Quabtity Surveying 2
Quabtity Surveying 2
Quabtity Surveying 2
I appreciate the Almighty God for the knowledge, endurance, safety, and courage He bestowed
upon me throughout the period of my Industrial attachment.
My profound gratitude goes to my employer Elder QS Uyinmwen Uyi Meyrick for the heart-
melting fatherly care that he extended to me throughout the period of my training. His readiness
to teach, advice, financial and material support and above all his professional display of
emotional intelligence were all my success drivers during the Industrial Training.
I also acknowledge the educative and moral support of my lecturers Mr. Tolulope Fawale
Samuel and Mr. Osazuwa Edosa Mark during the SIWES.
My heart also melts at the care and support of my friends and course mates especially, Onuoha
Chiemezie, Uhunoma Famous, Omoruyi Clinton and Otabor Williams. With them I felt like the
whole world is there for me.
My gratitude also goes to my family especially my only brother for their unceasing support since
my stay in school.
Finally, I would like to appreciate the Department of Quantity Surveying, University of Benin
for making SIWES part of our training as Quantity Surveyors.
I dedicate this report to The Nigeria Institute of Quantity Surveyors Edo State Chapter for their
unconditional support to the Department of Quantity Surveying, University of Benin, which my
colleagues and I have benefited from so far. Their support during our search for industrial
attachment was inevitable in the accomplishment of the purpose of this training.
This report covers a review of work done; knowledge and skills acquired between 5th August
2019 to 3rd January 2020 during the Students’ Industrial Work- Experience Scheme (SIWES) at
Bowen Partnership, 69, Mission Road, 2nd floor, Unity Bank Building, Benin City, Edo State.
The Students Industrial Work-Experience Scheme (SIWES) is designed to enable students gain
on-the-job knowledge applicable to their course of study thereby making them competent to
handle jobs available in the industry after their graduation. This training, is paramount in the
development of the practical and professional skills required of each student in their respective
course of study. This report covers brief Introduction of SIWES and Quantity Surveying. It goes
further to capture the Organisation of attachment, Experiences gained during the period of the
training and ends with Conclusion and Recommendations and then Appendices. This training
has offered me the privilege to synergize what I was taught in classroom with what is applicable
in the industry.
Key words: SIWES, Bowen Partnership, On-the-job Knowledge, Experiences gained, Synergize,
Classroom, Industry.
i. Title page i
ii. Certification ii
iii. Acknowledgements iii
iv. Dedication iv
v. Abstract v
vi. Table of contents vi
3.4.1 Preliminaries 11
3.4.2 Measured Works 11
3.4.3 Provisional Sums 11
3.5 Office Management 12
4.0 Conclusion 16
4.1 Recommendations 16
The government’s decree No. 47 of 8th Oct; 1971 as amended in 1990, highlighted the capacity
building of human resources in industry, commerce and government through training and
retraining of workers in order to effectively provide the much needed high quality goods and
services in a dynamic economy as ours (Olusegun A.T. Mafe, 2009). This decree led to the
establishment of Industrial Training Fund (ITF) in 1973/1974.
The growing concern among our industrialists that graduates of our institutions of Higher
learning, lack adequate practical background studies preparatory for employment in industries,
led to the formation of students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) by ITF in
1993/1994(Olusegun A.T. Mafe, 2009).
Before the establishment of the scheme, there was a growing concern among industrialists, that
graduates of institutions of higher learning lacked adequate practical background studies
preparatory for employment in industries. Thus, employers were of the opinion that the
theoretical education in higher institutions wasn’t responsive to the needs of the employers of
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labour. SIWES introduction, initiation and design was done by the Industrial Training Fund
(I.T.F) in 1993 to acquaint students with the skills of handling employer’s equipment and
machinery. The Industrial Training Fund (I.T.F) solely funded the scheme during its formative
years. However, due to financial constraints, the fund withdrew from the Scheme in 1978.
The Federal Government, having noticed the significance of the skills training handed the
management of the scheme to both the National Universities Commission (N.U.C) and the
National Board for Technical Education (N.B.T.E in 1979. The management and implementation
of the scheme was however reverted to the I.T.F by the Federal Government in November, 1984
and the. administration was effectively taken over by the Industrial Training Fund in July 1985,
with the funding solely borne by the Federal Government. ITF has as one of its key functions; to
work as cooperative entity with industry and commerce where students in institutions of higher
learning can undertake mid-career work experience attachment in industries which are
compatible with student’s area of study.
i. SIWES provide an avenue for students in higher institutions to acquire industrial skills
and experience in their approved course of study.
ii. It Prepare students for possible industrial works situation which they may meet when
they graduate.
iii. It makes the transition from school to the world of work easier and enhance students
contact for future job opportunities.
iv. Provide students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge in real work situation
thereby bridging the gap between theory(classroom) and practice(industry).
v. Enlist and strengthen employers’ involvement in the entire educational process and
prepare students for absorption into the field after graduation.
vi. Expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machinery
which may not be available in their institutions.
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It affords the student an opportunity to learn how to function in multi-disciplinary teams.
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value for a proposed project(including value for money), whilst keeping the required quality,
project budget and time uncompromised.
In feasibility Stage
In Design Stage
In Tender stage
In construction stage
Contract documents
Project cost control
Interim payments
Evaluation of life cycle
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the period. Although some universities offer the course as a four years program. To become a
certified Quantity Surveyor in Nigeria one must obtain a degree or Higher National Diploma
(HND) from an accredited institution of learning. To attain a professional status, the graduate
Quantity Surveyor must become registered with The Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors
(NIQS) having passed through the pre-qualification requirements which include three years of
post-graduate experience and success in the Institute’s assessment/examination. He can then after
be referred to as a “Quantity Surveyor”. Furthermore, such a qualified member of the
professional body, NIQS has to register with the Quantity Surveyors Registration Board of
Nigeria (QSRBN) to obtain a license to practice.
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The key management officials since their qualification have acquired diversified professional
experience in the Nigerian Construction Industry. The firm offers Building and civil engineering
construction and engineering services, Development Consultancy and Project Management
services to the Nigeria Community.
Bowen Partnership has a group of very resourceful and dedicated staff, who can ensure fast,
satisfactory and efficient execution of any development or scheme to the highest Possible
standard. It also provides multi-disciplinary services as a consortium in order to ensure better
co-ordination of the design efforts of the various professionals involved in a project. It has
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offices located in Benin, Warri and Abuja for easy liaising with other Consultants, clients &
building materials merchants in any part of the country and providing on-the-spot services to
ensure successful completion of projects.
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Binding Machine
Elepaq CE 2500 Generating Set
The firm also has tools and equipment for Construction Purpose and is in arrangement with
Messrs MADONA Organisation Ltd. on hiring of equipment that it does not own.
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The organizational structure of the company Bowen Partnership is headed by three Managing
Partners; the principal partner and two other associate partners as shown in the organogram
below. One secretary handles correspondence for the partners.
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Generally, the experiences gained could be summarized under the following headings:
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were examined for the purpose of renovation, completion, interim valuation and at times
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The Bills of quantities provide project specific measured quantities for work items which are
specified in the drawings and specifications of a contract/tender documentations. The BoQ
contains three major parts which are preliminaries, measured works and provisional sum. The
addition of the sum from these three parts give the contract sum. The contract sum is the
anticipated sum for the completion of a project. It is the basis for valuation and variation. During
my training, I grounded my knowledge on how to prepare the BoQ using Microsoft Excel.
3.4.1 Preliminaries
These are cost significant items that are not related to any measured work but are crucial for the
project execution. It is very difficult to distribute these costs among measured works hence, the
reason why it is separated. Preliminaries include;
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Office management is the administrative process of handling, controlling, managing and
maintaining balanced with duties and processes within an establishment which are essential for
the actualization of the organization’s goals. So far, I have learnt the use of some office
equipment in my firm such as photocopier, printer, scanner, perforators and skills such as file
sorting, proof-reading techniques, official(contract) correspondence and reception.
The manner of payment of interim payment is usually specified in the contract. It can either be
by paying an agreed amount at a certain date (or when a milestone is reached) or by
measurement of quantity of work done at stages until the completion of the project. When any
aspect of the work cannot be easily measured physically on site, a percentage of it will be taken
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from the BoQ. However, in the case of variation, valuation will be done according to the JCT
standard form of contract. These are:
If the works are similar in character and executed under similar conditions without
significant change in quantity to those in the BOQ the rates in the BOQ are used.
If the work is not similar in character or involves other than additions, omissions, or
submissions or if it not reasonable to value it using the rates in the BOQ as basis
then a fair valuation is used. A fair valuation as I was made to understand is a rate
agreed upon by both the QS and the contractor.
If there are changes in the conditions and quantity, the valuation is to use the rates in
the BOQ as basis.
Preliminaries: The sum of items of preliminaries already used as at the time of valuation
are added up from the Preliminary Bill of Quantities. The items that are time related are
apportioned to the time already spent. We add if any.
Work done: This is the amount of work done by the contractor and can be verified from
what is in the BoQ for measured works. This can only be added.
Material on and offsite: I was made to know that the JCT requires the inclusion of
material onsite and the ones ordered and paid for(with evidence of payment) by the
contractor. Add if any.
Nominated Sub contractors: I was told consideration is also given for works carried out
by subcontractors since it is the duty of the contractor to pay them. Addition is made.
Variations: I was made to understand that a change in sum as a result of change in
design will be considered as well but this must have the express approval of the designer
and must have been agreed by the parties to the contract. Addition is made.
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Fluctuations: Cases of fluctuations mostly occur when there is economic crisis or delay
in a project. Addition is required.
Claims: A claim may be laid by either parties to the contract when the other party
defaults in his part of the contract agreement. The compensation could be in form of
money or Extension of Time (EOT). Addition is therefore required.
Retention: Retention is a particular percentage of the contract sum that is held back by
the client to ensure that the contractor meets up with the project standards and that there
is no defect recorded during the defect liability period. This amounts to a deduction.
Amortization of Advance payments: The advance payment granted to the contractor
during the beginning of the project is now deducted from the sum of money due to him.
Other than the interim valuation, I was able to observe the preparation of other contract
documents such as, form of tender (articles of agreement and conditions of contract), fee claim
and preliminaries. I was also able to represent the firm in the submission of Expression of
Interest (EOI) for consultancy services.
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Upon successful registration one is issued a unique login credentials (username and password)
which will be used to login and complete the following data about the company
Board of Directors
Group Company Registration
Business Category Information
Professional Regulatory Bodies Information (For service companies only)
Manufacturer Representation Information (For Goods category only)
Construction Equipment List (For works category only)
Financial Capacity
Key Human Resources
Projects Completed
Terms and Conditions
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Generally, I have been able to discuss SIWES itself. Its history, purpose, bodies involved in its
management and its benefit to the students. Also, we now know what Quantity Surveying is
about and how to become a qualified Quantity Surveyor in Nigeria. Above all, the wonderful
experiences I gained during the period of my training have all been concisely outlined too
including Measurements, Market Survey, Site Supervision, Preparation of BoQ, Office
management, Programme of work, Contract Administration, Registration with BPP and NIQS
Biennial Conference.
Until now, I have always esteemed measurement as the peak of Quantity Surveying practice, I
had little awareness of the professional ethics required in Quantity Surveying and I also did not
see must importance on basic attitudes to work especially punctuality. All these and several other
fallacies I had in mind about quantity surveying have been carted away by the educative,
practical and first-class professional training I received during my Internship at Bowen
Partnership. Now, I am able to synergize what I have been learning in classroom with what is
applicable in the industry.
Although much have been learnt during the period of my training, but majority of my
experiences are related to consultancy because I was attached to a consultant firm. Also, the
passive nature of the construction market in Benin city unlike Abuja and Lagos affects flow of
jobs which causes dormancy at times.
I hope it only gets better with SIWES in department of Quantity Surveying, University of Benin.
The limitations in the preceding paragraph can be taken into consideration and possible solutions
made for better performance of the SIWES program.
As it has been noted earlier, the one-sided nature of my experience as regards Quantity
Surveying in a consultant is a challenge in the sense that few knowledge about construction was
gained. Also, the poor market competition in Benin City causes dormancy at times in companies
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because no or less work is at hand to do. In addition to these, inadequate supervision from the
institution is a problem as this may cause some students to take the program less seriously.
It is therefore recommended that students be supervised on regular basis during the training say,
monthly. This is to ensure that the students are assessed on the job and to keep track on how the
students are improving on the job. I also recommend that the institution create structure whereby
students can easily move from one organization to the other without difficulty in situation where
the initial organization has less than three departments.
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