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The Impact of Transformational Leadershi-1

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World Applied Sciences Journal 29 (1): 117-124, 2014

ISSN 1818-4952
© IDOSI Publications, 2014
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2014.29.01.1521

The Impact of Transformational Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction

Choi Sang Long, 2Wan Mardhia M. Yusof, 1Tan Owee Kowang and 1Low Hock Heng

Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Abstract: The purpose of thisstudy is to examine the relationship between transformational leadership style
and employee job satisfaction. Attaining employees’ job satisfaction is crucial to retain productive and efficient
employees. Therefore, one of the ways that may be effective help managers in increasing the satisfaction
among their followersis employing the right leadership style. An effective leader is one that command
respect and trust by their followers. Four transformational leadership characteristics which are idealized
influence, inspiration motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration are
discussed.Transformational leaders perform in behavior that permits them to dole out as act models for
their followers. They act in manners that inspire and stimulate those concerning them by bestowing challenge
and meaning to their followers’ work. They need to rouse their followers’ efforts and wage distinct attention
to every single individual follower’s needs for development. Base on literature review, most previous studies
confirmed that these characteristics are significantly related to employees job satisfaction. An empirical study
was conducted in a Government Linked Company in Malaysia. 378 employees from 6 different departments
are invited to be the respondents of this research. The number of completed surveys which were returned
to the researcher was 255. This represents a return rate of 67.46%. The findings show that only one of the
four transformational leadership characteristics are found to have significant relationship with job satisfaction.
Characteristic of individualized consideration are found to be contributed most in job satisfaction.

Key words: Transformational leadership Followers Leadership styles Job satisfaction Relationship

INTRODUCTION cooperation and this is imperative in order for them to

trust one another. These recent years focused more on
Choices, competing sets of values and priorities are the unethical behaviour by high-level leaders in large
the leaders’ dilemmas. Usually leaders recognize and organizations.
counter the dilemmas with an obligation to doing what is Kouzes and Posner [3] reveal that unethical leaders
right. Thompson (2011) stated sometimes even the right often benefit themselves and cause harm towards the
action seems clear; to do what is right takes great moral customers and investors who trusted them. They are more
courage. Although the leaders face lack simple black-and- willing to cooperate with other parties and destroy the
white answers challenges. No matter what the case commitment just to make their organizations prosper and
happened, to become a good model for an organization, survive. These demonstrate that leaders should observe
leaders must set a moral example to others [1]. and learn from regarding fair and ethical behaviour in
However, according to Howell and Costley [2], order to play role as the good model for employees in the
several current leadership issues do not demonstrate organization.
good leaders. Some of these issues include leader’s As stated by Storey [4], in globalization and
diversity, fairness and ethics, leader development and leadership, diversity has become a major worldwide trend.
change and transformational leadership. There is a hidden People throughout the world who hunt down jobs and
assumption that both parties will perform fairly and become recipients of services offered by organization
morally when leaders communicate with followers in involve in this trend. These factors might impact and vary
order to attain goals. Trust is needed for both mutual in leadership characteristics of individual in organization.

Corresponding Author: Choi Sang Long, Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.

World Appl. Sci. J., 29 (1): 117-124, 2014

Other issue has become one of the most discussed in and determination. Thus, there are two aspects to
recent years is the degree of job satisfaction. Goals set by idealized influence: the leader’s behaviours and the
the leaders in the organization could enhance employee’s fundamentals that are attributed by followers to the leader
job satisfaction. In order to allow the organization to and additional associates [10].
achieve goals, it is crucial to understand the relationship These two aspects that measured by distinct sub
between perceived leadership and job satisfaction as it factors of the MLQ, embody the contact nature of
helps in crafting a motivated and efficient workforce. idealized influence. It is made considering the leader by
The factors that could influence an employee’s perception followers for both embodied in the leader’s actions and in
of job satisfaction are leadership characteristics including attributions. An example item from the MLQ that
educational background, lengths of tenure, gender and embodies idealized influence actions is “The leader
culture [5]. emphasizes the significance of possessing a collective
In this era, contemporary leaders lack in showing sense of mission.” An example item from the idealized
individual support plus possessing an innovative edge. influence attributed factor is “The leader reassures others
A transformational leadership style ought to have these that obstacles will be overcome” [10].
qualities aspects and while they are significant factors
contributing to organizational effectiveness as well as job Inspirational Motivation (IM): Bass et al. [11] trusted
satisfaction among employees whereas, they become transformational leaders act in manners that inspire and
even extra vital during times of organizational change stimulate those concerning them by bestowing challenge
[6, 7]. During change, transformational leadership is an and meaning to their followers’ work. Team spirit is
essential and could influence employee job satisfaction. instilled. Eagerness and positive thoughts are displayed.
Transformational leader’s will barrier employee distress Leaders become followers encompassed in envisioning
and job dissatisfaction and give motivation to follower to appealing upcoming states; they craft clearly
collaborate and attain better results only if applying their communicated expectations that followers desire to
visionary and collective approach [8, 9]. encounter and additionally clarify commitment to aims
and the shared vision. An example MLQ item for IM is
Components of Transformational Leadership: “The leader articulates a compelling vision of the future”
Transformational leaders do extra alongside colleagues [10].
and followers than set up easy exchanges or agreements. Literally, idealized influence leadership and
They behave in methods to accomplish superior aftermath inspirational motivational is a joined solitary factor of
by retaining one or extra of the four core components of charismatic-inspirational leadership. The charismatic-
transformational leadership. inspirational factor is comparable to the behaviours
The components of transformational leadership have delineated in charismatic leadership theory [11].
evolved as refinements have been made in both the
conceptualization and measurement of transformational Intellectual Stimulation (IS): To be innovative and
leadership to some extent. Theoretically, leadership is creative by questioning assumptions, reframing
charismatic and followers pursue to recognize alongside setbacks and approaching aged situations in new
the head and emulate him or her. The leadership inspires ways, transformational leaders need to rouse their
followers alongside challenge and persuasion, bestowing followers’ efforts. There is no area criticism of
both understanding and meaning. This kind of leadership individual members’ mistakes and creativity is inspired.
is also intellectually motivating and increasing the New thoughts and creative setback resolutions are
followersuse of skills [9]. solicited from followers, who are encompassed in the
procedure of addressing setbacks and discovering
Idealized Influence: Transformational leaders perform in solutions. Followers are inspired to endeavours new ways
behaviour that permits them to dole out as act models for and their thoughts are not disapproved because they
their followers. The leaders are considered, respected and differ from the leaders’ ideas. An example item from the
trusted. Followers recognize alongside the leaders and MLQ that embodies intellectual stimulation is “The leader
desire to motivate them; leaders are endowed by their gets others to gaze at setbacks from countless disparate
followers as possessing astonishing skills, persistence angles” [10].

World Appl. Sci. J., 29 (1): 117-124, 2014

Individualized Consideration (IC): Transformational Mohammad et al., [13] in their study which aimed at
leaders wage distinct attention to every single individual identifying the relationship and job satisfaction of
follower’s needs for attainment and development by registered nurses at Jordanian private hospitals also
assuming the responsibility of a coach or mentor. found a positive result. The study was conducted at
Followers and colleagues are industrialized to private hospitals located in Amman, Jordan were
progressivelyattainhigher levels of potential. consisted of registered nurses. About 200 surveys mailed
Individualized consideration is implemented after newly out to registered nurses but only 83% response rate
discovered opportunities are crafted alongside a (168 valid surveys) were returned. The survey was
supportive climate. The leader’s actions show agreement adapted from the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire
of individual differences. For instance, few employees (MLQ) and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ)
accord extra motivation, some extra autonomy, others which adapted to measure the two factors of job
firmer standards and yet others extra task construction satisfaction. The results showed a statistically significant
[11]. positive relationship existing between the five dimensions
A two-way communication is inspired and of transformational leadership and the two dimensions of
“management by walking around” workspaces are job satisfaction. Intellectual stimulation dimension was
practiced. Communication alongside followers are the strongest relationship between internal job
personalized, for example, the leader remembers satisfaction and transformational leadership.
preceding conversations, is cognizant of individual Shurbagi and Zahari [14] conducted a study of the
concerns and sees the individual as a person rather impact of organizational culture on the relationship
than just an employee. The individually thoughtful between transformational leadership and job satisfaction
leader listens effectively. The leader divides tasks as in National Oil Corporation of Libya found a positive
a way to develop followers. Divided tasks are monitored relationship as well. The research was carried out by
to discern if the followers demand supplementary using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) to
direction or prop and to assess progress. If possible, measure transformational leadership, the Organizational
followers do not sense they are being checked on. An Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) to measure
example MLQ item from the individualized consideration organizational culture and the Job Satisfaction Survey
scale is “The leader spends period teaching and (JSS) to measure job satisfaction. Quantitative survey
coaching” [10]. method was applied and a sample of 50 employees of
National Oil Corporation of Libya was selected to answer
Relationship Between Transformational Leadership the instrument. The data collected was analyzed by using
Style and Jobsatisfaction: A review of relevant literature SPSS software and empirical results indicate that
reveals various relationships theorists have generated organizational culture impacts the relationship
from their own researches of transformational leadership betweentransformational leadership and job satisfaction,
style and jobsatisfaction. Based on Bodla and Nawaz [12] while the relationship between these variables is positive
in their study, focused in elaborating the transformational significant relationship.
leadership concept and determining its relationship with Gill et al., [15] also found positive relationships
satisfaction whether leaders are satisfied from their style. between employees’perceived transformational leadership
The population of the study is the faculty members in used by managers and employees’ perceived job
higher education institutes and universities. The data satisfaction among Indian restaurant employees. A total
were collected by administering Multifactor Leadership of 218 restaurant industry employees from the Punjab area
Questionnaire (MLQ) to 265 faculty members in all. of India were surveyed to assess their perceptions of
From the result, the study found a significant and positive transformational leadership, empowerment and job
relationship between leadership style and satisfaction. satisfaction at their work place. Since employee perceived
In addition, the researchers advised for policy implication managerial transformational leadership and employee
that leaders must also agree withthe opinion of the perceived empowerment increase employee job
followers when they come with sound logic and reasoning satisfaction, it is vital for the hospitality
so they can feel confidence and transform into future managers/supervisors to use transformational leadership
leaders [12]. and empower their employees.

World Appl. Sci. J., 29 (1): 117-124, 2014

Riaz and Haider [16] in their study conducted to motivation. Besides that, transformational leadership style
determine the impact of transformational and transactional has significant influence and positive toward job
leadership style on job success and career satisfaction satisfaction.
found positive results as well. A total of 240 responses Omar [20] proved that the relationship of
from various private organizations working in the Pakistan transformational leadership components (individualized
capital city were collected by using various measures of consideration, inspirational motivation, idealized influence
TLI Questionnaire along with the items of job success and and intellectual stimulation) showed a positive impact on
career satisfaction. Transactional leadership is found job satisfaction. The samples of the study consisting of
significantly related to job success while transformational 218 employees in public and private companies in
leadership and job success are found highly related with Argentina were used to examine the possible relationship
career satisfaction. The regression analysis results between the perception of supervisor as a transformative
showed that job success is more dependent on leader and job satisfaction. From the survey conducted,
transformational and transactional leadership as compared the results indicated that when employees perceive their
to career satisfaction. supervisor values, their contributions and encourages
Albion and Gagliardi [17] revealed that the their behaviour meets their needs, that is, when they
transformational leadership components were positively perceive it as a transformative leader, increases job
related to job satisfaction during organizational change. satisfaction.
About 2549 questionnaires were completed by public Besides, Bushra et al., [21] also found a positive
servants employed in a variety of government relationship between transformational leadership on
departments undergoing major structural and procedural employees job satisfaction and organizational commitment
change. From the survey conducted, the aspects of of banking sector in Lahore, Pakistan. Three banks were
transformational leadership - articulating vision, selected for the simple random sampling basis. A total of
intellectual stimulation, role modeling, encouraginggroup 133 out of 200 questionnaires were returned back
identity, collaboration and individualized consideration indicating 66.5% response rate. From the survey carried
are related to job satisfaction during organizational out, the statistical findings supported the hypothesis 1
change. that states a positive relationship exists between
Nielsen, et al., [18] in their research also found transformational leadership and employees’ job
positive relationship between transformational leadership satisfaction. It has been found that transformational
and job satisfaction in the healthcare sector. The study leadership has significantly positive effect at level of
was conducted to examine two possible psychological overall job satisfaction.
mechanisms that link transformational leadership In addition, a study conducted by Chi et. al., [22]
behaviours to employee job satisfaction and well-being. found that the transformational leadership significantly
Questionnaires were distributed and 274 elderly care affect job satisfaction of the non-profit organizations in
employees completed the questionnaire. From the survey, Taiwan. The study was purposely to identify the
team efficacy was found to partly mediate the relationship effects of transformation leadership, organizational culture
between transformational leadership and job satisfaction and job satisfaction on the organizational performance.
and fully mediate the relationship between The survey was conducted by distributing 200
transformational leadership and well-being. questionnaires, 88 questionnaires were returned but only
Another researchers, Risambessyet. al. [19] 81 were sufficiently completely can be used for the
conducted a study on the influence of transformational analysis. The results displayed that transformational
leadership style, motivation, burnout towards job leadership significantly account for job satisfaction. Thus,
satisfaction and employee performance also has a positive transformational leaders should display their charismatic
significant. Data collected by conducting interviews, leadership, give a good example and build a practical and
distributing questionnaires and observation techniques clear vision to their followers.
as well as using SEM analysis tool with 105 respondents Yusof and Shah [23] in their findings also
in a hospital. The research proved that transformational demonstrated that there was a significant relationship
leadership style with idea indicator; the influence of leader between transformational leadership behaviours of
behaviour, intellectual stimulation, a consideration of the athletic directors and coaches? job satisfaction at NCAA
individual has a significant and positive influence towards Division III Institutions. A total of 308 questionnaires

World Appl. Sci. J., 29 (1): 117-124, 2014

collected from coaches were used as data for this study. Transformational Leadership
The study concluded that transformational leadership • Idealized Influence
• Inspirational Motivation
behaviours of athletic directors have a direct relationship Job Satisfaction
• Intellectual Stimulation
• Individualized
with coaches’job satisfaction in the absence of a strong Consideration
leadership substitute or neutralizer.
In order to promote the organization performance, Fig. 1: Proposed Conceptual Framework
transformational leaders create a new and original
management understanding to an organization whereby method using a structured questionnaire was utilized to
their job is to manage by using their individual special obtain primary data from the participants. The data has
features. The transformation happens in the organization been analyzed using Statistical Package for Social
has also a positive influence on employees and this will Sciences Version 18 (SPSS 18). The collected data is then
increase employees’ job satisfaction [24]. analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson
Transformational leaders create a safe and soft influence correlation analysis. A multiple regression analysis has
on their followers and provide a high job satisfaction level been used to test the hypotheses.
by supporting followers’act of making individual choices.
Therefore, the transformational leaders encourage and Research Sample and Data Collection: A Government
motivate their followers to have creative ideas and give Link Company (GLC) in Malaysia has been selected in the
reward if the followers are well performed [25]. state of Johor, the southern most state in West Malaysia.
Another researcher, Shibru and Darshan [26] also The name of the company is withheld for the purpose of
found a positive relationship between transformational confidentiality. In this study, the company will be
leadership and subordinate job satisfaction in their named as ABC company. The company has been
studies of leather companies in Ethiopia. The study established 40 years ago and now has more than
participated by 145 valid participants from ten sampled 1000staff. The companyinvolves in major business
leather companies who responded to the survey MLQ sectors of the company including of Specialist Healthcare
questionnaires. From the analysis carried out, the Pearson services, Palm Oils, Foods and Quick Service Restaurants,
correlation analysis found that all components of Hospitality, Property and as well as Logistic/Services. 378
transformational leadership are highly correlated with staff from 6 different departments are invited to be the
each other and strongly correlate with subordinate job respondents of this research. The number of completed
satisfaction. Only two factors, idealized influence and surveys which were returned to the researcher was 255.
individualized consideration showed very high correlation This represents a return rate of 67.46%.
with each other and high determinant in predicting
subordinate job satisfaction. The regression analysis Research Instruments: The Multifactor Leadership
found that transformational leadership explained 40.6% of Questionnaire (MLQ) has been used to measure
the variance in subordinate job satisfaction. It is apparent transformational leadership style. Transformational
that as transformational leadership practice increase, the leadership style is measured using 4 factors: (a) Idealized
subordinate job satisfaction increase as well. Influence, (b) Inspirational Motivation, (c) Intellectual
Stimulation and (d) Individual Consideration [10].
Conceptual Framework: The framework for this study is The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) is
presented in Figure 1 below that shows the relationship used for measurement of job satisfaction. MSQ includes
between dependent variable job satisfaction and four measurement of employee intrinsic job satisfaction,
transformational leadership style domains as independent extrinsic job satisfaction as well as general satisfaction
variables. [27].


Research Design: This study investigates the effect of
leadership style on job satisfaction by means of a The results of correlations insignificant relationship
descriptive and analytical methodology. Quantitative between most transformational leadership characteristics
research designs area adopted. The quantitative study and employee job satisfaction as shown in Table 1.
applies a survey type of research design. The survey However, only individualized consideration has a positive

World Appl. Sci. J., 29 (1): 117-124, 2014

Table 1: Pearson Correlation Analysis between Transformational Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction
Transformational Leadership Pearson Correlation Analysis
Idealized Influence -.045
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.477
Inspirational Motivation -.022
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.721
Intellectual Stimulation -.075
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.233
Individualized Consideration 0.174**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.005

Table 2: Determinants of leadership characteristics over overall job satisfaction

Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
----------------------------------------- -------------------------------
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
(Constant) 3.790 0.178 21.317 0.000
Idealized Influence -0.020 0.025 -0.049 -0.787 0.432
Inspiration Motivation 0.015 0.029 0.035 0.506 0.613
Intellectual Stimulation -0.042 0.029 -0.097 -1.426 0.155
Individualized Consideration 0.077 0.026 0.184 2.942 0.004
a. Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction (Overall)

and significant relationship with the job satisfaction CONCLUSION

(r = 0.174, p<0.01). However, this finding does not support
several previous studies [12, 13, 16-18, 20-22, 25] which Implication for Practice: An effective leadership
have revealed that there is a positive and significant development and intervention which is vital to be
relationships between all transformational leadership considered was suggested by Kouzes and Posner [3];
characteristics and job satisfaction.
The Coefficients table shown in Table 2 displays the Leaders have to inspire a shared vision for
standardized Beta coefficients between the predictor stakeholders.
variable leadership characteristics and the dependent Leaders must engage with challenges.
variable overall job satisfaction. The Beta coefficients Leaders have to encourage and enable others to act
show some positive and negative values which were not
statistically significant at the different levels. The highest Furthermore, leaders must act as a good role models
Beta coefficient value found is individualized and displaying full commitment to accomplish
consideration = 0.184(p <0.004). organizational objectives and gain trust from
This findings support previous researches organizational members. Leaders should coach, paying
[19, 20, 26] which reported that leaders who implement attention to employees’ desires, needs and abilities,
transformational leadership characteristic such as provide a supportive environment and help them develop
individualized consideration contribute most towards their talent [30].
employees’ job satisfaction. Additionally, leaders should improve their knowledge
Individualized consideration ascertain what periodically about leadership styles. The leaders would
motivates each individual and occurs when a leader gives more understand what and how their leading style
attention to differences of their followers. Individualized influences employees and why to have a good leadership
attention makes the leaders become closer and familiar style in managing and leading the organization. Plus, the
with followers, improves communication and leaders should know and choose the best style that best
information exchange as well. Avolio and Bass [8] suited for employee’s abilities and needs and
remarked that a leader exhibits more regular organizational goals as well.
individualized consideration when showing wide To ensure employee’s performance getting higher
support for the efforts of followers. The improvement of and better, leaders should develop their talents,
individualized consideration surrounding supportive and creativity and always encourage employees to perform
developmental leadership is likely to have particular tasks. The reasons by practicing these
transformational effects [28, 29]. approaches are to boost employee’s confident and

World Appl. Sci. J., 29 (1): 117-124, 2014

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