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Critically Discuss Leadership Styles

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Critically discuss leadership styles and using analyse to demonstrate how leaders may strengthen

business performance (e.g., Leadership mental models, cognition, dynamic capabilities).

The current study is a review of the literature on leadership styles and how
well they foster teamwork in organisations. This essay specifically attempts
to evaluate the research in the area of work performance with an emphasis
on leadership styles. Along with job stresses and role ambiguity, both
leadership types and styles have been examined in connection to
organisational productivity. By affecting how well their team members
accomplish their jobs, leaders are said to have a beneficial effect on the
effectiveness of the company. The literature study also looks at the idea of
role stressors, such as role ambiguity and role conflict, which are often
identified as the primary cause of low work performance and job discontent.
Organizations may manage role stresses more effectively if they understand
their nature and the various factors that might lead to them. Additionally, it
was discovered that there was considerable debate in the literature about
the connection between work performance and job collaboration. Therefore,
it's critical to comprehend the nature of various leadership philosophies and
evaluate how they affect the solution of various organisational issues.
literature survey

1. Introduction
For the last two decades, the critical importance of the team effectiveness
has been considered as the main aim of the many papers. The process of
managing teams and ensuring their effectiveness requires the presence of
the leader who can motivate and provide a vision for their subordinates.
Leaders are believed to set smart goals for the subordinates and empower
them enough to achieve the organizational goals. The research sphere which
is focused on analyzing the influence of leaders to manage the effectiveness
of the teams can be regarded as one of the most developing areas. The role
of leaders is regarded as the critical tools for the team members. The reason
is that leaders play a vital role in formulating collective norms, assisting the
team members to face and resolve the challenges arisen in the team
environment. The critical importance of leaders on team member resulted in
the creation new ways based on which leaders can provide value for the
members of the team. literature review
The managing style of the leaders is essential to the success of the
teamwork. In many cases, leaders are not aware of the main needs and
wants of their subordinates, or they fail to understand the difference
between the individuals involved in the team. As a result, due to the various
issues that were not identified in time among team members result in the
decreasing productivity of team members.
It is crucial for the leaders to provide compelling direction which can help
the members of the team achieve the team and organizational objectives.
Compelling direction can consist of transformational leadership; also known
as person focused leadership behavior, as well as compelling direction
should be good enough to initiate the structure which is task-focused
leadership. In this regard, it is important to look at the difference between
the two types of the leadership behavior. Task leadership behavior or
management style focuses on the accomplishment of the task on time and an
accurate manner. Task-focused leaders formulate the schedules with easy-to-
reach objectives which can help team members to work more effectively. On
the other hand, person-focused leadership is mainly concerned with the
creating better and enhanced environment which motivates and empowers
employees. literature review
The recent research conducted by Deloitte identified different types of team
styles that should be followed by the leaders to ensure the efficiency of the
teamwork. The first style is known as pioneers. Pioneers are the type of
teams who have strong conceptual skills, and they often try to see the big
picture of the situation. Moreover, they are open to take risks and always
strive to achieve the goals and objectives by going beyond the expected
boundaries. Also, pioneers are always open for innovations, and they try to
find creative ways of solving existing problems. Another style is guardians,
which is also popular among teams. Guardians can be described as the vice
versa of pioneers’ style. Unlike pioneers, guardians always value stability,
and they are less prone to change.

The further style is known as drivers, drivers are quite fast and look forward
to facing challenges. They try to solve the emerging problems as soon as
possible based on the available data and resources. The integrators are
another style followed alongside three team styles mentioned above. They
value relationships more, and they think that teams can achieve success only
by working together. Thus, it is believed that teams that follow above-
mentioned styles enjoy different advantages, such as innovativeness,
increased communication between team members and quick access to
decision making. According to the classification of team styles, the research
aimed to define the influence of various factors which may trigger the
motivation of team members in the workplace.

2. Concept of Leadership and the Impact of Role


2.1 Concept and the role of Leadership

Leadership is considered as a widely discussed topic in the literature.
Leadership is considered as a way person uses to lead the other people.
Employees play a critical role in ensuring the quality of service. When
employees are clear about their expectations and requirements, they are
more likely to perform better. Although leaders are responsible for the
proper task and job allocation, different leadership styles have several
approaches how tasks are being allocated. Leaders are claimed to have a
positive impact on the efficiency of the organization by influencing the team
members. Particularly, leaders considerably influence its followers in the
organization. Therefore, it is important to understand the nature of
leadership styles such as transactional and transformational to assess their
impact on resolving different organizational problems. literature review
At present, numerous organizations stress on formulating the team and
workflow to increase the efficiency of the performance in the organization.
To achieve this, the role of the leaders is of high importance in the
organization. Formulation of high performing teams can be accomplished by
learning the expectations and references of team members. Furthermore,
every member of the organization should have clear responsibilities, duties
and need to understand their role in this entity. literature review
In short, expectations of top-level managers should be identified and
communicated properly to employees and subordinates Van et al. (1981).
literature review
Generally, in transactional leadership, the system based on rewards is used
to motivate the followers. Though, the motivation given through such
approach does not last long. Turning to transformational leadership, this
style serves to improve the collaboration among organization members
(Keegan et al., 2004; Bass and Avolio J., 1990; Pearce, 1981).
Transformational leaders let their followers feel as the part of the
organization. Such leaders have a strong inspirational vision to encourage
the employees of the organization care about the company goals than their
own goals and interests. Such leaders are believed to be enthusiastic and
energetic. literature review
Conversely, the laissez-faire leaders provide a good environment to
subordinates as well as empower them to take decisions themselves. As the
subordinates have full authority on making decisions, laissez-faire leaders do
not usually give feedback on the accomplished tasks.

From the behavioral perspective, the number of studies that have analyzed
the role of leadership in team context has increased. According to Fleishman
et al. (1991) during the 1946-1986, 65 classifications of leader behaviors
were proposed. The study undertaken by Fleishman focused on the analysis
of the various classifications of leaders’ behavior by categorizing them into
two groups. According to Fleishman, there are two common classifications of
the team behavior which includes person-focused and task-focused. Task-
focused behavior is mainly concerned with the definition of task
requirements, the process of the task completion and complete fulfillment of
the given task. Unlike task-focused behavior, person-focused behavior
focuses on the development of the cognitive issues in individuals and
behavioral patterns in individuals before they start working as a team.

The literature suggests that there are three main categories of the task-
focused leadership that should be studied including transactional, initiating
structure and boundary spanning. Transactional leaders always praise and
reward their subordinates when they meet and exceed the required job
expectations. In other words, the task-focused behavior is focused and
formulated on the basis of goal setting theory, equity theory and
reinforcement theory as accomplishing goals and completing tasks
constitute the idea behind these theories. The literature suggests that
transactional leadership based on contingent reward positively contributes
to the team development and team effectiveness. The research conducted on
identifying main factors which lead to the success of transactional
leadership revealed that team members who are under the influence of
transactional leader are more likely to have a strong relationship among
member despite the small team size.

2.2 Leadership Traits

Peter Drucker (1989) mentioned that leadership is not created, taught and
learned. Thus, a great amount of attention was dedicated to understanding
the number of characteristics that are found in leaders. According to the
trait theory of leadership, there have been some important studies, which
aimed to provide more valid results to describe the specific traits of leaders
that can be learned and taught. According to the research by Locke (1991)
drive, self-confidence, cognitive ability, honesty, and integrity are considered
to be the most commonly observed traits of successful leaders. Recently,
knowledge of context and desire to lead were added to the list of successful
leadership traits.

The research conducted by Bond and Smith (1996) identifies “Big Five”
model of personality which can be used in the other cultural contexts. These
traits include extroversion, emotional stability, readiness to accept
challenges, agreeableness, and openness to experience.

Boyett (2006) mentioned the role of leaders is crucial in gaining the trust of
their subordinates and stimulate their commitment towards the successful
fulfillment of the undertaken project. Boyett (2006) described the influence
of leaders in the following manner. Firstly, the leaders should have idealized
influence, in other words, they have to be charismatic. Leaders can execute
the confidence and competence. Secondly, leaders should be able to inspire
their followers; this is mainly attributed to their role of inspirational
motivation. It is important for the leaders to be able to take each separately
while dealing with them. Each person is different from the others regarding
their characteristics; needs, wants and attitude towards specific tasks.
Therefore, leaders should have the individual consideration to each team
member. literature review
Another important trait of a leader is described as intellectual stimulation.
Precisely, it is important for the leaders to be intellectually stimulating.
Leaders have to able to question everything starting from simple
assumptions to status quo. Finding a creative and innovative solution to
specific and complex problems is considered as an evidence of leader’s
intellectually stimulating behavior. Providing rewards to employees is
considered as another important characteristic of transformational leaders.
Leaders are expected to set the clear objectives for their subordinates. Upon
the accomplishment of these objectives, the followers should be rewarded

The study conducted by Keegan et al. (2004) identified the main behaviors
that are observed in the traits of leaders such as goal clarification, team
boundaries setting, the guidance of members, leading followers, engaging
members to the team, meeting organization and information flow control.
Aggregate leadership dimensions, in turn, include guiding, involving, role
specifying and organizing teamwork. literature review
2.3 The Importance of Teamwork in Enhancing the Work

Over the years, organizations are stressing on the team-building to increase

their production processes, to service their customers, and to learn and
grow in the long run (Cohen and Bailey, 1997; Osterman, 1994). Effective
teams, or teamwork, may facilitate flexible work arrangements and complex
task accomplishment, as well as act as a source of dynamic capability that
ensures long-term organizational effectiveness (Teece at al. 1997). To date,
management scholars have extensively investigated teams as both
production units and social systems (see Ilgen et al. 2005), focusing on both
their internal processes (e.g., Marks, Mathieu, and Zaccaro, 2001) and
external environment (e.g., Ancona and Caldwell, 1992a). Team-based work
systems, by enhancing connections and collaborations among people and
different units, can serve as a functional structure that facilitates collective
knowledge creation and utilization Mohrman et al. 1995).

Many books, academic journals, and latest news titles have been devoted to
the importance of teamwork, group work and to different factors which may
ensure its effectiveness. According to Edmonson (2017), the teams who plan
everything firstly and execute their plans, later are not found to be feasible
in the 21 st century. Collaboration and coordination are found to be an
essential element of the team. At present, it is rare to find teams which are
well designed and dynamic and which exist for a long period. The teams
which have succeeded to stay competitive and successful are considered to
be those who developed good interpersonal skills among one another.
According to Edmonson, teaming is considered as an important of
organizational growth. In this regard, it is crucial to underline the
importance of leaders who are responsible in charge of these teams.
Transforming static teams into dynamic one requires strong leadership
skills. Dynamic teams are more open to innovation, and they keep up with
the latest trends in the industry they are working. Moreover, it is important
for team members to understand their roles. Understanding individual tasks
that each member of the group is responsible for undertaking allows them to
communicate with each other more efficiently and improves understanding
their team members.

Burka (2006) proposed team leadership framework, which can be used to

explain how leaders can enable teams to work better by increasing their
effectiveness. According to the framework provided team effectiveness, also
known as team performance outcomes, can be measured by dividing it into
three groups including perceived effectiveness, team productivity, and team
learning. Team learning is related to increased capacity which is explained
by the teamwork and leadership. Precisely, team learning takes place in the
process of working in a team and under the influence of leader which
formulate the strong vision for the employees.

Edward Deming (1993) who successfully used and adopted Japanese model
of successful management introduced a new corporate culture that valued
flexibility, quality, customer service and motivation of employees. In this
regards, considering the wide popularity of total quality model, it was also
considered to apply to the case of teamwork and its performance. It is
believed that when teams are used effectively and provided with necessary
training, it is possible for the organization to achieve the expected outcomes.
Moreover, these teams are believed to result in creating more innovative
ideas, increased productivity and increased employee morale and

Richard Hackman who studied the behavior of teams for more than 40 years
pioneered the study of team effectiveness. The outcomes of the research
reveal some significant insights which can be of valuable importance: he
discovered that success of the teamwork and its effectiveness is not only
dependent on the personality of team members. Instead, “enabling
conditions” is found to be of critical importance for the effectiveness of
teams. These conditions that were identified by Hackman represent
compelling direction, strong structure, and supportive context.

2.3.1 Compelling Direction

One of the important enabling conditions for team members is to provide

compelling direction for subordinates. That is to say; leaders should be able
to energize, motivate and direct towards the way that resembles the success
of the organization. To illustrate this, the goals set by leaders should follow
the SMART that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and
Time-bound. It is also crucial that goals should be explicitly stated so that
each member will have a clear picture of what required of them. literature
2.3.2 Strong Structure

Another important enabling condition for the success of the team members
is strong structure. The main idea behind this condition is to prevent
destructive behavior. This means that there should be right combination and
mixture of team members, norms and a clear set of tasks that can help team
members to promote positive team spirit and dynamics. literature review
Team size is also important characteristic that play a crucial role in
determining the success of the teamwork. Moreover, team members should
be given autonomy while accomplishing the task by freely explaining their
points of view without the strong pressure of the other team members.
Precisely, it is critical for the leader to establish set of norms that prevent
destructive dynamics within the team such as showing strong counter-
argument against the other team member, interrupting the viewpoint of
team members.

2.3.3 Supportive Context

The nature of supportive context ranges from providing reward systems for
team members, providing up to date information systems that allow them to
obtain relevant data necessary for the accomplishment of the daily tasks.
Supportive context also involves providing relevant training that would be of
critical importance for developing skills that are essential for the
accomplishment of objectives. literature review
2.3.4 Shared Mindset

The need for formulating shared mindset has become quite important in
recent years. This can be explained by the fact that previously team
members have a similar background, similar mindset, and world outlook.
Leadership in organizations considered as a multilevel phenomenon. Many
scientists have acknowledged that the need for leaders is strongly related to
their level in the hierarchy.

2.4 The Importance of Leadership in Reducing the Role Stressors

The reviewed literature states that role ambiguity and role conflict are the
root causes of most conflicts in the organization. The study by Smith and
Cooper, C. (1994) analyzed the relationship between leadership and stress.
Precisely, the study aimed to identify whether stress has a significant
influence on the performance of the leaders. Particularly, intrinsic factors
have been identifying which influence on employee performance including
long working hours, travel, the requirement for participation in various
meetings. Besides that, the majority of employees reported that introduction
and acceptance of the new technology was another cause of the work stress.
According to Smith and Cooper, C. (1994) besides intrinsic factors, role
ambiguity and conflict also play a major role as a source of stress. Failure to
have a clear vision about the specific tasks that should be accomplished by
an employee and ongoing conflicts with other team members is found to lead
to lower job satisfaction.

Moreover, managerial stress can arise as a result of our relationship with

coworkers, colleagues, and subordinates. Many studies revealed that
majority of problems arise among employee due to the conflict and
arguments which arise between them. This is considered as a leader-
follower approach in which majority of followers to get approval from their
leaders on particular issues.

The research conducted by Koustelios et al. (2004) has proposed that

increasing cases of role ambiguity is more likely to increase the cases of
conflict at work. Since conflicts are considered as the main source of
diminishing social interactions among employees, the cases of turnover
intentions are more likely to occur.

The study of role ambiguity leads to the acceptance of two conclusions. First
of them is role ambiguity is found to be related to individual stress. Secondly,
role ambiguity is reported to moderate the relationship between leaders
behavior and employees job satisfaction. The studies identified the
significant and negative relationship between role ambiguity and job
satisfaction. Thus, leadership styles that are positive in a manner are found
to lessen the influence of role ambiguity on employee performance.
literature review
3. Leadership Styles Review
There are several varieties of leaders. Thus, it is difficult to choose the
specific type of leadership and mention that it will suit all the contexts. In
other words, it is impossible to say that the specific type of leadership is
considered as the most desirable and other do not work. The selection of the
right type of leadership depends on the context, situation, and followers.
literature review
3.1 Leadership Styles

The literature suggests that there are two main categories of the initiating
structure leaders which are autocratic leaders and direct leaders. Direct
leadership behavior consists of various behaviors including the organization
of group work structure, specification, and allocation of tasks among team
members, focusing on achieving specific goals and formulating clear means
of communication among the team members. On the other hand, autocratic
leaders are those who make final decisions without the consideration of
team member’s opinion.

3.1.1 Boundary Spanning

Boundary spanning function of leaders is more oriented on collecting and

bringing more information for the team members who can assist them in
achieving specific objectives. Thus, boundary spanning function of leaders
involves collaborating with external sources outside the team that can help
them to obtain necessary information. Boundary spanning mainly emphasize
the leader of the team as the director rather than a facilitator. literature
3.1.2 Person-Focused Leadership

The concept behind person-focused leadership can be analyzed based on the

four categories of behavior that is transformational, consideration,
empowerment and motivational. Regarding the contingency approach,
House and & Rizzo J. R. (1974) identified several generic types of leadership:

3.1.3 Directive Leadership

This type of leadership is defined as the type of leadership where leaders

provide a direct and unambiguous approach to their followers. Since the
subordinates will be provided with necessary direction, guidance, and
support, they will be required to achieve expected results in exchange.

3.1.4 Supportive Leadership

Supportive leadership requires a strong understanding of the needs and
wants of the subordinates with the aim of providing them with the necessary
support. In order to prove this type of leadership effectiveness, it is
important for the leaders to be formulating friendly communication with
their subordinates as well as the good working environment.

3.1.5 Participative Leadership

Participative leadership is concerned by taking into consideration the inputs

and ideas of subordinates. Later, these contributions will be given specific
evaluation before making the final decision. This type of leadership focuses
on setting high and challenging goals for subordinates in order to ensure
their continuous improvement.

Leadership styles that were identified and supported by the GLOBE project
were built based on trust, integrity, and vision. According to the conclusions,
charismatic and value-based leadership were accepted among all over the

4. Impact of Role Stressors on Job Performance

4.1. Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity

Generally, according to the analysis of role theory, there are two main
reasons which can be used to explain why an increase in role ambiguity
results in a work-related conflict. The first widely used reason is related to
the level of stress which may arise as a result of role ambiguity. The stress
can arise as a result of accomplishing undesirable tasks or working in an
organizational environment which does not have any organizational policies.
Moreover, an increased case of role stressors also makes it difficult to
resolve role conflicts at work. In this regard, it is important to mention some
of the important theories of conflict. According to the traditional view of the
conflict, it is regarded as a process which should be dealt and resolved
accordingly, otherwise, it may cause different tensions among the employees
which will decrease their levels of job satisfaction and commitment. Unlike
traditional view, human resources view of conflict suggests that conflict is
regarded as an inevitable process. Thus, it is natural for people to observe
the conflict in often cases. On top of that, according to human resource view
of the conflict, it is believed that ongoing cases of conflict play an essential
role in fostering competition and leads to the creation of more positive ideas.
Thus, second reason proposed by role theory can be related to human
resource view of conflict which mentions that conflicts are an inevitable part
of the organizational environment.

Unclear and uncertain expectations within a certain role especially in the

case of workplace lead to role ambiguity. Moreover, when job and related
responsibilities of an individual are not clearly defined, it is regarded as role
ambiguity (Pearce et al. 2009). When it is not dealt according to taking
necessary measures, it can have a negative consequence for the
organizational performance of the worker (Datnow, 2001; Arami, 2016).
When the role responsibilities of the employees are clearly defined, and
clear expectations are set, it can help them to achieve more positive results
by meeting organizational job requirements.

4.2. Leadership and Organization Performance

Several numbers of researchers have traditionally focused on the

importance of in-role behavior. Moreover, the studies have mainly focused on
the type of behavior as job performance and task performance, which is
essential for effective functioning of an organization. Role requirements are
essential in this regard to measure the job performance. In the role, the
behavior is considered as an important factor which is used to measure the
job performance (Avey et al., 2010). In-role behavior describes the
“performance on required duties and responsibilities.”

According to Distefano (2002) success in the global market is largely

dependent on the manager’s ability to lead their subordinates. The major
finding of the study was that exceptional performances of the leaders among
different countries were universal.

The study of the group work by Watson (2002) can be analyzed about
important levels. These levels include group level, organizational level,
group process and group effectiveness. According to the findings of Watson’s
study, group level, and organizational level has a positive influence in
increasing open communication and supportiveness. Moreover, important
elements of group process such as open communication and supportiveness
are found to increase group effectiveness.

The conflict is regarded as one of the major obstacles which can negatively
influence the productivity of the employees. Several studies managed to
discover the relationship between these two important variables; there is
some investigation which discovered no relationship (Watson, 2005; William,
2012). This can be explained by the fact that there might be the influence of
other factors on job cooperation.

Resolving role ambiguity has a positive impact on increasing the job

performance. The findings of papers show that there is a statistically
significant and negative relationship between resolving role ambiguity and
increased job performance. According to the goal-setting theory,
subordinates are more likely to show high levels of commitment and
responsibility when they are informed about the goals they have to achieve.
The goals setting theory proves to be the most commonly used theory which
is used as the theoretical basis of many studies involved in studying the
relationship role ambiguity and job performance (Simon, 2014; Shepherd,
1994, Pearce et al. 2009). Previous studies conducted in the field found that
resolving role ambiguity have a positive influence on increasing job
satisfaction. However, the influence of role ambiguity on job cooperation was
not analyzed by many scholars.

Increased job cooperation is linked to increased levels of job satisfaction

among the employees. It has been reported that satisfied and happy
employees are more likely to cooperate with their colleagues by sharing and
exchanging knowledge. In this regard, it can be mentioned the majority of
the studies focused on finding the relationship between job satisfaction and
job performance (Larson, 2012; Watson, 2002; Mumford, 2000). Moreover,
there were studies that could not identify the relationship between these two
variables (Keegan et al. 2004; Wilson, 2001; Barsade and Gibson, 2007).

5. Discussion
Leadership is believed to be subject to strategic planning. Leadership is
found to play an important role in providing common direction and
commitment. The collective work strategy is strongly related to the pursuit
of successful leadership style. In a highly competitive world, it is crucial for
the organizations to be aware of the potential impact of role stressors. As it
can be seen from the review of the previous literature and findings of the
current research, role stressors such as role ambiguity and role conflict are
found as the most important source of job dissatisfaction and job
performance. Understanding the nature of role stressors and potential
sources which may cause them to will help organizations to take control of
managing role stressors.

Laissez-faire leadership is the least effective type of leadership styles. Many

studies found out that the current type of leadership was the least
productive. Majority of these studies mentioned that laissez-faire leaders
were considered as the main culprits of role conflict. Due to the nature of
the laissez-faire type of leadership, subordinates can have challenges
regarding identifying their responsibilities and daily tasks (Simon, 2014).
The laissez-faire type of leadership encourages the role ambiguity among the
subordinates. The result of the current studies showed that there is a
positive relationship between laissez-faire leadership and role ambiguity. It
is also important to mention that final decision making is strongly dependent
on the laissez-faire leaders although they provide complete power and
freedom to their subordinates in accomplishments of daily tasks.

Role conflict is an evolving problem among team members (Seifert et al,

2003). Role conflict can result in different undesirable results such as lower
productivity, damaged relationship and even can lead to absenteeism
(Skogstad et al, 2007). One of the potential sources of role conflict can be
linked to matrix organizational structure used by the leaders. As a result of
matrix structure, subordinates face some drawbacks such as mixed
communication and reporting lines, increased competition for resources and
in many circumstances, they have to deal with different management styles
of the leaders and managers. Transformational leaders deliver strong and
concise coaching for each follower so that the members of the organization
would not endure any confusion in their roles (Barrow, 1977). Thus,
transformational leaders in most cases prevent the issue of role ambiguity,
which implies that transformational leaders have a negative impact on role
ambiguity which is justified by the findings of the current study. literature
Transactional leaders pay attention to the duties and responsibilities of
every team member as it is crucial to specify the role of each employee in
the organization to stay away from the cases of role conflict. The review of
the literature shows that several characteristics shown by transactional
leaders are more likely to have a negative impact on role conflict, by
decreasing its chances of occurrence. Transactional leaders mark an
agreement between followers and him concerning the importance of each
task detail that needs to be accomplished within the certain period. (Mach et
al. 2010). As a result, higher levels of transactional leaders are found to
decrease the likelihood of occurrence of role ambiguity. literature review
Resolving role ambiguity and role conflict is believed to increase the job
performance. Increasing job performance is found to have a positive
influence on increasing job cooperation. The review of the literature shows
that the relationship between job performance and job cooperation was
somewhat controversial in the literature. However, the recent studies show
that there is a significant relationship between job performance and job
cooperation. The idea behind role theory suggests that organizational
environment plays an important role in identifying the main roles of
individuals since these rules clearly state what is expected from the
employees. The role of the leaders and their characteristics and leadership
styles are key to improving the effectiveness and productivity of the
workforce. The findings of the study suggest that transactional and
transformational leadership are impactful on role ambiguity and conflict.
literature review
6. Conclusion
Each leadership style is unique regarding their cooperation and
communication, motivation, objective setting and decision making. Based on
the review of the literature, the study provides a literature review which
consists of transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership. The
influence of various types of leadership styles is analyzed for role conflict
and role ambiguity. The review is meant to analyze the influence of styles
and characteristics of transformational, transactional and laissez-faire type
of leadership in resolving role ambiguity and role conflict to increase job

It is critical for the leaders to bear in mind of potential side effects of role
ambiguity and role conflict which is detrimental to the process of employees’
productivity and effectiveness. A clear understanding of employee needs and
clear picture of potential negative effects of role ambiguity and role conflict
can encourage leaders to take effective measures to create a better
organizational environment where employees can work upon their best
potential. If undertaken effectively, leaders will tend to transform the
companies to be the more inclusive place to work through active and
dynamic processes which will be accomplished by overcoming job stressors
such as role conflict and role ambiguity. Moreover, leaders and their
management styles also play a critical role in managing role conflicts and
finding main sources of role stressors. For instance, a mentoring function
which is represented in all types of leadership plays an important role in
managing role stressors.

The review of the literature can be good evidence to claim that the field of
leadership is quite diverse and there are many unexplored areas of
leadership that can be critical to the success of the organizations. Moreover,
the future research can take into consideration various leadership theories
and identify their influence to overcome role stressors. One of the important
theories of the leadership is trait theory. Based on the trait theory, the future
research can consider the importance of specific leadership characteristics
which can improve the job performance and cooperation.

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