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No Poverty


Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, also

known as "The King's Auspicious University," has

responded to the Royal Project and the Royal initiative

projects. It has adopted the King’s Philosophy as a

guideline for providing academic services. The university

has established an Institute for transferring technology to

the community, aiming to be a central agency in driving

academic services for the communities. The institute

RMUTL's Scholarships and Support
focuses on transferring scientific knowledge, technology,
Programs for Underprivileged Students
and innovation that aligns with the university's context of

professionalism and technology. It also aims to respond to The university offers scholarships and aid to financially

the local needs of the community and society, aiming to disadvantaged students whose average household

reduce inequality and support the socially disadvantaged income does not exceed 3,000 baht per person per

both inside and outside the university. Moreover, it aims to month. This assistance helps underprivileged students to

help develop the economy, society, and households to access education and develop their skills in occupations,

escape poverty and lead a better life. empowering them to become self-reliant. The university

collaborates with the Equitable Education Fund (EEF) to

Fostering Sustainable Community cover tuition fees, as well as monthly expenses such as
Development living costs, books and school supplies, study-related

expenses, and accommodation. For diploma-level

The university has initiated a "RMUTL School in
students, the monthly scholarship amount is 6,500 baht,
Community" project in collaboration with the Royal Project
while for higher vocational certificate-level students, it is
Foundation and surrounding areas of responsibility. This
7,500 baht per month. Additionally, the university provides
initiative aligns with the Royal Project's objectives of
scholarships for bachelor's and master's degree students
educating and developing villagers in the highlands.
from Cambodia, as per the royal initiative of Her Royal
Additionally, university faculty and staff can contribute to
Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn.
providing knowledge to Royal Project personnel, villagers,

and local youth. This assistance aids in cultivating careers

and nurturing a new generation of farmers, including those

returning to the vicinity of the Royal Project. The program

helps younger generations to study in the area and

practice in their gardens or animal farms, fostering

practical skills and problem-solving abilities. Furthermore,

students can earn credits in the university's credit bank,

which can be transferred for further studies leading to a

certificate or bachelor's degree. This project is

instrumental in fostering the development of farmers and

community members, enhancing their career prospects,

and elevating their agricultural production levels. It also

contributes to the enhancement of professional

expertise, enabling individuals to break free from the

poverty cycle.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Zero Hunger

In recent years, RMUTL has initiated various university Tackling Food Waste on RMUTL Campuses

policies to tackle issues concerning food insecurity such to Reduce Excessive Food Consumption

as supporting students’ projects in organic farming on and Prevent Food Shortage

campus to encourage sustainable food production and
environmentally-friendly consumption. RMUTL promotes Excessive food consumption is one of the major issues
the “Stop Food Waste” policy as a means to reduce that causes food waste on RMUTL campuses. In the long
excessive food consumption and food waste on campus run, a lack of effective food waste management could
and also implement campus food waste tracking as a lead to a shortage of food consumption. RMUTL has
system to minimize food waste. In addition, RMUTL has acknowledged this issue and realized the urgent need to
created awareness about food value, hygienic food, and take the initial steps to prevent this foreseen future in many
nutrition through food hygiene training workshops for ways such as having a policy to “Stop Food Waste”. This
students and university staff. Along with these, the “Bank attempts to encourage RMUTL staff and students to be
of Goodwill” is provided to share food, water, life assets, aware of food value and issues involved in food insecurity.
and vegetable seeds for campus students and those who In addition to the implementation of the “Stop Food
are in need. Waste” Policy, RMUTL has also financially invested in
putting up waste bins across campuses for the separation
Campus Food Waste Tracking of waste into general, recycled, hazardous, and
composed waste categories to build awareness of staff
In 2022, RMUTL has been keeping records of food and students regarding the urgent need of effective
waste. Comparing the amount of food waste in 2019 and waste management.
2022, it appears that the current policies on food and food
waste management are effective in reducing the
excessive food consumption on campus. However, the
data from 2020 and 2021 are not informative because the
campus is mostly closed for onsite learning due to
Covid-19 situations.

Furthermore, canteen staff and shopkeepers across

campuses are required to report the amount of waste
generated per day. The waste report is then taken for
calculation. This policy is promoted to help minimize the
amount of waste produced from university food

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Zero Hunger

Smart Consumption and The Green CISAT:

“Bank of Goodwill”: Our source of
An Organic Farming Project on RMUTL equality and sharing of food, water, and
Campuses life assets for campus students and those
who are in need.”
To address the need to promote healthy and
sustainable food production on campuses, the College of RMUTL has played a significant role as a food bank
Integrated Science and Technology (CISAT), one of center of goodwill in initiating and participating in events
RMUTL's campuses supports students’ projects “Smart and working with all sectors in society. These activities are
Consumption” and “The Green CISAT” to promote organized as a measure to prevent, relieve, and fight
sustainable farming in the campus. This activity offers against hunger both in time of crisis and peace.

dormitory staff, students, and canteen staff organic foods 2022 Was the year of anxiety, uncertainty, fear, and
from students’ smart and green farming projects. Along gradual recuperation from the effects of COVID-19 the
with this activity, nutritionists are invited to organize a period of which countless families and businesses were
workshop for canteen staff. Dormitory students are facing unprecedented falls and dangers. Youths were
involved in the preparation of soil, sowing, and adding caught in the state of despair. People around the world
organic fertilizer. Vegetables from this organic farming were left mentally wounded and financially deprived.

project are given to canteen staff to prepare free lunch Thailand, apart from being affected directly in the
and dinner for dormitory staff and students in CISAT, economy from the pandemic, has also faced numerous
especially students from less privileged groups and disastrous floods in various parts of the country. The
students who lack access to nutritious and hygienic food. situation has been made more dire by political unrests and
Some of the remaining vegetables are used for cooking riots in the neighboring Myanmar which resulted in
free lunch boxes for visitors who occasionally visit the refugees crossing the border into Thailand. The areas in
campus for events such as offering merit to monks. which the refugees come seeking help are in the vicinity of
RMUTL campuses, such as Tak, or Chiang Rai, etc. Once in
Thailand, the refugees either legally or illegally find jobs to
survive. The legally employed refugees in Chiang Mai, in
which RMUTL main campus is located, are numbered
147,069, according to the data from the Department of
Employment as of December 2022.

Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna initiated a project to provide clean drinking

water to villagers affected by flooding in the Sam Ngao District of Tak Province. The
university dispatched a vehicle equipped for producing and distributing drinking water
within the area. More details about this initiative can be found on the Institute for
Technology Transfer to the Community's website (

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Zero Hunger

Alternative food choice

RMUTL is a learning institute that encourages learning
and activities for the community from inside and outside
the classroom. This is according to the mission of the
university which aims to create the campus as “the second
home for students and staff”. Therefore, it is pivotal that
food is given utmost priority, the university guarantees that
the food served on campus has the highest possible
quality, the cheapest price, hygiene, and organic food
sources. Food production and water purification for
Academic Services Department of the Education Division at Rajamangala University of consumption is guaranteed to be high quality. There is also
Technology Lanna, Nan, provided vegetable garden seeds in Thung Chang District, Nan
Province. More information about this initiative can be found on the Rajamangala
a variety of food to be served regardless of religion,
University of Technology Lanna Nan website ( preferences, trending, or belief. Canteens on RMUTL
campuses offer food that caters to everyone’s
preferences such as halal, vegetarian, and vegan foods.

Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna deployed drinking water production

vehicles to assist the people affected by flooding in Nong Hoi Subdistrict Municipality.
Further details about this effort can be found on the Rajamangala University of
Technology Lanna website (

As seen from instances above, RMUTL, being one of the

organizations under the supervision of the Thai
government, needs to act according to the required
duties and its specialties. Furthermore, the university can
subsequently use this as a way to reach the set goals of
SDGs, by which it can involve different offices and
departments of the university to perform as an agent of
cooperation by sharing knowledge, providing assistances
and support through various projects, activities, food
funds, vegetable farms, distributions of drinking water,
and funds for life. These assets are reachable for all and at
the same time are distributed throughout the country
from national level down to local community, without
discrimination against race, gender, age, region, or

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Zero Hunger

Healthy and Affordable Food Choices

Food ingredients such as meat, vegetables, fruits, and
seasonings are selected from organic sources or those
that are produced organically. This is one of the rules that
the committee for Food and Drink Quality Control is trying
to drive which is under the supervision of Office of Asset
Administration. Initially, RMUTL had set the requirements
for the shops that were interested in opening business on
campus. The applicant shops had to meet the standards RMUTL also helps to uplift the quality of life of the local
set by the university: cheap price, food preparation, community through research. In 2022, two major research
ingredient sources, food presentation. These procedures were carried out on the “Development for improving the
were under the supervision of food science experts.
quality of life of the elderly under the context of highland
Food Production and Innovation, College of Integrated fishing to promote the competitiveness of communities
Science and Technology, has worked in collaboration with at the grassroots economic level in the area of Nan
the Office of Asset Administration to organize training Province” and “Project for the production of walleye fish to
programs for the shopkeepers in the university and at the increase the quality of life of the community”.
same time set the regulations for quality control to be
conducted on a regular basis. The procedure is set with
the purpose for the best quality of food and water for
students, staff, and visitors to university.

Training and Workshops for Local Farmers

and Food Producers: Uplift Local Farmers
and Food Producers’ Knowledge and
The Department of Technology Transfer, RMUTL
organized free training courses for local farmers and food
producers in 4 operational workshops, including 1) raising
catfish in plastic cages 2) raising frogs in plastic cages 3)
raising black tailed chickens, and 4) making soils for

These workshops were organized at Sufficiency

Economy Learning Centers, The Department of
Technology Transfer, RMUTL on 26-27 July 2022 and 4-5
August 2022.

These free training courses invited public or those who

were interested to develop their career or those who
wanted to change careers to learn and share their
knowledge and skills with RMUTL farming and agricultural

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Zero Hunger

Events for local farmers and food producers

Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, led by
Asst. Prof. Worachet Wansiang, Industrial Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of
Technology Lanna, delivered rose water and herbal
extraction technology to the Royal Thung Reng Project
Development Center. On July 2, 2022, the processing
group used extraction technology to produce raw
materials to be processed into food, beverage and
cosmetics, enhancing the quality of life of local
communities, society and drive the economy of the
community sustainably.

Stimulating Local Economy and Supporting

Local Businesses
Being the university for community, RMUTL helps to
support local businesses and stimulate local economy
such as buying local products like “sa paper”, a famous
type of paper from Sankhampang district in Chiang Mai, to
make New Year gift packs for visitors and media persons.

RMUTL also helps the community in product

development such as packaging design, re-branding,
research and development of product quality, etc., for
example, tea leaves, flowers, fruits, and vegetable from
Doi Ang Khang mountains were taken for product
development and branding as Royal Project. This helps to
elevate the quality of local products, increase its values,
and encourage sustainable farming.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health and Well-being
การมสีขุ ภาพและความเป็นอยูท

Good Health and Well-being RMUTL also raises awareness about mental health issues
and has various projects in place to provide support for
Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna aims at students dealing with mental health challenges. For
ensuring that the university remains a welcoming and instance, the university organizes training seminars to
reliable second home for all students and staff. There is educate individuals on stress management related to
also a strong emphasis on the sense of responsibility, with work or academic pressure. Additionally, guidance and
the university fostering partnerships with organizations, counselling services are available to offer advice on
institutions, and agencies involved in healthcare at the academic matters.
local, national, and international levels to improve the
health and well-being of students, staff, community These efforts reflect RMUTL's unwavering commitment
members, displaced individuals, refugees, and other to ensuring that the policies, projects, and activities
vulnerable groups.
undertaken yield tangible results, contributing to the
These efforts include physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of all individuals.
Initiatives to provide access to healthcare services, This commitment further strengthens the university's
examinations, treatment, and counseling for physical and intellectual foundation, fostering an environment
mental health, either on an annual basis (1-2 times/year) or conducive to sustainable growth and endless possibilities.
upon request and as needed
Establishment of a medical center within the university,
equipped with doctors, nurses, and psychologists
available across all educational areas
Formation of healthcare partnerships with leading
hospitals, enabling students and staff to access
healthcare services as per their entitlements under the
framework of social insurance and various insurances,
including access to a standard dental center 1-2 times/
Promotion of health and hygiene through the provision of
open spaces for recreational activities, sports, and sports
competitions, along with monitored cafeterias/shops
adhering to the principles of good nutrition, safe
ingredients, and a variety of affordable and palatable
Establishment of a fund to provide assistance based on
human rights principles, encompassing educational
funds, food and water provisions, clean water production
and distribution, housing development projects, winter
clothing provisions, and more, both in times of crisis and
under normal circumstances.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education
การศึ ่เท่าเที

Empowering Education for All RMUTL Lifelong Learning

With the aim of providing learning opportunities for all, Regarding lifelong learning, RMUTL has established
RMUTL offers a variety of courses that can be categorized regulations that aim to increase the number and broaden
into four educational levels: vocational certificate, higher the range of learners. The university is currently developing
vocational certificate, bachelor's degree, and master's short courses to provide local communities with access to
degree. This diverse range of courses enables us to deliver and education on various new technologies, such as
quality education to individuals from 15-year-old students agricultural and fine art courses. These initiatives are
to middle-aged individuals. In the academic year 2022, expected to improve both the productivity and quality of
RMUTL provided 179 programs for admission, granting life for local residents.
4,169 new students the opportunity to access quality
education equally.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Gender Equality

RMUTL deems to be a “safe space” for people of

different genders. We welcome everyone with open arms
and treat them with respect and equality.

We consider all students, personnel, and the global

population as "humans" with the freedom to choose their
dreams and the right to equality, fostering mutual
understanding and peace.
Freedom to dress and express one's identity based on
gender appropriateness
Provision of a platform for showcasing diverse talents
Admission to education or employment without
discrimination based on personality or sexual orientation
Support, advocacy, mobilization, and celebration for
emerging equality
Focus on competence rather than gender or ethnicity in
administrative positions
Promotion of understanding and knowledge on diversity
in various relationships, such as student-to-student,
student-to-teacher, university-to-society, and graduate-
to-business establishments
Equal access to opportunities and fair access to various
funds or support
Establishment of gender-appropriate facilities meeting
reasonable needs
Maternity and childcare leave available to students on a
full-time or part-time basis without graduation duration
Establishment of a confidential channel for receiving
feedback, complaints, and opinions through direct
management communication
Placement of psychologists in various educational
management areas to provide appropriate counseling on
all issues.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Clean Water and Sanitation

Water is essential for life. His Majesty King Rama IX Promoting Sustainable Water Management
emphasized its significance in his royal speech on March
17, 1986, at Chitralada Royal Villa, stating that water is vital Moreover, the university has supported water resource
for human existence. Rajamangala University of management through various projects and activities. The
Technology Lanna, established with the royal grace of His Science Department at Rajamangala University of
Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, aims to produce Technology Lanna Nan recently organized a training
graduates dedicated to serving society. The university session on water management using the Internet of Things
actively engages in academic services, aligning with His for students, graduates, and farmers in Nan Province. This
Majesty's aspirations and collaborating with the initiative is part of the larger project "Digital agriculture
government, private sectors, and communities, learning center on water management using solar energy
particularly in natural resource management and water IoT technology for growing local herbs." The project aims
resource assistance. to foster a comprehensive understanding of intelligent
water management, product transformation, and online
Promoting Sustainable Water Management marketing, empowering participants to become
proficient in modern agriculture or Smart-Farm practices.
To ensure sustainable water management and
sanitation systems, the university has implemented
various strategies, including promoting agricultural
production, ensuring efficient energy use, and fostering
economic growth while prioritizing natural resource
conservation. RMUTL emphasizes the importance of
responsible resource use in line with the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), integrating this principle into
academic works and knowledge transfer initiatives
facilitated by the Strategic Prototype Unit (SPU) and the Water Production Aid for Flood-Affected

Southern Under the Royal Benevolence Group. Communities

Furthermore, the university actively contributes to relief
efforts during times of crisis, such as providing a mobile
drinking water production system (Hydro Pure) to support
villagers affected by flooding in the Sam Ngao District, Tak
Province. This intervention followed a recent rainfall event
that resulted in the overflowing of water reservoirs and
dams, affecting numerous villages and agricultural areas
downstream. Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna
swiftly responded to the crisis, providing vital assistance
to the affected communities in Tak Province.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Affordable and Clean Energy

ุ คนเข้าถึ

Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna is a RMUTL Brings Light and Education to

leading professional and technological university that Marginalized Communities

focuses on producing graduate practitioners. The goal is
Marginalized areas in Thailand still lack educational
to enhance the quality of life in communities and societies
opportunities and necessary development. People in
in a sustainable manner within the northern region (Area
these communities rely on agriculture and animal
Based). The university aims to achieve this by developing
husbandry for survival. The University's efforts in these
and promoting the integration of teaching and learning
areas include 1) conducting a survey of energy sources to
among teachers, staff, and students, as well as offering
design an appropriate energy production system,
short career courses to improve knowledge
revealing that the area uses energy from water and
infrastructure, promote economic development, and
sunlight and 2) designing usage periods for different
build a skilled workforce in rural and marginalized
activities such as promoting online teaching during the
daytime and using electricity for teaching activities, rice
RMUTL Helps Communities Combat Water
milling machines, and household lighting and street
Shortages Through Sustainable Agriculture lighting in the village during the night. These initiatives aim
to promote education and improve the quality of life in
In the northern region of Thailand, agriculture serves as
marginalized areas sustainably.
the primary occupation. However, the community faces
challenges due to water shortages for agriculture caused
by changes in global weather conditions, resulting in heavy
rainfall or drought. These changes impact agricultural
production and the spatial economy. To address these
issues, a group was formed to manage water resources,
pooling their resources to purchase oil for water pumping
into the reservoir. Rajamangala University of Technology
Lanna is involved in this initiative by 1) offering a career
course that promotes the use of clean energy and
transfers knowledge about the design of the field
pajamas system to empower young people and farmers
and 2) facilitating the cooperation of government
agencies, the Khuean Phak Subdistrict Administrative
Organization, and a group of farmers to design and
construct a solar cell water pumping plant to support
agricultural production in the area.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Decent Work and Economic Growth
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Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna has a Policy on Human Resource Management

vision to be a leading university in professional and
The university gives importance to human resource
technological fields, producing graduate practitioners to
management, considering it a highly valuable asset
raise the quality of life of communities, localities, and
for university development. Operating under the
society sustainably. This vision is supported by three main
Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Regulations
missions consistent with SDG
on Personnel Management for Employees in Higher
Organizing vocational and technological education and
Education Institutions, published in 1990 (Issue 2), 2012
producing professional teachers both nationally and
(Issue 3), 2016 (Issue 4), and 2017 (Issue 4), the university has
internationally, focusing on cultivating graduates who are
a policy to operate based on principles of good
moral, ethical, and self-reliant, and serving as an academic
governance, honesty, transparency, and equality
refuge for countries, regions, and communities in both the
throughout the organization. This is aimed at fostering trust
public and private sectors
and confidence among personnel, encouraging a
Producing research work that creates and applies
participatory process within the university community. The
knowledge, generating innovation or intellectual property
university emphasizes three key aspects:
that responds to the national strategy needs of society,
communities, public and private sectors, and the country
Human development: fostering morale and
Providing academic services that focus on transferring
scientific knowledge, technology, and innovation in line
Work development: promoting collaboration
with the university's context of professionalism and
Resource support: strengthening resources.
technology, while responding to local needs of the
community and society.

Enhancing Personnel Well-being and

Maximizing Potential
In 2022, the university has collaborated with the public
The university has a policy to enhance the quality of life
and private sectors, including domestic and international
and elevate the potential of its personnel, while also
educational institutions, to carry out academic and
fostering cooperation, unity, equality, and morale. The aim
research projects. These efforts aim to support the
is to create happiness for university personnel in a win-win
development of students and personnel, equipping them
manner, with the goal of providing personnel with a good
with skills, knowledge, abilities, and social responsibility
quality of life in every dimension. The university places
necessary for producing quality graduates and
importance on both physical and mental health,
practitioners for the labor market. Additionally, the
considering them crucial to society and the environment.
university supports all faculties in conducting research and
It aims to provide an appropriate and equal quality of life
academic service projects to transfer professional and
for university personnel, including fair and adequate
technological knowledge to the community, thereby
remuneration in accordance with the law. A university
fostering careers and enhancing the quality of community
provident fund has been established to promote
products. This initiative includes various establishments
progress and stability in the work of personnel in a
and networks dedicated to developing individuals, jobs,
systematic way and to ensure a safe working environment.
and areas that align with national development and social
Additionally, the university encourages personnel to
progress, ultimately fostering sustainable learning.
prioritize their health, providing facilities such as gyms,
volleyball courts, football fields, and organizing various
health promotion activities.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Decent Work and Economic Growth
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Promoting Personnel Development and

The Faculty and Civil Servant Council

Academic Advancement at the University

The university prioritizes the promotion of the The university has appointed faculty representatives
development of its personnel's potential. It has a plan to elected from all six areas of the university. Their duty is to
foster the growth of the faculty and educational personnel serve as a hub for exchanging opinions within the university
of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna in both the community and proposing creative approaches for
short and long term. This plan is designed to align with the systematic university development. They also strive to
development needs of the faculty and educational promote career stability and a high quality of life for
personnel and continuously meet genuine needs, in university personnel, fostering the development of their
accordance with professional standards, the university professional potential. Additionally, these representatives
mission, and specific requirements. For instance, it act as conduits for receiving opinions, suggestions, and
supports teachers and educational personnel in pursuing providing personnel information. The Faculty and Civil
higher education domestically and abroad through both Servant Council committee convenes once every two
full and partial scholarships. The university also provides months to deliberate on various issues. The Faculty
support for research, services, and academic endeavors Council President reports the information to the President
aimed at generating new knowledge and enhancing and the University Council, while also monitoring
professional competencies, facilitated through the performance and disseminating relevant information to
Research Promotion Fund. Moreover, the university personnel.
supports faculty members in producing academic works
to enhance their academic positions and assists President Hotline
educational personnel in taking on increased workloads to
The university maintains an online direct hotline to the
advance to higher positions. This support includes the
president at This serves
establishment of a fund to promote the production of
as a communication channel for students, teachers, staff,
academic works and the determination of appropriate
personnel, and stakeholders to submit comments,
and sufficient workloads.

suggestions, complaints about issues, and reports of

Additionally, the university has established mechanisms
corruption. The university has assigned staff to manage
and incentives for personnel who align with the
this hotline. Once information is received, it is presented to
organization's mission and goals, enabling them to
the President for consideration and necessary action, and
achieve success commensurate with their abilities and
the results are communicated back to the provided email
potential. It has a compensation system and benefits that
or telephone number. Alternatively, matters can be
are appropriate and in line with the economic situation.
submitted directly to the central office, specifically the
The university has also implemented a system for
Office of the President on the 2nd floor of Rajamangala
monitoring and evaluating development, ensuring a
University of Technology Lanna.
transparent and merit-based consideration system.

In 2022, the university initiated a project to develop the

potential of students and personnel in academics,
research, and professional skills. This project consisted of
eight initiatives with a budget of 94,509,460 baht.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Decent Work and Economic Growth
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Project to Support Job Creation and Yuwapat Rak Thin Project, Power of 2

Careers (RMUTT Lanna) for the year 2022

In 2022, the university implemented 51 academic The university collaborates with the Government
service projects and 225 research projects. The notable Savings Bank to execute the Yuwapat Rak Thin Project,
projects that the university has facilitated for job creation Power of 2, accessible at The
and career development include: Project to Drive primary objective is to encourage faculty and students to
Economic Recovery and Foundations Post-COVID with work together as a team, devising projects that address
the BCG Economy (U2T for BCG)
economic issues at the grassroots level. This initiative aims
The university executed a project to drive economic to generate employment and careers for community
recovery and establish foundations post-COVID, known groups across various localities, utilizing knowledge in
as the BCG economy (U2T for BCG). This project received science, technology, and modern innovation to enhance
budgetary support from the Office of the Permanent and leverage local wisdom and resources to their full
Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, potential. The goal is to add value to products to meet
Research, and Innovation for a duration of 9 months, market demands, fostering stable careers and sustainable
starting from July 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023. The initiative income, supported by 80,000 baht for operational
leveraged the knowledge of existing personnel, expenses each.
technology, and innovation, along with collaboration with
Team 1 - SMILING: Bringing Smiles to Ban Rai Dong: This
provincial-level agencies, local government
interdisciplinary innovation community enterprise group
organizations, and other relevant entities. This
operates in Ban Rai Dong, Saraphi District, Chiang Mai
comprehensive approach integrated the area's

biodiversity and cultural diversity to elevate the economic

Team 2 - Youth Volunteers Developing Tourism in the
and social status, enhance the potential and
Karen Community: This team operates in Mai Pa Miang
competitiveness of the manufacturing and service
Community Enterprise Group, encompassing Village No.
sectors, and develop a skilled workforce equipped with
2 and Village No. 5, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai Province.

the necessary competencies for current employment

Team 3 - Sai Fai Lai Tho Jai: This team focuses on the
demands. The project effectively increased and sustained
Karen ethnic group, specifically the visually impaired in
employment opportunities for graduates and local
Omkoi District, Chiang Mai Province.

individuals, resulting in increased income levels and

Team 4 - PromptPay: Hot Processed Food Group, Hot
contributing to poverty reduction. In 2022, the university
District, Chiang Mai Province

executed various projects, including the community

Team 5 - Prai-Wet: Community Enterprise Group, Thai
product upgrade project, agricultural skill promotion and
Herbal Processing Group in Ban Luk, Mueang District,
development project, agricultural technology and
Lamphun Province

product processing project, and the Tourist Attraction

Team 6 - Gen New Technology: This community
Development Project. These initiatives collectively
enterprise group is engaged in the production of Khao
impacted 176 sub-districts in 6 northern provinces, while
Taen Watermelon Juice for Health, located in Ban Saraphi,
actively promoting and marketing products and services
Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai Province.
through distribution channels, resulting in income
generation for no less than 15 sub-districts. This effort
facilitated employment for 4,740 individuals, including
graduates and local residents, and prepared a range of
365 products for commercial release, such as;

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Decent Work and Economic Growth
ีณุ ค่าและการเติ

Institute for Technology Transfer to

On August 4, 2022, the institute facilitated a technology
the Community transfer workshop for the community. Rajamangala
University of Technology Lanna organized a workshop on
The university houses an institute dedicated to
soil cultivation as part of the project to enhance
transferring technology to the community. This institute
sufficiency agricultural plots at the Royal Initiative
serves as the primary agency tasked with supporting
Demonstration Center in Doi Saket, with the aim of
operations related to the dissemination of scientific
creating careers, increasing income, and reducing daily
knowledge, technology, innovation, and various
living expenses.
professional skills tailored to meet the needs of the local
community and society. Alongside the faculties and
colleges, the institute engaged in a series of continuous
activities throughout the past year, 2022. The notable
activities conducted are as follows:

On December 14, 2022, an academic service activity

was organized to impart knowledge and foster critical
thinking skills and innovation for the Tai Lue community at
the Tai Lue Thai Wisdom Learning Center, located in Ban
Bai Bun, Ban Luang Nuea, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai

On September 19 - 23, 2022, a training workshop was

conducted, focusing on setting up professional groups
for farmers involved in Bhutan oyster mushroom and black
oyster mushroom cultivation. This initiative was part of the
project to apply the Royal Project principles of practice in
the expansion area of the Ban Kha Jao community,
situated in Fa Ham Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chiang Mai

On August 20 and 21, 2022, Rajamangala University of

Technology Lanna, in collaboration with the Institute for
Technology Transfer to the Community and the Faculty of
Business Administration and Liberal Arts, conducted a
training workshop in association with the Royal Project
Development Center Le Tor. The workshop focused on
studying the context and analyzing tourism potential,
designing tourist routes, and developing tourism
programs based on local identity for the communities
surrounding the Le Tor Royal Project Development Center,
located in Mae Tuen Subdistrict, Mae Ramat District, Tak

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
อุตสหกรรม นวัตกรรม โครงสร้างพื

The transformation of Thai higher education institutions c. Research and Innovation by creating technologies and
(Re-inventing University) is currently considered an innovations that improve the quality of life, society, and
important goal of Thai education policy. It is a project of economy at both community and industrial levels.

the Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of d. Internationalization by developing concrete
Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation cooperation with leading universities and international
(OHEC) that requires higher education institutions to private organizations.

undergo administrative system reform, modify the e. Platform creation by fostering cooperation with other
curriculum, and modernize teaching methods, all aimed at agencies through a Quadruple Helix system.
strengthening the country's competitiveness through
To oversee and support the movement of professional
research and innovation. This initiative aims to produce
and technological personnel and ensure alignment with
high-quality manpower by promoting, supporting, and
the strategic work of Rajamangala University of
allocating budgets for higher education institutions to
Technology Lanna, a working group has been established,
excel in accordance with their individual strengths, which
namely the Strategy Group of Rajamangala University of
align with the country's development direction. The goal is
Technology Lanna (Strategy Prototype Unit: SPU). This
to create points of differentiation based on expertise and
group supervises and monitors operations related to the
variety according to the mission and expertise under the
re-inventing university and supports effective, flexible,
mechanism of five platforms
agile, and transparent collaboration with entrepreneurs.
Quality development of teaching and learnin
The group oversees the following key areas
Development and recruitment of personne
Project work on the potential resource management
platform of the Rajamangala University of Technology
Research and innovation management

Group to reform the country's workforce development

Creation of a cooperation platform, categorizing
system (Talent Resource Management: TRM).
universities across the country into five groups as follows:
Program work to support technology and innovation
Group 1: The world's leading research development group
development in the Rajamangala University of Technology
Group 2: Technology Development Group and Innovation Lanna Network (Innovation and Technology Assistance
Promotion Group
Program: ITAP).
Group 3: Local community development group or other Project work to encourage research personnel in higher
education institutions to solve problems and increase
Group 4: Development of wisdom and morality with production capacity for the industrial sector (Talent
religious principles
Mobility: TM).
Group 5: Production and development of professional Project work to study guidelines for developing
personnel in specific fields

mechanisms to transform operations in technological

higher education institutions in the upper northern region
a. Manpower by producing highly skilled practitioner to meet national development needs (Reinventing
graduates and entrepreneurs who meet the country's University).

b. Brainpower by creating and developing personnel,

including the recruitment of highly skilled personnel in
each field of study.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
อุตสหกรรม นวัตกรรม โครงสร้างพื

The work group has driven and supported various During the project organization, the group worked with
projects and activities at both internal units and faculty the president of the community enterprise, an Agricultural
levels. For instance, the SPU Strategy Group attended a Extension Specialist Officer responsible for the farmers'
meeting to visit the area, monitoring the performance of market. They provided information about the community
the Pre-TM project, and assessing the needs of business enterprises and addressed the needs for further research
establishments for further research. This visit and product introduction. The community enterprises
encompassed business establishments in Chiang Mai primarily sold their products in the form of roasted coffee
Province, including community enterprises such as Tea beans and had developed ready-to-drink instant coffee
and Coffee Growers Quality of Ban Pok, Huai Kaew products. The enterprise group aimed to enhance their
Subdistrict, Mae On District, and Ban Huai Bong Organic products' quality and value. The community actively
Farming Group Community Enterprise, Tha Nuea participated in evaluating the strengths and weaknesses
Subdistrict. of the Ban Mae Pok coffee-growing enterprise group,
contributing to the development of a coffee bean extract
Enhancing Product Value and Sustainability
prototype using ultrasonic sound waves at a frequency of
in Coffee and Baby Corn Industries 40 kHz, serving as a guideline for further product

On November 7, 2022, the SPU Strategy Group at

Regarding the progress of the project by the Ban Huai
Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, together
Bong Organic Farming Community Enterprise, the group
with the team, followed up on the results of operations
of farmers produced an excessive amount of baby corn,
under the personnel movement project. This initiative
leading to economic challenges and low prices of
aimed to enhance research potential in the industrial
agricultural products. Recognizing this issue, the
sector, solving problems and increasing production
researchers worked on extending the value of the raw
capacity. The following projects were reviewed
materials by evaluating the possibility of developing
The "Development of guidelines for coffee extract
healthy products from baby corn. Consequently, they
products from coffee beans to be used as functional
experimented with various pretreatment conditions for
ingredients" project, led by Miss Wasitha Ratchakhom, in
ready-to-eat baby corn products, aiming to produce
collaboration with the Tea and Coffee Growers Quality of
consumer-approved products. The researchers explored
Ban Pok, Huai Kaew Subdistrict, Mae On District, Chiang
appropriate conditions for developing a healthy food
Mai Province
prototype from baby corn, using freeze-drying as a
The "Development of baby corn into a high-value food
guideline for further community product development.

product in the form of healthy food" project, led by Ms.

Atchara Chaiya, in collaboration with the Ban Huai Bong
Organic Farming Group Community Enterprise, Tha Nuea
Subdistrict, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
อุตสหกรรม นวัตกรรม โครงสร้างพื

Driving Sustainable Innovations: Synthesizing

During the project organization, the group worked with
the BCG Economy through Collaborative Research
the president of the community enterprise, an Agricultural
and Knowledge Exchange Extension Specialist Officer responsible for the farmers'
market. They provided information about the community
On December 8, 2022, Assistant Professor Dr.
enterprises and addressed the needs for further research
Nopporn Patcharaprakiti, the Director of the Research
and product introduction. The community enterprises
and Development Institute, chaired the opening of the
primarily sold their products in the form of roasted coffee
workshop titled "Synthesize and Exchange Knowledge:
beans and had developed ready-to-drink instant coffee
Driving the BCG Economy with Research and Innovation."
products. The enterprise group aimed to enhance their
The workshop was conducted as part of the Bioeconomy
products' quality and value. The community actively
Potential Research and Development Project, focusing
participated in evaluating the strengths and weaknesses
on the circular economy and green economy of
of the Ban Mae Pok coffee-growing enterprise group,
Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna. The event
contributing to the development of a coffee bean extract
fostered an open and proactive innovation process in
prototype using ultrasonic sound waves at a frequency of
collaboration with the Chutrapakee Alliance Network,
40 kHz, serving as a guideline for further product
taking place between December 8 and 9, 2022, at the

Chiang Saeng Conference Room, Duangtawan Hotel,

Regarding the progress of the project by the Ban Huai
Chiang Mai Province.

Bong Organic Farming Community Enterprise, the group

The primary objective of the workshop was to
of farmers produced an excessive amount of baby corn,
synthesize knowledge and create a roadmap for research
leading to economic challenges and low prices of
and innovation in the realms of the bioeconomy, circular
agricultural products. Recognizing this issue, the
economy, and green economy of Rajamangala University
researchers worked on extending the value of the raw
of Technology Lanna. Additionally, the workshop featured
materials by evaluating the possibility of developing
a special lecture on "The Role of Universities in Driving the
healthy products from baby corn. Consequently, they
New Economic Model BCG" by Associate Professor Dr.
experimented with various pretreatment conditions for
Pitiwat Wattanachai, Acting Director of the Science and
ready-to-eat baby corn products, aiming to produce
Technology Park, Chiang Mai University. Participants
consumer-approved products. The researchers explored
engaged in workshops to exchange knowledge and
appropriate conditions for developing a healthy food
contribute to the research roadmap. The Quadruple Helix
prototype from baby corn, using freeze-drying as a
alliance network was divided into four groups, including
guideline for further community product development.

agriculture and food, energy and materials, health and

medical, and tourism and service groups, with the
participation of universities, government agencies,
private sector entities, establishments, enterprises, and

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Reduced Inequality

Inclusive Education for Disabled Students Promoting Accessibility and Support for

Disabled Students
Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna (RMUTL) is
actively committed to the principles of Sustainable RMUTL's policies and strategies prioritize accessibility
Development Goal 10 (SDG 10), which aims to reduce for people with disabilities. The university's commitment
inequality within and among countries. RMUTL's initiatives to providing support services and facilities that cater to
in support of SDG 10 are evident through the following the diverse needs of disabled students reflects its
actions: dedication to reducing inequality and promoting
inclusivity. The Disabled Student Service Center (DSS)
The Disabled Student Promotion and Service Center at
serves as a vital resource for disabled students, offering
RMUTL has implemented a plan to facilitate the admission
assistance and guidance to ensure their successful
of disabled students. This initiative ensures that students
integration into the academic environment.

with disabilities have equal opportunities to pursue

Through these efforts, RMUTL actively contributes to
education at various levels, including Vocational
creating an inclusive and equitable educational
Certificate, Higher Vocational Certificate, and Bachelor's
environment, ensuring that individuals with disabilities
degree programs. By providing financial support through
have equal access to educational opportunities and
waived tuition fees and considering the specific needs of
necessary support services. By fostering an inclusive and
disabled students in the teaching and learning process,
supportive environment for disabled students, RMUTL
RMUTL promotes inclusive education, thereby
aligns with the broader objectives of SDG 10, working
contributing to SDG 10's objective of reducing
towards reducing inequalities and ensuring equal
opportunities for all.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities
เมืองและถิ่นฐานมนุษย์อย่างยัง่ ยืน

Inclusive Education for Disabled Students

Civilization represents the highest level of cultural
development, encompassing various aspects such as
recorded history, cultural refinement, and human
progress. It involves the establishment of administrative
and religious institutions, contributing to societal
integration and the quality of life. Thai national history
demonstrates the fusion of diverse civilizational principles,
including influences from Indian civilization, ancient Khmer
politics, and a legal framework that respects cultural
traditions. These cultural expressions manifest through art, RMUTL provides the general public with access to the
architecture, education, and regional identity, exemplified Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Art and
in the northeastern Lan Xang Trail, the southern Srivijaya Culture Exhibition Hall, showcasing various forms of local
culture, and the distinct Lanna identity in the north. arts and cultural heritage. By offering this access, RMUTL
contributes to the promotion and preservation of local
culture, fostering a sense of community pride and identity.

Chiang Mai serves as the heart of Lanna culture,

showcasing the rich cultural heritage and ethnic diversity
of the upper northern region of Thailand. Rajamangala
University of Technology Lanna, spanning six provinces,
not only provides education but also serves as a platform
for supporting and preserving local art, performances,
and cultural heritage. Emphasizing sustainable
transmission of clear regional identities, the university
contributes to the conservation and promotion of cultural
heritage and traditions.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities
เมืองและถิ่นฐานมนุษย์อย่างยัง่ ยืน

Community Development and Cultural

Preserving Tradition: The Ban Nak Forest

Preservation Temple Project in Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam

RMUTL's collaboration with the Ban Huai Sai community In the area construction design of Ban Nak Forest
in Chiang Mai Province demonstrates its commitment to Temple in Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam, Rajamangala
sustainable community development and cultural University of Technology Lanna, Chiang Mai Province, was
preservation. Through fundraising efforts for the led by Professor Phongsin Thaweepetch, an architect, and
construction of a temple, RMUTL supports the Apinan Podduangthong, an assistant architect. They were
preservation of local heritage and contributes to supported by the alumni of the Department of
community cohesion and resilience, thereby promoting Architecture and the Electrical Team, including Asst. Prof.
sustainable development within the region. Montree Ngaoadet from the Department of Electrical
Engineering. They collaborated with the abbot, Phra
Achan Aun Chittaswaro (Su Thich Ho Tam), to initiate a
project aiming to construct a hall for the preservation and
propagation of religion and arts and culture in NgocLac
District, Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. The design
concept combines Lanna architectural style with Lan Xang
architecture, incorporating elements reminiscent of the
Mekong River Basin. This temple marks the first Theravada
Buddhist temple in Vietnam. The abbot, a Vietnamese
monk ordained under the Dhammayutti sect in the forest
Preservation of Cultural Heritage Areas temple in Nong Khai province, is dedicated to promoting
Buddhism in Vietnam.
RMUTL maintains and makes accessible natural
heritage areas of cultural importance across its
campuses. These areas serve as spaces for students,
faculty, and external stakeholders to study, visit, and
engage with the cultural heritage of the region. This
initiative contributes to the preservation of cultural
identities and promotes a sense of community pride and
connection to local heritage.

Through these initiatives, RMUTL actively fosters an

inclusive and sustainable environment that promotes local
arts, culture, and heritage. By providing access to cultural
spaces and supporting community development efforts,
RMUTL contributes to the broader objectives of SDG 11,
aiming to make cities and human settlements inclusive,
safe, resilient, and sustainable.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Responsible Consumption and Production
แผนบริ ตที
โภคและการผลิ ่ยงั่ยื

Different Bins for Different Waste Types Reduction of Disposable Waste Policies &

Campaigns in Canteens
Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna
segregates all types of waste produced within the RMUTL adopts multiple strategies to minimize waste
university premises. This segregation process begins at production, particularly through waste management
various waste disposal points around the campus, policies. One such initiative mandates all university
including school buildings, office buildings, staff and cafeteria establishments to use reusable dishes and
student accommodations, the cafeteria, parking areas, cutlery, thereby reducing the use of disposable plastic
and the sports stadium. Different colored bins are utilized items. After use, students and staff return the reusable
based on the specific waste type. This system enables dishes and cutlery to designated drop-off points where
students and staff to separate waste initially, with Green food scraps are separated for further processing.
bins allocated for compostable waste, Yellow for Furthermore, RMUTL introduced the "Eat the Entire Plate"
recyclable waste, Blue for general waste, and Red for project, encouraging students and staff to consume their
hazardous waste. Subsequently, the authorities collect entire meals. This practice has significantly reduced the
the waste from different points and centralize it at the waste generated from the cafeteria.
waste management facility. RMUTL also compiles data to
track and monitor the daily and monthly amounts of each
waste type generated and reused.

Converting Food Waste into Animal Feed

RMUTL emphasizes the importance of sustainable
waste management by implementing a recycling policy
for reusable waste. Notably, all food waste from the
university's canteens is donated to local farmers at no cost
for use as animal feed, thereby reducing their feed costs
and minimizing the environmental impact of this waste.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Climate Action
การรับมื ่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมอิากาศ

Climate action refers to the collective efforts taken by

institution, governments, organizations, communities, and
individual to address and mitigate the adverse impacts of
climate change. It is a critical component of the United
Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and
plays a central role in combating global warming. Climate
action involves a wide range of activities, from reducing
greenhouse gas emissions through renewable energy
adoption and energy efficiency measures to adapting to
RMUTL Collaborations regarding

the changing climate by implementing resilient

Clean Energy
infrastructure and sustainable land-use practices. It's a
global imperative that requires international cooperation The institution has collaborated with various national
and a commitment to a sustainable, low-carbon future for agencies to jointly develop knowledge in the field of clean
the well-being of our planet and future generations. energy, energy storage systems, and new electric
vehicles. In this collaboration, the institution promotes and
develops the transfer of knowledge in engineering,
research, technology, and innovation through joint project
studies and academic data exchange to develop
knowledge in clean energy, energy storage systems, and
new electric vehicles. This collaboration also includes
capacity building and promotion of opportunities for
students to seek knowledge and enhance engineering

Educational Initiatives in Climate Change

Mitigation and Energy Conservation

The institution is aware of the importance of climate
change and is constantly involved in efforts to reduce its
impact. As an educational institution, its main
responsibility is to provide education. The institution
manages teaching by offering courses and subjects that
promote energy conservation and efficient energy use,
both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. For
example, there are courses such as Renewable Energy, Furthermore, the institution also cooperates
Energy Conservation and Management in Buildings and internationally, such as with Nanjing Vocational Institute of
Industrial Factories. Additionally, the institution regularly Transport Technology under the operation of JINGSHI
organizes seminars and conferences on Power and INSTITUTE, in collaboration with HUATEC, to develop the
Energy, both onsite and online. field of education, research, and innovation in the new
energy vehicle industry (Electric Vehicles, EV). The
collaboration aims to enhance teaching and learning
methods and conduct innovative research.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Climate Action
การรับมื ่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมอิากาศ

The institution aims to instill ideas in the youth and

promote their participation in sustainable environmental
conservation through Design Thinking activities. Under the
theme of utilizing the benefits of green energy, the
institution collaborates with private organizations to
encourage young people to create innovative models.
The goal is to cultivate environmental conservation ideas
and foster creative thinking, enabling them to design
prototypes that address environmental issues within their
communities. The institution supports funding for youth
development models, organizes creative thinking
competitions, and drives collaboration among the public,
farmers, government agencies, social organizations, and
the education sector. Together, they aim to create a
community with a quality of life that aligns with local
lifestyles and culture, addressing sustainability in all
dimensions. This includes restoring nature, generating
jobs, creating income, promoting the growth of quality
youth, knowledge transfer, establishing community
management systems, and other comprehensive and
sustainable dimensions.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Life Below Water

Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna (RMUTL) is

deeply committed to supporting the ideals outlined in

Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG 14), which

emphasizes the conservation and sustainable use of

oceans, seas, and marine resources. RMUTL's dedication

to this cause is reflected in the following initiatives:

Kong Model City Project for Sustainable

Community Development

RMUTL's Science Community Incubation (SCI) platform,

led by Dr. Nawarat Phrompatham, is actively fostering the

Kong Model City Project, an innovative village concept

aimed at promoting sustainable tourism. The project

focuses on infusing scientific principles into the local

community, nurturing a sense of self-reliance, and

cultivating "Community Innovators" who play pivotal roles

in the sustainable development of their surroundings.

Through these initiatives, RMUTL is making significant

strides in promoting the conservation and sustainable

utilization of marine resources and ecosystems. By

integrating these sustainable practices into its community

development endeavors and educational programs,

RMUTL is playing an active role in advancing the objectives

Workshop on Conservation of Local Fish of SDG 14, with a keen focus on ensuring the long-term

and Closed Systems for Fish Breeding well-being of our oceans and marine life.

Under the guidance of Assistant Professor Amornchai

Lorthongkam, RMUTL organized a comprehensive

workshop on the conservation of local fish and the

development of closed fish breeding systems. This

initiative is designed to e uip community members with

the necessary knowledge and skills for sustainable fish

farming. By emphasizing the importance of preserving

a uatic resources and promoting responsible fish farming

techni ues, RMUTL actively contributes to the

preservation and sustainable management of marine


RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Life on Land

To protect, develop, and restore the Four Because we understand that relying on natural
Elements of nature: Forest, Soil, Water, and resources as a base for development and usage to meet
Life, through the help of “public mind” to human needs is based on the principles of balanced
preserve the beauty and spirit of the land. conservation and sufficiency. This awareness comes with
appropriate knowledge that "humans can continue to live
Over the decades, Thailand has been among the group
with nature as preservers, not destroyers, on the path
of developing countries that have aimed to drive and
towards sustainability."
develop the nation, primarily focusing on the economic
dimension. The belief was that a thriving economy would
lead to improved lives and well-being for the people. This
has indeed been the case in terms of national income.
However, the rapid influx of investment in the industrial
sector has resulted in the gradual disintegration of the
modern world, leading to the accumulation of debilitating
problems that significantly impact terrestrial ecosystems.
One prominent factor is human activities, including
agriculture, industry, urban communities, and the service
and tourism sectors. These sectors have exploited natural
resources rather than coexisting harmoniously with nature.
Consequently, there has been a rapid degradation of
natural resources, leading to an alarming state of
extinction, population decline, and migration of various
species. The loss of habitat for all living beings within the
ecosystem has persisted over the past 18 years.

RMUTL plays a crucial role in human resource

development through various educational programs, as
depicted in Table 1. These programs encompass a range
of fields dedicated to the protection, development, and
restoration of natural resources and terrestrial
ecosystems across all dimensions.

Table 1: Courses Related to the Commitment to

Protect, Develop, and Restore "Forests, Soil, Water,
and All Living Things"

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Life on Land

Table 2: Area Size and Scope of Protection,

Development, and Restoration of RMUTL's

"With a wide area combined, with a proactive
"Forests, Soil, Water, and Living Creatures" mission in development, healing, and restoration,
Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna is,
therefore, like a wall and fortress. It leans in to protect
and embrace forest resources, watersheds, streams,
and terrestrial ecosystems with complete friendship,
including the protection of local animal and plant
species, ensuring they do not go extinct from being
threatened by various factors. It aims to maintain
biological diversity for a long time."

In terms of area-based management, Rajamangala

University of Technology Lanna has campuses covering a
total of 6 provinces, 8 provinces, and an educational area
of not less than 8,000 rai. Therefore, it is likely to
participate with various agencies and sectors in budget
allocation project preparation. It leads students and
personnel to participate in activities related to the
protection, development, and restoration of "forests, soil,
water, and living creatures" both within the area of
responsibility, nearby areas, and other public areas such as
national parks, basin development areas, and
agricultural areas. It uses interdisciplinary knowledge
(Interdisciplinary), including science, engineering, social
sciences, agriculture, and technical knowledge, as well as
innovation and modern technology to join the process. It
also promotes awareness among stakeholders to
understand the benefits and give back to nature in the
direction of sustainability.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Peace Justice and Strong Institution

งคมสงบสุข ยุติ
ธรรม ไม่แบ่งแยก

We believe in the Seven Pillars of Humanity: Love,

- Announcement from Rajamangala University of

generosity, humanity, morality, good governance,

Technology Lanna regarding measures to prevent bribery

honesty, academic freedom. in procurement, dated February 7, 2019.

- Announcement of Rajamangala University of Technology

Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna values

Lanna regarding guidelines for preventing conflicts of

justice and, consequently, has enacted all regulations,

interest, dated 25 April 2019.

rights, requirements, a code of ethics, and penalties that

- Project implementation plan to assess morality and

adhere to five international principles: good governance,

transparency in the operations of government agencies.

humanity, ethics, honesty, and beautiful academic

Fiscal year 2022 of Rajamangala University of Technology

freedom. It is divided into the context of personnel and


students under the belief that "When all parties have

- Declaration of honest intent. Policy on ethics and

complied with the principles of living together well, that is,

transparency in the administration of Rajamangala

not trespassing, not committing wrongdoing, not violating

University of Technology Lanna 2022

or using their freedom in a direction that exceeds the limits

- Declaration of honest intentions. Policy on ethics and

of moral rights that have been established when

transparency in the administration of Rajamangala

combined with the other two pillars of support, namely

University of Technology Lanna Separated by province

Love and giving will result in the society within the university

being peaceful and happy and being able to powerfully

create peace with the outside world through this unity." In creating peace, Rajamangala University of

Technology Lanna focuses on promoting and developing

With quite a variety of statuses and overlapping roles

morality, ethics, awareness of the value of oneself and

within RMUTL's mission, whether as an agency of the Thai

others for personnel and students, and always wor ing in k
government, an educational institution, a service and
such dimensions with outside society in a comprehensive

research agency in science, technology, and innovation, a

manner. This includes inserting morality and ethics into the

Cultural and Agricultural Promotion Center, including

teaching curriculum, listening to Dhamma, and practicing

having a status as a partner or member under various

Dhamma according to the guidelines of Buddhism.
cooperation partners, both within the country and at the
Promoting respect for principles and the principles of

international level. Therefore, the image of purity,

belief in all religions without discrimination because we

transparency, honesty, and fairness must play a part in

believe that all religions focus on peaceful coexistence

building confidence for all parts of the image and must be

based on the principle of kindness, giving, and love, which
ready to be openly examined both from outside and
is a universal language without boundaries. Access to

inside. This is the source of an Announcement of various

these things is bound to reduce problems related to

measures, such as
sexual harassment, human traffic ing, suicide, depression,

drug problems, violence against children or women, and

- Announcement of Rajamangala University of Technology

alleviating various inequality problems. It is considered

Lanna regarding anti-bribery measures to prevent

part of bringing soft power to participate in reducing

corruption and misconduct, dated February 7, 2019.

concerns and jointly solving problems in the social sector

- Announcement from Rajamangala University of

at the international level, which we believe is the most

Technology Lanna regarding measures to promote

sustainable method.
transparency in procurement, dated February 7, 2019.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Peace Justice and Strong Institution

งคมสงบสุข ยุติ
ธรรม ไม่แบ่งแยก

The final dimension to achieving this goal is to support

all freedoms for the expression of ideas and academics by

providing a forum for public dialogue, community coffee

council and network organizations, student council,

student club, academic council, alumni association,

providing research freedom, academic work, and

teaching. All of these are in the field of science, expertise,

or integration without limitations but must be within the

framework of ethics and working principles that are

appropriate and correct according to the principles of the

university, legal principles, and related social principles.

University personnel participated in the activities for the International Day of Peace.

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Partnerships for the Goals


่ ยื

Cooperation for Sustainable Development Under such circumstances, the concept of sustainable

development has been brought up in connection with the

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are

problems facing society to stimulate awareness and give

considered accessible to people of all classes and the

importance to development models for workers in all

general public. It is not just a campaign or a short-term

sectors in Thailand and abroad, whether it is integrating

activity or event but is a part of daily life for humans. It will

networks of workers to meet public health measures or

be a mechanism for driving the SDGs along with creating

accessing information at each level necessary to perform

knowledge and understanding, building skills, and having

work related to the SDGs, including academics and

an attitude towards people in society. It is considered an


important component, starting from ourselves, which will

Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, located in

be beneficial not only for us but also for future generations

the upper northern region, which is an area that

and for global society.

experiences air pollution problems each year, has realized

During the past 4-5 years, our world has faced natural
and is a part of cooperation with society for sustainable

fluctuations, global warming problems, epidemic

development goals. Rajamangala University of

situations, droughts, and floods. In addition, there is an

Technology Lanna is considered one of the universities

obvious problem, namely the issue of dust and smoke.

and higher education institutions around the world that

Global air pollution reached alarming levels in 2022. The

participate in organizing education by organizing

website IQAir analyzed the average air quality of 131

education and teaching in accordance with Sustainable

countries and territories around the world in 2022 and

development goals. In the past year 2022, Rajamangala

found that only six countries: Australia, Estonia Nea,

University of Technology Lanna has organized project

Finland, Grenada, Iceland, and New Zealand, and seven

activities related to SDG & BCG in cooperation with both

other Pacific and Caribbean territories, including Guam

government and private sector NGOs.

and Puerto Rico, had "good" air quality or an average PM

For example, Rajamangala University of Technology

2.5 not exceeding 5 micrograms per cubic meter.

Lanna, together with the Tourism Industry Council of

In Thailand, the country has been continuously affected

Chiang Mai Province, along with network partners,

by air pollution for many years. According to IQAir's 2022

associations, and tourism operators, organized the Green

report, March was the month in which PM2.5 dust values in

Tourism Exhibition 2022 under the project "Promoting the

Thailand rose the highest in the year, followed by April. The

Potential of Tourism Entrepreneurs with the BCG Economy

province with the highest annual average PM2.5 dust

Model." Another initiative was the signing of a

concentration in Thailand is Saraburi, followed by Nong

memorandum of understanding on cooperation in

Khai, Nan, Lampang, and Khon Kaen, respectively. The air

developing personnel in educational institutions between

quality index of all five provinces during March - April has

Chiang Mai Industrial Council and educational institutions

only four levels: affecting vulnerable groups at high risk,

in Chiang Mai Province, including Rajamangala University

including young children, pregnant women, the elderly,

of Technology Lanna. Results from research were

and the sick or debilitated (orange), affecting everyone

presented, focusing on outstanding and interesting

(red), high health risk level (blood red), and it is also a period
technology and innovation (RTI Pitching) by

when people in northern Thailand are at risk of health

Makawittayalai, presenting research on technology and

effects from severe air pollution.

innovation research. Bioeconomy circular economy Lanna

Green Economy (BCG Lanna Research Technology and


RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

Partnerships for the Goals


่ ยื

"Meeting to analyze potential, strategies,

and create a roadmap for RMUTL's

BCG Model research.

Project/Activity of the Research and

Development Institute for the year 2022

Organizing this meeting aims to synthesize knowledge

"Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna

and create a navigation map for the research and

signed an MOU on United Nations Sustainable

innovation of the bioeconomy, circular economy, and

Development Goals and Life Education

green economy of Rajamangala University of Technology

together with Nanhua University, Taiwan.
Lanna (RMUTL BCG Model) in four areas: Agriculture and

Food, Energy and Materials, Health and Medicine, and Learning Express 2022 workshop project in

Tourism and Creative Economy Services. The objective is collaboration with Singapore Polytechnic

to provide a plan and guideline for operations that are The Learning Express 2022 workshop project, in

consistent with the policies and strategies for higher collaboration with Singapore Polytechnic, is scheduled to

education, science, research, and innovation 2020-2027, take place between 10-21 December 2022 to promote

aligning with the context of national development to the activities of RMUTT and SP students in an

become a unit for sustainable local development." interdisciplinary team. A total of 40 students are

participating in the project (SP 20 people, Rajamangala

University of Technology Lanna 20 people) under the

supervision and guidance of professors from both

institutions, 8 people (SP 4 people, RMUTT 4 people).

Moreover, personnel and students from Nanhua

University, Taiwan, 3 people, and teachers, 8 people from

Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, also

participated in the observation

"Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna

participates in policies to prevent and

solve problems of forest fires, smog, and

small dust particles in Chiang Rai Province.

Chiang Rai Province's Internal Security Operations

Command (ISOC) has collaborated with related agencies,

such as the Administrative Department, the Conservation

Area Administration Office No. 15 (Chiang Rai), the Office

of Natural Resources and Environment (TSA), Chiang Rai

Organization, and local government, to establish a

command center for wildfire and smog disasters (Foreign

Fire Department), Chiang Rai Province, with Rajamangala

University of Technology Lanna being one of the

cooperation networks, which is in line with SDG 17.1."

RMUTL Sustainable Development Goals

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