Course Objective: To acquaint the students with the fundamentals of managing business
and to understand individual and group behavior at work place so as to improve the
effectiveness of an organization. The course will use and focus on Indian experiences,
approaches and cases.
Course contents:
Unit -1
Basic forms of Business Ownership; Special forms of ownership: Franchising, Licensing,
Leasing; Choosing a form of Business ownership; Corporate Expansion: mergers and
acquisitions, diversification, forward and backward integration, joint ventures, Strategic
alliance. Evolution of Management Theory. Managerial functions and Roles. Insights from
Indian practices and ethos.
Overview of Planning: Types of Plans & The planning process; Decision making: Process,
Types. Control: Function, Process and types of Control; Principles of organizing: Common
organizational structures; Delegation & Decentralization: Factors affecting the extent of
decentralization, Process and Principles of delegation, coordination & communication.
Different functional areas of Management, Teams & Groups.
Unit -3
Importance of organizational Behaviour. Perception and Attribution: Concept, Nature,
Process, Personality: Trait Theory Learning: Concept. Motivation: Concepts and their
application, Need, Content & Process theories, Contemporary Leadership issues:
Charismatic, Transformational Transactional Leadership. Managerial Grid.
1. Gilbert: Principles of Management, McGraw Hill.
2. Greenberg Jerald and Baron Robert. A.: Behaviour in Organisations:
Understanding and Managing The Human Sideof Work, Prentice Hall of
3. Kaul Vijay Kumar, Business Organisation & Management - Text and Cases,
Pearson.4.Kaul, Vijay Kumar, Management- Text & Cases, Vikas Publication.
5. Kavita Singh: Organisational Behaviour, Vikas Publication.
6. Koontz & Heinz Weihrich: Essential of Management, McGraw
Hill.7.Luthans Fred: Organisational Behaviour, Tata McGraw
8. Mc Shane L. Steven, Glinow Mary Ann Von & Sharma Radha R. - Organisational
Behaviour; Tata McGraw Hill.
9. Newstrom John W.: Organisational Behaviour, Tata McGraw
Hill. 10.Richard L. Daft: Principles of Management, Cengage
Learning India.11.Robbins Stephen P: Organisational Behaviour,
12.Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter: Management, Pearson.
13.Stoner & Wankel: Management, Prentice Hall of India.
14.Y.K. Bhushan: Fundamentals of Business Organisation & Management, Sultan Chand
& Sons.
15. Navin Mathur, Management Gurus , National Publishing House, New Delhi
Course Contents
Unit -1:
Business ethics: Meaning of ethics, why ethical problems occur in business. Ethical principles in
business: Teleological and Deontological Theories of ethical reasoning ; ethics of care,
Integrating utility, rights, justice and caring; Virtue ethics, Ethical issues in business: Worker’s
and employee’s rights and responsibilities, Profit maximization vs. social responsibility.
Unit 2:
Corporate governance: concept, Need to improve corporate governance standards, Features of
good governance, Role played by regulators to improve corporate governance, accounting
standards and corporate governance, corporate disclosure, insider trading; The Board –Quality,
Composition and role of Board, Outside Directors on the board (independent, nominee),
Executive and Non-Executive directors, SEBI clause 49, directors and financial institutions in
enhancing corporate governance, critical issues ingovernance of board directors, CEO Duality.
Unit 3:
Role of auditors in enhancing corporate governance, duties and responsibilities of auditors,
corporate governance and internal auditors, Whistle blowing: Kinds of whistle blowing,
precluding the need for whistle blowing. Discrimination, affirmative action, and reverse
discrimination: Equal employment opportunity, Affirmative action, Preferential hiring, And
Corporate social responsibility: Meaning, Evolution of corporate social responsibility, common
indicators for measuring business social performance, reporting social responsibility measures in
annual report.
1. Manuel G Velasquez : Business ethics- concepts and cases Pearson.
2. Luthans Hodgetts and Thompson: Social issues in business, Macmillan USA
3.A.C. Fernando: Business Ethics Pearson Education.
4.A.C. Fernando: Corporate Governance Pearson Education.
5.Adrian Davies: Strategic approach tocorporate governance Gower Pub Co.
6.N. Gopalswamy: Corporate governance a new paradigm A H Wheeler PublishingCo Ltd.
7. Marianne M Jennings: Cases in Business Ethics Indian South-Western CollegePublishing
8. Kevin Gibson: Ethics and Business, An Introduction, Cambridge Applied Ethics
Cambridge University Press
9. Bhanumurthy K V: Ethics and Social Responsibility of Business, Pearson Education India.
Credits -3 Marks-100
Objective: The objective of this paper is to introduce students to the different aspects and
components of financial Institutions and financial markets. This will enable them to take
the rational decision in financial environment.
Course Content:
Unit II: Secondary Market in India: Introduction to Stock Markets, Regional and
Modern Stock Exchanges, International Stock Exchanges, Demutualization of
exchanges, Comparison between NSE and BSE, Raising of funds in International
Markets: ADRs and GDRs, FCCB and Euro Issues; Indian Stock Indices and their
construction, maintenance, adjustment for corporate actions (rights, bonus and stock
split;) on index with numerical, free float vs. full float methodology, Classification
of Securities to be included in the Index, Bulls and Bears in Stock Markets, Factors
influencing the movement of stock markets, indicators of maturity of stock markets,
Major Instruments
Unit III: Traded in stock markets: Equity Shares, Debentures, Trading of securities
on a stock exchange; Selection of broker, capital and margin requirements of a
broker, MTM and VAR Margins, kinds of brokers, opening of an account to trade in
securities, DEMAT System, placing an order for purchase/sale of shares, margin
trading and margin adjustment, contract note and settlement of contracts,
Algorithmic trading, Settlement mechanism at BSE & NSE
1.Saunders, Anthony & Cornett, Marcia Millon (2007). Financial Markets and Institutions (3rd
ed.). Tata McGraw Hill
2.Khan, M Y. ( 2010). Financial Services (5th ed.). McGraw Hill Higher Education
3.Shahani, Rakesh( 2011). Financial Markets in India: A Research Initiative. Anamica Publications
4.Goel, Sandeep. (2012). Financial services. PHI.
5.Gurusamy, S. (2010). Financial Services. TMH.
BBAA104 AEC1 Business Communication
Business Communication/ Communicative English
Credits -2 Marks-50
Unit 1: Introduction
Objectives, importance, elements, process, forms, models, principles of effective
communication, barriers to communication and remedial measures, role of communication
in conflict resolution Formal and informal communication, Grapevine, Characteristics of
corporate communication, Characteristics of corporate communication, Communication
Unit 3: Drafting
Business Meetings, Meeting Etiquettes, Notice, Circular, Resolution and minutes ,
Business letter writing- Offer letter, Quotation, Status enquiry, Confirmation, Execution,
Refusal and cancellation of order, Recommendation, Credit collection, Claim, Bank loan .
C. V. Writing. Scientific and technical subjects, Formal and informal writings Reports,
handbooks, manuals, letters, memorandum.
Suggested Readings •
• Anjanee, S. & Bhavana Adhikari, Business Communication, TMH
• Chaturvedi &Chaturvedi, Business Communication : Concepts, Cases andApplications, Pearson
• M.K.Shegal&Vandana Khetarpal, Business Communication, Excel Books
• R.K.Madhukar, Business Communication, Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
• Rao, Kumar & Bindu, Business Communication, Cengage
• Khanna, Puja., Business Communication, Vikash
• Raman & Sharma, Technical Communication, Oxford
• Lesikar, Flatley et al, Business Communication, McGraw Hill
Module II
Information Technology in Business (Practical- 50)
Unit 3: Correlation Analysis: Meaning and significance. Correlation and Causation, Types
of correlation. Methods of studying simple correlation - Scatter diagram, Karl Pearson’s
coefficient of correlation, Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficient, Regression vs.
Correlation. Linear Regression, Regression lines (X on Y, Y on X) .
Unit-4: Analysis of Time Series: Meaning and significance. Utility, Components of time
series, Models (Additive and Multiplicative), Measurement of trend: Method of least
squares, Parabolic trend and logarithmic trend.
1. S.P. Gupta (S.P.): Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons, 34th Edition.
2. Richard Levin & David Rubin : Statistics for management, Prentice Hall.
3. Anderson, Sweeny & Williams: Statistics for Business and Economics, South Western
Unit 2: Keynesian theory of Income and employment simple Keynesian model, components of
aggregate demand, equilibrium income, changes in equilibrium, multiplier ( investment,
Government expenditure, lump sum tax, foreign trade), effect of fiscal and monetary policy,
crowding out, composition of output and policy mix, policy mix in action; ISLM model :
properties of ISLM curves, factors affecting the position and slope of ISLM curves, determination
of equilibrium income and interest rates, effect of monetary and fiscal policy, relative
effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy.
Unit3: Money: functions of money, quantity theory of money, determination of money supply and
demand, H theory of money multiplier, indicators and instruments of monetary control;
Inflation: meaning, demand and supply side factors, consequences of inflation, anti-inflationary
policies, natural rate theory, monetary policy-output and inflation, Phillips curve (short run and
long run)
Unit 4: Open Economy: brief introduction to BoP account, market for foreign exchange and
exchange rate, monetary and fiscal pol icy in open economy, Mundell Fleming model (perfect
capital mobility and imperfect capital mobility under fixed and flexible exchange rate). Systems of
exchange rates fixed-adjusted peg- flexible. Role of monetary authority in these cases.
1. Froyen, R.P. (2011): Macroeconomics-theories and policies (8thed.) . Pearson:
2. Dornbusch and Fischer (2010). Macroeconomics (9th ed.). Tata McGraw Hill
3. N Gregory Mankiw (2010). Macroeconomics (7thed.). Worth Publishers
4. Olivier Blanchard, Macroeconomics (2009). (5thed.) Pearson
Suggested Readings
Course Objectives: