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HR Blowers Uk LTD: Installation & Operating Manual

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a. Inspect package/crate on arrival. If any damage is apparent, notify the

carrier and report the problem to HR Blowers UK Ltd. If possible, take a
photograph of the damaged area.
b. In all cases, when the blower is removed from the packaging/crate,
check the blower for any sign of physical damage and turn the input
shaft gently to ensure it rotates freely. If in doubt, inform HR Blowers
UK Ltd immediately and if possible, photograph any signs of physical


a. Every blower is supplied with lifting lugs which should only be used
when lifting the bare shaft blower. This allows the blower to be lifted
without distortion.
b. If the blower is mounted on a baseplate, the blower lifting lugs must
NOT be used as the increased strain from the extra weight of the
baseplate may distort the blower casing and this is very likely to cause
the impellers to touch each other or the casing, with catastrophic
consequences when in operation. Either special lifting points should be
fitted to the baseplate designed to enable it to be lifted without
distortion, or it should be lifted by placing 2 equal slings, 1 under each
end of the baseplate, lifting very carefully to avoid distortion.


a. All Installation, Operating and Maintenance Personnel must read this

Manual and ensure that the Blower is installed and operated in
accordance with the instructions contained therein.
b. Check that the orientation of the blower is correct. It is supplied in
accordance with the customers instructions as stated on the order.
However, if it is necessary to change the orientation, the following
should be taken into consideration:
i. The gear end casing oil trough must be positioned such that the
lowest point of the gear is immersed in oil.
ii. For oil lubricated drive end blowers (as is normally the case on
HR Size 4 Blowers) the lower shaft must have the oil slinger
attached to it.
c. Do not remove the inlet and outlet protection covers until installation
actually commences.
d. Once these covers have been removed, it is vital that there is no
ingress of dirt or any other objects into the inlet or outlet ports at any
time. The impellers must be free of any possible obstruction as the
blower is built to have very small clearances between the impellers and
between the impellers and the casing.
e. Ensure that it is NOT connected to the electrical supply in any way,
including protection devices.


a. All personnel should understand that all Positive Displacement Blowers

are built to very fine tolerances but have definite clearances between
the moving parts. It is absolutely vital that there should be no ingress of
dirt or objects into the blower inlet or outlet as this would almost
certainly result in a catastrophic failure.
b. The Blower must be mounted on either a solid level foundation or on a
baseplate accommodating the drive motor. The foundation/Baseplate
must be level and structurally substantial to withstand vibration and to
ensure no distortion of the blower when in operation.
i. Foundation Mounting: The blower must stand on the feet fitted
to the blower and be bolted down with foundation bolts. The
foundation bolts should be grouted in and allowed to set before
installing the blower on them.
Once the blower is in position on the foundation bolts, the
blower must be shimmed under the feet with steel shims to
ensure it is level, and then tightened down evenly to ensure that
there is no distortion to the blower casing whilst it is tightened
ii. Baseplate Mounting: When the blower is mounted on a
baseplate with the drive motor, the complete baseplate must be
carefully shimmed with steel shims when mounted on the
foundation bolts to ensure it is level. The baseplate must be
tightened down evenly such that there is no distortion to the
baseplate or the blower.
c. Once the blower is in position and the foundation bolts fully tightened,
the blower should be gently rotated manually. It must rotate freely with
no tight spots and the impellers must not make contact with each other
or touch the casing. If there is a tight spot or the impellers will not rotate
freely, the cause must be investigated and remedial action taken
before continuing with the installation.


a. The normal drive arrangement is either by direct coupling the blower to

the drive motor through a flexible coupling or by driving pulleys fitted
with a vee belt drive.
b. Flexible Coupling. It is essential that the blower and drive are aligned
accurately to avoid distortion to the blower casing. The flexible coupling
should be fitted in accordance with the instructions supplied by the
c. Vee Belt Drive: Taper lock bush type pulleys are recommended. If
another type of pulley mounting is used, it must be carefully pressed on
to the shaft to avoid damage to the bearing. DO NOT USE A HAMMER
TO FIT THE PULLEY. The pulley must be mounted as close as
possible to the cover of the drive shaft bearing.


a. Once the blower has been installed and bolted down onto its
foundation, the piping can be connected. It is important that the
pipework is installed such that the pipe flanges connect freely to the
blower without any strain as this can cause distortion to the blower with
catastrophic results. Also, the pipework must be clean internally and
free from any dirt.
b. Normally, the blower is fitted with a combined Inlet Filter/Silencer and
an Exhaust Silencer, and all should be mounted as close as possible to
the appropriate flange on the blower. As for the piping, the Inlet and
Outlet Filters/Silencers must be installed without in any way putting
strain on the blower or the piping connected to the blower.
c. Ensure no dirt or objects penetrate internally within the system whilst
installing and connecting up the flanges.
d. When the blower has been installed and the pipework and
filters/silencers have been fitted, the blower must be checked again
manually that it rotates freely without tight spots or contact of moving
parts. Any problems in this respect must be investigated and remedied
e. Note; An Exhauster must be fitted with a Discharge Silencer.


a. NOTE: All blowers are despatched from HR Blowers UK Ltd factory

drained of all lubricating oil, so it is ESSENTIAL that the Gear Case
(and the Drive End Case when the drive end is oil lubricated as is
normally the case on the HR4 size) are filled with oil. Also, the drive
end bearings MUST be greased, before start up.
b. The gear end is oil lubricated on all models and also the drive end on
the HR4 size, and the gear casing (and the drive end casing on the
HR4 size) is fitted with either a blank oil level plug or a sight glass. If a
plug is fitted, remove the plug, fill with oil in the filler plug until it is full
up to the level plug level, and replace both the plugs. If a sight glass is
fitted, fill with oil in the filler plug until the oil reaches the middle of the
sight glass, then replace the filler plug. These instructions apply to both
the gear end and the drive end on the HR4 size.
d. In the event that the casing is over filled, when a level plug is fitted,
allow the excess oil to drain from the level plug and then tighten the
level plug. In the case of a sight glass, loosen the drain plug to allow
the excess oil to drain out and tighten the drain plug when the oil level
reaches the middle of the sight glass.
e. The oil level should be checked at least once a week or after every 100
hours of operation.
f. The bearings at the drive end are normally grease lubricated, in which
case apply grease to the grease nipples until it comes out of the
release points which must be kept clear of dirt or paint at all times.
Grease must be applied at 3 monthly intervals or every 500 hours in
operation, whichever is the sooner.
g. Consult Table 1 for the appropriate oil and grease to suit the climatic
conditions prevailing at the site. Different oils may be necessary
between summer and winter where there are large temperature
differences, in which case the oil will need to be changed as the
seasons change.


a. Pressure Relief Valve. The most important protection unit is the

Pressure Relief Valve and all blowers should be fitted with this to
protect the blower against over pressure. On an Exhauster, a vacuum
relief valve should be fitted to protect the Exhauster against excessive
If other overload protection is fitted, such as an electrical current
overload or a pressure overload switch, the Pressure Relief Valve need
only pass the volume of air necessary to prevent surge during variable
speed operation.
b. Pressure Switch. A Pressure Operated Electrical Protection unit (or
Vacuum Operated on an Exhauster machine) should always be fitted to
shut down the blower (or Exhauster) in the event of a pressure
overload at the outlet (or excessive vacuum on an Exhauster inlet). It
should not be set at a higher pressure than 140mbar above the
maximum allowable operating pressure as shown in Table 1.
c. Current Overload. This will operate when the electrical current exceeds
the maximum full load current, and should be set with a 2 second
maximum delay.


a. Before starting the blower for the first time, and also after it has been
shut down for maintenance, the following initial checks should be
i. Check that the unit is isolated from the electrical supply.
ii. The blower and piping must be free internally from any dirt or
iii. The blower must be securely mounted on the
foundation/mounting bolts and they should be checked that they
are properly and evenly tightened.
iv. The blower must be level and correctly aligned to the driving
motor. If it is direct coupled, check that the coupling bolts are
correctly tightened. For a vee belt drive, the units must be
correctly aligned and the vee belts tensioned in accordance with
the manufacturers recommendations.
v. The oil levels must be checked in accordance with
vi. Check manually that the bower rotates freely and that there are
no tight spots. If there are this must be investigated and rectified
before proceeding further.
vii. It is recommended that when the electricity is connected a check
is made that power is also connected to all the appropriate
safety and protection equipment.


a. Check that the interior of the blower and the inlet and discharge piping
is clean and that there has been no ingress of dirt or anything else.
b. The oil levels must be checked and topped up if necessary. DO NOT
OVER FILL. The drive end bearing grease nipples should be greased
until the grease escapes from the grease release points.
c. Check that the blower is level and correctly aligned with the drive.
Ensure all the holding down bolts are firmly tightened. If a Vee belt
drive arrangement is fitted, check that the belts are correctly tensioned.
Also ensure that the inlet and outlet piping are correctly positioned
such that they are not putting any load on the blower that could cause
distortion of the blower casing.
d. Manually rotate the impellers to check they rotate freely.
e. If all the above are satisfactory, connect the electrical supply to the
drive motor and protection equipment.
f. Use the motor to briefly turn over the blower to check that the blower is
rotating in the correct direction. If it is not, reverse the electric leads
and check again.
g. Once all the above checks have been carried out satisfactorily, start
the blower and run for 15 minutes on no load. During this time check
that the blower casing and bearing housings are not overheating.
Under these conditions and over this period of time, heat should not be
h. If the above test is satisfactory, increase the load gradually to full load
over a period of 30 minutes and then run it at full load for another hour.
The blower must be monitored constantly throughout this period. If
there is any sign of overheating or any other problem occurs, the
blower must be shut down immediately and the fault diagnosed and
rectified, otherwise serious damage could result.
i. The blower should be regularly monitored for the first 2 days of


a. Once in operation the oil level should be checked at least weekly, and
the drive end bearings should also be greased at the same time.
It is very important for safety reasons and for the blower, that when
checking the oil level, the blower must be stopped for at least 15
minutes before checking the level to allow the oil to settle to its proper
level. If the blower needs topping up the blower MUST be isolated from
the electrical supply.
b. The frequency of oil change will depend on several factors such as the
number of hours in operation, changes in the climatic conditions and
the load factor. Normally one would expect to change the oil annually
unless the blower is subject to long periods of very heavy continuous
load, in which case more frequent oil changes are recommended, such
as 3 or 6 monthly or if the climatic conditions are such that the
temperature change between summer and winter means that a
different grade of oil should be used. See 7. LUBRICATION.
c. For a belt drive installation, whilst checking the oil level, the belt tension
should be checked and adjusted if necessary.
d. It is important that the Inlet Filter element is cleaned regularly as if it
becomes blocked and restricts the air flow to the blower, the blower
could over heat. Cleaning should be undertaken in accordance with the
Instructions supplied by the manufacturer of the filter.


a. The blower should be checked regularly whilst in operation.

i. Listen for any change in the noise emissions – this can indicate
a problem is developing.
ii. Check that it is not overheating but DO NOT TOUCH THE
BLOWER CASING, as this can rise to 100/150 deg.C in normal
iii. If the level of vibration increases other than for a change in load,
this should be investigated.
iv. Ensure all the protection devices are connected and functioning.
Do not disconnect whilst the blower is running.
b. Whenever working on the blower during a shutdown, such as for
checking oil levels or other maintenance work, it is essential for safety
reasons that the blower is isolated from the electrical supply before
work on the blower commences.
c. The oil levels must be checked at least weekly if the blower is running
continuously, more frequently if it is running for long periods at a high
load factor and/or at or near the maximum recommended speed. If
there are frequent stop/starts, check the oil level every time before
starting. The blower must be stopped to check the oil level and left to
stand for 15 minutes minimum for the oil to settle before the level is
checked. Failure to do this could result in a false low level reading
being taken and the blower topped up unnecessarily, leading to over
filling which could cause the bearings to overheat. If, after at least 15
minutes standing, the oil level is low, top up as necessary, BUT DO
d. All personnel working close to the blower whilst it is running MUST
wear suitable ear protection as all positive displacement blowers are
noisy when operating.
e. NEVER start the blower with the piping disconnected. In the very
unlikely event that this is necessary, all personnel must keep well clear,
especially clear of the inlet and outlet. A coarse screen cover should be
bolted over the inlet to prevent the ingress of dirt.
f. The area around the Pressure Relief Valve should be clearly marked to
keep personnel clear at all times, in case it should discharge.
g. All personnel involved in maintenance should be trained in lifting
techniques. Many of the components within a blower are heavy and
need lifting with care to protect both the personnel doing the work and
the components.
h. When maintenance work is to be undertaken,
i. The blower and the ancillaries, including the protection devices,
must be isolated from the electrical supply.
ii. The inlet and outlet must be disconnected from the blower to
eliminate the risk of any pressure difference within the system
rotating the impellers whilst work is being carried out. The
blower impellers rotating during maintenance work could cause
very serious injury to the personnel working on the blower.

If you require assistance or any additional information, please call HR Blowers

UK Ltd at:-

Telepone No: 0044 (0)1484 691858

Fax No. 0044 (0)1484 680467
Table 1 – Maximum allowable operating conditions (Standard Machines)
Max Operating Pressure Speed
Max Exhauster Inlet
Blower milliBar Gauge with Mininimum
Temp Vacuum milliBar
Size Pressure Maximum at Maximum
Relief Valve Rise Gauge
Switch Pressure*
10 1000 1140 3485 1440 135 500
11 1000 1140 3485 1450 135 500
12 700 840 3485 1450 90 450
13 550 690 3485 1450 70 450

20 1000 1140 3260 1455 124 500

21 1000 1140 3260 1460 123 500
22 700 840 3260 1460 80 450
23 550 690 3260 1465 70 450

31 1000 1140 2720 1480 120 550

32 700 840 2720 1480 77 450
33 550 690 2720 1480 58 400

41 1000 1140 2080 1229 116 550

42 700 840 2080 1229 76 450
43 550 690 2080 1229 57 400

51 1000 1140 1550 850 135 550

52 700 840 1550 850 90 450
53 550 690 1550 850 70 400

61 1000 1140 1215 600 135 550

62 700 840 1215 600 90 450
63 550 690 1215 600 70 400

71 1000 1140 930 400 135 550

72 700 840 930 400 90 450
73 550 690 930 400 70 400
At Ambient conditions of 15 Degrees Centigrade and 1013mb Atmospheric.
Note! Minimum speed is given from Performance Chart. Blowers may not operate at maximum
pressure at that speed. Check to see on the Performance Chart
Trouble Possible Cause Remedy
Low 1. Blower Speed too low Check Belt Drive for slippage, adjust if required
Capacity Check speed and compare with Performance Chart
2. Excessive Pressure Check Inlet vacuum and dhischarge pressure and
ensure protection valves set correctly and are
3. Obstruction in pipes Check pipes, filter, relief valves, isolation valves and
silencer to ensure an open flow path
4. Excessive Slip Check internal clearances for excess wear, contact H R

Excessive 5. Blower Speed too high Check speed and compare with Performance Chart
6. Pressure too high See 2 and 3 above

7. Unbalanced or rubbing Inspect outer case for hotspots. Check drive alignment
Impellers Coupling and V-belt

8. Blocked inlet filter Change or clean

Excessive 9. Incorrect or inadequate Confirm correct oil specification and restore correct
Heating lubrication lubrication levels in Gear case

10. Excessive pressure rise See 2 and 3 above

11. Drive mis-alignment Check and re-align

12. Blower speed too low See 1 above

Vibration 13. Drive Mis-aligned See 11
or Noisy
Operation 14. Unbalanced or rubbing See 7 and 19

15. Worn Bearings & Gears Replace bearings and gears. Contact HR Blowers UK

16. Loose motor, blower or Check and re-tighten bolts where loose

Seizure 17. Pressure Overload See 2 and 3

18. Mis-alignment See 11

19. Build-up of foreign Clean off foreign material


Driveshaft 20. Excessive overhanging Change or repair unit. Check pulley dimensions. Re-
Breakage load align and tension. Change drive configuration.


Supplier Ambient Air Temp Max Oil Temp Gear Oil Bearing Grease
Mobil Oil Co Ltd -21 to +4 49 DTE Medium Mobilpex 48
0 to + 25 72 DTE Extra Heavy Mobilplex 48
+20 to +40 102 DTE HH Mobilplex 48
Shell Oil Ltd -21 to +4 49 Tellus 46 Alvania R3
-1 to +27 72 Tellus 100 Alvania R3
+18 to +40 102 Vitrea 460 Alvania R3
Esso Petroleum Co Ltd -21 to +4 49 Teresso 46 Beacon 3
-1 to +27 72 Teresso 100 Beacon 3
+18 to +40 102 Teresso 460 Beacon 3
Texaco Ltd -21 to +4 49 Regal R+O 46 Regal Multiflax Prem 3
-1 to +27 72 Regal R+O 150 Regal Multiflax Prem 3
+18 to +40 102 Regal 460 Regal Multiflax Prem 3
Elf Oil Ltd -21 to +4 49 Olna 32 Multi 3
-1 to +27 72 Olna 100 Multi 3
+18 to +40 102 Movixa 460 Multi 3
BP Lubricants Ltd -21 to +4 49 Energol HLP 36 Energrease LS3
-1 to +27 72 Energol HLP 100 Energrease LS3
+18 to +40 102 Energol CS 460 Energrease LS3
Burmah Castrol Ltd -20 to +3 42 Hyspin AS 32 Spheerol AP3
-3 to +22 67 Hyspin AWS 100 Spheerol AP3
+17 to +40 102 Alpha ZN 460 Spheerol AP3
Chevron Oils Ltd -21 to +4 49 OC Turbine Oil 46 Dura-Lith Grease 3
-1 to +27 72 OC Turbine Oil 100 Dura-Lith Grease 3
+18 to +40 102 OC Turbine Oil 460 Dura-Lith Grease 3
Amoco Oil Company -21 to +4 49 Amoco AW46 Rykon Prem 3
-1 to +27 72 American Ind Oil 150 Rykon Prem 3
+18 to +40 102 American Ind Oil 460 Rykon Prem 3
Gulf Oil -21 to +4 49 Hydrasil 46 Gulf Crown 3
-1 to +27 72 Hydrasil 100 Gulf Crown 3
+18 to +40 102 Harmony 460 Gulf Crown 3
Total Oil -21 to +4 49 Azolla 46 Multis Special 3
-1 to +27 72 Azolla 100 Multis Special 3
+18 to +40 102 Azolla 460 Multis Special 3
Caltex -21 to +4 49 Rando Oil 460 Regal Starfac Prem 3
-1 to +27 72 Rando Oil 150 Regal Starfac Prem 3
+18 to +40 102 Ursa Oil P460 Regal Starfac Prem 3
Millers Oils -21 to +4 49 Millmax 46 Delta 3EP
0 to +25 72 Millmax 100 Delta 3EP
+20 to +40 102 Millube 460 Delta 3EP

If any oil from one of the major companies cannot be acquired, the oil and grease specification given below
should be adhered to. Any reputable oil company should be able to supply a satisfactory oil based on these

Oil Specification
The oil used should be a straight mineral oil (Anti-wear, anti-rust, anti-foam and anti-oxydent additions are
allowed but EP and any additives which emulsify are not allowed).
The oil should have a viscosity of not more than 2500 centistokes at the minimum ambient temperature (cold
starting) and not less than 30 centistokes for the highest oil temperature reached on maximum load. When
there are large seasonal variations in ambient temperature summer and winter grades will be required.
Grease Specification
A high quality No3 National Lubricating Grease, Institute mineral oil grease with a calcium complex or lithium
base should be used.


Approximate Gearcase Oil Capacities

Follow filling instructions in the installation and operating manual to obtain the correct oil level
For Guidance Only

Blower Type and Size Approximate Gearcase Capacity

Blower Type and Size Approximate Gearcase Capacity
HR Size 1 0.95 litres max ! 0.57 litres min #
HR Size 2 1.52 litres max ! 0.91 litres min #
HR Size 3 2.27 litres max ! 1.10 litres min #
HR Size 4 3.98 litres max ! 2.27 litres min #
HR Size 5 12.5 litres
HR Size 6 24.43 litres
HR Size 7 48.87 litres

HRBV Vehicle Blowers 1.80 litres *

Oil/Oil Type Blower Gear End Drive End

HR Size 4 3.98 litres max vertical flow 1.80 litres vertical flow
2.27 litres min horizontal flow 0.90 litres horizontal flow

HRBV Vehicle Blowers Oil/Oil 1.80 litres * 0.60 litres vertical flow
0.30 litres horizontal flow

* Due to differences in oil quantity for vertical and horizontal mounting these figures are only a guide
! Max figures are for oil quantity with machine arranged for vertical flow
# Min figures are for oil quantity with machine arranged for horizontal flow
Handing for HR Blowers Size 1 – 4

Figure 2 Standard Handing BC

Figure 1 Standard Handing RC

Figure 3 Standard Handing RC Figure 4 Standard Handing BC

Figure 8 Non Standard Handing TC

Figure 6 Non Standard Handing LC

Figure 7 Non Standard Handing LC Figure 5 Non Standard Handing TC

HR 1-4, Horizontal Flow
Illustrated below is a representative view of the gear end (non-drive end) of an HR style blower in a Horizontal
Flow configuration.
The same approach applies to all the HR Range below a size 5. The Gear-Case has been made transparent in
the image to allow visibility.
Additionally, the Gear Trough has been left off for simplicity.
Fill plug for HR1 → HR4

Sight glass fill level for HR3 and HR4

Open-plug fill level for HR1 and HR2
Oil drain plug for HR1 → HR4

HR1 → HR4 Drain Procedure

1.) Remove fill plug
2.) Remove drain plug
3.) Allow oil to drain, checking for particulates, discoloration or fouling
HR1 and HR2 Fill Procedure
1.) Fit drain plug
2.) Remove level plug
3.) Remove fill plug
4.) Add oil until level with bottom of level plug hole
5.) Allow to settle, clean off any excess oil from gear case and level plug hole
6.) Fit level and fill plugs

HR3 and HR4 Fill Procedure

1.) Fit drain plug
2.) Remove fill plug
3.) Slowly add oil until level with red dot in level sight glass
4.) If oil level exceeds red dot on sight glass, loosen drain plug and allow small amount of oil to drain.
5.) Fit drain and fill plugs
HR 1-4, Vertical Flow
Illustrated below is a representative view of the gear end (non-drive end) of an HR style blower in a Vertical
Flow configuration.
The same approach applies to all the HR Range below a size 5. The Gear-Case has been made transparent in
the image to allow visibility.
Additionally, the Gear Trough has been left off for simplicity.

Fill plug for HR1 → HR4

Oil Drain Plug for HR1 → HR4

Sight Glass Fill Level for HR3 and HR4
Open Plug Fill Level for HR1 and HR2

HR1 → HR4 Drain Procedure

1.) Remove fill plug
2.) Remove drain plug
3.) Allow oil to drain, checking for particulates, discoloration or fouling.
HR1 and HR2 Fill Procedure
1.) Fit drain plug
2.) Remove level plug
3.) Remove fill plug
4.) Add oil until level with bottom of level plug hole
5.) Allow to settle, clean off any excess oil from gear case and level plug hole
6.) Fit level and fill plugs

HR3 and HR4 Fill Procedure

1.) Fit drain plug
2.) Remove fill plug
3.) Slowly add oil until level with red dot in level sight glass
4.) If oil level exceeds red dot in sight glass, loosen drain port and allow small amount of oil to drain.
5.) Fit drain and fill plugs
HR Oil – Grease Type Vertical Flow
Following the guidance of section 7,
To lubricate the drive end of an Oil – Grease configured unit,
1.) Use the grease nipples to add grease until:
2.) Grease escapes from the grease release point.
3.) It is expected that after a units first few hours following re-greasing, additional grease will exit from
the release hole. We recommend this is simply wiped away.
4.) If grease has hardened and is no longer the consistency of fresh grease, it is indicative of either too-
infrequent re-greasing or the temperature rating of the grease being too low.

Please note:- If the blower is to be used with a non-standard handing (refer to the handing
chart) the Grease Release Point should always be below the shaft axis. The covers can be
rotated to a suitable position by removing the four retaining bolts. Great care must be taken
to ensure that the shims are retained and are not fouled, as the blower will not rotate
without them.

Grease Nipples
Grease Release Point
HR Oil – Grease Type Horizontal Flow

Grease Release Points

Grease Nipples
HR Oil-Oil Drive End Vertical Flow
Below is show a simplified version of the Drive End of an Oil-Oil type HR Series Blower.

1. Drain Plug
2. Level Plug – Sight Glass
3. Fill Plug
4. Breather Plug, Top Port

Drive End Drain Procedure

1.) Remove drain plug
2.) Allow oil to drain, checking for particulates, discoloration and fouling

Drive End Fill Procedure

1.) Fit drain plug
2.) Remove fill plug
3.) Slowly add oil until level with red dot in level sight glass
4.) If oil level exceeds the red dot level, loosen the drain plug and allow a small amount of oil to drain
5.) Fit drain and fill plug
HR Oil-Oil Drive End Horizontal Flow
Below is shown a simplified version of the Drive End of an Oil-Oil type HR Series Blower.

1. Breather Plug, Top Port

2. Fill Plug
3. Level Plug – Sight Glass
4. Drain Plug

Drive End Drain Procedure

1.) Remove drain plug
2.) Allow oil to drain, checking for particulates, discoloration and fouling

Drive End Fill Procedure

1.) Fit drain plug
2.) Remove fill plug
3.) Slowly add oil until level with red dot in level port sight glass
4.) If oil level exceeds the red dot level, loosen the drain plug and allow a small amount of oil to drain
5.) Fit drain and fill plug

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