1052 Magnafluxcatalog2019
1052 Magnafluxcatalog2019
1052 Magnafluxcatalog2019
Testing Catalog
Magnetic Particle Testing Materials,
Equipment, & Accessories
Magnetic Yokes
Penetrant Testing Materials,
Equipment, & Accessories
UV Lamps
Ultrasonic Couplants
Aqueous Cleaners
Table of Contents
Suspension Vehicle 11
Magnetic Yokes 21
Emulsifiers 43
Developers 44
Remover 49
UV Lamps 54
Ultrasonic Couplants 58
Aqueous Cleaners 64
Introducing the
Lightweight, Heavy
Duty, and Durable
Y-2 Yoke
New ergonomic design
features swappable cord
and a sealed trigger.
Magnetic Particle Testing
* Representative of the number of indications on a tool steel ring as defined in ASTM E1444.
Wet Method Fluorescent Magnetic Particles
A highly sensitive magnetic particle powder, 14A fluorescent mag particles are engineered to
locate very fine discontinuities in critical parts and applications.
Designed with strong fluorescent properties, 14A magnetic powder is made with a carefully
optimized range of particle sizes & shapes to ensure particles move quickly and easily to
indications, while minimizing background and particle clumping. The result is faster inspections
with better reliability and greater confidence.
• Can be suspended in water or
petroleum distillate (oil) vehicle
• High sensitivity
• Excellent fluorescent contrast
• Excellent particle mobility
• Optimized particle size and
shape distribution
• Easily dispersed
14A Aqua-Glo
Water-Based Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Suspension
14A Aqua-Glo is a highly sensitive water-based magnetic particle suspension aerosol for
locating very fine discontinuities in critical applications and difficult to reach areas. 14A
Aqua-Glo offers the benefits of a water bath and the convenience of an aerosol. It is ideal for
spot inspections and difficult to process situations where bulk processing is impractical.
14A Redi-Bath
Water-Based Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Concentrate
14A Redi-Bath is a highly sensitive water-based magnetic particle liquid for locating very fine
discontinuities in critical parts during fluorescent mag particle inspection.
A concentrated liquid with the best-in-industry 14A magnetic particles with water conditioners
and corrosion inhibitors, 14A Redi-Bath is designed to be diluted with water to make magnetic
particle water bath. The ultra-sensitive 14A particles provide clear, bright, fluorescent green
indications under ultra-violet black light for unbeatable inspection quality and accuracy, with
superior corrosion protection.
• Liquid particle concentrate for fast • Great concentration consistency
bath prep • Superior corrosion protection
• High sensitivity • Non-foaming
• Excellent fluorescent contrast • Easy post-testing clean up
• Excellent particle mobility • Even surface coverage and higher
• Optimized particle size and probability of detection
shape distribution
• Easily dispersed
Oil-Based Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Suspension
14AM is a ready-to-use magnetic particle suspension liquid for locating very fine discontinuities
in critical parts and applications by providing clear, bright, fluorescent green indications for
excellent inspection quality and accuracy.
• Ready-to-use • Good dispersion stability
• Low maintenance, oil-based suspension • Available in a variety of different formats
• High sensitivity • Protects parts and equipment
• Excellent fluorescent contrast against corrosion
• Excellent particle mobility • Provides superior wetting and
• Optimized particle size and surface coverage
shape distribution • Low maintenance oil-based suspension
• Durable particles • Very low toxicity
• High flash point
Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Premix
20B is a highly-sensitive magnetic particle premix powder for locating fine discontinuities in
high volume applications, such as forging, casting, stamping and welding.
Benefits Features
Increases indication detection with 14A particles • Premix powder for quick, reliable
• Find smaller, finer indications in critical bath prep
applications using the highly sensitive, • High sensitivity
strong ferromagnetic 14A particles • Excellent fluorescent contrast
• Optimized particle size and shape help • Excellent particle mobility
particles move freely to stick to a wide • Optimized particle size and
variety of discontinuities with less shape distribution
particle clumping • Durable particles
Minimizes inspection time • Easily dispersed
• Clear, bright fluorescent indications • Great concentration consistency
form quickly due to the highly fluorescent, • Corrosion protection
highly mobile 14A mag particles • Non-foaming
• Minimal background fluorescence help • Easy post-testing clean up
indications stand out more so inspectors • Good dispersion stability
need to spend less time examining • Good surface wetting
each part
Improve inspection consistency and reliability Part Numbers
• Maintain magnetic particle system 01-0179-71: 1 lb / 453 g jar (case of 6)
performance over greater periods of time 01-0179-70: 15 lb / 6.8 kg pail
thanks to the highly-durable, 01-0179-84: 30 lb / 13.6 kg pail (P)
easily-dispersed 14A fluorescent particles
• Reduced particle clumping helps maintain
particle concentration in the suspension
bath for dependable inspections
Convenient to use
• Fast, reliable particle bath prep with
the easy-to-use premix of 14A magnetic
particles, water conditioners and
corrosion preventatives
• Designed to mix with water in low
concentrations for an ideal balance of
performance and economy
Fluorescent Magnetic Particles
MG-410 is an ultra-bright fluorescent magnetic particle powder for locating small, medium, and
large discontinuities. These particles provide clear, ultra-bright, fluorescent green indications
under UV light with minimal background. MG-410 is designed for use in water or oil baths for
wet method fluorescent magnetic particle testing.
Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Premix
MG-450A is a borax-free ultra-high fluorescence magnetic particle premix for locating small,
medium and gross discontinuities in high-volume applications using wet method magnetic
particle testing.
• Clear, ultra-bright indications • Good surface wetting
under UV light • High indication contrast
• Patent-pending water conditioner and • Strong corrosion protection
corrosion inhibitor package • Low foam
• Ultra-high fluorescence particles
• Very low background for easy
indication detection
#1 Gray
Colored Non-fluorescent Magnetic Particles
#1 Gray provides strong contrast on most metal surfaces during dry method mag particle testing
in visible light. It is ready-to-use for visible light flaw detection of surface and slightly subsurface
discontinuities in ferrous metals.
#2 Yellow
Colored Non-fluorescent Magnetic Particles
#2 Yellow provides strong contrast on most metal surfaces during dry method mag particle
testing in visible light. It is ready-to-use for visible light flaw detection of surface and slightly
subsurface discontinuities in ferrous metals.
#8A Red
Colored Non-fluorescent Magnetic Particles
#8A Red provides strong contrast on most metal surfaces during dry method mag particle
testing in visible light. It is ready-to-use for visible light flaw detection of surface and slightly
subsurface discontinuities in ferrous metals.
7C Black
Wet Method Colored Visible Magnetic Particles
7C Black is a highly-sensitive magnetic particle powder for non-fluorescent (visible) wet method
magnetic particle testing. Particle suspensions prepared with 7C Black provide clear, strong
indications and are ideal for locating fine and medium discontinuities on finished parts.
Oil-Based Visible Magnetic Particle Suspension
A highly-sensitive oil-based magnetic particle aerosol for nonfluorescent (visible) wet method
magnetic particle testing to locate fine and medium discontinuities on finished parts.
7HF provides clear, strong indications due to the heavy buildup of the highly magnetic particles.
The convenient aerosol packaging is ideal for field testing, spot inspections and places where
bulk processing is impractical, and the wide spray pattern makes it easy to cover large areas for
faster processing during remote inspections of tubing, piping and large structures.
• Clear indications under visible light • Superior surface wetting
• Heavy particle buildup • Very small particle size
• Great particle mobility • Works in visible light
• Protects parts and equipment • Oil-based formula
against corrosion • Very low toxicity
• Broad spray pattern provides even • Low odor
surface coverage over large areas
White Contrast Paint
A bright white, opaque NDT contrast paint, WCP-2 provides a high contrast background to
improve probability of detection and sensitivity during visible magnetic particle inspections.
This fast-drying paint aerosol sprays on evenly, without flaking, before inspection so when
non-fluorescent / colored magnetic particles are applied, the indications appear clearly against
the opaque white background.
Maximize indication detection Features
• See indications more easily with • Bright white color
bright white, opaque surface which • High opacity
highlights indications while minimizing • Provides good background contrast
glare/reflections • Fast drying
Increase inspection speed • Convenient, ready to use formula
• Speed up inspections by applying a clean • Controlled application
coat on the first pass, without bubbles • Strong surface adhesion
or flakes • Matte coating
• Dries evenly and quickly to create • Very low toxicity
an optimal surface for faster
indication formation Part Number
Application versatility 01-2250-78: Aerosol can (case of 12) (P)
• Comes in a convenient aerosol to take it
with you wherever you go
• Can be used with wet or dry method
magnetic particles on virtually any part
• Conforms to ISO 9934 specifications
Carrier II
NDT-Approved Petroleum Base Suspension Vehicle
Carrier II is a high-purity NDT-approved suspension vehicle developed specifically for wet
method magnetic particle testing.
This petroleum distillate carrier oil provides excellent particle mobility, good suspension stability
and enhanced corrosion protection for reliable, spec-compliant mag particle inspections.
Benefits Features
Faster, more reliable inspections • Odorless
• Increases inspection speed and reliability • Provides excellent particle mobility
by quickly wetting the entire test surface • Good dispersion stability
• Helps 14A particles to move at top speed • Protects parts and equipment
to discontinuities against corrosion
Decreases maintenance • Provides superior wetting and
• Magnetic particle baths last longer due to surface coverage
slow evaporation, and is less susceptible • Low maintenance oil-based suspension
to contamination from bacteria or fungus • Very low toxicity
• Protects magnetic particles like 14A • Non-fluorescent
from wear and tear and keeps them • High flash point
evenly dispersed throughout the bath • Not considered a flammable liquid
according to 29 CFR 1910.106
Improves operator comfort • Low volatility
• Made with a highly refined oil to reduce • Wide temperature stability
skin irritations and eliminate strong odors
for a nicer work environment
Part Numbers
More inspection flexibility 01-2122-40: 5 gal / 18.9 L (P)
• Can be used for virtually all magnetic
01-2122-30: 20 gal / 75.7 L drum
particle inspections with conformance
01-2122-45: 55 gal / 208 L drum (P)
to all major international magnetic particle
testing specifications
• Prevents corrosion of most alloys and
eliminates post-inspection processing for
corrosion protection
Safer to use
• Reduces EHS concerns with high flash
point and low toxicity
• Reduce worry about fire or
biological hazards
Increases equipment life-span
• Protects magnetic particle equipment
from internal rust and corrosion to keep
expensive machines running longer with
less downtime
Water-Soluble Corrosion Inhibitor
AX-52 is a water-soluble corrosion inhibitor developed specifically for water-based magnetic
particle suspensions. It provides excellent corrosion inhibition to protect parts and equipment
from rusting.
Water Conditioner
WA-2B is a general-purpose water-conditioning powder to enhance surface wetting and
magnetic particle dispersion stability in water-based magnetic particle suspensions. Its unique
blend of wetting agents, corrosion inhibitors and anti-forming agents eliminates the need for
additional water conditioning agents.
Non-Silicone Antifoam
ZAF-2 is an excellent general-purpose defoaming additive to eliminate and prevent foaming in
water-based magnetic particle suspensions, aqueous penetrant developer baths, hydrophilic
penetrant remover baths and aqueous cleaning solutions. A few drops of ZAF-2 are enough to
eliminate foaming in most water-based solutions.
Magnetic Wet Benches with AC Magnetization
The A-Series magnetic benches provide alternating current magnetization for finding surface
defects during wet method magnetic particle inspection. The two outputs are independently
adjustable to set each magnetic field, circular or longitudinal.
• 5% duty cycle of 0.5 seconds on, 10
seconds off at maximum output
• Allen-Bradley PLC
• Simple touch-screen operator interface
• External pump system for particle bath
agitation, circulation and application
Magnetic Wet Benches with AC and DC Magnetization
The AD-Series magnetic benches provide 4,000 amps of alternating current and 5,000 amps
of direct current magnetization for finding surface and sub-surface defects during wet method
magnetic particle inspection. The two outputs are independently adjustable to set each
magnetic field, circular or longitudinal.
• 5% duty cycle of 0.5 seconds on, 10
seconds off at maximum output
• Allen-Bradley PLC
• Simple touch-screen operator interface
• External pump system for particle bath
agitation, circulation and application
Magnetic Wet Benches with 3-Phase FWDC Capability
The D-Series is one of our most powerful magnetic wet benches. Providing 3-phase full wave
direct current, this MPI equipment offers maximum magnetization for finding surface and
sub-surface defects with clearer indications while using minimal power.
Benefits Features
• Meets aerospace specifications • Allen-Bradley PLC
• Faster part processing • Simple touch-screen operator interface
• Real-world dependability for • External pump system for particle bath
minimal downtime agitation, circulation and application
• Easy to use and maintain • Integrated ultra-low frequency, reversing,
step-down DC demagnetization with
1-touch control
Ordering Information
Magnaflux magnetic particle equipment is built to
order: Please contact us for a detailed quote.
Multi-Directional Magnetic Wet Benches for AC, HWDC or 1-Phase
FWDC Magnetization
The MD-Series multi-directional magnetic bench offers alternating current, half wave direct
current and 1-phase full wave direct current for time-saving multidirectional magnetization which
can find defects in all orientations with one mag-cycle.
Benefits Features
• Maximize part throughput • 5% duty cycle of 0.5 seconds on, 10
• Advanced process control seconds off at maximum output
• Real-world dependability for • Allen-Bradley PLC
minimal downtime • Advanced touch-screen
• Easy to use and maintain operator interface
• 1,000 customer-programmable
Ordering Information
Magnaflux magnetic particle equipment is built to
order: Please contact us for a detailed quote.
Universal WE
Multi-Directional Magnetic Wet Bench
The Universal WE magnetic wet bench is multi-direction magnetic wet bench designed to
completely magnetize the surface of parts up to 35 inches long in a single shot. Potentially
cutting inspection time in half because the part can inspected in both directions at once. The
Universal WE offers 200 - 2,000 Amps AC for contact shots and 1,500 - 15,000 Amp-turns AC
for coil shots. The two outputs are independently adjustable to set each magnetic field,
circular or longitudinal.
Benefits Features
Faster part processing • 60% duty cycle at 50% power output with
• Double your inspection speed by a max of 6 seconds on and 4 seconds off
magnetizing parts in a single shot • Large surface shower to bathe entire part
• Fully inspect longer parts, up to automatically with mag shot
35.4 in / 90 cm, without requiring an • Siemens PLC
auxiliary coil • Advanced touch-screen
• Speed up part processing with a large operator interface
automated surface shower
Advanced process control Ordering Information
• Maximize consistency between tests with Magnaflux magnetic particle equipment is built to
500 customer-programmable techniques order: Please contact us for a detailed quote.
• Prevent accidental and unauthorized
alterations with multiple user profiles and
varying tiers of control for a range of
operator experience levels
• Receive visual alerts when produced
amperage is 90% or less than
set amperage
Real-world dependability for minimal downtime
• Siemens PLC provides reliable controls
and off-the-shelf replacements
• Rely on our industry leading warranty with
best in-class service delivered by a global
network of trained Magnaflux authorized
service centers
• Minimize downtime with standard spare
parts package
Easy to use and maintain
• Make quick operational adjustments using
the simple, user-friendly operator
interface with touch-screen controls
• External pump system provides fast
access for easy cleaning and service
Power Pack Electromagnetic Current Generators with 3-Phase
FWDC Magnetization
The CD-Series is our line of magnetic power packs for magnetic particle inspection. These
stationary magnetizing current generators are power pack versions of our wet bench units
to effectively magnetize parts while keeping power requirements to a minimum. CD-Series
units are ideal for large parts which will not fit on a wet bench or for parts that require
special handling.
Mobile Power Packs Electromagnetic Current Generators for AC or
HWDC Magnetization
The M-Series mobile power pack portable current generators facilitate testing of large and
abnormally heavy parts with magnetic particle inspection. Magnaflux understands some parts
cannot be moved so the magnetizing station needs to be brought to the part. The M-Series
offers a solution by providing an adaptable mobile unit. These units feature AC or
Half Wave DC output.
Power Pack Electromagnetic Current Generators with AC, HWDC and
FWDC Magnetization
The CMD-Series is our line of multi-directional stationary power packs for mag particle testing.
These current generators can easily be integrated with custom handling equipment or used
to update old horizontal wet bench units. CMD-Series units come with 2 or 3 outputs. The
multi-directional magnetization feature finds defects in all orientations with just one cycle and
the outputs can be independently adjusted to balance the magnetic field intensity.
Power Pack Electromagnetic Current Generators with 3-Phase
FWDC Magnetization
Some parts will not lend themselves to traditional units as they are too large, some need special
handling, and some are better processed dry. The CSV-Series offers a solution to the parts that
are too large for normal systems. Three independent outputs help to speed up processing time,
and a pulse feature allows development of larger areas. These units feature 3-phase rectified to
full-wave DC output.
Magnetic Bench Enclosure Hoods
Our durable equipment hood or curtains are used to darken the inspection area to levels
well below the common standards and create a very functional inspection environment while
keeping operator comfort and convenience in mind. The easy access to the unit is improved by
the front “theater style” curtain mechanism which can be folded in half and hung to allow better
ventilation in warmer environments.
Conveyor Inspection Booth for Faster NDT Through-Put
The XG-Series conveyor inspection booth is ideal for customers who require high throughput
or who want to separate part processing (magnetization) from part inspection; available for
A-Series, AD-Series, D-Series and MD-Series magnetic particle wet benches.
• Multiple conveyor width options:
12 in or 18 in
• Adjustable speed,
4-40 ft/min / 0.02-0.2 m/s
• ST700 overhead LED inspection
UV Lamps, qty. 2
• EV6000 hand-held LED UV lamps, qty. 2
• E-stop in-booth emergency power cut-off
for additional safety control
• Demagnetizer with 8,500 A turns and
internal diameter of 15 x 15 in (38 x 38 cm)
S-Series Demagnetizers
Table-top demagnetizers
Demagnetization units remove any residual magnetism remaining after conducting magnetic
particle inspection. Demagnetization of ferromagnetic parts and materials often requires a
requisite to final finishing or to ready an item for its ultimate use. Industrial demagnetizing is not
an easy task, unless an effective demagnetizing system is used. It is especially difficult when
the magnetic field must be reduced to a very low level.
SB-Series Demagnetizers
Stand alone, intermittent duty demagnetizers
Demagnetization units remove any residual magnetism remaining after conducting magnetic
particle inspection. Demagnetization of ferromagnetic parts and materials often requires a
requisite to final finishing or to ready an item for its ultimate use. Industrial demagnetizing is not
an easy task, unless an effective demagnetizing system is used. It is especially difficult when
the magnetic field must be reduced to a very low level.
Economical Power Pack Magnetic Current Generators
P-Series portable power packs are convenient and economical inspection units that are used in
a wide range of magnetic particle inspection applications that require only moderate power.
Mag Kit
Modular Magnetic Particle Inspection System
The mag kit is a sectional magnetic particle testing system for low volume non-destructive
testers with the benefits of an operational magnetic wet bench but without the investment of a
production-level mag bench.
AC Electromagnetic Ergonomic Yoke
The Y-2 is an AC electromagnetic yoke, ergonomically designed to improve productivity and
reduce operator arm and wrist fatigue. The yoke generates a strong AC magnetic field for the
detection of surface indications during magnetic particle testing.
• Ergonomic, light-weight design
• IP54 sealed housing resists
dust and water
• Field-swappable power cord
• Isolated, replaceable trigger switch
• Steel shields for contact (pole) protection
• Exceeds ASTM lifting specifications
• Convenient carrying case supplied with
all yoke shipments
• Optional LED yoke light lasts longer
and is more intense compared to
traditional bulbs
AC/DC Electromagnetic Yoke
The Y-7 is a durable, high-strength AC/DC magnetic yoke designed to detect surface and
sub-surface indications in the most rugged applications.
Y-8 MV Kit
DC Battery-Powered Electromagnetic Yoke Kit
The Y-8 is a battery-powered, DC electromagnetic yoke designed to stand up to the most
rugged applications. True portability for magnetic particle inspection in the field and remote
locations is achieved through a compact battery pack which provides a full 8-hour shift of
inspection power.
Yoke Light
Add-on Light for Y-2 Yokes
The yoke light is an add-on accessory for the Y-2 AC yoke which provides focused, visible light
to the yoke inspection area when the yoke is activated. The 10 lumens strong light is designed
to enhance visible detection of flaws and discontinuities under low conditions and in difficult to
reach areas not accessible to a secondary light source.
L-10 Coil
Portable Magnetic Coil, For Magnetic Particle Inspection
This handy portable AC magnetic coil is great for field applications to magnetize a variety of
part sizes and shapes for magnetic particle inspection. The L-10 can also be used as a portable
demagnetization coil for intermittent duty.
QB2- Plus
Quick Break Tester
The QB2-Plus provides a quantitative verification of quick break function and measures the
duration of the magnetizing shot. The QB2-Plus can verify the correct function of AC, HWDC,
and FWDC equipment, and verify quick break function on 3-phase FWDC units. Shot time and
quick break voltage are alternately shown on the LCD display after each reading.
Magnetic Field Strength Meter
The FSM-2 is used for tangential measuring of the magnetic field strength in DC and AC fields.
A tangential field probe is attached to the workpiece’s surface during magnetization, and the
hall sensor measures the voltage change produced by the magnetic field. This meter measures
the true RMS of asymmetric magnetic fields.
Quantitative Quality Indicator Test Piece Shims
QQIs, also known as standard notched shims, are manufactured to AS-5371 requirements
and are used to verify the strength and orientation of magnetic fields within parts under test.
5 pieces per QQI part number.
Part Numbers
625551: Standard QQI, CX-230 (KSC-230) (P)
625552: Miniature QQI, CX4-230 (KSC4-230) (P)
625553: Standard QQI, CX-430 (KSC-430) (P)
625554: Variable QQI, 3C2-234 (KSCT-234) (P)
625555: Variable QQI, 3C4-234 (KSC4-234) (P)
Part Number
008M004: Magnetic Flux Indicators, 5 pieces (P)
Part Number
159999: Tool Steel Ring (P)
Part Number
189838: Magnetic Particle Test Bar (P)
Pie Gauge
Magnetic field indicator
The magnetic particle pie gauge is used as an aid in determining the direction of magnetic
fields for detection of discontinuities in ferrous metals.
Part Number
169799: Pie Gauge (P)
Part Number
2480: 10 Gauss Field Meter, Un-Calibrated (P)
Part Number
505056: 10 Gauss Field Meter, Calibrated (P)
Part Number
105645: 20 Gauss Field Meter, Calibrated (P)
Centrifuge Tube
For Magnetic Particle Inspection
This line of centrifuge tubes is to help you easily and accurately measure the magnetic particle
concentration of your mag particle bath as part of your regular system performance checks for
Part Numbers
8493: Centrifuge tube for 14A, 14AM, 20B particles (P)
2461: Centrifuge tube for 7C or 7HF particles
507923: Centrifuge tube for MG-410 or MG-450A particles
1837A: Centrifuge tube stand
Part Numbers
626342: Standard 4/0Z Lug Cable Termination
628828: QC-F Female Quick Connect 4/0 Cable Termination (used with QC-M)
626342: QC-M Male Quick Connect 4/0 Cable Termination (used with QC-F)
4/0 Cables
For Magnetic Particle Inspection Equipment
Pre-assembled 4/0 cables are the easiest way to deliver magnetizing current to the weldment
or casting under test. Available in standard or heavy-duty diesel locomotive grade, with lug or
quick connect terminations to fit your equipment and application needs.
Part Numbers
626350-180: 15 ft / 4.57 m, Standard 4/0 Cable, lugs at both ends
628833-180: 15 ft / 4.6 m Standard 4/0 Cable, QC-F to QC-M
628833-240: 20 ft / 6.1 m Standard 4/0 Cable, QC-F to QC-M
628832: Lug to Quick Connect Adapter Set, includes 1 each Lug to QC-M and Lug to QC-F adapters
Custom-length cables are also available – please contact Magnaflux Customer Service for quotation.
Contact Clamps
Part Numbers
1848: Replacement Copper Pad, standard size contacts (4.75 x 7.50 in) (P)
18948: Double-Braided Pad with V-Block, standard size contacts (4.75 x 7.50 in) (P)
18949: Double-Braided Pad with Clip, standard size contacts (4.75 x 7.50 in)
14818: Copper Braid Contact Pad, large size contacts (4.75 x 10.50 in)
Part Numbers
114184: Heavy Duty Braided Lead Pad,
legacy equipment
605647: Lead Contact Plate, standard
size contacts (P)
605657: Heavy Duty, standard size contacts
624789: Heavy Duty Braided Lead Pad,
large size contacts
69393: Heavy Duty Braided Lead Pad, Mag Kit
Equipment Adapters
For Magnetic Particle Inspection
Make sure your Magnaflux magnetic bench works with every part you need to inspect with this
range of equipment adapters. From large, heavy parts to small pieces like bolts, screws, and
pins, Magnaflux equipment adapters help you get more out of your magnetic bench by helping
you make it work for a wide variety of parts.
Part Numbers
622639: Central Conductors set of 3: 0.50 in / 1.3 cm, 0.75 in / 1.9 cm, 1.0 in / 2.5 cm diameter
1857: Steady Rest, Rail Mounted
605750: Steady Rest, Headstock Mounted
Central Conductors
621658: Steady Rest, Tailstock Mounted
1830: Contact Block 4/0 lug connections
28470*: Small Parts Headstock Adapter
28471*: Small Parts Tailstock Adapter
* Only to be used with standard contacts. Do not use with 12 x 12 in contacts.
Steady Rests
Contact Block
Fixed Coil
Magnetic Coil, For Magnetic Particle Inspection Benches
Ensure your magnetic inspection bench fits every part you test with this fixed magnetizing
coil by outfitting your wet bench to match your range of parts, and optimize magnetic field
application. Whether you are testing a large pieces or small bolts, this heavy-duty magnetic coil
will help you set-up your Magnaflux machine just the way you need.
Part Numbers
28501: 12 in / 30 cm
28511: 16 in / 41 cm
28531: 20 in / 51 cm
28541: 25 in / 64 cm
ZL-2C ZL-4C ZL-15B ZL-19 ZL-27A ZL-37 ZL-56 ZL-60D ZL-67 SKL-SP2 SKL-WP2 SKL-4C
Penetrant Type Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Type 2 Type 2 Type 2
Level Level 2 N/A Level 1/2 Level 1 Level 3 Level 4 Level 4 Level 2 Level 3 N/A N/A N/A
Post Water Water Post Post Water Water Water Solvent Water
Removal Type N/A N/A
emulsifiable washable washable emulsifiable emulsifiable washable washable washable Removable Washable
Method Method Method Method Method Method Method Method Method Method Method
QPL Qualified
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
AECL ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
AMS 2644 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ASME ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ASTM E1417 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ASTM E165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Boeing BAC 5423
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PSD 6-46 or 8-4
Boeing PS-21202 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
GE P3TF2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
GE P50YP107 ✓ ✓ ✓
Honeywell EMS
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ISO 3452-2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
MIL-STD-2132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
MIL-STD-271 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Pratt & Whitney ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Level 1/2 Water Washable Fluorescent Penetrant
ZL-15B water washable penetrant is a low-sensitivity penetrant that features excellent
washability. It is used to find open surface flaws such as cracks and porosity in seams, laps, cold
shuts, and laminations on castings, forgings, extrusions, and parts with rough surfaces.
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 1/2 - Very Method A, Water Washable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Low Sensitivity Method C
Level 1 Water Washable Fluorescent Penetrant
A water-removeable level 1 penetrant, ZL-19 is designed for use on rough or unmachined
surfaces such as castings and forgings to find larger discontinuities in non-safety critical
components. It is ideal for inspecting automotive and general industrial components such as
engine blocks, power train components, rocker arms, pistons, steering knuckles, and more.
• Level 1 sensitivity
• Water washable
• Excellent rough surface washability
• Bright, high contrast indications
• Clean rinsing on cast parts
• Will not clog spray nozzles in
automated systems
• Good surface wetting
• High flash point
• Easy washability
• Less time to rinse
• Use less penetrant per part
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 1 - Low Method A, Water Washable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Sensitivity Method C
Level 2 Water Washable Fluorescent Penetrant
Developed for testing rough machined surfaces, ZL-60D fluorescent water-removeable
penetrant is ideal for finding indications in castings, forgings, extrusions and rough surfaces.
Benefits Features
Improve indication detection • Bright, high-contrast indications
• Makes indications stand out more by • Good removability
easily washing excess penetrant off • Excellent rough surface washability
with water • Water washable
• Reduces background fluorescence, even • Level 2 medium sensitivity
on rough surfaces • High flash point
• Very low odor
Maximize application versatility • Better surface wetting
• Ideal for an extensive variety of part types • Alloy compatibility
due to level 2 sensitivity • High thermal resistance
• Universal specification conformance and • High UV stability
fast, even surface wetting • Very low toxicity
Affordable performance • Low volatility
• Drives value at each step of the • Optimized capillary action
inspection process • QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List
• Quickly apply penetrant with high • Approved for use by Pratt & Whitney
surface wetting
• Easily wash off with water Part Numbers
• Use less penetrant over time because of 01-3272-78: Aerosol can (case of 12)
lower drag-out and slower evaporation
01-3272-40: 5 gal / 18.9 L (P)
01-3272-30: 20 gal / 75.7 L drum
01-3272-45: 55 gal / 208 L drum (P)
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 2 - Medium Method A, Water Washable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Sensitivity Method C
Level 3 Water Washable Fluorescent Penetrant
A high-sensitivity level 3 penetrant, ZL-67 fluorescent water removeable penetrant is designed
to find smaller, finer indications in safety-critical components common to aerospace and
engineering applications. ZL-67 penetrant is often used to find flaws in investment castings, jet
engine components, and highly machined surfaces.
• Level 3 high sensitivity • Alloy compatibility
• Water washable • High water tolerance
• Bright, high-contrast indications • High thermal resistance
• High flash point • High UV stability
• Wide range of application methods • Optimized capillary action
• Controlled washability • Low volatility
• Low odor • QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List
• Very low toxicity • Approved for use by Pratt & Whitney
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 3 - High Method A, Water Washable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Sensitivity Method C
Level 4 Water Washable Fluorescent Penetrant
An ultra-high sensitivity penetrant (level 4), ZL-56 fluorescent water-washable penetrant is
safe for use on alloys in engineering and aerospace use, including aluminum, steel, nickel, and
titanium. ZL-56 is designed for non-porous and highly machined components.
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Fluorescent Penetrant Removal Type Required
Penetrant Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 4 - Method A, Water Washable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Ultra-High Method C
Level 2 Post Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant
A medium sensitivity penetrant (level 2), ZL-2C fluorescent post-emulsifiable penetrant is
designed to be removed from the part surface by emulsifiers or solvent. With a UV-A light
source, indications will appear as a bright green-yellow fluorescence. ZL-2C has a high flash
point, and is designed to be used in open dip tanks.
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 2 - Medium Method B, Post Emulsifiable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Sensitivity Method C,
Method D
Level 3 Post Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant
Post-emulsifiable ZL-27A is a level 3, high-sensitivity Type 1 penetrant designed for inspections
which require maximum process control and reliability, such as safety-critical aerospace testing.
• Level 3 high sensitivity • Very low toxicity
• Post emulsifiable • Alloy compatibility
• Bright indications • High thermal resistance
• Resists over-washing or over-removal • High UV stability
• High flash point • QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List
• Wide range of application methods • Approved for use by Pratt & Whitney
• Low odor
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 3 - High Method B, Post Emulsifiable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Sensitivity Method C,
Method D
Level 4 Post Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant
Essential for critical component applications, ultra-high sensitivity ZL-37 post-emulsifiable
penetrant is designed for detecting fine, tight discontinuities in safety-critical components, such
as titanium turbine components, and in high-stress parts, such as investment castings.
Benefits Features
Improve indication detection in the most critical • Level 4 ultra-high sensitivity
applications • Post emulsifiable
• Bright, high-contrast indications
• Creates the clearest, brightest indications
• Resists over-washing or over-removal
for even the finest flaws due to very
• High flash point
strong UV and thermal stability
• Wide range of application methods
• Highest fluorescent brightness of
• Low odor
any level 4 penetrant for high-contrast
• Very low toxicity
indications that are easy for inspectors
• Alloy compatibility
to see – even when the indications are
• Very high thermal resistance
very small
• Very high UV stability
• Indications stand out more since
• High dye content
background fluorescence is minimized;
• QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List
emulsifiers only remove surface penetrant
• Approved for use by Pratt & Whitney
without the risk of over-washing
Maximize penetrant inspection process control
Part Numbers
• Prevents over-washing since ZL-37
cannot be removed with water (unless 01-3188-78: Aerosol can (case of 12)
combined with an emulsifier) 01-3188-40: 5 gal / 18.9 L
• Post Emulsifiable penetrant system is less 01-3188-30: 20 gal / 75.7 L drum
susceptible to human error since only 01-3188-45: 55 gal / 208 L drum (P)
surface penetrant is removed in the final
rinse stage
Wide range of inspections
• Inspect a wide range of high-value
components without fear of corrosion or
specification non-conformance
• Meets all major industry and NDT
specification requirements, including
Aerospace Prime and OEM specs,
AMS 2644 and ISO 3452
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 4 - Method B, Post Emulsifiable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Ultra-High Method C,
Sensitivity Method D
Water-Based Fluorescent Penetrant
Developed for testing materials that can be affected by petroleum-based penetrants,
ZL-4C water-based fluorescent penetrant contains no petroleum derivatives and is harmless
to materials that can be attacked by petroleum-based solvents, such as plastics. It is also safe
for use on ceramics, and it can be used as a leak detector. It is always recommended that the
inspection material is tested for compatibility with ZL-4C prior to use.
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Required Equipment
Fluorescent Penetrant Testing Type 1 UV light source
Hydrophilic Emulsifier
Designed to remove excess surface penetrant, ZR-10E minimizes surface background
during method D fluorescent penetrant testing while protecting indication integrity in critical
component inspections. ZR-10E provides long tank life and excellent solution consistency for
dependable, long-lasting performance in a variety of applications.
• Hydrophilic emulsifier
• Reduces bleed-out on hollow parts
• Lower concentration required
• Resist degradation from bacteria, fungus
or other contaminants
• QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List
• Approved for use by Pratt & Whitney
Lipophilic Emulsifier
A method B lipophilic emulsifier, ZE-4E diffuses into the penetrant to clear the penetrant from
the surface of the part being inspected. It is rinsed from the part by water, carrying penetrant off
the part’s surface. Designed to be used with post-emulsifiable penetrants level 2 ZL-2C,
level 3 ZL-27A or level 4 ZL-37. Benefits include low volatility and a high flash point, so ZE-4E
can be used in open immersion tanks.
Dry Powder Developer
ZP-4B is a free flowing, white, fluffy powder used as a high sensitivity dry powder developer for
penetrant inspection. It is supplied ready to use and forms a thin film on parts which enables it
to enhance indications of ultra-fine discontinuities.
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Developer Type
Fluorescent Penetrant Testing, Visible Type 1, Type 2 Form A
Penetrant Testing
Water Soluble Developer
ZP-14A is a water-soluble developer for the enhancing penetrant indications during liquid
penetrant inspections. It produces a uniform white porous coating when dry which is easily
removed in post inspection cleaning by a water spray. Advantages include bright and highly
defined indications, and can be cleaned with water.
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Developer Type
Fluorescent Penetrant Testing, Visible Type 1, Type 2 Form B
Penetrant Testing
Water Suspendible Developer
As a complementary developer for penetrant inspections, ZP-5B forms an opaque white
coating that makes a contrasting background for indications. This white powder developer
is mixed with water for use and disperses quickly to form an opaque white suspension,
but must be continually agitated during use to ensure uniformity of mix as developer will settle
out on standing.
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Developer Type
Fluorescent Penetrant Testing, Visible Type 1, Type 2 Form C
Penetrant Testing
Solvent Based Developer
ZP-9F is a non-aqueous developer made of organic particles, used often in aerosol cans. It
produces a fast-drying, opaque white coating and contrasting background for fluorescent and
visible penetrant inspections.
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Developer Type
Fluorescent Penetrant Testing, Visible Type 1, Type 2 Form D, Form E
Penetrant Testing
Solvent Based Developer
A bright white, non-aqueous developer, SKD-S2 creates an opaque white background for
high-contrast penetrant testing and quickly draws penetrant out to create stronger, clearer
indications for better inspection reliability and sensitivity.
Benefits Features
Increases indication visibility • Bright white color
• Improves indication detection by • Provides good background contrast
creating an optimal surface for penetrant • Nonfluorescent
indication formation • Wicks penetrant out of indications
• Bright white, opaque coverage blocks all • Fast drying
underlying surface color and quickly • Easy to apply
draws penetrant to the surface for • Convenient, ready to use formula
stronger, clearer indications • Very low toxicity
Application versatility • Matte, opaque coating
• Can be used with a variety of Type 2 and • Easy to clean
Type 1 penetrants in many different
situations without measuring or diluting Part Numbers
• ISO 3452 conformance allows SKD-S2 to 01-5352-78: Aerosol can (case of 12) (P)
be used to inspect a wide range of parts 01-5352-35: 1 gal / 3.78 L
Faster cleaning 01-5352-40: 5 gal / 18.9 L
• Reduces inspection process time by 01-5352-45: 55 gal / 208 L drum (P)
minimizing post-inspection cleaning
• Easy-to-apply formula goes on cleanly,
dries quickly and promotes faster
indication formation to shave time off
each step of the inspection process
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Developer Form
Fluorescent Penetrant Testing, Visible Type 1, Type 2 Form D, Form E
Penetrant Testing
Solvent Removable Visible Dye Penetrant
SKL-SP2 is a solvent removable penetrant for portability, especially for welding operations,
and is post emulsifiable for greater resolution of flaw indications. SKL-SP2 dependably locates
surface flaws and discontinuities with a simple three-step process that is ideal for basic
industrial NDT and for people looking to get into nondestructive testing. It produces a visible
red color contrast, and features outstanding penetrating characteristics.
SK-816 • Solvent removable • Good surface wetting
• ISO 3452 sensitivity level #2 • Optimized capillary action
• Can be used for method B, method C • Works in visible light
and method D • Very low toxicity
• Simple, easy-to-use process • Low odor
• Vivid, high-contrast red color • NDT-spec compliant
• Superior flaw resolution
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Penetrant Methods Removal Type
Visible Penetrant Testing Type 2 Method B, Method C Solvent Removable
Water Washable Visible Dye Penetrant
Developed for large surface areas and rough surfaces where excess penetrant is difficult to
remove with a solvent removable cleaner or emulsifier, SKL-WP2 is a water-removeable dye
penetrant for type 2 penetrant testing in visible white light.
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Penetrant Methods Removal Type
Visible Penetrant Testing Type 2 Method A, Method C Water Washable
Water-Based Visible/Fluorescent (Dual-Purpose) Penetrant
Specially designed for chemically sensitive plastic parts, and for leak detection, SKL-4C is a red
dye visible penetrant that is water based and water washable. As with most plastic parts, it is
recommended that a trial application be used to confirm compatibility.
Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Penetrant Methods
Visible Penetrant Testing Type 2 Method A, Method C
NDT Cleaner & Remover
SKC-S is an NDT-approved solvent cleaner/remover for pre-cleaning before non-destructive
testing and for removing excess surface penetrant from an inspection area before applying
developer during liquid penetrant testing.
Benefits Features
Maximize range of inspections • AMS 2644 Class 2
• Inspect a wide range of components nonhalogenated remover
without worry • Fast drying
• Conforms to AMS 2644 Class 2, • Leaves no residue
ASME BPVC and all major • Suitable for use at low temperatures
aerospace requirements • Alloy compatibility
• Bulk or aerosol form
Application versatility
• Does not over clean
• Use a single cleaner throughout the entire
penetrant testing process
• Comes in both bulk and aerosol forms, or Part Numbers
as part of a kit for convenience 01-5750-78: Aerosol can (case of 12) (P)
Minimize risk of missing a flaw 01-5750-35: 1 gal / 3.78 L
• Inspect reliably by cleaning only the 01-5750-40: 5 gal / 18.9 L
surface without flushing penetrant out 01-5750-45: 55 gal / 208 L drum
of discontinuities
• Dries quickly without leaving residue to
prevent false indications
Fluorescent Penetrant Testing Equipment System
ZA-1227 systems are compact fluorescent penetrant inspection systems for batch and low
volume inspection of small to medium size parts, including aerospace fasteners, automotive
parts and surgical implant inspection.
Fluorescent Penetrant Testing Equipment System
ZA-1633 systems are stand-alone fluorescent penetrant inspection systems for light volume
inspection of small to medium size parts, including aerospace fasteners, automotive parts and
surgical implant inspection.
Part Number
506252: NiCr Test Panels, 20 micron, set of two (P)
Part Number
520090: Water Spray Gun with hose adapter (P)
Hand-Held LED UV Lamp
The EV6000 LED UV lamp is a portable, hand-held UV lamp for fluorescent non-destructive
testing applications like fluorescent penetrant testing and fluorescent magnetic
particle inspections. Includes certification to all aerospace specifications, including ISO 3059,
ASTM E3022, RRES 90061, and AITM6-1001, and meets all Nadcap requirements.
High-Intensity, Dual-Light LED UV Lamp
The EV6500 is a hand-held, portable LED UV lamp with built-in white light LEDs for
non-destructive testing applications like fluorescent penetrant testing and fluorescent magnetic
particle inspections. Includes high intensity UV-A and white light modes, with manufacturer
certification of peak wavelength and intensity.
• 7,000 μW/cm² high intensity • Rugged, durable design
UV-A illumination • No internal fan
• 10 in / 25 cm wide, uniform beam • Low energy consumption
• No hot-spots in the beam profile • Improved operator and
• Built-in LED white light environmental safety
• Single push-button operation for UV and
white light
Stationary Inspection LED UV Lamp for Fluorescent NDT
The ST700 is an inspection-grade overhead LED UV flood lamp with high-intensity UV-A
illumination for non-destructive testing examinations such as fluorescent penetrant and
magnetic particle testing. Modular control cable mounts separately in the inspection area,
allowing the operator to select between UV-A and white light modes. Includes certification to
all aerospace specifications, including ISO 3059, ASTM E3022, RRES 90061, AITM6-1001, and
meets all Nadcap requirements.
Benefits Features
Speed up the inspection process • High intensity compliant UV-A illumination
• Inspect more of the part at once thanks to • 20 x 26 in (50 x 66 cm) wide, uniform
the ultra-wide beam beam on standard model at 36 in (90cm)
• Eliminate additional steps and equipment • IP65 sealed construction prevents
involved with using a secondary hand- damage from water, vapor or dust
held inspection lamp • Angled mounting brackets
• No hot-spots in the beam profile
Minimize risk of missing indications • Aluminum body in a rugged,
• Indications stand out bright and clear due durable design
to high intensity LED technology • No internal fan necessary
• Mount the light out of the way, up to • Aerospace prime and OEM certified
46 in / 117 cm above the inspection • Certified to ASTM, AITM, RRES
surface while still maintaining inspection and Nadcap
level intensity
Real-world reliability Part Number
• Fully sealed construction prevents dust
628243: North American Model (P)
and water damage
• Maintain UV intensity and coverage over
time with non-clouding, proprietary lenses
• Rugged, impact resistant metal
construction designed for
NDT environments
Work in comfort
• Keeps inspection booths cool thanks to
the fan-less, LED technology
• Eliminates hazardous mercury vapor for
safer working conditions and better
EHS compliance
• Easily maintain and changeover
equipment with built-in white light
Part Numbers
623365: Wet Bench Mounting System
623367: Black Light Ceiling Mount Assembly
622596: Modular Black Light 5.5 Extension
623365: Modular Black Light 7.5 Extension
Part Number
628388: ST700 Mount
UV-A Radiometer
Measures UV-A Irradiance
The UV-A meter is a compact, rugged, easy to operate, digital radiometer for measuring and
calibrating UV-A black light sources used in fluorescent penetrant testing and fluorescent
magnetic particle inspections for non-destructive testing.
Part Number
625024: UV-A Light Meter (P)
Part Number
622338: Visible Light Meter
Echogel Sonotrace Soundsafe Ultragel II UT-X Powder Sono 600 Sono 1100 Pyrogel 7 Pyrogel 100
Form Gel Gel Gel Gel Powder Thick gel Medium paste Thin liquid Thick gel
Viscosity* 5.5 4.5 5.25 5 Variable N/A N/A N/A N/A
Silicone ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Glycerin ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Temperature 27 to 140°F 25 to 175°F 0 to 200°F -10 to 210°F 32 to 120°F 700 to 775°F 0 to 700°F -50 to 730°F -50 to 805°F
Range (-3 to 60°C) (-4 to 79°C) (-18 to 93°C) (-23 to 99°C) (0 to 49°C) (371 to 413°C) (-18 to 371°C) (-45 to 388°C) (-45 to 429°C)
API ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ASME BPVC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ASTM F519 ✓ ✓ ✓
ASTM F945 ✓ ✓
AWS ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Pratt & Whit-
✓ ✓
PWA 36604 ✓ ✓ ✓
* Subjective measure on a 0–10 scale where 0 = water, 5 = medium gel, 10 = very thick paste.
Ultragel II
High Performance Ultrasonic Couplant
Ultragel® II is an industry-leading, high-performance, ultrasonic couplant for flaw detection and
sizing, thickness gauging, flow metering and acoustic emission testing.
Product Properties
NDT Type Comparative Viscosity Compatibility
Ultrasonic Testing 5.0 Most composites and metals
High Performance Ultrasonic Couplant
Soundsafe® is a high-performance, general-purpose ultrasonic couplant for flaw detection and
sizing, thickness gauging, flow metering and acoustic emission testing.
Product Properties
NDT Type Comparative Viscosity Compatibility
Ultrasonic Testing 5.25 Most composites and metals
Sonotrace 30
General-Purpose Ultrasonic Couplant
Sonotrace® 30 is a general-purpose ultrasonic couplant in medium-thick gel viscosity for flaw
detection and thickness gauging applications. This glycerin-free couplant is a great choice for
applications requiring minimum halogens, sulfur and low melting point metals, and offers good
performance at a lower price point.
Part Numbers
42-901: 1 gal / 3.78 L
42-905: 5 gal / 18.9 L
42-955: 55 gal / 208 L drum
Product Properties
NDT Type Comparative Viscosity Compatibility
Ultrasonic Testing 4.5 Most composites and metals
Echogel 20
Economical Ultrasonic Couplant
Echogel® 20 is an economical, basic-use couplant in medium-thick gel viscosity for ultrasonic
inspections, like flaw detection/sizing and thickness gauging, where salt cake or metal corrosion
salts are present. It provides good corrosion inhibition and resists viscosity breakdown on
salt-caked boilers and other corroded materials.
Part Numbers
48-901: 1 gal / 3.78 L
48-905: 5 gal / 18.9 L
48-955: 55 gal / 208 L drum
Product Properties
NDT Type Comparative Viscosity Compatibility
Ultrasonic Testing 5.5 Most composites and metals
UT-X Powder
Ultrasonic Couplant Powder
UT-X® Powder is a cost-effective couplant powder for flaw detection and thickness gaging
applications where ferrous corrosion inhibition is required.
Part Numbers
62-110: 1 gal / 3.78 L
62-510: 5 gal / 18.9 L
Product Properties
NDT Type Viscosity Compatibility
Ultrasonic Testing Variable Most composites and metals
Sono 600
High-Temperature Ultrasonic Couplant
Sono 600 is a versatile, multi-purpose couplant with a wide operating temperature
range for flaw detection, thickness gauging and acoustic emission testing in
petrochemical, power generation, automotive, aerospace, food processing equipment
and pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Product Properties
NDT Type Comparative Viscosity Compatibility
Ultrasonic Testing Thick Gel Most composites and metals
Sono 1100
High-Temperature Ultrasonic Couplant
Sono 1100 provides coupling for high-temperature thickness gauging and will maintain acoustic
coupling at high temperatures beyond 15 seconds to give ample time to obtain thickness
readings. In most cases, the signal strength increases with time to the point of the couplant’s
thermal decomposition.
Product Properties
NDT Type Comparative Viscosity Compatibility
Ultrasonic Testing Medium Paste Most metals
Pyrogel 100
Wide Temperature Range Ultrasonic Couplant
Pyrogel® is a broad temperature range couplant for thickness gauging, flow metering, acoustic
emissions testing and flaw detection/sizing. These products contain no polymers and resists
drying, making them an excellent choice for long term flow metering applications.
Product Properties
NDT Type Comparative Viscosity Compatibility
Ultrasonic Testing Thick Gel Most composites and metals
Pyrogel 7
Wide Temperature Range Ultrasonic Couplant
Pyrogel® is a broad temperature range couplant for thickness gauging, flow metering, acoustic
emissions testing and flaw detection/sizing. These products contain no polymers and resists
drying, making them an excellent choice for long term flow metering applications.
Product Properties
NDT Type Comparative Viscosity Compatibility
Ultrasonic Testing Thin Liquid Most composites and metals
Daraclean 200 Daraclean 212 Daraclean 235 Daraclean 236 Daraclean 282 Daraclean 282GF Daraclean 283
pH Level High-alkaline Neutral Neutral Neutral Alkaline Alkaline High-alkaline
Foam Level Low High Low Moderate Low Low Low
Silicates ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
AQMD Certified ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Spray Application ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Steam Application ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
AMS 1551 ✓ ✓
ARP 1512 ✓
ARP 1755B ✓
ASTM F495 ✓
ASTM F519 ✓
ASTM F945 ✓
ASTM F1110 ✓
Boeing BAC 5749 ✓
Boeing BAC 5763 ✓ ✓ ✓
Boeing D6-48809 ✓
CSS 253 ✓ ✓
GEAE Method 22,
✓ ✓
Honeywell ARP
✓ ✓ ✓
Pratt & Whitney ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PWA 407 ✓
PWA 36604 ✓ ✓
PWA SOP 209 ✓
PWA K231 ✓
RR CSS 204
✓ ✓
Type A
Daraclean 212
Neutral Aqueous Cleaner
A foaming, all-purpose neutral cleaning solution meant for a broad spectrum of soils.
Daraclean® 212 is formulated with a blend of surfactants, emulsifiers, and corrosion
inhibitors, and is safe to use on most metals, while being non-aggressive with aluminum
and titanium alloys.
Part Numbers
01-6030-40: 5 gal / 18.9 L
01-6030-45: 55 gal / 208 L drum (P)
Product Properties
pH Level Foam Level Silicates Hard Water Aerospace SCAQMD
Tolerance Compliant Certified
Neutral High No Moderate Yes No
Daraclean 235
Neutral Aqueous Cleaner
Daraclean® 235 is a low-foaming, neutral cleaning solution for general use on a broad spectrum
of soils and safe to use on most metals, non-aggressive on aluminum, brass, copper, titanium
and zinc alloys. Soil-rejecting properties suspend soils in the solution and can be filtered and
skimmed to extend the life of the cleaner much further than emulsion cleaners.
Part Number
01-6050-45: 55 gal / 208 L drum
Product Properties
pH Level Foam Level Silicates Hard Water Aerospace SCAQMD
Tolerance Compliant Certified
Neutral Low No Low Yes No
Daraclean 236
Neutral Aqueous Cleaner
Daraclean® 236 is a moderate-foaming, all-purpose neutral cleaner for a wide range of soils
and safe to use on most metals and removes tarnish from brass, bronze, and copper alloys.
Excellent soil-rejecting properties keep soils suspended until solids settle and oil and grease
coalesce and float, to be removed by filtering or skimming, which extends the life of the cleaner
much further than emulsion-type solutions.
Part Number
01-6040-45: 55 gal / 208 L drum (P)
Product Properties
pH Level Foam Level Silicates Hard Water Aerospace SCAQMD
Tolerance Compliant Certified
Neutral Moderate No High Yes No
Daraclean 282
Alkaline Aqueous Cleaner
A low-foaming, all-purpose alkaline cleaning solution for Aerospace, Daraclean® 282 is an
excellent cleaner for a broad spectrum of soils.
• Multi-purpose alkaline cleaner
• Low foam level
• Aerospace compliant
• Works on a wide range of materials
• Cleans a broad spectrum of soils
• Multi-metal safe
• Low silicates
• Low residue
Product Properties
pH Level Foam Level Silicates Hard Water Aerospace SCAQMD
Tolerance Compliant Certified
High-alkaline Low Yes Moderate Yes No
Daraclean 282GF
Alkaline Aqueous Cleaner
Daraclean® 282GF is a high-performance cleaner for a broad spectrum of soils. A low-foaming
all-purpose glycol-free alkaline cleaning solution with a unique blend of surfactants and
corrosion inhibitors, it meets or exceeds the specifications for most aerospace applications for
aqueous and alkaline cleaners.
Product Properties
pH Level Foam Level Silicates Hard Water Aerospace SCAQMD
Tolerance Compliant Certified
Alkaline Low Yes Moderate Yes Yes
Daraclean 283
Alkaline Aqueous Cleaner
Daraclean® 283 is a low-foaming, powerful alkaline cleaning solution formulated for use on a
broad spectrum of soils, composed of surfactants, emulsifiers, and corrosion inhibitors. It is safe
to use on most metals and is non-aggressive towards titanium alloys.
Product Properties
pH Level Foam Level Silicates Hard Water Aerospace SCAQMD
Tolerance Compliant Certified
High-alkaline Low Yes High Yes No
Daraclean 200
Heavy-Duty Industrial Cleaner
Daraclean® 200 is a low-foaming high-alkaline cleaner for heavy-duty use on most metals, and
it is not aggressive on brass, copper and titanium alloys. It is designed for immersion, spray, and
ultrasonic applications.
Product Properties
pH Level Foam Level Silicates Hard Water Aerospace SCAQMD
Tolerance Compliant Certified
High-alkaline Low Yes Moderate No Yes