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4.rotary Priorities-Done

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Enhance Increase Our

Increase Our Expand Our
Participant Ability to
Impact Reach
Engagement Adapt

 Best for discussing topics participants know
 Guided by a trainer to keep the discussion on topic
and allow everyone to speak
 Often followed by an activity for participants to
apply the ideas discussed.

Learning objectives
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
1. Explain how to work with regional leaders to meet goals
2. Identify at least three ideas that can help their district meet a strategic
priority or objective

GNTS workbook
 Pages 7-8

Introduction 5 minutes
Working with your RRFC 25 minutes
Working with your RC 25 minutes
Working with your RPIC 25 minutes
Review and reflection 10 minutes
Before the session
Your preparation
 Review the key points and discussion questions. Plan your session and
timeline, allowing approximately 3 minutes per discussion question.
 Adapt the session to address the needs of your participants and any
regional issues related to this topic.
 Consider how the content of this session relates to the strategic priorities
highlighted on the first page.
 If current regional leaders' terms will end before the participants' year as
governor, tell them who will work with them that year if you know.
 If the E/MGA or EPNC is present, consider giving them 5 minutes each to
introduce themselves and explain how governors can help them meet their
goals. Adjust the facilitation time accordingly for the RRFC, RC, and RPIC.
 Review the resources for this session on My Rotary:
 Action Plan page
 Brand Center
 Membership page
 The Rotary Foundation page

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Introduction (5 minutes)
 If they have not already been introduced, introduce the regional leaders in
the room. Explain how regional leaders can work with districts on their
goals and projects by briefly sharing their areas of expertise:
o RRFC: Annual Fund-SHARE, grants, PolioPlus, alumni, Rotary
Peace Fellowships, Endowment, or others
o RC: attracting and engaging members, strategic planning, alumni, or
o RPIC: telling Rotary's story, public image, alumni, or others
 Refer to workbook page 7.
 Review the learning objectives and show participants the resources in the

Working with your RRFC (25 minutes)

Opening question
 What connection do you see between your work with the Foundation, such
as your contributions, service, and grants experience, and the service or
activities in your district?

Key points
 As governor, you should be able to:
1. Explain the different grant types and suggest strategies to increase
the impact of grant-funded projects.
2. Outline the essentials of the SHARE system.
3. Promote the different funds of the Foundation (Annual Fund-
SHARE, Endowment, PolioPlus), explain what activities they
support, and list the different recognition levels.
4. Explain why polio eradication remains Rotary's No. 1 organizational
5. Build on the efforts of your Foundation committee and support
innovative fundraising and recognition strategies.
 Help clubs take advantage of project planning resources and communicate
the impact of service activities, focusing not just on the money raised or
volunteer hours spent but on the positive impact on their community.
Measurable, data-driven results have been shown to attract younger
leaders and donors.
 Promote resources, such as The Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical
Advisers, Rotary Action Groups, and district international service chairs,
that can connect leaders with experts, community members, or mentors.

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 Encourage attendance at project fairs and district training events to
establish partnerships and learn from past successes.
 Work with your district team to assess the district's financial management
plan (in the memorandum of understanding, or MOU) annually to ensure
that grant funds are used effectively and appropriately. You must
authorize the MOU by the end of your governor-nominee year.
 Districts participating in district or global grants must complete the
qualification process each year, regardless of whether they will use District
Designated Funds (DDF). Districts are responsible for qualifying their
clubs annually if they participate in global grants, usually at the end of
your governor-nominee year or the start of your governor-elect year.
 The district Rotary Foundation committee manages the use of DDF. The
district's policy for DDF should be shared with clubs early and encourage
them to apply for grants to fund their work to improve their communities.

Discussion questions
1. What are some ways you can help members and participants understand
the impact of our Foundation? How can you ensure the District
Foundation team continuity from one year to the next?
2. How can you encourage members to consider what impact they want to
have before they begin planning service activities?
3. What strategies could you implement to increase the impact of grant-
funded projects?
4. What is your personal giving story? How can it inspire others in your
district to give?
5. What motivates members in your district to give? What activities can you
do as governor to promote and advocate for giving to the Foundation?
6. How do you (or others in your district) recognize and thank donors?
7. Do you anticipate any challenges in Foundation grant qualification or
implementing the MOU? How can you support clubs in implementing the
club MOU?
8. How does your district administer DDF? What aspects of your current
policy work well? What do you plan to change, if anything?

Working with your RC (25 minutes)

Opening question
 Based on your district's membership trends, is your district more
successful with attraction (gaining new members) or engagement
(retaining current members)? Why do you think that is?

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Key points
 As governor, you should be able to:
1. Explain that membership is Rotary's primary internal priority.
2. Look for opportunities where new club models, including Rotaract clubs,
can meet the needs of a wide range of participants.
3. Please work with your district membership chair to create a plan to
manage membership leads and ensure prospective members have a
positive experience with Rotary, whether or not they join a club.
4. Explain the importance of diversity in clubs and creating an inclusive club
culture that welcomes members of underrepresented groups.
 While time and cost constraints are the primary barriers to joining Rotary,
unwelcoming club environments, and unmet expectations are often why
members leave. Work with clubs to develop a plan addressing these
barriers, creating a better club experience to attract and engage more
 Shift the focus from discussing membership numbers and recruitment to
participation and engagement. If clubs are engaging, people will join, and
people who participate in other ways can share their positive experiences
and contribute to Rotary's work.
 Help clubs see the value and importance of gathering feedback and
making changes to suit the needs and interests of their participants.

Discussion questions
1. What are the official qualifications to be considered for Rotary
membership? Do clubs in your district add qualifications that could be
barriers for potential members?
2. Do clubs in your district accurately reflect the diversity of your
communities? How can you monitor that?
3. Have any clubs in your district changed their rules, bylaws, or practices to
accommodate members' needs or expectations? What did that process
consist of, and what was the result?
4. What opportunities for leadership, professional development, and
personal and professional connection do your clubs provide to
5. Which membership strategies or initiatives create excitement in your
6. How has your district managed membership leads in the past? How would
you adjust this approach in the future?
7. How can your team help you determine which clubs in your district engage
participants and which are struggling? What is your role in supporting
both types of clubs?
8. What opportunities do you have to start and nurture new clubs?

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Working with your RPIC (25 minutes)
Opening question
 Why does Rotary's public image matter?

Key points
 As governor, you should be able to:
o Explain how our public image directly influences membership and
o Tell club and district stories clearly and compellingly that build
participants' understanding and excitement.
o Promote public image resources in the Brand Center, such as
People of Action materials.
 Governors are key influencers. You can promote using our public image
resources and explain why building awareness and understanding of our
impact is vital to Rotary's future. You are not expected to be experts in
developing public image materials.
 Consider your audience when you plan communications and develop
different communication strategies for members and the general public.
You will have an opportunity to discuss this more during the joint session
Communicating for Success.
 Please discuss with the DG and recent PDGs what it means to be Rotary's
spokesperson in the district and begin preparing to handle any media
crises that may arise.

Discussion questions
1. What is one specific goal you will set for your public image efforts during
your year as governor?
2. Do the perceptions of Rotary in your communities match your experience
of the club or district? If not, how can you and your team address that
3. How will you prioritize efforts to enhance Rotary's public image in your
district? How will you find members to fill public image roles in the
district and clubs, and how will you help them succeed?
4. Do you have a plan for measuring the impact of your public image efforts?
What can you do with the results?
5. What can you and your team do to cultivate relationships with local
6. Has your district had a media crisis recently? Did the district have a plan
in place to address it immediately? When was the last time that plan was

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Review and reflection (10 minutes)
 Ask if there are any questions.
 Review the learning objectives to ensure that all topics were covered
 Allow participants 3-5 minutes to respond to this reflection question in
their workbooks:
o Which ideas from this session do you want to pursue during your
year as governor?

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