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Power Supply Guidelines For Major Projects: Power & Water Planning Division Power Transmission Planning Department

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Power & Water Planning Division

Power Transmission Planning Department



(Update – January 2017)

Issue : January 2017 / Revision-3

Our Vision
A sustainable innovative world-class utility
‫مؤسسة مستدامة مُبتكرة على مستوى عالمي‬

Our Mission
We are committed to the happiness of our stakeholders and promoting
Dubai’s vision through the delivery of sustainable electricity and water
services at a world-class level of reliability, efficiency and, safety in an
environment that nurtures innovation with a competent workforce and
effective partnerships; supporting resources sustainability
‫نلتزم بتحقيق السعادة لكافة المعنيين وتعزيز رؤية دبي من خالل تقديم خدمات مستدامة‬
‫للكھرباء والمياه بمستوى عالمي من االعتمادية والكفاءة والسالمة ضمن بيئة محفزة‬
‫ داعمين لديمومة الموارد‬،‫لالبتكار بكادر مؤھّل وشراكات فعّالة‬

Our Motto
For Generations to come
‫ألجيالنا القادمة‬


1. Introduction ………………………………………………….. 1

2. Requirements
2.1 Technical Requirement …………………………………. 2
2.1.1 Location and layout of the project………………………………… 2
2.1.2 Nature of the project ………………………………………………….. 2
2.1.3 TCL of the project ………………………………………………………. 2
2.1.4 Distribution Renewable Resources Generation (DRRG)…….. 3
2.1.5 Power Factor ………………………………………………………………. 3
2.1.6 Load Characteristics ……………………………………………………. 3
2.1.7 Supply Voltage …………………………………………………………… 4
2.1.8 Substation plot sizes ………………………………………………….. 4
2.1.9 Location of substation plot …………………………………………… 4
2.1.10 Site plan for 400kV & 132kV substation………………………… 5
2.1.11 Undertaking to clear services within the substation plot 5
2.1.12 Corridors ……………………………………………………………………. 5
2.1.13 Policy on construction of 400kV and 132kV substations …… 7
2.1.14 Requirement for 11kV Network/Design approval ………….... 7
2.2 General Requirements ……………………………………. 8

3. Annexures
3.1 List of documents to be submitted …………..………. 11
3.2 Distribution network design requirements and
guidelines for 11/0.4kV supply ……………………….. 12
3.3 Main developer’s load confirmation format, NOC
approval ……………………………………………………… 15
3.4 II&P Department requirements for updating Major
Project Landbase in DEWA GIS ………………………... 16

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects i Issue : Jan-2017 / Rev-3

1 Introduction

1 Introduction

To ensure the availability of power, it is essential that the load

projections, the time of power requirements and other factors from all
the potential developers are available with DEWA well in advance.

The purpose of this document is as follows:

™ To provide guidelines to all the major developers and the

consultants in regard to the DEWA’s power supply

™ To assist the developers and the consultants in understanding

the requirements for submissions of project / development
Master Plan documents and to facilitate the project /
development power supply on time.

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects 1 of 19 Issue : Jan-2017 / Rev-3

2 Requirements
2.1 Technical Requirements

2 Requirements
In order to avail the power supply for any project / development on time, it is
necessary to submit and get approved the technical pre-requisites on time as
DEWA require lead-time as indicated in Item No. 2.1.11.

2.1 Technical Requirements

The technical requirements that are necessary to be submitted to DEWA for
planning any 400/132kV and 132/11kV substations, designing the 11kV
Distribution Network and allocating necessary 11kV cables from the 132/11kV
substations are listed below:

2.1.1 Location and layout of the development project

• Location (with DLTM coordinates) and project layout shall be

shown on Dubai Map.

2.1.2 Nature of the project

• Description of the project along with type of land use

(Residential, Industrial, Commercial, etc.) to be mentioned.

2.1.3 Total Connected Load of the project & Expected Maximum


• Total connected load (along with split up of General & Cooling

load) and expected peak demand.

• Realistic power requirement date / phasing.

• Split up details of the load like, Residential, Commercial,

Industrial, Cooling, etc.

• Plot-wise details like type of development, total connected load,

maximum demand and power requirement date for each plot
reflecting respective feeding zones of 132/11kV substations.

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2 Requirements
2.1 Technical Requirements

• In case ultimate load details are not available, the load

requirement up to next 5 years should be submitted.

• Details of the District Cooling Plant loads (size, location and the
expected phasing of its commissioning).

2.1.4 Distribution Renewable Resources Generation (DRRG)

For project with DRRG, the submittal shall include DRRG plan (PV
Rooftop Solar) which consists of ;

• Planned DRRG capacity (kW) per plot and for entire project.

• Expected commissioning dates of PV solar in the project.

For more details, refer to DEWA’s DRRG standard issued on DEWA

website as shown in below link :

2.1.5 Power Factor

• Power Factor is to be maintained at not less than 0.95 and any

capacitor bank installation required at customer end (at 11kV
level) shall be by the customer at his own cost.

2.1.6 Load Characteristics (quality of voltage, harmonics, flickering,

dents, etc.)

• European Standard EN 50160 gives the main characteristics of

the supply voltage to be expected at customer load supply
terminals. Customers shall ensure that their equipment can
adequately operate in accordance with the supply technical
characteristics included in this Standard.

• Voltage drop calculation, harmonic study, fault level calculation,

etc., to be submitted by the consumer for any dirty load/ private
switchgear (refer to Annex-2 (page 12) : Design Requirements &
Guidelines for 11kV supply.

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2 Requirements
2.1 Technical Requirements

• Installation of special equipment and devices if required to

maintain the same as per the standards shall be by the
consumer at his own cost.

2.1.7 Supply Voltage

• Dedicated / shared 132/11kV substation is required for meeting

the power supply requirement of any Major Development. Large
loads might require 400/132kV source at a voltage level of
400kV. The project developer should allocate plots for the
required number of substations and associated corridors for
necessary overhead lines/cable circuits.

• 11kV shall be the general distribution voltage.

2.1.8 Substation Plot Sizes

• 400/132kV substation : 200m x 200m.

• 132/11kV substation : 50m x 60m

• 11/0.4kV substation : Refer to Distribution Substation Guidelines.

2.1.9 Location of Substation Plot

400/132kV Substation location

• The 400/132kV substation plot should have access to heavy


• Enough space/corridors for taking 400kV overhead lines IN/OUT.

• Enough space/corridors for taking 132kV cables IN/OUT.

132/11kV Substation location

• The 132/11kV substation plot shall have access from two major
roads or one major road and Sikka (min 7m wide). The longer
side to face the road.

• Enough space/corridors for taking 132kV cables IN/OUT.

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2 Requirements
2.1 Technical Requirements

• Enough space/corridor for taking out 80 numbers of 11kV

outgoing cables with proper duct arrangement with minimum
150mm space between the cables.

• Location of 132/11kV substations should be provided at the load

centre and close to district cooling plants if available.

• When a project requires more than one 132/11kV substation, the

feeding zone of each substation shall be specified.

2.1.10 Site Plan for 400/132kV and 132/11kV Substation

• Approved site plan /affection plan (in the ownership of DEWA) of

the substation plot is required from the concerned authority. The
developer shall confirm, whether the building permit for the
substation building will be issued by Dubai Municipality or other

2.1.11 Undertaking to clear services within the substation plot

• The developer to submit an undertaking letter to clear / divert all

services within the plot allocated for the 132/11 kV substation (if
any), well in advance prior to the issuance of the Project
Parameter Report (PPR) and also to bear all the associated
costs by the developer.

2.1.12 Corridors

400 kV overhead lines

• 80m wide corridor (double circuit tower line).

132 kV underground cables

• 2.5m for each circuit.

• Minimum clearance of 3 meters shall be maintained between

132kV corridor and nearby pressure pipelines.

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2 Requirements
2.1 Technical Requirements

• Minimum gap of 1m shall be ensured between 132kV corridor

and nearest foundation / permanent structure.

• 132kV cable under the dual carriageway is not acceptable. The

surface above 132kV corridors shall be either soft landscaped or
interlock tiled only.

11 kV underground cable

• Exclusively 11kV corridor of 7m (2x2.5m + 2m gap) width to be

provided at two adjacent sides of 132/11kV substations up to the

• Exclusive 11kV corridors of 2.5m width to be provided on both

sides of the road around the 132/11kV substations.

• A single stretch of 11kV corridor width should not exceed 2.5m.

• A minimum clearance of 2m to be maintained between 11kV

corridors / 132kV and 11kV corridors.

• Dedicated 11kV corridors to be provided from the source

132/11kV substation to the District Cooling Plant (DCP).

• The 11kV corridors under carriageway, median, curbstone and

service road are not acceptable. The surface above 11kV
corridors shall be either soft landscaped or interlock tiled only.

• Protection barriers to be provided between 11kV corridors and

big trees / street lighting poles, wherever they are adjacent.

• Cross-section to be provided for each road section, dedicated

11kV corridors should be available on both sides of road.

• Duct arrangement for each road crossing is to be provided.

• In case of 132/11kV substation away from the road Right–of–

Way (ROW), the party shall provide sufficient corridor from the
substation boundary to the road.

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2 Requirements
2.1 Technical Requirements

2.1.13 Policy on Construction of 400kV and 132kV substations.

400/132kV substation

DEWA requires 48 months lead time to construct a 400/132kV


132/11kV substation

Any 132/11kV substation for development projects shall be

constructed by the project developer matching their power
requirement phasing of the project, through a DEWA approved
consultant and contractor. However, DEWA requires adequate lead
time for arranging 132kV cables to any new 132kV substations after
finalization of load requirements, substation locations, cable corridors
and receiving the original affection plan of the plot for the substation in
the ownership of DEWA.

2.1.14 Requirement for 11kV Network/Design Approval

• Latest planning of the development (with both hard & soft copy).

• 11kV Substation location, refer to Distribution Substation

Guideline for approval of 11kV substations.

• Total connected load, maximum demand and capacity for

individual 11kV substation.

• Realistic power requirement date.

• Zone-wise/phase-wise load details with respective 132/11kV

substations to be provided if the number of 132/11kV substations
is two or more.

• In case of number of 132/11kV substations are more, project

loads should be allocated to respective 132/11kV substations for
effective network design (Phase wise). Also the 132/11kV
substations need to be planned for commissioning to match the
power requirement date of projects.

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2 Requirements
2.2 General Requirements

• District cooling loads (if any) should be located adjacent to the

related 132/11kV substation.

• No source metering is allowed (metering equipment to be

arranged in the 11kV switchgear room).

• 11kV corridors details for all the roads within the project

• Approved cross section of all the roads (with 11kV corridor

indicated) to be submitted at the time of 11kV network design

• Generally, in case of private switchgear, approval for single line

diagram should be obtained prior to purchase.

• All the distribution network requirements and guidelines for 11kV

supply mentioned in Annexure - 2 shall be strictly followed.

2.2 General Requirements

1. The main developer shall appoint a reputed consultant to prepare the
infrastructure including power supply Master Plan of their Major Project
development, in order to avail DEWA approval.

2. The developers or their consultants shall submit the documents as listed

in Annexure – 1 for DEWA review to Power Transmission Planning

Addressed to:
Dr. Nasser Tleis
Vice President – Power Transmission Planning
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
P O Box – 564, Dubai
Fax: 04 - 3249206

3. In order to schedule meetings / discussions in regard to power supply

Master Plans for Major Projects, the followings may be contacted :

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects 8 of 19 Issue : Jan-2017 / Rev-3

2 Requirements
2.2 General Requirements

o Mr. Mohamed Naceur Marzouki (Senior Manager-System Planning

Tel : 04 322 2900 Email:
o Mr. Vijayan Ayappan (Dy. Manager–Planning Coordination
Tel : 04 322 2909 Email:
o Mr. Ahammed Sadique (Sr. Engineer – Planning Coordination
Tel : 04 322 2904 Email:

4. The listed documents shall be submitted in three sets of hard copies and
1 set of soft copy (drawings in AutoCad/Microstation & PDF and load
details in Ms Excel format).

5. The details as mentioned above shall be submitted well in advance to

DEWA and got approved to avoid any delay in starting the project.

6. Once approved, DEWA expects that the developer will adhere to the plan
and any minor changes in the project plan, changes in phasing, etc. shall
be informed to DEWA in time and got approved. Changes on works during
the execution stage shall not be entertained.

7. Any power supply requirement for the project shall be from the 132/11kV
substation built for the project. The developer shall phase the
developments and accordingly the power requirements matching the
commissioning schedule of the source 132/11kV substation for the

8. During the progress of the Project, bi-annual updated information shall be

submitted by the party which shall include:
i. Energized load details till date.
ii. 11kV substation approvals under process (not energized).
iii. HV Building NOC load applied (not yet submitted for 11kV
substations approval) less than or more than 5MW.
iv. The developer shall issue confirmation on the individual party’s
loads (who had applied for HV Building NOC) as a part of their
Master Plan in terms of magnitude and time. Load under
design/approval but not approved for HV Building NOC including the

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2 Requirements
2.2 General Requirements

load of project shall be as per the agreement already signed

between party and developer.
v. The updated information shall be submitted by the party in area
maps indicating plot numbers, power requirement dates and
comparison with the original information received as per the
approved Master Plan of the project / development.

9. DEWA will not be responsible for any delay in commissioning due to any
change/ revision of loads, which might result in re-design of 11kV cable

10. After approval of power supply Master Plan, the developer / consultant to
submit 6 sets of final / approved power supply Master Plan (hard & soft
copy) of the project, for DEWA records.

11. The 11kV substations, connected loads, demand loads / diversity factors,
locations, networks etc. related to the LV design approval, the relevant
drawings, load schedules, single line diagrams etc. shall be uploaded
through on-line Getting Electricity application system (

12. On approval of power supply Master Plan, the plot owners / consultant
may apply for power supply NOC for their plot, through E-Services for
“Getting Electricity” on DEWA Website (as per normal practice), along
with the main developer’s letter confirming the load figures indicated in
NOC application are same as that in the approved project Master Plan
(Refer Annexure-3, for sample format).

13. On finalization of power supply Master Plan for entire or portion (Phase) of
any Major Development, the project developer / consultant to approach
concerned Zoning Authority as well as DEWA Infrastructure Information &
Permits (II&P) Department (at Al Warsan Office) to upload the project
landbase in GIS. II&P department’s requirements are listed in Annexure-4.

14. The project developer / consultant to obtain design / construction NOC

from DEWA Infrastructure Information & Permits (II&P) Department during
infrastructure-design / approval / execution stage.

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3 Annexures
3.1 Annexure – 1

3 Annexures

3.1 Annexure – 1
List of documents to be submitted

Sr. No. Documents Remarks

1 Key Plan showing the location and layout of the

project in Dubai Map with co-ordinates.

2 Power requirements in terms of Total connected load

and expected Peak Demand.

3 Phasing

4 Nature of Load

5 Details of District Cooling Loads (location / capacity,

power requirement date etc)

6 Plot-wise loads and power requirement date Excel sheet and

marked in drawing

7 Locations of proposed 132/11kV substation(s)

8 Locations of proposed 400/132kV substation(s)

9 400kV corridors details within the project area

10 132kV corridors details with detailed road cross-


11 11kV corridors details with detailed road cross-


12 11kV ducts arrangements

13 PV Solar requirements in terms of capacity per plot

The above documents shall be submitted in form of 3 sets of Hard Copies + 1

Digital Copy

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects 11 of 19 Issue : Jan-2017 / Rev-3

3 Annexures
3.2 Annexure – 2

3.2 Annexure – 2
Design Requirements & Guidelines for 11kV Supply

In line with DEWA’s power distribution network design, the following guidelines
shall be followed strictly:

1. Ring supply consisting of two feeders (two-feed ring) is mainly granted

for power supply as normal feeding arrangement. Three-feed ring
arrangement may be adopted for cases where all 11kV switchgears/
RMUs are installed in one location to ensure the specific supply

2. For reliable power supply; N-1 offline criterion is considered. Hence, in

case of power failure in one of the feeders, the other feeder should be
capable to meet whole demand for maximum 6 hours duration.

3. DEWA standard 11 kV cable sizes are 3/C 300mm2 Copper XLPE, 3/C
240mm2 Copper XLPE, and 3/C 240mm2 Aluminum XLPE.

4. The maximum sustained load of 11kV feeder is 175A/3MW (for 300mm2

Copper XLPE cables – summer rating).

5. The maximum sustained load of 11kV feeder is 160A/2.7MW (for

240mm2 Copper XLPE cables – summer rating).

6. For bulk loads such as furnaces or district cooling requiring direct 11kV
supply (private equipment's), space for metering units at party’s
premises/substation shall be considered. Necessary documents,
drawings, SLD shall be submitted for DEWA’s comments/approval at
design stage.

7. Single unit load demand shall not exceed the maximum sustained
current of DEWA’s 11kV cable/feeder, which is maximum 175A/3MW for
11kV feeder.

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3 Annexures
3.2 Annexure – 2

8. Parallel operation of DEWA 11kV feeders is not allowed at any

circumstances, and accordingly proper interlocking (Electrical &
Mechanical) shall be provided where required.

9. Standby generators are not allowed to operate in parallel with DEWA

network. Therefore, proper interlocking shall be provided where it is

10. The planning levels of voltage flicker shall be in compliance with IEC
61000-3-7: ED.2.0-2008. Accordingly, voltage dip calculations during
motor starting shall be submitted along with the motor specification,
starting characteristics, number of motor starts per day, SLD drawings
etc. for approval at design stage.

11. For loads that injects harmonics currents into DEWA’s network,
harmonic study shall be prepared by the party and approved by DEWA
at the design stage. The party to comply with the planning limits of
Harmonic Emissions for voltage and current based on IEC 61000-3-6:
ED.2.0-2008 and IEC 61000–3-12: ED.2.0-2011 respectively.

12. Harmonics and Flickers measurements shall be conducted by the party

after commissioning of project and report of measurements shall be
submitted to DEWA.

13. Maximum allowable number of cables per trench for 11kV cables is 20
arranged in maximum two layers. (2.5 to 3-meter trench width on both
sides of the road, close to 132/11kV S/S and 2.0/1.5 meters elsewhere
depending on load distribution).

14. Clearance of minimum 2 meters shall be maintained between any 11kV

cable trench and the surrounding heat sources such as 132kV cable

15. Horizontal spacing between 11kV cables is 150mm (edge to edge for
11kV cables) and vertical spacing between layers is 100mm (edge to
edge applicable for 11kV cables).

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3 Annexures
3.2 Annexure – 2

16. Separate corridor shall be allocated for 11kV cable laying within party’s
premises along the road to ensure avoiding crossing between 132kV
and 11kV cables.

17. Backfilling to be used for 11kV cables with soil resistivity below 1.6oC-
m/W with the following conditions:

a. At maximum moisture content of 2% or less.

b. At 90% of compaction.

18. Single line diagram illustrating the protection schemes along with relay
setting calculation shall be submitted for DEWA’s comments and
approval at design stage.

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3 Annexures
3.3 Annexure – 3

3.3 Annexure – 3

Main Developer’s load confirmation format for HV-NOC approval

Developer Letter Head

Ref: Date :


Dr. Nasser Tleis

Vice President – Power Transmission Planning
Dubai Electricity & Water Authority
P.O Box: 564, Dubai

Sub: Load Confirmation for NOC Ref. -----------------

Reference to the NOC --------------, we hereby confirm that the total connected load
requirement of ------ MW for the plot No. ----------- by (power requirement date) ----------
-------- is complying with the data mentioned in our latest / approved project Master Plan
for ----------------------------------------- Project.

Further, we confirm the type of development on the above indicated plot is -----------------
---------------------------- (industrial / commercial / residential etc.).

For any clarification / details, please contact :

Name : …………………………………. Tel: …………………………….Mobile: …………….…….

With Regards,
For and On behalf of ---------------------- (developer name)

(Sign. & Stamp)

Authorized signatory name & designation

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects 15 of 19 Issue : Jan-2017 / Rev-3

3 Annexures
3.4 Annexure – 4

3.4 Annexure – 4

Infrastructure Information & Permits Department Requirements for

updating Major Project Landbase in DEWA GIS

II&P Department requires below listed in order to update Major Project Landbase in
1. Project Layout
2. Parcels / plots along with parcel / plot IDs.
3. DEWA ESS plots with plot IDs.
4. Road Facilities ;
• Road Centre Line
• Right Of Way
• Dividers (Road medians / roundabouts)
• Road Cross-sections
• Approved corridors with clear indications of width from ROW.

Layer features are given below ;

S.N. Layer Name Description Geometry
1 Project Boundary The entire / phase of the project Polygon
2 Parcel / plots The plot boundary as designed / approved Polygon
by the developer and issued to individual
3 DEWA ESS plot The plots designed/approved by the
developer for the purpose of building DEWA
11kV substations
4 Utility corridor The area allotted by developer within the Polygon
ROW for accommodating DEWA utilities.
5 Road_centre line Single Carriageway : A line representing the Line
physical centre of the roadway between
road shoulders.
Dual Carriageway : A line representing the
physical centre of the roadway between
road shoulder and median (road divider).
6 Sikka / Alley Represents a small road between buildings Line
and generally connect two parallel streets /
roads (usually less than or equal to 20 ft

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects 16 of 19 Issue : Jan-2017 / Rev-3

3 Annexures
3.4 Annexure – 4

7 Road_Island Non-pedestrian islands in the road surface, Polygon

such as centre island, roundabout etc. that
normally contains grass, trees, flowers or
other plantations.
8 Road_Median The area which separates opposing lanes Polygon
of traffic on divided roadways. It is also
called as central reservation or divider.
9 Right-Of-Way The land on which the roadway and its Polygon
associated facilities and appurtenances are
located. Highway ROW accommodates the
entire roadway (i.e. carriageway and
shoulders), as well as adjacent sidewalks
and the roadside corridors on which utilities
are located.
10 Pavements A path consisting of a paved area on the Polygon
side of a road for pedestrians, it is also
called a sidewalk.
11 Building / The outline of a building. Distances from the Line
Property Line ends and / or sides of the lot beyond which
construction may not extend.
12 Parking Space Vehicle parking lot boundaries Polygon

Data formats : The format of the data may be any common GIS format such as Shape
file, ESRI Geodatabase or a common CAD format such as AutoCAD Drawing File (DWG)
or MicroStation Design File (DGN). However, road cross0-sections must be provided in
CAD / DGN formats only.

If the Data is unable to provide in ESRI shape file format, below are few guidelines should
be followed when preparing CAD / DGN data for submission to DEWA.

Each Feature class (Layer) and / or its sub-types need to be in a separate layer/level in
the CAD / DGN file.

o Each CAD layer / level must represent only one class of feature.

o Each text representing information about plot/road/etc and should fit well inside it.

o All data attributes (tabular data) for a corresponding CAD ID will be also be found
and documented in an associated MS Excel spreadsheet. A worksheet for each
CAD layer will be created. The worksheet should contain the CAD ID (ex: handle
which must be unique) and one or more fields that contain the associated attribute

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects 17 of 19 Issue : Jan-2017 / Rev-3

3 Annexures
3.4 Annexure – 4

Topological Rules :

o Ellipse and Spline shall not be used at all.

o Overlapping, self-intersecting and zero length are not allowed.

o Where two polylines logically join, intersecting features within the same layer these
shall be snapped at the point of intersection.

o Lines should run continuously from Point object to Point object. All line features
shall be of a continuous line-type, such that each individual line feature (i.e each
segment) is only broken at the ends where a node/structure is located.

o Lines should not be broken for the purpose of annotations. Annotation for each
layer shall be placed in annotation layers as specified in the template file.

o Straight lines must be represented by only the beginning and ending x- and y-
coordinate points. The exception to this is a line where the coordinates differ only
in the z values (ex: developed from multiple traverses on the same bearing). Lines
stings must not cross back on themselves or have a zero length (i.e points).

o Polyline features that logically join shall be snapped to each other at the joining
ends. This is, no dangles (overshoots and undershoots) are allowed.

o All polyline features shall be created as closed polylines.

o All edges on polygon features must be snapped together at the vertices. Gap in
polygon boundaries will not be accepted.

o Polygon features in the same layer cannot overlap each other.

o The completed CAD drawing file should contain text in standard fonts that can be
read without third-party software.

Coordinate System : Features in DEWA GDS compliant files must be represented in

real world locations as referenced by Dubai Local Transverse Mercator Projection
(DTLM) parameters as given below :

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3 Annexures
3.4 Annexure – 4

Projection :
Transverse Mercator

Parameters :
Longitude of Origin 55:20:00:00 d:m:s
Latitude of Origin 0:00:00:000 d:m:s
False Easting 500,000.000 m
False Northing 0.000 m
Scale Factor along Longitude of Origin 1.0000
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Ellipsoid WGS84 (standard parameters)
Equatorial Radius: 6378137.000 m
Polar Radius: 6356752.314 m
Eccentricity: 0.0818191908426215
Flattening: 0.00335281066474746
Flattening Inverse: 298.257223563002

Units and Formats :

Geographic Units: d:m:s
Format: Long/lat. Precision: 4, Positive N,E
Projection Units: m
Format: Easting/Northing Precision: 3
Height Units: m Precision: 3
Geocentric Units: m Precision: 3
Distance Units : m Precision: 3
Angular Units: deg Precision: 6

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