Mba MS I
Mba MS I
Mba MS I
Code Subjects
IM-101 Principles and Practices of Management
IM-102 Financial Accounting
IM-102B Interpersonal & Organisational Behavior
IM-103 Business Mathematics-I
IM-104B Fundamentals of Computer and Web
IM-106D LanguageProficiency-I (English)
IM-101Principles and Practices of Management
Course Objectives
Objectives of this course are to help the students gain understanding of the functions and
responsibilities of the manager, provide them tools and techniques to be used in the performance
of managerial job, and enable them to analyze and understand the environment of the
Course Contents
1. Concept of Management: Functions and Responsibilities of Managers, Fayol's Principles of
Management, Management Thought; the Classical School, the Human Relations School,
Systems theory, Contingency Management, Developing Excellent Managers.
2. Planning: Nature and Purpose of Planning, the Planning Process, Principles of Planning,
Types of Planning, Advantages and Limitations of Planning.
3. Concept and Nature of Objectives: Types of Objectives, Importance of Objectives, Setting
objectives, Management by Objectives (MBO) Benefits and weaknesses of MBO.
4. Strategies and Policies: Concept of Corporate Strategy, formulation of Strategy, Types of
Strategies, Types of Policies, Principles of formulation of Policies, Decision Making Process,
individual Decision Making Models.
5. Organizing: Nature and Purpose of Organizing, Bases of Departmentation, Span of
Management, Determinants of Span of Management, Line and Staff Relationship, Line-Staff
Conflict, Bases of Delegation, Kinds of Delegation, Delegation and Decentralization,
Methods of Decentralization.
6. Controlling: Concept and Process of Control, Control Techniques, Human Aspects of
Control, Control as a feedback system, Feedforward Control, Preventive Control, Profit and
Loss Control, Control through Return on investment, the Use of Computer for Controlling
and Decision Making, the Challenges created by IT as a Control Tool.
7. Case studies: one case in each unit.
1. Harold Koontz, O’Donnell and HeinzWeihrich, “Essentials of Management”, New Delhi,
Tata McGraw Hill, 1992.
2. R. D. Agrawal, “Organization and Management”, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill, 1995.
Suggested Readings
1. Harold Koontz, HeinzWeihrich, “Management: A Global Perspective”, New Delhi,
McGraw Hill, 10th Ed., 1994.
2. Robert Krietner, “Management”, Houghton Miffin Co., 7th Ed., 1999.
IM-102Financial Accounting
1. Principles of Accounting by R.L. Gupta & V.K. Gupta, S. Chand Publication
2. Principles of Accounting by T.S. Grewal,
3. Financial Accounting by S.N. Maheshwari, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
IM-102B Interpersonaland Organisational Behaviour
Course Objectives
Objective of this course is to help students to understand human Behaviour in organizations so
that they improve their managerial effectiveness.
Course Contents
1. Introduction:
a) Organization: Concept, Features, Types and Significance;
b) Organizational Behaviour: Concept and Features; Organisational Behaviour
Models: Autocratic, Custodial and Supportive.
3. Motivating Behaviour
a) Motivation: Meaning and Theories of Motivation – Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy
Theory, Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory and McGregor’s Theory X and Y.
b) Learning: Concept, theory and application.
5. Organisational Conflicts:
Concept, Stages of Conflicts, Issues involved in Conflicts, Classes of Conflicts, Modes of
Handling Conflicts.
6. Organisational Change:
Concept and Nature; Forces of Change, Resistance to Change, Management of Change.
1. Fred Luthans: Organisational Behaviour
2. W. L. French and C. L. Bell: Organisational Development: Behavioral Science
Interventionsfor Organisation Improvement
3. H. Schein: Organisational Psychology
4. R. Kreitno, R. A. Kinioki: Organisational Behaviour
5. S. P. Robbins: Organisational Behaviour
6. H. J. Arnold & D. C. Fieldman: Organisational Behaviour
7. K. Davis: Human Behaviour at Work: Organisational Development
8. U. S. Sekaran: Organisation Behaviour: Text and Practice
IM-103Business Mathematics-I
Course objective: To acquaint the students with basic mathematical tools used in
Course Contents:
1. SET -Set theory, types of sets, applications, set theorems (De-morgains law)
2. Simple Interest and Compound Interest -Introduction and its business applications,
5. Matrix - Solution of linear equation by irreverse method, I/O analysis, Rank & order of
7. Differentiation –II -Maxima, minima, partial differentiation, elementary calculus and its
Text Readings :
1. R. Jayprakash Reddy and Y. Mallikarynna Reddy, “A Text book of Business
Mathematics”, New Delhi, Ashish Publishing House, 2002
2. K. B. Dutta, “Matrix and Linear Algebra”, New Delhi, Printice Hall of India 1999.
IM-104B Fundamentals of Computer and Web Technology
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the basic concepts of computer.
Special emphasis is on helping students to acquire a high degree of proficiency in Windows
based applications along with fundamentals of web technology and multimediain various
functional areas of management.
Course Contents:
UNIT 1:Introduction to computer: Definition/characteristics of computers, advantage and
limitation/elements/classification of computer, computer architecture- block diagram, computer
language, number system, Memory and types. Operating System and its types.
UNIT 3 :MS Power Point and MS Access :MS Power point window – Menus and Tool bars.
Creating presentations through Auto content wizard, Templates, animations, Slide Master.
Introduction of MS Access, Data, Information, Database, File, Record, Fields. Features and
advantages of MS Access. Application of MS Access using Tables, Forms, Queries and Reports.
UNIT 4: Internet and Network: Networking and its types (LAN, WAN, MAN topologies) ,
Internet and its features, services and protocol, browsers, www, DNS, websites, search engines.
UNIT 5: HTML: Scripting in HTML- Classification of Tags - Use of Padded Tags - Use of
unpadded tags - Formatting Tags - Meaning of Forms - Uses of Forms -Creation of Tables -
Meaning of Frames - Creation of Frames - Graphics in HTML - Web Designing Principles and
Recommended Books:
Course objective:
This course will help student in enhancing their ability to communicate in written mode, training
students in extended writing in different formats, helping students to recognize the need for
reference work.
Course contents:
N.Krishnaswamy, Modern English ( Macmillan, India)
Bhaskaran and Horsburgh, Strengthen Your English (OUP)
Kane Thomas, The New Oxford Guide to Writing (OUP)
Tikoo and Shashikumar, Writing with a purpose (OUP)