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Arm Waxing

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Treatment Evidence Form

iUBT353 – Remove hair using waxing techniques

Centre name: BeautyWorx Collage

Centre number:

Learner name: Moreblessing Ngove

Learner number:

Date: 25 February

Client name: Kumbirai Manyika

34 Rhodes Ville road

Profession: Printer

Telephone number: Day: +263 78 824 0882


Personal details:
Age group: Under 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 60+
Lifestyle: Active Sedentary
Last visit to the
December 2022

GP Address:

Number of children:
(If applicable)
Date of last period:
(If applicable)

Contra-indications requiring medical permission – in circumstances where medical permission cannot be

obtained clients must give their informed consent in writing prior to treatment (Select if/where

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Cardiovascular conditions
(thrombosis, phlebitis,
Osteoporosis Trapped/pinched nerve
hypertension, hypotension,
heart conditions)

Haemophilia Nervous/psychotic conditions Inflamed nerve

Any condition already being

treated by a GP or another Recent operations Severe varicose veins
Medical oedema Diabetes

Contra-indications that restrict treatment – (Select if/where appropriate):

Fever Bruises Neuralgia

Infectious or contagious
Abrasions Hypersensitive skin

Scar tissue (2 years for major

Under the influence of
operation and 6 months for a Loss of skin sensation
recreational drugs or alcohol
small scar)

Any known allergies Sunburn Vascular skin

Infectious skin diseases and

Self tan Varicose veins

Undiagnosed lumps and bumps Heat rash 48 hours after sun tanning

Localised swelling Hairy moles Abnormal hair growth

Recent fractures (minimum 3

Inflammation Hormonal implants

Cuts Bell’s palsy Steroid based medication

Thin and/or fragile skin

Patch test:
Positive ☐ Negative ☐
Brand of Area Date of
wax used: tested: test:

Area waxed (select if/where appropriate):

Full leg ☐ Underarm ☐ Upper lip ☐ Bikini line ☐

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Half leg ☐ Forearm ☐ Chin ☐ Eyebrows ☐
Other ☐ ☐

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Methods used:
Hot wax ☐ Cool wax ☐

Treatment details – (To include products used):


I welcomed my client happily and made her write the consultation form. So I know if she has any contra indication
to the treatment. While she was writing the consultation, I turned my cold wax on 43 digress.

I sanitised my hands with my gloves on then I sanitised both her arms to remove any bacteria. I applied pre
waxing lotion on them going the hair growth. I then did a sensitivity test to test the temperature of the wax on my
wrist and then on my client’s wrist. Kumbirai was comfortable with the temperature.
Using my disposable spatula, I applied the wax down the right arm in the direction of the hair growth and used a
wax strip I removed the hair. I repeated the procedure until the hair was completely removed from the whole arm.
I repeated the exact same procedure on the left arm. After waxing the arms, I used my after-wax lotion to soothe
the skin and also to remove any waxy residue left on the arms.

Client feedback:
She said it was in pain at first but it got better as time went on. She was happy with the result. And she rebooked
for another treatment.

After/home care advice given:

 Shouldn’t wear tight clothes at least for 24 hours
 She should also avoid heavy exercise for at least 24 hours, since the sweat is a breeding ground for
 I also advised her that she should return for another treatment in 4-6 weeks bacteria.
 to have only warm showers and not to exfoliate for the next 48 hours and also to avoid saunas, steam
rooms, whirlpools and other heated sources for at least 48 hours

Therapist/learner signature: _______________________________________________________________________

Client signature: _________________________________________________________________________________

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Document History

Version Issue Date Changes Role

v1 31/10/2019 First published Qualifications Administrator

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