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The Engineer’s Guide to

Efficiency Requirements for

Wood Burning Appliances

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The Engineer’s Guide to
Efficiency Requirements for
Wood Burning Appliances


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed proposed revisions to the New
Source Performance Standard (NSPS) for wood burning appliances, which is expected to be
published in late 2012/early 2013. The new regulations will substantially expand the list of
products that will be included under the regulations to include the currently covered wood stoves
and pellet-burning room heaters, but also hydronic heaters, forced air furnaces, single-burn-rate
stoves, and masonry heaters.

While other wood burning appliances such as factory-built and masonry fireplaces, cook stoves,
camp stoves, outdoor fireplaces, pizza ovens and coal stoves will not require emissions testing,
they will require identification labeling.

The new regulations will undoubtedly include tighter emissions limits. These include new limits
for particulate emissions released by wood stoves and pellet-burners will most likely be 4.5 g/hr
for non-catalytic and 2.5 g/hr for catalytic stoves, as currently required by Washington state.

A broader scope of appliance types and tighter limits have been expected for some time. The
proposal will likely require minimum efficiencies of 70% for room heater type appliances and
75% for hydronic heaters. These are quite high considering that the current minimum efficiency
required by the Department of Energy for gas-fired room heaters and hearth products ranges
from 61 to 67 percent.

Table 1.
Anticipated NSPS Proposal Limits

Appliance Type Emission Maximum Efficiency Minimum*

Wood Stove – Non-Cat 4.5 g/hr 70%
Wood Stove - Calalytic 2.5 g/hr 70%
Pellet Burner – Non-Cat 4.5 g/hr 70%
Pellet Burner - Catalytic 2.5 g/hr 70%
Hydronic Heater Level 1 0.32 lb/mmBtu Output 75%
Hydronic Heater Level 2 0.15 lb/mmBtu Output 80%
Single Burn Rate Stove 3.0 g/hr 70%
Forced Air Furnace 0.93 lb/mmBtu Output NA
Masonry Heater 0.32 lb/mmBtu Output NA

*It is presumed that the proposed efficiency requirements are based on the fuel higher heating
value (HHV).

The EPA has stated that the proposed efficiency limits will result in reduced carbon monoxide
(CO) emissions, however there is little evidence to support this contention. While CO
production represents a chemical loss that affects the appliance efficiency, CO emissions in 1
The Engineer’s Guide to
Efficiency Requirements for
Wood Burning Appliances

appliances that meet the particulate emissions requirements, are quite low and typically
represent less than 1% of the energy loss. Heat transfer efficiency is more significant and has
no direct relationship to CO production.

EPA regulations are based on limits that reflect “best demonstrated technology” (BDT). This
means that there must be a substantial data set showing a proposed limit can be met by a
significant number of existing products.

There is limited data available for wood burning appliance efficiency, which can be attributed to
the lack of recognition by the EPA of any test method for determining heating efficiency for the
past 24 years that the current NSPS has been in effect. A test method did once exist in the
form of CSA B415.1, but it was not widely used. Therefore, many of the currently certified
appliances that would meet the proposed particulate emissions limits have not been evaluated
for efficiency by a recognized test method. Available data suggests that most catalytic and a
majority of the non-catalytic cordwood stoves currently on the market would meet a 70%
minimum weighted average efficiency, but it is uncertain whether any existing data will pass as
the basis for future acceptance under the new NSPS. Re-testing of these products under
current test methods has the potential to produce significantly different results.

Hydronic heaters (boilers) are another matter. With the exception of a number of test reports
indicating impossibly high efficiencies, the weighted average efficiencies of appliances meeting
EPA Phase II emissions limits average 55%, and none have efficiencies at or above the 75%
level to be proposed by the EPA. Even a 65% minimum would eliminate all but 2 or 3 of the
currently listed models. In addition, the EPA has indicated that they are planning to impose even
lower emissions limits (0.15 lb/Million Btu Output) and higher efficiency (80%) for a Level 2 limit
that would be phased in a few years after the initial regulation has taken effect.

Once the EPA publishes the proposed NSPS, there will be time allotted for public comment. If
the efficiency levels required for specific product types are found to be unreasonable and
unattainable, the result could be devastating to the industry. It therefore seems imperative to
build a database of documented accurate efficiency data on appliances that would also meet
the EPA proposed emissions limits. Manufacturers should consider testing the products which
they except will comply with the revised NSPS for efficiency, and provide the data to help build a
database that could support a realistic determination of efficiency BDT.

What is heating efficiency?

‘Heating efficiency’ of fuel burning appliances is the ratio of heat delivered to the heated space
to the heat content of the fuel burned, expressed as a percent. Simply stated, it is the heat
output divided by the heat input, times 100.

When discussing efficiency testing for wood burning appliances, the industry refers to two types
of test methods: direct and indirect. For boilers and furnaces delivering heat by circulation of a
heated media, such as water or air, direct measurement of heat output is fairly straight forward. 2
The Engineer’s Guide to
Efficiency Requirements for
Wood Burning Appliances

For appliances that deliver heat to the surrounding space primarily by radiation and convection,
direct measurement is not as simple. It requires a “calorimeter room” where the heat output can
be determined by measuring the energy extraction rate required to keep the room at a constant
temperature. Years ago, several calorimeter rooms existed and were used for wood burning
room heater efficiency testing. This method was expensive and presented many problems,
including the need to keep the room sealed while also maintaining a neutral pressure balance.
Additionally, difficulty arose trying to measure heat output accurately when the appliance output
was not constant. Calorimeter rooms fell out of favor due to the difficulty and expense required
to operate them, and none remain in operation today.

Direct Test Method for Furnaces and Hydronic Heaters

A direct test method accurately measures the temperature change and flow rate of the heating
media, and calculates the heat gain from the mass flow rate, temperature difference, and
specific heat of the heating media. However, when boilers or furnaces are located within the
heated space, there may be a significant amount of useful heat provided by radiation and
convection directly to the space around the appliance. This is commonly referred to as Jacket
Loss measurement, which is determined through both direct and indirect test methods.

The recently published standard ASTM E2618 covers efficiency and emissions testing for
Outdoor Hydronic Heaters. This procedure uses a water-to-water heat exchanger to determine
a direct measurement of heat output through measurement of water flow rate and temperature
change in a simulated heat load. Four tests are run to determine product performance at the
rated maximum output as well as three lower heat output rates spanning the appliance’s range.
These results are used to determine a weighted average based on typical seasonal heat
demands. Since any “jacket loss” from an outdoor unit is not useful heat, only the direct
measurement is needed to determine the “delivered heating efficiency.” For indoor appliances,
it is not clear if EPA will allow jacket loss to be included in the efficiency determination.

Indirect Test Methods

Indirect efficiency test methods are based on the principle of conservation of mass and energy
(Figure 1). Heat output of the appliance is determined by measuring the heat escaped through
the chimney and subtracting it from the heat input. This is a process analogous to basic
accounting; if we know how much money is deposited in an account and how much is
withdrawn, it is easy to determine the current balance in the account. 3
The Engineer’s Guide to
Efficiency Requirements for
Wood Burning Appliances


The indirect efficiency test method for fuel burning appliances is known as the stack loss
method. This is the primary method used to determine the heating efficiency of gas and oil
burning appliances, and is also applicable to wood burning, but considerably more complicated.

Figure 1.




Heat Input
Delivered Heat

The stack loss method process requires a determination of heat loss by three different

Sensible heat loss - amount of heat required to increase the flue gases from room temperature
to the stack temperature
Latent heat loss - energy required to change the state of water in the flue gas from liquid to
Chemical heat loss - the heat energy that was not released in combustion due to incomplete
burning of the fuel

Determining these losses in wood burning appliances can significantly complicate the stack loss
method, compared to gas or oil fire appliances.

In gas appliances, it is required that combustion be nearly complete as indicated by very low
carbon monoxide limits. For oil fired equipment a simple “smoke spot” test is used to verify
nearly complete combustion. Therefore we can assume that 100% of the fuel’s heating value is 4
The Engineer’s Guide to
Efficiency Requirements for
Wood Burning Appliances

released and available for transfer to the heated space. It is then only necessary to measure the
flow rate and temperature of the flue gases and calculate the energy lost up the stack. Since the
appliance will operate at a “steady state” after a warm-up period, the measurements only need
to be made a few times, verifying the flue gas CO2 concentration and temperature are stable.

The steady state efficiency can be accurately determined from these two measurements, or by
using a chart or a single calculation.

For wood or bio-mass burning heating appliances, stack loss efficiency tests require
determination of the fuel composition in terms of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen percentages,
higher heating value, moisture content and the amount of fuel consumed. Flue gases must be
analyzed for Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, and the temperature of the room air and flue
gases must also be measured.

This data allows for calculation of all the variables needed to determine the energy loss up the
stack. However, because most wood burning appliances do not operate at a steady state, the
measured values are constantly changing, complicating the process. We can never know the
true composition of the fuel that’s burning at any single point in time. In addition, if the flue gas
composition changes rapidly, the relative gas concentration measurements can be inaccurate
due to response time differences between analyzers. Therefore, the required measurements
must be taken frequently over the course of a burning cycle, and integrated to arrive at an
accurate result.

The difficulty with wood burning appliance efficiency testing boils down to how accurately we
can determine the completeness of combustion. Assuming that as much as 20 to 30% of the
available energy in fuel can be lost due to poor combustion efficiency, it is very important to
determine the combustion completeness.

Heat transfer efficiency determination is subject to less uncertainty as it depends primarily on

the amount and temperature of gases flowing up the chimney, which can be very accurately
determined. As appliance technology improves, so does combustion efficiency. Most units that
meet EPA emissions regulations must operate at 95% combustion efficiency or higher.
Fortunately, the difficulties determining stack loss efficiencies due to incomplete combustion
become less significant as combustion efficiency approaches 100%. Essentially, the stack loss
efficiencies determined for very clean burning appliances are quite a bit more accurate than
those determined for old technology “dirty” appliances.

In pellet burning appliances, the stack loss method works more like it does with gas or oil
appliances, due to the fact that the fuel is fed at a constant rate for a given heat output setting,
and the appliance reaches an effective steady state where the fuel composition and flue gas
concentrations and temperature are stable. Because these appliances can be finely tuned to
balance fuel and air supply, many are capable of combustion efficiencies that approach 100%.
The efficiency determination accuracy is dependent upon the determination of sensible and
latent heat loss, which is straight forward and subject to minimal uncertainties. 5
The Engineer’s Guide to
Efficiency Requirements for
Wood Burning Appliances

It should be noted that the EPA Default Efficiency for Pellet-Burning appliances is 78%. This
was based on data available at the time of the NSPS publication, issued February 26, 1988,
which indicated about 80% of the products then available where at or above this level. But this
data was not produced under the test method that EPA will likely reference in the new NSPS.

The EPA regulatory requirements led many pellet appliance designers to intentionally provide a
lot of excess air at low burn rate settings. This allowed the appliance to be exempt from the EPA
NSPS due to high air to fuel ratios, but it also lowers the appliance efficiency. The new NSPS
will likely eliminate this exemption and therefore require pellet-burning appliances to be both
clean and efficient.

Current Test Methods

CSA B415.1-2010 provides a suitable basis for certification of appliance efficiency for many
types of solid fuel burning appliances. This Standard provides a detailed test method for
conducting stack loss efficiency tests on wood burning stoves in section 13. This procedure has
recently been substantially revised to reflect improvement to the process based on experience
gained over the last decade. The revised stack loss method is much less sensitive to minor
uncertainties in flue gas composition measurements and fuel composition data that the previous
version. It has been applied successfully to furnaces, boilers, pellet-burners and wood stoves.

- ASTM E2618 provides a consensus test method for evaluating the emissions and
efficiency of hydronic heaters. It is virtually equivalent to EPA Method 28 WHH, currently
used in the EPA Voluntary Partnership program. One notable exception is the Standard
requires the use of actual cordwood fuel, instead of the EPA-required 4 x 4 cribs.

- ASTM E2779 has been developed for emissions testing of pellet-burning appliances and
E2780 for cordwood appliances. Both Standards reference CSA B415.1-2010 for
efficiency determination.

Since there are many deficiencies in the current EPA Method 28, it is expected that EPA will
reference the voluntary consensus standards as the basis for testing under the revised NSPS.
There is currently no recognized test method for determining efficiency of masonry heaters.
However, it appears likely that EPA will base their acceptance on application of the B415.1-
2010 stack loss method.

When discussing energy efficiency for wood burning appliances, manufacturers often overlook
one issue: What is the practical maximum? When the heat input is based on Higher Heating
Value, achieving a theoretical 100% efficiency would require complete combustion and
recovering the latent heat, as well as the sensible heat. This would happen if the heat extracted
was sufficient to return the flue gas temperature to the ambient room temperature. It also means
that the water in the flue gases would be condensed back to a liquid state.
Burning one pound of wood with 20% moisture content will produce 0.7 pounds of water. It is
not desirable to transfer heat to a degree that water begins to condense in the appliance or 6
The Engineer’s Guide to
Efficiency Requirements for
Wood Burning Appliances

chimney because it tends to cause corrosion problems and requires a system to collect and
drain the liquid water. It is generally recognized that an overall efficiency of about 80 - 82% is an
upper limit for wood burning appliances. It takes about 18 to 20% of the fuel’s HHV to keep
water from condensing – about half of that is the latent heat of the water and the other half is
sensible energy required to keep the flue gases above the dew point.

However, these levels are rarely achieved in practice. Higher flue gas temperatures are usually
necessary to provide sufficient natural draft to maintain a clean burn and prevent smoke
spillage. Indirect heating equipment such as room heaters, burning at higher rates increases the
flue gas temperature and reduces heat transfer rate and overall efficiency.

Efficiencies of around 80% are routinely achieved in industrial scale wood fuel combustion
where conditions are relatively constant and tightly controlled, but efficiencies above about 75%
are very rare in residential wood combustion appliances.

Higher and Lower Heating Values

There has been some controversy regarding the fuel heating value to be used as the basis for
determining efficiency. In North America all fuel burning heating equipment has been rated for
efficiency based of the fuel’s Higher Heating Value (HHV). In Europe, wood burning appliances
have been rated for efficiency based on the fuel’s Lower Heating Value (LHV). Lower Heating
Values essentially disregard latent heat loss as “unrecoverable” energy. Therefore, LHV-based
efficiency is a measure of the percentage of energy that can be recovered without condensing
water that comes from combustion of hydrogen in the fuel and from the fuel moisture content.
The net effect is that LHV-based efficiencies are about 8 to10% higher than HHV-based
efficiencies. For example, if the HHV efficiency of an appliance is 70%, then the LHV-based
efficiency will be about 75 to 77%.

There are two significant reasons to rate wood burning appliance efficiency on the HHV basis:

1. Other fuel burning heating equipment is required by the US DOE to be rated and meet
minimum efficiency requirements based of HHV. Rating wood burning appliances based
on LHV would distort performance comparisons across fuel types.

2. The premise that latent heat is unrecoverable is false. There is no technical roadblock
that makes designing a “condensing” wood burning appliance impossible. Many modern
gas and oil fired furnaces, boilers and water heaters incorporate condensing technology.
HHV efficiencies for these appliances can be in the upper 90 % range. It would certainly
be possible to design wood fired appliances to operate in a condensing mode, meaning
that there is a potential for LHV efficiencies to be more than 100% – which implies
violation of thermodynamic laws. 7
The Engineer’s Guide to
Efficiency Requirements for
Wood Burning Appliances


It is clear that the EPA’s pending New Source Performance Standard will have a substantial
impact on the solid fuel appliance industry. Emissions limits will be stricter and appliance
heating efficiency will have to meet minimum requirements. Since the timeline involved with
proposal, publication and implementation of the new rules is about the same as required to
develop new designs, it is not too early to start the process.

Many of the EPA’s proposed requirements may be beyond what can actually be identified as
Best Demonstrated Technology, but it will be very difficult to convince EPA that this is the case
without a significant and credible database.

Companies who plan on being in the solid fuel heating appliance business for the long term
should consider the importance of obtaining reliable test data on their products now.

For more information about Intertek’s performance testing services for Solid Fuel Heating

Call: 1-800-WORLDLAB

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