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Timcang Onl Final LP For Demo 03-23-2024

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Science (Earth and Space)

Grade 7
Quarter 4
Complete header:
● subject
● grade level
● quarter
● name
● picture

The learners learn that:

1. Rapid movements along normal, reverse or strike-slip faults
Content Standard cause earthquakes.
2. The damage or effects on communities depend on the
magnitude of and distance from an earthquake.
By the end of the Quarter, learners appreciate the value of using
systems to analyze and explain natural phenomena and demonstrate
their understanding in explaining the dynamics of faults and
earthquakes. They are confident in identifying and assessing the
earthquake risk for their local communities using authentic and
reliable secondary data. They use the country’s disaster awareness
Performance and risk reduction management plans to identify and explain to
Standard others what to do in the event of an earthquake. Learners explain the
cause and effects of secondary impacts that some coastal
communities may experience should a tsunami be produced by either
local or distant earthquake activity. Learners use reliable scientific
information to identify and explain how solar energy influences the
atmosphere and weather systems of the Earth and use such
information to appreciate and explain the dominant processes that
influence the climate of the Philippines.
“4. Use the PHIVOLCS FaultFinder or other reliable information
Learning source to identify where the nearest fault system is located from their
Competency community and assess the risk of earthquakes to their local
Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
Paste DLC No. __ a. Cognitive:
& Statement below:
Analyze data provided by the PHIVOLCS FaultFinder about
“4. Use the the nearest fault system in communities;
FaultFinder or b. Affective: (Value: Preparedness)
other reliable utilize preparedness wisely and effectively to cultivate
information source proactive strategies; and
to identify where
the nearest fault
c. Psychomotor:
system is located
from their perform the steps using the PHIVOLCS FaultFinder to
community and identify the nearest fault system from their Community.
assess the risk of

earthquakes to their
local community”
“4. Use the
FaultFinder or
other reliable
information source
to identify where
the nearest fault "Utilizing PHIVOLCS FaultFinder and Alternatives for Community
system is located Earthquake Risk Assessment”
from their
community and
assess the risk of
earthquakes to their
local community”


Paste Affective
objective below:
utilize preparedness
wisely and Preparedness
effectively to
cultivate proactive

Value Concept: Preparedness refers to an attitude toward the present and the future
(Explain in 2 to that reflects the consequences of actions. Students, using tools like
3 short sentences PHIVOLCS FaultFinder can assess earthquake risks in their
to answer the community and be ready for something to happen, especially for
question: How is
this value related
to the topic?)
Integration Giving One’s Title to a Poem/Story/Paragraph Read

Phase of the LP
for the actual ENGAGE
values integration

Barangay 843 Hazard Map -Fire Prone Areas Figure 2.


Six (6)
RELATED Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Quarter 1 -Module 14:
(in APA 7th edition Interpret Earthquake Hazard Map. (n.d.).
format, INDENT


Earthquake preparedness, poem​ - (n.d.).

Fig. 6. PRA hazard map (not to scale) prepared by the local

women. . . (n.d.). ResearchGate.



PHIVOLCS Staff. (2018). Download Hazard Maps.


Staff, P. (2018). The PHIVOLCS FaultFinder.

Traditional Materials:
● Laptop

Digital Materials:
● Kahoot
● Padlet
● PowerPoint Presentation (Canva)
● BookWidgets
● PHIVOLCS FaultFinder
● Hazard Map

based on the subject
assigned to you

(Intended Time: 3 minute/s)

Technology Integration (Kahoot):

Strategy: Identifying TRUE or FALSE

Instruction: Students will answer TRUE if the statements are correct

and FALSE if it is not.

1. Earthquakes are the result of sudden movement along faults

within the Earth.
2. Any Earthquake over 8.0 will cause a tsunami.
3. PHIVOLCS is known as the Philippine Institute for
Volcanonic and Seismology
4. A fault line is a long crack in the surface of the earth.
5. All major earthquakes have foreshocks.

Answer Key:
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False

(Intended Time: 11 minute/s)

Technology Integration (Canva):

Strategy: Giving One’s Title a Poem/Story/Paragraph Read

Activity: Title Creation

Instruction: The students will read the poem below and will answer
the following guide questions.

(Give your own title)

In the heart of the land, where the earth lies unseen,

A seeker walks softly, where cracks intervene.
With eyes keenly fixed on the ground below,
A quest for safety, a destiny to bestow.

For in these depths, where tectonic plates meet,

Lies the tale of tremors, both subtle and fleet.
To be progressive, you must dare to explore,
The secrets beneath, where dangers implore.

Through valleys and plains, and mountains tall,

The journey unfolds, heeding nature's call.
***EXPLORE With tools and knowledge, a steadfast guide,
To find where the fault lines quietly hide.
With maps drawn in wisdom and plans set in stone,
Affective Objective: We build a foundation, not easily overthrown.
utilize preparedness For a visionary soul knows well in advance,
wisely and The importance of readiness, and the power to enhance.
effectively to
cultivate proactive But beyond mere structure, and fortifications strong,
We prepare hearts and minds, where resilience belongs.
Emergency kits are stocked, and evacuation routes are clear,
Through training and drills, to instill without fear.

The poem is derived from the anonymous author and modified so

that students can understand it better.

C-A-B Processing Questions Expected Answers

C 1. Upon reading the - Finding Faults

poem, what title do - Readiness
you want to give? - Be ready

A 2. What factors The phrase to find

influenced your where the fault lines
title choice? Did quietly hide makes
specific phrases me decide on the title
catch your attention that I give.
during the process?

The phrase
“emergency kits are
stocked, and
evacuation routes are
clear” makes me
decide on the title

A 3. What do you feel I feel curious and

after reading the happy at the same
poem? time because the
poem states things
that we should do
during an earthquake,
for us to be safe and
our loved ones.

C 4. What do you think The poem conveys

is the poem trying themes of
to say to you? exploration,
perseverance, and
preparedness in the
face of challenges.

C 5. To ensure your To prepare and plan

safety during the ahead of time so that
earthquake, what we can be prepared
do you think is the for future happenings
best way to do and disasters.

B 6. How can Understanding where

understanding the faultlines are
where the fault makes us safe in
lines are contribute future disasters. Since
to keeping yourself it helps us to plan
safe in future things ahead of time.

A 7. What advice would Always think ahead

you offer to your of time so that we can
classmates to be prepared and know
ensure their safety what to do in
in such situations? disasters like

(Intended Time: 3 minute/s)

Technology Integration (Padlet):
Strategy: Preparedness Planning
Activity: Preparing for the Quake
Instruction: The students will answer the question “How prepared are
you before, during, and after an earthquake?” for three (3) minutes.
Afterward, they will share their inputs with the class and answer the
processing questions below.

Processing Questions:

1. What did you learn from doing the worksheet?

Expected Answer: I’ve learned that I am prepared when the
earthquake strikes.

2. How do you feel while answering the worksheet?

Expected Answer: I feel happy because I realized that even
when an earthquake strikes, I am prepared and will do things
that will keep my loved ones safe.

3. Which aspects of earthquake preparedness (before, during, or

after) did you find most crucial or challenging to address in
your responses?
Expected Answer: I find the “before” an earthquake
challenging, since at school, we are only taught how to
evacuate when there is an earthquake and where to go, and
what to do after the earthquake.

4. Why do you think that it is important to be prepared for

future earthquakes or disasters?
Expected Answer: It is important to be prepared for future
earthquakes or disasters because if we are prepared we can
reduce the casualties and we can make ourselves safe.
(Intended Time: 15 minute/s)
Technology Integration (Canva): "Utilizing PHIVOLCS FaultFinder
and Alternatives for Community Earthquake Risk Assessment”

● What is PHIVOLCS?
● What is Faultline?
● What is PHIVOLCS FaultFinder?
- How do we use a PHIVOLCS Faultfinder?
● What is a Hazard Map?
EXPLAIN - How to Use an Earthquake Hazard Map?


● Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

What is Faultline?
● A fault line is a long crack in the surface of the earth.
Earthquakes usually occur along fault lines.

What is PHIVOLCS FaultFinder?


● The PHIVOLCS FaultFinder is an application capable of

doing proximity searches to active faults. It may be used to
determine the locations of active faults in an area and to
measure the shortest distance between an active fault and a
user’s current location, which is determined by the gadget’s
tracking device.

How do we use a PHIVOLCS Faultfinder?

● STEP 1: Open the application (chrome or website)
● STEP 2: Click the “VFS Fault Nearest You” then click
● STEP 3: “Active Fault Based on Location”
● STEP 4: Choose the province where you are located at the
moment. Then, click GO
● STEP 5: Choose your CITY or MUNICIPALITY. Then, click
● STEP 6: Choose your BARANGAY. Then, click GO

What is a Hazard Map?

Hazard Map
- A hazard map is a map that highlights areas that are affected
by or are vulnerable to a particular hazard.

How to Use an Earthquake Hazard Map?

1. Click the link:
2. Select your:
a. Region;
b. Province;
c. City/Municipality; and
d. Barangay

3. In the Earthquake Section, Select “Ground Rupture (Active


4. Then, click the submit button.

5. After, you will find the result and you must download the file
to view it.

Note to remember: Occasionally, certain places may not have a

registered or visible hazard map. In such instances, you can contact
PHIVOLCS for a specific hazard map.
(Intended Time: 6 minute/s)

Strategy: Critical Analysis

Activity: FaultLine Exploration

Instruction: Students will identify the nearest faultlines based on

their current location for four (4) minutes. After the activity, students
will have one (1) minute to share their findings and discuss any
interesting observations.
(Intended Time: 3 minute/s)

Technology Integration (BookWidgets) link:

Multiple Choice:

Instruction: Read each number carefully. Choose the letter of the

correct answer.
1. What is PHIVOLCS?
a. Philippine Institute of Volcanonic and Seismology
b. Philippine Institute for Volcanonic and Seismology
c. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
d. Philippine Institute for Volcanology and Seismology

2. Considering the importance of community safety, what

role does PHIVOLCS FaultFinder play in assessing
seismic risks?
a. Offering historical earthquake data.
b. Conducting proximity searches to identify faultlines.

c. Facilitating community-based geological and volcanic

d. Predicting future seismic activities and
community-based studies.

3. In the steps provided to use the earthquake hazard map,

why is it necessary for individuals to select their Region,
Province, City/Municipality, and Barangay?
a. To view real-time seismic data.
b. To access general earthquake information.
c. To download earthquake preparedness guidelines.
d. To identify specific areas affected by ground rupture.

4. What is the main functionality of the PHIVOLCS

FaultFinder application?
a. Providing earthquake predictions.
b. Offering geological history insights.
c. Conducting proximity searches to active faults.
d. Tracking seismic activities in the real-time world.

5. Why is it important for individuals to click on the “VFS

Fault Nearest You” or “Active Fault Nearest You” during
this mapping activity?
a. To assess the overall seismic risk level of a given
b. To view the locations of all active faults in a specific
c. To identify earthquake-prone areas based on historical
seismic data.
d. To determine the distance of a Barangay to the nearest
active fault.

(Intended Time: 5 minute/s)

Title: Create a Hazard Map of Your Favorite Place

Instruction: Students will create a hazard map of their favorite place

using pen and paper or digital tools. Students will need to
EXTEND incorporate the hazard map discussed earlier. After, they will identify
the nearest fault system of their chosen place and will mark those
areas that seemed hazardous according to it.



Criteria Excellent Good Fair

(5) (3) (1)

Content Five (5) or Three (3) to Two (2) or

more four (4) fewer
concepts of concepts of concepts of
hazard hazard hazard
mapping are mapping are mapping are
shown in the shown in the shown in the
work and work and work and
accurately identifies identify only a
identify most hazards few hazards,
various accurately, and include
hazards and and include minimal
include some relevant details about
relevant details about their favorite
details about their favorite place.
their favorite place.

Creativity Incorporates Demonstrate Shows limited

innovative creativity in creativity in
and creative the hazard the hazard
elements in map, map design,
the hazard effectively with some use
map, using design of symbols
effectively and symbols and design
using design, to enhance elements.
color, and clarity and
symbols to visual appeal.
clarity and
visual appeal.

Accuracy of Hazard maps Hazard maps Hazard maps

Mapping accurately generally generally
represent the represent the represent the
geographic geographic geographic
layout of their layout of their layout of their
favorite place, favorite place, favorite place,
including key with minor with minor
landmarks and inaccuracies inaccuracies
hazard-prone in landmarks in landmarks
areas. or or
hazard-prone hazard-prone
areas. areas.

Overall Presents a Presents a Presents a

Presentation polished hazard map hazard map
hazard map that that lacks
that communicates clarity and
effectively the shows
communicates information minimal effort
the clearly, with a and attention
information, reasonable to detail.
demonstrating level of effort
a high level of and attention
effort and to detail.
attention to

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