228 25 12 105

Acharya-II 399 188 211 20 10 94

Shiksha Acharya 76 54 22 08 - 09

Vidyavaridhi 137 90 47 13 - 35

Grand Total 3478 1893 1585 241 97 700

Scholarships under scheme Number of Scholarships under the scheme:-

(type 2 & 3)
The Number of Scholarships to be awarded
Course/Level Rates each year under the scheme depends upon the
availability of funds. Reservations will be
9th & 10th and Rs.250/- p.m.
provided as per the Government policy from
equivalent courses
time to time.
11th & 12th and Rs.300/- p.m.
As per the sanctioned budget earmarked to
equivalent courses
states, a cut off list of merit of maximum to
B.A./B.A.(Hons.) Rs.400/- p.m. maximum percentage of student is prepared.
and equivalent
51418 applications were received in
M.A. in Sanskrit/ Rs.500/- p.m. Sansthan during the year 2014-2015 under the
Pali/Prakrit and Scholarship Scheme. After evaluation of the
equivalent applications, 11103 candidates were selected for
the award of scholarship in modern &
Ph.D. and equivalent Rs.1500/- P.M.+ traditional institutions from Class 9th to Ph.D
is Sanskrit/Pali/ Rs.2000/- programme in different places of India of
Prakrit : per year as contingent various University/Colleges/Schools. As per the
grant. sanctioned funds, the Scholarships awarded are
as mentioned in the table below :-

( 30 )
Modern Stream :

Class No. of Students Total No. of Students Total

(Gen.) (S.C.) (S.T.) (OBC) Handicapped Rs. Rs.

9th 1064 51 17 218 02 1352 x 2500 3380000

10th 1113 51 24 277 03 1468 x 2500 3670000
11th 919 72 21 638 02 1652 x 3000 4956000
12th 1 655 151 64 1345 04 3219 x 3000 9657000
B.A.-I 284 40 08 238 02 572 x 4000 2288000
B.A.-II 158 26 02 80 01 267 x 4000 1068000
B.A.-III 103 15 03 37 00 158 x 4000 632000
M.A.-I 117 09 04 44 00 174 x 5000 870000
M.A.-II 25 03 04 34 00 66 x 5000 330000
Ph.D. 17 02 00 05 00 24 x 20000 480000
Ph.D. (Previous Year) -- -- -- -- -- 66 x 20000 1320000
Awarded Degree

Total 5455 420 147 2916 14 8952+66=9018 2,86,51000

Traditional Stream :

Class No. of Students Total No. of Students Total

(Gen.) (S.C.) (S.T.) (OBC) Handicapped Rs. Rs.

Purva-Madhyama-I/9th 317 38 03 150 00 508 x 2500 1 270000

Purva-Madhyama-II/10th 7 9 07 00 15 00 101 x 2500 252500
Uttarmadhyama-I 97 10 04 36 01 148 x 3000 444000
Uttar Madhyama-II 275 28 10 21 2 00 525 x 3000 1 5 750 00
Shastri-I 159 22 06 80 01 268 x 4000 1 072000
Shastri-II 113 15 02 36 01 167 x 4000 668000
Shastri-III 159 19 08 39 01 226 x 4000 904000
Acharya-I 37 03 00 09 00 49 x 5000 245000
Acharya-II 47 06 00 18 00 71 x 5000 355000
Vidya Varidhi 04 00 00 00 00 4 x 20000 80000
Ph.D. (Previous Year) -- -- -- -- -- 18 x 20000 360000
Awarded Degree

TOTAL 1287 148 33 595 04 2067+18=2085 7225500

( 31 )
Sub Total

No. of Students Total

Stream (Gen.) (S.C.) (S.T.) (OBC) Handi- Total Sub Am.Paid
capped Total

Modern 5455 420 147 2916 14 8952+66 9018 2,86,51,000

Traditional 1287 148 33 595 04 2067+18 2085 72,25,500

Total 6742 568 180 3511 18 11019+84 11103 3,58,76500


(All India Sanskrit Elocution Contest)

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan organizes All Competitions, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan

India Sanskrit Shastriya Competition every year organizes State Level Competitions also in
to encourage talented students who study in various states on similar line.
Sanskrit Universities, traditional Sanskrit During 2014-15, state level Shastric
Pathashalas and Gurukulas. In order to select competetions were held in the following places
eligible participants for National level for the respective states:-

1. Jammu and Kashmir : Ranbir campus, Jammu

2. Himachal Pradesh : Vedavyas Campus Balahar, H.P.

3. Delhi : S.L.B.S.R.S. Vidyapeetham, New Delhi

4. Uttrakhand : Shri Bhagwandas Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya,


5. Odisha : Sadashiv Campus, Puri

6. Bihar, Jharkhand : Darbhanga Sanskrit VishwaVidyalaya, Bihar

7. West Bengal : Sitaram Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Kolkata

8. Rajasthan : Jaipur Campus, Jaipur

9. Uttar Pradesh : Lucknow Campus, Lucknow

10. Madhya Pradesh/ Chhattisgarh : Bhopal Campus, Bhopal

( 32 )
11. Gujrat : Darshanam Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Ahmadabad

12. Maharashtra, Goa : K. J. Somaiah Campus, Mumbai

13. Andhra Pradesh : R.S. Vidyapeetham, Tirupati.

14. Tamilnadu & Pondicherry : Madras Adarsh Skt. College, Chennai

15. Kerala : Guruvayoor Campus, Kerala

16. Karnataka : Karnataka Sanskrit University

National level Competitions (53rd All India 21 . Prof. N.R. Kannan

Shastric Competitions) were held at Krishan 22. Prof. Rajaram Sukla
Dham in New Delhi from 17-20 March 2015. 281
23. Prof. Janardan Hegde
students selected through State Level
Competitions participated in 22 different 24. Prof. Vishnunambudiri
competitions such as Elocution contests on 8 25. Prof. Kishor Chandra Mahapatra
different Shastric subjects, Shalaka Pariksha on
26. Prof. K.E. Devanathan
7 traditonal Sanskrit texts related to various
Shastras, 4 recitation competitions on 2 7 . Prof. Gangadhar Panda
Amarakosha, Dhaturoopa, Kavya and 28. Shri Nayanbhai Soni
Ashtadhyayee; Samasyapurti and Sloka 29. Shri Bhatta Hemal
30. Shri A.V. Nagasampige
The following eminent scholars were invited
Cash prizes of 10,000/-, 7,000/- and
as judges of the contest:-
5,000/- along with Gold Medal, Silver Medal
1 . Prof. Shri Ram Sharma and Bronze Medal were awarded to those who
2. Prof. Ramanuj Devnathan achieved I, II and III positions respectively in
3. Prof. Ram Kumar Sharma the competitions. Apart from this, 2,000/- and
1,500/- were given as a special prize to those
4. Prof. Kamlesh Jha
who got distinction with 80% and above and
5 . Prof. Bhagwat Sharan Sukla First division with 65% and above respectively
6. Prof. Ramesh Kumar Pandey in each Shalaka Pareeksha.
7 . Prof. Deva Narayan Jha The function was inaugurated by Prof.
Brhamachari Surendra Kumar, former Vice-
8. Prof. Sureshwar Jha
chancellor of K.S.D. University, Darbhanga. Dr.
9. Prof. Ram Lakhan Pandey B.K. Singh, Registrar of Sansthan, Prof.
1 0. Prof. Ram Narayan Dass Devnathan, Principal of Jammu Campus and Dr.
1 1 . Prof. Arknath Chowdhary Gopi Raman Mishra controller of Examination
were also present in the function.
12. Prof. Ram Kishor Tripathi
In the morning session Prof. Sarvanarayan
13. Prof. Krishna Murti Shastri
Jha Presided over the function and delivered
14. Prof. Manidravida keynote address and Prof. R. Devnathan
1 5 . Prof. Somanathanene addressed the audience with his Scholarly
16. Prof. Hariram Mishra
Valedictory function was held in the
1 7 . Prof. Jayprakash Narayan Dwivedi
afternoon of 20.03.2015. Prof. Ramchandra Jha
18. Prof. Ramchandra Jha presided over the function. Prof. R.Devanathan,
19. Prof. Nagendra Pandey Principal of Jammu Campus and Dr. A.V.
20. Prof. Shivakanta Jha Nagasampige, the Director of P.P. Samshodhan
Mandir delivered special lecture.

( 33 )
Name of the Scheme of Govt. of India through the Rashtriya Sanskrit
Sansthan and major portion of the finance for
The Scheme for Financial Assistance to
this scheme is being released by the Sansthan.
Institutions recognized as Adarsh Sanskrit
There are 22 ASM & 04 ASS (01 ASM has been
Mahavidyalaya/Shodha Sansthan.
recognized as Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
for financial assistance in the March, 2015).
Introduction Such institutions are provided 95% of the grant
The Scheme for financial assistance to on recurring and 75% of grant on non-recurring
institution recognized as Adarsh Sanskrit items of expenditure.
Mahavidyalayas / Adarsh Shodha Sansthan was Objectives
started by the Government of India for
The objective of the Scheme is to support
supporting traditional institutions of Sanskrit
and promote traditional Sanskrit learning and
learning. It was reviewed from time to time. The
research. For this purpose, assistance is
review by Ministry of Human Resource
extended under this scheme to Sanskrit
Development was made in 1993 and the same
Mahavidyalayas for conducting courses at the
became operative vide letter no. F. 30-19/88-
level of Shastri and Acharya and to Shodha
skt-I dated 7th July, 1993. Later the Scheme
Sansthan (Research Institution) for organizing
was transferred to the Rashtriya Sanskrit
and conducting research - both at doctoral and
Sansthan for implementation Vide letter no. F.8-
post doctoral levels and bringing out research
3/94-skt-I dated 17.7.1995 of the Department
based publications and research journals.
of Education, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Government of India. Under this List of Adarsha Sanskrit Mahavidyalayas/
scheme, 26 Institutions are being run at various Shodha Sansthans receiving grant is given in
parts of the country with the financial assistance Annex. L.

Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalayas / Shodha Sansthans

Sl.No. State No. of Fund Released

Institution (Rs. in Lakh)
1. Andhra Pradesh 1 50.71
2. Bihar 5 481.68
3. Haryana 2 197.11
4. Himachal Pradesh 2 28 8. 75
5. Jharkhand 1 176.54
6. Karnataka 1 74.23
7. Kerala 2 172.03
8. Maharashtra 2 59.37
9. Manipur 1 29. 00
10. Tamil Nadu 2 216.99
11. Uttarakhand 1 95. 04
12. Uttar Pradesh 3 308.40
13. West Bengal 2 258.1 0
14. Rajasthan 1 --
Grand Total 26 2407.95

( 34 )
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan has undertaken prepared by Shri Vedamurti Prabhakar Shastri
several valuable projects since 2003. The list of and Pundlik Krishna Bhagvat is avilable for sale.
projects undertaken/being undertaken is given
below for information even though there is no 5. E-Granthalaya –
specific progress in these during the reporting 3,05,567 books have been entered for
year. networking the libraries of all campuses of
Sansthan with E-granthalaya software.
1. Bhasha Mandakini (T.V. Telecast) -
6. Manas Software –
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan telecasts
Sanskrit programmes through Gyan Darshan Manas software for preparing data bank of
Channel of IGNOU daily and thrice in a week Sanskrit Manuscripts has been assigned in the
through D.D. Bharati and D.D. India since Allahabad Campus.
September, 2003. since then 730 episodes of 30
7. Who is Who –
minutes were telecast by IGNOU.
The Sansthan prepared data bank of Sanskrit
2. National E-data Bank of Sanskrit Scholars in a book form as well as soft form. The
Literature :- (E-text) book form 'Inventory of Sanskrit Scholars'
already published on the
The project aims at developing e-learning in occasion of 15th World Sanskrit Conference,
Sanskrit and making e-Sanskrit corpus available 2012 and uploaded on website.
to public through electronic texts and internet.
Targets for the first phase of the project have 8. Dictionary of Sanskrit –
been decided and the ground work has been Inter-lingual studies can provide a plausible
prepared. One hundred texts have been taken way for promotion and preservation of
up for preparing data-base to start the ground languages. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan has taken
work for this tremendous task. Teachers in up a project on 'Dictionary of Sanskrit and other
different campuses of the Sansthan have been Indian languages including Dialects and Sub-
assigned the texts as per their specializations dialects.' This project has been taken up with
and area of study. Data entry operators have financial assistance under the schemes of MHRD
been engaged for feeding the texts and preparing in 2009.
files on the computer. This project will also contribute to the
104 books have been uploaded in the preservation and protection of traditional
internet. knowledge and linguistic skills through the study
of common terminology in diverse Indian
3. Sanskrit Teaching through Audio/ languages, dialects and sub-dialects. Details of
Video (Multimedia Project) Dictionary projects read as under:-
In this project DVD albums have been
i. Work on 'Bundeli-Sanskrit-Dictionary and
prepared 'Malvi-Sanskrit-Dictionary' is carried out in
Bhopal campus, Bhopal. In 'Budeli-Sanskrit-
Dictionary', collection work of 14000 words of
Bundeli is completed and Bundeli to Sanskrit
available for word-meanings of vowels, Kavarga, Cha, Chha,
sale. Ja, is completed. Remaining work of word-
4. MP3 Audio - collection has been complete in 'Malavi-
'Tattvachintamani' prepared by Prof. K.E. Sanskrit-Dictionary' collection work of
15,000 words of Malavi is completed and typed.
Devanathan, Tirupati and ' '
Also, Malavi to Sanskrit word-meaning of

( 35 )
vowels, Kavarga, Chavarga is completed. completed. In this phase, eleven commentaries
Remaining work of word-collection will of fifty one sutras of first chapter and common
complete by October, 2013. terminology available therein is arranged. In
Appendix, the and of yogasutras are
ii. 'Dialect-Sub-Dialects of North and
North East India' project is carried out in arranged alphabetically in first volume which is
Sanskrit Sahitya Parishad, Kolkata, in which total handed over to Research and Publication. The
11,487 words of oriya and Banlga languages work on seven commentaries of Patanjala
were collected. Yogasutra and four commentaries of
Samkhyapravachan Bhasya is still carried on.
iii. Work of 'Sanskrit-Persian-Urdu-
Hindi Dictionary' is carried out in Sansthan 10. Special Drive for Collection and
headquarter. Under this project first volume Digitizatin of Manuscripts -
based on vowels got published and in
consotants work from 'Ka' to 'Dha' is completed. All the Campuses of the Sansthan have
Remaining work is in process. independent libraries. This apart, the Campuses
at Allahabad, Puri, Guruvayur and Lucknow
9. Sankhayoga or Patanjalayoga have manuscript’s libraries also. The Guruvayoor
Darshan- campus has undertaken a special drive for the
collection of manuscripts from the year 2008-
In this project, the new edition of 09 onward. The Sansthan has also taken the
Patanjalayog Darshan is being prepared which is initiative for the digitization of all the
enriched and embellished with its terminologies manuscripts available in various libraries of its
and twelve antique commentaries. In the campuses. The digitization work will be
conservation of oriental Sanskrit texts, this conducted through NIC.
project will contribute immensely. Two S.R.F.
are working at Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New As per information recived from National
Delhi in this project. Manuscripts Mission, dizitization of 40,000
manuscripts out of 52,000 manuscripts has
The first phase of the project has been been completed in Allhabad Campus.


Pali-Prakrit Development Project has started 5 . Sanskrit chaya of Updeshmala.
in year 2009 on the initiative taken by Ministry
6. Sanskrit Chaya of Paumchariyam Volume-I.
of Human Resource Development, Government
of India. Now this project has been included as 7 . Sanskrit Chaya of Jayasen-Kaha.
regular scheme of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan
8. Sanskrit Chaya of Bhagwati Aradhana with
(Deemed University) in the current five year
Hindi Translation.
plan (2012-2017). The following activites have
been completed in the year 2014-15 at its Delhi, 9. Editing of research articles of National
Jaipur and Lucknow centers. Prakrit Seminar, 2012 with the tittle
"Bhartiya paramparayam prakritbhashayah
Delhi Center : sahityasya ca avadanam."

1 . Pali Bhasa aur Vyakaran ke Vividh Ayam. Jaipur Center

2. Jatakapali Volume II Sanskrit Chaya with 1 . Editing and Hindi translation of Dansana-
Hidi-English translation. kaharayanakarandu (Pandulipi) 1-11 sandhi.
3. Ruparupa Vibhag Hindi-English translation 2. Magadhi Prakrit eka khoja (Khanda 1-3)
with explanation.
3. Sanskrit Chaya and Hindi translation of
4. Collection of Jainagamik stories. Gaharayanakosha.

( 36 )
4. Sanskrit Chaya of Vasudevahindi (1-4 Pali and Hindi translation of 10 niddesa of
lamba). Mahaniddesa.

Lucknow Center 7 . Sanskrit Chaya and Hindi translation of

remaining 12 chapters of Mahavansapali.
1 . Sanskrit Chaya of Apadanapali Volume-II.
8. Sanskrit Chaya of Patisambhidamagga (first
2. Hindi translation of Thupavansa.
100 pages)
3. Hindi translation Kathavatthu (1-23
9. Hindi translation of Buddhavansa K 29
khand) and Sanskrit Chaya of Katha-
4. Sanskrit Chaya and Hindi translation of vatthupali.
Cittuppadakanda and Rupakanda of
1 0. Hindi translation of Timirvagga, Sudhavagga,
Bhikkhadayivagga, Mahapariwarvagga
5 . Collection of 700 words for online Prakrit sereyyavagga of Apdanpali first.
1 1 . Pali-Prakrit Anushilanam first edition.
6. Sanskrit Chaya of 3 niddesa of Mahaniddesa
12. Pali-Prakrit Anushilanam Second edition.


Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan conducted the by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan were the main
following programmes through this department base of teaching Sanskrit at their respective
during the year 2014-2015: centres. The study materials were rated as
1 . Non Formal Sanskrit Education Centre. excellent by the learners. Certificates of
participation were awarded at the end of the
2. Non formal Sanskrit Teacher's Training
Prathama, Dwitiya and Tritiya Deeksha. Learners
at these centres exhibited great enthusiasm.
3. Residential Teachers' Training Camps Students, teachers, professors, doctors,
1. Non Formal Sanskrit engineers, bankers, industrialists, officers,
Education Programme lawyers, scientists, farmers and housewives etc.
were the beneficiaries of the programmes.
Two cycles of Prathama, Dwitiya and
Tritiya Diksha were conducted at All India These Non-Formal Sanskrit Education
Level during the academic year 2014-15 under Centres were not only run in cities and
Non-Formal Sanskrit Education programme. metropolitan cities of the country, but they were
1,951 participants took part in this programme also cunducted in remote small villages, small
in 72 centres in North East region, Andhra towns, difficult accessibility areas of Jammu and
Pradesh, West Bengal and Karnataka. Kashmir and North East states. Sanskrit teachers
The details of number of centres are given had to come from far off places also. The centres
in 3.4 of this Annual Report. have been functioning at Universities, Degree
Colleges, Inter Colleges, High and Higher
Through the Non-Formal Sanskrit Education Secondary Schools, Junior High Schools, Public
centres throughout India, people have become Schools, Voluntary Organisations throughout
familiar with Sanskrit and cultural heritage of the country. The results are very encouraging.
India. People from all walks of the society
evinced great zeal for learning Sanskrit. Grand For the proper functioning of these centres,
inauguration and valedictory functions were State Co-ordinators were nominated in the States
organized at various centres. Study materials of of proposals regarding centres, centre co-
Prathama, Dwitiya and Tritiya Deeksha prepared ordinators and teachers from respective states.

( 37 )
List of State-Coordinators (N.F.S.E.):

S.No. States Name and Address of Coordinator

1. Andhra Pradesh Dr. Subramanyam Sharma, Dy. Director, Sanskritparishad,

Osmania University, Hyadrabad, (Andhra Pradesh)

2. Bihar Dr. Shree Prakash Pandey, Associate Professor, B.R. Ambedkar

University Q.No. -23, University Campus, Muzaffarpur -1 (Bihar)

3. Delhi Dr. Hari Ram Mishra, Associate Professor, Special Centre for
Sanskrit Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067

4. Gujarat Dr. B.V. Ramapriya, Darshanam Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya,

Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishvavidyalaya Pratishthanam
(SGVP) SGVP Circle, A.G. Highway, Chharodi, Ahmedaba 328481

5. Haryana Dr. Surendra Mohan Mishra, Deptt. of Sanskrit, Kurukshetra

University, Kurukshetra-136119 (Haryana)

6. Himachal Pradesh Dr. Bhaktvatsal Sharma, Principal, Sanatan Dharm Adarsh

Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Dohgi, Dist. Una, Himachal Pradesh–

7. Jammu and Kashmir Prof. Vishwamurthy Shastri, 3/127, Indra Vihar, Old Janipur,

8. Karnataka Prof. A.P. Sachhidanand, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Rajiv Gandhi

Campus, Sringeri–577 139, Dist. Chikamanglur, (Karnataka)

9. Kerala Dr. Subramanyam Sarma, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Guruvayoor

Campus, PO-Puranattukara-680551 Distt.- Trichur (Kerala)

10. Maharashtra Prof. Ravindra Ambadasmule, Sanskrit Pragat Adhyayan Kendra

University of Pune, Ganesh Khind Road, Pune–411037

11. M.P.+ Chhattisgarh Prof Dr. Hansdhar Jha, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan,
Bhopal Campus, Sanskrit marg, Baghsawnia,
Bhopal – 462 016 (M.P.)

12. North East Dr. Nirpendranathsharma, Panchjanya, Laxminager, Radha

Govind Barua marg, Guwahati-781014 (Assam)

13. Odisha Dr. Sukant Kumar Senapati, Associate Professor, Rashtriya

Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University), Sri Sadashiva Campus, Puri
- 752001 (Odisha)

14. Punjab Dr. Indra Mohan Singh, Deptt. Deptt of Sanskrit, Punjabi
University, Patiala - 147002 (Punjab)

15. Rajasthan Dr. Poorna Chandra Upadhyaya, HOD, Deptt. of Sanskrit, Rajkiya
Birla Mahavidyalaya, Bhawani Mandi, Jhalawad, Rajasthan-

( 38 )
S.No. States Name and Address of Coordinator

16. Tamilnadu Dr. R. Ramachandran, Department of Sanskrit,

Ramakrishna Mission, Vivekananda College, Mylapore,
17. Uttarakhand Dr. Buddhadev Sharma, 11, Nalapani Road, Chug Coloney,
Dehradun (Uttrakhand)

18. Uttar Pradesh Dr. Dhaninder Jha, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan

(Deemed University) Lucknow Campus, Vishal Khand-4,
Gomati Nagar, Lucknow - 226010 (U.P.)
19. West Bengal Dr. Tanmay Kumar Bhattacharya, A.F. -159, Rabindra Palli,
PO: Prafulla Kannan, Krishnapuram, Kolkata-700101 (W.B.)

Dr. Ratna Mohan Jha, Assistant Professor, 2. Residintial Teachers Training

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi has been Programme (Hojai)
assigned the responsibility to coordinate the
Residential Teachers' Training Programme
programme at All India Level as National
was conducted in Geeta Ashram, Hojai, Nagaon,
Assam from 22.03.2014 to 04.04.2014 &
16.02.2014 to 25.07.2015 wherein 68
participants took part from North East Region.

S.No. Place Period No. of Participants Resource Persons

1. Geeta Ashram, Hojai, 22.03.2014 68 Prof. Y.S. Ramesh

Nagaon, Assam to Dr. Ram Krishna Pejtay
Sri Yogesh Pandya
16.07.2014 Smt. Minakshi Mishra
to Smt. Minakshi Sharma
Smt. Krishna Shinha
Dr. Chabilal Upadhyaya
Sri Dhurb Jyoti Mahanta
Dr. Ratna Mohan Jha


The Sansthan organises two years Sanskrit (B) Second year programme through Hindi
Learning course through the medium of Hindi and English Medium.
and English.
During the year 2014-15, 2890 new students
(A) First year programme through Hindi and (2886 Indian and 4 Foreigners) were registered.
English Medium.

( 39 )
(Institute of Distance Education)
The Sansthan had launched Distance Mode 5. Acharya (2 Yrs.) (Vyakarana, Sahitya,
education for various traditional programmes Phalit Jyotisha)
through its Mukta Swadhyayapeetham in August,
2010. 6. Acharya Bridge (1 Yr.)
(Vyakarana, Sahitya, Phalit Jyotisha)
Mukta Swadhyaya Peetham (The Institute of
Distance Education) of Rashtriya Sanskrit 7. Certificate Course in Sanskrit Journalism
Sansthan has been recognized by the Distance (6 Months)
Education Council, IGNOU, New Delhi. (Now
8. Certificate Course in Prakrit (6 Months)
Distance Education Bureau, DEB UGC) The study
centres of Mukta Swadhyaya Peetham at all the 9. Elementary Course in Prakrit (3 Months)
campuses of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan are
called Swadhyaya Kendras. 1 0. Certificate Course in Pali (6 Months)
11. Elementary Course in Pali (3 Months)
Programmes Offered
Strength of learners at M.S.P. during
1. Prak-Shastri (2 Yrs.) (Sahitya, Vyakarana, academic year: 2014-2015 :
Phalit Jyotisha)
Total No. of learners enroll in M.S.P. during
2. Prak-Shasri-Bridge (6 Months) this year is 1167. Programmewise breakup of
the No. is given under 3.3 of this Annual
3. Shastri (3 Yrs.) (Sahitya, Vyakarana, Phalit
Jyotisha) Meetings of Abhikalpa Samiti
Abhikalpa Samiti is the Governing council of
4. Shastri Bridge (1 Yr.) the Mukta Swadhyaya Peetham (M.S.P.). Meeting
(Vyakarana, Sahitya, Phalit Jyotisha) of Abhikalpa Samiti was held on 28.05.2014
during the reporting year.

Dates of workshop/seminars organized by M.S.P. during the Year : 2014-2015

S.No. Date Name of the workshop/Programme

1. 08-05-2014 to 17-05-2014 Preparing of Self Learning Materials

2. 15-05-2014 to 24-05-2014 Preparing of Self Learning Materials

3. 09-12-2014 to 19-12-2014 Preparing of Self Learning Materials

4. 06-01-2014 to 10-01-2014 Preparing of Self Learning Materials

Contact Classes

Counseling and contact programmes are

arranged at Svadhyaya Kendra for 05 times (15-
15 Days)

( 40 )
( 41 )
Campuses of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan
in various parts of the country

( 42 )
4.2.1 Shri Ganganath Jha Campus, Allahabad (U.P.)

1. About the Campus (Brief History of Prasad, Dr. Baburam Saxena have contributed a
the Campus) lot for the upliftment of this Institute. From the
beginning itself M.M. Dr. Umesh Mishra (1967)
Situated in the heart of the holiest city
was the honourable secretary of the Institute.
Prayag i.e. in the bank of Ganga, Yamuna and
With his overall observation and constant effort
Saraswati. Ganganath Jha Research Institute was
the Institute got a noteworthy progress and it
founded on 17th November 1943 in the
could procure an important place in the field of
auspicious occasion of second death anniversary
Indology in the world level.
of M. M. Dr. Sir Ganganatha Jha with a view to
perpetuate his name and works by a number of After his demise his worthy son Dr.
great persons including Indologists and erudite Jayakant Mishra, Professor of the English
scholars of eminence, his students, his well Department of the Allahabad University,
wishers and his family members like Mahamana efficiently took over the charge of the said post
Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya, Dr. Sir Tej Bahadur of Secretary and could keep the fame intact. The
Sapru, Dr. Bhagavan Das, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Administration of the Institute was governed by
Justice Shri Kamala Kant Verma, Dr. Gopinath the ten members of Governing body. Dr.
Kaviraj, Dr. Amarnath Jha, Dr. Adityanath Jha, Baburam Saxena, Dr. Ishvari Prasad, Dr. S.P.
Dr. Ishvari Prasad and Dr. Baburam Saxena etc. Chaturvedi and Pt. K.C.Chattopadhyaya were
associated with this Governing body. Till that
The proposal for the building was registered
period, the first and formost work of the
on 12.1.45 under the society Registration act
Institute was to publish a Research Journal of
1860. A land of 1.5 Acres was acquired with the
International repute on Sanskrit and Indological
effort of M.M. Umesh Mishra near the Chandra
Shekhar Azad Park, in Company Bagh and the
foundation stone was laid on 3.2.1945 by the M.M. Dr. P.V. Kane, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, ,
then Governor of U.P. Sir Maurish Hailet. He Dr. F. W. Thamas (Oxford) and Prof. Fainklin
expressed his thoughtful emotional words on Adgartan (New york), Maulavi Saeed Suleman
this occasion and said that being an Naqi (Azamgarh), Prof. Mohammad Safi were the
International as well as National figure, M.M. Sir honourable members of the Institute. Dr. Gopal
Ganganatha Jha did not belong to any state in Swarup Pathak, Dr. Dhirendra Varma, Sir S.
particular. Seeing his love and inclination Varadachari Justice Raghuvar Dayal, S.C. Dev
towards the city of Prayag it will be an and Pt. Sitaram were the honourable life
appropriate step to start a Research Institute members of the Institute. With the grace of these
which will be dedicated to complete his scholars, the Institute carried on its glories
remaining works. constantly.
Dr. Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru was the first The Institute was taken over by Rashtriya
Chairman (1943-49) of the Institute followed by Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi (under the
Dr. Bhagavan Das (1949-59), Dr. S. Ministry of HRD, Government of India) in 1971
Radhakrishnan, (1959-63), Justice Shri Kamala and it was named as Ganganatha Jha Kendriya
Kant Verma (1963-65) and Dr. Gopinath Kaviraj Sanskrit Vidyapeeth. Again from 2002 onwards
(1965-71). As Chairmen of the Institute Dr. it has been renamed as Ganganath Jha Campus
Amarnath Jha, Dr. Adityanath Jha, Dr. Ishvari of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, when Sansthan

( 43 )
was recognised by UGC as a Deemed University. scholars and the citizens of the whole city
Now the campus is dedicated to To undertake, and outsiders also get the benefit of this
aid, promote and co-ordinate original researches facility. Thus, the campus provides a
in all branches of Indology. valuable academic scope to all such
persons those who take interest for
2. Location of the Campus Sanskrit as well as Ancient Indian culture.

Ganganath Jha Campus is situated in The Faculty members of the campus not
Chandrasekhar Azad Park in the Company Bagh, only supervise the research scholars but they
near Indian press chaurah, behind the statue of are actively engaged in several research
the great martyr Chandrasekhar Azad. Just in projects including the Editing, Translation and
front of the Campus in the east lies pannalal Critical Edition of rare manuscripts which are
Road, in the north Jawaharlal Nehru Road (G.T. published by the Campus. So far 120 books, 67
Road) and in the behind in i.e. west Allahabad Volumes of Journal, 11 volumes of Ushati and
Museum is situated in the Kamla Nehru Road. 12 Volumes of Descriptive catalogues of
The Campus is placed in the distance of 3 k.m. manuscripts are published.
form Civil Line Bus Station, 5 k.m. from Railway
station and 20 k.m. form Bamrauli Air Port. 5. Extra Curricular Activities details of
Functions/ Seminars and the
Publications of Books / Journals /
3. Available Coures
The Campus mainly runs Vidyavaridhi
 Seminars/Conferences based on shastri
(Ph.D.) Programme. In addition to that, various
courses offered through Distance Education
namely, Prak Shastri, Shastri, Acharya, (Sahitya,  Shastra charcha of campus scholars
Vyakarana, Jyotisha) along with Prakshastri
Setu, Shastri Setu and Acharya Setu (Sahitya,  Organizing lecture series of Mandan
Vyakrana, Jyotisha). Mishra.
 Organising special Lecture series
4. Aims & Objectives of the Campus /
Major Activities of the Campus  Celebration of Sanskrit Day

 Encouraging original researches in  Celebration of Hindi Pakhawara

Indological studies  Celebration of Mahila Divas
 The publication of rare manuscripts  Celebration of Foundation Day
(Editing / Translation / Critical Edition
etc.)  Celebration of Teacher's Day

 The Publication of an International  Organising Vasantotsava

Journal, namely, Journal of Gangah Jha
 Organising Debate competition of Sanskrit
students in different levels.
 Enrichment of the great library of
 Digitisations of Microfilms
Indological studies
 Digitisation of Manuscripts
 Collection, preservation and cataloguing
of manuscripts  Data entry through E-granthalaya
 Facilitating the Ph.D. (Vidyavaridhi)  Teaching through Samparka kaksha in
program for students Distance education
The valuable facilities of this rich library  Conducting examination of pre-Ph.D
and Manuscript library is not limited to Course and Annual examination of
the students of this campus only as the distance education

( 44 )
 Publication of Ushati.  Nanadasamnuchhaya (to be published
 Mimamsa-Chadrika (by Brhmananda
Saraswati), work is under progress.  Editing of ushati-12 (to be published soon)
 Vidhavodvahashankasamadhi (by  Journal of G.N. Jha campus (68, 69, 70,
kolarpaseka Shri Rajaram Shastri). 71) (ready for press)
 Linganirnaya with Hindi English  M.M. Sir Ganganath Jha, shortly to be
translation ready for press published.
 Lingpraksha with Hindi English translation  The comm. Ganga and Sasheilekha of
ready for press Gitagovinda, under publication
 Lingnushashanvriti with Hindi English  Gopal a Viveka, under publication.
translation ready for press
 Prastavasagara, under publication.
 Akyatachandrika critical edition ready for
 Sringarasaptashatika, under publication.
 DrvyasaraSangrha, under publication.
 Sambandhaviveka (By Shulapani) in Banga
and maithali lipi.  Ananda Raghunandanam under
 Vidvanmodini comm. of vashithasmriti
(Jointly edited)
6. Refresher course and Orientation
 Rukminipatrika under publication. course by Faculties
 Nasiketopakhayana under the editing 7. No. of quiries received/replies given
process under R.T.I. Act.
 Upacharamala of Mahamudgla Bhatta with Received 06
Hindi translation under publication.
Replied 06

( 45 )
4.2.2 Shri Sadashiva Campus, Puri (Odisha)
About the Campus inauguration programme was held on 9th
August 2014 in which the Vice-chancellor
Shree Sadashiva Campus is the oldest and
of Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha,
the biggest campus among the campuses
Tirupathi Prof. Harekrishna Satapathy was
established by Pandit Harihar Dash in 1865.
the Chief guest and the Registrar of Sri
With very glorious achievement records, this
Jagannatha Sanskrit Viswavidyalaya was
institution in different shape and position from
the Honourable guest. Various Literary
time to time have been imparting traditional
and Cultural competitions were conducted
Sanskrit learning dating back to nearly 1865. By
for students from 9th to 12th August
the initiative of Late Pt. H.H.Dash, an erudite
and eminent scholar of that time, it started as a
Sanskrit Toll with the financial assistance of the The Valedictory function of Sanskrit Week
Highness Digvijaya Singh Bahadur of Balarampur was conducted on 13th August 2014. The
(UP). It became a school in 1888 under the former Vice-chancellor of Sri Jagannatha
supervision of a Committee headed by the Sanskrit Viswavidyalaya, Prof. Nilakantha
Collector, Puri. In recognition of his services Pati was Chief guest and the former Head
rendered, the State Govt. named the college of Sanskrit Dept., Utkal University Prof.
after him in 1951 and Shree Sadashiva Campus, Gopala Krishna Dash was the honourable
Puri came into existence after separating the guest. Dr. G. Ganganna, Principal of the
Ayurveda branch from it. Finally Govt. of India Campus presided over the function. On
declared it as Deemed University in 2002. this auspicious occasion Prof. Braja
Kishore Swain of Sri Jagannatha Sanskrit
Campus Location Viswavidyalaya and Sri Narayana
Mahapatra, Retired Sanskrit Teacher were
Location : Mauza Gandhi Ghat, Puri. felicitated by the Campus.
Land :
 Glory festival : The Glory festival
1. 4.780 acres for educational complex conducted by Nation Youth Integration
at Mauza Gandhi Ghat, Puri. Centre in Town Hall, Puri from 12th to
2. 10.5 acres for Residential Complex at 16th Jan 2015. Fifteen students of our
Mauza Baludhanda, Puri. Total built-up Campus participated under the guidance
area - 8339 sq.mts. of Dr. nandighosh Mahapatra and Shri
Biswanatha Mishra. Subrat Sarangi,
Courses Offered Research scholar secured 1st prize in
Sl.No. Courses Equivalence Duration
Mono action and 2nd prize in
Haasyabhoomika. The campus students
1. Prak Shastri Intermediate 2 yrs.
got first prize in drama and third prize in
2. Shastri (Pratistha) B.A. (Hons.) 3 yrs. dance.
3. A c ha r y a M.A. 2 yrs.
 Vasanta Utsav : The 17 campus
4. Shiksha Shastri B.Ed. 1 yr.
students of this Campus presented a
5. Vidya Varidhi Ph.D. 2 yrs drama titled Mahaviracharitam directed
by Dr. Sudarshan Chiplunkar during
Extra curricular activities including Vasantotsav conducted by Sansthan from
details of functions/seminars 4th to 6th Jan. 2015 in New Delhi. The
 Sanskrit Week Celebrations : Sanskrit campus obtained third place. Subrat
week was celebrated wholeheartedly from Sadangi, Research scholar who played the
9th to 13th August 2014. The role of Hero got first prize, Amit Kumar

( 46 )
Bhoi, Sastri second year who played the medals, 5 Silver medals & 3 bronze
role of Dasaratha got second prize and medals. The Mita Mallik and Balabhadra
Acharya second year student got third Badei got special award in sports.
prize. Dr. Sudarshan Chiplunkar, Dr.
 Inter University Youth Festival :
Sambhunath mahalik, Dr. Bijayalakshmi
The students from Sri Sadshiva Campus
Mahapatra guided the actors. Shri
under the Guidence of Dr. Biswaranjan
Kamalkant Mahapatra helped the team. Pati won 10 Medals (8 Gold medals, 1
 Hindi Pakhwada programme : As per Silver medal & 1 bronze medal). The Mita
the directions of Rashtriya Sanskrit Mallik and Balabhadra Badei got special
Sansthan, the Hindi Pakhwada was award in sports events in 2nd Inter-
celebrated wholeheartedly from 14th to university youth festival organized at
30th Sept. 2014. The inauguration Eklavya campus, Agartala from 6th to 9th
programme was presided by the Jan 2015.
Principal, Dr. Ganganna and Co-ordinated  All India Sanskrit Students Talent
by Smt. Dr. Ketaki Mahapatra. Dr. Ajay Festival : Nine Students of Shri Sadashiva
Kumar Pattanayak was the Guest of campus participated in the 4th All India
Honour and Prof. Sukanta Kumar Senapati Sanskrit Students Talent Festival was
was the Chief speaker. In the Valedictory conducted by Rashtriya Sanskrit
function Prof. Atul Kumar Nanda explored Vidyapeetham, Tirupati from 27th to
the importance of Hindi language in the 30th Jan 2015. under the guidance of Dr.
present context. All the Teaching, Non- Ganapathi Shukla, Prof. Senapati secured
teaching staff and students celebrated the gold medal in Vyakarana elocution and
Hindi pakwada programme. Minati Kumari got Silver medal in
Samkhya-Yoga elocution.
 Mother Tongue Day : For the first time
in the history of the campus, the Mother  All India Sanskrit Elocution in
Tongue Day was celebrated in Shri Shastra : Twelve students from Sri
Sadashiva campus. The Elocution and Sadashiva Campus participated in All
Essay writing competitions were India Shastriya Vaakspardha, New Delhi
conducted for students. The winners of from 17th to 20th March 2015. The
the competition were given prizes in the Sasmita rani Parida, Sastri student
evening on stage programme. The secured Consolation prize and cash prize
principal incharge Prof. Atul Kumar of Rs. 1500/- under the guidance of Dr.
Nanda Presided over the function co- Bhagawan Samantray & Dr. Bikasini
ordinated by Dr. Pramod Kumar Dalai. Gumansingh.
Dr. Dayanand Panigrahi, Dr. Basant
 Campus level Academic
Kumar Mudra, Dr. Ajay Kumar Dash, Dr.
Competition : Annual Competition were
Priyaranjan Rath, Dr. Biswaranjan Pati, Dr.
conducted within the campus in various
Snehalata Mishra and Smt. Rajitha barik
shastras and languages. Among the
extended their hand for the success of the
Juniors, the Avinash Bhoi secured first
prize in Vyakarana Elocution, Hindi
 Inter Campus Youth Festival : Sixty elocution and Antakshari. Among the
students from Sri Sadshiva Campus under seniors, Anukampa Mishra of Acharya 2nd
the guidence of Prof. Bimal Prasad year secured first prize in History
Mahanty, Prof. Suryamani Rath, Dr. elocution, Hindi elocution, Sanskrit essay
Sambhunath Mahalik, Dr. Sneha Nanda writing and second prize in Odisha
participated in Yuva Mahotsav organized elocution. Both were declared as all
at Rajiv Gandhi Campus, Sringeri in Dec. roundes in Literary competitions in
2014. Our Campus students won 9 Gold Junior and Senior level respectively.

( 47 )
 Campus level Sports Competition : Refresher Courses/Orientation courses
The Inter-campus sports competitions by the Faculty members - 07 nos.
were conducted on 26th Oct 2014 in the
1. Dr. D.C. Sarangi, Asst. Professor
playground of Kendriya Vidyalaya. About
128 students competed with each other in
2. Dr. U.C. Mishra, Asst. Professor
various sports and games events.
Balabhadra Badei from Senior Males, 3. Dr.(Smt.) Ketaki Mahapatra, Asst.
Jeenva Jyoti Beher from Junior males, Professor
Mitali Mallik of Senior Females and
Kumudini Bag from Junior females got 4. Dr.(Smt.) R.M. Pratihari, Asst. Professor
selected from as best allrounder in sports
for the current academic year. 5. Dr. N.C. Sahoo, Asst. Professor
 Swacch Bharat Abhiyan : The Swatch 6. Dr. Makhalesh Kumar, Asst. Professor
Bharat programme was initiated by
Siksha-shastri department of Shri 7. Dr. Bhagaban Samantray, Asst. Professor
Sadashiva Campus on 24th Nov 2014. The
cleaning programme was continued till the
end of academic year on every No. of quiries received/replies given
wednesday. Dr. Nirmala Panigrahi, Dr. under R.T.I. Act.
Ramakanta Mishra and other Faculty Received – 05 nos.
members of Siksha Shastri Dept. guided
Replied – 05 nos.
the students in the above programme
through out the year.

( 48 )
4.2.3 Shri Ranbir Campus, Jammu (Jammu and Kashmir)

About the Campus During the year 2014-15 total numbers of

students admitted in different classes were 392
The erstwhile Shri Raghunath Sanskrit
out of them 307 were male and 50 were female.
Mahavidyalaya established by the former Ruler
Separate three-storyed Hostels with 60+24=84
of the Jammu & Kashmir was taken over as one
rooms each for girls and boys are available
of the constituent Vidyapeetha by the Sansthan
wherein 106 boys and 35 Girls students, during
on 1st April, 1971 and was named as Shri Ranbir
the academic session 2013-14 were provided
Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha. On declaration
of the Sansthan as Deemed University, the
Vidyapeetha was renamed as Shri Ranbir Courses Offered
Campus, It functions with six departments i.e.
Vyakarana, Jyotisha (Phalit & Siddhant), The following courses are offered by
Sahitya, Veda, Darshana and Shiksha-Shastra. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Shri Ranbir
Eduction is imparted by well versed teachers of Campus:-
different disciplines to the students of Prak- 1. Prak Shastri
Shastri to Acharya level. Shiksha-Shastri (B.Ed.)
course was started in 1979 for the training of 2. Shastri (BA)
Sanskrit teachers. Modern subjects like Hindi,
3. Shiksha Shastri (B.Ed.)
Dogri, English, Political Science and History are
taught along with traditional subjects upto 4. Acharya (MA)
Shastri level. There is also good arrangement for
5. Shiksha Acharya (M.Ed.)
teaching of computer, environment science,
music classes and Yoga training for the students. 6. Vidya Varidhi (Ph.D.)
Besides it, the campus also offers research
programme leading to the award of Vidyavaridhi Extra Curricular Activities Including
(Ph.D) degree. Since 1978 about 102 research Details of Functions/Seminars
students have been awarded the research degree
from this campus and research work of 9  18/07/2014 - Weekly meeting inaugura-
Students is in progress. The campus has ted by the Principal in Department of
undertaken an important project of Kashmir Education.
Shaiva Darshana Kosha with the object of  21-30/07/2014 - Sanskrit Speaking Camp
compiling a dictionary of Kashmir Shaiva held at the Campus.
Darshana. It has a rich library and 20 published
works to its credit. The campus has also a well  24/07/2014 - Vani Vilas Parishad
furnished Library with the 38243 books of inaugurated by Prof. Vishwa Murti
traditional and modern subjects etc. Shastri, former Principal of the Campus
and recipient of President's Award. Dr.
The Campus has a furnished computer Lab., Ram Dass Sangotra was made convener of
Media-Centre, Educational Technology Lab., the parishad.
Psychology Lab for augmenting the learning.
 25/07/2014 - Shri Shankara Shastrartha
The Campus started functioning in its own Parishad was inaugurated by Principal,
building from July 2007 on a piece of land Prof. Ramanuj Devanathan. Prof. Hari
measuring 84 canals allotted by the Govt. of Narayan Tiwari delivered the keynote
Jammu and Kashmir at Kot-Bhalwal (near address on the topic 'Vyakaranonvakh-
Central Jail) Jammu. The campus has quarters yeya Shabdah'.
to accommodate staff and a well furnished Guest
House. It has also well equipped Meeting Hall,  05-22/08/2014 - Prabhodhan Varga was
Conference Room and a sport complex. organized in the Department of Education

( 49 )
during which the students were given  04/09/2014 - A debate competition
information about various shastras. organized. Convener - Dr. Chandra Mauli
 11-14/08/2014 - Sanskrit Week
Celebrations were inaugurated by Chief  05/09/2014 - B.Ed. students presented a
Guest Shant Manu, Divisional play on the occasion of Teachers' Day.
Commissioner, Jammu, and Sarswat Guest
Dr. Priyatama Chandra Shastri, former  18-22/09/2014 - various competitions,
principal of the campus. During the including essay-writing, elocution and
Sanskrit Week Celebrations, Sanskrit Song poetry recitation, were organized during
competition, on the spot elocution Hindi Fortnight celebrations. Dr. S.S.
competition, debate, shlokantyakshari Khokhar, Principal, BSF School, was the
were organized. On 13/08/2014, Chief Guest in the Inaugural Function on
Raghavan Memorial Lecture was 18/09/2014. Prof. Radha Vallabh
organized, in which Prof. Ramesh Kumar Tripathy was the Chief Guest in the
Pandey, Head of the Department of Valedictory Function on 22/09/2014.
Research and Publication, Lal Bahadur  02/10/2014 - Svachchha Bharat
Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Programme was organized on the
New Delhi, delivered a lecture on occasion of Gandhi Jayanti.
“Raghavanmahodayaysya Karvitriprati-
bhavimarsha”.  13-17/10/2014 - Prof. Vachaspati
Dwivedi, former Head of the Department
 14/08/2014 - A Sanskrit Awareness Rally of Education, Sampoornanand University,
was taken out from Indira Chowk to Shri Varanasi delivered Shri Sharada Extention
Ranbireshwara Temple. The conclusion Lecture on “Kriyatmaka Anusandhan”.
took place at Baba Kailakh Dham Temple
premises. Senior police officer, Shakti  15/10/2014 - Prof. Jagir Singh, former
Pathak was the chief guest of the function. Head of the Department of Sanskrit,
University of Jammu, delivered a lecture
 14/08/2014 - The Valedictory Function of on 'Kashmir Shaiva Darshan'.
Sanskrit Week celebrations was held.
Information Commissioner, Prof. S.K.  16/10/2014 - Prof. Manoj Kumar Misra,
Sharma was the Chief Guest whereas Prof. Head of the Department of Veda,
Ram Pratap Vedalankar was the Special convened a programme on the occasion
Guest on the occasion. The function was of Sansthan's Foundation Day.
presided over by the Principal.
 17/10/2014 - In the Valedictory Function
 15/08/2014 - Independence Day was of Shri Sharada Extension Lecture series,
celebrated with great zeal by the staff and Dr. Hari Ram Mishra, Special Study
students of the campus. The principal Centre, Department of Sanskrit, Jawahar
unfurled the National Flag. Lal Nehru University, New Delhi, deliver-
ed a lecture on 'Vyakarananikaye Vak-
 22/08/2014 - The second session of Shri tattvavimarsha'. Prof. Ramakant Pandey,
Shankarshastrartha Parishad was held Director, Muktaswadhyayapeetham, New
during which Dr.(Mrs.) Savitri Shatapathy Delhi, delivered a lecture on 'Shastra-
delivered a lecture on “Bharatiyadarsha- kavya'. The Campus Principal presided
neshu Atmatattvavichara”. Assistant Pro- over the function.
fessor Dr. Krishna Murari Mani Tripathy
also delivered a lecture.  27/10/2014 to 02/11/2014 - The
selection process for Inter-Campus Youth
 29/08/2014 - Ganesh Pujan was Festival started with Dr. P.K. Mahapatra,
organized in the campus on the occasion HOD Jyotish and Dr. Rajendra Lal,
of Ganesh Chaturthi. Physical Director as conveners.

( 50 )
 11/11/2014 - National Educational Day C.M. Raina, and Dr. Nigam Pandey,
was organized, with Prof. R.R. Sharma, Assistant Professor, Jyotish also delivered
Head of the Department of Education, lectures.
Central University of Jammu as Chief
 09/02/2015 - In the Fourth session of
Guest. Convenor - Dr. J.R. Sharma, Head
Shankarashastrartha Parishad, Prof.
of the Department of Education.
Manoj Kumar Mishra, Head of the
 17/11/2014 - Students' Parliament held. Department of Veda, delivered a lecture
on “Kalidasasya Shrotkarmabhigyata”. Dr.
 09/12/2014 - Geeta Shloka Kanth Path
D. Dayanatha, and Dr. Arun Kumar
Contest was held at Kendriya Vidyalaya
Mishra, Assistant Professor, Veda also
No. 1, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu on the
delivered lectures.
occasion of Geeta Jayanti, in
collaboration with Shri Ranbir Campus,  21/03/2015 - A Campus cleanliness drive
with IG, BSF, as Chief Guest. was launched under the community
service at the Department of Education.
 12/01/2015 - Youth Day was organized at
Dr. J.R. Sharma and Dr. Nagendra Nath
the Campus on the occasion of Swami
Jha of Department of Education were the
Vivekananda Jayanti.
 26/01/2015 - Republic Day Celebrations
 27/03/2015 - In the Valedictory Session
at the Campus. Principal, Prof. Ramanuja
of Shankarashastrartha Parishad, Prof.
Devanatan unfurled the national flag.
Ram Pratap Vedalankar, former Head of
 27/01/2015 - State Level Shastriya the Department of Sanskrit, University of
Competition was held with Prof. M.K. Jammu, was the Chief Guest, Dr. Satish
Mishra as convener, in which students Kumar Kapoor, Head of the Department of
from various institutions of the state Sahitya, delivered a lecture on
participated. “Kavyamarge Swarvichar”. Dr. Tej Nath
Paudel and Dr. Raj Kumar Mishra,
 30/01/2015 - A tree talk by Dr. O.P. Assistant Professor, Sahitya also delivered
Vidyarthi, an IFS officer, was held to lectures.
spread environmental awareness among
the students.
Refresher Courses/Orientation
 19-24/02/2015 - Various sports activities Courses by the faculty members
were held during the Sports Week. Prof.
1. Dr. (Smt.) Savitri Satpathy
Ramanuja Devanathan inaugurated the
Sports Week. The valedictory function was 2. Dr. C.M. Raina
held on 25/02/2015. International
3. Dr. Sachidanand
Archer and the gold medal winner of 17 th
Asian Games (South Korea) Rajat Chauhan 4. Smt. Nirmal Gupta
was the Chief Guest. Dr. P.K. Mahapatra
was the Convener. 5. Dr. Ram Das Sangotra

 25/02/2015 - In the Third session of No. of quiries received/replies given

Shankarashastrartha Parishad, Dr. P.K. under R.T.I. Act.
Mahapatra, Head of the Department of
Jyotish, delivered a lecture on “Manav- Received – 15 nos.
jeevane Vakri Grahanam Prabhavah”. Dr. Replied – 15 nos.

( 51 )
4.2.4 Guruvayoor Campus,
Purnattukara, Trichur (Kerala)

Introduction Panchayath in Thrissur District, Kerala and

surrounded by Amala Medical College,
The Guruvayoor Campus came into being on
Sri.Ramakrishna Ashram, S.R.K.G.V.M. Higher
16-07-1979 consequent upon the take over of
Secondary School and Sarada Girls Higher
the Guruvayoor Sahitya Deepika Sanskrit
Secondary School, Central School, IES
Vidyapeetha at Pavaratty near Guruvayoor,
Engineering College. From Thrissur Town,
which was founded by Late Sri. P.T. Kuriakkose
Guruvayoor Campus is 8 kilometers to North-
Master. (The erstwhile Vidyapeetha had attained
West. The Kochi international airport at
name and fame in and outside the state of Kerala
Nedumabassery is only sixty one kilometers
as a centre of Sanskrit Learning, imparting
away from the campus. Kuriakose Master
instructions at graduate and Post graduate level
Smrithi Bhawan at pavaratty is fifteen kilometer
with affiliation to Madras University in 1934,
away from the main centre.
Kerala University in 1958 and Calicut University
in 1968). This abode of ancient traditional status
Courses Offered
got affiliation with Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan
under Ministry of H.R.D. Govt. of India, with At present the campus at Puranattukara
effect from January 1970 and it became offers the following courses of study:-
constituent Vidyapeeth of Rashtriya Sanskrit
Sansthan and it was called Kendriya Sanskrit 1. Prak Shastri (Intermediate).
Vidyapeetha. On 7th May 2002, Rashtriya
2. Shastri (Graduation) in Vedanta, Sahitya,
Sanskrit Sansthan along with its constituent
Vyakarana, Nyaya & Jyotisha.
Vidyapeethas was declared as a Deemed to be
University and it was considered as Guruvayoor 3. Acharya (Post-Graduation) in Vedanta,
Campus of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. Sahitya, Vyakarana & Nyaya
The Guruvayoor Campus has two centers, 4. Siksha Shastri. (B.Ed)
one at Puranattukara and one at Pavaratty. The
main centre at Puranattukara situates on a 5. Vidyavaridhi. (Ph.D)
beautiful landscape within an extent of fourteen The syllabus of Prak Shastri & Shastri in
acres. It comprises of main Academic block, cludes modern subjects such as English, History,
Administrative block, Library, Boys & Girls Malayalam, Computer Science, Yoga &
Hostels, Guest House, Auditorium, Play Ground, Environmental Studies along with traditional
Semi functional building and quarters. The Sanskrit subjects to prepare the students to be
centre at Pavaratty situates on a land of extent in tune with modern world.
of 50 cents and is named as P.T. Kuriakkose
Smrithi Bhawan after Shri. P.T. Kuriakkose P.T. Kuriakkose Smrithi Bhawan offers classes
Master, the former of the erstwhile Vidyapeetha. of three months duration under Non Formal
There is a single storied building having two big Sanskrit Education, correspondence courses of
halls, one administrative room and other ten Learning Sanskrit and Distance Education. This
class rooms with all modern amenities. institution is also as a centre of Manuscript
Campus Location
Main Centre of Guruvayoor Campus is Academic Departments
situated in an educational complex area at Adat At present there are Seven Departments in

( 52 )
Campus. They are- during the Sabha by Staff and Students.
 Navya Vyakarana Vagvardhini Sabha conducted discussing the
 Sahitya following prigrammes :
 Advaita Vedanta 1. Vakyartha Vicharah
 Nyaya
2. Shastra Parichayah
 Jyotisha
3. Samakaleena Vishayah
 Siksha-Sastra
 Modern Subjects 4. Prasnothari
5. Kalavinodah
Library :
More than 30 meetings were held. A good
Guruvayoor Campus Library is one of the number of students and teachers have actively
best library among the libraries of Rashtriya participated and presented papers on different
Sanskrit Sansthan. The Campus library is topics.
established in July 16, 1979. It is a main source
of Knowledge, which is an integral and
Vakyartha Parishad
important part of our institute of higher
learning. With a unique collection of around Vakyartha Parishad is another platform
32208 books and 250 manuscripts apart from where the staff of the campus present model
Journals, Periodicals, Newspapers, Thesis & Vakyarthas before the students and the students
Dissertations, the campus library caters to the is trained to perform the Vakyartha in the
needs of the students and staff members. traditional way. This paves the way for students
to develop the skill on Vakyartha - the essence
Library is well equiped with electronic of traditional Sastraic learning.
devises to Access knowledge resources from
internet also. Sanskrit Week Celebration
The Sanskrit Week was celebrated from 7th
Extra Curricular Learning Activities
to 13th August, 2014. The Programme was
In addition to teaching work, the campus inaugurated by Dr. M.V. Natesan, Associate
conducts Vagvardhini Parishad, Vakyartha Professor, Sree Sankarachaya Sanskrit
Parishad, Extension lecture Series (National University, Kaledy and delivered a lecture on
level) and Seminars. The Campus provides all "Job Opportunity in Sanskrit". Prof. Ch.L.N.
extracurricular activities in the fields of Sarma, Principal of the Campus presided over
Literary, Fine Arts, Sports and Games to bring the function. All the HODs of different
out all the best abilities in the students. departments felicitated the Programme. Dr. K.K.
Shine HOD (Education) delivered Welcome
Vagvardhini Parishad Speech and Dr. Susant Kumar Raya, Contract
Teacher gave Vote of Thanks. Dr. K.Giridhar Rao
Vagvardhini Parishad is a platform for the Co-ordinated the Programme.
students to develop their academic excellence
in all around. Representatives of students and Extension Lecture Series
graduate students in different discipline will have
different platforms under the guidance of The Campus organizes series of Extension
different faculties. The post graduate students Lectures by eminent scholars of various
have a common platform under the guidance of Shastras, both Traditional and Modern. Topics
faculty member nominated by the Principal. of the Lectures are of inter disciplinary nature
Vagvardhini Sabha was conducted on every so that various Shastric concepts are evaluated.
Wednesday for all the classes from 2 pm to 5 This facilitates better comprehension and clarity
pm. (Evening session). Articles were presented on the principles of different disciplines among

( 53 )
the students. Thenames of the scholars who 4. Conducted a personality development
delivered lectures and the topics of the lectures programme on 24/02/2015 headed by Sri
are given below :- Vinod lgnatius C.E.O., BULWARK
1. Prof. Ashok Aklujkar, Professor Emeritus
British Coloumbia Uni. Canada - 17/08/
P.T. Kuriyakkose Master International
2014 - Contribution of Bhartrhrai to
understand the Philosophy Modern and
Western (P.I.) The 125th Birth Anniversary Celebration of
P.T. Kuriyakkose Master was organized on 03/
2. Prof. Ashok Aklujkar, Professor Emeritus
10/2014 at RSKS, Pavaratty Centre and there-
British Coloumbia Uni. Canada - 18/08/
after a Seminar was conducted on the topic "The
2014 - Contribution of Bhartrhari to
contribution of P.T. Kuriakkose Master to the
understand the Philosophy Modern and
Promotion of Sanskrit in Kerala". The
Western (P.II.)
Programme was inaugurated by Shri.
3. Prof. Vishwanathagopalakrishna Principal, Radhakrishnan Kakkassery, Poet. Prof. C.H.L.N.
Sree Gautami Vidyapeetham, Prachya- Sarma, Principal, Guruvayoor Campus gave the
vidyakalashala, Rajamahendrapuram - 10/ Presidential Address. The function was
03/2015 - Shabdavrittivicharah felicitated by Smt. Vimla Sethumadhavan,
President, Pavaratty Gram Panchayat, Prof. S.
4. Prof. Vishwanathagopalakrishna Principal,
Radha, Dean SSSUS, Kalady, Prof. M.A. Babu,
Sree Gautami Vidyapeetham, Prachya-
Former Principal, Guruvayoor Campus, Shri.
vidyakalashala, Rajamahendrapuram - 11/
Thomas Pavaratty, Chief Executive, Tomyas
03/2015 - Brahmakaranatavada
Advertising, Dr. Francis Arakkal, Asso. Prof.
SSSUS Kalady, Shri Antony Elanjikkal, Poet and
National Service Scheme old Student Prof. K.L. Sebastian, Former HOD,
In the academic year 2014-15 Dr. P. Indira Modern Subjects, Guruvayoor Campus, Prof.
was appointed as Programme Officer and Dr. K.P. Kesavan, Centre in Charge, Pavaratty gave
Harsha Kumar K.K. and Shri Sudhir K.R. as the Welcome Speech & Dr. E.P. Sreedevi, Asst. Prof.
Assistant Programme officer. 100 NSS volun- Distance Education gave vote of thanks. Prof.
teers were enrolled. Kumari Haritha T was Ch.L.N. Sarma, Principal Guruayoor Campus
elected as the Secretary and Kumari Ajayka as delivered the Presidential Address.
Joint Secretary. The Valedictory Programme of yearlong
Activities done during this academic year celebration of 125th Birth Anniversary of Shri.
are as follows : P.T. Kuriakkose Master was scheduled on 23/
02/2015 at P.T. Kuriakkose Smriti Bhawan,
1. A seminar on importance and duties of Pavaratty. V. Rev. Fr. Dr. Francis Alappat
NSS volunteers was conducted. A speech inaugurated the Programme. Padmasree
on the topic "Awareness on NSS" was Kalamandalam Gopi was the Guest of Honor.
conducted by Dr. P.V. Prakash Babu Asst. Prof. Ch.L.N. Sarma, Principal Guruvayoor
Prof. Malayalam Dept. Kerala Varma Campus gave Presidential Address. Prof. K.L.
College. Sebastian delivered the Keynote Address. Prof.
K.P. Kesavan, Co-ordinator, MSP, Pavaratty gave
2. NSS volunteers participated in the
Welcome Speech. Smt. Vimala Sethumathavan,
marathon conducted by the Department
President, Pavaratty Gramapanchayat, HODs of
of Physical Education "Run Kerala Run" in
Various departments of Guruvayoor Campus
connection with the 35th National games
and Pavaratty Centre, Section Officer felicitated
organized by Kerala State.
the function. Dr. E.P. Sreedevi, Jt. Co-ordinator,
3. NSS Volunteers have actively participated MSP, Pavaratty Centre gave Vote of Thanks.
in the campus cleaning.

( 54 )
Other Activities Manuscriptology & Textual Criticism of Research
2014-15 for 21 days w.e.f. 11/02/2015 to 03/
1. Vasantotsava
03/2015 conducted at Guruvayoor Campus. 33
Students of this campus have presented the students registered for the Workshop. Prof.
Sanskrit Drama "MUDRARAKSHASAM" during Ch.L.N. Sharma, Principal and Dr. Subramanya
Vasantotsava organized by the Rashtriya Sarma, Associate Professor in Vedanta were the
Sanskrit Sansthan, Deemed University, New Chairman and Co-ordinator of the programme
Delhi from 04/02/2015 to 06/02/2015 at respectively. The Workshop was inaugurated by
Shankarlal Concert Hall, New Delhi. Dr. T.P. Raveendran, Registrar Sree
Hariprasad.S. Shastri IIIrd year has won best Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady.
actor Prize among all the dramas of the Various Resource persons delivered lectures on
campuses. various topics according to the syllabus. All the
Research Scholars (Part-time & Full-time)
2. All India Elocution Contests 2014-15 attended the workshop.
The Valedictory programme of the
3 students were selected and participated in
workshop conducted on 03/03/2015, Sh.
the competitions on various Shastric subjects
Gopalakrishnan, Secretary, Kerala Sahitya
during the All India Elocution Contest held at
Academy, Thrissur, was the Chief Guest of the
New Delhi from 17th to 20th March, 2015.
Programme, Prof. M.A. Babu, Former Principal
3. Yuva Mahotsava - National Sports Guruvayoor Campus was the Guest of Honour
and Cultural competitions and Prof. Ch.L.N. Sarma, Principal of
Guruvayoor Campus presided over the function.
A group of 63 members consisting of 60 The Scholars who have attended the workshop
students and 3 teachers from this campus were given both the participation certificate &
participated in competitions in Yuva Mahotsava Certificate of Grade.
conducted in Rajiv Gandhi Campus, Sringeri,
from 20th to 23rd December, 2014. Endowment Prizes
Our campus has won 4th Place in overall 1. Shri P.K.Jose Master Endowment
championship. prizes to the students who stand first in
Acharya I year Sahitya and in Shastri III
4. Literary and Fine Arts year Malayalam instituted by the staff of
The Literary and Fine arts competitions for this institution. This year the prizes
this academic year 2014-15 were conducted on awarded to Rashma T.M., who scored
11th & 12th March, 2015 in the Campus 386 marks out of 500 and Sh. Abraham
Auditorium. Smt. Kalamandalam Hymavathy. Bazil, who scored 95 marks out of 100
Retd. Professor, Sree Sankaracharaya University respectively in 2014 examination.
of Sanskrit, Kalady and Sh. B.K. Harinarayanan, 2. Sri Ram Janaki Puraskar
Film Lyricist were the Guests on the occasion constituted by Dr. R.N. Das to the top
and inaugurated the programme. Paimkulam Sri. ranker in Acharya II year Vedanta
Narayanachakyar presented demonstration on Examination. The prize awarded to Arya
Kutiyattam. Various fine arts competitions for P.M. who scored 822 marks out of 1000
the students were conducted in the campus. in 2014 Annual examination.
3. Prof., P.C. Vasudevan Elayath
Developmental Activities : memorial Endowment prize of Rs.
21 Days workshop on Research 1000 to the top scorer in Acharya Sahitya
Methodology, Manuscriptology & Examination constituted by the son Dr.
Textual Criticism 2014-15 w.e.f. 11/02/ P.C. Muralimadhavan. This year the prize
2015 to 03/03/2015. awarded to Aswathy Mohan who
scored 878 marks out of 1000 in 2014
A workshop of Research Methodology, examination.

( 55 )
4. Prof. P.T. Kuriakose Master which was awarded to Shreyas
Memorial Endowment cash prize of Prasanna (Marks 823).
Rs. 501 instituted by Sri K.L. Sebastian,
Dr. S.V. Ramana Murthy has installed
Retd. Sl.Gr. Lecturer of this institution to
in cash prize of Rs. 500/- each for
the top ranker in Acharya Examinations
Toppers of Prak-Shastri I & IInd year
irrespective of the subjects. The prize
which was given to Silja V.G. (PS-I)
awarded to Aswathy Mohan. who
Marks 596 and Unnimaya (PS-II)
scored 878 marks out of 1000 in Annual
Marks 505.
examinations 2014.
Rs. 800/- each for all Shastri Classes (I,
5. Prof. S. Venkitakrishnan Memorial
II & IIIrd) were given to Mrudula V.V.,
Endowment instituted by Prof. K.T.
(S-I), Marks 670, Meera I.J. (S-II),
Madhavan to the top scorer in Acharya
Marks 554 & Athira. A. (S-III), Marks
Sahitya examination - Aswathy Mohan
Rs. 800/- each for highest mark in
6. 'Panini Purascar' instituted by Prof. V.K.
Paper IVth in English Literature only for
Shylaja, in the name of her late mother
Shastri I & IInd year classes were given
Smt. Lakshmikutty Amma to the top
to Amritha P.V. (S-I) Marks 83 and
scorer in Acharya Ist year Vyakarana
Meera.I.J. & Vijisha.K. (S-II), Marks 83
examination. Sariga Ramanan. Total
Marks 378/500.
Dr. P. Indira has instituted a cash prize
7. Dr. M.K. Andrews Memorial
of Rs. 500/- to the top Scorer of Acharya
Endowment Award instituted by Mrs.
1st year Sahitya in the name of her
Baby Andrews to the top Scorer in
parents "Kartyayani Amma and U.K.
Acharya Ist Year Vyakarana examination
Nair" which was secured by Reshma
was given to Sariga Ramanan.
8. Dr. S.Subrahmanya Sarma,
PTA Endowment Prizes for top
Department of Vedanta has instituted
scorers in Prakshastri IInd year, Shastri
Adi Sankara Award of Rs. 1001/- in
IIIrd year, Acharya IInd year & Shiksha
memory of his father (late)
Shastri were awarded to Unnimaya, PS-
Mahamahopadhyaya P. Sreedhara
II (marks 505), Athira.A., S-III (marks
Sarma to the top scorer in Sastry IIIrd
579), Aswathy Mohan, A-II (marks
year (Vedanta) examination. This was
878) & Shreyas Prasanna, S.S. (marks
secured by Athira. A. (Marks 180)
In addition to these prizes, this year
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. Deemed Sports Day
University, New Delhi has given a cash
prize (IIIrd) amounting to Rs. 5000/- for The Sport and Games competitions were
the oratory competition on the subject held on 9th & 10th October, 2014 in the campus
"Use of Technology & Innovation in ground. Sh. A.V. Suresh, Retd. Professor, Sree
promoting Good Governance" held Kerala Varma College, Thrissur Inaugurated the
on 22/12/2014 at Sringeri Campus of the Function.
Sansthan on the Eve of "Good
Governance Day" which is secured by Parent Teacher Association
goes to Ku.E. Asha, Acharya Ist Year.
The P.T.A. extended its support and co-
Prof. Ch.L.N.Sarma has instituted a operation whole heartedly to the development
cash prize of Rs. 1000/- to the topper in of campus activities. The Sales counter opened
Shiksha Shastri in the name of his parents for prescribed Text Books in the campus with
"Kamalamma and Rama Murty" PTA's special interest.

( 56 )
Independence Day various departments. They had an interaction
with the teaching staff and students.
68th Independence Day celebration was held
on 15th August, 2014 at 8.30 a.m. Organization of Marathon "Run Kerala
Hindi Diwas & Pakhvada Samaroh
This year as a part of National Games 2015
Hindi Pakhvada celebrated from 16th to which was held in Kerala from 31st January to
23rd September, 2014 with variety of 13th February, 2015. Our campus organized a
Programmes. Various competitions were marathon "Run Kerala Run" on 20/01/2015 at
conducted to students, teaching staff and 10.30 a.m. About 40 students participated with
nonteaching staff. The Valedictory function of the team Jersey. The Flag off was done by the
the Hindi Pakhavada was on 23rd September, Principal. All Staff also participated in the
2014. Dr. R. Lakshmi, Hindi Teacher I.A.S.E. Programme.
Thrissur inaugurated the programme. Smt.
Filomina Mechery, Principal, Kendriya Republic Day
Vidyalaya, Ramavarmapuram was the Guest of
66th Republic Day celebration was held on
Honor. Dr. S.V.R. Moorthy, HOD (Modern
26th January, 2015 at 8.30 a.m.
Subject) gave Welcome Speech. Dr. Nanda
Kishore Tiwari gave the Vote of Thanks. Prizes
Organising Eye Care Camp
were distributed to the wining candidates.
An eye care camp was conducted in the
Swachha Bharat Abhiyan Campus in collaboration with Vasan Eye Care
Hospital on 26th & 27th February, 2015. At the
This year as per the Notification of the camp venue, the team of hospital provided
Sansthan, our campus launched Swachha Bharat computer eye testing and further vision checkup
Mission on 2nd October, 2014 on the occasion done by one of their senior optometrist.
of Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the
Father of Nation by taking the pledge for Annual Day
cleanliness of the campus premises by an active
participation of all the Teachers, Students, Annual Day of the Campus was conducted on
Officials, Parents in a befitting manner. 9th April 2015. The function was inaugurated by
Smt. M.S. Jaya I.A.S., District Collector,
Thrissur. Padmasree Peruvanam Kuttan Marar
Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity
was the Guest of Honour and delivered the
keynote address. Prof. Ch.L.N. Sarma, Principal
Office the campus observed 31st October, gave the presidential address and read the
2014, the Birth Anniversary of Sardar Vallabhai Annual Report. The programme was welcomed
Patel as "Rashtriya Ekta Diwas" (National by Prof. C.L. Cicily. Dr. S.Subrahmanya Sarma
Unity Day). Rashtriya Ekta Diwas Pledge were gave the Vote thanks speech. Various Cultural
administered by all the students, staff and programmes were conducted. Prizes were
members of faculty followed by Run for the distributed to the candidates who were
Unity and conducted number of activities like successful in various fine arts literary and sports
Panel discussion on the contribution of Sardar competitions.
Patel (Iron Man of India), debate competitions,
No. of quiries received/replies given
Pictorial exhibitions etc were part of the
under R.T.I. Act.
Received - Nil
Visit of Second Sanskrit Commission Replied - Nil
The Second Sanskrit Commission visited our
campus on 12/12/2014. They visited the

( 57 )
4.2.5 Jaipur Campus, Jaipur (Rajasthan)

About the campus iii. Acharya

On the request of the then Chief Minister of iv. Shiksha Shastri
Rajasthan Late Sri Shivcharan Mathur,
v . Shiksha Acharya
Padmashri Dr. Mandan Mishra (Former
Director) made laudable efforts and first vi. Vidya Varidhi
Director Dr. R.K. Sharma, Rashtriya Sanskrit
Sansthan had established Kendriya Sanskrit Programmes organized in Campus
Vidyapeeth at Jaipur on 13th May, 1983. Since during year 2014-15
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan became Deemed
University in 2002 this campus is well-known 1. Commencement of Session with Saraswati
as Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed Poojan Celebration, 01 July, 2014.
University), Jaipur Campus. This Jaipur Campus 2. Admission of Shiksha Shastri (B.Ed.) &
is famous for making tireless efforts for the Shiksha Acharya (M.Ed.) 03.07.2014.
propagation and spread of traditional education,
protection of rare manuscripts, their publication, 3. Introductory Falit Jyotish and Vastu
progress in research-work in the field of Sanskrit Shastra Syllabus Session 23.07.2014 to
learning and along with scriptural knowledge 09.10.2014.
imparting of the knowledge of modern and
4. Constitution of Jyotish Parishad,
useful subjects. During the current session this
Campus has been the foremost amongst all the
ten campuses of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan but 5. Twenty one (21) days workshop on
even from the point of view of the numerical Research Methodology and Manuscriptology.
strength of students and educational
achievements has excelled itself in the midst of 6. Independence Day Celebration on
several other well reputed sanskrit universities. 15.08.2014.

During the tenure of Dr. Sarojini Mahishi, the 7. Sanskrit Week Function during
then Vice Chairperson of Rashtriya Sanskrit 20.08.2014 to 22.08.2014.
Sansthan due to her earnest effort and through
8. Constitution of Vyakarna Parishad -
financial assistance of Govt. The Jaipur campus
has acquired a piece of land measuring 7.27
acres from Jaipur Development Authority at 9. Techers Day Celebration - 05.09.2014.
Triveni Nagar, Gopalpura by-pass, Jaipur at a
distance of 21 K.M. from Jaipur Railway Station. 10. Language Teaching Workshop during
It comprises of Academic Block, Administration 08.09.2014 to 19.09.2014.
Block, Gymnasium, Auditorium, Library, Project
11. Hindi Pakhwara Function on 14.09.2014.
Block, Computer Room, Prakrit Research Centre,
Mukta Swadhaya Peetha Kendra, Boys and Girls 12. SWAC Abhiyan 25.09.2014 to
Hostels. Staff Quarters, Play Ground, gardens etc. 31.10.2014.

13. Lession Planning of Education Deptt.

Courses Offered
during 13.10.2014 to 14.10.2014,.
i. Prak Shastri 14. Interstate Shastriya Competition on 21-
ii. Shastri 22.10.2014.

( 58 )
15. Research Seminar on Shiksha Acharya All the lecturers and professors were
03.11.2014 to 05.11.2014. traditionally welcomed in the programme.
16. Annual sports Competition during 4. Hindi Diwas : Hindi Diwas Programme was
05.11.2014 to 0711.2014. organized on 14.09.2014 in Hind Kesari
Auditorium. All the Professors, Lecturers and
17. First Medical Training Camp during
Students participated in the programme.
11.12.2014 to 16.12.2014.
Importance of National language and its use in
18. Youth Festival Sringeri Campus during the official works were emphasized in front of
20.12.2014 to 23.12.2014. students.
19. Comunity service, Swachata Abhiyan 5. Saraswati Poojan : Saraswati Poojan was
and Railly, 09.01.2015. celebrated in Jaipur Campus on 24.01.2015 with
chanting of Vedic Mantras in Dr. Hind Kesari
20. Constitution of Second Introductory
Auditorium. All the staff members & students
Syllabus of Falit Jyotish and Vastushastra
attended the programme.
Session 2014-15. 21.01.2015 to 21.04.2015.
21. Vasant Panchami and Saraswati Poojan, 6. Non-Formal Sanskrit Teaching : Non-
24.01.2015. Formal Sanskrit Teaching Programme was
organized and in Auqurated in Hind Kesari
22. Kaumudi Mahotsav 04.02.2015 to Auditorium. The programme was chaired by
06.12.2015. working principal Prof. Indramani Das, Prof. Y.S.
Ramesh was the main speaker and Prof. Sudesh
23. Scout and Guide Training during
Kumar Sharma presided over the session as a
10.03.2015 to 16.03.2015.
special guest.
24. Akhil Bharatiya (All India) Shastriya
Competition during 17.03.2015 to 21.03.2015. 7. Sanskrit Week Celebration : Sanskrit week
was enthusiastically celebrated from
25. Educational Tour of Shiksha Shastri, 20.08.2014 to 22.08.2014. The programme was
24.03.2015. inaugurated by the Chief Guest Devrishi Kalanath
Shastri. The congregation was chaired by the
26. Independence Day Celebration,
principal of Campus. Dr. Prakash Pandey and the
programme was anchored by Prof. Shridhar
Mishra. Sanskrit Debate Programme, Lectures
Extra Curricular Learning Activities
and other academic Activities were organized.
1. Commencement of the Session : The President Award Winner eminent Sanskrit
session was started on 01.07.2014 with the Scholar Prof. Hariram Acharya were present at
chanting of Vedic Mantras and prayers offered the Conclading Session.
to Devi Saraswati along with principal all staff
8. Youth Festival : A team of students of the
members and students in Hind Kesari
Jaipur Campus participated in Inter Campus
Youth Festival organized at Sringeri Campus
2. Workshop on Research Methodology and from 20.12.2014 to 23.12.2014 under the
Manuscriptology : A Workshop of Research guidance of following teachers - Prof. Gajendra
Methodology, Manuscriptology of Research for Sharma, Prof. Shridhar ushra, Prof. Shivkant
twenty one days (25.07.14 to 14.08.2014) under Jha, Prof. Satya Kumar and Dr. Shish Ram.
the supervision of Prof. Y.S. Ramesh was
organized. Eighty five students attended the A list of Guests and Scholors who
workshop. attended different programmes in the
Campus –
3. Teachers Day Celebration : Teacher's Day
was Celebrated in Jaipur Campus on Honourable Members Designation
05.09.2014. The programme was chaired by Prof. Ramanuj Devenathan — Vice Chancellor,
Prof. Indramani Das, head of Deptt. of Jyotish. JRRSU, Jaipur

( 59 )
Prof. N.R.Kannan – Ex-Vice Chancellor, Mahant Mohan Sharan Shastri — Nimbark
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. Asharma Bhilwara
Dr. B.K. Singh – Registrar, Rashtriya Sanskrit Dr.Vinod Sharma — Nimbark Asharma Bhilwara
Dr. Bhagwan Sahai Sharma — Principal, Maharaj
Prof. Hariram Acharya — Ex-HOD, Sanskrit Sanskrit Acharya Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur
Department. Rajasthan University
Dr. Pramod Kumar Sharma — Associate Prof.,
Devrishi Kalanath Shastri — President Awarded JRRSV, Jaipur
Prof. Beena Agarwal HOD, — Sanskrit Dr. Diwakar Mishra — Associate Prof., JRRSV,
Department. Rajasthan University Jaipur
Dr.Shreekrishan Sharma — Ex-HOD, Sanskrit Prof. Kamlesh Kumar Jain — Kashi Hindu
Department. JNV University University
Dr.Kamalnayan Sharma — Ex-HOD, Prof. Ashok Tiwari — HOD, Vyakaran Deptt.,
Dharmashastra Department. RSkS Jaipur JRRSV, Jaipur
Dr. Rajdhar Mishra — Assistt. Prof. Vyakaran
Prof Jagadnarayana Pandey — Ex-HOD, Sahitya Deptt., JRRSV, Jaipur
Department. RSkS Jaipur Campus
Prof. Manoj Kumar Mishra — Jammu
Prof.Sudesh Kumar Sharma — HOD, Shikshastra
Department. RSkS Jaipur Campus Prof. Dayananda Bhargava — Jaipur
Prof. Fateh Singh — Shikshashatra Department. Prof. Gopinath Mishra — Jaipur
RSkS Jaipur Campus
Prof. Om Prakash Bhadana — Bhopal Campus
Prof. Vasudev Singh — Jyotish Deptt., RSkS
Jaipur Campus Prof. Santosh Mittal — Bhopal Campus

Prof. Ramakant Pandey — Director, Dr. Umakant Chaturvedi — Kashi Hindu

Muktaswadhyayepeeyham, New Delhi Vishwavidyalaya

Prof. Sushma Singhvi — Director, Rajasthan The students of the Campus won 12 Gold
Sanskrit academy Medals, 16 Silver Medals on 07 bronze in the
youth festival.
Dr. Satish Keelawat — Ex-Principal, jaipur
Achievement of Campus - 2014-15
Shri Renulal Sharma — Patanjali Yoga Samiti
1. Leading role of the Campus students in
Shri Ashok Gotam — Patanjali Yoga Samiti state level and national level competition 2014-
Vaidya Pawan Aggarwal — Patanjali Yoga Samiti
2. In state level selection competition of
Harender Pal Singh — Patanjali Yoga Samiti
Rajasthan, 18 students of Jaipur Campus stood
Dr. Manjula Bhati — Patanjali Yoga Samiti first and four student stood second.

Smt. Alka Sharma — Patanjali Yoga Samiti 3. Second Position in Kaumudi Mahotsava,
Sanskrit Drama Competition organized by
Smt. Sunita Jain — Patanjali Yoga Samiti Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan.
Dr. S.B. Dave — Patanjali Yoga Samiti 4. In All India Shalaka Competitions and
Shri V.P. Shukla — Patanjali Yoga Samiti Shastratha competition in Delhi Campus. The
students achieved 01 Gold Medal, 04 Silver
Shri Laxman Singh — Patanjali Yoga Samiti Medal and 05 bronze Medals.

( 60 )
5. In the inner university Youth Festival phase and 29 students in second phase has
Competition, 18 students of Jaipur Campus studied and obtained their certificates.
participated, 17 studetns won Gold Medals and
one won Silver Medal organized by Ekalavya No. of letteres received/replied under
Campus, Agartala. RTI act
Introductory Phalit Jyotish and 1 . received letters – 19
Introductory Vastushastra Programme in 2. replied letters – 19
evening class duration total 39 students in first

( 61 )
4.2.6 Lucknow Campus, Lucknow (U.P.)

About the Campus 5 . Modern Subjects : (i) Hindi (ii) English (iii)
Economics (iv) Political Science and
Lucknow Campus of Rashtriya Sanskrit
Sansthan was established on 2nd August 1986
as Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth in Lucknow, 6. Shiksha Shastra
the Capital of Uttar Pradesh. Since the very
7 . Physical Education
beginning Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth has
been a pioneer Institution in teaching and 8. Pali and Prakrit
learning, Research and publication and
9. Research and Publication
propagation and development of Sanskrit
language. After the declaration of Rashtriya
Academic & Extra Curricular
Sanskrit Sansthan as a Deemed University in
Activities :-
May 2002 Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth,
Lucknow was renamed as Lucknow Campus of
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed Academic Activities
University), New Delhi and is moving towards 1. Workshop on Research Methodology and
the achivement of its goal in propogation and Manuscriptology (from 21/07/2014 to
development of Sanskrit. Lucknow Campus is 10/08/2014).
also has a centre for Pali and Prakrit languages
along with other languages. Many lecturers and 2. Sanskrit week function (from 01/08/2014
scholars of this Campus have contributed a lot to 10/08/2014).
for the development of Sanskrit. This Campus,
3. Hindi Pakhwara Mahotsava (from 14/09/
situated in the Avadh Region, plays very
2014 to 28/09/2014).
important role in propagating Indian Culture,
National Unity and religious harmony among 4. Health care camp (from 21/09/2014).
people of the region.
5. Swachchhata Abhiyan (25/09/2014 to
Campus Location
6. Rashtriya Ekata Divas Samaroha (31/10/
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed
University), Lucknow Campus is situated in the
Capital of Uttar Pradesh at Vishal Khand-4, 7. Students Parliament (17/11/2014).
Gomti Nagar, Lucknow in its huge building.
Boys' Hostel, Girls' Hostel and Faculty and Staff 8. Convened U.P. state level competition for
quarters are also situated in the campus debate/Shalaka to select candidates for all
premises. India Elocution Contest (05/01/2015 to
Subjects Offered in Various Courses 9. Opening of the 'Jyotish Parichaya
Pathyakram' from 11/01/2015 to 18/03/
1 . Vyakaran : (i) Pracheen (ii) Navya
2. Jyotish : (i) Falit (ii) Siddhant
1 0. Educational Tour and Scout Training for
3. Sanskrit Sahitya B.Ed. students (13/01/2015 to 20/01/
4. Bouddh Darshan 2015).

( 62 )
11. Special Lecture in Jyotisha Shastra (18/ 6. Volleyball Team (B.Ed.) - Volleyball -
01/2015). Silver Medal.
12. Vasanta Panchami Utsava (24/01/2015). 7. Usha Sharma (B.Ed.) - Classical Mono
Dance - Silver Medal.
13. Drama presentation in Kaumudi
Mahotsava, New Delhi (05/01/2015). 8. Sachin (B.Ed.) - Debate (F) - Silver Medal.
14. Students discussion with Javelin Through (2) Achievements in Inter-Sanskrit
Champion Ms. Annu Rani on 13/02/2015. Universities Youth Festival-2015 in
15. Convened Matribhasha Divas on 21/02/ Agartala, Tripura :-
2015. 1. Astha (Shastri-II) - Badminton - Gold
16. Special Lecture in Sahitya Shastra Medal.
organized on 19/03/2015.
2. Naveen Kumar (Ph.D.) - Kabaddi &
17. Annual Function (2014-15) organized on Volleyball - Gold Medal.
3. Liladhar (Ph.D.) - Volleyball - Gold Medal.
18. Special Lecture in Vyakaranshastra
organized on 27/03/2015. 4. Hemant Upadhyay (B.Ed.) - Volleyball -
Gold Medal.
19. Special Lecture in Shikshashastra
organized on 27/03/2015. 5. Lalit Vijay (Shastri-II) - Volleyball - Gold
20. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Memorial Lecture
organized on 13/04/2015. 6. Ravi Bhatta (Shastri-II) - Volleyball - Gold
21 . Sahitya-Samakhya : A Research Journal
published by the Dept. of Sahitya. 7. Deepak Kumar (B.Ed.) - Shot put - Gold
22. I and II issue of Pali-Prakrit-Anushilanam
- A Bi-annual Research Journal of Pali 8. Yogesh Pandey (Shastri-II) - Debate (F) -
Adhyayan Kendra published in the year. Bronze Medal.
23. Gomti (Vol. 6. 2014-15) - A Research (3) Prizes/Awards obtained by Scholars/
Journal of the Campus published. Professors of the Campus by the
Uttar Pradesh Sanskrit Sansthan,
Special Achievements Lucknow:-

(1) Special achievements by the 1. Prof. Ark Nath Chaudhary - Special Award
students of the Campus in VII
2. Prof. Vijay Kumar Jain - Prize on Book
Youth Festival 2014-15 organized in
Sringeri :- 3. Prof. Lokmanya Mishra - Prize on Book
1. Deepak Kumar (B.Ed.) - Shot put - Gold 4. Dr. Neeraj Tiwari - Ved Pandit Puraskar
2. Astha (Shastri-II) - Badminton - Gold Participation in Conference/Seminars/
Medal. Workshops etc.:-

3. Dharmendra Kr. Yadava (Shastri-I) - 1. Prof. Ark Nath Chaudhary- Principal

Javelin Throw - Bronze Medal. (I/c)
4. Vishal Sharma (Shastri-I) - Kushtee -  Delivered a special lecture in the 21 days
Silver Medal. workshop on 'Research Methodology and
5. Muni Deo Arya (B.Ed.) - Kushtee - Silver Manuscriptology' in the Campus in July,
Medal. 2014.

( 63 )
 Delivered special lecture on 'Paniniya representative of RSKS, New Delhi on 22/
Shiksha' the premises of the Ved 03/2015.
Vidyalaya, Hanuman Setu, Lucknow in
 Chaired as a Sessional President of the
July, 2014.
International Sanskrit Conference
 Participated as a Chief Guest in the organized by Kameshwar Singh Skt.
'Valmiki Jayanti' organized by the U.P. University, Drabhanga on 20/04/2015.
Sanskrit Sansthan in Oct. 2014.
Besides the above given activities examined
 Work done as a Screening Committee various Ph.D. Thesises and Research Scholars
Member for the Promotion of teachers in through Viva of Various Universities.
K.S.D. Skt. University, Darbhanga in the
same month. (2) Prof. Surendra Pathak

 Participated in the meeting of Kendriya  Examined the Ph.D. Scholar through Viva
Shodh Mandal of RSKS, New Delhi in Nov. in the Dept. of Vyakaran, KSDSU,
2014. Darbhanga in Nov. 2014.

 Participated as member in Rajbhasha (3) Prof. Vijay Kumar Jain

Kriyanvayan Samiti in Dec. 2014.
 Participated in the All India Pali Seminar
 Associated as a Guest Speaker in the organized by the Mahabodhi Society of
'Vichar-Manch' of Navachetna Kendra, India, Sarnath, Varanasi in Sep. 2014.
Lucknow in Dec. 2014.
 Participated in All India Prakrit Seminar
 Participated in 'Workshop on the Criticism organized by Prakrit Shodha Sansthan,
of Skt. Texts' organized by NCERT, New Sravanbelgola, Karnataka in Dec. 2014.
Delhi in January, 2015.

 Represented the RSKS in the meeting of (4) Prof. Lokmanya Mishra

the Management and Finance Committee  Attended the Practical Exam as an
of Rani Padmavati Adrash Skt. External Examiner of B.Ed. Dept. of
Mahavidyalaya, Varanasi in the same Uttarakhand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya,
month. Haridwar (in April, 2014); Shri Lal
 Honoured by The Mithila Samaj of Kashi, Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit
as a Chief Guest in its Annual Function Vidyapeetha, New Delhi (in June, 2014)
held in MGKV, Varanasi in Feb. 2015. and Shri Jagannath Sanskrit University,
Puri, Orissa (in Feb. 2015).
 Delivered lecture as Resource Person in
 Acted as a Paper Setter, Examiner of Ph.D.
the Refresher Course organized by ASC,
thesises, including Examiner of Research
University of Lucknow in Feb. 2015.
Scholar through Viva in Various
 Delivered three lectures in the Dept. of Universities.
Dham Sanskriti, B.H.U., Varanasi on 16/
02/2015. (5) Prof. Ram Lakhan Pandey
 Worked as a Judge in the All India  Participated as a Member in Kendriya
Sanskrit Debate Competition on 17-18 Shodha Mandal of in the RSKS, New Delhi
March, 2015. in Nov. 2014.
 Joined the meeting of the Management  Participated and presented paper in All
Committee and Promotion Committee of India Kalidas Festival (24-30 June, 2015)
Dr. Ramji Mehta Adarsh Skt. organized by the Kalidas Skt. Academy,
Mahavidyalaya, Mujaffarpur as a Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh).

( 64 )
(6) Prof. Madan Mohan Pathak competitions under 'Rajbhasa Pakhawara'
organized by the Academic Center, Indian
 Delivered the Key Note address in a
Council of Philosophical Research (Undr
Conference organized by the KSDS
MHRD, Gol), Vipul Khand, Lucknow in
University, Darbhanga, Bihar.
Sept. 2014.
 Acted as Judge in the students Elocution
 Delivered a series of lectures in the
Contest in the Mumbai Campus of RSKS.
'Bodhicharyavatar of Shantideva' to the
 Editor and publisher of the Jagannath students of Bauddha Darshan Vibhag of Sri
Panchanga and the magazine Sitaram Vaidik Adarsh Sanskrit
Bhaskarodaya. Mahavidyalaya, 7/2 A, PWD Rd., Kolkata.
 Convened the 21 days workshop on
(7) Prof. Avanish Agrawal 'Research Methodology and
 Participated in the International Manuscriptology' (from 21st July to 10th
Conference on guiding and Supervision in August, 2014) for Research Scholars and
Trivendrum, Kerala in Nov. 2014. delivered lecture on 'Eminent Manuscripts
Centres' in it.
 Delivered a special lecture on
'Communication and Personality (10) Dr. Devi Prasad Dwivedi
Development' as a Resource Person in the
Poorvanchal University, Jaunpur (U.P.) in  Participated in the National Conference
Feb. 2015. organized by the Maharaja Sanskrit
College, Jaipur.
 Presented paper on 'Geetadarshanam
Samagradarshanam' in the International  Convened the 'Students Welfare Council'
Conference organized by the A.K.P.G. and the 'Medical Council' in the Campus
College, Lakhimpur Khiri (U.P.) in Feb. and Started various activities in the
2015. hostels i.e. Health Care Camp, Free
Medical care to the students for Swine Flu
 Delivered lecture on Right to Education etc. as a Hostel Warden.
(Skt.) in a conference organized in
Lucknow.  Started 'Low Price Qualitative Food' for
the hostellers and managed the
(8) Dr. Dhanindra Kumar Jha accommodation systematically.

 Joined the Management Committee (11) Dr. Guru Charan Singh Negi
Meeting of R.M. Adarsh Skt.
Mahavidyalaya, Mujaffarpur as a  Associated with the group of conveners
representative of the RSKS in July, 2014. for the 21 days workshop on 'Research
Methodology and Manuscriptology' in the
 Participated in the meeting of Campus (from 21st July to 10th August,
Management Committee and Finance 2014) for the research scholars and
Committee of the Sri Ram Sundar Das delivered a lecture on 'Possiblities of
Vishwavidya Pratishthan, Darbhanga as a restoration of Indian texts from the Bhot
representative of the RSKS in Feb. 2015. Manuscripts' on 09/08/2014.

(9) Dr. Awadhesh Kumar Chaubey  Edited 2nd issue of 'Pali-Prakrit-

Anushilanam' - A Research Journal
 Delivered lecture in the extension published from the Pali Adhyayan Kendra
programme of the Deptt. of Buddhist of the Lucknow Campus.
Philosophy, Sri Sitaram Vaidik Adarsh Skt.
Mahavidyalaya in July, 2014.  Appointed by the VC, Central University
of Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi, as
 Acted as a Judge in the various an Expert Member of the Research

( 65 )
Degree Committee and participated in its (16) Shri Vachaspati Nath Jha
meeting on 17/11/2014 in Sarnath.
 Presented a paper on 'Paramparagata
Sanskrit-Shikshnasya Dasha Disha Cha' in
(12) Dr. Amit Kumar Shukla
the International Conference organized by
 Participated in the national seminar on the Govt. of Uttaranchal at the Raj
'Kautiliyarthshastram : its relavnace in Bhawan. Dehradoon in Oct. 2014.
Past and Present' organized by the Govt.
 Presented a paper in 'Sanskrit Vanmaye
Maharaja Skt. College, Jaipur.
Streeshikshavimarshah' in the
International Conference organized by the
(13) Dr. Ram Bahadur Dubey BAKM PG College, Lakhimpur Khiri (U.P.)
 Participated and presented a paper in the in Feb. 2015.
'Mahakavi Harsh Samaroha' organized by
the Dept. of Sahitya, B.H.U., Varanasi (17) Dr. Chandrashree Pandey
(28th & 29th Aug. 2014).
 Participated in the International
Conference organized by the BAKM PG
(14) Dr. Kuldeep Sharma College, Lakhimpur Khiri, Uttar Pradesh in
 Presented paper on 'Educational Feb. 2015.
Philosopy of Mahatma Gandhi' in the
International Conference organized by the (18) Dr. Neeraj Tiwari
Gandhi Study Centre, Rajasthan
 Presented paper on 'Vaidik aur
University, Jaipur.
Bauddhakalin Varnvyavastha' in the All
 Delivered lecture in a National Seminar India Vedic Conference organized in
organized by the Maharaja Skt. College, Varanasi on 17/02/2015.
Jaipur, Rajasthan.
No. of letteres received/replied under
(15) Dr. Ghazala Ansari RTI act

 Presented a paper on 'Valmiki-Buddha- Received : 12

Bhavabhutinam Mahakarunavimarshah' in Replied : 12
the International Conference organized by
the BAKM PG College, Lakhimpur Khiri
(U.P.) in Feb. 2015.

( 66 )
4.2.7 Shri Rajiv Gandhi Campus, Sringeri (Karnataka)

About the Campus Vagvardhini Parishad, Spardhishnu Parishad,

Vakyartha Parishad & Sharada Vishista
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan has established
Vyakhyanamala for the benifit of the students.
Rajiv Gandhi Kendrya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha as
its constituent unit at Sringeri on 13th January Vagvardhini Parishad
1992. The then Minister of HRD, Govt of India,
Shri. Arjun Singh was the president of the Dr. Naveena Holla Assistant Professor,
Sansthan. The then President his Excellency Sri and Dr. K. Hariprasad Assistant Professor
R. Venkataraman inaugurated the Campus on were the Co-ordinators of Vagvardhini Parishad
the auspicious day of 5th March 1992. The for the Academic Session 2014-15. Sri. Prashant
Campus has now been renamed as Rajiv Gandhi Gaonkar (A-II) and Ku. K. Annapoorna (A-II)
Campus by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. The are secretaries for this academic year.
Central Public Works Department has
constructed the main building of the Campus at Spardhishnu Parishad
the cost of Rs. 1.63 crores. In the second phase
This Parishad is to encourage and train the
the construction of hostels for boys and girls,
students to participate in various competitions
quarters for minimum requirement of the staff
of local and national level across India. Prof.
has been done at the cost of Rs. 4.17 crores.
K.E. Madhusudhan, Professor and Dr.
The Campus has been established in 10.2 Ganesh Ishwar Bhat, Assistant Professor
acre of land acquired form State Government were the co-ordinators of this Parishad this
which is in Chikmangalur dist of Karnataka State. academic year. As a result of this our students
The Campus is situated at 120 kms away from took part in various competitions and won many
Mangalore, 380 kms from Bangalore, 90 kms prizes and also achieved "Vaijayanthi" including
from Udupi and 105 kms from Shimoga. It 7th Youth Festival (Its description is mentioned
adjoins to the Shimoga-Bangalore train route. at the end of the report).

Courses Offered Vakyartha Parishad

The Campus offers the subject Sahitya, For the development of Shastric Skills and
Navyavyakarana, Advaita Vedanta, Meemamsa, to enhance the enthusiasm over all the all
Navya Nyaya and Phalitha Jyotisha at Acharya shastric deliberation of students and staff, the
(M.A.) and Shastri (B.A.) levels. Shiksha-Shastri Campus has constituted Vakyartha Parishad. It
(B.Ed.) and Prak Shastri (Intermediate) course was co-ordinated by Dr. Raghavendra Bhat,
are also offered here. The Campus offers the Assistant Professor and Dr. Suryanarayana
Research programme Vidyavaridhi (Ph.D.) also. Bhat, Assistant Professor. All the teaching staff
Besides traditional Sanskrit Subjects, the modern would perform their respective shastra
subjects such as Hindi, English, History, vakyartha in front of all the students as a model
Kannada and Computer science are also taught of presentation of the vakyartha. The details of
in Prak Shastri & Shastri. the vakyarthaparishads performance has been
mentioned herewith.
Extra curricular activities including
details of Funcions/Seminars Shardavishishta Vyakyanamala

In addition to the regular curriculum, the This Parishad was co-ordinated by Dr.
Campus has constituted four (4) Parishads viz Somanath Sahu, Asst. Professor, and Dr.

( 67 )
Ramachandra Jois, Assistant Professor, and 4. Dr. Chandrakala R. Kondi - Kavya
conducted seven sessions in this year. Its details shastriya bhavana (Sa.)
are as follows: It was been inaugurated by the
5. Dr. Suryanarayana Bhat - Smrutyadhi-
Vice Chancellor of Sri. jagannatha Sanskrit
karana (Mim.)
University, Orissa, Prof. Gangadhara Panda
along with his deliberation in education
Third Session on 28th October, 2014 presided
"Pracheenakale shaikshika tatvani"-
over by Prof. M.P. Bhat
1. Prof. Gangadhara Panda - Pracheenakale 1. Prof. K.E. Madhusudan - Anuvyavasaya
shaikshika tatvani (Edu.) - 31/07/2014 (Nya.)
2. Prof. K. Satyanarayana - Dviteeyakaraka 2. Dr. C.S.S.N. Murthy - Sthanentara tamaha
Vichara (Vya.) - 05/09/2014 (Vya.)
3. Prof. Sripada Subrahmanya - Shabda- 3. Dr. Raghavendra Bhat - Prativastupama-
bodha (Nya.) - 17/11/2014 lankaraha (Sa.)
4. Prof. R.R. Somayajulu - Karmabheda- 4. Dr. Venkatesha Tatacharya - Shistakopa-
pramanani (Mim.) - 20/02/2015 dhikaranam (Mim.)
5. Prof. N. Purushottama Sharma - Dhvani
5. Dr. Srikara G.N. - Jnananivartyatvam
(Sa.) - 24/02/2015
mityatvam (Ved.)
6. Prof. V. Ramakrishna Bhat - Brahma-
satyam (Ved.) - 27/02/2015 Fourth Session on 18th November, 2014
presided over by Prof. K.E. Madhusudhan
7. Prof. Haridhasa Bhat - Sankranti
1. Dr. Chandrashekara Bhat - Lingavichara
Vaishistyam (Jyo.) - 16/03/2015
Session of Vakyartha Parishad (Topic) 2. Dr. Ganesha Ishwara Bhat - Devatanam
vigrahavatvam (Ved)
First Session on 26th August, 2014 presided
over by Dr. N.R. Kannan 3. Dr. Ramachandra Jois - Asamalankara
1. Prof. M.P. Bhat - Vedantashastre Pucha-
brahmavada (Ved) 4. Sri. R. Naveen - Manonirupanam (Nya.)
2. Dr. Chandrakant - Shikshashastre Shiksha- 5. Dr. Vinayaka Rajat - Shasthistane yogaha
yam vaiyaktika Bhinnata (Edu.) (Vya.)
3. Dr. Naveena Holla - Jnanasamagri pra- Fifth Session on 29th January, 2015 presided
balya dourbalyam (Nya.) over by Dr. Chandrakant
4. Dr. Somanath Sahu - Mulyankane navaca- 1. Dr. Ganesh Pandit - Pravidhi (Edu.)
raha (Edu.)
2. Dr. K. Vinay kumar - Mahimabhattanusa-
5. Dr. Ramakrishna Pejattaya - Horashastre ram ktvarthaha (Sa.)
dignnirnaya (Jyo.)
3. Dr. Pramod Bhat - Bhavyamanena savar-
Second Session on 24th September, 2014 nanam grahanam na (Vya.)
presided over by Prof. A.P. Sachidananda 4. Dr. Muralikrishana - Horashastre ankapa-
1. Dr. Ishwara Bhat - Horashastre gurushuk- shaha (Jyo.)
rasta vicaraha (Jyo.)
Sixth Session on 25th February, 2015
2. Dr. R. Balaji - Cintana prakriya (Edu.) presided over by Dr. Ishwar Bhat
3. Dr. Hariprasada - Pranalyupagamaha 1. Prof. A.P. Sachidananda - Shikshasams-
(Edu.) krutyoho parasparaporakatvam (Edu.)

( 68 )
2. Dr. Ch. K. Padmanabham - Angasamgna Bangalore University Prof.
sutram (Vya.) Prabhashankar Premi delivered a
lecture and explained how it protected
3. Dr. Venkataramana Bhat - Chintanam
the nation during the time of british.
Several competitions were held for the
4. Sri. Shyamasundara Bhat - Shabdabodha students of the Campus on this eve. Prof.
mukyavisheshyata vichara (Nya.) Prabhashankar Premi has distributed the
prizes for the winners.
5. Sri Ganapati V. Hegde - Prakrutyadhikara-
nam (Ved.) 5. Swach Bharat Programme : On 02/
10/2014 all the staff and students had
6. Dr. Srinivasa Murthy - Kavya tatva vaishi- participated in the cleaning programme.
tyam (Sa.)
6. Work Experience Course 2015 (Dept.
of Shiksha Shastri) : According to the
Other Functions in the Campus
curriculum of Rashtriya Sanskrit
1. Samskritotsava : Samskritotsava was Sansthan, the department of Shiksha
organized and celebrated festively in the Shastri Rajiv Gandhi Campus conducted
campus premises on 14/08/2014. three day work experience course from
Principal of Udupi Sanskrit Mahapatha- 20th October 2014 to 22nd October 2014.
shala Dr. Sureshacharya inaugurated Expert teachers were invited to give
the function and delivered a speech on training of drawing, Rangoli and making
the importance to promote Sanskrit. teaching aids. The Principal of the campus
Principal of the campus Dr. N.R.Kannan inspired the trainees by appreciation.
presided over the function. Several Prof. A.P.Sachidananda HOD., Co-
competitions were held for school ordinated the programme.
students in and around Sringeri as well as
7. Ekata Divas : In memory of Hon'ble
for the campus students too.
Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel's birth day on
2. Independence Day : The campus 31/10/2014, the campus has organized
observed the Independence Day Ekata Diwas, where all the staff and
celebrations on August 15th 2014. students took oath.
Principal of the campus hosted the flag.
8. Kannada Rajyotsava : Kannada state
In this regard faculty and students took
function Day was celebrated on November
part in the event and delivered speeches
2014. An eminent scholar of Kannada
on the uniqueness of the day. Several
Prof. Chandrashekhara Kedilaya,
cultural programmes were organized in
Kundapura has graced the function and
this occasion.
delivered a speech in Kannada. Several
3. Teachers Day Celebration : The competitions were held for students.
Campus celebrated Teacher's day on 5th Several cultural programmes were
September 2014. Sanskrit and Hindi presented by the students on this
teacher at High School of Perdur, Sri occation.
Janardhana and Head Master of
9. Community Service Camp 2015 :
Government School of Koppa, Srimati
The department of shiksha shastri of Rajiv
Yashoda were been falicitated by the
Gandhi Campus arranged the same for
campus. They delivered speech on Model
Shiksha Shastri students in campus
teacher, during the afternoon session
premises from 15th December 2014
several competitions were held for the
morning to 18th December 2014 evening.
teachers by the students of the campus.
Dr. Chandrakant, Assistant Professor
4. Hindi Day Celebration : On 23/09/ successfully conducted the camp under
2014 Hindi divas celebrations were held the valuable guidance of Prof.
at Campus. Retired HOD of Hindi dept. A.P.Sachidananda.

( 69 )
1 0. 7th Yuva Mahotsava : The Campus Dr. Chandrakant, Assistant Professor
hosted the Inter-Campus Youth festival and Dr. Somanath Sahu are the Co-
from 20th to 23rd December 2014. Rajiv ordinatore of the centre. A total 20
Gandhi Campus bagged the Vijaya students were benifited through this
Vaijayanti. centre during the session 2014-15.
11. Republic Day Celebration : The 13. Research Seminar : Classes seminars
campus has observed the Republic day were conducted for the Research Scholars
celebration on 26th January, 2015. After from April 6th 2015. Dr.
teh flag hostation by the Principal of the C.S.S.Narasimha Murthy was one of
Campus, several cultural programmes the co-ordinator for the programme.
were organised by the students of the More than 20 students participated in this
campus. programme.
12. Distance Education : A Svadhyaya 14. Extension of the Building : The
Kendra is located in the campus. Through extension of the main building and hostel
this peetha Vyakarana, Sahitya, Phalitha has been initiated by the Principal with
Jyotisha's Prakshastri Setu, Prakshastri, teh aid of Rs. 8 Crore from the Govt.
Shastri Setu, Shastri, Acharya Setu,
15. Refresher Course and Orientation
Acharya examinations were conducted.
Contact classes were arranged to the
aspirants. Every contact class includes 15 Dr. Venkatesha Tatacharya attended
days programme five time a year. For the refresher course at Banaras Hindu
maintenance of this centre Rashtriya University during August 2014.
Sanskrit Sansthan is sanctioning 500,000/

( 70 )
4.2.8 Ved Vyas Campus, Balahar (Himachal Pradesh)

About the Campus that this campus has been established in the
rural area and there is enough scope to promote
The Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, a
and propagate Sanskrit all over the State. The
constituent part of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan.
people of the State are very polite and strongly
New Delhi was established on 16-09-1997 at
concerned about traditional and cultural
Garli in Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh
matters. As such the campus accelerates its
during the golden jublee year of India's
efforts to connect the maximum number of local
Independence. The same was renamed as the
communities to the fields of Sanskrit. The
Ved Vyas Campus of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan
students of the campus have also done
(Deemed University) New Delhi when Rashtriya
commendable job in bringing the communities
Sanskrit Sansthan became Deemed University in
nearer to the campus.
Ved Vyas Campus strives to translate into Location of the Campus
reality the Vision and Mission of Rashtriya
Ved Vyas Campus, is now located in its own
Sanskrit Sansthan. The goals and objectives of
land at village Balahar on the bank of the river
the campus are to preserve Sanskrit language
Beas (Vyas) in Tehsil Dehra and District Kangra
and its multitudinous disciplines of shastric
of Himachal Pradesh. The famous temples like
tradition to maintain an elevated standard of
Godess Chintpurni, Jawalaji and Kaleshwar
Guru-Shishya parampara. The campus has been
Mahadev are very close to the Campus in the
imparting education through various
land of the divine Himachal Pradesh.
programmes. It is important to mention here

3.1 Regular Programmes on formal mode of education:-
S. Name of the Duration Equivalent to Subjects (Traditional) Subjects (Modern)
No. courses

1. Prak-shastri 2 Years +2 Phalit Jyotish, Sahitya, Hindi, English,

(Intermediate) Vyakarana, Adwaita Computer Science,
Vedanta History, Economics,
Physical Education
2. Shastri 3 Years B.A. Phalit Jyotish, Sahitya, Hindi, English,
Vyakarana, Adwaita Computer Science,
Vedanta History, Economics,
Physical Education,
Environmental Studies
3. Acharya 2 Years M.A. Phalit Jyotish, Sahitya, -
Vyakarana, Adwaita
4. Vidyavaridhi 2 Years Ph.D. Phalit Jyotish, Sahitya, -
Vyakarana, Adwaita
5. Shiksha- 1 Year B.Ed. Education, Sanskrit
Shastri teaching, Hindi
teaching, English

( 71 )
3.2 Programmes through Distance education system, following courses are also
mode of education:- offred through Distance Mode (Centre of Mukta
Alongwith the above courses on formal

S. Name of the Duration Subjects (Traditional) Subjects (Modern)

No. courses
1. Prak-shastri 2 Years Vyakarana, Sahitya, History, Political Science,
Phalit Jyotish Economics
2. Shastri 3 Years Vyakarana, Sahitya, History, Political Science,
Phalit Jyotish Economics
3. Acharya 2 Years Vyakarana, Sahitya, -
Phalit Jyotish
4. Prak-shastri Bridge 6 Months General Sanskrit -
5. Shastri Bridge 1 Year Vyakarana, Sahitya, -
(Sanskritavagahani) Phalit Jyotish
6. Acharya Bridge 1Year Vyakarana, Sahitya, -
(Shastravagahani) Phalit Jyotish

3.3 Programmes on non-formal mode Beginning of Elocution committee and

of education :- Apart from the above courses the introduction to other committees
through regular formal mode and Distance mode
the campus conducts spoken Sanskrit Self expression is an important medium for
teaching classes through non-formal mode the holistic development of a person. Elocution
named Anaupcharika Sanskrit Shikshan in two committee was made to inculcate in students
parts, 1. Prathama Diksha 2. Dwitiya this kind of ability. The formal inauguration of
Diksha. all the committees was done on 06.08.2014.

All the HOD’s of all the departments were

3. Extra Curricular Activities present in the occasion and enlightened students
Beginning of academic session with their revered thoughts.
Sanskrit week
Former Pradhan of Pragpur panchayat Sh.
Devraj, existing Pradhan Sh. Rupendra Singh Sanskrit week was celebrated from
Deni and Sh. Ajay Singla, Manager Central Bank 08.08.2014 to 14.08.2014. Various
of India, Pragpur addressed students of the competitions like shubhashit kanthapath, quiz
campus in the inauguration of academic session and elocution were organized during the week.
 Prof. Omprakash, V.C. Guru Ravi Dass
Ayurveda University, was the chief guest
Research methodology and
in the inaugural function.
manuscript work shop
A 21 day workshop was organized from 10th  Smt. Usha Bhatia, Principal, Kendriya
July 2014 to 30th July 2014 for the newly Vidyalaya, Naleti was the chief guest of
registered scholars on research methodology concluding function.
sponsored by U.G.C.

( 72 )
Scout and Guide training camp International Jyotish Research Seminar
(02.09.2014 to 08.09.2014) (18.10.2014 to 19.10.2014)

Scout and Guide training camp was A two day international research seminar
organized for the students of Shiksha Shastri was organized by the dept. of Jyotish from
(Basic scout master/Guide captain training). All 18.10.2014 to 19.10.2014 on Karm, punar
the necessary facilities were provided to the janam avam shristi. Research scholars from
students who had come from far off places. foreign countries also attended the seminar and
in total 25 research papers were read in the
seminar. Conversation session was the main
Teachers’ Day
highlight of the seminar.
Teachers’ day was celebrated on 05.09.2014
on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Late National Integration Day
Dr. Saravpalli Radha Krishnan former president
National integration day was celebrated on
of India. 132 pupil teachers who were trained
the occasion of the birth anniversary of the
in scout and guide camp were the special
ironman and first home minister of the union of
attraction of the function.
independent India late Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
Dr. Ashok Chander Gour conducted the oath
Hindi Pakhwara (15.09.2014 to taking ceremony. Principal of the campus Prof.
29.09.2014) Lakshminiwas Pandey presided over the
India is enriched with different languages
and unity in diversity is the chief characteristics
of our country. Students and staff working in One day Sanskrit Conference (01.11.2014)
Sansthan belong to different states and know A one day Sanskrit conference was
different languages. So Hindi makes it easy to organized in the campus on 01.11.2014. Sh.
communicate with each other Narander, regional coordinator of Sanskrit
Bharati was the chief guest in the occasion. Dr.
A fortnight long Hindi pakhwara was
Ganesh Shankar Vidyarathi, coordinator of the
organized by the dept. of modern studies from
conference and Sh. Vasu Mohan co.cordinator
15.09.2014 onwards. Various functions like
of the conference presented their views.
elocution essay writing, recitation, quiz etc.
Principal of the campus Prof. Lakshminiwas
were organized for the students of the campus.
Pandey presided over the function.
In the inaugural function on 15.09.2014 sh.
Vinay Kumar, SDM, Dehra block was the chief A ten day Sanskrit Spoken camp
guest and DySP of Dehra block smt Renu Sharma (27.10.2014 to 05.11.2014)
was the chief guest of the occasion in the
A ten day Sanskrit Spoken camp was
concluding function. Prize distribution was held
organized from 27.10.2014 to 5.11.2014 in the
for students who won in different competitions
campus in which students participated actively.
organized during the Hindi pakhwara.

Student Parliament (17.11.2014)

Establishment Day
A one day student parliament was organised
Establishment day of the campus was on the topic “Shikshit Bharat Saksham
celebrated on 16.09.2014 as motivation and Bharat.Sabhi ko Gunvatta Puran Shiksha” on
sankalp divas. It is well known fact foundation international students’ day on 17.11.2014.
stone of the campus was laid on 16th of
September 1997. Sh Munish Kumar BDO of
Youth Festival (20.12.2014 to 23.12.2014)
Pragpur was the chief guest and Rupender Singh
Danny, President of Pragpur village was the A team of 60 students of the campus
special guest. participated in the inter campus youth festival

( 73 )
organized in Shringeri Campus of the Rashtriya campus drama competition organized by RSKS,
Sanskrit Sansthan fron 20.12.2014 to New Delhi at New Delhi from 04.02.15 to
23.12.2014 under the guidance of Dr Ashok 07.02.15. Students presented the first three
Chander Gaur, Dr Ashok Kashwah, Dr. Sanjay scenes of Bal Ramayan. Play was directed by Dr.
Mankotia and Dr Madhukeshwar Bhatt. Students Manoj Shrimal and assisted by sh Purshotam
of the campus won medals the detail of which is Sharma, Dr. Radhabhallav Sharma, Dr. Preeti
under mentioned. Sharma and Sh. Nathdhar Dwivedi.
 4 gold medals and one silver medal in
Second Jyotish Research seminar
 1 gold each in Yoga, Badminton and
Second jyotish research seminar was
organized by Jyotish department and members
 3 gold medals in Academic competition of jyotish project jointly on 14.02.2015. An
expert lecture was given by Sh. Anurag Sood on
 3 silver and five bronze medals in other
Physical Science. Sh. Surjeet Thakur was also
present in the occasion. Discussion was also
 Total no. of gold medals =10, silver organized on the topic “Manav Par Grahon ke
medals =4, bronze medals =5 Prakash ke Madhyam se Prabhav” in which
teachers, scholars and students participated
 Total no. of medals = 19 actively.
 Vedavyas Campus stood third overall
Darshan Shastra Seminar (16.02.2015)
State level competition A one day darshan shastra seminar was
( organised in the campus on 16.02.2015. Prof.
On 24.01.2015 and 25.10.2015 state Narsingh Charan Panda from Sadhu Ashram,
competition was organised and students were Prof. Anantacharya from Lal Bahadur Shastri
selected for 53rd all india speech Competition. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi and
The jury included prof. Hemraj Tripathi, Lal Dr.Prahakar Prasad were present in the
Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, occasion. Dr. Ashok Chander Gour was the
New Delhi, Prof. SachidanandTiwary Rashtriya coordinator of the programme.
Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi, Dr. Vinod Sharma,
Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vyakarana Shastra Seminar
Vidyapeeth, New Delhi. Total 14 candidated (09.02.2015)
were selected.
A one day seminar was organized by
Vyakarana department of the campus which was
Prerna Pakhwada conducted by Professor and HOD K.V.
Prerna Pakhwada was celebrated in the Somayajulu. Prof. Subodh Sharma from Bhopal
campus on the occasion of birth anniversary of campus and Prof. Shridhar Mishra were chief
Swami Vivekanand and Subhash Chander Bose. spokes persons in the seminar.
Students were given assignments of sanitation,
plantation and educational.physical.spiritual Natya shastraokat karangraharana
development. 30 plants were planted in the prayogik paksh (19.03.2015)
campus on 23.01.2015. Programme was
Sahitya dept. of the campus and women
sponsored by Central Bank of India, Pragpur.
study centre jointly organized a seminar in
which scholars who had come from across the
Vasantotsav (04.02.2015 to country presented their research paper. A troop
07.02.2015) of artists from Puri (Sh.Narayan Pandey, Miss
Campus students participated in inter- Rozalina Mohanty, Miss Sandeepita Sahu and

( 74 )
Miss Nandita Priyadarshini) presented prayogik prachar manch, Kalaranjani & students
paksh (Classical Dance form) on 20.03.2015. counselling Centre’s activities.
Thursday - Research council.
Regional Research Committee
b) Hostel - Two hostels have been hired
Regional research committee conducted two
separately for Boys (67) & Girls (78) Boys
meetings in the session.
hostel warden – Dr. Manoj Shrimal and
 31st research scholars attended and Sh. Purushottam Girls hostel warden –
discussed the proposed next work on Miss Mina and Smt. Shradhanjali
28.10.2014. Mohapatra

 Second meeting committee was held on c) Campus Bus Service - Campus Bus covers
17.02.2015 Prof. Abhiraj Rajendra Mishra the areas of Nagrota, Garli and Pragpur to
and Prof. Narsingh Charan Panda were bring students to the campus under the
present as external expert in the meeting. supervision of Dr. P.V.B. Subrahmanyam
Rejected titles were discussed upon in the
d) Canteen (Anpurna Mandir) - Students
meeting alongwith newly designed
studying in the campus are provided
presentation and decision was taken in
hygienic and proteinous food at economic
this regard.

Other Memorable Activities

Inter University Sanskrit Speech
 Prohibition of ragging and gender Elocution competition (13.03.2015)
sensitization program was organized on
Students of the campus participated and
won several prizes in the
 Last week of October was celebrated as Sanskrit Elocution competition organized by
sanitary week. Vishav Bandhu Sanskrit and Bharat Bharati
Anusheelan Sansthan, Hosiarpur under the
 The Campus took part in regional Lohari prestigious Punjab University.
festival in the month of January.
1. Speech - Radha Sharma - 3rd
Students participation & 2. Speech - Balbir Singh - 2nd
3. Shlokocharan - Dipendra Gautam - 2nd
Students development works :.
4. Shlokocharan - Gaurav Sharma - 2nd
a) Clubs/Committees – Various activities
were regularly organized in the evening 5. Vedamantrapath - Padamraj Regmi - 2nd
times for all round development of the
6. Puran Prashnotari - Amarjeet, Saurav
students. Different teachers guided these
Sharma - 2nd
activities/ programmes as chairpersons
and co.ordinators and one Boy student
Glory Festival
and Girl student each were conducting the
activities of clubs/ committees. Fifteen students of the campus participated
in 19th Inter University Glory festival organized
Monday & Tuesday - Shastra tutorial
by National Youth Integrated centre at Puri in
works and counselling (deptt. wise)
Odisha under the guidance of Dr. Gopal Verma.
Wednesday - Vagvardhini Parishad 1st &
1. Light Instrumental - Gaurav Sharma - 1st
3rd Wednesday. deptt. wise. 2nd & 4th
Wednesday – whole campus collectively. 2. Folk Dance - Karun Kumar - 2nd
Thursday & Friday - Health club, 3. Folk Dance - Shiva Kumari - 2nd
Environment club, Media club, Sanskrit

( 75 )
4. Folk Dance - Jyoti Thakur - 2nd 6. 50 students of the campus participated in
District Sanskrit Conference from
5. Folk Dance - Neelam Kumari - 2nd
08.11.2014 to 09.11.2014 at Kangra.
6. Folk Dance - Radha Sharma - 2nd
7. Students of the campus attended 10 days
7. Solo Acting - Sonali - 2nd Regional Sanskrit Language Learning camp
at Paprola from 30.12.2014 to
8. Light Vocal - Sahil Sharma - 3rd 10.01.2015. Sh. Vaithi Subrahmanyan,
Guest teacher in Vyakarana taught in the
International participation camp.
Shubham Arya student of Shastri 3rd year 8. As many as 85 students of the campus
won two gold medal in Rhythmic Yoga and donated their blood in blood donation
Athletic Yoga in commonwealth games held in camp conducted on 13 March 2015 in the
Chile. campus.

Makar Sankraman Yagaya Employment News

108 students of the campus participated in 06 Students of the campus got selected in
the Makar Sanskraman Yagaya organized by Sai Himachal Secondary Education Council as
Seva Smiti Kangra on 14.01.2015. These types Shastri teacher. The names of the students are
of activities are extremely important for the under mentioned –
upliftment of the students and making them
1. Aman Singh - Research scholar
competitive at International level. This year we
could not organized any such workshop in the 2. Yatish Sharma - Student of Acharya
campus due to the lack of time and resources 3. Kailash Sharma - Completed Acharya
but will try our level best to organize such from the campus
activities in the coming years.
4. Aman Sharda - Completed Acharya from
the campus
Other participation
5. Pratibha - Student of Acharya
1. Students participated and stood first in
6. Ganga Devi - Student of Acharya
Bhajan Competition at Radha Krishan
Mandir Dehra under the guidance of Sh.
Naresh Sharma and Sh. Amit Walia. Activities of various centres

2. Students participated in traffic awareness  Jyotish Project : Under the

programme organized by Police directorship of Dr. P.V.B. Subrahmayam a
department at Laurett College, Kathog Jyotish Project “Research Perspectives in
under the guidance of Dr. Gopal Verma. Jyotisha in lines of Modern Science”
commenced from August, 2014. Other
3. Students of the campus won locally members deputed as research assistant in
organized kabaddi competition. this project are Sh. Mahinder Kumar, Sh.
Abhishek Sharma and Ku. Sushma.
4. Students participated in
Wrestling competition held at 8. No. of letters received/replies given
Kurukshetra. under R.T.I. Act
5. Students of the campus participated in Received - 03
Inter Sanskrit University Youth festival in
Agartala. Replied - 03

( 76 )
4.2.9 Bhopal Campus, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)

About the Campus taught alongwith the traditional Sanskrit

disciplines of Sahitya (Literature), Vyakarana
The Bhopal Campus of the Rashtriya Sanskrit
(Grammar), Jyotisha (Astrology) and Jain
Sansthan was established in the year 2002 at
Darshan. The training department runs the
Madhya Pradesh’s capital city Bhopal. The
curriculum for Shiksha Shastri (B.Ed.) and
campus was formally inaugurated by the Hon.
Shiksha Acharya (M.Ed.) Students can pursue
Governor of Madhya Pradesh, Bhai Mahavir, on
Vidya Varidhi (Ph.D.) under the research
16th Sep. 2002. The Govt. of M.P. has donated
department which facilitates research in Sanskrit
10 acres of land for the growth and development
Literature, Grammar, Astrology, Sanskrit
of this campus. On 19th Sept. 2005, the then
Education and its allied branches.
Hon. Minister of HRD, Gov. of India, Shri Arjun
Singh laid the foundation stone for the In addition to this, the campus has a Non
construction of the Academic, Administrative Formal Education Centre which offers 3 months'
and Central Library Blocks and an Auditorium courses, Swadhyaya Kendra of Mukta
in the campus. The main building has been Swadhyaya Peetham (Institute of Distance
made ready and since May 2010 all academic Education) of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan.
activities and administrative functions are being
carried out from this new building. At present, Academic and Extra Curricular
the separate hostels for girls and boys, a guest Activities :
house and the residence for staff have been  Samvid Vikas Parisad - In order to
constructed. enhance the oratory skills of the students
and to help them acquire expertise over
Campus Location the Shastras, oratory conclaves are
regularly organized in campus. These
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Bhopal Campus
conclaves offer an excellent opportunity
is located in the capital of Madya Pradesh i.e.
to the students to freely discuss various
Bhopal. The complete address of this campus is:
topics in Sanskrit literature, grammar,
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Bhopal astrology and education.
 Shastra Mimansa Committee - This
Sanskrit Marg, Bag Sevania, Bhopal - committee aims at the enhancement of
462043 (M.P.) the professors' knowledge of classical
Phone 0755-2418043, Fax 0755- glory with the help of Shastras discourses.
2418003 Professors deliver lectures and discuss on
Email: pre-decided subjects on first Friday of
Website : every month. In the end of the session
research papers are published in Shastra
Mimansa magazine.
Courses Offered
 Classical Discourses - Students are
Three distinct departments of teaching
trained to closely analyze and review
training and research function under the
Classical Sanskrit texts in order to
curriculum of the Bhopal campus of Rashtriya
acquaint them with various important,
Sanskrit Sansthan. The teaching department
difficult and rare aspects of the Shastras.
holds classes for Prakshastri (Higher Secondary),
The training comprises of detailed
Shastri (B.A.) and Acharya (M.A.) where modern
discussions and debates on a specifically
subjects like Hindi, English, Pol. Science,
chosen area of a given Shastra through
Environment Science and Computer Science are

( 77 )
which students are expected to arrive at Function every year. They are further
a rational conclusion through a series of selected to participate in different sports
arguments presented both in favour and events of All India Youth Festival.
against the topic.
 All India Youth Festival - The
 Kanthpatha (Poetry Recitation) and headquarter of the Rashtriya Sanskrit
Shalaka - Regular practice sessions are Sansthan organizes an All India youth
held to train students in the recitation of Festival every year. The aim of the festival
various ancient religious and poetic texts is to train and encourage talented
in Sanskrit. This not only sharpens their students across campuses in various extra
memory but also enhances their mental curricular activities like painting sports,
ability and intellect. While Kanthapatha Yoga, dramatics, dance and music etc.
primarily evaluates a student's memory,
 Dramatics and other Arts - Students
Shalaka also examines his/her intellect
are trained in the classical tradition of the
and explanatory skills.
Sanskrit drama in campus as well as in
 Inter State debate competition - summer training workshops organized in
Bhopal Campus organizes an inter state collaboration with other institutes.
debating contest based on eight chosen Students thus trained, perform in the
Shastras for traditional Sanskrit students Kaumudimahotsava, all India Youth
of M.P. and Chhattisgarh. Various Festival and other national level drama
competitions like Shastriya Shalaka competitions.
(recitation of Sanskrit verses) Kavya
Shalaka (recitation of poetic texts in Other Academic activities -
Sanskrit), Kavyapatha (recitation of
Sanskrit verses) and Shlokantakshiri  Distance Education - The Bhopal
(recitation of the Shlokas) are held under Campus acts as an active distant learning
this event. The winners of these centre for students registered with the
competitions are then chosen to headquarter of the Rashtriya Sanskrit
participate in other debate competitions Sansthan to pursue long distance
held at national and international levels. education in Sanskrit. This centre sends
out study materials to registered private
 All India debate competition - The candidates and also arranges classroom
winners of the above mentioned inter teaching sessions for them, if and when
state debate competition are given special required. The campus thus enables
training in Shastriya Shalaka (recitation of students residing in their respective
classical Sanskrit texts), Kavya Shalaka hometowns to pursue Prakshastri, Shastri
(recitation of the Shlokas) at the Bhopal and Acharya and attain respective
campus. They are hence prepared to degree/certificates on the successful
participate in various events of the All completion of the course.
India debate Competition organized by the
headquarter of the Rashtriya Sanskrit  Natya Shastra Anusandhan Kendra -
Sansthan. Centre for Natya Shashtra in Research is
established in year 2011-12 sesson.
 Sport and Yoga - All students of the Promotion of Natya Shastra, research in
campus are given regular training in Natya Shastra, developing Sanskrit
various physical exercises, sports and Dramaturgy etc are main functions of the
Yoga which not only contributes to their centre.
physical and spiritual development but
also leads them towards an all round  Non-formal Sanskrit teaching -
development of their personality. The best Sansthan has developed an innovative
performers in sports, physical exercise curriculum to promote self study of
and Yoga are awarded at the annual Day Sanskrit. The curriculum has been

( 78 )
specially designed to enable students to Dictionary (with Hindi meaning) have
study Sanskrit language, Sanskrit poetry been published under this project.
and the Shastras on their own, without
 Conferences and Workshops -
the help of any teacher. The entire
National and state level workshops and
syllabus has been divided into five
conferences aimed at promoting research
academic sessions with each session being
and encouraging academic interactions
a six - months period. The required text
are regularly organized in the campus.
books are available in campus at the fixed
price.  Training - The campus organizes special
training sessions for teachers of informal
 Introduction to Indian Astrology
Sanskrit Teaching programs. The main
and Bhartiya Vastushastra - Three
purpose of these training programs is not
month long curriculam designed for
only to enable the teachers to acquire
people interested in the forecast
expertise in Sanskrit language and the
prediction related branches of Indian
Shastras but also to enhance their
astrology (Phalit Jyotish) and
teaching skills.
Vastushastra are run by the campus.
Through these short term evening courses  Book Selling Centre - People can
anyone, irrespective of age and purchase Sanskrit text books and other
profession, can acquire preliminary significant books which are published and
knowledge of general principles of distributed by the Rashtriya Sanskrit
forecasting in Indian Astology. Sansthan, New Delhi from Rashtriya
Information regarding to this course is Sanskrit Sansthan, Bhopal Campus at
published in local dailies periodically. reasonable price.
 Sanskrit on Internet - A project on
uploading various classical Sanskrit texts Extra Curricular Activities including
on the internet is under the details of functions/seminars. (2014-15)
implementation work of the campus. The  Sanskrit Week Celebration, 7-13
purpose of this project is to enable easy August, 2014
access to any classical Sanskrit text from
anywhere in the world. In this project, Competitions including Speech,
books titled Shahitya Darpan, Alankara- kanthapatha, shlokaantyakshari,
sarwaswam and Paribhashendu-shekhar sutraantyakshari, prashnamanch etc.
have already been uploaded on the net.
Guest of Honour - Shri Deepak Joshi,
A who's Who index of all Sanskrit Scholars
Minister of State Education, Madhya
is also being compiled for the internet use.
 The Survey of Sanskrit Educational
 Independence Day 15, August, 2014
Research - Collation and editing work of
M.Ed., M.Phil, Ph.D. and D.Litt. Research  Dr. Radha Krishnan Momorial
abstracts of educational researches in Lecture, 5 Sept. 2014
Indian Sanskrit Universities from 1980 to
2012 has been taken under this project. Speaker : Prof. Ashok Kumar Kaliya, Ex-
Dr. Nilabh Tiwari is the Principal Vice Chancellor, Sampurnanand Sanskrit
Investigator of this Major Research University, Varanasi.
Project. Subject : Bhartiya Prachin Shiksha
 Lexicography - The porject on dialect Darshan.
and sub dialect of Bundeli and Malvi in Guest of Honour : Shri Anil Dave, M.P.
Sanskrit vocabulary has been finished. Rajya Sabha.
The Malwi-Sanskrit Dictionary (with Hindi
meaning) and The Bundeli-Sanskrit President of the Session : Prof. Abhiraj

( 79 )
Rajendra Mishra, Ex-Vice Chancellor. Third Prize - Harshad Arya, S-III -
Wrestling 50 Kg.
 Hindi Week Celebration, 15 Sept. 2014
Third Prize - Satish Arya, S-I - Wrestling
Convener : Dr. Archana Dubey Asst. Prof. 55 Kg.
Third Prize - Pawan Kumar Arya, S-III -
 Foundation Day Celebration, 16 Sept. Wrestling 74 Kg.
Cultural/Shaikshik Competition
All the academic staff members,
administrative staff and students Second Prize - Abhishek Tiwari, B.Ed. -
celebrated this function. Computer

 Farewell of Prof. Azad Mishra, Second Prize - Kuldeep Dutt, B.Ed. -

Principal, 31 Oct. 2014 Ashuchitran

 Meeting with members of Second Third Prize - Vishnu Dutt., M.Ed. - Ekal
Sanskrit Commission, 06 Dec. 2014 Shastriya Gayan

Members of Second Sanskrit Commission  Three day Shastriya Competion, 05-

visited the campus and their meeing with 08 Jan. 2015
Students & Teachers was organised.  All India Sanskrit Universities
Youth Festival, Agartala (Tripura),
 One day workshop of Sanskrit
05-08 Jan. 2015
Wikipeadia Introduction, 15 Dec.
2014 Team Manager - Prof. Om Prakash
(In collaboration with colaburation of
Sanskrit Wikipeadia Centre, Ahemadabad). First Prize - Deepak Pathak, M.Ed. -
Jevline Throw
 Youth Festival, 20-23 Dec. 2015
First Prize - Neelesh Sharma, Shastri-II -
Out of 60 participants from students of 1500 Meter Run
the campus, following students have been
rewarded in All India Youth Festival 2015 First Prize - Neelesh Sharma, Shastri-II -
organized by Sansthan H.Q. at Sringeri Volleyball
campus and the campus has been placed
 Akhil Bhartiya Shastriya
on the 5th position.
Competition, 06-07 Jan. 2015
Games Guide - Dr. Braj Bhushan Ojha
First Prize - Neelesh Sharma, Shastri-II - First Prize - Ragini Sharma, Vyakaran
800 Meter Run Shalaka
First Prize - Deepak Kumar Pathak, M.Ed. Second Prize - Manoj, Ashtadhyayi
- Jevline Throw
Third Prize - Raju Tiwari, Jyotish Bhashan
Second Prize - Neelesh Sharma, Shastri-II
- 400 Meter Run Consolation Prize - Anmol Upadhyay,
Dhatukanth competition.
Second Prize - Rajguru Chintan, B.Ed. -
High Jump  18 Day Workshop of Sanskrit
Language writing & speaking
Third Prize - Anjali Sharma, B.Ed. - development Inauguration, 16 Jan.
Shotput 201 5
Third Prize - Rajguru Chintan, B.Ed. - Long  Republic Day Celebration, 26 Jan.
Jump 201 5

( 80 )
 Vasantotsav, 04-08 Feb. 2015 Topic : " "
Vassantotsav was organized by Sansthan, Sanrakshak - Prof. P.N. Shastri
H.Q., New Delhi as the Inter Campuses
Sanskrit Natya Competition dated 04-06 President - Prof. Prabha Devi Chaudhary
Feb. 2015. Total 28 students from Bhopal Secretary - Dr. Nilabh Tiwari
Campus participated in Vasantotsav 2015.
Bhopal Campus presentation was - Coordinator - Dr. Nitin Jain
Mahakavi Bhavabhuti Virchit -
Extension Lecture -
Malatimadhavam (4-7) on 05 Feb. 2015.
1. Prof. J.S. Rajput, Ex-Director, NCERT,
Prize - Bhopal Campus got First Prize.
Best Director Prize - Dr. Dharmendra
2. Prof. Chand Kiran Saluja, Acharya,
Kumar Singhdeo
Kendriya Shiksha Sansthan, Delhi
Natya writing & Direction - Dr. University.
Dharmendra Kumar Singhdeo
Read Articles - 115.
Co-Director - Dr. Sanandan Kumar
Conference Matter - Printed.
 Annual Function & National Peace
Music - Dr. Sanjay Dwivedi
and Value Education in Globle
Guidance - Prof. Vidyanand Jha Perspective Conference Valedictory
Ceremony, 26 March 2015
Presentation - Prof. P.N. Shastri
 Extension Lecture " ", 30
Prize in Maltimadhav Natak
March 2015
First Prize - Ayush Dixit, Shastri-III, for
By Prof. Lalit Kumar Tripathi
Madhav Acting.
 6th Month Ph.D. Course Work & 21
Second Prize - Kalyani Fagare, Shastri-III,
Day Shodh Pravidhi and Pandulipi
for Kamandi Acting.
Vigyan Workshop Inauguration, 16
Third Prize - Chandresh Sharma, Shastri- April 2015
II, for Malati Acting
 Abhinandan Function of Prof. P.N.
 Bhartiya Falit Jyotish & Vastu- Shastri, Vice Chancellor, 02 May 2015
Shastra Introduction Courses, 06
 Ending of Shodh Pravidhi and
Feb.-08 May 2015
Pandulipi Vigyan Workshop, 06 May
73 Students admitted in Bhartiya Falit 201 5
Jyotish Courses
 10 day National Workshop of
45 Students admitted in Bhartiya Vastu- Teachers Training & Lesson writing
Shastra. Innaguaration, 01 June 2015

 Extension Lecture "  Valedictory Ceremony of 10 days

', 13 Feb. 2015 National Workshop of Teachers
Training & Lesson writing, 10 June
By Prof. J. Ramchandra Bhatt, Vice 201 5
Chancellor, Yoga University, Banglore.
Publications (2013-14)
 Three Day National Peace and Value
Education in Globle Perspective 1. Shri Bhojraj Panchang (Vikram
Conference, 24-26 Mar. 2015 Samvat 2072) - 2277-2030 - Prof. Bharat

( 81 )
Bhushan Mishra, Prof. Hansdhar Jha, Dr. Refresher Courses/Orientation
Ashok Thapaliyal Courses attended by the faculty
2. Shastra Mimansa - 2231-2129 - Dr. Braj 1. Dr. Archna Dubey - 15/07/2014 to 04/
Bhushan Ojha 08/2014 - Banaras Hindi University,
3. Vaishvik Pariprekshya Me Mulya
Aur Shanti Shiksha - 978-81-927656- 2. Dr. Sangeeta Gundecha - 25/08/2014 to
7-9 - Dr. Nilabh Tiwari, Dr. Nitin Jain 20/09/2014 - H.P. University Summer
Hill, Shimla
4. Bhartiya Shiksha Manovigyan - 978-
81-927656-6-2 - Prof. Prabha Devi
No. of letters received/replies given
Chaudhary, Dr. Nilabh Tiwari, Dr. Nitin
under R.T.I. Act
Received - 00
5. Rashtree - 2329-6948 - Dr. Kailash
Chandra Das Replied - 00

( 82 )
4.2.10 K.J. Somaiya Sanskrit Vidyapeetham Campus, Mumbai

About the Campus subjects like English, Hindi Political Science,

Computer Science and Environmental Science
Mumbai campus which is known as K.J.
are also taught according to the syllabi
Somaiya Sanskrit Vidyapeetham Campus of
prescribed by the Sansthan.
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan was inaugurated on
I6 May 2002 by Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi. the
Other Activities / Seminars / Workshops
then Hon’ble Minister of Human Resource and
development. Government of lndia. Vidyapeetha Publications:
K. J. Somaiya Trust, Vidyavihar has
allotted one acre of land in its premises for the 1. Vidyashree:
construction of the building. All the formalities The Vidyapeetha has published the Annual
of the construction of the building has been Magazine for the first time in 2014-15 containing
completed. exclusively students’ articles and poems etc.
Presently Academic work, and Library is
being run in the Polytechnic Building Teaching- 2. Shiksharashmi:
learning and Research Work etc. is being
The second volume of the Departmental
conducted in Chanakya Building and Suruchi
Annual Journal of the dept. of Shikhashastra has
Building (Kala Bhavan) with the kind assistance
been published. Department teachers and
of Somaiya Trust in Somaiya Vidyavihar itself.
training students have published the journal
with research articles and with the details of the
Courses offered: department’s activities.
1. Prak-Shastri (Two Years)
3. Vidyarashmi:
2. Shastri (Three Years)
Vidyarashmi –An Annual Research Journal
3. Acharya (Two Years)
with the articles of famous scholars in India has
4. Shiksha-Shastri (One Year) (Since 2015-16 been published. Its number is: ISSN-2277-6443.
Two years)
5. Vidyavaridhi (Ph.D) Academic Activities:

6. Non-Formal Sanskrit Training (Three

4. Gurupurnima:
On the occasion of the Gurupurnima the
7. Centre for Distance Education
students along with the teachers celebrated the
8. Indian Astrology Certificate Course festival. All students have been informed about
(Three Months) the importance of the Gurupurnima.

In this institution teaching - learning process

5. Spoken Sanskrit Camp:
and research work is conducted mainly in four
subjects viz. Vyakarana, Sahitya, Jyotisha and Ten-days-Spoken Sanskrit Camp had been
Shiksha-Shastri. conducted in the Vidyapeetha with a view to
making the students able to speak Sanskrit.
Besides the traditional subjects, modern

( 83 )
6. Sanskrit Week Celebrations: was the chief guest and the poet Shri. Rakesh
Kaushik was the honoured guest during the
Sanskrit Week as every year had been
inaugural function. Shri. Abhilash Awasthi, the
celebrated between 11.08.2014 and 13.08.
editor, the Dainik Daily was the chief guest
2014. Starting with the Shobhayatra, Spoken
during the concluding function. Dr. Gita Dubey,
Sanskrit Camp conclusion programme, Shravani
Dept. of Hindi co-ordinated the programme.
Upakarma, Sanskrit Kavi Sammelana, academic
Competitions like Hindi speech, writing, debates
competitions, various programmes have been
were also conducted.
arranged. The Sanskrit Week inaugural
programme was presided by Prof. Uma Vaidya,
11. Teaching Practice Programme:
Vice-Chancellor, Kavikulaguru Kalidas
University. In the concluding function, the chief Teachers’ Training Programme as a routine
guest was Prof. N.S. Tatacharya, Ex-Vice- for the Shiksha-Shastri students was conducted
Chancellor, Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, between 10.11.2014 and 10.12.2014 at the 11
Tirupati. In the programme various Central Schools in Mumbai.
competitions like discussions, Sanskrit speech,
Gita recitation and verse recitation etc. on 12. First Aid Training Programme:
Mumbai-based college & university levels. The Shiksha-Shastri students of the Campus
have successfully completed the First Aid
7. Teacher’s Day: Training Programme as per their Syllabus.
On 5th September 2014, as on the event of
the birthday of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, The Co-Educational Programmes:
Vidyapeetha had celebrated the Teacher’s Day.
1. Youth Festival:
8. Various Competitions : Youth Festival was conducted at the Sringeri
Campus between 19 and 23 December, 2014. The
 Sports Festival: Vidyapeetha students participated with
enthusiasm. Shri. Sankar B. Aandhle, Dr. Rakesh
The Sports festival had been celebrated on
Kumar Jain, Dr. Prem Singh Sikarwar and Dr.
16-17 October 2014 aiming at mental and
(Smt.) Shweta Sood were present in the festival.
physical development of the students. Cultural
The Vidyapeetha earned Gold Medal (1), Silver
competitions also arranged with it. Mr. Shankar
Medal (1), and Bronze Medal (2) in the festival.
Aandhle, the physical trainer of the campus had
co-ordinated these programmes.
2. Kaumudi Mahotsava(Vasantotsava):
 Academic-Cultural Competitions: The Santhan's Head Quarter, New Delhi had
conducted the Kaumudi Mahotsava
On 20-21 October 2014, students
(Vasantotsava)between 4 and 6 February 2014
participated in the academic-cultural
and the Vidyapeetha students staged the
competitions. Dr. E. R. Narayanan had co-
prakarana (drama)-”Malatimadhavam” with
ordinated these programmes.
most attraction.
9. Vagvardhini Parishad: 3. Maharashtra-Goa State-level
Vagvardhini Parishad arranged in the Shastric Competitions:
Campus, where students performed their talents The Maharashtra-Goa National Shastric
in speech and knowledge in Shastra. It has Competitions were conducted at the Campus on
been successfully conducted in every Fridays. 16th December 2014 on the occasion of the 53 rd
All India Shastric Elocution Contest. Prof.
10. Hindi Pakhwara: Madan Mohan Pathak, Prof. Shridhar Mishra,
To honour the National Language Hindi, the Prof. Ram Kumar Sharma, Prof. Malhar
Hindi Pakhwara has been celebrated between Kulkarni, Prof. Prakash Chandra and Prof. N.N.
16&29 September 2014. Shri. Samir Somaiya Joshi were the invigilators.

( 84 )
4. Special Lecture Series: marks in Vyakarana and attained Gold
Medal, and upheld the fame of the
With a view to develope the internal
qualities under the Internal Assessment Council,
as every year, the Special Lecture Series was  Bagged 4 Medals in Youth Festival 2014-
conducted in Sahitya on 16.01.2015, in Shiksha- 15 held at Sringeri Campus. The Medal
Shastri on 27.02.2015, in Vyakarana on holders are:
10.03.2015 and in Jyotisha on 11.03.2015, at
1. Priyanka Thapa- Yoga (Female)-Gold
the Vidyapeetha.
5. Annual Shastric Competitions: 2. Ravi Kumar Arya-Chess-Silver Medal.
Annual Shastric Competitions were 3. Asha Chheda- Bronze Medal in cartoon.
conducted on 13.02.2015 Sahitya, Vyakarana, 4. Bhagvati Prasad Nanda- Bronze Medal in
Jyotisha and Shiksha-Shastra by the Creative Literature.
Best Heroine Award:
6. National One-Day Seminar on
Pedagogy: Manasmita Mahapatra, the student of the
Shiksha-Shastri, has won the Best Heroine Award
Dept. of Shiksha-Shastra had conducted a by performing in the prakarana-
One-Day National Seminar on Pedagogy on 26. Malatimadhavam. This was achieved from the
02.2015. Dr. Vasundhara Padmanabhan, Head Quarters of the Sansthan during the
Principal, Somaiya College of Education and Vasantotsava.
Prof. Y. S. Ramesh, Jaipur Campus were chief
guests. 43 teachers and research scholars have 8. Orientation / Refresher
presented research papers. Prof. Madan Mohan Programmes by the Faculty Members:
Jha was the Co-ordinator and Dr. Devdatt
Sarode was the Deputy Co-ordinator of the  Prof. Prakash Chandra, Dr. Devadatt
programme. Sarode have participated as members in
the Academic Council of the Dept. of
7. Jyotisha-Vastushastra Training Sanskrit, Somaiya Arts College.
Centre:  Dr. V. S. V. Bhaskar Reddy has
The Jyotisha-Vastushastra training scheme participated in the Pedagogy Faculty
was conducted by the Dept. of Jyotisha. Centre Development Programme at the A.S.C.
Co-ordinator Dr. Subhash Chandra Mishra had Mumbai University between 16.02.2015
conducted the programme. and 21.02.2015.
 Dr. Gayatri Murali Krishna and Shri.
8. E-Library: Dhananjay Mishra had participated in the
Dr. S.L. Seetharam Sharma and Dr. Mantha International Seminar at Goa in February.
Srinivasu have collected 1500 E-books in the E-  Dr. Rakesh Kumar Jain, Assistant
Library for the benefit of teachers and students. Professor on contract, has achieved the
award for the best Music Director for the
9. Computer Lab: drama-Malatimadhavam in Vasantotsava
For the benefit of the Vidyapeetha students held in New Delhi.
there are 10 computers for the Shiksha Shastri
class, 06 computers for Prak-Shastri, Shastri and No. of letters received/replies given
Acharya classes have been established. under R.T.I. Act
Received - 01
Achievements of the Students:
Replied - 01
 Shastri student, Vidushi Bolla scored 94%

( 85 )
4.2.11 Delhi Campus, New Delhi

About the Campus (5) Conducting special short term study

programmes through M.S.P. as per the need of
At present Delhi Campus is being run in the
target groups.
office building of Head Quarters of Rashtriya
Sanksrit Sansthan situated at 56-57, (6) Undertaking research activities.
Institutional Area Janakpuri, New Delhi-58. (7) Organizing the following events:
Correspondence Courses and Distance Education  Sanskrit Saptah.
Programmes are conducted by Delhi Campus.
This Campus has a library, publication division  Sthapana Diwas
and research centre etc.* This campus has the
 National Conference.
following activities-
(1) Non Formal Sanskrit Education.  Yuva Mahotsava.
(2) Correspondence Course.  Kaumudi Mahotsava.
(3) Distance Education programmes through  Akhila Bharateeya Shastriya Spardha.
Delhi Swadhyaya Kendra of Mukta Swadhyaya
Peetham. Details of such events organized/coordinated
by Delhi Campus are given in chapter 5 (Main
(4) Organizing Seminars/workshops etc.
Events of the Year) of this Annual Report.

( 86 )
4.2.12 Ekalavya Campus, Agartala, West Tripura

About the Campus Language-Lab

Rastriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Ekalavya Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Ekalavya
Campus was inaugurated at Swami Vivekananda Campus has well equipped language Lab which
Mahavidyalaya on 4th June, 2013 in the far aids in developing listening and speaking
corner of North East India, Agartala Tripura, a competence of the students.
hilly state with the honest efforts of the then
Vice Chancellor to revive and propagate the Computer-Lab
great tradition of Sanskrit learning. At present
the State Govt. of Tripura allotted the old IASE Keeping parity with the modern world this
building to Ekalavya campus at the centre of institution provides the students the enevitable
Agartala city to run the function of institution. Knowledge of Computer.
The teaching and learning session of 2014-15
will continure there. Hostel Facilities
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Ekalavya
Courses offered Campus provides separate hostel facility for girls
The following courses are offered at and boys on the basis of Preference.
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Ekalavya Campus.
Courses (Class) Duration
Prak Shastri 2 Years Ekalavya Campus arranges different cultural
programmes every session, such as Sanskrit
Shastri (B.A.) 3 Years
Day/Week Celebration, Hindi Pakhwara,
Acharya (M.A.) 2 Years Teachers Day, Education Day, Independence
Shiksha Shastri (B.Ed) 1 Year Day, Republic Day. Geeta Jayanti etc. At the end
Vidya Varidhi (Ph.D) 2 Years of the session Campus organizes Academic and
Sports Events (Annual Sports).
Non Formal Sanskrit Education 3 Months
The Campus develops the competence of the
Departments students to participate in national level
Ekalavya Campus Departments of competitions like All India Allocation Contest,
Vyakarana, Sahitya, Jyotish, Dharma, Shastra, Youth Festival, Drama Competition (Kaumudi
Advaita Vedanta, Bouddha Darshan and modern Mahotsva) etc.
subjects (History, Political Science, English,
Computer Science). The institution provides Non Formal Sanskrit Learning Centre
Ph.D in the above mentioned traditional
To improve the Sanskrit speaking
competence Campus arranges speaking courses
in two sessions.
Psychology Lab
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan's Ekalavya
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Ekalavya Campus is a budding entity in Tripura since its
Campus is well equipped with modern establishment one year ago, even so, it provides
psychology lab and this facility is available to important books for all the departments.
all students and teachers. Library has the books related to various

( 87 )
subjects like Vyakarana, Sahitya, Jyotisha, The National flag was hoisted by Prof. K.B.
Philosophy, Dharma Shastra, Buddha Philosophy Subbarayudu, Principal, Rashtriya Sanskrit
etc. along with the books of modern subjects. Sansthan, Ekalavya Campus. This day was
Library is availed with current Research Papers, celebrated with pomp and splendor with active
Journals, and Magazines to upgrade the participation of all the faculty members and
knowledge of the students. To inform students students. Teachers highlighted the national
about jobs advertisement and competitive importance of the day and urged to maintain the
exams Rashtrya Sanskrit Sansthan Ekalavya national integration.
Campus provides them Employment News and
various Competitive exams related magazines. Ganesh Puja

Other Activities / Seminars / Students of the campus paid their homage

Workshops to the God Ganesha on 29th August, 2014 at the
conference hall of the campus. All the teaching
7. Extra Curricular Activities and non-teaching staffs of the campus remained
including details of function and present on the campus.
21-Day National Workshop on Research
10-Day Spoken Sanskrit Campaign : Methodology in Sanskrit Teaching

To propogate Sanskrit learning in the North- The Campus organized a 21-Day National
East] a 10-Day Spoken Sanskrit Campaign from Workshop on Research Methodology in Sanskrit
4th August to 13th August was arranged by Dr. Teaching from 1st Sept. to 21st Sept. The
Gourang Bagh at the premise of the campus. The workshop was inaugurated under the
spoken Sanskrit camp was inaugurated by Prof. chairmanship of Prof. K.B. Subbarayudu,
K.B. Subbarayudu, Principal, RSKS, Ekalavya principal Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Ekalavya
Campus. Sanskrit classes were conducted Campus. Research scholars from different
smoothly by the faculties of the campus, Dr. reputed institutions from all over India
Arun Kumar, Dr. Deep Kumar and Miss Tanusree participated in the workshop. Research
Sinha. Methodology classes were taken by renowned
experts from different states in the said field.
The programme was coordinated by Dr. Shri
Sanskrit Week Celebration
Govind Pandey, Head of the Department of
Sanskrit Week from 8th August was Education and convened by Prof. L.K. Sahoo,
celebrated at Conference Hall of the Campus. In Head of the Department of Dharashastra.
the inugural ceremony Dr. B.Palit, Director of
Higher Education, Govt. of Tripura had been Guru Diwas Celebration
invited as the Chief Guest. Acharya Rameshwar
Bhattacharya, former Sanskrit Professor, MBB Guru Divas was celebrated in the Campus on
College honoured the programme as the Special 5th September by the students of the Campus.
Guest of Honour. Prof. K.B. Subbarayudu Sita nath Dey Ex. Professor of Tripura University
presided over the programme. On this occasion was facilitated on this occasion. The programme
various competitive events on different was made successful by the active collaboration
categories and a rally were organised along with of the students through offering their homage to
active participation of students from different the respected teachers of the Campus.
educational institutions.
Hindi Week Celebration
Independence Day Celebration Hindi week was celebrated with pomp and
Ekalavya Campus celebrated Independence splendor at the premise of the campus from 14th
Day at the premise of the on-going construction September to 20th September. The Programme
of the campus at Lembucherra on 15th August. was presided over by Prof. K.B. Subbarayudu,

( 88 )
respected Principal of the Campus. Prof. and the holy pledge to protect the national
Rajendra Mishra Ex. Vice-Chancellor of unity was taken on this occasion. The rally was
Sampoornananda University, Varanasi, Sri led by Prof. K.B. Subbarayudu, Principal,
Satish Kumar Garg, Sr. Dy. Accountant General Ekalavya Campus, Prof. Lalit Kumar Sahoo and
(Audit) of Tripura were invited on the occasion Prof. R.K. Barman and other staff members
and Dr. Munindra Kumar Mishra Hindi Officer of followed them.
Tripura University was invited as Chief Speaker.
The Programme aimed at successful propagation Rashtriya Siksha Diwas
of Hindi as a National Language and Unity.
Rashtriya Shiksha Diwas was celebrated on
11th November on the birth anniversary of Abul
Swach Bharat Abhiyan
Kalam Azad at the conference hall of the
Ekalavya Campus, Agartala, as per the campus. Renowned Prof. Vachaspati Dwivedi,
instruction of the MHRD, Govt. of India, Former Dean and Head of the Deptt. of
organized Swach Bharat Abhiyan at the campus Education, Sampoornananda Sanskrit University,
in presence of Dr. Shri Govinda Pandey and Dr. Varanasi was invited as the Chief Guest. The
Pawan Kumar on 2nd October. Sri RM Malakar, programme was presided over by Prof. Lalit
Director of SC Welfare and General Manager of Kumar Sahoo, Head, Deptt. of Dharmashastra
SC,ST and OBC Welfare Development, Govt. of and the introductory speech was delivered by
Tripura was invited as the chief Guest. Teaching Dr. Shri Govind Pandey, Head of the Department
and Non-teaching staffs along with students of Education.
participated in this campaign with bated breath.
Scout and Guide
Governor visit at the Campus
Department of Education organized Basic
The Honourable Governor of Tripura Sri Scout Training and Guidance Programme from
Padmanabha Balakrishna Acharaya visited the 14 th November to 21 st November under the
campus on 20th October. He was welcomed by guidance of departmental teachers. Dr. Shri
Prof. Lalit Kumar Sahoo and Prof. R.K. Barman. Govind Pandey, Head of the Department of
He met with all the staff members and students Education and Dr. Bichitra Ranjan Panda were
of the campus and applauded the role of the the coordinators of the Programme. Trainers
campus in the propagation of Sanskrit learning came from Assam & Tripura and students
in the North-East. participated actively and learnt a lot from this
First Aid Training
Yuva Mahotsav
Department of Education organized a First
Aid Training programme from 27th to 30th Students of the Campus participated in the
October, 2014 at the premise of the campus. Yuva Mahotsava held at Sringari, Karnataka
The training was given by Indian Red Cross from 20th to 23rd December, 2014. Dr. Gouranga
Society, Tripura State branch. The campus had Bagh, Dr. Mantha Srinivasu, Shri Bhanu Sharma,
been privileged with the holy presence of Sri Dr. Itishree mahapatra, Mr. Rajib Ghosh and
Bhanulal Saha, the Finance Minister of Tripura, Miss Binapani Chanda led the students in the said
Pabitra Kar, Deputy-Speaker of Tripura and Visa programme.
Officer of Bangladesh.
Republic Day Celebration
Rashtriya Ekta Diwas
Keeping parity with the rest of the nation
Rashtriya Ekata Diwas as per the instruction Ekalavya Campus celebrated Republic Day at the
of MHRD on the eve of the birth anniversay of on-going constructed building premise of the
Sardar Vallabbhai Patel, was celebrated on 31st campus at Lembucherra on 26 th January, 2015.
October at the campus. A rally was organized Mr. Dilip Das, respected Chairperson of the West

( 89 )
Distric hoisted the national flag and he was Vishwavidyalaya were invited for extension
accompanied by Prof. K.B. Subbarayadu, lecture.
Principal, Ekalavya Campus. All the staff
members and students remained present on that Department of Sahitya
Department of Sahitya, Ekalavya Campus,
Agartala organized an extension lecture on 11 th
2 Inter Sanskrit University Youth
Prestigious Presidential Award Winner Prof.
The programme was inaugurated by Mr.
Shivji Upadhaya, Former Head of Department of
Tapan Chakraborty, Higher Education Minister
Sahitya from Sampoornananda Sanskrit
of Tripura on 6 th January, 2015.
University, Varanasi was invited. Dr. Virupaksh
Shri Saheed Choudhury, Sport Minister of Jeddipal, Tirupati delivered the introductory
Tripura and Prof. Anjan Kumar Ghosh, Vice- speech and Prof. Shivji Upadhaya delivered a
Chancellor of Tripura graced the programme as special lecture on Kavyasyatma Dhwani.
Special Guest and Guest of Honour respectively.
The Cultural programme in the evening session Department of Jyotish
was inaugurated by Mr. Jiten Choudhury,
Respected MP from the East Constituencey of An extension lecture was organized on 13 th
the state. The programme continued up to 9 th March, 2015. Prof. Devi Prasad Tripathi,
January, 2015. The inaugural and valedictory Professor of Jyotish Department of Lal Bahadur
functions were presided over by Prof. K.B. Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapith delivered a
Subbarayudu, Principal, Ekalavya Campus. The special lecture on Dikdeshkalavicharah.
valedictory function was graced with the holy
presence of Dr. B.K. Singh, Registrar, Rashtriya Department of Darshan
Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi as the Chief Guest
An extension lecture by Dr. Neelima Pathak,
and Dilip Das as the Guest of Honour. In this 4-
Associate Professor of Ranchi University on
day long grand event various competitive
Secularism and Buddhist Philosophy was
cultural and sports events were organized where
held on 20th March, 2015 at the conference hall
students from different reputed Sanskrit
of the campus. All the staff members and
institutions of India participated.
students remained present on the said lecture.

Saraswati Puja
10 Days Drama Training Programme
Students of the campus paid their obeisance
Students of the campus took part actively in
to the goddess of learning on 25 th January,
10 Days Drama Training Programme from 19 th
2015. All the teaching and non-treaching staffs
to 29 th January held at Ekalavya Campus,
of the campus remained present on that day to
Agartala. The Programme was led by Dr.
pay their homage.
Kripashankar Sharma, Dr. Arun Kumar, Dr.
Bichitra Ranjan Panda, Shri Bhanu Sharma, Shri
Extension Lectures: Deep Kumar, Shri Sambit Mahapatra, Dr.
Itishree Mahapatra, Poulamy Chakraborty.
Department of Education
Two special lectures on the importance of Koumudi Mahotsava
Education were organised by Department of
Students of the campus took part actively in
Education of the Campus respectively on 3 rd
the Koumudi Mahotsava from 4 th to 6 th
October and 10 th November 2014. Renowned
February held at Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan,
Prof. Sridhar Vashistha, former Vice-Chancellor
New Delhi.
of the Sri Lalbahadhur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit
Vidyapeeth, New Delhi & Prof. Vachaspati They enacted the epical story of the
Dwivedi former Dean of Sampoornananda Ramayana on the stage. The team was led by Dr.

( 90 )
Bichitra Ranjan Panda, Dr. Bhanu Sharma, Shri Physical Education Teacher and cultural events
Deep Kumar, Shri Sambit Mahapatra, Dr. were arranged by Dr. Arun Kumar, Dr. Bhanu
Itishree Mahapatra. Sharma, Shri Deep Kumar and other faculty
members of the campus.
Teaching Practice
International Students Day
Students pursuing B.Ed. had to go through
a rigorous practice teaching at different 17 Nov. 2015 Ekalavya Campus organized
renowned schools of Tripura from 13 th January International Students Day. During the occasion
to 20 th February, 2015. All the staff members students gave their opinion on the topic 'Shikshit
of the department guided the students in this Bharat, Saksham Bharat'. On that day two
inevitable part of B.Ed. students had been nominated to present the
campus with their views in time of ministerial
Study Tour discussion on the proposed topic.

Students of Education Department went to

Refresher Courses/Orientation
an educational tour on 4th Marh, 2015 at Kashba
Courses by the Faculty members
Kali Bari, Sipahijala, Matabadi and Pilak, a
Buddhist sculptural site in the South district of 1. Dr. S.G. Pandey, Ass. Prof. of this campus
Tripura. All the staff members of the department are hereby deputed to North Eastern Hill
guided the students in the said tour. University from 26/05/2014 to 15/06/
2014 for participate in refresher course
Annual Sports Competitions
No. of letters received/replies given
Students of the campus took part actively in
under R.T.I. Act
Annual Sports Competitions from 24 th to 25 th
March held at Assam Rifles Public School Received - 01
Ground, Agartala. Along with sports events
Replied - 01
cultural competitive events were also organized.
Sports events were coordinated by Rajib Ghosh,

( 91 )
5.1 Sanskrit Saptahotsava
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan celebrated Sanskrit Saptahotsava from 8th to 14th August, 2014. During
this period, series of programmes including seminars, lectures and competitions were organized for the
propogation of Sanskrit. In the middle of Sanskrit Week, Sanskrit Divas was celebrated on 10th August, 2014
in collaboration with Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India and Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri
Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, New Delhi at National Museum Auditorium. The Valedictory function was
held on 14th August, 2014 at Chinmaya Mission, New Delhi where prizes were also distributed by the
dignitaries to the winners of the competitions.

5.2 Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
The Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi along with its 11 campuses at different places of the
country organized the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan from 25-09-2014 to 31-10-2014. During this period,
cleanliness activities were taken up. All the officers, officials, teachers and students took part with
enthusiasm. The oath for cleanliness was taken on 2-10-2014 in the headquarter along with all campuses by
the employees of Sansthan.

Oath taking ceremony as part of Swacch Bharat Abhiyan

5.3 Foundation Day
The 45th Foundation Day of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan was celebrated on 15-10-2014 at the Head
Quarters Office, New Delhi. Eminent scholars like Professor R.K. Sharma, Founder Director of Sansthan,
Prof. Satyavart Shastri, Chairman, Second Sanskrit Commission and other distinguished guests were
present. Shri R.P. Sisodia, IAS, Joint Secretary(L), Govt. of India chaired this programme.

5.4 Rashtriya Ekata Diwas
Rashtriya Ekta Diwas was celebrated on 31st October, 2014 in the Sansthan and all the campuses.
Various scholars presented their views on the role of Sardar Vallabah Bhai Patel in making of United India.

5.5 National Education Day

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan celebrated National Education Day on 11th November, 2014 on the
occasion of Birth Anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, a great freedom fighter, eminent educationist
and the first Union Minister of Education. Among other speakers, Dr. Dharmendra Kumar, Secretary, Delhi
Sanskrit Academy, Prof. Sarva Narayan Jha and Prof. Ramakant Pandey delivered special lectures on this

Dr. Binod Kumar Singh, Registrar, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan is felicitating Prof. Ram Chandra Jha
on the valedictory function of the Akhil-Bharatiya-Shashtreeya-Spardha, Organized from 17-20 March 2015.
Dr. A.V. Nagasampige, Director, P.P. Samshodhan Mandiram and Prof. R. Devanathan, Principal, Shri
Ranbir Campus were also present on this occasion.

Team from Karnataka recieving over-all campionship in
53rd Akhil-Bharteeya-Shastreeya-Spardha.

21 day workshop on Research Methedology and Visit of Sanskrit Commission on 12.12.2014

Textual Criticism (11.02.2015 to 03.03.2015) at Guruvayoor Campus
held at Guruvayoor Campus

5.6 12th Sanskrit Natyotsava (4-6 February, 2015)
Scenes of Inaugural Session and various Sanskrit plays enacted by the students during 12th Sanskrit
Natyotsav organized at Delhi from 4-6 Feb. 2015.

Scenes of various Sanskrit Plays enacted by the students during 12th Sanskrit Natyotsav



(01.04.2014 to 31.03.2015)

1. (a) Dr. N.R. Kannan (I/c V.C.) 01.04.2014 to 06.07.2014. Chairman

(b) Shri R.P. Sisodiya (I/c V.C.) 07.07.2014 to 12.10.2014. Chairman
Joint Secratery (Languages)
(c) Shri Shashi Prakash Goyal, (I/c V.C.) 13.10.2014 to 13.11.2014. Chairman
Joint Secratery (Languages)
(d) Dr. Sukhbir Singh Sandhu (I/c V.C.) 14.11.2014 to 31.03.2015. Chairman
Joint Secratery (CU&L)

2. Prof. Ashok Kumar Kalia Member

"Srinivasah", B-1/19, (Chancellor's Nominee)
Kalyan-Vihara (Sector 'K')
Aliganj, Lucknow-226024

3. Prof. Rajendra Mishra Member

Ex Vice Chancellor (Chancellor's Nominee)
Sunrise Villa (Near Sr. Secondary School)
Lower Summer Hill, Shimla-171005

4. Prof. Shripati Tripathi Member

New Quarter-7, Shyamabagh, (Chancellor's Nominee)
Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Skt. University
Distt. Darbhanga, Bihar

5. Prof. Harekrishna Satapathy Member

Vice Chancellor (Central Govt.
Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha (Deemed University) Nominee)
Tirupati (A.P.)

6. Dr. N.R. Kannan Member

Principal, R.Sk.S. (D.U.)
Rajiv Gandhi Campus, Mense
Distt. Chikmanglur, Sringeri-577139 (Karnataka)

7. Prof. P.N. Shastri Member

RSkS, Bhopal Campus,
Sanskrit Marg, Bagsewania
Bhopal-462043 (M.P.)

( 105 ) Contd...


(As on 31st March 2015)

1. Vice-Chancellor Chairman (ex-officio)

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
56-57, Institutional Area, Janakpuri,
New Delhi - 110058

2. Prof. K.B. Subbarayudu Member

Dean, Faculty of Ved Vedang,
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Ekalavya Campus, Fatikachara,
Via-Kamalghat, Agartala,
West Tripura - 799 210

3. Prof. Baidya Nath Jha Member

Dean, Faculty of Darshan
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Jaipur Campus, Triveni Nagar, Gopal Pur By Pass,
Jaipur - 302018 (Rajasthan)

4. Prof. Shail Kumari Mishra Member

Dean, Faculty of Sahitya
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Ganganath Jha Campus, Chandra Shekhar Azad Park,
Allahabad - 211 108 (U.P.)

5. Prof. A.P. Sacchidanand Member

Dean, Faculty of Shiksha Shastra
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Rajeev Gandhi Campus, P.O. Sringeri,
Distt. Chikmangalur - 577139 (Karanataka)

6. Prof. Shishir Kumar Pandey Member

Dean, Faculty of Modern Subjects
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Lucknow Campus, Vishal Khand-4, Gomti Nagar,
Lucknow-226 010 (U.P.)

7. Director, Mukta Swadhyaya Peetham Member

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
56-57, Institutional Area, Janakpuri,
New Delhi - 110058

( 107 ) Contd...
ANNEXURE—B (Contd...)
19. Prof. Inder Mani Das Member
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Jaipur Campus, Triveni Nagar, Gopal Pur By Pass,
Jaipur - 302 018 (Rajasthan)

20. Prof. Bhagwati Sudesh Member

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Jaipur Campus, Triveni Nagar, Gopal Pur By Pass,
Jaipur - 302 018 (Rajasthan)

21 . Dr. K. Raghunathan Member

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Shri Sadashiv Campus, Near Mochi Sahi Chhak,
Puri - 752 001 (Orissa)

22. Prof. Vijay Kumar Jain Member

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Lucknow Campus, Vishal Khand-4, Gomti Nagar,
Lucknow-226 010 (U.P.)

23. Shri S.V. Ramana Murti Member

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Guruvayoor Campus, P.O. Puranattukara,
Dist.-Trichur-680551 (Kerala)

24. Dr. Minati Rath Member

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Shri Sadashiv Campus, Near Mochi Sahi Chhak,
Puri - 752 001 (Orissa)

25. Prof. Santosh Mittal Member

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Jaipur Campus, Triveni Nagar, Gopal Pur By Pass,
Jaipur - 302 018 (Rajasthan)

26. Prof. M. Chandrashekhar Member

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
K.J. Somaiya Sanskrit Campus,
2nd Floor, SIMSR Building, Vidya Vihar,
Mumbai - 400 077 (Maharashtra)

27. Prof. Prakash Chandra Member

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
K.J. Somaiya Sanskrit Campus,
2nd Floor, SIMSR Building, Vidya Vihar,
Mumbai - 400 077 (Maharashtra)

28. Prof. Khageshwar Mishra Member

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Shri Sadashiv Campus, Near Mochi Sahi Chhak,
Puri - 752 001 (Orissa)

( 109 ) Contd...
ANNEXURE—B (Contd...)

39. Shri Ramakant Mishra Member

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Shri Sadashiv Campus, Near Mochi Sahi Chhak,
Puri - 752 001 (Orissa)

40. Shri K.K. Shine Member

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
Guruvayoor Campus, P.O. Puranattukara,
Dist.-Trichur-680551 (Kerala)

41. Registrar Secretary

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University)
56-57, Institutional Area, Janakpuri,
New Delhi - 110058

( 111 )


(As on 31st March 2015)

1. Shri Ganganath Jha Campus, Allahabad (U.P.)

Sl.No. Name Designation Department

1. Prof. Shailkumari Mishra Principal Acting Sahitya

2. Prof. Lalit Kumar Tripathi Professor Vyakarana
3. Dr. Janardan Prasad Pandey Professor Sahitya
4. Prof. V.N. Giri Professor Sahitya
5. Prof. Subrya V. Bhat Professor Mimamsa
6. Dr. Banamali Biswal Professor Vyakarana
7. Prof. Ramakrishna Pandey Professor Dharmashastra
8. Dr. Aprajita Mishra Assistant Professor Sahitya
9. Dr. Shailja Pandey Assistant Professor Puranetihas
1 0. Dr. Ramji Pandey Assistant Professor Vyakarana
11. Dr. Suresh Panday Assistant Professor Vyakarana

2. Shri Sadashiv Campus, Puri (Odisha)

Sl.No. Name Designation Department

1. Dr. G. Ganganna Principal Advait Vedant

2. Prof. A. Ku. Nanda Professor Dharma Shastra
3. Prof. H. K. Mahapatra Professor Navya Vyakarana
4. Prof. Khageswar Mishra Professor Dharma Shastra
5. Prof. Bimal Prasad Mohanty Professor ( P.E.)
6. Prof. (Smt.) M. Rath Professor Puranetihas
7. Prof. S.M. Rath Professor Sahitya
8. Prof. S. Ku. Senapati Professor Sarva Darshan
9. Prof. (Smt.) G.P. Dash Professor Sarva Darshan
1 0. Dr. Ch. N.V. Prasad Rao Asso. Prof. Advaita Vedanta
11. Dr. K. Raghunathan Asso. Prof. Sarva Darshan
12. Dr. U.N. Jha Asso. Prof. Sahitya
13. Dr. (Smt.) N. Panigrahi Asst. Prof. Shiksha-Shastra
14. Dr. R.K. Mishra Asst. Prof. Shiksha-Shastra
15. Dr. Brundaban Patra Asst. Prof. Shiksha-Shastra

( 113 ) Contd...
ANNEXURE—D (Contd...)

4. Guruvayoor Campus, Trichur (Kerala)

Sl.No. Name Designation Department

1. Prof. Ch. L.N. Sharma Principal Shiksha Shastra

2. Prof. C.L. Cicily Professor Vyakarana
3. Dr. Prasanna Unnithan Assistant Professor Vyakarana
4. Dr. Vijayalakshmi Radhakrishnan Assistant Professor Vyakarana
5. Dr. Nand Kishore Tiwari Assistant Professor Vyakarana
6. Prof. P.C. Muraleemadhavan Professor & HOD Sahitya
7. Dr. K. Krishanan Namboodiri Associate Professor Sahitya
8. Dr. E.M. Rajan Associate Professor Sahitya
9. Dr. P. Indira Associate Professor Sahitya
1 0. Dr. K. Viswanathan Assistant Professor Sahitya
11. Dr. C.S. Santha Assistant Professor Sahitya
12. Dr. P.V. Sreedevi Assistant Professor Sahitya
13. Dr. R. Pratibha Associate Professor & HOD Advaita Vedanta
14. Dr. S. Subramanya Sarma Associate Professor Advaita Vedanta
15. Dr. R. Balamurugan Assistant Professor Nyaya
16. Dr. N.R. Sreedharan Assist. Professor Nyaya
17. Dr. O.R. Vijayaraghavan Assist. Professor Nyaya
18. Dr. K.K. Shine Assistant Professor & HOD Shiksha Shastra
19. Dr. K.K. Harsha Kumar Assistant Professor Shiksha Shastra
20. Dr. K. Giridhara Rao Assistant Professor Shiksha Shastra
21 . Dr. S.V. Raman Murti Assistant Professor & HOD Modern
22. Smt. K.A. Jessy (Malayalam) Assistant Professor Modern
23. Prof. K.P. Keshwan Professor M.S.P.
24. Dr. E.P. Sridevi Assistant Professor M.S.P.
25. Dr. Lalita Chandran Assistant Professor M.S.P.

5. Jaipur Campus, Jaipur (Rajasthan)

Sl.No. Name Designation Department

1. Dr. Prakesh Pandey Principal --

2. Prof. Shivkant Jha Professor Vyakaran
3. Prof. K.C. Yogi Professor Vyakaran
4. Prof. Shreedhar Mishra Professor Vyakaran
5. Dr. Vishnu Kant Pandey Associate Professor Vyakaran
6. Prof. Vasudev Sharma Professor Jyotish
7. Dr. Subhasmita Mishra Asst. Professor Jyotish
8. Dr. Vijender Kumar Sharma Asst. Professor Jyotish

( 115 ) Contd...
ANNEXURE—D (Contd...)
Sl.No. Name Designation Department

17. Sri Jagannath Jha Assistant Professor Pol. Science

18. Dr. S.P.Singh Assistant Professor Economics
19. Smt. Kavita Bisaria Junior Lecturer English
20. Prof. Lokmanya Mishra Professor & Head Shiksha Shastra
21 . Dr. Avaneesh Agarwal Associate Professor Shiksha Shastra
22. Dr. Bachcha Bharti Associate Professor Shiksha Shastra
23. Dr. Devi Prasad Dwiedi Associate Professor Shiksha Shastra
24. Dr. Kuldeep Sharma Assistant Professor Shiksha Shastra

7. Shri Rajiv Gandhi Campus, Sringeri (Karnataka)

Sl.No. Name Designation Department

1. Dr. N.R. Kannan Principal --

2. Prof. A.P. Sachidanand Professor Shiksha Shastra
3. Dr. Mahabaleshwara P. Bhat Professor --
4. Dr. K.E. Madhusudanan Professor
5. Dr. Ishwar Bhat Associate Professor P. Jyotisha
6. Dr. C.S.S.N. Murthy Assistant Professor Vyakarana
7. Dr. Chandrakant Assistant Professor Shiksha Shastra
8. Dr. Ramachandrula Balaji Assistant Professor Shiksha Shastra
9. Dr. Naveena Holla Assistant Professor Navya Nyaya
1 0. Dr. Chandrashekhar Bhatt Assistant Professor Vyakarana
11. Dr. K.A. Padmanabham Assistant Professor Vyakarana
12. Dr. Ganesh Ishwar Bhat Assistant Professor Advaita Vedanta
13. Dr. Raghavendra Bhat Assistant Professor Sahitya
14. Dr. Hari Prasad K. Assistant Professor Shiksha Shastra
15. Dr. Somnath Sahoo Assistant Professor Shiksha Shastra
16. Dr. Chandrakala R. Kondi Assistant Professor Sahitya
17. Dr. Ramchandra Joisa Assistant Professor Sahitya
18. Dr. Suryanarayana Bhat Assistant Professor Mimamsa
19. Dr. Ganesh T. Pandit Assistant Professor Shiksha Shastra
20. Dr. Venkataramana S. Bhat Assistant Professor Shiksha Shastra
21 . Shri Venkatesh Tatacharya Assistant Professor Mimamsa

( 117 ) Contd...
ANNEXURE—D (Contd...)

10. K.J. Somaiya Sanskrit Vidyapeetham Campus, Mumbai

Sl.No. Name Designation Department

1. Prof. M. Chandrashekhar Principal-in-charge --

2. Prof. Prakashchandra Professor & HOD Vyakarana

3. Dr. Bodh Kumar Jha Associate Professor Vyakarana

4. Dr. Narayan E.R. Assistant Prof. & H.O.D. Sahitya

5. Prof. Madan Mohan Jha Professor & H.O.D. Shiksha Shastra

6. Dr. Devdatta Sarode Assistant Professor Shiksha Shastra

7. Shri V.S.V. Bhaskar Reddy Assistant Professor Shiksha Shastra

8. Dr. R.G. Murli Krishna Assistant Professor Shiksha Shastra

11. Delhi Campus, New Delhi

Sl.No. Name Designation Department

1. Prof. S.N. Jha Professor/I/C Schemes Jyotish

2. Dr. Ramakant Pandey Professor/Director (MSP) Sahitya

3. Dr. S.N. Tiwari Professor/Dep. Director (MSP) Sahitya

4. Dr. Jai Prakash Narayan Assistant Professor Sahitya

5. Dr. Shyamdev Mishra Assistant Professor Jyotisha

6. Dr. Ratna Mohan Jha Assistant Professor Distance Edu.

7. Sh. K.Venkatesh Murthy Assistant Professor Distance Edu.

8. Dr. Ajay Kumar Mishra Assistant Professor Distance Edu.

9. Dr. P.N. Vatsa Assistant Professor Sahitya

1 0. Dr. Choti Bai Meena Assistant Professor Sahitya

11. Dr. Mohd. Hanif Khan Assistant Professor Puranetihasa

12. Dr. Sunita Gupta Assistant Professor Sahitya

13. Dr. Prafull Gadpal Assistant Professor Sahitya

14. Dr. T. Mahendra (Lean from 18.9.15) Assistant Professor Sahitya

15. Dr. Mala Chandra (w.e.f. 17.10.14) Assistant Professor Sahitya

( 119 )



(During 2014-2015)

S.No. Research Scholar Research Centre Top ic Subject

1- Kailash Chandra Meena Jaipur Campus jktLFkkus izkjfEHkdf'k{kk;ka] fo'ks"kr% laLÑr& Shiksha
( 1038) f'k{kk;k% ifjizs{;s loZf'k{kkfHk;kuL; ;ksxnkue~ Shastra

2- Minakshi Kar Puri Campus ve#'krdL; fo|kdjÑrVhdk;k% leh{kkReoaQ Sahitya ~

( 1025 ) lEiknue~
3- Pankaj Kumar Allahabad Campus oklqnsoiz.khr ;qfèkf"Bjfot;egkdkO;L; lkfgfR;oaQ Sahitya ~
( 1031 ) lkehf{kdk×pkè;;ue~
4- Arti Sharma Jaipur Campus vfHkjktjktsUnzfeJiz.khrL; vfHkjkt;'kksHkw"k.kL; Sahitya ~
( 1044 ) leh{
5- Bhart Bhushan Dhar Allahabad Campus nqxkZnÙkfojfprk;k o`ÙkeqDrkoY;k% leh{kkReoaQ Sahitya ~
Dwivdi ( 1032) lEiknue~
6- Ashok Kumar Sharma Jaipur Campus ifjHkk"ksUnq'ks[kjL; rRokn'kZgSeorhO;k[;& Vyakaranam ~
( 1030 ) ;ksLrqyukRedeè;ue~
7- Sri Devi A.P. Guruvayoor laLÑrxzUFks"kq izlk/ulkexzh.kk leh{kk Sahitya ~
( 958) Campus

8- Shyam Bihari Sharma Jaipur Campus jktLFkkujkT;s mPpekè;fedLrjs vè;;u& Shiksha

( 1039 ) jrkuka ckydkuka ltZukRedrk;k% LrjL; Shastra
laLÑrfo"k;s miyC/s% p rqyukRedeè;;ue~
9- Pradip Chandra Acharya Puri Campus uS"dE;Zflf¼i×pn'khxzUFk;ks% rqyukRedeè;;ue~ Advait
( 1035 ) Vedanta

10 - Sharda Kumari Jaipur Campus èkeZdhfrZÑr:ikorkjL; /krqizR;;if×pdk;k Shiksha

( 1050 ) vk/Z/krqdifjPNsnL; f'k{k.kfof/n`"V~;k leh{ Shastra

11 - Ajay Kumar Bhopal Campus uoed{kklaLÑrNk=kk.kka okfpdkf/xes lkekftd& Shiksha

( 1033 ) euksoSKkfuddkjdk.kka izHkkofo'ys" Shastra

12 - Gita Arya Jaipur Campus LorU=krklaxzkes laLÑrKkukeonkue~ Sahitya ~

( 1010 )
13 - Amulya Kumar Puri Campus ;ksxokfl"Bs fuokZ.kizdj.kksÙkjk¼Zizfr& Advait
Mahapatra ( 1059) ikfnrk¿}SrrÙokuka leh{ Vedanta

14 - Kanhu Charan Panda Puri Campus Hkk"kkf'k{k.ks uof'k{k.kizfo/huka leh{ Vyakaranam ~

( 1015 )
15 - Kapil Kumar Bhargava Bhopal Campus uSfrdewY;&egÙokdka{kk&lkekftdkfFkZdLrjk.kka Shiksha
( 1046 ) lEcU/s Nk=kk.kka 'kSf{kdksiyC/s% vè;;ue~ Shastra
( 121 ) Contd...
ANNEXURE—E (Contd...)

S.No. Research Scholar Research Centre Top ic Subject

33 - Raghvendra Raw R. PurnaPragya osnO;k[;kus JheUeèokpk;kZ.kka fof'k"Va ;ksxnkue~ Dvaita

( 1028) Mandiram Vedanta
34 - Amaresh Yadav vuUrnsojfpr Ñ".kHkfDrpfUnzdk ukVdL;
Allahabad Campus Sahitya ~
( 1085 ) ukV;'kkL=kfn'kk leh{kkReoaQ lEiknue~
35 - Kaushelesh Sharma Lucknow Campus 'kkfCndkHkj.kL; vU;kfHk% /krqofÙkfHk% lg Vyakaranam
( 1048) rqyukRedeè;;ue~
36 - Mukesh Kumar Sahu Jaipur Campus dksVk laHkkxs fLFkrs"kq osQUnzh; fo|ky;s"kq mPp Shiksha
( 1071 ) ekè;fed fo|ky;s"kq p dk;Zjrkuke~ vè;kidkuke~ Shastra
vè;kfidkuka p fo|ky;h; lek;kstuL;
rqyukRede~ vè;;ue~
37 - Swamy Shankaranand Puri Campus 'kkïjfuxekuUnn'kZu;ks% rqyukRedleh{kk Advait
Sarswati ( 1053 ) Vedanta
38- Tangirala ShriLaxmi Sringri Campus xjyiqjh'k'kkfL=kfojfprL; pEiwjkek;.k& Sahitya ~
( 1056 ) ;q¼dk.ML; leh{kkRedeè;;ua y{e.k&
lwfjfojfprsu lg rqyukRedeè;;u×p
39 - Amit Singh Bhopal Campus fpfdRlkT;ksfr"k'kkL=k;ks% n`"V;k oSaQlj& Jyotisham ~
( 1079 ) jksxL;kuq'khyue~
40 - Seema Sharma Jaipur Campus egksikè;k;es?kfot;xf.kÑrgLrl×thou& Falit
( 1073 ) L; vk/qfudifjizs{;s leh{kkRedeè;;ue~ Jyotisham
41 - Om Narayan Mishra Bhopal Campus vkfFkZd:is.k leFkZof×proxZ;ks% Nk=kk.kka Shiksha
( 1040 ) ltZukRedrk;k% uSfrdlkekftdewY;kuk×p Shastra
42 - Yogesh Kumar Vyas Jaipur Campus izeq[kT;ksfr"kxzUFks"kq fo|kizkfIr;ksxkukek/qfudifjizs{;s Falit
( 1075 ) leh{kk Jyotisham
43 - Ashish Kumar Bhopal Campus }kn'kT;ksfrfyZõkuka rU=kn`"V~;k okLrq'kkL=kh;a Jyotisham ~
Chaudhary ( 1089) fo'ys"
44 - Ambika Prashad Jammu Campus ikf.kus% v"Vkè;kÕ;kefl¼ dk.M ehekalk Vyakaranam
( 970 )
45 - Bhat Vinayakrajat M. Sringri Campus ikf.kuh;k"Vkè;k;hek/`R; rf¼rkUr'kCnkuka Vyakaranam
Ganesh (1069) fu"iknuk; rU=kka'kfuekZ.kiz;kl%
46 - Monika Parik Lucknow Campus mÙkjk[k.MjkT;L; ofj"Bekè;fedfo|ky;s"kq Shiksha
( 1087 ) laLÑrkè;;ujrkuka lkekU;kè;;ujrkuk×p Shastra
ckfydkuka efgyk'kDrhdj.ka izfr n`f"Vdks.kL;
47 - Venkatesh B.D. PurnaPragya czãlw=kHkk"; rÙoizdkf'kdkO;k[;kuL; Dvaita
( 1043 ) Mandiram JhlqerhUnzrhFkZfojfprL; HkkojRudks'kxzUFkL; Vedanta
lEiknua rFkk foe'kkZRedeè;;ue~
48- Prahalad Kumar Sharma Jaipur Campus dfoojn'kjFkf}osfniz.khrL; tkudhthou& Sahitya ~
( 1088) egkdkO;L; dkO;'kkL=kh;eè;;ue~
( 123 )
ANNEXURE—F (Contd...)

S.No. Name of the Institution Course for which affiliated

5. Saraswati Adarsh Skt. Mahavidyalaya, Prathama-III, Purva Madhyama-I,II

Dist. Begusarai, Uttar Madhyama-I,II, Prak-Shastri-I,II
Pin:-851101 (Bihar) Shastri-I,II,III, Acharya-I,II
(Sahitya, Vyakarana)

6. Ram Sunder Sanskrit Prathama-III, Purva Madhyama-I,II,

Vishwa Vidya Pratisthan, Uttar Madhyama-I,II, Prak-Shastri-I,II,
Ramaul Belon, (Laxminath Nagar) Shastri I,II,III, Acharya I,II (Sahitya,
Via-Bahera, Distt. Darbhanga Vyakarana, Veda, Jyotisha)
Pin: -847407 (Bihar)

7. Dr. Mandan Mishra Sanskrit Prathama-III, Purva Madhyama-I,II,

Mahavidyalaya, Sanjat, Distt. Begusarai, Uttar Madhyama-I,II, Prak Shastri-I,II,
(Bihar) Shastri I,II,III

8. Ajit Kumar Skt. Sikshan Sansthan, Prathama-III, Purva Madhyama-I,II,

Umakant Nagar, P. O. Ladhora. Uttar Madhyama-I,II, Shastri-I,II,III
Distt. Samastipur, Acharya-I,II (Vyakarna, Sahitya, Falit
Pin: -848302 (Bihar) Jyotish)

9. Laxmi Harikant Skt. Prathamik Prathama-III,

Seh-Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Jhanjharpur, Purva Madhyama-I,II,
Dist. Madhubani-847404 (Bihar) Uttar Madhyama-I,II

1 0. Deenanath Mithila Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Prathma-III,

Gram-Kalidham, Post-Kathara, Purva Madhyama-I,II,
Distt. Darbhanga-847423 (Bihar) Uttar Madhyama-I,II

11. JNB Adarsh Skt. Mahavidyalaya, Prak-Shastri-I,II, Shastri-I,II,III,

At/P.O. Lagma, Via Lohna Road Acharya-I,II (Sahitya,Ved, Vyakaran
Distt-Darbhanga-847407 (Bihar) and Dharmashastra).

12. Shri Motinath Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Prathama-III, Purva Madhyama-I,II,
Ramesh Nagar, New Delhi-110015 Uttar Madhyama-I,II, Prak Shastri-I,II,
Shastri-I,II,III, Acharya-
(Sahitya, Vyakarana, Nyaya)

13. Brahmarishi Ram Prapannacharya Prathama -III, Purva Madhyama-I,II,

Sanskrit Ved Vedang Mahavidyalaya, Uttar Madhyama-I,II, Shastri-I,II,III
Opposite Rajghat, Old Power House,
New Delhi-110002

14. Shri Ram Jyotish Karmakanda Acharya-I,II, (Phalit Jyotish,

Mahavidyalaya, (Ram Vidya Mandir Siddhant Jyotish, Karmakanda,Paurohitya)
under the Education Society)
Mandawali, Delhi-110092.

( 125 ) Contd...
ANNEXURE—F (Contd...)

S.No. Name of the Institution Course for which affiliated

26. Alok Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Prathama-III, Purva Madhyama-I,II,
Mahendragarh, (Mauhalla Padava) Prak Shastri-I,II, Shastri-I,II,III,
Pin: -123039 (Haryana)

27. Haryana Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Prak Shastri-I,II, Shastri-I,II,III,

P.O. Baghola, Tehsil Palwal Acharya-I,II, (Sahitya, Vyakarana)
Distt. Faridabad Pin- 121102

28. Shri Ramanand Brahmarishi Sanskrit Purva Madhyama-I,II, Uttar Madhyama-

Mahavidyalaya, Virat Nagar, I,II, Prak Shastri-I,II, Shastri-I,II,III
Pinjour-134102 (Haryana) Acharya-I,II (Sahitya, Vyakaran)

29. Shri Lazzaram Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Prathama-III, Purva Madhyama-I,II,

Tirath, Pandu Pindara, Jind (Haryana) Uttar Madhyama-I,II, Prak Shastri-I,II,
Acharya-I,II (Sahitya, Vayakaran)


30. Sri Guru Ganga Dev Sanskrit Prathma-III, Purva Madhyama-I,II,
Mahavidyalaya, Shivkashi, Sunderbani Uttar Madhyama-I,II, Prak Shastri-I,II
Distt. Rajouri, Jammu Shastri-I,II,III, Acharya-I,II
(Sahitya, Vyakaran, Jyotisha, Ved)

31 . Laxmi Devi Sarraf Adarsh Prak Shastri-I,II, Shastri-I,II,III,
Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Acharya-I,II
Kali Rakha, Vaidyanath Dham
Deoghar, Jharkhand Pin:-814112

32. Poornaprajna Samshodhan Mandira, Ph.D (Vidyavaridhi)
Poornaprajna Vidyapeetha,
Poornaprajna Nagar,
Kathriguppa Main Road

33. Bharthiya Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Prak Shastri-I,II, Shastri,-I,II,III,
Pilhara Road, Via Mandur, Acharya-I,II (Sahitya)
Distt-Kannur-670501 (Kerala)

( 127 ) Contd...
ANNEXURE—F (Contd...)

S.No. Name of the Institution Course for which affiliated

44. Baba Hardit Giri Sanskrit Prak Shastri-I,II, Shastri-I,II,III
Mahavidyalaya, Sh. Dasnami Akhara, Acharya-I,II (Sahitya)
Sirhind City Dist. Fatehgarh Sahib-140406

45. Shri Saraswati Sanskrit College, Prak Shastri-I,II,

P.O. Khanna, Distt. Ludhiana, Pin-141401 Shastri-I,II,III

46. Navjagriti Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Prathama-III, Purva Madhyama-II
Sindhi Colony, Gangapur City,
Distt. Sawai Madhopur -322201 (Raj.)

47. Rani Padmavati Tara Yoga Tantra Uttar Madhyama-I, II, Prak-Shastri-I,II,
Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Shastri-I,II,III, Acharya I,II (Sahitya,
Inderpur (Shivpur), Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) Vyakaran, Phalit Jyotisha, S. Jyotisha
Karmakanda, S. Darshan and Veda)

48. Shri Batuknath Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Purva Madhyama-I,II,

B-22/195, Dwarkadhish Mandir, Uttar Madhyama-I,II, Prak Shastri-I,II,
Shankuldhara, Varanasi-221010 (UP) Shastri-I,II,III, Acharya-I,II
(Sahitya, N. Vyakarana)

49. Ginni Devi Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Prathama-III, Purva Madhyama-I,II,

Modi Nagar, Distt. Ghaziabad-201204 Uttar Madhyama I,II, Shastri-I,II,III
(Uttar Pradesh)

50. Shri Tibrinath Sangved Sanskrit Prathma-III, Purva Madhyama-I,II,

Mahavidyalaya, Nainital Road, Uttar Madhyama-I,II, Shastri-I,II,III
Bareilly-248005 (Uttar Pradesh)

51 . Gandhi Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Prak Shastri-I,II, Shastri-I,II,III,

Paunwari Gauhania, P.O.Jasra, Acharya-I,II (Sahitya,N.Vyakaran)
Allahabad-212107 (Uttar Pradesh)

52. Ananta Devi Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Prak Shastri-I,II, Shastri-I,II,III,

Gram+Post-Kaunidhiyara, Acharya-I,II (Sahitya, Vyakaran)
Allahabad, U.P.

53. Rani Padmavati Yoga Tantra Prathama-III, Purva Madhyama-I,II,

Ucchh Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Uttar Madhyama-I,II
Inderpur (Shivpur), Varanasi (U.P.)

( 129 ) Contd...


Name of Govt./Department Course recognised
1. Government of India 1. Prathama-Middle School
Cabinet Secretariat 2. Madhyama-Higher Sec.
Deptt. of Personnel 3. Shastri-B.A.
New Delhi 4. Acharya-M.A.
No. 6/12/71/Estt. (D) 5. Shiksha Shastri-B.Ed.
6. Vidyavaridhi-Ph.D.
7. Vachaspati-D.Litt

2. Madhya Pradesh Shasan Samanya -do-

Prashasan Vibhag
No. 796/786/1(3)/72 dt. 5.12.72

3. Govt of Punjab -do-

No. 472-468-II/72/2686 dt. January 1971

4. Goa, Daman and Diu -do-

SPL-EST-2065-II, dt. 23Oct. 1972

5. Govt. of India, Ministry of HRD/Education Shiksha Acharya-M.Ed.

New Delhi. No. F.7-2/83-Skt-2 dated 31-12-1992

6. Govt. of Tamilnadu 1. Shiksha Shastri- B.Ed.

Memo No. 94120/H- 2. Prathama-Middle School
172-2-Edun.Let.No. 3. Madhyama-Higher Secondary
L.Dis.35033/04 4. Purva Madhyama-Matric
dt. 2nd January 1973

7. Govt of Maharashtra 1. Uttar Madhyama/

82/dt. 24.9.92 Prak Shastri-Sr. School
addendum No. SSN Certificate
dt.23 Oct. 1972

8. Govt. of U.P. 1. Prathama-Middle School

No. 10/3/1972 (8th Class)
Niyuki/(4) Lucknow 2. Purva Madhyama
dt. 27 August 1973 -High School
3. Uttar Madhyama-Inter.
4. Shastri-B.A.
5. Acharya-M.A.
6. Shiksha Shastri-B.Ed.
7. Vidya Varidhi-Ph.D.
8. Vachaspati-D.Litt.

( 131 ) Contd...
ANNEXURE—G (Contd...)

Name of Govt./Department Course recognised

16. Govt. of West Bengal Shiksha Shastri-B.Ed.

Education Department Sec.
Branch, No. 441- Edn. (S) 6 c-II/89
Culcutta dt. 6th May 1990

17. Govt. of Bihar 1. Prathama-Middle

Resolution No. 8/R-2003/86 2. Madhyama-Under Matric
KA 9139/Patna (without English)
dated 25-6-1987 Matric (with English)
3. Shastri (with English)-B.A.
4. Acharya-M.A. (Passed B.A.with




Name of Universitry/Institute Examination recognised Equivalence

1. Maharaja Sayajirao University Shastri B.A.

of Baroda, Baroda. vide letter Acharya M.A.
No. AC/11/221 dt. 4.9.73

2. Sagar University, Sagar, Letter Madhyama Intermediate

No. Gen/Recog/974 dated 16.6.73 Shastri B.A.
and dated 9th April, 1973. Acharya M.A.

3. Vikram Vishwavidyalaya, Shastri B.A.

Ujjain (MP) Letter No. Acharya M.A.
Prashasan/Manyata/73 Shiksha Shastri B.Ed.
dated 9 August, 1973. Vidyavaridhi Ph.D.
Vashaspati D.Litt.

4. Andhra University, letter No. Shiksha Shastri B.Ed.

1(6)/3925/72 dated 27.9.73 Waltair

5. Rajasthan University, Jaipur. No.F. Shastri B.A.

4-1/72(Acd.11/1146/A dated 22.5.73

( 133 ) Contd...
ANNEXURE—H (Contd...)

Name of Universitry/Institute Examination recognised Equivalence

1 7 . Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. Exam./ Shastri B.A.

B.Recog. No. 32482 dated 17.9.1975 Acharya M.A.
18. Central Board of Secondary Education, Prathama 8th
N.Delhi. vide D O. No. 80628 Purva Madhyama IInd yr. 10th
dated 27-5-1988 Uttar Madhyama/ 12th
CBSE/COORD/SOCD/2009/6147 Prak Shastri-II
dated 3-3-09
19. University of Kerala, Trivandrum. No. Shastri B.A.
C-3/720/76-Distt. Trivandrum dated Acharya M.A.
22.3.76, Ac. C3/1600/77 dated 3-1-81 Vidyavaridhi Ph.D.
Vacaspati D.Lit.
20. Viswa Bharati No. G-4-43 Shastri B.A.
dated 23.4.76 Acharya M.A.
Vidyavaridhi Ph.D.
Vachaspati D.Litt.
21 . Association of Indian Universities Shastri B.A.
Ev/II(227)/76/32765 dt.7.2.76 N.Delhi Acharya M.A.
22. Himachal Pradesh University, Shastri B.A.
Simla. letter No. 3-8/74-HPU(Acad) Shiksha Shastri B.Ed.
dated 2.7.77, 3-27/79 dated 4-7-80 Acharya M.A.
Vidyavaridhi Ph.D.
Vachaspati D.Litt.
23. University of Delhi, Delhi. letter Shastri B.A. pass for
No. 1/Recog/D/84 dated 14.11.84 purpose of admission
to M.A. Skt.
Acharya M.A.
24. University of Sambalpur. letter Shastri B.A.(for purpose of
No. 11727/Acd dated 4.5.79, admission to M.A. Skt.)
6824/Acd dated 27-9-85 Sambalpur Acharya M.A.
25. Shri Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Madhyama Madhyama
University. No.9356/74 dt. 4.10.74 Shastri Shastri
Acharya Acharya
Shiksha Shastri Shiksha Shastri
Vidyavaridhi Vidyavaridhi
Vachaspati Vidya Vachaspati
26. Karnatak University Dharwar. No. Shastri B.A.
Recog/K-108/Acd/1504 dated 12.7.79 Acharya M.A.
2 7 . Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar. Shastri B.A.
letter No. Gen/Recog/3920 dated Acharya M.A.
28. University of Madras. letter No. Shastri B.A.
CR-III/Recog/1925 dated 17.3.1980 Acharya M.A.
(Provided English is a
subject as part of the
( 135 ) Contd...
ANNEXURE—H (Contd...)

Name of Universitry/Institute Examination recognised Equivalence

Shastri Shastri
Acharya M.A. (Provided the
candidate passed the
examination in English
of B.A. Standard)

38. Gandhiji University, Kottayam-686002 Prak Shstri & Ut. Madhyama Pre-Degree (Sanskrit)
No. AC.A1/3/305/86 (3) Shastri B.A. (Sanskrit)
dated 24-10-1986 Shiksha Shastri B.Ed.
Acharya M.A.
Vidyavaridhi & Vachaspati Ph.D.

39. Manipur University Canchipur, Imphal. Shastri (with English) B.A.

Notice dated 3rd Jan., 1992

40. University of Ajmer, Ajmer. Shiksha Shastri B.Ed.

No.F.14(193) Acad-11/UOA/92/
3400/3506 dated 6th feb., 1992.

41. Nagpur University, Nagpur. Shastri B.A. (For the purpose

vide No. Exam/Recog/A/3667 of admission to M.A.
dated 1-4-78 Part I)
42. University of Udaipur, Udaipur. Shastri B.A. (If passed the
vide No. E/3013 dated 13-5-75 examination in English
of B.A. standard)
Acharya M.A.(If passed the
examination in English
of B.A. standard)

43. Osmania University, Hyderabad. Shastri B.A.

vide No. 1866/1-942/II/Acad Acharya M.A.
dated 20-4-73 Vidyavaridhi Ph.D.
No. 265/L/2001/Acad dt. 27-1-2001 Shiksha Shastri B.Ed.

44. Maharshi Dayanand University, Shastri and Acharya For admission to

Rohtak. vide no. AC-III/R/81/2472 available higher
dated 2-3-81 courses

45. Haryana Vidyalaya Shiksha Board, Purva Madhyama Matric

Bhiwani. vide No. APB/10000/472/ Uttar Madhyama/ Senior Secondary
Pub/25-9-03 dated 19-5-05 Prak Shastri

46. Director of Education, Prathama Middle School

Delhi Madhyama Higher Secondary
F-32/1/25/Edn/72 dt. 28.8.72 Shastri B.A.
Acharya M.A.
Shiksha Shastri B.Ed.
Vidyavaridhi Ph.D.
Vachaspati D.Litt

4 7 . Director of Education -do- -do-

Manipur, II/3/71-SE
dt. 30th August 1972

( 137 ) Contd...


S.No. Name & Address of Applicant Titl e Estimated cost of


1. Prof. Shivshankar Tripathi

Jaipur (Rajasthan)

2. Pt. Shashi Nath Jha

Darbhanga (Bihar)

3. Dr. Mohd. Hanif Khan Shastri


4. Dr. Jagdish Prasad Sharma

Mathura (U.P.)

5. Dr. Mohd. Hanif Khan Shastri


6. Prof. Hari Datt Sharma

Allahabad (U.P.)

7. Dr. Jagdish Prasad Sharma

Mathura (U.P.)

8. Dr. Ramdutt Sharma


9. Dr. Sangita Gundecha


10. Kumari Ishita Sinha


11. Prof. Brijesh Kr. Shukla


12. Dr. Santosh Kr. Jha


13. Vimlesh Jha

Bhagalpur (Bihar)

14. Mahrashi Agastya


( 139 ) Contd...
ANNEXURE—L (Contd...)

Manipur 17. Shree Radha Madhava Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Nambol,

Tamil Nadu 18. Madras Sanskrit College 84, Roypeetha High Road, Mylapore,
Chennai-600 004, Tamil Nadu.
19. Ahobila Math Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya Maduranttakam,
Chennai (T.N.)-603306
Uttarakhand 20. Sri Bhagwan Das Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, PO. Gurukul
Kangri, Distt Haridwar, Uttarakhand-249404
Uttar Pradesh 21 . Rani Padmavati Tara Yog Tantra Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
Indrapur (Shivpur), Varanasi Uttar Pradesh-221003
22. Sri Ekarsanand Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Distt -
Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh-205001
23. Sri Ranglaxmi Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Vrindaban,
Uttar Pradesh-281 121

West Bengal 24. Kaliachak Bikram Kishore Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya Vill:
Kaliachak, PO Heria Distt. Purba Medinipur, West Bengal-721
25. Shri Sita Ram Vaidic Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, 7/2 P.W.D.
Road, Kolkata-700035 West Bengal
Rajasthan 26. Smt Lad Devi Sharma Pancholi Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya,
Munikul Brahamcharyashram Ved Sansthan, Barundani,
Bhilwara, Rajasthan-311604

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Schedule 23 & 24 Significant Accounting Policies and Notes on Accounts

1. The Consolidated Annual accounts of the Sansthan for the year 2014-15 have been prepared on the new format as prescribed
by CGA and approved by the CAG of India vide Ministry letter No. 29-4/2012-IFD dated 17.04.2015. Accounts of GPF & NPS
are prepared on the old format.
2. Sansthan is fully financed through grant-in-aid therefore income tax is not applicable on the organization.
3. Govt. grants/subsidies are accounted on realization basis.
4. In view of there being no taxable income under Income Tax Act 1961, no provision for income tax has been considered
5. The said accounts have been prepared on cash basis (for 2014-15 only) where ever considered necessary.
6. Schedules have been attached where necessary as per revised format.
7. Depreciation has been charged on assets as per the specified in the revised format of accounting policy on Straight Line
8. The construction work is being done by the CPWD.
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9. There is no valuation of inventories since it is not a profit-earning organization but created for overall development and
promotion of Sanskrit in the country.
10. Retirement benefits are treated as per GOI Rules.
11. 132 employees are covered under New Pension Scheme.
12. In balance sheet, an amount of Rs.628122/- relating to embezzlement in Mumbai campus, has been shown in Suspense
Account. As the case is not finalized so far, the amount kept in Suspense Head only.
13. Assets purchased during 2013-14 worth Rs.1,02,791/- by MSP has been taken into account during 2014-15, which is also
added in Schedule for Corpus/Capital Fund.
14. An amount of Rs. 39,410/- has been (-) debited in the head of Schedule for Fixed Assets & Depreciation Chart (Schedule {5})
under the head of “Plant & Machinery and Equipment”, which is also subtracted in Schedule for Corps/Capital Fund.
15. Assets of previous year worth Rs. 51,214/- (Pre. Rs. 33,490/- and Curr. Rs. 17,724/-) received by Donation has been taken into
account “All Library Books” during 2014-15, which is also added in Schedule for Corpus/Capital fund.
16. The cost of building of Bhopal (Rs. 17,85,56,000/-) and Puri (Rs. 1,83,15,649/-) of the Sansthan has been taken into Land &
Building under the Fixed Assets, which comes to a value of Rs. 19,68,71,649/-.
17. The annual accounts of the Sansthan for the year 2014-2015 have been approved by the competent authority i.e. Finance
Committee on 01.06.2015.
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Separate Audit Report of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India

on the Accounts of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan
for the year ended 31 March 2015

We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan
(Sansthan) as at 31 March, 2015, Income & Expenditure Account and Receipts & Payments
Account for the year ended on that date under Section 20(1) of the Comptroller & Auditor
General’s (Duties, Powers & Conditions of Service) Act. The audit has been entrusted for the
period up to 2017-18. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Sansthan’s
management. The financial statements include the accounts of 11 Campus of the Sansthan
and Headquarter. Out of these, accounts of one unit were audited. Our responsibility is to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

2. The Separate Audit Report contains the comments of the Comptroller & Auditor General
of India (CAG) on the accounting treatment only with regard to classification, conformity
with the best accounting practices, accounting standards and disclosure norms, etc. Audit
observations on financial transactions with regard to compliance with the Law, Rules &
Regulations (Propriety and Regularity) and efficiency-cum-performance aspects, etc., if any,
are reported through Inspection Reports/CAG’s Audit Reports separately.

3. We have conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in India. These standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatements. An
audit includes examining on a test basis, evidences supporting the amounts and disclosure in
the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of
financial statements. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

4. Based on our audit, we report that:

i) We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our
knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit.
ii) The Balance Sheet, Income & Expenditure Account and Receipts & Payments
Account dealt with by this report have been drawn up in the format prescribed
by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India vide
order No. 29-4/2012-FD dated 17 April, 2015.
iii) In our opinion, proper books of accounts and other relevant records have been
maintained by the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, in so far as it appears from our
examination of such books.
iv) We further report that:

( 197 ) Contd...
ANNEXURE—N (Contd...)
D. General
D.1 Mixing of Plan and Non-Plan grant
(i) The closing balances of the accounts for the year 2013-14 should be taken as opening
balance of the accounts for the year 2014-15. However the opening balance of Plan and Non-
Plan grant taken in the accounts for the year 2014-15 did not tally with the closing balances
of the accounts for the year 2013-14 as detailed below : (In Rupees)
Closing bank balance as per Opening bank balance Difference
the Receipts & Payments taken in this year
account of last year accounts
Plan Grant 34,09,81,769 33,96,60,422 13,21,347
Non-Glan 13,58,03,086 13,71,24,433 (-)13,21,347
In the absence of records for verification of the rectification of the differences the
correctness of the bank balance of Plan and Non-plan Grant could not be ascertained.
D.2 The accounts have been prepared on cash basis in contravention of the aproved
requirement of the new format on accrual basis of accounting.
D.3 An embezzlement of Rs. 13.51 lakh had occurred in the Mumbai campus of RSS
during the year 2008-09. Out of this, Rs. 1.42 lakh was deposited by the accused cashier.
The Sansthan had, however, shown Rs. 6.28 lakh only under “Suspense Accounts” in the
Balance Sheet (2014-15) while remaining amount of Rs. 5.81 lakh (including Rs. 4.27 lakh
relating to GPF had not been shown in the accounts. Present status of the case was also not
disclosed in the Notes on Accounts.
D.4 Neither provision had been made for liability towards retirement benefits i.e. gratuity,
accumulated leave encashment and pension of employees as per actuarial valuation nor
proper accounting policy has been disclosed in the ‘Notes on Accounts’.

E. Grant-in-aid
During the year 2014-15, the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan received a total grant of
Rs.125.80 crore ( Plan: Rs.62.75 crore and Non Plan: Rs.63.05 crore) from the Government
of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development out of which Rs.8.95 crore under Plan
was received in the month of March 2015. The Sansthan had unspent balance of Rs. 47.78
crore (Plan: Rs.34.18 crore and Non Plan: Rs.13.60 crore) of previous year. It also generated
its own receipts of Rs.6.03 crore (Plan: Rs.1.08 crore and Non-Plan: Rs.4.95 crore). It utilized
Rs.119.27 crore (Plan: Rs.61.38 crore & Non Plan: Rs.57.89 crore) leaving a balance of
Rs.60.34 crore (Plan Rs.36.63 crore and Non-plan Rs.23.71 crore). However as per the Receipts
& Payments account the unspent grant is Rs. 60.34 crore (Plan: Rs. 36.26 crore and Non-
Plan Rs. 24.08 crore) to which the Sansthan had replied that the corrective entries will be
passed in the financial year 2015-16.
F. Management Letter
Deficiencies which have not been included in the Audit Report have been brought to
the notice of the Vice-Chancellor, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan through a management letter
issued separately for remedial/corrective action.

( 199 ) Contd...
ANNEXURE—N (Contd...)

Annexure to Audit Report

1. Adequacy of Internal audit system

 The internal audit was being done by constituting audit parties from the staff of
RSS Headquarter and it campuses. However during the year 2014-15 no internal
audit was done. The intenal audit of test checked unit Jaipur has been done since
 The internal audit of headquarters is not being done.
 The internal audit is not being conducted by the Ministry.
 There is no internal audit manual.

2. Adequacy of Internal Control System

 The internal Control system is inadequate in view of position stated in Sl. No. 1

3. System of physical verification of assets

 The physical verification of fixed assets was not been done regularly as physical
verification of RSS headquarters and its Jaipur campus (test checked unit) was
not conducted for the year 2014-15.

4. System of Physical verification of inventory.

 The Physical verification of inventories was not being done regularly as physical
verification of inventories of RSS headquarters and its Jaipur campus (test checked
unit) was not conducted for the year 2014-15.

5. Regularity in payment of dues.

 As per accounts, no payment over six month in respect of statutory dues was
outstanding as on 31.03.2015.

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