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The learners demonstrate an understanding of the occurrence of eclipses.
Analyze the advantage of the location of the Philippines in relation to the
climate, weather, and seasons.
Explain how solar and lunar eclipses occur using models. S7ES-IVj-11
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. define eclipse and shadow
b. differentiate the Lunar and Solar Eclipse, and
c. recognize the possible effects of the eclipse to people
a. Topic: Eclipse
b. Materials: Visual Aid, Laptop, TV, and Pictures
c. References: Teachers’ Guide pp. Code S7ES-IVj-11
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
a. Greetings:
Good Morning Everyone!
Good Morning Ma’am.
How are you all today?
We are all fine.
That’s good to hear.

b. Prayer:
Before we start our class.
Let us all stand, close our eyes, bow
down our heads, and let’s pray.

c. Checking of Attendance
Is anyone absent this morning?
None Ma’am.
Wow, everybody is present today.
Are you all ready to learn new lesson?
Yes Ma’am.
That’s Great! Let me ask you some questions.
In your experience, what do you usually
observe during Brownouts at night?
Yes, Mr. Jaylord? All we see is darkness ma’am, we can
appreciate the beauty of the night sky and
play with our shadow while using lamp.

Very Good!
What are the things that you can see in the
night sky? Yes, Ms. Nina?
We can see the sparking stars and moon

You’re right! Take note of these things because

they connect with our lesson today.


For today’s lesson I prepared an interesting

game. Are you familiar with 4 pics 1 word?
Yes Ma’am. There are 4 pictures and all of
them pertain to only one word.

You are correct. You need to guess the word

based on the given pictures.

Let me remind you first that if you know the

answer you can raise your hand and wait for
your name to be called before you share your
guess. Is that clear?

Yes Ma’am.
Okay, let’s start.
(The students will actively participate in the
Very Good Class!
So now what do you think is the relation of
those pictures in our lesson for today?
Yes, Ms. Rica?
It’s about Eclipse Ma’am.
You’re right.

Before we start our discussion.

I will let you watch a short video about the
eclipse and I want you to take note of some
important concepts because I will ask you
some questions later.

Is that clear?
Yes, Ma’am

(Video Presentation (Solar and

Lunar Eclipse)

Did you understand the video class?

Yes Ma’am

Based on the video you watched a while ago.
What are the concepts that you have
understood? Yes, Mr. Gelo? I have learned that eclipse is a natural
phenomenal wherein the three celestial
bodies were positioned along a straight path.
Yes, you’re right.

Eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs

when one celestial object moves into the
shadow of another.

What else? Yes, Mr. Gian?

I have learned that shadows are created by
an opaque object and it has a major part in
the formation of Eclipse.
Shadows are formed by opaque objects
depending on their side in relation to the size of
the light source.

Look at this picture. What did you observe on

this shadow? Yes, Ms. Jelly?
There are three different shadows.

Yes, right! Who wants to describe the

difference between these shadows?
Yes, Mr. Kian? The dark central portion of a shadow is called
Umbra ma’am.
Those are the three types of Shadow.
Can you identify those types? Yes, Mr. Rica?
The lighter outer part of a shadow is called
Right! What else?

You’re right! How about the last one?

Yes, Mr. Gelo? Antumbra is the lighter part of a shadow that
forms at a certain distance from the object
casting the shadow.


What are the other concepts that you have

seen and understand on the video you have
watched? Yes, Ms. Nena? There are two types of Eclipses, the Solar and
Lunar Eclipse.

Very Good! What is the difference of those

two? Yes, Mr. Leo? A solar eclipse occurs when the moon crosses
in front of the sun while lunar eclipse occurs
when the Earth’s shadow covers the moon.

Bravo! What else? Yes, Ms. Debbie?

The Solar eclipse happens during daytime
while Lunar eclipse happens during night time.

Remember class that during a solar eclipse, the

moon is in a new moon position while the moon
in Lunar eclipse is in full moon position.

Which of these two takes a shorter time to

view? Yes, Ms. Rica? The Solar eclipse takes the shorter time
because you can only view it for a few
seconds to 7.5 minutes while lunar eclipse can
be viewed for 30 minutes to over an hour.
Did you ever try watching the solar eclipse?
(The students’ answers varied)
Do you think it is safe to watch it with your
naked eye? No, Ma’am.

How do you say so and why?

It is dangerous to watch it with the naked eye
because it may damage my eyesight.
What do you think is the safest way to watch it?
We should use special eyeglasses, Ma’am.
We need to use special eyeglasses called
“eclipse eyeglasses” because exposing your
eyes to the sun without proper eye protection
during a solar eclipse can cause “eclipse
blindness” or retinal burns.

Going back to the video you have watched,

Did you observe some types of solar eclipse?
Yes Ma’am. There are three types of Solar
• Total Solar Eclipse
• Partial Solar Eclipse
• Annular Solar Eclipse
Very good!
Using this model of Solar Eclipse.
Can you show me the correct location of the
moon during Total Solar eclipse? Yes, Mr. Nero?
(The student will arrange the position of the
Are you sure?
Yes ma’am, Total Solar Eclipse occurs when
the moon’s umbra falls on the earth’s surface.
You’re right! Let’s give him five claps.

Can you show me the correct location of the

moon during Partial Solar Eclipse and explain
why? Yes, Ms. Norie? Partial Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon’s
penumbra falls on the Earth’s surface.
(The student will arrange the position of the
Very Good! Let’s give her five snaps.

Can you show me the correct location of the

moon during Annular Solar Eclipse eclipse?
Yes, Ms. Jessie? Annular Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon’s
antumbra falls on the Earth’s surface.
(The student will arrange the position of the
You’re right! Let’s give her five stomps.
Did you all get it?
Yes Ma’am!

Now, let’s talk about Lunar Eclipse.

Did you observe some types of lunar eclipse?
Yes Ma’am. There are three types of Lunar
• Total Lunar Eclipse
• Partial Lunar Eclipse
• Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.
Using this model of Lunar Eclipse.
Can you show and explain the correct location
of the moon during Total Lunar eclipse?
Yes, Mr. Nero?
(The student will arrange the position of the
moon) Total Lunar Eclipse occurs when the
Earth’s umbra completely covers the moon.

That’s right!

What about the Partial Lunar Eclipse? Yes, Mr.

(The student will arrange the position of the
moon) The moon is located partially on the
Earth’s umbra and in penumbra.

You’re right!
Partial Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Earth’s
umbra partially covers the part of the Moon.

Can you show and explain the correct location

of the moon during Penumbral Solar Eclipse?
(The student will arrange the position of the
Yes, Ms. Norie?
moon) In Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, the moon is
located on the Earth’s penumbra.
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse occurs when the
penumbra covers all of the parts of the Moon
when the umbra misses it.

Did you understand?

Yes Ma’am!
Do you happen to watch the penumbral lunar
eclipse last Friday, May 5, 2023?
Yes Ma’am!
Can you share your thoughts and experience
(The students will share their thoughts and
while watching it?
That’s awesome and take note that it is the first
of two lunar eclipses in 2023. And we are
blessed because it is visible here in Tumauini.

Now, do you have any idea about the effect of

Eclipse to us?
(The students will respond.)
That’s right!

What else? (The students will share their thought.)

Correct, Eclipses have a physical effect on

people. One of these is psychological effects
due to some ancient people’s beliefs.

Do you believe on those ancient stories? Why?

Yes, Mr. John?
No Ma’am, because those stories have no
scientific basis.
Yes, those are superstitious beliefs that most
people believe that can affect their daily lives
but there is no proof that it is true.


We will have group activity. I will group you into

four groups.

In this activity, I want each group to create a

model of solar and lunar eclipse and show how
it occurs.

(Explain the Rubric in scoring the guide


Each group representative will demonstrate

how lunar and solar eclipse form and share
their answer at each guide questions. Did you
get it?

Are you all ready?

Yes Ma’am!
I will give you 10 minutes to do this activity.
You may now start!
Yes, we are ready!
Time’s up!
I need three representatives of each to present
your output. (The students will do the activity.)

Excellent class!
(Each group representatives will present their
(Announcement of Points per Group)
Now let us sum up the lessons that you have
learned today by playing a game entitled

(The students will recall the lesson that they

have learned and actively participate to the

Awesome! It seems that you have understand

our lesson.

Do you have any questions?

None Ma’am.

EVALUATE (Using Plickers)

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and raise your answers then wait for
your answer to be scanned by your teacher.

1. Which of the following astronomical phenomena shows shadow formation?

A. Eclipses C. Collision of asteroids
B. Birth of a star D. Rotation of Earth on its axis
2. What part of a shadow has all light been blocked?
A. Umbra C. Black shadow
B. Penumbra D. Dimmed shadow
3. Which of the following is an astronomical phenomenon’s that produce shadows on
A. Lunar eclipse C. Umbra and Penumbra
B. Total black out D. Solar Eclipse
4. Which of the following statements shows scientific basis on the things to do during
I. During eclipse a big disaster will happen.
II. The moon produced shadow to the earth.
III. Focusing our eyes to solar eclipse is prohibited.
A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II
and III
5. Which of the following statements, BEST describes a lunar eclipse?
I. It is a phenomenon when moon moves into the shadow of the earth.
II. It is phenomenon when earth moves in between the sun and the moon.
III. It is a phenomenon when the sun strikes the earth and produce shadows.
A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II
and III

Interview some elders in your community on the different ancient stories
and superstitions about eclipses. List at least 5 beliefs and write it in your
assignment notebook.

Prepared by:

Monica Grace L. Manalo

Teacher 1- Applicant

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