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Grade 7 ATMOSPHERE Simple Detailed Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Science 7

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. identify and discuss the different Layers of the Atmosphere;
b. enumerate the composition of the Atmosphere; and
c. explain how some human activities affect the Atmosphere.


Topic: Earth’s Atmosphere
Materials: Visual Aid, Chalk and Board
References: Science Grade 7 Learner’s Materials and Teacher’s Guide pg.106
Science Process: Discovery, Comparing


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity


● Greetings
● Checking of Attendance


We are going to play “4 pics 1 word”.

I will be flashing 4 pictures and below these
pictures are scrambled letters that you will
arrange in order to form 1 word that presents
the picture.
Yes Ma’am.
(The students will actively participate)


Based on our game, what do you think is our

topic for today? Yes Mabeth? It’s all about Atmosphere Ma’am!

You’re right!


How do we look like if we don’t have a skin?

Imagined yourself skinless. What do you
think is the role of your skin?
Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Science 7

Yes Vilma?
The role of our skin is to protect our internal
Very good.

Before that what is an Atmosphere?

A mass of gases that surrounds a celestial
body, such as Earth.


Atmosphere is a mixture of different gases.

What do you thing are those gases?
The atmosphere is composed of Nitrogen
Oxygen, Argon, Carbon dioxide, trace
amounts of neon, helium, methane, krypton
and hydrogen, as well as water vapor.

Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the

Atmosphere. Its atmospheric composition is
78%. It is a stable gas which means that it
does not enter into chemical combination
Yes Ma’am!
How about the Oxygen?
Oxygen is the second most abundant gas its
atmospheric composition is 21%.

Living things take in oxygen during

respiration right? Yes Ma’am!

The photosynthesis contributes to the oxygen

content of the atmospheric by releasing it as a
by-product of the process.
Did you understand?
Yes Ma’am!
What is Carbon Dioxide?
Yes Dayce? A gas that's in the atmosphere that takes
up0.04% of the atmosphere.

Carbon Dioxide is important for plants

because it is a raw material of Photosynthesis.
Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Science 7

Carbon Dioxide also acts as a blanket and

prevents the escape of heat in the
Did you get it? Yes Ma’am!

What is Argon? Argon is a gas that’s in the Atmosphere that

takes 0.93%.

Argon is the most common noble gas, it is

used in light bulbs.
Is that clear?

We have also other gases like water vapour

that is essential for life process, neon, helium,
krypton, and xenon that takes up 0.07% of the
And aside from these gases , moisture and
particulate matter like salt particles, pollen
grains, spores and microorganisms are also
present in the Atmosphere.

What are the different layers of atmosphere?

Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere,
Thermosphere and Exosphere.

What is troposphere?
Troposphere is the layer that is nearest to the
earth’s surface.
You have an idea!

The troposphere is wider at the equator that at

the poles.
Temperature and pressure drops as you go
higher up the troposphere. It extends from the
earth’s surface up to 8 to 4.5 km high.

Remember class, that troposphere contains

our weather systems, air pollution and the
bulk of volcanic gas.

Is that clear?
Yes Ma’am!
Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Science 7

What is a Stratosphere?
Stratosphere is the layer of air hat extends to
about 50 km from the earth’s surface.

Stratosphere is warmer at the top than the

bottom. The lower portion has a nearly
constant temperature with height but in the
upper bottom the temperature increases.

Remember that the troposphere contains a

thin layer of ozone molecules which forms a
protective layer shielding life on Earth from
the sun’s harmful UV radiation.

What is an Ozone Layer?

Ozone layer is the layer in the Stratosphere
that contains a concentration of ozone
sufficient to block most UV radiation from the
What is a mesosphere?
Mesosphere is directly above the stratosphere
extending from 50 to 80 km above the Earth’s
Mesosphere is a cold layer where the
temperature generally decreases with
increasing altitude.
The atmosphere in mesosphere is very
rarefled nevertheless think enough to
slowdown meteors hurtling into the
atmosphere where they burn up, leaving trails
in the sky.
Is that clear?
Yes Ma’am!
What is a meteor?
Meteor is a small body of matter from the
outer space that enters the earth’s atmosphere.
You have an idea.
It is also called a shooting star.

What is a Thermosphere?
Thermosphere is the layer above the
mesosphere and extends to about 600 km
Awesome! high.

Thermosphere is the uppermost layer of the

atmosphere where the temperature increases
Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Science 7

as altitude increases.
They block a variety of harmful cosmic
radiation including X-rays, gamma rays and
some UV radiation.

Remember class, that space shuttles fly in this

area and it is also where the auroras are

What is an aurora?
Auroras are the spectacular visual effect that
occurs when electrons and protons from the
sun interact in ionosphere.
How about the exosphere?
Exosphere is the outer layer of the
thermosphere, extending outward into space.
Yes Correct!

Exosphere is the uppermost region of Earth’s

atmosphere as it gradually fades into the
vacuum of space.
Air in the exosphere is extremely thin, in
many ways it is almost the same as the airless
void of outer space.

Did you understand?

Yes Ma’am!
What do you think is the importance of
If there is no atmosphere, there will be no life
on earth.
How about some human activities that will
affect the Atmosphere?
(The students will share their ideas.)
All of you are right.


What is an Atmosphere?
A mass of gases that surrounds a celestial
body, such as Earth.
Very good!

What are the gases that are present in the

Atmosphere? The atmosphere is composed of Nitrogen
Oxygen, Argon, Carbon dioxide, trace
Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Science 7

amounts of neon, helium, methane, krypton

and hydrogen, as well as water vapor.
That’s right!

What are the five layers of Atmosphere?

Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere,
Thermosphere and Exosphere.
What is the difference between these five
layers of atmosphere? Troposphere is the layer that is nearest to the
earth’s surface.
Stratosphere is the layer of air hat extends to
about 50 km from the earth’s surface.
Thermosphere is the layer above the
mesosphere and extends to about 600 km
Exosphere is the outer layer of the
thermosphere, extending outward into space.
Good Job class!

What are the impacts of the human activities

in the Atmosphere? (Students will share their ideas.)



You will have a group activity.

I will group you into four.
In this activity, I want you to list different
human activities that can affect our
atmosphere and write how do this activity
affect our atmosphere.

Did you get it?

Yes Ma’am!
(The students will do the activity.)
You may now start!

I need two reporters each group to present

you output.
(Each group will present their output.)
Excellent Class!
Let’s give ourselves 5 claps.
Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Science 7


1. What is the effect of the depletion of Ozone Layer?

2. What should we do to prevent the depletion of Ozone Layer?

Label the following:


1. What is a greenhouse Effect?

2. Does greenhouse retain or release heat?

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