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LP-Physical Fitness

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At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. Establish goals in physical activity based on the assessment result

2. Construct an action plan in achieving goals
3. Display understanding on the importance of fitness.


A. Topic: Physical Fitness
B. References: CG p. 45LM p. 6 – 27

C. Materials: Power point presentation, pictures, previous

PFT score card, bond paper, coloring materials

D. Values Integration: Respect, Courtesy

Teacher activities Student activities
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer The class will pray.

2. Checking of Attendance

The teacher will check the The class will say present.
3. Review
Ask: What was our lesson
yesterday? Student will give answer.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Class, today we are going to
learn about physical fitness.
But before we proceed to
our lesson, let us work on
this activity.
The class will listen.
 The teacher will show these

The class will pay attention.

 The teacher will ask:

o What do the pictures

What is the difference

between the two? It says about being physically fit and
exercise regularly.

The first picture gain weight while the

other is physically fit.
 The teacher will ask the students
to study their individual PFT score
card they have accomplished from
the previous activity.
Based from the Physical Fitness
Assessment you accomplished:
o In what component
do you perform well?
What about the
least? The class will study their individual PFT.
o What will be your
goal in order to
achieve fitness?
o Is it important to
have a goal in a
certain activity?
Why? Answer may vary

Activity Hands-0n
My goal is to do regular exercise.
Class you will do the FPT by group
and present the result in class.

Yes. It is important to achieve physical

fitness and avoid health problems.

 The teacher will let each group

discuss their outputs.

Guide questions:

How did you find the activity?

What is your action plan in Yes, teacher.
achieving your goals?
Do you think that will lead you
to your goals?
What do you think are the
possible barriers in achieving
C. Discussion
The teacher will give a brief
discussion on the proper ways
of doing physical activities and
how it helps you achieve a
good result.
Emphasize that the reasons of Each group will start discussing their
the students why they were not
able to exercise are the so
called “BARRIERS”. Explain the
importance of exercise and
encourage them to find ways in The activity is great teacher.
to overcome these barriers.
I need to do regular exercise and eat
balance diet.
D. Application
1. Using the same group, instruct
the students to present a 1-2 Yes, I do.
minute role play on how to
achieve a healthy body. When you are always passive and has no
work out.
2. They will be graded with this
Creativity – 30
Cooperation – 30
Relevance – 20
Uniqueness - 20

E. Generalization The class will listen and participate in the

The teacher will ask : discussion.
What is your action plan in
achieving your goals?
Do you think that will lead you
to your goals?
What do you think are the
possible barriers in achieving
Answer the following questions
1. Why do we need to
achieve fitness?
2. How will you fight
barriers in achieving
physical fitness? The class will perform the group task.


Complete this statement:

Doing physical activities makes me

I need to do regular exercise and eat

balance diet.

Yes, I do.

When you are always passive and has no

work out.

Answer may vary.

Answer may vary.

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