Leadership: Development
Leadership: Development
Leadership: Development
This publication is produced by the Leadership Education and Training Division of Rotary International. If you have questions or comments, please submit them to:
Leadership Education and Training Division Rotary International One Rotary Center 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL 60201-3698 USA E-mail: leadership.training@rotary.org Phone: 847-866-3000 Fax: 847-866-9446
Getting Started
The club-level leadership development program was created to increase Rotarians effectiveness in their clubs and professions by cultivating their leadership skills. This program may particularly benefit club members who dont have the opportunity to regularly supervise others or attend employee training programs. This program is optional. It can be held as a full-day seminar or as a series of shorter meetings throughout the year, and it can be conducted in person, online, or as a combination of the two. Clubs and districts that use the program should structure it to meet their participants needs. This booklet gives an overview of 10 recommended leadership topics for the program: Communication skills Leadership styles Leading and motivating volunteers Mentoring Time management Goal setting and accountability Strategic planning Ethics and The Four-Way Test Building consensus Teamwork A brief introduction, speaking points, discussion questions, and suggested activities are provided for each topic. Develop your session by selecting questions, speaking points, discussion
questions and suggested activities, and order them to create the session. Beyond these general components, youll need to do further research about the topics and modify the sessions to make them culturally relevant to participants.
Many resources are available to help you implement a club-level leadership program. For example, RIs District Training Manual (246-EN) includes information on planning and conducting a training meeting. You also can use one of the Rotarian-created leadership development programs as a model. (See the Training Best Practices Database at www.rotary.org for a list of them.) A variety of Internet and print resources are also available to enhance and personalize your leadership program. Whatever materials you choose, ensure theyre culturally appropriate to your club.
Needs Assessment
Before implementing a leadership development program, consider what your fellow club members will find beneficial and what the club wants to accomplish. A needs assessment will help you identify program objectives and determine which skills participants want to focus on. Refer to the District Training Manual (246-EN) for needs-assessment tips as well as a sample questionnaire. Designing a curriculum that addresses participants needs will help ensure club members are enthusiastic about the program.
Y o u r G u i d e T o S Ta r T i n G a P r o G r a m
To help participants use what they learn during the seminar, have them develop an action plan at the end of the seminar, then follow up with them to see whether theyre using their new skills in Rotary and their professions. Some ways you can reinforce these skills include: Setting up a mentoring program for participants Conducting interviews or informal check-ins with participants every couple of months to see how theyre progressing Holding a follow-up meeting six months and one year after the program to see how participants are applying the concepts Remember, these suggestions are just some of the possibilities. Like the program itself, the follow-up process should be adapted to the needs and culture of individual clubs.
Have participants complete an evaluation after the program. This data will be useful when planning future meetings. Another evaluation can also be completed six months to a year after the seminar to help identify what participants learned, which new skills theyre using, and the topics that need more attention.
In the ideal organization, the top level the leadership should stay close to
the ground.
Robert Barth 1993-94 RI President
LeaderShiP deveLoPmenT
CommuniCaTion SkiLLS
The ability to communicate a vision and purpose to individuals and groups will help Rotarians gain support and accomplish goals in both Rotary and their professions. Rotarians build trust and fellowship by listening, understanding, and providing feedback.
Speaking points
Explain how club leaders are responsible for organizing and sharing information with club members, other club leaders, and the community. Discuss different communication styles:* Direct: Speaks decisively, states positions strongly, gets to the point Spirited: Readily expresses opinions, focuses on the big picture, can be persuasive Systematic: Focuses on specific details, uses precise language, emphasizes facts instead of emotions Considerate: Listens well and uses close, personal, supportive language Review the characteristics of effective communication, including active listening, providing feedback, and recognizing barriers to understanding. Describe and discuss the meaning of nonverbal communication methods, including facial expressions, gestures, silence, eye contact, and use of space.
Discussion questions
How would you describe your communication style? How do you ensure that youre communicating effectively? How can you make sure everyone in your Rotary club is informed? What happens when communication fails? How can it be re-established?
Suggested activities
Role play: In groups of three, have participants analyze the communication process. One person should serve as the speaker, another as the listener, and the other as the observer. As the speaker and listener communicate, the observer should note the qualities of their communication, and then provide feedback to both participants. Observers should consider questions such as: Was the message clear? Did either person use a certain communication style? Were the characteristics of effective communication apparent? Group work: In pairs, have participants brainstorm common communication barriers that could arise during a service project. Once all the pairs have a list, have them brainstorm ways to overcome these issues. *Based on research from the Human Resource Development Quarterly. May be replaced with communication styles commonly used in your culture.
Y o u r G u i d e T o S Ta r T i n G a P r o G r a m
LeaderShiP STYLeS
A leadership style encompasses how a person provides direction, implements a plan, or motivates others. To achieve their goals, effective leaders often switch styles to suit the situation.
Speaking points
Describe leadership styles* and their characteristics: Participative: Seeks to involve other people Situational: Changes leadership style according to situational factors Transactional: Works through hierarchical structures and systems of reward and punishment Transformational: Leads by inspiration, sharing energy and enthusiasm Servant: Serves others rather than being served Explain the benefits of strong leadership in Rotary clubs and districts.
Discussion questions
What types of leadership roles have you held in your professional and personal life? What skills were important in these roles? How do you modify your leadership style between your professional and personal life? Which leadership styles do you use? Can you learn to be a leader? Can you change your leadership style?
Suggested activities
Group work: In pairs, have participants describe an exceptional leader theyve worked with and list the persons leadership characteristics, picking the three most important. Have the full group generate a comprehensive list of effective leadership qualities. Individual work: Have participants complete an assessment of their leadership style. (You may develop your own assessment tool or purchase one used for businesses.)
*Based on research by Kurt Lewin and Rensis Likert. May be replaced with leadership styles commonly used in your culture.
LeaderShiP deveLoPmenT
Speaking points
Discuss common motivators for volunteers, including service, fellowship, networking, and recognition. List specific challenges that arise when leading friends or colleagues. Review some of the characteristics of successful leaders and motivators, such as gaining trust, building solid relationships, providing vision and inspiration, and leading by example.
Discussion questions
Is there a difference between leading and motivating? What motivates you? What are some obstacles to dedicating your time to Rotary? How is motivating employees different from motivating volunteers? What are some challenges youve faced when motivating your fellow Rotarians?
Suggested activities
Case study: Present the following case to participants: Youve just started serving as club president. One of your top priorities is to begin a series of environmental projects in your community. Although many of your clubs members enjoy the fellowship of Rotary, theyve historically been hesitant to dedicate time to service. How will you motivate members to actively participate in this initiative? Role play: In pairs, have participants act out a scene in which one person is an unenthusiastic club member and the other tries to motivate that person to become involved in a Rotary club project or activity.
Y o u r G u i d e T o S Ta r T i n G a P r o G r a m
In the mentoring process, an experienced person guides another person in the development of ideas and learning. Its a good way for both the mentor and the person being mentored to enhance their skill sets, build relationships, and advance professionally. A mentoring program can work well as part of new member orientation, club committee team building, and officer succession planning.
Speaking points
Discuss the purpose of mentoring and how it applies to Rotary. Define the relationship between a mentor and the person being mentored. Review the responsibilities of both. Explain why club members should share their experience and expertise with other members. Reasons include improving retention and recruitment, building morale, accelerating leadership development, encouraging teamwork, and increasing Rotary knowledge.
Discussion questions
How can becoming a mentor or being mentored enhance your personal growth? What is the difference between mentoring and managing? How can a mentoring program be used in your club?
Suggested activities
Group work: First, in small groups, have participants talk about personal or professional situations in which they were a mentor or the person being mentored and how the experience helped them. Second, ask them to brainstorm situations, either in Rotary or in their careers, in which having a mentor would be helpful. Individual work: Ask participants to write a letter to a person they would like to be their mentor or person they would like to mentor, outlining their goals and how they would work together.
LeaderShiP deveLoPmenT
Time manaGemenT
Time management involves applying a set of principles, practices, and tools to use time wisely, with the aim of improving quality of life. To be active in Rotary, succeed professionally, and participate in family activities and hobbies, Rotarians must manage their time effectively.
Speaking points
Discuss the characteristics of effective time management, including prioritizing, setting boundaries, and identifying current time management habits. Explain the benefits of effective time management in both Rotary and the professional realm.
Discussion questions
What time management skills do you already practice? What are some ways to ensure youre doing what you want and need at work, at home, and in Rotary? How do you prioritize your day?
Suggested activities
Group work: In small groups, ask participants to share three tips they find useful when trying to manage their time. Individual work: Give participants index cards, and have them list tasks they must complete this month. Ask them to rank each task in order of priority and think about why they ranked one task higher than another. Is it more important than the other, or is it easier to complete? Have everyone reprioritize as needed.
Y o u r G u i d e T o S Ta r T i n G a P r o G r a m
Speaking points
Explain the benefits of setting goals. Provide an overview of the process of: Assessing their strengths and weaknesses of goals Setting the goals Developing an action plan Following up and evaluation Describe the characteristics of effective goals: Shared: The people who set and develop strategies to achieve goals should be committed to implementing them. Measurable: A goal should provide a tangible point to pursue. Challenging: A goal should be ambitious enough to go beyond what the club has accomplished in the past. Achievable: Rotarians should be able to accomplish the goal with the resources available. Time specific: A goal should have a deadline or timeline. Outline how to develop an action plan to achieve a goal. Discuss how leaders can hold themselves and others accountable for the goals that have been set.
Discussion questions
What steps do you or your club take when setting annual goals? Has your club ever set an unrealistic goal? What happened, and what did your club learn from that experience? How can you hold yourself and fellow Rotarians accountable in achieving a difficult goal? How often will you re-evaluate your goals as a leader?
Suggested activities
Case study: In small groups, have participants discuss how they would handle a fellow club member who didnt follow through on an assigned part of an action plan. Group work: In small groups, ask participants to develop a sample club goal and discuss its effectiveness. Have them create action steps, decide who will be accountable for each step, and talk about how to achieve the goal.
LeaderShiP deveLoPmenT
STraTeGiC PLanninG
Strategic planning is a tool to help an individual or Rotary club develop long-term direction and create a framework to establish objectives. Strategic goals should be reviewed annually and revised every three to five years.
Speaking points
Define strategic planning. Discuss the benefits of strategic planning, such as uniting everyone involved under a common vision, providing a framework for annual goals, improving the allocation of resources, and enhancing continuity from one year to the next. Outline the process for strategic planning: 1. Brainstorm the key qualities that will characterize the individual or club in five years. 2. Develop a one-sentence vision statement from those characteristics. 3. List what the individual or club does well. 4. Brainstorm key strategies for achieving the vision statement. 5. Prioritize those strategies. 6. Determine milestones for the top priorities. 7. Develop annual goals addressing those milestones. 8. Establish a plan to achieve the goals, including deadlines, responsible parties, and necessary resources. Review how a strategic plan affects daily activities, explaining that all decisions and resources support the plan.
Discussion questions
How could you or your Rotary club benefit from a strategic plan? Who should be involved in establishing a strategic plan for your club? How can you ensure continuity and progress in implementing the strategic plan?
Suggested activities
Individual work: Have participants work on a strategic plan for themselves or their Rotary club. Group work: In pairs, ask participants to discuss how to motivate fellow club members to support strategic planning.
Y o u r G u i d e T o S Ta r T i n G a P r o G r a m
Speaking points
Define ethics. Highlight Rotarys emphasis on ethics in vocations, including The Four-Way Test, Object of Rotary, and Declaration of Rotarians in Businesses and Professions. Explain that ethics is demonstrated through actions. Include a story to illustrate this point.
Discussion questions
What are the benefits of making ethical decisions in your profession? In your Rotary club? How can one person encourage ethical behavior in others? How can Rotarys high ethical standards influence the community? How can Rotarys high ethical standards influence our public image? How do you handle situations in which an unethical decision has been made?
Suggested activities
Case study: Give groups of two to three participants a hypothetical unethical scenario that occurs in a Rotary club or professional setting. Have the groups talk about how they would deal with the situation. Group work: Have small groups of participants discuss how the Declaration of Rotarians in Businesses and Professions can be used in their vocations.
LeaderShiP deveLoPmenT
Object of Rotary
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarians occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarians personal, business, and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
Y o u r G u i d e T o S Ta r T i n G a P r o G r a m
buiLdinG ConSenSuS
Building consensus is the act of finding a solution that satisfies everyones needs, especially among those who have different viewpoints; it doesnt mean compromise or surrender. Leading others to consensus results in a decision that is viable and sustainable.
Speaking points
Define consensus, or share a story of a time you had to bring others together. Explain the benefits of open disagreement, which can lead to a better analysis of an issue and allow all parties to express their opinions. Discuss the benefits of consensus building, such as helping everyone feel a sense of ownership in the project and discovering new solutions. Outline the consensus-building process: 1. List what each party wants out of the situation. 2. Review what is critical for each person and what isnt as critical. 3. Brainstorm new solutions. 4. Discuss the outcomes of those solutions. 5. Rework the solutions and other decisions to meet the critical needs.
Discussion questions
Why is consensus important in your profession? Your Rotary club? How do you ensure that consensus doesnt result in compromise? How do you satisfy everyone involved?
Suggested activities
Group work: Have participants work in small groups on a case study. Assign group members different viewpoints, with one participant acting as a moderator who must build consensus. Individual work: Ask participants to reflect on a time when they had to participate in building consensus. How do they think the process worked and were they satisfied with the result.
LeaderShiP deveLoPmenT
To accomplish most tasks in Rotary and their careers, people must work in teams. When individuals work well together, they can do more than they could alone.
Speaking points
Discuss types of teams: Pseudo: Group members have been assigned to work together but have no commitment to a common goal. Traditional: Group members agree to work together but see little benefit in doing so. High performing: This group is an effective team that exceeds all reasonable expectations. Review Tuckmans stages of team development:* Forming: Team members discover each others behaviors and begin to set team rules and guidelines. Storming: The team is actively involved in determining how it will accomplish its goals. Norming: Team members gain confidence, begin to make decisions, and take responsibility for their actions. Performing: The group transforms from a collection of individuals into a true team. Describe team-building strategies: Interaction: Providing structured activities to help the group develop familiarity and positive communication Effective meetings: Actively involving all team members in the planning and decision-making processes Conflict intervention: Engaging in constructive communication rather than destructive criticism
Discussion questions
Does your club promote teamwork? What leadership styles help in doing so? What teams have you belonged to at work? In Rotary? How would you define an effective team? How can you foster a high-performing team? What are common challenges to a team? How can you avoid them?
Y o u r G u i d e T o S Ta r T i n G a P r o G r a m
Suggested activities
Icebreaker: To introduce this topic, begin with an exercise to illustrate the value of teamwork. Distribute to each participant a list of 10 items someone would need when going on a trip. Ask participants, working on their own, to rank each item in order of importance. Then, with participants in small groups, have them work as a team to come to a consensus about what are the 5 most important items to bring on the trip. Group work: In groups of three or four, have participants brainstorm a list of barriers to effective teamwork, then ask them to list tips or suggestions that would help address these challenges.
*Based on research done by Bruce Tuckman. May be replaced with team-building stages commonly used in your culture.
One of the marvelous assets of Rotary is that such a vigorous and viable
LeaderShiP deveLoPmenT
Leadership Development: Your Guide to Starting a Program includes guidelines and session ideas for the following topics: Communication skills Leadership styles Leading and motivating volunteers Mentoring Time management Goal setting and accountability Strategic planning Ethics and The Four-Way Test Building consensus Teamwork
Each topic focuses on how the leadership skills can be applied to your Rotary club and the individuals profession. Consider establishing a program for your club today and help develop the leader in every Rotarian!
One Rotary Center 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL 60201-3698 USA www.rotary.org