Catalogo Magnaflux
Catalogo Magnaflux
Catalogo Magnaflux • 847.657.5300 1
SPOTCHECK® is a red visible
nondestructive test method,
which provides for the detection
of surface discontinuities (flaws)
in ferrous and non-ferrous
test materials.
Ideal for applications where portability is required.
Available in aerosol or liquid form.
The vivid red color permits daylight inspection.
Meets major military specifications.
A complete line of cleaners and developers, as well as
Water Wash or Post Emulsifiable penetrants, are available.
SPOTCHECK is the most reliable and widely used
penetrant inspection method that reveals cracks and other
surface discontinuities in virtually any non-porous material. Applications
SPOTCHECK’s formulation, using a high concentration of SPOTCHECK delivers accurate, reliable crack detection results
quality dyes, together with high quality solvents, provides in the following applications:
the best possible dye penetrants for finding the smallest and
Automobile Parts Pressure Vessels/Aircraft
finest defects. Other products may skimp on dyes or use
Off-Road Equipment Maintenance
inferior solvents that cut costs. In doing so, indications do
not appear as bright or vibrant and cracks can be missed. Farm Equipment Marine Construction/
Some inferior solvents may also cause health hazards. Maintenance
Petroleum Pipelines
Our developer’s even spray pattern provides a uniform Castings
coating. Power Plant Inspections
Our SPOTCHECK products are the most widely used in General Metalwork
Leak Testing
the inspection of welds in a variety of industries.
Dependability, consistency and safety should be
the major concern in your inspection process –
MAGNAFLUX® has it all.
How to use
Preclean inspection Apply Penetrant. Spray Cleaner/ Spray on thin, Inspect. Defects
area. Spray on Allow short Remover on wiping uniform film of will show as bright
Cleaner/Remover. penetration period. towel and wipe Developer. red lines in white
Wipe off with cloth. surface clean. developer background.
4 • 847.657.5300
Solvent Removable Penetrant Water Washable Penetrant
Most widely used, general purpose solvent removable penetrant. General purpose water washable penetrant.
Good for rough surfaces and large parts. Approved Developers: SKD-S2 & ZP-5B
Approved Developers: SKD-S2 & ZP-5B Approved Cleaner: Not Required
Approved Cleaner: SKC-S
Water Based Penetrant
Bright red in the daylight; fluorescent orange in UV light.
Liquid oxygen compatible. For non-certified applications.
Used as a leak detector and for inspection of plastic.
Approved Developer: SKD-S2
Approved Cleaner: Not Required
Solvent Cleaner Solvent Cleaner
The recommended, general purpose cleaner/remover. High Flash point. Low odor cleaner/remover. Meets sulfur and
Non-Chlorinated. Flammable. Meets major requirements chlorine requirements of major specifications.
for major specifications.
Part #: Container Size:
Part #: Container Size: 01-5725-40 5 Gallon Pail
01-5725-45 55 Gallon Drum
01-5750-35 Case of 4 – 1 Gallon Containers
Also available in 16 oz. aerosol cans.
01-5750-40 5 Gallon Pail
01-5750-45 55 Gallon Drum
Also available in 16 oz. aerosol cans.
Solvent Developer Aqueous Water Suspendible Developer
General purpose solvent developer. General purpose water suspendible developer. • 847.657.5300 5
Part #: Includes:
01-5970-48 1 can of SKL-SP1, 2 cans of SKC-S, 1 can
of SKD-S2, Heavy Duty Wiping Cloth,
Paint Marker, Scrubs™ Hand Towels,
Portable Plastic Case and Instructions.
SK-816 General Purpose Kit (16 Oz.)
Part #: Includes:
01-5920-48 2 cans of SKL-SP1, 2 cans of SKD-S2
and 4 cans of SKC-S, Heavy Duty Wiping
Cloth, Paint Marker, Scrubs™ Hand Towels,
Portable Plastic Case and Instructions.
6 • 847.657.5300
ZYGLO® is an extremely sensitive
fluorescent penetrant inspection
method that reveals cracks
and other surface discontinuities in
virtually any non-porous material.
ZYGLO is available in aerosols and liquid form.
Five sensitivity levels to satisfy military, industry or company
Water Wash and Post Emulsifiable penetrants are available.
Full line of emulsifiers, removers and developers.
ZYGLO fluorescent penetrants are formu-
lated to offer improved sensitivity, bright-
ness and resistance to over washing. Just Applications
like our visible penetrants we use high
Aerospace Industry Automotive Components
quality raw materials to give superior
(Aircraft Manufacturers, Aircraft Component Manufacturers
results in finding defects. Our ZYGLO
Manufacturers, Aircraft Overhaul Shops, Brakes
penetrant products are known in the
Airlines) Steering components
industry for their consistent performance
Engine components (blades, rotors & turbines) Connecting rods
and reliability. They are preferred by
Landing gear Wheels
many of the largest aircraft manufacturers
Wheels Engine mounts
and overhaul facilities.
Wing spars Pistons
MAGNAFLUX manufactures penetrant Brakes Cylinder blocks
materials, accessories and equipment, Springs Foundries
making us a one-stop shop. We are Military Raw Castings
involved in the total process from start
to finish, and produce our products to Test Labs
perform to the utmost of effectiveness NDT Inspections
when used together.
How to use
Preclean inspection Apply Penetrant. Spray Cleaner/ Apply a thin film of Inspect under black light.
area. Spray on Allow short Remover on wiping developer. Allow Cracks and lack of bond
Cleaner/Remover. penetration period. cloth and wipe short developing will show as glowing
Wipe off with cloth. surface clean. period. For rough lines, porosity will show
surfaces, daub on as spots.
Dry Developer. • 847.657.5300 7
Liquid Penetrant Classification Per AMS 2644
Penetrant Types: Penetrant Sensitivity Penetrant Methods: Developer Forms:
Levels: Form a – dry powder
Type 1 – fluorescent dye Method A – water washable
Sensitivity level (fluorescent only)
Type 2 – visible dye 1
Method B – post Form b – water soluble
⁄ – ultra low
emulsifiable, lipophilic Form c – water suspendible
1 – low
Method C – solvent Form d – nonaqueous Type
2 – medium removable 1 fluorescent (solvent based)
3 – high Method D – post Form e – nonaqueous Type
4 – ultra high emulsifiable, hydrophilic 2 visible dye (solvent based)
Penetrant Method is usable: • Two methods of PE removal, hydrophilic (the most commonly
used) and lipophilic
• Where cracks are open to the surface. • Highly sensitive to very fine cracks
• On any material which is NOT excessively porous. • The ability to show wide, shallow cracks
• On any material which will not be harmed by chemicals • Better control of removal process
or procedures.
Part preparation and Cleaning
• For penetrant method to work, defect must be clean and
open to the surface. Dry developers
Cracks must be empty and dry for penetrant to • Are fluffy dry powders, used as received
enter. • Are not usable with visible penetrants
• Ultrasonic cleaning is usually best method. • Parts must be completely dried before application
• Alkaline cleaning may be applicable. of developer
• Steam cleaning may or may not work, depending on soil. • May be applied by spray, manual duster, dipping
• Parts must be dry before penetrant processing • Will produce small indications with little or no background
• Dust masks may be required
Choice of Penetrant Method Depends On:
Aqueous developers
• Sensitivity required
• Number of parts to be tested • Are supplied as dry powders to be mixed with specified
• Surface condition of part being inspected amounts of water. These powders are either soluble
• Configuration of test specimen or suspended.
• Availability of water, electricity, compressed air, suitable • Suspended developers need to be agitated
testing area, etc. • Parts do not need to be dried before application
Nonaqueous (solvent based) developers
• Are supplied premixed and ready to use
Which method and sensitivity is best for my application?
• Applied only by spray
Since there are choices for developers, which one should I use? • Are the most sensitive developers because solvent redissolves
Since each application is slightly different, we recommend you and spreads penetrant
contact Magnaflux to help guide you through this selection • Are the most expensive developer type because of high
process. material cost and labor intensive application.
8 • 847.657.5300
POST CLEAN • 847.657.5300 9
ZYGLO Water Washable Penetrants
ZYGLO Water Washable Penetrants are used to check for cracks in a wide range of sensitive applications. Our penetrants fluoresce a greenish-yellow
color under ultraviolet radiation. Use black light sources with peak wavelength of 365 nanometers such as MAGNAFLUX ZB-100F Fan-Cooled
Black Light.
ZL-15B ZL-19
Water Washable Fluorescent Penetrant Water Washable Fluorescent Penetrant
(Level 1⁄2 – Lowest sensitivity) (Level 1 – Low sensitivity penetrant)
Exhibits excellent washability for castings and rough surfaces. Higher brightness and sensitivity than ZL-15B
Approved Developers: ZP-4B, ZP-9F, ZP-5B & SKD-S2 Approved Developers: ZP-4B, ZP-9F, ZP-5B & SKD-S2
ZL-60D ZL-67
Water Washable Fluorescent Penetrant Water Washable Fluorescent Penetrant
(Level 2 – Medium Sensitivity) (Level 3 – High Sensitivity)
Exhibits excellent washability for castings and rough surfaces; Provides an excellent combination of sensitivity/washability and is
and is typically used on castings, forgings, extrusions and rough typically used on critical applications including investment castings,
machined surfaces to find cracks, seams, laps, cold shuts, jet engine components, and highly machined surfaces to find
laminations and porosity. cracks, seams and porosity.
Approved Developers: ZP-4B, ZP-9F, ZP-5B & SKD-S2 Approved Developers: ZP-4B, ZP-9F, ZP-5B & SKD-S2
Water Washable Fluorescent Penetrant
(Level 4 – Ultra High Sensitivity)
Ultra-high sensitivity penetrant for critical applications. ZL-56 is
a fluorescent, high sensitivity, water washable penetrant. ZL-56 is
typically used on smooth, nonporous, highly machined surfaces to
find cracks, seams, and scratches.
Approved Developers: ZP-4B, ZP-9F, ZP-5B & SKD-S2
10 • 847.657.5300
ZYGLO® Post Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrants
The ZYGLO post emulsifiable fluorescent penetrants are used for a wide range of sensitive applications and are formulated to be impervious to
water to assure against being over washed from defects. The MAGNAFLUX Post Emulsifiable Penetrants require the application of a lipophilic
emulsifier or a hydrophilic emulsifier to render it washable with water. All of our penetrants are formulated for rapid separation from water for
efficient clean up by coalescer, or charcoal filtration. Each penetrant fluoresces a bright greenish-yellow color under ultraviolet radiation. Use of a
black light source, with peak wavelength of 365 nanometers, such as the MAGNAFLUX® ZB-100F Fan-Cooled black light, is recommended. Each
penetrant is formulated to produce heat stable fluorescent indications under normal drying conditions (140°F/60° C).
ZL-2C ZL-27A
PE Fluorescent Penetrant PE Fluorescent Penetrant
(Level 2 – Medium Sensitivity) (Level 3 – High Sensitivity)
ZL-2C is typically used on castings, forgings, and extrusions, rough ZL-27A is typically used on castings, forgings, and extrusions,
and machined surfaces to find cracks, seams, laps, laminations rough and machined surfaces to find cracks, seams, laps,
and porosity. laminations and porosity.
Approved Developers: ZP-4B, ZP-9F, ZP-5B, ZP-14A & SKD-S2 Approved Developers: ZP-4B, ZP-9F, ZP-5B, ZP-14A & SKD-S2
Approved Removers: ZR-10B, ZE-4B, SKC-S & SKC-HF Approved Removers: ZR-10B, ZE-4B, SKC-S & SKC-HF
PE Fluorescent Penetrant
(Level 4 – Ultra-High Sensitivity)
ZL-37 is typically used on castings, forgings, and extrusions, rough
and machined surfaces to find cracks, seams, laps, laminations
and porosity.
Approved Developers: ZP-4B, ZP-9F, ZP-5B, ZP-14A & SKD-S2
Approved Removers: ZR-10B, ZE-4B, SKC-S & SKC-HF • 847.657.5300 11
ZYGLO® Additive
Fluorescent Water Additive for Leak Detection
ZL-5 is a dry powder fluorescent organic material used as an
additive for the detection of leaks in pressure vessels, storage tanks,
radiators and other liquid system containers. ZL-5 is water-soluble Part #: Container Size:
and produces fluorescence when using a black light, (such as the 01-3141-57 1 lb. Container
MAGNAFLUX® ZB-100F fan cooled black light) at 365 nanometers. 01-3141-63 5 lb. Container
ZYGLO® Developers
Dry Powder Water Suspendible
ZP-4B is a free-flowing, white, fluffy powder used as a dry powder ZP-5B is a white powder which is to be dispersed into water. ZP-5B
developer for ZYGLO penetrants. ZP-4B is supplied ready to use. disperses quickly to form an opaque white suspension. Must be
ZP-4B forms a thin film on parts which enables it to enhance continually agitated during use to ensure uniformity of mix as
indications of ultra fine discontinuities. ZP-4B’s high purity allows developer will settle out on standing. ZP-5B forms a uniform white
it to be used in applications demanding purity. coating which enhances fluorescent indications formed by ZYGLO
penetrants. At higher concentration, ZP-5B forms an opaque white
Part #: Container Size: coating which provides contrasting background for SPOTCHECK
01-3328-25 12 – 1 pt Cans
01-3328-69 10 lb. Container
01-3328-75 20 lb. Container Part #: Container Size:
01-3341-81 25 lb. Container
ZP-9F ZP-14A
Non-Aqueous Water Soluble
ZP-9F is a ready-to-use suspension of white developing particles ZP-14A is a white free-flowing powder, which dissolves in water to
in a fast drying solvent. ZP-9F produces an opaque white coating, form a clear, colorless biodegradable developer solution. ZP-14A is
which provides an excellent contrasting background for used as a general purpose water-soluble developer for the enhance-
SPOTCHECK or ZYGLO penetrant indications. ZP-9F is specially ment of indications formed by ZYGLO penetrants. ZP-14A produces
formulated to be low in sulfur and halogens and contains no a uniform white porous coating when it dries. The developer film is
chlorinated hydrocarbons. easily removed in post inspection cleaning by a water spray. Once
the developer bath has been made up, no in-use agitation is
Part #: Container Size: required to maintain developer uniformity.
12 • 847.657.5300
ZYGLO® Hydrophilic Emulsifier
ZR-10B is a pinkish, slightly viscous liquid. ZR-10B is a 100% active Part #: Container Size:
concentrate, which is diluted in water when used as an emulsifier 01-3620-40 5 Gallon Pail
for ZYGLO PE penetrants. ZR-10B is very low in sulfur, chlorine, 01-3620-30 20 Gallon Drum
and sodium content. 01-3620-45 55 Gallon Drum
NEW ZA-70 Kit (16 Oz.)
115v ZB-100F Black Light
Part # Includes
600047 ZB-100F Black Light 115v
1 can of ZL-27A PE Fluorescent Penetrant,
1 can of ZP-9F Developer, 2 cans of
SKC-S Cleaner, heavy duty wiping cloth,
paint marker, Scrubs™ hand towels,
portable plastic case and instructions
600045 ZB-100 230v
Part # Includes
01-3930-48 2 cans of ZL-27A PE Fluorescent Penetrant,
2 cans ZP-9F Developer, 4 cans of SKC-S
Cleaner, Heavy Duty Wiping Cloth,
Paint Marker, Scrubs™ Hand Towels,
Portable Plastic Case and Instructions. • 847.657.5300 13
ZYGLO® Specification Conformance Chart
14 • 847.657.5300
Zyglo Accessories
Hand Sprayers
Water Spray Gun Dry Developer
For rinsing either water-wash
Spray Gun
or post-emulsifiable Provides light, even developer
penetrants coating
Coarse spray Uses shop compressed air
Part #: 520090 Features mix, jet and spread
Two quart capacity
Part #: 521339
Hydro-Wash Portable
Spray Gun Pressure Sprayer
For water rinsing of parts Lightweight pressure sprayer
Air injection boosts velocity, for spot application of
permits faster rinsing with less penetrants, developers and
water usage cleaners
Part #: 195260
Regulators and gauges for applications requiring strict water pressure control. Part #: 513756 • 847.657.5300 15
Hydrophilic Emulsifier Injector Kit
Hydrophilic Emulsifier Injector Kit
Automatically mix ZR-10B Dosatron Model Metering
hydrophilic emulsifier (remover) Injector
with spray rinse water to combine For close range rinsing at
emulsification and rinsing, leaving spray distance up to 4'
only a brief final wash. Three-way
valve permits selection of water Externally adjusted
only or water plus remover spray. Extremely accurate injection
rates of 1–5%
Flow rates up to 11 GPM
Part #: 609032
Test Blocks
Aluminum Test Stainless Steel
Block (for sensitivity) Test Block
Cracked aluminum block
(for washability)
compares sensitivity of Monitors washability
different penetrants or of water-wash or
sensitivity of new and old post-emulsified penetrants
Grit-blasted rough surface
Complies with ASTM E165; retains “background” when
ASME Boiler and Pressure washability is impaired
Vessel code
May be used repeatedly
if thoroughly cleaned after
Part #: 14755 each use
Complies with ASTM E165
Part #: 154400
Crack Comparator TAM Crack
General purpose crack
comparator, 0.005" to 0.010" to 0.180" increments
0.125" increments
Meets Pratt & Whitney
requirements (P&W
Part #: 514048 reference: TAM 135273)
Part #: 514050
Metric Crack
Part #: 514049
16 • 847.657.5300
Test Panels
NiCr Panels
The NiCr penetrant test panels are ideal penetrant sensitivity com-
parators. The panels are available with crack width of 10, 20, 30,
and 50 microns and come in matched pairs. Individual crack sizes
or a complete kit of all four sizes are available.
Having matched pairs enables studies of the effects of process changes
as compared to a standard process, or used material changes vs fresh
material. The panels are ideal for monitoring fluorescent penetrant
TAM Panel
(ZYGLO) lines. 4" x 6" stainless steel panel
monitors both sensitivity and
Part #: Description: washability of penetrant
506251 One Pair of NiCr 10 micron panels process
506252 One Pair of NiCr 20 micron panels Includes a rough surface
506253 One Pair of NiCr 30 micron panels for washability testing, plus
506254 One Pair of NiCr 50 micron panels a polished chrome section
184400 NiCr Panel Set contains one pair of 10, 20, with 5 “star” shaped defects
30, and 50 micron crack size ranging in size from coarse
to extremely fine
Pratt and Whitney TAM
Part #: 198055
Process Control Accessories
Hydrometer Refractometer
Uses specific gravity readings Optical device used for
to monitor water based measuring concentration
developer concentration and of hydrophilic removers
maintain optimum developer in water
performance Includes chart to convert
to percent concentration
Part #: 5857 for ZR-10B ZYGLO
hydrophilic removers • 847.657.5300 17
Zyglo Equipment
Model shown is
ZA-28W. Actual equip- Equipment
ment may change slightly
Each of the three ZA-28 models
from picture.
are designed for a specific
testing method. Because the
order of use varies with different
penetrant materials, the units
must be carefully ordered to fit
the specific application.
NOTE: Dynamic Cloud (Dry Developer) design with dust collection and
a 2.5 gallon pressure pot is now available.
ZA-28W ZA-28E
Water Washable Penetrant System Post Emulsified Penetrant System
Number of Stations: Six (Penetrant Station, Drain Station, Number of Stations: Eight (Penetrant Station, Drain Station,
Wash Station, Dryer Station, Developer Station, Inspection Station) Emulsifier Station, Rinse Station, Drain Station, Dryer Station,
Developer Station, Inspection Station) For any other voltage,
Part #: Description: please call MAGNAFLUX.
18 • 847.657.5300
Model shown is ZA-37CW. Actual equip- ZA-37
ment may change slightly from picture.
Compact Penetrant
Processing Inspection
Each of the ZA-37 models are designed for
a specific testing method. The order of use
varies with different penetrant materials,
so the units must be carefully ordered to fit
the specific application.
ZA-37 CW
Cleaning Station Included
Standard Features Include:
Cleaning Station with pump agitation and heater.
Dynamic Cloud Developer Chamber with a two gallon
pressure pot and foot switch for the dispensing of our ZP-4B Dry
Powder Developer, 5" diameter viewing window in cover. Built in
dust collector with air filter.
Inspection Booth with ZB-100F portable black light
mounted on top center of booth for fixed inspection or hand held
inspection. • 847.657.5300 19
ZA-37W ZA-37H
Water Washable Penetrant System Hydrophilic Penetrant System
Number of Stations: Five (Penetrant Station, Rinse Station, Number of Stations: Seven (Penetrant Station, Pre-Rinse Station,
Developer Station, Dryer Station, Inspection Station) Remover Station, Final Rinse Station, Developer Station, Dryer Station,
Inspection Station)
Part #: Description: For any other voltage - please call MAGNAFLUX
Part #: Description:
620850 MagnaPure™ 300: processing 300 gallons
of penetrant wastewater per day
620850-01 MagnaPure™ 600: processing 600 gallons
of penetrant wastewater per day
Emulsifier/Rinse Water
620850-02 MagnaPure™ 100: processing 100 gallons
of penetrant wastewater per day
down the drain—
hassle free
20 • 847.657.5300
® ®
Magnetic particle inspection
is a nondestructive inspection
method used for detection
of surface and subsurface flaws
in ferrous parts. MPI inspection
is used to inspect a variety of
product forms such as castings,
forgings, and weldments.
Dry and wet particles are available to suit your needs.
Choose from fluorescent or non-fluorescent for UV or daylight
Particle size is controlled to ensure maximum sensitivity.
Fluorescent particles are encapsulated to minimize separation
of fluorescence from particles. • 847.657.5300 21
Wet Method Fluorescent Magnetic Particles
14A 14AM
Fluorescent Particles Fluorescent Premix with Carrier II
(to be mixed with Carrier II or Water/Additives) Fluorescent prepared bath of 14A powder and Carrier II (a high flash
14A is a dry, free flowing, brown magnetic powder which fluoresces point petroleum vehicle). Ready to use without measuring and mixing.
bright yellow-green under black light. 14A is intended for use in high Suspension: Oil
sensitivity wet method magnetic particle inspection. It may be suspended Recommended Concentration: Comes as a prepared bath
in either a petroleum-based vehicle (oil) such as MAGNAFLUX®/
MAGNAGLO® Carrier II, or in water. When water is used as a vehicle,
conditioning agents such as WA-2B, or WA-4 are required.
Part #: Container Size:
Suspension: Water/Oil 01-0145-40 5 Gallon Pail
Recommended Concentration: 1⁄6 oz./gallon (1.25 grams/liter) Also available in 16 oz. aerosol cans.
22 • 847.657.5300
Wet Method Visible Magnetic Particles
7C Black 7HF Black
Visible Particles Visible Premix with Carrier II
(to be mixed with Carrier II or Water/Additives) 7C Black Powder premixed with Carrier II packaged in an aerosol can.
Non-fluorescent black magnetic particles. Provides excellent color Suspension: Oil
contrast on shiny or light colored surfaces. Recommended Concentration: Premixed in Aerosols
Suspension: Water/Oil
Recommended Concentration: 1.25 oz./gallon (9.36 grams/liter) Available in 16 oz. aerosol cans. • 847.657.5300 23
Dry Method Magnetic Particles
#1 Gray #2 Yellow
General Purpose General Purpose
General Purpose Dry Method Particles. Choose the color that offers the General Purpose Dry Method Particles. Choose the color that offers the
best contrast to the surface you are inspecting. best contrast to the surface you are inspecting.
24 • 847.657.5300
Magnetizing Yoke Kits
Designed for one-person portable magnetic particle inspections of ferrous parts. Ideal for inspection of welds and other remote testing. Articulating,
double-jointed legs of yokes contour to any part shape to assure good contact.
b) Y-8 Battery Powered Yoke Kit
Part # Includes
611710 Battery Powered Yoke, Case, Charger
and 1 lb. of #1 Gray Powder, Powder
Spray Bulb, Paint Marker, Scrubs™,
Wiping Cloth and Instructions.
NEW – One Year Warranty • 847.657.5300 25
MAGNAGLO® Fluorescent Kit
Part # Includes
600088 ZB100F Blacklight 115v, 4 aerosol cans
of 14AM (Wet Method, Fluorescent
Premix of 14A Magnetic Powder and
Carrier II Oil Petroleum Vehicle), Paint
Marker, SCRUBSTM Hand Cleaner,
Wiping Cloth and Instructions.
600089 ZB100 Blacklight 230v
NAVSEA T9074-AS-GIB-010/271 x x x x x x x x
MIL-STD-2132 x x x x x x x x x x x
AMS 2641 x
AMS 3041 x x
AMS 3042 x x
AMS 3043 x x
AMS 3044 x x x x
AMS 3045 x
AMS 3046 x
ASME B & PV Code, Sec. V x x x x x x x x x x x
ASTM E 709 x x x x x x x x x x x
ASTM E 1444 x x x x x x x x x x
A-A-59230 x x
Boeing PS-21201 x x x x x x x x x x
NAVSEA 250-1500-1 x x x x x x x
Pratt & Whitney PMC 1887 x
26 • 847.657.5300
Contact Plates for Wet Horizontal Units
Copper braid pads and lead contact plates prevent burning by ensuring good electrical contact between test part and contact heads. Coils mount
on rails of wet horizontal units for detection of transverse cracks on parts. • 847.657.5300 27
Test Pieces
Part #: 75130
Part #: 159999
Part #: 153750
28 • 847.657.5300
Test Pieces
b) Miniature QQI’s
Similar to KSC-230, except miniature design for small areas on test
QQI Test Pieces part. The four circles may be cut apart for individual use.
a) b) c)
Quantitative Quality Indicators (QQI) are Magnetic Particle Test Pieces
with Artificial Defects.
Part #: Model# Description:
519631 KSC-4-230 Miniature QQI with four circles per
QQI’s are used sheet, flaw depth 30% of Shim
thickness, .002" thick
to increase productivity by minimizing magnetizing shots
to verify field direction and relative strength
to balance multi-directional fields
c) Variable Depth QQI’s
a) Standard QQI’s These QQI’s are used for more quantitative work, three concentric
circular flaws of differing depth.
Basic circular and crossed bar flaw configuration suitable for
longitudinal and circular fields.
Part #: Model# Description:
Part #: Model# Description: 519632 KSCT-234 Variable depth QQI’s, flaws
20%/30%/40% of Shim thickness,
519630 KSC-230 Standard QQI, flaw depth of 30% .002" thick
of Shim thickness, .002" thick 521049 KSC4-234 Variable depth flaws 20%/30%/
521048 KSC-430 Standard QQI, flaw depth 30% of 40% of Shim thickness, .004" thick
Shim thickness, .004" thick
Permits remote testing of parts that are too heavy or too large for
processing on unit
Part #: Size:
111203 3
⁄4" x 24"
111204 1" x 18"
Part #: 1830 111202 1
⁄2" x 12"
111205 Set of Three: One each of 111202,
111203, and 111204 • 847.657.5300 • 847.657.5300 29
Field Indicators
Part #: 521043
Centrifuge Tubes
a) 14A Centrifuge 7C/9C Centrifuge
Tube Tube
100 ml, 0 – 1.0 ml in 0.05 100 ml, 0 – 1.5 ml in 0.10
increments increments
For use with #14A, #14AM For MAGNAFLUX
and #20B MAGNAGLO color-contrast materials
fluorescent materials including #7C, #9C
and #9CM
Part #: 8493
b) Part #: 2461
b) Centrifuge
Stand MG-410
Centrifuge Tube
Safely holds centrifuge
tubes when mixing bath 100 ml, 0 – 0.2 ml in 0.01
With MAGNAFLUX centrifuge tubes, you can monitor the concentra- concentrations increments
tion and level of contamination of magnetic particles in MAGNAFLUX For use with MG-410
or MAGNAGLO baths.
Part #: 1837A
14A Centrifuge tube shown with stand (sold separately). Part #: 507923
30 • 847.657.5300
Wet Particle Bath Sprayers
Portable Pressure Sprayer
Easy-to-use, heavy-duty pressure sprayer is ideal for spot application
of magnetic particle bath
Features chrome-plated solid brass construction, one-quart capacity
Pressurize with compressed air or with CO2 cartridges to a maximum
of 200 psi
Part #: 195260
Part #: 501232
Monitoring Devices
Easy-to-use test meters verify the accuracy of the built-in ammeter of standard wet horizontal magnetic particle units and power packs.
Digital Test Meter Kit Analog FW Test Meter Quick Break Tester
For all AC, Full Wave and Half Wave DC For FWDC wet horizontal units and sta- Quickly and accurately confirms function
(FWDC & HWDC) wet horizontal units tionary power packs up to 6,000 amps status of “quick break”
For all portable, mobile, stationary and circuitry in three phase FWDC magnetic
multi-directional power packs up to 20,000 particle units
amps Part #: 10090 Manufactured for compliance to ASTM E
Includes calibrated meter, shunt, leads, 1444
operating instructions and
carrying case with shoulder strap
Part #: 148335
Part #: 600355 • 847.657.5300 31
Prod Sets
Hand-held electrodes enable magnetizing current to pass through sections of welds, castings, forgings and large fabrications.
All prod sets:
Part #: 186202
32 • 847.657.5300
Remote Cable/Palm Button
Publications • 847.657.5300 33
Cables and Connectors
Rubber-covered flexible cables Standard 4/0 Cable Assemblies
are available in standard lengths
of 15' and 20' with your choice Part #: Length (Feet): Fittings:
of eitherend or lug connectors.
11306 15 Lugs at both ends Custom 4/0 and 1 million
Individual connectors to replace
11307 15 Lug and eitherend circular mill cable assemblies
those worn or damaged in use
11308 15 Eitherends at both ends are also available.
are also available.
11312 20 Lugs at both ends
11313 20 Lug and eitherend
11314 20 Eitherends at both ends
Contact Clamps
Spring Loaded Contact Clamp
Specifically designed for more accurate inspection of tubing,
bars and tubular assemblies, such as aircraft engine mounts
and fuselage sections
Clamps connect via lugs and flexible cables to electrical terminals
of portable units or contact blocks (#1830) on bench units
For 1 1⁄4" to 2 1⁄2" diameter parts Heavy-Duty
Replacement Copper Braid (#14710) also available Contact Clamp
Part #: 1865A Similar to #1865A, but for
parts up to 7" diameter
Part #: 169802
Split Coils
Our multiple-loop, quick-connect
cable-coil saves time, eliminates
complicated coil winding and is
Magnetic Leech
particularly useful when inspect- Permanent magnet with
ing heavy equipment, rolling 4/0 eitherend connector
stock and heavy machinery. attaches to part, freeing a
hand to enable one-person
Part #: Size: prod operation
14725 12" diameter 4/0 cable with eitherends
14726 18" diameter also available Part #: 54975
14727 24" diameter also available
34 • 847.657.5300
Steadyrests and Raising Blocks
To support long or heavy parts such as crankshafts during inspection, choose from the following selection of MAGNAFLUX steadyrests and raising blocks.
Rail-Mounted Headstock-
Roller-Type Mounted
Steadyrest Roller-Type
Mounts and moves on rails
to accommodate various Mounts on headstock to
part lengths support one end of part
A pair increases weight (Use rail-mounted steadyrest
capacity from 300 to #1857 to support other end)
1500 lbs Facilitates part loading as
NOTE: Also order “Raising Adjustable height coil may be retracted past
Block” 14786 if used with 16", Fits all units except the A-915 headstock
20" or 25" coil. and MAG Series units Fits all current models except
the A-915 and MAG Series
Part #: 1857 units
Part #: 605750
Part #: Size:
28501 12" Coil
28511 16" Coil
28531 20" Coil
28541 25" Coil
Coil Base
For use with coils on all units, except for A-915 and
MAG Series units
Part #: 26193 • 847.657.5300 35
Benefits MAGNAFLUX Yoke and Coil Kits
Portable lightweight yokes for MAGNAFLUX Yoke Kits are designed for reliable, one person magnetic particle inspection of ferrous parts
one-person inspection in tight when portability is essential. Because the kits are portable and the yokes fit into tight places, they are ideal
places for in-plant structures and field work. MAGNAFLUX offers a variety of options, so you can select exactly
what you need – a yoke only, or a kit that also includes testing materials and accessories.
Adjustable legs enable you to
inspect many different surface Whether you choose a Y-6 AC yoke to locate surface cracks or a Y-7 AC/DC yoke to find surface
configurations and near-surface defects or a Y-8 battery powered yoke for portability, you always get unsurpassed
MAGNAFLUX quality and reliability.
One Year Warranty Articulating, double-jointed legs contour easily to any part shape to assure good contact.
Pull force (60 lbs DC, 10 lbs AC) complies with specifications.
Solid state controls located in housing for maximum safety and reliability.
2-minute ON/OFF duty cycles for fast, efficient inspections (Y-6 and Y-7).
30-second ON/OFF duty cycle - Y-8.
Operating Instructions
When yoke is connected to a proper power source and energized, an intense longitudinal magnetic field is
created in the area between the yoke legs. Any surface cracks will create flux leakages which will attract
magnetic particles that form indications that allow for detection.
There are two testing methods:
MAGNAFLUX Dry Non-Fluorescent Method, used with a yoke, does not require a black light and is more
sensitive for finding near-surface defects on components with rough surfaces, such as castings and forgings.
MAGNAGLO Wet Fluorescent Method, used with a yoke and an ultraviolet black light, can find very fine
surface flaws or slightly near-surface discontinuities (with Y-7 or Y-8 yokes only).
How to use
Preclean inspection Place Yoke on test Energize Yoke. Apply magnetic Indications will form
area. Spray on piece perpendicular Magnetic field will powder or prepared immediately.
Cleaner. Wipe off to direction of form in test piece. bath while Yoke is
with cloth. suspected cracks. energized.
36 • 847.657.5300
Y-8 Battery Powered Yoke
Rechargeable Battery: 6 volt, 12-amp hour
Battery Weight: 5 1⁄4 lb.
Y-6 AC Yoke • 847.657.5300 37
L-10 Coil
For detection of surface cracks
10" coil I.D., 15" coil O.D.
Wear-resistant neoprene coating
Equipped with footswitch for energizing magnetic current
10' flexible line cable
115V, 60Hz, single-phase power source required
Part #: 50651
Find surface defects with AC current; switch cable connection to
halfwave DC (HWDC) for near-surface flaws
Locate defects in any direction using prods, central conductor, or coil
(wrap part with 3-5 turns of cable)
Infinitely variable current control
Demagnetize part in AC mode by slowly turning the current dial
to zero
Specifications Built-in automatic-reset circuit breaker
38 • 847.657.5300
Mag Kit
Standard Mag Kit
39 Inch Head Opening, 11 Inch Coil (#69420) and Separate Power
Supply (Must purchase either P-70 or P-1500 Portable Power Pack to
energize the MAG Kit).
Part #: Description:
69360-11 Standard Mag Kit 39" Head Opening,
11 Inch Coil (#69420) and Separate
Power Supply (must purchase either
P-70 or P-1500 Portable Power Pack
to energize the MAG Kit).
Demagnetizer Equipment
S-66 Demagnetizer
The S-66 Demagnetizer is a fast, effective, dependable piece of
demag equipment. This equipment is created specifically for volume
demagnetizing of small parts on a production line.
Part #: Description:
197250 S-66 Continuous Duty Demagnetization Coils
Opening Size: 6" x 6" Opening (15 cm x 15 cm)
Ampere Turns: 4,600;
Voltage: 115v - 50-60/1
197251 S-66 Continuous Duty Demagnetization Coils
Opening Size: 6" x 6" Opening (15 cm x 15 cm)
Ampere Turns: 4,600;
Voltage: Specify 230V or 460V
S-1212 Demagnetizer
The S-1212 Demagnetizer is a fast, effective, dependable piece of
demagnetization equipment. This equipment is created specifically
for volume demagnetizing of small parts on a production line. The
S-1212 has a larger opening than the S-66, allowing for larger parts
to be demagnetized.
Part #: Description:
197260 S-1212 Continuous Duty Demagnetization Coils
Opening Size: 12" x 12" (30 cm x 30 cm)
Ampere Turns: 7,500;
Voltage: Specify 230V or 460V • 847.657.5300 39
DARACLEAN® cleaners are safe
and effective against a wide
range of soils. The DARACLEAN
Product Line consists of
concentrated cleaning agents,
ranging from neutral to
alkaline. These cleaners are
formulated to remove a broad
spectrum of soils from metals
and non-metallic materials.
Prior to painting
Prior to assembly
Prior to plating
Prior to anodizing
For in-process cleaning
For precision cleaning
For sump cleaning
40 • 847.657.5300
Selecting an Aqueous Cleaning Process
Cleaning effectiveness is influenced by four primary variables as follows: • 847.657.5300 41
Mild, alkaline aqueous blend of organic surfactants and inhibitors. All Very mild, low-foaming aqueous alkaline cleaner designed for spray
ingredients are FDA approved for indirect contact with food according or ultrasonic applications. It is a concentrated liquid blend of organic
to 21CFR 178.3400. Effective on uncured ink and rubbers. May be surfactants and inhibitors.
applied by coarse spray, brush or immersion methods.
42 • 847.657.5300
Alkaline, low-foaming, all-temperature, aqueous cleaner designed for Heavy-duty, low-foaming, all-purpose, aqueous cleaner designed
immersion, spray or ultrasonic applications. Concentrated liquid blend for spray, immersion or ultrasonic applications. This product has a
of silicates, organic surfactants and inhibitors. unique self-cleaning ability that enhances filtration effectiveness. This
product has Pratt & Whitney approval and conforms to Boeing BAC
Part #: Container Size: 5749. This product may be used as a CFC or VOC alternative. Users
01-6160-45 55 gallon experience superior bath life which results in less downtime and
01-6160-40 5 gallon increased production.
MagnavU Cleaners
MAGNAVU Cleaner has been tested in both the pre-cleaning and Part #: Container Size:
post-cleaning phases of NDT. It is important to rinse the part thoroughly MAGNAVU (Dip) 01-5731-45 55 gallon
after cleaning to remove any residue. If a part is not rinsed prior to MAGNAVU (Dip) 01-5731-40 5 gallon
fluorescent penetrant processing, it can affect the ability to find the
defect and the brightness of the indications. Available in Dip or Spray. MAGNAVU (Spray) 01-5733-45 55 gallon
MAGNAVU (Spray) 01-5733-40 5 gallon • 847.657.5300 43
Portable Black Light System
produces longwave ultraviolet
light at 365 nanometers,
providing optimum fluorescence
testing materials.
100 watt black light with transformer, cords, GFCI and plug.
Built-in fan keeps light cool-to-the-touch.
Running temperature <85˚F.
Typical output 5,000 µW/cm 2.
#600004 portable unit includes carrying base and stand for storage
of cord.
#600005 Hand-held unit similar to #600004, except no carrying
base provided.
One significant feature that separates the ZB-100F from other black
lights – it has a built-in, quiet-operating DC fan located at the rear
of the lamp housing.
The advantage of this design feature is obvious – dramatically
reduced running temperature. In practical terms, the fan-cooled
ZB-100F means more comfort and safety for operators plus longer
bulb life.
Because black lights are often hand-held during fluorescent inspec-
tions, the heat they create is an important consideration. The typical
running temperature of the ZB-100F is less than 85 degrees
Fahrenheit, so it does not significantly raise the ambient temperature
around the operator, nor is it a safety concern.
The ZB-100F also shares all of the features of the ZB-100, our most
popular NDT black light. • 847.657.5300 45
ZB-100F Hand-Held, Fan-Cooled
Black Light
Part #: Voltage:
600004 115v/60 Hz/1ph with carrier/stand
600005 115v/60 Hz/1ph
600076 230/50-60/1ph with carrier/stand
600068 Carrier/stand for ZB-100F
Part #: Voltage: Our ZB-100F MB has a remote button integrated into the handle
of the black light to eliminate the need to continuously return to the
600000 115v/60 Hz/1ph MPI Unit to initiate a mag shot.
600001 230v/60 Hz/1ph
600002 230v/50 Hz/1ph
600003 115v/50 Hz/1ph Part #: 600086
047685 Carrying Case for ZB-100
(Case does NOT fit ZB-100F)
46 • 847.657.5300
BLACK LIGHT Accessories
Black Light Bulbs
100W Medium 100W Ad Medium
Base Bulb Base
100 watt spotlight bulb, 100W spotlight bulb,
replacement for ZB-100 replacement for
and ZB-100F models and MAGNAFLUX 100W lamps
all other MAGNAFLUX 100 made BEFORE May 1982.
watt lamps made after Replacement of current
May 1982. Spectronics Lamps.
Note: The socket base of the Note: The socket base of the Note: The socket size of the
507320 is similar in size to that 507320 is similar in size to Ad Medium Base Bulb is larger
of a table lamp socket. that of a table lamp socket. than that of the Medium base
bulb (507320).
Part #: 507320
Part #: 1914
Fluted Filter
Similar to # 519227,
but fluted for a more diffused
output pattern
Part #: 3901 • 847.657.5300 47
Mounting Hardware
Side mounts, tabletop assemblies and wall brackets facilitate the use of black lights in a variety of applications.
ZB-100/100F ZB-100/100F
Side-Mount Tabletop Mount
Assembly Assembly
Bracket mounts on side of Tabletop mount assembly
horizontal units Movable pivot arms for
Movable pivot arms for adjustment of black light
adjustment of black light Light assembly lifts from
Light assembly lifts from fixture for portable use
fixture for portable use
Part #: 600026
Part #: 600029
Light Meters
All MAGNAFLUX light meters meet major specs, including ASTM E 1417 and ASTM E 1444 and include instructions and certification report.
Digital Meter
Model DSE-100X
Accurately measures both
visible light (footcandles) and
black light (microwatts/cm 2)
Includes digital radiometer/
photometer, black light and
visible light sensors
Digital Black
Part #: 108254
Light Meter
Model DM-365X
Accurate digital readout of
black light intensity, tuned
at 365 nanometers
(microwatts/cm 2)
Includes meter and black
light sensor
Part #: Description:
507522 Meter
519294 Carrying Case
48 • 847.657.5300
SCRUBS™ In-A-Bucket
Heavy Duty Hand Cleaning!
Revolutionary premoistened hand cleaner towels that go where
you go. SCRUBS In-A-Bucket has powerful, yet safe cleaning agents
working together with an absorbent, non-scratching abrasive hand
cleaner towel. Contains emollients that condition and soften your hands.
Scrubs work well to remove stains from your hands when working with...
Liquid Penetrant Grease
Magnetic Particle Bath Paint
Lubricants Tar
Adhesive Sealants, etc.
ZAF-2 - Antifoaming Agent Foilcheck is a clear hydrocarbon based penetrant fluid with no
Antifoaming liquid additive added dyes. It readily finds ”through porosity” in a wide range of
manufactured metallic foils and thin film materials. Foilcheck is safe
to use on all aerospace alloys including aluminum, magnesium, steel,
Part #: Container Size: nickel and titanium.
01-9410-20 1 Gallon Jug
Part #: Container Size:
056C169 55 Gallon Drum • 847.657.5300 49