CHN Transes Week 1
CHN Transes Week 1
CHN Transes Week 1
PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING AND COMMUNITY community, and the actions and conditions that
HEALTH NURSING protect and improve the health of the community
Community Health Nursing
Public Health
● The utilization of the nursing process in the
● Science and art of preventing diseases,
different levels of clientele-individuals, families,
prolonging life, promoting health and
population groups and communities, concerned
efficiency through organized community effort for
with the promotion of health, prevention of disease
the sanitation of environment, control of
and disability and rehabilitation
communicable diseases, the education of
individuals in personal hygiene, organization of Concept on Community Health Nursing
medical and nursing services for early diagnosis
1. CHN identifies the need for a holistic care
and preventing treatment of disease and the
development of social machinery to ensure
2. CHN supports that community-based efforts and
everyone a standard of living adequate for the
involvement is essential for risk reduction
maintenance of health, so organizing these
3. It realizes that health promotion and primary
benefits as to enable every citizen to realize his
prevention are major activities in CHN practice
bright right of health and longevity
4. It supports the entire community as well as
Essential Public Health Functions individual, families and aggregates as a focus for
1. Health Situation Monitoring and analysis CHN
2. Epidemiological surveillance/ disease prevention 5. It believes in over-all development and well-being
and control of individuals, families and communities
3. Development of policies and planning in public
Clients pf CHNs
1. Individual
4. Strategic management of health systems and
2. Family
services for population health gain
3. Population group
5. Regulation and enforcement to protect public
4. Community
6. Human resources development and planning in
public health Public Health Community Health
7. Ensuring quality of personnel and Nursing Nursing
population-based health services
8. Health promotion, social participation and social ● Whatever the local ● Has the same goals
empowerment department of health and employs the same
9. Research, development and implementation of takes under its strategies (health
innovative public health purview – infectious promotion, prevention
disease prevention etc), but is primarily
Public Health Nursing and eradication, organized around a
● Special field of nursing that combines the skills of policymaking etc. geographic area.
nursing, public health and some phases of social ● Sets safety standards ● Focuses more on
assistance and function as part of total public to protect workers and advocating for
health program for the promotion of health, the develops school healthcare and medical
improvement of the condition in social and nutrition programs to services to local
physical environment, rehabilitation of illness and ensure kids have communities but can
disability access to healthy be broader as it
foods encompasses nursing
● The practice of practice in a variety of
● Group of people who might have different nursing in roles, which at times
characteristics but share geographical location, local/national health include independent
setting goals or social interests departments (which nursing practice
● Characteristics of a Community includes health
1. Determined by geographical boundaries centers and rural
2. Common values and interests health units and public
3. Its members know and interact with each schools
other ● Implementers of the
4. It functions within a particular social structures local government
and exhibits and creates certain norms, units’ mandate in
values, and social institutions promoting and
Community Health protecting the health
● The health status of a defined group of people, or
of their constituents.
● All Filipinos guaranteed “equitable access to ● Primary Care Provider Network refers to a group
quality and affordable health care goods and of public, private or mixed primary care providers
services and protected against financial risk as the foundation of HCPN.
● Ensure every Filipino is healthy, protected from ● Organization of Local Health Systems:
health hazards and risks, and has access to - Province-wide and City-wide Health systems
affordable, quality and readily available health - Provincial/ City Health Board
service that is suitable to their need - Provincial/ City health office
- Incentives for improving competitiveness
General Objectives Human Resources for Health
● To progressively realize universal health care ● National Health Human Resource Master Plan
through systemic approach and clear role ● National Health Workforce support system
delineation of stakeholders Regulation
● To ensure equitable access to quality and ● Safety and quality
affordable health care and protection against ● Affordability
financial risk ● Equity
Governance and Accountability
Declaration of Principles
● Health Promotion
● Integrated and comprehensive approach
● Evidence-Informed sectoral; policy and planning
● Whole of system, whole of government, whole of
for UHC
society approach
● Monitoring and Evaluation
● Comprehensive health services without causing
● Health Impact Assessment
financial hardship
● Health Technology Assessment
● People oriented approach
● Ethics in public health policy and practice
Universal Health Care ● Health information system
● Healthy living, schooling and working ● Appropriation
● Primary care provider team for every family PHILIPPINE HEALTHCARE DELIVERY
● Healthy spending is predictable not “lahat libre” SYSTEM
Health System
SALIENT FEATURES OF UHC LAW ● Interrelated system in which a country organizes
Financing available resources for the maintenance an
● All Filipinos automatically be member of Philhealth improvement of the health of its citizens and
● Families not registered – assisted by their communities
healthcare provider ● Comprises all organizations, institutions and
● Philhealth ID will not require availing services resources devoted to producing actions whose
● Direct and Indirect Contributors primary intent is to improve health
● Private Sector Financing Agents – offer
complementary or supplementary benefit
Healthcare Organized plan of health
System service
● Service Coverage - “Preventive, promotive,
curative, rehabilitative and palliative care for Healthcare Rendering health services to
medical, dental mental and emergency health Delivery people
services delivered either as population-based or
individual-based health services. network of health facilities and
Service Delivery Healthcare personnel which carries out
● Health care provider network (HCPN) - group of Delivery System the task of rendering health
primary to tertiary care providers (public or care to the people
private), offering people-centered and
comprehensive care in an integrated manner with
the primary care provider acting as the navigator Philippine Healthcare system Context
and coordinator. ● Health basic human right
● DOH lead agency
● Local government code - devolved the ● 30% are in the public sector serving the majority
management and delivery of health services from ● Largest categories of HRH: nurses and midwives,
National DOH to the LGUs there is underproduction in other categories such
● Access to healthcare hampered by cost, physical as doctors, dentists, med techs etc.
and socio-cultural barriers and workforce crisis ● Less incentives – contractualization, low salary <
amount of work
The Pyramidal Health Structure: Levels of
Health Information System
Healthcare and Referral System
● E-Records
● E-surveillance
● E-medicine
● Computerized systems available but still highly
reliant on paper and pen systems in the frontline
● Telecom infrastructure mostly concentrated in
urban areas
● Lack of IT governance and structures
DOH HRH Efforts:
● Doctors to the Barrios (DTTB)
● Nurses Deployment Program (NDP), formerly
● Rural Health Midwife Placement Program
(RHMPP) HRH Challenges:
● Brain Drain Phenomenon
● 70% of those who stay are in the private sector
catering to only 30% of the population