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Electronic Fee Collection System Roadside System TS3200-06

Installation & Maintenance Manual


Kapsch TrafficCom

Kapsch TrafficCom

Installation & Maintenance Manual TS3200-06

Roadside system for electronic fee collection

Order number: Document type Document issue Document status Date of issue Valid from Software-version

1000004893 Ins 01 released 2008-10-21


Copyright Kapsch TrafficCom 2008 Duplication as well as utilization of contents of this documentation are illegal without our explicit consent.


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Table of Contents

Associated documents Abbreviations Preface Safety Instructions Introduction Installation

5 6 6 8 9 12

System Overview ............................................................................................ 9 Installation Overview ..................................................................................... 12 Mechanical Installation .................................................................................. 12 Transceiver ............................................................................................ 12 Transceiver Power Supply ..................................................................... 14 Transient Protection Units...................................................................... 14 Electrical Connection .................................................................................... 15 Block Diagram ........................................................................................ 15 Transceiver ............................................................................................ 17 Transceiver Cable .................................................................................. 19 Summary Product Specification .................................................................... 23 Transceiver TRX-1320-E and TRX-1220-E ........................................... 23 Brackets for Transceiver with Mounting Plate ....................................... 24 Drilling Plan for Brackets........................................................................ 24 Dimensions of TRX-1320-E ................................................................... 25 Dimensions of TRX-1220-E ................................................................... 25 Mounting Plate ....................................................................................... 26 Dimensions of TRX-1320-E with mounted plate .................................... 26 Dimensions of TRX-1220-E with mounted plate .................................... 26 Transceiver Power Supply ..................................................................... 27 Transient and Over Voltage Protection Units ........................................ 28

System Set-up Preventive Maintenance

29 31

Visual Inspection ........................................................................................... 31 General .................................................................................................. 31 Instruction............................................................................................... 31 Cleaning of Transceiver ................................................................................ 32 General .................................................................................................. 32 Equipment .............................................................................................. 32 Instruction............................................................................................... 32

Corrective Maintenance


Basic functionality check ............................................................................... 33 Basic performance check .............................................................................. 34 Exchange Units ............................................................................................. 35 Transceiver ............................................................................................ 35 Returning Equipment .................................................................................... 35

Availability of Frequencies for RTTT in Europe



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Table of Figures
Page Figure 1 TS3200-06 System Overview .......................................................... 9 Figure 2 Installation geometry, Transceiver ................................................. 13 Figure 3 Transceiver rear ............................................................................. 13 Figure 4 Required space for TRX connector and cable............................... 14 Figure 5 Adjustable bracket with mounting plate ......................................... 14 Figure 6 Block diagram, Electrical connection (Ethernet) ............................ 15 Figure 7 Block diagram, Electrical connection (RS232 and RS422/485)) ... 16 Figure 8 Transceiver cable........................................................................... 19 Figure 9 Transceiver cable options .............................................................. 19 Figure 10 Connector pin assignment of Transceiver Cable (Ethernet & RS232) ........................................................................................... 20 Figure 11 Connector pin assignment of Transceiver Cable (Ethernet & RS422) ........................................................................................... 20 Figure 12 Connector kit (Kapsch Order no. 34017700000) ......................... 21 Figure 13 Crimp tool for the UT0 (Kapsch Order no. 34017710000) .......... 21 Figure 14 Variable Bracket........................................................................... 24 Figure 15 Drilling plan for both types of brackets ........................................ 24 Figure 16 Dimensions of TRX-1320-E without mounting plate .................... 25 Figure 17 Dimensions of TRX-1220-E without mounting plate .................... 25 Figure 18 Mounting plate Article No. 34017750000 .................................... 26 Figure 19 Dimensions of TRX-1320-E with mounting plate ......................... 26 Figure 20 Dimensions of TRX-1220-E with mounting plate ......................... 26 Figure 21 TRX Power supply ....................................................................... 27 Figure 22 Action flowchart for basic functionality check .............................. 33

List of Tables
Page Table 1 Data sheets ....................................................................................... 5 Table 2 Other supporting documents............................................................. 5 Table 3 Transceiver connector pin-out (Ethernet & RS232) ........................ 17 Table 4 Transceiver connector pin-out (Ethernet & RS422) ........................ 18 Table 5 Available cables and accessories ................................................... 22 Table 6 Availability of Frequencies for RTTT in Europe .............................. 36


Associated documents

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Associated documents
This Installation & Maintenance Manual for the Roadside System is part of the Technical Documentation for the Kapsch TS3200-06 Electronic Fee Collection System, intended for use in Single Lane applications. To fully understand the installation, operation and maintenance of the components in the TS3200-06 system, the following additional documentation is available.

Table 1 Data sheets

Data sheets TRX-1320

Description Single Lane Transceiver

Document No. 1000004582

Transponder Units TS3203/10B TS3203/11B OBU-4021 Transponder Unit, basic Transponder Unit, tamper detection Transponder Unit, push button DTS8643 292-872 DTS8643 292-873 1000004524

Table 2 Other supporting documents

Document TS3200-06 System Description TS3200-06 Roadside System Programmers Manual Generic Interface TS3200-06 Programmers Manual Layer7 and BAC Interface

Description Provides an overview of the EFC System TS3200-06.

Document No. 1000004353

Provides a detailed description of how to interface the Transceiver to the Host Computer application. The manual contains a description of the Application Interface including the transmission layer and the protocol layer.


Provides a detailed description of how to interface the Transceiver to the Host Computer application using the standardized Layer7 or the French BAC protocol. The manual contains a description of the Application Interface including the transmission layer and the protocol layer. Provides detailed information about the Transponder TS3203


Transponder TS3203/1XB Device Description

DTS8643 293-621


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DSRC EFC OBU RTTT TPU TRC TRP TRX Dedicated Short Range Communication Electronic Fee Collection On Board Unit (some parameter adjustable by user) Road Transport and Traffic Telematics Transient Protection Unit Transceiver Controller Transponder Unit (same as OBU but not adjustable by user) Transceiver

Aim This document is the Installation & Maintenance Manual for the Roadside part of the Electronic Fee Collection System TS3200-06. The manual gives detailed information about the mechanical and electrical installation of the TS3200-06 Roadside System that mainly consists of the Transceiver TRX-1320-E or optional TRX-1220-E and TRX-1320-R for special applications. The information in this manual assumes that the project planning and engineering phase has already been carried out, where suitable installation locations, system configuration parameters etc. have been defined. Information for system design, planning and engineering is found in other documents according to the section Associated Documents. Target audience System integrators, technicians and service engineers that will install and maintain the TS3200-06 system components such as the Single Lane Transceiver TRX-1320 family. This Installation & Maintenance Manual shall be carefully read before any installation work is performed. The installation work described assumes that the TS3200-06 components and cables as well as tools and installation material are available. Always check the shipment for completeness and possible damage. If the content is incomplete or damaged, a claim should be filed with the carrier immediately and the Sales or Service organisation at Kapsch TrafficCom should be notified to facilitate repair or replacement of the equipment.


Visual Inspection



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This manual contains specific Caution and Warning statements. These shall be interpreted as follows: CAUTION is used to indicate correct operating or maintenance procedures in order to prevent damage to, or destruction of the equipment. WARNING indicates a potential danger that requires correct procedures or practices in order to prevent injury to personnel.


Updates will be issued when needed and noted on this page in the following issues of this document. The information in this document is subject to change without prior notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Kapsch TrafficCom AG.
Edition Description


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Safety Instructions
The following general safety precautions shall be followed during any installation work with the Kapsch TS3200-06 system. General WARNING: This Installation & Maintenance Manual shall carefully be read before performing any installation or maintenance of any of the equipment in the TS3200-06 system.

High Voltages

WARNING: Always shut off power supplies when performing installation work with the equipment.

Work on Heights

WARNING: Always use shoulder harness and secured safety rope when working on heights.

Work over Lane

WARNING: Take actions to prevent tools from falling down from the working place into the traffic lanes below. Vehicles passing under the gantry may get hit, with severe damage consequence.

Handling of Equipment

CAUTION: To avoid damage during transportation, the equipment must be transported in their original package and not exposed to rapid temperature variations, direct sunshine or extreme humidity.

Handling of Cables

CAUTION: Cables are handled mainly during the installation. The following should be considered: Cables shall be handled with care so that the insulation or shield is not damaged. Cables shall not be bent to a smaller radius than specified by the cable manufacturer.



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System Overview
The TS3200-06 System is intended for communication between the Roadside system and a Transponder (TRP) or On Board Unit (OBU) in a Vehicle in Electronic Fee Collection applications. The basic operation is to enable the Host Application to access Application data in a Transponder in the vehicle.
Figure 1 TS3200-06 System Overview
Tra n sce iver (T RX) T RX-1 3 20 -E or TRX -1 2 20 -E T RX-1 3 20 -R

Tra ns ceiv er C ab le Ho st Com p u te r (La n e Co nt ro lle r) Et he rn et Ca bl e T ran sie nt a n d Ove r V ol ta ge P ro t ect ion Unit (TPU ) S ig na l ca b le

DSRC m icro wav e Lin k

2 4 0 VA C Po wer Su p pl y

4 8 VDC

Tra ns po n de r (TRP ) o r O n B oa rd Un it (O BU) Tra n sien t an d O ve r Vo lta g e Pro te ctio n Un it (TP U) P o wer ca ble


The main part of the Roadside System is the Transceiver (TRX). It is designed to be installed in the middle position above the lane and the TRX will provide a microwave communication zone for communication with the Transponders/OBUs in the passing vehicles. The optimum performance is obtained when the TRX is mounted at 5.5m height above a lane, e. g. on a gantry or under the toll plaza canopy. For overall information regarding the Transceiver including communication footprints, please refer to the TS3200-06 System Description.


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The Transceiver shall be supplied with power 24-48 VDC. The communication to and from the Host Computer and the Transceiver is made via an Ethernet 10/100BaseT LAN interface using the TCP/IP communication protocol. Optional this communication can be performed also via the serial IF (RS232 or RS422/RS485) using the BAC protocol. Using a 48 VDC power supply the maximum allowed length of Transceiver cable is 100m. If a 24 VDC power supply is used the maximum allowed length of this cable will be reduced to 20m. 48 VDC is preferred. The Transceiver is equipped with one single connector that contains both the power supply and the communication interface. Transceiver Models TRX-1320-E: small communication zone, Ethernet and RS232 interface (Kapsch Order no. 34015661055) TRX-1220-E: wide communication zone, Ethernet and RS232 interface (Kapsch Order no. 34015660040) TRX-1320-R: small communication zone, Ethernet and RS422/RS485 interface (Kapsch Order no. 34015661300)

Transceiver Power Supply

The Transceiver Power Supply TCL 060-148 will supply the Transceiver with power 48VDC, 1.25A, see on page 27. Cables are available at different length and for different configurations. The cable to the TRX can be supplied prefabricated with the connectors premounted or as kits for assembly after the cable installation. See on page 19.

Cables and Connectors

Transient Protection Units

A correct mounted and installed Transceiver is well protected against high voltage and transients that may occur eg. at lightning by its integrated protection units.



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It is however recommended to protect the power supply and the communication interface at the Host Computer by installing transient protection / surge protection units. Recommended types are:
Transient and Over Voltage Protection Unit (TPU) Power (48 VDC) Transient and Over Voltage Protection Unit (TPU) Dataline (Ethernet) Transient and Over Voltage Protection Unit (TPU) Dataline (RS232 or RS422) PhoenixContact: Mains-Plugtrab PT 2-PE/S-60AC-ST (Requires base for DIN-rail: Mains-Plugtrab PT-BE/FM) Kapsch Order No: 1000000058 and 1000000057

Phoenix D-LAN-CAT.5E Kapsch Order No : 1000000056

PhoenixContact: Data-Plugtrab: PT 5-HF-12CD-ST (Requires base for DIN-rail: Data-Plugtrab: PT 2X2+FBE) Kapsch Order No: 1000000060 and 1000000059

The units can be procured directly from a supplier of such equipment. Kapsch TrafficCom can also supply the units on request.


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Installation Overview
This section describes the tasks to be performed during installation of the TS3200-06 system and is divided into three main parts: Mechanical installation. Described on page 12. Electrical connection Described on page 15. System set-up. Described on page 29.

Mechanical Installation
CAUTION: To protect the Transceiver in case of lightning, the Transceiver must be mounted so that its enclosure has low impedance to ground (Main earth). This is achieved either through the gantry or canopy construction or via a separate earth conductor.

CAUTION: The Transceiver shall be mounted so that cooling of the unit is facilitated by normal ambient airflow around the unit. The Transceiver shall be mounted so that the plastic front surface of the TRX points towards the area where communication with Transponders shall take place. The optimum performance will be reached if the Transceiver is mounted at 5.5 m height and tilted down 55 as shown in the drawing below: Please note that the Transceiver always shall be mounted so that the logotype will be located at the lower part of the Transceiver front.



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Figure 2 Installation geometry, Transceiver

Side view

55 Transceiver

Distances in meter


Top views (Minimum Communication Zones) Passenger car. TRP height 1,3m
3,0 1,5


Lorry/Bus. TRP height 2,2m




Please refer to System Description TS3200-06, for more detailed information about communication zones and frequency planning when installing more than one TRX at the same site. The rear side of the Transceiver is equipped with four mounting bolts M6 according to Figure 3: The length of the bolts is 20 mm. The Manufacturing Label is also located at the rear side of the Transceiver.
Figure 3 Transceiver rear


Mounting bolts (4)



Manufacturing Label

When mounting the TRX foresee enough space for the cable to be connected. Experience has shown that a minimum distance of 140mm between the TRX and any structure on site are sufficient.


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Figure 4 Required space for TRX connector and cable


CAUTION: The Transceiver-cable shall not be bent below the minimum bending radius of 5*D (> 60mm) By mounting the Transceiver on an adjustable bracket fine-tuning of the direction of the TRX main beam will be facilitated.
Figure 5 Adjustable bracket with mounting plate

Adjustable bracket Kapsch Order no. 34017690000

Mounting plate Kapsch Order no. 34017750000

Bracket Mounting plate


Transceiver Power Supply

The Transceiver Power Supply TCL 060-148 (Kapsch Order 1000002670) is designed to be mounted on a DIN-rail inside a cabinet. no.

Transient Protection Units

The Transient Protection Units should be mounted as close as possible to the point where the signal cable enters the roadside cabinet. CAUTION: The Transient Protection Unit shall be connected to the Main Earth using a conductor with low impedance.


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Electrical Connection
Block Diagram
The block diagram below illustrates how the components in the TS3200-06 electrically shall be connected electrically.
Figure 6 Block diagram, Electrical connection (Ethernet)

TRX-1320-E or TRX-1220-E Cable connector: Souriau UT0614-12SH02

Connected to earth through mounting

CAB-1100-XXX Order no. 3401611xxx0 TRX Cable terminated at TRX end only (xxx m) or CAB-1120-XXX Order no. 3401578xxx0 TRX Cable terminated at both ends (xxx m) or CAB-1000 and CAB-1101 Order no. 76000015830 + 34017700000 Cable and Connector kit



Overvoltage and transient protection

1A slow fuse

48 VDC TRX Power Supply TCL060-148 Order no. 1000002670 Host Computer (Lane Controller)


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Figure 7 Block diagram, Electrical connection (RS232 and RS422/485))

TRX-1X20-E or TRX-1320-R Cable connector: Souriau UT0614-12SH02

Connected to earth through mounting

CAB-1120-XXX Order no. 3401578xxx0 TRX Cable terminated at both ends (xxx m) or CAB-1000 and CAB-1101 Order no. 76000015830 + 34017700000 Cable and UTO Connector Kit
Optional connection for Transceiver configuration
RJ45 RJ45 Data Splitting and Transient & Over Voltage Protection




9pole SubminD RJ45

CAT5 cable


aditional TIM possible


9pole SubminD T CM

RRS323 or S422 cable

48 VDC TRX Power Supply TCL060-148 Order no. 1000002670 Host Computer (Lane Controller)



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Connector on the Transceiver The Transceiver is equipped with one connector that is used both for signal (Ethernet) and for power supply of the unit. The connector is located at the rear side of the unit according to Figure 3. The connector has the following pin-out:
Table 3 Transceiver connector pin-out (Ethernet & RS232)

Connector TRX-1x20-E

Pin M

Signal ETH_TX+

Description Transmit - line from transceiver, Ethernet: positive line Transmit - line from transceiver, Ethernet: negative line RS232 Receive line to transceiver


C UT0 Connector male K L F E D H J A


RS232_GND RS232 Signal Ground RS232_TXD RS232 Transmit line from transceiver

RS232_GND RS232 Signal Ground ETH_RX+ ETH_RXFGND + Receive - line to transceiver, Ethernet: positive line Receive - line to transceiver, Ethernet: negative line Frame Ground Power Line: 24V up to 48 V DC Power Line: 0 V


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Table 4 Transceiver connector pin-out (Ethernet & RS422)

Connector TRX-1320-R

Pin M

Signal ETH_TX+

Description Transmit - line from transceiver, Ethernet: positive line Transmit - line from transceiver, Ethernet: negative line Receive - line to transceiver, RS422: positive line Receive - line to transceiver, RS422: negative line Transmit - line from transceiver, RS422: positive line Transmit - line from transceiver, RS422: negative line Receive - line to transceiver, Ethernet: positive line Receive - line to transceiver, Ethernet: negative line Frame Ground Power Line: 24V up to 48 V DC Power Line: 0 V


C UT0 Connector male K L

RS422_RX+ RS422_RXRS422_TX+




Power Supply

The Transceiver shall be supplied with 24-48 V DC (Absolute limits: 18-54V) and the power consumption is typically 11W, max. 13W and standby 4Wsee on page 23. CAUTION: Proper over voltage and transient protection should be installed to protect the power supply in case of lightning etc.

CAUTION: A 1A slow fuse shall always be installed between the Power Supply and the Transceiver according to diagram in Figure 6 .

CAUTION: The power to a Transceiver should always be on to avoid condensation inside the Transceiver.



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Transceiver Cable
The Transceiver cable is configured according to the diagram below:
Figure 8 Transceiver cable




Power, 24-48 V DC

Ethernet 10!00BaseT

The Transceiver cable is available in three different options: Kapsch Order no. 3401578xxx0 Cable pre-terminated in both ends (UTO and RJ45 connector) Kapsch Order no. 3401611xxx0 Cable pre-terminated in TRX end (UTO connector) Kapsch Order no. 76000015830 + 34017700000 Cable and Connector kit

The different types are all shown below

Figure 9 Transceiver cable options
Order-no. 3401578xxx0 (xxx = m)

Order-no. 3401611xxx0 (xxx = m)

Order-no. 34017700000

Order no. 34017700000 (Order per meter)


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Figure 10 Connector pin assignment of Transceiver Cable (Ethernet & RS232)

Figure 11 Connector pin assignment of Transceiver Cable (Ethernet & RS422)



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TRX cable assembly and installation

CAUTION: Only trained personnel are to work with assembly and installation of the TS3200-06 equipment.

CAUTION: To protect the Transceiver cables in case of lightning, the Transceiver must be mounted so that its enclosure has low impedance to ground (Main earth). This is achieved either through the gantry or canopy construction or via a separate earth conductor.

CAUTION: To protect the Transceiver cables against damaging the minimal bending radius is 60mm. UT0 connector kit The TRX cable can be assembled on site by using the cable (Kapsch Order no. 76000015830) together with the connector kit (Kapsch Order no. 34017700000).

Figure 12 Connector kit (Kapsch Order no. 34017700000)

An assembly instruction of the UT0 connector is available from the connector manufacturer Souriau or on request from Kapsch TrafficCom (Order no. 30 02391 0000). Crimp tool for UT0 connector kit
Figure 13 Crimp tool for the UT0 (Kapsch Order no. 34017710000)

A crimp tool for the UT0 connector is available as Kapsch Order no. 34017710000. An assembly instruction of the UT0 connector is included.


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The connector is designed to be watertight when mounted and installed in the correct way. When assembling the connectors always make sure that: the cable gland fits to the cable diameter all parts in the connector kit are mounted in the correct way the connector is securely tightened the gaskets with their contact surfaces are clean when assembled

It is also important always to check the connector gasket before plugging in to the TRX and to securely tighten the connector always. Make sure that no unnecessary strain is applied to connectors or cables. It is recommended to verify that the connector assembly has been correctly performed by checking for moisture in the connectors after the first time that the TRX has been exposed to heavy rain and/or wind.
Table 5 Available cables and accessories

Cables and Accessories Transceiver Cable pre-terminated in the TRX end Transceiver Cable pre-terminated in both ends Transceiver Cable excl. connectors Connector kit Crimp tool for UTO connector Transceiver Power Supply TRACO TCL 060-148 48 VDC, 1,25 Amp

Kapsch Order no. 3401611xxx0 Length xxx m 3401578xxx0 Length = xxx m 76000015830 Length specified at time of order 34017700000 34017710000 1000002670

For more detailed information regarding the different available products and accessories see the Connection Schema for Single Lane Transceiver in the Annex B of the TS3200-06 System Description.



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Summary Product Specification

Transceiver TRX-1320-E and TRX-1220-E
Mechanical data
Dimensions [LxWxH] TRX-1320-E or R TRX-1220-E Weight Material of housing 260mm x 170mm x 101mm 260mm x 170mm x 86mm 3kg alloy die casting

Electrical data

Voltage of power supply Power consumption Frequency range Operation channels

24V DC up to 48V DC 10%, ripple 100mV max. max. 13W operating mode 4W standby mode 5.795GHz - 5.815GHz Channel Channel Channel Channel 1: 2: 3: 4: 5.7975GHz 5.8025GHz 5.8075GHz 5.8125GHz

2.5MHz 2.5MHz 2.5MHz 2.5MHz

Antenna Polarization Radiated power Data rate downlink Data rate uplink Communication zone

left hand circular

33dBm EIRP

Medium Data Rate Low Data Rate Medium Data Rate Low Data Rate

500kbit/s 31.25kbit/s 250kbit/s 31.25kbit/s

See TS3200-06 System Description

Host Computer Interfaces

TRX-1x20-E TRX-1320-R Ethernet and RS232 Ethernet and RS422/RS485

Environmental conditions

Temperature (operation) Temperature (storage) Degree of protection Oscillation Shock

-33C ...+55C -40C ...+70C IP67, ref. EN60529-A1 (IEC 60529) 3.5mm / (1...9)Hz 10m/s / (9...150)Hz 150m/s / 11ms


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Brackets for Transceiver with Mounting Plate

Kapsch Order no. 34017690000
Figure 14 Variable Bracket

Drilling Plan for Brackets

Figure 15 Drilling plan for both types of brackets


Both types of brackets shall be mounted with M10 type screws.



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Dimensions of TRX-1320-E
Figure 16 Dimensions of TRX-1320-E without mounting plate

Dimensions of TRX-1220-E
Figure 17 Dimensions of TRX-1220-E without mounting plate


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Mounting Plate
The mounting plate can be ordered with Kapsch Order no. 34017750000.
Figure 18 Mounting plate Article No. 34017750000

Dimensions of TRX-1320-E with mounted plate

Figure 19 Dimensions of TRX-1320-E with mounting plate

Dimensions of TRX-1220-E with mounted plate

Figure 20 Dimensions of TRX-1220-E with mounting plate



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Transceiver Power Supply

CAUTION: A 1A slow fuse shall always be installed between the Power Supply and the Transceiver according to diagram in Figure 6 , on page 15 . Recommended Power Supply The Power Supply TCL 060-148 is a compact Switch Mode unit for DIN Rail mounting and has features like wide input range (85 VAC up to 254 VAC), current limit, etc. The output voltage 48 VDC 1.25A of the TCL power supplies potential free (floating), protection against short circuit and open circuit conditions.

Figure 21 TRX Power supply


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Mechanical data

Dimensions [LxWxH]

100mm x 45mm x 75mm mounting on a DIN rail 35mm

Electrical data

Input voltage range Input current Max. output power Output voltage Output current max.

85-264VAC, 47 63Hz 115VAC 1.20A 230VAC 0.6A 60 Watt 48VDC (adjustable range 48 56VDC) 1.25A

Environmental conditions

Temperature (operation) Temperature (storage) Case protection Humidity (non condensing)

-10C ...+70C -25C ...+85C IP20, (according to IEC 60529) 95% rel H max.

Transient and Over Voltage Protection Units

Transient Protection Units shall be connected according to recommendations from the Transient Protection Unit supplier. Recommended types see on page 10 or in Annex B of the TS3200-06 System Description. CAUTION: The Transient Protection Unit shall be connected to the Main Earth using a conductor with low impedance.


System Set-up

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System Set-up
CAUTION: The Transceiver does not contain components for field adjustment or adaptation and should therefore never be opened. Before the system may be set-up the identities of the equipment involved needs to be decided along with the application data and the configuration parameters for using the DSRC microwave link. The Transceiver is configured from its Web interface and this is described in detail in the TS3200-06 Programmers Manuals. Start by deciding the IP address of the Host computer and the port number of the socket that is used for communication with the TRX. In the TRX there are configuration menus available in the Web interface that provides a facility to set the parameters needed for communication with the host. Three parameters shall be set to achieve communication. IP address of the Transceiver. IP address of the Host computer. Port number of the Host computer. The description of this procedure is found in the TS3200-06 Programmers Manual. The default value of the Transceivers IP address is: Layer 7 and BAC Interface Using the Layer 7 and BAC interface to the Host Computer the actual driver has to be installed on the Host Computer. The driver CD (Kapsch Order no. 34019830000) will be delivered with the transceiver. On this CD a driver version for Windows and Linux is available. Installation for Windows XP operating system: 1. Unzip "" 2. Run 'setup.exe' 3. Follow the installation steps as shown in the installation wizard 4. Finished


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Installation for Linux operating system 1. Unpack "600855a_L7_Linux_Driver.tgz" 2. Enter the directory where he unpacked it. 3. Type 'make' 4. Type 'make install' as root.

Transceiver exchange

When exchanging a Transceiver it is important that the new Transceiver will be configured with the same parameters as the exchanged one.


Preventive Maintenance

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Preventive Maintenance
In order to maximise the reliability and performance of the Kapsch TS3200-06 system, some preventive maintenance tasks shall be carried out at regular intervals. Those tasks are: Visual inspections Cleaning of equipment

Visual Inspection
Visual inspections are to be carried out in order to detect mechanical damages on cabling and equipment of the system. The inspection also covers checking the mechanical installation of the equipment, i.e. to ensure that mounting brackets and cables are properly secured. The visual inspection also covers checking that there are no objects obstructing the microwave transmissions from the transceivers. Recommended interval is once every month.

The following inspections are recommended for the Transceiver 1. Check for mechanical damage on the equipment and the external cabling. Check that all external equipment and cabling are properly secured. Check that the mounting angle of the TRX is correct.

2. 3.


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Cleaning of Transceiver
As the transceivers may get dirty by road dust etc, it is important to clean them at regular intervals to preserve its high reliability and performance. The interval is highly depending on the weather and traffic conditions at the Electronic Toll Collection Lane. Cleaning of Transceiver Recommended interval is once every year at minimum.

Soft cleaning cloth. Degreaser or mild grease solvent.


Warning! The degreaser or grease solvent may be flammable, dangerous to inhale and to the eyes and may dry out the skin. Observe any warnings on the bottle and use eye and skin protection if necessary 1. Shut down the Transceivers before you start cleaning work or reduce the RF output power level to minimum. Wipe the Transceiver using a cleaning cloth with grease solvent. Wipe the front of the Transceiver dry with a cleaning cloth.

2. 3.


Corrective Maintenance

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Corrective Maintenance
The TS3200-06 system contains functionality for self-test and the system will continuously supervise the system components and immediately report any found anomalies. The results of these tests are found in the Get Status message in the Host API and in the TRC log functionality at the Transceiver Web interface. See TS3200-06 Programmers Manual for further information.

Basic functionality check

When the system is set up as described in page 29 the check list below can be used as a guide how to step by step check the functionality of the Transceiver.
Figure 22 Action flowchart for basic functionality check
Action Action OK You have got 48V Transceiver power. Check 48V-power supply Action Not OK See page 27 26 for trouble shooting of power supply

The TRX cable is correct.

Check TRX cable by connecting to the Web server in the TRX

Measure cable configuration 25 according to page18 18 by a resistance meter

The TRX runs without any errors

Check for errors in the TRC log on the Web interface.

If error indication not is described in documentation then contact Kapsch TrafficCom for further explaination.

The TRX works and reports a Connect Transponder Report for any TRP

Start a Host Application that sets TRX in Transaction Mode ON and hold any CEN compliant TRP in front of TRX

Check DSRC-configuration settings. Start up and check the DSRC Layer 2 log. See Programmers Manual.

The TRX performs a DSRC transaction as defined.

Define a DSRC Application and hold a TRP that contains this Application in front of the TRX.

Check that the Application is correctly defined including correct master keys. See Programmer's Manual for explanations and interpretations of the different status codes.


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Basic performance check

If the system works and performs transactions but the performance (eg. missed / aborted transactions) not is according to what can be expected, the check list below can be used to find the problem.
Figure 23 Action flowchart for basic performance check
Action Action OK The transponders are mounted at the windscreen in the passing vehicles. Action Not OK

Check the transponder mounting in passing vehicles.

Inform users to install the transponders.

TRX angle is 55 and the height is 5,5 m

Check the installation geometry (TRX angle and height).

Adjust geometry.

TRX DSRC power is set to 33dBm

Check TRX DSRC power setting

Set TRX DSRC power to 33dBm

The TRXs are installed and configured according to System Description.

Check frequency planning and distances between TRXs.

Change TRX frequency planning or distances

No interfering equipment in the 5.8GHz frequency band is found.

Check the vicinity for interfering equipment in the 5.8GHz band.

Change frequency setting in the TRX or in the interferring equipment.


Corrective Maintenance

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Exchange Units
This section contains the instructions required for removal and installation of hardware units. The hardware unit is: Transceiver (TRX)


Note! It may be necessary to change the Transceiver basic settings for the new unit to configure it according to the requirements for the specific installation. This is done by connecting a PC to Transceiver Web Interface. Please see the TS3200-06 Programmers Manual for further details.


1. 2. 3.

Switch off the TRX power supply. Disconnect the cable from the TRX. Dismount the TRX unit from its mounting bracket.


1. 2. 3.

Mount the TRX on the mounting bracket. Connect the cables to the TRX. Switch on the TRX power supply.

Returning Equipment
When returning TS3200-06 components for repair or exchange, these must be handled with care. It is recommended that the equipment is returned in the original boxes and packing material. All returns should be accompanied by a filled out return form (See 'Return Form for Warranty and Repairs' at the end of this manual) and sent to the address below (unless otherwise agreed): Kapsch TrafficCom AG Wagenseilgasse 1 A-1120 Vienna Austria


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Installation & Maintenance Manual | TS3200-06

Availability of Frequencies for RTTT in Europe

Table 6 Availability of Frequencies for RTTT in Europe

Country EU-Members: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Holland Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxemburg Malta Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom

Frequency band A 5795 - 5805 MHz

Frequency band B 5805 - 5815 MHz




Use restricted to tolling applications

Frequencies not available

Band B with individual license only Band A only

Use with individual license only

Use of products subject to specific approvals

Implementation of both frequency bands planned

Royal Decrees 1890/2000 and 424/2005 apply


Availability of Frequencies for RTTT in Europe

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Country Others: Switzerland Liechtenstein Iceland Norway Turkey Croatia Serbia Macedonia

Frequency band A 5795 - 5805 MHz

Frequency band B 5805 - 5815 MHz



Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N to be verified Band B only

Note: Operation of the products described in the document must take into account the availability of frequencies as indicated in the table above. Operation is strictly forbidden where frequencies are not available for RTTT!


Kapsch TrafficCom AG | Wagenseilgasse 1, A-1120 Vienna Austria | |

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