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Applications of CRISPR technologies in

research and beyond
Rodolphe Barrangou1 & Jennifer A Doudna2–4
Programmable DNA cleavage using CRISPR–Cas9 enables efficient, site-specific genome engineering in single cells and whole
organisms. In the research arena, versatile CRISPR-enabled genome editing has been used in various ways, such as controlling
transcription, modifying epigenomes, conducting genome-wide screens and imaging chromosomes. CRISPR systems are already
being used to alleviate genetic disorders in animals and are likely to be employed soon in the clinic to treat human diseases of the eye
and blood. Two clinical trials using CRISPR-Cas9 for targeted cancer therapies have been approved in China and the United States.
© 2016 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

Beyond biomedical applications, these tools are now being used to expedite crop and livestock breeding, engineer new antimicrobials
and control disease-carrying insects with gene drives.

CRISPR–Cas9 technology provides a precise and facile molecular Alternative technologies for genome engineering include those
mechanism for editing cells, tissues and whole organisms, with wide- based on zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) and transcription activator-like
spread uses in experimental and applied systems1,2. Derived from a effector nuclease (TALEN) proteins, programmable enzymes that use
prokaryotic adaptive immune system that provides DNA-encoded, protein–DNA binding, rather than RNA–DNA hybridization, for site-
RNA-mediated and sequence-specific protection against viruses specific genome editing13. Although still employed in some experi-
(Box 1), CRISPR–Cas9 has been exploited to develop potent tools for ments, these earlier technologies require new protein design and
genome manipulation in animals, plants and microorganisms. The validation for each experiment, restricting their wide adoption. The
RNA-guided Cas9 endonuclease first recognizes a 2- to 4-base-pair potential for RNA-guided genome alterations emerged in applications
conserved sequence named the protospacer-adjacent motif (PAM) of group II self-splicing introns to integrate DNA sequences at spe-
(R.B. and colleagues)3,4, which flanks a target DNA site3–6. Upon bind- cific genomic loci14. The CRISPR–Cas9 system, which is built upon
ing to the PAM, Cas9 interrogates the flanking DNA sequences for the promise of these earlier findings, offers simplicity and efficacy in
base-pairing complementarity to a guide RNA (J.A.D. and colleagues)7. virtually all cell types (see Fig. 2 for an example in butterflies), encom-
If there is complementarity between the first 12 base pairs (the ‘seed’ passing cells and animals of medical interest, plants and livestock
sequence)8 of the guide RNA and the target DNA strand, RNA strand species relevant for food and agriculture, and model organisms widely
invasion accompanies local DNA unwinding to form an R-loop9. used by the scientific community2,15. Combined with lessons learned

Precise cleavage of each DNA strand by the RuvC and HNH domains from other genome-editing systems, the properties of CRISPR–Cas9
of Cas9 generates a blunt double-strand DNA (dsDNA) break (DSB) at ensured rapid adoption for genome engineering applications across
a position three base pairs upstream of the 3′ edge of the protospacer biology (Fig. 3) (R.B.)14,16. Here, we review current and future appli-
sequence, measuring from the PAM (R.B. and colleagues10; see Box 1 cations of CRISPR–Cas9 technologies both inside and outside the
and Fig. 1). In addition to PAM-based DNA recognition and guide laboratory, including therapeutics, xenotransplantation, and uses in
RNA–target DNA complementarity, Cas9 specificity is also affected by livestock, crops, food organisms and industrial microbes. We also
conformational control of DNA cleavage. Nuclear DNA is scanned by discuss the scientific, commercial, regulatory and ethical implications
three-dimensional diffusion of Cas9, followed by differential binding of this transformative set of technologies.
residence time between off-target sequences (to which Cas9 binding
is short-lived) and target sequences (to which Cas9 binding time is Engineering CRISPR systems
extended (J.A.D. and colleagues))11. All three mechanisms contribute The first CRISPR–Cas9 genome-editing experiments exploited host
to the specificity of target site cleavage (J.A.D. and colleagues)12. cell machinery to repair the genome precisely at the site of the Cas9-
generated DSB. Mutations can arise either by non-homologous end-
joining (NHEJ) or homology-directed repair (HDR) of DSBs13. NHEJ
of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences, North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. 2Howard Hughes Medical Institute, produces small insertions or deletions (indels) at the cleavage site,
Innovative Genomics Initiative, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, whereas HDR uses a native (or engineered) DNA template to replace
University of California, Berkeley, California, USA. 3Department of Chemistry, the targeted allele with an alternative sequence by recombination.
University of California, Berkeley, California, USA. 4Physical Biosciences
Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA.
Additional DNA repair pathways such as single-strand annealing,
Correspondence should be addressed to R.B. ( alternative end joining, microhomology-mediated joining, mismatch
or J.A.D. ( and base- and nucleotide-excision repair can also produce genome
Received 21 August 2015; accepted 31 July 2016; published online edits13,17–20. Inspired by genome-editing technologies that use ZFNs,
8 September 2016; doi:10.1038/nbt.3659 meganucleases or TALENs, researchers have developed Cas9 variants

nature biotechnology VOLUME 34 NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 933


Box 1 CRISPR primer

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs), together with CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins, provide adaptive
immunity against viruses and plasmids in many bacterial species and most archaea186,187 (R.B. et al.)188,189. CRISPR–Cas systems
use DNA-encoded190, RNA-mediated191 sequence-specific cleavage10 of foreign nucleic acids192,193 (Fig. 1). Integration of short DNA
sequences into CRISPR arrays (R.B. et al.)190 provides organisms with a long-term genomic record of infections. Transcripts derived
from these arrays can base-pair with complementary sequences, thereby recruiting Cas enzymes to bind and cleave incoming pathogenic
nucleic acids (R.B. and colleagues)194 (Fig. 1).
Mechanistic dissection of the Cas9 enzyme led to a system that could be employed for facile genome engineering (J.A.D., R.B. and
colleagues)195. Using purified protein, RNA and DNA components, Cas9 was shown to function as an enzyme that uses RNA molecules
to specify double-stranded DNA sequences for site-specific cleavage196 (J.A.D., R.B. et al.)10,194,195. This finding led to the creation of
a streamlined two-component system comprising a chimeric sgRNA (which includes the 20-nt target binding sequence and hairpin RNA
structures that are required for DNA recognition and Cas9 protein assembly) and a Cas9 protein (J.A.D. and colleagues)195.
Upon binding to a DNA sequence specified by the 20-nt target recognition segment in the guide RNA, Cas9 uses its HNH and
RuvC catalytic domains to create a precise DSB (J.A.D., R.B. and colleagues)194,195. This mechanistic understanding led to the
proposal that RNA-programmed Cas9 could be employed for genome engineering by triggering repair of double-stranded DNA breaks
at desired sites (J.A.D., R.B. et al.)195,197. Using standard methods of protein and RNA expression and subcellular localization,
RNA-programmed genome engineering technology was
established in short order by multiple laboratories198–202 Class I Class II
(J.A.D. and colleagues)203 and implemented thereafter in a wide cas7 cas6 cas2 tracrRNA
cas3 cse1 cse2 cas5 cas1 cas9 cas1 cas2 csn2
range of cells and organisms15,21,22 (S.H. Sternberg & J.A.D.)204. L L
© 2016 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 2 1 3 2 1

Figure 1 Mechanism of action of CRISPR–Cas immune systems.
Cas1 Cas2
Cas1 Cas2

Left, class I CRISPR–Cas systems (using type I as a canonical

example), which consist of repeat (black diamonds) and spacer L
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1

(colored blocks) arrays, flanked by cas genes that encode the


Cascade machinery. Right, class II CRISPR–Cas immune systems

(using type II as a canonical example), which consist of repeat and
spacer arrays flanked by cas genes that encode sequence-specific
nucleases (e.g., Cas9) and ancillary RNAs (e.g., the tracrRNA).

During CRISPR-mediated vaccination (top), the acquisition

machinery (Cas1 and Cas2) copy and paste invader DNA sequences PAM

as novel spacers at the leader end of the CRISPR array. During the PAM

expression stage (center), the Cas machinery transcribes CRISPR Cas3

arrays and generates mature small interfering crRNAs. During the I III IV II V VI

interference stage (bottom), guide RNAs direct the Cas machinery PAM Cas9

toward complementary DNA flanked by PAM sequences and

drive sequence-specific cleavage of target DNA.

derived from the Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (SpyCas9) for use as The development of orthogonal (R.B. and colleagues)40 sgRNA:
nickases, dual nickases or FokI fusion variants15,21–28. More recently, Cas9 systems40–43 will allow users to exploit different CRISPR tools for
Cas9 orthologs (Fig. 4), and other nucleases derived from class II distinct applications in the same cell, including manipulating several
CRISPR–Cas systems including Cpf1 (ref. 29) and C2c1 (ref. 30), have pathways at once. Further improvements could include the use of
been added to the CRISPR toolbox. These ongoing efforts to mine the chemically modified sgRNAs to enhance the stability and function-
abundant bacterial and archaeal CRISPR–Cas systems should increase ality of the sgRNA:Cas9 complex for improved genome editing44.
the range of molecular tools available to researchers. In particular, rational chemical modifications of sgRNAs by incor-
Beyond genome editing, the impact of CRISPR technologies poration of modified nucleotides such as 2′-O-methyl (2′-O-Me),
extends to site-specific genomic control, including both transcrip- 2′-fluoro (2′-F) and S-constrained ethyl (2′-cEt) can improve stability
tional and epigenetic regulation (Fig. 5). Specifically, deactivated and decrease the RNAse susceptibility of CRISPR guides45.
variants of Cas9 (dCas9) lacking DNA cleavage function convert the In common with any nascent technology, CRISPR-derived tools
single guide RNA (sgRNA):Cas9 technology into a sequence-specific can be enhanced for particular applications. For example, the large
transcriptional regulator31–34. When fused to a transcriptional size of Cas9 and related proteins impacts the efficiency of viral vector
repressor (e.g., KRAB) or activator domain (e.g., VP64), dCas9 chi- packaging, and PAM-constrained targeting and off-target activity can
meras can reduce or increase gene expression, respectively 31,32,34. affect editing precision. To solve these problems, researchers have
Likewise, by fusion to fluorophores, dCas9 enables sequence-specific carried out bioinformatic analyses of native CRISPR–Cas systems that
visualization of DNA and dynamic imaging of chromatin35. have identified smaller Cas9 homologs (Fig. 4). Some of these variants
For example, it is now possible to simultaneously visualize up to have different PAMs relative to SpyCas9, thereby offering alternative
six loci using CRISPRainbow36. Recent success using sgRNA: DNA targeting capabilities46.
Cas9-based acetyltransferases37 and demethylases38 further extends Structural data and biochemical studies have also been used to
this technology to engineering epigenetic changes in the genome39. engineer Cas9 variants with altered PAM-targeting or modified DNA

934 VOLUME 34 NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 nature biotechnology


Figure 2 Butterfly wing patterns altered using CRISPR–Cas9-mediated

genome editing. This picture illustrates the power with which CRISPR has
been used for altering animal traits. CRISPR works well in several species
of butterflies179 (Papilla xuthus, Papilla machaon); in this example, the
wild type (bottom) is darker than the G0 bi-allelic yellow gene knockout
(top), and small patches of darker wild-type tissue are observed in the
yellow knockout animal, while the wing pattern is maintained. (Photo
courtesy of Michael Perry and Claude Desplan, New York University.)

affinity. Distinct segments of the sgRNA drive assembly and function

of Cas9 proteins (R.B. and colleagues)40, which contain two structural
lobes that drive target recognition and endonucleolytic activity6,47–49
(J.A.D. and colleagues)50. Crystallographic and electron-microscopy-
based structures of Cas9 have revealed the nature of its interactions
with guide RNA and target DNA, which can be exploited for the engi-
neering of Cas9 variants with enhanced affinities and activities 6,9,47,51
(J.A.D. and colleagues)50,52,53. Similar efforts are under development
using other CRISPR systems, such as efforts based on the Cpf1 struc-
ture54,55. The CRISPR–Cas9 toolbox is expanding to extend the PAM-
dependent targeting space, to reduce non-specific interactions with
target DNA, reduce off-target binding and increase specificity56,57. As
© 2016 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

additional natural Cas9 variants are analyzed, rationally engineering

PAM recognition domains will likely become easier and may yield
variants that can target any DNA sequence, regardless of G+C con-
tent and genomic context. Recent advances in understanding PAM
composition and diversity (R.B. and colleagues)58 will also enable
improved predictions of on- versus off-target binding, and allow
improved design and selection of CRISPR guides.
For regulatory control, split-Cas9 variants have been designed
to enable controllable assembly in the presence of sgRNAs or other
effector molecules (J.A.D. and colleagues 59)60. Such variants can
also be used to enhance HDR ratios61. Another option is to tether pro- by NHEJ and enhancing less frequent but predictable and user-
grammable DNA-binding domains to Cas9 to increase precision by defined designer edits by HDR. This can be achieved by targeting
adding another binding requirement, in addition to the PAM and tar- molecules driving NHEJ, such as KU70, KU80 and DNA ligase IV
get DNA complementarity62. Likewise, transcriptional and functional to increase HDR by many fold66–68. Alternatively, small molecules,
control of Cas9-mediated genome editing can also be managed using such as azidothymidine and trifluridine, can be used in concert with
optogenetics63,64 and chemically inducible (doxycycline-regulated) CRISPR enzymes to selectively favor a repair pathway69. It is likely
approaches65 to ensure transient Cas9-mediated DSB genesis and sub- that combinatorial approaches will produce optimized Cas9 variants
sequent editing. These approaches open new avenues for skewing with enhanced specificity and activity, ensuring that CRISPR tech-

DNA-repair pathways by limiting efficient but imprecise mutagenesis nologies advance rapidly toward utility in the clinic and beyond.

Genome-wide screens
a 1,000 Noting the success of RNA interference (RNAi)-based screens
(R.B. et al.)70, researchers have been using scaled-up sgRNA:Cas9
Publications per year in

800 TALENs
technology for genome-wide screening with large-scale pooled-guide
Web of Science

libraries31,68,71–78. Recent studies have shown that loss-of-function
400 screens exploiting libraries comprising tens-of-thousands of sgRNAs
can be used to identify genes involved in tumor growth and metas-
tasis71. Furthermore, screens based on transcriptional interference
0 or repression (CRISPRi) and activation (CRISPRa) have harnessed
Cas9-based technologies for use in genome-wide studies31,68,71,72.



























Year In addition, recent improvements in lentiviral library generation

b 700 25,000 c 200 200 and propagation, as well as large-scale DNA and RNA synthesis,
Number of countries CRISPR

600 have allowed implementation of the sgRNA:Cas9 technology across

CRISPR depositing labs

plasmids shipped to
Number of CRISPR

Number of CRISPR

multiple model platforms68,71,72,74,79.

plasmids requested
plasmids deposited

500 150 150

Number of

400 15,000
100 100
300 10,000
Figure 3 Genome-editing in the literature. (a) The number of
50 50 manuscripts published per year since 2002 using CRISPR, ZFN and
TALEN as keywords, according to Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science.
0 0 0 0
(b) The number of CRISPR constructs deposited and requested at








Addgene. (c) The number of depositing laboratories and recipient countries.









nature biotechnology VOLUME 34 NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 935


Figure 4 Cas9 diversity. A wide range of Cas9 proteins have been


investigated and characterized to date, spanning multiple families that

include the canonical SpyCas9 cluster (related to the Sth3 model system), F. novicida*

and a set of smaller Cas9 proteins (related to the Sth1 model system, A. naesludnii
and the recently established Nme and Sau180,181 orthologs). Diversity 61 99 C. jejuni
encompasses size and sequence variation across structural and functional N. meningitidis
domains labeled using a color scheme for which the key is labeled at 100 P. multocida
the bottom, notably the REC lobe sections, the RuvC and HNH nickase 92
S. thermophilus 1
domains, and the PAM-interacting (PI) segment. *Proteins for which 100
S. aureus*
crystal structures have been determined.
100 L. buchneri
L. gasseri
Previous genome-engineering technologies based on ZFNs L. innocua
and TALENs required constructing and testing newly designed S. thermophilus 3
proteins for each DNA target sequence to be modified. Therefore, 100 92 S. pyogenes*
the main advantage of CRISPR technologies is the ease with which 97 S. mutans
~80-nt CRISPR sgRNAs can be synthesized to direct Cas9 to T. denticola
different target sequences, which in turn means throughput can 0.2

be increased. CRISPR-based screens have enabled identification REC1 REC2 REC1 REC3 HNH WED
of essential genes80,81 and drug targets82,83. Using a CRISPR lentiviral
library targeting protein-coding genes in five distinct human cell
lines, a recent study identified almost 2,000 genes, including ~1,500 technologies affordable and accessible; engineering short(er) sgRNAs
genes conserved across cell lines, as core fitness genes84. Screens could reduce reagent manufacturing costs and thereby further democ-
© 2016 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

like this could be used for comprehensive analysis of cancer muta- ratize the use of CRISPR-based technologies.
tion profiles and may one day highlight mutated proteins that could
be targeted for therapeutic intervention; for instance, CRISPR– From small- to large-animal models
Cas9-mediated repair of a nonsense point mutation in the tumor Genome editing will continue to be used to generate disease models
suppressor ASXL1 in a mouse model of myeloid leukemia has and tissue donors, and to bridge the gap between therapeutic proof-
been shown to extend lifespan85. Likewise, a study in mice using of-concept validation in rodents and human clinical trials. The
multiplexed mutagenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma and intra­ availability of somatic cell nuclear transfer will enable the study of
hepatic cholangiocarcinoma illustrates the potential of high- cardiovascular, immune and metabolic systems in animals, such as
throughput CRISPR-enabled analysis of cancer cells for the genesis pigs and primates, that mimic human physiology89.
of future therapies86. One exciting potential application of CRISPR technologies is to
Beyond functional and essential genes, CRISPR-based screening engineer large animals to study mechanisms of immune rejection
can be used to study non-coding sequences and characterize enhancer and disease transmission across species barriers. The demonstra-
elements and regulatory sequences87,88. This type of analysis will be tion last year that endogenous retroviruses could be eliminated from
crucial to elucidate the roles of the so-called non-coding genome. porcine cells by CRISPR targeting indicates whole animals could
Going forward, however, there is a need to develop robust CRISPR- be engineered with a reduced risk of transmitting disease, bringing
based assay technologies that generate consistent results across cells xenotransplantation applications one step closer90. For xenotrans-
lines and types, regardless of reagents and manufacturers, and for plantation to become reality, not only would researchers working with
more extensive validation of results across experimenters and plat- engineered organs need to address zoonosis concerns, they would

forms81. Another practical consideration is how to make screening also need to demonstrate effective repression of hyperacute rejection,
acute vascular rejection and chronic cellular xenograft rejection fol-
lowing transplantation across species. It is conceivable that genome
editing could be used to both reduce immune barriers in the host and
improve donor organ function.
CRISPR-mediated genome editing could also expedite the devel-
(ii) opment of large animal models of human diseases, including in pri-
(iii) mates, and thereby accelerate the identification of suitable therapies91,
although mosaicism issues have to be addressed to ensure the genotype
CH3 Figure 5 Genome editing redefined. This figure illustrates the range of
applications based on CRISPR–Cas9 technologies. (i) Deletions (using
O HDR with a template in which a deletion is engineered). (ii) Insertions (by
(viii) (iv)
providing a HDR template carrying a designer sequence). (iii) Knockouts
(using NHEJ-mediated DSB repair). (iv) Transcriptional activation
(CRISPRa, using dCas9 tethered to a transcriptional activator, such as
VP64). (v) Transcriptional repression (CRISPRi, using dCas9, potentially
(vii) (vi) (v) fused to a transcriptional repressor such as KRAB). (vi) Fusion protein
delivery (by direct or indirect recruiting of an effector molecule of interest,
through fusion, tethering, or by the use of guides carrying protein-binding
DNA sequences of interest). (vii) Imaging (using fluorophores).
(viii) Epigenetic state alteration (using either epigenetic repressors such
as the LSD1 histone demethylase for interaction with distal enhancers,
or epigenetic activation using the p300 histone acetyltransferase).

936 VOLUME 34 NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 nature biotechnology


of interest is consistently generated across tissues and cell types. of the DNA repair after DSB genesis. Indeed, repairing faulty alleles
CRISPR-mediated genome editing is being used to establish robust with corrected genotypes will most often require surgical replacement
in vitro and in vivo models of human disease (R.B. & A.P. May)92. through recombination rather than simple deletions.
Delivery of Cas9 into cells or tissues for therapeutic benefit is an
Cell therapy applications ongoing challenge. Although initial experiments relied on delivering
Therapeutic uses of ZFNs and TALENs in human cells have paved plasmids or viral vectors encoding Cas9 and sgRNAs110, advances in
the way for clinical applications of CRISPR-based technologies. non-DNA-dependent options such as pre-assembled protein–RNA
The first proof-of-concept experiments that CRISPR-based genome complexes are opening new delivery avenues. Strategic delivery
editing can correct defective genotypes in vitro have recently of Cas9 and sgRNAs in a time-controlled manner (J.A.D. and col-
been reported93–99. leagues)111 could be instrumental in co-opting specific repair pathways.
For example, editing of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator Direct delivery of ribonucleoprotein complexes can provide high
sequence in patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) genome editing rates in T cells (J.A.D. and colleagues)112. Cas9 ribo-
produced corrected cells that differentiated into mature airway nucleoprotein delivery using lipid transfection in human cells and
epithelial cells in vitro93. Other studies focused on crystalline gamma c in mice113 shows promise, and has been combined with single-
(Crygc)-associated cataract94, dystrophin-related Duchenne muscular stranded oligodeoxynucleotides to introduce mutations into human
dystrophy95 and Fanconi anemia96, providing further evidence that iPSCs114. Both ribonucleoproteins and mRNA-based Cas9 delivery
CRISPR–Cas9-based approaches can correct disease alleles in cells. are advantageous because they avoid DNA-based toxicity, and
In addition, efforts to use CRISPR–Cas9-mediated genome editing to provide only transient functionality 112,115–117. DNA ‘nanoclews’,
correct muscular dystrophy are setting the pace for clinical implemen- advanced variants of nanocages and nanoparticles, have also been
tation97–99. These studies show that disease genotypes (exon 23 frame used to deliver CRISPR payloads118. Nevertheless, the initial focus for
shifts) can be corrected to restore the dystrophin gene in mdx mouse clinical applications will likely be on targeting cells and tissues for
© 2016 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

models, thereby improving muscle function in myofibers, cardiocytes, which delivery methods are readily available, such as blood, liver,
muscle stem cells and live animals. eye and muscle.
The next step will be to establish the efficacy of CRISPR-based
therapies in vivo in model organisms. Several studies have shown Antimicrobial and antiviral applications
that CRISPR therapies can be implemented in vivo (e.g., correction Eukaryotes maintain homeostasis in cells and tissues through
in adult mouse liver of fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (Fah)-related multiple robust DNA repair pathways. By contrast, bacteria read-
tyrosinemia100, and alteration of cholesterol metabolism by propro- ily acquire genetic material, and keep mutation rates high enough
tein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) editing in mouse to ensure evolutionary flexibility, because they have few and primitive
hepatocytes101). More recently, a rhodopsin mutation involved in DNA repair processes. This feature has paved the way for of the devel-
autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa was corrected in rats by opment of CRISPR–Cas systems that can program bacterial death
means of subretinal injection of plasmids encoding CRISPR–Cas9 (R.B. et al.)119,120.
and suitable sgRNAs102. Engineering of self-targeting CRISPR–Cas systems has shown
Ex vivo editing of iPSCs derived from human fibroblasts provide promise in anti-microbial applications119–122. Either native or engi-
flexible alternatives to introduction of editing molecules to tissues neered CRISPR–Cas systems—including type I systems (Box 1) that
in vivo, allowing the analysis and characterization of edited cells are associated with nucleases that process cleaved DNA following the
before delivery into patients. One noteworthy development is the generation of a DSB (R.B. and colleagues)123,124—can be programmed
production of organoids from engineered cells to model and recapitu- to target any bacterial species. The sequence-specific antibiotics
late disease phenotypes in three-dimensional tissues103. This strategy thus generated can selectively modulate bacterial populations and

provides a framework for both disease modeling and regenerative eliminate pathogens120.
medicine based on the synthetic reconstitution of tissues with physi- One key advantage of sequence-specific antimicrobials is that
ologically relevant structural and functional features that could be they can be designed to precisely target clinical genotypes or
transplanted into patients. Work is underway on autism-spectrum epidemiological isolates. A second advantage is that sgRNAs can be
disorders using iPSCs104 (investigating the role of autism-related engineered to enable a wide range of organisms (e.g., a whole genus)
genes, such as CHD8), with long-term potential to address neurode- to be targeted at the same time. Precise eradication of pathogens
generative diseases105,106. would enable survival of beneficial commensal bacteria, thereby
These ex vivo applications as well as hematopoietic-stem-cell- providing an advantage over broad-spectrum antibiotics. It is con-
based approaches and T-cell-based immunotherapies are most likely ceivable that selective antimicrobials might also work for the removal
to move genome engineering into the clinic. For example, complex of eukaryotic parasites. One challenge that needs to be overcome
diseases, such as liver cancer can already be readily recapitulated before antimicrobials based on CRISPRs can enter clinical trials is to
in vivo in wild-type mice, by targeting tumor suppressor genes, such develop robust delivery options.
as PTEN and TP53 (refs. 107–109), accelerating the pace at which In the area of antivirals, work is underway to expand on their role
genetic contributors to cancer can be dissected, both individually as natural systems to block phage infection in bacteria. CRISPR-based
and in combination. therapies are being developed that target human viruses, including
Before CRISPR-based gene therapies can be tested in human clini- HIV-1 (refs. 125–131), herpes132, papillomavirus133–135 and hepatitis
cal trials, several practical issues and technical challenges need to be B virus136–143. Options for HIV therapy include either editing the
overcome, including the following: first, setting and reaching targets of host128 or targeting the virus125. For example, co-disruption of genes
accuracy and efficiency of both cleavage and repair at the cell popula- encoding the HIV cell-surface receptor proteins chemokine (C-X-C)
tion level; second, achieving efficient delivery to particular cell types, motif receptor 4 (CXCR4) and chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5
tissues or organs; third, understanding how to control various repair (CCR5) shows promise in preventing HIV entry into CD4+ T cells,
pathways; and fourth, predictably defining the mutational outcome and for antiviral therapy126,127,131. As noted above, CRISPR–Cas9 has

nature biotechnology VOLUME 34 NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 937


also been used to remove porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) Biological control applications
from the entire pig genome, thereby preventing the risk of PERV viral Cas9 has been used to create gene drives163–165, in which acquisition of
spread during tissue transplantation90. a trait and the Cas9 machinery are coupled to ensure rapid trait propa-
gation through a population. Specifically, gene drives can be used in
Agricultural applications Anopheles gambiae, the mosquito vector for malaria, to drive a recessive
Trait improvement through classic breeding in livestock, such female sterility genotype with transmission to progeny rates exceed-
as cows, chickens and pigs, will be accelerated by CRISPR-based ing 90%. Such an approach has the potential to suppress the spread of
genome engineering. Animal breeders have already identified trait- malaria in humans166. Likewise, anti-Plasmodium falciparum CRISPR
associated chromosomal markers known as quantitative trait loci and systems have been implemented in the Asian malaria vector Anopheles
use marker-assisted breeding to selectively advance valuable traits. stephensi164. Notwithstanding the potential of CRISPR-based gene
This process will be accelerated using genome editing technologies, drives for controlling the spread of disease agents, as with any nascent
as recently shown in pigs144 and dairy cattle145, to protect against technology, successful implementation on a broad scale will require both
viruses and remove horns, respectively. Another application in ani- scientific advancement (notably regarding biological containment and
mals is to engineer production of either medical products or tissues. drive efficiency), as well as regulatory approval and public acceptance.
For example, knock-in of human albumin cDNA into the pig Alb
locus using CRISPR–Cas9 could enable the production of albumin Conclusions
using transgenic pigs146. The repurposing of bacterial CRISPR–Cas immune systems as genome
CRISPR-enabled engineering is being used in commercial and engineering tools has heralded an era in which RNA-programmed
model crops to increase yield, improve drought tolerance and increase genome editing is a democratized and broadly accessible technology. In
growth in limited-nutrient conditions, and to breed crops with the clinic, therapeutic success is likely to be attained in localized tissues
improved nutritional properties147,148. The use of CRISPR technology (liver, blood, eye), with longer-term goals of targeting systemic diseases
© 2016 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

in corn149 and soybean150 illustrates the speed of adoption of CRISPR dependent on future delivery options. Screen-based drug discovery
technology outside the laboratory. CRISPR-based gene targeting can approaches, together with the ability to use RNA-programmed genome
also be harnessed to combat plant pathogens, as has been shown for editing technology to produce disease-recapitulating cell line models
the tomato yellow leaf curl virus in Nicotiana benthamiana151. and animals, will continue to identify potential therapeutic targets. The
CRISPR-based technologies have been implemented in diverse application of genome-wide, Cas9-based screens to complex diseases,
foods, and have received much attention given their permissive regu- such as leukemia, provides intriguing opportunities for the selection
latory status. It was recently reported that CRISPR-edited mushrooms of therapeutic targets and the design of anti-cancer drugs167.
might not be construed as regulated products by regulatory agencies152. Over the long term, the potential for CRISPR-enabled production
Furthermore, recent feedback from regulatory agencies regarding waxy of synthetic tissues or animals and immune-compatible donor organ-
corn has laid the groundwork for future uses and commercialization isms for xenotransplantation168,169 is vast. In the short term, with
of CRISPR-based technologies in food and feed crops. the proof of concept already provided for the correction of genetic
diseases, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy95,97,98,170,171 and beta-
Applications in food and industrial biotechnology thalassemia172–175, there is potential for gene and antiviral CRISPR-based
To date, applications of CRISPR systems in bacteria include genotyp- therapies. Investigations of toxicity and safety will need to accompany
ing, vaccinating industrial cultures against viruses, controlling uptake advances in our understanding of CRISPR-system efficacy to ensure an
and dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes by bacteria, and engi- appropriate risk-benefit profile for therapeutic interventions.
neering probiotic cultures (K. Selle & R.B.)153,154. The commercial Notwithstanding the promise of RNA-programmed genome editing
success of native CRISPR–Cas immune systems for the vaccination in somatic cell therapy, a key outstanding issue is whether applica-

of Streptococcus thermophilus starter cultures used in dairy fermenta- tions in zygotes and human germline cells should be considered in
tions (yogurt and cheese) has paved the way for CRISPRs in food (R.B. the light of the associated ethical issues176,177. The pace of the science
et al.)155,156. Food-grade applications could be enabled by screening is faster than our grasp of the regulatory ramifications, an issue that
for natural CRISPR-based vaccination events, which generate oth- is being addressed by the scientific community, together with key
erwise isogenic and iso-functional starter cultures155. Recent work stakeholders178–181. This is timely, given a recent report of the use
has also shown proof of the concept that beneficial bacteria may be of CRISPR–Cas9 for human germline editing182. A consensus state-
generated that are immunized against the uptake and dissemination ment released after the International Summit on Gene Editing in
of genes that encode antibiotic resistance10. Washington, DC (
CRISPR technologies will have a broad impact on all industries Gene-Edit-Summit/index.htm) proposed that pre-implantation
related to bacteria, fungi and yeast, as we are on the cusp of the genetic diagnosis obviates the need for germline genetic modifica-
widespread use of genome editing in these organisms157,158 (R.B. tion in most cases. Exceptions might include couples in which both
& J.P. Pijkeren)159. CRISPR–Cas9 is likely to be used to engineer partners bear homozygous dominant mutations in a disease-causing
industrial bacteria, yeast and fungi to manufacture green chemi- locus, or recessive rare Mendelian disease. For multigenic diseases, the
cals, including biofuels 160 and biomaterials. Synthetic biology addition of naturally occurring protective variants could also be a jus-
approaches that incorporate CRISPR technologies could produce tification for germline editing. As of writing, four countries (Sweden,
mosaic genomes that have been streamlined for minimal content by the UK, Japan and China) have approved research applications of
strategic deletions (R.B. et al.)154,161. A recent report also showed CRISPR-based genome editing in human embryos, with other juris-
that CRISPR-mediated vaccination processes can be exploited as dictions considering such approval. In the meantime, ongoing clinical
molecular recording events, with the ability to capture synthetic trials testing hematopoietic stem cell and iPSC-based therapies 183,184
DNA sequences, useful for data storage, into bacterial, and possibly set the stage for next-generation genome editing therapeutics, and
other, genomes162. shift the paradigm toward genome-editing-derived alternatives.

938 VOLUME 34 NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2016 nature biotechnology


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colleagues throughout the CRISPR community for fruitful discussions and insightful 32. Gilbert, L.A. et al. CRISPR-mediated modular RNA-guided regulation of
opinions. We also thank A. Briner for assistance with figures and graphic design, transcription in eukaryotes. Cell 154, 442–451 (2013).
and M. Perry and C. Desplan for providing the picture of butterflies. Data regarding 33. Larson, M.H. et al. CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) for sequence-specific control
CRISPR deposits and distributions through Addgene were provided courtesy of of gene expression. Nat. Protoc. 8, 2180–2196 (2013).
N. Waxmonsky and J. Welch at Addgene, Inc. ( 34. Qi, L.S. et al. Repurposing CRISPR as an RNA-guided platform for sequence-
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version of the paper. sgRNAs using CRISPRainbow. Nat. Biotechnol. 34, 528–530 (2016).
37. Hilton, I.B. et al. Epigenome editing by a CRISPR–Cas9-based acetyltransferase
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