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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Mawake Elementary School





School : Mawake Elementary School

I. Context and Rationale

The significance of developing the learners reading performance and skills

builds a better nation. Children nowadays are fond of getting the manipulative process

of every task without emphasizing the importance of knowing the meaning of a

printed material. In result, mastery of which is being sacrifice to the extent that it

affects the whole interest and involvement of a learner to understand the information

presented in written form. Pupils construct and discrimination skills as they read

printed words and pictures.

It is not logical to assume that a child will comprehend a word, a sentence, or

a paragraph that they do not recognize out of context. However, many words that are

not known to the reader visually may be successfully comprehend when presented in

meaningful context. Being unaware of a pupil’s overall reaction to the printed

materials may result to a problem of a teacher.

The onset of globalization ushered in the era of unprecedented changes

brought about by the advent of information and communication technology. Its rapid

leap compounded everyone’s life and sometimes it threatens one’s capacity of

keeping abreast of infinite innovation. (Ratheeswari, 2018).

Mawake Elementary School embraces change and accepts the challenges

caused by the COVID-19 crisis. The school is upskilling the learners to cope with

the demands in education. School Learning Recovery Plan (SLRP) is a program of

schools that geared towards the development of reading proficiency, values centered

and anchored on knowledge and information, concepts, process and delivery, work

values and skills.

In the local study conducted by Endaya, G.C (2022), it states that the needs

of today's educational environment, the demands of 21st-century education

necessitate not only technological advancement but also the usage of digital

technologies. As a result, Learning Commons (LCs) have become a buzzword in

educational institutions.

Without an afterthought, it is important that the teacher must engage the

learners in an experiential, contextualized and authentic teaching- learning process.

It is important to bring the desired changes in the society as well as to develop a

generation of virtuous individual.

According to Jones (2017), in his study conducted, it underscores that

Learning Commons (LCs) is a hotspot of innovation, collaborative activity, and

participation that emerges from the union of modern technologies with a traditional

source of information. It benefits individuals, families, and the community because it

teaches practical life skills. It is more crucial than ever to address pandemic and

social isolation issues.

Across the cohort, Republic Act 10533 otherwise known as the Enhanced

Basic Education Act which stipulates that the program should meet the demand in

reading development. In response to this mandate, the curriculum was enhanced in

terms of specific skills and knowledge that pupils must develop to meet the

requirements for further learning.

It is worth to mention that, as of 12 January 2021, approximately 825 million

learners are affected due to school closures in response to the pandemic according to

UNICEF. The impact was more severe for disadvantaged children and their families

causing interrupted learning, compromised nutrition, childcare problem, and

consequent economic cost to families who could not work.

On the foregoing, it was a big challenge for us, where the government decided

not to have face to face classes as we practiced before due to pandemic. We are

living amidst what is potentially one of the greatest threats in our lifetime to global

education crisis where in fact the Department of Education moved to have different

modalities of learning to be implemented all over the country.

As a matter of point of discussion, the challenge today is to increase as much

as possible the quality of learning to build and improve the skills of the learners. The

Elementary Education Curriculum Batas Pambansa Blg.232 which is the

Educational Act of 1982 states the state recognizes the primacy of the basic

education to secure the future of the youth and to achieve the development of the

child especially on literacy.

In conclusion, the complexity of learning to perform activities is

indisputable. Also, with the implementation of K to 12 Basic Education curriculum

which aims to produce graduates that are globally competitive and in line with the

thrust of the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) 2004-2010 and

the Ten-Point Agenda of the National Government to promote the use of information

and communication technology (ICT) resources to support teaching and learning

process specifically enhancing skills to yield desired outcome on the learners’ level

of proficiency in reading literacy, thus, this action research is conceptualized.

II. Action Research Question

This study will determine the level of performance of Grade 1 Pupils in

reading development through School Learning Recovery Plan (SLRP).

Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1. What are the factors that affect learners’ poor skill performance in

reading development?

2. What approach in reading development is used by the teachers?

3. What are the challenges experienced by Grade 1 teachers in the

delivery of instruction?

4. To what extent these challenges affect the delivery of teaching

instruction in terms of:

a. objectives;

b. subject matter/content; and

c. learning activities; and

d. evaluation?

5. What intervention needed to address the difficulties and weaknesses


a. written test results;

b. performance assessment; and

c. feedback of the learners?

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

The proponent of this research study will develop an intervention that will

support grade 1 learners in reading instruction. The innovative material will serve as

reading development material to improve the performance of the learners. The teachers

will also use the innovative material to aid the delivery of reading instruction.

This proposed intervention will provide a concrete learning intervention

through differentiated activities that could encourage the learners to participate actively

during reading sessions and that they will engage to give their thorough performance on

the concepts that are complex.

The proponent of this study will submit a proposal, conduct the study, and

distribute needed questionnaires and forms to be accomplished by the respondents and

interpretation of the results. The researcher will use a checklist to gather the data. It will

be used throughout the course of the research study.

The researcher will use checklist in gathering the data. It will be used to gather

data throughout the course of the research study. The foregoing will provide

information as to the level of performance of understanding and the application of

different skills to improve reading proficiency of Grade 1 pupils.

A questionnaire will be prepared by the researcher in accord with the

observation checklist that will be gathered throughout the intervention.

IV – Action Research Methods

A. Participants and Sources of Data and Information

The respondents of this study will be composed of 100 pupils who are enrolled

in Grade 1 for the school year 2022-2023 and Grade 1 -3 Teachers. The sources of data

in this study will be the result of the pre and post-test. On the other, survey

questionnaire will be used to gather data for teacher-respondents. Likewise,

demographic profile of the pupils will be considered as other sources of data.

B. Data Gathering Methods

This study will use qualitative and quantitative descriptive method of research.

Thus, the result of pre-test, post-test and survey questionnaire will be analyzed. The

result of the analysis of data will serve as the basis of interpretation.

To provide credence on the foregoing, qualitative and quantitative descriptive

research methods are designed in a manner that helps reveal the behavior and

perception of a target audience regarding a particular topic. There are various types of

qualitative research methods like an in-depth interview, focus groups, ethnographic

research, content analysis, case study research that are usually used. The results of

qualitative methods are more descriptive, and therefore the interferences are often draw

quite easily from the information.

As a matter of fact, it came from direct observation and in-depth analysis of the

interviews among respondents of the study. The results will be analyzed as part of the

quantitative analysis. Conducting in-depth interviews is one of the most common

qualitative research methods. It is a personal interview that is carried out with one

respondent at a time. This is purely a conversational method and invites opportunities

to get details in depth from the respondent.

One of the advantages of this method provides a great opportunity to gather

precise data about what people believe and what their motivations are. Researcher will

ask questions that will help to collect meaningful data and proceed by asking follow-up

questions that will help to gather more information to be collated.

Data Analysis Plan

The data to be collected by the researcher must undergo analysis to answer the

problem of the study. At the onset, this will employ the descriptive research method. In its

essence, descriptive method is used to describe various aspects of the phenomenon.

On the same stand, descriptive research is used to describe characteristics and/or

behavior of sample population. Hence, pre and post-test will be administered to Grade 1-

Pupils to determine their growth and their learning through mean and percentages results. The

researcher’s observation checklists will be used to gather data throughout the intervention.

This tool will provide information underlying the learning skills of the learners.

The effectivity of this research will be determined by comparing the mean and

percentage of the pre-test and post-test with the use of Likert scale.

V – Action Research Work Plan and Timeliness

Objectives Activities Time Resources Funding Remarks/

Frame Human Materials MOVs
Write an action Make a February Researcher, Research Personal Gathering
research concept 2023 prospective materials, of
proposal note, respondents Printed information
Do research , Principal, Articles, as basis
of related Teachers Books prior to the
literature conduct of
and studies, the study
related to
the study

Submit Action Preparation March 1- Researcher, Printed Personal Conduct an

Research of Action 15, 2023 District Research action
Proposal for the Research, Supervisor Paper, research
conduct of the Seek Letter of
study permission Intent
Administer the Gathering March Researcher, Questionn Personal Documents
prepared action data, 16-31, Grade 1 aire, on Pre-test
research Assessment 2023 Teachers, checklist, results
proposal of test result Grade 1 observatio
Pupils n form

Administer Pre- Administeri April 24, Researcher, Interventio Personal Attendance

Test to Grade 1 ng Pre-Test 2023 Grade 1 n Material, and
Learners to Grade 1 Learners ICT observation
Learners al checklist

Administer Administeri April 28, Researcher, Questionn Personal Assessment

Post-test to ng Post- 2023 Grade 1 aire results
Grade 1 Test Teachers,
Learners Grade 1

Collect, Collecting, May 1-15, Researcher Questionn Personal Graph,

process, and processing, 2023 aire analysis and
interpret and interpretatio
collected data interpreting n
of data
Submit result to Submitting May 16- Researcher Set of Personal Final Copy
the SDO result of the 31, 2023 SDO printed of the
Mabalacat City action Mabalacat copies of Action
research City Completed Research
conducted personnel Action submitted to
Research SD0

VI – Cost Estimates

The estimated amount to be spent for the completion of this study is shown below:

Supplies and Materials 1000.00

Internet/ Wifi/ 500.00

Transportation/Documentation 1000.00

Contingency and other fund 5,00.00


Completed copies (hard bound) 2,000.00

TOTAL 5,000.00

VII – Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

Research proposal and the completed copies are expected to be kept by the researcher.

These will be shared to school heads, teachers, and school community members before,

during and after the implementation of this study. The dissemination will be done during

faculty meetings and LAC session.

The researcher is planning to disseminate the set approved and Completed Action

Research to schools in elementary level in the Schools Division Office of Mabalacat City.

Further, the researcher will allow the public libraries to have a copy of the same for future


VIII – References

Ratheeswari, K. (2018). Information Communication Technology in

Education. Journal of Applied and Advanced Research,
volume (Suppl.1)S45- S47.

Mayer, R. E. (2008). Applying the science of learning: Evidence-based

principles for the design of multimedia instruction.

Parsons, D., Ryu, H., & Cranshaw, M. (2007). A study of design

requirement for mobile learning environments. Journal of
Computers, 2(4), 1-8.

Umali, T. (2019, January 23). Mobile app development for Filipino senior
high learners


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