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PRS Methodology: About "PRS" and The Coplin-O'Leary System™

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PRS Methodology

About PRS and the Coplin-OLeary System

Political Risk Services (PRS) or the Coplin-OLeary Country Risk Rating System is the
methodology developed by Professors William D. Coplin and Michael K. OLeary during 20 years
of research at the Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Syracuse University with the
U.S. Department of State, the Central Intelligence Agency, other government agencies, and major
multinational corporations.

Political Risk Services is the most widely accepted system of completely independent political risk
forecasting. All publications based on this system are included in the Political Risk Services
product line. Political Risk Services methodology and research produce 100 Country Reports and
various service packages and related publications, including our premier service, PRS Online, and
the academic version of our premier service, Political Risk Yearbook.

Political Risk Services The Risk Model

Political Risk Services (PRS) provides a decision-focused political risk model with three industry
forecasts at the micro level. The PRS system forecasts risk for investors in two stages, first
identifying the three most likely future regime scenarios for each country over two time periods and
then by assigning a probability to each scenario over each time period, 18 months and five years.
For each regime scenario, PRSs experts then establish likely changes in the level of political
turmoil and 11 types of government intervention that affect the business climate.

After calculating consolidated scores for all regimes (100% of possibilities), the PRS system
converts these numbers into letter grades (on a scale from A+ to D-) for three investment areas:
financial transfers (banking and lending), foreign direct investment (e.g. retail, manufacturing,
mining), and exports to the host country market. PRS unique system provides only industry
specific forecasts, not a generic macro level assessment, as is usually the case.

Users can customize the PRS forecasting model to individual projects or the particular exposures of
a firm with an optional weighting system, adding or subtracting variables and adjusting the model to
fit specific firm or project attributes.

PRS Country Reports forecast the risk of doing business in 100 countries. PRS updates these 100
reports as political events dictate in each country. Each includes comments and analysis on recent
events, profiles of key political players, and wide-ranging forecast scenarios, as well as basic
historical and political background and data on the government, political entities, the environment,
and the economy, including key sectors.

---Llewellyn D. Howell, Ph.D.

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The PRS Group, Inc., applies the Coplin-OLeary Rating System every day as the editorial staff
for our Political Risk Services product line produces 100 Country Reports. In addition to defining
the Coplin-OLeary Rating System and related terminology we use in producing the Country
Reports, this explanation also describes a set of calculations that you can use to create risk ratings.
In the 18-month and five-year forecasts of our Country Reports, the risk ratings indicate the
placement of countries from least risky (A+) to most risky (D-) for financial transfer, direct
investment, and export markets. The system is designed in such a way that it can be adjusted to suit
the needs of a particular project or combination of corporate interests.

The Coplin-OLeary System is a general risk model. Figure A.1 (under Steps in Calculating),
our Standard Worksheet for Coplin-OLeary Model, will help you understand how risk
assessments are translated into numbers and how the numbers are used to calculate risk ratings in
our Country Reports. Figure A.2 (Adjusting the Ratings for Your Own Use) then gives you a
Customized Worksheet To Design Your Own Model-based on the Coplin-OLeary System.

An Overview of the Ratings System

A series of risk ratings summarize the in-depth analyses and forecasts provided in each Country
Report, consisting of 50-70 pages. Each Country Report provides the current level and likely
changes of the following 17 risk components (12 in the 18-month forecast and five in the five-year
forecast), which are also used to compile the risk scores.

18-Month Risk Factors

Twelve factors are analyzed from an 18-month forecast perspective, including political turmoil,
which is included in both the 18-month and the five-year forecasts.

Turmoil. Actions that can result in threats or harm to people or property by political groups or
foreign governments, operating within the country or from an external base:
Riots and demonstrations
Politically motivated strikes
Disputes with other countries that may affect business
Terrorism and guerrilla activities
Civil or international war
Street crime that might affect international business personnel
Organized crime having an impact on political stability or foreign business

Not included in turmoil are legal, work-related labor strikes that do not lead to violence.

Equity Restrictions. Limitations on the foreign ownership of businesses, emphasizing sectors

where limitations are either especially liberal or especially restrictive.

Operations Restrictions. Restrictions on procurement, hiring foreign personnel, or locating

business activities, as well as the efficiency and honesty of officials with whom business executives
must deal and the effectiveness and integrity of the judicial system.

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Taxation Discrimination. The formal and informal tax policies that either lead to bias against, or
special advantages favoring international business.

Repatriation Restrictions. Formal and informal rules regarding the reparation of profits, dividends,
and investment capital.

Exchange Controls. Formal policies, informal practices, and financial conditions that either ease or
inhibit converting local currency to foreign currency, normally a firms home currency.

Tariff Barriers. The average and range of financial costs imposed on imports.

Other Import Barriers. Formal and informal quotas, licensing provisions, or other restrictions on

Payment Delays. The punctuality, or otherwise, with which government and private importers pay
their foreign creditors, based on government policies, domestic economic conditions, and
international financial conditions.

Fiscal and Monetary Expansion. An assessment of the effect of the governments spending,
taxing, interest rate and other monetary policies. The assessment is based on a judgment as to
whether the expansion is inadequate for a healthy business climate, acceptably expansionist, or so
excessively expansionist as to threaten inflation or other economic disorder.

Labor Policies. Government policies, trade union activity, and productivity of the labor force that
create either high or low costs for businesses.

Foreign Debt. The magnitude of all foreign debt relative to the size of the economy and the ability
of the countrys public and private institutions to repay debt service obligations promptly.

Five-Year Risk Factors

Four additional factors are analyzed from a five-year forecast perspective. (Turmoil is included in
both the 18-month and the five-year forecasts.)

Investment Restrictions. The current base and likely changes in the general climate for restricting
foreign investments.

Trade Restrictions. The current base and the likely changes in the general climate for restricting
the entry of foreign trade.

Domestic Economic Problems. A countrys ranking according to its most recent five-year
performance record in per capita GDP, GDP growth, inflation, unemployment, capital investment,
and budget balance.

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International Economic Problems. A countrys ranking according to its most recent five-year
performance record in current account (as a percentage of GDP), the ratio of debt service to exports,
and the annual percentage change in the value of the currency.

We use these 17 factors in our summary risk ratings, first estimating the current risk level of each
factor and then forecasting the change in its risk level under each of the three most likely regime
scenarios. The numerical equivalents of these current and forecast levels are then used to calculate
the risk scores.

Regime Stability & Risk Ratings

Every PRS Country Report forecasts the Most Likely Regimes and Their Probabilities. We
predict the government most likely to be in power over two forecast periods, 18 months and five
years, from the date of publication. The percentages after the regime names show the probabilities
of those forecasts. In the Forecast Summary, we show when a change has been made in the
probability of a particular regime by giving the previous probability rating in parentheses. An
asterisk (*) preceding a regime name indicates the forecast of a different regime from that of the
incumbent, whether the change occurs by coup, election, change in orientation, or any other means.

A Note about Regime Names: The label assigned to a regime indicates the most powerful
component of the government. This can be an individual leader and a political party, the dominant
orientation within the leadership, or groups such as the military or a civilian-military alliance. The
probabilities assigned to the most likely regimes are derived from the opinions of our country risk

Turmoil Risk Ratings

The first content page of each Country Report shows the 18-month and five-year risk from turmoil.
The term turmoil includes large-scale protests, general strikes, demonstrations, riots, terrorism,
guerrilla warfare, civil war, and cross-border war. It also includes turmoil caused by a governments
reaction to unrest. The short-term risk of turmoil affecting international business is rated as Low,
Moderate, High, or Very High. The five-year rating is calculated from the base - the relative
balance of forces supporting and opposing - and the forecasts of change under the three most likely
regime scenarios. A previous rating appears in parentheses when the turmoil forecast changes. The
18-month forecast of turmoil risk is calculated according to a clearly defined formula based on the
current level and the likely change under each of the three most likely regimes. The five-year
forecast of turmoil risk comes from another formula combining the 18-month forecast, the long-
term base level, and the likely change over the next five years under the three most likely regime

Low Risk. For countries with this rating, most discontent is expressed peacefully, and the extremely
rare occurrences of violence from political causes almost never affect international business directly
or indirectly.

Moderate Risk. These are countries in which international business can sometimes be affected by
occasional riots, acts of terrorism, and significant levels of labor unrest or other kinds of discontent.

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High Risk. High-risk countries experience levels of violence or potential violence that could
seriously affect international business.

Very High Risk. The turmoil level in such countries creates conditions that approach a state of war.

Financial Transfer Risk Ratings

The term transfer in our risk Forecast Summary refers to the risk from financial transfer, non-
convertibility from the local currency to the desired foreign currency, and the transfer of foreign
currency out of the country. The transfer could be for the payment of exports, repatriation of profits
or capital, or for any other business purpose. Risk ratings, expressed as letter grades, are used in
both the 18-month and five-year periods. A previous rating appears in parentheses when a forecast
changes. Countries are rated for financial transfer risk according to a scale ranging from A+ for the
least risky to D- for the most risky. The 18-month letter grades are determined by four equally
weighted factors, each combining the current level and the forecasts of change under the three most
likely regimes. These are the factors:
1. Exchange controls on international business.
2. Payment delays facing exports to that country.
3. Policy related to fiscal and monetary expansion.
4. Governmental foreign borrowing.

Five-year letter grades are determined by three equally weighted factors:

1. The average score obtained from the 18-month calculations.
2. The level of turmoil forecast for the 18-month period and the level forecast under the three
most likely five-year regime scenarios.
3. The average rank of the country on the indicators of international financial problems and
the forecasts of change under the three most likely regime scenarios.

A Countries. No exchange controls, or other barriers to financial transfer, and little likelihood
that controls will increase in the forecast period.

B Countries. Modest or sporadic delays in financial transfers; a reasonable chance that delays
will be high in the forecast period.

C Countries. Modest to heavy delays and even blockage of financial transfers; a reasonable
chance for barriers to increase, and little chance to decrease, within the forecast period.

D Countries. Heavy exchange controls and long delays for the transfer of currency; little chance
that conditions will improve within the forecast period.

Direct Investment Risk Ratings

The term investment refers to the risks to foreign investment in wholly owned subsidiaries, joint
ventures, and other forms of direct ownership of assets in a foreign country. Risk ratings, expressed
as letter grades, are used in both the 18-month and five-year periods. A previous rating appears in

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parentheses when a forecast changes. Countries are rated for direct investment risk according to a
scale ranging from A+ for the least risky to D- for the most risky. The 18-month letter grades are
determined by seven equally weighted factors, each combining the current level and the forecasts of
change under the three most likely regimes. These are the factors:
1. Turmoil
2. Equity Restrictions
3. Restrictions on Local Operations (labor, management, and procurement)
4. Taxation Discrimination
5. Repatriation Restrictions
6. Exchange Controls
7. Labor Costs

Five-year letter grades are determined by four equally weighted factors:

1. The average score obtained from the 18-month calculations.
2. The level of turmoil forecast for the 18-month period and the level forecast under the three
most likely five-year regime scenarios.
3. The relative strength of forces supporting and opposing restrictions on international
investment and the forecasts of change under the three most likely five-year regime
4. The average rank of the country on indicators of domestic economic problems and the
forecasts of change under the three most likely five-year regime scenarios.

A Countries. Few restrictions on equity ownership in most industries; few controls on local
operations, the repatriation of funds, or foreign exchange; taxation policy that does not discriminate
between foreign and domestic business. Little likelihood that restrictions will increase, and little
threat from political turmoil.

B Countries. Some threat on equity ownership, frequently in the form of a requirement for
partial ownership by nationals; restrictions on local operations, particularly regarding local
procurement; few restrictions on repatriation, but some exchange controls possible; some threat to
business from political turmoil; and a possibility that restrictions and turmoil may increase.

C Countries. Considerable restriction on equity ownership, including a requirement that

nationals hold a majority percentage; considerable restriction on local operations, repatriation, and
foreign exchange; some taxation discrimination possible; and a serious threat of political turmoil. A
good chance that restrictions and turmoil will remain high or increase during the forecast period.

D Countries. Considerable restriction on equity ownership, including a prohibition against equity

ownership by foreigners; substantial regulation of local operations, repatriation, and foreign
exchange; taxation discrimination; political turmoil that may present a serious threat. A good
chance that restrictions and turmoil will remain high or increase during the forecast period.

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Export Market Risk Ratings
The term export refers to the risks facing exporters to the country, especially risks related to
market conditions, barriers to imports, and delays or difficulties in receiving payment for goods.
Risk ratings, expressed as letter grades, indicate the climate for foreign exporters for both the 18-
month and five-year forecast periods. A previous rating appears in parentheses when a forecast
changes. As potential export markets, countries are rated for risk according to a scale ranging from
A+ for the least risky to D- for the most risky. The 18-month letter grades are determined by six
equally weighted factors, each combining the current level and the forecasts of change under the
three most likely regimes.
These are the factors:
1. Turmoil
2. Exchange Controls
3. Tariffs
4. Other Trade Barriers
5. Payment Delays
6. Foreign Debt

Five-year letter grades are determined by five equally weighted factors:

1. The average score obtained from the 18-month calculations.
2. The level of turmoil forecast for the 18-month period and the level forecast under the three
most likely five-year regime scenarios.
3. The relative strength of forces supporting and opposing restrictions on trade and the
forecasts of change under the three most likely five-year regime scenarios.
4. The average rank of the country on indicators of domestic economic problems and the
forecasts of change under the three most likely five-year regime scenarios.
5. The average rank of the country on indicators of international economic problems and the
forecasts of change under the three most likely five-year regime scenarios.

A Countries. Stable politically and economically; low trade barriers and adequate foreign
reserves to allow for prompt payment; little chance that conditions will deteriorate.

B Countries. Some protectionist sentiment and a poor foreign exchange position may lead to
moderate tariff and non-tariff trade barriers; modest delays in payment result from poor economic
conditions; some chance that the business climate will deteriorate.

C Countries. Strong protectionist sentiment and weak foreign exchange position, producing high
tariff and other barriers to trade; the risk of prolonged payment delays or non-payment, requiring
conservative credit policies; little chance that conditions will improve and a strong chance that they
will deteriorate.

D Countries. High tariff and non-tariff barriers resulting from a combination of protectionist
sentiment and a lack of foreign currency; prolonged payment delays or non-payment likely; little
chance that conditions will improve and a strong chance that they will deteriorate further.

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Steps in Calculating
All data in our worksheets come directly from the assessments and forecasts of country specialists
(the Forecast Summary of any report). Calculations on the worksheet generate a score for each of
17 variables (12 for the 18-month forecast period and five for the five-year period). Different
combinations of variables make up the three risk ratings.

For the 18-month forecast, TRANSFER uses variables 6, 9, 10, and 12; INVESTMENT uses
variables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 11; and EXPORT uses 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12.

For the five-year forecast, TRANSFER uses variables 13 and 17; INVESTMENT uses variables 13,
14, and 16; EXPORT uses variables 13, 15, 16, and 17. In addition, the corresponding 18-month
score is a component of each five-year risk score.

Figure A.1: Standard Worksheet for Coplin-OLeary Country Risk Model

Country __________________________ Date __________________


( ) ( ) ( )
1) Turmoil ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
2) Equity ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
3) Local ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
4) Tax ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
5) Repatriation ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
6) Exchange ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
7) Tariffs ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
8) Other ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
9) Payment ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
10) Expansion ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
11) Labor ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
12) Debt ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

Totals ____ ____ ____

Means (/4) ____( ) (/7) ____( ) (/6) ____( )
Prev ( ) Prev ( ) Prev ( )


( ) ( ) ( )
13) Turmoil ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
14) Invest ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
15) Trade ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
16) Domestic ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
17) Intl ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

Totals ____ ____ ____

Means (/3) ____( ) (/4) ____( ) (/5) ____( )
Prev ( ) Prev ( ) Prev ( )

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Step One: Current & Base Level of Restrictions
First, the number for the first blank next to variables 1-12 (column headed C.L.) is obtained from
the CURRENT & BASE listings for Turmoil, Invest, and Trade on the Forecast Summary.
Current & Base risk or restriction levels are scaled as follows:

For Current and Base

Levels of Restrictions = Value
Low = 0
Moderate = 1
High = 2
Very High = 3

Step Two: Economic Rankings

The base number for variable 16, Domestic Economic Problems, represents the average rank of the
country for the six domestic economic indicators in the Economic Performance Profile (EPP). The
base number for variable 17, International Economic Problems, represents the average rank of the
country for the three international economic indicators in the EPP. The rankings are converted to
numbers, using the following scale, and then averaged for entry on the worksheet.

For Domestic and International

Economic Rankings = Value
Best 25% = 0
Second 25% = 1
Third 25% = 2
Worst 25% = 3

Step Three: Risk Forecasts

Filling in the second, third, and fourth blanks (REG1, REG2, REG3) for all 17 variables requires
calculation of the product of two numbers. From the Forecast Summary, the forecast for each
regime is obtained and scaled as follows:
For Forecast Levels = Value
LESS = -1.0
Same = 0.0
MORE = +1.0
MUCH MORE = +2.0

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Then each number representing a forecast is multiplied by the probability for the corresponding
regime (at the head of the appropriate column in the Forecast Summary).

Step Four: Calculation

For each risk factor, the number representing the current or base level is added to the three numbers
obtained in Step 3. This sum incorporates the current or base level of risk and the expected change
under each of the three most likely regimes.

Step Five: Letter Grades

For each risk category, the appropriate sum from Step 4 is entered where the variable applies, and
then the TRANS, INVEST, and EXPORT numbers are averaged to create the 18-month and five-
year risk ratings. (As noted before, the average 18-month score is one component of the five-year
score.) These numerical scores are converted to create alphabetical ratings for financial transfer,
investment, and export markets according to the following table:
< = 0.25 = A+ 1.51-1.75 = C+
0.26-0.50 = A 1.76-2.00 = C
0.51-0.75 = A- 2.01-2.25 = C-
0.76-1.00 = B+ 2.26-2.50 = D+
1.01-1.25 = B 2.51-2.75 = D
1.26-1.50 = B- >2.75 = D-
After conversion, the letter grades are reported for each country, and space is provided on the
worksheet to enter previous letter grades when they have changed (which are also reported for each

Adjusting Risk Ratings for Your Own Use

The calculating procedure used to generate our 18-month and five-year ratings summarizes the
information for each country in a concise letter range (A+ to D-). Remember that the ratings in our
Country Reports are, because of the simplification necessary to consolidate the data, highly general,
but they provide a quick summary of forecasts and allow cross-country comparisons.

Design Your Own Ratings

The Coplin-OLeary Country Risk Model can be used to generate risk ratings (or letter grades) to
produce customized risk scores with comparable ratings, specifically designed for one or more
proposed investment or ongoing project. To simplify the system for general use, PRS treats each
risk factor as equal in determining country risk ratings. This system, looking at risk factors in terms
of current level and forecast level under alternative regime scenarios, is at the heart of the Coplin-
OLeary System.

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Figure A.2: Customized Worksheet To Design Your Own Model

RISK CALCULATIONS FOR ____________________________________________________________

PROJECT__________________COUNTRY ______________TIME-FRAME_______________________
DATE _______________________PREPARED BY __________________________________________

Risk or Current Regime 1 Regime 2 Regime 3 Score x Weighted

Restriction Level FxP FxP FxP Weight =SCORE

Turmoil _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____

Equity Restrictions _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____
Local Operations Restrictions _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____
Taxation Discrimination _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____
Repatriation Restrictions _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____
Exchange Controls _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____
Tariff Barriers _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____
Other Barriers _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____
Payment Delays _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____
Fiscal/Monetary Expansion _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____
Labor Costs _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____
Foreign Debt _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____


______________________ _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____
______________________ _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____
______________________ _____ + (__x__) + (__x__) + (__x__) = ___x___ =____

________ _______




Using both our factors and your own, complete the worksheet as indicated, assigning whatever
relative weights are most appropriate for your firm or industrial sector.

You may want to assign weights in terms of the importance of particular variables in relation to the
project or country you are analyzing. Use the Customized Worksheet (shown in Figure A.2) to
combine our variables with others relevant to your companys needs and to incorporate needed
changes in the weight of certain factors, thus creating a project-specific risk analysis. The
customized worksheet uses the same scaling procedures used in the Standard Worksheet (Figure
A.1). Calculate the weighted average according to the instructions on the customized worksheet.
You can use the numbers generated for greater precision or use the same rules as in the Coplin-
OLeary System to convert the numerical scores to letter ratings.

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Creating a General Risk Summary from Specific Risk Forecasts
The resulting numerical scores can be used in a variety of ways. For example, PRS uses the
numerical risk scores to calculate unified risk scores, producing the PRS Risk Index, providing a
basic, convenient way for users to compare countries directly.

Sectoral Risk Scores

The 17 risk values can also be used selectively to calculate 18-month and five-year risk scores for
different categories of risk values. In each Country Report we report summary ratings for four
categories of risk: turmoil, financial transfer, direct investment, and export market. You can use the
numerical scores, rather than letters, as the ratings, as part of a monitoring procedure, keeping in
mind that the numbers are ultimately based on judgmental estimates. Just as PRS uses the numerical
risk scores to calculate unified risk scores for the PRS Risk Index, you can create an index from
the PRS ratings modified in a way that most appropriately allows your organization to compare and
monitor countries and/or regions. The Coplin-OLeary ratings for 100 countries are available at
CountryData (in spreadsheet format, including both the alphabetical scores and their numerical

Calculation of the PRS Risk Index

This overall measure of risk for a country is calculated by using all 17 risk components, 12 with an
18-month forecast horizon and five with a five-year forecast horizon.

The 18-month risk components of the PRS Risk Index are:

1. Turmoil
2. Restrictions on equity
3. Restrictions on local operations
4. Taxation discrimination
5. Repatriation restrictions
6. Exchange controls
7. Tariff barriers
8. Nontariff barriers
9. Payment delays
10. Expansionary economic policies
11. Labor costs
12. Foreign debt
The five-year risk components are:
1. Turmoil
2. Investment restrictions
3. Restrictions on foreign trade
4. Domestic economic problems
5. International economic problems

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Each factors contribution to the index is based on its risk value, computed as described in Steps in
Calculating. Each of the 17 factors has a theoretical range of zero (in case of a Low current
level and a forecast of no change under any of the three regimes) to +4.0 (in case of a very high
current level and a forecast of more restrictive policies).

The 17 risk values are summed, and the resulting total is scaled so that a raw score of 0
(representing low risk) is reported as 100 and a score of 68 (representing very high risk) is reported
as 0. The index, therefore, ranges from zero, for countries with the most unfavorable climate for
international business, to 100, for countries with the most favorable climate. A raw score is
converted to an PRS Risk Index number by the formula


where RS is the raw score obtained by summing all 17 risk values.

A Few Basic Assumptions

Underlying all PRS calculations are several assumptions:

Equal Weighting. First, we assume that each factor included in the three basic risk ratings
(financial transfer, direct investment, and export markets) is relevant to the rating, and all are
weighted equally. Obviously, for some business investments, other risk factors may be important;
furthermore, in some analyses certain factors should be weighted more heavily than others. In such
cases, you can adjust the aggregating procedure as you wish by adding or deleting factors or by
weighting some more than others.

The Elements of Change. Second, we assume that risks are a combination of current government
policy and any changes that each regime may produce. The changes are scaled so that if there is no
change, the risk factor has the same value as the current level. A regime that will add conditions or
restrictions increases the current or base level, and one that will lessen them reduces the magnitude.

The Probability Factor. Third, the amount added or reduced by each of the three most likely
regimes is weighted by the likelihood (probability) that that regime would come to power before
being added to the current level of risk or restrictions.

Long-Term Economic Forecasting

Our reports also include five-year economic forecasts based on the expected policies and other
considerations for each of the three forecast regimes. Our country and economic specialists provide
the information from which we produce the forecasts, which are structured to provide:
1. Current estimates.
2. A one year estimate or forecast for each of three indicators under each of three alternative
regime scenarios.
3. A five year forecast average for each of three indicators under each regime scenario.

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Our forecasts are based on the following considerations:
World and regional economic trends
How those trends affect the country
Local conditions affecting the economy of the country
Turmoil and social conditions under the three most likely regimes
Business and economic policies expected under each of the three most likely regimes
How and Where to Use Political Risk Forecasts
Individuals holding nearly any position of responsibility in an internationally oriented firm can use
political risk forecasts. Typical users include the president, vice president, manager, director,
planner, finance officer, international officer, security officer, economist, researcher, market
analyst, and librarian. This variety is evidence of the importance of political risk information. The
many uses also present companies with a challenge to determine how to maximize political risk
information throughout the organization, especially in the major areas of need. A discussion of how
to apply our risk ratings follows, and a summary of applications appears in Table 1.

Table A.3. Most Frequent Uses of Country and Political Risk Forecasts
Type of Use Percent Using
General background 51%
Evaluating risks to specific projects or investments 36%
Briefing upper-level management 32%
Supplement to other outside sources 30%
Briefing before overseas trips 28%
Strategic planning 27%
Supplement to information from foreign subsidiaries 25%
Briefing colleagues 21%
Making decisions about security 19%
Determining new business opportunities 18%
Identification of key people and institutions 16%
Tempering upper managements inside information 16%
Sales or marketing decisions 15%
Supplement to headquarters research and analysis 15%
Preparing for negotiations 10%
Giving perspective to news stories 9%
Planning and evaluating insurance coverage 9%
Assistance in public information activities 5%
Briefing employees going overseas 4%

Source: PRS Client Survey

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PRS Can Help Your Company Design a Risk Forecasting System
How do you identify the risks of investing in emerging markets?
Does political or country risk affect your industry?
What political forces may affect your business decisions?
How do you anticipate and measure political and country risks?
Your company may be investing millions in technology, including internal risk models. But the
political risk layer of these models may pose the most significant challenge. PRS can help by
sending one of our experts to sit down one-on-one with your experts.

PRS is well qualified to help. We have been analyzing political and country risk since 1979. Our
founders, William D. Coplin and Michael K. OLeary, developed this field of analysis and have
trained countless experts. Now our experts can help your company massage political and country
risk data to fit your companys customized risk model. Or if you dont have a risk model yet, we
can help you develop one.

Contact our offices (+1-315-431-0511 or to arrange a Political and

Country Risk Workshop that will help you adapt country risk forecasts for your companys specific

Sources of Our Data

Each PRS Country Report includes a comprehensive Fact Sheet that provides 15 categories of
information on the country, its government, and its leaders, as well as a spreadsheet Databank
containing 39 economic variables and 13 social variables, all of which include data for the most
recent 10 years for each country.

Not only is this compilation of economic data comprehensive and extensive, it is also more up-to-
date than any other source of which we are aware, printed or online. In addition to gathering data
from official sources, we routinely make updated estimates of the current years figures for each
variable, and we equate and report every countrys data in the same currency, the US dollar, for
ease of cross-country comparisons.

Of course, estimates during a particular year need to be adjusted as a more complete picture
evolves. We completely revise and update both the data and forecasts for each country on a
quarterly basis. Our policy of keeping our data as timely as possible does mean that many of the
figures we report, especially the most recent, require updating over time. We believe that the
inevitability of revision and updating is no reason to delay the reporting of the best estimates as they
become available.

For the economic data contained in each countrys Databank, our primary source is International
Financial Statistics (IFS). This monthly publication of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is
the most reliable, comprehensive, and timely source available for making comparisons between
countries. Other sources (listed in the Bibliography below), as well as news sources, regional and
technical journals, and electronic news services help us track day-to-day events that may necessitate

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changes in both our Databanks and our Fact Sheets. Our research and editorial staff also rely on
publications of individual governments, the World Bank, regional international banks, agencies of
the US and other governments, and embassies. We also maintain direct personal contact with
officials and researchers in these organizations in order to obtain information and estimates quickly
and reliably.

Our only goal is to publish unbiased forecasts and timely, accurate data

Our forecasts avoid the inevitable biases found in other sources of risk analysis. Financial
institutions tend to be excessively optimistic in their forecasts, especially regarding those countries
in which they themselves hold a substantial stake. Governments generally make projections about a
countryeither optimistic or pessimisticdepending on the state of diplomatic relations with the
country. They rarely provide forecasts inconsistent with their own objectives. By contrast,
insurance companies, who are concerned with loss and risk, are inclined toward chronic pessimism.

Newspapers tend to cover stories that relate to the latest events, following a country closely when it
is newsworthy, and otherwise ignoring it. They also will emphasize those countries in which their
reporters are located or where they happen to be visiting. Internal corporate sources are perhaps the
most suspect of all. They are overwhelmingly motivated to shape their views around the interests of
top corporate officials. The staffs of foreign divisions of corporations are notorious for their
tendency to become apologists for their own country, usually reporting back to headquarters based
on information provided by the officials of the host government and others protecting the status

In short, all these other sources provide reports and analyses shaped by their interests and particular
points of view. By contrast, our own self-interest is simple: to provide the most accurate, timely,
and objective information, analysis, and forecasting possible. We neither advocate nor discourage
investments in any country. We simply try to provide a comprehensive and useful Country Report
possible for each country we monitor.

Our website provides a free sample Country Report for you to view online or
download for further consideration.


Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments. Springfield, VA: National Technical
Information Service. Monthly.

Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions. Washington, DC: International Monetary

Fund. Annual.

International Financial Statistics. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund. Monthly.

OECD Economic Outlook. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

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OECD Economic Surveys. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The PRS Group Research Library & Data Files.

The PRS Group Network of Country Risk Analysts.

World Almanac and Book of Facts. New York: Newspaper Enterprise Association. Annual.

World Development Indicators. Washington, DC: World Bank. Annual.

World Factbook. Washington, DC: Central Intelligence Agency. Annual.

World Population Data Sheet. Washington, DC: Population Reference Bureau. Annual.

Reproduction without written permission of The PRS Group, Inc. is strictly prohibited


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