Vegetable Grafting: History, Use, and Current Technology Status in North America
Vegetable Grafting: History, Use, and Current Technology Status in North America
Vegetable Grafting: History, Use, and Current Technology Status in North America
Fig. 1. Grafting operations in Canada (A) and in Japan (B). Each operation has the capacity to produce more than 10 million grafted seedlings annually.
small numbers of organic growers who practiced this technique by themselves to overcome soilborne diseases and pests in their
small operations (M. Peet, personal communication). Recently, along with the success
of European-based, large-scale greenhouse
operations in North America, the improved
yield and fruit quality by using grafted seedlings became known to more growers. The
majority of users of grafted seedlings is
currently greenhouse hydroponic tomato
growers, whereas it is still a relatively
unknown technique for open-field producers.
Recently, several trials in North America
have been initiated using grafted seedlings
for open-field vegetable production. Strong
marketing efforts by seed companies and
genuine interest from practitioners in integrated pest management have driven collaboration with producers, universities, and
other research institutions. The authors currently work as an interdisciplinary team to
develop necessary technologies, collect local
information, and conduct trials in different
climatic zones in the United States considering grafted plants as a means to mitigate yield
losses to pathogens and to partially replace
methyl bromide soil fumigation. In Mexico,
Guatemala, and other countries, similar but
larger-scaled projects led by the United
Nations Industrial Development Organization contributed to disseminating information
on the efficacy of vegetable grafting
(UNIDO, 2007).
Although estimating the growing number
of grafted plants used in North America is
challenging, surveys conducted by faculty at
the University of Arizona in 2002 and 2006
showed that the total number of grafted seedlings used in North America was over 40
million with the majority of these used in
hydroponic tomato greenhouses. A relatively
small number of grafted watermelon seedHORTSCIENCE VOL. 43(6) OCTOBER 2008
tomato hydroponic production using the specific vigorous rootstocks. Making other alternative rootstocks available would help
develop long-term strategies for pest and
disease control, particularly for introduction
of grafting into open-field tomato production.
Grafted cucurbit seedling production and
use. Several commercial trials using grafted
watermelon and muskmelon seedlings were
conducted in multiple locations across the
country to increase yield, quality, or to
demonstrate grafting as a potential partial
alternative to soil fumigants. Unlike members of the Solanaceae, in which tube grafting
is the single dominant grafting method,
cucurbit species are grafted using many
different methods, including approach grafting, cotyledon grafting (a type of splice
grafting), cleft grafting, and hole-insertion
grafting (Lee and Oda, 2003). Some propagators use unrooted cuttings as rootstocks
harvested before grafting, and root the
grafted cuttings while the grafted unions are
healed. These nonstandardized procedures
for cucurbit grafting also make technology
transfer challenging in cucurbits. Many
North American propagators still rely on
approach grafting, the slowest but most
assured method for cucurbits.
Wider use of grafted vegetable seedlings
has considerable potential in North America.
However, several issues described subsequently have been identified as major limitations.
Limitation of available rootstock
information. Greenhouse tomato constitutes
more than 90% of grafted seedling production in North America (Kubota, 2008). The
majority of these seedlings are currently
grafted to one or two common rootstocks.
There is only limited information on the use
of other rootstocks, compatibility to open-field
cultivars, and field performance of grafted
seedlings in various climatic conditions.
Resistance information of rootstocks available from seed companies may not necessarily contain all the resistance/tolerance
potentially exhibited in local soil and environmental conditions. One example is the
recent finding that muskmelons grafted to
interspecific hybrid squash (Cucurbita
maxima Cucurbita moschata) had resistance
to vine decline caused by Monosporascus
spp. (Cohen et al., 2000; Edelstein et al.,
1999) and tolerance to charcoal rot (Macrophomina phaselina) (C. Kubota et al., unpublished data).
Other rootstock information missing but
critical in applications to North America is
efficacy over root-knot nematode (RKN)
(Meloidogyne spp.). Many tomato rootstocks
contain the Mi gene and have been incorporated into many tomato cultivars for resistance to RKN as demonstrated using
Beaufort rootstock by Cao et al. (2005). A
Fig. 2. A prototype of a fully automated grafting robot for cucurbits with a capability of 750 grafts per hour
(courtesy of BRAIN, Saitama, Japan).
Fig. 3. High-quality seedlings with uniform size suitable for grafting produced under artificial lighting
(white fluorescent lamps) inside a closed system. The technology has been adopted by commercial
propagators in Japan.