Siwes Report
Siwes Report
Siwes Report
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1 author:
Zaharaddeen Isa
Kaduna State University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Zaharaddeen Isa on 31 December 2015.
JULY, 2010.
Technical report on student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES)
I here by declare that this student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES)
technical report was solely written by me under the guidance of my industry base
supervisor Mr. Samuel john Ayo.
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This report is dedication to Almighty Allah, for his mercies and blessing shown
on me before, during and after my SIWES program. I will also like to dedicate this
report to my parents who stood by me and also help me in many ways during this
period of preparing this report.
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Technical report on student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES)
Thank be to Almighty Allah for his blessing, guidance, protection, the courage
and the opportunity given to me to the successful completion of my SIWES
program, may hiss protection and blessing continue to be with us (Amen). May the
peace and blessing of Allah be upon our beloved prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), his
family, companions and all those who follow the right path till the Day of
Judgment Amen.
I wish to express my thanks to my beloved parents for their moral and support
toward the completion of this program.
My last acknowledge the effort of my supervisors Dr. Adewuyi and the entire
staff of geography department for their relevant suggestion and contribution
toward the completion of this program and I also thank the staff and management
of DIGIS 360 for their understanding and opportunity given to me to work in their
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Technical report on student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES)
Title page
Declaration i
Dedication ii
Acknowledgement iii
Meaning of SIWES 1
Purpose of SIWES 1
Objective of SCHEME 1
Raster Model 3
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Technical report on student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES)
To Open Project 7
Drawings 7
How to Geo-Reference 8
Layer 8
Digitizing 8
Importing 9
Theme 10-14
Table 10-16
Scale 13-14
Text 14
Labeling 14
Layout 15
How to Geo-Processing 17
Summary 18
Conclusion 18
Recommendation 18
Reference 18
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Technical Report On Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
The student industrial training is the training programme which forms part of the academic
standards in the various degree programmes for all Nigeria Tertiary Institutions. It seeks to bridge
the gap existing between technology and other professional education programmes in Nigerian
Tertiary Institutions.
The student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) is the skills training program, which form
part of the approved minimum academic standard in the various degree program for all tertiary
institution in Nigeria.
It is the gap between practical aspect and theory aspect of either engineering and science
technology and other professional educational programs in Nigerian tertiary institution.
The objective of student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) is to enable every student who
passed through university or other institution to acquire a practical knowledge of what he/she has
learned. Therefore it is compulsory for every student to satisfy the requirement in his/her academic
i. To provide an avenue for students in the university to acquire industrial skill and
experience in their course of study.
ii. To prepare students for the work situation they are likely to meet after graduation.
iii. To expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and
machinery that may not be available in the university / Institute.
iv. Provide student an opportunity to apply their bridging the gap between Higher
Education and actual practice.
v. Make transition from the university to the world of work easier and thus enhance
students contact for later job placement after graduation.
vi. Enlist and strengthen employer’s involvement in the entire educational process of
preparing university graduates for employment in industry.
Digis 360 is a dynamic up and coming company poised to providing GIS services to round the clock.
The company was started 1st December 2009 and has its office at Ummulkhairi house no V6 Benue
Road/Ahmadu Bello way Kaduna.
DIGIS 360 as the name goes is a coinage of two words digital as well GIS which stands for
geographic information system, the figure 360 sums up the whole angles in circle signifying
completeness, precision and accuracy, it also depicts geometry which is a basic in Geodesy and land
The company presently has a staff strength of 5 persons, two executive and management staff, a
clerical and 2 field assistant,
A raster data structure consists of a grid or network of cells or pixels (picture elements), which
could be regular or irregular in shape. The regular matrix of grid cells may be in form of a square,
triangular or hexagonal pattern. The cells in a regular raster structure are usually of equal size. The
grid cells are arranged in numbered columns and rows. Thus each cell has a column number and a
row number with which it is spatially referenced. (Figure 2.1)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 1.1 number grid cells for spatial referencing
In raster- based spatial modelling each cell is usually occupied by a single feature. In other word,
no cell may be used at the same time to encode two or more spatial features, either partly or in full.
Each cell contains the value of the feature it represents; the feature value may be indicated by a
code, which may be a number, graphic pattern, or an alphabet.
A typical vector data model tries as much as possible to represent feature the Way they are in
reality. Thus, in vector modelling , the spatial characteristics of objects such as position (location),
size (area), perimeter, shape, and spatial relationships like distance, proximity, contiguity, and
known alike are largely maintained. In the main, vector representation of geographical entities is
very much like the way analogue maps would represent the same entities.
In vector data modelling spatial entities are usually defined in terms of coordinates (Jones, 1997).
Based on their geometric composition, spatial objects can be classified as point, line, area, surface,
and volume. The vector model deals mostly wit the first three categories – point, line and area.
Hence, in vector data modelling object are often represented in 2-D form.
Figure 2.2 shows how the locations of point, line and area features are defined in a vector data
structure. The geographical location of a point feature is usually represented by a single Cartesian
X1 Y1, X2 Y2,.........X1 Y1
The GPS is the acronym of global positioning system. Technological innovations have improved the
method by which we can obtain positioning information, especially for large portion of the earth.
GPS receiver is increasingly become an important device for acquiring spatial data for GIS
operations. GPS is a worldwide satellite-based navigation and positioning system. It was developed
by the united state department of defence. Hence, the GPS was originally developed for military
purposes. However, in the early 1980’s the GPS made its debut in civil use, first in the field of
geodesy. The system is based on a constellation of twenty-four satellites, called NAVASTAR, which
are orbiting the earth at an altitude of about 20,000km. A complete orbit of the earth takes 12 hours.
The satellites act as reference points whose positions in space relative to the earth’s surface are
precisely known.
By determining the actual locations of three or four of the satellites, and the exact distance from
each of those satellites, the GPS receiver can precisely determine its own position by calculating its
latitude, longitude, altitude, course and speed (Hurn, 1993). Good quality GPS receiver Can
calculate their position anywhere on earth to better than a hundred metres, and do it faster once a
second. In fact, differential GPS receivers provide relative positional accuracy of 3-5m, with
reference to a control point, the location of which must have been determined independently (Jones,
In a sense, the GPS receiver can actually be considered as a digitizing system, which is used to
capture the locational information of physical (real world) objects. The handheld GPS gives
coordinates of positions in geodetic systems or rectangular system in three dimensions (i.e. x, y, z or
latitude, longitude, and altitude); and it is possible to get these coordinates in UTM projection
(Igbokwe and Ono, 2002). The positional data recorded using a GPS receiver can, therefore, be
downloaded directly into a GIS through a software module similar to a digitizer controller
(Ramadan, URL). However, where it is not possible to establish a direct link between GPS and GIS,
4|Prepare By Isah Zaharaddeen Kasu/06/Geo/1029
Technical Report On Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
an indirect method could be adopted. In indirect link between GPS and GIS, the GPS receiver
captures and stores geographical data using its own format. This data is later rendered GIS-
compatible by translating it to any GIS data formats. Subsequently, the translated data can then be
transferred to GIS software and stored as a GIS file.
GPS receiver are used by a number of people and for different purposes such as surveying and
mapping, aircraft navigation, transportation and fleet management, coast guard, agriculture,
natural resources management, public safety, utility management, forestry, shipping, offshore
exploration, and so on.
AutoCAD software is a family of cads or drawing cad that simply [save (DWG) file as a DXF format
(data exchange format) is a standard exchange format.] cad system is not GIS software because it
has no capability to support topological structuring of the graphic data captured. However, reversed
standards like AutoCAD land enabled and AutoCAD land development have capabilities and
functionalities of GIS.
However, software was developed in U.S.A by a company known as Autodesk initially for
engineering and graphic fields. The software has many capabilities and functionalities and a definite
path of operation and navigation in the workspace of a computer that represents or models the
geographic space of real of the real world. This is work-friendly tool and environment that has made
things easy and accessible to all requirements just at a workstation. The AutoCAD is a software that
has many versions among them are AutoCAD map 2000i (GIS version), and AutoCAD land
AutoCAD Map 2000i (GIS version) is the premier solution for creating, maintaining, analyzing, and
producing mapping information in a CAD environment. AutoCAD Map 2000i contains the object-
oriented capabilities of AutoCAD software as well as its own unique spatial data management and
multiple drawing access strengths. With AutoCAD Map 2000i, you can digitize, maintain, analyze,
and plot your own maps and map sets, and create thematic maps and legends. You can work with
multiple drawings and use information from external data sources for all your mapping tasks.
AutoCAD Map is a powerful AutoCAD 2000i toolset for developing and managing complex design
projects. AutoCAD Map increases project team efficiency by creating a comprehensive cost-effective
project database. AutoCAD Map integrates multiple drawings into one seamless environment
providing access, editing, and reporting of drawing, attribute, and related database information
within a single AutoCAD Map session.
Arc view is one of the contemporary software that is easy and facilitates geographic system
operation design, map production, analysis and result computation possibility in any spatial project.
The software was designed on window users’ interactive, hence making its usage flexible and user
The software was written by ESRI in various versions ranging from 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.2a, 8.5 and
9.0 subject to upgrading and improvement to meet new discovery and challenges of our environment
and its application.
Arc view environment is divided into two major parts and this shown in the welcome dialogue box
This is for demonstration of what can be done by using the software and it is based on the world
map and its projection systems. On this, various operations can be performed and ways of
navigating into files and environment is possible. The project available here are defaults of sample
designed by software developer, e.g. Atlanta, united state and world map. Further discussion on this
shall be given later.
This is an environment where individual users can supply their data and carry out their personal
operation according to desired needs.
During six month of the SIWES training I was able to acquire much software among them are
AutoCAD and Arc View which I will touch in this chapter.
Click the start and through the program to locate the Auto CAD software
Double click on desktop icon of Auto CAD and wait for a while, for a processing to bring you
to this window. (figure1.4)
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Technical Report On Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
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Technical Report On Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
6 In the Table list, select the table that contains the line events. ArcView will read the table's
field names to find likely defaults, if any, for the fields it needs in order to add the theme.
7 Press OK. ArcView adds a theme where each event in the table is represented by a line.
3 Choose the projection you want to use. If desired, you can also set custom projection
4 Press OK on the Projection Properties dialog box. ArcView sets the Map Units to meters. The
name of the projection will be displayed above the Projection button, indicating that the view
is projected, and that the map units are meters. If the map units are changed from meters to
another unit, for example, feet, then the units of the projection are set to feet. If the map units
are changed from meters to unknown or decimal degrees, then the projection is removed.
5 Press OK on the View Properties dialog box. ArcView redraws the view using the projection
you chose.
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Technical Report On Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
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Technical Report On Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
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Technical Report On Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
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Technical Report On Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
The six months student industrial work experience scheme in Kaduna state university expose me to
know more in practical knowledge of geographic information system (GIS) software such as Arc
View and compactable of AutoCAD in geographic research.
It has been observed that a new generation with a new technology has emerged ‘New millennium
has come’; digital divide which says no matter certificates and degrees accumulated in the analogue
education development, the wind of digital technology has come with a driving force of change.
The training experience is very mandatory and important for all students in tertiary institution like
science and technology, engineering and school of environmental studies. It school be encourage at
any time in all institution of leaning so every student should take it serious for themselves.
I recommend that the (I.T) program its continuity in all tertiary institution because it help so many
students in practical aspect and academic performance as well as work experience.
In other to make this SIWES training easy, student should look for interested place where gain
practical aspect of what they were tough in the classroom.
I also recommended that the government and the school authority should assist the student in
securing a good place for their (I.T) program, because some students found it difficult in securing a
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Technical Report On Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
Arc View tutorial manual (2005).
AutoCAD tutorial manual (2003).
Hamawa, E. P. Et’al (2005) G.I.S. A Tool in the and of a digital mapmaker (auto cad and arc view
software application), published by oke international ventures, Kaduna.
Huxhold, W. E. Et’al (1995). Managing Geographic Information System Projects. New York: Oxford
University Press.
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Figure 1.3 Welcome Interface
Source: Author
Source: Author