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Non-Destructive Testing Catalogue

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Testing Catalogue

Magnetic Particle Testing Materials,

Equipment, & Accessories

Magnetic Yokes

Penetrant Testing Materials,

Equipment, & Accessories

UV Lamps

Aqueous Cleaners

(P) = Preferred Product 1


Introducing the
Lightweight, Heavy
Duty, and Durable
Y-2 Yoke
New ergonomic design
features swappable cord
and a sealed trigger.
Table of Contents

Magnetic Particle Testing Materials 2

Fluorescent Magnetic Particles 4

Visible Magnetic Particles for Dry Method 9

Visible Magnetic Particles for Wet Method 10

White Contrast Paints 12

Suspension Vehicle 13

Water Bath Additives 14

Magnetic Particle Testing Equipment 15

Magnetic Yokes 23

Magnetic Particle Testing Accessories 27

Penetrant Testing Materials 38

Water-washable Fluorescent Penetrants 41

Post-emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrants 45

Water-based Fluorescent Penetrants 47

Visible (Red) Penetrants 48

Developers 51

Cleaners / Removers 54

Emulsifiers 55

Penetrant Testing Equipment 56

Penetrant Testing Accessories 59

UV Lamps 62

(P) = Preferred Product 1

Magnetic Particle Testing

2 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing Materials

14A 14HF 410HF MG 410 MG 601 WB-12 101 622.1 690.1
Ready-to- Ready-to- Ready-to- Ready-to- Ready-to- Ready-to-
Description Particles use liquid & Particles Particles
use aerosol use liquid use liquid use aerosol use liquid use aerosol

Method Wet method Wet method Wet method Wet method Wet method Wet method Wet method Wet method Wet method Wet method

Suspension Vehicle Water or oil Oil Oil Water Water or oil MF-655 WB Water Oil Oil Oil

Sensitivity* 8-9 8 7 7-8 7 8-9 7-8 8-9 8-9 8-9

AMS 2641 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

AMS 3044 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

AMS 3045 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

AMS 3046 ✓ Aerosol ✓ Aerosol ✓ Aerosol

ASTM E709 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ASTM E1444/E1444M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ASME BPVC Section V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ISO 9934-2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

KTA 3905 ✓ ✓

MIL-STD-2132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

NAVSEA 250-1500-1 ✓ ✓
Rolls Royce RRP 58004
✓ ✓ ✓
(CSS 231)
SAE AS4792 ✓ ✓

SAFRAN IN 5300 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

SNECMA DMR70-520 ✓

7HF WB-27 103 1 Grey 8A Red

Description Ready-to-use aerosol Ready-to-use liquid Ready-to-use aerosol Particles Particles

Method Wet method Wet method Wet method Dry method Dry method

Suspension Vehicle Oil Water Oil - -

Sensitivity* 6-7 6-7 6-7 7 7

AMS 2641 ✓

AMS 3040 ✓ ✓

AMS 3041 ✓

AMS 3042 ✓

AMS 3043 ✓ Aerosol ✓

ASTM E709 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ASTM E1444/E1444M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ASME BPVC Section V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ISO 9934-2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

MIL-STD-2132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

NAVSEA 250-1500-1 ✓
✓ ✓
SAE AS4792 ✓

* Representative of the number of indications on a tool steel ring as defined in ASTM E1444.

(P) = Preferred Product 3

Magnetic Particle Testing Materials
Fluorescent Magnetic Particles

Wet Method Fluorescent Magnetic Particles
A highly sensitive magnetic particle powder, 14A fluorescent mag particles are engineered
to locate very fine discontinuities in critical parts and applications.

Designed with strong fluorescent properties, 14A magnetic powder is made with a carefully
optimised range of particle sizes and shapes to ensure particles move quickly and easily
to indications, while minimising background and particle clumping. The result is faster
inspections with better reliability and greater confidence.

Benefits Features
Increases indication detection • Can be suspended in water or petroleum
• Find smaller, finer indications in critical distillate (oil) vehicle
applications with these highly sensitive, • High sensitivity
strong ferromagnetic particles • Excellent fluorescent contrast
• Optimised particle size and shape help • Excellent particle mobility
particles move freely and stick to a wide • Optimised particle size and shape
variety of discontinuities with less particle distribution
clumping • Easily dispersed

Minimises inspection time Part Numbers

• Clear, bright fluorescent indications form 059C025: 1 kg (P)
quickly due to the highly fluorescent, highly 059C026: 5 kg
mobile particles
• Minimal background fluorescence helps
indications stand out more so inspectors
spend less time examining each part
Improve inspection consistency and reliability
• Maintain magnetic particle system
performance over greater periods of time
due to the highly durable, easily dispersed
14A particles
• Reduced particle clumping helps maintain
particle concentration in the suspension
bath, for dependable inspections

4 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing Materials
Fluorescent Magnetic Particles

MG 410
Wet Method Fluorescent Magnetic Particles
MG 410 is a highly sensitive fluorescent powder concentrate for detecting very fine to fine
surface and slightly subsurface discontinuities.

MG 410 can be mixed with either water or oil for wet method inspection of metal parts.
Conditioners for water baths - such as WA-1 - should be used for anti-foaming and corrosion
inhibiting, as a wetting agent, and to facilitate particle suspension.

Benefits Part Numbers

• Increases indication detection 057C036: 1 kg
• Minimises inspection time
• Improves inspection consistency and
• Provides excellent discontinuity detection
• Can be suspended in water or oil
• Minimal background
• High sensitivity
• Excellent fluorescent contrast
• Excellent particle mobility
• Optimised particle size distribution
• Durable particles
• Easily dispersed

MG 601
Wet Method Fluorescent Magnetic Particles
MG 601 is a highly sensitive powder concentrate for detecting very fine to fine surface and
slightly subsurface discontinuities.

MG 601 is a top-up for MF-655 WB ink concentrate.

Benefits Part Numbers

• Increases indication detection 061C026: 1 kg
• Minimises inspection time
• Improves inspection consistency and
• High sensitivity
• Excellent fluorescent contrast
• Excellent particle mobility
• Optimised particle size distribution
• Durable particles
• Easily dispersed

(P) = Preferred Product 5

Magnetic Particle Testing Materials
Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inks

Oil-based Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Ink
14HF is a ready-to-use fluorescent mag particle ink for locating medium-fine discontinuities
in critical parts. 14HF is an ideal choice for high-performance inspections of precision
safety-critical or high-stress components, and to extend the life of valuable mag particle
equipment. It is widely regarded as the test material of choice for aerospace applications.

Benefits Features
Increases indication detection • Ready-to-use, low maintenance, oil-based
• Find smaller, finer indications in critical suspension
applications with these highly sensitive, • High sensitivity
strong ferromagnetic particles • Excellent fluorescent contrast
• Optimised particle size and shape help • Excellent particle mobility
particles move freely and stick to a wide • Good dispersion stability
variety of discontinuities with less particle • Protects parts and equipment against
clumping corrosion
• Great concentration consistency
Minimises inspection time • Superior surface wetting
• Clear, bright fluorescent indications form • Even surface coverage for better detection
quickly due to the highly fluorescent, highly
mobile particles Part Number
• Minimal background fluorescence helps 008A105: Aerosol can (case of 10) (P)
indications stand out more so inspectors 058C006: 5 litres (case of 4) (P)
 need to spend less time examining each part 058C007: 25 litres (P)
Improve inspection consistency and reliability
• Maintain magnetic particle system
performance over greater periods of time
thanks to the highly-durable, easily-
dispersed 14A particles

Oil-based Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Ink
410HF is a ready-to-use fluorescent ink for locating medium-fine discontinuities in critical
parts. It provides clear, bright, fluorescent green indications for excellent inspection quality
and accuracy.

Benefits Part Number

• Increases indication detection 008A106: Aerosol can (case of 10)
• Minimises inspection time
• Ready-to-use, low maintenance, oil-based
• High sensitivity
• Excellent fluorescent contrast
• Excellent particle mobility
• Good dispersion stability
• Protects parts and equipment against
• Great concentration consistency
• Superior surface wetting
• Even surface coverage for better detection

6 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing Materials
Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inks

Oil-based Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Ink
101 is a ready-to-use fluorescent ink for locating medium-fine discontinuities in critical parts.
It provides clear, bright, fluorescent green indications for excellent inspection quality and

Features Part Numbers

• Ready-to-use 008A170: Aerosol can (case of 10)
• Low maintenance, oil-based suspension
• High sensitivity
• Excellent fluorescent contrast
• Excellent particle mobility
• Good dispersion stability
• Great concentration consistency
• Superior surface wetting.

Oil-based Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Ink
690.1 is a ready-to-use fluorescent ink for locating medium-fine discontinuities in critical
parts. It provides clear, bright, fluorescent green indications for excellent inspection quality
and accuracy.

Features Part Numbers

• Ready-to-use 008A185: Aerosol can (case of 10)
• Low maintenance, oil-based suspension
• High sensitivity
• Excellent fluorescent contrast
• Excellent particle mobility
• Good dispersion stability
• Protects parts and equipment against corrosion
• Great concentration consistency
• Superior surface wetting
• Even surface coverage for better detection

Oil-based Fluorescent Magnetic Concentrate
622.1 is an oil-based fluorescent ink concentrate for locating medium-fine discontinuities in
critical parts. It must be suspended in a petroleum-based vehicle (oil), such as Carrier II.

Features Part Numbers

• Excellent fluorescent contrast 061C068: 1 litre bottles (case of 6)
• Excellent particle mobility
• Optimised particle size distribution
• Durable particles
• Easily dispersed

(P) = Preferred Product 7

Magnetic Particle Testing Materials
Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Concentrates

Water-based Fluorescent Magnetic Concentrate
WB-12 is a highly-sensitive liquid concentrate for locating fine surface and slightly
subsurface discontinuities. The ultra-sensitive particles provide unbeatable inspection
quality and accuracy, and the water conditioners provide enhanced corrosion protection.

Features Part Number

• High sensitivity 058C033: 1 litre bottles (case of 6) (P)
• Easy post-testing clean up
• Excellent fluorescent contrast for quick
• Excellent particle mobility
• Good dispersion stability
• Great concentration consistency
• Superior surface wetting
• Non-foaming
• Even surface coverage for better detection
• Good corrosion protection

MF-655 WB
Water-based Fluorescent Magnetic Concentrate
MF-655 WB is a highly-sensitive liquid concentrate for locating fine surface and slightly
subsurface discontinuities. The ultra-sensitive particles provide clear, bright, fluorescent
green indications under UV light for unbeatable inspection quality and accuracy, and the
water conditioners provide enhanced corrosion protection.

Features Part Numbers

• High sensitivity 061C063: 1 litre bottle (case of 12) (P)
• Easy post-testing clean-up 061C064: 5 litres (case of 4) (P)
• Excellent particle mobility
• Good dispersion stability
• Great concentration consistency
• Superior surface wetting
• Non-foaming
• Even surface coverage for better detection
• Enhanced corrosion protection – meets
Corrosion Level 0 according to DIN 51360
• Free from silicone, chromates and nitrates
• Non-hazardous

8 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing Materials
Visible Magnetic Particles for Dry Method

1 Grey
Coloured Non-fluorescent Magnetic Particles
Use 1 Grey for visible light flaw detection of surface and slightly subsurface discontinuities
during dry method mag particle testing. This off-white/grey powder provides sharp colour-
contrast contrast on most metal surfaces; it is particularly effective on highly-reflective

Features Part Numbers

• Good particle buildup for quick detection 057C005: 5 kg
• Highly refined for optimal particle shape
and size combination
• Minimal dust build-up
• Does not require a UV light or darkened
inspection area

8A Red
Coloured Non-fluorescent Magnetic Particles
Use 8A Red for visible light flaw detection of surface and slightly subsurface discontinuities
during dry method mag particle testing. This red powder provides sharp colour-contrast
contrast on most metal surfaces and coloured backgrounds.

Benefits Part Numbers

• Good particle buildup for quick detection 057C067: 5 kg
• Highly refined for optimal particle shape
and size combination
• Minimal dust build-up
• Does not require a UV light or darkened
inspection area

(P) = Preferred Product 9

Magnetic Particle Testing Materials
Visible Magnetic Particles for Wet Method

Oil-based Visible Magnetic Particle Suspension
A highly-sensitive oil-based mag particle aerosol for visible wet method magnetic particle
testing, 7HF locates fine and medium discontinuities on finished parts.

7HF provides clear, strong indications due to the heavy buildup of the highly magnetic
particles. The convenient aerosol packaging is ideal for field testing, spot inspections and
places where bulk processing is impractical, and the wide spray pattern makes it easy to
cover large areas for faster processing during remote inspections of tubing, piping and
large structures.

Benefits Features
Maximise indication detection • Heavy particle buildup
• Find indications of all shapes and sizes due • Great particle mobility
to the smallest particle on the market • Protects parts and equipment against
• Heavy buildup of highly magnetic particles corrosion
around all leakage fields make for high- • Superior surface wetting
contrast indications, especially when used • Very small particle size
with WCP-2 white contrast paint • Oil-based formula
• Very low toxicity
Convenient to use • Low odour
• Inspect in all conditions without the need for
darkness or UV lights Part Number
• The visible particles come in a convenient, 008A103: Aerosol can (case of 10) (P)
aerosol format that is easy tp carry and use
in the field
Wide application versatility
• Inspect a wide range of components
without fear of corrosion or specification

Water-based Visible Magnetic Particle Suspension
A highly-sensitive water-based liquid concentrate for visible wet method magnetic particle
testing, WB-27 locates fine and medium discontinuities on finished parts. It provides clear,
strong indications due to the heavy buildup of the highly magnetic particles.

Benefits Part Number

• Maximise indication detection 058C036: 1 litre bottle (case of 6)
• Convenient to use
• Wide application versatility
• Heavy particle buildup
• Great particle mobility
• Protects parts and equipment against
• Superior surface wetting
• Very small particle size
• Oil-based formula
• Very low toxicity
• Low odour

10 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing Materials
Visible Magnetic Particles for Wet Method

Oil-based Visible Magnetic Particle Suspension
A highly-sensitive oil-based magnetic particle aerosol for visible wet method magnetic
particle testing, 103 locates fine and medium discontinuities on finished parts. It provides
clear, strong indications due to the heavy buildup of the highly magnetic particles.

Benefits Part Number

• Maximise indication detection 008A171: Aerosol can (case of 10)
• Convenient to use
• Wide application versatility
• Heavy particle buildup
• Great particle mobility
• Protects parts and equipment against corrosion
• Superior surface wetting
• Very small particle size
• Oil-based formula
• Very low toxicity
• Low odour

(P) = Preferred Product 11

Magnetic Particle Testing Materials
White Contrast Paints

White Contrast Paint
A bright white, opaque NDT contrast paint, WCP-2 provides a high contrast background to
improve detection and sensitivity during visible magnetic particle inspections.

This fast-drying paint aerosol sprays on evenly, without flaking, so when coloured magnetic
particles are applied, the indications appear clearly against the opaque white background.

WCP-2 can be used with all types of coloured and visible mag particles, and is suitable for
use in both dry method and wet method magnetic particle inspection.

Benefits Features
Maximise indication detection • Bright white colour
• See indications more easily against a • High opacity
bright white, opaque surface, which • Provides good background contrast
highlights indications while minimising glare • Fast drying
and reflections • Convenient, ready-to-use formula
• Controlled application
Increase inspection speed
• Strong surface adhesion
• Speed up inspections by applying a clean
• Matte coating
coat on the first pass, without bubbles or
• Very low toxicity
• Low in sulphur and halogens
• Dries evenly and quickly to create an • Contains no chlorinated hydrocarbons
optimal surface for faster indication
Part Number
Application versatility 008A009: Aerosol can (case of 10) (P)
• Comes in a convenient aerosol to take it 055C027: 5 litres (case of 4)
with you wherever you go
• Can be used with wet or dry method
magnetic particles on virtually any part
• Conforms to ISO 9934 specifications

104A and 104plus

White Contrast Paints
These bright white, opaque NDT contrast paints provide a high contrast background to
enhance visible indications on dark-coloured test surfaces, and improve detection and
sensitivity during visible magnetic particle inspections.

104A and 104plus can be used with all types of coloured and visible mag particles, and are
suitable for use in both dry method and wet method magnetic particle inspection.

Features Part Number

• 104A is ethanol-based; 104plus is 008A172: 104A, aerosol can (case of 10)
acetone-based 008A173: 104plus. aerosol can (case of 10)
• High opacity
• Fast drying
• Convenient, ready to use formula
• Controlled application
• Strong surface adhesion
• Matte coating
• Very low toxicity
• Low in sulphur and halogens
• Contains no chlorinated hydrocarbons

12 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing Materials
Suspension Vehicle

Carrier II
NDT-approved Petroleum-based Suspension Vehicle
Carrier II is a high-purity, NDT-approved suspension vehicle developed specifically for wet
method magnetic particle testing. This petroleum distillate carrier oil provides excellent
particle mobility, good suspension stability and enhanced corrosion protection for reliable,
spec-compliant mag particle inspections.

Carrier II contains special additives to minimise background fluorescence when using

fluorescent materials.

Benefits Features
Faster, more reliable inspections • Provides excellent particle mobility
• Increases inspection speed and reliability • Protects parts and equipment against
by quickly wetting the entire test surface corrosion
• Helps 14A particles move quickly to • Provides superior wetting and surface
discontinuities coverage
• Low maintenance oil-based suspension
Reduces maintenance • Very low toxicity
• Magnetic particle baths last longer due to • High flash point
slow evaporation, and are less susceptible • Low volatility
to contamination from bacteria or fungus • Odourless
• Protects magnetic particles like 14A from • Wide temperature stability
wear and tear and keeps them evenly
dispersed throughout the bath
Part Numbers
Improves operator comfort 058C024: 25 litres (P)
• Made with a highly-refined oil to reduce 058C028: 200 litres (P)
skin irritation and eliminate strong odours
for a nicer work environment
More inspection flexibility
• Conforms to all major international magnetic
particle testing specifications
• Prevents corrosion of most alloys and
eliminates post-inspection processing for
corrosion protection
Safer to use
• Reduces EHS concerns with high flash point
and low toxicity
Increases equipment life-span
• Protects magnetic particle equipment from
internal rust and corrosion, helping to keep
expensive machines running longer with
less downtime

(P) = Preferred Product 13

Magnetic Particle Testing Materials
Water Bath Additives

Water Conditioner
WA-1 is a general-purpose water-conditioning liquid, designed specifically to enhance
surface wetting and magnetic particle dispersion stability in water-based magnetic particle

As a liquid, WA-1 is easier to mix into a bath than powder conditioners, especially when
mixing into hard water. Its unique blend of wetting agents, corrosion inhibitors and anti-
foaming agents eliminates the need for additional water conditioning agents.

Features Part Number

• Great for use with hard water 064C002: 1 litre
• Provides excellent surface wetting
• Disperses quickly in water
• Easy to prepare and use

Silicone-free Anti-foam
WA-2 is an excellent general-purpose defoaming additive, formulated to eliminate and
prevent foaming in water-based magnetic particle suspensions. WA-2 can be sprinkled
onto the surfaces of baths to eliminate foaming; it is not intended to remove fine
lather which may occur in recirculating baths where there is excessive air intake in the
recirculation pump.

Features Part Number

• Easy to use 064C005: 1 litre
• Effective, concentrated formula
• Excellent defoaming characteristics
• Silicone free

14 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing

(P) = Preferred Product 15

Magnetic Particle Testing Equipment

Magnetic Wet Benches with 3-Phase FWDC Capability
The D-2060 is one of our most powerful wet magnetic benches, providing 6,000 amps
RMS of 3-phase FWDC and an optional 6,000 amps RMS of AC. This magnetic particle
inspection bench provides magnetisation to find surface and subsurface defects with clear
indications while using minimal power.

The two outputs are independently adjustable to set each magnetic field, circular or
longitudinal, at distinct levels.

Benefits Features
Durability and support through a global network • Meets aerospace specifications
• Confidence that the equipment will survive • Faster part processing
your demanding environment, backed by • Real-world dependability for minimal
an industry leading warranty, and supported downtime
by a global network. • Easy to use and maintain
• Develop techniques and train for your • Siemens PLC provides reliable controls
inspection processes on Magnaflux and off-the-shelf replacements
equipment that is available globally. • Simple touch-screen operator interface
• External pump system for particle bath
Streamline sourcing, service, and agitation, circulation and application
maintenance • Integrated ultra-low frequency, reversing,
• Simplify your quality procedures with step-down DC demagnetisation with 1-touch
integrated solutions from Magnaflux. control
Take the guesswork out of product
selection with chemicals, equipment, UV Ordering Information
lamps, and accessories that comply with Magnaflux magnetic particle equipment is built
industry specifications. to order: Please contact us for a detailed quote.
Faster, consistent inspections
• Operators can inspect parts more quickly
with an automatic double mag shot,
adjustable mag shot timer, and machine
• Reduce processing time with operator-
enabled automatic double-mag shot and
adjustable mag shot time, accessible
through a user-friendly operator interface.
• Process more parts with up to 300+ shots
per hour at 5% duty cycle of 0.5 seconds
on, 10 seconds off, at the maximum output.

MAG 40 Series
Magnetic Wet Benches with AC and HWDC Magnetisation
The MAG 40 test benches are self-contained, low-cost units that detect and locate fatigue
cracks and processing defects during wet method magnetic particle inspection. These
medium-duty machines are ideal for machine shops, tool rooms, foundries and similar
plants where low-volume testing of ferrous components is required.

Features Ordering Information

• Can inspect components up to 1 m in length. 007E241: MAG 40 HD
• Thyristor controlled 007E243: MAG 40 HFD
• 2,500 Amp output
• AC and HWDC
• MAG 40 HFD model includes DC flux
20,000 ampere turn
• Stainless steel tank

16 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing Equipment

MAG 50 Series
Magnetic Wet Benches with AC and HWDC Magnetisation
The MAG 50 series of test bench units are heavy-duty machines designed for the
inspection of ferrous components. There are numerous options in both ranges and all units
come with separate power packs and stainless steel tanks.

Features Ordering Information

• Can inspect components up to 2.5 m in Magnaflux magnetic particle equipment is built
length to order: Please contact us for a detailed quote.
• 3,000 or 5,000 Amp output
• AC and HWDC
• Stainless steel tank

Ferroflux 400
Magnetic Wet Bench
Our Ferroflux benches detect longitudinal and transversal cracks in two separate sequential
steps. The standard systems are suitable for testing work pieces with clamping lengths of
400 mm up to a maximum of 3615 mm; we can also supply special clamping lengths if you
need them.

Ferroflux benches are supplied with external power packs to feed the magnetisation circuits
and, if required, can be equipped with darkening cabins, an exhaust fan and a light fixture.

Ordering Information
Magnaflux magnetic particle equipment is built
to order: Please contact us for a detailed quote.

Universal SW
Magnetic Wet Bench
The Universal SW magnetic wet benches are equipped with two AC circuits, allowing the
detection of longitudinal and transversal cracks at the same time. Universal SW benches
are suitable for testing work pieces with clamping lengths from 1,200 mm to 3,200 mm,
and a maximum weight of 300 kg (standard) or 1,000 kg (option).

Features Ordering Information

• pneumatic clamping of the test pieces Magnaflux magnetic particle equipment is built
• infinitely variable clamping length to order: Please contact us for a detailed quote.
• manually movable magnetisation coil
• stainless steel test liquid drip tray and tank
• separate dust-proof switch cabinet with
display and operating elements
• command box with control keys and
emergency-off at the front of the test bench
• demagnetisation for both magnetisation

(P) = Preferred Product 17

Magnetic Particle Testing Equipment

Universal WE
Multi-Directional Magnetic Wet Bench
The Universal WE is a multi-direction magnetic wet bench designed to completely magnetise
the surface of parts up to 90 cm long in a single shot. This can potentially cut inspection
time in half because the part can inspected in both directions at once.

The Universal WE offers 200 - 2,000 Amps AC for contact shots and 1,500 - 15,000 Amp-
turns AC for coil shots. The two outputs are independently adjustable to set each magnetic
field, circular or longitudinal.

Benefits Features
Faster part processing • 60% duty cycle at 50% power output with
• Double your inspection speed by a max of 6 seconds on and 4 seconds off
magnetising parts in a single shot • Large surface shower to bathe entire part
• Fully inspect longer parts, up to automatically with mag shot
90 cm, without requiring an auxiliary coil • Advanced touch-screen operator interface
• Speed up part processing with a large
automated surface shower Ordering Information
Advanced process control Magnaflux magnetic particle equipment is built
• Maximise consistency between tests with to order: Please contact us for a detailed quote.
500 customer-programmable techniques
• Prevent accidental and unauthorised
alterations with multiple user profiles and
varying tiers of control for a range of
operator experience levels
• Receive visual alerts when produced
amperage is 90% or less than set amperage
Real-world dependability for minimal downtime
• Siemens PLC provides reliable controls
and off-the-shelf replacements
• Minimise downtime with standard spare
parts package
Easy to use and maintain
• Make quick operational adjustments using
the simple, user-friendly operator
interface with touch-screen controls
• External pump system provides fast
access for easy cleaning and service

18 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing Equipment

Mobile Power Packs
The high-current Ferrotest mobile power packs provide maximum AC magnetising currents
from 1000 Amps up to 7100 Amps. The Ferrotest GWH mobile power packs provide both
AC and HWDC; they generate test currents from 1050 Amps to 7100 Amps.

Features Part Numbers

• Constant current magnetisation 061140: Ferrotest 10
Constant current is initiated upon operating 061280: Ferrotest 20
a foot or hand switch. An electronic system 061400: Ferrotest 40
regulates the test current from 0 to 061600: Ferrotest 60
maximum in approx. 200 ms, which avoids 061900: Ferrotest 100
unnecessary peak loading of the mains
062150: Ferrotest GWH 15
062400: Ferrotest GWH 40
• Impulse magnetisation
When the impulse operation is selected, a 062600: Ferrotest GWH 60
sequence of single impulses is produced 062900: Ferrotest GWH 100
according to a factory-set on/off duty cycle
of (1 s/1 s).
• Demagnetisation
After selecting the demagnetisation setting,
the test current is regulated from the set
maximum value to 0 in approximately 600 ms.

Mobile Power Packs
Isotest mobile power packs are designed for constant or impulse current magnetisation
and are suitable for magnetising parts either with AC or FWDC. They are ideal for use in
harsh conditions where the highest reliability is essential, for example, the automotive and
aeronautical industries, foundries, forging shops, steel production and processing.

Features Part Numbers

• Constant current control and optional 065310: Isotest 30 E for test currents up to
current flow detection system for maximum 3,000 A DC and AC
testing safety 065610: Isotest 60 E for test currents up to
• Multi-stage, low-frequency demagnetisation 6,000 A DC
system 065910: Isotest 100 E for test currents up to
10,000 A DC

(P) = Preferred Product 19

Magnetic Particle Testing Equipment

Chain Inspection System

Mobile Crack Detection Unit
It is important to periodically check chain links for surface cracks using magnetic particle
inspection. The compact design of our mobile chain inspection system is ideal for use on-
site, and it can also be used as a stationary system.

Features Part Numbers

• Foot switch to control the inspection current 094105: Chain Inspection System with Ferrotest 10
• Closed magnetising coil Ø 350 mm 094106: Chain Inspection System with Ferrotest
(working height of the coil approx. 840 mm) GWH 15
• Test liquid drip tray with test liquid pump
• High-current cables
• Fixed on a movable trolley
• Two lockable guides and two fixed rollers
• Test liquid pump complies with IP 64
• Spraying device including valve for
• Multiple socket (switchable) for UV light and
• Drip tray with coil - easy to disassemble and
usable as a stationary system

20 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing Equipment

Demagnetisation Units
Magnaflux demagnetisation units remove any residual magnetism remaining after conducting magnetic particle
inspection. Demagnetisation of ferromagnetic parts and materials is often a requisite to final finishing, or to prepare an
item for its ultimate use.

Industrial demagnetising is not an easy task without an effective demagnetising system; it is especially difficult when
the magnetic field must be reduced to a very low level. Compact in size and ruggedly built, Magnaflux demagnetising
equipment offers a fast and efficient method for demagnetising a broad variety of part types and sizes.

ETT Series
Tabletop Demagnetisation Tunnel
The compact demagnetisation tunnels of the ETT series are designed for tabletop use.

Features Part Numbers

• conforms to IEC Protection Class II (double 101150: ETT 150 AC 230V / 50Hz
insulated) 101250: ETT 250 AC 230V / 50Hz
• saturation depth of the 50 Hz alternating 101350: ETT 350 AC 230V / 50Hz
field is approx. 2mm 101450: ETT 450 AC 230V / 50Hz
• current is activated by an ON/OFF switch 101550: ETT 550 AC 230V / 50Hz
• available in standard and reinforced models
101155: ETT 150 AC 400V / 50Hz
101255: ETT 250 AC 400V / 50Hz
101355: ETT 350 AC 400V / 50Hz
101455: ETT 450 AC 400V / 50Hz
101555: ETT 550 AC 400V / 50Hz

ETW Series
Demagnetisation Unit with Trolley
Our ETW demagnetisation units are ideal for demagnetising large, heavy parts which
cannot be easily passed through a spool. You place the part onto the trolley and manually
push it through the tunnel, where the demagnetisation spools generate a strong magnetic

Features Part Numbers

• loading aides, distancers and safety grids 102250: ETW 250 AC 230V / 50Hz
available on request. 102350: ETW 350 AC 230V / 50Hz
• available in standard and reinforced models 102450: ETW 450 AC 230V / 50Hz
102550: ETW 550 AC 230V / 50Hz
102255: ETW 250 AC 400V / 50Hz
102355: ETW 350 AC 400V / 50Hz
102455: ETW 450 AC 400V / 50Hz
102555: ETW 550 AC 400V / 50Hz

(P) = Preferred Product 21

Magnetic Particle Testing Equipment

ETB Series
Demagnetisation Unit with Conveyor
ETB demag units are used primarily with automated systems, where demagnetisation is
carried out externally due to a testing issue, i.e. after a visual check. The test objects can
be placed manually on the conveyor or with the aid of manipulators. Optional lateral guides
allow for exact alignment along the entire length of the conveyor.

Part Numbers
103255: ETB 250 AC 400V / 50Hz
103355: ETB 350 AC 400V / 50Hz
103455: ETB 450 AC 400V / 50Hz
103555: ETB 550 AC 400V / 50Hz

22 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing

(P) = Preferred Product 23

Magnetic Yokes

AC Electromagnetic Ergonomic Yoke
The Y-2 is an AC electromagnetic yoke, ergonomically designed to improve productivity
and reduce operator arm and wrist fatigue. The yoke generates a strong AC magnetic field
for the detection of surface indications during magnetic particle testing.

Lightweight with an ergonomic grip and trigger, the Y-2 is designed for the rugged demands
of field inspection. Featuring a field swappable cord and isolated trigger switch; the Y-2 is
easily serviceable because a severed cord should not stop a job from getting done

Benefits Part Numbers

Increase inspector productivity and 628554: 110-115 V, US Type B plug (P)
reduce physical fatigue 628555: 220-230 V, EU Type F plug / UK
• Less arm strain, wrist fatigue and physical Type G adapter (P)
stress helps operators get more done
• Easily position the yoke in any direction
with lightweight, heavy-duty and powerful
electronics components
Keep tools in service with a design that’s
built to last
• Cords and triggers can be easily replaced,
so work doesn’t stop and tools aren’t
scrapped due to accidental damage.
• Prevent dust and dangerous water damage
with an IP54 o-ring sealed housing

• Ergonomic, lightweight design
• IP54 sealed housing resists
dust and water
• Field-swappable power cord
• Isolated, replaceable trigger switch
• Steel shields for contact (pole) protection
• Exceeds ASTM lifting specifications
• Supplied with convenient carrying case
• Optional LED yoke light lasts longer and is
more intense compared to traditional bulbs

AC Electromagnetic Yoke
The Y6 is a durable, lightweight, encapsulated AC yoke designed for reliable one-person
inspection. It is easy to use single-handed and its articulated legs to contour to any part
shape, allowing you to inspect components of different sizes and shapes.

Featuring sealed chemical-resistant construction and a robust strain-relieved power cord

for field use, the Y6 is ideal for inspection of welds and other remote testing.

Features Part Numbers

• Sealed, durable construction 001Y004: 110 V / 50-60 Hz (P)
• Chemical and abrasion resistant 001Y020: 230 V / 50-60 Hz (P)
• Articulated, double-jointed legs
• Demagnetising capability
NOTE: the Y6 is NOT supplied with a plug.
• Exceeds ASTM lifting specifications

24 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Yokes

AC/DC Electromagnetic Yoke
The Y-7 is a durable, high-strength AC/DC magnetic yoke designed to detect surface
and sub-surface indications in the most rugged applications. Featuring sealed chemical-
resistant construction, articulating legs to contour to any part shape and robust strain-
relieved cord for field use, the Y-7 is ideal for inspection of welds and other remote testing.

Solid-state controls allow the operator to use AC magnetic fields for surface indications or
DC magnetic fields for sub-surface indications to meet all inspection needs.

Features Part Numbers

• Sealed, durable construction 625643: Y-7, 115V
• Chemical and abrasion resistant 625644: Y-7, 230V
• AC and DC operation options
• Exceeds ASTM lifting specifications NOTE: The Y-7 yoke does not carry a CE mark
• Individual serial number for each yoke and is not labelled to EU standards.

Y-8 Kit
DC Battery-Powered Electromagnetic Yoke
The Y-8 is a battery-powered, DC electromagnetic yoke designed to stand up to the most
rugged applications. True portability for inspection in the field and remote locations is
achieved through a compact battery pack which provides a full 8-hour shift of inspection

Features Part Numbers

• Chemical and abrasion resistant 001Y024: Y-8 yoke with:
• Exceeds ASTM lifting specifications • Dual UK / EU plug
• Articulated, double-jointed legs • Battery
• Sealed, durable, lightweight construction • Battery charger (220 / 240 V)
• True portability with compact battery pack
• Solid state controls for maximum safety and

AC Electromagnetic Yokes
TWM yokes are durable AC magnetic yokes designed to detect surface indications. The
TWM 42 N operates at 42 V supplied from a separate transformer which is connected to a
230 V AC supply; the TWM 220 N can be directly connected to a 230V AC supply.

Features Part Numbers

• Lightweight ergonomic design 072301: 42 V / 50 Hz (TWM 42 N)
• Durable rugged construction 071301: 230 V / 50 Hz (TWM 220 N)
• Oil and abrasion resistant
• The TWM 42 N is ideal for testing inside
vessels, tubes and closed containers.
• The TWM 220 N is suited for testing uneven
surfaces, tube bends, angle pieces, etc.

(P) = Preferred Product 25

Magnetic Yokes

Yoke Light
Add-on Light for Y-2 Yokes
An add-on accessory for the Y-2 AC yoke, the yoke light provides focused, visible light to the
inspection area when the yoke is activated. The strong light is designed to enhance visible
detection of flaws and discontinuities under low conditions and in difficult-to-reach areas not
accessible to a secondary light source.

Features Part Number

• No wiring connection necessary 628840: Y-2 Yoke Light
• Automatically activated when yoke is
• Snap-on assembly for fast, easy installation -
no tools required

Yoke Test Weight

Use With AC Electromagnetic Yokes
The yoke test weight is a certified weight designed specifically for AC magnetic yokes to
confirm the yoke has sufficient strength to perform magnetic particle inspections. Each yoke
test weight has a built-in leg positioning guide to assure balanced distribution and operator

Features Part Number

• General purpose 624115: 4.5 kg Test Weight
• Balanced weight
• Leg positioning guide
• Serialised and certified
• Dimensions: 23 x 5 x 5 cm

26 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing

(P) = Preferred Product 27

Magnetic Particle Testing Accessories

QB2- Plus
Quick Break Tester
The QB2-Plus provides quantitative verification of quick break function and measures
the duration of the magnetising shot. The QB2-Plus can verify the correct function of AC,
HWDC, and FWDC equipment, and verify quick break function on 3-phase FWDC units.
Shot time and quick break voltage are alternately shown on the LCD display after each

Features Part Number

• Simultaneous measurement of shot time 628989: QB-2 Plus (P)
and quick break
• Can be used with coils and cable wraps
over 64 cm diameter
• Quantitative results provide true verification
of equipment

Magnetic Field Strength Meter
The FSM-2 is used for tangential measuring of the magnetic field strength in DC and AC
fields. A tangential field probe is attached to the workpiece’s surface during magnetisation,
and the hall sensor measures the voltage change produced by the magnetic field. The
FSM-2 measures the true RMS of asymmetric magnetic fields.

Features Part Number

• Equipped with a RS 232 interface and 133033: FSM-2 (P)
background display lighting
• With closed cover, the housing meets
protection class IP65
• Supplied with a mains adapter and a
tangential field probe
• A factory calibration certificate is included

Residual Field Strength Meter
The MP-1 meter detects residual fields up to 20 A/cm in ferro-magnetic parts, and shows

Features Part Numbers

• Analogue display 133010: MP-1
• Supplied with a bag and one probe 133011 : Calibration block for MP-1
• A factory calibration certificate is included

28 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing Accessories

Digital Ammeter Calibration Kit

Digital Amperage Meter
Our lightweight and fully-portable digital amperage meter is specifically designed for NDT
applications and can be used to certify amperage on MPI equipment up to 10,000 Amps.

Features Part Number

• Checks AC, HWDC, 1 Phase FWDC, and 3 005M133: Digital Ammeter Calibration Kit
Phase FWDC
• Accurate to + 3% at level
• Meets ASTM E1444 and ANSI Z-540
• Supplied with certificate.

Test Kit
For Magnetic Particle Inspection
Supplied in a carry case with:
• FSM-2 meter with tangential field probe and mains adapter
• reference block for FSM-2 (optional)
• non-calibrated magnetic field indicator
• UV intensity meter
• reference block type 2
• centrifuge tube
• calibration certificate (annual factory calibration recommended).

Part Number
135057: Test Kit with FSM-2

(P) = Preferred Product 29

Magnetic Particle Testing Accessories

Quantitative Quality Indicator Test Piece Shims
Quantitative Quality Indicators (QQIs) are artificially-flawed, low-carbon steel specimens
used during inspection to verify your MPI procedures. They provide a quantitative method
of establishing the correct field direction and strength that are needed to produce clear
indications of flaws.

Part Numbers
625551: Standard QQI, KSC-230 (flaw depth 30% of shim thickness). set of 5
625552: Miniature QQI, KSC4-230 (flaw depth 30% of shim thickness - four circles per sheet). set of 5
625554: Variable QQI, KSCT-234 (flaws 20% / 30% / 40% of shim thickness). set of 5

Magnetic Flux Indicator Strips

Magnetic Field Verification Test Pieces
Flexible laminated strips used to verify the presence and direction of magnetic fields during
the testing process. Brass cladding on both sides of the strip provides protection against
corrosion and allows the strips to be re-used multiple times. Supplied in packs of five.

Part Number
008M004: Type G (I) for general use

AS 5282 Test Ring (Ketos Ring)

Magnetic Particle System Performance Test Piece
This tool steel ring is manufactured to AS-5282 requirements to check magnetic particle
system performance. A progressive series of sub-surface holes are used to verify
equipment performance at different amperages using HWDC or FWDC waveforms.
Formerly know as a Ketos test ring.

Part Number
159999: AS 5282 Test Ring

Reference Block Type 1 (MTU Test Block Nr. 3)

Magnetic Particle System Performance Test Piece
Use this test block to test the concentration of your magnetic powder suspensions, and
ensure optimal error indication while carrying out magnetic particle inspection. Tested in
accordance with EN ISO 9934-2, and supplied with certificate and reference picture.

Part Number
135012: Reference Block Type 1

30 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing Accessories

Reference Block Type 2

Magnetic Particle System Performance Test Piece
Use the reference block type 2 to evaluate the sensitivity of your magnetic ink. Tested in
accordance with EN ISO 9934-2, and supplied with certificate and reference picture.

Part Number
135013: Reference Block Type 2

Magnetic Particle Test Bar

Magnetic Particle System Performance Test Piece
This test bar contains coarse and fine surface and subsurface defects in both directions. It
meets or exceeds most industrial and military standards for artificial test specimens and
complies with MIL-STD-271.

Part Number
189838: Magnetic Particle Test Bar

Centrifuge Tubes
For Magnetic Particle Inspection
Designed in accordance with ASTM E 709-80 standard, our centrifuge tubes are individually
calibrated to measure the precise concentration of magnetic particles in suspensions, as
well as contamination levels of the bath. Use as part of your regular system performance
checks for ASTM E709, ASTM E1444 or ASME BPVC.

Part Numbers
044C003: Centrifuge tube for visible magnetic ink (0 - 15 ml)
044C005: Centrifuge tube for fluorescent magnetic ink (0 - 1 ml)
044C004: Centrifuge tube stand

(P) = Preferred Product 31

Magnetic Particle Testing Accessories

Field Indicator (Uncalibrated)

Magnetic FIeld Indicator Gauge / Magnetometer
Rugged, pocket-size meter used to indicate residual magnetism remaining in the part
after magnetisation, or to verify demagnetisation. Inexpensive and disposable with no
certification to maintain.

Part Number
2480: 10 Gauss Field Meter, uncalibrated

Calibrated Field Indicators

Magnetic Field Indicator Gauge / Magnetometer
Rugged, pocket-size meters used to indicate residual magnetism remaining in part after
magnetisation, or to verify demagnetisation. Supplied with certification.

Part Numbers
505056: Calibrated 10 Gauss Field Indicator; accurate to +/- 0.3 gauss with scale range of 10-0-10
105645: Calibrated 20 Gauss Field Indicator; accurate to +/- 0.5 gauss with scale range of 20-0-20

ASME Pie Field Indicator

Magnetic Field Indicator
The ASME Field Indicator is used to gauge the strength and direction of the magnetic field
in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section V, Article 7.

Part Number
008M003: ASME Field Indicator

Twin-Core Threaded Bars

For Internal Conductor-Current Induction Method
Laminated twin-core threaded bars for internal conductor/current induction method,
according to ISO 9934-1:2016. Available as plastic covered or steel covered.

Part Numbers
030C035: Adapter that fits our MAG 40 bench units
030C009: Adapter that fits our MAG 50 bench units

32 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing Accessories

Magnet Electrodes
For Connection to High Current Cables

Part Numbers
129102: Type DIX PM 70 with lug connector - for power packs with a test current up to 6,000 A
129103: Magnet cross contact with lug connector (12 pieces required)

Melt-Off Magnet Electrodes

For Connection to High Current Cables
To be fixed at handles and connected to high current cables.

Part Numbers
129110: Type A (up to 1500 A)
129111: Type B (1500 - 3000 A)
129112: Type C (3100 - 8000 A)
056200: Handles for installation of the melt-off electrodes, consisting of one handle with control
cable and one handle without control cable.

Small Parts Adapters

For Magnetic Particle Inspection Benches
Our auxiliary adapters enable our standard bench units to test small parts. Mounted directly
to either the headstock or tailstock, the solid copper adapters maintain adequate clearance
to proper clamping action.

Part Numbers
030C035: Adapter that fits our MAG 40 bench units
030C009: Adapter that fits our MAG 50 bench units

For Magnetic Particle Inspection Benches
Steady-rests support and stabilise long or heavy parts, such as crankshafts, during the
inspection process. Our rail and headstock-mounted roller-style steady-rests support a
variety of part lengths and make the loading of heavy and long parts easier. Our tailstock
steady-rest mounts directly onto the tailstock shelf and is designed to work with either
headstock or rail-mounted steady-rests. Its twin rollers enable components to be rotated.

Part Numbers
20955A3: Movable Steady-Rest
20978A1: Headstock Steady-Rest

(P) = Preferred Product 33

Magnetic Particle Testing Accessories

Contact Pads
For Magnetic Particle Inspection Benches
Our range of copper contact pads come in a variety of shapes, sizes and types to make
sure your magnetic bench is outfitted correctly for the parts you inspect. Magnaflux contact
pads prevent arc burning, and ensure good, reliable electrical contact between the
headstock and part.

Part Numbers
031C003: Double braided contact pad - copper braid and neoprene (145 x 125 mm)
031C010: Copper braid contact pad for MAG II & MAG II H, MAG 20 (45 x 65 mm)
031C012: Brass mesh contact pad for MAG II F & MAG II HF, MAG 20F (60 x 65 mm)
031C016: Brass mesh contact pad for MAG 40 Series (all versions; 100 x 120 mm)
031C020: Copper braid contact pad for MAG 50 Series (145 x 125 mm) (P)

Copper Contact Plates

For Magnetic Particle Inspection Benches
Our copper contact plates are designed for use with Universal systems types 100, 150, 200,
etc. They are made from spirally-inserted copper braid cord with a tinned contact area.

Part Numbers
129150: Standard contact sheet for Universal 600/900 WE since 1986
129151: Contact sheet for Universal 35/50/85 W built 1979-1985. Ø 140 mm.
129153: Standard contact sheet for Universal 900 WE II
129155: Copper contact sheet with integrated copper pad for Universal WE. Ø 80 mm.
129160: Copper contact sheet for divided headstock vertical on Universal WE
129162: Copper contact sheet for divided headstock horizontal on Universal WE
129205: Copper contact pad, Ø 80 mm
129207: Copper contact pad, Ø 120 mm

Copper Contact Braid

For Magnetic Particle Inspection Benches
Copper braid to make special contacts. Available in different widths and thicknesses, and
sold by the metre.

Part Numbers
129250: Fine copper braid, 30 x 2 mm | 25 mm²
129251: Fine copper braid, 45 x 3 mm | 60 mm²
129253: Fine copper braid, 75 x 5 mm | 185 mm²
129252: Raw copper braid, 45 x 3 mm | 50 mm²
129254: Raw copper braid, 57 x 7 mm | 125 mm²
129252: Raw copper braid, 75 x 8 mm | 180 mm²

34 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing Accessories

L-10 Coil
Portable Magnetic Coil For Magnetic Particle Inspection
The L-10 electromagnetic coil is specifically designed to detect transverse defects in shafts,
spindles and similar components. It can inspect parts up to 250 mm diameter.

The L-10 has a wear-resistant resin coating and is supplied with a foot switch to energise the
coil and 10 metres of flexible supply cable.

Features Part Numbers

• AC output 008C020: 110 V / 50 Hz AC
• Ideal for transverse defect location
• Demagnetisation capability
• AC/DC operation
• Hands-free control via a foot switch
• Completely portable

Closed Coil
Magnetic Coil for Magnetic Particle Inspection Benches
Number of turns: 3

Part Numbers
129001: Ø 200mm
129002: Ø 350mm

Hinged Coil
Magnetic Coil for Magnetic Particle Inspection Benches
Hinged coil with easy-to-operate locking handle. Number of turns: 3

Part Numbers
129020: Ø 200mm
129021: Ø 350mm
129022: Ø 500mm

(P) = Preferred Product 35

Magnetic Particle Testing Accessories

Spray Pumps
For Magnetic Particle Ink
Our magnetic particle applicators provide a convenient method for applying an even, adjustable flow of magnetic
particles across large test parts, or in situations where only spot particle application is required. The coverage speed
and consistency provided by these applicators can dramatically improve application uniformity and part processing time.

Portable Spray Pump

Features Part Number
• Complete with container and hand hose 129410: Portable Test Liquid Spray Pump
• Capacity: 8 litres
• Power supply: 3 x 400 V (circuit breaker),
230 V available on request.
• Output quantity: 25 litres per minute at 3 m
throughput height or 40 litres per minute at
2 m throughput height.

Mobile Spray Pump

Features Part Number
• Includes metal drip tray to re-collect test 129415: Mobile Test Liquid Spray Pump
liquid to container.
• Spraying via hand hose
• Capacity: 8 litres
• Power supply: 3 x 400 V (circuit breaker),
230 V available on request
• Output quantity: 25 litres per minute at 3 m
throughput height or 40 litres per minute at
2 m throughput height.

Stationary Spray Pump

Features Part Number
• Stainless steel container 129420: Stationary Test Liquid Spray Pump
• Removable cover
• Spraying via hand hose
• Capacity: 40 litres
• Power supply: 3 x 400 V (circuit breaker)
• Output quantity: 25 litres per minute at 8 m
throughput height.

36 (P) = Preferred Product

Magnetic Particle Testing Accessories

MAGNAGLO® Applicator
For Magnetic Particle Ink
Replacement nozzle for bath applications; easily attaches to a ½” (13 mm) bore hose.

Part Numbers
004G006: MAGNAGLO® Applicator

Powder Bulb Dispenser

For Magnetic Particle Powder
A lightweight powder “puffer” for applying dry magnetic particles. Removable cap for easy

Part Numbers
008D003: Powder Bulb Dispenser

(P) = Preferred Product 37

Magnetic Particle

38 (P) = Preferred Product

Penetrant Testing Materials

Fluorescent Penetrants (Type 1)

ZL-15B ZL-19 ZL-2C ZL-27A ZL-37 ZL-405 ZL-425 ZL-440 ZL-56 ZL-60C ZL-60D ZL-67B

Level 0.5 1 2 3 4 0.5 1 2 4 2 2 3


Methods Methods Methods Methods Methods Methods Methods Methods Methods

Classification Method A Method A Method A
A, C A, C B, C, D B, C, D B, C, D A, C A, C A, C A, C

AMS 2644 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Section V

ASTM E1135 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ASTM E1417/
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ASTM E165/
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ISO 3452-2 ✓ ** ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

MIL-STD-2132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓
✓ ✓
Pratt & Whitney
4350-2 4352-2 4353-2 4354-2 4351-8 4351-2 4360-10
Rolls Royce RRP
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
58003 (CSS 232)
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Pr 5000/In 5000

* WW = water-washable PE = post-emulsifiable WB = water-based ** water absorbency 6.10, requirement of >5% not met

Visible (Red) Penetrants (Type 2)


Removal Type* SR WW WW and SR

Classification Method C Methods A, C Methods B, C, D

AMS 2644 ✓ ✓

ASME BPVC Section V ✓ ✓ ✓

ASTM D129 ✓ ✓

ASTM E1417/E1417M ✓ ✓

ASTM E165/E165M-18 ✓ ✓ ✓

ISO 3452-1 ✓ ✓

ISO 3452-2 ✓ ✓ ✓

MIL-STD-2132 ✓ ✓

* WW = water-washable SR = solvent-removable

(P) = Preferred Product 39

Penetrant Testing Materials

ZP-4B ZP-5B ZP-9F ZP-14A SKD-S2 D30A D30plus

Product Type Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer

Type 1, Form d Type 1, Form d Type 1, Form d Type 1, Form d

Classification Type 1, Form a Type 1 & 2, Form c Type 1, Form b
Type 2, Form e Type 2, Form e Type 2, Form e Type 2, Form e

AMS 2644 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ASME BPVC Section V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ASTM D129 ✓

ASTM E1135 ✓

ASTM E1417/E1417M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ASTM E165/E165M-18 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ISO 3452-1 ✓

ISO 3452-2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

MIL-STD-2132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Pratt & Whitney 4356-4 4357-2

Rolls Royce RRP 58003 (CSS 232) ✓ ✓

SAFRAN Pr 5000/In 5000 ✓ ✓ ✓

Cleaners and Emulsifiers

ZE-4B ZR-10C SKC-S C5 C10

Product Type Emulsifier Emulsifier Cleaner Cleaner Cleaner

Classification Method B Method D Class 2

AMS 2644 ✓ ✓ ✓

ASME BPVC Section V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ASTM D129 ✓

ASTM E1135 ✓

ASTM E1417/E1417M ✓ ✓ ✓

ASTM E165/E165M-18 ✓ ✓ ✓

ISO 3452-1 ✓

ISO 3452-2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ISO 9934-2 ✓

MIL-STD-2132 ✓ ✓ ✓

Pratt & Whitney 4355-11 4366

Rolls Royce RRP 58003 (CSS 232) ✓

SAFRAN Pr 5000/In 5000 ✓

40 (P) = Preferred Product

Penetrant Testing Materials
Water-Washable Fluorescent Penetrants

Level ½ (0.5) Water-washable Fluorescent Penetrant
ZL-15B is a low-sensitivity, water-washable penetrant that features excellent washability. It
is used to find open surface flaws such as cracks and porosity in seams, laps, cold shuts,
laminations on castings, forgings, extrusions, and parts with rough surfaces.

Features Part Numbers

• Excellent washability 056C061: 25 litres
• Bright indications 056C062: 200 litres

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level ½ - Very Method A Water-washable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Low Sensitivity Method C

Level 1 Water-washable Fluorescent Penetrant
A water-removable Level 1 penetrant, ZL-19 is designed for use on rough or unmachined
surfaces, such as castings and forgings, to find larger discontinuities. It is ideal for
inspecting automotive and general industrial components such as engine cylinder blocks,
powertrain components, rocker arms, pistons, steering knuckles, etc.

Benefits Features
Increased indication detection • Excellent rough surface washability
• Increase detection of defects in cast parts, • Bright, high contrast indications
such as hot tears, laps, or cold shuts, and • Clean rinsing on cast parts
on rough surfaces • Good surface wetting
• Indications stand out more because of • High flash point
reduced background fluorescence, even on • Easy washability
rough cast surfaces
Speed up your inspection process
Part Numbers
• Quickly apply and remove penetrant due to 056C185: 25 litres
high surface wetting and easy washability 056C186: 200 litres
• ZL-19 is spray-friendly and will not
clog nozzles in automated lines, for less
maintenance downtime
Performance value
• Use less penetrant per part, thanks to lower
drag out
• Penetrant can be reused from the dwell
cycle, so more of it stays in your tank
instead of getting carried away on parts.

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 1 - Low Method A Water-washable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Sensitivity Method C

(P) = Preferred Product 41

Penetrant Testing Materials
Water-Washable Fluorescent Penetrants

Level 2 Water-washable Fluorescent Penetrant
Developed for testing rough machined surfaces, ZL-60C is ideal for finding indications in
castings, forgings, extrusions and rough surfaces.

This medium-sensitivity penetrant washes off parts quickly and easily, leaving less
fluorescent background - even on rough surfaces - for clearer indications and better
inspection reliability. Broad specification compliance further increases this penetrant’s

ZL-60C has excellent alloy compatibility and is safe to use on most engineering and
aerospace materials, including aluminium, steel, nickel and titanium.

Benefits Features
Improve indication detection • Bright, high-contrast indications
• Indications stand out more, as excess • Good removability
penetrant washes off easily with water • Excellent rough surface washability
• Reduces background fluorescence, even on • High flash point
rough surfaces • Very low odour
• Better surface wetting
Maximise application versatility
• Alloy compatibility
• Ideal for an extensive variety of part types
• Very low toxicity
due to Level 2 sensitivity
• Universal specification conformance and
fast, even surface wetting Part Numbers
Affordable performance 008A008: Aerosol can (case of 10)
• High surface wetting enables quick 056C205: 25 litres (P)
application 056C206: 200 litres (P)
• Easily washes off with water
• Use less penetrant over time because of
lower drag-out and slower evaporation
Maximise operator comfort and safety
• Reduces discomfort from strong odours,
providing the operator with a more
comfortable work environment

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 2 - Medium Method A Water-washable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Sensitivity Method C

42 (P) = Preferred Product

Penetrant Testing Materials
Water-Washable Fluorescent Penetrants

Level 2 Water-washable Fluorescent Penetrant
Developed for testing rough machined surfaces, ZL-60D is ideal for finding indications
in castings, forgings, extrusions and rough surfaces. This medium-sensitivity penetrant
washes off parts quickly and easily, leaving less fluorescent background for clearer
indications and better inspection reliability.

ZL-60D is one of the most versatile ‘work-horse’ penetrants; customers use this penetrant
for a wide range of applications on a range of parts to find many different types of defects,
including cracks, seams, laps, cold shuts, laminations and porosity. Broad specification
compliance further increases this penetrant’s flexibility.

ZL-60D has excellent alloy compatibility and is safe to use on most engineering and
aerospace materials, including aluminium, steel, nickel and titanium.

Benefits Features
Improve indication detection • Bright, high-contrast indications
• Indications stand out more, as excess • Good removability
penetrant washes off easily with water • Excellent rough surface washability
• Reduces background fluorescence, even on • High flash point
rough surfaces • Very low odour
• Better surface wetting
Maximise application versatility
• Alloy compatibility
• Ideal for an extensive variety of part types
• Very low toxicity
due to Level 2 sensitivity
• Universal specification conformance and
fast, even surface wetting Part Numbers
Affordable performance 056C010: 25 litres (P)
• High surface wetting enables quick 056C011: 200 litres (P)
• Easily washes off with water
• Use less penetrant over time because of
lower drag-out and slower evaporation
Maximise operator comfort and safety
• Reduces discomfort from strong odours,
providing the operator with a more
comfortable work environment

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 2 - Medium Method A Water-washable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Sensitivity Method C

(P) = Preferred Product 43

Penetrant Testing Materials
Water-Washable Fluorescent Penetrants

Level 3 Water-washable Fluorescent Penetrant
A high-sensitivity Level 3 penetrant, ZL-67B is designed to find smaller, finer indications in
safety-critical components common to aerospace and engineering applications. ZL-67B
is often used to find flaws in investment castings, jet engine components, and highly
machined surfaces.

ZL-67B is specially formulated for strong capillary action, which allows it to penetrate
defects quickly and bleed out into developer faster and more completely than other
penetrants. This results in stronger, higher contrast indications that are easier for inspectors
to identify, even when the defects are very fine.

Benefits Features
Improve indication detection • Bright, high-contrast indications
• Clear, bright, indications appear every time • High flash point
due to high UV and thermal stability • Wide range of application methods
• Higher contrast indications form due to • Controlled washability
strong capillary action, making them easier • Low odour
to spot • Very low toxicity
• Alloy compatibility
More reliable, consistent inspections
• Optimised capillary action
• Maintain penetrant system performance
over longer periods of time thanks to low
volatility and high water tolerance. Part Numbers
Wide range of inspections 056C034: 25 litres (P)
• Inspect a wide range of high-value 056C035: 200 litres (P)
components without fear of corrosion or
specification non-conformance

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 3 - High Method A Water-washable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Sensitivity Method C

Level 4 Water-washable Fluorescent Penetrant
An ultra-high sensitivity penetrant (Level 4), ZL-56 is designed for non-porous and highly
machined components. It is safe for use on alloys in engineering and aerospace use,
including aluminium, steel, nickel, and titanium.

Benefits Part Numbers

• Bright, high-contrast indications 056C201: 25 litres
• Ideal for critical part inspection 056C202: 200 litres
• Ultra-high sensitivity for aerospace

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 4 - Method A Water-washable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Ultra-High Method C

44 (P) = Preferred Product

Penetrant Testing Materials
Post-Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrants

Level 2 Post-emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant
A medium sensitivity penetrant (Level 2), ZL-2C is designed to be removed from the part
surface by emulsifiers or solvent. ZL-2C has a high flash point, and is ideal for use in open
dip tanks.

Benefits Part Numbers

• Improve indication detection 056C079: 25 litres
• Maximise inspection process control 056C080: 200 litres
• Wide range of inspections
• Maximise operator comfort and safety

• Bright indications
• Minimal background fluorescence
• High flash point

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 2 - Medium Method B Post-emulsifiable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Sensitivity Method C
Method D

Level 3 Post-emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant
ZL-27A is a Level 3, high-sensitivity penetrant designed for inspections which require
maximum process control and reliability, such as safety-critical aerospace testing.

ZL-27A has a high flash point and provides long tank life when used in open dip tanks. It
can also be applied in a variety of other ways, including electrostatic spray.

Benefits Features
Improve indication detection • Bright indications
• Clear, bright, indications are easier to detect • Resists over-washing and over-removal
due to high UV and thermal stability – even • High flash point
for small flaws and discontinuities. • Wide range of application methods
• Low odour
Wide range of inspections
• Very low toxicity
• Inspect a wide range of high-value
• Alloy compatibility
components without fear of corrosion or
specification non-conformance
• Meets all major industry and NDT Part Numbers
specification requirements, including AMS 008A002: Aerosol can (case of 10)
2644 and ISO 3452. 066C017: 25 litres (P)
Maximise operator comfort and safety 066C016: 200 litres (P)
• Reduces discomfort from strong odours,
providing the operator with a more
comfortable work environment

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 3 - High Method B Post-emulsifiable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Sensitivity Method C
Method D

(P) = Preferred Product 45

Penetrant Testing Materials
Post-Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrants

Level 4 Post-emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant
Essential for critical component applications, ultra-high sensitivity ZL-37 post-emulsifiable
penetrant is designed for detecting fine, tight discontinuities in safety-critical components,
such as titanium turbine components, and in high-stress parts, such as investment castings.

Benefits Features
Improve indication detection in the most critical • Bright, high-contrast indications
applications • Resists over-washing and over-removal
• High flash point
• Creates the clearest, brightest indications • Wide range of application methods
for the finest flaws due to very strong UV • Low odour
and thermal stability • Very low toxicity
• Highest fluorescent brightness of • Alloy compatibility
any Level 4 penetrant for high-contrast
indications that are easy for inspectors
to see – even when the indications are Part Numbers
very small 066C020: 25 litres (P)
• Indications stand out more since 066C019: 200 litres (P)
background fluorescence is minimised;
emulsifiers only remove surface penetrant
without the risk of over-washing
Maximise penetrant inspection process control
• Prevents over-washing since ZL-37 cannot
be removed with water (unless combined
with an emulsifier)
• Post emulsifiable penetrant system is less
susceptible to human error since only
surface penetrant is removed in the final
rinse stage
Wide range of inspections
• Inspect a wide range of high-value
components without fear of corrosion or
specification non-conformance
• Meets all major industry and NDT
specification requirements
Maximise operator comfort and safety
• Reduces discomfort from strong odours,
providing the operator with a more
comfortable work environment

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Methods Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level 4 - Method B Post-emulsifiable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Ultra-High Method C
Sensitivity Method D

46 (P) = Preferred Product

Penetrant Testing Materials
Water-Based Fluorescent Penetrants

ZL-400 series
Water-based Fluorescent Penetrants
The ZL-400 series is a range of water-based, water-washable fluorescent penetrants used
for finding indications in castings, forgings, extrusions and other materials with rough
surfaces, commonly found in automotive part applications.

These penetrants offer an ideal solution when waste water produced during the inspection
process is a concern for the operation. They are water-based and contain no petroleum
distillates, which may allow the rinse water to be disposed of directly into the sewage
system depending on local regulations.

ZL-400 series penetrants feature excellent rinse removability and are self-developing, which
means that separate developer may not be necessary (depending on the application). They
are designed to be environmentally sensitive while meeting EN ISO 3452-2, and can be
used in place of any conventional water-washable fluorescent penetrant.

Benefits Features
Reduce environmental footprint and waste- • Available in three sensitivity levels:
water pollutants very low (0.5), low (1) and medium (2)
• Reduce water treatment costs and • Hydrocarbon-free
discharge waste process water directly • Biodegradable
into the sewage system (depending on • Excellent water wash removability
local regulations) due to minimal water-
based contaminants. Part Numbers
• Meet or exceed local discharge regulations 056C212: ZL-405, Level ½ (0.5), 200 litres
with low Biochemical Oxygen Demand 056C214: ZL-405, Level ½ (0.5), 1000 litres
(BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand 056C217: ZL-425, Level 1, 25 litres
(COD) levels.
• Support a healthy environment with water- 056C218: ZL-425, Level 1, 200 litres
based penetrants that have minimal 056C219: ZL-425, Level 1, 1000 litres
occupational health and safety impacts. 056C229: ZL-440, Level 2, 25 litres
056C230: ZL-440, Level 2, 200 litres
Reliably speed up inspection and wash
processes 056C231: ZL-440, Level 2, 1000 litres
• Identify bright indications with superior
sensitivity and low fluorescent background
• Increase throughput and reduce costs by
eliminating the developer step of inspection
(depending on procedures and requirements)
• Rapid rinse and post-inspection washing of
parts due to excellent washability

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Sensitivity Penetrant Removal Type Required
Type Method Equipment
Fluorescent Type 1 Level ½ - Very Low Sensitivity Method A Water-washable UV light source
Penetrant Testing Level 1 - Low Sensitivity (water-based)
Level 2 - Medium Sensitivity

(P) = Preferred Product 47

Penetrant Testing Materials
Visible (Red) Penetrants

Solvent-removable Visible Dye Penetrant
Developed for preventative maintenance, control checks and weld inspection, SKL-SP2 is a
rich, vivid red dye penetrant for Type 2 penetrant testing in visible white light. This colour-
contrast penetrant meets all NDT specifics for dye penetrant testing and can be used on a
wide variety of metals, including non-ferrous and ferrous, and on non-porous ceramics.

SKL-SP2 is designed to provide complete coverage with minimal product for an optimal
balance of reliability, performance and value. It reliably locates surface flaws and
discontinuities with a simple three-step process (cleaner, developer, penetrant) that is ideal
for basic industrial NDT.

Benefits Features
Fastest inspection processing • Outstanding penetrating characteristics
• Reliable, simple 3-step process is a • Vivid, high-contrast red colour
convenient and easy-to-use solution for • Superior flaw resolution
preventative maintenance and control • Excellent reliability
checks • Wide range of applications
• Quickly and completely covers the entire • Good surface wetting
test surface due to high surface wetting • Optimised capillary action
• Remove excess penetrant without water to • Works in visible light
eliminate the need to dry parts before • Very low toxicity
applying developer​ • Low odour
SK-3 Kit
Reliable and convenient to use Part Numbers
• Easy to carry and use in the field with the
convenient aerosol cans, which are carefully 008A016: Aerosol can (case of 10) (P)
designed for consistent, even coverage and 055C076: 5 litres (case of 4)
maximum test area coverage 008A038: SK-3 Kit
• Use in all conditions without the need for • 3 x Aerosol SKC-S Cleaner
darkness or UV lights • 2 x Aerosol SKL-SP2 Penetrant
• 3 x Aerosol SKD-S2 Developer
Maximum indication detection • Cloth
• Produces strong indications due to its • Soft carry case
bright, vibrant red colour, especially when
used with SKD-S2 solvent-based developer
Wide application versatility
• Inspect a wide range of components
without fear of corrosion or specification
• Meets AMS 2644 and is NDT-approved
for professional industrial applications

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Penetrant Methods Removal Type
Visible Penetrant Testing Type 2 Method C Solvent-removable

48 (P) = Preferred Product

Penetrant Testing Materials
Visible (Red) Penetrants

Water-washable Visible Dye Penetrant
SKL-WP2 is a water-removable red dye penetrant for Type 2 penetrant testing in visible
white light. It is designed for large surface areas and rough surfaces where excess
penetrant is difficult to remove with a solvent-removable cleaner or emulsifier,

SKL-WP2 washes off parts with ease, leaving less background for clearer indications, even
on rough surfaces. The quick rinsing reduces water usage in the inspection process, and
the rinse water is easily treatable for simple disposal, for a reliable NDT process with less
cost per part.

Benefits Features
Reliable and convenient to use • Outstanding penetrating characteristics
• Easy to carry and use in the field with the • Easy water-wash removal
convenient aerosol cans which are carefully • Vivid high-contrast colour
designed for consistent, even coverage • Superior flaw resolution
• Excellent reliability
• Use in all conditions without the need for
• Wide range of applications
darkness or UV lights
• Can be used on ferrous and non-ferrous
• Quickly and completely covers the entire materials
test surface due to high surface wetting • Excellent controlled washability over a wide
Maximum indication detection temperature range and variable dwell times.
• Produces strong, vibrant indications thanks
to the bright, vibrant red colour, especially Part Numbers
when used with a developer 008A163: Aerosol can (case of 10)
Wide application versatility 055C071: 5 litres (case of 4) (P)
• Meets AMS 2644 and is NDT-approved 055C072: 25 litres
for professional industrial applications 055C073: 200 litres (P)
• Reduces processing cost per part due to
excellent washability, which is especially
useful for large parts and cast components.

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Penetrant Methods Removal Type
Visible Penetrant Testing Type 2 Method A Water-washable
Method C

(P) = Preferred Product 49

Penetrant Testing Materials
Visible (Red) Penetrants

Water-washable / Post-emulsifiable Visible Dye Penetrant
RP20 visible penetrant is both water-washable and post-emulsifiable for greater resolution
of flaw indications. It features outstanding penetrating characteristics for Type 2 penetrant
testing in visible light.

This bright red penetrant is designed to wash off parts with ease, leaving less background
for clearer indications, even on rough surfaces. The quick rinsing reduces water usage
in the inspection process, and the rinse water is easily treatable for simple disposal, for a
reliable NDT process with less cost per part.

RP20 offers maximum reliability in locating surface-open flaws and discontinuities, and can
be used on non-porous ceramics and similar materials.

Benefits Features
Dependable and convenient to use • Outstanding penetrating characteristics
• Easy to carry and use in the field with the • Vivid high-contrast colour
convenient aerosol cans which are carefully • Superior flaw resolution
designed for consistent, even coverage and • Excellent reliability
maximum test area coverage • Wide range of applications
• Excellent controlled washability over a wide
• Use in all conditions without the need for
temperature range and variable dwell times.
darkness or UV lights
• Quickly and completely covers the entire Part Numbers
test surface due to high surface wetting
008A178: Aerosol can (case of 10)
Maximum indication detection 060C078: 5 litres
• Produces strong indications due to its
bright, vibrant red colour, especially when
used with SKD-S2 solvent-based developer

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Penetrant Methods Removal Type
Visible Penetrant Testing Type 2 Method B Water-washable
Method C Solvent-removable

50 (P) = Preferred Product

Penetrant Testing Materials

Solvent-based Developer
A bright white, non-aqueous developer, SKD-S2 creates an opaque white background for
high-contrast penetrant testing. It quickly draws penetrant out to create stronger, clearer
indications for better inspection reliability and sensitivity.

Noted for its compatibility with special alloys, such as stainless steel, aluminium,
magnesium and titanium, SKD-S2 is non-halogenated and can be used with Type 1 and
Type 2 penetrants.

SKD-S2 helps speed up the inspection process by going on easily, drying quickly,
promoting faster indication formation and minimising post-inspection cleaning. It is ideal for
machine shops, weld testing and field applications.

Benefits Features
Increases indication visibility • Fast drying
• Improves indication detection by creating • Convenient, ready-to-use formula
an optimal surface for penetrant indication • Easy to apply
formation • Very low toxicity
• Bright white, opaque coverage blocks all • Easy to clean
underlying surface color and quickly draws • Maximum sensitivity
penetrant to the surface for stronger, clearer • Low in sulphur and halogens
indications • Contains no chlorinated hydrocarbons
Application versatility • Suitable for use at low temperatures
• Can be used with a variety of Type 1 and • ISO 3452 conformance
Type 2 penetrants in many different
situations without measuring or diluting Part Numbers
008A007: Aerosol can (case of 10) (P)
Faster cleaning
055C014: 5 litres (case of 4) (P)
• Reduces inspection process time by
minimising post-inspection cleaning
• Easy-to-apply formula goes on cleanly,
dries quickly and promotes faster indication
formation to shave time off each step of the
inspection process

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Developer Form
Fluorescent Penetrant Testing, Visible Penetrant Testing Type 1, Type 2 Form d, Form e

(P) = Preferred Product 51

Penetrant Testing Materials

Solvent-based Developer
ZP-9F is a non-aqueous developer made of organic particles. It produces a fast-drying,
opaque white coating and contrasting background for fluorescent and visible penetrant

ZP-9F is used extensively to test metalwork in the automotive, aircraft, marine, construction,
and maintenance sectors. It is ideal for testing welds, castings and forgings on pressure
vessels, petroleum pipelines, power plant components, off-highway equipment and farm

Benefits Features
Increases indication visibility • Fast drying
• Improves detection by creating an optimal • Convenient, ready-to-use formula
surface for penetrant indications to form • Easy to apply
• Bright white, opaque coverage blocks all • Very low toxicity
underlying surface color and quickly draws • Easy to clean
penetrant to the surface for stronger, clearer
indications Part Numbers
Application versatility 008A010: Aerosol can (case of 10)
• Can be used with a variety of Type 1 and
Type 2 penetrants in many different
situations without measuring or diluting
Faster cleaning
• Reduces inspection process time by
minimising post-inspection cleaning

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Developer Type
Fluorescent Penetrant Testing, Visible Penetrant Testing Type 1, Type 2 Form d, Form e

D30A and D30plus

Solvent-based Developers
These bright white, non-aqueous developers create an opaque white background for
high-contrast penetrant testing and quickly draw penetrant out to create stronger, clearer
indications. Noted for their compatibility with special alloys, such as stainless steel, aluminium,
magnesium and titanium, D30A and D30plus can be used with Type 1 and Type 2 penetrants.

Features Part Numbers

• D30A is ethanol-based; D30plus has an 008A176: D30A, aerosol can (case of 10)
isopropanol and acetone base 008A177: D30plus, aerosol can (case of 10)
• Fast drying 060C043: D30plus, 5 litres
• Convenient, ready-to-use formula
• Easy to apply
• Very low toxicity
• Easy to clean
• Maximum sensitivity
• Low in sulphur and halogens
• Contains no chlorinated hydrocarbons

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Developer Type
Fluorescent Penetrant Testing, Visible Penetrant Testing Type 1, Type 2 Form d, Form e

52 (P) = Preferred Product

Penetrant Testing Materials

Dry Powder Developer
ZP-4B is a free flowing, white, fluffy powder used as a high sensitivity dry powder developer.
It is supplied ready-to-use and forms a thin white film on parts, which enables enhanced
indications of ultra-fine discontinuities.

Features Part Numbers

• Even, thin developer coverage 055C022: 1 kg
• Enhances visibility of ultra-fine discontinuities 055C023: 5 kg (P)

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Developer Type
Fluorescent Penetrant Testing Type 1 Form a

Water-suspendible Developer
ZP-5B white powder developer is mixed with water for use and disperses quickly to form an
opaque white suspension. ZP-5B can be used to enhance fluorescent indications during
Type 1 testing or used at higher concentrations to form an opaque white background for
Type 2 penetrant inspections.

Features Part Numbers

• Higher concentration of powder gives a 055C002: 5 kg
more opaque coating
• Good colour contrast with red penetrants
• Non-flammable

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Developer Type
Fluorescent Penetrant Testing, Visible Penetrant Testing Type 1, Type 2 Form c

Water-soluble Developer
ZP-14A is free-flowing white powder which dissolves in water to form a developer solution.
It produces a uniform white porous coating when dry which is easily removed with a water
spray in post-inspection cleaning.

Features Part Numbers

• Bright, highly-defined indications 055C010: 5 kg
• Can be cleaned off with water
• Even, uniform coverage
• Chromate and nitrite free

Product Properties
NDT Type Penetrant Type Developer Type
Fluorescent Penetrant Testing Type 1 Form b

(P) = Preferred Product 53

Penetrant Testing Materials
Cleaners / Removers

NDT Cleaner and Remover
SKC-S is an NDT-approved solvent cleaner/remover for pre-cleaning before testing, and for
removing excess surface penetrant from an inspection area before applying developer.

This non-halogenated remover can be used on a wide range of substrates to remove oils,
greases and other contaminants. SKC-S dries quickly without leaving a residue, and meets
the low-residue requirements for NDT and aerospace penetrant testing.

Benefits Features
Maximise range of inspections • Fast drying
• Inspect a wide range of components • Leaves no residue
without worry • Suitable for use at low temperatures
• Conforms to AMS 2644 Class 2, ASME • Alloy compatibility
BPVC and all major aerospace requirements • Doesn’t over clean
• Non-halogenated
Application versatility
• Use a single cleaner throughout the entire
penetrant testing process Part Numbers
• Comes in both bulk and aerosol forms, or 008A100: Aerosol can (case of 10) (P)
as part of a kit for convenience 054C007: 5 litres (case of 4) (P)
Minimise risk of missing a flaw 054C008: 25 litres
• Inspect reliably by cleaning only the surface
without flushing penetrant out of
• Dries quickly without leaving residue to
prevent false indications

C5 and C10
NDT Cleaners/Removers
C5 and C10 are solvent cleaners/removers for pre-cleaning before testing, for removing
excess surface penetrant before applying developer, and for post-inspection cleaning of
parts. They can be used on a wide range of substrates to remove oils, greases and other

Benefits Features
C5: • Minimal residue
• An effective in-process cleaner • Doesn’t over clean
• Good at removing oil-based inks • Suitable for use with all of our penetrant
• Removes excess penetrant without and mag particle products
overwashing during the penetrant process
Part Numbers
• Good at removing contrast paints 008A174: C5, aerosol can (case of 10)
• Very fast drying 008A175: C10, aerosol can (case of 10)
• Suitable for use at low temperatures 060C031: C10, 5 litres

54 (P) = Preferred Product

Penetrant Testing Materials

Hydrophilic Emulsifier
Designed to remove excess surface penetrant, ZR-10C minimises surface background
during Method D fluorescent penetrant testing, while protecting indication integrity in
critical component inspections. It provides long tank life and excellent solution consistency
for dependable, long-lasting performance in a variety of applications.

ZR-10C reduces fluorescent background on rough surfaces and minimises penetrant bleed-
out from hollow parts. It works with Magnaflux penetrants ZL-2C, ZL-27A and ZL-37 for
verified system reliability.

Benefits Features
Maximise penetrant inspection process control • Reduces bleed-out on hollow parts
• Post-emulsifiable system is less susceptible • Reliable results
to human error since ZR-10C only works • Usable in a wide range of concentrations
with rinse water to remove excess surface • Excellent control over removability
penetrant. • Biodegradable
• Maintains solution consistency for
dependable performance with minimal Part Numbers
agitation 065C002: 25 litres (P)
065C003: 200 litres (P)

Lipophilic Emulsifier
A Method B lipophilic emulsifier, ZE-4B diffuses into the penetrant to clear it from the
surface of the part being inspected. It is rinsed from the part by water, carrying penetrant
off the part surface. Designed to be used with post-emulsifiable penetrants ZL-2C, ZL-27A
and ZL-37.

Features Part Numbers

• Low volatility 065C025: 25 litres
• High flash point
• Can be used in open immersion tanks
• Fast acting for quick processing times
• Supplied ready to use
• Biodegradable
• Safe to use on all aerospace alloys, e.g.
aluminium, steel, nickel, titanium

(P) = Preferred Product 55

Magnetic Particle

56 (P) = Preferred Product

Penetrant Testing Equipment

Fluorescent Penetrant Testing Equipment System
ZA-28 is a high-performance, integrated processing/inspection system for fast and reliable
manual penetrant testing. It is suitable for processing components up to 350 mm x 350 mm
x 820 mm in size.

The ZA-28 system comes in three models, each designed for a specific testing method. Its
modular design varies with different penetrant materials:
• ZA-28W - Water-Washable Method - These are the simplest units because water can
be used directly to wash excess penetrant from parts without additional steps.
• ZA-28E - Post-Emulsified Method - These units can locate extremely shallow flaws, but
they require an extra processing step - applying an emulsifier - to make the penetrant
• ZA-28H - Hydrophilic Method - These units deliver the highest sensitivity, but require
an additional processing station for pre-rinsing parts.

Features Part Numbers

• Modular design Magnaflux penetrant testing equipment is
• Thermostatically-controlled recirculating built to order: Please contact us for a detailed
hot-air dryer quote.
• Dry developer storm cabinet

Fluorescent Penetrant Testing Equipment System
ZA-37 is a high-performance, integrated processing/inspection system for fast and reliable
manual penetrant testing. It is suitable for processing components up to 300 mm x 350 mm
x 650 mm in size.

The ZA-37 system comes in three models, each designed for a specific testing method. Its
modular design varies with different penetrant materials:
• ZA-37W - Water-Washable Method - These are the simplest units because water can
be used directly to wash excess penetrant from parts without additional steps.
• ZA-37E - Post-Emulsified Method - These units can locate extremely shallow flaws, but
they require an extra processing step - applying an emulsifier - to make the penetrant
• ZA-37H - Hydrophilic Method - These units deliver the highest sensitivity, but require
an additional processing station for pre-rinsing parts.

Features Part Numbers

• Modular design Magnaflux penetrant testing equipment is
• Thermostatically-controlled recirculating built to order: Please contact us for a detailed
hot-air dryer quote.
• Dry developer storm cabinet

(P) = Preferred Product 57

Penetrant Testing Equipment

Fluorescent Penetrant Testing Equipment System
The ZA-915 system is one of the most popular penetrant testing systems on the market.
As a multi-station process for components up to 850 mm x 850 mm x 750 mm in size, it
offers the flexibility of modular construction and has the added advantage of simple tank
additions to meet your specific requirements.
Designed to operate from the left or the right, the system can, when arranged in a straight
line configuration, be used either as a manual unit or in conjunction with a linear robot
for fully automatic applications. Alternatively, where space is limited, the ZA-915 can be
arranged in a ‘U’ or ‘L’ configuration to suit the area available.

Features Part Numbers

• Flexible modular construction Magnaflux penetrant testing equipment is
• Manual or automatic applications built to order: Please contact us for a detailed
• Conforms with most required testing quote.
• Incorporates all the necessary equipment
for fluorescent penetrant testing

Semi-automatic Carbon Filtration Unit
Our carbon filtration units are designed to remove penetrants from post-rinsewater. Once
clean, the rinsewater can be pumped to drain/waste (subject to local authority requirements)
or recycled to another process.
The S200SA consists of a unique activated carbon filter unit through which penetrant
rinsewater is circulated. A pump circulates the rinsewater from the holding tank through
the carbon filter, and then back to the holding tank. This process is repeated until the
rinsewater is clean.

Features Part Numbers

• Low-cost and economical to run 009Z014: S200SA
• Self-contained and portable
• Easy to use

Carbon Filtration Unit
The S500 unit comprises a pressure vessel fitted with inlet and outlet control valves. The
pump, operated by float switches, forces contaminated water to the top of the vessel,
which then passes down through the activated carbon filter bed, where the contaminants
are removed.
The S500 can also be used in conjunction with a coalescing filter (S500C) to remove post-
emulsifiable penetrant from pre-rinsewater.

Features Part Numbers

• Low-cost and economical to run 009Z001: S500
• Self-contained and portable 009Z002: S500C
• Easy to use

58 (P) = Preferred Product

Penetrant Testing

(P) = Preferred Product 59

Penetrant Testing Accessories

NiCr Test Panels

For Liquid Penetrant Testing
Our NiCr test pieces will help you maintain your testing process by verifying penetrant
sensitivity and performance. Use to check for penetrant deterioration, to compare different
penetrants or to verify sensitivity or visibility.

NiCr test panels are supplied in pairs, with panel set crack depths available in 20 microns.

Part Number
506252: Pair of 20µ panels

Measures the concentration of hydrophilic remover in water
An easy-to-use, hand-held optical instrument for measuring the concentration of hydrophilic
remover in water. Apply a small sample of solution to the prism face and take the reading
by looking at the built-in scale.
Meets Pratt and Whitney and GE concentration specifications for hydrophilic removers.

Part Number
008M009: Refractometer

Dual-channel Timer
Digital Penetrant Process Timer
Our dual-channel process timer allows simultaneous programming of two different
activities. Each channel has a distinct electronic alarm and visual indicator when zero is
reached. For repetitive timing, microcomputer chip memory permits two countdown times;
for normal timing, memory recalls last countdown time set.

Part Numbers
004T087: Dual-channel process timer, including batteries and certificate

60 (P) = Preferred Product

Penetrant Testing Accessories

Penetrant Applicators
Fast, consistent and even application of penetrant or water
These product applicators and water sprayers will help you speed up your penetrant inspection process by offering fast,
consistent and even application of penetrant or water to the part surface. Manufactured from high-quality materials and
components, these sprayers will deliver years of trouble-free performance for all liquid penetrant testing applications.

Air/Water Gun
A combined air and water spray gun for washing parts during the penetrant process.
Trigger-controlled water spray.

Part Number
004G003: Air/Water Gun

Water Only Gun

A spray gun with trigger action for washing parts during the penetrant process.

Part Number
520090: Water Only Gun

Powder Spray Bulb

Lightweight powder ‘puffer’ for applying dry developer powder. Removable cap for easy

Part Number
008D003: Powder Spray Bulb

(P) = Preferred Product 61

UV Lamps

62 (P) = Preferred Product

UV Lamps

Hand-Held LED UV Lamp
The EV6000 is a portable, hand-held UV lamp for fluorescent penetrant testing and
fluorescent magnetic particle inspection.

The EV6000 features a uniform beam that is 23 cm wide, 33% wider than the next widest
hand-held UV lamp in the industry. Custom-designed optics provide intense and even UV-A
coverage to easily identify indications, and an integrated filter ensures minimal visible light
emission to improve inspection reliability.

The EV6000 is certified to NDT standards for LED UV lamps, and certified for Aerospace
Prime and OEM specifications for emission spectrum and beam profile. Each unit is shipped
with a manufacturer’s certificate of conformance which meets or exceeds all current
specifications for use with fluorescent liquid penetrant and magnetic particle testing.

Benefits Features
Minimises time to inspect parts • 5,000 μW/cm² maximum irradiance at 38 cm
• Speeds up inspection time with one of the • 23 cm wide, uniform circular beam with no
widest, most even beams on the market hot spots
• Indications are clearly visible even at the • Lightweight at only 0.9 kg
edge of the 23 cm beam, thanks to the high • IP65 rated, rugged, durable design
intensity LEDs • No internal fan
Maximise range of inspections • Low energy consumption
• Use for virtually any fluorescent penetrant • Aerospace prime and OEM certified
or mag particle inspection • Improved operator and environmental
• Inspect a wide range of components, safety
including aerospace parts, without worry • Certified to ASTM / RRES / AITM / NADCAP
• Full NDT specification compliance, including
ASTM E3022, RRES 90061 and AITM6-1001 Part Numbers
628000: EV6000 (P)
Improves operator comfort
• 30% lighter than a mercury-vapour lamp,
the EV6000 helps inspectors work more
comfortably by reducing arm strain
• Keeps inspection booths from heating up by
using cool-running LEDs
Increases real-world reliability
• Reduces on-the-job downtime with
dependable, reinforced construction
• Fully sealed IP65 rated housing will stand
up to the elements, along with a fan-less
cooling system and non-clouding lens for
reliable, consistent inspections

(P) = Preferred Product 63

UV Lamps

LED UV Lamp for Stationary Inspection
The ST700 is an inspection-grade overhead LED UV flood lamp with high-intensity UV-A
illumination, designed for fluorescent penetrant and magnetic particle testing.

The ST700 projects an ultra-wide, even beam of UV-A light straight onto the inspection
area, allowing for quick examination of parts with minimal part handling. The high-intensity
beam makes indications stand out bright and clear, speeding up the inspection process.
The ST700 is certified to NDT standards for LED UV lamps,and certified for Aerospace
Prime and OEM specifications for emission spectrum and beam profile.

The IP65 aluminium case stands up to harsh environments and a range of mounting
and angling options allow it to be set up anywhere in the inspection process, from mag
benches to wash stations.

Benefits Features
Speed up the inspection process • High intensity compliant UV-A illumination
• Inspect more of the part at once thanks to • 50 x 66 cm wide beam on standard model
the ultra-wide beam at 90cm
• Eliminate additional steps and equipment • IP65 sealed construction prevents damage
involved with using a secondary handheld from water, vapour or dust
lamp • Angled mounting brackets
Minimise risk of missing indications • No hot-spots in the beam profile
• Indications stand out bright and clear due • Aluminium body in a rugged, durable
to high intensity LED technology design
• Mount the light out of the way, up to 117 cm • No internal fan necessary
above the inspection surface while still • Aerospace prime and OEM certified
maintaining inspection level intensity • Certified to ASTM, AITM, RRES and Nadcap
Real-world reliability
• Fully sealed construction prevents dust Part Number
and water damage 628244: ST700 (P)
• Maintain UV intensity and coverage over 629257: ST700 low intensity (5,000 μW/cm2)
time with non-clouding, proprietary lenses
• Rugged, impact resistant metal construction
designed for NDT environments
Work in comfort
• Keeps inspection booths cool thanks to
the fan-less, LED technology
• Eliminates hazardous mercury vapour for
safer working conditions and better EHS
• Easily maintain and changeover equipment
with built-in white light

64 (P) = Preferred Product

UV Lamps

Mounting Adapters
Our mounting hardware allows the EV6000 and EV6500 to be permanently or temporarily
mounted in the inspection or testing station for hands-free inspection, while still allowing
the light to be continuously repositioned to illuminate all areas of a test part.

Part Numbers
023A008: Adjustable bracket for mag bench mounting
023A008B: Adjustable bracket for table mounting
023A008M: Bracket mounting to the lamp

Digital Light Meter for UV-A Light
The UVM3059 is designed for measuring ultraviolet radiation, primarily for use in non-
destructive material testing. It was developed according to the specifications of EN ISO
3059. The housing is dust and splash-proof according to protection class IP54.

Features Part Number

• LCD colour display with wide viewing 017B012: UVe-Lux meter
angle (320 x 240 pixel, 7cm)
• Rechargeable battery via mains or USB
• Dust/splash proof case protected to IP65
• Calibration expiry alarm

Digital Light Meter for Visible Light
The Luxmeter is a high-resolution instrument that measures the irradiance of daylight
sources or the daylight environment. The measurement is made by a sensor connected to
the instrument by a flexible cable. Metering range: 0,01...199,99 x 10³ (automatic switch-over).

Part Number
134056: Luxmeter

UV Intensity Meter
The J 221 meter measures the irradiance of UV lights. By attaching the perforation filter,
the metering range can be extended to approx. 5000 - 30,000 µW/cm². The sensor can be
taken off and can be used for external measurement by wire connection. Metering range A:
0 - 1200, B: 1000 - 6000

Part Number
134001: J221 UV intensity meter

(P) = Preferred Product 65

Aqueous Cleaners
Aqueous Cleaners

Alkaline Aqueous Cleaner
AQ-710 is a high performance cleaner designed specifically for non-destructive testing
processes. The alkaline aqueous cleaner is ideal for a wide range of materials and a variety
of contaminates. A low-foaming all-purpose glycol-free alkaline cleaning solution with a
unique blend of surfactants and corrosion inhibitors, it meets or exceeds the specifications
for most aerospace NDT applications for aqueous and alkaline cleaners.

AQ-710 is designed for immersion, ultrasonic and spray applications, and is safe for use on
most metals. It is non-aggressive towards aluminum, magnesium and titanium alloys, and
can be used in concentrations up to 25 percent. It is moderately alkaline with low foaming
levels for use in spray applications, contains inhibitors to protect metal surfaces from
corrosion and it is also tolerant of hard water.

Benefits Features
• Extensive materials compatibility • Alkaline cleaner
• Cost efficient concentrate formulation • Low foam level
• Outstanding cleaning performance on a • Rust inhibitors
broad spectrum of soils
Part Numbers
062C003: 25 litres
062C004: 200 litres

Alkaline Aqueous Cleaner
AQ-715 is a low-foaming, powerful alkaline cleaner designed specifically for non-destructive
testing processes. The heavy-duty, high alkaline aqueous cleaner is ideal for a wide range
of materials and a variety of contaminates. A low-foaming all-purpose glycol-free alkaline
cleaning solution with a unique blend of surfactants and corrosion inhibitors, it meets or
exceeds the specifications for most aerospace NDT applications for aqueous and alkaline

AQ-715 is designed for immersion, ultrasonic and spray applications. It is non-aggressive

towards a wide range of metals, and can be used in concentrations up to 25 percent. It is
high alkaline with low foaming levels for use in spray applications, contains inhibitors to
protect metal surfaces from corrosion and it is also tolerant of hard water.

Benefits Features
• Extensive materials compatibility • High alkaline cleaner
• Cost efficient concentrate formulation • Low foam level
• Aggressive cleaning properties helps to • Rust inhibitors
alleviate heavy soils and greases
Part Numbers
062C008: 25 litres
062C009: 200 litres

(P) = Preferred Product 67

Faraday Road, South Dorcan Industrial Estate,
Swindon, SN3 5HE, UK
+44 (0)1793 524566 Rev: 1120

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