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Ep 5-fs1

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This learning episode provides you an opportunity to examine how

classrooms are structured or designed to allow everyone’s maximum

participation for effective learning. You will also examine how classroom
management practices affect learning. This episode enhances the application of
the theories learned in the following professional subjects such as Facilitating-
Learner Centered Teaching and the Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning

At the end of this episode, you must be able to plan in managing time,
space, and resources, and illustrate a learning environment appropriate and
conducive to learning.

An inclusive classroom climate refers to an environment where all

students feel supported intellectually and academically and are extended a sense
of belonging in the classroom regardless of identity, learning preferences, or
education. Such environments are sustained when instructors and students
work together for thoughtfulness, respect, and academic excellence, and are key
to encouraging the academic success of all students. Research indicates that
many students may be more likely to prosper academically in settings with more
collaborative modes of learning that acknowledge students’ personal
experiences (Kaplan and Miller 2007).

Student learning can be enhanced by establishing a classroom tone that

is friendly, caring, and supportive, and that lets students explore the
relationships among course material, personal, and social experiences.
Instructors can consider a variety of areas to promote inclusivity, including the
syllabus, choices in assigned reading, discussion expectations, and personal

To maintain an inclusive classroom climate,
the instructor can: Top Strategies for Inclusive Teaching
Structure classroom conversations to Establish guidelines for interaction.
encourage respectful and equitable Be transparent about expectations.
Do not ask individuals to speak for an
Anticipate sensitive issues and acknowledge
entire group.
racial, class or cultural differences in the
classroom when appropriate If conflict arises, acknowledge it.
Model inclusive language Illustrate concepts with multiple and
Use multiple and diverse examples diverse examples.
Personally connect with students Promote a growth mindset.
Provide alternative means for participation Include a Diversity Statement on the
Respectfully communicate with students
Address offensive, discriminatory, and
See examples of faculty implementing
insensitive comments for their behavior.
Perform a Self-Assessment principles of inclusive teaching

Now, are you ready for your observation activity? I bet you are, so let’s begin.

Your Activity 5.1
Managing Time, Space and Learning Resources

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Elizabeth A. Basiawan Signature: _______________

Grade/Year Level: Grade7 & 8 Date: October 10, 2022

To realize your learning objectives, you need observe and use the
observation sheet provided for you to document your observations.

Use the Activity form below to document your observations.

1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note
their ages.
 According to the data, 1 student aged 11, 35 students aged 12, 7 students
aged 13, 1 student aged 14, and 1 student aged 15. The students who’s
aged ranges from 11 to 12, as I observed their characteristics, they show
more interest in and influence by peer group. The students’ ages from 13
to 15, they enjoy demonstrating acquired knowledge and can consider
many perspectives of a given issue.
2. How many boys are there? How many girls?
 There are 25 boys and 22 girls.

3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?
 From what I have observed, most of the students are not already able to
manage their own behavior. They have a lot of things to work on when it
comes to handling their emotions.
4. Can the learners already work independently?
 Not totally. Most of the learners need one-on-one interaction to guide
them through accomplishing a task. They are not independent enough to
make their own decisions and to understand one pattern of rotation in the
5. Describe their span of attention or engagement.
 I would say that the learners’ attention span is limited wherein their focus
is easily diverted to other things. The students are easily distracted. That’s
why it is difficult for the students to understand the lesson. Because of
this, a teacher cannot proceed to the next lesson because everyone should
have understood the topic.

Analyze and answer these questions on observed classroom
management practices. It is also good to ask the teacher for additional
information, so you can validate your observation. Write your notes below.
1. Since we have no face-to-face classes, recall the time when you were high
school or elementary. Does your classrooms have areas for specific purposes
(storage of teaching aids, books, student belongings, supplies, etc). Describe
these areas. Will it make a difference if these areas for specific purposes are
not present?
 Due to the pandemic, there are no face-to-face classes. Back then, our
classroom had areas for specific purposes. The areas are useful to
organize our things, especially the instructional materials that are used
for the discussions. It is new to me since there are no classes because the
home and classroom are different, in particular with regard to the
environment, which impacts the students' learning. I can focus on the
discussion when I’m in school because that is the goal. When I’m at home,
there are a lot of distractions, unnecessary things that bother me to focus
directly on what I want to learn.
2. Were there rules and procedures posted in the classroom? Do these rules
reinforce positive behavior? List down the rules.
 Yes, through the rules and procedures posted in the classroom I am
always aware to how I behave properly inside and outside the classroom.
 No talking while the teacher is speaking.
 Raise your hand if you want to speak.
 No eating during class discussion,
 Be on time.

3. What are the routines of the resource teacher? (prayer, attendance,

assignment, warm up activities) How are they done?
 The routines of my cooperating teacher are first, prayer, followed by
picking some pieces of garbage, arranging the chairs, attendance,
discussion of the lesson, and last is to have an activity to assess if the
students learn something from the topic being discussed.
4. Does your classroom before have seating arrangement? What’s the basis of
the arrangement? Does this help in managing the class?
 Yes, the basis of our seating arrangement is when the students are
farsighted and nearsighted. It is a huge help for us to identify with each
other and understand each one of us.

5. What does the resource teacher do to reinforce positive behavior?
 First, she explains the positive result when students have good behavior.
Second, she will provide activities that are aligned with positive behavior.
Lastly, in every class, she will observe if the students apply all the

Reflect as a future
teacher. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?
 As a future teacher, it is one of my prime goals to enforce positive
discipline because, whatever it takes, the betterment of the students is of
utmost importance. When they are young, they need to develop good
behavior so that when they take their own path, they will carry these
aspects to become the person they want to be. They will be respected as
they also respect others. They have the ability to influence the youth to
have the ideal to become an inspiration to others.

Your Activity 5.2

Identifying the Different Aspects of Classroom Management

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Elizabeth A. Basiawan Signature: ______________

Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 & 8 Date: October 10, 2022

To realize your learning objectives, you need observe a class and

accomplish the given matrix.

Aspects of Classroom Description Effect on the

Management Learners
(Fill this out after the analysis)
1. Specific Areas in - At the center, the chairs of the - Students’ will be more
the classroom students. motivated and focused on
- At the back, the locker where learning their subjects.
students’ can put their
- At the side, the comfort room.
2. Classroom Rules - The classroom rules are clear - Students’ learn better and
and effective in the classroom. be more responsible.
3. Classroom Procedures - The classroom procedures are - Students’ become aware to
organized and taught well. what are the good things to

4. Daily Routines - Daily routines are followed - Students’ will be more
and well-managed. active to start the day with
5. Seating Arrangement - The seating arrangement are - Helps the students’ to
well-executed and encourage maintain good posture
learners to pay attention. throughout study sessions.
6. Handling misbehavior - The teacher is a good - Students’ develop various
communicator and can handle skills including language,
the behavior of the students’ in and social behavior.
a good manner.
7. Reinforcement of - Reinforcement of positive - Encourages children to
Positive Behavior behavior is suitable, efficient, easily interact with each
and facilitates a positive other.

Analyze and answer the questions below.

1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’
 I am confident to say that classroom organization and routines positively
affect the learners' learning through making them more responsible and
disciplined. The rules not only affect the learners’ behavior but also help
them to be aware of what is the right thing to do.
2. What should the teacher have in mind when he/she designs the classroom
organization and routines? What theories and principles should you have in
 It is important for a teacher to keep in mind when designing the
classroom organization and routines inside the classroom that she has a
sense of connection to her students. Referring to the theories and
principles of teaching, you will fully understand the appropriate routines
to be implemented.
 Cognitive theory is to give attention to learners’ mental processes and
their construction of knowledge.
 Behaviorist theory or Behaviorism which focus on the positive and
negative behaviors of the students.

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the

learners? In motivating students? Why were they effective?
 Engage the class in setting behavior expectations by allowing the entire
class to participate in setting behavior expectations, students feel greater
ownership over the set of rules they live under. Students are also more
likely to hold one another accountable. This method can be particularly

effective with older students, especially high learners’. These students
already have an inclination to dismiss what they see as chance authority,
but have a desire to gain control over their day-to-day responsibilities.

Reflect on the following and write your insights.

1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade year
level do you see yourself. What section? What routines and procedures would
you consider for this level? Why?
 In the future, I imagine myself in the 7th grade, section A, because I know
that learners at this level need so much time. In fact, they are entering
the next phase in their studies, which is high school. The routines and
procedures I will consider for this level are being respectful, to begin
with the prayer. Following that, they will engage in various activities that
will engage their physical, emotional, and cognitive development.
Influencing and assisting students in relating patterns in the classroom
Learners’ preparation at this stage is one of the important changes
within them.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you
choose these rules?
 Rule No. 1 Clean the inside and outside area of the classroom.
 Rule No.2 Everyday, one student will lead the prayer and have an
energizer to warm their body.
 Rule No. 3 No saying of bad words.
 Rule No. 4 Submit the output/s before or on the day of the deadline.
 Rule No. 5 Report to the teacher when you have concerns.
 Rule No. 6 Make an effort to have a high grades.

3. Should learners be involved in making class rules? Why?

 Yes, class rules are intended for the learners to abide by. It is being made
to be organized and have a well-rounded classroom. If the students
always follow the class rules, they will become more productive and
active participants in every activity.

I. Paste pieces of evidence of classroom rules that work in class. You may also put
pictures of the physical space and learning stations which contribute to the
effective implementation of classroom management.

Wow! Congratulations. You are done with the observation activity for the
Learning Episode 5. To successfully end your Learning Episode 5, go to your LMS
and answer the Learning Episode 5 Quiz.


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