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Efficient CRISPR Editing With A Hypercompact Cas12

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Efficient CRISPR editing with a hypercompact

Cas12f1 and engineered guide RNAs delivered by
adeno-associated virus
Do Yon Kim1,2,3,6, Jeong Mi Lee 1,2,6, Su Bin Moon1,2, Hyun Jung Chin1, Seyeon Park3, Youjung Lim3,
Daesik Kim 1, Taeyoung Koo4,5, Jeong-Heon Ko1,2 and Yong-Sam Kim 1,2,3 ✉

Gene therapy would benefit from a miniature CRISPR system that fits into the small adeno-associated virus (AAV) genome
and has high cleavage activity and specificity in eukaryotic cells. One of the most compact CRISPR-associated nucleases yet
discovered is the archaeal Un1Cas12f1. However, Un1Cas12f1 and its variants have very low activity in eukaryotic cells. In the
present study, we redesigned the natural guide RNA of Un1Cas12f1 at five sites: the 5′ terminus of the trans-activating CRISPR
RNA (tracrRNA), the tracrRNA–crRNA complementary region, a penta(uridinylate) sequence, the 3′ terminus of the crRNA
and a disordered stem 2 region in the tracrRNA. These optimizations synergistically increased the average indel frequency by
867-fold. The optimized Un1Cas12f1 system enabled efficient, specific genome editing in human cells when delivered by plas-
mid vectors, PCR amplicons and AAV. As Un1Cas12f1 cleaves outside the protospacer, it can be used to create large deletions
efficiently. The engineered Un1Cas12f1 system showed efficiency comparable to that of SpCas9 and specificity similar to that
of AsCas12a.

he clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats base editors8,9, prime editors10 or regulators of epigenetic features5.
(CRISPR) system, which functions as an adaptive immune Moreover, a miniature CRISPR system would allow the use of mul-
system in bacteria, archaea and huge bacteriophages, has tiple guide (g)RNAs and/or additional regulatory genes in a single
been developed into versatile genome-editing tools1–4. Conventional AAV particle.
genome-editing tools induce double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) Classified as type-V CRISPR nucleases, miniature Cas proteins,
breaks (DSBs), which frequently result in indel mutations through including Cas12f (also known as Cas14) and Cas12j (CasΦ), were
the nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ)-mediated repair pro- identified from archaea25 and huge bacteriophages2. Miniature
cess5,6. Precise genetic modifications have also been achieved by CRISPR–Cas effectors consist of ~400–700 amino acid residues
homology-driven repair7, base editing systems8,9 and prime edit- and include a single RuvC nuclease domain25. So far, it has not been
ing technology10. These diverse genome-editing tools have facili- demonstrated that miniature Cas proteins can be used as robust
tated cell engineering, generation of model animals, development genome-editing tools in eukaryotic cells. Cas12f1 was originally
of new plant varieties11 and genetic screening12. In particular, these reported to show only single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) cleavage
methods hold promise for gene therapy in the treatment of cancer13, activity25. A subsequent study revealed indel activity of Cas12f in
genetic disorders14 and infectious diseases15,16. eukaryotic cells, but the efficiency was only marginal and only two
Gene therapy can be performed in vivo or ex vivo, depending on targets were tested26. Cas12j was functionally validated in plant cells,
the accessibility of target cells. Ex vivo therapy is performed on indi- but the indel efficiency was also <1%2. Furthermore, in neither case
vidual types of patient-derived cells, which include immune cells17, was the feasibility of AAV delivery demonstrated.
adult stem cells18 or, in principle, germ cells19. However, most mono- In the present study, we intensively remodeled the gRNA for
genic diseases require systemic delivery of genetic materials through Un1Cas12f1 (hereafter referred to as Cas12f) through five rounds
an in vivo strategy, which necessitates an efficient vehicle for their of gRNA engineering. The individual changes to the gRNA struc-
delivery. AAV is a US Food and Drug Administration-approved ture were synergistic, thereby transforming the CRISPR–Cas12f
vehicle as a result of its safety, persistence and compatibility with system into a highly efficient and specific genome-editing tool.
mass production20. In this regard, an AAV-loadable CRISPR tool Moreover, the gRNA remodeling substantially reduced the gRNA
would hold promise for the treatment of genetic disorders in vivo21. size. When delivered by an AAV vector, this compact CRISPR
However, AAV has a limited payload size of <4.7 kb which hampers system enabled multiplexed and efficient genome editing. In the
clinical applications of most CRISPR tools22. Smaller Cas proteins, present study, we propose that our engineered Cas12f1 system is
including SaCas9 (ref. 23) and CjCas9 (ref. 24), have been identified useful for gene editing with AAV delivery and that Un1Cas12f1
and validated with respect to their use as genome-editing tools might form the basis for developing AVV-deliverable base and
delivered through an AAV. These can be delivered with an AAV, but prime editors, epigenetic regulators and constructs for site-specific
even smaller CRISPR systems are needed to enable AAV delivery of gene regulation.

Genome Editing Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & BioTechnology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. 2KRIBB School of Bioscience, Korea

University of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. 3GenKOre, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. 4Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Graduate School, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 5Department of Pharmaceutical Science, College of Pharmacy, Kyung Hee
University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 6These authors contributed equally: Do Yon Kim, Jeong Mi Lee. ✉e-mail:

94 Nature Biotechnology | VOL 40 | January 2022 | 94–102 |

Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved

Results (Fig. 1d). In contrast, we observed only marginal levels of indel fre-
Overall strategy for gRNA engineering. Efforts to engineer quencies with a canonical gRNA (percentage indels ≤0.1%). The
gRNAs have contributed to improving CRISPR tools with respect MS1-/MS2-modified sgRNA was then subjected to further rounds
to efficiency of indel generation27, simplicity4, multiplexing28, imag- of gRNA engineering.
ing29 and specificity4,30. To optimize the gRNA of Cas12f, we used
knowledge from past gRNA engineering efforts and identified five MS3: truncating the 5′ region of the tracrRNA. Cas12f1 has
potential modification sites (MSs) throughout the tracrRNA and an exceptionally long gRNA due to an oversized tracrRNA25. We
crRNA sequences as follows: MS1, an internal penta(uridinylate) hypothesized that the entire tracrRNA is unlikely to participate in
(UUUUU) sequence in the tracrRNA; MS2, the 3′ terminus of interactions with the compact Cas12f1. A recent study also indi-
the crRNA; MS3, the ‘stem 1’ region of the tracrRNA; MS4, the cated that the stem 1 region is in a structurally disordered state33,34.
tracrRNA–crRNA complementary region; and MS5, the ‘stem 2’ To test this hypothesis, we either extended or trimmed the tracrRNA
region of the tracrRNA. The gRNA engineering steps proceeded in the stem 1 region. A tracrRNA with an 18-nt truncation caused a
sequentially from MS1 to MS5 (Fig. 1a). As the thermodynami- significant increase in indel frequency (Supplementary Fig. 3a). To
cally unfavorable base-paring of the natural tracrRNA and crRNA determine the optimal truncation, we tested a set of tracrRNA trun-
(Supplementary Fig. 1a) would nullify the effects of gRNA engi- cations beginning at positions −149 to −137. The results confirmed
neering, we used a single-guide RNA (sgRNA) connected with a that a 5′ truncation of 18–21 nt yielded a highly potent sgRNA
GAAA loop as a precursor for the series of gRNA engineering steps. (Fig. 1e) and used a tracrRNA with a 20-nt truncation as a basis for
additional engineering steps.
MS1: correcting an internal penta(uridinylate) sequence. The canoni-
cal Cas12f1 tracrRNA contained an internal UUUUU sequence that MS4: truncating the tracrRNA–crRNA complementary sequence.
spanned positions −24 to −20 (numbered 5′ to 3′), as reported pre- We sought to further trim the sgRNA without compromising indel
viously25. The five consecutive thymidinylates in a template would frequencies at the crRNA–tracrRNA complementary region. We
prevent the production of a full-length tracrRNA under the H1 and generated sgRNAs with different lengths of the tracrRNA–crRNA
U6 promoters31. Therefore, we designated the penta(uridinylate) complementary region (Supplementary Fig. 3b). An elongated
site (MS1) as the starting point for gRNA engineering. crRNA was suggested to improve the function of the CRISPR–
To remove the termination cue, we replaced each U with a non-U Cas12a system35; thus, we tested an elongated sgRNA (+13 bp) in
nucleotide and investigated the indel frequencies at an endog- addition to four shortened sgRNAs. The elongated sgRNA showed
enous target (target 1) in HEK293T cells (hereafter, please refer to a marked decrease in indel-generating efficiency, but all trimmed
Supplementary Table 1 for target information). Deep-sequencing sgRNAs retained efficiency.
analyses revealed that each substitution yielded at least a fourfold To pinpoint the optimally trimmed sgRNA, we tested various
increase in indel frequency with a much higher increase (about truncations at 1-bp resolution. Notably, a truncation of the entire
50-fold) by the substitution of U−21 with C (Fig. 1b). For further complementary sequence resulted in even higher editing efficiency
gain, we compared possible combinations for the penta(uridinylate) (Fig. 1f). The truncated region exactly matched the previously
site by fixing the C substitution at the U−21 position, and substituting reported disordered region33,34.
other uridines with the nucleotides, resulting in the highest indel We tested substituting the GAAA tetraloop linking the tracrRNA
frequencies, as shown in Fig. 1b. Comparative analysis revealed and crRNA with a hammerhead ribozyme to produce an sgRNA at
that substituting UUUUU with 5′-GUGCU in the tracrRNA fur- the expression stage, followed by generation of a dual gRNA with an
ther increased the efficiency of indel generation (Supplementary overhang on either the tracrRNA or the crRNA after self-cleavage
Fig. 1b). A similar screening and comparative analysis found that (Supplementary Fig. 3c,d). However, none of these possibilities
5′-AGCAA in the crRNA was an optimal counterpart for the showed increased efficiency compared with the sgRNA with a total
5′-GUGCU in the tracrRNA (Supplementary Figs. 1c–e). The sub- of 59-nt truncation.
stitutions in the crRNA (that is, 5′-AGCAA) alone did not increase
the indel frequency, but significantly improved indel efficiencies MS5: truncating the stem 2 region in the tracrRNA. We considered
were achieved with the concomitant modification of crRNA and one more possible modification site, the tracrRNA stem 2 region,
tracrRNA at MS1 (Fig. 1c). because the segment spanning from A−129 to U−103 was also reported
to be disordered33,34. Thus, we also trimmed this region at 1-bp reso-
MS2: adding 3′-poly(uridinylates) to the crRNA. Previously, we lution, keeping the 5′-UUAG loop preserved. Though the modified
reported that a poly(uridinylated) (U-rich) 3′ overhang on the gRNAs did not further enhance the efficiency achieved by MS2/
crRNA increased Cas12a-mediated indel frequencies, making them MS3/MS4 gRNA at target 2, deletion from C−131 to G−101 increased
comparable to those of SpCas9 (ref. 32). As Cas12f1 shows a simi- indel frequencies by about 2.7-fold at a GAK locus (Supplementary
lar domain architecture to Cas12a, we explored whether a similar Fig. 3e). Validations using more targets revealed that the 27-nt trun-
U-rich crRNA modification (MS2) would affect Cas12f1-mediated cation at the stem 2 region mediated increased indel frequencies,
indel frequencies. In line with our previous results, the addition of particularly for targets with relatively low indel frequencies gener-
Ts stimulated Cas12f1 activity until a T5 or T6 termination sequence ated by gRNA MS2/MS3/MS4 (Supplementary Fig. 3f). The trun-
was generated (Supplementary Fig. 2a). An adenylate (A) was incor- cation of the stem 4 region nullified the MS1–MS5 engineering
porated after TTTT to obviate the termination signal for the U6 (Supplementary Fig. 3g), and was not included for final engineer-
promoter, and the number of uridines in the crRNA was further ing. Various combinations of MS modifications yielded different
increased by adding thymidinylates next to the adenylate. When increases in indel frequencies (Fig. 1g). When MS1/MS2/MS3, MS2/
a 5′-TTTTATTTTTT sequence was added to the 3′ terminus of MS3/MS4 or MS2/MS3/MS4/MS5 modifications are combined, the
the crRNA to create a U-rich 3′ overhang, indel frequencies were engineered Cas12f1 systems showed the highest genome-editing
maximized. We changed the intervening A into C or G and found performance and thus are referred to as Cas12f_ge3.0, Cas12f_ge4.0
that a 5′-U4RU4 (R = A or G) was an optimal overhang in that posi- and Cas12f_ge4.1, respectively. It is noteworthy that the MS1 site
tion (Supplementary Fig. 2b; please refer to our previous report32 was removed during MS4 engineering and, therefore, MS1 and
for detailed information). When combined in an sgRNA, the MS1 MS4 engineering are mutually exclusive. The Cas12f1_ge4.1 system
and MS2 modifications showed synergistic effects, yielding signifi- is characterized by highly efficient, very compact genome editors,
cant increases in indel frequencies, by up to 1,148-fold for target 1 with gRNA down-sized by almost 40% (Fig. 1h). Taken together,

Nature Biotechnology | VOL 40 | January 2022 | 94–102 | 95

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a –160 MS3
Engineering flow
MS5 –130 Stem 1
Stem 2

–105 MS2

–1 –24 MS4
MS4 –30 –20 MS1 –10 –1

b (position) c d
tracrRNA nucleotide P = 0.019
4 30 P < 0.001
–24 –23 –22 –21 –20
U U U U U P = 0.023

Percentage indel

Percentage indel
P < 0.001
U 0.01 20
2 P = 0.001
P < 0.001

A 0.18 0.13 0.07 0.08 0.04 10 P < 0.001

P = 0.008
G 0.22 0.11 0.21 0.19 0.12
0 0
tracrRNA – + – + – + – + – + – + MS1 – + – + – + – + – + – +
C 0.09 0.14 0.07 0.52 0.15 MS1
crRNA – – + + – – + + – – + + MS2 – – + + – – + + – – + +
Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 Target 1 Target 2 Target 3

e f 100 h
Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 P = 0.002
MS3 Change of length (nt)
Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 80
Percentage indel

MS2 +9 (crRNA)
WT 16.4 17.5 18.4 5.4 4.9 5.8 13.3 16.4 13.1 60 MS3 –20 (tracrRNA)
∆12 nt 13.2 18.7 21.5 8.9 7.0 6.7 15.3 22.1 13.5
40 MS4 –28 (tracrRNA), –27 (crRNA)
∆13 nt 4.5 6.5 5.5 5.4 7.6 8.8 13.4 16.4 15.0
MS5 –27 (tracrRNA)
∆14 nt 21.6 23.6 20.4 9.1 7.6 8.0 21.2 22.4 21.4
∆15 nt 10.7 10.6 10.7 1.9 2.8 2.8 13.2 11.9 16.4 0 5,000 gRNA

DNA sequence length (nt)

∆16 nt 35.9 28.7 27.7 2.3 3.6 5.0 4.6 8.8 7.9 4,000
∆17 nt 43.1 37.8 40.3 2.4 10.6 5.5 18.5 18.2 17.1 (Truncation position) 3,000
∆18 nt 43.4 41.9 39.7 8.5 6.6 7.9 30.3 33.8 37.6
g 2,000
Optimal ∆19 nt 42.8 38.5 39.3 7.8 9.2 12.5 30.7 28.3 14.2 % indel

zone 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1,000

∆20 nt 57.8 55.8 59.6 25.0 26.0 26.3 34.2 33.5 34.9
∆21 nt 57.5 46.2 51.7 23.4 22.0 17.6 31.3 23.7 28.1 + + + + –
– + + + – 0
– – + + +
∆22 nt 29.6 29.5 43.9 12.0 10.3 9.9 11.7 21.6 16.2


– + – + –




– – + + –
∆23 nt 6.8 7.8 6.9 10.8 18.2 11.8 0.1 1.3 1.0 – – + – +
– – – + +
– + – – –
∆24 nt 13.0 8.4 12.9 2.8 3.5 1.6 9.7 8.2 4.9 – – + – –
– – – + –
– – – – +
– – – – –
0 60% 0 30% 0 40%

Fig. 1 | Engineering Cas12f gRNA. a, Structure of the canonical Cas12f1 gRNA consisting of tracrRNA and crRNA. Five MSs for gRNA engineering are
indicated. The gRNA engineering steps were performed sequentially, from MS1 to MS2 and MS3, and finally MS4; MS5 modifications are discussed
elsewhere. b, Increased Cas12f-mediated indel frequencies caused by substitutions of uridine in the tracrRNA penta(uridinylate) site (MS1). c, Combined
effects of sequence modifications in both the tracrRNA and the crRNA at the penta(uridinylate) site on indel frequencies (n = 3). d, Synergistic modulation
of indel frequencies by modifications in MS1 and MS2 (addition of poly(uridinylate) 3′ overhang on the crRNA) (n = 3). e, Optimal length of truncation
of the 5′ terminus of the tracrRNA (MS3). Values were obtained from independent triplicate experiments. f, Changes in indel frequencies induced by the
truncation of the crRNA–tracrRNA complementary region (MS4). At each position, the crRNA and tracrRNA were truncated and connected with a GAAA
tetraloop (n = 3). g, Increased indel frequencies induced by various combinations of gRNA modifications (n = 3). h, Changes in the length of the crRNA
and tracrRNA caused by each step of gRNA engineering and comparison of the lengths of sequences encoding the components of several representative
CRISPR–Cas systems. NS, not significant. c,d,f, Two-group and multiple comparisons were performed by the two-sided Student’s t-test and one-way
ANOVA test, respectively. All error bars represent s.d.

our extensive gRNA engineering efforts yielded a potent, extremely suggested previously32, the U-rich 3′ overhang appeared to sta-
compact CRISPR–Cas12f1 system. bilize the sgRNA transcript in cells. The MS3 engineering was
Finally, we sought to explain how each gRNA modification not associated with changes in gRNA expression, but further
(MS1–MS5) contributes to increased indel frequencies using tar- increased the dsDNA cleavage activity of Cas12f1 when stacked
geted RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis (Supplementary Fig. 4a). to the MS1/2 modifications (Supplementary Fig. 4d). The MS4
As expected, the MS1 engineering led to a drastic increase in the and MS5 engineering further increased the cleavage activity. To
expression of the full-length sgRNA (Supplementary Fig. 4b,c). validate the effects of the MS3 modification on indel frequencies,
Besides increasing the affinity of the Cas–gRNA interaction as MS1/2- and MS1/2/3-modified gRNAs were compared with respect

96 Nature Biotechnology | VOL 40 | January 2022 | 94–102 |

Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved

a b c
TTTR N20 NGG P < 0.001
Validation targets (nos. 1–88) P = 0.001
90% NS
Canonical 12f 80
SpCas9 Spacer (N20) DR

Percentage indel
ge_3.0 60
AsCas12a DR Spacer (N23)
Spacer (N20) ge_4.0
Canonical Cas12f1 DR
Cas12f_ge3.0 DR(MS1/3) Spacer (N20) MS2(T4AT6) ge_4.1
Cas12f_ge4.0 DR(MS3/4) Spacer (N20) MS2(T4AT6) SpCas9

Sp 4.1

C s9


Spacer (N20)

As Ca
Cas12f_ge4.1 DR(MS3/4/5) MS2(T4AT6)



d e 100
Range of Distribution of percentage indel (n = 88) n = 67 n = 15 n=6
percentage 80 ge3.0
indel ge_3.0 ge_4.0 ge_4.1 Cas9 Cas12a

Percentage indel
≤1% 35 24 7 3 8 60 ge4.1
1–10% 25 23 12 11 25
10–20% 4 10 28 32 24
20–30% 8 6 10 19 20
30–50% 6 14 19 17 9
≥ 50% 10 11 12 6 2 0
Validation targets (n = 88)

f g gRNA1
h i 15
Target 1 Target 2 20 20
gRNA2 MS1/2
5′ TTTR-N20---spacing---N20-YAAA 3′ gRNA1+2 MS1/2/3
10 15
Percentage indel

MS2/3/4/5 10

gRNA1 gRNA1+gRNA2 gRNA2 0 10

10 5
T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2
20 0 0
(Low indel) (High indel) (Low indel) a b c d e f g h i j 0 20 40 60 80
a b c d e f g h i j
Target ID Target ID Length of spacing (bp)

Fig. 2 | Large-scale validation of the engineered CRISPR–Cas12f system. a, Common sequences targetable by the SpCas9, AsCas12a and Cas12f systems
and the gRNA formulations for each system. TTTR indicates TTTA or TTTG. b, A heatmap for indel frequencies per target obtained by SpCas9, AsCas12a
or Cas12f. Measurement of indel frequencies in HEK293T cells transfected with SpCas9, AsCas12a, canonical Cas12f or engineered Cas12f vector
constructs. Cells (1.75 × 105) were transfected with 2 μg of plasmid vector using a Fugene lipofection kit and grown for 96 h. c, A box-and-whisker plot for
SpCas9-, AsCas12a- and Cas12f-induced indel frequencies merged with a dot plot. Whole data points (n = 88) were plotted with mean values as indicated
by the horizontal cyan-colored line. Box plots represent the median with interquartile ranges (25–75%); whiskers extend to 1.5× the interquartile distance
from the box. P values were derived by a Mann–Whitney U-test. NS, not significant. Error bars represent the s.d. d, Distribution of the number of targets
per indel frequency subdivision. Values indicate the number of targets with indel efficiency belonging to the indicated ranges. The indel efficiencies and
target information were provided in a source file and Supplementary Table 2. e, Distribution of the targets that show the highest efficiencies by
the _ge3.0, _ge4.0 or _ge4.1 version. f, Schematic representation of the paired gRNA strategy for increasing Cas12f-mediated indel frequencies. DNA
cleavages are centered in the spacing region, which is 10–30 bp in length. The size of the triangle indicates the frequency of a DNA-strand cleavage.
g, Indel frequencies induced by Cas12f with engineered gRNA at ten targets when using either or both gRNAs. The upper and lower panels indicate indel
frequencies for gRNAs with MS1/2 and MS1/2/3 engineering, respectively. h, Comparison of fold-changes in indel frequencies caused by MS1/2- and
MS1/2/3-engineered gRNAs. The fold-changes were calculated from the indel frequencies induced by paired gRNAs compared with that of a gRNA that
induces a higher indel frequency at a target located between the two paired gRNAs. i, Fold-changes in indel efficiencies by paired gRNAs according to the
length of spacing.

to indel-generating efficiency in vivo. Out of 19 targets tested, 17 targets showing frequencies of <0.1%. However, use of our engi-
(90%) showed increased indel frequencies, by at least twofold, with neered gRNAs led to significant increases in indel frequencies at
the average fold increase being 3.12 (Supplementary Fig. 4e). The most target sites (Fig. 2b). The average efficiency of Cas12f_ge4.1
structures of the Cas12f_ge3.0, Cas12f_ge4.0 and Cas12f_ge4.1 was comparable to that of SpCas9 (P > 0.05) and was even higher
gRNAs are presented in Supplementary Fig. 5. than that of AsCas12a (Fig. 2c). The average increase in efficiency
induced by Cas12f_ge4.1 sgRNA was 867-fold. Notably, Cas12f_
Large-scale validation of Cas12f. We next investigated whether the ge4.1 had more targets with high indel frequencies (≥50%) than
increased genome-editing efficiency of the engineered gRNAs can SpCas9 and AsCas12a (Fig. 2d). In addition, Cas12f_ge4.1 showed
be validated at a wider range of targets. We searched in silico for higher efficiencies for 76.1% (67 of 88) of targets, compared with the
endogenous targets containing the sequence 5′-TTTR-N20-NGG-3′, Cas12f_ge3.0 and Cas12f_4.0 versions, whereas the Cas12f_ge4.0
which are targetable with SpCas9, AsCas12a and Cas12f1 (Fig. 2a). and Cas12f_ge3.0 versions were most effective for 17.0% and 6.8%
We randomly selected 88 such endogenous loci (for target infor- of targets, respectively (Fig. 2e).
mation, please refer to Supplementary Table 2) and measured the We then sought to refine the Cas12f system further, because
SpCas9-, AsCas12a- and Cas12f-mediated indel frequencies in there still remained targets resistant to genome editing by Cas12f
HEK293T cells. Cas12f with canonical gRNAs generated indel fre- (in fact, the situation is also true for Cas9 and Cas12a, but Cas12f1
quencies of <1.0% over all tested targets, with 91% (80 of 88) of showed more targets with indel frequencies <1% than SpCas9).

Nature Biotechnology | VOL 40 | January 2022 | 94–102 | 97

Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved

a b c
Cas12f_ge4.1 SpCas9 LbCas12a
Cas12f 30 60 Cas12f1
5’ PAM 3’
25 50 SpCas9

Length of deletion

Percentage indel
20 40

15 30
10 20

5 10
Multiple 0
events 0
1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2nd DSB/NHEJ Days after transfection Days after transfection

Cas9 d e Left target (F05) Right target (R08)


Cas12f LbCas12a
Control DS1 DS2 DS1 DS2 50

Percentage indel
nth DSB/NHEJ 40
1.0 kb

0.5 kb 30

Protospacer 0.3 kb 20

Percentage gRNA1 30.5 14.7 32.7 13.1 10

indel gRNA2 24.8 11.8 24.4 12.2
Percentage E27
del 0 61.2 52.7 38.6 19.8 E26 2 kb 2 kb

f g P = 0.002
h i
3d 9d 2.5 P = 0.002
SaCas9 4

Cas12f SaCas9 Cas12f SaCas9 Cas12f 2.0 Upper limit

Gene size (kb)

NT (F05_R08) (EDIT101) (F05_R08) (EDIT101) 40

Percentage deletion


Relative expression
3 kb 0.5 2
2 kb 20
1 kb
Ta BE d-T 1
Ta + U *
d* 2x GI
x I
-M I
KR 64
N t1
D 1
Ez 1
p3 2
+2 UG
d- C1 ad




D Te

rA e


3d 9d

OCT4 promoter

Fig. 3 | Highly efficient correction of pathogenic mutations through AAV-delivered Cas12f. a, A schematic illustration showing multiple chances for
dsDNA cleavage and NHEJ cycles for the Cas12f system. Cleavage sites are marked with triangles and different colors indicate changes in the DNA
sequences. The protospacer regions are colored sky-blue and green. b, Increased frequency of long deletion mutations over time in HEK293T cells
transfected with CRISPR–Cas12f_ge4.1. c, Time-course of Cas12f-, SpCas9- and LbCas12a-induced indel frequencies in HEK293T cells transfected with
plasmid vectors (n = 3). d. Comparison of Cas12f- and LbCas12a-mediated rates of exon 51 deletion from the human dystrophin gene in AC16 cells. The
lower bands indicate the PCR amplicons of the exon 51-deleted locus. The intensity of the lower bands is indicative of the deletion efficiency. Deletion
strategy 1 (DS1) and DS2 target identical loci for Cas12f and Cas12a. The data represent three experiments. e, Screening of targets for the deletion
of the c.2991+1655A>G mutation from the CEP290 gene. f, Comparison of Cas12f- and SaCas9 (EDIT101)-mediated frequencies of deletion of the
c.2991+1655A>G mutation. HEK293T cells (2 × 105) were seeded into 12-well plates, transduced with AAV2 harboring the Cas12f or SaCas9 system at
5.0 × 109 vector genomes (vg) ml−1, and harvested 3 and 9 d post-transduction. NT, nontransduction. The data represent three experiments. g, Quantitative
analysis of deletion frequencies using RT-qPCR. Percentage deletion indicates the percentage ratio of PCR amplicons containing the deletion versus intact
amplicons (n = 3). P values were derived using a two-sided Welch’s t-test. h, Possible applications of Cas12f using an AAV delivery system. For AAV
delivery of vector constructs harboring the Cas12f sequence with two nuclear localization signals, a BGH poly(A) signal, and an XTEN linker sequence
under the control of an EF-1α core promoter and a ge4.1 sequence under the control of a U6 promoter, a protein encoded by a gene ≤2.1 kb in size could
be fused to Cas12f. i, Application of dCas12f-VP64 to CRISPRa. The fusion protein guided by gRNAs (ge4.1) targeting promoter regions of OCT4 led to
transcriptional activations in HEK293T cells (n = 3). P values were derived using a two-sided Student’s t-test. All error bars represent the s.d.

We hypothesized that the low efficiency of Cas12f1 at certain sites indel frequencies with the paired gRNAs. The fold increase varied
may originate from different cleavage efficiency between target and among targets, but all tested targets showed indel frequencies of
nontarget strands, because the compact size of Cas12f might cause >1%. Moreover, final indel frequencies were further improved by
less efficient nontarget strand cleavage. To test this hypothesis, we using MS1/MS2/MS3- versus MS1/MS2-modified gRNAs (Fig. 2g),
selected targets that carry a 5′-TTTR-N20-spacing-N20-YAAA-3′ mainly because indel-generating efficiencies of each gRNA were
sequence, where ‘spacing’ is a 10- to 80-bp-long dsDNA segment increased by MS3 engineering. However, the fold increase was more
(Fig. 2f). These sequences are targetable by a pair of gRNAs ori- pronounced for MS1/MS2 engineering, compared with the MS1/
ented in opposite directions; two dsDNA cleavage events occur in MS2/MS3 and MS2/MS3/MS4/MS5 versions (Fig. 2h). This result
the spacing region. Although each gRNA alone mediated relatively would be explained by our hypothesis that Cas12f1 displays unequal
low indel frequencies, targets in ten loci showed sharply increased cleavage kinetics for the target and nontarget strands, and that the

98 Nature Biotechnology | VOL 40 | January 2022 | 94–102 |

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a b
PAM 1 Protospacer 20 PAM 1 Protospacer 20 ON: P2RX5-TAX1BP3 ON: CLIC4 ON: NLRC4
NT 12a 4.0 4.1 NT 12a 4.0 4.1 NT 12a 4.0 4.1
ON 0 72.7 46.2 73.2
ON 0 28.4 38.9 51.5 ON 0 28.4 60.8 45.9
70 70 OF01 0 0.04 0 0
OF01 0 0 0 0.04 OF01 0 0 0 0
OF02 0 0 0 0
60 60 OF02 0 0 0 0 OF02 0 0 0 0
OF03 0 0 0 0
OF03 0 0 0 0 OF03 0 0 0 0
Percentage indel

50 50 OF04 0.05 0 0.05 0

OF04 0 0 0 0 OF04 0 0 0 0
40 40 OF05 0 0 0 0
OF05 0 0 0 0 OF05 0 0 0 0
30 30 OF06 0 0 0 0 OF06 0 0.36 0.04 0 ON: intergene
20 20 OF07 0 0 0 0 OF07 0 0 0 0 NT 12a 4.0 4.1
10 10 OF08 0 0 0 0 OF08 0 0 0 0 ON 0 47.5 74.2 61.2
0 0 OF09 0 0 0 0 OF01 0 0.05 0 0
OF10 0 0 0 0 OF02 0 0 0 0

OF03 0 0 0 0
Mismatched position Mismatched position OF04 0 0 0 0

c 1 LbCas12a
NS geCas12_4.0 RPL32P3 CLIC4 P2RX5-TAX1BP3

0.1 geCas12_4.1
Indel ratio

0.01 NS

34 23 34 74 13 38
0.001 22 5 14









Cas12a Cas12f Cas12a Cas12f Cas12a Cas12f


d Gap f
Percentage indel
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
1 10

Off-target AsCas12a
(chr13) Control

Fig. 4 | Unbiased and targeted analysis of Cas12f specificity as assessed by Digenome-seq analysis. a, Tolerance of Cas12f_4.1 to mismatched gRNA. The
engineered gRNAs with a singly mismatched base and pairs of mismatched bases were used for the investigation of indel frequencies in HEK293T cells
(n = 3). b, Indel frequencies at off-targets identified by OFFinder for AsCas12a, Cas12_ge4.0 and Cas12_ge4.1. An intergene corresponds to target 3 targeted
throughout the main text. c, Indel frequencies at previously validated off-targets for AsCas12a, Cas12_ge4.0 and Cas12_ge4.1. The ratio of indel frequency at
off-target to that at on-target was considered as an index for specificity (n = 3). Statistical analysis was performed by a two-sided Student’s t-test. NS, not
significant. d, IGV files at on-target and off-target loci after in vitro digestion of genomic DNA. The gap indicates a region where sequences were missing
in both forward and reverse reads. e, The number of potential off-target loci identified by Digenome-seq analysis for AsCas12a and Cas12f. f, Validation of
off-target sites identified by Digenome-seq analysis using Cas12f and AsCas12a as endonucleases. Indel frequencies were measured at both on-target and
potential off-target loci after transfection with either Cas12f- or AsCas12a-encoding vector. Control refers to Cas12f-untreated cells (n = 3). All error bars
represent the s.d.

degree of difference is reduced by MS3 engineering. A longer spac- mutations induced by Cas12f. Most mutation patterns included
ing region of ≥50 bp did not yield this pair gRNA-assisted increase relatively long deletions that affected the protospacer sequence
in indel frequencies (Fig. 2i). (Supplementary Fig. 6a,b). In contrast, indel mutations outside the
protospacer were relatively rare. We interpreted these long dele-
Favorable kinetic property for Cas12f-induced DNA cleavage. In tions to be the products of multiple cutting-and-joining processes.
addition to the compactness of Cas12f1, this system has an addi- In fact, this assumption was confirmed through a time-course
tional advantage for gene therapy: it induces dsDNA cleavages investigation of indel patterns. In the early phase of transfection,
outside the protospacer sequence33,36. This property implies that, deletions of <5 bp were dominant (Fig. 3b; the radius of a bubble
even after the initial round of NHEJ-mediated indel mutations, the indicates the mutation frequency). However, the frequency of long
protospacer sequence is likely to remain unchanged. Then, further deletions increased over time until 4 d later. In contrast, the pattern
rounds of the dsDNA cleavage–NHEJ process can continue (Fig. 3a). of indel mutations was almost consistent over time for SpCas9 and
This property is even more desirable for a large DNA-deletion strat- LbCas12a. Moreover, Cas12f caused a more persistent increase in
egy involving a pair of gRNAs. We analyzed the profile of indel indel frequencies, compared with SpCas9 and LbCas12a (Fig. 3c).

Nature Biotechnology | VOL 40 | January 2022 | 94–102 | 99

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A handful of genetic disorders can potentially be treated by dele- levels of tolerance were observed for single-base mismatches, par-
tion of pathogenic introns or exons using paired gRNAs and Cas ticularly at positions 1–3, 5 and 17–20 (Fig. 4a). To compare the
proteins, including Duchenne muscular dystrophy37, Leber congen- results with that of Cas12a32,41, Cas12f showed lower tolerance in
ital amaurosis 10 (LCA10)38 and Usher’s syndrome type 2A39. We the protospacer-adjacent motif (PAM)-proximal regions and simi-
explored the potential utility of the Cas12f system for those appli- lar or slightly higher tolerance in the PAM-distal regions (positions
cations. As a case study, we selected a pair of sites in the vicinity 17–20). However, Cas12f exhibited less tolerance for mismatches in
of exon 51 of the human dystrophin gene that are common targets the middle region (positions 6–16). Moreover, Cas12f showed neg-
for LbCas12a and Cas12f. Screening experiments identified target ligible levels of tolerance for two-base mismatches, except for posi-
sequences that show similar indel frequencies for LbCas12a and tions 19/20, again similar to Cas12a.
Cas12f. Despite the similar indel efficiencies of individual gRNAs, Next, we employed targeted approaches to assess specificity. Using
Cas12f resulted in a higher level of deletions, compared with Cas-OFFinder42, we selected potential off-target sites that contained
LbCas12a (Fig. 3d). These results indicate that Cas12f might be par- three base mismatches, but no bulges, with a set of on-target sites in
ticularly useful for AAV delivery in gene therapy applications that P2RX5-TAX1BP3, CLIC4, NLRC4 and an intergene region, for which
require deletions. Cas12f showed higher on-target efficiencies than Cas12a (Fig. 4b
and Supplementary Table 3). Deep-sequencing analysis revealed
AAV delivery of the engineered Cas12f system. Next, we inves- that Cas12f was more specific than AsCas12a: whereas AsCas12a
tigated the genome-editing performance of a recombinant AAV2 resulted in residual levels of indels (<0.1%) at two off-target sites
(rAAV2)–Cas12f vector. We constructed an rAAV vector carry- and an indel frequency of 0.36% at one other site among a total of
ing sequences encoding either Cas12f_ge4.1 or a control vector 26 potential off-target sites, Cas12f_ge4.0 and _ge4.1 resulted in
(scrambled sgRNAs). Cas12f1 and sgRNA expression were driven an indel frequency of 0.04% at each one of the potential off-target
under the control of the chicken β-actin and the human U6 pro- sites. We also compared genome-editing specificity for targets in
moters, respectively (Supplementary Fig. 7a). The total length RPL32P3, PRKCH and EMX1, for which Cas12a was previously
of these sequences (4.40 kb) fell within the permissive size for an observed to induce off-target effects41,43 (Supplementary Table 3).
AAV payload, even in the presence of two sgRNA sequences and On the whole, Cas12f and AsCas12a induced similar off-target
an enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP)-encoding reporter effects, except for the off-target sites that had a single mismatch in
sequence. The rAAV2 particles were produced in HEK293T cells the PAM-distal region (OF1–3 for RPL32P3; Fig. 4c).
after transfection with an rAAV vector, pAAVED2/2 and a helper We next employed the Digenome-sequencing (Digenome-seq)
plasmid. The sgRNAs respectively targeted an intergenic locus (tar- analysis to further examine the specificity of Cas12f44. Three tar-
get 1) and the KRT1 gene (target 2). gets (RPL32P3, CLIC4 and P2RX5-TAX1BP3) were selected to
AAV delivery to HEK293T cells led to an increase of the frequen- compare the specificity of AsCas12a and Cas12f_ge4.1. Analysis
cies of indel mutations over time (Supplementary Fig. 7b) and with of the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) files from the Cas12f_
increasing numbers of rAAV2 particles (Supplementary Fig. 7c). ge4.1 experiments shows a presence of gaps between forward- and
The infection was monitored by green fluorescence, which was per- reverse-strand reads at both on-target and off-target sites (Fig. 4d),
sistent for 2 weeks post-transduction (Supplementary Fig. 7d). which is assumed to arise from either the ssDNA cleavage activ-
Next, we explored the targeting of therapeutically useful loci ity by the cleavage-activated Cas12f25 or a generation of 3′ over-
for the deletion of a pathogenic cryptic exon in the CEP290 gene hang. The Digenome-seq analysis revealed that gRNAs targeting
for the treatment of LCA10 (ref. 38). We tested on both sides of the RPL32P3, CLIC4 and P2RX5-TAX1BP3 showed off-target activity
c.2991+1655A>G mutation site and identified a pair of highly for Cas12f at 57, 51 and 19 loci, respectively, which were similar to
potent sgRNAs (Fig. 3e). We then constructed an rAAV vector car- or smaller in number than 57, 87 and 27, respectively, for AsCas12a
rying the Cas12f1_ge4.1 system, and the deletion-inducing effi- (Fig. 4e and Supplementary Table 4). Intrinsically, Cas12f would be
ciency of Cas12f was compared with that of SaCas9 (EDIT101, a expected to show fewer off-target sites than Cas12a because of the
gene therapeutic agent under clinical trial) in HEK293T cells. We more restricted preference of PAMs36. We then validated the nine
observed higher levels of deletions on agarose gels for the Cas12f potential off-target sites for RPL32P3 by measuring Cas12f- and
system (Fig. 3f). Quantitative analysis using droplet digital PCR AsCas12a-mediated indel frequencies. The indel frequencies at
showed a 46% higher deletion rate of Cas12f, compared with the on-target site were similar for Cas12f and AsCas12a. Similarly,
EDIT101 (Fig. 3g). These results indicate that Cas12f might provide the indel frequencies at off-target sites were not significantly dif-
a versatile and valid genome-editing platform for gene therapy. ferent between the two CRISPR systems, although Cas12f showed
When using an elongation factor (EF)-1α core promoter, a slightly higher off-target activity at the sites with a mismatch in the
bovine growth hormone (BGH) poly(A) signal sequence, a U6 pro- PAM-distal region, in line with Fig. 4a. In addition, a certain level of
moter and an XTEN linker between sequences encoding Cas12f1 indel frequencies was observed for noncanonical TTTR PAM, such
and a potential fusion partner are used, we have an upper limit as GTTG and ATTG, for both enzymes. However, the overall indel
of approximately 2.1 kb for a fusion partner gene for AAV deliv- frequencies at the investigated sites were similar between Cas12f
ery. Considering the sizes of genes encoding validated regulators, and AsCas12a, indicating that Cas12f shows high genome-editing
we propose that the Cas12f system could provide a scaffold for specificity comparable to Cas12a (Fig. 4f). The Cas12f system
various applications including CRISPR interference (CRISPRi)40, not only recognized fewer off-target sites, but also resulted in
CRISPR activation (CRISPRa), base editing8,9, prime editing10 lower off-target/on-target indel frequency ratios. Despite the lower
and site-specific epigenetic regulations5,6 (Fig. 3h). The possibility off-target activity, Cas12f showed long deletions (up to ~10 kb), as is
of such applications was explored in a CRISPRa strategy, where observed for SpCas9 and AsCas12a (Supplementary Fig. 8), which
dCas12 (D510A) fused to VP64 activated transcriptional expression requires further scrutiny45.
of OCT4 gene in a gRNA-dependent manner (Fig. 3i).
Genome-editing specificities of Cas12f. Considering the persistent Cas12f1 has an extra-long gRNA for its compact protein size,
activity of Cas12f in cells (Fig. 3c,f,g), it is particularly important to which might be related to Cas12f1’s ssDNA cleavage activity. Our
examine the specificity of this system. First, we assessed the activity engineered sgRNA_ge4.1, although still a little bit longer, was
of Cas12f when gRNA_ge4.1 contained single- or adjacent two-base structurally similar to the crRNA used by Cas12a or Cas12j. This
mismatches with the protospacer complementary sequence. Certain architecture was obtained mainly by trimming the 5′-tracrRNA,

100 Nature Biotechnology | VOL 40 | January 2022 | 94–102 |

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Methods followed by centrifugation at 15,000g for 30 min, and subsequent filtration through
Plasmid vector construction. The Cas12f1 gene underwent codon optimization a 0.45-µm syringe filter (Millipore). The cleared lysates were loaded on to a Ni2+
for expression in human cells (Supplementary Fig. 9), and the optimized sequence affinity column (HisTrap HP 5 ml, GE Healthcare) using a fast protein liquid
was synthesized for vector construction (Bionics). The final sequence included chromatography purification system (ÄKTA Purifier, GE Healthcare). The bound
the chicken β-actin promoter, a nuclear localization signal sequence at both the 5′ fractions were eluted with 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5 with 80–400 mM imidazole
and the 3′ termini, and sequences encoding eGFP linked by a self-cleaving T2A gradients. The eluted proteins were treated with 1 mg of TEV protease for 6 h.
peptide. Template DNAs encoding gRNAs were synthesized and cloned into a The cleaved proteins were purified on a heparin column with a linear gradient
pTwist Amp plasmid vector (Twist Bioscience). If necessary, these vectors were of 0.15–1.6 M NaCl. The recombinant Cas12f1 proteins were dialyzed against
used as a template for amplification of gRNA-encoding sequences using a human 20 mM Tris, pH 7.6, 150 mM NaCl, 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol and 5% glycerol. The
U6-complementary forward primer and a protospacer complementary reverse dialyzed proteins were again purified on a monoS column (GE Healthcare) with a
primer. For the construction of dual gRNA plasmids, oligonucleotides encoding linear gradient of 0.5–1.2 M NaCl. The selected fractions were pooled and dialyzed
tracrRNA and crRNA were cloned into pSilencer 2.0 (Thermo Fisher Scientific), against 20 mM Tris, pH 7.6, 150 mM NaCl, 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol and 5%
using BamHI and HindIII restriction enzymes (New England Biolabs). The glycerol. The concentration of the produced proteins was electropherometrically
Cas12f_ge3.0, ge4.0 and _ge4.1 vectors were constructed by cloning the engineered determined on a Coomassie Blue-stained sodium dodecylsulfate–polyacrylamide
gRNA-encoding oligonucleotides into vectors harboring the codon-optimized gel electrophoresis gel using bovine serum albumin as a standard.
Cas12f gene using Gibson assembly; pSpCas9(BB)-2A-EGFP (PX458) v.2.0
(Addgene) was used as a backbone plasmid. Analysis of potential off-target sites using Digenome-seq. Genome-wide
off-target analysis was performed using the Digenome-seq method as described
Guide RNA engineering. The 3′-terminal modification of the crRNA (MS2) was previously44. Briefly, genomic DNA was isolated from HEK293T cells and treated
performed with a reverse primer harboring a 3′-poly(uridinylate) sequence using with ribonucleoprotein complexes formed by preincubating 10 μg of recombinant
Pfu PCR Master Mix5 (Biofact). The PCR amplicons were purified using a HiGene Cas12f1 or AsCas12a protein and engineered gRNA at 900 nM, respectively, at
Gel&PCR Purification System (Biofact). Internal modifications of gRNA (MS1, room temperature for 2 h. Digestion of genomic DNA was performed in a reaction
MS4 and MS5) were performed by cloning synthetic oligonucleotides carrying buffer comprising 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM MgCl2, 100 μg ml−1 of bovine serum
modified sequences (Macrogen) into the gRNA-encoding vector linearized albumin, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.9 at 37 °C and 46 °C for AsCas12a and Cas12f,
using ApoI and BamHI restriction enzymes. The 5′-terminal modification of the respectively, for 8 h. Digested genomic DNA was purified using a DNeasy Tissue kit
tracrRNA (MS3) was conducted by PCR amplifications using a forward primer (QIAGEN) after treatment with RNase A (50 μg ml−1). The purified genomic DNA
targeting the 5′-tracrRNA region and a reverse primer targeting the human U6 was subjected to whole-genome sequencing (WGS) at a sequencing depth of 30× to
promoter region. The gRNA-encoding sequences for each engineering step were 40× using a DNBSEQ-T7 Sequencer (MGI). A DNA cleavage score was assigned to
compiled in Supplementary Table 5. PCR amplifications were performed using each nucleotide position across the entire genome, using WGS data, according to
Q5 Hot Start high-fidelity DNA polymerase (New England Biolabs), and the an equation mentioned previously44. A cut-off value of 1.0 was assigned to identify
PCR products were ligated using KLD Enzyme Mix (New England Biolabs). The potential off-target sites using the Digenome-seq program (
ligated products were transformed into DH5α Escherichia coli cells. Mutagenesis chizksh/digenome-toolkit2) with an additional criterion of six or fewer mismatches
was confirmed by Sanger sequencing analysis. The modified plasmid vectors with the on-target sequence. The identified potential off-target sites were validated
were purified using a NucleoBond Xtra Midi EF kit (MN). RNA was synthesized in vivo by targeted deep-sequencing analysis after the treatment of HEK293T cells
using T7 RNA polymerase (New England Biolabs) in the presence of 1 μg of the with Cas12f1 or AsCas12a and gRNAs.
purified plasmid and 4 mM NTPs (Jena Bioscience), purified using a Monarch
RNA cleanup kit (New England Biolabs) and aliquoted into cryogenic vials before Droplet digital PCR. Genomic DNA was prepared from HEK293T cells treated
storage in liquid nitrogen. with an AAV carrying CRISPR–SaCas9 or CRISPR–Cas12f1 vectors, which was
linearized by Mlu I at 37 °C for 2 h. The linearized gDNA was mixed with QX200
Human cell culture and transfection. HEK293T cells (LentX-293T, Takara) ddPCR EvaGreen Supermix (BioRad, catalog no. 186–4033), 100 nM forward
were maintained in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) supplemented primers (5′-GGAAGGACTCATGACCACAGT-3′ for CEP290, 5′-GGAAGGACT
with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (FBS; Corning) and 1% penicillin– CATGACCACAGT-3′ for glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)),
streptomycin at 37 °C in an incubator with a 5% CO2 atmosphere. Cell transfection 100 nM reverse primers (5′-TTCTTGTGGCAGTAAGGAGGA-3′ for CEP290,
was performed through either electroporation or lipofection. For electroporation, 5′-CAGTGAGCTTCCCGTTCAG-3′ for GAPDH); 20 μl of PCR reaction mixture
2 μg of Cas12f1-, AsCas12a-, LbCas12a- or SpCas9-encoding plasmid vector and 70 μl of droplet-generation oil for EvaGreen (BioRad, catalog no. 1864005)
was transfected together with 2 μg of gRNA-encoding DNAs into 70% confluent were mixed into a well of DG8 Cartridges for QX100/QX200 Droplet Generator
HEK293T cells in 24-well culture plates using a Neon transfection system (BioRad, catalog no. 1864008). The cartridge was covered with DG8 Gaskets
(Invitrogen). The electroporation conditions were as follows: 1,300 V, 10 mA, for QX100/QX200 Droplet Generator (BioRad, catalog no. 1863009). After the
3 pulses. For lipofection, 15 μl of FuGene reagents (Promega) was mixed with 5 μg generation of droplets, 40 μl of droplets was pipetted into ddPCR 96-Well Plate
of Cas12f1-encoding plasmid vector + 5 μg of PCR amplicons in 70% confluent (BioRad, catalog no. 12001925). PCR was performed in the heat-sealed plates
cells in 6-well culture plates and incubated for 15 min. The mixture (300 μl) under the conditions of initial denaturation 95 °C for 5 min, followed by 45 cycles
was added to 1.5 ml DMEM in which 1 × 106 cells had been plated 1 d before of denaturation for 30 s at 95 °C, annealing/extension for 1 min at 64 °C, and signal
transfection, and cells were grown in the presence of the mixture for specified stabilization for 5 min at 4 °C, 5 min at 90 °C, and ending at 4 °C with a ramping
durations. All indel efficiency tests were performed with samples collected 5 d rate of 2 °C s−1. The signal measurements were performed in a QX200 Droplet
after transfection, except for experiments that require time-course trace of indel Reader and data were analyzed using a QuantaSoft software.
efficiency. After incubation, cells were harvested, and genomic DNA was prepared
either manually using a PureHelix genomic DNA preparation kit (NanoHelix) Quantitative analysis of gRNA expression. Either canonical or modified
or using a Maxwell RSC nucleic acid isolation workstation (Promega). Target gRNA-encoding PCR amplicons (3 μg) were transfected into HEK293T cells
information is compiled in Supplementary Table 1. using a Neon transfection system (Invitrogen), and cells were harvested after 2 d
of transfection. Total RNA was prepared using a Maxwell RSC miRNA Tissue Kit
Measurement of indel frequencies. Genomic DNA was isolated (Promega, catalog no. AS1460). RNA was poly(adenylated) by incubating 5 μg of an
from HEK293T cells using a PureHelix genomic DNA preparation kit RNA preparation with E. coli poly(A) polymerase (New England Biolabs, catalog
(NanoHelix). Target-specific primers were synthesized and used to amplify no. M0276) at 37 °C for 30 min. RNA was purified with a Monarch RNA Cleanup
protospacer-containing regions with KAPA HiFi HotStart DNA polymerase Kit (New England Biolabs, catalog no. T2050). Then, 500 μg of poly(A)-tailed RNA
(Roche) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The resulting PCR was reverse transcribed using SuperScript IV Reverse Transcriptase (Invitrogen)
amplicons were labeled with Illumina TruSeq HT dual indexes. The final PCR in the presence of an RT-specific primer that carries the T6 sequence at its 3′
products were subjected to 150-bp paired-end sequencing using an Illumina iSeq terminus and an adapter sequence. The gRNA was PCR amplified using adapter-
100. Indel frequencies were calculated by MAUND, which is available at https:// and gRNA-specific primers. PCR products were resolved on 2% agarose gels.
In vitro DNA cleavage. Plasmid vectors harboring a protospacer sequence were
Recombinant Cas12f1. The Cas12f1 gene was cloned into a modified constructed for DNA-cleavage assay. Plasmid vectors, 2 μg, were incubated with
pMAL-c2x vector (Addgene), in which the factor Xa cleavage sequence was 10 μM recombinant Cas12f1 in the presence of 6 μM gRNAs at 37 or 46 °C for
changed into a tobacco etch virus (TEV) sequence. The vector construct was 2 h. ApaI (New England Biolabs), 1 μl, was treated in 50 μl of reaction samples at
used to transform BL21(DE3) E. coli cells. An E. coli transformant colony was 37 °C for 40 min as a control. The incubated samples were treated with RNase at
grown at 37 °C in lysogeny broth until the culture reached an optical density 10 units ml−1 for 1 h. The incubated samples were resolved on 2% agarose gels.
of 0.7. Cells were incubated at 30 °C overnight in the presence of 0.1 mM
isopropylthio-β-d-galactoside and then collected by centrifugation at 3,500g for Production of AAV vectors and transduction. The human codon-optimized
30 min. Cells were resuspended in 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.6, 500 mM NaCl, 5 mM Cas12f1 and sgRNA sequences were cloned into AAV vector plasmids with
2-mercaptoethanol and 5% glycerol. Cell lysates were prepared by sonication inverted terminal repeats. The Cas12f1 gene was accompanied by a nuclear

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localization signal and linked to the eGFP gene via a self-cleaving T2A sequence. Unprocessed gel images are provided in Supplementary Fig. 10. Source data are
Cas12f1 and sgRNA transcription were driven by the chicken β-actin and the provided with this paper.
U6 promoters, respectively. To produce rAAV2 vectors, HEK293T cells were
transfected with pAAV-ITR-sgRNA-Cas12f1 or pAAV-ITR-sgRNA-SaCas9, Code availability
pAAVED2/2 and helper plasmid. HEK293T cells were cultured in DMEM with The custom codes used for Digenome-seq analysis can be found at GitHub
2% FBS. Recombinant pseudotyped AAV vector stocks were generated using (
polyethylenimine coprecipitated with PEIpro (Polyplus transfection) and triple
transfection with plasmids at an equal molar ratio in HEK293T cells. After
72 h of incubation, cells were lysed and particles were purified by iodixanol Acknowledgements
(Sigma-Aldrich) step-gradient ultracentrifugation. The number of vector genomes This work was supported by grants through the ‘KRIBB Research Initiative Program
was determined by quantitative (q)PCR. HEK293T cells were infected with (grant no. KGM5382113)’ and by a ‘Commercialization Promotion Agency For R&D
rAAV2-Cas12f1-sgRNA or rAAV2-SaCas9-sgRNA at different multiplicities of Outcomes’ (COMPA) grant funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (grant no.
infection as determined by qPCR. The transduced cells were maintained in DMEM 1711121245) and an ‘Alchemist Project’ funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and
with 2% FBS for up to 2 weeks. At different time points, cells were collected for Energy (grant no. 20012445).
isolation of genomic DNA.
Author contributions
Statistical analysis. Statistical significance tests were performed using Y.-S.K. conceived the study and designed the experiments. D.Y.K., J.M.L. and S.B.M.
SigmaPlot software (v.14.0) through a two-tailed Student’s t-test, Mann– performed overall experiments. H.J.C., S.P and Y.L. performed the indel assay in cells.
Whitney U-test, Welch’s t-test or one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. D.K. performed the off-target analysis. T.K. produced AAV particles. J.-H.K. and Y.-S.K.
P values <0.05 were considered significant. Data points in box and dot plots interpreted the data. Y.-S.K. wrote the manuscript.
represent the full range of values, and boxes span the interquartile range (25th
to 75th percentiles). Median and average values are indicated by horizontal
lines. The error bars in all dot and bar plots show the s.d. and were plotted using Competing interests
SigmaPlot (v. 14.0). We did not predetermine sample sizes based on statistical The authors declare competing financial interests. The authors, through GenKOre,
methods. Large-scale validations were performed blinded to information with have filed patent applications on the gRNA-engineered Cas12f. Y.-S.K. and D.Y.K. are
respect to the Cas type. For all experimental results, the n is reported in the co-founders of GenKOre. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted
accompanying figure legend. in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a
potential conflict of interest. The authors declare no competing nonfinancial interests.
Reporting Summary. Further information on research design is available in the
Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article. Additional information
Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material
Data availability available at
Data that support the findings of the present study are available within the article Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Y.-S.K.
and its Supplementary Information. The WGS data were deposited at the National
Center for Biotechnology Information Sequence Read Archive under accession Peer review information Nature Biotechnology thanks John Van der Oost and the other,
no. PRJNA699382. All other data that support the findings of the present study anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
and plasmid vectors are available from the corresponding author upon request. Reprints and permissions information is available at

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