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(SORIANO, DANIEL) Field Study 1 Episode 5

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Field Study 1 Episode 5

Daniel T. Soriano


1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their


- 18-20 years old, students in Eugenio Lopez Center for Media Arts Senior High

School are very friendly and they have good relations with their teachers and also

with their classmates. For example, some students from 12 Meritocracy have

friends in 12 Honesty like they will go to their friends even if it's in another

section. But sometimes it's unavoidable that there are some students that had

issues because of group activities or in other words misunderstanding with each


2. How many boys are there? How many girls?

- In Eugenio Lopez Center for Media Arts Senior High School, in the class of 12

Excellence they have 15 Boys and 16 Girls.

3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?

- Yes, they are not the typical high schoolers that you need to order anytime. If you

tell them to lower their voice they will listen, for example when i'm having a class

to 12 Integrity i told them, that they can continue their research paper but at the

same time they must listen to our lecture. And also, most of the students know

their limits to their teachers, classmates.

4. Can the learners already work independently?

- Yes, actually they have this project called “DocuFest” which they were assigned

to make a documentary about their case study in the subject of non narrative.

When we watched each documentary of these Grade 12 students, you will think

that those documentaries weren't created by Grade 12 students, but yes this

student form ELJ was so very talented and can work independently.

5. Describe their span of attention

- Most of the students in ELJ don't need supervision because they can work on

their own, but some of them need guidance because at the end of the day we

know that they are talented but as teachers they need guidance.


1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids,

books, students’ belongings, supplies, etc.)? Describe these areas. Will it make a

difference if the areas for specific purposes are not present?

- The observed classroom contains clearly designated spaces for particular

activities. There is a separate storage place for teaching aids, a bookcase for

books, a part for students' possessions, and another for supplies. The

organization of these regions improves the classroom's overall functionality.

Without these specified areas, there may be confusion and disorganization,

making it difficult for teachers and students to obtain critical supplies. Having

designated spaces promotes a structured learning environment, allowing for

easier classroom administration.

2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down. Do these

rules reinforce positive behavior?

- Yes, the rules and procedures are posted in the room. The rules set expectations for

respectful behavior, active participation, and a safe learning environment. These rules

aim to reinforce positive behavior by setting clear expectations for pupils. Visual

reminders of the rules foster a classroom culture that values positive behavior, resulting

in a more conducive learning environment.

● Respect involves treating others with respect and courtesy.

● Active participation involves contributing to class discussions and activities.

● Punctuality entails arriving on time for class and submitting tasks punctually.

● Positive Learning Environment: Keep the classroom clean and conducive to


3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? If the Resource

Teacher is available, ask him/her to describe the process. What's the effect of

students’ participation in rule-making on student's behavior?

- Students were seen to engage in the development of classroom norms. The

Resource Teacher engaged pupils in a collaborative manner, allowing them to

share their thoughts and perspectives. This participative method to rule-making

improves student conduct. Students are more inclined to follow rules that they

helped design, instilling a sense of ownership and duty in the classroom

4. What are the daily routines done by the Resource Teacher? (prayer, attendance,

assignment of monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?

- The Resource Teacher maintains a daily pattern that includes prayer, attendance,

monitor assignment, and warm-up exercises. These routines are carried out in an

ordered and systematic manner, which aids in the smooth flow of the class. The

constant application of these routines creates a predictable structure, allowing

children to understand and adhere to daily expectations.

5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement? Does this

help manage the class?

- The seating arrangement in the classroom follows a strategic approach. The

layout is not arbitrary, but takes into account student dynamics, interactions, and

the importance of teacher-student engagement. This seating arrangement adds

considerably to class management by reducing distractions and encouraging a

concentrated learning atmosphere.

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

- The noise level in the classroom is well handled. The Resource Teacher applies

a variety of tactics, including establishing clear noise levels, employing visual

clues, and including silent signals. By establishing and continuously enforcing

these rules, the teacher creates a favorable learning atmosphere that reduces

disturbances and encourages concentrated attention.

7. If a learner is not following instruction or is off-task, what does the Resource

Teacher do? Describe the behavior strategies used.

- When a learner does not follow directions or is off-task, the Resource Teacher

uses behavior methods to address the issue. These tactics may include verbal

reminders, redirection, or, in more severe circumstances, a structured

punishment system. The teacher's response is constant, stern, and geared at

redirecting the kid toward positive behavior while maintaining a balance between

discipline and support.

8. What does the Resource Teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? (behavior


- To promote positive actions, the Resource Teacher applies a variety of behavior

methods. Verbal praise, material rewards, or a positive reinforcement system are

all possible options. Recognizing and praising students' positive activities fosters

a positive classroom culture, pushing them to continuously demonstrate desired

behaviors. The employment of positive reinforcement tactics promotes a

supportive and encouraging learning environment.


1. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?

- Positive classroom discipline is vital for many reasons. First and foremost,

effective discipline creates a safe and suitable learning environment. Students

who feel comfortable and appreciated are more likely to engage in the learning

process, express themselves, and form strong bonds with their peers and


Aspects of Classroom Description Effect on the Learners

Management (to be filled out after you
answer the
analysis question)

1. Specific Areas in the A well-organized classroom The division of distinct

classroom has separate areas regions in the classroom
designated for specific offers students an organized
functions to improve learning environment that responds to
and functionality. These a variety of learning
areas may include the demands.
learning or instructional area,
where the teacher conducts
lessons and discussions; a
reading corner, designed to
encourage quiet reading and
individual study; a
collaborative or group work
area for interactive activities;
and, possibly, a designated
space for classroom
materials and resources.

2. Classroom Rules Classroom rules are the Establishing clear and

cornerstone for preserving equitable classroom rules
order, establishing respect, benefits students by giving a
and creating a healthy foundation for conduct and
learning environment. These expectations. Students gain
rules often define behavioral from a sense of security and
expectations, academic predictability, as they
requirements, and understand the boundaries
repercussions for and repercussions of their
noncompliance. behavior.

3. Classroom Procedures Classroom procedures are Students benefit from a more

the methodical stages or structured learning
routines that lead different experience when classroom
tasks in the classroom. These processes are well specified.
may involve entering and Learners who grasp the
exiting the classroom, systematic stages for various
switching between activities, activities feel more confident
collecting and submitting and in control of their
assignments, and performing surroundings.
other daily duties.
4. Daily Routines Daily routines give a Establishing daily routines
consistent structure for the benefits students by offering
school day, allowing pupils to a predictable structure to their
grasp expectations and educational day. Knowing
manage their time more what to expect promotes a
successfully. sense of stability and
security, which reduces
stress and anxiety.

5. Seating arrangement A classroom's seating The seating arrangement in a

arrangement has a significant classroom has a direct impact
impact on the learning on how students interact and
environment. Teachers collaborate. Seating that is
frequently place students thoughtfully organized
strategically to promote promotes peer interaction
communication, collaboration, and teamwork, hence
and involvement. creating a positive learning

6. Handling Effective classroom A fair and effective approach

misbehavior/off-task management entails to misbehavior or off-task
behavior addressing misbehavior or behavior promotes a safe and
off-task conduct in a timely respectful learning
and productive manner. environment for all children.
Teachers can use a range of Clear expectations and
tactics, including setting clear regular punishments foster a
goals, enforcing consistent sense of accountability,
penalties, and providing allowing students to
positive reinforcement. comprehend the significance
of responsible behavior.

7. Reinforcement of Reinforcing positive behavior Promoting positive behavior

Positive Behavior is an important part of provides a motivating and
creating a positive classroom encouraging environment for
atmosphere. Teachers students. Recognizing and
recognize and encourage rewarding desirable acts
appropriate behavior through helps to reinforce the school
a variety of approaches, community's values and
including verbal praise, expectations.
tangible awards, and
acknowledgment systems.

1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior?

- The classroom organization and routines significantly influenced learners'

behavior by providing structure and predictability, fostering a positive learning


2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom

organization and routines? What theories and principles should you have in


- To establish an effective and conducive learning environment, teachers should

take into account educational theories such as constructivism and behaviorism,

as well as principles like consistency, clarity, and student participation.

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the

learners? In motivating students? Why were they effective?

- Positive reinforcement, clear expectations, and proactive communication were

among the most effective behavior management tactics. Motivating pupils was

successful by adding elements of autonomy, relevance, and a variety of teaching

approaches to accommodate different learning styles. These tactics worked

because they addressed individual needs and fostered a supportive learning


1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what level do you see

yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level? Why?

- In the future, I envision myself managing a high school classroom. The routines

and procedures would be age-appropriate, encouraging independence, critical

thinking, and collaborative learning. To establish a good and engaging culture, it

is critical to create a controlled but flexible setting.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement at this level. Why would you

choose these rules?

The following are the regulations that I would most likely use on this group of students.

- Clear communication: To ensure students understand expectations and feel


- Respect for others: To promote a positive and inclusive classroom culture.

- Accountability: Encouraging responsibility for individual actions and learning.

- Active participation: Fostering engagement and collaborative learning.

- Time management: Emphasizing the importance of punctuality and efficient use

of time.

These principles were established to foster a positive learning atmosphere that

values respect, accountability, teamwork, and time management, all of which are

important skills for high school students.

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

- Yes, learners should be involved in making class rules. Involving students in

rule-setting fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility. It encourages them

to reflect on their behavior and understand the reasons behind certain rules. This

collaborative approach promotes a positive classroom culture and empowers

students to actively contribute to maintaining a conducive learning environment.

Link Theory to Practice

1. D

2. C

3. B

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