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Rehabilitation of Eroded Soil

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One third of India’s land mass suffers from degradation in one way or the other i.e.
wind and water erosion, water logging salinity etc. According to the 1985 Report of
the National Remote Sensing Agency in Hyderabad, 53,3 million hectares of land are
to be considered as waste lands. The situation has not improved since and more
recent figures put the number at 69 million ha.

Food production is now centred around big dams in a few districts of the various
Indian states. But even there degradation has become a major problem.

On level lands with convenient road access and assured water availability, urban and
industrial development stands in competition with agriculture. Hence there is a
growing pressure on the marginal lands to produce food crops which may be very
different from the crops earlier grown on them.

Various conventional methods are employed either to bring these lands to a better
state of preparedness by bull dozing them into a desired size and topography or
curiously enough by providing clones of a few tree species - eucalyptus of course- or
better by genetically engineered plants which must be able to grow in a ravaged
land. Putting a bandage on a wooden leg is the solution offered.

Care and reverence for the land, the crops that it yields, the seeds, respect for the
animals and all forms of life, for the rain, water in whatever form, in short, for the
fostering Mother who has nourished and sheltered us for centuries is the only way
which will help humanity out of its environmental and thus agricultural impasse.

The technology presented here, combined with other complementary measures like
soil and water conservation, makes it possible to regenerate for crop production,
even the most degraded lands very effectively and inexpensively. They present an
alternative to the conventional reclamation methods (for instance, bulldozers, soil
amendments.) which are expensive and most often do not provide durable solutions.
The only serious inputs are in fact time and care.

The practices described below, concern rehabilitation work on sites representative of

two types of soils :

 Red Lateritic Soils

 Alkaline Black Cotton Soils

Both the sites are situated in Auroville, an international community located in the
Vanur Block of VRP District, Tamil Nadu, India.

The Regeneration of Red Lateritic Soils

Description of the Area

An area of 3 acres was earmarked for the regeneration in a red soil area where
erosion had carved out, in some places, huge gullies. The topsoil had entirely
vanished. The subsoil on which the reclamation work was to be done, consisted of

80 % stones and pebbles with 20 % soil having a pH of 5.2. The entire area, before
regeneration was practically speaking barren. The average annual rainfall in the
area is 1200 mm, most of which is received in the months of October-November.
Rainy spells are heavy and unevenly distributed; at times 200 - 300cm of rain in 24

The aim was to regenerate the land for planting of mixed forest trees with the
emphasis on timber wood species (Dalbergia latifolia, Pterocarpus santalinus,
Tectona grandis), non edible oil seeds species like neem ( Azadirachta indica) and
minor fruits species like Diospyros melanoxylon. Attempts at reforestation directly
with these species made earlier were unsuccessfully. Their failure indicated that the
environment and soil condition was not yet conducive to their growth even though
most of the species tried out were indigenous. Experiments were therefore made, as
described below, in which select plant species were used to serve as ‘pioneers’ for
improving the environment and soil condition prior to the planting of these desired

Soil and Water Conservation

As a first step, Soil and Water Conservation measures were undertaken. This
consisted of :

1. Contour bunds at regular intervals. (earth and stone bunds stabilised with local
2. Water harvesting ponds in the gullies (made by constructing simple earth check

Identification of Pioneer Species

Considering the devastated condition of the land, extremely hardy species were
selected to serve as ‘pioneer vegetation’. The criteria for selection of a plant, shrub
or tree as a pioneer are as follows:

 can grow in very poor soils under adverse conditions

 fast growing
 can produce large amount of biomass in a short time
 grow easily from seed or easy to plant without need for pitting or any other care
 drought or flood resistant
 capable of recovery after stress
 deep root system
 nitrogen fixing
 ability to unlock or accumulate nutrients from sub soil reserves
 unpalatable to livestock
 economically valuable, even if only minor

Four species of plants with at least 5 of the above mentioned characteristics were
accordingly selected for trials as pioneers.

Two exotic species:

Acacia coleii (holosericea ).(First introduced in India by Auroville foresters)

Stylosanthes hamata . (Grown by some farmers as a fodder crop)

Two indigenous species:

Dodonaea viscosa (grows wild here and there in surrounding areas)


Cassia auriculata (grows wild nearby, used for medicinal purposes and green

Seed Requirement

Seeds of Stylosanthes hamata were purchased from outside while the rest were
collected locally.

The seed rates used were as follows:

Acacia coleii (holosericea ) ½ kg.acre

Stylosanthes hamata 5kg/acre
Dodonaea viscosa
Cassia auriculata ½ kg/acre

Method of Sowing

Untreated mixed seeds of these species were broadcast on the barren land during
the summer months. Only Stylosanthes hamata was sown at the onset of the
monsoon rains. Broadcasting of seeds turned out to be a suitable technique because
the land surface was covered with stones and pebbles which protected the broadcast
seeds from being washed away with the rains. The seeds which did get carried with
the rains, accumulated in the trenches of the bunds.


Stylosanthes hamata

The Stylosanthes hamata wass the first to germinate.

The growth rate was excellent considering the soil condition. A fairly dense stand of
plants developed, measuring between 10 to 15 cm height after 4 months of growth.
In three years time, a dense carpet of Stylosanthes covered the whole area, except
in places where water logging occurred. The stylo was left uncut and quickly spread
to adjacent areas. It now forms a lush, self seeding soil cover. It is however
possible to harvest the stylo for fodder in the second year of growth.

Acacia coleii (holosericea)

After the rains started, it took one month for the seeds to start germinating. Some
seeds germinated even after one year, with the onset of the next rainy season.
Plants grew up to 1 m height in one years time. Some exceptional plants even
produced seeds in their very first year. Within 3 years time the Holosericea had
grown into dense bushes reaching a height of 3 to 4 metres. At the end of the 3rd
year a considerable amount of leaf litter had accumulated on the soil surface. In the
fourth year the bigger trees were ready for harvesting as firewood.

Dodonaea viscosa

The broadcast seeds started germinating 14 days after the rains commenced. They
grew up to 20 cms in the first year. In the second year, 2 to 3 plants per sq. metre
were observed, some of a height of 75 cm. Some leaf litter started forming in the
second year. The soil development under 3 year old Dodonaea plants was
remarkable and were found to be ideal spots for direct sowing of secondary species.
From the 3rd year onwards Dodonaea started spreading on its own by self-seeding.
The Dodonaea plants were not harvested except occasionally as mulch material.
They could be harvested for firewood from the 3rd year onwards.

Cassia auriculata

Only a few plants grew and with great difficulty. Cassia auriculata can thus not be
considered a suitable pioneer in this particular area.

Planting of Secondary Species

After the third year of growth of these pioneers, the environment and the soil
condition had improved considerably. There was sufficient protection against the
desiccating summer winds, the soil was covered with plenty of organic matter and
aerated as well by the root activity of the pioneers.

Subsequently, planting of the secondary species was commenced. Secondary

species were mainly indigenous trees bearing either fruits, oilseed or for use as
timber. In this case several species of trees were planted, of which the following
performed very well:

Anacardium occidentale
Azadirachta indica
Dalbergia latifolia
Diospyros melanoxylon
Emblica officinalis
Hardwickia binata
Khaya senegalansis
Pterocarpus santalinus
Tectona grandis
Terminalia tomentosa
Terminalia bellirica
Santalum album
Syzygium cumini

Nursery Techniques, Planting & After Care

Various methods were tried out to raise these trees.

1. Plastic Bags
2. Nursery beds - planting bare-rooted seedlings
3. Direct sowing / Dibbling
4. Broadcasting pelleted seeds.

It was found that no general rule regarding the suitability of any one method over
the others can be made. Species respond differently and various other factors like
timing and working convenience are also at play. A combination of these methods,
based on experience, was found to be the most practical. For instance, Hardwickia
binata grows best if sown in-situ. Pterocarpus santalinus is hard to germinate in the
nursery but seedlings which are found abundantly under a mother tree can be
carefully dug out and planted. Santalum album needs to be raised in plastic bag as
the seeds with their short viability have to sown immediately and this might not
coincide with the monsoon.

For plastic bag seedlings, small holes of 1 sq ft were dug out and refilled with the
same soil. At planting, two to three handfuls of compost were added. In some cases
a little bio-fertilizer also. The bare rooted seedlings were defoliated before planting,
retaining only the topmost young leaves. Dibbled seeds were found to perform
better if a small hole was made and refilled with a handful of compost.

Planting was done at the onset of the monsoon. All the ‘just planted’ trees were
mulched immediately after planting. For mulching, Stylo but mainly the lopped
leaves of Holosericea were used. Also the young branches of close by growing
Holosericea were lopped off, chopped into pieces of about 2 inch using a small hand
axe, and used as mulch. A three inch mulch layer was maintained around the
planted trees year round for the duration of three years. No watering whatsoever
was done for these secondary species. Survival rates were reasonably good - 80 %.
Growth rates were excellent. For example, some Pterocarpus santalinus grew up to
4 metres with a girth of 8 cm diameter and a few Dalbergia latifolia (rosewood) from
2 to 3 m. with girths of 4 to 7 cm after 3 ½ years.

The Regeneration of Alkaline - Saline Black Cotton Soils

A area of land of 135 acres of alkaline shallow (0.5 to 1 m) heavily eroded black
cotton soil was made available for an experiment in regeneration. On roughly one
third of this land a white crust of 1 to 3 cm. was observable. Another third had a
thinner white crust. On the remaining area here and there cracks appeared on the
land every summer. The soil pH was found to range between 7.2 to 8.5. The E.C.
ranged from 1500 to 2300 mmhos/cm. At the start of the experiment, this area was
virtually barren except for some grass sods on the better patches.

The degraded condition of the land was due to several reasons. With the change in
diet from course grains to polished rice, the cultivation of Paspalum scrobiculatum
(kodo millet), Sorghum vulgare (greater millet) and Vigna siniensis (cow pea) was
stopped. The lands were left fallow. Overgrazing and severe trampling during the
rainy season led to denudation and compaction.

Initial Trials

An attempt was initially made to plant various recommended indigenous and exotic

Pits of 1.5 ft x 1.5 ft were dug to loosen the soil and filled up with the same earth.
No soil amendments were used. Six month old seedlings were then planted. The
species included

Enterelobium dulce
Prosopis julifera
Albizzia lebbeck
Azadirachta indica
Pongamia glabra
Leucaena leucocephala
Acacia leucophloea
Cassia siamea

In the first few years none of these species grew beyond the height of the seedling
stage while many withered and dried including Prosopis julifera. This disastrous
experience indicated that the soil condition was no more conducive to the growth of
these recommended species. It was evident that pioneer species would have to be
employed to bring back a certain balance in the soil before indigenous tree planting
was attempted.

Soil and Water Conservation

Soil and Water conservation measures in the form of earthen bunds were undertaken
on part of the land. In many places this proved to have a negative effect on the
seedlings planted in the area. During the rains water started to stagnate for weeks
on end ultimately killing even the few grasses that had held out for years.

This proved that soil and water conservation works need to be designed with care
after studying the soil conditions, rainfall pattern etc. or else they might even have a
detrimental environmental effect.

In black cotton soils, rather than earth bunds to control erosion, the planting of
vegetative barriers along the contours is recommended. For instance, vertiver grass
can be planted along the contour lines. Once the plants are established, they
prevent erosion, the roots help in water percolation and the continuous build up of
organic matter improves the general soil structure.

Varying Soil Conditions & Approaches

Variations in soil conditions were observable within the selected regeneration area.
Specifically, three land categories were identified, ranging from ‘most degraded’,
‘degraded’ to ‘poor’, requiring different approaches (or combinations of them) for the
regeneration work :

1. The most degraded areas where even Prosopis suffered die back in summers. The
aim was to regenerate these areas for growing mixed forest species (category 1).
2. A degraded area, where after some regeneration, a firewood cash crop of
Casuarina equisetifolia could be grown (category 2).
3. Relatively better portions, still very poor, where simultaneous with regeneration
work, dryland crops such as millets, pulses and oilseeds could be grown with
organic inputs and appropriate soil and water conservation methods (category 3).



A portion of land, totalling 4 acres from ‘land categories’ 1 (3 acres) and 2 (1 acre)
was selected for these trials. A mixture of the following green manure seeds was

Sesbania aculeata 2kg/acre (common name: Dhaincha)

Stylosanthes scabra 5kg/acre
Sesbania bispinosa. 250 gms/acre

The seeds of stylo and dhaincha were purchased from outside while Sesbania
bispinosa seeds were collected locally.

Untreated seeds of these species were broadcast during the summer rains (July-
August 360mm) when most of the cracks had filled up, but without tilling the soil.
Minor soil and water conservation measures were taken.

The area to be regenerated was fully fenced off so that no grazing or trespassing
could take place.
Ipomea carnea, dry thorns and Agaves were planted on raised bunds - 1m wide and
0.5 m high. Further fences consisting of 3 month old seedlings of Acacia melifera,
Acacia seyal, Gmelina asiatica were planted in holes filled up with soil and 3 kg of
farm yard manure per hole. The area was further protected by a patrolling
watchman. This non-trespassing was found an absolute prerequisite for speedy


From the 4 acre plot, only 1 acre of degraded land (category 2) had a dense stand of
Stylo plants. Sesbania bispinosa came up here and there and there as individual
specimens. The dhaincha plants never really made any growth and withered away
soon after the end of the rainy season. The stylo however, grew upto1.5 m and in
some cases more in 2 years time. Grass started growing more abundantly between
the stylo plants. The grasses and stylo were occasionally grazed by cattle (controlled
grazing). After 4 years this 1 acre was ready for planting Casuarina equisetifolia.
On the remaining 3 acres of the most degraded land, only a few plants of stylo were
noticed as it did not succeed in spreading by self seeding.


For this trial, a total area of 5 acres of land (separate from the land outlined for the
first approach) was selected. It consisted of patches totalling 4 acres of the most
degraded soils (category 1) and 1 acre degraded lands (category 2).

A mixture of weed seeds was collected from black cotton soil areas nearby. Care
was taken to have as great a variety of weeds as possible. Large quantities of
untreated seeds were broadcast on this 5 acre plot at several intervals during the dry
season. No soil preparation was undertaken.


A similar situation, as in the Stylo-Sesbania experiment, developed here as well.

Only in the patches of category 2 soils did the weeds grow thick and tall. After 5
years these plots were ready for planting secondary species (Casuarina). The weeds
did not succeed in colonising the other ‘most degraded’ plots.


Though weeds from the locality can be used for regenerating heavily eroded black
cotton soils, the experiment showed that hardier species of perhaps trees / shrubs

were needed to start a process of regeneration in the most degraded portions of the



Since the above mentioned approaches did not give satisfactory results in some of
the most degraded areas, a screening process was started of various small trees
and shrubs which could perhaps fare better.

Both exotic as well as indigenous species were selected for an initial trial. The seeds
of the exotic Acacias were obtained from a Forest Research Station in Tamil Nadu.
The seeds of the indigenous shrubs, Dodonaea viscosa and Cassia auriculata were
obtained from nearby areas.

A 5 acre plot of the worst soils was selected for this trial. Approximately 1/5 th. was
covered with a white crust of 1 to 3 cm. thick. The soils here were compacted. On
the remaining area the salt crust was much thinner and here and there cracks in the
soil appeared in the summer. The entire soil surface was virtually barren. No soil
and water conservation measures were taken.

Selection & First Trial of Various Acacia species

At first a test was run to identify which plants would be able to function as pioneers.
The exotic Australian Acacias selected included, among others:

 Acacia auriculiformis
 Acacia coleii (holosericea)
 Acacia tumida
 Acacia seyal
 Acacia salicina
 Acacia saligna
 Acacia victoriae
 Acacia sclerosperma
 Acacia ampliceps
 Acacia pachycarpa

The Acacias were raised in nurseries in plastic bags of 5 x 8 inch. The seedlings
were planted out after 3 months in the nursery. To plant the Acacias, only a small
depression was cut with a pick axe in the otherwise undisturbed soil, the depth and
width of which was just enough to insert the seedlings after removing the plastic
cover. No other after-care such as mulching or watering was done.


After one year it was observed that the growth of only Acacia ampliceps was
remarkably good. So well, in fact that anyone would have thought that the plants
were being watered and manured. Acacia ampliceps was therefore short listed for
further experimentation. Acacia seyal also did well though was relatively less
impressive. It was however rejected because of its thorniness.

Second Trial with Acacia ampliceps and Indigenous shrubs

Among indigenous species, the following shrubs were selected :

 Dodonaea viscosa

 Cassia auriculata

While Cassia auriculata was found to occur in the adjacent black cotton soil area, it
was not found in the experimental area. Dodonaea was not found at all in the back
soils and was in fact accidentally selected for trial because seeds were so abundantly
available in the nearby lateritic soil area.

The untreated seeds of Dodonaea viscosa and Cassia auriculata were broadcast after
the first rain had partially filled up the few cracks in the soil. A small number of 40
Acacia ampliceps seedlings, 3 months old, were planted here and there in the same
area, using only the pick axe. No aftercare in the form of mulching or watering was


The Acacia ampliceps grew in the form of a spreading bush and within a year it had
reached a height of 1.5 metres. It was observed that from each mother plant
several root suckers had emerged. In one such case 14 root suckers were counted
in the first year, as far as 6 m away from an isolated mother plant. In the second
year after planting, over 100 suckers ranging from 5 cm to 2 meters height could be
found within a radius of 20 metres from the very same single mother plant. In three
years time a dense cover of young trees of 2 to 2.5 m high had developed. A thick
layer of leaf litter 3 - 5 cm. thick covered the once-barren soil. Various leaf
shredding insects were noticed. The soil underneath had drastically changed and the
white crust had almost disappeared. One could also see, emerging spontaneously
from within the leaf litter, various shrubs, grasses and trees like Neem (Azadirachta
indica) and Morinda tinctoria. Wherever sunlight could reach the soil surface, the
grasses grew tall and thick.

Surprisingly, the Dodonaea plants came up very well and grew to a dense stand of
20 to 30 cm height within 6 months. The results with Cassia auriculata were
relatively poor. Only a few seeds germinated and grew to a height of 10 centimetres
after 6 months. In the second year, the Dodonaea plants reached 90 cm and the
leaf litter started forming below them. At the end of the third year a dense stand of
Dodonaea shrubs had developed over the entire area with a corresponding increase
in the leaf litter formation.

The results of growing Dodonaea and Acacia ampliceps mixed together were
rewarding. Even areas with 2 or 3 cm white crust were fully covered. The soil
condition was so drastically changed that after five years the soil was ready for

Soils where “nothing could grow” were sufficiently transformed to be cultivated for
food and commercial crops using pioneer species and that within the short time of
only 5 years.


Selected shrubs and small trees (indigenous and exotic) are excellent for the
regeneration of even the most degraded lands.

A relative disadvantage is that initially Acacia seeds need to be acquired from

outside. Once the trees are established, seeds can be harvested abundantly.
Another relative disadvantage is that since Acacias and some weeds are prolific
seeders, there is a chance that they might invade adjacent agricultural areas. This
should be prevented by cutting the branches back at flowering stage. Acacia
ampliceps was found easy to uproot, did not coppice and did not spread easily by

seed. Several Acacia seeds such as Acacia ampliceps and Acacia coleii can also
potentially be used as cattle feed and even as human food.



The relatively best portion of the entire 135 acre plot consisting of category 3 soils
had been identified for the cultivation of dryland crops like millets and pulses.
Although this portion was in a much better condition than most of the land, it was by
no means ideal for agriculture.

The organic matter content in the soil was very low. Some measures needed to be
taken to improve the structure of the soil. The soil was susceptible to water-logging
and erosion during the monsoon. As caution was needed while implementing soil
and water conservation methods like bunding, some other more appropriate
technique needed to be used to control erosion.

A first an attempt was made, on a 4 acre plot, to integrate measures to restore soil
life and improve the fertility along with some farming trials with dryland crops using
only organic inputs.


In a 4 acre plot, Canavalia rosea was planted together with perennial pigeon pea in
lines 4 m apart (line to line). The pigeon pea was grown not as a food crop, but
rather, given its deep root system, to serve as a hedge and form alleys. The seeds
were sown during the summer rains. A tiny portion of the seed coat of the
Canavalias was cut away with a nail cutter. The clipped seeds were sown at 1 ft
interval and untreated seeds of Pigeon Pea every 2 ft.

In the 4 m spaces between the rows of Pigeon Pea and Canavalia, millets, pulses and
oilseeds were cultivated using organic inputs only.


The Pigeon Pea grew as normal within a year into dense, tall bushes. The Canavalia
grew vigorously and its vines were kept pruned when needed in order that they do
not entangle on the millet and pulse crops grown between the hedges. Instead after
the harvest of the crop the Canavalia was allowed to grow into the Pigeon Pea
shrubs. This severely reduced their yield but was not considered a loss, as the prime
objective here was to maximise biomass production. Gradually the Pigeon peas were
covered with Canavalia and even the 4 m open space between the hedge lines was
gradually covered by the Canavalia vines. In fact as the season became drier and
hotter, the Canavalia seemed to grow more and more vigorous. With some sporadic
pre-monsoon showers, an incredible amount of biomass formed all over the 4 acres.

For planting the next season’s crop a tractor driven disc harrow was used to cut and
mix the Canavalia biomass into the top few inches of the soil. The crop seeds were
sown at the same time. In addition the pigeon peas were trimmed and the prunings
put down as mulch. While the crop was growing, the growth of the Canavalia vines
was kept under control by regular pruning with a simple hand sickle.

In the second year, some native grasses began to appear spontaneously in the lines
between the Canavalias. Strips of 50 cm wide had formed, composed of the hedge
plants along with various weeds and grasses. The grasses were regularly harvested
for fodder or sometimes also used as mulch.

The perennial pigeon pea however started to die in the second year. It was
observed that Canavalia lost some of its vigour in the 2nd year and almost stagnated
in the 3rd year.

While in the first year the crops yielded poorly, in the second year they grew as per
normal standards. Since then the crops yields, depending on weather variations,
continued to improve.


The strips, planted with Canavalia, pigeon pea and where later grasses came up
spontaneously, acted as an effective soil erosion barrier. Rain water which could not
penetrate the soil could flow off towards a water harvesting pond without carrying
soil with it.

Enough biomass could be produced during the dry summer months for green
manuring the following mixed pulse-millet-oilseed crops.

Pigeon Pea had to be replaced. Instead, Gliricidia sepium was chosen because it is
easy to establish, it has a longer life and because of its luxuriant growth.

Canavalias had to be re sown after 2 years.

Young pods of Canavalia and leaves of Gliricidia were also cut in the summer for
fodder when other forage became scarce.

General Conclusion

An evaluation of the usefulness of specific plant species in their role as pioneers, is

context dependent. For instance, legumes and weeds, found to be useful in one part
of the experimental plot and not on another, does not diminish their importance.
However, the most dramatic pioneers (in the sense of being able to colonise severely
eroded portions) in Red lateritic soils were Acacia holosericea, Stylosanthes hamata
and Dodonaea viscosa; in Black Cotton soils, Acacia ampliceps and Dodonaea

The collective conclusion of the above experiments is that select plants species can
indeed play a major role in reversing erosion and restoring soil health. It is possible
to bring back to productivity, even the most degraded soils.

For the successful rehabilitation of eroded lands using plant species there are certain

1. Total closure to trampling, grazing and trespassing is essential for speedy

regeneration of severely eroded and denuded lands. This was achieved by
planting live fences of Agaves, and other thorny local trees, shrubs and creepers.
Due to such protection, some weeds and grasses are likely to come up and spread
on their own.

2. Soil and Water conservation measures must, as far as possible, be undertaken.

Several possibilities exist offering, low-cost, unorthodox, appropriate techniques,
using locally available resources and skills, to conserve soil and water (for
instance, the simple digging of numerous small pits on a slope, eventually along
the contours). As this is not the focus of this paper, the topic has been covered

The absence of one greatly undermines the efficacy of the other and the overall
process of land rehabilitation is slowed down. For instance, plant species will not be

able to perform their function as pioneers as well in an area that is unprotected from
grazing and trespassing.

The practices however cannot be considered a ‘package’ applicable anywhere. As

plant performance varies greatly even within a similar soil type, identical results
cannot always be expected in another area. There are of course vast expanses in
the dry tropics where the species mentioned would do very well. There is a lot of
scope for systematic and extensive research along these lines. The general
methodology can certainly be followed to design similar experiments (identify
suitable species) and develop similar sets of practices for various agro-climatic

The practices are relevant considering the larger problem of India’s expanding
wastelands which is a matter of concern to policy makers and conscious citizens.
They address the challenge of food security, given the growing population and the
fact that the urban sprawl and industries are replacing the best agricultural lands.
The only sustainable solution is to stop further degradation, unlock the productive
potential of our vast waste and marginal lands. The practices described do not
require any special skills for implementation and are effective & inexpensive ways
out of the impasse.

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