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Annexure-II B

Micro-Project Report

“The Importance of Effective leadership in an organization goal


1.0 Rationale: -
The current world crisis is not a financial crisis but a crisis of decision-making. Making
decisions is guided by the values and the question is about the values of the current
"leaders". This study aims to examine qualities and leadership features that need to be
discussed. One of these aspects is effective leadership which does not suffer in terms of
techniques, but in the subject of categorical values. Another aspect is leadership which
often relies on the image rather than on responsibility and work. A further concept is the
rethink of certain management-management vision. Also, this study shows the Albanian
environment by explaining the colors of Albanian leadership between myth and reality.
Many organizations have fallen into disrespectful leadership by leaders, according to them,
are the leaders who bring growth or decline of effectiveness in the organization. Naturally,
the question arises. "What role does the leader play in enhancing the organization's
effectiveness?" Does the style of leadership guide the structure and culture of the
organization? These and other issues are addressed in the theoretical part and then for case
study we have taken in examination the "Plus Communication" company. For the "Plus"
organization the sample size is 100 questionnaires that were distributed randomly (all
employees have the same probability to complete the questionnaire compiled.
2.0 Aim of the Microproject:
1. To study about Leadership.
2. To study role of effective leadership.
3. Attainment of common organizational goals: The purpose of leadership is to guide the
people in an organization to work towards the attainment of common organizational goals.
The leader brings the people and their efforts together to achieve common goals.

3.0 Course Outcomes Integrated: -

b. Use principle of planning and organizing for accomplishment of task.
e. Understand various provisions of industrial acts.
4.0 Literature Review:
1. Leadership provides direction, encouragement and inspiration to motivate a team to
achieve organizational success. Management is primarily an organizational role,
coordinating the efforts of the people and the allocation of resources to maximize efficiency
in achieving identified goals.
2. Leadership boosts staff morale by winning their trust. It assures employees of the leader's
confidence in their abilities to deliver on the vision and mission of the organization.
3. Leadership Qualities To Motivate And Inspire Your Team
1. Provide a vision and purpose.
2. Set clear goals.
3. Lead by example.
4. Encourage teamwork.
5. Be optimistic and positive.
6. Give praise and rewards.
7. Communicate with the team.
8. Empower team members.
❖ Introduction:
An organization is considered to be effective if it finds the balance between the demands
of owners, employees, customers, community and the needs of the employees. The
leader plays a key role in the orientation and direction of the organization which is the
one that sets the vision and mission of the organization and others follow it. So, an
appropriate leadership style influence and ensure the prosperity and the economic
growth of both organization and employees. This study investigates the importance and
role that the leader plays in the organization, how to define the vision, mission and the
path to pursuit of the objectives. One important aspect is the way it treats and orients
human resources and their involvement in making decisions. According to the numerous
researches it has been verified that most of the failures in the organization have come
from an incorrect direction that the leaders pursued to achieve the objectives. What is
important to study is the adaptation of the leadership style to the structure and
composition of the organization. In the Human Side of Enterprise, McGregor (1960)
claimed that leaders should choose between two ways of managing human resources -
"Theory X" (authoritarian, repressive style, strong control, no development, Cultural
depression) and "Theory Y" (liberating and developing, democratic, Manuscript
received July 27, 2017; revised October 29, 2017. Anjeza Meraku is with the OSHEE
(Electricity Distribution Operator) in Bilisht, Albania (e-mail: focused on achievement and continuous improvement) -
concluding that only "theory y" is the right one. But in the book "Eupsychian
Management" some years later, Masloe (1962) showed that McGregor was wrong, and
that different types of people should be guided in different styles. In Albania, what is
more apparent is that leadership approaches "theory X". Given the manager's opinions,
workers prefer to avoid work. According to the managers, Albanian employee reach
goals just under pressure. There is an obvious emphasis on leadership style based on
centralization and hierarchy. Leadership styles are often created by the influence of
organizational factors such as the nature of work, organizational values, and national
culture. In Albanian reality, organizational values are not known by all members of the
organization, especially by the leaders. This is because most of the Albanian
organizations do not have a specific mission defined. To conclude, leadership is not a
trend, and moreover it is not a charisma. Basically, it is performance (Drucker, 2001).
Effective leadership is not related to charisma, or if it is tied, charisma is certainly not
the end. Effective leaders know well that the universe will not be dominated by them.
First of all, leadership is work. A good leader sets goals and priorities while maintaining

❖ Functions of effective leadership-

❖ Importance of the effective leadership:
Most organizations have talented employees who have the right skills and experience to
deliver results. But they still need a leader to direct the energy of their employees
towards a common goal. Here are some reasons organizations need effective leadership:
Successful leadership in organizations can help develop a clear vision of the long- and
short-term goals that the organization can achieve. Influential leaders in workplaces help
create a definite roadmap, highlighting the steps, methods and resources that their
company can use in achieving their goals. Effective leadership is crucial for an
organization to succeed in its various ventures, as it allows them to move from ideation
to execution.
Capable leaders are effective communicators who can help promote the company's
vision, mission and market its products and services to the right audience. Through
communication, brand-building activities can occur, as it enables leaders to
communicate with various stakeholders the company is serving or targeting. Clear
communication at work results from good leadership, and it helps direct the roles and
responsibilities of every employee in achieving organizational objectives. When leaders
engage in active communication, they can better manage crises at work.
Good leaders are strong decision-makers. They make quick and informed decisions for
the organization in most situations. Leaders are experts at making the right decisions for
the organization and its people based on the prevailing circumstances. Good decision-
making also enables leaders to consider their company's strengths and weaknesses and
make choices that can put them ahead of the competition now and in the future.
Passionate leaders drive their teams to complete ambitious business projects. An
organization grows when leaders are passionate about its vision and mission and inspire
others to achieve company goals. Effective leaders encourage people, including
employees and stakeholders, to be as passionate about the company's objectives as they
themselves are. They also provide everyone with a powerful reason to remain dedicated
to their duties.

❖ Need of effective leadership:

In the absence of effective leadership, all the other business resources become
ineffective, not to say nothing. Effective leadership is not a position nor a title. Rather
it is an interactive process that needs to be effective by which a person exerts an
influential dominance upon voluntary followers (employees). To be an effective leader
ideally you should have successfully started off as an effective follower/staff.
All successful organizations and businesses need effective leaders. The presence of
effective leaders is paramount to communicating and implementing an agreed-upon goal
in order to boost total company’s success. Effective leaders are invaluable when it comes
to formulating strategies and communicating these strategies to their followers for their
understanding and motivations to achieve the strategies-- thus in turn achieving the
❖ Leadership and oragraization:
Leadership means the process of influencing people, so that their efforts are oriented
toward achieving the goals of the organization. Leadership is the process of guiding
others' behavior towards achieving the stated objectives [6]. Orientation in this case
implies encouraging people to act in a certain way or pursuing a particular course of
action. (Academi of Management Review, 2004). The question is "Who is the leader?"
and the most acceptable answer can be: "The leader is defined as any person who
influences individuals and groups within the organization, helps them in defining
objectives and guides them towards achieving these goals" (Nahavandi, 2003). The
perception of the leader in many successful companies consists of three elements on
which other elements can be raised. These elements are: For leaders to be visible, the
importance of the leader to be visible is based on Lord Sieff's statement: "Being an
effective leader should see, and better than ever seeing in action"Leaders offer a clear
misunderstanding, who first and foremost trust the people themselves and encourage
others to do so. Leadership thrives where people have clear objectives and resources to
reach them. The leader's main source is the Role of Leadership in Organizational
Effectiveness Anjeza Meraku 336 Journal of Economics, Business and Management,
Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2017 doi: 10.18178/joebm.2017.5.11.535 power they need to
use effectively in order to motivate people to make the utmost effort to increase their
level of performance (Lord Sieff) Leadership is the process of inspiring others to work
hard to accomplish important tasks. It is one of the most popular management issues [7].
Planning sets the direction of the objectives, organizes the pooling of resources to turn
the plans into action; Allowing the building of co-operation and the enthusiasm of
people to apply their talents to assist in the fulfillment of plans and by making sure that
safe things return to the right.
Regarding the vision, there are two important sayings:
• Where there is no vision, people have no place.
• Visional without action is like seeing dreams in the sun
❖ Some Facts Regarding for Leadership:
Honesty and integrity:
The word "honesty" comes from Latin which means quality or honesty: while the word
integrity comes from the word meaning the whole. These are the terms that are almost
always being identified as the most important qualities for the leader. This shows that
almost all managers and professionals have great respect for leaders who do not engage
in macro gaming and who have professional confidence, integrity and are serious. These
leaders do not make promises that they do not keep and do not break them when they
have said the word.
Competence and credibility:
These are leadership qualities associated with the right experience in an industry,
practical business intelligence, intelligence and dynamism are highly valued. There is
almost no doubt that followers do not react positively to leaders who believe they have
these qualities and are able to make important and difficult decisions and follow their
ideas up to implementation.
Inspiration and motivation:
Shaded as the most important qualities of a good leader by many MBA students are the
willingness to tackle their successors as intelligent at a rebellious one who will greatly
contribute to each organization if given the encouragement, opportunities, and right
reward. To be more precise we would say that this quality is actually a consequence of
understanding how to not demote people.
Visional / direction direction for the future:
To be visionary you have to be creative, innovative and adaptable to the combined
change with a high capacity to learn. This too, implies the ability to make bold decisions
when followers are not safe, swinging or suspicious. People will react to these skills in
the same way as they have done for centuries, because they still want to show the way
to the future from the leader they trust.
Good communication skills:
These attributes are desirable skills for a leader. This complexity of skills and
competences includes the ability to listen actively, knowing to have heart and mind
appeal, the ability to build relationships with the boy, communicate with each person
directly and personally and with the ability to walk, talk and lead by example.
Equality / Parity:
This is the attribute of leaders who treat their followers with justice, equality and respect
and do not create favorite groups. They do not prejudice people from ethnicity, race,
gender, sexual orientation, or physical abilities. Where they have to make judgments on
other people, they make them based on the character of the people, values, skills,
performance at work, and other tangible or visible contributions they make to the
The sense of humor:
Humorous people are generally the best to work together and laughter is one of the best
work antistressors. Humor can be used in almost all situations to ease tension and labor
conflicts. Humor is also associated with reactive and innovative skills in contrast to this,
humorous people often have excessive ego, are able to listen to others and are toxic to
some extent.

❖ Study of Leadership:
The qualities that characterize a leader are very important both for the organization and
for the leader himself. The rating made to the employee of "Plus Communication"
company's qualities owned by their leader are listed as: • Inspiration and motivation
• Honesty and integrity • Vision • Good communication skills • Sense of humor The
most valued quality it comes with the lowest coefficient since the evaluation has become
the 1 most important qualification, with 2 less important and so on up to 5. The most
important quality that employees value in their leader is the "vision / future direction"
with coefficient 2.07. This is the quality that employees value more in the leader because
"Plus" is an organization where the leader have a vision for the future, are creative and
constantly undertake changes to adapt to the market. So, creativity and vision are
important qualities for Plus's leader. In the second rank is "Honesty and integrity" with
a rating of 3.07, employees mention that this quality is important because they have
professional confidence in their leader. In third place, it is "Inspiration and Motivation"
the leader has confidence in his staff's skills and encourages them to move forward,
motivation is the key part of the organization's success. Then, they have put together
"Good Communication Skills" with a rating coefficient of 3.28. It is the ability to
communicate and listen effectively. The last one is the "Sense of humor" with a
coefficient 3.4, this is a quality that the leader appears less in the workplace, he is
qualified by the employee as a serious individual and with high professional skills. If
we look at the coefficient, they are close to each other (with interval [2.07; 3.4]) which
means that employees have not made a big difference in their estimation. A leader who
is within the rule of law, respects and values employees equally and pursues moral
principles is an ethical leader. Many employees would like to work with such a leader.
In our case, the employee evaluates the leader in this way: Employees perceive the
leader as ethically neutral; they are not sure what the ethical leader thinks of his
behaviour, 79% of the employees call it a neutral leader and 21% of them as an ethical
leader. Being a neutral leader is also indicated by the assessment of the basic principles
that the employee has done and the results are as follows: The principle of "Obedience
to Law" is rating at the average level by 20% of the employees and 80% of them assess
the achievement and implementation of this principle at a high level. This is the basic
principle for a leader who must be within the law and the rules set by the government.
For the principle "Being honest (telling the truth)." 64% of respondents think that this
principle is reached at an average level and 36% think this principle is reached at a high
level. Then the other principle "Respect for People" is rating the same as the principle
of "Obedience to Law" where 20% of respondents consider this principle to reach the
average level 338 Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol. 5, No. 11,
November 2017 by their leader and 80% as a principle that has been achieved at high
levels. According to the employees, the "Content on the Golden Rule" principle is
reached equally by the respondents. To conclude, the two principles that have been
reached at the highest level are "Obedience to the Law" and "Respect for People", which
shows why the workers call their leader a neutral leader against ethics.

5.0 Actual Procedure Followed: -

1. At first, we searched the information of microproject related to develop “Detailed report
on The Importance of Effective leadership in an organization goal achievement”
2. We collected detailed information regarding this project by visiting different websites.
3. According to the guidance from our project guide, we started working on it.
4. Based on information gathered prepared a report on it.
5. Finally we prepared report and submitted to our guide.

6.0 Actual Resources used: -

Sr. No Name of Resources Specifications Quantity

1 Computer system HP 1

2 Internet High Speed 1

3 Book Management 1

7.0 Outputs of the Microproject: -

2.Scheduling time and management
4.Critical thinking
5. Problem solving.
8.0 Objectives of Microproject: -
1. To encourage and enable students.
2. Learning basic things like knowledge, skills and attitudes.
3. Think and reason precisely, logically and critically any in given situation.
4. Develop abilities to work with her peers.

9.0 Skill development / Learning out of this micro-project: -

1. We are able to build relationship with those around us under any circumstance and
ability to inspire them to do what needs to be done is essential.
2. Decision making and problem solving is another skill which developed in us.
3. We are able to plan our tasks and ensure keep up to with all deadlines that given.
4. We are able to manage multiple assignments simultaneously.
5. It improves concept clearness.
6. It developed skill of critical thinking also.

10.0 Applications of the micro-project:

1. We learn about Importance of the effective leadership.
2. We learn about needs of effective leadership.
3. We also came know about the roles of effective leadership.
4. From this project we know about effective leadership and its facts regarding to

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