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WT Planning Guidelines For Dev Proj Update 2023

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(UPDATE 2023)



1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................................... 2

2. DEVELOPMENT PROJECTMASTER PLAN SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ 3

2.1 DOMESTIC WATER DEMAND ................................................................................................................................................................. 3

2.2 PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION RATES................................................................................................................................................. 4

2.3 NON-DOMESTIC WATER DEMAND .................................................................................................................................................. 5

2.4 YEARLY WATER DEMAND PHASING................................................................................................................................................. 5

3. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT WATER NETWORK .............................................................................................................. 6

3.1 CONNECTION POINTS................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

3.2 NETWORK DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................... 6

4. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 7

5. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 7

5.1 LEAD TIME.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

5.2 PLOTS AND CORRIDORS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7

5.3 BOOSTER STATIONS..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

6. SUBMISSIONS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8

6.1 Ma’lem Dubai (Water) .................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

6.2 Stamping of Project’s Sign-Off Sheets ............................................................................................................................................... 8

6.3 CONTACTS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

7. THE APPROVAL PROCESS ................................................................................................................................................... 10

8. ANNEXURE .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11

8.1 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT MASTER PLAN SUBMISSION CHECKLISTS .............................................................. 11

Development Project Master Plan (Domestic) Submission Checklist ........................................................................................ 12

Development Project Master Plan (Non-Domestic) Submission Checklist ........................................................................... 13

In order to ensure timely, optimal and reliable water supply services to development projects across Dubai, it is essential that
the developers and their consultants prepare the complete development project(s) master plans and submit to DEWA.

The purpose of these guidelines is to provide developers/consultant with adequate information to help with the preparation
and submission of their development project master plan. The Guidelines include all requirements related to project’s water
demands and phasing, population, land use, network layout information hydraulic models, etc. to be submitted as part of the
master plan submission for DEWA’s review and approval. The project information, once reviewed and approved, will be used by
DEWA for Water Infrastructure planning activities.

It is therefore essential for developers and their consultant to ensure that development master plan is prepared in line with
DEWA’s Guidelines for a timely and efficient approval process.

This document includes itemized requirements for each of the development master plan components. The chart below
outlines the Development Master Plan Approval Process. The process applies to Ma’alem Dubai water application after
Figure 1: Development Projects Water Supply Master
Plan Approval Process
Figure 1: Development Projects Water Supply Master Plan Approval Process

Information NOC.
II&P Department. Development Project Master
Warsan Office Plan Submission
(Submission in Ma lem Dubai)

Request Additional
Yes Information
Water Demand Approval
WTP Department.
Head Office
Submission Complete No

Design & Construction NOC
Forward Project with
EW Department.
comments to EW Project Type
Al Quoz Office

Connection NOC
Yes Distribution
PWD&NC Department. Transmission
Al Quoz Office Project Project


Master Plan - inline with Clarification / Meeting/

DEWA Requirements. Discussions
 II&P: Infrastructure Information &
 PWD & NC: Projects Water
Distribution and New Connections. Yes Issuance of Master
 PEW: Projects Engineering Water. Plan Approval
 WTP: Water Transmission Planning

In order for DEWA to process the application, a signed checklist (Annexure 1) should be provided along with the
following requirements.

1. The complete development project Master Plan Report document.

2. DEWA’s Information NOC issued for the project (Not older than 6 months).

3. Colored location maps and layout of the project (all soft file in CAD or GIS system shape file format, should be geo-
referenced to DLTM coordinate system).

4. Project’s water demand calculation sheets, (all demand calculations should be provided in MS Excel spreadsheet
format including all assumptions/formulas used along with referenced data files).

5. Consumption rates and peak-factors used to calculate Average and Peak Demands along with justification of the
same, as applicable.

6. Land use classified demand calculations including percentage of land use types and year wise percentage of expected

7. Year wise cumulative plot wise/zone wise and phase wise water demands.

8. Statements for additional plots / corridors availability for the development project as per DEWA requirements (if

9. Internal network layout indicating proposed take offs/connection points, year required and assumed/required
pressure at each take point. (PDF & CAD format/shape files).

10. Project’s water network InforWorks or any Epanet compatible hydraulic modelling file(s) developed for the (geo-
referenced to the Dubai coordinate system (DLTM).


Domestic demand is defined as the water supplied by DEWA such as Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Government &
Others (Mosque, Police Station, Government Hospital, etc.). (Refer to Table 1.) Developers/Consultants are requested to
include the detailed calculations and the following information in the domestic water demand submission:

• Plot-wise land use and population information.

• Projected Estimated Yearly occupancy rates as per the phasing of the project.

• Digital calculations worksheets based on information used to estimate the total water demands, such as population,
land use, consumption rates, etc.

Table 1 below outlines typical ranges of water consumption rates, which Developers/Consultants are advised to use as
a reference for calculating different land use demands for the projects.

In line with DEWA Sustainability Strategy, Developers/Consultants are encouraged to avoid the use of potable water
demand maximum rate value while calculating the demands, unless there are valid justifications based on the requirements
of the project.

Table 1. DEWA Reference Per Capita Consumption Rates

User Category Consumption Rates

(L/Cap. Day)

Based Metal Chemical Zone 100

Day Clinic (per Medical Practitioner) including Visitors 300 - 450
Club house/Recreation 100
Commercial Buildings 60-100
Entertainment & Leisure/Theater 10-60
Events 10-50
Guardhouse 60-75
Headquarters 60-80
Hotels (per employee) 60-80
Hotels (per guest) 200-300
Laboratory 60-80
Labour Accommodation 80-150
Local Plaza/Retail/Town Center 60-82
Logistic, Academic & Business Center 60-75
Manufacturing/Mineral 60-80
Medical (per bed) 350-450
Mixed Used Commercial 60-80
Mixed Used Residential 250-350
Mosques 10 - 60
Nursery/Child Care Centre 50-70
Offices 45-60
Public Amenities 10 - 50
Residential Buildings (flat) 200-300
Restaurant (per meal) 10-15 l/d per meal
Schools/University 40-60
Shops 45-60
Theatre 10-50
Villas 250-350
Visitors 14-40
Industrial (Workshops/Machinery/Warehouse, etc.) 60-80
Source: Standard Practices & Information from Development Projects Master Plans.

DEWA does not normally supply potable water for non-domestic purposes such as:

• Construction purposes (particularly at projects’ areas with No Existing network).

• Water features without human contact (lagoons, fountains, etc. for landscaping and beautification purposes).

• Irrigation / landscaping purposes.

• District cooling purposes.

• Firefighting (Except for initial filling of fire water tanks)

Conditional exemptions may be made in the following cases:

• Unavailability of alternative water supply such as TSE supply, or the requirement by DM for alternative back-up supply.

• Temporary supply of potable water for non-potable purposes (DC, Irrigation, Water features with human contact for health
reasons, etc. excluding construction).

• Supply for initial filling of firefighting tanks.

The above will be subject to some conditions which may include:

• The developer to acknowledge that priority of potable water supply is given to customers for domestic purposes.

• A separate connection from DEWA potable water system and should be designed with adequate protection to prevent back
flow for health and safety reasons as per DEWA requirements.

• Back-up connection will only be used during emergency or shortage/disruption of TSE supply.

• The developer to adopt the most efficient and sustainable irrigation techniques in order to reduce irrigation water

• Filling of firefighting tank/ lagoon should be done as per the approved flow rate and during off-peak demand period
(minimum filling duration of one day).

• For temporary supply, the developer should make provisions in their design and construction of the Permanent District
Cooling plants to be suitable for using TSE water, and should fully and permanently switch to TSE water as soon as it is
made available.


The phasing of the project water demand is the most critical factor for planning expansions of water infrastructure and
ensuring timely water supply to the project. Therefore, the developer/consultant is required to make reasonable phasing and
submit the estimated year- wise water demands of the project up to the ultimate development horizon year, including the
projected yearly population and projected occupancy rates.

Each development project should have at least two connections to DEWA water system: Main Supply and Back up
Connection. As much as practically possible, each connection should be designed to supply independently the
development’s full demand. Developers/Consultants are expected to provide locations of the proposed connection points
with coordinates for DEWA review and approval.


Although the approval of the water network is part of the design NOC process, Table 2 below outlines some criteria to be
used for design of the network and building of the model. A hydraulic model should be built for the development project
water network, and used as a basis and tool for network design. DEWA will review the models in contrast with DEWA
planning design criteria, and make recommendations for changes accordingly.

Table 2: Network Design Criteria and Hydraulic Modelling Requirements

Design Criteria Transmission Distribution

Peak Factor 1.25 - 1.3

Pipeline Diameters (mm) (1200mm, 900mm, 600mm) (450mm, 300mm, 225mm and 150mm)
Pipelines and Fittings Material Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE) PN10 / PN16 (subject to DEWA’s approval)
Maximum Velocity (m/s) 1.5 1
Minimum Pressure in water network (Bar) 1.5 1

Working Pressure in water network (Bar) 1.5 – 4.0 1.0 – 1.5

Minimum Pressure at Connection Point (Bar) 1.5

Minimum Number Connection Points to 2

Hydraulic Models shall be submitted preferably in InfoWorks WS Pro model format or in
EPANET (. inp/.net) format.
Model Coordinate System shall be georeferenced to Dubai Local Transverse Mercator

Refer to section 3.1 for Connection Points details which shall initially be based on DEWA’s
Information NOC issued for the project.

Hydraulic Model Minimum Three Scenario Models shall be prepared:

Scenario Model 1 - Ultimate Demand with main Supply and back-up Connections open
Scenario Model 2 - Ultimate Demand with main Supply Connection Open and Back-up
Connection Closed.
Scenario Model 3 - Ultimate Demand with main Supply Connection Closed and Back-up
Connection Open.
Additional Model Scenarios maybe requested by DEWA depending on the initial evaluation of
the hydraulic models.

DEWA has embarked on its sustainability journey with the goal of becoming a globally leading sustainable innovative
corporation. A tremendous amount of effort is being put into sustainability at all levels, and this includes a strategy
that adopts a triple bottom concept covering the social economic, and environmental aspects, which are at the heart of
sustainable development.

DEWA encourages Developers/Consultants to adopt innovative and sustainable solutions in all aspects of their development
projects design, considering optimal designs, minimizing leakage and the need for future network modifications, while
maintaining a safe and reliable water supply.

Developers/Consultants are advised to prepare and submit their Development Master Plan well ahead. This will give DEWA
adequate time to plan for infrastructure expansion requirements to supply the project which may require long lead time.


Depending on the project’s size and location, the developer maybe required to allocate a land plot for DEWA pumping station
or reservoir to supply the area. Similarly, water transmission corridors may also be required. These requirements will be
identified, communicated and discussed during the approval process.


In some cases, and depending on the development location and its topography, the developer maybe required to design
the water network into zones with different pressures, which may require a water distribution booster to supply the higher
areas within the development land.

6.1 Ma’lem Dubai (Water)
Ma’lem Dubai (Water) is an online DEWA service available to all developers and their consultants for submitting, tracking, and
obtaining approvals of Development Projects’ Water Master Plans, as well as Re-validation of previously approved Master Plans.
This service enables the enrolled / registered Developers and Consultants to submit the development projects Water Master
Plans for DEWA review and approval, to ensure timely provision of reliable water supply.
The process can be initiated online through DEWA Builder Portal website here.
The “Ma’lem Dubai User Manual”, which provides guidelines and information on the registration and submission processes, is
also available on DEWA website here. The main steps to be followed by Developers and Consultants are detailed in Figure 2-
Ma’lem Dubai Water Process Chart below. Please refer to the user manual for more details:

Important Notes:
1. Developer and Consultant need to register and create an account with category (Developer – Private or Developer
Government / Consultant – Major Projects). Please click here for account registration
2. Please note that only builder accounts with categories (Developer – Private or Developer Government) and (Consultant –
Major Projects) are accessible in Ma’lem Dubai (Water).

6.2 Stamping of Project’s Sign-Off Sheets

Stamping of Sign-off-sheet can only be provided for previously approved development projects’ master plans, and is currently
done in person at DEWA Head Office, Water Transmission Planning Department, subject to the following:

- The project has recently been approved and there are no changes to any project information related to demands, land use,
population etc.
- The information details illustrated on the Sign-off-sheet drawing is identical to the approved details submitted previously
for the project.

Figure 2. Ma’lem Dubai (Water) Process Chart

Ma'lem Dubai (Water) Masterplan Submission

Developer Login to Ma lem Water Portal and creates

Water Builder account under the appropriate category

Developer registers the

project and provides initial
project information and
consultant name

Consultant Login to Ma lem Water Portal and creates

water builder account under the appropriate category

Consultant submits the project s Water Master Plan and

uploads the required documents

DEWA receives the Master Plan

documents and study the submission

Communication between
DEWA Planning Team and

Distribution Development projects

Transmission Development projects
Consultant receives a notification email
Consultant receives Water Master Plan to follow up project approval with
approval by Email.
P&E(W) at DEWA- Al Quoz Office.

Consultant Updates DEWA

in case of Changes to the
project s information

The complete Development Master Plan including the signed checklist (Annexure 1) should be submitted via Ma’lem Dubai
Water, with all communications address to:

Mr. Boualem Belhadj

Senior Manager - Water Transmission Planning Dubai Electricity & Water Authority
P.O. Box 564, Dubai, U.A.E.
Tel.: 04-32-22700 - Ext. # 22700
Fax.: 04-3249206

For clarifications related to the submission, and requests for meetings should please contact:

Ms. Maria Isabel Santos Igarta

Tel.: 04-32-22701

For clarifications regarding Ma’lem Application, please contact:

Ms. Noora Yousuf Ibrahim Alhasawi

Tel.: 04-32-22815
Also you can contact the Department email:


• Following the submission, DEWA will review the submitted documents and confirm their completeness.

• DEWA Water Transmission Planning Engineers will coordinate with the Developer/Consultant for any queries/issues
associated with the submission. Meetings may be arranged as required.

• Based on water demand, if the development project is classified as Distribution Project, the submission will be forwarded
to Projects Water Distribution Section under Projects and Engineering Department, Water and Civil Division- Al Quoz
office. The Developers/Consultants will be notified via email to coordinate with the said department accordingly.

• DEWA will process the application and issue an approval letter to the Developer/Consultant by email.

• The Developer/Consultant is required to confirm the receipt of the project approval and, if applicable, the acceptance of
any associated conditions.

• Further, the Developer/Consultant shall coordinate with DEWA’s Water & Civil Division, Projects & Engineering
Department, Water Projects Department in Al Quoz Office for design NOC and connection matters.



According to the type of demand required (Domestic / Non-domestic), the related checklist(s) below should be duly filled,
signed, and stamped by the consultant before attaching to the submission.

Development Project Master Plan (Domestic)
Submission Checklist

Project Name:__________________________________________________________________
Developer : ____________________________________________________________________
Consultant: ____________________________________________________________________

S/N Document Description Remarks

Cover letter introducing the submission addressed to:

Mr. Boualem Belhadj – Senior Manager - Water Transmission Planning.
2 The complete development project’s Master Plan Document.

Copy of a valid DEWA’s Information NOC issued for the project (valid for
6 months).
Colored digital Location map and layout files of the project in CAD format
(.dgn , .dxf) or GIS system shape file format, using DLTM coordinate system.

Project’s water demand calculation sheets, (all demand calculations should be

5 provided in MS Excel workbook format including all formulas used along with

Consumption rates and factors used to calculate Average, and Peak Demands
along with justification of the same, as applicable.

Demand calculations including areas of land use types and year wise
percentage of expected occupancy.

Year-wise phased total demand, Land use wise, zone wise and phase wise
Statements for provision of DEWA requirements of plots / corridors by the
developer (if applicable).
Digital file of internal network layouts indicating proposed take off
10 /connection points, year required and expected pressure at each of them.
(PDF & CAD DXF/Dwg format)

InfoWorks/Epanet compatible project water network hydraulic models files

11 developed for the study geo-referenced to the actual Dubai coordinate
system (DLTM) and DXF file of the same.

Consultant Signature, Date & Stamp:

Development Project Master Plan (Non-Domestic)
Submission Checklist

Project Name:__________________________________________________________________
Developer : ____________________________________________________________________
Consultant: ____________________________________________________________________

S/N Document Description Remarks

Cover letter explaining your request, addressed to

Mr. Boualem Belhadj – Senior Manager - Water Transmission Planning
A letter from Dubai Municipality/ Developer clearly justifying the need
for using potable water for non-potable purposes.
Copy of a valid DEWA’s Information NOC issued for the project
(valid for 6 months).
Colored soft Location map and layout files of the project in CAD format
4 (.dgn/.dxf) or GIS system shape file format, using DLTM coordinate
Detailed Water demand calculation of District Cooling, filling firefighting
tank, irrigation, or water features as applicable, etc. (in excel format).
Year-wise phased total demand, plot wise /zone wise and phase wise
Statements for plots / corridors availability for the development as per
DEWA requirements (if applicable)
Digital file of internal network layout indicating proposed take off
8 /connection points, year required and expected pressure at each of
them. (PDF & CAD, DXF/DWG format)
If applicable, InfoWorks/Epanet compatible project water network
9 hydraulic models files developed for the study geo-referenced to the
actual Dubai coordinate system (DLTM) and DXF file of the same.

Consultant Signature, Date & Stamp:


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