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GMOs versus Selective Breeding

Shay Townson
Waxahachie Global High School

Engineering Design and Development

April Moon
November 2014


Table of Contents
Abstract....... 3
Genetically Modified Organisms........4
Figure 1: Lime Apple........4
Selective Breeding.....5
Techniques and Methods.....5
Selective Breeding...........6
Figure 2: Artic Apple......7
Selective Breeding...........7
Benefits and Risk.....8
Selective Breeding......8


The human race has been cultivating plants for thousands of years along with selective
breeding. Unlike today, these people did not have the power or the ability to genetically change
the crops DNA or even know what DNA was. Selective breeding is the process of only allowing
the crops that show the most desirable traits to be replanted again and again. This process was
the basics of farming for thousands of years and allowing for the grains, vegetables, and fruits
that we buy today. Genetic engineering is a new
technology that allows for DNA of an organism to be
added to a plant to increase crop yield, drought or flood
resistance, and lessen the use of herbicides. Today,
genetic engineering, along with selective breeding, are
Figure 1: Lime Apple

used to create or better food for the present and future.

An example would be Figure 1 in the way that it is an apple that has the inner properties of an
orange with a green color (Waananen, September 2013).
Keywords: GMO, selective breeding, genetic engineering


The topic of genetic engineering is currently a highly debated topic around the world
because of untold side effects and consequences. The ethics and morals aside not many large
studies have been done over the long term effect of genetic engineering. There are many
people debating for and against genetic engineering all over the web, but neither side wants to
work with the other to try see if it is effective.
Genetically Modified Organisms
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) started around the late 1970s with the
Asilomar Conference during which biologists got together with a couple of lawyers and doctors
to create the guidelines for genetic modification to lay out how to safely use genetically
engineered DNA (Shireen, 2013). This conference basically kick started the whole field of
genetically engineered DNA or recombinant DNA in science, which is now the dominate
research in biology. The group decided that all recombinant DNA research must be done under
the guidelines put in place by the National Institute of Health in order to protect the laboratory
personnel, the general public, and the environment. One failing point of the conference was
considering the ethical and legal implications of genetic engineering plants, animals, and
humans (Berg 2004).
In 1980, General Electric secured the first patent on a living organism in the US. This
organism was a bacteria that feed on crude oil which would be helpful if there was an oil spill.
Then 1982, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved genetically engineered E. coli
bacteria that produced insulin. It was not until 1994 that GMOs appeared on the shelves of
grocery stores throughout America with Flavr Savr tomatoes being approved by the FDA. The


world continues with little notice while other GMOs are created, such as GM wheat, rice,
soybeans, and alfalfa until 1997 when the EU votes for mandatory labeling on all GMO food
products. GMOs still become dominate in the food industry despite the knowable of them
being used is seen by the public (Shireen 2013).
Selective Breeding
Around 10,000 years ago, people began to change the natural reproductive cycle of
plants and animals to produce more desired traits within plants and animals. This was done by
either cross pollinating plants or breeding animals that have desired traits in hopes that the
traits will be passed down to the offspring (Dire Wolf Project). Selective breeding is an ongoing
process that has played an important part in supplying the planets population with food.
The development of plant varieties and animal breeds meant that agriculture could be
used on an industrial basis. This type of breeding still continues on in the modern world with
the knowledge of genetics, theory of evolution, and Mendels law (The Great Soviet
Encyclopedia, 2003). An example of selective breeding is tomatoes because before the Spanish
came over to America, tomatoes were much smaller and waxier than today. After about a
hundred years of selective breeding tomatoes, looked similar as we see them today and have
the ability to survive conditions other plants cannot (Wall, 2013).
Techniques and Methods
Many techniques and methods are used for creating GMOs some examples of this are
Gene Silencing, Bacterial Carriers, Electroporation, and Gene Splicing. Gene Silencing is when an
engineer silences the gene that causes an undesired trait. This can be very useful if a certain


gene activates an allergic reaction that gene could be silenced (Null, 2014). Bacterial Carriers
are used to deliver modified DNA into the cell by physically adding a wanted gene into a
Bacterial and then is planted into a plant to add the gene to the targeted plant. Electroporation
is when the targets cells are placed in a solution with the chosen DNA through a strong brief
electric shock, which causing the walls of the cell to tear allowing in the DNA. The cells are then
put in another solution to repair the damage brought on by the electric shock, trapping the
DNA inside. In Gene Splicing biotechnologists modify DNA, and then add the modified bacteria
into the target host cells to allow for the genes and resulting traits to be modified (Murnaghan,
Selective Breeding
There are many methods and techniques for selective breeding from high-tech and
costly processes, such as in-vitro fertilization, to simple low-cost techniques that work more
with selection and controlled mating of animals and plants based on what is observable traits.
There are three main approaches to selective breeding in animals, Outcrossing, Line Breeding,
and Inbreeding. Outcrossing is mating two animals for about four to six generations to make
sure that the trait is more numerous than it was before but is only worth it when the genetic
variation for a trait is high. Line breeding is when you mate related animals like half siblings,
cousins, aunts, and nephews. It is really only effective if the trait or traits continues to show in
the offspring. Inbreeding is when directly related animals are mated to create uniformities,
prepotency, and to force out latent weaknesses from the gene pool. (E, 2014)
Some types of selective breeding in plants are Mass Selection, Pure-line Selection, and
Hybridization to make it simple. Mass selection is when seeds from desirable appearing


individuals are selected for the next generation to be planted eliminating undesired traits. PureLine Selection has three steps involving selecting superior appearing plants from a genetically
variable population, growing and evaluated by them over several years, and determining
whether or not the new plants are better than their relatives. Hybridization is mating carefully
selected plants to combine desirable genes found in two or more different varieties and to
produce pure-breeding offspring (Plant Genetics, 2014).
GMOs have many uses, like increase yield, including those conveying drought, pest, and
disease-resistance with in plants. In animals they are used to increase milk and egg production,
disease-resistance and more meat. Some bacterial strains were modified so
that they are capable of producing human insulin, making the process a lot
more efficient than harvesting insulin from pigs (Null, 2014). Other examples
are pharmaceutical agents produced in sheeps milk and vaccines grown in

Figure 2: Artic Apple

chicken eggs. Bioremediation is the process where living organisms are used to
clean up pollutants in the soil or water. This means that microorganisms, small bacteria and
yeast can be used to clean up oil spill or just pollution in general (Wolfe, 2013). An example of
the uses of GMO is the Artic Apple, as shown in Figure 2, which no longer browns when you
leave the inside exposed for too long (Borel, 2014).
Selective Breeding
The uses of Selective Breeding include, but are not limited to breeding plants to be
resistant to drought and floods, higher crop yield, larger products, weed resistant, and viral


diseases. For example, fruits and vegetables that we eat today have been breed to be larger,
more flavorful, and have a higher amount of vitamins for animals selective breeding is used to
get more eggs, meat, and milk along with disease resistance and healthier breeds. For example
dairy cows were breed to produce large amounts of milk, but they will die if they are not milked
and their life span was reduced from thirty years to four years. Both the animal and plant
selective breeding tries to create the top of their section along with many different breeds to
choose from for different purposes and to keep a massive die off from happening if a virus was
to arise (Basu, 2013).
Benefits and Risks
GMOs have many benefits and risks that tend to balance themselves out in the end with
neither the risk being too great or the advantages being very beneficial. Some benefits include
pest resistance, herbicide tolerance, disease resistance, cold tolerance, drought or salinity
tolerance, nutrition, pharmaceuticals, and phytoremediation (Null, 2014). Some of the risks of
GMOs include unintended harm to other organisms, reduced effectiveness of pesticides, gene
transfer to non-target species, human health risks and economic concerns (Whiteman, 2000).
Selective Breeding
Selective breeding has many benefits and risks both with their own effects on people,
environment, and themselves. Selective breeding for plants can potentially positively influence
world food production by improving quality of seed grains and increasing levels of protein in
forage crops. Using selective breeding make plants have the capacity to grow on lands that are


not suitable for farming, which can help produce more food and add a variety of plants in lands
that are not best suited for them (Pros and Cons of Selective Breeding, 2014).
The risks come in when the original groups have died off and all that is left is the new
breed with only the desired traits that have no amenity to a disease and die off, leaving nothing
to restart the whole process over. Some of the modified plants could use up more than
originally thought and kill the surrounding plants along with the ground. Modified plants are
also very hard to get rid of because their pollen is distributed by the wind to other plants,
producing hybrids and changing the surrounding environment (Pros and Cons of Selective
Breeding, 2014).
In conclusion, both selective breeding and GMOs are a part of the culture of farming
today and will probably continue into the future. Hopefully, in the future, the restrictions will
be tightened to allow for better plants that will actually help the people and farmers. Side by
side, science and nature will come together and help make a better future for everyone.



Basu, M. (2013, November). Selective breeding or artificial selection. Evol3000. Retrieved
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ce8b9/Selective_ Breeding_or_Artificial_Selection.html
Berg, P. (2004, August). Asilomar and recombinant DNA. Noble Prize. Retrieved November 11,
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Borel, B. (2012, September). Core truths: 10 common GMO claims debunked. Popular Science.
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Brookes, G and Barfoot, P. (2011) GM crops: global socio-economic and environmental impacts
1996-2011. UK. PDF. Retrieved December 2, 2014.
E, J. (2014, May). Three types of selective breeding. eHow. Retrieved November 11, 2014, from
Health Research Funding. (2014, May). Pros and cons of selective breeding. Health Research
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Murnaghan, I. (2014, June). Types of techniques used to genetically modify food. Genetically
Modified Foods. Retrieved November 11, 2014, from types-techniques-used-genetically-modifyfood.html



Null, G. [Gray Null]. (2013, May 23). Seeds of death: unveiling the lies of GMO's [Video file].
Retrieved from
T. (2013, June). Tomatoes' genetic history from wild to salad. Discovery News. Retrieved
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The Free Dictionary. (2003, September). Selective breeding. The Free Dictionary. Retrieved
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TNAU Agritech Portal. (2014, January). Breeding methods in crop plants. TNAU Agritech Portal.
Retrieved November 11, 2014, from breeding_methods.html
Waananen, L. (September 2014) Syringes, gas masks and frankenfood: Visuals of the GMO
debate. Inlander. Retrieved November 11, 2014,
Whitman, D. (2000, April). Genetically modified foods: Harmful or helpful? ProQuest. Retrieved
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Wools, G. (2012, September). GMO timeline: A history of genetically modified foods. Rosebud.
Retrieved November 11, 2014, from


Appendix: GMO increase of Yield

Figure A1: Increase of food production.

As seen above the crop yield of Genetically Modified crops has increase years in the
various regions of Africa (Brookes, 2011).


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