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Gendersociety UNIT4 Module

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Nicole Brent T.


Junielito Espanto Gender & Society

Lesson 15
(Group activity)
CONTEMPLATE. Reflect on the use of the word SURVIVOR or VICTIM.

Survivor Victim

It is a person who copes well

How does a survivor or It is a person who has been
with whatever tragedy and
victim look like? hurt or taken advantage of.
remains strong.

Survivors went through Victims went through

hardtimes and difficulties in hardtimes and difficulties in
What are the similarities?
life brought about by life brought about by
someone or something. someone or something.

A survivor is someone who A victim is someone who

managed to get through those remains powerless even after
What are the differences?
hardships and difficulties in a year since the time he/she
spite of the pain. had been hurt and struggled.

Anyone can be a survivor if Anyone can be a victim if we

Who can be a survivor or a
we choose to fight and move choose not to fight and move
on. on.

What are your thoughts?

- My thoughts are that sometimes, the concept of being a survivor is often mixed up
with that of being a victim, vice versa, but despite the confusion, it could still be
understood clearly with a better understanding about specific idealisms about these
 List all human rights that you know.
- Right to life.
- Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment.
- Freedom from slavery.
- Right to liberty and security.
- Right to equality.
 (Group activity)
 (Group activity)
1. Search the internet for news regarding GBV. Analyze the news and identify the
institutions, the survivor and perpetrator, and the rights violated.
2. Write your answers below.

News Institution Right/s Violated

“COVID-19, UN Office on Drugs Kenya Women Right to live free

worsening gender- and Crimes ( young and old) from violence and
based violence, Citizens- Kenya slavery; right to
trafficking risk, for Citizens( workers, freedom; right to
women and girls” bosses, unemployed earn fair; and right
citizens and older to equality.
Lesson 16
CONTEMPLATE. Write down words/phrases or draw symbols which show what come to your
mind when you hear the word:
Power - Authority
Violence - Force
Consent - Permission
CONTEMPLATE. Read the following cases and reflect on the succeeding questions.
In every traditional and patriarchal family, the father of a 19-year old girl tells her that he has
arranged for her to marry a certain man. The girl does not know the man very well. The man is
much older than she is, but she agrees to the marriage.
1. Do you think this kind of situation could happen?
- Yes, this kind of situation could happen especially if both of the families are
business-engaging families,
2. Did she give her informed consent to this marriage?
- No she didn’t. Her consent was out of the acceptance that such time will come.
3. Was there any force used in this incident? Who is more powerful in this example- father
or daughter?
- Yes there was, emotional and social force. Clearly, the father is more powerful in this
4. What kind of power does the father have?
- Social, gender-based, age-related, and economic power.
5. What kind of power does the daughter have?
- Social power.
6. How does power relate to choice in this example?
- The more power one has,like the father,the more choices there are available for him.
The less power one has, like the daughter, the less choices there are available for her.
A student is failing in her subject. She approached her professor and asked for assistance because
her failure might cost her scholarship. Her professor told her that the only way that she can pass
the subject is for her to have sex with him.
1. Do you think this kind of situation could happen?
- Yes, this situation could happen especially if the professor is opportunity – seeker.
2. Did she give her informed consent?
- No she did not as there is no statement that indicates the student’s giving of her
consent to do what the professor offered.
3. What kind of power does the professor have?
- Social; gender- based; and age- related power.
4. What kind of power does the student have?
- Social power.
5. How does power relate to choice in this example?
The more power one has, just like the professor, the more choices there are available
for him. The less power one has, just like the student, the fewer choices there are
available for her.
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
Lesson 17
CONTEMPLATE. Reflect on the following.
What do you think are the reasons why these provisions should be enshrined in our 1987
- These provisions should be enshrined in the 1987 Constitution because women are
humans to begin with. Second, women imposes equal value as what men does. Third,
men are incapable to produce life alone- less population may lead to a nation’s
downfall. Lastly, women and men needs good treatment and equity.
Which among these constitutional provisions are the most important? Provide your reasons.
- Among these constitutional provisions, “ The State recognizes the role of women in
nation-building and sahll ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women
and men” is the most important because, truly, nation-building couldn’t be handled by
men alone- in the concept of population alone- and women also has the ability to do
what men can do, thus equality and support is necessary.
Do you think these constitutional provisions are lacking or already sufficient? Provide your
- As what I have observed, these provisions are still lacking, considering that it
indicates women “generally” , still the relative information about what, when, where
women can impose their rights, is still insufficient. There must be specification not
just generalization in provisions as some might use this logic in a debate against
women. Ergo, if these provisions are not supported more with specific answers to
what, when and where they can impose their rights; wider scope of rights, these
provisions are still insufficient.
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
1. Do the number of laws, programs, and rights of women discussed indicate that the
Filipino women are already empowered?
- No, these number of laws, programs, and rights of women discussed does not indicate
that women are already empowered, it just indicate that women are considered as a
necessity by the nation because as what we are seeing until now, in spite of all these
stuufs for women, still, nearly 90% are treated righteously.
2. Utilizing your knowledge now of the laws, programs, and rights of women, what can you
do to uplift women empowerment in the Philippines?
- Considering my knowledge of the laws, programs, and rights of women, all I can do
to uplift women empowerment in the Philippines is to be exemplary in treating
women righteously at all times, whenever, wherever and whatever situation we are in.
Lesson 18
Search the Internet for a copy of RA 9262. Examine its provisions and answer the following:
1. Provide the instances of physical, psychological, sexual, and economic abuses as
provided by the law.

Kind of Violence Instances

Physical Acts where Bodily or Physical Harm are


Intimidation, stalking, harassment, damage

to property, public humiliation, and mental

Rape, sexual harassment, ats of

Sexual lasciviousness, making demeaning and
sexually suggestive remarks, prostituting
the woman or child, etc.

Withdrawal of financial support,

deprivation of financial resources,
destroying household property, and
controlling the victim’s money or

2. Name the person who can file the complaint of VAWC aside from the victim-survivor.
- According to RA. 9262, Barangay Kagawad, Couselor, therapist or healthcare
provider of the petitioner can file the complaint of VAWC aside from the victim-
3. Name the protection orders, period of the protection orders, and the issuing authority.
Protection Orders Issuing Authority Period
Barangay Protection Order Punong Barangay 15 days
Temporary Protection Order Court 30 days
Permanent Protection Order Court 30 days renewal due
expiration of the TPO until
final judgement is made

4. Give the community mechanisms to respond to VAWC cases as indicated in the law.
Institutions Mechanism
Prosecutors/ court Communicate with the victim ina universal
language and inform the victim about
his/her rights.
Barangay Officials Respond immediately to a call for help,
confiscate any deadly weapon in the
possession of the perpetrator, arrest the
suspected perpetrator and immediatelt
report the call for assessment or assistance
of DSWD, Social Welfare Department of
LGUs and NGOs
Healthcare Providers Document any injuries of the victim, and
provide adequate notice of rights and
remedies provided under the Act.
Other Government Agencies and LGUs Education and information campaign and
seminars or symposia on the nature, causes,
incidence and consequences of such
violence particularly towards educating the
public on its social impacts

(Group activity)
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
1. What knowledge obtained about Anti-VAWC Act or RA 9262 will be useful to you, your
family, community, and society?
- All Knowledge about the Anti-VAWC Act or RA 9262, specifically, Penalties, Venue,
how to acquire Protection Orders, who may file Petition for Protection Orders, where
to apply for Protection Orders, how to apply for Protection Orders and Effectivity are
what will unarguably be useful to me, my family, my community and my society.
2. Provide specific ways on how can this knowledge be realized in your family, community,
and society.
- These knowledge can be realized in my family, community and society through
conventions, symposium, seminars and including this in the field of education in
general, or simply by educating each one of us.
Lesson 19
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
1. Why do we need to protect and promote the rights of the members of the LGBTQ+?
- We need to protect anf promote the rights of the members of the LGBTQ+ because
they are human beings as well to begin with, and because they have the right to
choose, so as long as they don’t violate the National Law, their rights shall be
protected and promoted.
2. What can you do to further the protection and protection of the members of the LGBTQ+
at home, in school, and in your community?
- As a citizen of this nation, all I can do to further the protection of the members of the
LGBTQ+ at home, in school, and in community, is to be exemplary in respecting
their human rights and by educating everyone about their rights, but with o
exemption from the National Civil Law and it’s corresponding punishments if
Lesson 20
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
1. Look for youtube clips which depict how discrimination takes place in different settings.
Write a reflection paper expressing your feelings and thoughts about the video.
The Silent Child is an Oscar winning short film. It is about a deaf 6-year-old girl named Libby
lives in a world of silence until a caring social worker gives her the gift of communication. This
social worker always teach Libby sign languages as a method of communication. but sadly, the
mother of Libby, Sue stopped the social worker seeing and teaching Libby for the cause that sign
languages is not helpful to their family in understanding her daughter because none of them
knew what were the meaning of those sign languages. They bring Libby to a school with no
support for cases like Libby who is a deaf child. If we analyze this content, its so sad that their
parents don’t accept what their child is. Others descriminate other people who are deaf and
pointing out that there will be no good future for them. deafness is not a learning difficulty. With
the right support, a deaf child can do exactly the same as a hearing child.
Lesson 21
1. Why is there a need to relate the theories of sexual harassment to the actual cases?
Theories of sexual harassment help in understanding sexual harassment much better. If these
theories are to be applied in actual cases, using frameworks, it’ll be easier to COLLABORATE.
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
- understand why it happened or why it was done by the perpetrator. Upon knowing the
possible reason and type of sexual harassment, it’ll be easy to indicate what
punishment is necesarry for the perpetrator to be legally prosecuted, and also. It could
serve as an eduction to all.
2. How can you utilize this new knowledge on sexual harassment for the betterment of
yourself, family, community, and society?
- This knowledge of mine on sexual harassent can help for the betterment of myself,
family, community, and society, through being shared with everyone and by
educating everyone about the types of sexual harassment so they’ll know of they are
harassed, and possible punishments so they’ll have the courage to prevent themselves
from being sexually harassed ever again. With this, everyone will acquire the
knowledge and will make anyone think twice before suxually harassing someone else,
which will make women and men be at ease.
Lesson 22
1. Search in the Internet about the UNIP in Zambia, as a product of WID. Provide what you
researched on the space provided.
- The United National Independence Party (UNIP), led by Kenneth Kaunda, came to power
upon Zambia's independence from Britain on 24 October 1964 (Africa South of the Sahara
2000 1999, 1160). It remained in power until 2 November 1991, when the Movement for
Multiparty Democracy (MMD), led by Frederick Chiluba, won the first multi-party elections
since the 1960s .
In a press briefing in Lusaka on 9 June 1998, UNIP Secretary for Information and Publicity
Bwendo Mulengela stated that over 90 per cent of businesses belonging to UNIP members
and supporters had been "destroyed" by the government's abuse of the Zambia Revenue
Authority. Mulengela charged that Zambian businessmen, "especially those in UNIP, are
slapped with duty and heavy penalties" (ibid.).

A Human Rights Watch document reports that the Zambian government uses "bureaucratic
obstacles to inhibit opposition campaigns, and uses the Zambia Revenue Authority to
intimidate opposition leaders and supporters" (HRW 26 May 1999). The same report states
that the government has increasingly found means to undermine and intimidate the
opposition. One such method is questioning the ethnic origins of their opponents as a way
to deny them citizenship (ibid.), thereby barring them from running for the office of
president (Africa South of the Sahara 2000 1999, 1163). The nationality of many of these
individuals has only been challenged since "the current government identified them as
opposition", as was the case with former president of Zambia and current UNIP leader
Kenneth Kaunda (HRW 26 May 1999).

An Amnesty International report published in November 1997 documents the use of forcible
exile by the Zambian government of critics, including supporters of UNIP. According to the
report, the government called into question the citizenship of those it wished to deport,
often with little or no corroborating evidence against the defendant.
Amnesty International reported that the arrest of eight UNIP members in June 1996 may
have been politically motivated (AI June 1996). It cited the lack of concrete evidence to
justify the arrests as an indication that the men might have been detained to prevent them
from continuing their political activities.

2. Also search in the Internet about other programs, activities, and initiatives resulting from
WID. Provide these programs, activities, and initiatives on the space provided.
- The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) established a special Division for Women
in Development, promoting concrete action to ensure that women participate in UNDP
projects.The United Nations paper International Development Strategy for the Third United
Nations Development Decade, issued in 1980, recognized a number of Women in
Development issues. It called for women to play an active role in all sectors and at all levels
of the Program of Action adopted by the World Conference of the United Nations Decade
for Women, both as agents and beneficiaries. Policies on industrialization, food and
agriculture, science and technology and social development should all involve women.
In November 1990 the leaders of the South Asian Association for Regional
Cooperation (SAARC) countries endorsed recommendations of the second SAARC ministerial
meeting of Women in Development held in June 1990, agreeing that the years 1991–2000
should be observed as the "SAARC Decade of the Girl Child". A wide range of
recommendations for improving the development of female children were accepted.
3. Group yourselves.
4. Discuss among the group about what you have researched.
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
1. What knowledge about WID, WAD, GAD, and approaches on women’s studies can be
utilized by you for your family, community, and society?
- Simply, the knowledge about the approaches that tries to uplift the importance of
women in the society.
2. Provide means and ways as to which this obtained knowledge can be properly utilized
based on the above.
- This obtained knowledge can be properly utilized through educating women that
there are different approaches trying to find ways help them be uplifted and for them
to be motivated to pursue, promote and protect their rights as women. With this, it
could help make the society free of violence against women knowing that there are
programs, activities, and initiatives being done for the development of women.
Lesson 23
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
1. What knowledge obtained from gender inequality in marriage and criminal laws can you
utilize for yourself, family, community, and society?
- The family code, which contains marital laws and provisions, include provisions
which depict gender inequality. Legislations on ‘Same-sex Marriage” are good
initiatives to address this issue on gender inequality in marital laws. Criminal laws are
not that different as clearly, some provisions therein, favor the male sex over the
female sex. Worse, this pertains to crimes, involving penalties for imprisonment.
2. Provide specific ways and means to utilize this obtained knowledge based on the above.
- To utilize this knowledge, I can use this to educate men, women and those that are
members of the LGBTQ+ that there are marriage laws in the Philippines that is
relative to Family Code, and that therevare corresponding Criminal Laws that
imposes marriage as inviolable social institution, and that the specific law provides
marriage only for man and a woman.
Lesson 24
How much is your weekly allowance?
- 1000 pesos
What are your personal expenses that you spend your money with?
- Foods, gasoline, clothings, and wanted materials.
Now, go out of your classroom and visit your nearest sari-sari store or grocery store. There, ask
for the costs of the following products in the table below:
Quantity Brand
Item Amount Source/Place
(g, mL,packs) Name
formula 900 g Lactum 605.00 Shopee
(0-6 mos)
Diapers 40 pcs Pampers 286 Shopee
300 ml Baby Care 389 Shopee
Baby lotion 200 ml Baby DOve 219 Shopee
Baby oil 125 ml Johnson 123 Shopee
Alcohol 500 ml Green Cross 134 Shopee
Feeding bottle 240 ml Phoenix Hub 79.00 Shopee
Crib 1 Phoenix Hub 1899.00 Shopee
Stroller 1 Stroller 499.00 Shopee
How much would be the minimum cost for raising a baby?
- 4,233.00 pesos
What are your insights from this activity?
- my insights of this activity is in the stage of parenthood it is not only yourself
you’ll consider. You have also to take consider your baby/s to take care. This activity
shows the primary expenses needed when you you have a baby to take care. This also
conveys that in parenting you are capable as a parent in supporting your family
financially to cover these expenses.
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
1. What knowledge obtained from the discussion on the RH Law can you utilize for
yourself, family, community, and society?
- The knowledge about the prohibited acts within the RH Law.
2. Provide specific ways and means to utilize this obtained knowledge based on the above.
- I can educate everyone about the prohibited acts within the RH Law and the
punishments it may bring to those who try to commit these prohibited acts and then
maybe they’ll know that the poor have access to Reproductive Health goods and
services which they cannot afford, and that those agencies who’ll try to reject the
poor are to be punished according to the law.
Lesson 25
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
(Group activity)
1. Conduct an interview among your family and friends about what they think are the
contributions of women, LGBTQ+, and men in the world. Write down a brief report of
their responses.
I conducted an interview on my friends back in high school about what they think are the
contributions of women, LGBTQ+, and men in the world. The way they answer is in general.
One of my interviewee said he thinks that their biggest contribution is that how they live
their own purpose in life. Their accomploshed mission makes the whole world different. It’s
amazing how these people serves their purpose which is the very reason why we experienced
these kind of things in life. Another one said that the contribution of women, LGBTQ+ and
men in the world stresses in different instances. Women are powerful activists and have been
fighting over women’s rights for years since there are so many egotistic narcissists. The
LGBTQ+ is involved in putting colors on people’s lives. They’re artistic and turns
everything elysian. Well, for men, they have been leading countries, unfortunate for others to
be mislead by men leaders. But, personally, these type of questions are the reasons why we
can’t have equilibrium among each other because we tend to compete who makes most wins.

2. As an adolescent who may soon be initiated to the world of work, how do you think you
will manage to succceed in the career of your choice? Do you think your gender identity
will have an influence on your work choice? Why/why not? How?
As an adolescent who may soon be initiated to the world of work, i think the ways on
how I will manage to succeed in the career of my choice is be passionate, smart, more efforts
to give, be perseverance and keep the dream up until you make it in reality. For me, my
gender identity will have an influence on the workplace. I mean everyone of us can have
influence in a work place as long they are doing what their job is all about. Everyone can
make a move just be confident and don’t listen to whaatever unecessary statements that have
a discrimination intent for yourself. Just do what is your job and be yoursel then as time goes
by you’ll be recognize on what you’re doing.
Lesson 26
CONTEMPLATE. Reflect on the following questions.
 Recall an LGBT character you have seen in national television.
-“Praybeyt Benjamin” led by “Vice Ganda”
 What were the stereotypes portrayed by these characters.
- he performed as fighters and breadwinners of his family. Benjie wants to prove that
regardless of his sexuality, he could still contribute in helping the Philippines and in
saving his grandfather from the terrorists.nbenjie even excelled and outperformed
heterosexual and masculine men in physical training. We could see that Benjie broke the
stereotype that assumes that homosexuals could not handle what heterosexuals dan do
and moved his worth by saving the Philippines and also selflessly jumping right in front
of a bullet just to save his grandfather’s life.
 How can the media present the LGBT in a better way?
- the media can present LGBT in a better way by portraying them in a good way and not
stepping their dignity as a person who also have a flesh like us, who has feelings and
morality to keep.

(Group activity)
1. Reflect how the portrayal of women, men, and the LGBTQ+ in the media influence
people’s views and attitudes towards each sector?
- The portrayal of women, men, and the LGBTQ+ in the media influence people’s views and
attitudes toward each sector because the exposure done in the television, the media ultimately
represents our social realities as it mirrors the ideologies, belief systems, and stereotypes.

2. Reflect: Is media is an effective way to influence people towards gender equity? How?
- yes, media is an effective way to influence people towards gender equity. Because of the
wide range of capability of media to spread information throughout the world it can be used
by everyone to educate, orient or spread awareness that people should be treated equally and
stop doing discrimination or violence just because of their identity here in the society.
Lesson 27
CONTEMPLATE. Reflect on the following questions:
1. Think about the terms “cry like a girl” and “iyakin, parang bakla”.
2. Why would crying like a girl make a man weaker?
- for me it is because it’s against to their subconscious as a man. Their morality and
dignity is affected by that phrase that it makes them weaker in psychological basis.
3. Why would aboy crying be equated to being “bakla”?
- because “bakla” is being stereotyped by being soft and a boy crying is being sees as
weak or soft.

4. Can you give other examples of heteronomativity?

Health care discrimination.
LGBTQ people, especially transgender people, may face struggles when trying to
receive proper healthcare due to lower rates of insurance coverage and fewer healthcare
providers that understand their needs—a result of heteronormative culture.
Parental disapproval of LGBTQ+ children.
Some heteronormative parents subscribe to homophobia or transphobia and
disapprove of their children coming out as LGBTQ+ or dating those individuals (instead
preferring heterosexual, cisgender individuals).
Assigning gender to intersex people.
Some parents of intersex babies elect to perform medically unnecessary surgery
on their baby’s genitalia to ensure they are unambiguously male or female.

(Group activity)
1. Do you think it is important for the youth to continuously engage in nation-building and
making reforms or changes in how things are done in our country right now? Why do you
thinks so?
Yes, it is very important that the youth be continuously engage in nation-building and
making reforms or changes in how things are done in our country right now. Because youths are
the future leader in our societies. So us who is in the present needs to educate them guide them to
the right path and shape them for them to lead the world with confidence and have the brighter
future in our society.

2. Do you think the youth has power to shape how gender is viewed in the modern world?
Why do you think so?
Yes, the youth has the power to shape howw gender is viewed in the modern world. We just
have to educate them and let them understand the true essence of gender here in our society and
make it tattoed in their minds that gender equality is essential in the equilibrium of our world.
Chaos, discrimination and violence may not existed if these terms is in the hearts of everyone.
Lesson 28
CONTEMPLATE. Reflect on the following questions.
Should gender be a deciding factor for people to access education?
- gender must not be a deciding factor for people to access education because everone has the
right to be educated regardless of the statuses.
Are there specific needs that women, men, and LGBTQ+ have in school? If yes, what are
those needs?
- Yes, they have specific needs in school. Just like their right as a person on what roles they re
performing in the society must be protected and in school it is always implemented and orient
every students that discrimination and bullying is not allowed. Creating an inclusive culture
prevents children and youth from experiencing distress, discrimination, bullying and ultimately
negative health outcomes. Creating a respectful environment helps transgender and gender
creative children lead happy, healthy and confident lives.
How do you think the educational system in the Philippines is addressing these gender needs?
-The Philippines especially the Department of Education issued a gender-responsive basic
education policy that calls for an end to discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation and
gender identity in schools. The Philippines has been a leader in affirming the rights of LGBT
youth. The DepEd issued a child protection policy to prevent and address bullying in schools,
including the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Protections were strengthened when
the Congress enacted an Anti-Bullying Law with implementing rules and regualtions that
expressly prohibit bullying of LGBT youth.
COMMUNICATE. Go to the nearest barangay health center to your school. Ask the Barangay
Health Worker, Midwife, or any health professional what are the particular health services in the
following components, which responda to the needs of women, men, and LGBTQ+.

Cluster Specific Services

Diagnose and investigate health problems and
health hazards in the community. Inform,
educate, and empower people about health
Public Health issues. Mobilize community partnerships and
action to identify and solve health problems.
Develop policies and plans that support
individual and community health efforts.
Access to safe drinking water and
good sanitation are vital for family well-
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene being. It results in control of enteric diseases,
and boosts child health. A healthy child has
better learning and retaining ability.
treats healthy individuals as well as those
Nutrition being seen for acute or chronic illnesses or
- includes any support that people receive to
protect or promote their mental health and
psychosocial wellbeing
Mental Health and Psychosocial Service - treatment and prevention of psychiatric
disorders such as
sdepression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD)
COMMUNICATE. Conduct an interview with some of your teachers, school heads, and/or
conselors. Ask them what are the school programs for mental health. Ask them also about
programs for gender-related issues. After gathering information from them, reflect on the
1. How do you think will these programs help you as an adolescent?
- these programs help me as an adolescent because they could helpme for my psychological well-
being to strengthen my mind and not be down by any weaknesses in me. it can also help me
overcome my fears and be my mind in good and healthy mentality.
2. Are there other forms of support you think adolescents need in terms of mental health and
gender issues? What are these?
Social support can be considered as a form of social capital and is usually defined by
structural aspects of people’s relationship and explicit functions they may serve. Social support
has been identified as a key protective factor for mental well-being. Positive relationships with
family and friends are thought to serve as buffers to the negative influences within one’s
immediate environment. Emotional sustenance are demonstrations of caring, valuing, and
understanding by (significant) others while active coping assistance relates to supporters giving
advice or implementing problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies that they would
use themselves
1. Write a reflection paper. Did the concepts I lerned from previous lessons helped me
become more intelligent in making choices to my gender and sexuality? If yes, how? If
no, what elso could be done so that I can gain more information to base my healthy
decisions from?

The concepts I learned from previous lessons helped me become more intelligent in making
choices to my gender and sexuality for it gives me knowledges on what would I do if I’d
encountered some violence and discrimination, what are those institutions and services would I
go to for help and what are the rights/laws that protects me if I encountered one. It also give me
leanings that the LGBTQ+ is not worth discriminating because of their status and roles, they just
human who expresses theirselves to everyone and waiting for them to be accepted. Men and
women also wants to prove that they can do what others can do from their own capabilities.
Media is a powerful instrument to spread awareness, educations and knowledges on how people
can have equity to each other. Equality in the society must be seen everywhere and violence and
discrimination must be eradicated so that the equilibrium will uprised.

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