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In addition to choosing among several objectives breeders has led forest geneticists to devote con-
when tree breeding projects are established, deci- siderable time to establishing arboreta and carrying
sions have to be made in regard to specific traits to out species crossability studies.
be improved and, what is equally important, the Introduction of forest tree species in the southern
method or methods of breeding to be used. Im- United States has long interested landowners and
provement in crop plants may be achieved in many foresters. Zon and Brisco (1911) described the suc-
different ways, but all methods of breeding do not cess and failures of planted eucalypts in Florida
apply equally well to southern pine problems, and dating from about 1878. Gemmer (1931) outlined
the advantages of each method have to be balanced plans of the USDA Forest Service for testing intro-
against the disadvantages. Also, the tree breeder duced pines in Florida. Locations at which exotic
may have an opportunity to use several methods species are tested have been listed in a survey of
simultaneously or to combine several methods. genetics and tree breeding research (Dormán 1966).
Methods of tree breeding must be evaluated on the Many pine species have been test planted in the
basis of genetic and tree breeding principles and, South and some survive, but overall performance
most importantly, on the basis of the species and has generally been unsatisfactory. Results of plant-
traits with which the work is to be done; cultural ings in Florida were summarized (Kraus 1963), as
practices and forest products must also be con- were those in North Carolina (Barber 1953), Mis-
sidered. A good method of breeding, in general, sissippi (Schmitt and Namkoong 1965), Louisiana
may not be effective for a specific problem. (Grigsby 1969), Georgia (Jones 1966; Reines and
Most tree breeding projects have limited time Greene 1956-57), and Texas (Zobel, Campbell,
and funds; thus, efficiency or simplicity of various Cech, and Goddard 1956; Long 1973).
breeding methods becomes very important, as All these pubhcations describe survival and other
pointed out in the chapter on research needs. The information for imported pines in test plots in the
chosen method must not only work, it must work southern United States. In no case did survival,
better than any alternative method. Execution of a form, height growth, or resistance to insects and
breeding plan requiring four generations of an an- diseases equal the general performance of native
nual plant is far simpler than four generations of United States pines. Pines from the western
forest trees. Thus, the tree breeder will concen- United States such as lodgepole, ponderosa, and
trate on achieving the greatest gain in each genera- Monterey have been tried, as have pines from
tion, rather than on only the results after a series of Mexico, British Honduras, Spain, Italy, China,
generations. Korea, and Japan. Expectations for many years
The individual tree breeding methods discussed were high, but results in this country have been
here fit into the organization plan for the South virtually nil.
described in chapter 16. Advantages and disadvan-
tages of each method are discussed so that they can
be used effectively at the proper time and place by Exotics for Large-Scale Planting in the South
the keyman in all this process, namely, the crea-
tive, applied tree breeder. Also, the more impor- The successful uses of exotics in forest planting in
tant technical subjects that should be used to en- South America, South Africa, Australia, New Zea-
hance various breeding methods are given. land, and some places in Europe are often cited as
examples of the value of this work. It has been
pointed out by Thulin (1957) that in Australia insuf-
IMPORTATION OF NEW SPECIES ficient high-quaUty trees of Monterey pine occur
per acre to justify establishment of seed production
Introduction of new species of plants from dif- areas. This may come as a shock to many foresters
ferent regions or different countries has been an who like to point to this work as a prime example of
important part of breeding programs for many what can be obtained by tree introduction. It is
species, and the same can be said of animal breed- quite true that Monterey pine grows very fast in
ing. Nonlocal species have been used in two ways: Australia, but a selective breeding program is still
to be placed directly into commercial production, or necessary to develop varieties of good quality.
to be utilized in hybridization for the purpose of Form of southern pines planted in Australia was so
combining one or more desirable traits with local bad that foresters started a tree selection program
species. The success achieved by plant and animal in 1938 as part of a seed procurement project to

provide better planting stock. While introduction of such as poor form could be selected against in the Fi
softwoods has been successful in Australia, there and subsequent generations so that a few undesira-
have been no reports of the use of hardwoods to ble traits might not cause a species to be rejected
replace eucalyptus. From the standpoint of forest for introduction, especially if it had a very impor-
tree breeding in the southern United States, it is tant desirable trait such as resistance to a serious
important to realize that, in general, pines exported pest.
to other countries on a large scale have been either Complete testing of introduced species requires
southern pines or pines from southern latitudes. that they be planted on a variety of sites in each
Monterey pine is native in southern California, and climatic zone in the South. Many years must pass
Mexican weeping pine is native to Mexico. Thus, before we can be certain what timber yield and
the South already has or has test planted the wood quality will be and whether new species can
species that are commonly imported by other coun- withstand exposure to all types of weather condi-
tries. Introduction of the two nonsoutheastern tions as well as all types of disease and insect pests.
pines, Monterey and Mexican weeping pine, have However, this process could be speeded up by using
been unsuccessful in the South because of their inoculation techniques or growth chambers to simu-
susceptibility to insect pests and cold damage. late climate conditions at various locations.
Therefore, the introduction of species that are
superior to the native southern pines does not, at
this time, appear at all promising. Introduction of Advantages of Tree Introduction in the South
hardwoods might be possible, but the South is well 1. In principle, it may be quicker and cheaper to
supplied with these also. Arboreta planting is con- introduce a new species or variety if it exists than
tinuing. Certain young eucalyptus trees grow fast to create one through a selective breeding program
in south Florida. Something useful may show up in with local species.
the future from this work, particularly as hybridi- 2. Even though not suitable for large-scale field
zation material for disease and insect resist- planting, certain species may have genes or blocks
ance or adaptability to poor sites. It is for this of genes that can be transferred to a native species
reason that performance in arboreta should be care- that is weak in some character such as susceptibil-
fully recorded so that records are obtained on form, ity to disease or insect attack.
wood quality, and susceptibility or resistance to 3. Introduced species may provide much wider
specific pests. This has not been done in the past; latitude in the choice of paternal stock in hybridiza-
therefore, no records are available to show why tion than if only local species are used. For exam-
certain species failed or if they had certain valuable ple, hybrid vigor may occur in crosses between
traits. distantly related species, races, or varieties of the
There are many ecological factors important in same species, provided, of course, that they will
successful plant introduction work, and ignorance cross.
or disregard of these factors has been the cause of 4. It is advantageous in hybridization work to
most of the failures. Nearly always, trees do best have parental stock readily available. Although pol-
when planted on sites and in climates very similar len of some trees such as the pines can be shipped
to those of their origin. Seed should be obtained long distances, it is difficult to find competent
from the better individuals and races of each people to correctly identify the species, collect the
species. In the past, tree introduction has been pollen, and ship it to the tree breeder.
most successful in Australia, New Zealand, South
Africa, and parts of Europe where native species
were few in number or species with wood of the Disadvantages of Tree Introduction in the
desirable type—softwoods, for example—did not South
exist. Quite the reverse is true of the southern
forests; in fact, we are blessed by nature with the 1. It is costly and time consuming to test all the
best of the pines and have Uttle chance of getting prospective tree species on a variety of sites in the
better from somewhere else. South for an adequate period of time to insure reli-
able performance data.
Introduction for Breeding Stock 2. There is only a slight chance that species
growing faster and having higher value wood than
Use of non-native tree species to hybridize with local species will be found because there are a great
local southern species may be of benefit in some number of southern tree species and many of them
tree breeding problems. This is the method used in grow extremely fast. Also, they produce a wide va-
breeding bUght-resistant chestnuts, where species riety of high-quality products. There are no large
had to be chosen for disease resistance rather than areas in which native species cannot be planted,
suitability for forest planting. Undesirable traits although there are few species to choose from near

the north and west edges of the southern pine re- 3. Racial variation occurs in most species, par-
ticularly those with wide geographic or elevational
3. Foreign species may not have inherent im- range. Environmental pressure is most effective in
munity or resistance to local diseases and insect creating ecotypes where variation within the
pests. species is large.
4. Foreign species that have a wide geographic 4. Knowledge of racial variation will lead to bet-
range may be composed of many strains or races ter understanding of the inherent nature of the
which would be very time consuming and costly to species.
test plant under a variety of conditions in this coun- 5. A racial introduction is genetically variable
and would not have some of the undesirable fea-
tures of more genetically uniform strains if uni-
RACIAL SELECTION AS A METHOD OF formity proves to be undesirable. Strains could be
TREE BREEDING fairly uniform in traits, such as form, but geneti-
cally variable in resistance to pests.
Racial selection does not always insure use of a 6. Racial selection is needed to insure that full
strain superior to local strains, because none may advantage is taken of the opportunity to use the
exist. In cases like this, selection of the local race is best strains occurring naturally. Thus, racial plus
best because it preserves good genetic quality. It is single-tree selection and hybridization within
well established in forest genetics literature that a species might be productive of significantly better
substantial amount of variation in rate of growth tree types. A knowledge of racial variation is essen-
and other traits is common in tree species, espe- tial to proper selection of stock in species hybridiza-
cially those with wide geographic ranges. However, tion.
in the South, except for species like loblolly and
slash pines, we cannot go much beyond this point. Disadvantages of Racial Selection in Tree
We know variation exists, but we do not know Improvement
exactly how much for each major and minor species
or what the environmental factors are that are cor- 1. Races may not exist that are better than local
related with races. Neither do we know whether stock, particularly if the area is located within the
the difference in traits among races in all species is optimum range of the species. Local selection would
continuous or discontinuous. Furthermore, we do preserve the best strain, but it would not give local
not know which are the better races of every tree planters any improvement. The benefit of ra-
species to plant or use as breeding stock in different cial selection may not be the same over all parts of
areas. the range of a species.
As discussed in the chapters on geographic and 2. Testing an introduced race is expensive, be-
racial variation, racial variation studies have been cause much the same procedure is required that is
designed in accordance with different objectives, needed for an introduced species. Also, if the
such as to determine: (1) the principles of variation species concerned is widespread geographically,
in a species, (2) the better sources of seed to plant in many sources must be tested, each on several sites.
specific geographic locations within the range, and Fairly long periods of time are required for good
(3) the better sources of seed to plant outside the test of resistance to climatic factors and pests.
natural range. Thus, the advantages and limitations 3. Test designs are complicated because of the
of racial selection as a method of breeding should be large number of seedlings required for a good sam-
evaluated on the basis of the problem to be solved. ple of a racial strain, as compared with those of a
plus tree or a hybrid, particularly if intraspecific
variation is large. Tree breeders have not been able
Advantages of Racial Selection in Tree Im- to establish many racial variation studies where all
provement sources of variation (tree-to-tree, stand, and race)
are under control.
1. Permits use of strains that may be more suita- 4. Racial variation may not exceed tree-to-tree
ble for certain purposes than local stock. If racial variation, especially if the species is inherently var-
selection is needed to obtain seed for planting out- iable and geographic range is small. Racial varia-
side the natural range, then it is good business to tion in vigor, for example, may be much less in slash
determine the best areas from which to obtain it. pine than in shortleaf or loblolly pine.
2. If superior races are found, they can be used 5. Tree-to-tree variation may be large within a
promptly in forest planting because a fairly large race; thus seed collection without consideration of
volume of seed would be available. Vegetative maternal parent may produce seedlings with a mix-
propagation to build up seed orchards for volume ture of genotypes ranging from desirable to unde-
production would not be needed. sirable. Uniformity of good phenotypes would be

lacking, particularly if selection is desired for sev- of fruit and ornamental plants are of this origin
eral traits other than vigor, such as oleoresin yield, (Miller 1954). Other selections are crossed directly
wood specific gravity, form, tracheid length, and or used in multiple crosses to obtain further refine-
chemical properties. Certain traits may be nega- ment in combinations of desirable traits. Lerner
tively correlated, or they may be positively corre- (1958) discussed many aspects of selection in his
lated. The difficult problem lies with those that are book on this subject. Hayes et al. (1955) and Allard
negatively correlated, such as rapid growth and (1960) have given selection extensive treatment in
susceptibility to cold injury. For example, loblolly their books on plant breeding.
pine of southern origin grew rapidly in Ohio but was
highly susceptible to cold injury (Woerheide 1959). Breeding Cross-Pollinating Species
Shortleaf pine planted in Pennsylvania gave similar
results (Aughanbaugh 1950). Mode of reproduction of plants is important in
evaluation of breeding methods because it controls
STAND SELECTION IN TREE BREEDING the manner in which plants can be crossed, and
also, it influences variability among individual
Stands of forest trees may form a deme or a plants. In general, self-pollinating plants are
genetically different unit within species or races, as homozygous, whereas cross-pollinating plants are
described in the chapters on stand and racial varia- heterozygous. However, as stated by Hayes et al,
tion. Geographic location within species or race may (1955), differences are not clear and sharp, and
be an important factor in creating differences plants can be divided into major subdivisions on a
among stands. In Texas, progeny of maternal par- basis of mode of reproduction, such as (1) naturally
ents in stands on ridges and upper slopes were self-pollinated, (2) often cross-pollinated, (3) natur-
more drought resistant than offspring of trees in ally cross-pollinated, and (4) dioecious (male and
stands on lower slopes. Evidently, moisture supply female plants).
is critical in this area, and there is strong selective The southern pines, as shown in the chapter on
pressure for drought resistance. In contrast, slash sexual reproduction, are naturally cross-pollinating
pine seedlings from trees on wet and dry sites did species, although a small amount of natural selfing
not differ in a Florida study, where summer rainfall occurs in stands. Controlled selfing is possible, but
is high. self-compatibility and inbreeding depression vary
It is difficult at this time to set up detailed re- widely among individual trees. Thus, methods for
quirements for stands to be converted to seed pro- breeding cross-pollinating species are most impor-
duction areas, but the same general procedures can tant for pines, but those for self-pollinating species
be followed that are used when selecting plus trees. should not be overlooked. Individual trees may be
Stands with an unthrifty appearance, trees of gen- strongly male or female, and dioecism may be a
erally poor form, and with a fairly high incidence of factor in breeding, particularly in selection of indi-
pest attacks are poor candidates for seed produc- vidual trees.
tion areas. To ignore signs of questionable inherent Ways of breeding cross-pollinating plants are: (1)
quality might very well defeat the purpose of the mass selection, (2) selection of seed orchard clones,
project, which is to designate a stand of as high (3) recurrent selection, (4) synthetic varieties, (5)
genetic quality as possible, a stand to be managed backcrossing, and (6) nursery selection. Each
for seed production. method is briefly described and the more important
Inasmuch as little is known about stand selection technical aspects given.
as a discrete method of breeding, no attempt will be
made to give advantages and disadvantages listed
for other methods. Mass Selection
This method involves making a choice among
trees for purposes of seed collections. Only the
SINGLE-TREE SELECTION IN TREE maternal parent of the seed is known. Trees are
BREEDING chosen for high vigor plus good stem form, good
crown form, and freedom from attack by pests.
Selection is defined as choosing certain individu- Collection of seed from trees in seed production
als with desirable traits from a population. It is the areas, natural stands or plantations, and desirable
system by which use is made of the best types geographic locations is a form of mass selection.
produced naturally, either for commercial produc- Mass selection is an improvement over no control
tion or for further selective breeding. Sometimes, of the maternal parent. Seed of poor maternal and
natural variants differ sufficiently from average racial phenotypes is avoided, but gains in wood
trees to be placed in production as clones without yield and quality are lower than those from more
further modification. Many horticultural varieties intensive breeding methods.Reliable estimates of

gain are difficult to obtain because of the difficulty effective method of breeding for southern pines.
of choosing adequate control stock, numerous en- Highly important gains in wood yield per acre plus
vironmental factors that influence yield and vary improvement in individual traits, such as stem and
from year to year, and rigor of selecting trees; also, crown form, natural pruning, wood specific gravity,
the large number and combinations of traits to be and resistance to pests, have been obtained. Large
evaluated cause difficulty. Wide variability among expenditures for clonal seed orchards in the South-
plantation trees is maintained from seed obtained ern States were justified on the basis of evidence
by mass selection, but there should be fewer trees from crossing carefully selected plus trees of vari-
of poor form and high susceptibihty to certain ous species.
pests. Mass selection should be used when small Additional improvements in performance seem
amounts of seed are needed or until seed orchards possible because the upper limits to selection and
come into production. It can, moreover, be used in hybridization have not been reached. Much re-
countries unable to conduct tree improvement proj- search in creative breeding techniques is needed in
ects. Mass selection insures use of the best seed this subject to guide practice, which is becoming
known, but no controlled crossing or creative highly intensive.
breeding is involved. In intraspecific hybrids, family means are im-
Application of mass-selection techniques in each proved, but for certain economically important
tree species requires a knowledge of subjects such traits, wide differences remain among full sibs.
as phenotypic variation, geographic variation, tree Since the genetic base narrows with each genera-
selection, racial selection, and random mating. tion, a very broad base is needed at the start if the
process is to continue. Just how broad we cannot
Selection of Seed Orchard Clones say until the effects of inbreeding in relation to
selection and crossing are known. Also, the number
Selection of stock for seed orchard establishment of clones required for a seed orchard should be
is perhaps one of the quickest and most effective estimated before breeding starts.
ways of gaining genetic improvement in a few im- Breeding by recurrent selection makes use of
portant traits in southern pines on a large scale in a information from subjects such as tree selection,
short time. Trees developing from grafted stock racial selection, breeding for multiple traits, ge-
cross-pollinate with others and produce offspring netic disassortative mating, and phenotypic disas-
with a higher level of genetic uniformity than those sortative mating.
obtained through mass selection. The offspring will
not be uniform to a high degree as would clonal
plantations, but this is quite desirable from the Synthetic Varieties
standpoint of maintaining genetic diversity in re- A synthetic variety is made up of genotypes
sistance to pests as insurance against epidemics. which have previously been tested for their ability
There is little reason to fear that uniformly to produce superior progeny when crossed in all
straight-stemmed trees with well-formed crowns combinations. This method differs from other
and wood of desirable quality will not be genetically breeding methods that are defined on the basis of
diverse in regard to pest resistance or adaptabiUty. how populations are created. Allard (1960, p. 47)
While genetic diversity is important, it is not com- writes, "A synthetic variety is one that has been
plete protection against pests. One must remember synthesized from all possible intercrosses among a
that genetic diversity has not protected native number of selected genotypes; thereby, a popula-
American tree species from chestnut blight, white tion is obtained that is propagated subsequently
pine blister rust, or disastrous outbreaks of various from open-pollinated seed." In mass selection, the
insects. next generation is propagated from a composite of
the seed from phenotypically desirable plants
Recurrent Selection selected from the source population, according to
Allard (1960).
The method consists of selecting parents and The term variety is used to indicate trees with
crossing them or their selfed progeny to produce special characteristics but may not be named or
populations for reselection (Penny et al 1963). Ad- "taxonomic" varieties. Southern pine breeding is
ditional or recurrent cycles of selection can be made leading toward a gradual and sustained improve-
as long as satisfactory improvement continues. ment in performance rather than production of
Stonecypher (1969a) discussed the general use of named varieties—unlike farm crops that are repro-
recurrent selection in tree breeding and outlined duced true to name in order to maintain uniformity
the steps in phenotypic and genotypic recurrent and meet seed certification requirements.
selection (fig. 202). Breeding synthetic varieties utilizes trees and
Recurrent selection is the most important and clones produced under other breeding methods


/ 1

First Generation
selection PAREN TAGE




Second Generation

Figure 202.—Diagrams of recurrent selection breeding methods. In phenotypic recurrent selection, the selections are
recombined and are the base for the next cycle. In genotypic recurrent selection, records of parentage are required,
and selections are based on performance of relatives. (Stonecypher 1969a)

such as backcrossing and hybridization. Involved in region. It could also transfer pest resistance to
breeding synthetic varieties are tree selection, ra- strains that have high vigor and good form.
cial selection, phenotypic assortative mating, and Backcrossing requires a knowledge of tree selec-
genetic disassortative mating. tion, racial selection, species selection, genetic dis-
assortative mating, breeding for multiple traits,
Backcrossing and inbreeding.
The method consists of recurrent crossing of
Nursery Selection
offspring to the more desirable parent while selec-
tion is practiced for the characters being transfer- This method involves careful inspection of large
red from the donor parent. Thus, it may be a form numbers of seedlings while still in the nursery bed
of species hybridization but could be used with and also involves outplanting the most vigorous for
trees within species if there were no true species to use as breeding stock or for seed orchards. The
serve as donor parents. Backcrossing has been little method has several advantages as well as disadvan-
used in pine breeding but could become important tages, although actual tests have not developed to
as the use of intensive breeding schemes and sys- the point where we can be certain about many of
tems develop. The method would produce trees them.
with a very good combination of traits, but it would One advantage of nursery selection is that a large
at the same time narrow the genetic base. The number of plants can be examined in a short time,
method might be useful in transferring traits of as compared with that required to make surveys for
vigor to low-vigor trees that possess the asset of superior trees in wild stands or plantations. And
high cold resistance, such as pitch and shortleaf the seedlings selected for outstanding vigor may be
pines in the northern part of the southern pine inherently superior. If the nurseries are large, sev-

eral hundred individual seedlings may be selected lings of plus trees.
in a short time. Studies of the relationship between 3. Single-tree selection plus hybridization within
seed weight or size and seedling growth show that the species permits increasing one or more traits
?¿ed weight has some effect on seedling size (Brown without introducing undesirable traits that may
and Goddard 1959) but that it is quite small com- occur in a separate species.
pared with other factors. Thus, seedlings ap- 4. Single-tree selection, or recurrent selection,
parently have different inherent growth enables the tree breeder to obtain improvement
capabilities that may continue for many years, as where no superior races occur or where there are
shown by results of studies in grading nursery no suitable species with which to hybridize.
stock. Tests now being made will show what pro- 5. Improvement is possible in traits that are dif-
portion of these continue their habit of rapid ficult to evaluate economically—branch diameter,
growth (Ellertsen 1955; Zobel et al. 1957). for example—by including the trait along with
One disadvantage of nursery selection is the fact others in selection criteria.
that environmental factors in the nursery, such as 6. Progeny of single trees, or trees in stands
early germination, soil differences, or other condi- established with seed from seed production areas,
tions, may be about equally responsible for the should be of fairly good quality.
rapid growth of certain seedlings; thus a large error
is involved in selecting plants that are truly out- Disadvantages of Single-Tree Selection in
standing in vigor. Another disadvantage is that, as
Tree Improvement
yet, we cannot estimate stem or crown form charac-
teristics of mature trees from young seed- 1. Some important traits may not vary within
lings. Since undesirable features, such as stem the species or not vary widely enough to permit
crook, high branch angle, long branch length, poor selection for improved varieties. For example, re-
natural pruning, and probably stem taper, vary in sistance to tip moth in loblolly or shortleaf pines is
the species and are under rather strong genetic nonexistent or so low that it does not appear to be
control, the method involves an important weak- feasible to select for it.
ness. Also, no estimate of wood quality such as 2. Rigid selection may lead to loss of vigor
specific gravity, fibril angle, or cellulose content through inbreeding, and losses to pests might in-
can be made without sacrificing the seedling. In crease because genetic diversity is reduced.
some breeding programs, such considerations 3. Selection for a large number of traits is very
would be very important; in others, they would not. difficult because of the survey work required to find
The same objection would apply to selection for individuals outstanding in a great many traits.
disease resistance. In addition, even though some However, this obstacle applies to interspecific hy-
outstanding seedlings may be selected, several bridization, too.
years of growth must accumulate before the tree 4. Selection for a combination of certain traits
breeder can be sure he has chosen a desirable may be difficult because they are negatively corre-
genotype. So, unless selection is highly accurate, lated.
several years of testing are required for rating the
individual trees, just as are required for estimating
the genotype of mature trees. Our inability to accu- SPECIES HYBRIDIZATION AS A
rately predict tree growth and areawise wood vol-
ume yield is an important factor in progeny testing. METHOD OF TREE BREEDING
Hybridization of species has been a powerful tool
Advantages of Single-Tree Selection in Tree for the plant breeder. Genera composed of closely
Improvement related but varying species have permitted the
plant breeder to create an almost unlimited number
1. Since most species vary genetically, especially of combinations of traits in different varieties.
southern pines, use of the best stock occurring Thus, collection of species and varieties, although
naturally offers an opportunity to obtain an im- they are distributed worldwide, followed by
provement over wild stock. The improvement in cataloging their traits, has been an important part
some traits is more than in others; the variation in of many plant breeding programs. This technique
some species is greater than in others. has been particularly effective in breeding cereal
2. Single-tree selection can easily be used by sil- grains and other important crops. Hybrid vigor, the
viculturists, since pollen handling and controlled goal of many plant breeders, is not fully under-
pollinations may not be required for simple selec- stood, as indicated by Gowen (1952) in Heterosis,
tion methods such as seed collection from plus and does not appear to occur in southern pine hy-
trees, seed production area establishment, and seed brids.
orchards establishment with open-pollinated seed- The term hybridization has been used, in gener-

al, to denote crossing between plants of different in some cases this may limit the number of combina-
species. A very well known exception to this is tions possible.
hybrid corn, which is not crossed between species 2. Compatible species and species adapted to a
but between different lines. As Duffield and Snyder specific geographic area may not vary widely in a
(1958) point out, interspecific hybridization refers large number of economically important traits.
to crosses between species, intraspecific hybridiza- Thus, improvement is limited—wood quality
tion to crosses between individuals within a species, characteristics among southern pine species, for
and interracial hybridization to crosses between example, do not vary widely.
members of populations within species. These are
very useful terms and are needed to describe fully 3. Although various species may be compatible,
the work that has been done in hybridization of some may have undesirable traits; thus, first- or
forest trees. second-generation hybrids are not suitable for
Hybridization work with poplars (Schreiner planting, and several generations of trees may have
1958), with pine (USDA Forest Service 1948a; to be produced before the desired combination of
Righter and Duffield 1951; Wright and Gabriel traits is obtained. This means that improvement
1958; Wright 1959), and with spruce and other would be very slow. Hybridization requires ma-
species (Wright 1953) seems to be based largely on nipulation of all the traits, good as well as bad, of
random crossing of all different species. This ap- two species, which is more difficult than improving
proach provides a pattern of crossability that will traits of a single species.
be very useful in future work. Also, it is highly 4. Seed set in some hybrids may be very low.
commendable from the statistical point of view be- 5. Seed may be difficult to produce in large quan-
cause it is certainly an unbiased sample—all species tities because species may bloom at different times.
being crossed. However, yield of improved strains Seed orchards of vegetatively propagated material
for wide-scale commercial use has been low. Many from the Fi or Fg generation, however, may be
species of some genera are not important commer- feasible.
cially, and crosses between them, or between them 6. Species may be only partly compatible, and
and more valuable species, cannot be expected to many undesirable individual trees may be produced
yield anything very useful. that cannot be identified until after they have been
When using hybridization, knowledge of such outplanted several years. Loblolly x slash hybrids
subjects as selection of trees, races, or species is in Georgia, for instance, have many aberrant forms.
important, as are compatibility, phenotypic assort-
ative mating, genetic disassortative mating, inher- 7. Segregation in the F2 or subsequent genera-
itance, heritability of traits, and breeding for mul- tions after outplanting may result in the establish-
tiple traits. ment in the forest of vigorous trees with undesira-
ble traits.
8. Hybrids of species or races that occur in dif-
Advantages of Hybridization in Tree ferent geographic areas or climatic areas require a
Improvement fairly long period of observation before their resist-
ance to climatic factors and pests can be ascer-
1. An extremely large number of genie combina- tained for the specific areas in which they are to be
tions is possible because variation among species is grown. Wide variation within species broadens the
often greater than among trees or races within opportunities for hybridization, but it complicates
species. Furthermore, species not only vary but the testing of hybrids as well.
may be composed of many races and individual
trees with outstanding traits. This permits a very 9. Insufficient evidence on heritability of traits is
wide selection of material. available upon which to base estimates of charac-
2. Hybrid vigor may occur in species crosses. teristics of a hybrid of certain species. Eventually,
3. It may be possible to obtain progeny with we will know more about traits that are dominant,
traits that do not occur in either parent. intermediate, or recessive, which will aid greatly in
4. Hybrids of many tree species are fertile. making proper choices of parental stock.
5. It may be possible to cross incompatible 10. Performance of a hybrid may be strongly in-
species by using still other species as a bridge, thus fluenced by the individual maternal or paternal
transferring genes of blocks of genes. parents that were used; hence, duplication of re-
sults may be difficult unless the race and genotype
of the parents are given.
Disadvantages of Hybridization in Tree
11. Silviculturists who have no special training in
Improvement pollination techniques will find hybridization dif-
1. Crossing is limited to compatible species, and ficult.

POLYPLOID AND MUTATION reviewed by Brown (1967), but the work has not
BREEDING sufficiently advanced so that the advantages and
disadvantages can be compared. The method re-
The effects of multiple sets of chromosomes quires growth of gametophytic tissue followed by
(polyploidy) and heritable changes in genes or chromosome doubling and the formation of com-
chromosomes (mutations) on growth and mor- plete plants. As a result, a homozygous line would
phological traits were reviewed in an earlier chap- be established that could not otherwise be created
ter. Changes such as these may occur naturally, but without many generations of selfing that might be
they can also be induced artificially and, con- extremely costly and technically difficult to pro-
sequently, can be classed as methods of plant breed- duce. Nei (1963) recommended haploid breeding for
forest trees. The suggestion was based on the as-
sumptions that heterosis was possible in crosses of
inbred lines and that less time was required to
Methods of Inducing Mutations produce the inbred lines by the haploid method than
Mutations may be induced by several methods others. But these assumptions are question-
having different effects (Briggs and Knowles 1967). able. Burk et al (1972) demonstrated that homozy-
One group of materials brings about changes as a gous, true-breeding tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
result of ionizing radiation, the types most com- strains could be created in one generation. They
monly used being X-rays, gamma rays, neutrons, cultured anthers of hybrids to produce haploid
beta particles, alpha particles, and protons or plants and then doubled the chromosomes of the
deuterons. Ionizing radiation can cause gene muta- haploids by colchicine treatment. Progenies of dou-
tion; chromosome, chromatid, or subchromatid bled plants of the same clone did not differ in traits.
aberrations; changes in chromosome number; inhi- Although the authors claimed that the results show
bition of cell division; induction of mitotic activity; the effectiveness of the method for creating
death of nuclei or cells; partial or complete sterility; homozygous lines, they tested it only with tobacco.
retardation or stimulation in growth rate; and the In tobacco, it is extremely easy not only to grow
induction of abnormal growth. An additional type of haploid plants but to double them by colchicine
mutagenic agent is ultraviolet radiation; and com- treatment. Thus, practicality of results with to-
pared with X-rays, ultraviolet radiation produces bacco may differ sharply from those obtained with
more gene mutations relative to chromosome aber- other species. Kimber and Riley (1963) concluded
rations. The last group of materials is made of from a review of the subject of haploids that the
chemicals such as alkylating agents, urethane, the greatest obstacle to their use was the lack of
alkaloids, the peroxides, formaldehyde, and sub- techniques for creating them when needed. Stettler
stances related to nucleic acid and nitrous acid. and Howe (1966) described problems encountered
It is apparent that mutation and polyploid breed- in producing haploids in Populus, Haploid breeding
ing are complex methods because of the large required that a choice be made among wild trees or
number of agents, difficulties in using them, differ- individuals in families for trees with which to begin
ences in effects, differences in genetics of various the process. Thus, a knowledge of variation among
plants, and the large number of parts of the plants trees is essential.
to be treated (pollen, seed, twigs, buds).
Advantages of Polyploid and Mutation
Mutation Breeding in Trees
1. Plants with unusual numbers of chromosomes
Mutation breeding with forest trees has followed or changed genes or chromosomes may differ
the general methods used with other crops but greatly from natural trees in valuable traits.
without notable success. As Gustafsson (1960) and 2. Combinations of traits such as resistance to
Khoshoo (1959) point out, polyploidy and mutants several pests may have to be induced because no
are rather rare in gymnosperms but more frequent resistant stock exists, and, thus, there are no op-
in angiosperms. In Russia, it has been pointed out portunities for breeding.
that polyploid conifers occur very seldom in nature 3. Highly uniform strains of plants may be pro-
and with rare exceptions are of low vitality duced by haploid breeding.
(Matskevich 1959). In his review of breeding
methods for forest trees, Brewbaker (1967) was not
optimistic about the possibilities of induced poly- Disadvantages of Polyploid or Mutation
ploids or mutations, and neither was Cech (1963). Breeding
The techniques of breeding haploids have been 1. The processes cannot be directed; thus, an

Table 9.—Estimated relative effectiveness of tree-breeding methods such as racial selection, single-tree
selection, and hybridization in improving various traits in major southern pines

Traits to be improved Method of breeding

: Racial selection Singlertree Hybridization
Oleoresin yield Poor Good Poor
Wood specific gravity Poor Good Poor
Rate of growth Good Good Good
Tracheid length Poor Good Poor
Stem straightness Poor Good Poor
Natural pruning ability Poor Good Poor
Crown form Poor Good Poor
Resistance to drought Good Fair Poor
Resistance to fusiform rust Good Good Good
Resistance to littleleaf disease Good Good Good
Resistance to glaze damage Fair Fair Fair

extremely large number of plants must be treated number of advantages and disadvantages. At the
and grown in test plots. present time, it can be said that selective breeding
2. Costs of evaluating treated plants or tissue within species combined with racial selection is the
are very high. most effective method for obtaining improved
3. Most changes are harmful rather than benefi- strains of softwoods and hardwoods. Of the two
cial, which reduces the chances of creating im- methods of breeding, selection and crossing within
proved trees but improves the chances of creating species will give more improvement than selection
deformed trees. of races. This comparison is based on results of
4. Since vegetative propagation in southern studies to date showing that tree-to-tree variation
pines is not easy, a few chance individuals would is greater in economically important traits than is
not be very useful. racial variation in certain species, and that tree
5. The methods seem very low in productivity introduction and hybridization are not very promis-
per unit of time and effort in comparison to alterna- ing at present for general use. Hybridization for
tive approaches to breeding, such as selection and specific objectives will be of value in the future.
hybridization, because of the presence of a very On a basis of the results from variation and in-
large amount of natural variability within and heritance studies to date, the relative effectiveness
among the southern pine species. of the three main methods of tree breeding for
6. The absence of useful variants in natural popu- improving some of the various traits in southern
lations is evidence that producing them artificially pines is given in table 9. Similar tables could be
might be very difficult. prepared for each species and for various types of
7. Techniques for using various methods on a racial selection, single-tree selection, or hybridiza-
large scale have not been developed enough so that tion.
tree breeders can use them without an investment From the discussion in the sections on variation
of time and expense in developing them. and inheritance in southern pines and on methods of
8. Highly uniform strains of forest trees might tree breeding, it is apparent that great diversity in
not be silviculturally desirable because of the risk of genetic material occurs in southern tree species and
losses to pests, but their value in comparison to that, under certain conditions, various methods of
costs should be studied by researchers. breeding can cause dramatic changes. It is appar-
ent, also, that methods of breeding cannot be
apphed indiscriminately; consequently, the great
DISCUSSION need now in southern tree breeding is to define
carefully the specific problems and bring to bear on
Tree introduction, racial selection, stand selec- them the most specialized and effective method or
tion, single-tree selection, and hybridization have a combination of methods to fit the particular case.


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