CHN Notes Chapter 1 and 2
CHN Notes Chapter 1 and 2
CHN Notes Chapter 1 and 2
• Social health connotes community vitality and is a • 1. Availability-requires that operational public
result of positive interaction among groups within the health and channels of service delivery,
community, with an emphasis on health promotion and products and services as well as programs be
illness prevention. adequate for all.
“ Health is the extent to which an individual or group is • 2. Accessibility- entails that health facilities,
able, on the one hand, to realize aspirations and satisfy services and goods must be made possible and
needs; and, on the other hand, to change or cope with obtainable to everyone. Being
the environment. Health is therefore, seen as a source nondiscriminatory, physically accessible,
for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a economically accessible (affordable) and
information accessible are the four intersecting social, mental, and physiological. Illness exist when the
features of accessibility. person failed to cope or become maladaptive to these
• 3. Acceptability- corresponds to respect for
the medical ethics, being culturally appropriate 4. Eudaimonistic Model
and gender sensitive. This clearly define the • An elevated (exuberant) level of wellness or well-
need for health care centers, products services being. Illness is reflected by a lack of vitality.
and programs to be people-centered, able to • Derived from Greek terminology, this term indicates a
accommodate the specific needs of diverse model that embodies the interaction and inter-
population groups and adheres to the relationships among the physical, social, psychological
international standards of medical ethics for and spiritual aspects of life and the environment.
informed consent and confidentiality • Illness is indicated by a denervation or languishing, a
wasting away, or lack of involvement with life.
• 4. Quality-implies that the health facilities,
commodities and services must be in 5. Wellness-illness Continuum
accordance with specific and medical standards. A dichotomous depiction of the relationship between
Quality health services need to be safe, the concepts of health and illness.
effective, people-centered,timely, equitable,
integrated and efficient.
-at the National Level, affirms health as a Fig 1: Wellness – Illness continuum with high-level
fundamental human right and recognizes the wellness added. Movement from the center to the left
obligation of the state to protect and promote demonstrates movement toward health, movement
the right to health of all Filipinos ( Republic of from the center to the right demonstrates movement
the Philippines Official Gazette, 1987) toward illness. Moving above the line demonstrates
movement toward increasing wellness. Moving below
Department of Health (DOH) the line demonstrates movement toward decreasing
Leads the health sector towards assuring quality wellness.
health care in promoting and protecting the
health of all Filipinos.
Guides the nurses in understanding health as a concept:
1. Clinical Model
• Health is the absence of signs and symptoms of
disease and illness. Ex: An adult individual who is not • The concept demonstrates that a person can have a
particular with his lifestyle choices will only seek terminal disease and be emotionally prepared for
healthcare when chest pain is encountered and begins death, while acting as a support for other people and
to suspect a cardiovascular disease. achieving high-level wellness. Highlevel wellness
involves progression towards a higher level of
2. Role Performance Model functioning, an open-ended and ever-expanding future
• The ability to perform societal roles defines what with its challenge of fuller potential, and the integration
health is, failure to perform these roles means illness. of the whole being.
• Ex: An employee who reported for work, even if
3. Adaptive Model
• Health is a dynamic state. An individual is considered
to be healthy if he/she was able to adjust positively to
that promote health at the individual, family, aggregate,
and population levels.
A learned practice discipline with the ultimate 4. The goal of CHN is achieved through multi-sectoral
goal of contributing as individuals and in efforts
collaboration with others to the promotion of
the client’s optimum level of functioning thru’ 5. CHN is a part of health care system and the larger
teaching and delivery of care (Jacobson) human services system.
ROLES OF A PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE In the care of the families:
· Clinician, who is a health care provider, taking care of · Provision of primary health care services
the sick people at home or in the RHU
· Developmental/Utilization of family nursing care plan
· Health Educator, who aims towards health promotion in the provision of care
and illness prevention through dissemination of correct
information; educating people In the care of the communities:
· Community organizing mobilization, community
· Facilitator, who establishes multi-sectoral linkages by development and people empowerment
referral system
· Case finding and epidemiological investigation
· Supervisor, who monitors and supervises the
performance of midwives · Program planning, implementation and evaluation
· Health Advocator, who speaks on behalf of the client · Influencing executive and legislative individuals or
bodies concerning health and development
· Advocator, who act on behalf of the client
· Collaborator, who working with other health team be a part in developing an overall health plan, its
member implementation and evaluation for communities
6. Evaluation
· Evaluates responses of clients to interventions to note
progress toward goal achievement, revise data base,
diagnoses and plan
7. Quality Assurance and Professional Development COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING
· Participates in peer review and other means of ❑The world in the present times, is faced with
evaluation to assure quality of nursing practice immense challenges for health.
· Assumes professional development
· Contributes to development of others ❑Jones, et al., 2008 reported the appearance of 335
infectious disease among human population between
8. Interdisciplinary Collaboration 1940 and 2004
· Collaborates with other members of the health team,
professionals and community representatives in
❑COVID 19 immergence in the past 2 years and still
assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating
occurring at the present.
programs for community health
❑Health is multidimensional. The well-being of an
individual is determined by factors such as the
biological and behavioral characteristics, the physical,
and social environment, and of the policies and
interventions related to health.
❑Health is a fundamental right of every individual.
❑The social determinants of health are interconnected
and have an influence on the health of the individual,
family and community.
❑Community/Public Health Nursing is a specialized
field of practice that focuses on health promotion and
disease prevention
❑Health as a shared reality requires comprehensive
and collaborative interventions built on partnership.
❑Nurses in the community deal with individuals,
families, groups, and communities but the family
remains to be his/her unit of services.
❑Protecting and promoting the worth and dignity of
man is the philosophy of community/public health
nursing and ensuring the common good is his/her
framework in practice.
❑ Nursing practice should be guided by principles of
bioethics that spells out obligation of professionals
when dealing with population groups.